Re: Limit time for Database connection

2004-07-08 Thread Eric Noel
On 7/9/2004 8:11 AM, Robert F. Hall wrote:
Nobody has responded to your question (that I've seen), so I'll "take a 

This sounds like a network issue, and network connection failures have 
to "time out"
before they fail.  Using a timed separate thread to obtain the 
connections for the pool
occurs to me; if the connection thread doesn't return in a certain 
amount of time the
parent thread could throw an Exception.

Has anybody tired something along these lines?  Is this suggestion way 
off base?

Bachler, Elisabeth (Elisabeth) wrote:
I defined a database connection that uses a pool connection. 
Everything is
working well.
Now I had a routing problem that prevented any database connection 
(with a
SQPNestedException fired). The exception fired after a long time is
there a way of setting the connection limit, so it does not take so long
before firing the exception?

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I thought it would be just as simple as setting the parameter in the DBCP???


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Saving on Database Pool when having Multiple Contexts

2004-07-08 Thread Eric Noel
I have multiple apps/contexts that access the same database and uses 
dbcp. My worry is that on each of my  i will declare the dbcp 
for the database, can i just declare one dbcp and each context/app can 
share that???

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Re: Importing Tomcat 5.0 webapp into Eclipse 3.0?

2004-07-06 Thread Eric Noel
On 7/7/2004 4:38 AM, Januski, Ken wrote:
Thanks Matt,
I'm using the Sysdeo plugin and that got me to the point where I could build
a simple jsp page in Eclipse. But as soon as I started to try importing an
entire web app I got the error about "XLM validation disabled." That then
prompted my question as to whether or not it's possible to import an entire
Tomcat webapp into Eclipse using Sysdeo plugin or anything else.
I gave myself 1-2 days to stop working on code for project and see if I
could get it running under Eclipse. But the second day is drawing to a close
without success so I think I may have to finish this project without Eclipse
and give it another try when I have more time. I'd hope to use Eclipse
refactoring to make some wholesale changes in the application. But I think
I'll have to stick to the old way of just editing files one by one, at least
for now.
for me i used eclipse 3 and lomboc 3rc2, if you have existing webapps 
just create a lomboz j2ee project from eclipse then open explorer drag 
webapp files to appropriate folders in your j2ee project :)

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OT : Convert Korean Access mdb to MySQL

2004-06-25 Thread Eric Noel
im trying to convert an access file to mysql db
so i decided to use jdbc/odbc to access mdb then insert them to mysql 
and display first to see if my jsp (see code below) can really fetch 
korean characters. but it seems it doesnt, how come it display |??? 
instead of the korean characters? do i need to install korean access 
driver? but i take a look at the mdb using access ide, ican see those 
korean chars? Thanks for anyone help

snppied code---
<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""; %>
<%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri=""; %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fn" uri=""; %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri=""; %>

SELECT * from koreanTbl

<%-- show records fetched --%>

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Re: JSVC to run tomcat?

2004-05-27 Thread Eric Noel
On 5/28/2004 12:02 PM, Justin Jaynes wrote:
I am very impressed with the responsiveness of this
list.  I appreciate all the help everyone has given me
in learning about JSVC for running tomcat as an
underpriviledged user on ports 80 and 443.
However, I am still running into a problem.
I created a tomcat user and group and all tomcat files
and web application files are owned by tomcat.
I compiled the jsvc and set my scripts to run jsvc
with the proper options (I believe), and when I run
the script, I get nothing but my prompt back.  I run
ps -ax and jsvc is NOT a running process.  What am I
doing wrong?
I run the command from my /tomcat/bin:
jsvc -Djava.endorsed.dirs=../common/endorsed -cp
./bin/bootstrap.jar -outfile ../logs/catalina.out
-errfile ../logs/catalina.err
I run the command with the user option, (as in the
scripts)  again. nothing.  No errors, no process.  Any
help would be greatly apreciated.
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try checking the script in the jsvc.tar.gz to see the 
parameters passed.

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Re: HTTP Redirections with Tomcat

2004-05-20 Thread Eric Noel
On 5/20/2004 1:51 AM, Guillermo Zarabozo wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I have a Tomcat Appl. Server running with Atlassian JIRA application.
Recently We had an upgrade to a newer version, so the clients now need 
to change this URL

for ...
Is there any posibility to create some kind of http redirection from the 
old url to the new one (with tomcat of course) ?

Any ideas ... even the crazy ones are welcome !!!
Thanks in advance.
MSN Amor: busca tu ½ naranja
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if i understand the question right i have a few suggestions:
-if ur using unixes u can just symlink via ln -s /newdir /oldir.
-or, on the old dir you can change the index.jsp to redirect to the new 
dir via meta refresh or forward or include.

