Re: Stopping users from getting a directory listing

2005-10-02 Thread Graham Reeds

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Graham Reeds
Subject: Stopping users from getting a directory listing

What is the setting in the web.xml for stopping users from getting a 
directory listing?  I'm pretty sure I've seen it somewhere 
before but I can't for the life of me find where.

A brief look at the comments near the beginning of conf/web.xml would
answer that question.

Ahh.  I was looking in the application specific web.xml for it and
google searches weren't bring up much fruit.

I tried copying the default servlet definitions and when that failed, 
the proceeding filters, to the application specific web.xml but that 
causes an exception to be thrown.

What needs to be done (I'm a total noobie at this)?


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Stopping users from getting a directory listing

2005-10-01 Thread Graham Reeds
What is the setting in the web.xml for stopping users from getting a 
directory listing?  I'm pretty sure I've seen it somewhere before but I 
can't for the life of me find where.

Thanks, Graham Reeds.

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Re: Tale of two servers

2005-02-24 Thread Graham Reeds
The offender is a super duper new dell desktop with
4gb of ram, etc. It's running java 1.5 and is
committed to nothing by tomcat.
Also disable HyperThreading in the BIOS on the new Dell.  HT and Java is 
not a happy combination.

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Re: Running heavily loaded tomcat sites.

2005-02-09 Thread Graham Reeds
I'm interested in reading your paper, but the link you provided requires 
a userid and password
For me it refuses to open under IE6 but FF works perfectly fine - no 
passwords required.

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[OT] Re: Compression in the server.xml

2005-02-08 Thread Graham Reeds
Tim Funk wrote:
Compression is useless if you use apache in front of tomcat.
Do you think that there will be a merging of Tomcat and Apache in the 

Random speculation appreciated.
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Re: OT: Version control tool

2005-02-07 Thread Graham Reeds
John Najarian wrote:
Does anyone know a good version control tool for code management that is free?
Also, a bug tracking application would be nice also.
These need to be run on Windows.
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Re: remove my mail please

2004-04-15 Thread Graham Reeds
At the bottom of every mail to this list is a link to unsubscribe you from
this list.  Sometimes (due to way the messages are threaded) this
information may appear two or three times.  If you would send (iirc) a blank
email to that address and then when the confirmation email arrives send
another confirmation mail that will remove you.

- Original Message - 
From: Francis P. Chauvel H. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 3:54 AM
Subject: remove my mail please

They would be so kind of unsubscribe of the list of interest, sends to the
webmaster for  removes my mail
Thank you

-Mensaje original-
De: Robert Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: Miércoles, 14 de Abril de 2004 07:15 p.m.
Para: Tomcat Users List
Asunto: Re: Virtual Hosting Revisited - Apache serving static pages..???

We use apache to serve up static content by including the following in
httpd.conf via an Include directive:

IfModule mod_alias.c
# Note that if you include a trailing / on fakename then the server will
# require it to be present in the URL.  So /icons isn't aliased in
# example, only /icons/.  If the fakename is slash-terminated,
then the
# realname must also be slash terminated, and if the fakename omits the
# trailing slash, the realname must also omit it.
Alias /app-name/ /usr/local/htdocs/app-name/

Directory /usr/local/htdocs/app-name
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

And (similar to mod_jk.conf ?) contains URI entries
so tell
apache what to request from Tomcat, the static content is served up by
via the Alias above.


John B. Moore wrote:

 Posted this previously and still need some pointers...

 Maybe this is not possible, but it seems to be suggested in a lot of
 the documentation I have read. Unfortunately those docs assume
 something that I am not privy to..  (a brain.. yeah well...G) and do
 not outline specific configurations for this setup. I read a lot of
 and you can have Apache serve the static pages..etc.. but I have yet
 to find and example of how this would be configured.
   I would prefer setting this up via the server.xml and the web.xml
 files and have those autoconfigure to the /auto/mod_jk.conf file, but
 for now I need some specifics on how to tell Apache to serve the
 static pages. (I have no problems with serving the jsp and servlets..)


