Re: [Trisquel-users] Running Parabola, Devuan, PureOS, Trisquel, Hyperbola for very different desktops

2018-04-11 Thread tirifto

> […] with just GParted, AbiWord, Gnumeric from GNOME w/o Qt alternatives.

You might want to look into Calligra, which is a libre Qt office suite.

For a GParted alternative, I found KDE Partition Manager. Not sure if you're  
interested in KDE apps, though, since your setup seems fairly lightweight.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pretty new..

2018-02-19 Thread tirifto

> It's got: 2x Genuine Intel(R) CPU 2140 @ 1.60GHz 1600,00MHz

I believe the “2x” says the processor has two cores. (This means it's  
better at doing two things at once.) The model appears to be Pentium, which  
shouldn't fall behind Celeron, as far as I know. It looks fine to me.

The rest should suffice as well, but like Magic Banana wrote, more RAM might  
improve your experience, as many programs nowadays consume a lot of memory.

Trisquel should work for you, and if you find that the default setup isn't  
smoot enough, you can install a different environment on it, too. There's  
also a version called “Trisquel Mini” to download here, which comes with  
LXDE preinstalled, so it's to Trisquel what Lubuntu is to Ubuntu. (I'm not  
sure whether it's going to be continued in the future, though.)

At any rate, good luck and enjoy Trisquelf! Run free, run GNU!

Re: [Trisquel-users] A new forums member saying hello

2017-08-18 Thread tirifto
Welcome to the Trisquel forums and community, and congratulations on becoming  
a free user! May you have a nice and lasting stay. (Your nickname is  
wonderful, by the way.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] What service do you recommend to replace OpenMailBox

2017-08-06 Thread tirifto

I know some people who've moved to Teknik.

I haven't tried it myself, but it appears to be all free software (mostly  
permissively licensed), and they offer a number of other services (e.g. blog,  
file upload, git repositories). All free of cost, apparently; looks good to  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical Javascript Reference

2017-05-26 Thread tirifto
Not really; as far as I know, JavaScript programs are still programs like any  
other, so in order for them to be free software, they must be properly  
released under a free license. Usually you can find a comment about the  
license if you look at the script, which can be free, but could also be  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical Javascript Reference

2017-05-26 Thread tirifto
There is a guide on how to properly license JavaScript scripts here:

Indeed this has been written to be compatible with the LibreJS add-on, but  
the methods described there also allow one to easily see what the license is  
by looking at the script itself, so you might as well follow that rather than  
other types of formatting (which may still count as free licensing, but  
probably won't be readable by LibreJS).

Note that LibreJS itself doesn't work very well, even if you follow the  
guidelines precisely, but the guidelines themselves seem good to me and will  
be useful if they fix LibreJS or someone decides to write a similar program  
from scratch.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Upgrade Trisquel? Remove Non-Free Software in Linux-Mint?

2017-05-25 Thread tirifto
Yes, the MATE ISO is a live image; it boots into the MATE desktop and you can  
install Parabola from there (you still need to do it manually via the  
terminal, although there's a text-based helper [which may or may not work  
well], but you do get the comfort of a whole graphical environment). However,  
the basic installation doesn't give you the desktop, so you would need to add  
it and set it up yourself later.

I'm a Parabola user and don't understand the internals of my system too well,  
but I've been able to set it up the way I want, mostly thanks to the great  
documentation from the respective wikis of Arch and Parabola. I always  
install a new system on a clean disk; if that wasn't the case, I'd probably  
be scared also. But as always, keep backups of all data that matters to you!  
That way you can recover reasonably fast if anything goes wrong.

After the manual installation, once you have your basic system configured as  
you want, maintenance should be fairly simple. I installed GNOME, which took  
care of many things for me, but crashes too often with the latest updates, so  
I'm using Openbox now, which works well so far.

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Tehnoetic" is now Technoethical: Hooray!

