Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-05-24 Thread mcz
OK, next episode: I learned about lsmod and insmod (or modprobe). no  
kryptodisk.mod, nor crypto.mod nor luks.mod (if it even exists) isn't in the  
GRUB image I've built.

That is despite me writing cryptodisk as a module to add before building.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-05-21 Thread mcz


Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-05-21 Thread greatgnu

Oh my! Necroing. Not 'calmstorm'.
What has this forum become?
I'm shocked. I'm gone now! :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-05-21 Thread mcz
Back at this soul eating project: adding "cryptodisk" to GRUB2_EXTRA_MODULES  

Plus I accidentally erased my proprietary chip/rom.
Thankfully, I can boot the liveCD from the SeaBIOS rom, so I can still fix  

I thought I need to add the .mod extension, but it doesn't seem I need to.

I have an idea: I can try and find the grub2.elf file from my working  
libreboot laptop, and put it inside the rom instead.

Wait. Where is it looking for the .mod files?
The disk is encrypted, and I need the cryptodisk.mod to open it.
It's supposed to be in /boot/grub/i386-pc/.

Can you confirm this might be related to the fact that /boot is encrypted?
If so, what can I do? I basically locked myself out, and the key is inside.
I could break in from the LiceCD, but what to do there?

Help please!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-16 Thread mcz
Most likely solution is to add missing modules to grub, like cryptodisk.mod  
at least (thanks to the people at #coreboot. Hey, did the guys at Twitter get  
the # thing from irc?).

I need to modify the Kcinfig file before rebuilding grub, and re-insert it in  
the rom, which I need to reflash.

It might have cost me the whole day, but at least most of the install is  
done. hopefully this is the last main hurdle.

I'd really like to configure Seabios to boot directly into grub, if possible.  
There must be at least a boot order config.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-16 Thread mcz
OK, now the install is all done (although it was without internet connection,  
so a few things are missing).

And now, surprise: cryptomount -a doesn't work.
After recovering from my hopes being crushed, I tried to ask the web. No  

it says:
"error: file '/boot/grub/i386-coreboot/cryptodisk.mod' not found"

It crypto-makes no sense to me. Though I've seen a similar error above (I  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-16 Thread mcz
OK, So one single large partition on each 3 drives, but they're taken as 3  
different volumes, which is fine.

Put in practice, it does mean three passphrases.

Since I found no simple guide to do this, I'll just try and see if putting  
the same passphrase for the 3 drives is gonna prompt trice. Hopefully not.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-16 Thread mcz
Back at it, Seabios doesn't go automatically to GRUB anymore. I have to hit  
ESC, which only now displays a list (GRUB included). I better get the right  

I didn't change anything since last time, so I don't know why it displays the  
list now. This calls for some Seabios tweaking since I want it to reach the  
payload by default.

some questions remain:
- can I create an arbitrarily named mount point for a drive, like /data?  
Seems I can.

- can I install without internet connection?
- Can I unify all my disks with a single LUKS passphrase while assigning a  
specific mount point to a specific volume groupe/physical volume? (seems I  
can for the last part)

I guess I'll just go by trial and error. New disks, no erasing, so not much  
time involved.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-13 Thread mcz
Far from perfect, but I managed to configure the rom so grub is chainloaded  
from Seabios, as advised.

And I managed to boot into text install (gotta pick up vmlinuz and initd in  
the install folder instead of live folder, which would directly boot on the  
live desktop (no selection menu).

Minor issues:
There's no way to reach GRUB if I boot with the liveCD inside.
And I do have a 30 seconds delay, though it's the lates Coreboot rom. How  
come ?
Also my GRUB is lacking some kind of font since question marks are there  
instead of arrows and the frame.