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Re: Fake 'alias' for sales rep pages

2004-03-29 Thread Graham Reeds
This is what I do for my web-page.

It will be multilingual so a cookie (first set when they visit the site)
causes the links to be of the form: lan/page, so you get uk/home.html,
de/products.html etc.  In actual fact each link is caught by a JSP page
which in turn creates a session bean and then calls a servlet that accesses
a database which serves up the required page in the correct language (or in
my case serves up 404 errors:-)


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Re: tomcat and css

2004-03-22 Thread Graham Reeds
 Thank you, you answered my question - I was looking for how tomcat
 serves css files.

I had noticed something strange.  With Tomcat 3.2.1 running locally
(http://localhost etc...), if I referenced a CSS file from a
href=/mycss.css tomcat doesn't actually return it, though it works if you
upload your file and access it from the web.  Remove the slash and it works
both ways though you can't still can't access the css file if it is outside
the directory the html is in.  It confused me no end and eventually uploaded
to show a friend - hey-presto - worked fine.


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Re: Java Hosting

2004-03-12 Thread Graham Reeds
 Yes, +1 from me. I've been using UML at for 3 months so
 far without the slightest glitch. I couldn't live without my root access

I notice that charge £9.60/year for the registration of .com
domains.  This is significantly lower than anywhere else.  The cheapest I
have found is £39.99 without hosting involved.  Do you actually own the
domain or do they look after it for you?


Graham Reeds,

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Re: Java Hosting

2004-03-12 Thread Graham Reeds
 Don't know, sorry. I have my domain name from a different company
 entirely. I could find out easily enough, but what's the difference?

The difference is that if I don't like the hosting and decide to go
elsewhere or start my own hosting of the domain I can ask that that they
change the DNS accordingly.  However if they actually own the domain for the
purposes of hosting my website they can decide not to relinquish the domain
or charge a fortune for it (technically referred to as 'shafting you').
I've emailed them asking to clarify and also asked for the response to be
sent to my home address so I won't be able to inform this list until monday.

I am hoping it is the former as a tenner is good value for money.  Currently
I am with and wished I read the small print and not just
gone with a recommendation from a friend.


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Re: Java Hosting

2004-03-12 Thread Graham Reeds
They were nice enough to email me directly back with the answer:

  Just saw a link to your site while checking the messages on the Tomcat
  Lists.  I saw that registering a .com domain name with you is
  lower than everywhere else - £9.60 a year compared to most sites £50 -
  Upon registration do I become the sole owner of the domain (ie.: 3 weeks
  after I purchase the domain I get a nice letter from ICAAN (or the UK
  equivalent - I've got a letter from them for another domain) saying that
  now own it for a period of x months),  or do you hold it for my use?

 You are the owner of any domains registered with us, yes. We are just
 the admin  billing contacts.

  I am also curious to what Tomcat versions you use and what level access
  have to the box running it.

 Tomcat version 4.1. If you are using a standard Web hosting package then
 you just have FTP access and access to the cPanel control panel. If you
 have your own Miniserver then you have full root access.

I think I will be purchasing a domain tonight I do believe!


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Re: Réf. : read it immediately

2004-02-25 Thread Graham Reeds
 Without wanting to cause too much alarm, that is the kind of message that
 could potentially contain a virus.

Virus's need a little more than 1byte in size to be lethal - the payload
probably got pulled by a virus checker before leaving Sun.


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Re: failure notice

2004-02-05 Thread Graham Reeds
I'm getting loads of people complaining about a stupid responder.  Is that


Seriously though, there's not a lot that anyone can do.  I would guess that
some one on this list has opened the and it has infected
his/her machine and has started spamming the known world, even if him/her
has left the list it still could be in his address book.

The spamming could be any of us.  Company policy here is to have Sophos
running constantly which sucks resources and is/was effective as a chocolate
fireguard when MSBlast went around as every machine in the building (except
our Linux boxes).

I suggest you get used to creating rules in your favourite email client.


