Re: [Trisquel-users] Replicant on Nexus One

2018-01-21 Thread william_lauritzen
Pretty much just follow the advice for installing cyanogenmod like unlocking  
bootloader if locked, installing custom recovery. Only thing thats a bit  
different is that your flashing an image file instead of a zip file.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-21 Thread ar018

> Netsurfy is clean as snow

Also fast and lightweight.

Unfortunately netsurf is missing in debian testing (buster) for now. It's  
included in stable and sid, so I assume this exclusion from testing is  
temporary. Will try it as soon as it appears in buster repos.

[Trisquel-users] What do you guys do about graphics cards

2018-01-21 Thread william_lauritzen

Hello everybody

Okay so I have tried installing Trisquel on computers before and what I found  
is that the graphics card is often not properly supported so it can't power  
the full display resolution as the proprietary driver thats required to make  
it work has been removed. I have also found that getting multiple monitors to  
work is a problem as well as usually only one monitor is supported.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-21 Thread Mason Hock
> Or maybe we could ask them
> which about:config settings we need to clean/disable in order to
> stop the chatter.

That might work. Rather than calling it a bug report or feature request, it 
could be framed as a simple support request. You wouldn't be asking them to 
change anything about their software, just to explain how it works so that you 
can configure it to meet your needs. That information might then be useful to 
FF forks, or individual users, who may prefer for that configuration to be part 
of their default.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any libre computers secure from/not affected by spectre and meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread Mason Hock
> It didn't list
> A20 and said non listed cpus aren't affected. Most arm cpus are
> affected.

It seems I was wrong then. I'm glad to hear it, as a Libre Tea is likely to be 
my next computer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vulnerable to meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread ar018

> Just a theory:

The moment I posted this, it occured to me that should it be the case, then  
the vulnerabilities made public would be highly localized and easy to fix  
with just a microcode upgrade. But the situation with meltdown and spectre is  
more complex, requiring both microcode upgrade and software changes, and all  
these don't even amount to a fix - they're just mitigation. Only a new CPU  
would fix it for good.

So I take this theory back.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vulnerable to meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread ar018

> nobody knows if there is something worse
> inside the microcode (maybe improved backd00r)

Good point.

It is also possible that meltdown and spectre were already long known by  
Intel and AMD, but only recently made public by them (via indirect channels)  
so that they get to install a better backdoor worlwide.

Just a theory:

Backdoor embedding "technology" evolves by time, and previous versions of  
various backdoors embedded in Intel and AMD CPU's have various shortcomings.  
Recently, they have perfected their backdoor techniques and want to implement  
this on billions of CPU's deployed worldwide. What is more convenient than  
making one of already known bugs public, thus forcing everyone to a microcode  
upgrade, thus installing their perfected backdoor worldwide?

May be a conspiration theory, but not improbable at all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread onpon4

> The questions were a reply to Magic Banana who wasn't.

Fair enough, I was mistaken on this point, then. I apologize.

> So to you a conversation is worthy only if it is an argument?

These are the relevant definitions for "argument" the way I am using the  

* the act or process of arguing, reasoning, or discussing
* a coherent series of reasons, statements, or facts intended to support or  
establish a point of view

* a reason given for or against a matter under discussion

And the relevant definitions for "argue", the way I am using  the word:

* to give reasons for or against something
* to give evidence of
* to consider the pros and cons of
* to prove or try to prove by giving reasons

So with that in mind, I suspect that you are instead using the word  
"argument" to mean "an angry quarrel or disagreement", which is not what is  
happening here, and then conflating that definition (which I am not referring  
to when I use the words "argue" and "argument") with my use of the words. I  
assume this is unintentional.

I have long grown weary of people who do this. It seems to be a common  
feature of young people these days to just immediately conflate the entire  
idea of argumentation with negativity and use this fallacy as an excuse to  
both refuse to argue anything, and demand for someone who is willing to argue  
to stop doing so. This is a destructive attitude, albeit one I assume is  
borne of ignorance rather than malice.

So with that all in mind, when we're talking about a topic that two people  
disagree about, then, yes, a conversation which does not include  
argumentation is worthless. If neither of us is presenting arguments for our  
respective positions, we are not going to get any better of an understanding  
of each other's positions, much less be convinced to change our minds.

> And intelligence means reading between the lines. Look at the overall  
attitude, don't just isolate a single word and analyze it separately.

You talk about context, but you yourself are ignoring the much larger context  
that the "maybe malware" description comes straight from RMS's talks, where  
he doesn't imply "potential malware" to mean "definitely malware" and  
typically even specifically clarifies that it doesn't mean the latter.  
Instead you're inventing your own interpretation out of thin air, directly  
contradicting the literal interpretation of what was said. "Reading between  
the lines" is not an excuse for building up strawmen.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Whonix on trisquel?

2018-01-21 Thread chasepc
Yeah I read through that, I was asking if there is another way to use whonix  
on trisquel without virtual box?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Whonix on trisquel?

