Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread david


For days I've hoped that this thread would end up getting better and that a  
lesson could be learned from all that chaos, but I no longer think it's  
possible to get anything good from letting it grow even longer.

I've moved it from the Trisquel-users forum and I've locked it, but I have  
decided to keep it as it is so it stays as a testament of how bad things can  
get if we don't try to be better.

Please take this thread and its poor results for all involved into account  
when writing again at the forum. Not only because it doesn't help the whole  
community to read, participate or overall waste time in inconclusive  
discussions, but also because it's unlikely that anybody will come out from  
them looking as a better person and/or professional.

Let's be better than this.

Also, please, think about opening new forum threads when you want to talk/ask  
about something only tangentially related to the original subject. Otherwise,  
potentially useful information can easily get hidden.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread contact

@vltr Thank you.

I am not ethical, but want to be. It is in fact hard to be ethical, and this  
should not be so. It should be the easiest thing. I am weak and often  
compromise or participate in things when I know it causes harm, be it the  
environment, sweatshop labor or other things. I ask all of us to do our best.  
People give me gifts of computers powered by Intel and I accepted with  
humility and gratitude. But when I have a choice, I prefer to try to minimize  
harm. If a company I support does well, I try to ask they do the right thing.  
If I was an Apple customer, I would ask they not exploit manufacturning and  
use a tiny, tiny fraction of their billions to try right some wrongs. I am  
often an AMD client and they are quite sick of me as I keep asking them to  
respect Libre software. The best I can do is to try to raise awareness.  
People on this forum are better and more aware than average, even the ones I  
am at odds with. A lively thread this is! Buona Fortuna, we try to minimize  
harm and do our best, eh? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread vltr
Ey little robot, I have been ready some of your post and just to tell you  
that I really enjoy reading them ; )

You look like being a little good robot! I like good people... well in your  
case good robots. Sorry ;D

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread contact
That wasn't a very Lain-like comment. Lain would be a bit more constructive  
in the Wired.

Besides, these laptops take time, resources, and effort to recondition and  

Laptops are underpriced in general, mostly off the backs of exploited labour  
and resources.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread lainxp
Stop shitting up the forums with petty bickering between fsf certified  
companies selling overpriced laptops. Disgusting.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread contact

Hi calher,

Nice to meet an apologist for Israel.

According to UN Resolution 242, you are wrong.
According to Amnesty International, you are wrong:
According to professor Noam Chomsky, you are wrong:
According to Professor Richard Stallman, you are wrong:

The land is in fact, Occupied Palestine. Intel, manufactures on occupied  
land, as mandated by UN Resolutions 242, this makes them blood cpu's and non  
ethical. The people in the occupied territories do not have freedoms and are  
in fact second class citizens. And no, Israelis are not just living there.  
They commit atrocities on an ongoing basis against the indigenous populace.  
If some Israelis are nice enough to write free software manuals or even free  
software, they still need to be called to account for ongoing war crimes and  
crimes against humanity. ( ) Preferably in the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread Caleb Herbert
Vikings, do you offer VPSes yet?

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread dhood
I didn't mean a literal waste of space, I meant that figuratively. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread dhood
If you have an issue with Libreboot (and it sounds like you do) you should  
either use the Libreboot site for support, or if you bought the computer from  
a vendor seek support from that vendor. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread trisquelforum

Hello there,

> It's irrelevant now though

It may be not relevant to you, your initial comment about VAT was factually  
wrong though and I cared to correct it. Suddenly it's "irrelevant", which  
seems counterintuitive.

> Thomas, btw, you're part of that peace deal I offered Tiberiu.

Huh? I'm unsure why we were CC'd in your email, or mentioned by you. I'm not  
part of anything discussed here. Neither is the company I represent (which I  
would like to stress) and I'd like to ask you nicely *again* to leave Vikings  
and me out of your business.

What's more, I don't think it's appropriate to have the discussion that is  
held here in the first place, or the annoying self-adulation by some...  
Clearly both isn't helping any Trisquel user. If anything, it's poisonous and  
it'll put people off this forum.

This will be my only statement in that matter and as a Vikings employee.

On a personal note and as a reader of this forum: I'm tired of these  
Technoethic/Minifree nonsense that surfaces from time to time. You guys can  
be annoying as hell and I wish you weren't.

See you all at the Vikings booth at FOSDEM in 1 1/2 months. K building, right  
next to the FSFE booth. I'm the tall, bearded man.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread Caleb Herbert
Eh, it's not a waste of space.  No more than 1 MiB, surely.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread Caleb Herbert
I just saw this message at 13:02 Eastern Standard Time.  

OK, I won't send any more messages of that nature.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread Caleb Herbert
Running Trisquel on a random machine is not hard.  My first Trisquel
laptop was a random laptop my mom got from Walmart, and it not only
worked with Trisquel, but even the Wi-Fi card inside the laptop was
working just fine.

Someone else I used to know got two random computers and put Trisquel on
them.  He said that both the Wi-Fi and the touch screen worked.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread Caleb Herbert
I fixed it already a while ago, but thanks for the offer.  

I'll see if it comes with Dvorak on my next order.  I'll order by
encrypted email.  (Not any time soon, but whenever I need an additional
computer or this one is too much of a pain to repair.)

Wait.  How do I send encrypted mail if my computer is broken and my GPG
key is on the same computer that will be broken?

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread Caleb Herbert
On Thu, 2017-12-14 at 23:23 +0100, wrote:
> I was joking about Spotify. And yes I'm new to the forums, but everyone has  
> got to start somewhere, right? I am using Windows 10 at the moment, only  
> because of the fact that Microsoft shoves it down my throat. 

