Re: CGI : environment variables

2005-01-11 Thread Pierrick Brihaye
Mark Thomas a crit :
Everything is OK when passShellEnvironment is used with the JDK 
1.4/Windows 98 unfriendly version 5.5.4. Great !
5.5.4 runs quite happily for me on JDK 1.4 (heck I do all of my 5.5.x 
development work on a 1.4 JDK). Can't say the same for Windows 98 - I 
use XP.
5.5.4 runs OK on Windows 98 with the JDK 1.4. My comments were about :
1) the need for the compat package
2) *.bat files that use a NT specific syntax (especially %CD%)
3) the apparent necessity to have 8.3 conformant paths.
In other terms, on Windows 98, Tomcat is not as easy to install and run 
as it used to be since 4.x versions. Dot.

Shouldn't the non-support of passShellEnvironment be mentionned in the 
5.0.x docs ?
That fact it isn't mentioned is a pretty big hint ;).
Seriously, I do not think it is realistic to document everything that 
isn't implemented in one version that is in another. It leads to a 
unmaintainable mess of documentation.
This is understandable but the fact that this parameter was present in 
4.1 versions may indicate a regression. Wether assumed or not, a 
single line in the docs would prevent overconfidence from people like me 

This is how I reasoned :
1) passShellEnvironment is OK on 4.1
2) 4.1.28 has a CGI bug with binary content
3) an upgrade is necessary
4) 5.5.x is difficult (at least for my users) to install on Windows 98
5) 5.0.x is easy to install on Windows 98
6) an upgrade to 5.0.x should solve all my problems :-)
BTW, I am pretty certain that if you take a cgiservlet.jar from 5.5.x 
and replace the one you downloaded with 5.0.x it will work quite happily.
I didn't think about it :-) I'll have a try.
Everything is fine anyway : this is by far the most important.
Pierrick Brihaye, informaticien
Service rgional de l'Inventaire
DRAC Bretagne
+33 (0)2 99 29 67 78
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apache + tomcat with 2 domains but same session?

2005-01-11 Thread Simon Lau


I want to setup my apache to have 2 domains, say and
Both of this domain goes to the same application context, say /myapp
So when i access both
will give me the exact same content, no problem.

My question is how do i persist the session while i switch between and
For example i have a shopping basket storing with 2 products and i want to
access the basket in both and
Btw, i am using apache2.0.52 + tomcat5.0.28

any comments will be greatly appreciated.


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Multiple domain names to a single site

2005-01-11 Thread Paul Taylor
I have three domains
I have setup a website with a hosting provider using Tomcat 5 which 
contains the ROOT application and myapp application so currently
if user goes to they will go to ROOT application 
and if they go to it will go to myapp 

I now want to change the dns records of my domains to point to my website.
My question is are all the domains equal or is there a concept of a 
master and aliases, i.e should I just change the nameservers  of all 
three domains to use my hosts name servers or is it more complicated to 
that for example I could map to redirect to

Also is it possible for to go straight to the relvent 
application ( rather than the root 
application (

Thanks Paul
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RE: tomcat 5.0.27 crashing

2005-01-11 Thread Allistair Crossley

How long is a piece of string? Why not explain what your page does? For all we 
know, you are hitting a database with a fantastically large routine, or on the 
6th request an infinite loop gets hit, perhaps because you have a thread pool 
of 6 in some backend object that the JSP is hitting. 

There is nothing wrong with refreshing a page in Tomcat I am fairly certain ... 
you need to examine what your page is doing. Start there and we can perhaps 
find an answer.


 -Original Message-
 From: Sandeep Kang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 11 January 2005 07:10
 Subject: tomcat 5.0.27 crashing
 HI all,
   i have come around a very strange problem as below:-
i am viewing some deployed site and if on one of its page i refresh
 continuously 6-7 times , the tomcat crashes. how thats 
 happening . Does
 anybody have some idea. i m using tomcat 5.0.27 on suse 9.1
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RE: Problem getting http redirected to https

2005-01-11 Thread James_sys
Thanks, Mark - good point. I've attached relevant snippets from web.xml 
server.xml below.

I've also tried an equivalent configuration on Tomcat 5, jdk 1.4, Win 2k.
Interestingly, this worked fine.

My on-going quest for a solution under Tomcat 4.1, jdk 1.3, FreeBSD 4.7
threw up a couple of interesting comments from people on other groups:

- One observation was that upgrading the jdk from 1.3 to 1.4 solved the
problem (alas, not a practical option for me - I'm constrained by the
Production environment operating system, locked at FreeBSD v4.7 which can't
take jdk 1.4).
- Another observation (which I intend to investigate further today) was that
including some extra code in the web application worked around the problem.
Code snippet was:


These observations, coupled with things working as expected with newer
product versions, is beginning to suggest some version compatibility problem
with Tomcat 4.1 and jdk 1.3.

Finally, I tried switching the ports to their defaults of 80 and 443, and
running the Tomcat service under root. The problem remained the same.

server.xml snippet:

Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector
redirectPort=443 bufferSize=2048 serverSocketTimeout=0
connectionUploadTimeout=30 port=80 useBodyEncodingForURI=true
tomcatAuthentication=true scheme=http connectionTimeout=2
enableLookups=true secure=false
protocolHandlerClassName=org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol debug=0
maxKeepAliveRequests=100 disableUploadTimeout=true proxyPort=0
tcpNoDelay=true maxProcessors=75 minProcessors=5 acceptCount=100
useURIValidationHack=false compression=off connectionLinger=-1
Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector
redirectPort=443 bufferSize=2048 serverSocketTimeout=0
connectionUploadTimeout=30 port=8009 useBodyEncodingForURI=true
tomcatAuthentication=true scheme=http connectionTimeout=0
enableLookups=true secure=false
protocolHandlerClassName=org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler debug=0
maxKeepAliveRequests=100 disableUploadTimeout=false proxyPort=0
tcpNoDelay=true maxProcessors=75 minProcessors=5 acceptCount=10
useURIValidationHack=false compression=off connectionLinger=-1
Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector
redirectPort=443 bufferSize=2048 serverSocketTimeout=0
connectionUploadTimeout=30 port=443 useBodyEncodingForURI=true
tomcatAuthentication=true scheme=https connectionTimeout=6
enableLookups=true secure=true
protocolHandlerClassName=org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol debug=0
maxKeepAliveRequests=100 disableUploadTimeout=true proxyPort=0
tcpNoDelay=true maxProcessors=75 minProcessors=5 acceptCount=100
useURIValidationHack=false compression=off connectionLinger=-1
rootFile=/home/james/root.pem keystoreType=JKS keystorePass=changeit
clientAuth=false randomFile=/home/james/random.pem
keystoreFile=/home/james/.keystore sslProtocol=TLS/

web.xml snippet (example here is for a single page - I've also tried
url-patterns for directories, e.g. /pages/*):


-Original Message-
From: Mark Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11 January 2005 02:12
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Problem getting http redirected to https

Since it's not working right, it would help if you showed us what you did
when you configured a security-constraint in web.xml for testPage.html.
did you do:


In CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml, you need to configure the HTTP conector
to redirect HTTPS to the HTTPS connector.

Do you have an HTTP connector configured in server.xml?  There are examples
in the server.xml that shipped with Tomcat.

Connector port=8080 redirectPort=8443 ... 

Connector port=8443 scheme=https secure=true sslProtocol=TLS
keystorePass=secreted keystoreFile=/usr/tomcat/.keystore ... /

- Mark

James_sys wrote:

 I've been wrestling with SSL on Tomcat for a while now. Hope you can offer
 some useful pointers.

 My problem is around getting http requests auto-redirected to return an
 https response.

 I can request and get an
 encrypted response.

 However, if I request 

Re: apache + tomcat with 2 domains but same session?

2005-01-11 Thread Tim Funk
You can get away with this by using URL rewriting. When you are using and wish to redirect or link to - you would need to
rewrite the URL to include the jsessionid path parameter. But you *cannot* do
this via response.encodeURL(..) since that method will detect your URL is in
another webapp. So you will need to write your own implementation of
encodeURL to achieve this.


Simon Lau wrote:
 I want to setup my apache to have 2 domains, say and
 Both of this domain goes to the same application context, say /myapp
 So when i access both
 will give me the exact same content, no problem.
 My question is how do i persist the session while i switch between and
 For example i have a shopping basket storing with 2 products and i want to
 access the basket in both and
 Btw, i am using apache2.0.52 + tomcat5.0.28

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Re: Tomcat arbitrarily freezes

2005-01-11 Thread Oliver Schoenwald
five days after my first question and no answer in sight. To bad.
So far, we have switched from JDK 1.4.2 to JDK 1.5 and from Tomcat 
5.0.27 to 5.5.4 and the problem persists.
However, while under JDK 1.4.2 it was always the thread with id #2 under 
JDK 1.5
it is still the thread VM Thread, but now under id #4.

Using the better debugging features of JDK 1.5 (jstack, jmap) we could 
pin down the problem in more detail:
whenever the problem starts, the output of jstack and jmap shows that 
these debugging-tools have
more and more problems to give information about certain memory areas. 
When the problem reaches its
climax, a bug number of memory areas are marked by jstack with an Error 
occurred during stack walking:-Message
or by jmap with UnmappedAddressException.

You see, at the moment we are only guessing what problem we have here.
Maybe someone has an idea how to analyze the problem more properly or 
even know how to solve it (without changing some of the components like 
using another servlet container engine or another JVM).

Thank you for any help,
Oliver Schoenwald
University of Hagen
Oliver Schoenwald wrote:
Our system configuration is as follows:
SUN Fire 240 with 2 cpus at 1.28 GHz (Sparc-3)
Solaris 9 (with actual patches)
All requests are handled via Apache 2.0.52 with mod_ssl and using 

The system works well most of the time, but seemingly randomly the 
catalina process starts to use up
more and more cpu performance without actually doing anything useful! 
Memory usage stays normal/stable,
so we analyzed the process and found out the following:

- The cpu performance is used up primarily by the thread VM Thread.
- This Thread is running nothing else but synchronization 
primitives, which where called very fast an in high numbers without 
reading or writing anything (as if it is in some kind of endless loop 
of doing nothing).
- The effect (and an symptome which can be monitored repeatedly) is 
that the number of threads that the catalina process is using rises 
with every new request, because no thread gets enough cpu power to 
come to an end. VM Thread is taking away anything after a short 
period of time.

We monitored the machine with prstat -L to see when the cpu usage of 
the catalina process rose to a unusual high value (5% at average, 
rising up to about 60% when VM Thread got into its frenzy). So we 
could see that one single lwp was going into the high cpu usage.
As soon as we could see the rise in cpu usage we used pstack to find 
out which thread is responsible for the lwp-id that was shown by 
prstat -L.
Then, we used kill -3 to create a thread-dump of the catalina-process 
and searched for the thread-number that was stated by pstack.
That thread-dump showed us that the thread called VM Thread seems to 
be the problematic thread.

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Re: Pagecache framework?

2005-01-11 Thread Mieke Banderas
QM said:

For the former, there are ways to make the Apache httpd a content
caching engine.  This works well if the content you'd like cached is
global -- that is, not tied to a specific user or group login.  (You
could also use webDAV for this._

If there is no performance penalty on my slow G3 hardware, as I'd need to
use mod_jk and Apache as opposed to just Tomcat, then cached HTML pages
(ending in .jsp probably) is what I want.

What solutions involving Tomcat only is there?

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Configuring Beanshell as a JSP Language

2005-01-11 Thread Furash Gary

Despite my fiddling, 
I've been unable to configure Beanshell as a JSP "language" under tomcat 5.0, 
using the 1.4.2 JVM. All the docs say it is something that can be 

Has anyone 
accomplished this? If so, can you provide the 

Gary Furash, MBA, PMP
Applications Manager, Maricopa County 
Attorney's Office
602-506-0351 (Work), 602-725-1985 

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Has anyone managed clustering with Tomcat 5.5.4+Apache+mod_jk?

2005-01-11 Thread Gary Zhu
Hi all, 
Has anyone successfully configured Tomcat 5.5.4 with Apache and mod_jk
to do load balancing and session replication? I did everything as
documents suggested but with no luck. If so, could you advise? 
I have configured TWO tomcat instances and a lb worker. Whenever I map
the lb worker to URLs, I got Server Internal error. Then, just change
the URL mapping to one of the TWO tomcat backend workers, it works as
expected. Thus, it indicated that Apache can talk to Tomcat through
I need your confirmation before trying to use another version of Tomcat.

Re: Tomcat arbitrarily freezes

2005-01-11 Thread Remy Maucherat
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 13:51:13 +0100, Oliver Schoenwald
 five days after my first question and no answer in sight. To bad.
 So far, we have switched from JDK 1.4.2 to JDK 1.5 and from Tomcat
 5.0.27 to 5.5.4 and the problem persists.
 However, while under JDK 1.4.2 it was always the thread with id #2 under
 JDK 1.5
 it is still the thread VM Thread, but now under id #4.
 Using the better debugging features of JDK 1.5 (jstack, jmap) we could
 pin down the problem in more detail:
 whenever the problem starts, the output of jstack and jmap shows that
 these debugging-tools have
 more and more problems to give information about certain memory areas.
 When the problem reaches its
 climax, a bug number of memory areas are marked by jstack with an Error
 occurred during stack walking:-Message
 or by jmap with UnmappedAddressException.
 You see, at the moment we are only guessing what problem we have here.
 Maybe someone has an idea how to analyze the problem more properly or
 even know how to solve it (without changing some of the components like
 using another servlet container engine or another JVM).

If you don't get any answers, it is that people don't have any ideas
and / or nothing useful to say.

For example, this is the first time I hear about a problem with this
internal VM thread. While other Tomcat arbitrarily freezes issues
are well known on some OSes, this one is brand new to me. You seem to
assert that this is a common problem encountered by many people, and
you also seem certain that your problems come for that (which means
bad luck, as this is an internal VM thread). Can you give links giving
more details about this ?

Rémy Maucherat
Developer  Consultant
JBoss Group (Europe) SàRL

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Re: How do I force the expiration of the JSESSIONID cookie for proxies?

2005-01-11 Thread Mike Fowler
Ian -
HttpSession.invalidate() will cause the client's cookie to expire.
-Mike Fowler
I could be a genius if I just put my mind to it, and I,
I could do anything, if only I could get 'round to it
Ian Stevens wrote:
I have a system which renders a session stored in the HttpSession unusable
once the user logs out.  All initialisation on the session is performed
inside a HttpSessionListener.sessionCreated() method.  Further accesses
under the same JSESSIONID result in an error detailing that the user must
close their browser before logging in again.  However, many of our users
access the system through phone network proxies which remember their cookies
for them.  There is no way that I know of to force the proxies to either not
cache cookies or to flush the value for a cookie.  However, the proxy should
understand how to expire a cookie.
Is it possible to set an expires on a JSESSIONID cookie to the current time
on a user logout?  Will HttpSession.invalidate() do this for me?  I need
some way to indicate to proxies that they should no longer use the old
JSESSIONID cookie value and to replace it with any new value which should
come along.
Does anyone know how this can be done?  I'd rather not reference
JSESSIONID in my code in case a different value is ever used.
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tomcat - https to a web service

2005-01-11 Thread swetha Ranganathan
Hi All
I have a couple of web services running in my tomcat server.  Is it possible to 
make one of the web services to be secure and be only accessed by https , while 
the other should  be accessible by http.
If it is , Please tell me how to do it

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.