2017-05-20 Thread tirifto

I liked it, too. This one feels a bit too “English” compared to it. :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Decentralized Apps + Trisquel Integration

2017-04-21 Thread tirifto
I don't dare compare the importance of decentralization with other good  
projects, but I do regard it as something very important. Here are a few  
projects that I know about and find interesting.

A social network that has been around for quite a while is diaspora*. I think  
its future may have been unclear a while back, but as of now it's being  
actively developed by the community and things are looking well! I'm using in  
myself and I've had good experience with it.

Another social network more often compared to Twitter is GNU Social. The  
already mentioned Mastodon should be compatible with it, at least for now, as  
far as I know. I don't use it, but I would place much trust in GNU Social,  
since the GNU project is like the embodiment of passionate freedom.

One program I plan on using is GNU Ring, a secure and distributed (peer to  
peer) network for text, audio and video communication. I've tried using a  
long while back and it worked fairly well. Nowadays I can't get it to run on  
my installation of Parabola, but I keep an eye on it and I think it's the  
best thing of its kind we have now. The developers (Savoir-Faire Linux)  
appear to care about freedom very much, too, as demonstrated by them joining  
the project with GNU.

For media sharing, I would have to recommend looking at GNU MediaGoblin. It  
aims to be a decentralized network for sharing text, images, video, audio, 3D  
models and possibly more! As of now, the federation part of the program has  
not been completed, so there are but a few instances which can not really  
talk to each other. But hopefully we'll get to see a breakthrough in the  
coming days!

I've also read about Syncthing, a program one can use to synchronize data  
across multiple devices. I suppose one would need to have a server or another  
device always online to get the best out of it, but I guess someone might  
find it useful even without that.

One thing I've been interested in is distributed search engine. I know about  
Seeks – which appears to be unmaintained – and YaCy – which is written  
in Java. Fortunately I've recently found out about another such project:  
PeARS! It's a fairly young project that I couldn't get to work myself, and I  
couldn't find any simple way to find out what's new and what's being worked  
on, but Mozilla did entrust them with some funds, so let's hope these PeARS  
will come to fruition!

And last, but certainly not least: GNUnet! I'm not sure what exactly this is  
or how it works. I came to understand that it's supposed to be a distributed  
network similar to the internet (or maybe the World Wide Web?). To me it's a  
bit confusing and difficult to use, but I came to understand that many people  
regard it as interesting, useful or important, and that it's supposed to have  
some very cool features, so here it is!

Re: [Trisquel-users] I've started a Patreon page

2017-04-13 Thread tirifto
I'm not very familiar with any platform, but have you heard about Liberapay?  
From what I've read, it's a libre (free software) platform for recurring  
donations; they even handle translations with Weblate, which is also free  
software, I believe (although the Esperanto translation is in dire need of  
correction). Here's a link if anyone wants to take a look.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving to full FOSS, need advice

2017-04-12 Thread tirifto
I didn't have many problems with Parabola. I think all problems I ever had in  
Parabola (or Arch – the parent distro – back when I used it) were caused  
by myself being careless (not checking the news before updating, forcing  
updates, or ignoring bugs). Those kind of mistakes usually aren't hard to  
fix, though, thanks to the great documentation (mostly coming from the Arch  

If you want a stable system that's simpler to maintain, with lesser chance of  
your system breaking overnight, I guess Trisquel would be a better choice. If  
you're prepared to deal with some problems, should they come up, I suppose  
either one will be nice.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Moving to full FOSS, need advice

2017-04-11 Thread tirifto

Hello lodonnell921; welcome to the forum!

Debian itself should contain only free/libre software by default; as far as I  
know, it only makes it simple to add non-free software. If you're careful,  
there shouldn't be a problem (of this kind, anyways) with it. The release  
date for Trisquel 8 is unknown, but it's being worked on.

