[twitter-dev] Re: Is there any timestamp for when a user starts following someone?

2011-01-30 Thread @epc
There's no API method, and no data returned in any of the user calls.
If you can regularly retrieve a user's followers you can intuit when (say if 
you retrieve daily), otherwise there's no way.

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[twitter-dev] Re: Incorrect signature

2011-01-17 Thread @epc
On Jan 16, 2:10 pm, Thomas thomasrei...@gmail.com wrote:
 $time = time() + 10800;

Why are you setting the timestamp for 3 hours in the future?
oAuth/twitter are very picky about the time being close to accurate,
being 3 hours off is definitely one potential problem with your code.
-ed costello

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[twitter-dev] Re: Return number of tweets for an account

2011-01-13 Thread @epc
On Jan 13, 11:06 pm, David dtran...@gmail.com wrote:
 The number of tweets is listed in the statuses_count field for the user. You
 can access this by hitting the /users/show endpoint of the API.

Note that that only counts tweets still in twitter’s database.  If a
user deletes a tweet, the count will go down.
If I tweet 1000 times and then delete 999 tweets, my tweet count will
read 1.

-ed costello

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Re: Hexadecimal Tweet Length on Streaming API?? When??

2011-01-03 Thread @epc

The streaming API transmits in chunked encoding, it sounds like you
are consuming it raw.
See http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/ee8b7024d51821c1
for previous discussions about this.
-ed costello

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
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[twitter-dev] Re: PHP OAuth app stopped working magically

2011-01-03 Thread @epc
On Jan 3, 8:29 am, Nicolás López Zerpa nico89...@gmail.com wrote:
 Authorization: OAuth

Check to make sure your clock is accurate, the timestamp in that auth
line is over an hour earlier than your post (which I realize could be
just when you copied it, but on the chance that you tried to authorize
just before posting, verify that your clock is accurate).
-ed costello

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
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[twitter-dev] Re: delimited (streaming API) now default?

2010-11-30 Thread @epc
On Nov 29, 12:07 pm, Matt Harris thematthar...@twitter.com wrote:
 What I did notice is that 0x6EF = 1775 and 0x710 = 1808 -- in both cases the
 Hex values are 6 bytes longer than the object we are returning.

This came up in March, see: 
Net: it appears that the client is consuming the stream raw and not
decoding the chunked transfer encoding.
-ed costello

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
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[twitter-dev] Re: status/update in_reply_to_user_id not being acknowledged

2010-10-13 Thread @epc

When in_reply_to_status_id was originally added you could reply to a
tweet without including the @username in the tweet, and twitter would
accept that (and thread that) as a proper reply.  On the one hand this
freed up a few additional characters for the reply, but also lead to
confusion since people were seeing replies which didn't include their

This behavior was later changed to require that the screen_name which
authored the tweet being replied to be mentioned in the reply (this
was around the time that replies became mentions).  A tweet posted
with in_reply_to_status_id but without the related screen_name would
get posted, but the in_reply_to_status_id field would not get set.
-ed costello

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Re: Install twurl without root access?

2010-08-27 Thread @epc
I know nothing about Ruby, however gem install twurl appears to
install it into ~/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin on OS X.  You then need to put
that directory in your shell’s path variable.
-ed costello

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Re: How is this a solution?

2010-08-07 Thread @epc
On Aug 6, 2:45 pm, Julio Biason julio.bia...@gmail.com wrote:
 I may sound pissed and I am: Twitter was build on top of open source
 apps (like Rails and now Cassandra) and basically you guys are
 slapping every other open source application that use your APIs in the

What's the approved open source solution to this problem?
-ed costello

[twitter-dev] Status of contributions API?

2010-07-23 Thread @epc
Is there a target for the contributions API opening up? Alternately is
there a document somewhere laying out who you need to be / how much it
costs to utilize the contributions API?

Asking mostly out of curiosity as I work through a new app for a
-ed costello

[twitter-dev] Re: Status of contributions API?

2010-07-23 Thread @epc
On Jul 23, 4:08 pm, Taylor Singletary taylorsinglet...@twitter.com
 Our focus has veered a bit on the Contributors API -- the feature
 itself continues to be evaluated and utilized by a few accounts, but
 the actual API expression of using Contributor features is on hold for
 now as we focus on more important things. Would certainly make for
 some great client integration features.

Thanks.  Can I suggest throwing together a page on dev.twitter.com
that says basically that (far easier to search than the group)?
-ed costello

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Post Problem

2010-07-02 Thread @epc
On Jul 2, 6:34 am, Chandrashekhar cpmah...@gmail.com wrote:
 Whenever I post data with any URL twitter automatically executes/
 invoke that url during posting process. I dont want to invoke posted
 data content URL by twitter.

Then you should not post those URLs to twitter.  Any URL posted to
twitter is going to get retrieved quickly, either by twitter's
services to verify the URL or by any of a million bots and services
which appear to just like retrieving whatever is posted to twitter.

[twitter-dev] What will happen when Basic Auth is shut down?