Re: Has anyone managed clustering with Tomcat 5.5.4+Apache+mod_jk?

2005-01-11 Thread Mladen Turk
Gary Zhu wrote:
Hi all, 
Has anyone successfully configured Tomcat 5.5.4 with Apache and mod_jk
to do load balancing and session replication? I did everything as
documents suggested but with no luck. If so, could you advise? 

Not if you don't send the :).
I have configured TWO tomcat instances and a lb worker. Whenever I map
the lb worker to URLs, I got Server Internal error. Then, just change
the URL mapping to one of the TWO tomcat backend workers, it works as
expected. Thus, it indicated that Apache can talk to Tomcat through
You made some configuration error in workers properties.
Probably not added lb worker to worker.list
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RE: Has anyone managed clustering with Tomcat 5.5.4+Apache+mod_jk?

2005-01-11 Thread Gary Zhu
Thanks Mladen, 

The document for Tomcat has explicitly emphasized NOT to add the lb
worker to the worker.list. Attached is my workers properties file. 

-Original Message-
From: Mladen Turk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: January 11, 2005 9:54 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Has anyone managed clustering with Tomcat

Gary Zhu wrote:
 Hi all,
 Has anyone successfully configured Tomcat 5.5.4 with Apache and mod_jk

 to do load balancing and session replication? I did everything as 
 documents suggested but with no luck. If so, could you advise?

Not if you don't send the :).

 I have configured TWO tomcat instances and a lb worker. Whenever I map

 the lb worker to URLs, I got Server Internal error. Then, just change 
 the URL mapping to one of the TWO tomcat backend workers, it works as 
 expected. Thus, it indicated that Apache can talk to Tomcat through 

You made some configuration error in workers properties.
Probably not added lb worker to worker.list


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new Host without restarting Tomcat

2005-01-11 Thread Lionel Farbos
Hi all,

I'd want to create and deploy new Virtual(s) Host(s) and Contexts without 
having to restart the entire Tomcat Server (4.1.31 or 5.0.28).
This works if my Host(s) exist in server.xml when I start Tomcat (I follow

BUT, if I want to create and deploy new Hosts before deploying new Contexts, I 
don't succeed (I tried this with the Tomcat Admin tool and the Tomcat Manager 

In my test, I create a new Host (myHOST) with the Tomcat Admin tool. I put a 
Logger and a manager Context into it.
The problem is :
With the Admin GUI, it is not possible to put privileged=true, 

so, when I launch http://myHost:8080/manager/html/list,
I have a SecurityException because the HTMLManagerServlet est privileged and 
cannot be loaded by this web app...

I don't find a solution in the mailing lists, so,
what is the solution for this ?

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Re: Has anyone managed clustering with Tomcat 5.5.4+Apache+mod_jk?

2005-01-11 Thread Mladen Turk
Gary Zhu wrote:
Thanks Mladen, 

The document for Tomcat has explicitly emphasized NOT to add the lb
worker to the worker.list.
Can you point where this statement exists?
If it does then I'll chage it, because it's wrong.
Here is what documentation says:
A comma separated list of workers names that the JK will use. When 
starting up, the web server plugin will instantiate the workers whose 
name appears in the worker.list property, these are also the workers to 
whom you can map requests.

Attached is my workers properties file. 

No it is not ;).
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Re: Apache, Tomcat, WebDAV, and Web Folders... Oh, my!

2005-01-11 Thread John Sidney-Woollett
I've also written a custom webdav servlet because we need to work with a 
custom/virtualised file store. Our servlet works fine for everything 
except some flavours of M$shite Windows - the symptoms I get are 
identical to the ones you describe.

Like you our server is not running on localhost, and the user's 
directory is not the root, and the user has to authenticate (using basic 

As yet I have not been able to work out a solution, although I know it 
exists because sites like have somehow worked around the 
problem - I just haven't figured out how they do it.

If you find a solution to this problem can you let me know - it has 
driven us mad for months before we finally gave up...

We recommend users install webdrive - it works great but costs US$30 a pop!
Thanks for any help (if you find a solution)
John Sidney-Woollett
ps Here is another document that may help you:;EN-US;269681
And some specific instructions that work (sometimes) but I don't want my 
users to have to play around with their OS installs:

The problem is a conflicting Office Installation (since Office 2002) 
which changes the webdav components of Windows XP. To change them back 
(to the working one) you need to follow these steps:

1. You will find a file called webfldrs.msi (Normally under
\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\webfldrs.msi - if you installed Windows XP Servicepack 1
you will find it under \WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386\webfldrs.msi).
2. Start the installation with double-click or right-click - webfldrs.msi.
3. Now you have to click on Select reinstall mode.
4. Uncheck Repair all detected reinstall problems.
Check Force all files to be reinstalled, regardless of checksum or
version. Check Verify that required user registry entries are present.
Check Verify that required machine registry entries are present. Check
Validate shortcuts.
5. Press OK and REINSTALL
6. Normally no reboot is required and now everything goes fine.
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RE: Problem getting http redirected to https

2005-01-11 Thread James_sys
I've managed to find a solution to this problem. I expect it only really
applied to Tomcat 4.1x and jdk1.3. For completeness (and to help out any
people with a similar problem in the future) here's what was needed.

Tomcat 4.1 and jdk1.3 work fine. However, the default configuration at
installation is missing a couple of crucial details.

1. In $JAVA_HOME\jre\lib\security\ these entries are needed:

The default jdk1.4 config excludes security.provider.2.

2. At runtime use -D on the JVM startup (or issue a System.setProperty call
from within your web app) to define the https protocol package as follows:

Tomcat 4.1 doesn't seem to include this initialisation call as part of its
default initialisation.

With these two changes, http - https worked as expected.

-Original Message-
From: James_sys [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11 January 2005 10:42
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Problem getting http redirected to https

Thanks, Mark - good point. I've attached relevant snippets from web.xml 
server.xml below.

I've also tried an equivalent configuration on Tomcat 5, jdk 1.4, Win 2k.
Interestingly, this worked fine.

My on-going quest for a solution under Tomcat 4.1, jdk 1.3, FreeBSD 4.7
threw up a couple of interesting comments from people on other groups:

- One observation was that upgrading the jdk from 1.3 to 1.4 solved the
problem (alas, not a practical option for me - I'm constrained by the
Production environment operating system, locked at FreeBSD v4.7 which can't
take jdk 1.4).
- Another observation (which I intend to investigate further today) was that
including some extra code in the web application worked around the problem.
Code snippet was:


These observations, coupled with things working as expected with newer
product versions, is beginning to suggest some version compatibility problem
with Tomcat 4.1 and jdk 1.3.

Finally, I tried switching the ports to their defaults of 80 and 443, and
running the Tomcat service under root. The problem remained the same.

server.xml snippet:

Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector
redirectPort=443 bufferSize=2048 serverSocketTimeout=0
connectionUploadTimeout=30 port=80 useBodyEncodingForURI=true
tomcatAuthentication=true scheme=http connectionTimeout=2
enableLookups=true secure=false
protocolHandlerClassName=org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol debug=0
maxKeepAliveRequests=100 disableUploadTimeout=true proxyPort=0
tcpNoDelay=true maxProcessors=75 minProcessors=5 acceptCount=100
useURIValidationHack=false compression=off connectionLinger=-1
Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector
redirectPort=443 bufferSize=2048 serverSocketTimeout=0
connectionUploadTimeout=30 port=8009 useBodyEncodingForURI=true
tomcatAuthentication=true scheme=http connectionTimeout=0
enableLookups=true secure=false
protocolHandlerClassName=org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler debug=0
maxKeepAliveRequests=100 disableUploadTimeout=false proxyPort=0
tcpNoDelay=true maxProcessors=75 minProcessors=5 acceptCount=10
useURIValidationHack=false compression=off connectionLinger=-1
Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector
redirectPort=443 bufferSize=2048 serverSocketTimeout=0
connectionUploadTimeout=30 port=443 useBodyEncodingForURI=true
tomcatAuthentication=true scheme=https connectionTimeout=6
enableLookups=true secure=true
protocolHandlerClassName=org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol debug=0
maxKeepAliveRequests=100 disableUploadTimeout=true proxyPort=0
tcpNoDelay=true maxProcessors=75 minProcessors=5 acceptCount=100
useURIValidationHack=false compression=off connectionLinger=-1
rootFile=/home/james/root.pem keystoreType=JKS keystorePass=changeit
clientAuth=false randomFile=/home/james/random.pem
keystoreFile=/home/james/.keystore sslProtocol=TLS/

web.xml snippet (example here is for a single page - I've also tried
url-patterns for directories, e.g. /pages/*):


-Original Message-
From: Mark 

Re: Multiple domain names to a single site

2005-01-11 Thread Paul Taylor
Could anyone get me started on this please ?
Paul Taylor wrote:
I have three domains
I have setup a website with a hosting provider using Tomcat 5 which 
contains the ROOT application and myapp application so currently
if user goes to they will go to ROOT 
application and if they go to it will go 
to myapp appliation.

I now want to change the dns records of my domains to point to my 

My question is are all the domains equal or is there a concept of a 
master and aliases, i.e should I just change the nameservers  of all 
three domains to use my hosts name servers or is it more complicated 
to that for example I could map to redirect to

Also is it possible for to go straight to the relvent 
application ( rather than the root 
application (

Thanks Paul
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RE: Has anyone managed clustering with Tomcat 5.5.4+Apache+mod_jk?

2005-01-11 Thread Gary Zhu
In the document for, there are TWO places emphasizing
NOT to put the lb in the worker.list. One is right in the first
paragraph of Sub Titled Load Balancing directives; and the other one
is within the Description column for the directive

Here is the doc link: 



-Original Message-
From: Mladen Turk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: January 11, 2005 10:07 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Has anyone managed clustering with Tomcat

Gary Zhu wrote:
 Thanks Mladen,
 The document for Tomcat has explicitly emphasized NOT to add the lb 
 worker to the worker.list.

Can you point where this statement exists?
If it does then I'll chage it, because it's wrong.

Here is what documentation says:
A comma separated list of workers names that the JK will use. When
starting up, the web server plugin will instantiate the workers whose
name appears in the worker.list property, these are also the workers to
whom you can map requests.

 Attached is my workers properties file. 

No it is not ;).


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Re: tomcat - https to a web service

2005-01-11 Thread Parsons Technical Services
Yes. By adding the proper entries in the web.xml for that application. That 
is after you have SSL working on the server. 11
For the web.xml
- Original Message - 
From: swetha Ranganathan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 9:43 AM
Subject: tomcat - https to a web service

Hi All
I have a couple of web services running in my tomcat server.  Is it 
possible to make one of the web services to be secure and be only accessed 
by https , while the other should  be accessible by http.
If it is , Please tell me how to do it

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. 

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Tomcat 5.5.4 - Using a Context.xml File With a Path Different Than The File Name

2005-01-11 Thread Matt Mejaski
Hi all,
Using Tomcat 5.0.30, I had two Contexts for webapps set up as follows.
Context 1, loaded from file: Tomcat Home/conf/Catalina/localhost/myapp.xml
Context path=/myapp docBase=myapp cookies=true debug=0
reloadable=false /

Context 2, loaded from file: Tomcat
Home/conf/Catalina/localhost/myappsavedfiles.xml :
Context path=/myapp/savedfiles docBase=C:\MyApp\Saved /

Notice that the path of Context 2 is a subdirectory of Context 1.  Also,
notice that the docBase's are completely different directories (i.e. the
docBase for context 2 isn't actually a subdirectory of the docBase of
Context 1)

The reason I do this is because I want the data in context 1 (my web app) to
be upgradeable (and thus be blown away at will), but the data in my Context
2 (which isn't even in the webapps directory) to be persistent.

Now, I want to upgrade to Tomcat 5.5.4.  However, it seems that I can no
longer do this in Tomcat 5.5 (according to the description of the 'path'
attribute described here: unless
I do one of the following:

1) Put the Context tag for Context 2 directly in my server.xml, which is no
longer recommended
2) Somehow name my Context 2 file with a slash in it -- which Windows isn't
going to let me do! =)
3) Rename my Context 2 file to be a different path altogether, which means
that I have to change by Context 1 code that refers to files in Context 2.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can keep both of these contexts
without changing my code in Context 1 that refers to the path
/myapp/savedfiles, and hopefully without modifying my Tomcat server.xml?

I appreciate any suggestions you may have.

Matt Mejaski

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Re: Has anyone managed clustering with Tomcat 5.5.4+Apache+mod_jk?

2005-01-11 Thread Mladen Turk
Gary Zhu wrote:
In the document for, there are TWO places emphasizing
NOT to put the lb in the worker.list. One is right in the first
paragraph of Sub Titled Load Balancing directives; and the other one
is within the Description column for the directive

No it says:
The workers that are member of load balancer must not appear in the 
worker.list directive.

So you don't put the workers that belong to load balancer to worker.list
only the lb worker(s).
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Re: Can't compile mod_jk 1.2.8

2005-01-11 Thread Glenn Parsons
At 02:19 AM 1/11/2005, you wrote:
Glenn Parsons wrote:
Hello All,
I know just enough to be dangerous.. not enough to know what is blowing 
my mod_jk build.
I am on a super-fast dual 3.2GHz machine running CentOS (RedHat ES 3.0) 
with Apache 2.0.46-38, JDK 1.5.0_01, Tomcat 5.5.4 and Ant 1.6.2.
The issue was addressed on the list couple of days ago.
Take a look at:
Mod_JK 1.2.8, gcc 3.4.3 on Linux RH ES3 - compile error thread
from Jan. 5th.
The solution is to download and compile the latest
Apache 2.0.52 version.
Thank you ALL for your advice on this matter! I found the mod_proxy links, 
lent by Ben, earlier in the thread, very insightful and will frequently 
revisit them.

I will, however compile the Apache sources as per Mladen, as this was my 
first instinct.

I need mod_jk because I am serving some/little static content on Apache, 
but use Apache mostly for mod_php4. Tomcat is the real engine here, but 
there is some php content that will fare better under Apache.

Thank All!
Glenn Parsons 

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RE: Has anyone managed clustering with Tomcat 5.5.4+Apache+mod_jk?

2005-01-11 Thread Gary Zhu
Oh that's confusing to me. Would it be clearer to say something like
The workers that are to be loadbalanced/managed by the lb worker must
not appear in the worker.list directive.?

Anyway, very much appreciate your assistance. I will now try it out.



