Re: Advice for Hosting Many Individual Webapps?

2005-08-18 Thread Seth Ladd

Mikolaj Rydzewski wrote:

Seth Ladd wrote:

The frequency is so much that the uptime of all of our applications is 
affected as we continually take down Tomcat servers in production to 
deploy a new application (or new version of the application).  Because 
hot deploy does not work (the old favorite OOM error w/ too many 
redeploys), we bounce the Tomcat server for every redeploy.

What about clustering? You could move users to one node of the cluster, 
update apps in the second one, and then the opposite. Move users to the 
second node, update the first one and finally allow users to work with 
two (or more) nodes.

Yes, but then how to do you handle class evolution for objects in the 

For example, if I'm clustering two Tomcats, they are sharing Session 
state.  If I upgrade one node in the cluster, and possibly change a 
class definition of an object that gets stored in the session, I will 
now have two definitions of the same object (one for the old cluster 
node and one for the new cluster node).  I think there will be 
serialVersionUID issues there.

Advice on how to handle that?


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Re: Advice for Hosting Many Individual Webapps?

2005-08-18 Thread Seth Ladd

Allistair Crossley wrote:

we used to just schedule updates and let all our staff know there would be a 
small amount of downtime (for our intranet) but you can't do this on external 
production servers, so you need to go with either load balancing/clustering 
that allows you to close a node down *while also* letting sessions complete 
(e.g BigIP I think may do this). we have a semi-solution using mod_jk's load 
balancing/sticky sessions. Although closing a node does not wait until sessions 
are complete, mod_jk still detects the failed node and passes over to the next 
node gracefully. it's a 1/2 way house to a full solution that you can implement 
right away. for graceful close down (i.e sessions completing) you need 
something like BigIP or a commercial application server like BEA which does 
this for you. I really wish support for hot deployment got sorted out in 
Tomcat/J2EE servers in general. Although I am a J2EE die-hard I used C# .NET 
recently for a project and it beats the hell out of J2EE deployment

, if we're not careful this will be a big win for .NET.

The hot deployment issues isn't a Tomcat issue, or a J2EE issue.  It's a 
fundamental flaw in the JVM.  There is just no way to explicitly destroy 
a classloader (the main cause of OOM exceptions when constantly 
redeploying apps).  Until either we're able to just destroy a 
classloader, or have isolates/MVM available, we're stuck in this 
deployment mess.

I agree, .NET is way better for developing and deploying apps.  And 
deployment couldn't get more simple that PHP (just copy them over).  Why 
does it have to be so hard for Java?

Until Sun wakes up and realizes the JVM wasn't made to host multiple 
applications, and then fixes it, we're going to be stuck with the 
current state of things.  For instance, having to run each webapp in a 
separate Tomcat just to minimize downtime for all apps is pretty crazy.

The clustering solution seems possible, except I'm worried about two 
different versions of a class ending up in the session (and this causing 
serialVersionUID issues).


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Re: Advice for Hosting Many Individual Webapps?

2005-08-18 Thread Seth Ladd

Asad Habib wrote:

.NET and PHP may have better development/deployment environments, but
quite frankly I would rather use Java than C# or PHP to develop web
applications. Just look at the robust Java open-source frameworks that
exist (i.e. Spring, Turbine, Struts, JSF) just to name a few. Also, .NET
applications are not multi-platform. There is just no comparison to Java
- J2EE rules!

No doubt, and this isn't about which rules more.  This is a frank 
discussion regarding issues of hosting many webapps, looking for a real 

I was merely trying to illustrate how high the bar has been set, and 
Java should aspire to be as easy /to deploy/ as PHP.  It's certainly 
more powerful.


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Advice for Hosting Many Individual Webapps?

2005-08-16 Thread Seth Ladd


We are finding outselves hosting more and more individual webapps, all 
running on Tomcat 5.5.9 w/ JDK 1.5.  Each of these webapps is developed 
and deployed on a separate schedule, and the number and frequency of app 
deployments is increasing.

The frequency is so much that the uptime of all of our applications is 
affected as we continually take down Tomcat servers in production to 
deploy a new application (or new version of the application).  Because 
hot deploy does not work (the old favorite OOM error w/ too many 
redeploys), we bounce the Tomcat server for every redeploy.

To avoid taking down all of our applications when we need to redeploy a 
single app, we've begun to deploy each application to their own Tomcat 
instance.  All of these instances are fronted by a single Apache server 
handling vhosts, logging, etc.

