Strange request.setAttribute() problem

2003-07-28 Thread Charles So
Hello, I come across a problem with TC4.1.24 and hope fellow list users 
can help me...

I set a variable in a servlet by calling:


A JSP will then detect if this variable exists or not by:

if ( request.getParameter(itemnumber) != null ) {
try {
itemnumber = 
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {

I have two different web browsers opened (say, one IE and one Opera), 
and both eventually will come to the page containing the code above.

The strange thing is that if the variable itemnumber is set via IE, 
the same itemnumber will be seen at Opera!

This shouldn't happen as both have different session ID, and are 
completely unrelated.

Who has come across this problem? How can I work around this?


RE: Re[2]: Running Tomcat as Non-Root

2003-07-28 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
No, this shouldn't be a problem if you setup tomcat correctly.
(Note: I havn't tried it on my own)

Most documentation that I found about the configuration of tomcat 
for running as non root on port  1024 are missing this point:

Here is one in german that includes this topic:
(Even without understanding german, you should be able
to find the relevant information)

 -Original Message-
 From: Anton Tagunov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 7:45 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re[2]: Running Tomcat as Non-Root
 Hello Ralph!
 RE You can run a java service on ports  1024 without being 
 root with 
 RE portmappers, proxies, iptables and several other tools
 Hmm.., but won't this make the
 and alike create incorrect URL-s, like
 instead of
 This might be a big problem!

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apachectl startssl complains about _default_443 (amongst other things...)

2003-07-28 Thread achana
I compiled mod_ssl into my apache2 and got openssl to generate
server.key into .../conf/server.key and server.crt into

Then I modified httpd.conf
IfModule mod_ssl.c
   Include /path/to/ssl.conf
Also, I commented out all the explicitly named virtual hosts in
VirtualHost blabla ... /VirtualHost because I expect troubles there.

In ssl.conf, I modified the following lines so they have the same
parameter values as in httpd.conf :

VirtualHost _default_:443
DocumentRoot /path/to/html
ServerName ... In httpd.conf I used the BIOS name
e.g. ServerName BIOSNAME:80
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /path/to/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt
SSLCertificateFile /path/to/conf/ssl.key/server.key
When I start apache again with 
# apachectl startssl
I got the following messages :

[error] VirtualHost_default_:443 -- mixing * port and non-* ports with a
NameVirtualHost address is not supported: proceeding with unidentified
Apache/2.0.40 mod_ssl/2.0.40 (Pass Phrase Dialog)

Can some kind souls tell me wha I have done wrong now. I didn't use
RedHat's default directories in /etc/httpd/conf, but that's hardly a mea


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[Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps?

2003-07-28 Thread Riaan Oberholzer
I've mainly worked in BEA WebLogic before and from
colleagues and other sources I have heard it is not
recommended (and sometimes not allowed, some even
said) to create threads in your application. Indeed,
when the application went live in a multi-server
clustered environment, we got very inconsistent
results because of the threads, so we had to remove

Question is, how safe is it to create threads in a
Tomcat web-app? I would assume worker threads are
ok, i.e. threads you create to do a specific task and
then it terminates. When you are guaranteed the thread
will terminate either because of an error or because
the assigned task has been completed.

But what about monitor threads, i.e. threads that
does a Thread.sleep(x) for an hour, check some
condition and goes back to sleep... some mechanism you
implement to e.g. do a task on a hourly/daily/weekly
base. You'd create the thread (and keep a handle to
it) in either an InitServlet.init() and then
Thread.interrupt() in the InitServlet.destroy(), or
you can do it in an ApplicationListener (something
like that) class which I think you can define in the

How else can you implement that (monitoring) in

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Re[4]: Tomcat: SSL client authentication

2003-07-28 Thread Dmitry S.Rogulin
Hi Bill,

Thanks for answering.

I did solve the problem.
My client certificate is not self-signed (as I pointed out in 2.-4.).
So I have a certificate signed by my CA.

The problem was solved by setting CATALINA_OPTS system variable before
starting Tomcat:
where server.truststore contains only imported CA certificate.

It seems that Tomcat doesn't use %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\security\cacerts
as a truststore by default (I did import CA cert into the cacerts) as
I understood from previous discussions.



BB From your 1., your client cert is self-signed, not signed by your CA cert.
BB Since this amounts to telling the server I am Dmitry, because I said so,
BB it's a security-risk to accept self-signed client certs, so most HTTPS
BB servers won't accept them.  (Of course, it is also the same security-risk to
BB accept self-signed server-certs.  However, there is a big difference between
BB clicking Ok in the browser's dialog box, and paging the webmaster at 3AM to
BB agree to accept it ;-).

BB The easiest thing would be to get a Thawte client-cert (since you don't have
BB to pay for it), and use that instead of your self-signed one.  For testing,
BB that is what I do (except that I use my Verisign cert, since my employer
BB pays for that one :).  At least with Sun's JSSE, Thawte's Root cert is
BB installed in cacerts by default.  Setting up your own CA is only needed if
BB you have to hand out your own client-certs when you move to production.

BB Dmitry S.Rogulin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 But (as I pointed out in 3.,4. and 6) I have client cert and CA cert.
 The latter I imported to the cacert.
 I tried to do the same without Tomact but with very simple HTTP(s)
 server and got the same result. So I suggest that I did something
 wrong with creating/importing certs.

 But what's wrong?

 BB You can't generally use a self-signed client cert with JSSE (you can
 BB configure PureTLS to accept it, but another bug means that you'd have
BB to
 BB wait for 4.1.26).  The work-around is way too much trouble for the
BB sysadmin,
 BB and I don't feel like being an enabler for a true hideous design.  So,
 BB you'll just have to read the JSSE docs for yourself ;-).

 BB If you need to issue your own client-certs, I'd suggest setting up
BB your own
 BB CA (with OpenSSL or otherwise), and import your CA's cert into
BB cacerts.  You
 BB can then hand out client certs, and Tomcat will accept them.

 BB Dmitry S.Rogulin wrote in message
  Hello all,
  Sorry for the previous e-mail. %)
  This theme was discussed about month ago. I tried to use what I've
  found but I'm still having a problem...
  I'm trying to do SSL client authentication with Tomcat 4.1.18
 BB (clientAuth=true).
  1. I've generated a client certificate using keytool:
keytool -genkey -alias tomcat-cl -keyalg RSA -keystore
BB client.keystore
  2. Then I created Certificate Signing Request:
keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat-cl -file
 BB certreq.csr -keystore client.keystore
  3. I sent it to CA and got a signed certificate and CA Certificate.
  4. I imported them to the client keystore:
keytool -import -alias root -keystore client.keystore -file cacert
keytool -import -alias tomcat-cl -keystore client.keystore -file
 BB usercert
  5. I exported server certificate and imported it as a trusted to the
  trusted keystore:
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file
BB server.cer -keystore
 BB trust.keystore
  6. I imported CA Certificate to \jre\lib\security\cacerts :
keytool -import -file cacert -keystore
 BB %java_home%\jre\lib\security\cacerts -storepass changeit
I'm running Tomcat and test client on the same machine.
Server keystore: %USERHOME%\.keystore
Client keystore: %USERHOME%\client.keystore
Client trusted keystore: %USERHOME%\trust.keystore
Test Client:
  import java.util.*;
  public class SimpleClient {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
 BB System.getProperty(user.home)+File.separator +trust.keystore);
 BB System.getProperty(user.home)+File.separator +client.keystore);
 BB changeit);
  InputStream is = null;
  OutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
  try {
  URL url = new
 BB URL(https://localhost:8443/readme.txt;);
  try {
  is = url.openStream();
  byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];

default admin login/password?

2003-07-28 Thread amol
I am trying to use Tomcat installation that comes with JBuilder 9
version: 4.1.24
What is the default admin login and password and where is it stored?
I checked tomcat-users.xml but none of the entries from that file work.
Tried hunting the documentation but couldnt find the answer.

Thanks in advance

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Re: default admin login/password?

2003-07-28 Thread amol
Okay. got it. i added a admin role and user with that role to
tomcat-users.xml and tried with that. it works.


- Original Message -
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:49 PM
Subject: default admin login/password?

 I am trying to use Tomcat installation that comes with JBuilder 9
 version: 4.1.24
 What is the default admin login and password and where is it stored?
 I checked tomcat-users.xml but none of the entries from that file work.
 Tried hunting the documentation but couldnt find the answer.

 Thanks in advance

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siteminder headers

2003-07-28 Thread Holden Robbins


Anyone know how to make the IIS-Tomcat connector pass data through shared
memory, as mentioned in the following post:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg36732.html

Specificly, I'm running into the same problem as the original poster where
Siteminder header data is not being passed correctly from IIS to Tomcat.

Thanks ahead of time for any help, 

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ant question: compile native code

2003-07-28 Thread Astrid Wagner

I want to use ant to compile some native C code (part of my web 
Before searching around: can someone tell me how I have to modify
my build.xml (for my web application) to make it automatically compile 
the C code and
create the header file (via javah jni ...) or where to look?

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[newbie] Executing class files

2003-07-28 Thread Olivier Marie
Hello all
I would like my tomcat 4.1.24 to execute .class files.
Tomcat runs in standalone mode port 8080. No pb with jsp files.

I tried several configurations modifying server.xml and tomcat.conf to map
my .class files folder.
Tomcat never found them (404).
I have difficulties to understand all subtilities of Tomcat configuration...

Could anyone tell me what modification i have to do in conf files ?

Many thanks


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Re: [newbie] Executing class files

2003-07-28 Thread Kwok Peng Tuck
You don't map class files to your folder in tomcat. You should pack 
everything into your own webapp directory and deploy it
into the $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps  directory. Here's a short article that 
might help you out :

For more info the servlet specification you can get that at

Olivier Marie wrote:

I tried several configurations modifying server.xml and tomcat.conf to map
my .class files folder.
Tomcat never found them (404).

I have difficulties to understand all subtilities of Tomcat configuration...

Could anyone tell me what modification i have to do in conf files ?

Many thanks


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Re: Strange request.setAttribute() problem

2003-07-28 Thread Tim Funk
This is the correct behavior. In this scenario, you are operating on the 
request, not the session.

request.getParameter -- Get stuff from the query string (or input stream if 
post) - a per request thing

request.setAttribute -- Set an attribute in the life of this particular request


Charles So wrote:
Hello, I come across a problem with TC4.1.24 and hope fellow list users 
can help me...

I set a variable in a servlet by calling:


A JSP will then detect if this variable exists or not by:

if ( request.getParameter(itemnumber) != null ) {
try {
itemnumber = 
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {

I have two different web browsers opened (say, one IE and one Opera), 
and both eventually will come to the page containing the code above.

The strange thing is that if the variable itemnumber is set via IE, 
the same itemnumber will be seen at Opera!

This shouldn't happen as both have different session ID, and are 
completely unrelated.

Who has come across this problem? How can I work around this?


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Re: [Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps?

2003-07-28 Thread Tim Funk
You can create threads all day in tomcat, but here are the importnatn things 
to consider:
- WHY! Are threads really the correct solution?
- If you create threads - what are their scope? Daemon, non-daemon?
- If you create non-daemon threads - be prepared for the consequences such as 
the JVM not going away on tomcat shutdown unless you have taken the needed 
- If you create dameon only threads, be prepared for when tomcat shuts down 
and your daemon still has work to do because the JVM could exit before your 
thread is ready to complete its unit of work
- WHY! Are threads really the correct solution?
- And last but not least: WHY! Are threads really the correct solution?


Riaan Oberholzer wrote:
I've mainly worked in BEA WebLogic before and from
colleagues and other sources I have heard it is not
recommended (and sometimes not allowed, some even
said) to create threads in your application. Indeed,
when the application went live in a multi-server
clustered environment, we got very inconsistent
results because of the threads, so we had to remove
Question is, how safe is it to create threads in a
Tomcat web-app? I would assume worker threads are
ok, i.e. threads you create to do a specific task and
then it terminates. When you are guaranteed the thread
will terminate either because of an error or because
the assigned task has been completed.
But what about monitor threads, i.e. threads that
does a Thread.sleep(x) for an hour, check some
condition and goes back to sleep... some mechanism you
implement to e.g. do a task on a hourly/daily/weekly
base. You'd create the thread (and keep a handle to
it) in either an InitServlet.init() and then
Thread.interrupt() in the InitServlet.destroy(), or
you can do it in an ApplicationListener (something
like that) class which I think you can define in the
How else can you implement that (monitoring) in

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Re: [Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps?

2003-07-28 Thread Riaan Oberholzer
Well, that was part of my question if I
cannot/don't implement daemon threads to do e.g.
automatic daily tasks, what else? E.g, at the end of
the day send an e-mail to a (real life) manager with a
summary of the day's transactions something like

Does Tomcat provide some sort of ActionEvent which you
can configure to be fired every x milliseconds?

--- Tim Funk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can create threads all day in tomcat, but here
 are the importnatn things 
 to consider:
 - WHY! Are threads really the correct solution?
 - If you create threads - what are their scope?
 Daemon, non-daemon?
 - If you create non-daemon threads - be prepared for
 the consequences such as 
 the JVM not going away on tomcat shutdown unless you
 have taken the needed 
 - If you create dameon only threads, be prepared for
 when tomcat shuts down 
 and your daemon still has work to do because the JVM
 could exit before your 
 thread is ready to complete its unit of work
 - WHY! Are threads really the correct solution?
 - And last but not least: WHY! Are threads really
 the correct solution?
 Riaan Oberholzer wrote:
  I've mainly worked in BEA WebLogic before and from
  colleagues and other sources I have heard it is
  recommended (and sometimes not allowed, some even
  said) to create threads in your application.
  when the application went live in a multi-server
  clustered environment, we got very inconsistent
  results because of the threads, so we had to
  Question is, how safe is it to create threads in a
  Tomcat web-app? I would assume worker threads
  ok, i.e. threads you create to do a specific task
  then it terminates. When you are guaranteed the
  will terminate either because of an error or
  the assigned task has been completed.
  But what about monitor threads, i.e. threads
  does a Thread.sleep(x) for an hour, check some
  condition and goes back to sleep... some mechanism
  implement to e.g. do a task on a
  base. You'd create the thread (and keep a handle
  it) in either an InitServlet.init() and then
  Thread.interrupt() in the InitServlet.destroy(),
  you can do it in an ApplicationListener (something
  like that) class which I think you can define in
  How else can you implement that (monitoring) in

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Re: [Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps?

2003-07-28 Thread Kwok Peng Tuck
Hello Riaan, you might want to check out jcrontab.

Riaan Oberholzer wrote:

Well, that was part of my question if I
cannot/don't implement daemon threads to do e.g.
automatic daily tasks, what else? E.g, at the end of
the day send an e-mail to a (real life) manager with a
summary of the day's transactions something like
Does Tomcat provide some sort of ActionEvent which you
can configure to be fired every x milliseconds?

--- Tim Funk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You can create threads all day in tomcat, but here
are the importnatn things 
to consider:
- WHY! Are threads really the correct solution?
- If you create threads - what are their scope?
Daemon, non-daemon?
- If you create non-daemon threads - be prepared for
the consequences such as 
the JVM not going away on tomcat shutdown unless you
have taken the needed 
- If you create dameon only threads, be prepared for
when tomcat shuts down 
and your daemon still has work to do because the JVM
could exit before your 
thread is ready to complete its unit of work
- WHY! Are threads really the correct solution?
- And last but not least: WHY! Are threads really
the correct solution?