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Re: AUTO 'Getty=001-016-162'Error in JDBC conn / Apache Tomcat/4.1.29 URGENT

2004-02-02 Thread Graham Reeds
I've attempted to contact Getty Images about this but they use those
annoying web forms.  What ever happened to real email addresses?


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Re: design issue .....

2004-01-28 Thread Graham Reeds
We have a issue.  Solved by having Oracle store all 155 million images and
serve them as required.  However, we don't use Tomcat instead having a
custom app get them from the database on the clients pc.


Graham Reeds,

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Re: design issue .....

2004-01-28 Thread Graham Reeds
 We have a issue.  Solved by having Oracle store all 155 million images and
 serve them as required.  However, we don't use Tomcat instead having a
 custom app get them from the database on the clients pc.

Correction: We've had that issue.

Looks like I lost the power of speech momentarily:-)

Point of the post was to say that Oracle does a very good job of holding a
large number of images and serving them up in a timely fashion.  I think we
managed something like 12mbytes a second for a single user.


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[OT] Apache and Tomcat together

2004-01-14 Thread Graham Reeds
Something that has puzzled me for a few weeks now, and that is why use
Tomcat and Apache together?  Tomcat serves up HTML pages as well JSP so
where is the benefit in running both?  Even if Apache was faster at serving
regular html pages than Tomcat surely the milliseconds gained would be eaten
away by the latency of the connection speed?


Graham Reeds,

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Re: dramatic performance differences on development machines

2004-01-13 Thread Graham Reeds
  It's a windows XP development Client
  Pentium 4, 2GHz, 512Mb memory
  jdk 1.3.1_06
  tomcat 4.0.6

Does the Task Manager list it as a two processor machine?  If so it could be
HyperThreading playing silly buggers with your code.

However I don't think HT was ever implemented on P4s less than 2.4GHz.
Xeons began around 1.8GHz iirc.


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Re: - no such user here.

2004-01-13 Thread Graham Reeds
 I do.  And am about to receive it one more time :)

I see you and raise a response from Autoresponder @ RadGameTools.


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[OT] : Re: - no such user here.

2004-01-13 Thread Graham Reeds
 I love spamassasin

I installed a compiled version for O2K just before Christmas.  SpamNet is
really cutting the mustard anymore - I am getting over 250 spam mails a day
at my home and ~50 are getting through so I decided to install it and see if
it was as good as everyone said it was.  It then trawled through my main
folder, and my sub-folders.  It then had the skewed perspective (due to the
fact that I had previously cleaned out all my spam) that all my mailing
lists (gbadev, ant, setiqueue, gamasutra, etc.) were all spam and attached
them to another email headed ***SPAM*** and copied it to new spam directory.
Since I am a lazy sod I couldn't be bothered to manually go through each and
every mail so I deleted all 2,000 or so.  Came back after visiting my folks
to 550 unread emails, of which 3 were non spam (the mailing lists having
been already moved to their respective folders).

So I don't love SpamAssassin.  I started on my own O2K spamkiller plugin but
the only examples for writing Office plugins are in VB and my knowledge of
VB is very limited.  I'm more of a C++ kinda guy.


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Re: [OT] : Re: - no such user here.

2004-01-13 Thread Graham Reeds

The other thing you might want to consider is a service like Yahoo's
junk addresses.  You can create as many junk addresses as you want, e.g.
[EMAIL PROTECTED], subscribe those addresses to the lists, and
if you get spam you-
A. Know for sure where it came from
B. Can easily remove the dummy address
C. Know that your main/real address is not affected.

That's why my work address is seperate from my normal address.  I haven't
(apart from the Autoresponder ones) got any spam yet.

Unfortunately it is a little late for my home address.  I've been using the
same address since 1997, but only really started using it online when I
finished Uni (3 years ago).

My personal solution to spam is not better spamfilters but more spam.  So
much so that fake spam (advertising products with no links) outnumber the
real spam ergo diluting their click through rate and therefore reducing
profits.  Also the side effect of a dramatic increase in spam will cause
national governments to hastily make laws banning it and then follow up with
cease-and-desist.  Fakespammers would have got what they wanted and the real
spammers will have to sign on.