We're just curious how common this setup really is.  We know we are in 
an uncommon position, with so many webapps (approaching 20, and growing 
very fast).  We don't want to put all our eggs in one basket, so to 
speak, so we've begun to split out individual tomcat instances.

Anyone else have to handle numerous webapps, with frequent deploys, and 
have to keep uptime for all apps as high as possible?  We hesitate to 
put all webapps in one tomcat, because to deploy one app means we have 
to take down all of our apps.  This is becoming unacceptable.  (not to 
mention that a memory leak in one app will bring down all the apps 
living in that tomcat instance)

Any tips or tricks would be really appreciated.  Or pointers to previous 
material (I've found some, but nothing that jumped out at me).

Thanks very much in advance,

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Re: Monitor Tomcat with SNMP (MRTG etc)?

2005-08-15 Thread Seth Ladd

Dave Morrow wrote:

Thanks Seth.  I have been reading the documentation on it and it looks
like it will give me what I am seeking.

One question though, to save time, you wouldn't happen to know where I
might find a list of OID's which I could point MRTG at? 

Just search for JVM MIB on google, you'll find it.


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Re: data push

2005-08-10 Thread Seth Ladd

Paul Wallace wrote:

Hi All,
I would like server A (TC 5.5) to 'push' streams of data to server B
(TC 5.5) at random points in time, and for server B to accept the data when
it is received. This is not using request / response, hence I am new to this
topic. A couple of questions - what protocol(s) can be used, HTTP? Can
anyone point me towards a resource of this nature please? I understand
sockets are in the picture - also new to me.

You can easily push info by just executing a HTTP POST to some URL on 
Server B.


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Re: data push

2005-08-10 Thread Seth Ladd

Paul Wallace wrote:

Hi Seth,
Thanks. And must I open a socket on the client (server B)? Do I
attach a listener to it?

Forget sockets, we're at a higher level w/ HTTP and URLs.  Use the JDK's 
URLConnection classes (for starters) to open a URL connection.  Create a 
Servlet on Server B that has a doPost() method, for example.  That will 
be your listener.

Server A will use the URLConnection to connect to the servlet on Server 
B and write data to it.  At this point, it looks like a socket (input 
and output streams) except you are talking over HTTP.


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Re: data push

2005-08-10 Thread Seth Ladd

Paul Wallace wrote:

I have most of that in place already. Currently, server A has a
HttpURLConnection open and is talking to the Servlet. I can receive data
presumably from an InputStream. How do I write data to the Servlet using the
connection I have open?

Use the connection.getOutputStream() method and write to it like any 
other output stream.

It will show up on the other side when you pull from the input stream.


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Re: Monitor Tomcat with SNMP (MRTG etc)?

2005-08-10 Thread Seth Ladd

Dave Morrow wrote:

Does anyone know how to use SNMP tools to monitor a Tomcat server?  Are
there any open source tools to assist or add this ability?

With JDK 5 you can enable the builtin SNMP agent.  This can export all 
the standard JMX attributes of the VM.  I don't think there's a way to 
export anything else, though.  At least this gives memory, cpu, etc 


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Re: strange cache behavior in Tomcat 5.5.9?

2005-08-01 Thread Seth Ladd

Gabriel Belingueres wrote:

In my JSP pages I put the following tags to avoid the browser cache the pages.

meta http-equiv=Expires content=0 /
meta http-equiv=Pragma content=no-cache /
meta http-equiv=Cache-Control content=no-cache /

I wouldn't trust this way.  I would always use the below method for 
manipulating any cache control or general HTTP headers.

response.setDateHeader (Expires, 0);

This is the way to do it.  Also, it's backwares compatible.  This sends 
actual HTTP headers back to the client in the response.


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Re: accessing global Environment values?

2005-07-28 Thread Seth Ladd

Mark Thomas wrote:

Seth Ladd wrote:

I am not able to lookup the default simpleValue environment variable 
form JNDI with a simple JSP file.  Is there anything else I have to do 
to move an Environment variable, from GlobalNamingResources, into the 
scope of a webapp?

Any advice on how to expose GlobalNamingResources's Environment 
variables into webapps?

You could start by reading the documentation for JNDI resources.

Yes, I read that over and over and I was missing my ResourceLink tag 
in the context.xml.  For some reason, I kept missing it in the 


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accessing global Environment values?

2005-07-27 Thread Seth Ladd


I have a stock Tomcat 5.5.9 with JDK 1.5.  This is a fresh install, 
nothing has changed.