I myself use Parabola and I'm happy with it. Parabola has a 100% free/libre  
kernel with the grsecurity patches in repositories. I'm using it as my main  
kernel and it works very well. I'm not sure what the situation is like at  

I believe that moving away from proprietary software and even proprietary  
and/or centralized services is a great thing to do, so I strongly recommend  
doing so. One doesn't need to free their digital life completely overnight,  
but it's something that we should certainly always strive for; freedom is  
very important, after all. I guess that would be my advice. :)

By the way, I've noticed that you use the term “open source.” While it  
basically refers to the same software, the term “open source” comes from  
a different movement and doesn't evoke/convey the idea of freedom that we  
mustn't forget. Calling it “free” or “libre” software is generally  
preferred. See

Re: [Trisquel-users] Do you use GIMP or Krita? Why?

2017-04-11 Thread tirifto
I've used both and I think each is suitable for a different activity. Krita  
works very well with graphic tablets and feels tailored towards people who  
use them. However, it also has some neat editing features which should allow  
the artist to do pretty much all of their work in Krita, from start to end.

GIMP, on the other hand, doesn't feel like a drawing program at all; at least  
not by default. I often read it's intended for photo manipulation rather than  
image creation, which is also what I use it for and I have to agree with the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical is killing Unity 8, will ship GNOME as default

2017-04-06 Thread tirifto
GNOME does not do that. Perhaps it would be possible to implement with an  
extension, but I'm not aware of any one like that.

However, GNOME does have a menu on the top bar, but that one typically has  
but a few options and must be specially supported by the application. It's  
mostly utilized by native GNOME applications, which, in turn, usually don't  
have a traditional menu bar. Other applications will only show the “quit”  
option there.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread tirifto
I feel like one of us is severely misunderstanding the term "religion." As I  
understand it (still after checking the dictionary), religion is belief in  
god(s). If I simply believe in God, there is no exerting control over  
weak-minded and there is no appeasement to servants; there is only faith.

What you describe sounds to me like organized churches, which do have flaws,  
may be controversial and some have indeed brought many bad things to people  
over the years, claiming it was in line with religion. But that is not the  
definition of religion at all.

If one was to idolize the four freedoms as the sole commandments from some  
sort of a divine being and would decide to devote their life to supporting  
these freedoms, they wouldn't be doing something immoral or obstructing human  
progress. These beliefs wouldn't lead them to any wrong actions; contrary,  
they would prod them to do good in this world.

As I understand it, religion is simply belief in something greater above us,  
and that by itself is not a bad thing and is not harmful in any way. Some  
forms of it may be unethical and harmful, yes, but that's not what I'm  
arguing for here. To me, saying that religion is bad is like saying that  
computers are bad. Most computers may serve to violate the freedom of their  
users in some ways, but it would be wrong to universally declare the  
invention computers as bad because of that; that would make little sense.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision

2017-02-07 Thread tirifto
Please don't say that. Religion is not inherently unethical. It can be  
unethical and bring bad things, but it can just as well be ethical and bring  
much good. Religion is broad and diverse. It has many different forms; people  
can perceive and follow it in many different ways. But I don't think religion  
by itself sets a concrete idea which we can classify as ethical or unethical.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is WPS office a viable resource?

2017-01-04 Thread tirifto

> WPS office is a proprietary software, right?

Right, it is, which should answer your question with a resolute "No."

Proprietary software can of course be useful to some ends, but no amount of  
usability can justify the injustice that is the violation of users' freedom.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre PC users X200 , T400, C201 needs some help

2016-12-26 Thread tirifto


I played your game (HTML5 fullscreen version) for a few minutes. I used  
Libreboot X200 from Minifree. (From what I read it should be near equivalent  
to the T400 and perhaps superior to the C201.) On it I'm running Parabola  
GNU/Linux-libre with GNOME Shell 3.22. Test was done in fullscreen on the  
laptop's display. Game didn't work in Web (Epiphany), so I resorted to  

The game ran quite smoothly all the time, although I only got through the  
first few screens, partly because of somewhat confusing gameplay (and  
interface), as well as the control keys probably being more difficult than  
intended with the Dvorak keyboard layout.

I only experienced lags and stuttering when I tried to record the game with  
GNOME's in-built desktop recorder, but that holds true for the whole desktop,  
so I don't think it should be a problem.