Yeah, I get that.  It's definitely a process.

Out of curiosity, have you already installed free programs on top of
Windows 10 to do all the things you need to do?  

You could get used to your new programs in the mean time, until you can
switch operating systems.  This would make the operating system less of
an impact on your workflow.

> Once the Nouveau  
> driver is decent enough to work with my GTX 1050, I'll make the switch to  
> Trisquel (or Parabola). 

What do you mean by "decent enough"?  Will X11 not even show up on the
screen, or are you just trying to do luxurious stuff like playing games?

Sometimes it takes sacrifice to stop people from having unjust power
over you.

> You just tell me which company sells the best system and I'll buy one, okay? 

Both are perfectly fine.  Go ahead and get one.  Choose a seller at
random if you can't decide.  

I personally got mine from Minifree.  It's my only computing device, and
it works very well like any other laptop.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread Caleb Herbert
On Fri, 2017-12-15 at 14:26 +0100, wrote:
> I understand that you just meant what I said, but that you were trying just  
> to simmer down that cat ; )

As I'm sure the person from will agree, we probably
shouldn't simmer down a cat, because that would be non-vegan.  (I'm sure
the person from is vegan, since they're so ethical and

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread info
I believe that it's time to blow the whistle that again the voting system of  
the forum is being abused to hide posts and promote only one's view that has  
been repeated over and over again in a thread. Last time this censorship has  
prompted me and other colleagues to react and vote too in the thread about  
the T400s.

I've made the statements that needed to be made in response to the  
misinformation about Technoethical communicated on the Trisquel forum by  
someone that, contrary to all expectations, might still have some credibility  
left. Having done that, I believe it would be disrespectful to the Trisquel  
community and a waste of time for everyone to read and answer to the many  
recent puerile comments.

This looks like a good way to get this thread back on track:

> Sorry to change the subject but, does anyone know how to turn off thinkpad  
keyboard beeps on Libreboot? Thanks!


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread Caleb Herbert
Boycott the British.  They're the ones who drew those stupid borders.

Jews bought land in Palestine, fair and square, and their neighbors
still used violence and boycotts against them just for living there.

Forget those people.

If people still want to live there, great.  Stay there, but under the
Israeli government.  There are Israelis who are Palestinian, and their
gay sons will be safer growing up in Israel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread fbits
Sorry to change the subject but, does anyone know how to turn off thinkpad  
keyboard beeps on Libreboot? Thanks!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread contact

Ahhh, interesting.  : - )

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread dhood
Flame war, smear campaign...either way my vote is to not allow self promotion  
at all and tightly moderate topics before that become a 4 page long waste of  
space. This is especially true when the topic of the thread has little to do  
with using or building Trisquel. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread dhood
That makes one of us, I think this entire exchange undermines libreboot as a  
project and makes me not trust either vendor. You couldn't pay me to use  
their products at this point. This of course was also completely predictable  
because the exact same flame war has already happened two previous times on  
this forum. If you had read those previous exchanges perhaps you would  
understand why I am so fed up with this off topic b/s.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread contact
It is a fact that getting truly Libre and ethical hardware to run software  
like Trisquel is not that easy. Granted "LibreLeah" may need to hire a PR  
firm, we still learned a lot from this exchange. Some important points were  
raised. Also, keep in mind that entities like TechnoEthical give consistent  
funding to Trisquel through sales, which help all of us. Thank you  
TechnoEthical. Let's go raving soemtime. Glowstix on me.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread enduzzer

It used to be a self promotion thread.

Now, I think, it fits the definition of a smear campaign where the OP has  
been reduced to defend herself against flaming.

A smear campaign is an intentional, premeditated effort to undermine an  
individual's or group's reputation, credibility, and character.

A smear is a simple attempt to malign a group or an individual with the aim  
of undermining their credibility.

Smears often consist of ad hominem attacks in the form of unverifiable rumors  
and distortions, half-truths, or even outright lies.

The target of the smear typically must focus on correcting the false  
information rather than on the original issue.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread dhood
This thread is a self promotion flame war, it in no way advances the cause of  
Trisquel. In fact it hurts it. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread contact
Right, I forgot, Trisquel and laptops running Trisquel, or buying laptops  
that run Trisquel is not Libretech. Got it. Kthanxbye.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread contact
If someone advertises their products as 'ethical' or 'free', it sort of is on  
topic. Sort of like buying 'fair trade' products from the Warsaw Ghetto.  ; -  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread dhood
Right now we are in a thread that goes for pages without even mentioning the  
topic of this forum: Trisquel. This is not a "libretech" forum, it is the  
Trisquel users forum. It is a place where people come to get help using and  
building Trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread vltr
Being nice should be just for the sake of feeling well with oneself as well  
as for the sake of willing truly to get along well with others.

I understand that you just meant what I said, but that you were trying just  
to simmer down that cat ; )

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread vltr
As far as I am concerned, the best company I have experienced buying Libre  
sofware is Technoethical, and I have already by from 3 of those companies.

Welcome to the forum. I was also registered as a new user weeks ago, and you  
are right we also have a right to speak and to exist here.

Good time in the forum! ; )

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread vltr

>This has to stop

What has to stop? Could you explain it? Is the issue about people just  
talking about true facts? Does freedom of expression about true facts hurt  

Think about it? I understand if you feel bad reading this thread, but the  
reason you are feeling bad is not because I began to speak freely about true  
things. I think what clearly hurts here everybody is that environment that is  
created when people began to bull others and try to silence them when they  
just try to speak.