I am not able to lookup the default simpleValue environment variable 
form JNDI with a simple JSP file.  Is there anything else I have to do 
to move an Environment variable, from GlobalNamingResources, into the 
scope of a webapp?

I placed a JSP file into the webapps/ROOT directory, just for testing 
(contents below).  The last line throws the NamingException because it's 
not found.  When I remove the last line, I'm able to browse the JNDI 
tree, and I get the following output:

From java: : comp: org.apache.naming.NamingContext
From java:comp/ : UserTransaction: org.apache.naming.TransactionRef
From java:comp/ : env: org.apache.naming.NamingContext
From java:comp/ : Resources: org.apache.naming.resources.ProxyDirContext

Any advice on how to expose GlobalNamingResources's Environment 
variables into webapps?

Thanks very much,

Test JSP File, in webapps/ROOT :


javax.naming.Context ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
javax.naming.NamingEnumeration e = ctx.list(java:);
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
out.println(From java: :  + e.nextElement() + br);
e = ctx.list(java:comp/);
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
out.println(From java:comp/ :  + e.nextElement() + br);
e = ctx.list(java:comp/env/);
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
out.println(From java:comp/env/ :  + e.nextElement() + br);



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A Resource ObjectFactory as LifecycleListener ?

2004-12-13 Thread Seth Ladd
I've setup a ObjectFactory for Tomcat's JNDI and Resource system.  I'd 
like that that ObjectFactory to respond to the Tomcat Server shutting 
down.  It appears that a new ObjectFactory is created for every request 
for the Object, so ObjectFactory itself is not a singleton.  That's OK 
for now.

The Object that is returned by the ObjectFactory is a singleton (in a 
sense) and I'd like that Object to shutdown cleanly when the Server 
shuts down.

One idea I had was to create a Listener that would shut down the 
singleton.  The ObjectFactory would continue to serve the singleton via 
JNDI.  The problem there is I might have to duplicate some class files 
because the Listener will load its classes from server/lib, while the 
ObjectFactory will load its classes from common/lib.

If I could have the Resource or the ObjectFactory participate as a 
LifecycleListener, I think it would work very smoothly.  I looked 
through the code, and it doesn't appear possible.

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Re: A Resource ObjectFactory as LifecycleListener ?

2004-12-13 Thread Seth Ladd
Shapira, Yoav wrote:
Why go through all this?  The point of the JNDI Resources part of the
Servlet Specification is to allow portable interaction with external
resources.  Your approach loses all the portability (it's
Tomcat-specific) without gaining much of anything.  You could do the
same stuff in your webapp, instead relying on a portable notification of
app shutdown (ServletCotnextListener) and managing your own object
Good question.  Because we have a few services we'd like shared between 
all webapps.  While you are correct that getting the service into JNDI 
is Tomcat specific (which is why I'm pulling for a writable JNDI context 
:), getting the service out from JNDI is standard.

So while we could put all the classes into common/lib and use a 
singleton pattern, I wouldn't have a way to cleanly shut down the 
service on app server shutdown (I could be wrong here).

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Re: A Resource ObjectFactory as LifecycleListener ?

2004-12-13 Thread Seth Ladd
Shapira, Yoav wrote:

So while we could put all the classes into common/lib and use a
singleton pattern, I wouldn't have a way to cleanly shut down the
service on app server shutdown (I could be wrong here).

You could use a JVM shutdown hook.  At least that's portable and not
Another alternative would be to externalize the service itself onto a
separate server, so you don't need to worry about shutting it down at
all ;)
Well, that's kind of what we do now.  We expose the service via Hessian, 
so that all webapps can access it (and avoid classloading issues of 
implementation classes).  I was hoping to avoid the overhead and expose 
as regular classes via JNDI.

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Re: Bind Object into Global JNDI Within Servlet?

2004-11-18 Thread Seth Ladd
Shapira, Yoav wrote:
The comp:env JNDI context is read-only for webapps.
Thanks for the reply!  Any chance webapps will be able to bind objects 
into global JNDI in the future?  I've been using Tomcat 5.0.x.

Otherwise, any recommendations for sharing objects across webapps that 
can't be setup using the GlobalResources ?  I need to configure some 
things at startup of my webapp.

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Re: Bind Object into Global JNDI Within Servlet?

