Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Online Accounts' Legal notice violates GFSD

2015-01-03 Thread lakbk89


There are some issues which the legal notice does not address;

1. It does not explicitly say whether the authentications cookies are  
encrypted or not. Often crackers can access an unencrypted cookie and can  
steal the user credential.

2. Authentication cookie is a functional data. Unless a user knows what goes  
into it, we cannot explicitly understand what it does. The source code/cookie  
format needs to be published in that case.(Just like Libre-Javascript.)

3. It does not explicitly mentions who all can acces the cookies, only the  
concerned service provider or someone else. It also does not tells what  
information the cookie conveys to the authentication service.

4. It does not mentions whether these authentication cookies are accessible  
to the user.

5. One more addition:- Canonical can change the legal notice at any time;  
This makes clear they can change their policy regarding how they use the user  
credentials, or what data the authentication cookies can deliver to the  
authentication site (eg. Facebook).

These are enogh defense to consider 'Online Accounts' with suspicion.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Online Accounts' Legal notice violates GFSD

2015-01-03 Thread lakbk89

Hi lembas,

I think the trademarked logos are Non-functional Data and the practical  
requirements are reasonable.

What I believe is a Big Problem is mentioning Ubuntu and Canonical as their  
trademark policy forbids this. I've reported this at

I agree with you - trademarked logos are non-functional data and can be  

But the legal notice also mentions the trademark of Canonical. According to  
your suggestion, trademark of canonical cannot be used without their prior  
permission and Trisquel cannot explicitly use it in that case.

Thank you for correcting me.

I will always welcome an 'online accounts' software, provided it respects all  
my four freedoms.
I believe the community will take my concerns in the right spirit. 

[Trisquel-users] 'Online Accounts' Legal notice violates GFSD

2015-01-03 Thread lakbk89
A bug regarding this issue has already been filed. You can sneak over to the  
bug report at the URL;

Brief Description of Online Accounts Legal notice for quick Review***:-

1.  Mentions about collecting and storing user's credentials and enabling  
authentication cookies, which may impose a back door/act as a spyware.

2.  Any trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on Online Accounts are  
the property of their owners, meaning verbatim copying and redistribution of  
the trademark/logo can be legally challenged by third party trademark holders  
in respective states/countries of use.

Please share your valuable suggestions in this regard.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Online Accounts' Legal notice violates GFSD

2015-01-03 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

I've read the GFSD [1] and I don't think there is a problem.

1. Looks like the notice says that the credentials and cookies will be stored  
on your computer and will not be accessed by Canonical in any other way. The  
GFSD mentions malware but I don't think this qualifies.

2. I think the trademarked logos are Non-functional Data and the practical  
requirements are reasonable.

Having said that, I'm not a lawyer.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6: updates break GRUB

2015-01-03 Thread simonhandel
Since the last update of my Trisquel 6 distribution, I get the following  
error message at the beginning of the booting process (quite after I select  
the linux version in the grub menu):

error: symbol not found: 'grub_efi_secure_boot'.

I couldn't find any '--unrestricted' parameter in grub.cfg

What can I do to fix this problem? I didn't expect that something like this  
could happen due to a 'normal' update.

[Trisquel-users] GUI Compressor Archiver with Compression Ratio

2015-01-03 Thread pandyadeepp
I am using Trisquel 7.0 LTS and I've used file-roller and xarchiver GUI  
Applications but they (GUI) have not features for compression ratio like:  
No-compression (store), Fast, Normal, Ultra etc. (such like present in peazip  
 7zip GUI).

I want to use only 'free/libre' software. So, Suggest me good GUI (GTK+  
frontend) Application with such feature.

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibertyBSD - OpenBSD minus the blobs

2015-01-03 Thread onpon4
Is there a particular reason you're using public domain and not just whatever  
licenses the individual programs are in (perhaps with the exception of those  
under the original BSD license)? Public domain dedications are sometimes  
ineffective depending on jurisdiction; that's why CC0 has a permissive  
license fallback.

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibertyBSD - OpenBSD minus the blobs

2015-01-03 Thread blade . vp2020

I hate the use of non-gnu license.
but If(fsf approved the project) I will be the first person to help you

Re: [Trisquel-users] GUI Compressor Archiver with Compression Ratio

2015-01-03 Thread onpon4

If Peazip works, why not use that? It seems to be libre.

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibertyBSD - OpenBSD minus the blobs

2015-01-03 Thread gromobir
Well, I can't really tell you what to do but I would like to advise you to  
switch to releasing the code now and enabling donations without deadlines. By  
doing so you would reveive much more donations as you can see with Trisquel.  
People keep donating money even though the software already is freely  
available and they do so because they want to see the development continue.  
Wouldn't that be an option for you? I really doubt that you will ever receive  
any Bitcoins going the way you are going now.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Unity

2015-01-03 Thread calinou
Unity (the desktop environment) is available under the GPLv3. Contributors  
have to sign a CLA in order to get their stuff merged.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Online Accounts' Legal notice violates GFSD

2015-01-03 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
I was hesitant to mark it as a dupe as it included other concerns besides the  
branding/trademark issue. Maybe I'll leave it to the Big Boys. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unity

2015-01-03 Thread theogat-27
Thank you very much guys!! I was interested in Unity (the desktop  
environment). I was really confused from a video that Richard Stallman talks  
about Ubuntu and the malware feature of Unity. You helped me a lot!!

[Trisquel-users] Re : GUI Compressor Archiver with Compression Ratio

2015-01-03 Thread calinou

It is free, but with non-free stuff included, that's all.

[Trisquel-users] Re : GUI Compressor Archiver with Compression Ratio

2015-01-03 Thread calinou

It is free, but with non-free stuff included, that's all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Online Accounts' Legal notice violates GFSD

2015-01-03 Thread lakbk89

You are right.