Else I didn't try to boot with an external soundcard plugged in yet.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-10 Thread mcz
Ok, forget chainloading, it needs the BIOS (and I want to boot from Coreboot  
with GRUB2) (thanks to #coreboot for the info).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-10 Thread mcz

Ok, so it seems it accepts this, but it's stuck at the boot command:
grub> set root='(optical drive)'
grub> linux /path_to/vmlinuz root=/path_to/vmlinuz
grub> initrd /path_to/initrd.img
grub> boot

replace /path_to with /live, since this is where the files are on the Debian  
If there's a mistake, it's on the second line, starting from root=. Not sure  
what to put there.

I'll try chainloading isolinux.bin.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-09 Thread mcz

Yes, I think I can try.
I'm out of options.

I'll boot with the BIOS, make a quick install on the drive, and copy the grub  
folder from my working computer if I have to.

Problem is, can I start a new install then? Or will I have to boot from CD  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-09 Thread lilos1
You can install on other PC then change HDD no problem if you use standart  
kernel and mesa.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-09 Thread mcz
Maybe it's simpler if I do a quick install on the drive with the proprietary  
BIOS first.

In theory, I'd be able to boot. From there I can try to reinstall.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-09 Thread mcz

OK, inserting a folder named etc with grub.cfg inside worked.

But (aside from having question marks in place of missing icons like arrows),  
when I try to boot from CD, I get this message:

error: 'file/boot/grub/i386-coreboot/gfxterm_background.mod' not found.

Forgot to import the grub file I added to the rom, so here it is. Named the  
extension as .txt for importing on the forum.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-09 Thread mcz

after all the efforts, still the same result.
Attached is the grub.cfg I've added to the coreboot rom image. I think I got  
it from Libreboot.

I searched for a while about a way to boot the liveCD from grub> , but no  
success, even if I identified the optical drive.

Point being, if the menu fails to be displayed, I'd rather focus on fixing  
the grub config instead of trying to boot with a faulty config.

As usual, any hint appreciated.
I'll tone down the complaining since it doesn't make anything happen anyway.  
I'll try only patience and persistence instead.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-09 Thread mcz

Thanks Magic Banana :)Ah, so B stands for bytes.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-08 Thread mcz
OK, so I flashed Coreboot with GRUB2 (got the "verified" message, and removed  
the CMOS for a few minutes).

I find myself directly in grub rescue I think.
ls displays "(memdisk) (ata4) (ata6) (ata8) (ata0) (ata0,msdos1)".
typing boot says I need to load the kernel first.
The liveCD is active, but I don't know which command to use precisely.

it says:
If you are using a bootable USB and you still get to grub rescue it means you  
are not booting from your USB at all.

First of all you need to find out why you are not able to boot from your USB  
and fix that.

After this you should boot from the Ubuntu live CD and format the hard disk
Now I only have the CD inserted, no liveUSB.

Basically, I can't boot from the liveCD, I only get directly to grub rescue.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-08 Thread mcz

Regarding USB booting, I used an old optical drive instead.
Good enough for me. Same for the slow USB keyboard on GRUB, I'll just plug a  
PS2 keyboard when I'll (rarely) need to.
Of course, if it's super slow when I type my passphrase, that's a real  
problem then (unless I find a good, silent ps2 keyboard).

Kepler is about the GPU? Unfortunately I don't have this one.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-08 Thread lilos1
Board can`t boot from usb and i wonder is there some good sata to iso  
hardware emulator like xbox360 hardware cd-rom emulator.

Is anyone tryed to enable NVIDIA Kepler reclining on devuan with linux-libre  
4.10 ?

cat /sys/kernel/debug/ -- > and nothing after debug... any idea ?

 nouveau.pstate=1 no need for kernel > 4.5

cat /sys/class/drm/card0/ but no pstate there ?

card0-DVI-D-1/  card0-HDMI-A-1/ device/ subsystem/
card0-DVI-I-1/  dev

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-08 Thread mcz

True, though I was referring to the chip size (the "official" size).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-08 Thread greatgnu

yw, mate hack :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-08 Thread mcz

Will do, thanks for the extra software :D !