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Re: [ANN] Apache Tomcat 5.0.24 Stable released

2004-05-16 Thread Eric Noel
On 5/17/2004 10:19 AM, Zachary Hartley wrote:
Eric Noel wrote:
Hey yoav is just saying that usually for tomcat users we always goto 
the tomcat site which is

Hi, I think its pretty clear that I did go to the sitehow else would 
I have obtained the release or know there was a new release unless I had 
been checking the site?

then  of course it would be logical that if we want to find docs, on 
the left pane we click the documents section menu of tomcat 5 page

Uh, a changelog is important enough to have it's own listing outside of 
the documentation, on the main page, or in the actual release. Not 
asking too much I thought.

after that page was loaded at the bottom part you will find

Once again, a changelog is important enough to not put it in a 
relatively obsure place like the bottom left of a navigation menu. Not 
to put you out, but I did look around the site for some time, including 
downloading both source and binary release just to make sure they 
weren't inside there somewhere. Pardon the new user who might miss the 
single link at the bottom of a subpage, among the myriad of other links. 
I was simply frustrated it wasn't in a more prominent place. So why 
don't you stop being a smartass and just consider putting the changelog 
in a more prominent place so new users interested in the project, but 
not necessarily familiar with it, can try to become informed users. 
Logically, of course.

Zachary Hartley
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Yeah, the bottom line is just be considerate. It's all in the site
All work at Jakarta is provided on a volunteer basis. There is no paid 
staff. Please be CONSIDERATE and do your homework before asking our 
volunteers to donate additional time and energy to your project.

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Re: [ANN] Apache Tomcat 5.0.24 Stable released

2004-05-16 Thread Eric Noel
On 5/15/2004 4:07 AM, Zachary Hartley wrote:
Shapira, Yoav wrote:
We had such a good day on the list, all competent and professional
posts, and then comes this one to ruin my optimism about people in this
otherwise sunny afternoon.

Hey, don't get pissy with me. How was I supposed to know where it was? 
Just because you "have put it in the same place..." doesn't mean people 
new to Tomcat know where it is. Putting the changelog for a new release 
on the "bottom left" on a documentation page isn't exactly easy to find, 
so I'd thank you to not be an ass and act like I'm some kind of 
deficient person.

Zachary Hartley
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Hey yoav is just saying that usually for tomcat users we always goto the 
tomcat site which is

then  of course it would be logical that if we want to find docs, on the 
left pane we click the documents section menu of tomcat 5 page

after that page was loaded at the bottom part you will find
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Re: Internationalization issue

2004-05-13 Thread Eric Noel
On 5/14/2004 2:10 PM, tomcat wrote:


How can I get a simple Internationalization tag work. I use the following
<[EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType="text/html"%>
<[EMAIL PROTECTED] pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%-- I18N Formatting --%>

<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="fmt" %>

Localized JSP Page

Sample localized message: 

I put a containing a hello_world key in the root of my war
and in WEB-INF/classes,
But I obtain the following stack trace:


Can anyone help ?




mine would be something like this and its working fine

test.hello=Moshi moshi
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""; %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri=""; %>
<%@ taglib prefix="sess" 
uri=""; %>


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Re: Start and Stop Tomcat

2004-05-05 Thread Eric Noel
On 5/6/2004 3:28 AM, Merrill, Roxann wrote:

I am looking for the correct and best way to stop and start Tomcat 4.0.6
when using IIS as the Webserver.  I am new to Webserver and Servlet
container so help information is welcome.

Roxann L. Merrill
if its installed as a service you can start/stop from the administration 
tool - > services. to restart just the app you can use the 
http://tomcat_host:8080/manager/html. i havent use 4.0.6 coz its a bit 
old for me :).

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Re: links encoding issue

2004-05-05 Thread Eric Noel
On 5/5/2004 8:31 PM, Edson Alves Pereira wrote:

Take care with URL encoding, you must convert your values based on
correct URL encoding, for example: space is %20, ü is %FC, it´s just hex
based numbers.
This page can show you more information about it:

Responder:  Tomcat Users List
Enviada:quarta-feira, 5 de maio de 2004 5:35
Assunto:links encoding issue
Hi, guys.

the problem that freaks me out.
I got a couple of thousand xml files that are processed by cocoon, firstly
receiving requests by tomcat 5.0.18.
Some of them (files) contain german specific symbols that are out of
standard encoding (I mean out of [a-zA-Z]).
And whatever I tried to get tomcat catch the file name it doesn't work.
for example this one doesn't work:
and there's this line at the beginning too:

gentoo linux, I assume tomcat uses utf-8.