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Re: [OT] : Re: - no such user here.

2004-01-13 Thread Graham Reeds
 That's why my work address is seperate from my normal address.  I haven't
 (apart from the Autoresponder ones) got any spam yet.

To clarify; it should say:

That's why my work-tomcat address is seperate from my normal work address.
I haven't (apart from the Autoresponder ones) got any spam yet.


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Re: Encoding issues

2004-01-12 Thread Graham Reeds
 That's a greek character set. Is that intentional?

His email is [EMAIL PROTECTED] so I would guess so.


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Re: it's a bit too much

2004-01-12 Thread Graham Reeds
 Sorry, but I think I will have to leave this list shortly. I am bored 
 of getting two bounces for each message I send to it.  Adding to the 
 bogus Symantec Mail Security I now get a bounce for [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 (User unknown).

I just got the bounce as well in addition to the RadTools responder.


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Re: SQL Injection and Tomcat

2003-12-12 Thread Graham Reeds
 U Can Also buy wonderfull book TOMCAT The definitive Guide
 by Ian E.Darwin  Jason Brittain

Which version(s) of Tomcat does it cover? Amazon synopsis doesn't say which
version.  I'm currently locked into TC3.2.3 so a book that covers 4.x might
not be a wise purchase.


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Re: Re[2]: SQL Injection and Tomcat

2003-12-12 Thread Graham Reeds
Looking around for a book that covers TC 3.x I found Wrox Press'
Professional Apache Tomcat which covers 3.x, 4.0.x, and 4.1.x.  Anyone
have any comments on this book (besides the glowing review at


  U Can Also buy wonderfull book TOMCAT The definitive Guide
  by Ian E.Darwin  Jason Brittain

 GR Which version(s) of Tomcat does it cover? Amazon synopsis doesn't say
 GR version.  I'm currently locked into TC3.2.3 so a book that covers 4.x
 GR not be a wise purchase.

 GR G.

 GR -
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 GR For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Best regards,
  Andreymailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Like..

2003-12-10 Thread Graham Reeds
Do you get a message from autoresponderATradgametoolsDOTcom?

I posted a question to the list a few days ago asking if anyone else gets
the message.  This is the response I get (with the email addresses fudged to
stop spambots).

We're sorry, but the RAD general email addresses have changed recently (to
slow the flood of spam sigh).

Please use one of these addresses instead:

Sales: sales2ATradgametoolsDOTcom

RAD Video Tools Support:

Bink SDK Support: bink2ATradgametoolsDOTcom

Miles SDK Support: miles2ATradgametoolsDOTcom

Granny SDK Support: granny2ATradgametoolsDOTcom

Pixomatic SDK Support: pixo2ATradgametoolsDOTcom

Smacker SDK Support: smack2ATradgametoolsDOTcom

Webmaster: webmaster2ATradgametoolsDOTcom

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your support!

RAD Game Tools

So I fired off a message to webmaster2 and this is the response:

Sorry, have no idea.  I've never heard of the Tomcat mailing list.  The
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is an invalid address at our domain...

RAD Game Tools

I guess I will be getting another message from Autoresponder...


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Re: Like..

2003-12-10 Thread Graham Reeds
Yeah, I partook in that conversation.  Connection Refused, localhost not

And I got a Autoresponder message for my first response and likely as not I
will get one for this one.


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[OT] Re: Default context for web app

2003-12-10 Thread Graham Reeds

It's deployed twice if you also have autoDeploy enabled.  ROOT has
NOTHNING special.  Maybe for the next release we should change the name
ROOT to something else just so people stop thinking there's something
special about it ;)


Blame Monty Python.


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Re: To the list administrator.

2003-12-10 Thread Graham Reeds
I think that this list is automatic.

In the the event that it isn't have a check to see if radgametools
autoresponder is and why it is that only I get the email.  This address is
used solely for the purpose of the mailing list.