2018-01-21 Thread lcerf


Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any libre computers secure from/not affected by spectre and meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread usename
I was just going off the arm affected cpu list. It didn't list A20 and said  
non listed cpus aren't affected. Most arm cpus are affected.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any libre computers secure from/not affected by spectre and meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread Alexander Stephen Thomas Ross
ask on the rhombus-tech/arm-netbook mailing  list, i suspect luke can
give you some answers about which socs are safe.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any libre computers secure from/not affected by spectre and meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread usename


Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread gnuser
Some cool websites I have used to test for leaks with Tor and other  

These are good enough to know if there are some leaks in your system or  
not... Of course some applications might screw your privacy / anonymity in  
other ways...

[Trisquel-users] Whonix on trisquel?

2018-01-21 Thread chasepc
Trying to put  whonix on trisquel, seems it won’t work because virtual box  
won’t work on trisquel.

Am I missing something?  Is there another way to make it work?  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread gnuser

I wrote it in the style of reply to previous comment.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any libre computers secure from/not affected by spectre and meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread jason
Avoid speculative execution. I believe MIPS doesn't do that. There are  
probably others - I have not looked. Why not make a list for us?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Jitsi Meet

2018-01-21 Thread lcerf
There is software involved.  It is free.  Here is the source code:

About privacy and security, says:

WebRTC today does not provide a way of conducting multiparty conversations  
with end-to-end encryption. As a matter of fact, unless you consistently  
vocally compare DTLS fingerprints with your peers, the same goes for  
one-to-one calls. As a result when using a Jitsi Meet instance, your stream  
is encrypted on the network but decrypted on the machine that hosts the  
The Jitsi Meet architecture allows you to deploy your own version, including  
all server components, and in that case your security guarantees will be  
roughly equivalent to these of a direct one-to-one WebRTC call. This is  
what's unique to Jitsi Meet in terms of security.

The service is maintained by the Jitsi team at Atlassian.

Also, if you use a VPN, WebRTC (that Jitsi Meet uses) was leaking the real IP  
address;  I do not know if it still the case.  Anyway, you can use uBlock  
Origin that fixes that problem (among many other things):

Re: [Trisquel-users] Jitsi Meet

2018-01-21 Thread sophoclestechnologies
I'm using Firefox 57, and, from a brief test, it seems to work fine. My  
concern is that the service is running via a web browser. There's no software  
involved, am I not right? Isn't this fact problematic from a point of view of  
privacy and security?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Jitsi Meet

2018-01-21 Thread lcerf
Skype is proprietary software.  Thanks to Edward Snowden, we know it is  
spyware (Microsoft changed Skype specifically for spying):

Jitsi Meet is free software, hence respectful of your freedoms.  From that  
perspective, it is infinitely superior to Skype!

However, it stopped working for me in Abrowser:

dsj19 suggested me Wire:

Wire looks OK, freedom-wise:

It is simple to install (although obviously harder than Jitsi Meet):

I tried it today for the first time.  It perfectly worked.  :-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any libre computers secure from/not affected by spectre and meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread Mason Hock
Libre Tea uses an ARM processor, so like pretty much all modern CPUs it is 
presumably affected by Spectre. Meltdown has been patched in the linux kernell; 
just make sure that yours isn't too old to have received the patch. 

[Trisquel-users] Are there any libre computers secure from/not affected by spectre and meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread usename
Are there any libre computers secure from/not affected by spectre and  
meltdown? The only one I could think of is the libre tea card. I have a t400  
and I know the thinkpads are all affected by spectre and meltdown.

[Trisquel-users] Jitsi Meet

2018-01-21 Thread sophoclestechnologies
What is your opinion of this online video conferencing service? What are its  
disadvantages? Is it a superior solution to Skype?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-21 Thread studio
Thanks I am not sure if it is worth the waste the time of others. Isn't  
NetSurf not quite up to date with current web standards? Looking at (last updated  
2012) I see it doesn't support HTML5, even CSS support is incomplete. Perhaps  
security is not up to date too... speed is not everything. What do you say?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread studio

Yes. Commercial VPNs are no different.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-21 Thread greatgnu
Maybe if you paste the output here someone will be able to help you with the  
issue you are encountering during build time. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-21 Thread studio

Good news. As long as one can compile it :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-21 Thread studio
> Another thought I had is to compare the about:config for Icecat and Tor  
Browser and see if changing some of Icecat's values to match that of Tor  
Browser can reduce background chatter.

I have been thinking the same (but only about Tor comparison). Additionally I  
am planning to look at

The big problem is that all this means many reboots - to test each individual  
setting because when the chattering starts it seems to continue until I  
reboot. In earlier tests I tried simply running 'systemctl restart  
network.service' but after restarting the service the chattering continues.  
So if anyone of you who knows more about Linux networking internals has an  
idea how to restart only the network and not the whole machine, that would  
save me a huge amount of time. Otherwise I would have to reboot like crazy.

Another thing which I was considering: filing a new bug report to Mozilla  
hoping that they may consider it properly if it is not about telemetry (their  
main argument). Or maybe we could ask them which about:config settings we  
need to clean/disable in order to stop the chatter.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread studio
Good summary. I have been thinking the same as I also observe what is  
happening. Although I didn't agree with some of your previous post I  
intentionally didn't reply in order to avoid all that cycle. For similar  
reason I don't want to engage into argumentation. That's why I prefer to  
focus on facts, not on intelligent or unintelligent argumentation.

The one problem with all that you suggest is: people tend to avoid disturbing  
facts. They usually invent various escapes - ideology, new words, anything  
just to be able to shut their senses and ignore the trouble. But the truth is  
that man changes only when he is facing the crisis, not when he keeps  
sleeping in the burning house.

