Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel 8 Mini on tablet

2019-12-02 Thread xliang9550
At least 2 conditions must be met. One is CPU architecture. The tablet must  
have an x86_64 processor in order to run Trisquel 8. The other requirement is  
that the tablet's firmware (UEFI) must allow users to disable Secure Boot.

For arm(64) platform, the situations are even worse. Almost all smart phones  
and tablets have boot loader locked down (something like Secure Boot). It's  
increasingly hard to unlock the boot loader (something like disabling Secure  
Boot on x86 computers), and some manufacturers don't allow unlocking boot  
loader at all (e.g. Apple and Huawei). Even if you had successfully unlocked  
the device, you'd find it unusable without lots of proprietary firmware  
(modem, WiFi, bluetooth, and even display all require non-free firmware to  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel 8 Mini on tablet

2019-12-01 Thread mason
> Is it possible to install on tablet Trisquel 8 Mini with GNURootDebian
> or similar?

What is the architecture of the device?  If it is x86 then it might be
possible, but I'm don't really know.  If it is ARM, then it cannot run
Trisquel 8, but may be able to run Trisquel 9 once it is released.

Description: PGP signature

[Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel 8 Mini on tablet

2019-12-01 Thread anguriamelone

Hi to everyone!
Is it possible to install on tablet Trisquel 8 Mini with GNURootDebian or  
similar? Thank you in advance for your attention.

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing trisquel mini/ usb fails to auto boot

2019-11-08 Thread contactezrached
ty brother i was doing a mistake by writing the iso image in the partition  
name (sdx1) and not the device (sdx)

[Trisquel-users] installing trisquel mini/ usb fails to auto boot

2019-11-06 Thread contactezrached

hello everyone
im runing pop_os right now on my desktop i tried to make a bootable usb with  
trisquel mini on it using disks and from terminal sudo dd bs=4M  
if=trisquel-mini_8.0_amd64.iso of=/dev/sdc1 conv=fdatasync , and in both of  
them wen i tried to boot using the usb i get :

  gnu grub version 2.02

Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word,  
lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists  

device or file completions.


can u help me out i wanna install trisquel mini or try it and see if it works  
with my pc 

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing Trisquel 8 and mini fail on x60s

2019-07-29 Thread psyqui
Yes I think I should at least install Libreboot then see some things so I  
have been trying to install on the x60s but it is difficult. Or rather, maybe  
it is not difficult, as you say,

>Using guides are good, but sometimes outdated, or some critical parts aren't  
explained well,

This is only my feelings but it seems that I cannot think nothing but they  
have no intention to share the method straight. It seems that "education"  
might be the pretext, but it causes the doubt that that "There might be some  
inconvenience to teach or share the information". Isn't it natural?

As I wrote here:

Frankly there is perfectly no reason that average users become willing users  
of this kind of stuff, like the Serbian English teacher. Or rather, they have  
bad feelings for this kind of stuff. They are rejecting. Should I show an  
example what I am having trouble with.
Why paste a link in the instruction pages? What is cd? dd? 2. From the  
libreboot_bin or libreboot_util/ directory??

Why despite it can be done internally, cannot I do that one or two clicks?
I appreciate that there are so-called libre stuff. I have read an article  
that Libreboot has an intention to let even normal users install coreboot  
easily so this would be the easist way, it must be my childish complaint, but  
absolutely the English teacher would not be willing to do it. That means  
almost 100% people will never flash bios of their devices by themselves. If  
we know what we will get from flashing it but I am not still sure what I will  

Ahh I am saying the same thing again...
I hope the nadebula's documents will be great stuff that like "This is great,  
I don't need other documents to do ***..." but I have a question if there is  
necessity to do it now. Because... how many years went past since... is my  
current frank feelings. Or rather I have been having the feelings... zzz...  
If you sold x60 for $200 including everthing, I would buy it. Should I also  
start Libreshop in Japan.

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing Trisquel 8 and mini fail on x60s

2019-07-29 Thread info
I already have the feeling that you are trying to do most of the things by  
yourself, which is great.

But don't give up. If you fail 10 times, try 11th time, with the hope of  
succeeding, which is helping a lot.

Using guides are good, but sometimes outdated, or some critical parts aren't  
explained well, if you have 2 x60s, if you have the time to spend, try using  
one as your testing device, and try whatever test you can imaging, if you  
follow a guide, try to change some steps in that guide which feels  

for example,
Guide: run this command with this parameters
You: run this command with other parameters and see what is happening, ah I  
crashed it, so I start over with some other parameters, ...