When it comes to the general performance of X200, I'd say it's fine.  
Everything usually runs well and there are no problems with the usual  
workload. You can even play SuperTuxKart on low settings, which came as a  
surprise with the fairly recent requirements increase. Personally I find my  
computer to start lagging a lot once put under intense (usually  
graphics-related) pressure, but other owners I've talked to didn't seem to  
share this problem.

I hope that you'll decide to go with a Librebooted laptop and continue  
releasing your code under free licenses. :)

Run free, run GNU!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Graphics

2016-12-07 Thread tirifto
For the photo manager, I'd like to mention gThumb. I only used it briefly a  
long while back, but I remember it being pretty nice and working with images  
in already existing directory structure. It also seems to be more actively  
developed than F-spot.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Development of Trisquel 8.0 "Flidas" Software proposal by category : Graphics

2016-12-07 Thread tirifto
From my experience, it doesn't. MyPaint is a painting program aimed at  
graphic tablet users, resembling a traditional drawing experience in many  
ways. While it does offer advanced functions, it's image manipulation  
abilities are very limited from what I can remember. I don't think a  
selection tool is even present.

I don't think the average user would utilize MyPaint a lot. GIMP is aimed at  
image manipulation and while complex, I don't remember seeing any program  
that would be notably simpler yet offer advanced enough features.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need a reliable VoIP soulution with video.

2016-05-22 Thread tirifto
There are some good options posted above. I have also tried Jitsi a while  
back, with account at Ostel, and it worked well, but the setup was a bit  
complex. Ostel website for a free SIP account:

I second Jitsi Meet for a simple solution. It runs in a browser, works well  
and is easy to use. I found it to work better than Firefox Hello, too. I only  
tried the live web instance, but I believe you can use it on your own server,  
too. You need to make a link and share it to start a conversation, which may  
or may not be feasible for you. I think it may be the best solution for now,  
though. Website:

I think the true replacement for Skype and similar programs will come from  
the secure and decentralized alternatives, prime examples of which are Tox  
and Ring. They are both similar, but neither is complete and ready for mass  
adoption. There are people who use them without many problems, though.

Tox is probably more advanced feature-wise. When I used it, it usually worked  
well, and I liked the UI. What I had my doubts about was the approach of the  
developers/maintainers towards the project, which seemed quite chaotic. The  
organization also went through some internal problems, but hopefully those  
are resolved by now. Tox consists of a core that many clients have been built  
around by many people. Most of them seem dead now, but the two that kept  
around are uTox and qTox. Website:

Ring is still lacking some features compared to Tox, but the development is  
led by a company who already has experience with VoIP software development.  
They seem to take a more serious approach to the development, and have more  
concrete plans for some of their work. There is an offical client for GNOME  
and unofficial for KDE, but of course they may be used in any environment.  

Both Tox and Ring use a long string of characters you need to give the other  
person to add them/call them. You only need to do that once, but there are  
efforts to simplify it. Someone people made websites where one may register  
to assign a name to their Tox addresses. There's been talk about integrating  
some of those websites into a client, but I don't know how that ended. Ring  
is now working on implementing searchable profiles directly on their  
decentralized network, so the feature is expected to come in close future.

[Trisquel-users] Content sharing in schools

2016-05-18 Thread tirifto


The headmaster of a (fairly small) school I used to attend has recently been  
considering using the services of Google to share files (such as documents  
and presentations), usually made by teachers, with the students. Their idea  
was to use Google Drive and only share the files with students, but that  
would also require them to use or create a Google account, which really seems  
like a bad idea.

The system the school uses now is custom-made. The problem with it is that it  
is somewhat difficult to use and needs a specialist (the creator) to make  
some changes. So they apparently want something that has a simple interface  
and will allow them to manage things by themselves.