I don't get anything off administrator2ATledsDOTcom but then again people
don't seem to get anything off radgametools autoresponder.


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Re: To the list administrator.

2003-12-10 Thread Graham Reeds
I tried emailing my home address earlier and no message from Autoresponder.
I then tried emailing my other works account.  That too doesn't provoke a
response.  Only emailing the mailing list using this account causes
autoresponder to send a message.


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Re: connection refused, localhost not found

2003-12-08 Thread Graham Reeds
 Now when I try to call up http://localhost:8080/myapp/ the browser zooms
 off to find! When I try I get a 'connection refused' pop-up from
 the browsers - on my machine and on others. (root context still works as
 I said).

My instant reaction was - start tomcat.  Then I read:

 Obviously I tried restarting tomcat, redeploying the app, taking out all
 the filters, changing the context name, checked server.xml.

I had this when I was developing.  I closed tomcat but because I had Lynx
open I assumed that the dos window was the tomcat instance.  Took me about
10 minutes to figure my error.  I wonder how many hits that guy gets due to
the localhost error?  Hope he pays by the megabyte because that is a big
page to serve up:-)


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Re: Cookies.

2003-12-08 Thread Graham Reeds
 I checked the javadoc documentation for the Cookie class, and it doesn't
 seem to mention the default life of a Cookie object once sent to the
 browser. I'm inclined to think that the default is that it will live as
 long as the browser session does (especially because of your evidence).

It is.  I've been implementing cookies in my app.

 Try this:

 Cookie cookie = new Cookie(entId, eID);


 cookie = new Cookie(ognId, ignId);


 This is likely to extend the life of your cookies beyond the browser's
 session. Therefore, they will be sent in requests after the browser is

[OT]  Personally I think that being able to have a single name=value
attribute in a cookie is a bad idea.  I can't find anywhere that explains
the reason for this.  Anyway to get around this I have been looking at
formatting my cookie as:


and deencode the result afterwards.  Then you don't have to mess around with
lots of cookies.


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[OT] Rad Game Tools

2003-12-08 Thread Graham Reeds
Does anyone else get a message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] asking them to
update their email address?

Everytime I email this list I get one back.


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Re: 2 instances of Tomcat

2003-12-05 Thread Graham Reeds
 All run smoothly. I need to install some WorldPay stuff for testing and
 live. They assure me that their servlets will not work on JDK1.3.0+, and
 more importantly, will not run on anything above Tomcat 3.2.4.

WorldPay has a very smooth payment system.  Several of the products I have
purchased online uses them.  Did you ask whether they plan to upgrade their
payment system to a newer version of TC?


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Re: How to measue performance? Log4j on/off.

2003-12-04 Thread Graham Reeds

As an aside, make sure you have all log4j Logger#debug statements
enclosed in if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) { ... } clauses -- that's an
order of magnitude or so runtime performance improvement.

Showing my C heritage here, but can't you do something like

Log(an error has occurred);

And in Log have a directive like

class Logger()
void Log(string msg)
#ifdef DEBUG
... log message ..

And so you can compile a version with debug or no debug.  Those if()
statements are still going to take time to process, even if there is no
logging going on.


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Re: html not working

2003-12-01 Thread Graham Reeds
 As of my knowledge, I think Tomcat uses the concept of WebContext, which
 initialized during tomcat startup or through the manager commands,
 i.e. http://localhost:8080/manager/list
 check the documentations for manager commands on the tomcat website. where
 you can start/stop/restart webcontexts.. without the need of restarting

Can that work on remote servers - ie: ?

I have tried repeatedly this weekend to get my web.xml to accept my new
welcome file (index.jsp) but it would not accept the changes.  I fired off
an email to my webhost, but I don't expect an email until I get home


Graham Reeds,

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Re: JSP Editors

2003-11-28 Thread Graham Reeds
 Textpad (Best $27 you'll spend)

I second that.  Has a few quirks, but nothing that affects your programming.