-Original Message-
From: Mladen Turk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: January 11, 2005 10:31 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Has anyone managed clustering with Tomcat

Gary Zhu wrote:
 In the document for, there are TWO places 
 emphasizing NOT to put the lb in the worker.list. One is right in the 
 first paragraph of Sub Titled Load Balancing directives; and the 
 other one is within the Description column for the directive 

No it says:
The workers that are member of load balancer must not appear in the
worker.list directive.

So you don't put the workers that belong to load balancer to worker.list
only the lb worker(s).


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Re: Multiple domain names to a single site

2005-01-11 Thread Parsons Technical Services
Since you asked so nicely.
You will be working with the host entries in the server.xml
From how I read this you want and .net pointing at the same 
app. You can do this either at the dns level or in the host entry with an 
alias. As for master slave the master will be the desired URL. If you want 
people to use .com the set it up as your main entry and the redirect in the 
dns or alias .net to it. This way when they get to the site the URL in the 
address will be .com

If the mycompany site is the default site, as it appears to be, any URL that 
points to the server IP that does not have a matching host entry will go to 
the mycompany site. So you could just point both mycompany urls to the IP 
and it will work. With this the URL will remain as typed .com or .net   For 
public relations don't do this as confusion will result. Especially when it 
comes to email.

For the add a new host entry under the existing Engine tag like
 Host appBase=webapps debug=99
   Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger 
prefix=myapp_log. suffix=.txt timestamp=true/
Note logging will vary with version. Copy existing entry and modify.

In the myapp.xml for, under the context tag change the path to be 

My setup differs in that for me uses a different appbase from 
webapps. So if something doesn't work hopefully someone can point out the 


- Original Message - 
From: Paul Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: Multiple domain names to a single site

Could anyone get me started on this please ?
Paul Taylor wrote:
I have three domains
I have setup a website with a hosting provider using Tomcat 5 which 
contains the ROOT application and myapp application so currently
if user goes to they will go to ROOT application 
and if they go to it will go to myapp 

I now want to change the dns records of my domains to point to my 

My question is are all the domains equal or is there a concept of a 
master and aliases, i.e should I just change the nameservers  of all 
three domains to use my hosts name servers or is it more complicated to 
that for example I could map to redirect to

Also is it possible for to go straight to the relvent 
application ( rather than the root 
application (

Thanks Paul
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resource-ref question

2005-01-11 Thread Andy Kriger
I'm coming to Tomcat 5.5 from greater experience with Resin. I am
setting up a JDBC connection pool. No problems there, I have a
META-INF/context.xml file with a Resource element in the Context
block. What is strange is that I do not need a resource-ref element in
the web.xml; my connection pool works fine without it. I see in the
docs on the Context config element that Resource and resource-ref are
equivalent so I guess that makes sense.

What I wonder about is portability - this is locked into Tomcat's way
of doing things. Is there a generic way to define connection pools (or
a more generic way since I'm guessing there's always going to be some
container-specific config).


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Re: Multiple domain names to a single site

2005-01-11 Thread Paul Taylor
Parsons Technical Services wrote:
You will be working with the host entries in the server.xmlFrom how I 
read this you want and .net pointing at the same app. 
You can do this either at the dns level or in the host entry with an 
alias. As for master slave the master will be the desired URL. If you 
want people to use .com the set it up as your main entry and the 
redirect in the dns or alias .net to it. This way when they get to the 
site the URL in the address will be .com

If the mycompany site is the default site, as it appears to be, any 
URL that points to the server IP that does not have a matching host 
entry will go to the mycompany site. So you could just point both 
mycompany urls to the IP and it will work. With this the URL will 
remain as typed .com or .net   For public relations don't do this as 
confusion will result. Especially when it comes to email.

You have understood me correctly and I understand what you say in 
principal. I want to do achieve the first case you describe so that if 
they enter it will remain so, if they enter it will redirect as But Im still 
not sure how to do this, when you say mainentry do you mean using dns or 
do you mean the first host in server.xml (currently I just have the 
default localhost confgured).  Then how do I create an alias for the 
second address is 'alias' a  tomcat thing or a dns thing ?

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Re: Multiple domain names to a single site

2005-01-11 Thread Parsons Technical Services
Sorry I wasn't clear on that.
You have two choices.
Either do a redirect in the dns (My dns has a GUI that allows me to do this 
so I don't know the details).

Or use the alias entry in the host element for
- Original Message - 
From: Paul Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: Multiple domain names to a single site

Parsons Technical Services wrote:
You will be working with the host entries in the server.xmlFrom how I 
read this you want and .net pointing at the same app. You 
can do this either at the dns level or in the host entry with an alias. 
As for master slave the master will be the desired URL. If you want 
people to use .com the set it up as your main entry and the redirect in 
the dns or alias .net to it. This way when they get to the site the URL 
in the address will be .com

If the mycompany site is the default site, as it appears to be, any URL 
that points to the server IP that does not have a matching host entry 
will go to the mycompany site. So you could just point both mycompany 
urls to the IP and it will work. With this the URL will remain as typed 
.com or .net   For public relations don't do this as confusion will 
result. Especially when it comes to email.

You have understood me correctly and I understand what you say in 
principal. I want to do achieve the first case you describe so that if 
they enter it will remain so, if they enter it will redirect as But Im still not 
sure how to do this, when you say mainentry do you mean using dns or do 
you mean the first host in server.xml (currently I just have the default 
localhost confgured).  Then how do I create an alias for the second 
address is 'alias' a  tomcat thing or a dns thing ?

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Re: Tomcat 5.5.4 - Using a Context.xml File With a Path Different Than The File Name

2005-01-11 Thread Parsons Technical Services
If you don't use autodeploy, you can turn this off and use a context with 
yourchoice path like in 5.0 . Otherwise Tomcat will deploy the app twice, 
once using your xml and once using the default xml.
Someone slap me if I am wrong here.
- Original Message - 
From: Matt Mejaski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 10:30 AM
Subject: Tomcat 5.5.4 - Using a Context.xml File With a Path Different Than 
The File Name

Hi all,
Using Tomcat 5.0.30, I had two Contexts for webapps set up as follows.
Context 1, loaded from file: Tomcat 
Context path=/myapp docBase=myapp cookies=true debug=0
reloadable=false /

Context 2, loaded from file: Tomcat
Home/conf/Catalina/localhost/myappsavedfiles.xml :
Context path=/myapp/savedfiles docBase=C:\MyApp\Saved /
Notice that the path of Context 2 is a subdirectory of Context 1.  Also,
notice that the docBase's are completely different directories (i.e. the
docBase for context 2 isn't actually a subdirectory of the docBase of
Context 1)
The reason I do this is because I want the data in context 1 (my web app) 
be upgradeable (and thus be blown away at will), but the data in my 
2 (which isn't even in the webapps directory) to be persistent.

Now, I want to upgrade to Tomcat 5.5.4.  However, it seems that I can no
longer do this in Tomcat 5.5 (according to the description of the 'path'
attribute described here: 
I do one of the following:

1) Put the Context tag for Context 2 directly in my server.xml, which is 
longer recommended
2) Somehow name my Context 2 file with a slash in it -- which Windows 
going to let me do! =)
3) Rename my Context 2 file to be a different path altogether, which means
that I have to change by Context 1 code that refers to files in Context 2.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can keep both of these contexts
without changing my code in Context 1 that refers to the path
/myapp/savedfiles, and hopefully without modifying my Tomcat server.xml?
I appreciate any suggestions you may have.
Matt Mejaski

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Re: How do I reset the Default Context for all tomcat application in a Server Container??

2005-01-11 Thread Troy Simpson
I was afraid I was going to have to do it for each application.  I was
hoping that I could set a Tomcat Server Wide Base URL then let each
webapp append to it.

Does anyone think that this might be a benefitial feature for a future release?


Troy Simpson
  Applications Analyst/Programmer, OCPDBA, MCSE, SCSA
North Carolina State University Libraries
Campus Box 7111 | Raleigh | North Carolina
ph.919.515.3855 | fax.919.513.3330

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Re: Apache, Tomcat, WebDAV, and Web Folders... Oh, my!

2005-01-11 Thread Garret Wilson
Here's an update---I'm narrowing it down.
I tried to connect directly to Tomcat without Apache in-between. Same 
problem. So this probably isn't something Apache is doing to mess up 

I recompiled Apache so that I could add headers, and I added:
DAV: 1,2
MS-Author-Via: DAV
This way, even error messages and redirects will show WebDAV support, 
and even an OPTIONS request for / will show WebDAV method support.

It still doesn't work.
The *only* thing that isn't exactly what a WebDAV server would send back 
is when MS Web Folders tries to do a PROPFIND on /webapp/ and Tomcat 
sends back: 501 Method PROPFIND is not defined in RFC 2068 and is not 
supported by the Servlet API. (Again, MS Web Folders shouldn't even try 
to access /webapp/ directly---it should try to access /webapp/webdav/ .)

About the only thing left to try is to allow the PROPFIND on /webapp/ . 
So here's the Tomcat question---how can I allow a PROPFIND on /webapp/ 
and return, for example, a 403 forbidden, rather than a 501 Not 
Implemented? Do I have to override 
org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet? (There goes container 

Why is it that nothing in this world is straightforward? (That's a 
rhetorical question---don't feel obliged to answer.)

Garret Wilson wrote:
Some more info:
When Web Folders first tries to access , user agent 
Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 tries to do a PROPFIND on . Apache (from Tomcat?) redirects with 302 
to . 
Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 tries to do a PROPFIND on . Apache sends back (from Tomcat, I 
suppose) a 501 I don't know what the heck a PROPFIND is type of 
response. (MS never should have tried to touch , as that's a parent directory to what I 

Again Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 tries to do a PROPFIND on and goes through the whole procedure 
again. Finally it gets tired and issues an OPTIONS request on /, to 
which Apache/Tomcat issues a 202 OK (but with no DAV header).

So then Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Protocol 
Discovery gets into the action and issues its own OPTIONS on /. (Why 
MS can't simply try to access like 
I asked in the first place, I'll never know.) Another 200 OK response. 
Finally MS gets around to doing an OPTIONS on (which it should have done in the 
very first request).  Tomcat (through Apache) issues its 401 
Unauthorized response (as it should), along with the DAV: 1,2 header (as 
it should). MS decides, Oh, well, I'll issue an OPTIONS on the root 
path '/' again and goes through the entire process.

Then I see various attempts at GET /_vti_inf.html and POST 
/_vti_bin/shtml.exe , indicating that MS Web Folders didn't recognize 
WebDAV and is trying to use FrontPage extension witchraft. Sending back 
a MS-Author-Via: DAV header should stop this---but my WebDAV servlet 
never got the chance because MS Web Folders wouldn't authenticate in the 
presence of a 401 Unauthorized.

I know that IE, Web Folders, and the whole shebang is a load of (insert 
expletive here), but I've managed to work around everything else so that 
it works on pure Tomcat on localhost. There's some little thing that's 
throwing things off in the Tomcat-behind-Apache-on-Internet scenario, 
and if I can just find out what it is, I can cut off this last MS bug 
and get this to working.

Does it have something to do with Apache modifying a HTTP request or 
response to or from Tomcat?

Does it have something to do with the server being located somewhere 
other than localhost, altering the behavior of 
Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 or Microsoft Data Access Internet 
Publishing Provider Protocol Discovery?

An inquiring mind wants to know---but really has to get some sleep right 

Thanks again to Doug and everyone else for your time.
Garret Wilson wrote:
I've written a custom WebDAV servlet which works fine configured on 
Windows XP Professional localhost with Tomcat 5.5.4.

I upload everything to a . The 
domain is served on Red Hat 6 by Apache 2.0.49, which forwards to 
Tomcat using ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse.

I try to connect via Microsoft Windows XP Professional Web Folders. 
(My WebDAV servlet works around all the various Microsoft redirection 
bugs, and works fine with Web Folders on localhost.) Web Folders 
doesn't recognize the folder. I whip out Ethereal, and here's what I 

User agent Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider 
Protocol Discovery sends an HTTP OPTIONS request to /. Apache sends 
back a 200 OK. Then Microsoft Web Folders sends an OPTIONS request to 
/webapp/webdav/. My servlet sends back a 401 Unauthorized, asking 

Re: Apache, Tomcat, WebDAV, and Web Folders... Oh, my!

2005-01-11 Thread karjera

Laba diena.

Dkojame, kad mums parate.

Js atsista inut isaugota ms duomen bazje.

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Re: Apache, Tomcat, WebDAV, and Web Folders... Oh, my!

2005-01-11 Thread Larry Meadors
Uhh, that is what I was thinking.

On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 19:17:00 +0200 (EET), [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Laba diena.
 Dkojame, kad mums parate.
 Js atsista inut isaugota ms duomen bazje.
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Getting jsp line/column numbers during custom tag execution...

2005-01-11 Thread Ray Whitmer
As I develop complex applications with large jsp based upon my own custom tags, 
often the tags fail to execute due to errors in tags that sailed past the 
compiler with no errors.  At runtime, row/column information seems long gone.

Is there a way to get Jikes to cooperate with my tag handler classes and give
it constant info on the compile-time row/column/file during initialization, as 
occurs with page context, parent, etc?

I would very much like at runtime, when reporting a tag that malfunctioned, 
to be able to report the file, row, and column number of the failure to save
the page authors possibly hours on each problem trying to figure out where 
the failure occurred.

Probably something like the information returned by getRowNumber, 
getColumnNumber, getFile from org.apache.jasper.compiler.Mark in Jikes.

I know of no way to programmatically enhance the Jikes compiler to do this 
short of modifying it's source files, which is an option, but I don't have the
courage to try that right now or maintain it across releases.

Are there other, less intrusive options?  Has someone else tried to address 
this before?  Is there a more-appropriate list to ask this question on?

Ray Whitmer
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Servlet file downloading

2005-01-11 Thread Milazzo, Michael A HQISEC

I wrote a servlet that provides some additional authentication and
authorization checks for file downloads.  If the user is authorized, then
the servlet opens the file and sends it using the HTTP response's output
stream.  This servlet works when not deployed behind a firewall.  Now that
it is deployed behind a firewall, IE 6 cannot download a file from it.  I
receive an error message saying that the site is unavailable or could not be
found.  The files are not located within Tomcat's webapps directory.  Does
anyone have ideas on how to fix this?



24X7 deployment tips

2005-01-11 Thread sunil goyal
Hi all,

I am looking for resources for building and deploying
24X7 large scale web applications using Java. Can
anyone point towards any good books/links for the

If I am trying to deploy an application via
apache/tomcat on a linux platform, is it possible to
upgrade certain servlets without actually shutting
down the server. What kind of principle is generally
followed in real life applications for the same?

Any help in this regard is appreciated.



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RE: 24X7 deployment tips

2005-01-11 Thread Mark Benussi
Hi Sunil,
I think they keyword for your scenario is clustering.
Running multiple syncronised applications and databases allows you to take 
down servers during quiet periods and still maintain a service via the other 
servers whilst they are upgraded one by one.

Saying that I have worked on global .coms that always allow for some down 
time during large releases / maintenance. It is not going to be easy but I 
am sure you appreciate that.

One more thing that may cause a headache is session persistence under some 
Tomcat clustering models.