Riaan Oberholzer wrote:

I've mainly worked in BEA WebLogic before and from
colleagues and other sources I have heard it is


recommended (and sometimes not allowed, some even
said) to create threads in your application.


when the application went live in a multi-server
clustered environment, we got very inconsistent
results because of the threads, so we had to



Question is, how safe is it to create threads in a
Tomcat web-app? I would assume worker threads


ok, i.e. threads you create to do a specific task


then it terminates. When you are guaranteed the


will terminate either because of an error or


the assigned task has been completed.

But what about monitor threads, i.e. threads


does a Thread.sleep(x) for an hour, check some
condition and goes back to sleep... some mechanism


implement to e.g. do a task on a


base. You'd create the thread (and keep a handle


it) in either an InitServlet.init() and then
Thread.interrupt() in the InitServlet.destroy(),


you can do it in an ApplicationListener (something
like that) class which I think you can define in



How else can you implement that (monitoring) in



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RE: Easy question on Tomcat 4.0 and SSL+HTTPS via localhost:8843. Loc k-Icon disappear from the Browser.

2003-07-28 Thread Zaragoza, Carles
Hi Jay,

I do not think so because all the application use virtual url, so I just
build links as /servelt/ and on IExplorer Status Bar the message browser
displays https://localhos:portnumber/and so on...

Very abnormal...

-Original Message-
From: Jay Garala [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: viernes, 25 de julio de 2003 17:05
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Easy question on Tomcat 4.0 and SSL+HTTPS via localhost:8843.
Loc k-Icon disappear from the Browser. 

Check the 'next page' link if its http or https

-Original Message-
From: Zaragoza, Carles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 6:38 AM
To: Tomcat Users List ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: Easy question on Tomcat 4.0 and SSL+HTTPS via localhost:8843.
Loc k-Icon disappear from the Browser. 

I have installed the SSL support for Tomcat 4.0.4 and almost everything


I followed all the guidelines from 



But for instance when I type https://localhost:8443/
https://localhost:8443/  into my browser it works, my Internet Ms-Explorer
6.0 shows me the

Certificate form in order to accepted it, on the right-bottom area an
lock-icon appears telling me that this transaction

In under Secure guide but on the next page, the lock icon disappears.



Could somebody help me out?


Have a nice weekend,

Carles Zaragoza.


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Re: [Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps? (JCrontab)

2003-07-28 Thread Riaan Oberholzer
This looks promising, but what do they do differently
than just starting a deamon thread and doing some
background work?

Why bother with this if you can start your own custom
thread, or do they do something else?

--- Kwok Peng Tuck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Riaan, you might want to check out jcrontab.
 Riaan Oberholzer wrote:
 Well, that was part of my question if I
 cannot/don't implement daemon threads to do e.g.
 automatic daily tasks, what else? E.g, at the end
 the day send an e-mail to a (real life) manager
 with a
 summary of the day's transactions something
 Does Tomcat provide some sort of ActionEvent which
 can configure to be fired every x milliseconds?
 --- Tim Funk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can create threads all day in tomcat, but here
 are the importnatn things 
 to consider:
 - WHY! Are threads really the correct solution?
 - If you create threads - what are their scope?
 Daemon, non-daemon?
 - If you create non-daemon threads - be prepared
 the consequences such as 
 the JVM not going away on tomcat shutdown unless
 have taken the needed 
 - If you create dameon only threads, be prepared
 when tomcat shuts down 
 and your daemon still has work to do because the
 could exit before your 
 thread is ready to complete its unit of work
 - WHY! Are threads really the correct solution?
 - And last but not least: WHY! Are threads really
 the correct solution?
 Riaan Oberholzer wrote:
 I've mainly worked in BEA WebLogic before and
 colleagues and other sources I have heard it is
 recommended (and sometimes not allowed, some even
 said) to create threads in your application.
 when the application went live in a multi-server
 clustered environment, we got very inconsistent
 results because of the threads, so we had to
 Question is, how safe is it to create threads in
 Tomcat web-app? I would assume worker threads
 ok, i.e. threads you create to do a specific task
 then it terminates. When you are guaranteed the
 will terminate either because of an error or
 the assigned task has been completed.
 But what about monitor threads, i.e. threads
 does a Thread.sleep(x) for an hour, check some
 condition and goes back to sleep... some
 implement to e.g. do a task on a
 base. You'd create the thread (and keep a handle
 it) in either an InitServlet.init() and then
 Thread.interrupt() in the InitServlet.destroy(),
 you can do it in an ApplicationListener
 like that) class which I think you can define in
 How else can you implement that (monitoring) in

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Re: [Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps?

2003-07-28 Thread Tim Funk
Tomcat doesn't provide this but other simple solutions exist such as exposing 
a URL and using cron + wget. (Some may also say kludge too)

As for aggregating statistics - I would recommend using a log file to record 
the essential measurements then running your stats program on the logs. This 
way - tomcat can crash (or other strange occurences may occur) and you lose 
no data. If the data is already logged, then the first solution (cron + wget) 
will work well too.


Riaan Oberholzer wrote:
Well, that was part of my question if I
cannot/don't implement daemon threads to do e.g.
automatic daily tasks, what else? E.g, at the end of
the day send an e-mail to a (real life) manager with a
summary of the day's transactions something like
Does Tomcat provide some sort of ActionEvent which you
can configure to be fired every x milliseconds?

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Re: [Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps?

2003-07-28 Thread Riaan Oberholzer
... nice suggestion, but I am delivering an
application as a .war file to a 3rd party and they
just want the .war (+ context.xml) with everything in
it hence, no other applications checking the logs
or database. All functionality must come from the .war
running in Tomcat. It is very important: all
functionality must be encapsulated in the .war file.
(I have no idea what cron +wegt is???)

I guess a daemon thread will be my choice solution for
now... what the thread does, is check a database daily
for a certain false condition and send an e-mail to
all users in question warning them about the current
status. E.g. if you have to submit your timesheet by
Friday 17:00, then you'll get a warning on Friday at
12:00 if it is not done yet something like that.

--- Tim Funk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tomcat doesn't provide this but other simple
 solutions exist such as exposing 
 a URL and using cron + wget. (Some may also say
 kludge too)
 As for aggregating statistics - I would recommend
 using a log file to record 
 the essential measurements then running your stats
 program on the logs. This 
 way - tomcat can crash (or other strange occurences
 may occur) and you lose 
 no data. If the data is already logged, then the
 first solution (cron + wget) 
 will work well too.
 Riaan Oberholzer wrote:
  Well, that was part of my question if I
  cannot/don't implement daemon threads to do e.g.
  automatic daily tasks, what else? E.g, at the end
  the day send an e-mail to a (real life) manager
 with a
  summary of the day's transactions something
  Does Tomcat provide some sort of ActionEvent which
  can configure to be fired every x milliseconds?

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jk2 over seperate servers

2003-07-28 Thread Martin Smith

I have got jk2 ( working with Apache and Tomcat on the
same server (Windows XP).  Now I want to use a RedHat 8 box for Apache and
the XP box for Tomcat.

I have setup the file as per some examples I have seen,
but I get an Internal Server Error when I try it out.

Apache reports:
[error] connect failed localhost:8009 111 Connection
Why is it trying to connect to localhost when I have specified otherwise in

How does the shared memory file work when Apache and Tomcat are on sperate


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RE: jk2 over seperate servers

2003-07-28 Thread Martin Smith

thats Apache 2.0.43 and Tomcat 4.1.18-LE-jdk14

-Original Message-


I have got jk2 ( working with Apache and Tomcat on the
same server (Windows XP).  Now I want to use a RedHat 8 box for Apache and
the XP box for Tomcat.

I have setup the file as per some examples I have seen,
but I get an Internal Server Error when I try it out.

Apache reports:
[error] connect failed localhost:8009 111 Connection
Why is it trying to connect to localhost when I have specified otherwise in

How does the shared memory file work when Apache and Tomcat are on sperate


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Re: jk2 over seperate servers

2003-07-28 Thread Martin Smith

That's Apache 2.0.43 and Tomcat 4.1.18-LE-jdk14

- Original Message -


 I have got jk2 ( working with Apache and Tomcat on the
 same server (Windows XP).  Now I want to use a RedHat 8 box for Apache and
 the XP box for Tomcat.

 I have setup the file as per some examples I have
 but I get an Internal Server Error when I try it out.

 Apache reports:
 [error] connect failed localhost:8009 111 Connection
 Why is it trying to connect to localhost when I have specified otherwise

 How does the shared memory file work when Apache and Tomcat are on sperate


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Ant. Newbie.

2003-07-28 Thread Gustavo Cebrian


I want to use Ant to build my web-application.

I have downloaded the package and unzipped. In the manual it says I have to execute
the program 

build -Ddist.dir=directory_to_contain_Ant_distribution dist

in order to build Ant.

I do not find this build executable?

I have not found any information on how to use Ant to build a web-app?

Can I have some help, please


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OpenSSL : sign CA with

2003-07-28 Thread achana
My saga to sign my own CA with continues, but I encountered this
error :
# ./ server.csr  sign.log
Using configuration from ca.config
unable to load CA private key
2124:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start
line:pem_lib.c:662:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY
server.crt: No such file or directory
2125:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or
2125:error:20074002:BIO routines:FILE_CTRL:system lib:bss_file.c:247:
Okay, so people say borrow a tuppence from uncle scrooge and buy one
from Verisign...
But, gee, it would be nice if I could test the signing of my own
Quo vadis ?
TIA :{

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Re: jk2 over seperate servers

2003-07-28 Thread Martin Smith
Sorry guys - school boy error.

- Original Message -
From: Martin Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: jk2 over seperate servers


 That's Apache 2.0.43 and Tomcat 4.1.18-LE-jdk14

 - Original Message -

  I have got jk2 ( working with Apache and Tomcat on the
  same server (Windows XP).  Now I want to use a RedHat 8 box for Apache
  the XP box for Tomcat.
  I have setup the file as per some examples I have
  but I get an Internal Server Error when I try it out.
  Apache reports:
  [error] connect failed localhost:8009 111
  Why is it trying to connect to localhost when I have specified otherwise
  How does the shared memory file work when Apache and Tomcat are on

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Filter and servlet mapping problem

2003-07-28 Thread Mailing Listen
I have written a filter for my webapp where i catch the response and Rewrite all URLs 
with a timestamp for bypassing some proxies that ignore The settings i set on my 
webserver (e.g. no-cache, no-store,...). The Filter works fine, but i haveto modify 
the requests when the reache my webserver. I am able to do this, but this only works 
if i the servlets i access are mapped in the web.xml of tomcat in the conf directory. 
The servlets that are mapped within the web.xmnl in the current context are not found.

For explaining my problem a little more here an example:

I have a URL like /myjsp.jsp

I rewrite ist with /myjsp_timstamp_in_millis.jsp (timstamp_in_millis is the 
current timestamp) I filter this to /myjsp.jsp if the user requests the rewritten URL 
For .jsps that are mapped in the conf/web.xml file (by the default jsp servlet) 
anything works But i have some more servlet and some special jsp mappings that are 
mapped within the context and here i recieve an 404 although the servlet pathe and the 
URI are set correctly.

Any advice is welcome

Burkard Endres

Re: Apache/Tomcat-RPM Install-how to

2003-07-28 Thread John Turner
You don't.  That's the whole point of an RPM.

If you want to dictate where things go, download binary versions or 
source versions.


Hari Om wrote:
how can I tell RPM (Red Hat Packet Manager) to install package in a 
certain directory?
I am using Red Hat Linux 7.1
I tried following:

#rpm -ivh apache.rpm

How can I tell RPM to install Apache in /usr/local (or any other 
userdefined directory)?

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Re: [Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps?

2003-07-28 Thread John Turner
cron = scheduler

wget = command line HTTP/HTTPS client

The requirement for delivering everything in a WAR file is all nice and 
dandy, but if you think about it, the requirement automatically breaks 
the other requirement: scheduling.

If you cannot have a log file, and you cannot access a database, how 
will you ever be able to determine elapsed time, which is the primary 
requirement for a scheduler?  How can you determine status like when was 
the last time it was run, etc?  How can you reset your clock if the app 
is shutdown?  How do you know the app has been shutdown due to an 
external event?


Riaan Oberholzer wrote:

... nice suggestion, but I am delivering an
application as a .war file to a 3rd party and they
just want the .war (+ context.xml) with everything in
it hence, no other applications checking the logs
or database. All functionality must come from the .war
running in Tomcat. It is very important: all
functionality must be encapsulated in the .war file.
(I have no idea what cron +wegt is???)
I guess a daemon thread will be my choice solution for
now... what the thread does, is check a database daily
for a certain false condition and send an e-mail to
all users in question warning them about the current
status. E.g. if you have to submit your timesheet by
Friday 17:00, then you'll get a warning on Friday at
12:00 if it is not done yet something like that.

--- Tim Funk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Tomcat doesn't provide this but other simple
solutions exist such as exposing 
a URL and using cron + wget. (Some may also say
kludge too)

As for aggregating statistics - I would recommend
using a log file to record 
the essential measurements then running your stats
program on the logs. This 
way - tomcat can crash (or other strange occurences
may occur) and you lose 
no data. If the data is already logged, then the
first solution (cron + wget) 
will work well too.


Riaan Oberholzer wrote:

Well, that was part of my question if I
cannot/don't implement daemon threads to do e.g.
automatic daily tasks, what else? E.g, at the end

the day send an e-mail to a (real life) manager
with a

summary of the day's transactions something


Does Tomcat provide some sort of ActionEvent which

can configure to be fired every x milliseconds?


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Re: performance of serving static data? apache or tomcat

2003-07-28 Thread Mark W. Webb
Do you know of any load testing tools for apache/tomcat that support 
testing when a mutually authenticated SSL connnection is required ?

Tim Funk wrote:

yes and no. The browser makes a request to apache. Then the request is 
proxied to tomcat. When the servlet has been served, the browser 
issues a keep-alive and reuses the apache socket connection to get any 
other assets (such as images) needed.

2 requests, one connection.

With the numerous speed improvements in tomcat 4.1 and 5 - there might 
not be much (if any) difference in speed for a low (relative term) 
volume site.

You'll need to load test to see how things scale.



I am working on a servlet that will be served from tomcat which is
connected to apache.  Currently I have the servlet being handled by
tomcat, and the image handled by apache.
Won't this require 2 get requests by the browser?  One being the image,
and one being the servlet?
Unfortunately, this is an SSL protected site and none of the pages are
cached.  So my question is, what is the best approach with 
performance in
mind?  What is the fasted way to get the image and dynamic HTML back to
the browser ?

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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps?

2003-07-28 Thread Riaan Oberholzer
Perhaps I should give a better explanation of how the
application works:

I deliver a .war file. I do have access to an
underlying database. The scheduled tasks perform more
on a is time reached than has time elapsed
principle... eg, it triggers when is it past
midnight? instead of has 24 hours elapsed?.

I cannot see why creating a daemon thread cannot cater
for this. You just start the thread in the init method
of the InitServlet (or any servlet you create with

What am I missing here? Why can't I use this method?
If Tomcat crashes and the app gets restarted, my
thread will be restarted as well, so no problem there.
The thread should also only be running while the
web-app is (LONG story why that is so, so I won't give
details... in short, if the web-app is down, it is
seen as critical and all else must be halted).