I think that is what it should be stopped: people just bulling others with  
bad manners, when they speak freely about their experience or when they began  
to speak with data about facts.

That is in my opinion what needs to be stopped. As well as the dictatorship  
of people trying to silence by others when these latter are speaking  
legitimately about something that happened and that is completely real.

>Leah is trying to make peace with you... despite everything that is  

>Please make peace

The thing is that I do not think he needs to make peace with anyone, because  
as far as I see he is not in war with anyone here.

He should just try to get along well with everybody as we should do...But  
that is nothing new, because in my opinion that is what he has been trying to  
do since he is here.

On the other side, I completely understand that he has not answered yet,  
because maybe he is working for real trying to build a company and trying to  
have his customers satisfied. When we have placed our orders with him we just  
got amazed as how quickly he answered every query...and now we understand  
that one of the reasons is evidently the fact that he steak to the important  
things and do not waste his time just trying to defend its company in a  
forum. If I am not mistaken, that is the policy of what he wants to build  
true products of quality and premier customer service and not just

And also I understand that he might feel enough hurt already because of many  
of you, just not to continue forever answering a no sense. The patience of  
people has certain limits.

If you read well all the previous threads, as I have been reading for very  
long, Tiberiu is always trying to get along well with all others. Maybe in  
some of the things he said in the past could have been more correct, but  
honestly it is normal that from time to time you had an occasion when you are  
less correct when you have in front of you people who is able just to deny  
evidences to

It is just me or it seems that there is a kind of dictatorship in this forum  
when something is in favour of Technoethical? Surely I am talking about the  
moderators...On the contrary they look to be great. I am talking about a  
possible case of fanaticism among some of its members who seems to feel  
personally irritated just because others speak about certain facts or just  
because others are doing well on businesses.

Please, we live in a civilized world who is trying to cope currently with a  
large enough number of fanatic people. Steak to reason and good manners and  
do not contribute to degenerate it more. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread enduzzer

"Kafkaesque" comes to mind.

 "What's Kafkaesque," [...] "is when you enter a surreal world in which all  
your control patterns, all your plans, the whole way in which you have  
configured your own behavior, begins to fall to pieces, when you find  
yourself against a force that does not lend itself to the way you perceive  
the world.

"You don't give up, you don't lie down and die. What you do is struggle  
against this with all of your equipment, with whatever you have. But of  
course you don't stand a chance. That's Kafkaesque." 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread calmstorm

This has to stop, you are making her and yourself look bad.

We should be working together to make free software more available, not  
flaming each other... and frankly, Leah is trying to make peace with you...  
despite everything that is happening...

Please make peace for the sake of the free software community. that is my  
first and last request from you and then just stop flaming people in general.  
Whether it is fact or fiction this does nothing for you or anyone else!

Please... Tiberiu

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread info


I know you mean well, but I wish for everything to de-escalate, or otherwise  
not re-escelate.

I don't think vltr meant anything particularly nasty by it. They were simply  
referring to my gender. Let's not turn this into another war, please :)

The war is over.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread info

Godwins law aside, let's not go down that road.
Besides, it's off-topic to the thread.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-15 Thread info

Calher, I know you mean well, but please let's not re-escelate things.

This is not a war worth having. The fighting has stopped, and that's all that  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread Caleb Herbert
On Tue, 2017-12-12 at 13:29 +0100, wrote:
> Minifree is also extremely generous in the cases where there are problems. 

As a customer, I can say that this is true.

Caleb Herbert
OpenPGP public key:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread Caleb Herbert
On Wed, 2017-12-13 at 09:18 +0100, wrote:
> Indeed. As previously stated, Minifree offers a 2 year warranty on all  
> orders. 

The warranty is more than great.

Caleb Herbert
OpenPGP public key:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread Caleb Herbert
On Wed, 2017-12-13 at 22:02 +0100, wrote:
> And it's not  
> Leah whose doing the bullying. It's a man's world, after all.

Tiberiu is doing the bullying, but this is not gender-related.  

Please avoid saying that people always do things to a victim because of
their identity.

Someone stole my quarter the other day when I dropped it on the floor.
They must be one of those people who first spend all their time figuring
out who's gay and who's not before they pick up someone's lost coins.  A
lot of those people exist, you know.  They're called fag snags.

If you think anything I've said here is disrespectful to women, I dare
you to speak to all the women who've raised me.

Caleb Herbert
OpenPGP public key:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread Caleb Herbert
Haha, I want to frame this.  It's hilarious.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread Caleb Herbert
On Thu, 2017-12-14 at 18:47 +0100, wrote:
> I am also a  
> ThinkPenguin client and really like their wifi dongles. When I started using  
> Trisquel for laptops, they really saved me.

It's too bad that most Wi-Fi hotspots require running proprietary
software to access.  You know, those annoying web portals that don't
work without JavaScript?

I'm working on taking my workflow offline.  The Internet cannot be
trusted.  I'm offline right now, and it's glorious.

Caleb Herbert
OpenPGP public key:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread Caleb Herbert
Richard Stallman says he just gets extended battery packs.  It seems to
work for his long travels.

I use my boyfriend's adaptor and plug my laptop into the cigarette
lighter in the car.  This is how I'm responding to email and writing
this at the moment.

(BTW, email > forums.  Offline > online.) :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread Caleb Herbert
OK.  For once, I'm going to make an SJW rant rather than protest one.