Let's get back to browsers indeed before someone shoots me through the  
screen. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-21 Thread greatgnu
Joe le Chitarra mate, just letting you know that Netsurfy is clean as snow,  
no 'chattering' no nada.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread greatgnu
Could you all please stop arguing? My head hurds. My limited capacity cranium  
itches. That's not good. I'm extremely annoyed. Any of you who adds any new  
comment in this thread will see me personally appearing (tense, naked and  
furious) in their room with a hard copy of Comodo  
TotallyNotMalwareTrustUsSucker Antivirus ready to interject and inject. Trust  
me when I say it is not a very desirable experience and you DON'T want to go  
there. You have been warned. If double infringement, I will also bring  
Jodienda with me to make sure you meet your flying spaghetti creator in no  
time. Jodienda is particularly vicious and terrifying, you DON'T want to see  
the upset version of Jodienda   

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread greatgnu

>Medical Records you don't want your insurance company to know about?
A new invention you are working on and don't want a big time company to steal  
from you?
Protecting your source when you are a journalist brave enough to talk to  
people in life or death situations?

Why do you need to get so theoretical and vague? How about:

"I strongly believe in privacy. I believe what I browse, read, watch, listen  
to is **only my business** and no ISP, no State, no corporation should have  
the legal right to sniff my crap with their degenerate noses."

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread greatgnu
>I wouldn't be surprised if some free VPNs are created/funded by those who  
you are trying to hide from

Honeypot VPNs is nothing new. It has happened, it will happen. Do a brief  
search on the argument if interested.

But how about commercial VPNs? Do you think that when sgt. Eye comes knocking  
a business which sole motive is business is going to pull the plug in order  
to protect your 5 monthly dollars?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread greatgnu

>I don't feel very OK with paying for a VPN

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread studio
> heyjoe cannot properly study any specific problem. Even less fight against  
them. He ends up only complaining that the world is a terrible place. Worse,  
he apparently blames the four freedom for not being a perfect solution to all  
"the terrible things going on in the world" and therefore considers them  

1. You don't have the slightest idea what I can and cannot study. Nobody has  
asked about your personal evaluations too.

2. I have no obligation to fight for or against anything. So nobody has asked  
about how your unsolicited personal evaluations look in a different context.

3. By mixing your crooked interpretations with excerpts from the actual  
person's words and decorating them with words like "even less", "worse" you  
create a mess of unsolicited personal remarks, make conclusions based on all  
that ("apparently") and assign all this to the other person who was actually  
talking about something entirely different. You literally put words into the  
mouth of another and blame the other for that.

I told you - I won't play this game. In another thread I told you also: if  
something is unclear - ask. This is the normal way people to understand each  
other. Not to invent something and tell the other "you are that" or "you  
think that" or "you are less/more".

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-21 Thread Mason Hock
> All this makes me think that such brute force cleanup in
> about:config may be possible for other Firefox clones.

Very interesting. Thanks for the time your putting into this. If we can 
determine exactly which changes were the one that fixed the problem, I think 
asking for those values to be the default in privacy-minded FF derivatives like 
Icecat and Abrowser would be a reasonable feature request. It might be worth 
requesting the same of Mozilla, since that would benefit all downstream forks, 
but I wouldn't count on them caring...

> However as I
> haven't read what each setting does, it may have some other
> (probably negative) effects. Perhaps we should read about all that
> and come up with settings which are both private and don't affect
> functionality (if that is possible).

I agree that we'd be better off determining the minimum set of values that need 
to be zeroed to prevent background chatter will be better than zeroing all of 
them, but what you've found is a great starting point. A binary-search-like 
approach of zeroing groups of values containing URLs might help identify the 
culprit(s). Another thought I had is to compare the about:config for Icecat and 
Tor Browser and see if changing some of Icecat's values to match that of Tor 
Browser can reduce background chatter.

I'm in the middle of a busy couple of weeks, but I'll try to start hepling you 
on some of this soon.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread Mason Hock
Arguments can be extremely useful tools for strengthening each other's 
understanding. They can become unproductive when the parties involved are more 
interested in avoiding concessions than advancing, but there is nothing wrong 
with arguments themselves. Both you and onpon4 have been arguing, and that's 
fine. She just acknowledges that that's what it is.

If what you meant is indeed that these conversations are not advancing because 
others are indeed more interested in avoiding concessions, I would have to say 
that while any of us can be guilty of that at times, I seen some of this coming 
from your end as well. In general I think more benefit comes from assuming good 
faith, and I do not wish to offend you and risk you discontinuing the valuable 
information you have been providing about web browsers. However, it seems that 
there is one topic in which you end of going in circles with everyone with whom 
you discuss it. I think breaking down why this is happening will save time and 
energy for all of us. The general format is as follows:

(1) You make a comment implying that the free software movement is 
(2) Someone explains why, although free software is imperfect, it is more 
trustworthy than proprietary software.
(3) You understandbly feel misunderstood, because you had not claimed that 
proprietary software was better. You clarify that while freedom 1 allows us as 
a community to study some code that we use, we cannot study all of it, and that 
it is impossible at this point to avoid all proprietary software.
(4) Someone notes that protecting yourself from some threats is better than 
accepting them, and that your only other option is to avoid all software.
(5) You evade (4) by either
(5a) generalizing with philosophical discussion to avoid specifics
(5b) saying that mitigation is not good enough and we need some "new" system
(5c) acccusing the other person of not understanding you or being disengenuous
(6) They respond by
(6a) getting caught up in the philosophical discussions, derailing the 
(6b) saying that we would use a better system if we had it but don't at this 
(6c) getting defenseive, derailing the conversation
(7b) You urge us to help come up with a better system, as if we aren't already 
thinking and wouldn't have already shared better ideas if we had them.
(8bi) In one instance this led to you creating a troll lounge thread that 
seemed interesting. I haven't checked back on it since my initial response but 
will get around to it. I'm not on the troll lounge mailing list so it's harder 
for me to keep track of threads there than with the main list.
(8bii) In most other circumstances, you have returned to step (5), dreailing 
the discussion.
(9) The discussion has been derailed.
(10) Repeat, either in the same thread or in a different thread on this forum.

I'm sure that you would frame this cycle a little differently. I don't claim to 
be perfectly objective. No one is. I certainly don't want to put all them blame 
on you. You must find steps (2), (4), amd (6) must be very frustrating. 
However, I think we can agree that some cycle resembling the above has taken 
place, and that we will just keep getting frustrated unless we break out of it 
or let it go for the time being. Personally, I do not think we will break out 
of it unless you refute or concede (4) without going to (5) or (7b). (7b) is 
asking us to refute (4) for you, and I would if I could. I hope you are right 
that there is a better way. While I think if you could refute (4) right now you 
would have already, I hope that eventually you or someone else can.

Until then, I would prefer to focus on the information you have been providing 
about browsers, and I think this would be a better use of your time as well. In 
the absence of a perfect solution for web browsing, the information you provide 
about our current options is much appreciated. I'm sorry that I haven't 
contributed more by replicating your tests yet. In fact, I'll accept blame for 
feeding the above cycle by spending more time responding to your posts that I 
disagree with without contributing anything new than I have responding to your 
more constructive posts, while hypocritically telling you to focus on the 
constructive ones. I've been following and valuing your tests, but have been 
waiting until I have a chance to contribute my own to respond in detail. 
Honestly, I probably could have learned how to run your tests in the time I've 
spent writing long and redundant posts. My bad. I hope to get around to it by 
next weekend.



[Trisquel-users] Re : Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread lcerf

Your post is in response of that of SuperTramp83, who wrote:

I don't know about Bannanna but I am talking about a computer I have direct  
control upon.

Indeed, *we* are talking about software in computers we have personal control  
upon.  My previous post even started like that:

The four freedoms aim to control, the best we can, the functional works we do  
by ourselves. Nothing more (but that is a lot!). They are no silver bullet  
against all "the terrible things going on in the world" (the mass  
surveillance, the filter bubble, Spectre and Meltdown, etc.). As far as I  
know, nobody pretends that.

Yet, your reply is about "warfare", "spying" and "mass destruction".  And  
now, I am the one taking your words out of context?!

I use the third person to talk about you if my post replies to somebody else.  
 In particular, is a reply  
to mason.  "You" would stand for "mason" in that post.

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-21 Thread studio

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread studio

Basic security: pull the cord :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread studio


I am looking to free my machines as much as possible but considering all the  
CPU issues and the lack of libreboot for any of them, I don't know how  
valuable the change of distro may be (currently openSUSE).

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-21 Thread i_write_words

Pascal and I can agree to disagree; his wager[1] still works:

1.)If I genuinely believed that a supreme deity who was keeping a list and  
checking it twice genuinely thought that I and everybody I cared about was  
naughty every time we tried to be nice, I would want to kick that (expletive)  
in the testicles.

2.)I don't like bitter, angry old people who hate the world any more than you  

Therefore: Oh look, a pretty butterfly.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread gnuser
That's high level spionage... I am going more for protect against ISP and  
copyright trolls and basic script kiddies... You know the most basic stuff.  
Tor is not effective agaainst a global adversary either. I am talking about  
basic security. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread studio

I remember also reading (or was it a video?) about a new technology which is  
already created which would allow to read information from a computer from  
the distance, even if you are not connected to a network. So as long as you  
are withing 50m of range of that spying device, even in your home, nothing  
can save you. Unfortunately I don't have the link to it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread i_write_words
My understanding is that the only problem with Fedora is the kernel. This  
might be a valuable piece of information for you:

Fedora 27 is current and that is honestly all I know; someone else will be  
along shortly if you have questions.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are Big Sacrifice

2018-01-21 Thread i_write_words

@alimiracle and Hayder:

All fixed.

noordinaryspider@Uruk:~$ uname -r

My X60 can probably handle pae and I'll get Jason's kernel when it's ready  
but this is fine for now. :)

It's plenty peppy, whatever you did, and I haven't switched to a window  
manager or customized the Mate desktop at all, just added Icecat and a few of  
the usual suspects.  I haven't maxed out the memory in this machine yet  
either, so this is with only two gigs.

Libreboot takes me to a screen where I get a "more options" menu for Uruk so  
I can probably choose an older, faster kernel for offline use if I ever need  
to, but right now this suits me just fine.