--- John Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 cron = scheduler
 wget = command line HTTP/HTTPS client
 The requirement for delivering everything in a WAR
 file is all nice and 
 dandy, but if you think about it, the requirement
 automatically breaks 
 the other requirement: scheduling.
 If you cannot have a log file, and you cannot access
 a database, how 
 will you ever be able to determine elapsed time,
 which is the primary 
 requirement for a scheduler?  How can you determine
 status like when was 
 the last time it was run, etc?  How can you reset
 your clock if the app 
 is shutdown?  How do you know the app has been
 shutdown due to an 
 external event?
 Riaan Oberholzer wrote:
  ... nice suggestion, but I am delivering an
  application as a .war file to a 3rd party and they
  just want the .war (+ context.xml) with everything
  it hence, no other applications checking the
  or database. All functionality must come from the
  running in Tomcat. It is very important: all
  functionality must be encapsulated in the .war
  (I have no idea what cron +wegt is???)
  I guess a daemon thread will be my choice solution
  now... what the thread does, is check a database
  for a certain false condition and send an e-mail
  all users in question warning them about the
  status. E.g. if you have to submit your timesheet
  Friday 17:00, then you'll get a warning on Friday
  12:00 if it is not done yet something like
  --- Tim Funk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tomcat doesn't provide this but other simple
 solutions exist such as exposing 
 a URL and using cron + wget. (Some may also say
 kludge too)
 As for aggregating statistics - I would recommend
 using a log file to record 
 the essential measurements then running your stats
 program on the logs. This 
 way - tomcat can crash (or other strange
 may occur) and you lose 
 no data. If the data is already logged, then the
 first solution (cron + wget) 
 will work well too.
 Riaan Oberholzer wrote:
 Well, that was part of my question if I
 cannot/don't implement daemon threads to do e.g.
 automatic daily tasks, what else? E.g, at the end
 the day send an e-mail to a (real life) manager
 with a
 summary of the day's transactions something
 Does Tomcat provide some sort of ActionEvent
 can configure to be fired every x milliseconds?

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[OFF-TOPIC] Re: apachectl startssl complains about _default_443 (amongstother things...)

2003-07-28 Thread John Turner
You CAN'T declare a VirtualHost on port 443 (_default_:443) and then 
immediately tell it that the ServerName is port 80 (ServerName

This is no longer a Tomcat issue.  My suggestion:  take it to an Apache 



I compiled mod_ssl into my apache2 and got openssl to generate
server.key into .../conf/server.key and server.crt into
Then I modified httpd.conf
IfModule mod_ssl.c
   Include /path/to/ssl.conf
Also, I commented out all the explicitly named virtual hosts in
VirtualHost blabla ... /VirtualHost because I expect troubles there.
In ssl.conf, I modified the following lines so they have the same
parameter values as in httpd.conf :
VirtualHost _default_:443
DocumentRoot /path/to/html
ServerName ... In httpd.conf I used the BIOS name
e.g. ServerName BIOSNAME:80
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /path/to/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt
SSLCertificateFile /path/to/conf/ssl.key/server.key
When I start apache again with 
# apachectl startssl
I got the following messages :

[error] VirtualHost_default_:443 -- mixing * port and non-* ports with a
NameVirtualHost address is not supported: proceeding with unidentified
Apache/2.0.40 mod_ssl/2.0.40 (Pass Phrase Dialog)
Can some kind souls tell me wha I have done wrong now. I didn't use
RedHat's default directories in /etc/httpd/conf, but that's hardly a mea

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Re: apachectl startssl complains about _default_443 (amongstother things...)

2003-07-28 Thread Dov Rosenberg
I was going thru this same process last week. It seems that Apache doesn't
like NameVirtualHost *. I think you need to use instead
and make references to the IP address instead of VirtualHost *

Good luck

Dov Rosenberg

On 7/28/03 1:02 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I compiled mod_ssl into my apache2 and got openssl to generate
 server.key into .../conf/server.key and server.crt into
 Then I modified httpd.conf
 IfModule mod_ssl.c
  Include /path/to/ssl.conf
 Also, I commented out all the explicitly named virtual hosts in
 VirtualHost blabla ... /VirtualHost because I expect troubles there.
 In ssl.conf, I modified the following lines so they have the same
 parameter values as in httpd.conf :
 VirtualHost _default_:443
 DocumentRoot /path/to/html
 ServerName ... In httpd.conf I used the BIOS name
 e.g. ServerName BIOSNAME:80
 SSLEngine on
 SSLCertificateFile /path/to/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt
 SSLCertificateFile /path/to/conf/ssl.key/server.key
 When I start apache again with
 # apachectl startssl
 I got the following messages :
 [error] VirtualHost_default_:443 -- mixing * port and non-* ports with a
 NameVirtualHost address is not supported: proceeding with unidentified
 Apache/2.0.40 mod_ssl/2.0.40 (Pass Phrase Dialog)
 Can some kind souls tell me wha I have done wrong now. I didn't use
 RedHat's default directories in /etc/httpd/conf, but that's hardly a mea
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Re: [Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps?

2003-07-28 Thread John Turner
Nobody, from what I can tell, is saying can't.  You did ask, though.

If you're willing to be diligent about coding your threads, go for it. 
I think the point of previous posts was that in many cases, there is no 
need for such a thing as your asking.  There are always exceptions to 
the rule, though.

For example:  the question is it past midnight would never be asked if 
you were to use the operating system, since with something like cron 
(built in scheduler), the operating already knows if its past midnight. 
 Thus, the question becomes not a question but a command: its past 
midnight, go find all of the people who have a status of X and remind 
them to change their status to Y.  The effort, then, is spent on the 
business logic, not on trying to figure out if its time to spend time on 
the business logic.

The alternative is to spend resources constantly wondering if a specific 
time is reached.  For one or two events, no problem.  Start getting 
busy, start having 10 or 20 events, and it becomes a problem, not just 
from a resource standpoint, but from an administration and 
synchronization standpoint.


Riaan Oberholzer wrote:

Perhaps I should give a better explanation of how the
application works:
I deliver a .war file. I do have access to an
underlying database. The scheduled tasks perform more
on a is time reached than has time elapsed
principle... eg, it triggers when is it past
midnight? instead of has 24 hours elapsed?.
I cannot see why creating a daemon thread cannot cater
for this. You just start the thread in the init method
of the InitServlet (or any servlet you create with
What am I missing here? Why can't I use this method?
If Tomcat crashes and the app gets restarted, my
thread will be restarted as well, so no problem there.
The thread should also only be running while the
web-app is (LONG story why that is so, so I won't give
details... in short, if the web-app is down, it is
seen as critical and all else must be halted).
--- John Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

cron = scheduler

wget = command line HTTP/HTTPS client

The requirement for delivering everything in a WAR
file is all nice and 
dandy, but if you think about it, the requirement
automatically breaks 
the other requirement: scheduling.

If you cannot have a log file, and you cannot access
a database, how 
will you ever be able to determine elapsed time,
which is the primary 
requirement for a scheduler?  How can you determine
status like when was 
the last time it was run, etc?  How can you reset
your clock if the app 
is shutdown?  How do you know the app has been
shutdown due to an 
external event?


Riaan Oberholzer wrote:

... nice suggestion, but I am delivering an
application as a .war file to a 3rd party and they
just want the .war (+ context.xml) with everything

it hence, no other applications checking the

or database. All functionality must come from the

running in Tomcat. It is very important: all
functionality must be encapsulated in the .war

(I have no idea what cron +wegt is???)

I guess a daemon thread will be my choice solution

now... what the thread does, is check a database

for a certain false condition and send an e-mail

all users in question warning them about the

status. E.g. if you have to submit your timesheet

Friday 17:00, then you'll get a warning on Friday

12:00 if it is not done yet something like

--- Tim Funk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Tomcat doesn't provide this but other simple
solutions exist such as exposing 
a URL and using cron + wget. (Some may also say
kludge too)

As for aggregating statistics - I would recommend
using a log file to record 
the essential measurements then running your stats
program on the logs. This 
way - tomcat can crash (or other strange

may occur) and you lose 
no data. If the data is already logged, then the
first solution (cron + wget) 
will work well too.


Riaan Oberholzer wrote:

Well, that was part of my question if I
cannot/don't implement daemon threads to do e.g.
automatic daily tasks, what else? E.g, at the end

the day send an e-mail to a (real life) manager
with a

summary of the day's transactions something


Does Tomcat provide some sort of ActionEvent


can configure to be fired every x milliseconds?


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Re: jk2 over seperate servers

2003-07-28 Thread Eric J. Pinnell

How about posting your file?


On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, Martin Smith wrote:

 Sorry guys - school boy error.

 - Original Message -
 From: Martin Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:55 PM
 Subject: Re: jk2 over seperate servers

  That's Apache 2.0.43 and Tomcat 4.1.18-LE-jdk14
  - Original Message -
   I have got jk2 ( working with Apache and Tomcat on the
   same server (Windows XP).  Now I want to use a RedHat 8 box for Apache
   the XP box for Tomcat.
   I have setup the file as per some examples I have
   but I get an Internal Server Error when I try it out.
   Apache reports:
   [error] connect failed localhost:8009 111
   Why is it trying to connect to localhost when I have specified otherwise
   How does the shared memory file work when Apache and Tomcat are on
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Re: [Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps?

2003-07-28 Thread Riaan Oberholzer
You're right, no-one said I can't. :) I was hoping
someone who has actually used it could give some
feedback about it.

The (obvious) reason why the scheduled task also
cannot be active if the web-app is not active, is that
the scheduled task requires users to use web-app. Eg,
Friday at 15:00 you get an e-mail to fill in your
time-sheet if it has not been done. If the web-app is
not active, then there is no point in sending the
mail. If you do, then the sysop is going to get 1000
mails/phone call from users saying I need to fill out
my timesheet, but the app is down!. Purely a user
requirement. I think you can see the logic behind

When the web-app comes alive again, the first thing
that will be done, is to send the warnings and people
can get back to filling out timesheets.

It won't be a heavy burderned task... thread.sleep for
1 hour eg and then do one date/time check I think
that wouldn't be too heavy on performance.

Thanks for the feedback, though.
--- John Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nobody, from what I can tell, is saying can't. 
 You did ask, though.
 If you're willing to be diligent about coding your
 threads, go for it. 
 I think the point of previous posts was that in many
 cases, there is no 
 need for such a thing as your asking.  There are
 always exceptions to 
 the rule, though.
 For example:  the question is it past midnight
 would never be asked if 
 you were to use the operating system, since with
 something like cron 
 (built in scheduler), the operating already knows if
 its past midnight. 
   Thus, the question becomes not a question but a
 command: its past 
 midnight, go find all of the people who have a
 status of X and remind 
 them to change their status to Y.  The effort,
 then, is spent on the 
 business logic, not on trying to figure out if its
 time to spend time on 
 the business logic.
 The alternative is to spend resources constantly
 wondering if a specific 
 time is reached.  For one or two events, no problem.
  Start getting 
 busy, start having 10 or 20 events, and it becomes a
 problem, not just 
 from a resource standpoint, but from an
 administration and 
 synchronization standpoint.
 Riaan Oberholzer wrote:
  Perhaps I should give a better explanation of how
  application works:
  I deliver a .war file. I do have access to an
  underlying database. The scheduled tasks perform
  on a is time reached than has time elapsed
  principle... eg, it triggers when is it past
  midnight? instead of has 24 hours elapsed?.
  I cannot see why creating a daemon thread cannot
  for this. You just start the thread in the init
  of the InitServlet (or any servlet you create with
  What am I missing here? Why can't I use this
  If Tomcat crashes and the app gets restarted, my
  thread will be restarted as well, so no problem
  The thread should also only be running while the
  web-app is (LONG story why that is so, so I won't
  details... in short, if the web-app is down, it is
  seen as critical and all else must be halted).
  --- John Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 cron = scheduler
 wget = command line HTTP/HTTPS client
 The requirement for delivering everything in a WAR
 file is all nice and 
 dandy, but if you think about it, the requirement
 automatically breaks 
 the other requirement: scheduling.
 If you cannot have a log file, and you cannot
 a database, how 
 will you ever be able to determine elapsed time,
 which is the primary 
 requirement for a scheduler?  How can you
 status like when was 
 the last time it was run, etc?  How can you reset
 your clock if the app 
 is shutdown?  How do you know the app has been
 shutdown due to an 
 external event?
 Riaan Oberholzer wrote:
 ... nice suggestion, but I am delivering an
 application as a .war file to a 3rd party and
 just want the .war (+ context.xml) with
 it hence, no other applications checking the
 or database. All functionality must come from the
 running in Tomcat. It is very important: all
 functionality must be encapsulated in the .war
 (I have no idea what cron +wegt is???)
 I guess a daemon thread will be my choice
 now... what the thread does, is check a database
 for a certain false condition and send an e-mail
 all users in question warning them about the
 status. E.g. if you have to submit your timesheet
 Friday 17:00, then you'll get a warning on Friday
 12:00 if it is not done yet something like
 --- Tim Funk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tomcat doesn't provide this but other simple
 solutions exist such as exposing 
 a URL and using cron + wget. (Some may also say
 kludge too)
 As for aggregating statistics - I would
 using a log file to record 
 the essential measurements 

RE: [Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps?

2003-07-28 Thread Shapira, Yoav


I cannot see why creating a daemon thread cannot cater
for this. You just start the thread in the init method
of the InitServlet (or any servlet you create with

I'm actually a fan of the background daemon-thread approach, and think
the user-threading limitations in full J2EE containers is unfortunate
(although I know where it comes from).

Be careful about starting and stopping threads in the init/destroy
methods of servlets, however, as the container can create/destroy your
servlets (including load-on-startup servlets) almost whenever it wants
to.  Consider using a context listener instead.

Yoav Shapira

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RE: [Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps?

2003-07-28 Thread Riaan Oberholzer
Yep, thanks... I've heard from other sources as well
that the ServletContextListener approach is better.

It gives me some comfort knowing other people find the
approach safe and without too many pitfalls. :)

--- Shapira, Yoav [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I cannot see why creating a daemon thread cannot
 for this. You just start the thread in the init
 of the InitServlet (or any servlet you create with
 I'm actually a fan of the background daemon-thread
 approach, and think
 the user-threading limitations in full J2EE
 containers is unfortunate
 (although I know where it comes from).
 Be careful about starting and stopping threads in
 the init/destroy
 methods of servlets, however, as the container can
 create/destroy your
 servlets (including load-on-startup servlets) almost
 whenever it wants
 to.  Consider using a context listener instead.
 Yoav Shapira
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RE: OnSessionEnd for Tomcat ?

2003-07-28 Thread Shapira, Yoav

I use context listeners fairly heavily and haven't had a problem with
their lifecycle, including contextDestroyed.  When is it you're
expecting the method call and it's not happening?

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 5:32 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: OnSessionEnd for Tomcat ?

context destroyed should be expected when you stop tomcat.
or if you reload the context, it might call that too


 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Priest [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 1:38 PM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: OnSessionEnd for Tomcat ?

 thanks for the info, Andrew.

 The session listener works perfectly fine.

 However, I am seeing an issue with the ContextListener:

 It seems as though the contextInitialized() event is fired as
 But my contextDestroyed() event never gets called. I am starting and
 stopping Tomcat via Tomcat.exe (the Tomcat Service Executable).

 Have you (or anyone else) seen this issue? Is this possibly a bug, or
 doing something wrong?

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Priest [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 11:58 AM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: OnSessionEnd for Tomcat ?