On Thu, 2017-12-14 at 03:03 +0100, wrote:
> I think it is better  
> just to create a whole thread for people for people being able to speaks  
> openly about their experiences with Minifree without them being called things 
> by this lady.

Normally I don't buy into "they did this because they're $IDENTITY", but
this particular phrase looks oddly similar to something I heard when
some of my family members get mad at a black person on the highway:
"that ** cut me off!"

It's OK to be mad at somebody, but it's NOT okay to bring their identity
into it.

Being black has nothing to do with cutting people off on the highway.
It should not be mentioned when you insult the jerk who cut you off.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread Caleb Herbert
I wonder if all this thread is just a game meant to distract and delay
Minifree. :(

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info

Hi calher,

I apologize for this oversight.

If this issue still affects you, here's how to rectify it:
* dump the ROM using flashrom
* extract grub.cfg using cbfstool
* change "keymap ukqwerty" in grub.cfg to "keymap ukdvorak" (I recall that I  
shipped you UK Dvorak)
* reinsert the grub.cfg using cbfstool, this time with ukdvorak specified in  

* flash the modified ROM

This guide shows how to modify grub.cfg in the Libreboot ROM that is flashed:

If you want me to provide support for this, I'm happy to. My IRC handle on  
freenode is _4of7

Ping me any time you like (NOTE: During December, I'm not looking at IRC  
much, due to heavy workload, but I take time off during the weekends).


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread gert . otten . 1998
I was joking about Spotify. And yes I'm new to the forums, but everyone has  
got to start somewhere, right? I am using Windows 10 at the moment, only  
because of the fact that Microsoft shoves it down my throat. Once the Nouveau  
driver is decent enough to work with my GTX 1050, I'll make the switch to  
Trisquel (or Parabola). I still have plans on getting a fully free system.  
You just tell me which company sells the best system and I'll buy one, okay? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info

The fifth rule is, one flash chip at a time

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info

The best revenge is to be nice, so that everyone wins.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread contact
@calher  To help you out a little, because it does not seem to getting  
through, that fellow's image you use for an avantar says to pick the ethical  
choice over the convenient choice. While certainly convenience may be easy in  
the short term, in the long term it does more damage.

If that fellow is not convincing enough for you, then maybe this fellow will  
help too:

Some reading to educate yourself:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread contact
Oh wait! I get it! The First Rule of Free Soft and Free Hardware. YOU DO NOT  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread contact
How is offering Libretech running Libresoft off topic? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread shiretoko

They threatened me also legally, multiple times.
They're threatening a lot...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread Caleb Herbert
On Thu, 2017-12-14 at 03:32 +0100, wrote:
> When I read things like this from Leah, I just get amazed... Honestly I have  
> no words. Do you think you are Angela Channing in a Falcon Crest episode?

Can you provide clips/episodes of the reference you are making?

Caleb Herbert
OpenPGP public key:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread Caleb Herbert
On Wed, 2017-12-13 at 11:46 +0100, wrote:
> This is why I try to get people to review  
> elsewhere.

Review of Minifree:

The laptop came in good condition, and replacement parts have always
been provided with technical support on installation.  Sometimes, I'd
get a bigger hard drive than ordered, which was a bonus.

I could never get my firmware of choice flashed, though.  I had to type
in QWERTY in GRUB, which confused me.  I thought I specified Dvorak UK.

Caleb Herbert
OpenPGP public key:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread dhood
Ya, that isn't a solution. Never mind that this shouldn't be an problem in  
the first place. You wouldn't go to a car dealer to buy soap, it makes  
equally no sense to entertain many of the very off topic threads here in this  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread contact
The Third Reich also made great strides in cancer research. IBM also worked  
with the Third Reich to help with computer development and data processing. I  
am sure someone like you said the exact same thing when all that went down.   
:  - )   Or is it that some humans are more equal than others in your world? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread enduzzer

I understand and I know your intentions are all good.

They are not interested in "peace", not with you. They want make you look  
bad. Stop giving them ammo by replying to trollish posts that are aimed at  
tilting your healthy mental state of mind.

You must keep up the good work, only reply to genuine posts and carry on.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread Caleb Herbert
On Wed, 2017-12-13 at 10:37 +0100, wrote:
> It's also probably why you don't have reviews on your website,  
> nor accept payment by card. PayPal could confirm this, but not without a  
> court order.

It is not good to have PayPal on a web store.  It is a proprietary
program, and providing it to users would be distribution and endorsement
of proprietary software.

Caleb Herbert
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Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info
The purpose of my peace offer is to prevent such incidences as in this thread  
in the future.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread Caleb Herbert
Free software requires free manuals.  There are no ifs, ands or buts
about it.

If you think the software that prepares GNU manuals for publication is
too inhumane, then I encourage you to write a more humane replacement.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread enduzzer
Leah, I hope you do realize that you cannot bargain with them. Their goal is  
to remove you.

It has all and everything to do with this:

...being involved in this important movement means having to deal with a  
leader that has a record of instability. But it doesn't have to continue to  
be this way. Leaders have power until we stop granting it to them.

That's why they are instigating people to sign up for Trisquel to air a  
complaint so that they can challenge you with "evidence".

It's a thinly veiled ploy to destabilize you so you'll crack up and the rest  
will be easy.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info
bandicooty98 I put an end to it all. See end of thread. I offered a deal with  
the other companies so that we don't be hostile towards each other, and  
instead compete in a friendly manner more or less, instead of attacking each  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread contact
I am sure these vendors will be drowned out once Trisquel 8 comes out. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread enduzzer

Says a brand new member of some three hours. Good going.