2010-06-01 Thread @epc
Raffi: when basic auth is turned off, what will the response be from
twitter, a 403? Some other 4xx message?

-ed costello

[twitter-dev] Re: Formats for specifying annotations

2010-05-17 Thread @epc
On May 17, 1:35 pm, Marcel Molina mar...@twitter.com wrote:
 Hey folks. I'd like to get your advice on the Annotations feature.

Initial feedback:
 - I'd use a shorter variable name
 - Instead of using annotations once, allow repeated instances, each
instance being a new annotation.

| We want to allow you to use any arbitrary set of bytes for the
| attribute names and attribute values of an annotation.

I think you need to rethink this a little, at least declare a set of
reserved characters.

If you reserved : for example, you could reduce this down to:

(and yes, that'd mean that value could potentially be double-URL
encoded/decoded if it has a : in it).  So your example would be:
twurl /1/statuses/update.xml -d status=Tweet with annotations!

I can't find anything to back up this but I believe that POST data is
ordered.  If so you could alternately do:
annotation_val = value

twurl /1/statuses/update.xml \
-d status=Tweet with annotations!

…which would avoid the need to double URL escape the annotation value.

Can types use UTF8? Attributes? Values?

Could I post annotations=映画:言語:英語 (or annotations==映画:言語=英語 in your
original notation)?
(I'm hoping that reads annotations=movie:language:english in
Japanese. Apologies if it does not.)
-ed costello

[twitter-dev] Re: Slow response to twitter updates for a third party app

2010-05-10 Thread @epc
I’m also seeing a ~5 second delay in responses to requests for
It’s consistently 5-7 seconds, but appears to happen both before the
response is sent as well as midway, it sort of feels like both a
timeout waiting for something to happen as well as a buffering

I can send a tcpdump report  additional details offlist.
-ed costello

[twitter-dev] Re: Problem sending tweets with nbsp chars

2010-03-08 Thread @epc
On Mar 8, 4:06 pm, Roy Leban r...@royleban.com wrote:
 I'm open to suggestions but you're screwed is not a suggestion. And
 changing what I'm doing doesn't address the fact that Twitter has a bug.

What code are you using to post these tweets? Is it possible that it
is transcoding nbsp; to something before transmitting to twitter?
Because what appears in your older tweets is the (correct) #160; not
nbsp;  AFAIK, twitter does not decode HTML entities.
-ed costello

[twitter-dev] Re: OAuth Additions

2010-02-09 Thread @epc
Could #1 be satisfied by an appropriate error message from the API
when you try to do something with an oAuth’d account?

[twitter-dev] Re: More OAuth Change Please - Simple Stuff

2010-02-09 Thread @epc
Making Allow a default on a security authorization page seems to be
asking for trouble later.  At present the Deny button is of type
submit.  They can't use reset as that won't send anything back to
twitter (unless you add some sort of event via Jquery).  Deny
doesn’t appear to be the default, it’s just the first submit button
in the form.

[twitter-dev] Re: background url showing via api, but not on profile

2010-02-01 Thread @epc
Can you check with that user to see if they have background images set
to display?

On my own profile, I turned off the background image and while it does
not appear on my web profile, the old image URL still appears if you
call users/show/epc.xml.
Replacing the background image does not appear to turn on background
image display.

So there appear to be a few issues:
 - you can turn on/off the display of a background image through the
Web UI but not the API
 - there's no information in the results of users/show to indicate
whether or not the user’s background image is to be displayed
 - uploading a new background image via the API does not cause the
image to be displayed

Unsure if these are bugs or missing features.
-ed costello

[twitter-dev] Re: background url showing via api, but not on profile

2010-02-01 Thread @epc

Issue #1211, http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=1211,
seems to be related to this.
-ed costello

[twitter-dev] Re: Statuses/Show Method doesn't display multiple statuses?

2010-01-28 Thread @epc
On Jan 29, 12:35 am, beerkid beers...@gmail.com wrote:
 I just want to show latest 20 updates from a single user but my
 developer says that Statuses/Show will only show most recent update.

See http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-statuses-user_timeline

[twitter-dev] Couple Local Trends geo API questions

2010-01-26 Thread @epc
The web ui for “local trends near you” asks users to select a
geographic area.  Is this solely a web UI thing or will this location
be available in a user’s profile?  If it’s in a user’s profile, would
it be a WOEID, something under the existing location element or
something else entirely?

Ever consider allowing woeids to be used anywhere where a latitude/
longitude pair could be used? From the draft documentation it appears
that WOEIDs are solely used in trends, and only as a parameter for
trends/location, but not trends/available for example, nor in geocoded

Local Trends appear to be rolling out through the web UI, any sense on
when the API end points will open up?
-ed costello

[twitter-dev] Re: Best way to pull/cache location based search results?

2010-01-08 Thread @epc
On Jan 8, 9:29 am, GeorgeMedia georgeme...@gmail.com wrote:
 No one?

I think you would be better off consuming the firehose, geocode the
tweets yourself, and throw away any that aren’t in regions you care
about, caching the rest for a period of time.