Now get some sleep. We "average joe"s need you to stay awesome. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vulnerable to meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread studio

> Taking preventive measures seems practical to me.

Of course. You don't go out naked in winter and dress after you freeze. You  
dress first. You have a direct experience to base you actions or. But with  
computers it is all based on recommendations (unless you write the program,  
in which case you create the update yourself).

Vaccines have harmful effects BTW. A vaccine is practically a disease which  
you deliberately expose your body to, so that you force it to increase its  
immune protection. If we disregard the torture you are putting the body to,  
that may be practical but the fact is - vaccines are mixed with chemicals  
which are a form of poison to the body. It needs many years to clean from  

Software updates can also be harmful.

The point is... in fields where expertise is needed we replace it with trust  
(where we started).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread gnuser

That's why I have been wondering if it would be a stupid idea to use:

1, A free VPN encrypting all connections;
2. A free proxy in a torrent client (with encryption too);

Something like

My PC -> VPN -> Proxy -> internet

It's very similar to what we do with Tor

My Pc -> GuardRelay -> MiddleRelay -> ExitRelay -> Internet

Now, of course Tor is a unique case, however the idea still holds.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-21 Thread studio

New browser tested:

(by the vendor of Pale Moon)

This one is very similar to the modern Firefox forks. Strangely some settings  
(like for accepting cookies) were not even available in Preferences, so I had  
to dig into about:config to find a setting to make the visible in the GUI.


After tightening of setting similar to all Firefox clones, there is  
background chattering

BUT this time I decided to dig deeper. Following the procedure suggested by  
SuperTramp I still couldn't make chattering disappear. So in about:config I  
did some brute force cleaning: I zeroed all variables which contained URLs.  
There were 2-3 for which it wasn't possible, I don't know why, but for all  

Final result:

+ No background chattering on startup
+ No background chattering on opening preferences
+ Opening or communicates only  

All this makes me think that such brute force cleanup in about:config may be  
possible for other Firefox clones. However as I haven't read what each  
setting does, it may have some other (probably negative) effects. Perhaps we  
should read about all that and come up with settings which are both private  
and don't affect functionality (if that is possible).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-21 Thread studio

It also had all telemetry flags disabled by default in about:config

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vulnerable to meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread kopolee11

> That is not immediately practical.

> It would be if you were in an actual situation which is threatening to your  
health. But are you? Or is it a fear that one day you may be (a non-fact  
ATM), so that you are taking preemptive measures?

Taking preventive measures seems practical to me. Whether those measures are  
a vaccine or software security update. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread studio
I wouldn't be surprised if some free VPNs are created/funded by those who you  
are trying to hide from... One should be very careful with 'free' things.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vulnerable to meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread studio
> Then let’s extend the metaphor to the immediately practical. I haven't  
seen a poliovirus, but I trust getting a polio vaccine will help prevent me  
from getting polio.

That is not immediately practical.

It would be if you were in an actual situation which is threatening to your  
health. But are you? Or is it a fear that one day you may be (a non-fact  
ATM), so that you are taking preemptive measures?

Similarly governments take preemptive measure to spy on everyone, just in  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread studio

> No, they were put to someone who was joking and specifically told you so.

No. It was SuperTramp83 who was joking. The questions were a reply to Magic  
Banana who wasn't.

> Look, if you aren't willing to argue the point, then this conversation is  

So to you a conversation is worthy only if it is an argument? Sorry, I don't  
look at things this way. I think I said what I mean quite clearly. If you  
feel something is not clear - ask. But if you are willing to argue, so that I  
can argue back, so that you can hopefully clear the misunderstanding - this  
is stupid.

> "Maybe" does not mean "most certainly".

And intelligence means reading between the lines. Look at the overall  
attitude, don't just isolate a single word and analyze it separately.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread studio

> But that is certainly not a reason to "remove the 'ethics' and 'freedom'".

"that" is not a reason because your "that" is not what I explained.

On various occasions I notice that you like to take my words out of context  
and gently push their meaning into a completely different one, then provide  
some proof that in the other context they are wrong. Of course you like the  
context to be convenient enough, so others who misunderstand my words can  
stick to yours.

Initially I thought that you were doing it because of misunderstanding, so I  
explained more and more. But you keep doing it even after lots of  
explanations and considering the previous and recent disrespectful comments  
made in 3rd person which you allow yourself to make, I understand that I was  
wrong in my initial assumption.

In any case I won't play this game with you. If you keep doing it, I simply  
won't answer.

So much for 'ethics'.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vulnerable to meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread kopolee11
> Those are all things which have no or very little relation to your life. So  
trust or no trust - it really doesn't expose you to any risk. But when your  
life is based on a computer which can be modified remotely by an evil expert  
and so create a disaster for you - that is something entirely different. It  
is like sleeping with a tiger in the room and trusting that it won't eat you.

Then let’s extend the metaphor to the immediately practical. I haven't seen  
a poliovirus, but I trust getting a polio vaccine will help prevent me from  
getting polio. Why? Because I have a basic scientific mindset and since  
science is at its core communal I have trust in the scientific community.  
(With all the necessary caveats) Similar concepts apply to free/libre  
software community and its approach to security.

> I am not so sure. For the moment there have been only verbal confirmations  
by only a few parties. We will see.