2004-11-18 Thread Seth Ladd

That's why we give you a shared classloader repository:
$CATALINA_HOME/shared/classes and shared/lib, as explained in the
classloader how-to.  Things in there are visible to all webapps.  You
can further enforce patterns like a Singleton so that only one instance
of a class exist and is shared among all your webapps.
Yeah, the actual bytecode will live in shared/classes.  I liked using 
JNDI because I could lookup the object every time I need it.  That 
allows me to redeploy the owning webapp and rebind the object.  The 
clients won't be affected by that.

Using a Singleton in the meantime might be a good way to go in the 
meantime.  We also might just give access to the shared object via 
Hessian or Burlap.  Kinda crazy since we're in the same VM, but I want 
to be more flexible than a singleton in a shared classpath.

Thanks for your tips!  I'm pro-GeronimoNaming :)
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Re: Tomcat 5.5.4 Stability

2004-11-18 Thread Seth Ladd
Vy Ho wrote:
With SP2 of Windows XP, the computer previously can't handle 50 threads 
can handle 200 threads now.  More than that, I got connection refused 
I've had terrible performance on SP2 (my development box).  Unless this 
is your deployment environment, don't trust or worry about SP2 
performance.  It's terrible.  Testing my application on Linux, with the 
same Tomcat setup, yields much more pleasurable results.

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Re: Realm using LOTS of DB connections

2004-11-18 Thread Seth Ladd
Norris Shelton wrote:
We have the manager app for each of our contexts set-up to use
the DB to authenticate users.  Unfortunately, it is using TONS
of connections.  Over an 8 min period, it used 1200 connections.
 We have 2 boxes, each with 16 contexts with their own manager
context.  Here is what the manager context of each of them looks
  Context docBase=../../server/webapps/manager
You might want to try to DataSourceRealm, which would pull its 
connection from a pool.

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Bind Object into Global JNDI Within Servlet?

2004-11-17 Thread Seth Ladd
Is it possible to bind objects into global JNDI from within web 
application code?  For instance, I'd like to bind some objects into 
global JNDI from one webapp so that other webapps will see them.

Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks very much!
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running error page through filter?

2004-06-18 Thread Seth Ladd
Hash: SHA1
I'm having a difficult time running Tomcat managed error-pages through a
filter.  I'm hoping someone might be able to lend a tip.  I've been
reassured that this is not a bug, so it gives me hope this is possible. :)
from web.xml:
dispatcherFORWARD/dispatcher !-- specifically handles login pages --
I've placed debug logic in the sitemesh filter to print out when it gets
a request, and I don't receive any print out when the error page is
displayed.  So I'm fairly certain the filter is not being run.
Any other configuration items required to wrap an error in a filter?
Thanks very much!  Your help is greatly appreciated,
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Re: session-timeout

2004-03-08 Thread Seth Ladd
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Jerald Powel wrote:
| Hi all,
|  I am experiencing problems with memory management. I load up my
app in 10 or 15 browsers where various stuff is put on a session each
time. In Windows Task Manager I can see java.exe incrementing by an
amount of memory for each browser/app opened. No problem there. In my
web.xml  I define session-timeout to be 2 minutes. Why after an
inactive period of time exceeding 2 minutes, does the memory being used
not appear to lessen please? In fact, even I close all browsers the
memory being consumed remains at its peak...until a server restart is

I don't know the internals of Tomcat's Session management, but there are
a few things to think about here that might help.
1) Just by closing the browser does not cause the session to close.
2) You could be putting some shared object into the Session which is not
garbage collected when the session itself dies.
3) I believe you can configure a listener to receive an event when a
session dies.  You could therefore see if they really are being closed.
4) Be careful what you put in the Session.  Usually only place small or
transient objects into the Session.  Don't put any heavy objects, like
database connections into the session.
5) There could be a Tomcat bug. :)  (unlikely, though)

Hope that helps,
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Entity Include Into web.xml w/ Tomcat 5

2004-03-08 Thread Seth Ladd
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I've been precompiling my JSPs w/ ant, and I would like to include the
web.xml snippet that results from the ant task into my web.xml.
All of the examples of using a DOCTYPE ENTITY I've see are for servlet
spec 2.3, which uses a DTD.
Is there a way, with servlet spec 2.4 and its XML Schema, to include an
XML snippet into the web.xml?
For instance, I've been trying versions of this:

!DOCTYPE web-app [
~ !ENTITY compiled_jsps SYSTEM compiled_jsp.xml
But no luck.  Any ideas or tips?

Thanks very much!
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Re: Redeployment of War over and over Supported?