 Thanks. I will take a look...

 I do have a question about the Appi

 -Original Message-
 From: Bodycombe, Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 11:52 AM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: OnSessionEnd for Tomcat ?

 Look at the HttpSessionListener interface.

 Create the sessionDestroyed() implementation and add a listener

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Priest [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 25 July 2003 16:50
 Subject: OnSessionEnd for Tomcat ?

 Hello All,

 I am looking for  a way to detect when a session ends in tomcat
 and do a few
 things such as temp dir clean up, and so on.

 Can anyone point me to the proper documentation or provide info on

 thanks in advance...

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RE: Filter and servlet mapping problem

2003-07-28 Thread Shapira, Yoav

Taking the Filter out of the equation, can you find and use the servlets
in your context?

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Mailing Listen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 8:19 AM
Subject: Filter and servlet mapping problem

I have written a filter for my webapp where i catch the response and
Rewrite all URLs with a timestamp for bypassing some proxies that
The settings i set on my webserver (e.g. no-cache, no-store,...). The
Filter works fine, but i haveto modify the requests when the reache my
webserver. I am able to do this, but this only works if i the servlets
access are mapped in the web.xml of tomcat in the conf directory. The
servlets that are mapped within the web.xmnl in the current context are

For explaining my problem a little more here an example:

I have a URL like /myjsp.jsp

I rewrite ist with /myjsp_timstamp_in_millis.jsp
(timstamp_in_millis is
the current timestamp) I filter this to /myjsp.jsp if the user requests
rewritten URL For .jsps that are mapped in the conf/web.xml file (by
default jsp servlet) anything works But i have some more servlet and
special jsp mappings that are mapped within the context and here i
an 404 although the servlet pathe and the URI are set correctly.

Any advice is welcome

Burkard Endres

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RE: Tomcat under load - Use 'java -Xss' to increase default stack size

2003-07-28 Thread Shapira, Yoav

Hmm, haven't seen this one before.  What linux flavor?
What kernel version?

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Rau NF [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2003 10:46 PM
Subject: Tomcat under load - Use 'java -Xss' to increase default stack

Hi - We have seen this problem showing up on Tomcat 4.1.24 (/JDK 1.4.2
Sun/Linux) after running tomcat for a few hours.

Fatal: Stack size too small. Use 'java -Xss' to increase default stack

We have set the stack size to 1024k and we still get this error.
is 1.5 Gb)

Any pointers will be very helpful


S Rau

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RE: Where are translated classes stored in Tomcat 5??

2003-07-28 Thread Shapira, Yoav

This setting is not configurable.  It was changed due to a couple of
issues with JSP naming for JSP 2.0.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Julien Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 11:13 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Where are translated classes stored in Tomcat 5??

Hello again,
I can't find any trace of the translated classes in the
directory for the web application I am working on.  How do I configure
tomcat in order for the translated files to go there?  Note that I am
jwsdp 1.2.
Thanks in adavance,

- Original Message -
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 12:45 AM
Subject: Re: Where are translated classes stored in Tomcat 5??

 Same spot as 4. Somewhere beneath $CATALINA_HOME/work - its just a
 deeper in the dir structure.


 Julien Martin wrote:
  I am having some problems with tomcat5.  I don't know where
files ( are stored.  It used to be stored in
%catalina_home%\work\catalina\localhost\myapp for an app called myapp
tomcat 4x and I can't find the file anymore now.  Can you help?
  Thanks in advance,

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AW: Filter and servlet mapping problem

2003-07-28 Thread Mailing Listen

Von: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mo 28.07.2003 15:26
An: Tomcat Users List
Betreff: RE: Filter and servlet mapping problem

Taking the Filter out of the equation, can you find and use the servlets
in your context?

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

-Original Message-
From: Mailing Listen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 8:19 AM
Subject: Filter and servlet mapping problem

I have written a filter for my webapp where i catch the response and
Rewrite all URLs with a timestamp for bypassing some proxies that
The settings i set on my webserver (e.g. no-cache, no-store,...). The
Filter works fine, but i haveto modify the requests when the reache my
webserver. I am able to do this, but this only works if i the servlets
access are mapped in the web.xml of tomcat in the conf directory. The
servlets that are mapped within the web.xmnl in the current context are

For explaining my problem a little more here an example:

I have a URL like /myjsp.jsp

I rewrite ist with /myjsp_timstamp_in_millis.jsp
(timstamp_in_millis is
the current timestamp) I filter this to /myjsp.jsp if the user requests
rewritten URL For .jsps that are mapped in the conf/web.xml file (by
default jsp servlet) anything works But i have some more servlet and
special jsp mappings that are mapped within the context and here i
an 404 although the servlet pathe and the URI are set correctly.

Any advice is welcome

Burkard Endres

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Re: [Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps?

2003-07-28 Thread srevilak
 From: Tim Funk funkman () joedog ! org
 Subject: Re: [Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps?

 You can create threads all day in tomcat, but here are the importnatn things
 to consider:

 - WHY! Are threads really the correct solution?
 - And last but not least: WHY! Are threads really the correct solution?

I'm getting the impression that you think multiple threads are never
the right answer.  :) That's not necessarily true.

Suppose that your response to a request contains three steps which are
independant of one another; in order to deliver a faster response
time, you'd like to execute them concurrently.

If these three steps are CPU-bound, then the amount of benefit really
depends on the machine; you need multiple CPUs so that the scheduler
can run the different threads on different CPUs.  With a single CPU,
you're not likely to see much benefit.

However, if the three steps are IO-bound, using multiple threads to
run them concurrently can lead to a big improvement.  Most of the time
spent doing IO is spent waiting.  (Particularly if the IO is network
IO, a sub-request to a remote site, for example).  If the idle times
occur concurrently instead of serially, you'll certainly do better.


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2003-07-28 Thread Geralyn M Hollerman
I have a question about the connectionTimeout attribute of a
Connector element in server.xml; from what I've read, the default
value is 6 (milliseconds), but the server.xml that came with the
4.1.24 that I downloaded is set to 0. Is there a reason for this? Does
0 do anything special? According to the sample server.xml, -1
disables connection timeouts - under what situations would I want to do

Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: [Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps?

2003-07-28 Thread Tim Funk
I am in total agreement and I have used user created threads on my site. I 
view user created threads as a dangerous  and usually un-needed thing.

Dangerous because of the side effects that aren't accounted for by more 
junior programmers such as concurrency, shutting down the JVM (or lack of 
being able to), more threads the system may handle, harder to track from a 
monitoring point of view the activites occuring in the JVM for trouble shooting.

User threads are not always a bad thing. But they can easily be abused 
because they seem like a cool-fun-novel coding solution.


From: Tim Funk funkman () joedog ! org
- WHY! Are threads really the correct solution?
- And last but not least: WHY! Are threads really the correct solution?

I'm getting the impression that you think multiple threads are never
the right answer.  :) That's not necessarily true.
Suppose that your response to a request contains three steps which are
independant of one another; in order to deliver a faster response
time, you'd like to execute them concurrently.

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mysql connection pool

2003-07-28 Thread Hans Wichman
does anyone know why I have to close the connection retrieved from a mysql 
database connection pool ?
Isn't the connection returned to the pool automatically when the object 
goes out of scope?

And why is the datasource.getNumActive() value always 0 even though I have 
multiple connections open ?

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Re: [Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps?

2003-07-28 Thread G. Wade Johnson
I hate to speak for someone else, but I believe that Tim may have been
referring to the tendency of some people to use threads without
understanding their limitations. (I've seen attempts to massively
thread CPU-bound applications on single CPU machines.)

Threads are not magic that can be spread on a program to make it

That being said. Tim did not say don't he asked why.grin/ That's
much politer than I've normally been to people in a similar

G. Wade

  From: Tim Funk funkman () joedog ! org
  Subject: Re: [Q] Is it safe to create threads in Tomcat web-apps?
  You can create threads all day in tomcat, but here are the importnatn things
  to consider:
  - WHY! Are threads really the correct solution?
  - And last but not least: WHY! Are threads really the correct solution?
 I'm getting the impression that you think multiple threads are never
 the right answer.  :) That's not necessarily true.
 Suppose that your response to a request contains three steps which are
 independant of one another; in order to deliver a faster response
 time, you'd like to execute them concurrently.
 If these three steps are CPU-bound, then the amount of benefit really
 depends on the machine; you need multiple CPUs so that the scheduler
 can run the different threads on different CPUs.  With a single CPU,
 you're not likely to see much benefit.
 However, if the three steps are IO-bound, using multiple threads to
 run them concurrently can lead to a big improvement.  Most of the time
 spent doing IO is spent waiting.  (Particularly if the IO is network
 IO, a sub-request to a remote site, for example).  If the idle times
 occur concurrently instead of serially, you'll certainly do better.
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RE: mysql connection pool

2003-07-28 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
That doesn't happen under java.

You have to explicitly free/close all resources
that are more valuable than memory (file handles, 
db connections, ...)

The finalizer is called by the garbage collector,
which in turn can run any time or not even at all
(if you don't consume enough memory).

From the JavaDoc:

Called by the garbage collector on an object when 
garbage collection determines that there are no 
more references to the object.

 -Original Message-
 From: Hans Wichman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 4:03 PM
 Subject: mysql connection pool
 does anyone know why I have to close the connection retrieved 
 from a mysql  database connection pool ?
 Isn't the connection returned to the pool automatically when 
 the object goes out of scope?
 And why is the datasource.getNumActive() value always 0 even 
 though I have 
 multiple connections open ?

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RE: Strange request.setAttribute() problem

2003-07-28 Thread Moraes, Fabio

he meant:

HttpSession session = request.getSession( );
session.setAttribute( itemnumber,

and then:

session.getAttribute( itemnumber );

 Fabio Moraes
 System Engineer
 Work Force Management System
 +55 21 3088 9548

-Original Message-
From: Tim Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 07:53
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Strange request.setAttribute() problem

This is the correct behavior. In this scenario, you are operating on the 
request, not the session.

request.getParameter -- Get stuff from the query string (or input stream if

post) - a per request thing

request.setAttribute -- Set an attribute in the life of this particular


Charles So wrote:
 Hello, I come across a problem with TC4.1.24 and hope fellow list users 
 can help me...
 I set a variable in a servlet by calling:
 A JSP will then detect if this variable exists or not by:
 if ( request.getParameter(itemnumber) != null ) {
 try {
 itemnumber = 
 } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
 I have two different web browsers opened (say, one IE and one Opera), 
 and both eventually will come to the page containing the code above.
 The strange thing is that if the variable itemnumber is set via IE, 
 the same itemnumber will be seen at Opera!
 This shouldn't happen as both have different session ID, and are 
 completely unrelated.
 Who has come across this problem? How can I work around this?

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Re: extend j_security_check - filter or event listener?

2003-07-28 Thread Sasha Borodin
That's what I'm thinking about implementing.  But I'm trying to avoid the
overhead of the filter's conditional logic being processed on EVERY request
(seems like a lot of unnecessary overhead).

Any comments on the feasibility of filtering just the j_security_check URI,
or listening for the Principal being bound to the session (if that is indeed
where it is stored upon CMA)?


-Sasha Borodin

On 7/27/03 18:32, Craig Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I handled this situation by having logged-in users have a UserModel object in
 the session.  In a filter that catches all servlet requests, I check if
 request.getAuthenticatedUser returns non-null and there is no UserModel obj in
 the session.  If this occurs, I know that a new user just logged in, and do
 login processing including creating and session-storing their UserModel.  Part
 of logout processing is invalidating the session, so the UM object goes away.
 -Original Message-
 From: Sasha Borodin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sun 7/27/2003 3:54 PM
 Subject: extend j_security_check - filter or event listener?
 Hey All,
 I'm looking for advise on how to approach a problem:  I would like to use
 Container Managed Authentication for a multitude or reasons; however, I need
 to be able to perform additional login tasks upon authentication.
 My first though was to force the next page after j_security_check does
 it's thing - this way I could point it to an Action that performs my tasks,
 and only then honor the originally requested URL.  However, this seems not
 possible, as the mechanism for forwarding the user to the requested URL is
 not part of the Servlet spec, thus proprietary.
 My second thought was to help j_security_check by either wrapping a filter
 around it, or having a session attribute listener catch some distinct
 activity produced by the authentication event.  I am curious about the
 feasibility/side effects of both these approaches.  Here's my thoughts so
- is it possible to map a filter to just j_security_check...I'd found
 something about a problem using a filter with that URI:
- is it good to separate this part of the code into a filter,
 architecturally speaking
 Event listener:
- the Pricipal object must be bound to the session I would think; what
 would be it's name?
- is this name standard?  I did not find any reference to the specifics
 in the Servlet spec (will it be different with different containers?)
- would there be a race condition (don't know if I'm using the term
 correctly) - is it guaranteed that when the Session Attribute event listener
 is triggered, it'll be done doing it's thing before the request is passed on
 to the requested URL?
 Or is there a better way to approach post-authentication tasks altogether,
 while utilizing Container Managed Authentication?  Please don't say
 Sourceforge's Security Filter, because I'm trying to stick to CMA and it's
 benefits (EJB container authentication for one) :-)
 -Sasha Borodin
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Re: coonnectionTimeout

2003-07-28 Thread Eric J. Pinnell

Good question.  I always thought of '0' as being infinite and I wasn't
aware of -1.

One difference I see, and this seems to be Solaris specific, is that when
I use '0' I get INFO: connection reset messages in Tomcat from the
Connector.  When I give it a time out of say 12 I no longer get reset
messages but I get INFO: connection timed out in the logs.  I'm planning
on running a test to see what the user experience is with a timeout.  I
know that during the resets the user sees HTTP 400 and 500 errors.

I'll also now test with -1.


On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, Geralyn M Hollerman wrote:

 I have a question about the connectionTimeout attribute of a
 Connector element in server.xml; from what I've read, the default
 value is 6 (milliseconds), but the server.xml that came with the
 4.1.24 that I downloaded is set to 0. Is there a reason for this? Does
 0 do anything special? According to the sample server.xml, -1
 disables connection timeouts - under what situations would I want to do

 Lynn Hollerman.

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Re: buiding 4.24

2003-07-28 Thread Mark F
Still no file being created.  Has anyone seen this before? Any
suggestions on what I can try to determine the cause?


Mark F wrote:
|| Eric J. Pinnell wrote:

 For the JK2 connector you should use the 2.0.2 source.

 Then compile with:

 ./configure --with-apxs2=/path/to/apxs

 then make

 then should be in down in the build directory.

 You need to manually copy the file to the apache modules directory.

 The complete step by step is in the archives.  But that's the long
 and short of it.

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RE: mysql connection pool

2003-07-28 Thread Hans Wichman
ok great, but why does the lookup for a datasource always return a new pool 
instance ?
I am running tomcat 4.0.1, maybe that is the problem?

hope you can help
At 04:13 PM 7/28/2003 +0200, Ralph Einfeldt wrote:
That doesn't happen under java.

You have to explicitly free/close all resources
that are more valuable than memory (file handles,
db connections, ...)
The finalizer is called by the garbage collector,
which in turn can run any time or not even at all
(if you don't consume enough memory).
From the JavaDoc:

Called by the garbage collector on an object when
garbage collection determines that there are no
more references to the object.
 -Original Message-
 From: Hans Wichman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 4:03 PM
 Subject: mysql connection pool

 does anyone know why I have to close the connection retrieved
 from a mysql  database connection pool ?
 Isn't the connection returned to the pool automatically when
 the object goes out of scope?