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Re: Forwarding

2003-11-27 Thread Graham Reeds
I'm a noob and all but..

Surely you could create a simple servlet to intercept all requests to
/something.jsp/ and simply forward it to /something.jsp?


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Re: j_security_check - Bookmarking the login page. A teaser!

2003-11-19 Thread Graham Reeds
Just a noob firing off into the dark...

Couldn't you have a small piece of code that checks for the session and if
they are bringing up the login page directly (ie no session info) then take
them to the index.

I'm going to get this on my site too so I will interested in a solution.


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2003-11-18 Thread Graham Reeds

I think I couldn't see it when I had MS Outlook Express.  They have since
upgraded me to regular Outlook so I can't test for it now.  From the
UNSUBSCRIBE messages we get on the list, it seams like some can't see it.

I'm in OE and I can see it.

I think that they are getting swamped and hotmail cuts out before the confim
unsubscription can get through.


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Re: Servlets -- help needed

2003-11-14 Thread Graham Reeds
 Someone should also point out right now that having Tomcat installed in
 a directory containing spaces is just *asking* for trouble.

 Try re-installing tomcat into, say, c:\programs\tomcat, or at least
 modify the path to be C:\PROGRA~1\tomcat or whatever windows does to
 long filenames to make them fit into FAT entries.

I never had a problem with Tomcat being installed to C:\Program
Files\Apache Group\Jakarta Tomcat, and this was with version 3.2.3

Problems arose when installing the JDK to C:\Program Files\jdk1.3.1_09
where Tomcat refuses to work with it there (I posted a question about this
ages ago).  So I had to leave the jdk in the root of C: - something I hate
doing (as I had to do with software from ESRI and Oracle).


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Re: Servlets -- help needed

2003-11-14 Thread Graham Reeds
 I never had a problem with Tomcat being installed to C:\Program
 Files\Apache Group\Jakarta Tomcat, and this was with version 3.2.3

 Problems arose when installing the JDK to C:\Program Files\jdk1.3.1_09
 where Tomcat refuses to work with it there (I posted a question about this
 ages ago).  So I had to leave the jdk in the root of C: - something I hate
 doing (as I had to do with software from ESRI and Oracle).

I should also point out that you have to be careful in configuring Tomcat


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Re: encoding issues with HTML pages

2003-10-28 Thread Graham Reeds
 Hello folks, this a different kind of matter, i have some web pages
 under a web-server. My pages are displayed with strange characters, an
 encoding problem, this web-server is for public use and i don´t have
 administrator previlegies. Is there a way to make my HTML pages displays
 correctly whatoever is the server encoding?

Do the pages have the correct encoding attribute in them?

In your head/head section you should have something like:
  meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 /

Also it can't hurt to set your html lang setting to something like:
  html xmlns=; xml:lang=en lang=en

Of course, this assumes you are using xhtml...

Hope this helps.

[OT] Also check in other browsers.  I created a great looking site in IE
that had extensive use of CSS.  Under both Mozilla and Opera it looked


Graham Reeds,

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Re: Newbie Question: Tomcat 3.2.3 + JDK1.3.1_09 + Win2K

2003-10-06 Thread Graham Reeds
 I just took a quick look in the CVS, and it looks like you are right.  I
 don't know why the batch file doesn't run.

At least it's not me then:-)

 You could try:
   set JAVA_HOME=c:\progra~1\jdk1.3.1_09
 and see if it helps.

Tried that and it didn't work.  Same message as before.

Thanks for helping and clarifying things for me.


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Re: error-page directive

2003-10-06 Thread Graham Reeds
  I recall there was an issue with some version of IE: it had
  a feature: if the error page is less then x bytes then IE showes
  its ugly default error page. But if the error page is large
  enough (in terms of bytes) then it showes that.
 (Anton Tagunov)

 You are right! IE shows its default error page if the messages has 341
chars or less. From 342 chars up, it shows the received data.
 Thanks! My problem is solved.

Which versions of IE is that applicable to?