2004-02-02 Thread Seth Ladd
Hash: SHA1
Shapira, Yoav wrote:
| Howdy,
|Wow, OK, thanks for the great insight.  In other words, it's safe to
|assume to always restart Tomcat when deploying webapps.  That, of
|course, is less than ideal.  For testing, that just makes the
|development time longer (and more complicated, since now we have to
|remember to restart Tomcat every X deployment times).  And for
|production, of course we don't want to take anything down.
| In practice, it's also common to have one webapp per tomcat instance, so
| that should anything go wrong (e.g. OutOfMemoryError, malicious code),
| only one webapp is affected even if you have to restart the tomcat
| server.  So that above is not bad from that perspective.
Thanks for the tip.  I agree completely with this one.  Hopefully we'll
move to this soon.  It certainly makes production deployments easier.
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Redeployment of War over and over Supported?

2004-01-30 Thread Seth Ladd
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We are running Tomcat 5.0.18 w/ jdk 1.4.2 on Linux.  We deploy our wars
with the catalina deployer and ant.  We automate our builds and
deployments for every 30 minutes.  So, every half an hour we build and
deploy our war to tomcat.
This process seems to always force an OutOfMemoryException with Tomcat.
~ Things work great for about half a day, but then always we're able to
crash Tomcat.
Is automated deployment over and over supported with Tomcat?  It's my
assumption that if we're able to deploy a war to tomcat w/ the deployer,
then we should be able to deploy that war many times.
Has anyone else seen this behavior?  This is a default install of
Tomcat, and right now the way is very simple (no database connections yet).
Any tips or hints would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much!
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Re: Redeployment of War over and over Supported?

2004-01-30 Thread Seth Ladd
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| Out of curiosity, why every half hour?
Seemed like a good round number.  No real reason, we just wanted things
current. :)
| So there's a memory leak somewhere.
Yes, no doubt.  I'm trying to discover if it's my app (very well could
be) or Tomcat.
| Your impression is correct.  Note that reloading an application may have
| associated memory leaks.  For example, look for static references that
| are not properly discarded on shutdown.  This and related issues have
| been discussed many times on this list in the past: perhaps searching
| the archives will yield more clues.
Yes, I have begun to search the search.  Any idea if this is an
acknowledged problem of Tomcat?  If not, I'll split my time between my
webapp and tomcat.  If it's a definite problem with Tomcat, then I'll
focus my research to Tomcat.
Thanks very much!
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Re: Redeployment of War over and over Supported?

2004-01-30 Thread Seth Ladd
Hash: SHA1
Philipp Taprogge wrote:
| Hi!
| I don't know if this applies to your webapp, but there is an issue with
| the java compiler having a memory leak which can lead to OOM errors when
| tomcat has to compile many jsps over and over. A remidy for this is
| either to use jikes instead of javac entirely or to set the fork
| attribute of the default servlet to true, thus loosing some speed but
| preventing the leak.
Thanks very much!  This very well could be it.  I'll look into how to
set fork to true.
I'll let you know what we experience,
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Re: Redeployment of War over and over Supported?

2004-01-30 Thread Seth Ladd
Hash: SHA1
| There are some problems with certain webapps (Struts based webapps in
| particular).
| More generally, there's no way to force the VM to discard a classloader,
| so I think it is unwise to rely on perfect GC when reloading classes.
| Since there are meny ways to keep references to classloaders (shared
| library, shutdown hook, background thread, ...).
Wow, OK, thanks for the great insight.  In other words, it's safe to
assume to always restart Tomcat when deploying webapps.  That, of
course, is less than ideal.  For testing, that just makes the
development time longer (and more complicated, since now we have to
remember to restart Tomcat every X deployment times).  And for
production, of course we don't want to take anything down.
Thanks again, your help is much appreciated!
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Re: Starting tomcat using ant

2004-01-27 Thread Seth Ladd
Hash: SHA1
Keshav Sarin wrote:
| Does anyone know how to start tomcat 5 using ant target?
I do this:

~   target name=server.start depends=init
~   exec dir=${tool.tomcat}
~ os=Linux failonerror=yes
~   env key=CATALINA_OPTS value=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8/
~   env key=JAVA_OPTS value=-Xmx256m/
~   /exec
~   /target
target name=server.stop depends=init
~   exec dir=${tool.tomcat}
~ os=Linux failonerror=yes/
~   /target
YMMV, but it seems to work really well.