Why bother registering here if all you have to say is endorse Spotify?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread gert . otten . 1998
Okay... No FSF-Approved system for me. I thought the free software community  
was one of the few places on this damn planet that hadn't gone bad yet. I'll  
just go with the flow: I've bought a shiny new Windows 10 laptop. I seriously  
had plans on buying a libre system... But this kind of ruined it. But as the  
whole world is getting worse and worse... Like I said, I'll just go with the  
flow :)

P.S.: Spotify works great!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread dhood
I am not saying that many of these off topic threads lack value, I am simply  
saying this isn't the right place to have them. Specifically the community  
around Libreboot (including vendors) should have their own forum at this  
point, their users/customers are not getting the support they need and it is  
undermining the Trisquel forum's usefulness to boot.

This community has permitted general freedom related posts for some time, but  
i have noticed in the last few months that we have tipped over the point  
where those topics have just completely sacked the forum and represent the  
majority of the posts. That is not helpful to Trisquel users looking for  
support with Trisquel.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread contact


Some good things came out of this, though. I learned a bit more about  
technoethical and minifree's offerings. Minifree may now consider other forms  
of laptops rather than just Intel CPU's. Both Minifree and Technoethical are  
vying to work harder than the other for the customer and free software. This  
is effing great! The customers are winning here.

It is perhaps too bad that they are overseas from North America. I am also a  
ThinkPenguin client and really like their wifi dongles. When I started using  
Trisquel for laptops, they really saved me.

Oh hey, this also looks really cool and promising.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info

Minifree is VAT registered and I understand the mechanics.
Yes, but import tax in many countries is lower than VAT in the typical EU  
country. From what I've seen, countries typically charge something like 10%,  
or less, sometimes slightly higher. VAT is relatively high in the EU.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread shiretoko
Leah, everybody who follows the forum knows exactly what kind of people  
technoethical are, so you can completely relax.
We saw what steps they are willing to take, and it's frightening, to say the  
It's amusing for me to watch this thread with those "mysterious" customers  
and forum members who suddenly speak up in favor of technoethical, but  
normally never take part in any conversation.

Really, you can just ignore it. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread dhood
I have seen such sub-forums and it could be a good revenue stream for  
Trisquel eventually, I'd be open to that. Currently though this place is a  
free for all and it seriously undermines the forums usefulness to actual  
Trisquel users. We need to establish norms before entertaining some formal  
vendor section. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread enduzzer
On many other forums, businesses can only advocate their presence and  
products under dedicated subforums. This usually involves paying or  
sponsoring the site where the said advertizing takes place.

On these subforums, only the business owners have the right to post messages.

Airing dealer or vendor grievances should be discouraged or outright  
prohibited because their usefulness or trustworthness can be argued and they  
tend to escalate into he said-she said arguments that can damage the  
community if permitted to go on.

Some people confuse vendor grievances for "reviews". A review cannot be  
criticism-only, since there must be an upside to everything. Even the darkest  
cloud can have a silver lining. Reviews should be much more thorough and  
adhere to principles of decent fairness. We should always assume good faith  
even if something has gone against our expectations. We should give vendors a  
chance to rectify and amend their shortcomings.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info
I really hope Tiberiu accepts it. Even if he doesn't, I'm sure as heck going  
to stay out of his way from now on.

All this fighting has been completely pointless. It alienates our customer  
base, which then hurts both of our companies. Not to mention, we were both  
being completely unprofessional.

I think cooperation will serve both of us well. But let's see what  
Technoethical says in response to it. I have no ulterior motive behind it,  
other than wanting to live my life in peace and focus on my work, and, you  
know, not be stressed all the time fighting people :S

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread vltr
Thank you, Leah. I accept your apology, and honestly I am very happy to read  
this latter post from you :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info

Hi vltr,

My offer to Tiberiu and Technoethical is a genuine one. I'm not going to  
argue with you on anything that you've said in your post, for I am waiting on  
Tiberiu's response to my offer.

And yes, I apologize for my previous hostilities towards you. As stated in  
another reply to you in this thread, I'm willing to do what is necessary to  
make amends (this has always been my intention). If you wish to receive a  
refund for you order, please send me your order info via email, and your  
wiring instructions.

Btw, I'm curious to hear what you think my problem is. Feel free to say it in  
a reply, or in a PM, whatever you wish. This is strictly morbid curiosity,  
and you do not have to comply with this request.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info
I do actually try to provide the best possible service. But yes, I apologize  
fully for me behaviour towards you in this thread.

Once again, I take full responsibility. If you wish your order be refunded,  
then I'm happy to provide one (as I always have been). Please send me your  
wiring instructions and original order information.

Please also see my offer of peace to Tiberiu:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread dhood
This thread is a great example of why self promotion should not be allowed  
here and that there should be a off topic lounge where threads can be  
banished to/purged from if they have nothing to do with Trisquel or receiving  
support for Trisquel users. This forum needs rules that are strictly enforced  
that are in keeping with people seeking support with using Trisquel. If that  
was done this list would be 1,000% easier to moderate AND use.

Right now we have users posting about completely unconnected distros, self  
promotion, accessing porn services, and political rants. This all buries  
legitimate inquiries about Trisquel and is part of the reason there are so  
many repeat threads, they get buried off the main page almost immediately by  
totally unrelated posts.