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-07 Thread greatgnu
On my old hardware Popcorn Time, which is basically peerflix with GUI + movie  
covers, runs like crap. I remember it running slowly even on a i5 quad core I  
owned in the past, but there it was acceptable, in fact I loved Popcorn time  
a lot back when it first came out.

Peerflix will run fast like a bunny on steroids even on a Pentium 2...  
Seriously, instead of waiting 30 seconds to load the damn thing, then search  
for the movie, then wait for a couple of minutes for the movie to start, I  
just issue the command, I aliased it to 'pf', so it's 'pf 'magnet' -k, with  
the eventual addition of '-s'. In toto, 1 minute and the movie  
has started and the popcorn is crunched.

A neat CLI program for dem subtitles is subliminal ->

Try it and see, mate :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-07 Thread mcz

After asking on #coreboot and #libreboot (no answers on #git) :

First, I was told that if I have nothing like microcode.bin listed, then it  
"should" be fine. Like the person was not very sure of it.

I still have no idea whether git clone is reliable enough.

Else, I need to try and contact tpearson. 3 options :
1 - fix USB support on Seabios. Waste of effort since encryption of /boot/ is  

2 - install Libreboot. I'd need a chip the exact size of the Libreboot build  
(1MiB). but no /boot/ encryption.
I also need to use MBR or GPT with a proper boot sector on the HHD (because  
it's Seabios). Not sure what this means yet, but I'll figure it out.

3 - Fix GRUB's USB issue. I need to confirm if my 8MiB chip can work. Seems  
no more than 2 MiB is supported on that board.

4 - use Petitboot. it looks tough because it's supposed to fit linux+coreboot  
deblobbed+petitboot payload on a 2MiB chip. I'm supposed to uncheck  
everything possible in menuconfig. Again, I'll ask tpearson for details about  
chip size. I'll have to also compress the payload with LZMA.

My best bet is to focus on either GRUB or Petitboot. No need to rush for  
Libreboot since I do want full-disk encryption.

I'll ask tpearson about chip size and steps I might have missed.

Man, it takes a lot of work to have freedom the way I want to. I'm amazed I  
didn't give up yet.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-07 Thread mcz

So your CPU handles it allright? Because with Popcorn-Time, it's fast enough.
But I definitely can't put it on fullscreen (on external screen).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-06 Thread greatgnu

>But I'd miss having the pictures/posters of what I might want to watch :(


>Do you really see a lot of difference?

Been running like that for like a year.. I really just need to know which  
movie I want to watch, I find the magnet and pop it, fast and nice :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-06 Thread mcz
I found a way on the web: I had to install the -dev version of libfreetype6.  
Then I had to install unifont.

Then I had another error, where the first solution was to try make clean,  
then try make again. Didn't work, but I'm getting closer!

I'll do it again so I can paste the error here.

Otherwise, I have a few more questions:
- Do I need to verify my download using git clone? I did try https instead of  
http, it worked.
- How deblobbed is really Coreboot? I see the option for not getting  
microcode updates, but aren't there any installed in the default download?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-06 Thread mcz

But I'd miss having the pictures/posters of what I might want to watch :(

Otherwise, these two seem worth trying. Do you really see a lot of  
difference? Sometimes, my laptop crashes while streaming (vlc and  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-05 Thread greatgnu


Popcorn-Time is superbloatedslowashell. You might be interested in running  
only the core of it, peerflix.

Peerflix is awesome, fast as lightning, simply amazing software.

Another great one for searching dem magnets (and consequently use them with  
peerflix) is pirate-get

Now you can do it all from the sweet sweet terminal, much faster and sexier  
than bloatcorn :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-04 Thread mcz

Thanks again for your help uboot.

Well, I'll install Debian Stretch if I have to, full disk encryption isn't an  

Man, no one cares about this board :D ...
The power/price ratio seems fine, even with one CPU.
My X200 is sometimes going to the limit when using Popcorn-Time, or with some  

This board should have more room.