 And why is the datasource.getNumActive() value always 0 even
 though I have
 multiple connections open ?

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realm-howto.html JNDI OpenLDAP example does not work for me

2003-07-28 Thread Hayo Schmidt
I am not able to get the Example in 
tomcat-docs/realm-howto.html#JNDIRealm to run as is.

First i tried to create the LDIF files and import them into OpenLDAP2. 
This did not work (some error messages i can't remember). Probably the 
example itself is wrong, probably i had been copy/pasting some 
non-printing characters into the example, or trailing spaces or 
whatever. I don't know. There should have been the ldif sources for 
download to avoid these useless problems.

Then i tried to build the directory with a tool called JXplorer. This 
did not work, because it ist not possible to set uid to a 'naming value' 
with the tool. Obviously because uid is not defined as mandatory (MUST)  
in the schema file.

After getting around all this by building my own subclass it still does 
not work. The example tells me to set up the JNDIRealm like this:

Realm   className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm debug=99
As i said, no positive result. But when i set up the JNDIRealm as follows
 Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm
the thing works.
I had to read a book about LDAP (LDAP System Administration, O'Reilly), 
and experiment a lot. I had to convert from a dumb newbie to an LDAP 
expert, just to get this simple example to work.
A good HOW-TO should provide examples running instantly. This HOW-TO 
consumed many days of my valuable working time.

Hayo Schmidt

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RE: mysql connection pool

2003-07-28 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Sorry. havn't used mysql or dbcp, so can't help you 
with this question.

To get answers from others I would suggest, that you 
include more infos about the configuration of the pool
and how you access it. (And which version of the pool 
you use)

 -Original Message-
 From: Hans Wichman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 4:27 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List; Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: mysql connection pool
 ok great, but why does the lookup for a datasource always 
 return a new pool instance ?
 I am running tomcat 4.0.1, maybe that is the problem?
 hope you can help

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Re: realm-howto.html JNDI OpenLDAP example does not work for me

2003-07-28 Thread John Turner
Patches welcome.


Hayo Schmidt wrote:

I am not able to get the Example in 
tomcat-docs/realm-howto.html#JNDIRealm to run as is.

First i tried to create the LDIF files and import them into OpenLDAP2. 
This did not work (some error messages i can't remember). Probably the 
example itself is wrong, probably i had been copy/pasting some 
non-printing characters into the example, or trailing spaces or 
whatever. I don't know. There should have been the ldif sources for 
download to avoid these useless problems.

Then i tried to build the directory with a tool called JXplorer. This 
did not work, because it ist not possible to set uid to a 'naming value' 
with the tool. Obviously because uid is not defined as mandatory (MUST)  
in the schema file.

After getting around all this by building my own subclass it still does 
not work. The example tells me to set up the JNDIRealm like this:

Realm   className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm debug=99
As i said, no positive result. But when i set up the JNDIRealm as follows
 Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm
the thing works.
I had to read a book about LDAP (LDAP System Administration, O'Reilly), 
and experiment a lot. I had to convert from a dumb newbie to an LDAP 
expert, just to get this simple example to work.
A good HOW-TO should provide examples running instantly. This HOW-TO 
consumed many days of my valuable working time.

Hayo Schmidt

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Re: JNDIRealm: Authentication Failing

2003-07-28 Thread Hayo Schmidt
Is 'mail' the naming value?
This means, if you export to an ldif file you should find a line
dn: [EMAIL PROTECTED],ou=People,dc=tritus,dc=ca
Hayo Schmidt

Adam Sherman schrieb:

I am trying to get JNDIRealm to authenticate against my LDAP tree:
Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm
Using a user I can authenticate with the OpenLDAP CLI tools:
2003-07-27 13:44:06 JNDIRealm[Standalone]:   Searching for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2003-07-27 13:44:06 JNDIRealm[Standalone]:   base: 
ou=People,dc=tritus,dc=ca filter: ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
2003-07-27 13:44:06 JNDIRealm[Standalone]:   entry found for 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with dn uid=adam,ou=People,dc=tritus,dc=ca
2003-07-27 13:44:06 JNDIRealm[Standalone]:   validating credentials by 
binding as the user
2003-07-27 13:44:06 JNDIRealm[Standalone]:   binding as 
2003-07-27 13:44:06 JNDIRealm[Standalone]:   bind attempt failed
2003-07-27 13:44:06 JNDIRealm[Standalone]: Username [EMAIL PROTECTED] NOT 
successfully authenticated
The lookup functions correctly, but binding fails. Even though I know 
the user can bind.
Tomcat 4.1.24, OpenLDAP 2.1.x
Any ideas?

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connection pool recreated

2003-07-28 Thread Hans Wichman
this is a repost of an earlier post, which I hope is a bit clearer.
Why, if I run:
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
if(ctx == null ) throw new ServletException(Boom - No Context);
ds =
under tomcat 4.0.1 is a NEW DataSource object returned everytime?
I thought the idea was to have one pool created on context load that can be 
accessed through the initial context,
but instead a new db pool is returned after each such call...

Hope someone can help...

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RE: mysql connection pool

2003-07-28 Thread Mike Curwen
By 'new pool instance' do you mean that:

Context ctx = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup(java:comp/env/jdbc/TestDB);
System.out.println(ds instance :  + ds);

The result of System.out.println is always a different value ?  In this
case, it's not a new instance of the pool, it's the new variable that
refers to a single instance of the pool.   Just double checking.

 -Original Message-
 From: Hans Wichman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 9:27 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List; Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: mysql connection pool
 ok great, but why does the lookup for a datasource always 
 return a new pool 
 instance ?
 I am running tomcat 4.0.1, maybe that is the problem?
 hope you can help
 At 04:13 PM 7/28/2003 +0200, Ralph Einfeldt wrote:
 That doesn't happen under java.
 You have to explicitly free/close all resources
 that are more valuable than memory (file handles,
 db connections, ...)
 The finalizer is called by the garbage collector,
 which in turn can run any time or not even at all
 (if you don't consume enough memory).
  From the JavaDoc:
 Called by the garbage collector on an object when
 garbage collection determines that there are no
 more references to the object.
   -Original Message-
   From: Hans Wichman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 4:03 PM
   Subject: mysql connection pool
   does anyone know why I have to close the connection 
 retrieved from a 
   mysql  database connection pool ? Isn't the connection 
 returned to 
   the pool automatically when the object goes out of scope?
   And why is the datasource.getNumActive() value always 0 
 even though 
   I have multiple connections open ?
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RE: mysql connection pool

2003-07-28 Thread Hans Wichman
you are right, my pool is specified exactly the same as the mysql pool on:
At 04:39 PM 7/28/2003 +0200, Ralph Einfeldt wrote:
Sorry. havn't used mysql or dbcp, so can't help you
with this question.
To get answers from others I would suggest, that you
include more infos about the configuration of the pool
and how you access it. (And which version of the pool
you use)
 -Original Message-
 From: Hans Wichman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 4:27 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List; Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: mysql connection pool

 ok great, but why does the lookup for a datasource always
 return a new pool instance ?
 I am running tomcat 4.0.1, maybe that is the problem?

 hope you can help

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RE: connection pool recreated

2003-07-28 Thread Mike Curwen
Didn't know you were going to start a new thread.. see my question under
the previous one.  The DataSource in your code is NOT the pool.

 -Original Message-
 From: Hans Wichman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 9:45 AM
 Subject: connection pool recreated
 this is a repost of an earlier post, which I hope is a bit 
 clearer. Why, if I run:
  Context ctx = new InitialContext();
  if(ctx == null ) throw new ServletException(Boom - 
 No Context);
  ds =
 under tomcat 4.0.1 is a NEW DataSource object returned 
 everytime? I thought the idea was to have one pool created on 
 context load that can be 
 accessed through the initial context,
 but instead a new db pool is returned after each such call...
 Hope someone can help...
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RE: mysql connection pool

2003-07-28 Thread Hans Wichman
Hmm, ok, but why then is the getNumActive always 0 even if I do not 
explicitly close the connection.

Even worse:
If I specify I have max 2 connections (as an example) in the pool then I 
can repeat this :
Context ctx = new InitialContext()
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup(java:comp/env/jdbc/TestDB);

for ever and ever without emptying the pool, however if I do
Context ctx = new InitialContext()
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup(java:comp/env/jdbc/TestDB);
I get an exception. Now this latter behavior is what I expect. The former, 
if what you say is true, is
not what I expect, do you have any ideas?


At 09:44 AM 7/28/2003 -0500, Mike Curwen wrote:
By 'new pool instance' do you mean that:

Context ctx = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup(java:comp/env/jdbc/TestDB);
System.out.println(ds instance :  + ds);
The result of System.out.println is always a different value ?  In this
case, it's not a new instance of the pool, it's the new variable that
refers to a single instance of the pool.   Just double checking.

 -Original Message-
 From: Hans Wichman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 9:27 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List; Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: mysql connection pool

 ok great, but why does the lookup for a datasource always
 return a new pool
 instance ?
 I am running tomcat 4.0.1, maybe that is the problem?

 hope you can help

 At 04:13 PM 7/28/2003 +0200, Ralph Einfeldt wrote:
 That doesn't happen under java.
 You have to explicitly free/close all resources
 that are more valuable than memory (file handles,
 db connections, ...)
 The finalizer is called by the garbage collector,
 which in turn can run any time or not even at all
 (if you don't consume enough memory).
  From the JavaDoc:
 Called by the garbage collector on an object when
 garbage collection determines that there are no
 more references to the object.
   -Original Message-
   From: Hans Wichman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 4:03 PM
   Subject: mysql connection pool
   does anyone know why I have to close the connection
 retrieved from a
   mysql  database connection pool ? Isn't the connection
 returned to
   the pool automatically when the object goes out of scope?
   And why is the datasource.getNumActive() value always 0
 even though
   I have multiple connections open ?
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RE: connection pool recreated

2003-07-28 Thread Hans Wichman
I am sorry, I thought I was out of luck on that one ;-(, let's kill this 
thread, I have replied to your other post.
Thanks !

At 09:47 AM 7/28/2003 -0500, Mike Curwen wrote:
Didn't know you were going to start a new thread.. see my question under
the previous one.  The DataSource in your code is NOT the pool.
 -Original Message-
 From: Hans Wichman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 9:45 AM
 Subject: connection pool recreated

 this is a repost of an earlier post, which I hope is a bit
 clearer. Why, if I run:
  Context ctx = new InitialContext();
  if(ctx == null ) throw new ServletException(Boom -
 No Context);
  ds =
 under tomcat 4.0.1 is a NEW DataSource object returned
 everytime? I thought the idea was to have one pool created on
 context load that can be
 accessed through the initial context,
 but instead a new db pool is returned after each such call...

 Hope someone can help...


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Tomcat Education

2003-07-28 Thread Ben Johnson
Hello all,
I'm new to the Tomcat world and I'm desperately trying to find some
good resources to learn from.  I bought Professional Apache Tomcat (Wrox)
and it's decent but it's for version 3.0 or something.  I also have a
Servlet book from O'Reilly but it doesn't help when integrating with Tomcat.
I've spent an inordinate number of hours just trying to figure out how to
pull DataSources using the admin tool and I still haven't figured it out.

Anybody have any resource or book ideas?  Thanks!

Ben Johnson
Senior Software Developer
Collect America, LTD.
1999 Broadway, Suite 2150
Denver, CO 80202
[p]: 303.296.3345 x124

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Re: Tomcat Education

2003-07-28 Thread Reginald Oake
Hello Ben.

There are several (about a half dozen) books available for Struts right
now. There is an O'Reilly book called Programming Jakarta Struts and a
book by Ted Husted (acknowledged struts guru) called Struts in Action.
Both of these should be readily available at your local computer book


On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 09:11, Ben Johnson wrote:
 Hello all,
   I'm new to the Tomcat world and I'm desperately trying to find some
 good resources to learn from.  I bought Professional Apache Tomcat (Wrox)
 and it's decent but it's for version 3.0 or something.  I also have a
 Servlet book from O'Reilly but it doesn't help when integrating with Tomcat.
 I've spent an inordinate number of hours just trying to figure out how to
 pull DataSources using the admin tool and I still haven't figured it out.
 Anybody have any resource or book ideas?  Thanks!
 Ben Johnson
 Senior Software Developer
 Collect America, LTD.
 1999 Broadway, Suite 2150
 Denver, CO 80202
 [p]: 303.296.3345 x124
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RE: Tomcat Education

2003-07-28 Thread Dmitry Sklyut
Check this out.  I haven't looked at it yet, but it looks good

-Original Message-
From: Reginald Oake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 11:09 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat Education

Hello Ben.

There are several (about a half dozen) books available for Struts right
now. There is an O'Reilly book called Programming Jakarta Struts and a
book by Ted Husted (acknowledged struts guru) called Struts in Action.
Both of these should be readily available at your local computer book


On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 09:11, Ben Johnson wrote:
 Hello all,
   I'm new to the Tomcat world and I'm desperately trying to find some
 good resources to learn from.  I bought Professional Apache Tomcat (Wrox)
 and it's decent but it's for version 3.0 or something.  I also have a
 Servlet book from O'Reilly but it doesn't help when integrating with
 I've spent an inordinate number of hours just trying to figure out how to
 pull DataSources using the admin tool and I still haven't figured it out.
 Anybody have any resource or book ideas?  Thanks!
 Ben Johnson
 Senior Software Developer
 Collect America, LTD.
 1999 Broadway, Suite 2150
 Denver, CO 80202
 [p]: 303.296.3345 x124
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Apache / Tomcat RPM

2003-07-28 Thread Hari Om
how can I tell RPM (Red Hat Packet Manager) to install package in a certain 
I am using Red Hat Linux 7.1
I tried following:
#rpm -ivh apache.rpm

How can I tell RPM to install Apache in /usr/local (or any other userdefined 

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RE: Tomcat Education

2003-07-28 Thread Scott Stewart

Professional Apache Tomcat (covers 4.x)
Apache Tomcat Security Handbook
Professional Java Servlets 2.3

Apache Tomcat Bible

Also, the tomcat site ( is a good source of
info.  I have found that the best/fastest way to find your way to the doco
you need within this site is to use Google.


Scott Stewart
[Manager, Software Development]

work: 407-515-8656
cell  : 407-435-1036
fax   : 407-515-9001

ClearSky Mobile Media, Inc.
56 E. Pine St. Suite 200
Orlando, FL 32801

-Original Message-
From: Ben Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 11:12 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Tomcat Education

Hello all,
I'm new to the Tomcat world and I'm desperately trying to find some
good resources to learn from.  I bought Professional Apache Tomcat (Wrox)
and it's decent but it's for version 3.0 or something.  I also have a
Servlet book from O'Reilly but it doesn't help when integrating with Tomcat.
I've spent an inordinate number of hours just trying to figure out how to
pull DataSources using the admin tool and I still haven't figured it out.

Anybody have any resource or book ideas?  Thanks!

Ben Johnson
Senior Software Developer
Collect America, LTD.
1999 Broadway, Suite 2150
Denver, CO 80202
[p]: 303.296.3345 x124

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Re: Tomcat Education

2003-07-28 Thread Eric J. Pinnell
The Professional Apache Tomcat book is a good foundation how Tomcat works
but it is intended for more of a sys-admin type than a developer.  I
thought it was pretty good on that aspect.  Not many books cater to the
poor admins who could really care less about the inner workings of
someones tag library.