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing Trisquel 8 and mini fail on x60s

2019-07-28 Thread psyqui

It took almost two years since I thought "What is GNU/Linux.".
I got to know Thinkpads have many fans and parts and data. I am going to keep  
using GNU/Linux but this is really my weak subject. When I was a kid, there  
was a popular toy which name was Mini 4WD. It was a car toy and we had to  
assemble it from a kit. The toy just runs straight with no controller. I  
think it was quite simple structure but my Mini 4WD did not run. The sadness  
was engraved in my memory. Looking back, it was RR or midship, not 4WD.  Also  
I have written Basic when I was a kid. There was a famous FC game which name  
was Dragon Quest (maybe it was called Dragon Worrier abroad) and the chief  
developer Yuji Horii wrote a book of Basic. I entered commands on the black  
screen of PC-8800 or something according to his instruction like 10... 20...  
you can add other order later between 10 and 20... oh I see... bla bla bla  
but nothing happened. I have not much conviction for this kind of stuff.  
Maybe I have not much tolerance to this kind of frustration. But thank you. I  
will try. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing Trisquel 8 and mini fail on x60s

2019-07-28 Thread mason
> My community friends and I have been preparing some beginner's documents.

I hope you'll share them here when they're ready.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing Trisquel 8 and mini fail on x60s

2019-07-28 Thread xliang9550
Hopefully you don't have to return to "use" Windows. I do appreciate your  
progress in trying to install a free/libre operating system distribution by  
yourself. You have also shown the willingness to study, which is invaluable.

That you purchased X60s to install Trisquel is an excellent starting point.  
So keep studying and don't give up. Now you can try to improve your hardware  
DIY capability using the X60s machine. Buy a set of nice tools (mainly  
screwdrivers) and search for the Hardware Maintenance Manual for your  
machine. Practice until you can skillfully disassemble and re-assemble it and  
replace damaged parts.

My community friends and I have been preparing some beginner's documents. We  
hope you were still using GNU/Linux when we finish them in the near future.

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing Trisquel 8 and mini fail on x60s

2019-07-28 Thread psyqui
Thank you. But please don't comfort me. You simply lost me in Trisquel users  
and General Free Software Talk. Less lots trackers is not bad. Very  
comfortable. They also would be released from tracking except some devices. I  
might have to use Windows again someday though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing Trisquel 8 and mini fail on x60s

2019-07-27 Thread psyqui
Thank you. probably you are right. I changed the password using only  
alphanumeric characters and it is not denied now. And yes it was very hot. I  
was surprised how hot it was. Now it doesn't freeze. I was thinking that  
someone was preventing me from installing it but it might have been my  
paranoia. Do you always check that MD5 or SHA256 or GPG every time you  
download something? When I downloaded Tails, its number of MD5 or SHA256 was  
different. But I didn't know what I should do so I kept using the iso image.  
I think there was no problem. Anyway Ubuntu and Tails or other distros took  
around 15-20 minitus to boot, but Trisquel boots within one minute so it is  
very good. The fun was very clean somehow.

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing Trisquel 8 and mini fail on x60s

2019-07-27 Thread mason
> At while the first installation, it did  not freeze so I was able to
> install it on SSD. But after the installation, on  the login page (at
> the center of the page, there are a text box and Trisquel  logo
> [photo2]) I entered the password but the password was denied.

I just searched for "cryptsetup fails bad password or options" and it
seems that the most common issue is that the user unknowingly has CapsLk
on. However, I see one case where the presence of a backslash in the
password might have been the cause.[1] If so, the problem may be
inconsistent character encoding, in which case non-ascii characters
could be a problem as well. You could confirm this by testing with a
password using only ascii alphanumeric characters.

How important is full disk encryption to you? (Are you worried about
physical theft of this machine?) If it doesn't matter, the simplest
thing might be to deselect LVM in the installer and avoid this issue

> So I downloaded Trisquel mini in the same way to install it on the
> SSD.  I booted it from USB and chose "Try Trusquel without
> installing", every time  anyway usually desktop appeared, but after
> several tens seconds, it freezed,  then finally it started to freeze
> after a few seconds every time. Then I  tried to reinstall Trisquel 8
> (not mini) again from the "Try Trisquel without  installing" but the
> same phenomenon (freezing immediately) started to happen  with it too.
> So I cannot reinstall it on SSD neither.

So the freezing happens sooner every time? It's possible that the laptop
is overheating. What happens if you give the laptop some time to cool
down before trying again? Does the freezing take longer? When I
installed Trisquel 7 on my X60, I had the exact same issue with freezing
before I could make it through the installation process, and found that
the freezing always occurred when the laptop was hot. Cleaning the
fan[2] couldn't hurt.



Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel Mini to Asus eeePC 701 4G ?

2019-02-01 Thread useremail12

With Xbindkeys I was able to solve the audio hotkey problem.