It is still pretty early in the process. But yes, certainly something to keep  
an eye out on.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vulnerable to meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread studio
> I haven't directly seen an electron or the dwarf planet Pluto. I haven't  
been to Thailand or Angola. Nor have I touched the original Rosetta Stone or  
Terracotta Army.

Those are all things which have no or very little relation to your life. So  
trust or no trust - it really doesn't expose you to any risk. But when your  
life is based on a computer which can be modified remotely by an evil expert  
and so create a disaster for you - that is something entirely different. It  
is like sleeping with a tiger in the room and trusting that it won't eat you.

> and it appears is being taken seriously.

I am not so sure. For the moment there have been only verbal confirmations by  
only a few parties. We will see.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread gnuser

Tor is for what?

Medical Records you don't want your insurance company to know about?
A new invention you are working on and don't want a big time company to steal  
from you?
Protecting your source when you are a journalist brave enough to talk to  
people in life or death situations?

Just couldn't understand your problem with Tor...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread gnuser
Yeah, I noticed that much, webrtc was propably the culprit. But it only  
happened once and now I am using a couple ufw rules to prevent that kind of  
thing to happen again. Thanks!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread gnuser

Hey quantumgravity,

Thanks for putting the conversation back on track ;)
Well, that ended up being my option using VPN + Tor, using only VPN for some  
stuff. Some people above mentioned I should "use bittorrent links to download  
ISO" but they forget that I was looking for a PRIVATE way of downloading it.  
Using bittorrent without any additional protection is like screaming out the  
And before you mention legal vs illegal downloads... I have seen people being  
harassed because of LEGAL donwloads. Makes no sense, but it did happen.

SuperTramp actually helped me getting things running in the VPN department.  
Thanks man!

I don't feel very OK with paying for a VPN... You not only disclose your IP  
to them and give them a chance of recording your traffic, you ALSO identify  
yourself in the payment process. You will never have the chance to say "I was  
not the one using the VPN on my IP" because they have your credit card (or  
whatever) information. In that regard I would prefer a free VPN, because at  
least either you are screwed from the get go (as in they will sell all your  
info to pay for the service) or they actually have nothing to use against  
you. These days there are some free VPN that MIGHT (a big MIGHT) be worthy a  
little trust.

A great solution would be to use 2 VPN in sequence... like configuring a  
tunnel, connecting to one and using that IP to connect to the other which  
would then connect to the internet (a little like Tor circuit). But from what  
I know that is impossible... right? Unless one has a local proxy working in  
an app or something, which certainly some people will know more about than  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread lcerf
Trusting the free software community or trusting one single proprietary  
software company is indeed analog to trusting all citizens (democracy) or  
trusting one single dictator.  You can say it is the same because it is  
trusting in both cases.  It is not.  The users/citizens deserves the control  
on their computing/government.  They deserve to decide for themselves.   
Dictator/proprietary software developers deny that control, which is unjust.   
That does not mean free software/democracy is perfect.  Even less that it is  
the solution to all problems.  But that is certainly not a reason to "remove  
the 'ethics' and 'freedom'".

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vulnerable to meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread kopolee11
> FSF proponents here would argue that through trust (in so called community)  
you get the necessary certainty. But as I have said on other occasions -  
trust is a belief. It creates more uncertainty as it is not based on direct  
observation but on an idea. When you look a the tree outside your house -  
there is nothing to trust or believe. The tree is there, you can see it,  
touch it. You don't need a community of experts to provide certifications and  
endorsements that there is a tree.

Well you do have to trust your senses. That you aren't having an  
hallucination or a dream, for instance.

But more importantly there are plenty of things you can "trust" (in a  
qualified sense) that you don't interact with directly. I haven't directly  
seen an electron or the dwarf planet Pluto. I haven't been to Thailand or  
Angola. Nor have I touched the original Rosetta Stone or Terracotta Army. Nor  
have That doesn't mean that I am "wrong" to trust that those things are real.  
All of those things can be verified by a community of scientists,  
cartographers, historians, and archeologists because they are by their nature  
open to peer review, in both its formal and informal sense. One does not need  
to fall into the trap of solipsism, instead we can have various degrees of  

To bring it back to software, I have not read the millions of lines of code  
in the software I use. But I "trust" in the free/libre community of  
programmers to find flaws in them. Is it perfect? Of course not. Can it be  
improved? Yes, auditing software for security flaws should be an extremely  
important part of software design. (Just like replicability should have an  
even more important role in science) Is it the best we have? It appears that  

In fact your test of various browsers for leaking information is a great  
example of this. You, a member of the free/libre community even as an  
amateur, found a problem, reported it, and it appears is being taken  
seriously. Thank you for that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread onpon4

> The questions weren't even put to you specifically

No, they were put to someone who was joking and specifically told you so.  
That's why I didn't feel the need to refute every single thing you said. Just  
those two because they stood out to me.

Look, if you aren't willing to argue the point, then this conversation is  

> 'maybe malware' which really means 'it is most certainly malware'

"Maybe" does not mean "most certainly".