Oh well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-04-03 Thread mcz

Now I have this when trying to compile with GRUB2:
configure: error: qemu, coreboot and loongson ports need build-time  
grub-mkfont (need freetype2 library)

make[1]: *** [config] Error 1
make: *** [grub2] Erreur 2
Yet the freetype2 library (libsomething6) is already installed.

I don't mind using Seabios only if it's possible to use full-disk encryption  
like with Libreboot.

Well at least I figured out how to boot with a liveCD. Hopefully I can  
transfer the flashrom utility and the rom from a thumbdrive to the CD.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-03-28 Thread mcz

Yes, it compiled successfully with Seabios.

Ah, I didn't recognized that as a missing program... Thanks I'll try that  

Chainloading huh... Definitely will try again with Qemu.
But if I can get full disk encryption to work with Seabios only, I'm more  
than fine with that.

Besides a tiny bit of familiarity, I don't see why GRUB would be better.

Well, it's a shame that Libreboot is a bit outdated.
I'm used to it, plus there's less to do since it's already compiled (never  
compiled it/built it, if that's what you meant).

And I really like their tutorials.
Not a fan of bringing more and more functionalities either.

Oh well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-03-27 Thread mcz

Ah, got it, thanks again uboot :)

I'm trying this only: "make crossgcc-x64 CPUS=4 && make iasl"
since I most likely won't need a 32bit install.

I checked again, 4 is fine because I have 4 cours, so 4 threads, and only one  
I've seen a video of lilos on GobelinRefuge where he has 2 CPUs, one big  
enough GPU, and the heatsinks are installed in diagonal (didn't knew it was  
But compared to mine, the fans were very noisy, so I'll probably stick to one  
It should be enough for my needs (since it's also coupled with the GPU), but  
until I try, I won't know.

Regarding flashing, I should be OK (I think), because I'll start the PC with  
the BIOS, then I'll hot swap with another chip. So if it fails to boot, I can  
still use the BIOS chip to boot, and try again (in theory).

Worst comes to worst, I still have an extra chip.

I suppose I could even compare Libreboot and Coreboot, though Libreboot is  
indeed late on the updates in comparison. But I might miss GRUB, since it's  
supposedly easier to load ISOs to GRUB than to Seabios (not sure I ever  
loaded any ISO though, but I like GRUB since I'm used to it).

Problem is, it looks like GRUB isn't really useable for this board yet (very  
slow keyboard input).

Well, I'll try Seabios and see how it goes.

I remember that I had to make GRUB configurations just to boot Trisquel (I  
don't remember why), so I wonder how it goes next.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-03-26 Thread mcz


how can I know that this download is without blobs?
And why I have this message when I do "make crossgcc && make iasl && CPUS=4":  
"Target architecture is now i386-elf"?

I also have this message in red:
"warning: Building GCC 6.3 with a different major version (4.8).
Bootstrapping (-b) is recommended."

Ah, finally found the official doc (not much new though):

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-03-20 Thread mcz

Are you sure??


Internal flashing should work just fine, even if you are currently booting  
the proprietary firmware.

Libreboot currently lacks documentation for externally re-flashing an LPC  
flash chip. However, these boards have the flash chip inside of a PLCC  
socket, and it is possible to hot-swap the chips. If you want to back up your  
known-working image, simply hot-swap the chip for one that is the same  
capacity, after having dumped a copy of the current firmware (flashrom -p  
internal -r yourchosenname.rom), and then flash that chip with the  
known-working image. Check whether the system still boots, and if it does,  
then it should be safe to flash the new image (because you now have a backup  
of the old image).

Keeping at least one spare LPC PLCC chip with working firmware on it is  
highly recommended, in case of bricks.