First I had to install it:

sudo apt-get install xbindkeys

then run the command it suggests:

xbindkeys --defaults > $HOME/.xbindkeysrc

After this edit the file:

sudo leafpad $HOME/.xbindkeysrc

then insert these to that file:

# Increase volume
"pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +1000"

# Decrease volume
"pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -1000"

# Mute volume
"pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle"

then enable settings and test them:

xbindkeys --poll-rc

Finally after all is good make xbindbeys start automatically by editing this  

sudo leafpad /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc

by adding:


Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel Mini to Asus eeePC 701 4G ?

2019-01-31 Thread enduzzer
Take a look at 'xbindkeys', 'xev' and 'amixer'. You should be able to work  
something out.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel Mini to Asus eeePC 701 4G ?

2019-01-30 Thread useremail12

Thanks, that method worked and the OS is now installed.

Any idea about the hotkeys for volume? With acpi_listen command I get:

hotkey ASUS010:00 0013 
button/mute MUTE 0080  K
hotkey ASUS010:00 0014 0004
button/volumedown VOLDN 0080  K
hotkey ASUS010:00 0015 0003
button/volumeup VOLUP 0080  K

but volume is not adjusted.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel Mini to Asus eeePC 701 4G ?

2019-01-30 Thread enduzzer
Connect an external HDD to bypass the limit. When installing, choose the  
internal storage and the installer will let you proceed.

[Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel Mini to Asus eeePC 701 4G ?

2019-01-30 Thread useremail12
Hi, I downloaded Trisquel Mini 8 image and created bootable USB of it. I  
wanted to install the OS to my mini laptop which has 4GB HDD. I read that  
Mini version requires 3GB but installer sais 4.7GB is needed. Do I need to  
perform web installation and select only minimal core or something like that  
(I currently have Lubuntu installed via that method)

Second question, I noticed that volume buttons do not work even though  
brightness foe example works. I tried acpi_listen command and noticed that  
Trisquel does detect all of them but apparently they need to mapped somehow  
or something?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on EFI

2019-01-05 Thread unixpablo
Looks like you have to save all your /home and, from instalation, click in  
/dev/sda (no sda1/sda2) and "create a new partition tab". I think is the only  
way but I'm not sure.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on EFI

2018-07-18 Thread xliang9550
Once I had one Acer ultrabook with mSATA and SATA drives. The "legacy" mode  
boot list didn't contain the mSATA option, so if I wished to boot from the  
mSATA SSD, I had to use UEFI mode (the ESP can be on either SSD or HDD).

I believe what you described was something similar: restrictions by the  
firmware. (Maybe the manufacturer didn't want users to install operating  
systems using legacy mode.) Unfortunately, starting Haswell, Intel  
implemented one treacherous "feature": Boot Guard. It is impossible to fix  
the broken-beyond-repair non-free firmware with this anti-feature present.

What I can suggest is to try the latest Debian (testing) Installer and  
perform a minimalist installation. See whether you can boot it from UEFI  
mode. Use the "Alpha 3" release of Debian Installer. I tested it on many UEFI  
systems. (Note: Debian does have certain non-free firmware on its mirror  
servers. Avoid adding the "contrib" or "non-free" repositories and you can  
have a free/libre system.)

[Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on EFI

2018-07-17 Thread fredo


after having unsuccesfully tried several ways to install trisquel on an efi  
system, I come here to get some help.
I successfully booted and installed trisquel about ten times, always with the  
same issue : grub can't install because it "can't get the canonical path  
I am aware that some operations must be done when booting (checking whether  
it is legacy boot or efi boot) and that a GPT partition table with a  
bios-grub partition must be created before installation in case of a legacy  
grub install. I tried but am not sure if it was really succesful, because my  
HDD still can't be selected to boot in the Bios :

The PC is an Asus R900V with an internal hard drive recognized by the BIOS  
under Sata devices on port 0. Works perfectly when I work with it on a live  
system, but can't select it on the Boot device priority option. Here is only  
listed the DVD drive or the USB flash drive when I put one.

Here comes the question : can the HDD absence from boot options be due to a  
wrong grub install ?
And also : can someone explain me the easiest and most reliable way to  
install trisquel on this computer (I mean EFI vs Legacy boot)?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel from USB Hard Drive

2017-06-02 Thread sv . tony

It has been installed now. I had to enable CSM in BIOS to make it work.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel from USB Hard Drive

2017-06-01 Thread eloi . igor

Did you selected the hard drive from the computer on the BIOS priority?
Does your BIOS has any locker? I once installed gnu/linux on a laptop that  
had this extra option that made the boot priority ineffective. Could you look  
at that? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel from USB Hard Drive

2017-06-01 Thread sv . tony
I tried shutting down the computer and removing USB before powering it on and  
I get this message:

"Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot  
device and press a key".