I would like to ask if anyone has experience with similar things in  
education, and if anyone has advice on what programs with simple interface  
one may employ to share files. Or, while at it, what programs can be used in  
schools in general. Would ownCloud make a good option here? Thank you in  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot use Adobe Flash for class anymore

2015-10-15 Thread tirifto
Well, that's certainly an unpleasant situation. Others already gave some good  
advice on here, so I'll just wish you good luck!

As for the technical side of things, you might want to try Shumway:
Shumway is an experimental add-on for Firefox, developed by Mozilla, which  
should translate Flash into HTML5 on the run, or some such. In my experience,  
it has often been lacking, but it worked better than Gnash or Lightspark did,  
so certainly do give it a try!

I'm not sure if it works well with Gnash and Lightspark around. I had some  
issues with newer versions of Shumway and Iceweasel, that is, it only worked  
with direct links to the .swf files. But there's a #shumway channel on, so you can find support there if you experience issues like  

Run GNU, run free!

[Trisquel-users] Syndie? Distributed forums?

2015-06-24 Thread tirifto
So recently I started looking for good software to use for group discussion,  
something like a forum. I don't want to rely on an third party provider,  
though, so I looked for something decentralized. I found Syndie and I thought it sounded very nice, so I  
installed it to try it out.

I have used it only for a short while, but I wasn't really able to do  
anything so far. I'm a bit confused about how things work internally, the  
program crashes sometimes and the UI is confusing and features poorly drawn  
icons. I find the idea very interesting, though.

Does anyone in here have experience with Syndie? Or do you know about similar  
software that allows for decentralized forums and discussion? Please, do  
share your knowledge! :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Syndie? Distributed forums?

2015-06-24 Thread tirifto
Syndie just told me that it's reccomended to run I2P. I don't know if it's a  
requirement or not, but if it is, then that would probably be a deal breaker  
for me.
(Not that I can't use I2P, but I'd like something that's not as complex.  
Dealing with I2P AND how Syndie works seems a bit too much.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Syndie? Distributed forums?

2015-06-24 Thread tirifto
In the chart, there are also full-line arrows pointing to the same archives.  
At the bottom of the chart it says those represent non-anonymous connection,  
so I suppose the anonymizers are optional.

If I had to choose, I guess I'd use Tor. I guess I'll just try getting Syndie  
to work as-is for now, though. I'll see if I can figure it out and make it  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Syndie? Distributed forums?

2015-06-24 Thread tirifto
Gobby looks nice, but I need something that doesn't require everyone to be  
onliene at the same time. I thought about trying out mailing lists, but I  
found an extension for MediaWiki that might actually work for me, so I'll see  
if we can use that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I find out which mixed licenses DuckDuckGo is running under in GNUIceCat?

2015-06-22 Thread tirifto
I believe YaCy is supposed to eliminate tracking and censorship. I have tried  
it for a short while. It was nice and appeared to work well, except that the  
results were generally very bad and uncomparable to those of DuckDuckGo and  
the likes.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New free user

2015-06-22 Thread tirifto
As far as I know, Cyanogen Mod is not 100% free software. I'm not a  
smartphone user, but from what I've learned, Cyanogen Mod may be more  
freedom-friendly than Android, but still contains non-free parts and  
firmware, which is required for most phones to work properly. I believe that  
the only 100% free mobile operating system is Replicant, which is supported  
by FSF.

As for computers, most of them still contain a non-free BIOS. This problem is  
being tackled by the Libreboot project.

For complete freedom, you can purchase a laptop from Gluglug, but it is a bit  

I personally use Lenovo B590 with Parabola. I had to buy a USB WiFi card, but  
now it works properly. I think ThinkPenguin is one of the best choices,  
though. A company called Purism crowd-funded a high-end 100% free laptop  
recently, but they failed at making the BIOS free, so a performant computer  
with Libreboot seems to remain a dream for now :/

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedom Certified Hardware

2015-06-03 Thread tirifto
LibreJS is a great tool for ensuring ethical behavior, but keep in mind that  
even libre software may be malicious. Onpon wrote an article on why  
JavaScript is bad in general:

As a side note, LibreJS has caused a few websites to load very slowly for me.  
If you face similar issues, I recommend NoScript. It doesn't recognize libre  
scripts, but blocks all JS instead. Allow scripts with care!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedom Certified Hardware

2015-05-31 Thread tirifto

What do you mean by 'portable'?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedom Certified Hardware

2015-05-31 Thread tirifto
If you want certification, then look here:

If you just want hardware that works with a free system (but may contain  
proprietary BIOS or similar menaces), look here:

Re: [Trisquel-users] simple and powerful software for scrapbook

2015-05-11 Thread tirifto
Both Scribus and Inkscape are fairly well-known free software programs.  
Source code is available, and like lembas said, they are in Trisquel repos.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-02 Thread tirifto

Looking at the paragraph right above that one, it says:

 It provides basic privacy by mixing your queries with searches on other  
platforms without storing search data. Queries are made using a POST request  
on every browser (except chrome*). Therefore they show up in neither our  
logs, nor your url history.

As for other info, it doesn't seem to say. However, considering that it  
focuses on privacy, and unlike similar services (cough cough DuckDuckGo) it's  
free software, I'm going to trust it and most likely use it in close future.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-02 Thread tirifto

 being free software SASS doesn't mean anything for the end user because
one doesn't do the entire job on one's own computer.

While this is true, usability-wise, I also appreciate the contribution to  
free software! :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Some free mmorpg?

2015-04-17 Thread tirifto
Others have pretty much covered the good ones, but I'd like to note that you  
might come across PlaneShift, which is libre software at the moment, but will  
be switching to Unreal Engine, which, I assume, is proprietary.

[Trisquel-users] Disconnect? Internet privacy?

2015-04-11 Thread tirifto


I have been trying to make my internet life a bit more spying-resistant. I  
figured that the next best option after Tor and similar would be Firefox (and  
derivatives) with add-ons. I always install HTTPS Everywhere, uBlock,  
Self-destructing cookies and NoScript for that. Some time back I was also  
using Disconnect, since it seemed very nice. But recently I visited their  
website ( and found out that they have a free version  
and a premium version with added functionality, which is also commercial.  
That worries me, because although commercial software can be libre, I'm not  
sure that's the case here. Can anyone confirm if the Disconnect Premium  
add-on is proprietary? If so, do you know any similar software to Disconnect?  
I want to be safe, but I'm hesitant about supporting a company that produces  
proprietary software.

Thank you!

Re: [Trisquel-users] How Does linux work? is it fair to all women?

2015-04-07 Thread tirifto

Hello and welcome!

First of all, 'Linux' is just a part of a bigger system called 'GNU'. People  
often call this combination 'Linux', but properly it should be called  
'GNU/Linux', since all the operating system like Debian, Blag or Trisquel are  
actually a part of GNU/Linux family.

Now, to answer your question: I'd say yes.

I'm not entirely sure what do you mean by 'fair to all women'. An operating  
system is a computer program; it's a tool used by the user. Free software  
will only be unfair to women if the user will use it to do things unfair to  
women. Personally, I don't know any software that would discourage fairness  
to any gender.

In case you were worried by the software community and development, I think  
you will be happy with GNU/Linux. Like you probably already know, not all  
software is free. A lot of people develop and use non-free software, which is  
wrong, because freedom is a very important value. Most people don't realize  
that and use systems that disrespect people, such as Windows. Then we have  
GNU/Linux family; most of systems in it are only partly free, though. It's  
better if you use system like Fedora or openSUSE than if you used Windows,  
but it's best to use a 100% free system, like here Trisquel.

Trisquel is the most user-friendly out of the 100% free systems. If you can  
make it work, I reccomend you to use it. If your hardware doesn't work with  
100% free software and you can't afford new one, you can have a partly free  
system for now (I'm assuming you use a non-free system, so it would be an  
improvement for you.)