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vulnerable to meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread studio

Maybe there is no forum either.
Hey, someone is typing! (or not?)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread studio
> but I also guess you do have thousands of users who pay enough attention  
and care enough as to use the tools ('member when we used tcpdump for  

I don't know what this guess is based on. The fact is: only one user checked  
it and he is not an expert whatsoever. This proves that the experts from the  
so called community simply can't be trusted as they don't have the listed  
qualities. That's what makes the so called 'community control' and 'trust in  
community' pretty much a wishful thinking. Then again, in order to ensure the  
qualities are there, a central figure must exist to evaluate the people and  
again - this creates the need for a controller, a central unit. Do you see  
the contradictory nature of all this?

> With proprietary sosware you can not, you can only suck it up.

From the perspective of possibility - yes. But you can still test a  
proprietary browser with tcpdump in the exact same way. And it may be  
surprised (which is unlikely but still possible). Please - I am not defending  
closed programs, they are a black box. I am just saying that possibility  
seems to be generally considered as "then someone has done it" which creates  
an overall irresponsibility.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread studio

The question is trust and freedom.

Trusting one thing and not trusting another is a double standard. Someone  
said "freedom is these 4 things" and people conform to trust "a community"  
and to hate "a company" because the person has said "this is ethical".

It may sound outrageous but to me this is sheer nonsense. If ethics and so on  
should be discussed then a totally new social design is necessary. If one  
pays taxes one supports creation of weapons and proprietary systems for  
warfare. What ethics? We elect these people, they spy on us, create mass  
destruction and we fight in a forum "which program is more ethical". The very  
fact that clarifications like "Free as in speech, not as in beer" are  
necessary is a proof that not only language but also the concepts on which  
society is based are crooked.

So we must either remove the 'ethics' and 'freedom' and talk only about  
technology, or we must question every single aspect of life down to the core.  
Anything in between is a mess and can never be perfect (the word perfect  
meaning: full, complete).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread greatgnu

>I doubt that.

And that's good.

>But do you really have 1000 programmers to check that program

I guess you don't but I also guess you do have thousands of users who pay  
enough attention and care enough as to use the tools ('member when we used  
tcpdump for firecox?) they have at hand to check and see whether a software  
is doing something suspicious/misbehaving and then they can also say 'holly  
cannoli, why this, let's check the source maybe, or let's contact someone so  
they can check'.

With proprietary sosware you can not, you can only suck it up. The situation  
is not ideal, but it's the best we can.
I do strongly believe the following, I also believe one does not need to be a  
genius or a programmer to understand it: the more lines of code the greater  
the possibility of bugs.

Just as with normal written text, the larger is the text you rote the larger  
the probability of typos, grammatical errors etc

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vulnerable to meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread greatgnu
>The tree is there, you can see it, touch it. You don't need a community of  
experts to provide certifications and endorsements that there is a tree.

I beg to differ
I can easily go full-shit-philosophical about it until I really convince my  
self there really is no tree and no observer either :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread studio

Collectively - how does this actually work?

Say: 10 million lines of code for a program

10 programmers 1M lines each
100 programmers 100k lines each
1000 programmers 10k lines each (that looks feasible)

But do you really have 1000 programmers to check that program all of which  

- totally unrelated to the original vendor
- absolutely unbiased
- really and deeply concerned
- ready to work for free
- careful not to miss a slightest detail
- incorruptible

I doubt that. I have interviewed people to work with mean in a small team and  
I know how difficult it is to find even a single person who is a fairly  
decent human being (due to so many factors). 1000 such people seems an  
impossible task.

So with the increasing of complexity the factor of uncertainty rises too. A  
simple text editor will likely be more safe than a kernel. Paradoxically - we  
put ultimate trust in the more complex thing and assign it as a controller of  
the simpler systems.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread greatgnu
>They all proprietary design and have computers full of proprietary hardware  
and software, so according to your conclusion - 'maybe malware'.

Well, your reasoning is not very sound here. I don't know about Bannanna but  
I am talking about a computer I have direct control upon. It is very  
different. I don't drink Cola, or its Nazi variant 'Fanta' btw :P

I also have never said that anything other than software has to be free. I  
might think that, but I have never said that food or planes or buses or  
grandmas have to be free or that I have to need a recipe for them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vulnerable to meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread studio
> Then how can we depend on the possibility of catching usage of undocumented  
instructions in Intel's binary code base?

FSF proponents here would argue that through trust (in so called community)  
you get the necessary certainty. But as I have said on other occasions -  
trust is a belief. It creates more uncertainty as it is not based on direct  
observation but on an idea. When you look a the tree outside your house -  
there is nothing to trust or believe. The tree is there, you can see it,  
touch it. You don't need a community of experts to provide certifications and  
endorsements that there is a tree.

> It really boils down to the fact that with a proprietary  
microcode/architecture, no higher level security scheme would hold water  
against Intel or any entity they cooperate with. With such an architecture,  
all the security measures, actual or perceived, goes out of the window. Sorry  
to say that.

Exactly. That's why it is utterly meaningless to fight over which  
distro/package is more free or move to 10 year old computers with 8Gb of RAM  
which are still vulnerable and imperfect. As long as the technological  
complexity is so high that one must trust experts and therefore be dependent,  
there can never be real freedom and security. One is free and secure only  
when one can see directly, not through authority, ideals and theories about  
noble fights.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread shiretoko

Well, I will try to get back to the topic:

it depends on the level of privacy you desire. A VPN (I use NordVPN) is  
normally enough for me.
Maybe it's an option to use VPN + Tor for smaller files and browsing, while  
sticking with normal VPN for downloading large files?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread greatgnu
> Proprietary software is like if they give you a recipe, but in a form that  
you can't read;

It's not the first time you bring forward this argument. Do note that freedom  
1 is rarely, and for clear reasons of lack of knowledge, time and limited  
human capacity, exercised individually but rather collectively. A developer  
will think 10 times before shipping anything malicious in their source code.  
What you should worry about is the binaries you commonly install. Do they  
really correspond to the source? How much exactly are you trusting the  
maintainers of your distribution?