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel from USB Hard Drive

2017-06-01 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
What you must do now is shutdown your computer (not reboot), remove the
USB storage, and power on again. However, this method is rather
incomplete, because if you put any other USB storage while
starting/power on, your computer will probably complain if the USB
storage isn't bootable. For a complete method, see the next paragraph.

As a more advanced alternative: Instead of removing USB storage, make
sure that your computer's BIOS/UEFI has the local drives set first/in
high priority than the USB storage.

- [[]]
- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre, por isso não uso. Iguais a ele prefiro
  GNU Ring, ou Tox. Quer outras formas de contato? Adicione o vCard
  que está no endereço acima aos teus contatos.
- Pretende me enviar arquivos .doc, .ppt, .cdr, ou .mp3? OK, eu
  aceito, mas não repasso. Entrego apenas em formatos favoráveis ao
  /software/ livre. Favor entrar em contato em caso de dúvida.

[Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel from USB Hard Drive

2017-06-01 Thread sv . tony

Sorry if this is something obvious, but I would appreciate any help on this:

I have tried installing Trisquel from USB Hard Drive, and in the end it says  
installation is complete but needs to re-start the pc. I do this and it takes  
me back to the reboot screen and it only gives me the option to try Trisquel  
without installing or installing Trisquel (but I already did!).

I did re-install it to see if it worked the second time. When I do this, it  
tells me Trisquel is already installed and if I want to install a new copy  
alongside the other one or if I want to replace it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-15 Thread calmstorm
The Libre Tea Card is a little difficult though considering the fact that it  
is a rolling release.

But yeah... you are right eoma68 isn't a product it is a standard which those  
devices control.

LTCC as you call it is not for beginners though.

My best guess is persay The Practically Perfect or the Numero Uno... (but do  
not enable the nonfree software repo and use linux libre!)

So really until trisquel supports arm I should just say, use libreboot!

The X200 is awesome for that purpose especially with 9 cell battery. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-15 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Just remember that "EOMA68" isn't our recommendation, per see, that link
that was given, without explanation, unfortunatelly causes this
confusion, so I must clarify what was the intention:

As a matter of fact "EOMA68" isn't even a product, it's a standard.

That said: That link has a list of products, some of them have "Computer
Card" in their names, for these, pick only one choice: Libre Tea
Computer Card (LTCC for short).

LTCC is the only one that we can recommend.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-15 Thread calmstorm

Yep for the time being it is a good laptop.

In the future I am thinking about eoma68.

But I don't quite think its the right time now for me... that's all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-14 Thread sublime4
Thanks for all the suggestions I've been looking at them in depth. I'll  
probably just get the wifi adapter for now since they're relatively cheap and  
then keep doing research on the laptops so that I can buy one once I feel  
more comfortable with my decision. Overall are you pretty satisfied with your  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-13 Thread calmstorm

Something like this...

or if you want one sooner, then... the below two links

or get this item for your laptop.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-13 Thread mappack

He means something like this. ThinkPenguin also has them.

Both sites have more Wi-Fi adapters than the two I linked to.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-13 Thread sublime4
Ok what would you suggest that is more free software friendly for the future?  
Do you mean one of the laptops on technoetic or thinkpenguin or getting a new  
wifi card and/or driver? I'd like to explore other options now if it'll save  
time and money in the long run. I can get by without my laptop for a little  
bit so I don't necessarily need the fastest solution available. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-12 Thread calmstorm


I hate to say this but I have a strong feeling your wifi card needs a  
non-free driver.

I obviously don't recommend you using it,

so yeah, the link I gave you is your best bet if you want to be extra secure.

in the future though, I do suggest getting something more free software  
friendly though.

ask around here and you can get some ideas for the future.

but as for right now the tehnoetic wifi adapter is the safest way to do it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-12 Thread sublime4
I have a HP Envy 15 X360 PC. Thank you for the suggestion I'll check that  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-12 Thread sublime4
It was just the font that messed me up. Little embarrassing that I didn't try  
that but thank you. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-12 Thread noordinaryspider
>I read in another forum topic that typing in Ispci -v into the terminal will  
give you the results of your wifi card but that command isn't working for me.

Just to clarify, the lspci command starts with L as in lovely, not I as in  

Some fonts are annoying that way.