Thats all i can think of but i'm sure you will get better advice than mine.
Original Message Follows
From: sunil goyal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: 24X7 deployment tips
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 09:30:39 -0800 (PST)
Hi all,
I am looking for resources for building and deploying
24X7 large scale web applications using Java. Can
anyone point towards any good books/links for the
If I am trying to deploy an application via
apache/tomcat on a linux platform, is it possible to
upgrade certain servlets without actually shutting
down the server. What kind of principle is generally
followed in real life applications for the same?
Any help in this regard is appreciated.
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RE: 24X7 deployment tips

2005-01-11 Thread Phillip Qin
I use Tomcat Manager (actually catalina-ant taks) to deploy my webapps from
my dev box to remote linux server. I don't have to shutdown server by doing
that. However, I do sometimes run into Out Of Memory issues after I deploy
applications hundreds times.

-Original Message-
From: sunil goyal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: January 11, 2005 12:31 PM
Subject: 24X7 deployment tips

Hi all,

I am looking for resources for building and deploying
24X7 large scale web applications using Java. Can
anyone point towards any good books/links for the

If I am trying to deploy an application via
apache/tomcat on a linux platform, is it possible to
upgrade certain servlets without actually shutting
down the server. What kind of principle is generally
followed in real life applications for the same?

Any help in this regard is appreciated.



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RE: Apache, Tomcat, WebDAV, and Web Folders... Oh, my!

2005-01-11 Thread Varley, Roger
 About the only thing left to try is to allow the PROPFIND on 
 /webapp/ . 
 So here's the Tomcat question---how can I allow a PROPFIND on 
 and return, for example, a 403 forbidden, rather than a 501 Not 
 Implemented? Do I have to override 
 org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet? (There goes container 

But surely Tomcat returns 501 when accessed via Localhost and you've already 
said that scenario works.


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[OT] RE: 24X7 deployment tips

2005-01-11 Thread Mark Benussi
Ah good old memory leaks, I see more and more messages regarding this 
although thankfully I have never experienced it myself.

The reason this is off topic is that I was wondering if anyone has ever 
found a way of recovering leaked memory, without restarting the JVM?

Original Message Follows
From: Phillip Qin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: 24X7 deployment tips
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 12:43:46 -0500
I use Tomcat Manager (actually catalina-ant taks) to deploy my webapps from
my dev box to remote linux server. I don't have to shutdown server by doing
that. However, I do sometimes run into Out Of Memory issues after I deploy
applications hundreds times.
-Original Message-
From: sunil goyal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: January 11, 2005 12:31 PM
Subject: 24X7 deployment tips
Hi all,
I am looking for resources for building and deploying
24X7 large scale web applications using Java. Can
anyone point towards any good books/links for the
If I am trying to deploy an application via
apache/tomcat on a linux platform, is it possible to
upgrade certain servlets without actually shutting
down the server. What kind of principle is generally
followed in real life applications for the same?
Any help in this regard is appreciated.
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Re: Apache, Tomcat, WebDAV, and Web Folders... Oh, my!

2005-01-11 Thread Garret Wilson
Yeah, that's what I *assume*, anyway. But Ethereal doesn't work on 
localhost, so I can only assume. There are these possibilities:

* Tomcat returns something other than 501 Not Implemented when 
configured on localhost. (Not likely.)

* MS Web Folders does different checks when accessing the 
Internet-at-large than when accessing localhost. (Likely? I don't know 
what to expect with MS Web Folders anymore.)

I'm guessing the latter is happening, especially as two MS user agents 
get into the act: Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 and Microsoft 
Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Protocol Discovery

And here's more news: I created a new DefaultServlet mapped to / that 
for PROPFIND simply returns 403 Forbidden. Something different happens. 
First, Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 does a PROPFIND on /webapp 
(which gets redirected to /webapp/). MyDefaultServlet returns 403 
Forbidden. Fine. Can you guess what 
Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 does?

Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 then tries to do another PROPFIND 
on /webapp! And another---for a total of five times! (It's forbidden, 
you idiot---and /webapp is none of your business anyway; you're supposed 
to be accessing /webapp/webdav/! Arggg!!!)

Then Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Protocol 
Discovery comes along and does its little OPTIONS / (200 OK) OPTIONS 
/webapp/webdav (401 Unauthorized) dance for three times, and then goes 
into the FrontPage mumbo-jumbo.

What is left to do---issue a 401 Unauthorized on PROPFIND /webapp ? 
Issue a 401 Unauthorized on OPTIONS / ? Rewrite the operating system? 
(Yeah, the latter is probably what I'll have to do to fix all this mess.)

(Grumble grumble grumble...)
Any suggestions on what to do next?
Varley, Roger wrote:
About the only thing left to try is to allow the PROPFIND on 
/webapp/ . 
So here's the Tomcat question---how can I allow a PROPFIND on 
and return, for example, a 403 forbidden, rather than a 501 Not 
Implemented? Do I have to override 
org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet? (There goes container 

But surely Tomcat returns 501 when accessed via Localhost and you've already 
said that scenario works.

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Re: Apache, Tomcat, WebDAV, and Web Folders... Oh, my!

2005-01-11 Thread Parsons Technical Services
Does anyone have an IIS box you can connect to to see what happens. Then 
maybe you can mimic it.

- Original Message - 
From: Garret Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: Apache, Tomcat, WebDAV, and Web Folders... Oh, my!

Yeah, that's what I *assume*, anyway. But Ethereal doesn't work on 
localhost, so I can only assume. There are these possibilities:

* Tomcat returns something other than 501 Not Implemented when configured 
on localhost. (Not likely.)

* MS Web Folders does different checks when accessing the 
Internet-at-large than when accessing localhost. (Likely? I don't know 
what to expect with MS Web Folders anymore.)

I'm guessing the latter is happening, especially as two MS user agents get 
into the act: Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 and Microsoft Data 
Access Internet Publishing Provider Protocol Discovery

And here's more news: I created a new DefaultServlet mapped to / that 
for PROPFIND simply returns 403 Forbidden. Something different happens. 
First, Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 does a PROPFIND on /webapp 
(which gets redirected to /webapp/). MyDefaultServlet returns 403 
Forbidden. Fine. Can you guess what Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 

Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 then tries to do another PROPFIND on 
/webapp! And another---for a total of five times! (It's forbidden, you 
idiot---and /webapp is none of your business anyway; you're supposed to be 
accessing /webapp/webdav/! Arggg!!!)

Then Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Protocol 
Discovery comes along and does its little OPTIONS / (200 OK) OPTIONS 
/webapp/webdav (401 Unauthorized) dance for three times, and then goes 
into the FrontPage mumbo-jumbo.

What is left to do---issue a 401 Unauthorized on PROPFIND /webapp ? Issue 
a 401 Unauthorized on OPTIONS / ? Rewrite the operating system? (Yeah, the 
latter is probably what I'll have to do to fix all this mess.)

(Grumble grumble grumble...)
Any suggestions on what to do next?
Varley, Roger wrote:
About the only thing left to try is to allow the PROPFIND on /webapp/ . 
So here's the Tomcat question---how can I allow a PROPFIND on /webapp/ 
and return, for example, a 403 forbidden, rather than a 501 Not 
Implemented? Do I have to override 
org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet? (There goes container 

But surely Tomcat returns 501 when accessed via Localhost and you've 
already said that scenario works.


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Client browsers can't find Tomcat page

2005-01-11 Thread Doug Thomas
I just upgraded from Tomcat 5.0 to Tomcat 5.5 (Also, to Apache 2.0 and
JDK/JRE to 1.5.0_01, although I'm not using Apache to access Tomcat.)

Server: WindowsXP Pro v2002 SP-2
Processor: Intel Pentium III - 664 MHz, 320 MB of RAM
JDK 1.5.0_01 and JRE 1.5.0_01. I have set the JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH EVs.
Apache Tomcat 5.5.4 and Apache 2.0.52.

Summary of the problem:

I can access the Apache page from the browser on the server via
http://localhost:80 and http://myServerName:80.
I can access the Apache page from the browser on the client via the same
I can access the Tomcat page from the browser on the server via
http://localhost:8080 and http://myServerName:8080.
I cannot access the Tomcat page from the browser on the client via either of
the Tomcat URLs.

All four of the above were working under Tomcat 5.0 and JDK 1.4 - no special
config necessary.

I don't need Apache. I don't want my JSP traffic going through Apache.
Hence, the use of port 8080 in my Tomcat URLs. I only used the Apache port
80 to prove the connection between the client and the server was working.

startup.bat and shutdown.bat don't exist in the Tomcat 5.5 bin folder. What
does exist is a new app called tomcat5w.exe and tomcat.exe. I've been using
tomcat5w.exe to start/stop Tomcat, in place of startup.bat and shutdown.bat.
Is this correct?

Any other thoughts? Still going through the Tomcat docs...haven't found
anything, yet.

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J2ee jars?

2005-01-11 Thread Rômulo Cordeiro Lana
What is the best approach to include j2ee jars in tomcat?

Rômulo Cordeiro Lana

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RE: J2ee jars?

2005-01-11 Thread D'Alessandro, Arthur
I started to play around with OpenEJB

-Original Message-
From: Rômulo Cordeiro Lana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 1:48 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: J2ee jars?

What is the best approach to include j2ee jars in tomcat?

Rômulo Cordeiro Lana

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Re: Client browsers can't find Tomcat page

2005-01-11 Thread Parsons Technical Services
Localhost is the same as the IP of the machine you are on (unless overridden 
in the host files. So on that you would not be able to get an answer unless 
you were running something on the client machine.

As for server name, you may wish to try the IP of the server and see what 
the result is.

But since you are running on XP sp2 my guess would be an issue with the 
firewall. When you applied the sp I bet that Tomcat was on the machine. When 
you did the new install XP blocked the app as it has a new name. Try as a 
test to disable the firewall. If that works then enable it and setup an 
exception for the new Tomcat OR for port 8080. My guess is you will have to 
do the port.

XP sp2 does not like upper ports being open unlike 80 which it knows what it 
is doing.

Welcome to sp2.
- Original Message - 
From: Doug Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 1:38 PM
Subject: Client browsers can't find Tomcat page

I just upgraded from Tomcat 5.0 to Tomcat 5.5 (Also, to Apache 2.0 and
JDK/JRE to 1.5.0_01, although I'm not using Apache to access Tomcat.)
Server: WindowsXP Pro v2002 SP-2
Processor: Intel Pentium III - 664 MHz, 320 MB of RAM
JDK 1.5.0_01 and JRE 1.5.0_01. I have set the JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH EVs.
Apache Tomcat 5.5.4 and Apache 2.0.52.
Summary of the problem:
I can access the Apache page from the browser on the server via
http://localhost:80 and http://myServerName:80.
I can access the Apache page from the browser on the client via the same
I can access the Tomcat page from the browser on the server via
http://localhost:8080 and http://myServerName:8080.
I cannot access the Tomcat page from the browser on the client via either 
the Tomcat URLs.

All four of the above were working under Tomcat 5.0 and JDK 1.4 - no 
config necessary.

I don't need Apache. I don't want my JSP traffic going through Apache.
Hence, the use of port 8080 in my Tomcat URLs. I only used the Apache port
80 to prove the connection between the client and the server was working.
startup.bat and shutdown.bat don't exist in the Tomcat 5.5 bin folder. 
does exist is a new app called tomcat5w.exe and tomcat.exe. I've been 
tomcat5w.exe to start/stop Tomcat, in place of startup.bat and 
Is this correct?

Any other thoughts? Still going through the Tomcat docs...haven't found
anything, yet.
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Re: Apache, Tomcat, WebDAV, and Web Folders... Oh, my!

2005-01-11 Thread Garret Wilson
That would be nice. It would have to be an IIS box configured so that:
* does not support WebDAV (or everything is 

* supports WebDAV, but everything is 

* supports WebDAV with DIGEST 

I actually have different webdav/realm/ subdirectories, so it doesn't 
even make sense for me to authenticate in the parent directories---there 
would be no valid realm for me to send as a DIGEST challenge! (This is 
why it's so crazy---and potentially show-stopping---that MS Web Folders 
is even accessing directories up the hierarchy.)

Parsons Technical Services wrote:
Does anyone have an IIS box you can connect to to see what happens. Then 
maybe you can mimic it.

- Original Message - From: Garret Wilson 
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: Apache, Tomcat, WebDAV, and Web Folders... Oh, my!

Yeah, that's what I *assume*, anyway. But Ethereal doesn't work on 
localhost, so I can only assume. There are these possibilities:

* Tomcat returns something other than 501 Not Implemented when 
configured on localhost. (Not likely.)

* MS Web Folders does different checks when accessing the 
Internet-at-large than when accessing localhost. (Likely? I don't know 
what to expect with MS Web Folders anymore.)

I'm guessing the latter is happening, especially as two MS user agents 
get into the act: Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 and Microsoft 
Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Protocol Discovery

And here's more news: I created a new DefaultServlet mapped to / 
that for PROPFIND simply returns 403 Forbidden. Something different 
happens. First, Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 does a PROPFIND 
on /webapp (which gets redirected to /webapp/). MyDefaultServlet 
returns 403 Forbidden. Fine. Can you guess what 
Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 does?

Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 then tries to do another 
PROPFIND on /webapp! And another---for a total of five times! (It's 
forbidden, you idiot---and /webapp is none of your business anyway; 
you're supposed to be accessing /webapp/webdav/! Arggg!!!)

Then Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Protocol 
Discovery comes along and does its little OPTIONS / (200 OK) OPTIONS 
/webapp/webdav (401 Unauthorized) dance for three times, and then goes 
into the FrontPage mumbo-jumbo.

What is left to do---issue a 401 Unauthorized on PROPFIND /webapp ? 
Issue a 401 Unauthorized on OPTIONS / ? Rewrite the operating system? 
(Yeah, the latter is probably what I'll have to do to fix all this mess.)

(Grumble grumble grumble...)
Any suggestions on what to do next?
Varley, Roger wrote:
About the only thing left to try is to allow the PROPFIND on 
/webapp/ . So here's the Tomcat question---how can I allow a 
PROPFIND on /webapp/ and return, for example, a 403 forbidden, 
rather than a 501 Not Implemented? Do I have to override 
org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet? (There goes container 

But surely Tomcat returns 501 when accessed via Localhost and you've 
already said that scenario works.



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Re: How do I reset the Default Context for all tomcat application in a Server Container??

2005-01-11 Thread Parsons Technical Services
I should have  suggested this before.
As cheap as URLs are get a second one and set it up to point to the Tomcat 
stuff and set your main one as the default. Nothing changes for the built in 
apps except ROOT. If this is an option I can go further in detail.

Leave Tomcat as the default localhost and set up the App as a virtual host. 
If you hit the IP you will get Tomcat and the URL will give you your app. 
Set path to  in the context tag in the appname.xml.

Look at the thread Multiple domain names to a single site
- Original Message - 
From: Troy Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: How do I reset the Default Context for all tomcat application 
in a Server Container??