Is there a specific option for that thing, or tomcat uses JRE settings?
Anyway, does someone got on with a problem like this one?
I can't rename the file names as that's a part of a project that I'm not
the one who can do such modifications.
any issues would be appreciated.

best regards,
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I guess you can use


your link name
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Re: useBean action from JSP 1.2 to 2.0

2004-05-04 Thread Eric Noel
On 5/4/2004 5:26 PM, Jason Novotny wrote:

   In upgrading my webapp from using Tomcat 4 (JSP 1.2) to Tomcat 5 (JSP 
2.0) I'm seeing some errors in some of the JSP pages. I have jsp actions 

where in the Java code prior to invoking the JSP I put the "locale" 
Locale object in the request e.g. request.setAttribute("locale", myLocale);

This works fine under Tomcat 4 but now in Tomcat 5 it complains with 
some class instantiation exception. Is there something special I need to 
do? Also will it be backward compatible with JSP 1.2? It seems using the 
following scriplet does work:

<%  Locale locale = request.getAttribute("locale") %>

but I would rather use the useBean syntax.

   Thanks, Jason

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me i use

<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri=""; %>

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Re: ?how configure tomcat to auto startup in linux?

2004-05-03 Thread Eric Noel
maybe this will help

#copy/modify the included in the jsvc.tar.gz\jsvc-src\native 
folder to /etc/init.d/tomcat5
#make sure it is executable (chmod a+x).
#if rh
  #chkconfig tomcat5 on
  #service tomcat5 start
#if debian
  #update-rc.d tomcat5 start 90 2 3 4 5  . stop 21 0 1 6 .
  #/etc/init.d/tomcat5 start

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Re: Setting classpath out of the webapp directory

2004-05-03 Thread Eric Noel
On 5/3/2004 4:26 PM, Honza Spurný wrote:

Hi there,

I'have been trying to set the classpath of the webapp out of the directory
of this webapp. This is for me little important, since some classes I'd like
to use (I have to use) in other webapps. I want to have only one file of
this class -- I don't want to copy classes between the webapps.
I'm sure it is possible to do it, as I need it, but I don't know how. Would
be anybody so kind and help me with this?
I would also like to "export" the lib directory of webapp out of the webapp
directory so that the shared libaries could be presented as file only once.
This is probably the same problem as above.
Could anybody help me? Thanks a lot.

Best Regards.
Honza Spurny
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$CATALINA_HOME/common/lib - jars
$CATALINA_HOME/common/classes - classes
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Re: Please help on my DB pool problem --- I followed the struction on the web

2004-05-02 Thread Eric Noel
On 5/3/2004 9:31 AM, Daxin Zuo wrote:

I thought Microsoft was the best.
if thats what you think, i guess you should stick with dotNet since with 
that you will have an all microsoft retrofitted program (e.g drivers, 
components, etc) :-)

My jsp file is in tomcat\webapps\ROOT\zuo. In my
tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\web.xml, there is no  block, should I
create one or use ?
If I need ot create a  block, Is the code bellow correct:

Context part is in server.xml or Catalina/hostname/APPNAME.xml.

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Re: Please help on my DB pool problem --- I followed the struction on the web

2004-05-02 Thread Eric Noel
why not use jtds instead

## download the jtds jar
## place it in your common/lib
## server.xml










## web.xml


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OT: Open Source JSP / Taglib Calendar

2004-04-22 Thread Eric Noel
Any one here knows of a good Open source Calendar either jsp or taglib?

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Re: EL Configuration problem

2004-04-21 Thread Eric Noel
On 4/22/2004 8:54 AM, Chanan Braunstein wrote:

Well as for the code that is easy, nothing works, for example, I took this
from the examples page:


I attached my web.xml, I don't know what else can effect EL. 

Chanan Braunstein
Knovel Corp.
Web Development Manager
607-773-1840 x672
Here is a simple config from me
# web.xml";
xsi:schemaLocation=" web-app_2_4.xsd"
Test Site

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""; %>

tested it and went fine

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Re: Apache 1.3 and Tomcat 4.1: Newbie

2004-04-21 Thread Eric Noel
On 4/22/2004 7:38 AM, Malathi Jivan wrote:
Hi All,
Being a newbie, I wanted to clarify that I am doing the right thing.
0. mod jk 1.2 is what I need, right? ( To connect Apache 1.3 and Tomcat 4.1)
1. I still need to use not correct?
2. The module name is still jk_module right?
Are these instructions still the latest and greatest?
They work but I'm afraid I may not be exploting the full power of the new
connector. Can someone guide me?
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1. ive been able to use mod_jk2 on apache13

2. when using jk2, you will use

3. when using jk2, its jk2_module.

