[twitter-dev] Who retweeted me?

2011-02-09 Thread @Red_Eyes
If, through a web browesr, I click on Retweets -> Your Tweets retweeted, a 
particular tweet of mine shows up. Normally, when you then click on that 
Tweet, it shows the person/people who have retweeted in. In this case, 
though, it is not showing anyone as having retweeted me. Does this mean, 
perhaps, that whoever retweeted me then "undid" the retweet? Has anyone else 
seen this?
Many thanks!

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[twitter-dev] Re: Posting special character in posting new tweet doesn't support.

2011-02-09 Thread @Red_Eyes
Are you url encoding the Tweet text?

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[twitter-dev] Re: Using multiple "via" labels for an application

2011-01-15 Thread @Red_Eyes
I have exactly the same requirment and have addressed it with one oAuth 
token per product/user. Be careful, though, not to "park" any token names 
before you are ready to use them. I did that, not appreciateing that it was 
violating a Twitter "rule of the road", and ended up having several tokens 
suspended, including those that were in use by my clients. It was because I 
was effectively "reserving" names which could be used later by the "via" 
process which you mention. Twitter were very helpful in resolving this for 
me once I explained what I was doing, but it took a short while to get the 
matter resolved. It may be better (although more work for you) to have each 
oAuth token reside in the account of each of your users rather than in once 
central account. It always worries me that the actions of one user could 
lead to the suspension of thier oAuth token and then other unrelated tokens 
as as I have them all registered under one single account. (I have built 
into my code, by the way, limits on the number of DMs, Tweets per hour and 
repeat Tweets per 24 hours etc. so that these get stopped before they hit 
Twitter's servers in an attempt to minimise the risk of this).
Hope that helps!

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[twitter-dev] Re: Return number of tweets in a Search

2011-01-12 Thread @Red_Eyes
The maximum number of tweets you can return per page is 100. If you return 
all the pages available you can get to around 1,500 max. These limits are 
defined in the search API documentation. (
You may be better either looking at the streaming API and hope some of the 
Tweets you are looking for turn up, or use your random number generator to 
search "n" times and pull back 100 Tweets at a go. You would have to set an 
interval between searches otherwise you are likley to pull back the same 
Tweet more than once, especially if it is a seldom used hashtag.
Perhaps if you have a number of hashtags you are looking for, you could 
"round robin" through all of them with a suitable delay between each one 
(still checking for duplicates)... or possibly check for the same hashtag at 
the same time each day if you are looking for some sort of frequency 
indicator. Alternatively add some sort of randomness to the date range per 
your example.

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[twitter-dev] Re: Character Encoding Error C# .NET

2011-01-02 Thread @Red_Eyes
I had this problem a while back after switching to oAuth and ended up 
writing my own encoding function which works fine.
Here are the essential snippets!
string oAuthUnreservedChars = 
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Encoding uTF8Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
   foreach (char thisChar in inStr)
if (oAuthUnreservedChars.IndexOf(thisChar) != -1)
byte[] bytes = 
foreach (byte b in bytes)
sb.Append('%' + String.Format("{0:X2}", b));
Hope that works for you!

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[twitter-dev] Re: Best practice for monitoring scheduled scripts

2010-12-08 Thread @Red_Eyes
You should check a number of things:

1) Be careful about auto reply to Tweets. You should check Twitter
Terms of Service to make sure you are not doing anything you


2) You may be being rate limited... there are limits on the number of
Tweets you can send in a day (1000, I think). Although a status update
does not count towards your hourly limit, there may be other
unadvertised features coming into play if you are repeatedly tweeting,
sending duplicate tweets and so on. You may need to monito the http
response headers for clues here.

On Dec 8, 9:42 am, Gortron  wrote:
> Hello,
> Could any developers give me some advise on monitoring/spotting
> downtime of a Cron scheduled Twitter API script?
> I have a script written for a client using OAuth which communicates
> with the Twitter API each minute and can reply to Tweets.
> It works fine but every so often it no longer responds to Tweets as it
> is designed to do. Running the script manually works fine and then it
> starts again after a while. I can see no errors.
> Can anyone give any advise on how to debug this?
> Thanks for any advise.

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[twitter-dev] Re: Local searches on Search API not working

2010-11-30 Thread @Red_Eyes
You should follow @twitterapi as they Tweeted there was a problem with
this earlier today

On Nov 30, 12:33 pm, Aaron Rankin  wrote:
> I'm consistently getting no results for a variety of Search API
> queries using the geocode parameter. For example:
> http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=beer&rpp=100&page=1&geocode=4...
> http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=tuesday&rpp=100&page=1&geocod...
> This is with 100 miles of Chicago. We all know that someone who's
> geocoded will tweet about either beer or tuesday, near Chicago
> (especially the former). I've tried other locations as well.