I was afraid I was going to have to do it for each application.  I was
hoping that I could set a Tomcat Server Wide Base URL then let each
webapp append to it.
Does anyone think that this might be a benefitial feature for a future 

Troy Simpson
 Applications Analyst/Programmer, OCPDBA, MCSE, SCSA
North Carolina State University Libraries
Campus Box 7111 | Raleigh | North Carolina
ph.919.515.3855 | fax.919.513.3330
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Re: Apache, Tomcat, WebDAV, and Web Folders... Oh, my!

2005-01-11 Thread Mark Thomas
Garret Wilson wrote:
Why doesn't Microsoft Web Folders ask my for my password? Why does it 
ignore the 401 Unauthorized and go back to asking for OPTIONS on the 
root? Does this have something to do with using Apache to proxy to 
Tomcat? Why did a non-proxied Tomcat work find on my Windows XP 
Professional machine?
I can only guess that the responses are somehow different. Have you 
tried something like tcpmon (from the Axis project) to look at the 
headers? I found it invaluable when investigating webDAV issues a while 

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RE: Client browsers can't find Tomcat page

2005-01-11 Thread Doug Thomas
That was it! Thanks a billion.

-Original Message-
From: Parsons Technical Services [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:09 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Client browsers can't find Tomcat page

Localhost is the same as the IP of the machine you are on (unless overridden
in the host files. So on that you would not be able to get an answer unless
you were running something on the client machine.

As for server name, you may wish to try the IP of the server and see what
the result is.

But since you are running on XP sp2 my guess would be an issue with the
firewall. When you applied the sp I bet that Tomcat was on the machine. When
you did the new install XP blocked the app as it has a new name. Try as a
test to disable the firewall. If that works then enable it and setup an
exception for the new Tomcat OR for port 8080. My guess is you will have to
do the port.

XP sp2 does not like upper ports being open unlike 80 which it knows what it
is doing.

Welcome to sp2.


- Original Message -
From: Doug Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 1:38 PM
Subject: Client browsers can't find Tomcat page

I just upgraded from Tomcat 5.0 to Tomcat 5.5 (Also, to Apache 2.0 and
 JDK/JRE to 1.5.0_01, although I'm not using Apache to access Tomcat.)

 Server: WindowsXP Pro v2002 SP-2
 Processor: Intel Pentium III - 664 MHz, 320 MB of RAM
 JDK 1.5.0_01 and JRE 1.5.0_01. I have set the JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH EVs.
 Apache Tomcat 5.5.4 and Apache 2.0.52.

 Summary of the problem:

 I can access the Apache page from the browser on the server via
 http://localhost:80 and http://myServerName:80.
 I can access the Apache page from the browser on the client via the same
 I can access the Tomcat page from the browser on the server via
 http://localhost:8080 and http://myServerName:8080.
 I cannot access the Tomcat page from the browser on the client via either
 the Tomcat URLs.

 All four of the above were working under Tomcat 5.0 and JDK 1.4 - no
 config necessary.

 I don't need Apache. I don't want my JSP traffic going through Apache.
 Hence, the use of port 8080 in my Tomcat URLs. I only used the Apache port
 80 to prove the connection between the client and the server was working.

 startup.bat and shutdown.bat don't exist in the Tomcat 5.5 bin folder.
 does exist is a new app called tomcat5w.exe and tomcat.exe. I've been
 tomcat5w.exe to start/stop Tomcat, in place of startup.bat and
 Is this correct?

 Any other thoughts? Still going through the Tomcat docs...haven't found
 anything, yet.

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Re: Client browsers can't find Tomcat page

2005-01-11 Thread Parsons Technical Services
I get lucky once in a while.
Glad to help.
- Original Message - 
From: Doug Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:41 PM
Subject: RE: Client browsers can't find Tomcat page

That was it! Thanks a billion.
-Original Message-
From: Parsons Technical Services [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:09 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Client browsers can't find Tomcat page
Localhost is the same as the IP of the machine you are on (unless 
in the host files. So on that you would not be able to get an answer 
you were running something on the client machine.

As for server name, you may wish to try the IP of the server and see what
the result is.
But since you are running on XP sp2 my guess would be an issue with the
firewall. When you applied the sp I bet that Tomcat was on the machine. 
you did the new install XP blocked the app as it has a new name. Try as a
test to disable the firewall. If that works then enable it and setup an
exception for the new Tomcat OR for port 8080. My guess is you will have 
do the port.

XP sp2 does not like upper ports being open unlike 80 which it knows what 
is doing.

Welcome to sp2.
- Original Message -
From: Doug Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 1:38 PM
Subject: Client browsers can't find Tomcat page

I just upgraded from Tomcat 5.0 to Tomcat 5.5 (Also, to Apache 2.0 and
JDK/JRE to 1.5.0_01, although I'm not using Apache to access Tomcat.)
Server: WindowsXP Pro v2002 SP-2
Processor: Intel Pentium III - 664 MHz, 320 MB of RAM
JDK 1.5.0_01 and JRE 1.5.0_01. I have set the JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH 
Apache Tomcat 5.5.4 and Apache 2.0.52.

Summary of the problem:
I can access the Apache page from the browser on the server via
http://localhost:80 and http://myServerName:80.
I can access the Apache page from the browser on the client via the same
I can access the Tomcat page from the browser on the server via
http://localhost:8080 and http://myServerName:8080.
I cannot access the Tomcat page from the browser on the client via either
the Tomcat URLs.
All four of the above were working under Tomcat 5.0 and JDK 1.4 - no
config necessary.
I don't need Apache. I don't want my JSP traffic going through Apache.
Hence, the use of port 8080 in my Tomcat URLs. I only used the Apache 
80 to prove the connection between the client and the server was working.

startup.bat and shutdown.bat don't exist in the Tomcat 5.5 bin folder.
does exist is a new app called tomcat5w.exe and tomcat.exe. I've been
tomcat5w.exe to start/stop Tomcat, in place of startup.bat and
Is this correct?
Any other thoughts? Still going through the Tomcat docs...haven't found
anything, yet.
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RE: Tomcat 5.5.4 - Using a Context.xml File With a Path Different Than The File Name

2005-01-11 Thread Matt Mejaski
I still need some type of auto-deployment, though.

The app won't be deployed twice because Tomcat only knows about it through
the myappsavedfiles.xml file in conf/Catalina/localhost --- the content for
the app is NOT in appBase.

If I didn't do autodeployment, how would I deploy it at the path I needed?
By using the Tomcat manager?


-Original Message-
From: Parsons Technical Services [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:37 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat 5.5.4 - Using a Context.xml File With a Path Different
Than The File Name

If you don't use autodeploy, you can turn this off and use a context with
yourchoice path like in 5.0 . Otherwise Tomcat will deploy the app twice,
once using your xml and once using the default xml.

Someone slap me if I am wrong here.


- Original Message -
From: Matt Mejaski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 10:30 AM
Subject: Tomcat 5.5.4 - Using a Context.xml File With a Path Different Than
The File Name

 Hi all,

 Using Tomcat 5.0.30, I had two Contexts for webapps set up as follows.

 Context 1, loaded from file: Tomcat
 Context path=/myapp docBase=myapp cookies=true debug=0
 reloadable=false /

 Context 2, loaded from file: Tomcat
 Home/conf/Catalina/localhost/myappsavedfiles.xml :
 Context path=/myapp/savedfiles docBase=C:\MyApp\Saved /

 Notice that the path of Context 2 is a subdirectory of Context 1.  
 Also, notice that the docBase's are completely different directories 
 (i.e. the docBase for context 2 isn't actually a subdirectory of the 
 docBase of Context 1)

 The reason I do this is because I want the data in context 1 (my web 
 app) to be upgradeable (and thus be blown away at will), but the data 
 in my Context
 2 (which isn't even in the webapps directory) to be persistent.

 Now, I want to upgrade to Tomcat 5.5.4.  However, it seems that I can 
 no longer do this in Tomcat 5.5 (according to the description of the
 attribute described here:
 I do one of the following:

 1) Put the Context tag for Context 2 directly in my server.xml, which 
 is no longer recommended
 2) Somehow name my Context 2 file with a slash in it -- which Windows 
 isn't going to let me do! =)
 3) Rename my Context 2 file to be a different path altogether, which 
 means that I have to change by Context 1 code that refers to files in
Context 2.

 Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can keep both of these 
 contexts without changing my code in Context 1 that refers to the path 
 /myapp/savedfiles, and hopefully without modifying my Tomcat server.xml?

 I appreciate any suggestions you may have.

 Matt Mejaski

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only one session for all webapps

2005-01-11 Thread Kieu Huu Dung
Hi everybody,

Does anyone know how to have (or share) only one
session (object session) for all webapps? Please tell


Huu-Dung Kieu.

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Re: Apache, Tomcat, WebDAV, and Web Folders... Oh, my!

2005-01-11 Thread Garret Wilson
Here's new news:
Apparently the whole PROPFIND / and Apache proxy things were red 
herrings. The central issue seems to be that MS Web Folders doesn't know 
what to do with a 401 Unauthorized response to an OPTIONS request on the 
WebDAV root folder (when it finally gets around to checking). I 
reconfigured my WebDAV servlet to bypass authorization for OPTIONS 
requests (as a test), and once MS Web Folders requested OPTIONS and my 
servlet sent them back, it issued a PROPFIND and correctly popped up the 
authorization dialog. (But there are more problems---see below.)

Requiring OPTIONS to forsake authorization is a security risk. If I 
can't return 401 Unauthorized for OPTIONS, then a client can issue 
OPTIONS at will and find out which resources exist and which are 

But let's say that I open up OPTIONS for all my realms, just to make MS 
Web Folders work. I'm still not out of the clear. Once MS Web Folders 
tries to do a PROPFIND and I enter my name and password, it doesn't work.

In fact, MS Web Folder doesn't even send back my credentials! It 
apparently sends an identical PROPFIND request as the one that just 
failed, and then shows another dialog box with user changed to\user1. (The servers is a virtual host on Apache, 
proxied to Tomcat.) Now, this I've seen before, with Apache mod_dav on a 
virtual host. I never found the source of the problem. (I have Apache 
mod_dav working fine with non-virtual-host SSL domains.)

Now I've opened up a security risk, and there's still another problem to 
track down.

Thanks for your pointers, and for being a wonderful audience. ;)
Garret Wilson wrote:
Yeah, that's what I *assume*, anyway. But Ethereal doesn't work on 
localhost, so I can only assume. There are these possibilities:

* Tomcat returns something other than 501 Not Implemented when 
configured on localhost. (Not likely.)

* MS Web Folders does different checks when accessing the 
Internet-at-large than when accessing localhost. (Likely? I don't know 
what to expect with MS Web Folders anymore.)

I'm guessing the latter is happening, especially as two MS user agents 
get into the act: Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 and Microsoft 
Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Protocol Discovery

And here's more news: I created a new DefaultServlet mapped to / that 
for PROPFIND simply returns 403 Forbidden. Something different happens. 
First, Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 does a PROPFIND on /webapp 
(which gets redirected to /webapp/). MyDefaultServlet returns 403 
Forbidden. Fine. Can you guess what 
Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 does?

Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 then tries to do another PROPFIND 
on /webapp! And another---for a total of five times! (It's forbidden, 
you idiot---and /webapp is none of your business anyway; you're supposed 
to be accessing /webapp/webdav/! Arggg!!!)

Then Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Protocol 
Discovery comes along and does its little OPTIONS / (200 OK) OPTIONS 
/webapp/webdav (401 Unauthorized) dance for three times, and then goes 
into the FrontPage mumbo-jumbo.

What is left to do---issue a 401 Unauthorized on PROPFIND /webapp ? 
Issue a 401 Unauthorized on OPTIONS / ? Rewrite the operating system? 
(Yeah, the latter is probably what I'll have to do to fix all this mess.)

(Grumble grumble grumble...)
Any suggestions on what to do next?
Varley, Roger wrote:
About the only thing left to try is to allow the PROPFIND on /webapp/ 
. So here's the Tomcat question---how can I allow a PROPFIND on 
/webapp/ and return, for example, a 403 forbidden, rather than a 501 
Not Implemented? Do I have to override 
org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet? (There goes container 

But surely Tomcat returns 501 when accessed via Localhost and you've 
already said that scenario works.



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Re: Apache, Tomcat, WebDAV, and Web Folders... Oh, my!

2005-01-11 Thread Garret Wilson
While I'm tracking down the domain authentication problem, here's 
another problem to be aware of.

IE 5, Office 2000, and Office XP only support WebDAV BASIC 
authentication, but not DIGEST:;en-us;321932
You upgrade to Windows XP, and by default it only supports WebDAV DIGEST 
authentication, but not BASIC:
Sheer brilliance.
I'm guessing this has nothing to do with my authentication problem, 
because XP Web Folders handled DIGEST authentication just fine on 
localhost---but Dorothy, we're not on localhost anymore...

Garret Wilson wrote:
Here's new news:
Apparently the whole PROPFIND / and Apache proxy things were red 
herrings. The central issue seems to be that MS Web Folders doesn't know 
what to do with a 401 Unauthorized response to an OPTIONS request on the 
WebDAV root folder (when it finally gets around to checking). I 
reconfigured my WebDAV servlet to bypass authorization for OPTIONS 
requests (as a test), and once MS Web Folders requested OPTIONS and my 
servlet sent them back, it issued a PROPFIND and correctly popped up the 
authorization dialog. (But there are more problems---see below.)

Requiring OPTIONS to forsake authorization is a security risk. If I 
can't return 401 Unauthorized for OPTIONS, then a client can issue 
OPTIONS at will and find out which resources exist and which are 

But let's say that I open up OPTIONS for all my realms, just to make MS 
Web Folders work. I'm still not out of the clear. Once MS Web Folders 
tries to do a PROPFIND and I enter my name and password, it doesn't work.

In fact, MS Web Folder doesn't even send back my credentials! It 
apparently sends an identical PROPFIND request as the one that just 
failed, and then shows another dialog box with user changed to\user1. (The servers is a virtual host on Apache, 
proxied to Tomcat.) Now, this I've seen before, with Apache mod_dav on a 
virtual host. I never found the source of the problem. (I have Apache 
mod_dav working fine with non-virtual-host SSL domains.)

Now I've opened up a security risk, and there's still another problem to 
track down.

Thanks for your pointers, and for being a wonderful audience. ;)
Garret Wilson wrote:
Yeah, that's what I *assume*, anyway. But Ethereal doesn't work on 
localhost, so I can only assume. There are these possibilities:

* Tomcat returns something other than 501 Not Implemented when 
configured on localhost. (Not likely.)

* MS Web Folders does different checks when accessing the 
Internet-at-large than when accessing localhost. (Likely? I don't know 
what to expect with MS Web Folders anymore.)

I'm guessing the latter is happening, especially as two MS user agents 
get into the act: Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 and Microsoft 
Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Protocol Discovery

And here's more news: I created a new DefaultServlet mapped to / 
that for PROPFIND simply returns 403 Forbidden. Something different 
happens. First, Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 does a PROPFIND 
on /webapp (which gets redirected to /webapp/). MyDefaultServlet 
returns 403 Forbidden. Fine. Can you guess what 
Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 does?

Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600 then tries to do another 
PROPFIND on /webapp! And another---for a total of five times! (It's 
forbidden, you idiot---and /webapp is none of your business anyway; 
you're supposed to be accessing /webapp/webdav/! Arggg!!!)

Then Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Protocol 
Discovery comes along and does its little OPTIONS / (200 OK) OPTIONS 
/webapp/webdav (401 Unauthorized) dance for three times, and then goes 
into the FrontPage mumbo-jumbo.

What is left to do---issue a 401 Unauthorized on PROPFIND /webapp ? 
Issue a 401 Unauthorized on OPTIONS / ? Rewrite the operating system? 
(Yeah, the latter is probably what I'll have to do to fix all this mess.)

(Grumble grumble grumble...)
Any suggestions on what to do next?
Varley, Roger wrote:
About the only thing left to try is to allow the PROPFIND on 
/webapp/ . So here's the Tomcat question---how can I allow a 
PROPFIND on /webapp/ and return, for example, a 403 forbidden, 
rather than a 501 Not Implemented? Do I have to override 
org.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet? (There goes container 

But surely Tomcat returns 501 when accessed via Localhost and you've 
already said that scenario works.



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Max of two connections per client?

2005-01-11 Thread Hunt, Joseph (OVBU- Ft.Collins)
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have created an html document that contains several Iframes
that all refer to the same JSP page.  The JSP simply
waits(Thread.sleep()) 5 seconds and then returns some text.  When I open
the html document in either IE or Mozilla after 5 seconds I see the
first two iframes load, then 5 seconds later, I see the next two, etc.
I am using the default config params on tomcat 5.0.28 on Win XP
Pro.  If I understand them correctly, I should have between 25
(minSpareThreads) and 150(maxSpareTreads) threads available.  Why do the
requests wait for the previous to complete as if there are only two
threads handling the requests?
In my research, I have noticed that connecting from other
machines, I get two concurrent requests per machine.  For example, if I
open the html page on three machines simultaneously, it appears that I
have 6 threads in tomcat working.  But I am always restricted to two
concurrent requests per client.  I have also noticed that if I use both
IE and Mozilla on the same machine, I am able to get at most 4
consecutive requests.  Again 2 requests from each browser.  If I open 3
IE browsers on the same machine I see the updates happen two at a time
across all the browsers.
Is there some piece of configuration that I am missing?  Where
is this two concurrent requests coming from?

BTW it does not appear to be the browser that is dispatching only two
requests.  I can add any number of additional Iframes pointing to
non-tomcat sites and they seem to begin loading immediately.


Joe Hunt
HP OpenView 

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Re: Apache, Tomcat, WebDAV, and Web Folders... Oh, my!

2005-01-11 Thread Garret Wilson
Garret Wilson wrote:
Apparently the whole PROPFIND / and Apache proxy things were red 
herrings. The central issue seems to be that MS Web Folders doesn't know 
what to do with a 401 Unauthorized response to an OPTIONS request on the 
WebDAV root folder (when it finally gets around to checking). I 
reconfigured my WebDAV servlet to bypass authorization for OPTIONS 
requests (as a test), and once MS Web Folders requested OPTIONS and my 
servlet sent them back, it issued a PROPFIND and correctly popped up the 
authorization dialog. (But there are more problems---see below.)
This seems to be related:
So... if I put workarounds in my WebDAV servlet to work with MS Web 
Folders from XP SP2, will it still fail with XP SP1, because SP1 won't 
even send an OPTIONS except to the root?
I wrote *my* WebDAV servlet reading from the RFCs. What in the world did 
MS coders use when they wrote MS Web Folders? Surely not the actual 
WebDAV specification...

This is all just plain ridiculous.
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Re: Tomcat 5.5.4 - Using a Context.xml File With a Path Different Than The File Name

2005-01-11 Thread Parsons Technical Services
You would need to use the manager either html or command line.
You may have one of those cases that will work with the autodeploy on and 
specified context path.

Install 5.5 and try it. You can leave 5.0 in place.
- Original Message - 
From: Matt Mejaski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 3:00 PM
Subject: RE: Tomcat 5.5.4 - Using a Context.xml File With a Path Different 
Than The File Name

I still need some type of auto-deployment, though.
The app won't be deployed twice because Tomcat only knows about it through
the myappsavedfiles.xml file in conf/Catalina/localhost --- the content 
the app is NOT in appBase.

If I didn't do autodeployment, how would I deploy it at the path I needed?
By using the Tomcat manager?
-Original Message-
From: Parsons Technical Services [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:37 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat 5.5.4 - Using a Context.xml File With a Path Different
Than The File Name
If you don't use autodeploy, you can turn this off and use a context with
yourchoice path like in 5.0 . Otherwise Tomcat will deploy the app 
once using your xml and once using the default xml.
Someone slap me if I am wrong here.
- Original Message -
From: Matt Mejaski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 10:30 AM
Subject: Tomcat 5.5.4 - Using a Context.xml File With a Path Different 
The File Name

Hi all,
Using Tomcat 5.0.30, I had two Contexts for webapps set up as follows.
Context 1, loaded from file: Tomcat
Context path=/myapp docBase=myapp cookies=true debug=0
reloadable=false /
Context 2, loaded from file: Tomcat
Home/conf/Catalina/localhost/myappsavedfiles.xml :
Context path=/myapp/savedfiles docBase=C:\MyApp\Saved /
Notice that the path of Context 2 is a subdirectory of Context 1.
Also, notice that the docBase's are completely different directories
(i.e. the docBase for context 2 isn't actually a subdirectory of the
docBase of Context 1)
The reason I do this is because I want the data in context 1 (my web
app) to be upgradeable (and thus be blown away at will), but the data
in my Context
2 (which isn't even in the webapps directory) to be persistent.
Now, I want to upgrade to Tomcat 5.5.4.  However, it seems that I can
no longer do this in Tomcat 5.5 (according to the description of the
attribute described here:
I do one of the following:
1) Put the Context tag for Context 2 directly in my server.xml, which
is no longer recommended
2) Somehow name my Context 2 file with a slash in it -- which Windows
isn't going to let me do! =)
3) Rename my Context 2 file to be a different path altogether, which
means that I have to change by Context 1 code that refers to files in
Context 2.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can keep both of these
contexts without changing my code in Context 1 that refers to the path
/myapp/savedfiles, and hopefully without modifying my Tomcat server.xml?
I appreciate any suggestions you may have.
Matt Mejaski

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Re: Max of two connections per client?

2005-01-11 Thread Peter Johnson
I think that is HTTP/1.1 for you ... but the details are a little foggy
Hunt, Joseph (OVBU- Ft.Collins) wrote:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have created an html document that contains several Iframes
that all refer to the same JSP page.  The JSP simply
waits(Thread.sleep()) 5 seconds and then returns some text.  When I open
the html document in either IE or Mozilla after 5 seconds I see the
first two iframes load, then 5 seconds later, I see the next two, etc.
I am using the default config params on tomcat 5.0.28 on Win XP
Pro.  If I understand them correctly, I should have between 25
(minSpareThreads) and 150(maxSpareTreads) threads available.  Why do the
requests wait for the previous to complete as if there are only two
threads handling the requests?
In my research, I have noticed that connecting from other
machines, I get two concurrent requests per machine.  For example, if I
open the html page on three machines simultaneously, it appears that I
have 6 threads in tomcat working.  But I am always restricted to two
concurrent requests per client.  I have also noticed that if I use both
IE and Mozilla on the same machine, I am able to get at most 4
consecutive requests.  Again 2 requests from each browser.  If I open 3
IE browsers on the same machine I see the updates happen two at a time
across all the browsers.
Is there some piece of configuration that I am missing?  Where
is this two concurrent requests coming from?
BTW it does not appear to be the browser that is dispatching only two
requests.  I can add any number of additional Iframes pointing to
non-tomcat sites and they seem to begin loading immediately.
Joe Hunt
HP OpenView 

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Re: Apache, Tomcat, WebDAV, and Web Folders... Oh, my!

2005-01-11 Thread Parsons Technical Services
Ahh the world according to B.G. and Micro$lime.
What do you think the odd are that it works against IIS? M$ is famous for 
their interpretations of the RFC and implementation of odd handling of 
standards. Thus if you don't live in a Micky$oft world you will have more 
than you share of problems.

Anyway, hope you get it solved.
- Original Message - 
From: Garret Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: Apache, Tomcat, WebDAV, and Web Folders... Oh, my!

Garret Wilson wrote:
Apparently the whole PROPFIND / and Apache proxy things were red 
herrings. The central issue seems to be that MS Web Folders doesn't know 
what to do with a 401 Unauthorized response to an OPTIONS request on the 
WebDAV root folder (when it finally gets around to checking). I 
reconfigured my WebDAV servlet to bypass authorization for OPTIONS 
requests (as a test), and once MS Web Folders requested OPTIONS and my 
servlet sent them back, it issued a PROPFIND and correctly popped up the 
authorization dialog. (But there are more problems---see below.)
This seems to be related:
So... if I put workarounds in my WebDAV servlet to work with MS Web 
Folders from XP SP2, will it still fail with XP SP1, because SP1 won't 
even send an OPTIONS except to the root?
I wrote *my* WebDAV servlet reading from the RFCs. What in the world did 
MS coders use when they wrote MS Web Folders? Surely not the actual WebDAV 

This is all just plain ridiculous.
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RE: Max of two connections per client?

2005-01-11 Thread Hunt, Joseph (OVBU- Ft.Collins)
I'm not sure what you are suggesting, but I did try turning off
HTTP 1.1 in IE and still get the same behavior.

Joe Hunt 

 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:48 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Max of two connections per client?
 I think that is HTTP/1.1 for you ... but the details are a 
 little foggy
 Hunt, Joseph (OVBU- Ft.Collins) wrote:
 Ladies and Gentlemen,
  I have created an html document that contains several 
 Iframes that 
 all refer to the same JSP page.  The JSP simply
 waits(Thread.sleep()) 5 seconds and then returns some text.  When I 
 open the html document in either IE or Mozilla after 5 seconds I see 
 the first two iframes load, then 5 seconds later, I see the 
 next two, etc.
  I am using the default config params on tomcat 5.0.28 
 on Win XP Pro.  
 If I understand them correctly, I should have between 25
 (minSpareThreads) and 150(maxSpareTreads) threads available.  Why do 
 the requests wait for the previous to complete as if there 
 are only two 
 threads handling the requests?
  In my research, I have noticed that connecting from 
 other machines, I 
 get two concurrent requests per machine.  For example, if I open the 
 html page on three machines simultaneously, it appears that I have 6 
 threads in tomcat working.  But I am always restricted to two 
 concurrent requests per client.  I have also noticed that if 
 I use both 
 IE and Mozilla on the same machine, I am able to get at most 4 
 consecutive requests.  Again 2 requests from each browser.  
 If I open 3 
 IE browsers on the same machine I see the updates happen two 
 at a time 
 across all the browsers.
  Is there some piece of configuration that I am missing? 
  Where is this 
 two concurrent requests coming from?
 BTW it does not appear to be the browser that is dispatching 
 only two 
 requests.  I can add any number of additional Iframes pointing to 
 non-tomcat sites and they seem to begin loading immediately.
 Joe Hunt
 HP OpenView
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RE: Tomcat 5.5.4 - Using a Context.xml File With a Path Different Than The File Name

2005-01-11 Thread Benjamin Armintor
Try naming the second context file myapp#savedfiles.xml; that should
result in startup deployment to the correct context path.

Benjamin J. Armintor
Operations Systems Specialist
ITS-Systems: Mainframe Group
University of Texas - Austin
tele: (512) 232-6562

-Original Message-
From: Matt Mejaski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 9:31 AM
Subject: Tomcat 5.5.4 - Using a Context.xml File With a Path Different
Than The File Name

Hi all,
Using Tomcat 5.0.30, I had two Contexts for webapps set up as follows.
Context 1, loaded from file: Tomcat
Context path=/myapp docBase=myapp cookies=true debug=0
reloadable=false /

Context 2, loaded from file: Tomcat
Home/conf/Catalina/localhost/myappsavedfiles.xml :
Context path=/myapp/savedfiles docBase=C:\MyApp\Saved /

Notice that the path of Context 2 is a subdirectory of Context 1.  Also,
notice that the docBase's are completely different directories (i.e. the
docBase for context 2 isn't actually a subdirectory of the docBase of
Context 1)

The reason I do this is because I want the data in context 1 (my web
app) to be upgradeable (and thus be blown away at will), but the data in
my Context 2 (which isn't even in the webapps directory) to be

Now, I want to upgrade to Tomcat 5.5.4.  However, it seems that I can no
longer do this in Tomcat 5.5 (according to the description of the 'path'
attribute described here:
unless I do one of the following:

1) Put the Context tag for Context 2 directly in my server.xml, which is
no longer recommended
2) Somehow name my Context 2 file with a slash in it -- which Windows
isn't going to let me do! =)
3) Rename my Context 2 file to be a different path altogether, which
means that I have to change by Context 1 code that refers to files in
Context 2.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can keep both of these
contexts without changing my code in Context 1 that refers to the path
/myapp/savedfiles, and hopefully without modifying my Tomcat server.xml?

I appreciate any suggestions you may have.

Matt Mejaski

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session newbie question

2005-01-11 Thread Casas, Claudia
Hello Everyone,
Can anyone tell me how to activate sessions in tomcat?
I migrated a project from to tomcat5.5 and apache2 and everything seems
to work, except the sessions are being lost.
I am thinking there should be a variable somewhere in the server.xml to
specify that I want to allow sessions, but not sure.
!--Claudia Casas-

Re: dynamically compile JSPs

2005-01-11 Thread Matt Bathje
I was messing around with the code a little bit, and tried this:
JspC antTask = new JspC();
antTask.setArgs(new String[] { -compile, uploadTileFilePath });
but this always gave me an error that javax.servlet package could not be 

Replying to myself here - but I got a bit further with this and need 
more support if anybody has any ideas.

I thought at first that this code would parse/compile the uploaded JSP 
page using the same paths/classpath/etc. that the Jasper servlet setup 
in web.xml uses.

It turns out I am wrong and it seems like it is using some sort of 
default for the classpath and output directory.

The classpath just has the classes from the jars for my local site 
(hence no tomcat jars and there error being seen above.

It is outputting the jsp file to a .java file under 
TOMCAT_HOME\org\apache\jsp\WEB_INF\tiles\public_\ (and 
presumably if I could get compilation to work it would compile to that 
directory as well.)

So it looks like I need to send in classpath and destination directory 
configuration stuff to the JspC task (using setClassPath and 
setOutputDir on antTask I think)

Where do I get the proper information from though? (The proper 
information to me means the same classpath and output directory that 
tomcats jasper servlet uses) Is there a way to read the jasper servlets 
configuration variables in my serlvet? Of can I figure it out from the 
JspC(and related) source code? I haven't seen anything helpful there yet.

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Re: Max of two connections per client?