Minifree and technoethical should have their own support forums and stop  
stomping on Trisquels. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread vltr

Not true, you called that thing to yourself:

>It's obvious to me that Tiberiu asked you to do this. The timing is too  
perfect. I mean call me paranoid but... yeah.

>I demand an apology.

Well, I also would like to have an apology from you. If you have treated me  
with due respect in this forum just letting me express peacefully my  
experience I would have not felt compelled to reply you. But no, you just  
began inventing things about how you dealt with my order, calling me things,  
defaming me, tying me not to speak even by the means of trying to buy me...  
too much!

>One of my customers, whose order I did genuinely screw up

Future customers of Minifree, this is what you can expect from Leah! If it  
happens that your order become an horrible experience as ours you will can  
expect being called things publicly in a forum, tried to be silenced with bad  
practices, etc... if you just share with others what happened to you.

>You have repeatedly lied, slandered and attacked Minifree, all for your own  
commercial gain.

He did not do any of those neither. Are you able to speak about things with  
honesty and fairness, please?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread vltr
Is it not too late for trying to become friend of people that you have tried  
to hurt?

I have been reading Trisquel forums for long and you always do the same with  
Tiberiu, you try to say the worst about him and Technoethical but later when  
things are evident and facts become to get against you ... Then you change  
your mind "Tiberiu I really appreciate you...", "Tiberiu we should get along  
well..." "We are similar to Technoethical", etc...

However every time soon after Tiberiu lower his guard against you, you began  
attacking himself and Technoethical again.

And this is just an eternal and exhausting situation.

Do you thing people are going to be eternally having pity on you? Just make  
thing easier beginning to treat people with respect without inventing things  
about them and without calling them things.

>Tiberiu, I'm serious. I believe we would both be better served working with  
each other, instead of fighting.

The point is that you are always the one beginning fights, not allowing  
others to speak nor to share real facts.

I am really concerned because I am beginning to appreciate what is your real  
problem. It is a real one. However I will not name it hear, because I have  
true respect for good people who share your problem.

Please, just try to be a good person, and people who you think are against  
you will not have to be exhaustingly defending themselves from you. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info
Another idea: why not do a Christmas Giving Guide on, every  
year? Similar to the FSF one, but focused entirely on Libreboot (FSF one also  
covers other devices).

It's probably too late to do one this year, but we could do it next year.

Tiberiu, I'm serious. I believe we would both be better served working with  
each other, instead of fighting. We could also go further beyond the  
agreement; for instance, if someone is asking about a product that one of us  
doesn't sell, we recommend the other supplier.

So for instance, Minifree doesn't sell the X200 Tablet. If someone asks about  
that, I'll tell them about your X200T product.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info
If the deal is agreed on, I'm going to call it the united federation of  
libreboot suppliers, in my head.


I just want to focus on my work, and not fight with anyone.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread trisquelforum
> So you can either stay small and not register for VAT, or get big and have  
to register for VAT - and charge more to your EU customers - or lower your  
price. Tough call.

Oh dear, that's not how it works. If you register for VAT because you have to  
or because you voluntarily do doesn't necessarily change your pricing. In  
return you can reclaim any VAT that you are charged with when you pay for  
goods and services. Basically, in the regard of your price calculation, it  
doesn't matter much if you're VAT registered or not.

Not to mention that private buyers outside the EU will have to pay their  
locally valid import tax for most goods.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread enduzzer

I'm amazed that Leah is still trying to reason with them, negotiate.

You should pay them no attention. All they are ever going to do is take your  
words, twist them and throw them back at you in some awfully garbled form  
that bears no semblance to the meaning of your message.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info
Hi everyone. In the interest of transparency, I will publish this email I  
have just now sent to Technoethical, in an attempt to de-escelate and end all  
of these hostilities:

To: Tiberiu-Cezar Tehnoetic
From: Leah Rowe
Subject: peace deal
Cc: Vikings ,,
 Free Software Foundation , John Sullivan
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2017 11:59:38 +
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Hash: SHA256

Hi Tiberiu,

This email is in my capacity as the director of Minifree, and not in
any way as a member of the Libreboot project.

I'm CC'ing my other competitors aswell, aswell as the FSF, in the
interest of both transparency and fairness. I do not wish for this to
be negotiated in secret between us.

I'm really not happy with your behaviour on the recent Trisquel thread
about Minifree's Libreboot X200 re-launch. That being said, I
understand why you would do it. I'm also guilty of rotten behaviour ther

I will not ask you to apologize. I will simply forgive you, whether
you're sorry or not.

For avoidance of doubt, I refer to this thread:

What I'm about to propose has a single premise in mind: to end any
hostilities or tensions between the 4 of us (minifree, technoethical,
vikings, libiquity). I'm not asking for us to work together, I'm
simply asking that we stop being hostile with each other.

I get it, I really do. But I don't want it to continue. I have a
proposal which I believe will benefit both of us. Please consider it:

I link to Technoethical on Minifree
You link to Minifree on Technoethical

This will benefit both of us. You have strengths over Minifree, and
Minifree has strengths over you. We link to each other, and let people

By doing this, we both get more publicity. Minifree has quite a lot of
exposure on search engines and blogs. You would get more visitors to
your website.

I will also link to Vikings and Libiquity - whether or not they then
link to Minifree is irrelevant to me, but I hope they will.

The 3 of you already have this deal going between all of you, of
linking to each other. Basically, I propose to join this team, so that
the 4 of us cooperate in this manner.

We both announce our new alliance-of-sorts, publicly, in the X200
thread on Trisquel forums, and agree to cooperate from now on.