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[twitter-dev] Re: Difference between Authenticated and Unauthenticated Call

2010-11-20 Thread Red_Eyes
You can make a call to search, for example, both authenticated and
unauthenticated. Search uses a different rate limiting system to most
other API calls. You have your assumption the wrong way round, though.
When you are authenticated, generally you will get around 350 API
calls per hour allowed. When you are unauthenticated, you will get 150
per hour. Be aware, though, 2 people on the same IP performing an
unauthentiacted API call will share the same pool of 150 hits. 2
people on the same IP but each authenticated will get roughly 350 hits
each. Be aware, though, on peak demands, Twitter can lower the amount
of hits dynamically. Also note, if you use multiple accounts to try
and circumvent the rate limits, the chances are you will get spotted
and blocked!


On Nov 16, 1:31 pm, Ganesh Peria  wrote:
> Hi,
>    Im new to Twitter API. while reading the rate limiting faq, it is
> said that authenticated api calls are counted under IP address and
> unauthenticated api calls are counted under the logged in user.
>   My question is what is authenticated call and an unauthenticated
> call.
>   My assumption is this: In the api documentation if it says "Requires
> Authentication =true" then is an authenticated call otherwise an
> unauthenticated call. Am I right?

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[twitter-dev] Re: Parsing date in create_at field

2010-11-19 Thread @Red_Eyes
The date format is usually:

Ddd Mmm dd hh:mm:ss + 


Tue Nov 16 14:40:25 + 2010

What platform are you coding for? In .Net you can use
Convert.ToDateTime on this.

Alternatively, you can use this:

DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2} {3}",
dateTime.Substring(8, 2), // Day
dateTime.Substring(4, 3), // Month
dateTime.Substring(26, 4), // Year
dateTime.Substring(11, 8))); // Time

Lastly, you may need to make some adjustments for daylight savings at
that time of year, or not... depending or where the data was generated
and where you are. You sometimes get values in the + bit and I
believe this is a minutes offset.


On Nov 16, 7:54 am, Jianshi Huang  wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems the date format in create_at field is different among APIs,
> Is there any documentation for the format (I couldn't find any except
> issues)?
> Can I specify some other formats like iso-8601 or some custom ones?
> And what's the best practice for parsing the date string returned by
> twitter APIs?
> Jianshi

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[twitter-dev] Re: How do I find the URL of a Twitter user WWW page, having only their twitterID?

2010-11-18 Thread @Red_Eyes
You can do it, but you have to be logged in first which suggests that
this would be a rate limited lookup.

eg: http://twitter.com/?id=


On Nov 18, 6:00 pm, Kaspa  wrote:
> The title says it all. Been looking for some time now.
> (I know I can lookup the API for user detail and then use that. That's
> not what I want, I want a way of directly putting the URL together)
> Are URLs that directly use userIDs in some way prohibited?

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[twitter-dev] Re: How do I find the URL of a Twitter user WWW page, having only their twitterID?

2010-11-18 Thread @Red_Eyes
Try this: http://twitter.com/?id=21358135 (That's my ID, BTW)


On Nov 18, 6:00 pm, Kaspa  wrote:
> The title says it all. Been looking for some time now.
> (I know I can lookup the API for user detail and then use that. That's
> not what I want, I want a way of directly putting the URL together)
> Are URLs that directly use userIDs in some way prohibited?

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[twitter-dev] Re: Difference between Authenticated and Unauthenticated Call

2010-11-17 Thread @Red_Eyes
Sending a Tweet does not count against your rate limit of 350 per
hour. However, there are a mximum number of Tweets you can make from
an account at 1000 per day. There are also limits on how many Tweets
you can send per hour and also how many you could do over several
minutes. I'm not sure if these numbers are published or not, but the
aim is to stop people sending out spam. Re-Tweets count under the same