Various servlet and Struts books can help you with the java.

This list is a good place to learn.  It is the only source you will find
that is up to date.  By the time somebody gets around to writing a book
and it gets published it's already out of date.


On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, Ben Johnson wrote:

 Hello all,
   I'm new to the Tomcat world and I'm desperately trying to find some
 good resources to learn from.  I bought Professional Apache Tomcat (Wrox)
 and it's decent but it's for version 3.0 or something.  I also have a
 Servlet book from O'Reilly but it doesn't help when integrating with Tomcat.
 I've spent an inordinate number of hours just trying to figure out how to
 pull DataSources using the admin tool and I still haven't figured it out.

 Anybody have any resource or book ideas?  Thanks!

 Ben Johnson
 Senior Software Developer
 Collect America, LTD.
 1999 Broadway, Suite 2150
 Denver, CO 80202
 [p]: 303.296.3345 x124

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RE: Tomcat Education

2003-07-28 Thread Ben Johnson
 There are several (about a half dozen) books available 
 for Struts right now.

To be more specific, we're using Tomcat purely as a data marshalling layer
to push database information to the client as either CSV or XML data.  I
haven't worked with Struts before so I'm not sure if I still have a need for
it as I'm only working with the Model and not the View.

Also, we're working entirely with servlets so anything biased toward
servlets would be preferred.


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Re: Tomcat Education

2003-07-28 Thread John Turner
The Wrox book covers Tomcat 4.  I know this because I have a copy of it. 
 It's actually a pretty decent resource.

Someone sent me a copy of Mastering Tomcat Development, which looks 
pretty good from my brief skimming.

I think perhaps you should clarify what you mean by integrating with 
Tomcat.  The only thing I know of that causes difficulty with any of 
the number of servlet books out there is that the books typically use 
the Invoker servlet which has been disabled by default in Tomcat 4 for 
months (but is easily enabled if you must use it although it isn't 
recommended).  The Invoker servlet issue is clearly covered in the 
Tomcat FAQ, which is here:

There's the Application Development Guide:
There's the ClassLoader HOWTO, which will come in handy when you write 
your own classes and you want to know where to put them and why:

And the configuration reference:
You will save yourself a ton of time, effort, and grief if, when you 
experience a problem and can't solve it after a bit of time, you post 
here to the list.  You'll usually get an answer promptly, typically 
within an hour or so.

So, if you want to start another thread about your admin tool question, 
I'm pretty confident you will get an answer promptly, assuming your 
question is clearly worded and your post has specific information in it 
describing what you are trying to do.


Ben Johnson wrote:

Hello all,
I'm new to the Tomcat world and I'm desperately trying to find some
good resources to learn from.  I bought Professional Apache Tomcat (Wrox)
and it's decent but it's for version 3.0 or something.  I also have a
Servlet book from O'Reilly but it doesn't help when integrating with Tomcat.
I've spent an inordinate number of hours just trying to figure out how to
pull DataSources using the admin tool and I still haven't figured it out.
Anybody have any resource or book ideas?  Thanks!

Ben Johnson
Senior Software Developer
Collect America, LTD.
1999 Broadway, Suite 2150
Denver, CO 80202
[p]: 303.296.3345 x124

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Re: Apache / Tomcat RPM

2003-07-28 Thread John Turner
First, in general, you don't.  That's the whole purpose of an RPM.

Second, if you want to install Apache in /usr/local, the easiest thing 
in the world to do is download Apache from source and build it.  This is 
covered in my HOWTO, step by step:

Third, if you still must use RPM, you might try the man pages for rpm 
(man rpm) and consult the --relocate option, which may or may not be 


Hari Om wrote:

how can I tell RPM (Red Hat Packet Manager) to install package in a 
certain directory?
I am using Red Hat Linux 7.1
I tried following:

#rpm -ivh apache.rpm

How can I tell RPM to install Apache in /usr/local (or any other 
userdefined directory)?

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Admin DataSource Usage

2003-07-28 Thread Ben Johnson
I've seen several places where setting up a DataSource is documented
but it's always through the web.xml file.  This post is for two questions.
First, is it better to setup a DataSource through the web.xml file or is it
better to setup through the admin tool and are there benefits to one or the
other?  We only have one application here so an per-application restricted
DataSource is not needed.  

Second, once I do have the DataSource setup through the admin tool, how do I
go about using it through a servlet?

Ben Johnson
Senior Software Developer
Collect America, LTD.
1999 Broadway, Suite 2150
Denver, CO 80202
[p]: 303.296.3345 x124

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A problem with configuring tomcat with apache.

2003-07-28 Thread J. Joe Wang
Dear all,

I am trying to configure tomcat 4.0.4 with apache 1.3.26 on redhat 7.2.
The installation of apache is a normal one. i.e. ./configure, make, make
install. The installation of tomcat 4.0.4 is also a normal one. And I
followed the install.txt come with webapp_module. 
(1)copy apache directory/libexec/., 
(2)modified apache httpd.conf with LoadModule webapp_module
libexec/ and AddModule mod_webapp.c, 
IfModule mod_webapp.c
WebAppConnection warpConn warp localhost:8008
WebAppDeploy examples warpConn /examples
WebAppInfo /webapp-info
to the end of httpd.conf.

But when I tried to start the apache, it gave out a warn and couldn't be
Here is the message.
[warn] module mod_webapp.c is already added, skippingSyntax error on
line 1037 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:

Both of the WebAppDeploy examples warpConn /examples and WebAppInfo
/webapp-info can give out this warn message. If I removed them, then the
apache can be started. 

So can anybody help me out with this problem. I guess it is due to some
mis-configuration, but I really have no idea what is wrong. 

Any information will be highly appreciated!


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Session\Security Checking

2003-07-28 Thread Robert Priest
How can I check for a Valid session id before allowing access to a file?

For example:

- I have a directory containing files for download:
- but before you download a file, say abc.jar (by using
http://localhost/myservlet/downloaddir/abc.jar;), I want to make sure that
you have a valid session id. If your
session id is invalid, you get an access denied page. if not, a http
download is started.

so I guess what I want is to intercept any request to that downloaddir
and perform session\security checking (by another servlet or jsp page)
before allowing access... 

Now, is adding additional servlet\jsp the best way to go about this, or is
there a better way through Tomcat configuration?


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Re: A problem with configuring tomcat with apache.

2003-07-28 Thread John Turner
Are you sure there is only one LoadModule/AddModule pair for mod_webapp?

What is on line 1037 of httpd.conf?


J. Joe Wang wrote:
Dear all,

I am trying to configure tomcat 4.0.4 with apache 1.3.26 on redhat 7.2.
The installation of apache is a normal one. i.e. ./configure, make, make
install. The installation of tomcat 4.0.4 is also a normal one. And I
followed the install.txt come with webapp_module. 
(1)copy apache directory/libexec/., 
(2)modified apache httpd.conf with LoadModule webapp_module
libexec/ and AddModule mod_webapp.c, 
IfModule mod_webapp.c
WebAppConnection warpConn warp localhost:8008
WebAppDeploy examples warpConn /examples
WebAppInfo /webapp-info
to the end of httpd.conf.

But when I tried to start the apache, it gave out a warn and couldn't be
Here is the message.
[warn] module mod_webapp.c is already added, skippingSyntax error on
line 1037 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:

Both of the WebAppDeploy examples warpConn /examples and WebAppInfo
/webapp-info can give out this warn message. If I removed them, then the
apache can be started. 

So can anybody help me out with this problem. I guess it is due to some
mis-configuration, but I really have no idea what is wrong. 

Any information will be highly appreciated!


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JNDIRealm using LDAP with SSL

2003-07-28 Thread Chris Egolf
Does anyone have any experience getting ldaps working w/ the JDNIRealms in 
Tomcat 4.1.24?  Regular LDAP is working fine, but when I change the connection 
URL to ldaps://ldap-host:636 I get the following error:

2003-07-28 09:40:49 JNDIRealm[Standalone]: Connecting to URL ldaps://
2003-07-28 09:40:50 JNDIRealm[Standalone]: Exception performing authentication
javax.naming.CommunicationException: simple bind failed: [Root 
exception is Connection has been shutdown: 
No trusted certificate found]

My Realm element in server.xml:

Realm  className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm debug=99
Like I said, this works if connectionURL=ldap://;.  I can connect 
to the LDAP server (Novell eDirectory) via SSL using a Java browser if I accept 
the certificate, so I wonder if that might have something to do with it.

I've also successfully followed the Config-SSL-HOWTO, accepted the certificate 
from the server and setup the keystore for the connector as described, but I get 
the feeling that this is strictly for enabling SSL over HTTP.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Session\Security Checking

2003-07-28 Thread Rick Roberts
Any of the container authentication methods do this for you.

Look into BASIC AUTH, FORM AUTH and JDBC Realm and you should find all you 
need to know about how that works.

Once you decide which AUTH method is best for your situation, we can help you 
get it working.

Robert Priest wrote:
How can I check for a Valid session id before allowing access to a file?

For example:

- I have a directory containing files for download:
- but before you download a file, say abc.jar (by using
http://localhost/myservlet/downloaddir/abc.jar;), I want to make sure that
you have a valid session id. If your
session id is invalid, you get an access denied page. if not, a http
download is started.
so I guess what I want is to intercept any request to that downloaddir
and perform session\security checking (by another servlet or jsp page)
before allowing access... 

Now, is adding additional servlet\jsp the best way to go about this, or is
there a better way through Tomcat configuration?

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* Rick Roberts*
* Advanced Information Technologies, Inc. *
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Re: A problem with configuring tomcat with apache.

2003-07-28 Thread J. Joe Wang
Hi John,

Thanks for the reply!
Yeah, there is only one LoadModule/AddModule pair for mod_webapp. 
Here is the LoadModule/AddModule block in my httpd.conf.
  LoadModule php4_modulelibexec/
  LoadModule webapp_module libexec/

  AddModule mod_webapp.c

The line 1035 is
  IfModule mod_webapp.c
The line 1036 is 
  WebAppConnection warpConn warp localhost:8008
The line 1037 is 
  WebAppDeploy examples warpConn /examples
The line 1038 is 
  WebAppInfo /webapp-info
And the line 1039 (last line of httpd.conf)

If I remove line 1037 and 1038, then the apache can be started. 


On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 10:42, John Turner wrote:
 Are you sure there is only one LoadModule/AddModule pair for mod_webapp?
 What is on line 1037 of httpd.conf?
 J. Joe Wang wrote:
  Dear all,
  I am trying to configure tomcat 4.0.4 with apache 1.3.26 on redhat 7.2.
  The installation of apache is a normal one. i.e. ./configure, make, make
  install. The installation of tomcat 4.0.4 is also a normal one. And I
  followed the install.txt come with webapp_module. 
  (1)copy apache directory/libexec/., 
  (2)modified apache httpd.conf with LoadModule webapp_module
  libexec/ and AddModule mod_webapp.c, 
  IfModule mod_webapp.c
  WebAppConnection warpConn warp localhost:8008
  WebAppDeploy examples warpConn /examples
  WebAppInfo /webapp-info
  to the end of httpd.conf.
  But when I tried to start the apache, it gave out a warn and couldn't be
  Here is the message.
  [warn] module mod_webapp.c is already added, skippingSyntax error on
  line 1037 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
  Both of the WebAppDeploy examples warpConn /examples and WebAppInfo
  /webapp-info can give out this warn message. If I removed them, then the
  apache can be started. 
  So can anybody help me out with this problem. I guess it is due to some
  mis-configuration, but I really have no idea what is wrong. 
  Any information will be highly appreciated!
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Re: Session\Security Checking

2003-07-28 Thread Rick Roberts
Found a link for ya:

Robert Priest wrote:
How can I check for a Valid session id before allowing access to a file?

For example:

- I have a directory containing files for download:
- but before you download a file, say abc.jar (by using
http://localhost/myservlet/downloaddir/abc.jar;), I want to make sure that
you have a valid session id. If your
session id is invalid, you get an access denied page. if not, a http
download is started.
so I guess what I want is to intercept any request to that downloaddir
and perform session\security checking (by another servlet or jsp page)
before allowing access... 

Now, is adding additional servlet\jsp the best way to go about this, or is
there a better way through Tomcat configuration?

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* Rick Roberts*
* Advanced Information Technologies, Inc. *
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Reload Webapp

2003-07-28 Thread ttahbaz
Hi All,
Sorry to repost this question, but I don't think my first post made it and I 
haven't figured out how to do this yet.  I'm wondering if there is any way to 
have a servlet (or Struts Action) reload the current web context in a similar 
way that the ManagerServlet does, or do I need to have a separate webapp (like 
the manager webapp) to do this?  I need to have a user configure some settings 
through a form, write those settings to a props file and then reload the webapp 
so that the settings take affect. Any Ideas?

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RE: Session\Security Checking

2003-07-28 Thread Robert Priest
thanks, rick. I appreciate the info. But I am not sure that we want to use
realm for our solution. But I certainly think it is feasible. 

I think we are more in the market for some sort of simple session guard.
Please allow me to explain a little further. Then I would like to hear your
opinion about the suggested approach versus adding a REALM:

the URL for the download will contain a session id for the user. So if you
will allow me to modify my example:

Say user A logs in and has a session id of 1 and wants to download
abc.jar. He will be redirected to the url:

now I would like to put in place a guard servlet. So in myservlet's web.xml
I will add 


The intention is for the Guard servlet to:

1. Inspect the url for sessionid (1 in this case).
2. Get it and compare it to the current session id (session.getID()).
3. if the two match, then start an http download.
4. If not then, throw up an Access Denied error page.

That is pretty much all we need to do. I also don't want to add basic\Form
authentication at this point for those directories. We simply want to match
whether the session id in the url is the same as the one the current user is

That way, if another user, who will have a different session number (3 or
what have you) tries to paste in:  


he\she will get an access denied.

Is that more understandable?

We are trying to prevent cutting and pasting of urls.

We are mainly concerned with just providing\denying access to this directory
and not security to an entire web application where I think the REALM would
be more applicable (i am not sure whether that is right or wrong...).

-Original Message-
From: Rick Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:09 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Session\Security Checking

Found a link for ya:


Robert Priest wrote:
 How can I check for a Valid session id before allowing access to a file?
 For example:
 - I have a directory containing files for download:
 - but before you download a file, say abc.jar (by using
 http://localhost/myservlet/downloaddir/abc.jar;), I want to make sure
 you have a valid session id. If your
 session id is invalid, you get an access denied page. if not, a http
 download is started.
 so I guess what I want is to intercept any request to that downloaddir
 and perform session\security checking (by another servlet or jsp page)
 before allowing access... 
 Now, is adding additional servlet\jsp the best way to go about this, or is
 there a better way through Tomcat configuration?
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* Rick Roberts*
* Advanced Information Technologies, Inc. *

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Problem with the connector part

2003-07-28 Thread batristain
I'm trying to get mod_jk set up on my apache ssl server running tomcat and I'm
having problems with the jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk-1.2.2-src.  When I try to
configure I get an error message and I was hoping someone could
help me out

This is what happens

 cd native
# ./
libtoolize --force --automake --copy
libtoolize: `' does not exist
Try `libtoolize --help' for more information.
aclocal: `' or `' is required
automake -a --foreign -i --copy
automake: `' or `' is required
autoconf: no input file
# ./configure
ksh: ./configure:  not found
# chmod 755
# ./
libtoolize --force --automake --copy
libtoolize: `' does not exist
Try `libtoolize --help' for more information.
aclocal: `' or `' is required
automake -a --foreign -i --copy
automake: `' or `' is required
autoconf: no input file


Bobbie Atristain
Internet Systems Administrator
Media General, INC.