I'm glad things are going well for you. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-12 Thread calmstorm


this is one sure fire way I believe...

but, it depends on your wifi card

so tell me, what kind of laptop is it, lenovo hp, dell, and what model type?

example lenovo t420 which I used to have.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-12 Thread sublime4
Thank you! That worked for me. I've been trying to organize some files and  
adjust the settings to my preferences now. Only other problem I've ran into  
is I can't connect to the internet. It gives the option to add connections  
but not to actually connect to the network. I read in another forum topic  
that typing in Ispci -v into the terminal will give you the results of your  
wifi card but that command isn't working for me. I believe this is supposed  
to determine if my wifi card is compatible with the free software or if I  
should order a new one from from the forum I was reading  
earlier. Any suggestions for connecting to wifi? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-12 Thread sublime4
Thank you! That worked for me. I've been trying to organize some files and  
adjust the settings to my preferences now. Only other problem I've ran into  
is I can't connect to the internet. It gives the option to add connections  
but not to actually connect to the network. I read in another forum topic  
that typing in Ispci -v into the terminal will give you the results of your  
wifi card but that command isn't working for me. I believe this is supposed  
to determine if my wifi card is compatible with the free software or if I  
should order a new one from from the forum I was reading  
earlier. The name of that forum was "How to connect to wifi." Any suggestions  
for connecting to wifi? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-11 Thread calmstorm

You need to disable secure boot.

I don't know if this is any different from windows 8,

but this link may be accurate.

If anyone else has advice, please do comment to help.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-11 Thread sublime4
I made a bootable USB stick following the instructions in the link you sent  
me and now I'm using advanced startup in the windows settings to restart my  
computer from a device or disc.  I'm having trouble booting from the USB  
stick though.  After restarting the computer and I'm in Boot Manager, I hit  
enter while hovered over USB Hard Drive (UEFI) - SanDisk to only get a blue  
window with a black screen behind it that says, "Selected boot image did not  
Authenticate. Press  to Continue."  The same thing happens when I try Boot  
From EFI File.  Is there something I should adjust in BIOS Setup Options by  
pressing F10 in Boot Manager?  Thanks!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-03 Thread pinmaritim

One of the links on that Trisquel Wiki page such as  
, this software has not been updated since 2012 you may prefer for Windows

Please read about UEFI at before

Some Trisquel 7 screenshot/Install guides :é-en-mode-texte

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-03 Thread sublime4
Thank you for the welcome! Sorry I haven't replied sooner, I've been away  
from home lately.  Yes I'm trying to install Trisquel from a folder on my  
windows installation.  I'll try making a bootable USB stick with that link  
you sent me.  I'll let you know if I could use some more help after that.  
Thanks again!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-02 Thread legimet . calc

dd for windows:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-02 Thread greatgnu

>Can you even do dd in Windows?

Honestly, I have no idea, Heather. In my 20 years experience with Windows I  
haven't even managed to learn something as simple and useful. That's how a  
dumb OS succeeds in keeping you a dumb user, or more correctly a subjugated  

>lefty loosey, righty tighty


Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-02 Thread noordinaryspider

Can you even do dd in Windows?

In retrospect, my reluctance to use that command was an irrational fear and  
life is going to be so much easier now that I've confronted and conquered it.

"if for input, of for output" isn't harder to remember than "lefty loosey,  
righty tighty" but you don't see us "average joe/josephine" users running  
away in horror at the thought of using a screwdriver, do you?

The mind is a funny thing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-02 Thread greatgnu

>rufus is another program for doing so.

Yes, rufus is very good for the job if you are doing it inside Winnn

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-01 Thread calmstorm

You must burn the iso to a usb drive or a cd or dvd. this is one way  
you can do it.  though it is on a ubuntu site... heh.

don't fret though, I been down this path before, it gets easier as time  

That's been my experience for sure.

rufus is another program for doing so.

and finally there is this

if you figure out how to burn the iso to a usb or cd we can help you with the  
next step. though I am sure if I was able to figure it out, I am sure you can  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-01 Thread legimet . calc
You don't open the ISO, you "burn" it to a USB drive (or CD or DVD):

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-01 Thread g . smyli

I agree with Heather,
You are trying to install while in Windows and I would have no idea where to  
begin doing that

but if you have shrunk the C drive in Windows;
 and successfully burned a Trisquel iso DVD;
 and have your BIOS settings set to allow you to boot from DVD drive,

then you should be able to reboot into the OS on your DVD and go from there.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-01 Thread noordinaryspider
I'll give it a try, anyway. I haven't used Windows since XP was the newest  
hottest thing, but let's start with the basics:

It looks from your post as if you are trying to install Trisquel from a  
folder on your windows installation, is this correct?

It isn't impossible to do it that way, if I understand the term "debootstrap"  
correctly, but that isn't what folks like you and me need to be spending our  
time doing. You have downloaded the .iso file that has everything you need to  
install Trisquel and now you need to either burn it to a DVD:

or make a bootable USB stick:

You may have to go into BIOS/UEFI before it will boot to your install medium  
so let me know if you run into any problems and I'll see if I can help.

I like the way you think wrt replacing Windows 10 altogether. :)

Welcome to Trisquel!

[Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel to replace Windows 10

2017-03-01 Thread sublime4
I've been trying to install Trisquel for over a week now with no success. I  
went to Documentation then Setup then Installation Guides and then finally to  
Install Trisquel with Windows in dual-boot to find some instructions. I want  
to install Trisquel and replace Windows 10 in the process. I followed the  
instructions for installing Trisquel alongside older versions of Windows but  
I never get the outcome that the instructions say that I should. When I  
download Trisquel and then open the folder I never get the screen that allows  
me the option of installing alongside windows, replacing windows, etc.  The  
instructions said that if these options don't appear for you then you should  
delete the recovery partition on your computer's hard drive.  I looked up  
online how to do this and it is gone now.  However I still never see the  
options that I should when I attempt to open the folder of the downloaded  
Trisquel.  Instead a new window opens up called CyberLink ISO Viewer with all  
of the downloaded folders of Trisquel. The instructions read, "IMPORTANT: If  
you do not see the option "Install Trisquel Alongside Windows [version]", DO  
NOT ATTEMPT INSTALLATION. Instead, use the following steps:." I've followed  
all of the steps carefully so far including shrinking the volume in disk  
management. Can anybody help me with this please? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on a MacBook Air.

2015-11-12 Thread daigege2

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel and gentoo on another drive, grub required?.

2015-11-12 Thread daigege2

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on a MacBook Air.

2015-10-11 Thread jabjabs
Just a piece of advice, make sure to use a thick vinyl sticker as normal ones  
will just show the Apple logo shinning through. I have a Copyleft over mine  
but I needed 4 layers to dull the logo significantly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on a MacBook Air.

2015-10-11 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
Coreboot uses blobs on some systems, I wonder if that's the case here or not.  
Hence libreboot.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on a MacBook Air.

2015-10-11 Thread nicolasmaia
AbishekSDK, check this out:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on a MacBook Air.

2015-10-10 Thread moxalt
I write Android programs quite a bit (school forces us to- apparently mobile
development is the trendy new thing) and have experienced no problems using
OpenJDK as opposed to Oracle. They recommend Oracle, but Open seems to work
fine- except when it comes to things which need to be jarsigned.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on a MacBook Air.

2015-10-09 Thread me
Ha-ha. Covering that Apple logo with a GNU sticker is first on my list. I  
will give Trisquel a go. Also, I am an android developer. Has anybody used  
Android studio and have you faced any problems with using openjdk and not the  
proprietary oracle jdk?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on a MacBook Air.

2015-10-09 Thread nicolasmaia
I haven't, but you might be interested in getting Replicant's SDK instead of  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on a MacBook Air.

2015-10-09 Thread vitacell
Had problems with 2009 air, with GeForce 9400. If it uses Intel gpu, so, the  
only problem can be to replace proprietary connector/wire to Broadcomm wifi  
adapter inside.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on a MacBook Air.

2015-10-09 Thread vitacell

Where to buy GNU, FSF stickers??

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on a MacBook Air.

2015-10-09 Thread tomlukeywood

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on a MacBook Air.

2015-10-09 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp


Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on a MacBook Air.

2015-10-09 Thread nicolasmaia
If you can print your own, Koz and I made this sticker specifically for  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on a MacBook Air.

2015-10-09 Thread vitacell
Thanks! I will try to print it with my printer, but only when I unlock the  
counter chip. So, no time right now to reset the counter.

[Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on a MacBook Air.

2015-10-08 Thread me
I am planning to install Trisquel on a MacBook Air 2014. I have no problems  
purchasing a Wi-Fi adapter. Are there any other problems other than the wi-fi  
when using it on a MacBook Air?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel on a MacBook Air.

2015-10-08 Thread nicolasmaia

Make sure you cover that Apple logo with a nice GNU sticker :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel and gentoo on another drive, grub required?.

2015-09-22 Thread kaptcha
Thanks a million for bringing GRUB to light!. Regards! I ll try!. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel and gentoo on another drive, grub required?.

2015-09-17 Thread greatgnu
I installed Debian 8 on a USB stick when it came out in May and if I remember  
correctly at the end of the installation it asked me if I wanted to install  
grub so, not being sure I clicked "no" and that resulted in an unbootable  
Debian stick..
So I reinstalled and answered "yes" to "install grub" and was asked to choose  
the hard disk on which to install it (either my lappy hard drive or the USB  
stick itself - I selected my hard drive and that way the grub on my hard  
drive just got updated with the entry for booting Debian from the USB..


Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel and gentoo on another drive, grub required?.