2005-01-11 Thread Peter Johnson
What I am saying is that from memory I believe that it is a 
specification of the HTTP protocol that no more than two concurrent 
connections are opened to any one host. The purpose is to limit the 
potential load on the server and it's network socket pool.

I.e. Given a server has about 65000 free sockets at it's disposal and 
someone poorly designed a page which had 100 images and the server came 
under the Slashdot effect of 650 concurrent users then the server would 
exhaust all it's available sockets if each browser was allowed to make a 
connection per image.
(Yes: these figures are rough as no CSS or HTML content requests have 
been taken into account and a page with 100 images is quite unlikely)

However, I could be going down completely the wrong path here. You might 
want to do a little research on it yourself.

Hunt, Joseph (OVBU- Ft.Collins) wrote:
I'm not sure what you are suggesting, but I did try turning off
HTTP 1.1 in IE and still get the same behavior.
Joe Hunt 


-Original Message-
From: Peter Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:48 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Max of two connections per client?

I think that is HTTP/1.1 for you ... but the details are a 
little foggy

Hunt, Joseph (OVBU- Ft.Collins) wrote:

Ladies and Gentlemen,
	I have created an html document that contains several 

Iframes that 

all refer to the same JSP page.  The JSP simply
waits(Thread.sleep()) 5 seconds and then returns some text.  When I 
open the html document in either IE or Mozilla after 5 seconds I see 
the first two iframes load, then 5 seconds later, I see the 

next two, etc.

	I am using the default config params on tomcat 5.0.28 

on Win XP Pro.  

If I understand them correctly, I should have between 25
(minSpareThreads) and 150(maxSpareTreads) threads available.  Why do 
the requests wait for the previous to complete as if there 

are only two 

threads handling the requests?
	In my research, I have noticed that connecting from 

other machines, I 

get two concurrent requests per machine.  For example, if I open the 
html page on three machines simultaneously, it appears that I have 6 
threads in tomcat working.  But I am always restricted to two 
concurrent requests per client.  I have also noticed that if 

I use both 

IE and Mozilla on the same machine, I am able to get at most 4 
consecutive requests.  Again 2 requests from each browser.  

If I open 3 

IE browsers on the same machine I see the updates happen two 

at a time 

across all the browsers.
	Is there some piece of configuration that I am missing? 

Where is this 

two concurrent requests coming from?
BTW it does not appear to be the browser that is dispatching 

only two 

requests.  I can add any number of additional Iframes pointing to 
non-tomcat sites and they seem to begin loading immediately.

Joe Hunt
HP OpenView
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Unable to compile class for JSP

2005-01-11 Thread Dave Kennedy
This web page displays correctly

but all of the other examples on this page display the error below:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
An error occurred at line: -1 in the jsp file: null
Generated servlet error:
[javac] Compiling 1 source file
Any help would be greatly appreciated

RE: Unable to compile class for JSP

2005-01-11 Thread Dave Kennedy
Server Env:
 Apache Tomcat 4.1.30
 JVM 1.4.2_04-b05

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RE: Max of two connections per client?

2005-01-11 Thread Hunt, Joseph (OVBU- Ft.Collins)
Good call, that looks like my problem.  The HTTP 1.1 RFC reads :

   Clients that use persistent connections SHOULD limit the number of
   simultaneous connections that they maintain to a given server. A
   single-user client SHOULD maintain AT MOST 2 connections with any
   server or proxy.

I also found anecdotal references about HTTP 1.0 implementations adding
connection limits as well to avoid killing HTTP servers.  That is not at
all what I wanted to hear, but thanks for the quick and very helpful

Joe Hunt

 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 4:19 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Max of two connections per client?
 What I am saying is that from memory I believe that it is a 
 specification of the HTTP protocol that no more than two 
 concurrent connections are opened to any one host. The 
 purpose is to limit the potential load on the server and it's 
 network socket pool.
 I.e. Given a server has about 65000 free sockets at it's 
 disposal and someone poorly designed a page which had 100 
 images and the server came under the Slashdot effect of 650 
 concurrent users then the server would exhaust all it's 
 available sockets if each browser was allowed to make a 
 connection per image.
 (Yes: these figures are rough as no CSS or HTML content 
 requests have been taken into account and a page with 100 
 images is quite unlikely)
 However, I could be going down completely the wrong path 
 here. You might want to do a little research on it yourself.
 Hunt, Joseph (OVBU- Ft.Collins) wrote:
  I'm not sure what you are suggesting, but I did try 
 turning off HTTP 
 1.1 in IE and still get the same behavior.
 Joe Hunt
 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:48 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Max of two connections per client?
 I think that is HTTP/1.1 for you ... but the details are a little 
 Hunt, Joseph (OVBU- Ft.Collins) wrote:
 Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have created an html document that contains several
 Iframes that
 all refer to the same JSP page.  The JSP simply
 waits(Thread.sleep()) 5 seconds and then returns some 
 text.  When I 
 open the html document in either IE or Mozilla after 5 
 seconds I see 
 the first two iframes load, then 5 seconds later, I see the
 next two, etc.
I am using the default config params on tomcat 5.0.28
 on Win XP Pro.  
 If I understand them correctly, I should have between 25
 (minSpareThreads) and 150(maxSpareTreads) threads 
 available.  Why do 
 the requests wait for the previous to complete as if there
 are only two
 threads handling the requests?
In my research, I have noticed that connecting from
 other machines, I
 get two concurrent requests per machine.  For example, if 
 I open the 
 html page on three machines simultaneously, it appears 
 that I have 6 
 threads in tomcat working.  But I am always restricted to two 
 concurrent requests per client.  I have also noticed that if
 I use both
 IE and Mozilla on the same machine, I am able to get at most 4 
 consecutive requests.  Again 2 requests from each browser.
 If I open 3
 IE browsers on the same machine I see the updates happen two
 at a time
 across all the browsers.
Is there some piece of configuration that I am missing? 
  Where is this
 two concurrent requests coming from?
 BTW it does not appear to be the browser that is dispatching
 only two
 requests.  I can add any number of additional Iframes pointing to 
 non-tomcat sites and they seem to begin loading immediately.
 Joe Hunt
 HP OpenView
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Re: Max of two connections per client?

2005-01-11 Thread Peter Lin
by the way, the 2 connection limit is actually hardcoded in the http
socket and not in IE. AFAIK, you can't turn it off or change it. You'd
have to write your own browser to get around that.


On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 18:48:20 -0500, Hunt, Joseph (OVBU- Ft.Collins)
 Good call, that looks like my problem.  The HTTP 1.1 RFC reads :
Clients that use persistent connections SHOULD limit the number of
simultaneous connections that they maintain to a given server. A
single-user client SHOULD maintain AT MOST 2 connections with any
server or proxy.
 I also found anecdotal references about HTTP 1.0 implementations adding
 connection limits as well to avoid killing HTTP servers.  That is not at
 all what I wanted to hear, but thanks for the quick and very helpful
 Joe Hunt
  -Original Message-
  From: Peter Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 4:19 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: Max of two connections per client?
  What I am saying is that from memory I believe that it is a
  specification of the HTTP protocol that no more than two
  concurrent connections are opened to any one host. The
  purpose is to limit the potential load on the server and it's
  network socket pool.
  I.e. Given a server has about 65000 free sockets at it's
  disposal and someone poorly designed a page which had 100
  images and the server came under the Slashdot effect of 650
  concurrent users then the server would exhaust all it's
  available sockets if each browser was allowed to make a
  connection per image.
  (Yes: these figures are rough as no CSS or HTML content
  requests have been taken into account and a page with 100
  images is quite unlikely)
  However, I could be going down completely the wrong path
  here. You might want to do a little research on it yourself.
  Hunt, Joseph (OVBU- Ft.Collins) wrote:
   I'm not sure what you are suggesting, but I did try
  turning off HTTP
  1.1 in IE and still get the same behavior.
  Joe Hunt
  -Original Message-
  From: Peter Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:48 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: Re: Max of two connections per client?
  I think that is HTTP/1.1 for you ... but the details are a little
  Hunt, Joseph (OVBU- Ft.Collins) wrote:
  Ladies and Gentlemen,
 I have created an html document that contains several
  Iframes that
  all refer to the same JSP page.  The JSP simply
  waits(Thread.sleep()) 5 seconds and then returns some
  text.  When I
  open the html document in either IE or Mozilla after 5
  seconds I see
  the first two iframes load, then 5 seconds later, I see the
  next two, etc.
 I am using the default config params on tomcat 5.0.28
  on Win XP Pro.
  If I understand them correctly, I should have between 25
  (minSpareThreads) and 150(maxSpareTreads) threads
  available.  Why do
  the requests wait for the previous to complete as if there
  are only two
  threads handling the requests?
 In my research, I have noticed that connecting from
  other machines, I
  get two concurrent requests per machine.  For example, if
  I open the
  html page on three machines simultaneously, it appears
  that I have 6
  threads in tomcat working.  But I am always restricted to two
  concurrent requests per client.  I have also noticed that if
  I use both
  IE and Mozilla on the same machine, I am able to get at most 4
  consecutive requests.  Again 2 requests from each browser.
  If I open 3
  IE browsers on the same machine I see the updates happen two
  at a time
  across all the browsers.
 Is there some piece of configuration that I am missing?
   Where is this
  two concurrent requests coming from?
  BTW it does not appear to be the browser that is dispatching
  only two
  requests.  I can add any number of additional Iframes pointing to
  non-tomcat sites and they seem to begin loading immediately.
  Joe Hunt
  HP OpenView
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Re: Pagecache framework?

2005-01-11 Thread QM
On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 01:38:45PM +0100, Mieke Banderas wrote:
: If there is no performance penalty on my slow G3 hardware, as I'd need to
: use mod_jk and Apache as opposed to just Tomcat, then cached HTML pages
: (ending in .jsp probably) is what I want.

: What solutions involving Tomcat only is there?

Do you mean, something builtin to Tomcat itself? Not likely.  Tomcat
doesn't know about your app.  It shouldn't have to.

This one's all you.  =)



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Re: Tomcat5 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

2005-01-11 Thread Ryan Stewart
I posted a how-to on this just yesterday I think. Try the archives. It's 
typically a good idea to check there before you post.

-Original Message-
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Date: Mon Jan 10 10:49:20 PST 2005
Subject: Tomcat5  java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

Hello all:
I have problems with memory in Tomcat, this happen when the servlet try to
forward the result jsp only if the result is too big (a set of rows in a
period date)
Th bean doesn't have problems, but the servlet yes, so i think i need to
change my configuration to set more memory at startup. (Actually is the

I work in Tomcat 5.0.25 under W2000 with tomcat as a service, i read that i
have to re-install tomcat
( the
notes is for tomcat 4, is the same for tomcat 5.0?



This is the exactly error:

2005-01-10 11:26:42 StandardWrapperValve[invoker]: Servlet.service() para
servlet invoker lanzó excepción

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Cancelling long running requests

2005-01-11 Thread Hirode, Kartheek V.
Hello folks
Am sending this question on behalf of my colleague. Thank you

Is it possible to cancel processing a request that has lived in Tomcat for more 
than a threshold amount of time? 

Best regards
-- Kartheek Hirode

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Is there a cross-site scripting fix for Tomcat 5.0.25?

2005-01-11 Thread Terry Lake
Hello all,

After checking Google, CERT and the Jakarta site,  I can not find any 
information with regards to the availability of fix a for Tomcat 5.0.25.  Note 
that I found mentioned of a fix for 3.0.x, and 4.0.x on Google and the Jakarta 
site.  BTW, I did not find any information indicating that there is a problem 
with the 5.0.25 version but given that the cross-site scripting defect is 
present in older and newer versions (5.5.4), I assume that this vulnerability 
exists for the version in question. 

Thank in advance for any help that you provide.

Terry C. Lake
QA Manager
Vontu, Inc.
415-364-8131 - Direct
415-364-8190 - Fax

Is there a cross-site scripting fix for Tomcat 5.0.25? - Plain Text

2005-01-11 Thread Terry Lake
Hello all,

After checking Google, CERT and the Jakarta site,  I can not find any
information with regards to the availability of fix a for Tomcat 5.0.25.
Note that I found mentioned of a fix for 3.0.x, and 4.0.x on Google and
the Jakarta site.  BTW, I did not find any information indicating that
there is a problem with the 5.0.25 version but given that the cross-site
scripting defect is present in older and newer versions (5.5.4), I
assume that this vulnerability exists for the version in question. 

Thank in advance for any help that you provide.

Terry C. Lake
QA Manager
Vontu, Inc.
415-364-8131 - Direct
415-364-8190 - Fax

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connection refused when testing jsp

2005-01-11 Thread Ben Kuang

I have just installed jakarta-tomcat-5.5.4.exe to run some jsp pages
on my comp locally.
After installing, i enter http://localhost:8080 in the address field
of my browser, and pressed enter.  I receive this error message.

The connection was refused when attempting to contact localhost:8080

 I had run Tomcat version 4 before, and nothing like this happened. 
Can anyone please help me.  I am running:
Windows XP service pack 2 

thank you.

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RE: Unable to compile class for JSP

2005-01-11 Thread Dave Kennedy
Catalina.out error message:

Error running /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04/bin/javac compiler
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
Caused by: Cannot allocate
at java.lang.UNIXProcess.init(
at java.lang.Runtime.execInternal(Native Method)
at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
... 41 more

How to make tomcat 5 not persist session?

2005-01-11 Thread Gia Thornton
Hi there,
   I am developing jsp to run in tomcat 5.0.18.  I need to store a java class 
object in session.  The class is not serialized.  I got error message:
SEVERE: IOException while loading persisted sessions: writing aborted; (class name)
I know that tomcat use session manager to persist sessions and reload them when 
server starts up.  But I can not find where to configure it.  How can I turn it 
off so that I don't get the error message? Can anyone give some suggestion?  
Thank you very much.

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set default web application

2005-01-11 Thread xhu1
I just downloaded Tomcat5.5 and Struts1.2.4. I would
like to make struts-mailreader app to be the default
application in Tomcat. However I could not make it.

What I did (I didn't touch any configuration yet):
1. copy struts-mailreader.war and put in webapps
directory. it got deployed and I can go to
2. I add context.xml under
webapps/struts-mailreader/META-INFO with the following
Context path=
When I go to http://localhost:8080, it still points to
welcome one.
3. I rename ROOT under webapps to be ROOT1, now
http://localhost:8080 becomes blank screen
4, I add struts-mailreader.xml under
conf\Catalina\localhost with the same line as in
context.xml, it still a blank screen when I request

set the default web app should be very commom task,
but it's so difficult for me. Please help. Thanks.

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Re: How to make tomcat 5 not persist session?

2005-01-11 Thread Gia Thornton
   Sorry I have found the answer.  I need to add 

Manager className=org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager pathname=/
to application context.

Gia Thornton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi there,
I am developing jsp to run in tomcat 5.0.18. I need to store a java class 
object in session. The class is not serialized. I got error message:

SEVERE: IOException while loading persisted sessions: writing aborted; (class name)

I know that tomcat use session manager to persist sessions and reload them when 
server starts up. But I can not find where to configure it. How can I turn it 
off so that I don't get the error message? Can anyone give some suggestion? 
Thank you very much.