If you want the latest, you should use tomcat 5.0.19 then. :)
i have my own ref, but its for debian using packages that comes with it 
(e.g apache13, autoconf, etc). the only third party would be 

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Re: EL Configuration problem

2004-04-21 Thread Eric Noel
On 4/22/2004 4:10 AM, Chanan Braunstein wrote:

Using Tomcat 5.0.19 I cannot get EL to work in my webapp (It works
fine in jsp-examples). I checked the version of web.xml to make sure it is
2.4 and I added to be safe:


But, all I get is the EL text back at me.

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ive been developing pure jsp 2.0 without a hitch on tomcat 5.0.19, why 
dont you share with us your problem code/conf. which my provide some 
clues to those who wanna help.

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Re: Tomcat4x Development Process

2004-04-19 Thread Eric Noel
On 4/20/2004 6:27 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
Look at the reloadable attribute.

I use MyEclipse which takes a lot of the pain out of this sort of thing.


-Original Message-
From: Duncan Krebs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 7:26 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Tomcat4x Development Process

Since I have started developing with Tomcat4x I have noticed 
some annoying trends in my development process and am 
convinced there has to be a better way. I am finding that I 
always have to restart tomcat so updated java classes getting 
compiled into the web-inf folder get loaded. 

I have figured out how to do catalina.jpda start in the 
prompt and debug with eclipse but a lot of times I get a 
message saying my changes are out of sync. Long story short, 
is there a way to force tomcat to check for any changes to 
the classes in the web-inf folder of the web app? Also any 
other development tips would be useful. - dkrebs

For a non-commercial IDE, Use eclipse 3.0M8 plus Lomboz 3.0M8 preview 
3.(it even currently supports jsp 2.0)

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Re: [OT] Pager Tag Library v2.0 usage w/Tomcat 5

2004-04-18 Thread Eric Noel
On 4/17/2004 10:05 AM, Tom K wrote:

I have pagination working with Tomcat 5 through a bean. I like the
“flexible” features that Pager Tag Library v2.0 has and would like to
implement it in my jsp. I know I have everything configured correctly
because I can get the paging to display but not more to the next or
previous page.
Does anyone have an example code I can see. I just don’t understand the
examples well enough on their web site HYPERLINK
Tom K.
<%@ taglib prefix="pg" uri=""; %>
<%-- rs/datasource here --%>



   <%= pageNumber %> 




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Re: jk connector build / configure failure

2004-04-15 Thread Eric Noel
On 4/15/2004 10:28 PM, C. Kukulies wrote:
In the vein of getting tomcat 5 apache 1.3.29 integration working
I'm now at the point where I came to the conclusion that I need to build
Correct me if I'm wrong but I came there by reading and skimming the web.
Noone could help me in this list so far. Maybe because everyone is using
apache2, don't know.
Anyway, BUILDING says:

./configure --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs

Doing that I get (I copied apxs from the apache tree to /usr/sbin):

checking for grep... /usr/bin/grep
checking for echo... /bin/echo
checking for sed... /usr/bin/sed
checking for cp... /bin/cp
checking for mkdir... /bin/mkdir
checking for libtool... 
need to check for Perl first, apxs depends on it...
checking for perl... /usr/bin/perl
could not find /usr/sbin/apxs
configure: error: You must specify a valid --with-apxs path
Hell, apxs is there in that path. The path *is* correct.

From config.log:
configure:8172: result: /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/sbin
configure:8197: result: need to check for Perl first, apxs depends on it...
configure:8201: checking for perl
configure:8219: found /usr/bin/perl
configure:8232: result: /usr/bin/perl
configure:8293: result: could not find /usr/sbin/apxs
configure:8295: error: You must specify a valid --with-apxs path
mybox# ls -l /usr/sbin/apxs
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  26670 Apr 15 15:38 /usr/sbin/apxs


Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies
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im using debian and ive used its binary apache 1.3 to integrate tomcat 5 
with no probs. on a no-X debian hosts, the requirements would be
apt-get install apache
apt-get install apache-dev (requires libdb2-dev)
apt-get install libtool
apt-get install automake

For the connector
tar -xzvf jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-src-current.tar.gz
cd jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-2.0.2-src/jk/native2
./configure --with-apxs=/usr/bin/apxs
make all
cp ../build/jk2/apache13/ /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
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Apache 1.3.x / Tomcat 5.0.x Process .jsp on Web Root Directory

2004-04-14 Thread Eric Noel
Ive managed to use modjk to link tomcat & apache and let tomcat process 
all .jsp from tomcat/webapps/* but what configuration do i need if i 
want to let apache process *.jsp from the apache's webroot (e.g. 
/var/www/html). Whenever i put any jsp page on apache root directory, it 
doesnt process them. For performance reasons, i would still want apache 
to process all html files. I will primarily use tomcat for jsp/serverlet 
processing only.

also, how do i configure my server to let apache process *.html for any 
directory, and let tomcat process *.jsp for any directory. btw, im using 

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