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-21 Thread greatgnu
You touch a very important point indeed, joe. God is indeed almighty for  
he/she (I prefer 'it) is omnipresent and omniscient.

>The more I look at what is happening, the more I think: the only salvation  
is some deep genetic mutation which would make human species into something  

Well, I retired into a cave, I have tons of cans and my laptop, I rarely see  
the light of the day (only when my Internet connection goes down, doesn't  
happen very often). The mutation has already started, a third is growing  
(which is quite useful so I can sip on my soda while typing this ^^

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vulnerable to meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread greatgnu
>The problem is that no body can see the code of that crap, nobody knows if  
there is something worse inside the microcode (maybe improved backd00r). So I  
won't use microcrap. So maybe we are f***ed.

Hehe, right? In order to fix a vulnerability you install a backdoor \o/

That would be very funny indeed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vulnerable to meltdown?

2018-01-21 Thread greatgnu

..ughhh, which reminded me I need to tcpdump da netsurfy, meh.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread lcerf
A reference (research paper published in 2015, focusing on proprietary  
programs distributed through "app stores"):

Our analysis shows that 60% of the paid apps are connected to trackers that  
collect personal
information compared to 85%–95% in free apps.  We further show that  
approximately 20% of the paid apps are connected to more than three trackers.  
 With tracking being pervasive in both free and paid apps, we then quantify  
the aggregated privacy leakages associated with individual users.  Using the  
data of user installed apps of over 300 smartphone users, we show  that  50%   
of  the  users  are  exposed  to  more  than  25 trackers which can result in  
significant leakages of privacy.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread studio
> Why do you even bother responding if you're not going to actually refute my  

I am not interested in fighting with you, regardless if you consider that the  
only valid reason for providing a response. I am getting tired of all this.  
It is impossible to discuss anything intelligently and sanely if one side is  
attached to the authority of a person/organization/rule-set/ideology. Talking  
about freedom is not freedom, especially if one refuses to look at things  
freely, without evaluating everything through a set of 10 (or 4)  

> I don't think your other points are worth the investment of time and effort  
needed to respond to them.

The questions weren't even put to you specifically, so if you are replying  
just to underline how worthless they are such reply hardly has any value. It  
is utterly stupid to say that every proprietary program is 'maybe malware'  
which really means 'it is most certainly malware'. I can write print("Hello  
world") and compile it, close it, encrypt it, put a limit to its use and sell  
it for $1. Is that malware? Can it spy on you or harm you in any way? Don't  
answer to me. Answer for yourself. That doesn't mean I encourage proprietary  
things, I don't. But I discourage even more one not using one's brain and  
sanity for the sake of conforming to whatever ideology. Ideologies are  
limiting, they are more dangerous than proprietary things because deny the  
possibility of man to look at thing objectively, without bias.

> You're just looking for excuses to dismiss my arguments.

Your so called arguments are only aimed to be that - arguments, on a verbal,  
superficial level. They show you have not looked at the depth of the  
questions and what is behind the written text (which was the whole idea). So  
I don't need an excuse for not replying to a reply which was aimed only to  
twist the context of the original questions in a direction in which you  
simply feel comfortable to argue.

> You're trying to prove that libre software ideals are impractical

It is much more than that. They are impossible. You can't put the unlimited  
in the limited and call it free, or libre, or whatever fancy word one may  
like. Man has tried that for thousands of years. It never worked and it never  

[Trisquel-users] Re : Comodo antivirus for Linux

2018-01-21 Thread lcerf
Malware, short for malicious software, is an umbrella term used to refer to a  
variety of forms of harmful or intrusive software, including computer  
viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware, spyware, adware, scareware, and  
other malicious programs. It can take the form of executable code, scripts,  
active content, and other software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-21 Thread khanhduongdv
> It's not a good feeling when you get up every morning knowing that your own  
government is tracking you. They told me later 'we knew when you got up, we  
knew when you left your house, we knew which vehicles you used, where you  
stopped, where you shopped', for every electronic communication was being  
monitored, on a 24/7 bases, including my phone.
> Where do you go in that regime? Where do you go? Where do you go? Where is  
a safe place? Where do you go to be yourself?

Those "nothing to hide" (or "nowhere to hide" as you say) people generally  
have no or very little concern about their government tracking them.

> If you think you are innocent, or that you have nothing to hide, you do not  
understand what is happening. Justice, like truth, in this system is not  
relevant. Ask Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange or Edward Snowden, along with  
whistle-blowers like Thomas Drake, where justice and truth got them.

"whistle-blower" is the keyword. Not many people decide to disclose secret  
information or do something else that bother their government, they don't  
believe that things happened to Manning, Assange or Snowden can apply to  
them, not to mention some of them have no respect for whistle-blowers.