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RE: Session\Security Checking

2003-07-28 Thread Mike Curwen
I think using a realm and simply setting up /downloaddir/* as a
'protected resource' is the way to go.  The functionality you're looking
for has already been implemented by Container-Managed Auth.
Also.. if you use a container AUTH scheme, then you don't need the
Session ID in the URL.  The mere presence of a session will prove that
your user is logged in and authenticated.

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Priest [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 11:25 AM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: Session\Security Checking
 thanks, rick. I appreciate the info. But I am not sure that 
 we want to use realm for our solution. But I certainly think 
 it is feasible. 
 I think we are more in the market for some sort of simple 
 session guard. Please allow me to explain a little further. 
 Then I would like to hear your opinion about the suggested 
 approach versus adding a REALM:
 the URL for the download will contain a session id for the 
 user. So if you will allow me to modify my example:
 Say user A logs in and has a session id of 1 and wants to 
 download abc.jar. He will be redirected to the url: 
 now I would like to put in place a guard servlet. So in 
 myservlet's web.xml I will add 
 The intention is for the Guard servlet to:
 1. Inspect the url for sessionid (1 in this case).
 2. Get it and compare it to the current session id 
 (session.getID()). 3. if the two match, then start an http 
 download. 4. If not then, throw up an Access Denied error page.
 That is pretty much all we need to do. I also don't want to 
 add basic\Form authentication at this point for those 
 directories. We simply want to match whether the session id 
 in the url is the same as the one the current user is using.
 That way, if another user, who will have a different session 
 number (3 or what have you) tries to paste in:  
 he\she will get an access denied.
 Is that more understandable?
 We are trying to prevent cutting and pasting of urls.
 We are mainly concerned with just providing\denying access to 
 this directory and not security to an entire web application 
 where I think the REALM would be more applicable (i am not 
 sure whether that is right or wrong...).
 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:09 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Session\Security Checking
 Found a link for ya:
 Robert Priest wrote:
  How can I check for a Valid session id before allowing access to a 
  For example:
  - I have a directory containing files for download: 
  - but before you download a file, say abc.jar (by using 
  http://localhost/myservlet/downloaddir/abc.jar;), I want 
 to make sure
  you have a valid session id. If your
  session id is invalid, you get an access denied page. if 
 not, a http 
  download is started.
  so I guess what I want is to intercept any request to that 
  downloaddir and perform session\security checking (by another 
  servlet or jsp page) before allowing access...
  Now, is adding additional servlet\jsp the best way to go 
 about this, 
  or is there a better way through Tomcat configuration?
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 * Rick Roberts*
 * Advanced Information Technologies, Inc. *
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Post-authentication tasks

2003-07-28 Thread Sasha Borodin
I'd like to get some suggestions for performing post-authentication tasks
while using Container Managed Authentication.

Craig Berry suggested a filter that checks the session for necessary
attributes, and creates them if they're missing.  This check would be
performed on every request however.

Has anyone implemented a different approach to this problem?  I'd like to
find a solution in which the extra tasks are performed just ONCE, somehow
triggered by the container authentication.  Please reference my previous
post on a filter vs. session attribute listener approach.

Thanks for any suggestions.

-Sasha Borodin

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Re: A problem with configuring tomcat with apache.

2003-07-28 Thread Eric J. Pinnell

This is the mod_webapp config that comes with Solaris.  I think I ran it
for about a day or two.

in httpd.conf the last line is:

include /etc/apache/tomcat.conf


LoadModule webapp_modulelibexec/
AddModule mod_webapp.c
# WebAppInfo  /webapp-info

So not much different from your file except for a trailing slash on
/examples/ .
They also comment out WebAppInfo by default for security reasons.

There is no ifmodule statement.  If you want to turn tomcat off you
comment out the include from httpd.conf.


On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, J. Joe Wang wrote:

 Hi John,

 Thanks for the reply!
 Yeah, there is only one LoadModule/AddModule pair for mod_webapp.
 Here is the LoadModule/AddModule block in my httpd.conf.
   LoadModule php4_modulelibexec/
   LoadModule webapp_module libexec/

   AddModule mod_webapp.c

 The line 1035 is
   IfModule mod_webapp.c
 The line 1036 is
   WebAppConnection warpConn warp localhost:8008
 The line 1037 is
   WebAppDeploy examples warpConn /examples
 The line 1038 is
   WebAppInfo /webapp-info
 And the line 1039 (last line of httpd.conf)

 If I remove line 1037 and 1038, then the apache can be started.


 On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 10:42, John Turner wrote:
  Are you sure there is only one LoadModule/AddModule pair for mod_webapp?
  What is on line 1037 of httpd.conf?
  J. Joe Wang wrote:
   Dear all,
   I am trying to configure tomcat 4.0.4 with apache 1.3.26 on redhat 7.2.
   The installation of apache is a normal one. i.e. ./configure, make, make
   install. The installation of tomcat 4.0.4 is also a normal one. And I
   followed the install.txt come with webapp_module.
   (1)copy apache directory/libexec/.,
   (2)modified apache httpd.conf with LoadModule webapp_module
   libexec/ and AddModule mod_webapp.c,
   IfModule mod_webapp.c
   WebAppConnection warpConn warp localhost:8008
   WebAppDeploy examples warpConn /examples
   WebAppInfo /webapp-info
   to the end of httpd.conf.
   But when I tried to start the apache, it gave out a warn and couldn't be
   Here is the message.
   [warn] module mod_webapp.c is already added, skippingSyntax error on
   line 1037 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
   Both of the WebAppDeploy examples warpConn /examples and WebAppInfo
   /webapp-info can give out this warn message. If I removed them, then the
   apache can be started.
   So can anybody help me out with this problem. I guess it is due to some
   mis-configuration, but I really have no idea what is wrong.
   Any information will be highly appreciated!
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RE: Session\Security Checking

2003-07-28 Thread Robert Priest
But I still need to change how my user are authenticated, correct. I now
need to handle that authentication through the realm instead of a Form on
our page now, right?

-Original Message-
From: Mike Curwen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:33 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Session\Security Checking

I think using a realm and simply setting up /downloaddir/* as a
'protected resource' is the way to go.  The functionality you're looking
for has already been implemented by Container-Managed Auth.
Also.. if you use a container AUTH scheme, then you don't need the
Session ID in the URL.  The mere presence of a session will prove that
your user is logged in and authenticated.

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Priest [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 11:25 AM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: Session\Security Checking
 thanks, rick. I appreciate the info. But I am not sure that 
 we want to use realm for our solution. But I certainly think 
 it is feasible. 
 I think we are more in the market for some sort of simple 
 session guard. Please allow me to explain a little further. 
 Then I would like to hear your opinion about the suggested 
 approach versus adding a REALM:
 the URL for the download will contain a session id for the 
 user. So if you will allow me to modify my example:
 Say user A logs in and has a session id of 1 and wants to 
 download abc.jar. He will be redirected to the url: 
 now I would like to put in place a guard servlet. So in 
 myservlet's web.xml I will add 
 The intention is for the Guard servlet to:
 1. Inspect the url for sessionid (1 in this case).
 2. Get it and compare it to the current session id 
 (session.getID()). 3. if the two match, then start an http 
 download. 4. If not then, throw up an Access Denied error page.
 That is pretty much all we need to do. I also don't want to 
 add basic\Form authentication at this point for those 
 directories. We simply want to match whether the session id 
 in the url is the same as the one the current user is using.
 That way, if another user, who will have a different session 
 number (3 or what have you) tries to paste in:  
 he\she will get an access denied.
 Is that more understandable?
 We are trying to prevent cutting and pasting of urls.
 We are mainly concerned with just providing\denying access to 
 this directory and not security to an entire web application 
 where I think the REALM would be more applicable (i am not 
 sure whether that is right or wrong...).
 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:09 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Session\Security Checking
 Found a link for ya:
 Robert Priest wrote:
  How can I check for a Valid session id before allowing access to a 
  For example:
  - I have a directory containing files for download: 
  - but before you download a file, say abc.jar (by using 
  http://localhost/myservlet/downloaddir/abc.jar;), I want 
 to make sure
  you have a valid session id. If your
  session id is invalid, you get an access denied page. if 
 not, a http 
  download is started.
  so I guess what I want is to intercept any request to that 
  downloaddir and perform session\security checking (by another 
  servlet or jsp page) before allowing access...
  Now, is adding additional servlet\jsp the best way to go 
 about this, 
  or is there a better way through Tomcat configuration?
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 * Rick Roberts*
 * Advanced Information Technologies, Inc. *
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Virtual Directories under tomcat?

2003-07-28 Thread Robert Priest
How do I create a virtual directory under tomcat? For instance

/DownloadDir/   - maps to - c:\temp\downloads\

In a url a user would enter something like:

http://localhost/myservlet/downloaddir/abc.txtto access the files in

I wouldn't use a context for that, would I? Doesn't a Context represent a
Web Application, not just a directory?

Anyone have any information on setting one up?

Thank you in advance...

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Re: Session\Security Checking

2003-07-28 Thread Rick Roberts

Robert Priest wrote:
the URL for the download will contain a session id for the user. So if you
will allow me to modify my example:
Say user A logs in and has a session id of 1 and wants to download
abc.jar. He will be redirected to the url:
now I would like to put in place a guard servlet. So in myservlet's web.xml
I will add 

The intention is for the Guard servlet to:

1. Inspect the url for sessionid (1 in this case).
2. Get it and compare it to the current session id (session.getID()).
3. if the two match, then start an http download.
4. If not then, throw up an Access Denied error page.
I don't think there is anyway to implement this concept.
Because, you can't know the value of session.getID() in advance.
Therefore you can't set up the downloaddir as described.
I suppose you could figure out a way to do what you want without using container 
managed authentication, but I can't think of a good reason to not use it.

* Rick Roberts*
* Advanced Information Technologies, Inc. *
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RE: Session\Security Checking

2003-07-28 Thread Mike Curwen
If you've already implemented your own access control, then certainly it
might be more feasible to extend that to this set of pages.  A filter
might be the best, if you can use a 2.3 compliant container.
The filter would simply check for the presence of a session.  If there
isn't one, sendRedirect() to a login page.  Else, the filter will just
'pass through' the request. The filter can  be mapped to any requests
for  /downloaddir/* 

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Priest [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 11:46 AM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: Session\Security Checking
 But I still need to change how my user are authenticated, 
 correct. I now need to handle that authentication through the 
 realm instead of a Form on our page now, right?
 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Curwen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:33 PM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: Session\Security Checking
 I think using a realm and simply setting up /downloaddir/* as 
 a 'protected resource' is the way to go.  The functionality 
 you're looking for has already been implemented by 
 Container-Managed Auth.
 Also.. if you use a container AUTH scheme, then you don't 
 need the Session ID in the URL.  The mere presence of a 
 session will prove that your user is logged in and authenticated.
  -Original Message-
  From: Robert Priest [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 11:25 AM
  To: 'Tomcat Users List'
  Subject: RE: Session\Security Checking
  thanks, rick. I appreciate the info. But I am not sure that
  we want to use realm for our solution. But I certainly think 
  it is feasible. 
  I think we are more in the market for some sort of simple
  session guard. Please allow me to explain a little further. 
  Then I would like to hear your opinion about the suggested 
  approach versus adding a REALM:
  the URL for the download will contain a session id for the
  user. So if you will allow me to modify my example:
  Say user A logs in and has a session id of 1 and wants to
  download abc.jar. He will be redirected to the url: 
  now I would like to put in place a guard servlet. So in
  myservlet's web.xml I will add 
  The intention is for the Guard servlet to:
  1. Inspect the url for sessionid (1 in this case).
  2. Get it and compare it to the current session id
  (session.getID()). 3. if the two match, then start an http 
  download. 4. If not then, throw up an Access Denied error page.
  That is pretty much all we need to do. I also don't want to
  add basic\Form authentication at this point for those 
  directories. We simply want to match whether the session id 
  in the url is the same as the one the current user is using.
  That way, if another user, who will have a different session
  number (3 or what have you) tries to paste in:  
  he\she will get an access denied.
  Is that more understandable?
  We are trying to prevent cutting and pasting of urls.
  We are mainly concerned with just providing\denying access to
  this directory and not security to an entire web application 
  where I think the REALM would be more applicable (i am not 
  sure whether that is right or wrong...).
  -Original Message-
  From: Rick Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:09 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: Session\Security Checking
  Found a link for ya:
  Robert Priest wrote:
   How can I check for a Valid session id before allowing access to a
   For example:
   - I have a directory containing files for download:
   - but before you download a file, say abc.jar (by using 
   http://localhost/myservlet/downloaddir/abc.jar;), I want 
  to make sure
   you have a valid session id. If your
   session id is invalid, you get an access denied page. if
  not, a http
   download is started.
   so I guess what I want is to intercept any request to that
   downloaddir and perform session\security checking (by another 
   servlet or jsp page) before allowing access...
   Now, is adding additional servlet\jsp the best way to go
  about this,
   or is there a better way through Tomcat configuration?
   To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   For additional commands, e-mail: 
  * Rick Roberts*
  * Advanced Information Technologies, Inc. *

application scope variable lost

2003-07-28 Thread Vladimer Shioshvili
I have three contexts running basically the same application. (one is 
semi-production, and two sandboxes). All of them having bunch of hasmaps in 
the application scope to use as a reference. there is only one servlet per 
application that actually does writing to these hashmaps, the rest of the 
pages/servlets only read the values. the servlet that creates the hashmaps 
is loaded on startup and has no doGet, or doPost methods. everything seemed 
fine until this morning out of blue i noticed that all three contexts have 
empty hashmaps. they were fine earlier this morning though.

this is something i was not ready for.. any clues or suggestions what could 
be the cause? any help is appreciated..


Vladimer Shioshvili
QRC Division of Macro International Inc.
7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 400W
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: (301) 657 3077 ext. 155 

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Internal Servlet Error

2003-07-28 Thread Armenio Pinto
Hi there,

I'm currently running Tomcat 3.2.4 in Redhat 7.3 . The problem only occurs
in Linux, if I zip the Tomcat directory and run it in Windows, everything
works fine. My frontend system craches with the following exception. Has
anyone experienced this before? Thanks in advance,

Error: 500
Location: /adsl/layouts/mainLayout.jsp
Internal Servlet Error:
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
Root cause: 
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.loadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(

Re: Strange request.setAttribute() problem

2003-07-28 Thread Charles So

I believe each browser (Opera, Netscape, or whatever) *creates* a  
unique Request object in Tomcat. I have checked this, and this is  
indeed true.

By the look of things, it seems that although Request objects are not  
the same, the variable stored in them will reference the same value.

Tim, are you saying if browser A posts a form to TC, the variables  
within the form will be treated as static variables and visible to the  
JSP page displaying the variables in browser B, C, D ... 