DO NOT hot-swap the chip with your bare hands. Use a PLCC chip extractor.  
These can be found online. See

Do check the HCL entry: ../hcl/kfsn4-dre.html

It's probably not up-to-date since it seems external flashing is possible  
now, yet what I read says that even if I'm booting the proprietary firmware,

internal flashing should work.

I went into all this hoping I wouldn't have to do any external flashing :(

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-03-20 Thread mcz

uboot, I have a couple of questions:
- what do you mean by a programmer for flashing the chip?
Can't I flash it internally, like with Libreboot?

- It seems this mobo can't boot with usb mass storage devices. Does that mean  
that the only way to flash the chip is to boot with a liveCD?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-02-20 Thread mcz

Back for more stupidity on my part...
here's yet another example of bad planning:
I didn't expect my graphic card to be long enough to COVER one of the CPU  

How hard can it be to measure the whole thing before buying extra stuff I'll  
never need, like another CPU and another fan/cooler?

*sigh* At least the info might help others.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-02-09 Thread mcz
I might have made (another) small mistake : my CPU has a TDP of 137, which  
the Noctua cooler supports.

But I can't find any data about the Dynatron.

One thing I will try is to use the second Noctua fan (which I didn't plan to  
use since I'm out of space) in front of the Dynatron, as a support fan.

But I need to figure out how to immobilize it without glue (or anything  

With some luck, I can set it up directly on the case.

Well, worst case I'd just use one CPU, can't be that bad.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-02-07 Thread jason
I have been thinking about swapping out the CPU heatsinks on my KFSN4-DRE  
with something like because the ones I  
originally purchased (which are  
are very loud.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-02-07 Thread mcz
Yes, 50dBA must be very loud. It seems anything more than 20 is considered  

You better be sure about using passive cooling. It was about smaller  
heatsinks, but reviews said it wasn't cooling at all.

But it might work at this size maybe.
Just in case, I'd make sure that the case airflow would go through it. If the  
front fans can reach them, it might be just fine. I'm not sure two of these  
would fit side by side though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-02-07 Thread mcz

I'll just add this option here if someone has the same issue:
I decided to try a silent heatsink+fan, and for the second CPU a noisy one  
(much much cheaper).

That's a Noctua
and a Dynatron F661.

Because I found out I can disable a CPU at will:
either in the GRUB config (so every time I restart, I shut down the noisy  

or with a command that can fire it up or shut it down.

That way, I can get more brainzpowa (with the added noise) only when needed.  
Hell, maybe even running both might be silent enough.

I have yet to try, so hopefully I didn't made a mistake on my calculations  
for the space needed on the mobo for both.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-01-07 Thread mcz

Thanks a lot uboot, very interesting!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-01-04 Thread mcz

I see, so with 6 cores, I'd have plenty.
It's definitely going to be a desktop system, nothing with many VMs or  
simultaneous connections.

Besides having an empty CPU spot feeling itchy,
I'll probably go with the "1 CPU, 1 quiet fan/heatsink" (gotta check the  
measurements again).

If I really need another CPU later, I can probably add a simple watercooling  
solution (quiet enough, and easier to fit). But that would cost a bit more,  
and I hope it's relatively maintenance free.

I'll definitely start "small" for now. Thanks for the Magic help of yours

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-01-03 Thread mcz
Bad planning led to this: I can fit 2 fans+heatsinks (over the 2 CPUs), but  
those who fit are super noisy (

Some quiter fans+heatsinks exist, but one barely fits, and if I want to fit 2  
of these, I can only put a fan on each side (one blowing air for both side by  
side heatsinks, one sucking the air out of the two side by side heatsinks).

Not sure it would work (twice the heat for nearly half the airflow).

What would you do in this situation?
1. use two 6 cores CPU with very noisy server fans+heatsinks
2. use one 6 cores CPU with a silent fan+heatsink
3. try the 2 silent fans setup described above (most likely won't work well)?