2015-09-17 Thread moxalt
I don't think so. GRUB only needs to be installed on the master boot record of
the first hard drive (or whatever media you have decided to set as the boot
media- this is usually /dev/sda or something of that sort), and (if configured
correctly) it will be able to boot into any installed operating system on any
other media, handing control over to it. Try installing Ututo on the second
hard drive- it will probably have options related to dual-boot/disk
partitioning in the installer, and will (hopefully) work out of the box,
probably setting up its own grub.cfg. If GRUB doesn't recognise, you can always
rectify the situation by chrooting into the second drive from the first, so you
should be able to get it to work one way or another. Give it a go, and tell us
what happens.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel and gentoo on another drive, grub required?.

2015-09-16 Thread kaptcha
Hey folks it is Ututo what I want to try not gentoo, what a mistake!: gentoo  
is not on the fsf list!. but anyway the question will apply to any other  
linux distro to check on a new drive. the new distro requires installation of  
grub on its drive?. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel and gentoo on another drive, grub required?.

2015-09-16 Thread kaptcha

thanks a million to those who could help me!. Regards

[Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel and gentoo on another drive, grub required?.

2015-09-16 Thread kaptcha
Hi I already got trisquel installed on a drive and I would like to try gentoo  
on another drive, I m very new to linux and I need to check some details  
first; this new drive requires installation of grub?. Or, otherwise the grub  
that I see at the beginning when I turn on my computer will be able to  
recognize and load gentoo previously installed on this new drive?. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel and gentoo on another drive, grub required?.

2015-09-16 Thread GNUtoo
I always have huge doubts regarding the quality/extensiveness of the effects  
of "100% free" settings on non-free distros:
What guarantee me that they go as far as Trisquel and parabola with packages  

I guess that they use the ebuild LICENSE, but will using the "deblob" USE  
flag change iceweasel in iceweasel-libre, blacklist non-free dependencies and  
ajust the other USE flags accordingly, and prevent the suggestion of non-free  
programs, including in the manuals? both require patching the programs.

I personally fear two things:
-> Be mislead and install non-free software without knowing that it's  
non-free, that's why I need the suggestion issue fixed on all the repos I  
use. I don't know all software well so I very strongly prefer to trust the  
distro to do it correctly instead. Suggestion is so vague that it could also  
be in form of a package manager (firefox, iceweasel) or as a dialog "would  
you want to download " with some cryptic language.

-> That part of a package is non-free.

That said Gentoo seem very interesting. I am very attracted by the  
possibilities of customization, but I probably don't have the computing power  
to use it, and I'm waiting for a free version to give a try again.

The downside is that, "verifiable builds" wound probably not come any time  
soon due to the huge number of possible combinations when building gentoo.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-09 Thread onpon4
No. I only ever use Windows if it's on someone else's computer, to freeze  
Python code. What's with the picture?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-09 Thread maestro


Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-09 Thread maestro
don't you find it funny - like super real funny? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-09 Thread onpon4
Not really, I don't get it. It looks like the guy in the picture is angry  
about something or about to shoot someone for some other reason, but why  
would you be angry about other people running proprietary programs on their  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-09 Thread tomlukeywood

i dont

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-09 Thread adw . email


Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-08 Thread tomlukeywood

I rather think you have listening problems.
you mean reading problems


Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-08 Thread davesamcdxv

In case you haven't quite solved the problem yet:

BOOT TO TRISQUEL, PERFORM sudo rm /etc/grub.d/01_PASSWORD  sudo update-grub  

Otherwise, I don't quite understand what you mean by your post. Especially  
life, the world and Money part.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-08 Thread maestro

I think that GNU/Freesoftware is extraordinary ok.
You are right!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-07 Thread davesamcdxv
OK. Have you still got the Trisquel+2 Windows setup you had when you posted  
the thread's 1st post?

If so, don't change anything. Stop dealing with the mount thingies, or trying  
to change the bootloader since you don't need to.

Go to Trisquel, open the Terminal, and copy-and-paste the following:
 sudo rm /etc/grub.d/01_PASSWORD  sudo update-grub

Only if that doesn't work should you try anything else. Full stop.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-07 Thread adw . email
So, it's a known problem? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-07 Thread adw . email

Still, hm, this is what I did:

I had xp and 7 installed,

Tried to install Trisquel from USB

Used option: other/ make own partitionsnot install alongside 7. I choose  
mount at /  not /bootor any of the other options in that drop down menu.

After that Grub failed. All options in the menu failed except start  

This was the only option not asking for a user and pass. 7 boot menu,  
advanced options, edit menu all other options did ask for a user and pass and  
after pressing enter the only thing happening was that the bootmenu was  

So, you say it wasn't my choice of  /  as a mount? I have no idea what else  
it could be.

Always when I install Linux I can't boot Windows afterwards.

Do you know a bootmanager that will find all OS present and put them in a  
menu to boot?