And thanks a lot for promoting my bug report to 'Comprehensive Trisquel  
Branding Issue page'.

Please mark the original bug as a *duplicate* to comply with the Guidelines.

Happy Hacking...!!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman uses Trisquel GNU/Linux for computation.

2015-01-03 Thread Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
On 03.01.2015 22:50, wrote:
 Bleeding edge... relative to the Libre distros. :D

Isn't it that Parabola?

Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
Președinte, Fundația Ceata

Susții libertatea artelor și tehnologiilor?
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Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman uses Trisquel GNU/Linux for computation.

2015-01-03 Thread ka1cey
I'd hardly call Trisquel bleeding edge; it's based on Ubuntu LTS releases.   

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman uses Trisquel GNU/Linux for computation.

2015-01-03 Thread jabjabs

Bleeding edge... relative to the Libre distros. :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman uses Trisquel GNU/Linux for computation.

2015-01-03 Thread trinux

and Parabola? ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibertyBSD - OpenBSD minus the blobs

2015-01-03 Thread riley
Thanks everyone for your thoughts on the licensing issue. The answer is a bit  
long, so get ready. I'll add a copy of this answer, plus your questions and  
comments, to the specification page.

As much as I would like to, I don't think that I am legally allowed to  
license my contributions under the GPL. Some kernel hackers a while ago  
ported a BSD driver to the Linux kernel, but then faced (what appeared to be  
valid) legal threats from the OpenBSD team [1]. The reason is, that minor  
changes are often not enough to be copyrightable, as they do not show  
sufficient creativity. For example, you may license a ksh script, or a new C  
source file under the GPL, but you may not license your tweaks to the kernel  
config file, or the renaming of software under the GPL. Because the changes  
that I have made mostly remove software, or make minor tweaks to it, I have  
decided simply to release my changes into the public domain. It's not ideal,  
but it's all I'm legally allowed to do.

Also, as suitsmeveryfine mentioned above, it is also good for tactical  
reasons to license permissively. OpenBSD will *not* accept patches under the  
GPL, so if I make an improvement to the system, I can't send it upstream and  
I have to keep applying the patches every new release.

For what it's worth, the FSF would appear to agree. From their license guide  

When you contribute to an existing project, you should usually release your  
modified versions under the same license as the original work. It's good to  
cooperate with the project's maintainers, and using a different license for  
your modifications often makes that cooperation very difficult. You should  
only do that when there is a strong reason to justify it.

As for Firefox, since I'm not making a libre ports tree, and Firefox is not  
included in OpenBSD base, I don't have to worry about deblobbing it.


Re: [Trisquel-users] LibertyBSD - OpenBSD minus the blobs

2015-01-03 Thread riley
Thanks for your offer, but it has been pointed out to me by email that you  
are not (yet) a highly trusted member of the community, so I have made the  
decision to cancel my offer to make you the escrow. Please don't take this  
personally; I am sure that with time you will be able to become a highly  
trusted member of the community, however at present you are not a viable  
candidate for this role.

I am currently in the process of contacting potential candidates that have  
been recommended to me.

Thanks again for volunteering.

[Trisquel-users] Libre alternative to skype

2015-01-03 Thread Lara Tris
That is also easy to use and easy to install on Windows.

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to combine an audio track and video file?

2015-01-03 Thread legimet . calc

It should be the same; just replace ffmpeg with avconv and run it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre alternative to skype

2015-01-03 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

Here's a few options.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre alternative to skype

2015-01-03 Thread mail
I myself use Linphone and Firefox Hello- they're both fantastic and Free  
(I'm pretty sure Firefox Hello is Free Software- it comes with Abrowser and  
LibreJS doesn't complain.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman uses Trisquel GNU/Linux for computation.

2015-01-03 Thread taiji_tao
LOL, so true.  This is clearly what I meant.  Compared to Debian stable and  
the Libre distros, Trisquel is bleeding/cutting edge, while still maintaining  
some stability.

I would say it is the best Libre Distro (or at least near the top) for those  
that want the most current programs for the widest range of hardware, and  
also those brand new to GNU/Linux.

For those with more Linux experience or wanting something more stable, or  
have much older or some arcane hardware then I think it tilts towards  
gNewsense, especially since it is active again.

Options is one of the things that makes GNU/Linux amazing!

And yes, both support Forums are great as well!  :)  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman uses Trisquel GNU/Linux for computation.

2015-01-03 Thread taiji_tao

Not totally accurate but point taken.

Trisquel being based on Ubuntu does pull from Ubuntu LTS which is mainly  
Debian Testing, not Stable.  Therefore, Trisquel's packages are more recent.   
This is one reason why many people recommend Trisquel or Ubuntu for those who  
want more recent programs.  gNewsense is Debian Stable, so it will always lag  
behind by design, exactly like Debian Stable, however, is more stable by  
design as is Debian Stable.  Ubuntu LTS still pulls from Testing regardless  
of the length of support.  As opposed to reg. Ubuntu which is mainly Debian  
Unstable.  All comes down to what a person wants or needs.  Debian Stable or  
gNewsense=slightly older but rock solid will not break, Ubuntu which is  
Debian Unstable and prone to frequent breaks during upgrades or somewhere in  
between which is Ubuntu LTS or Debian Testing or Trisquel, not as risky as  
Unstable but not as rock solid as Stable, you do, however, get more up to  
date programs.

There is a good discussion on the askubuntu thread, dealing with servers but  
still applicable to the general differences:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre alternative to skype

2015-01-03 Thread ka1cey
I find the jitsi desktop client completely inaccessible with orca screen  
reader, and cannot sign up for the xmpp option on jit-si; it has a recaptcha  
thing I cannot solve.