I feel more like going for n°2 because:
- (much?) less noise
- 2x6 cores? Who needs this much? I see it's worth it for Handbrake for  
example (though one 6 cores should suffice), what can it be useful for as  

I'm hesitating because:
- I already have two CPUs, and it feels weird using only one when I have 2  
spots available.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2017-01-03 Thread mcz
According to the libreboot page, this config doesn't have the issue (no idea  
where to configure this):

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2016-12-27 Thread mcz

Much appreciated, thanks again lilos.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2016-12-26 Thread lilos1

Yes old problems are fixed only this 30 sec lag is there.
Yes build coreboot with no microcode, x64 is ok.

AMD boards (NIC firmware, AMD IMC, AMD XHCI)

NIC firmware i think this is in other rom .
XHCI this is only for usb 3.0 so no wory.
Libreboot old fork of coreboot for this board. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2016-12-25 Thread mcz

Hi, thank you lilos!

When you say "Old problems are fixed", you mean Libreboot fixed the problems  
you had initially, and that all that remains is the 30s boot lag?


About Coreboot:
So I take the source from here (, and  
not the blobs, right?

Any tips on the configuration you used?  

I guess I should compile for x64.

But other than that, there are sections about AMD boards (NIC firmware, AMD  
IMC, AMD XHCI) and VGA support (

Are all these microcode/blobs? Can I safely ignore them?

Thanks again, now I have some hope!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2016-12-23 Thread lilos1

Hi board work perfect i use it evryday with gtx 650.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2016-12-19 Thread mcz
Ok, on #libreboot, no one is able to answer me, besides the the info that  
this board  has not been fully tested yet.

Lilos posted a thread (closed now, very practical) about several issues, like  
not being able to boot with 2 CPUs, USB keyboard not working, the PC not  
booting from the GPU ("fully" supported by Nouveau, I checked), and the HDD  
not recognized.

So I have no idea if updates since may solve these issues or not.

So it's safe to say: don't purchase for now.
I have one, but now I really hesitate in purchasing the rest of the hardware  
until I have more info.

This sucks, hopefully it will end up being a worthy investment.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2016-12-18 Thread mcz
Is there a specific kind of CMOS to pick? If the BIOS chip is new, would I be  
able to boot, or do I need to install from a floppy disk the proprietary BIOS  

I got my mobo without both of these. Man this is getting messy...

Any help really appreciated...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2016-12-18 Thread mcz
It seems there is free software fan control (for GPU), but it seems it  
depends on the owned hardware.

See here

It should be mostly about the motherboard, and the GPU fan.
but what to look for? Is knowing that nouveau supports the GPU enough (what  
about the mobo)?
This ( seems to  
indicate that Power Management is still a work in progress for some GPU.

I know about a case having PWN. Can this be controlled by free software?

Else there's something like this, which supposedly only rely on hardware (and  
me checking the temp).

Lembas, thanks to your advice, I'm picking the power supply last. It seems in  
needs to be powered not only to the mobo, but to the GPU as well. Thanks to  
h-node, and the nouveau website, I found  (way) better and cheaper.

There should be two case fans, the GPU fan(s), the power supply's fan (not  
sure I should mess with this one, and the CPU's ones.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2016-12-14 Thread mcz
It looks like it's the cheapest compatible case I can find  
which costs just as much as the case :(

2 fans included, but no power supply.

My goal is to have something as silent as possible (hopefully less than the  

Any input welcomed, as usual.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2016-12-01 Thread mcz

Thanks for the info lembas, much appreciated!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Asus KFSN 4-DRE at the end of november 2016

2016-11-29 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
Don't be too cheap with the power supply. Bad power makes for strange effects  
and could fry your other parts. As for what brand to select or avoid my  
knowledge is ancient.

You'll need a heatsink and probably also a fan. Unless you're building  
something that creates very little heat. A CPU without a heatsink+fan might  
fry very fast or at least shutdown automatically as the heat gets too high.

Note that different parts use different sockets so plan accordingly. :)