Or do you know where to find a clear instruction on how to manually operate  
Grub to add any operating system present?  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-07 Thread adw . email

I think that GNU/Freesoftware is extraordinary ok. But it has compatibillity  
problems with the whole of the system. I don't mean a computer, but life, the  
world. Maybe this can be an initiative that gets people to think and the rest  
of the system will also be made more like that. I mean a number of very  
important principles of it.

But anyway, how is e.g. money now? Does some sort of at least possible  
amout of money come in? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-06 Thread tomlukeywood

if you must have windows
another option is to use a external hard-drive or usb stick
to run trisquel
and then keep the windows install on your hdd
and then you just boot to the harddrive whenever you use windows

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-06 Thread adw . email

Thank you for your responses so far.

Yes, you are right, I notice it too. It does that sort of thing deliberately.  
But I don't destroy a possession of mine, why it isn't evil and commonly used  
too. I think the manufacturer should be sued for this. Personally I wouldn't  
do this alone at this time but would find others for it first. Possibly that  
company would be undone of all profit it has ever made. Possibly a big debt  
and not even breaking even with the costs it had so far. I'm serious.

If I choose the option: Install alongside Windows 7, where will it get  
harddisk space?

Something was about that, that is why I ask.
To keep this post simple, not too complicated I only ask where it gets  
harddisk space. If you are interested and ask I will say too why this is  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-06 Thread tomlukeywood
 I only ask where it gets harddisk space. If you are interested and ask I  
will say too why this is important.

if you installed them along side each other then you could chose how much  
space each of them get from the hardrive

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-06 Thread adw . email
So what are the basic steps to install W7, XP and Trisquel without a problem  
with Grub that usually causes a boot problem. Windows versions are no longer  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-05 Thread adw . email
I don't think I should do this. There must be a simple reason that blocks it  
from functioning well. Do you know anything about mounting? ''/ '' or  
''/boot''? How influences it if Trisquel will boot?  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-05 Thread adw . email

Hi, I'm going to have a look at it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-05 Thread davesamcdxv
Mounting is something like making a folder take you to a specified partition  
when entered. I think it's got nothing to do with your problem.

I think you should take a look at

It basically amounts to removing or commenting all the lines in the file  
/etc/grub.d/01_PASSWORD , and then running the command update-grub.

Commenting is adding a # at the beginning of a line, and makes the computer  
treat that line as nothing more than a comment (i.e. The computer skips it  
and it's only there for humans to read it, not the computer).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-05 Thread davesamcdxv

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-05 Thread adw . email
So basically, I want to have XP, windows 7 and Trisquel on my pc. I think it  
is wiser to focus on how that is done basically.

XP and w7 were already installed when I installed Trisquel.

I couldn't have used the wrong username and password. I tried the one I made  
during install. I couldn't have used the wrong name/ password. I tried all  
other combinations as well: the name (Trisquel asks for a name and a  
username), and I tried the old username and password from the portable usb  
install. (to try this os). Normally in similar cases elsewhere it won't make  
a difference. And trying something like that is really somewhat dangerous.  
Approaching it this way causes a very heavy weight on me.

XP and w7 are 32 bit. Trisquel is 64 bit. I want to install this exact  

I think the solution is knowing how to install xp, w7 and trisquel on the  
same system.

Does anyone know a tutorial about that? Or can outline the steps? I mean very  
short and basic, and possibly a question about the outline.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-05 Thread davesamcdxv
Based on my understanding you've already got Trisquel and the 2 Windows  
versions installed, so that's actually out of the way already.

Now, on to the problem: The password problem. Is the password problem  
experienced in GRUB (In which case it's not supposed to be there, and is not  
what you set when installing Trisquel)?

If so, does the solution I suggested in my post (the one with a screenshot of  
the solution I was referring to) work?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel: Boot and wXP and w7

2015-03-05 Thread adw . email

Ok, I'm looking at that new link.

Long story short, after using my xp experience edition cd, xp was back (It's  
probably a GNU/Linux legal version of xp, everything else is ripped out,  
starts with approx. 100mb RAM. Windows 7 as well, the RAM-lock is removed by  
the Unawave program, and some other things downloaded it from torrent,  
somehow couldn't find it from the site).

Mistake with 7 cd/// doesn't matter/// in xp I deleted Trisquel and made a  
new swap partition.

I'm going to look at that link now. What I should know is, I think what the  
basic steps are to install Trisquel on a system with 7 and xp as well.

How is this:
1. xp
2. Trisquel - installs grub too
3. 7
4. use a boot program to recover boot. After recovery Grub is the boot  
manager. Boot program: Boot-repair-disk?

I tried it already but it didn't work. It offers to send a report to an  
emailaddress and a reply. I haven't done that yet I think I should.

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