Now, about the community. Communities are made of people who have something  
in common (As in, an artist community is made of people who make art, for  
example.) Free software community is usually very friendly and nice! That's  
because all of them care for human values. People who use non-free systems  
can be any way, but people who use 100% free systems do so because they care  
about freedom. And people who care about freedom also usually care about  
other important human values, such as respect, kindness and equality. If  
someone decides to use free software, they want to support something good in  

If you look at various free software projects, you can see that they are  
generally very friendly and open to everyone. As a great example, I'd like to  
use the GNOME project. They work on providing people with a free desktop  
environment, the project is participated in by both men and women alike, they  
make annual meetings and events, and they even participated in Outreach  
Program for Women!

To sum it up: If you choose to use free software, you shouldn't run into any  
ethical problems at all. And if you do, they can be easily fixed, because  
it's free software and you have complete control over it. Community-wise,  
free software community is very helpful and friendly. So your daughter can go  
ahead and give it a try! :)

I hope my lengthy post was helpful. If you run into any problems, I'm sure  
you'll be able to find help here. Also, have a nice day!

Re: [Trisquel-users] How Does linux work? is it fair to all women?

2015-04-07 Thread tirifto
Ah, yes, bad wording. Thanks for the correction, Linux is indeed not a part  
of the GNU project :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] ***POSSIBLE SPAM*** Is webmail a service as a software substitute (SaaSS)?

2015-03-30 Thread tirifto
Technically, yes. Service becomes a substitute for Software in whatever you  
use it for instead of software that you control. You can use a client to  
fetch, write and manage your e-mails and contacts, but the messages are still  
being stored on someone else's server. Therefore, using your own client does  
give you control over some things, but most of the process still goes through  
the server.

I personally do use a mail service. I don't consider SaaSS by itself to be as  
bad as proprietary software. Taking someone's freedom away is never good and  
doing so can and does have severe far-stretched consequences. However, not  
everyone can afford or knows how to set up and manage their own mail server.  
Then some people offer them services of mail hosting. Some of those are bad  
(most of them are), while some of those can be nice, respect the users and  
follow noble ideals (Riseup, OpenMailBox?). That still doesn't make them  
good, yes, but I wouldn't call them evil. We should try to regain control  
over all our services, but these are an acceptable temporary solution for me.

TL;DR: Yes, mail services are SaaSS. If you use a good one, it's acceptable  
when better options are not accessible. In my opinion, that is.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Multiplayer online games for casual players

2015-03-18 Thread tirifto
Thank you! That looks like a very nice resource! I haven't stumbled upon your  
website before, but it names some games I also haven't found yet. I will  
definitely check at least some of them out and probably report my findings  
back here, unless someone does first :)

[Trisquel-users] Multiplayer online games for casual players

2015-03-16 Thread tirifto


Lately I've been thinking about how games affect our social lives. I have met  
a lot of friendly and interesting people thanks to multiplayer online games.  
Unfortunately, most of such games are non-free and therefore not an option.  
During my search for free multiplayer games, I came across a lot of nice  
resources, such as

The problem with most games I tried out is that they are incapable of NAT  
traversal. That means players either have to set up their own server, or  
forward their ports, neither of which is something a casual user can always  
simply do. Therefore, I'd like to ask everyone to share any good games they  
know. The game must be playable for two or more players, simple to set up,  
work across the internet, without port forwarding and/or setting up your own  
separate server. If the game relies on servers, but there are usually public  
servers available, that's okay. Here go my contributions:

Probably one of the better known free games. It's a fast paced sci-fi arena  
First Person Shooter. I usually find public servers and a friendly community:

A battle arena arcade-like 2D game with cute characters. It's quick, simple  
and fun. I usually find public servers there:

If anyone remembers Lemmings, this is it's clone. You get little people  
spawning and you need to guide them to the goal using your wits and provided  
tools. I used the public server, which was empty, but worked fine:

Hoping to learn about more from you! :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Reddit will be giving 10% of their ad revenue to charities based on user voting. Make sure you vote!

2015-02-19 Thread tirifto

Have you tried accessing Reddit with Tor?