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Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: How to disable directory listing

2005-01-11 Thread Garret Wilson
You can't do it in your app's web.xml---unless you install another 
servlet (which can be the Tomcat default servlet) mapped to root in your 
own web.xml. But then you have to cart around all the Tomcat servlet 
jars in your webapp, because the one that is really the default was 
loaded by another classloader.

Phillip Qin wrote:
Do it in your app's web.xml
-Original Message-
From: Lee Chin Khiong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: November 24, 2004 1:29 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: How to disable directory listing

Is there any better way to configure Tomcat 5 to no Directory listing just
like IIS ?
-Original Message-
From: Quinton Delpeche [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: How to disable directory listing
On Wednesday 24 November 2004 08:09, Lee Chin Khiong wrote:
How to disable directory listing under Tomcat 5 ?

I use a blank index.html file and put it in all the directories that I don't
want to have listed. :)
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Re: How to disable directory listing

2005-01-11 Thread Dan Barron
Have a look at your tomcat-root/conf/web.xml file - you can turn off 
listings in here for all servlets by setting  the listings initi-param 
to false in the default servlet section.

At 06:28 PM 1/11/2005, Garret Wilson wrote:
You can't do it in your app's web.xml---unless you install another servlet 
(which can be the Tomcat default servlet) mapped to root in your own 
web.xml. But then you have to cart around all the Tomcat servlet jars in 
your webapp, because the one that is really the default was loaded by 
another classloader.

Phillip Qin wrote:
Do it in your app's web.xml
-Original Message-
From: Lee Chin Khiong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: November 24, 2004 
1:29 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: How to disable directory listing

Is there any better way to configure Tomcat 5 to no Directory listing just
like IIS ?
-Original Message-
From: Quinton Delpeche [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: How to disable directory listing
On Wednesday 24 November 2004 08:09, Lee Chin Khiong wrote:
How to disable directory listing under Tomcat 5 ?
I use a blank index.html file and put it in all the directories that I don't
want to have listed. :)
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Re: apache + tomcat with 2 domains but same session?

2005-01-11 Thread Simon Lau

Tim, thanks for your help. but...
I have been following your suggestion and use mod_rewrite to rewrite to
Here is 3 scenarios:
   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}  ^bbb\.(.*)$
   RewriteRule ^(.+) http://aaa.%1$1
Client access
Client brower address bar display (but i
want instead)
Session persist, no problem

   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}  ^bbb\.(.*)$
   RewriteRule ^(.+) http://aaa.%1$1[PT]
Client access
Client brower address bar display
Client brower display 400 Bad Request error
mod_rewrite.log get forcing '' to get
passed through to next API URI-to-filename handler

   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}  ^bbb\.(.*)$
   RewriteRule ^(.+) http://aaa.%1$1[P]
Client access
Client brower address bar display
Client brower display Forbidden, You don't have permission to access
mod_rewrite.log get forcing proxy-throughput with;

so all of these cases didn't give me the result i wanted.
the result i wanted is:
-Client access
-Client brower address bar display
-Session persist with

Am i on the right track? or am i doing it totally wrong? or is there way to
get around this?

please help. thanks again.


- Original Message - 
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 7:44 PM
Subject: Re: apache + tomcat with 2 domains but same session?

 You can get away with this by using URL rewriting. When you are using and wish to redirect or link to - you would need
 rewrite the URL to include the jsessionid path parameter. But you *cannot*
 this via response.encodeURL(..) since that method will detect your URL is
 another webapp. So you will need to write your own implementation of
 encodeURL to achieve this.


 Simon Lau wrote:
  I want to setup my apache to have 2 domains, say and
  Both of this domain goes to the same application context, say /myapp
  So when i access both
  will give me the exact same content, no problem.
  My question is how do i persist the session while i switch between and
  For example i have a shopping basket storing with 2 products and i want
  access the basket in both and
  Btw, i am using apache2.0.52 + tomcat5.0.28

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Re: How to disable directory listing

2005-01-11 Thread Ben Souther
You don't need to install another servlet. servlet-api.jar is in the
common/lib directory (available to all webapps.)

I do it with an entry in my web.xml file that overrides the entry in the
global web.xml:


   The downside to this is that it makes your app less portable.

On Tue, 2005-01-11 at 21:28, Garret Wilson wrote:
 You can't do it in your app's web.xml---unless you install another 
 servlet (which can be the Tomcat default servlet) mapped to root in your 
 own web.xml. But then you have to cart around all the Tomcat servlet 
 jars in your webapp, because the one that is really the default was 
 loaded by another classloader.
 Phillip Qin wrote:
  Do it in your app's web.xml
  -Original Message-
  From: Lee Chin Khiong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: November 24, 2004 1:29 AM
  To: 'Tomcat Users List'
  Subject: RE: How to disable directory listing
  Is there any better way to configure Tomcat 5 to no Directory listing just
  like IIS ?
  -Original Message-
  From: Quinton Delpeche [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 2:19 PM
  Subject: Re: How to disable directory listing
  On Wednesday 24 November 2004 08:09, Lee Chin Khiong wrote:
 How to disable directory listing under Tomcat 5 ?
  I use a blank index.html file and put it in all the directories that I don't
  want to have listed. :)
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Memory leak

2005-01-11 Thread Rolf Zelder

I have got a simple web application containing a html page with a link to a
jsp page, which prints the memory status to the
console(Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()) . Now I let about 50 concurrent
user browsing to those pages and I noticed that the memory usage is
constantly going up. The Total Memory Amount as well as the memory usage
stated in the TaskManager.

I don't want to believe that this little web app is leaking memory.
Therefore I must do something wrong how I monitor the memory usage.
Any help is very much appreciated.

I'm using Windows2k Server + Tomcat 5.5 and sdk

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Re: Memory leak

2005-01-11 Thread Peter Lin
how are you monitoring tomcat?


On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 14:59:39 +1100, Rolf Zelder
 I have got a simple web application containing a html page with a link to a
 jsp page, which prints the memory status to the
 console(Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()) . Now I let about 50 concurrent
 user browsing to those pages and I noticed that the memory usage is
 constantly going up. The Total Memory Amount as well as the memory usage
 stated in the TaskManager.
 I don't want to believe that this little web app is leaking memory.
 Therefore I must do something wrong how I monitor the memory usage.
 Any help is very much appreciated.
 I'm using Windows2k Server + Tomcat 5.5 and sdk
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RE: Memory leak

2005-01-11 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Rolf Zelder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Memory leak
 I don't want to believe that this little web app is leaking memory.
 Therefore I must do something wrong how I monitor the memory usage.

I suspect the real issue is understanding how the JVM uses memory.  Object 
allocation can use however much memory you have specified for this java 
execution.  It may garbage collect prior to reaching the maximum, but the JVM 
is under no particular obligation to do so.  Once the maximum is reached, 
garbage collection must occur, which will release the space occupied by 
unreachable objects back to the heap.

Note that pure Java applications can't have memory leaks in the traditional 
sense, since the programmer can't forget to include calls to the free() 
interface - there isn't one.  What does happen with Java is forgetting to null 
out references to objects that are no longer needed, thereby preventing the 
garbage collector from returning such objects' space to the heap.

 - Chuck

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RE: Memory leak

2005-01-11 Thread Rajaneesh

   Taking the context of nullifying the object in Java, when we do not
nullify the database connections, statements and result set, does these
objects just fill the momory or even cause the database connection


-Original Message-
From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:49 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Memory leak

 From: Rolf Zelder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Memory leak
 I don't want to believe that this little web app is leaking memory.
 Therefore I must do something wrong how I monitor the memory usage.

I suspect the real issue is understanding how the JVM uses memory.  Object
allocation can use however much memory you have specified for this java
execution.  It may garbage collect prior to reaching the maximum, but the
JVM is under no particular obligation to do so.  Once the maximum is
reached, garbage collection must occur, which will release the space
occupied by unreachable objects back to the heap.

Note that pure Java applications can't have memory leaks in the
traditional sense, since the programmer can't forget to include calls to the
free() interface - there isn't one.  What does happen with Java is
forgetting to null out references to objects that are no longer needed,
thereby preventing the garbage collector from returning such objects' space
to the heap.

 - Chuck

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RE: Memory leak

2005-01-11 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Rajaneesh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Memory leak
Taking the context of nullifying the object in Java, when we do not
 nullify the database connections, statements and result set, does these
 objects just fill the momory or even cause the database connection

If you're using connection pooling, then it doesn't really matter if you null 
out the reference to the connection, since the pool manager is keeping track of 
them anyway, and the connection objects will typically persist for the lifetime 
of the container.  If you're not using pooling, then it is important to null 
out such references in any objects that have a lifetime longer than the 

In either case, you want to close the connection when you're done with it, 
which will either release it back to the pool or free up a slot in the database 
server.  Failure to close the connection is a frequent cause of database access 

Statement and result set objects should be handled like other Java objects - 
when you're done with them, null out any references to them from any spot that 
has a lifetime longer than that of the object being referenced.

 - Chuck

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Re: Memory leak

2005-01-11 Thread Larry Meadors
Possibly. If you are using a connection pool and do not close the
connection, it will not be released back to the pool, so subsequent
calls to the pool will create new connections.

In addition, as if that were not bad enough, any resources created
that are referenced by that connection (statements, prepared
statements, resultsets, etc...) will not be collected, because they
still have references.

Bottom line: Be sure that when you use JDBC directly, that you manage
the resources very carefully. To simplify things, you may want to use
a tool like iBATIS SQL Maps to remove some of the burden of resource


On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 09:57:42 +0530, Rajaneesh wrote:
Taking the context of nullifying the object in Java, when we do not
 nullify the database connections, statements and result set, does these
 objects just fill the momory or even cause the database connection

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Re: set default web application

2005-01-11 Thread Parsons Technical Services
Turn up debugging and check your logs. It should report on startup what is 
processed. Look for errors.

Move the ROOT folder out of the webapps folder.
After step 3 would step 1 still work?
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:42 PM
Subject: set default web application

I just downloaded Tomcat5.5 and Struts1.2.4. I would
like to make struts-mailreader app to be the default
application in Tomcat. However I could not make it.
What I did (I didn't touch any configuration yet):
1. copy struts-mailreader.war and put in webapps
directory. it got deployed and I can go to
2. I add context.xml under
webapps/struts-mailreader/META-INFO with the following
Context path=
When I go to http://localhost:8080, it still points to
welcome one.
3. I rename ROOT under webapps to be ROOT1, now
http://localhost:8080 becomes blank screen
4, I add struts-mailreader.xml under
conf\Catalina\localhost with the same line as in
context.xml, it still a blank screen when I request
set the default web app should be very commom task,
but it's so difficult for me. Please help. Thanks.

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Re: connection refused when testing jsp

2005-01-11 Thread Parsons Technical Services
Is tomcat actually running?
How are you starting it?
Try disabling the firewall. 

Are all the configuration file default?
What errors are in the log file?
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 7:44 PM
Subject: connection refused when testing jsp

I have just installed jakarta-tomcat-5.5.4.exe to run some jsp pages
on my comp locally.
After installing, i enter http://localhost:8080 in the address field
of my browser, and pressed enter.  I receive this error message.
The connection was refused when attempting to contact localhost:8080
I had run Tomcat version 4 before, and nothing like this happened. 
Can anyone please help me.  I am running:
Windows XP service pack 2 

thank you.
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RE: 24X7 deployment tips

2005-01-11 Thread Rajaneesh
Hu Philip,

  Are you are deploying the application in a non clustered
environment or clustered environment in the production?


-Original Message-
From: Phillip Qin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:14 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: 24X7 deployment tips

I use Tomcat Manager (actually catalina-ant taks) to deploy my webapps from
my dev box to remote linux server. I don't have to shutdown server by doing
that. However, I do sometimes run into Out Of Memory issues after I deploy
applications hundreds times.

-Original Message-
From: sunil goyal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: January 11, 2005 12:31 PM
Subject: 24X7 deployment tips

Hi all,

I am looking for resources for building and deploying
24X7 large scale web applications using Java. Can
anyone point towards any good books/links for the

If I am trying to deploy an application via
apache/tomcat on a linux platform, is it possible to
upgrade certain servlets without actually shutting
down the server. What kind of principle is generally
followed in real life applications for the same?

Any help in this regard is appreciated.



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RE: apache + tomcat with 2 domains but same session?

2005-01-11 Thread Rajaneesh
Good point.

  May be clustring helps! Have not used this concept. 


-Original Message-
From: Simon Lau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:22 PM
Subject: apache + tomcat with 2 domains but same session?


I want to setup my apache to have 2 domains, say and
Both of this domain goes to the same application context, say /myapp
So when i access both
will give me the exact same content, no problem.

My question is how do i persist the session while i switch between and
For example i have a shopping basket storing with 2 products and i want to
access the basket in both and
Btw, i am using apache2.0.52 + tomcat5.0.28

any comments will be greatly appreciated.


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Re: apache + tomcat with 2 domains but same session?

2005-01-11 Thread Viorel Dragomir
Take a look at
[first link that i found on google about using cookies on diff subdomains]

Basically you save a cookie unique for each user that with domain
Retrieve session vars [the basket in your case] from database via the value of 
this cookie.

I guess there is a way to automatically save the session into database with 
but I don't know anything about this, and retrieve it from two subdomains.

If there is the second solution, I'm interested in more details.

Viorel Dragomir


- Original Message - 
From: Rajaneesh 
To: 'Tomcat Users List' 
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 07:17
Subject: RE: apache + tomcat with 2 domains but same session?

Good point.

  May be clustring helps! Have not used this concept. 


-Original Message-
From: Simon Lau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 2:22 PM
Subject: apache + tomcat with 2 domains but same session?


I want to setup my apache to have 2 domains, say and
Both of this domain goes to the same application context, say /myapp
So when i access both
will give me the exact same content, no problem.

My question is how do i persist the session while i switch between and
For example i have a shopping basket storing with 2 products and i want to
access the basket in both and
Btw, i am using apache2.0.52 + tomcat5.0.28

any comments will be greatly appreciated.


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2005-01-11 Thread Karthik N S

   Does This mean ,I cannot start/ stop the ServletContext for a 

   specific Web-app from within the code, ?

   using Listeners ,Is is tpossible ,If so How.. :{

with regards

-Original Message-
From: Aris Javier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2005 2:08 PM
To: Tomcat Users List

inside tomcat manager.. redeploy your web app...


From: Karthik N S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2005 4:08 PM


Hi  Guys


Am a New Bee ,on this form

Somebody Please Tell me 

How to START/STOP  Tomcat5.x versions ServletContext 

by importing appropriate Package and code API's to make use of 

foa a particular Context 'ABC ' which is already started.


Thx in Advance.



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Re: Tomcat arbitrarily freezes

2005-01-11 Thread Andreas Vombach
... there is always a chance to have hardware problems (bad memory chip) 
so the error will occur when memory consumption increases.

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