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Re: Newbie Question: Tomcat 3.2.3 + JDK1.3.1_09 + Win2K

2003-10-03 Thread Graham Reeds
Bill Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I haven't used 3.2.x in a very very long time.  My first guess would be to
 check the batch files.  From the error you are getting, it may just not be
 quoting the initial Java command.

They are both in quotes - I forgot to mention that in my original post.
That's why it is suprising.  One works with quotes (TOMCAT_HOME) and the
other doesn't (JAVA_HOME).

 Of course, it is useless to submit a bug-report, since the 3.2.x line is
 longer maintained.

True.  Just wondering if anyone else had encountered this.  If one person
can honestly say 'I have had it working' then it comes down to me.  However
I am in a limbo where I don't know if it is me or not.


Graham Reeds,

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Re: Printing with page breaks.

2003-10-03 Thread Graham Reeds

I want my users to be able to print out a list of messages they receive with
a single click on a print button.

Incorporating the messages into a single JSP is no problem but then when
they print this there are no page breaks.

I have looked at the IETF's site at:
where the RFC's all are text documents with Form Feed characters in them
which produce page breaks.  I can replicate this functionality but
unfortunately these page breaks don't work in IE.  It still prints these
characters out as an unknown special character.

Can anybody tell me if they have seen a page anywhere on the web that prints
on separate pages.  You can test if it does by choosing Print Preview from
the file menu, you don't have to waist paper ;-)

My thanks for any help, even if it is just to confirm that this is not

If you are printing html then you can use CSS to allow you to format a page
correctly for printing, while not affecting the layout of the visual page.
Brett Merkey has written articles on this.  Check out this too  I haven't read it but it
may be helpful.


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Re: error-page directive

2003-10-03 Thread Graham Reeds

- Original Message -
From: Carlos Pereira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 4:24 PM
Subject: error-page directive

 I am using Tomcat 4.1.24 in Windows XP and I cannot define an error page.
I have defined it in web.xml as


If this is a cut'n'paste job from your web.xml page then the problem is you
have defined a .hmtl and not .html file.


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Newbie Question: Tomcat 3.2.3 + JDK1.3.1_09 + Win2K

2003-10-02 Thread Graham Reeds
I finally got Tomcat working last night.  Nothing odd in that, you'd think,
but the problems I have been having is quite frustrating.  The reason was I
would get a 'Unable to find Program ' message when trying to start the
Tomcat server.  However, at various stages of installation things would
seemingly work fine.

So I sat down with a clean system.  I had removed all traces of JDK and
Tomcat (not that there was any) from my registry and installed them both to
their default locations, C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3 and
C:\jdk1.3.1_09.  I then Modified the scripts and stuff to point to these
locations (as mentioned in this tutorial: ) and it worked fine: I compiled a
couple of scripts and ran them.  I then rebooted and tried again.  Still

Then I moved Tomcat to C:\Program Files\Apache Group\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3
and modified the
scripts accordingly.  That worked (I could view the sample pages and compile
my own), so I rebooted and tried again.  That worked too.

I then uninstalled the JDK, rebooted and installed the JDK to C:\Program
Files\jdk1.3.1_09, modified the scripts and hey presto!  It wouldn't work.
I double checked the scripts.  I rebooted, and it still didn't work.

Uninstalled and reinstalled JDK to root, changed the scripts and then it
worked.  Conclusion: I think that Tomcat 3.2.3 has a flaw that can't work
with the JDK having spaces in its JAVA_HOME path, but it can have spaces in
the TOMCAT_HOME path.

The reason I am not using a version higher than 3.2.3 is that I have seen
enough to know that the layout of the file system can change drastically
between versions in the same release and I'd rather work with an identical
system to my Service Provider.  And the reason I want the JDK in Program
Files is that I like to have a clean PC with an elegant filing system.
Having something break that system is irritating.

So my question is:  Is it possible to run Tomcat 3.2.3 with the JDK
installed to some where other than Root which has spaces in the directory
path (i.e: 'Program Files') ?