The thing to remember about geocoding of tweets is that until very
recently the geocoding was solely by the location field in a user’s
profile.  True geocoding of individual tweets is very recent and
depends on the user enabling geo coding, and on the user agent posting
the lat/lon with the tweet.  So the firehose *does* contain the geo
field, it's just mostly empty because most clients don’t populate it
yet.  So if the geo field is empty you’d have to geocode based on
the location field which is a bit of a hairball and may contain any
data up to 30 bytes.

Alternately, do the cron job thing but enlarge the regions you’re
searching on (search on the top N cities or metros for example, not
200,000 coordinates).  Cache the data, and accept that it won’t be
absolutely up to date (it’s already lost a lot of precision since the
location field is completely arbitrary and even if it is a city or
lat/lon pair, does not necessarily represent where the twitter user
was at that moment in time).

-ed costello

[twitter-dev] Re: Blocked Users on Lists

2009-11-18 Thread @epc
Blocking prevents the blocked user from viewing your tweets in their

It does not prevent you from viewing their tweets.

From my testing during the beta period, if you block a twitter id,
then your tweets will not appear in any lists that that id subscribes

However you will still see tweets in any lists that that id is in.

Knowing absolutely nothing about the internals of twitter, my guess
would be they do not intend to change this otherwise they will end up
with a variant on the problem with determining how @replies appear in
user timelines.

-ed costello

[twitter-dev] Re: Draft of List API documentation

2009-10-17 Thread @epc

When adding a user to a list, only the numeric id appears to work, eg:

   curl -k --user epc:pass -d id=7758742 --url 
works, but
   curl -k --user epc:pass -d id=enorlin --url 

results in a 500 Internal Server error.  I tried swapping userid and
screen_name for id and get a 400 Bad Request back:
   curl -k --user epc:pass -d user_id=enorlin --url
   curl -k --user epc:pass -d screen_name=enorlin --url
   errorYou must specify a member/error
(which is what I'd expect for id=enorlin instead of the 500).

Also, if you pass in the authenticating user's numeric ID you get back
either a 503 or 502 (bad gateway) error, eg:
   curl -k --user epc:pass -d id=420363 --url 
however it does appear to add the user to the list.  Note that once
added, the user can't be removed from the list via the current lists

If you try to add a user who has blocked the authenticating user, you
get a 403 errorYou aren't allowed to add members to this list/
error which is slightly misleading, you're not allowed to add THIS
user to the list.

If user A has added user B to a list, and user B blocks A,
that appears to remove B from A's list permanently, even if the
block is removed.  Is that working as designed?

What are the rules for converting a list's name into the slug/URI?
Just a conversion to safe URL characters?

Couple of ideas:
 - allow mass additions of userids/screen names to lists, or maybe
10-20 at a time
 - allow lists to have a tweet-like tag line (the intent being to
describe the list)
 - don't groan, but allow geotagging of lists. Ok, groan.

-ed costello

[twitter-dev] Re: Developer Preview: Geolocation API

2009-08-21 Thread @epc

On Aug 20, 6:37 pm, Ryan Sarver rsar...@twitter.com wrote:
 Users will need to come to the website to change the setting. If we
 provided an API, a misbehaving application would change the setting
 without the user knowing - hence the read-only attribute.

Perfect, that’s what I’d expect.  But I throw this out anyway: once
someone has opted in, would you consider adding an API method to allow
geo to be turned on/off?  Or would you expect the individual
applications to allow users to mask their location when posting a
-ed costello

[twitter-dev] Re: Developer Preview: Geolocation API

2009-08-21 Thread @epc

On Aug 21, 11:39 am, Cameron Kaiser spec...@floodgap.com wrote:
 Even so, though, I don't think that would fully get around the malicious
 application problem unless you could say *which* apps got to turn it on and
 off, and even then ...

True.  I guess the scenario I'm thinking of is: you've opted in, 99%
of the time you are fine with publishing your location, but this one
time you want to hide where you are tweeting from.  The only option
(for now) would be to log onto twitter.com and opt-out again.

At a minimum, twitter needs to make the optin/optout work through

As long as I'm throwing ideas out:
 - What if I could tell twitter to tag my tweets with my Google
Latitude or Yahoo! FireEagle location?
 - What if I could tell twitter how granular I want my location to be
(ie, even if my client publishes 40.96299,-72.13913, twitter only
stores 40.96,-72.13)
-ed costello

[twitter-dev] Re: Developer Preview: Geolocation API

2009-08-20 Thread @epc

Will twitter validate the coordinates (ie, what will the API do when I
pass lat=777long=-666)?

If the coordinates are invalid, will the status get posted or will the
entire request get rejected with a 4xx code?

If a user has not enabled geolocating (geo_enabledfalse/
geo_enabled), what happens if I pass in coordinates for that user?
Silently ignored?

Geo data will be attached to individual tweets and not users, right?
This will have no effect on the location field in a user profile?
-ed costello

[twitter-dev] Re: Developer Preview: Geolocation API

2009-08-20 Thread @epc

Will the opt–in method be only through the twitter site or will there
be an API method to turn it on/off?