On Nov 17, 4:31 am, ganesh kumar  wrote:
> Thank you very much..
> yes you understood my exact requirement.
> It is said that POST api calls are not rate limited.. sending tweets is a
> POST call. so it should not be rate limited. Am I right?
> What is the api call to post a tweet? I think "POST statuses/update" is used
> to post a tweet and it is non rate limited api call(according to
> documentation). If I'm correct,then my application doesn't have any rate
> limiting problems. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 10:23 PM, @Red_Eyes  wrote:
> > If I understand you correctly, you want to build in some sort of
> > interface into your site to allow users to Tweet from it under their
> > own accounts. You would use oAuth to set up the credentials.
> > Establishing these credentials would not count towards the rate limit
> > as it is done through the Twitter site anyway. Each Tweet sent from
> > your site would count towards the hourly limit for each account. If
> > you suddenly had a huge number of users Tweeting from your IP, you
> > might run into problems. If that were to happen, you could apply to
> > get your IP "whitelisted". However, the Twitter folk won't consider
> > you for whitelisting until your application is up and running and in
> > production. You would also have to prove a demonstrable need. (ie, if
> > you think you will have a huge number of users, that probably won't
> > do. If you can show you have a huge number of users, it might do ...
> > but no guarantees!)
> > On Nov 16, 3:29 pm, Ganesh Peria  wrote:
> > > Thanks for the reply.
> > >  Need some more clarification.
> > > My web application enable user to tweet in their twitter accounts. A
> > > user can tweet after he is logged in and authorizes my app. So asking
> > > login credentials and autorizing my application requires some api
> > > calls. Will these be counted under rate limiting?
> > > On Nov 16, 7:25 pm, Red_Eyes  wrote:
> > > > You can make a call to search, for example, both authenticated and
> > > > unauthenticated. Search uses a different rate limiting system to most
> > > > other API calls. You have your assumption the wrong way round, though.
> > > > When you are authenticated, generally you will get around 350 API
> > > > calls per hour allowed. When you are unauthenticated, you will get 150
> > > > per hour. Be aware, though, 2 people on the same IP performing an
> > > > unauthentiacted API call will share the same pool of 150 hits. 2
> > > > people on the same IP but each authenticated will get roughly 350 hits
> > > > each. Be aware, though, on peak demands, Twitter can lower the amount
> > > > of hits dynamically. Also note, if you use multiple accounts to try
> > > > and circumvent the rate limits, the chances are you will get spotted
> > > > and blocked!
> > > > Red
> > > > On Nov 16, 1:31 pm, Ganesh Peria  wrote:
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > >    Im new to Twitter API. while reading the rate limiting faq, it is
> > > > > said that authenticated api calls are counted under IP address and
> > > > > unauthenticated api calls are counted under the logged in user.
> > > > >   My question is what is authenticated call and an unauthenticated
> > > > > call.
> > > > >   My assumption is this: In the api documentation if it says
> > "Requires
> > > > > Authentication =true" then is an authenticated call otherwise an
> > > > > unauthenticated call. Am I right?- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -
> > --
> > Twitter developer documentation and resources:http://dev.twitter.com/doc
> > API updates via Twitter:http://twitter.com/twitterapi
> > Issues/Enhancements Tracker:
> >http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
> > Change your membership to this group:
> >http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Re: Difference between Authenticated and Unauthenticated Call

2010-11-16 Thread @Red_Eyes
If I understand you correctly, you want to build in some sort of
interface into your site to allow users to Tweet from it under their
own accounts. You would use oAuth to set up the credentials.
Establishing these credentials would not count towards the rate limit
as it is done through the Twitter site anyway. Each Tweet sent from
your site would count towards the hourly limit for each account. If
you suddenly had a huge number of users Tweeting from your IP, you
might run into problems. If that were to happen, you could apply to
get your IP "whitelisted". However, the Twitter folk won't consider
you for whitelisting until your application is up and running and in
production. You would also have to prove a demonstrable need. (ie, if
you think you will have a huge number of users, that probably won't
do. If you can show you have a huge number of users, it might do ...
but no guarantees!)

On Nov 16, 3:29 pm, Ganesh Peria  wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.
>  Need some more clarification.
> My web application enable user to tweet in their twitter accounts. A
> user can tweet after he is logged in and authorizes my app. So asking
> login credentials and autorizing my application requires some api
> calls. Will these be counted under rate limiting?
> On Nov 16, 7:25 pm, Red_Eyes  wrote:
> > You can make a call to search, for example, both authenticated and
> > unauthenticated. Search uses a different rate limiting system to most
> > other API calls. You have your assumption the wrong way round, though.
> > When you are authenticated, generally you will get around 350 API
> > calls per hour allowed. When you are unauthenticated, you will get 150
> > per hour. Be aware, though, 2 people on the same IP performing an
> > unauthentiacted API call will share the same pool of 150 hits. 2
> > people on the same IP but each authenticated will get roughly 350 hits
> > each. Be aware, though, on peak demands, Twitter can lower the amount
> > of hits dynamically. Also note, if you use multiple accounts to try
> > and circumvent the rate limits, the chances are you will get spotted
> > and blocked!
> > Red
> > On Nov 16, 1:31 pm, Ganesh Peria  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >    Im new to Twitter API. while reading the rate limiting faq, it is
> > > said that authenticated api calls are counted under IP address and
> > > unauthenticated api calls are counted under the logged in user.
> > >   My question is what is authenticated call and an unauthenticated
> > > call.
> > >   My assumption is this: In the api documentation if it says "Requires
> > > Authentication =true" then is an authenticated call otherwise an
> > > unauthenticated call. Am I right?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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