Graham Reeds,

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Re: [OT] best hardware config for Tomcat

2003-06-20 Thread Graham Reeds
 It is production server. I am a staff of the company where I have to
 the application. We will use the server only at office time. At most 12
 hours a day. After that shut it down. I dont know  what to name this kind
 machines. I want to run the machine to run 12 hours a day and overcome the
 trouble of data loss. Any way u r mails have given me lots of insight. I
 think I have to learn more about hardware configurations. Why u r
 dual processors ?. Can a dual processor system switch to a single
 if one fails ?. Is there any bechmarks on hardware runningjava web
 applications ? If u suggest me any discussion forums or mailing lists
 I can ask this kind of questions I will not bother u with a silly

I can't give you an exact reason that dual processor is preferable, but we
used a simple 'off the shelf' Dell pizza box dual P4-1.3GHz w/ 1GB + 3 x
18Gb hdd's while testing our app and database.  Finally when the testing was
complete we rolled it out on to our monster server.  Maybe a Dell server
would suit you fine until you find your feet...


Graham Reeds,

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Tomcat bug? WinXp, IE6, Tomcat 4.1.24, JSPTags

2003-06-05 Thread Graham Reeds
I dunno if this is the correct mailing since I have only just joined, but...

I am using Tomcat 4.1.24, the JDK  Unfortunately I can't change
the version numbers since our client is using this version.

I am new to Java and currently feeling my way round JSP Tags and the found
what I believe is a bug.  I have a very simple tag called name in my tld xml

Ergo the getter and setter code is: getName() and setName();

Change the tag name to pageTitle you'd expect the getter and setter to be
getPageTitle() and setPageTitle().  This compiles fine but running it in my
browser (IE6) causes an 'org.apache.jasper.JasperException' to fire.  Change
the getter and setter to getpageTitle(), etc. and it works fine.

I would of assumed that it changed 'name' to a capital it would
automatically change the first letter of 'pageTitle' to capitals.  Is this
standard behaviour?


Graham Reeds,

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Re: Tomcat bug? WinXp, IE6, Tomcat 4.1.24, JSPTags

2003-06-05 Thread Graham Reeds
Okay this the relevant section of my taglib.tld file:

infoSimple Example/info

the use of the tag in my jsp file:
siteTags:header pageTitle=Server Administration /

the getter and setter code:

String pageTitle;
// getter
//public String getPageTitle()
public String getpageTitle()
return pageTitle;

// setter
//public void setPageTitle(String pageTitle)
public void setpageTitle(String pageTitle)
this.pageTitle = pageTitle;

The error that it produces (cropped for berevity).  If you would like the
code then I can email you it - I wouldn't want to post the entirety to the

HTTP Status 500 -
type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it
from fulfilling this request
  at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(


Graham Reeds,

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Re: Tomcat bug? WinXp, IE6, Tomcat 4.1.24, JSPTags

2003-06-05 Thread Graham Reeds
Okay the entire fault (enjoy) :

HTTP Status 500 -
type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it
from fulfilling this request.

 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
 at org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteAdapter.service(

root cause
 at org.apache.jsp.login_jsp._jspService(
 at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
 at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(

Re: Tomcat bug? WinXp, IE6, Tomcat 4.1.24, JSPTags

2003-06-05 Thread Graham Reeds
  root cause
   at org.apache.jsp.login_jsp._jspService(

 What's your page doing at line 90 of the generated servlet

 This can be found in the work directory

86:} catch (Throwable t) {
87:  out = _jspx_out;
88:  if (out != null  out.getBufferSize() != 0)
90:  if (pageContext != null) pageContext.handlePageException(t);
91:} finally {
92:  if (_jspxFactory != null)
94:  }

At line 103 though I spotted this:
103:_jspx_th_siteTags_header_0.setpageTitle(Server Administration);

which is trying to access the setpageTitle() and not setPageTitle(), which
brings me back to the point is this standard practice?  I have semi-reliable
information to the contary; apparently other JSP engines use the
setPageTitle() method.


Graham Reeds,

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