It may also be preferable to announce a brand new thread for this. We
both then stop responding on the Trisquel thread where the dispute
recently occured.

We also both agree not to respond in the X200 thread anymore. I will
eventually, perhaps, start a new thread. I'm planning several changes
to Minifree in the run-up to christmas, including changes to the X200.

If I do start that new thread, I will put a footnote in the bottom
saying this:

PS: These companies also sell the X200. They are also good
alternatives to Minifree:
technoethical, vikings, libiquity

As much as possible, I will try not to step on your toes at all. So
for instance, I won't say "Minifree is cheaper than Technoethical".
I'll simply focus on Minifree, and as much as possible, try not to
focus on you at all, or on others for that matter. You will also do
the same.

This is not to say that we won't compete. Of course we'll do that. We
will simply acknowledge each others existence and respect each other
to the best of our abilities, and not try to attack each other in any wa

The fighting must end. It is damaging not just our companies, but also
the community at large. I'm proposing that we at least be civil with
each other.

I leave this with you to consider. I will execute my part of this deal
immediately, if you agree.

PS: Even if you reject this deal, I will still play my part and try
not to anger you anymore. The last thing I want to do is fight with
you. It causes me endless stress, and I'd rather focus on more
important things. I have my own priorities, such as Minifree and
Libreboot, but also many others. It is illogical to fight.

- --
Leah Rowe

Libreboot developer and project founder.

Use free software. Free as in freedom.

Use a free BIOS -
Use a free operating system, GNU+Linux.

Support computer user freedom -

Minifree Ltd, trading as Ministry of Freedom | Registered in England,
No. 9361826 | VAT No. GB202190462
Registered Office: 19 Hilton Road, Canvey Island, Essex SS8 9QA, UK |



Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info
I'm about to send you an email. I'm also going to announce the email on this  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info
I got tired of Leah underestimating everyone's capacity to judge for  
themselves if something is true or not, based on facts.

It's ridiculous how she considers that we're all morons and that we'll simply  
take her word despite what we see with our own eyes.

I'm also tired of having to come forward to make statements to correct her.  
I've been a free software activist for the past 11 years, but I'm deeply  
sorry that being involved in this important movement means having to deal  
with a leader that has a record of instability. But it doesn't have to  
continue to be this way. Leaders have power until we stop granting it to  


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info
Alternatively, I'm right, and your response is - and vltr's supporting  
comment - is a desperate attempt at denial.

You two are in perfect sync, both in the timing of your posts, and in the  
things you say, and the attitudes that you have.

This is mere speculation. It's impossible to prove my theory or to disprove  
it, but it's plausible. It's also likely that my accusation would be denied  
by the accused. It's only natural.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info

Just for the record, for clarity, I want to say what happened:

* Technoethical tried to trash Minifree in this thread, suggesting that  
Minifree provides poor quality service/products
* One of my customers, whose order I did genuinely screw up - yes, mistakes  
happen, sometimes. they are none - does the same thing as Technoethical,  
recounting their negative experience. This serves to give the impression that  
every Minifree customer will have the same rotten experience as they did.

In reality, what it actually does is exploit a little thing known as  
"confirmation bias". In reality, this customer wouldn't accept a refund, even  
though one was offered. I would have given one immediately, as I do with  
every other customer who wants one. They then went on a continued,  
concentrated angry crusade against me.

They then tried to astroturf, along with Tiberiu, by calling me paranoid etc  
or claiming that I believed there was some mad conspiracy by the world  
against me.

No. It's just 1 person along with Technoethical who have tried to trash this  
thread. Had they not interfered, the thread would be going along smoothly.

And btw, my sales are still zero since December 11th. Not because any of what  
vltr or Technoethical have said is actually true, but because they made  
others think that it is.

Let me re-phrase that: a hostile competitor may very well have damaged my  
company, by spreading slander about mine, on this forum.

I do not appreciate this. For their sake, I hope I'm not right.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info

Yes, this ^

This former customer of mine does not appreciate the great lengths I've gone  
to to make things right, with their order, one of those few rare ones I mess  
up on - which I've admitted I messed up several times.

Instead of being happy, they went an an angry crusade against me trying to  
suggest that everyone will have the same bad experience as them. If that were  
true, Minifree would have stopped doing business a long time ago.

Hell I'd probably even be in prison, instead of defending myself against this  
troll on the Trisquel forums.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-14 Thread info

Actually, no. It's just you and Tiberiu against me. Nobody else.

But you've tried to turn others against me, by painting Minifree as being  
worse than it is. You've repeatedly spread FUD against my company, and I hope  
that the negative effect of everything you and Tiberiu have done in this  
thread is not permanent.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread vltr
>I'll be very aggressively shipping my X200s this week, as many of them as I  
can, and I'll be bringing people here to write positive reviews about their  
laptops that they've bought.

When I read things like this from Leah, I just get amazed... Honestly I have  
no words. Do you think you are Angela Channing in a Falcon Crest episode?

It is not about shipping aggressively, but just about shipping laptops with a  
minimum level of quality, which are clean, with a working administrative  
password, not written with tippex, treating customers in a good manner,  
answering their emails, and so on... Do you think you can take the challenge?  
I am not confident you can, but certainly I encourage you to do so. Cheer up!  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread masonhock
I'm sorry this happened again, Leah. Thanks so much for all of your hard  
work. I'm glad that a variety of vendors can ethically distribute  
freedom-respecting laptops that you made possible.