Let me be a bit more specific:

The   BillingShippingHome.jsp has this code:

private int itemnumber = -1;
if ( request.getParameter(itemnumber) != null ) {
try {
itemnumber =  
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
System.out.println(itemnumber is  + itemnumber);
form name=abc method=post action=/mall/WelcomeServlet
input type=hidden name=itemnumber value=

Servlet A:

	doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)  
throws IOException, ServletException {
   gotoPage(/BillingShippingHome.jsp, request, response);


Sequence of result :

Browser A displaying BillingShippingHome.jsp

itemnumber = -1
.. change the itemnumber to say, 0 via javascript... and post this  
form to Servlet A ...
goes back to BillingShippingHome.jsp

itemnumber now = 0  [correct]

Browser B now displays BillingShippingHome.jsp

itemnumber = 0! [should be -1]

What gives?

-Original Message-
From: Tim Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 07:53
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Strange request.setAttribute() problem
This is the correct behavior. In this scenario, you are operating on  
request, not the session.

request.getParameter -- Get stuff from the query string (or input  
stream if

post) - a per request thing

request.setAttribute -- Set an attribute in the life of this  


Charles So wrote:
Hello, I come across a problem with TC4.1.24 and hope fellow list  
can help me...

I set a variable in a servlet by calling:


A JSP will then detect if this variable exists or not by:

if ( request.getParameter(itemnumber) != null ) {
try {
itemnumber =
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {

I have two different web browsers opened (say, one IE and one Opera),
and both eventually will come to the page containing the code above.
The strange thing is that if the variable itemnumber is set via IE,
the same itemnumber will be seen at Opera!
This shouldn't happen as both have different session ID, and are
completely unrelated.

Who has come across this problem? How can I work around this?


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RE: Session\Security Checking

2003-07-28 Thread Robert Priest
Ok. thanks. 

Do you have any links to the proper documentation for doing this?

When you say filter, you are not speaking of a Realm are you?

Could you clarify for me?

-Original Message-
From: Mike Curwen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:55 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Session\Security Checking

If you've already implemented your own access control, then certainly it
might be more feasible to extend that to this set of pages.  A filter
might be the best, if you can use a 2.3 compliant container.
The filter would simply check for the presence of a session.  If there
isn't one, sendRedirect() to a login page.  Else, the filter will just
'pass through' the request. The filter can  be mapped to any requests
for  /downloaddir/* 

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Priest [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 11:46 AM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: Session\Security Checking
 But I still need to change how my user are authenticated, 
 correct. I now need to handle that authentication through the 
 realm instead of a Form on our page now, right?
 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Curwen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:33 PM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: Session\Security Checking
 I think using a realm and simply setting up /downloaddir/* as 
 a 'protected resource' is the way to go.  The functionality 
 you're looking for has already been implemented by 
 Container-Managed Auth.
 Also.. if you use a container AUTH scheme, then you don't 
 need the Session ID in the URL.  The mere presence of a 
 session will prove that your user is logged in and authenticated.
  -Original Message-
  From: Robert Priest [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 11:25 AM
  To: 'Tomcat Users List'
  Subject: RE: Session\Security Checking
  thanks, rick. I appreciate the info. But I am not sure that
  we want to use realm for our solution. But I certainly think 
  it is feasible. 
  I think we are more in the market for some sort of simple
  session guard. Please allow me to explain a little further. 
  Then I would like to hear your opinion about the suggested 
  approach versus adding a REALM:
  the URL for the download will contain a session id for the
  user. So if you will allow me to modify my example:
  Say user A logs in and has a session id of 1 and wants to
  download abc.jar. He will be redirected to the url: 
  now I would like to put in place a guard servlet. So in
  myservlet's web.xml I will add 
  The intention is for the Guard servlet to:
  1. Inspect the url for sessionid (1 in this case).
  2. Get it and compare it to the current session id
  (session.getID()). 3. if the two match, then start an http 
  download. 4. If not then, throw up an Access Denied error page.
  That is pretty much all we need to do. I also don't want to
  add basic\Form authentication at this point for those 
  directories. We simply want to match whether the session id 
  in the url is the same as the one the current user is using.
  That way, if another user, who will have a different session
  number (3 or what have you) tries to paste in:  
  he\she will get an access denied.
  Is that more understandable?
  We are trying to prevent cutting and pasting of urls.
  We are mainly concerned with just providing\denying access to
  this directory and not security to an entire web application 
  where I think the REALM would be more applicable (i am not 
  sure whether that is right or wrong...).
  -Original Message-
  From: Rick Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:09 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: Session\Security Checking
  Found a link for ya:
  Robert Priest wrote:
   How can I check for a Valid session id before allowing access to a
   For example:
   - I have a directory containing files for download:
   - but before you download a file, say abc.jar (by using 
   http://localhost/myservlet/downloaddir/abc.jar;), I want 
  to make sure
   you have a valid session id. If your
   session id is invalid, you get an access denied page. if
  not, a http
   download is started.
   so I guess what I want is to intercept any request to that
   downloaddir and perform session\security checking (by another 
   servlet or jsp page) before allowing access...
   Now, is adding additional servlet\jsp the best way to go
  about this,
   or is there a better way through Tomcat configuration?

Re: JNDIRealm using LDAP with SSL

2003-07-28 Thread Jeff Tulley
We've done exactly that.  What you need to do is import the root
certificate into a .keystore file.  I'm not sure if Tomcat will pick up
the default cacerts file, or if you always have to specify it like we
did ( etc)  My
guess is that you can set that in the file in
java\lib\security instead of specifying it on the command line.

If you are doing this on a NetWare server, here is something similar to
what we use to import the certificate:

keytool -import -v -noprompt -trustcacerts -file
sys:/public/RootCert.der -keystore sys:/adminsrv/conf/.keystore
-storepass changeit

If you are running eDirectory on something besides the server, I'm not
exactly sure how to get the RootCert.der file, I'm guessing it can be
done as an export from ConsoleOne.  

Oh, I just read the bottom of your message where you said you have done
some work with the keystore.  It looks like the documentation is a
little different for just setting up the SSL connector.  Try doing the
import of the root certificate and see if it works any better.  

Good luck,

Jeff Tulley  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Novell, Inc., The Leading Provider of Net Business Solutions

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7/28/03 9:49:56 AM 
Does anyone have any experience getting ldaps working w/ the JDNIRealms
Tomcat 4.1.24?  Regular LDAP is working fine, but when I change the
URL to ldaps://ldap-host:636 I get the following error:

2003-07-28 09:40:49 JNDIRealm[Standalone]: Connecting to URL
2003-07-28 09:40:50 JNDIRealm[Standalone]: Exception performing
javax.naming.CommunicationException: simple bind failed:
exception is Connection has been shutdown: 
No trusted certificate found]

My Realm element in server.xml:

Realm  className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm debug=99



Like I said, this works if connectionURL=ldap://;.  I can
to the LDAP server (Novell eDirectory) via SSL using a Java browser if
I accept 
the certificate, so I wonder if that might have something to do with

I've also successfully followed the Config-SSL-HOWTO, accepted the
from the server and setup the keystore for the connector as described,
but I get 
the feeling that this is strictly for enabling SSL over HTTP.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: A problem with configuring tomcat with apache.

2003-07-28 Thread John Turner
Sounds like you have mod_webapp loaded anyway.  Is it statically linked 
or somehing?

Sorry, I don't use mod_webapp (and you shouldn't, either! ;) ), so I 
can't help much beyond the basic Apache-related config stuff like 
LoadModule and AddModule.


J. Joe Wang wrote:

Hi John,

Thanks for the reply!
Yeah, there is only one LoadModule/AddModule pair for mod_webapp. 
Here is the LoadModule/AddModule block in my httpd.conf.
  LoadModule php4_modulelibexec/
  LoadModule webapp_module libexec/

  AddModule mod_webapp.c

The line 1035 is
  IfModule mod_webapp.c
The line 1036 is 
  WebAppConnection warpConn warp localhost:8008
The line 1037 is 
  WebAppDeploy examples warpConn /examples
The line 1038 is 
  WebAppInfo /webapp-info
And the line 1039 (last line of httpd.conf)

If I remove line 1037 and 1038, then the apache can be started. 


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RE: Session\Security Checking

2003-07-28 Thread Mike Curwen
Nope, Filters are new to Servlets 2.3

Also, download the Servlet spec, it's full of great info, and not just
about Filters.

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Priest [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:13 PM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: Session\Security Checking
 Ok. thanks. 
 Do you have any links to the proper documentation for doing this?
 When you say filter, you are not speaking of a Realm are you?
 Could you clarify for me?
 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Curwen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:55 PM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: Session\Security Checking
 If you've already implemented your own access control, then 
 certainly it might be more feasible to extend that to this 
 set of pages.  A filter might be the best, if you can use a 
 2.3 compliant container.
 The filter would simply check for the presence of a session.  
 If there isn't one, sendRedirect() to a login page.  Else, 
 the filter will just 'pass through' the request. The filter 
 can  be mapped to any requests for  /downloaddir/* 
  -Original Message-
  From: Robert Priest [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 11:46 AM
  To: 'Tomcat Users List'
  Subject: RE: Session\Security Checking
  But I still need to change how my user are authenticated,
  correct. I now need to handle that authentication through the 
  realm instead of a Form on our page now, right?
  -Original Message-
  From: Mike Curwen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:33 PM
  To: 'Tomcat Users List'
  Subject: RE: Session\Security Checking
  I think using a realm and simply setting up /downloaddir/* as
  a 'protected resource' is the way to go.  The functionality 
  you're looking for has already been implemented by 
  Container-Managed Auth.
  Also.. if you use a container AUTH scheme, then you don't
  need the Session ID in the URL.  The mere presence of a 
  session will prove that your user is logged in and authenticated.
   -Original Message-
   From: Robert Priest [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 11:25 AM
   To: 'Tomcat Users List'
   Subject: RE: Session\Security Checking
   thanks, rick. I appreciate the info. But I am not sure 
 that we want 
   to use realm for our solution. But I certainly think it 
 is feasible.
   I think we are more in the market for some sort of simple session 
   guard. Please allow me to explain a little further. Then I would 
   like to hear your opinion about the suggested approach 
 versus adding 
   a REALM:
   the URL for the download will contain a session id for 
 the user. So 
   if you will allow me to modify my example:
   Say user A logs in and has a session id of 1 and wants 
 to download 
   abc.jar. He will be redirected to the url: 
   now I would like to put in place a guard servlet. So in 
   web.xml I will add
   The intention is for the Guard servlet to:
   1. Inspect the url for sessionid (1 in this case).
   2. Get it and compare it to the current session id 
   (session.getID()). 3. if the two match, then start an 
 http download. 
   4. If not then, throw up an Access Denied error page.
   That is pretty much all we need to do. I also don't want to add 
   basic\Form authentication at this point for those directories. We 
   simply want to match whether the session id in the url is 
 the same 
   as the one the current user is using.
   That way, if another user, who will have a different 
 session number 
   (3 or what have you) tries to paste in:
   he\she will get an access denied.
   Is that more understandable?
   We are trying to prevent cutting and pasting of urls.
   We are mainly concerned with just providing\denying 
 access to this 
   directory and not security to an entire web application where I 
   think the REALM would be more applicable (i am not sure 
 whether that 
   is right or wrong...).
   -Original Message-
   From: Rick Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:09 PM
   To: Tomcat Users List
   Subject: Re: Session\Security Checking
   Found a link for ya:
   Robert Priest wrote:
How can I check for a Valid session id before allowing 
 access to a 

For example:

- I have a directory containing files for download: 
- but before you 

RE: Strange request.setAttribute() problem

2003-07-28 Thread Mike Curwen
 private int itemnumber = -1;

Using a ! makes it scoped globally to all requests. If you check the
source file of your JSP you'll see it's declared outside the service
That's why different browsers will 'appear' as though they are mixing up
things.  It's because your variable is available on basically, an
application level.

Also, from your initial post...  using getParameter() won't work to
retrieve a value that was set with setAttribute().  You need to use
getAttribute().  That may have been a typo though.

 -Original Message-
 From: Charles So [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 12:11 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Strange request.setAttribute() problem
 I believe each browser (Opera, Netscape, or whatever) *creates* a  
 unique Request object in Tomcat. I have checked this, and this is  
 indeed true.
 By the look of things, it seems that although Request objects 
 are not  
 the same, the variable stored in them will reference the same value.
 Tim, are you saying if browser A posts a form to TC, the variables  
 within the form will be treated as static variables and 
 visible to the  
 JSP page displaying the variables in browser B, C, D ... 
 Let me be a bit more specific:
 The   BillingShippingHome.jsp has this code:
  private int itemnumber = -1;
 if ( request.getParameter(itemnumber) != null ) {
  try {
  itemnumber =  
  } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
  System.out.println(itemnumber is  + itemnumber); 
 % form name=abc method=post 
 action=/mall/WelcomeServlet input type=hidden 
 name=itemnumber value= ... /form
 Servlet A:
   doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse 
 throws IOException, ServletException {
 gotoPage(/BillingShippingHome.jsp, request, response);
 Sequence of result :
 Browser A displaying BillingShippingHome.jsp
 itemnumber = -1
 .. change the itemnumber to say, 0 via javascript... and post this  
 form to Servlet A ...
 goes back to BillingShippingHome.jsp
 itemnumber now = 0  [correct]
 Browser B now displays BillingShippingHome.jsp
 itemnumber = 0! [should be -1]
 What gives?
  -Original Message-
  From: Tim Funk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 07:53
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: Strange request.setAttribute() problem
  This is the correct behavior. In this scenario, you are operating on
  request, not the session.
  request.getParameter -- Get stuff from the query string (or input
  stream if
  post) - a per request thing
  request.setAttribute -- Set an attribute in the life of this
  Charles So wrote:
  Hello, I come across a problem with TC4.1.24 and hope fellow list
  can help me...
  I set a variable in a servlet by calling:
  A JSP will then detect if this variable exists or not by:
  if ( request.getParameter(itemnumber) != null ) {
  try {
  itemnumber = 
  } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
  I have two different web browsers opened (say, one IE and 
 one Opera), 
  and both eventually will come to the page containing the 
 code above.
  The strange thing is that if the variable itemnumber is 
 set via IE, 
  the same itemnumber will be seen at Opera!
  This shouldn't happen as both have different session ID, and are 
  completely unrelated.
  Who has come across this problem? How can I work around this?
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Tomcat not working properly

2003-07-28 Thread batristain
 My index.jsp page running under tomcat 4.1.12 shows code

 What do I need to do to the conf file to make it process the jsp?


 Bobbie Atristain
 Internet Systems Administrator

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Re: A problem with configuring tomcat with apache.

2003-07-28 Thread J. Joe Wang
Hi John,

Then what do you think I should use?

On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 12:17, John Turner wrote:
 Sounds like you have mod_webapp loaded anyway.  Is it statically linked 
 or somehing?
 Sorry, I don't use mod_webapp (and you shouldn't, either! ;) ), so I 
 can't help much beyond the basic Apache-related config stuff like 
 LoadModule and AddModule.
 J. Joe Wang wrote:
  Hi John,
  Thanks for the reply!
  Yeah, there is only one LoadModule/AddModule pair for mod_webapp. 
  Here is the LoadModule/AddModule block in my httpd.conf.
LoadModule php4_modulelibexec/
LoadModule webapp_module libexec/
AddModule mod_webapp.c
  The line 1035 is
IfModule mod_webapp.c
  The line 1036 is 
WebAppConnection warpConn warp localhost:8008
  The line 1037 is 
WebAppDeploy examples warpConn /examples
  The line 1038 is 
WebAppInfo /webapp-info
  And the line 1039 (last line of httpd.conf)
  If I remove line 1037 and 1038, then the apache can be started. 
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