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Re: port info

2004-01-12 Thread Seth Ladd
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Ro, Jean S wrote:
| Hi,
| I use the following url:
| But I don't want the user to see the port information so I want to
remove it
| from url:
| How do I do that?
You can't really do that with just Tomcat, because you've set up Tomcat
to listen on 8081.  You could use Apache or some proxy device that
listens on port 80 to forward requests to Tomcat listening on port 8081.
~ Many people use this type of configuration.
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Possible Bug with JSPC with c:import of JSP 2.0 page?

2003-12-31 Thread Seth Ladd
Hash: SHA1

I'm not sure what's really the issue here, and hopefully someone can
help explain this.  I'm using Tomcat 5.0.16, Suse9, and Sun's JDK 1.4.2.
~ I'm using Ant 1.5.4 and the JSPC tasks from Tomcat.
I originally had a single JSP 2.0 file that had this snippet:

%@ page language=java %
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=c %

~  c:choose
~c:when test=${requestScope.contentType eq
~   meta http-equiv=content-type content=application/xhtml+xml;
~   meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=utf-8/
~ /c:otherwise
~  /c:choose
And it worked great.  Then, I took out the c:choose../c:choose and
placed it into it's own file, which looked like this:
%@ page language=java %
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=c %
c:when test=${requestScope.contentType eq 'application/xhtml+xml'}
meta http-equiv=content-type content=application/xhtml+xml;
meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=utf-8/
And then modified the first file to this:

c:import url=/jsp_include/meta_contentType.jsp/
I would then get this error:

javax.servlet.ServletException: /jsp_include/meta_contentType.jsp(5,1)
According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute test does
not accept any expressions

So my question is this:  Why would this happen?  The solution was the
change the taglib from core to core_rt in the imported file.  Why would
it work inside the main file, but start failing once I took it out and
placed it in its own include file?
Any ideas or tips?  It's working now, but I don't think I should have to
make core into core_rt
Thanks very much, and sorry for the long setup to the question. :)

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Re: Way to get Reference to Servlet from Filter?

2003-12-19 Thread Seth Ladd
Tim Funk wrote:
You won't be able to get the servlet reference. A possibility is to 
define the filter multiple times with different parameters. For example, 
here is the same class name defined 4 times as 4 different filters.
Good idea.  Thanks for the helpful response.  Since I can't get a 
reference to the servlet, I've resorted to reading in the web.xml file 
itself to get any init-params I would need.

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Way to get Reference to Servlet from Filter?

2003-12-18 Thread Seth Ladd

I don't think this is possible, but I'm giving it a shot anyway. :)

I'd like to get ahold of a servlet reference from within a filter.  Is 
there a way?

I have a filter that creates objects and places them within the request 
scope, but it does it differently for each end-result servlet.  I'd like 
the filter to look at the URI, determine the servlet, and grab the 
servlet.  Then, it can either grab its init-params or just call a 
special method to get the data it needs.

Now, this idea might be broken to begin with.  The other idea is to just 
create a super class for the servlet and handle this base logic from 
there.  If I can use a filter, though, that would be great.

Any tips or hints?  I hope I wasn't too vague.

Thanks very much!
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[Fwd: Re: [Opensymphony-sitemesh] Problems with SM 2.0.1 Example and Tomcat 5.0.16]

2003-12-15 Thread Seth Ladd

I'm sorry for the forward, but Scott from Sitemesh thought that a 
problem I was experiencing was a Tomcat bug.

Below is a stacktrace I'm experiencing when running the sitemesh example 
webapp in Tomcat 5.0.16 (SuSE 9, JDK 1.4.2).  Scott thinks it's a Tomcat 
5 bug.

Would the stacktrace appear to be a problem with the sitemesh example 
webapp or with Tomcat?

Thanks very much for your help,

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [Opensymphony-sitemesh] Problems with SM 2.0.1 Example and 
Tomcat 5.0.16
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 15:38:59 +1100
From: Scott Farquhar [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I believe that Sitemesh runs fine under Tomcat 4, but it hasn't been
tested yet on Tomcat 5.
From the stack trace, it looks like a Tomcat 5 bug - you should always
be able to get a writer from a JSP?
Can you try the test suite and see if it works for you?

Seth Ladd wrote:


I am just experimenting with SiteMesh, and ran into some problems.  I 
have deployed the sitemesh-example.war from the 2.0.1 release to Tomcat 

The first problem I have is that the web.xml contains some invalid configs.

The url-pattern*/url-pattern should be 
url-pattern/*/url-pattern.  Once I changed this, the war was able to 

Then, when I try to access the example webapp, I receive this error:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been 
called for this response











I'm not sure how to fix this one.  Any ideas or tips?

Thanks very much!

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