Forum posts do not seem to be the best medium for providing information about  
products from any of these vendors. Perhaps adverts like ThinkPenguin's would  
be a better way of informing the Trisquel community.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread vltr

>Get real. The history of events:

I also share the view that everything happened in the way that Tiberiu said.

>Oh Leah, I read the kinds of you like open books. Stop this nonsense, get  
real and do better job for the customers that trust you. Don't wait for them  
to complain (request to replace) to treat them well (prepare a good  
replacement). And you'll see you'll not get so many complaints any more. Take  
my advice, the way you're doing business will not scale. Because you are  
rising artificially on a growing pile of skeletons (old orders) that keep  
cracking underneath you and you need to take care of them. Because people  
don't stay silent forever.

I am also having the impression that this is the kind of business model that  
this company is promoting, and I also share the view that it is not  
sustainable over time. You expressed it here in a very poetic sense :D ...  
very appropriate for Leah's self created drama.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread vltr
Zotis, I completely share your appreciation about Minifree business model  
just caring about making profit.

I am not agaisnt that. But business can be made and should be made with nice  
manners and not with bad business practices and as far as I am concerned, I  
do not see any of them present in Minifree's activty.

Your English is fine. Where are you from? If you speak Spanish I invite you  
to participate in the future post that I am planning to write about Minifre.  
As long as Leah complains about us speaking here freely, I think it is better  
just to create a whole thread for people for people being able to speaks  
openly about their experiences with Minifree without them being called things  
by this lady.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread enduzzer

This is getting totally out of hand. Ridiculously predictable, though.

You call refund and free replacement "buying silence"?

A business has no other obligation. Leah has gone to great lengths to amend  
her mistake and yet you fail to appreciate anything that she's been doing to  
set things right. She's reached out to you and you fail to recognize her true  

You pretend to be butt-hurt and go on with this crusade like no end and  
refuse to accept an apology.

There's no business in the world that has a magic wand to turn back time.

Take it or leave it but please come to your senses. There are customers and  
there are shills. Take your pick.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread vltr
Of course you did not refunded me and we do not want a refund now. We just  
wanted to tell our experience. Are you able to deal with that once and for  

Stop misleading people who just read one post and not the whole thread  
inventing constantly the facts of the case.

I have made everything clear many times in this thread, but seems that you  
just try to leave some lies here and there just for misleading anyone not  
able to read the whole thread.

Are you asking so many times about the same for real? What kind of business  
manager are you not being able to recall exactly the facts of the case and  
inventing them in from of others.

Stop mistreating your customers, this time trying to buy their silence.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread vltr
Why should I answer you whenever you want about whatever you want having into  
account that you did not reply the emails we sent you nor to the calls we  
made you for over 12 days?

Even more, how are you able to manage a business if you are not able to bring  
back to you the facts of the case? Tiberiu has less information than you but  
he is able to know about his order with us. Technoethical caring more for  
their orders and customers? I would say so.

I have nothing more to clarify, not say nothing more to speak to you. As I  
have said multiple times in this thread you never tried to solve the  
situation. You never offered a replacement, refund or whatever until few days  
 we wrote our review here, nor hence we were able to decline any of those  

Have some rest, take it easy and care more about your orders and customers in  
the future.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread contact
Have to disagree on that policy, the whole point is Libre tech. If a company  
is making false claims, such as they are Libre, and then turn out to be not  
so Libre, we need to know. If someone is using blood CPU's. that is pretty  
important. Remember, Richard Stallman got arrested by ATI (now a part of AMD)  
for protesting their non-free drivers. Same goes with AMD not having drivers  
like Nouveau to help free as in freedom tech. The whole point of Trisquel is  
free (as in freedom) tech and by definition, not engaging in opressive  
practices, either in the design or fabrication phase. If you do not  
publically identify demonstrable, verifiable (not fake news) wrong doing  
here, that is taking a step backwards. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread leestrobel
Yes, this is really silly. If people have a customer grievance, then they  
should really take it up in private.

It's not healthy for the free-software community to be backbiting each other  
like this :-(

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info

I literally do not defraud or deceive my customers.

I literally ship every order, or refund when requested.

The comments by this person and Tiberiu in this thread are blatant,  
consistent, concentrated attacks against me.

I ship almost every order, in good time, and the products that I sell are of  
decent quality. I occasionally make mistakes, like anyone, so one or two  
customers get a faulty product or I somehow forget to ship their order... it  
happens. Not often, but it does.

It happened with this person. They complained to me. In the event, I very  
likely refunded them, but they're not revealing this. Or I hurried up their  
order and shipped it immediately.

I also apologized, in this thread...

I'll provide it.

vltr: So, if I understand correctly from your post, are you now admitting  
that you never had me refund you?

Yes or no: did I refund you.
If the answer is no, please send me your wiring instructions immediately, via  
email, and I'll refund you.

Don't believe me? Send that email.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread ablocorrea
No, I'm not and you are right, I'm sort of new in this forum (not first time  
in a public forum, though). I just have been getting more and more nervous  
about this conversation going nowhere and getting harmful, while at the same  
time the conversation stopped being respectful at some point.

I apologize if I wasn't polite myself or if what I said led to confusion.

I just believe that in this same forum there's a "English Trisquel GNU/Linux  
users forum" and a "formerly called "the troll hole", this place has aged  
nicely and sometimes provides a cozy environment for off-topic conversations.  
Also trolling --just not all the time--. Visitors are still encouraged to be  
at least civic." and it should be respected, that's what they are for.  
However, you are right that I'm not the one that should take care of that  
being respected, sorry for it, I won't do it again.

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