[twitter-dev] Can we get Application Name and Details from API

2009-08-28 Thread AccountingSoftwareGuy

Is there a way using the Twitter API to get the details of a
registered API application if we know the consumer key & secret of the
application.  Basically, we have a generic class that does not know
anything about how it will communicate with the Twitter API until a
consumer key and secret is passed at runtime.  We want to be able to
return some basic information such as the name of the registered
application, return URL, etc. once we determine the consumer key and

FYI, we are using oAuth.

[twitter-dev] Re: Suspended Account - Need Help!!!

2009-08-20 Thread AccountingSoftwareGuy

Ok...based on Dewalds post above I did a little more investigating and
it appears that our API is functioning because some tweets went out on
behalf of some of our customers and I setup a new twitter account and
tested without an error but what is more concerning is that it appears
that Twitter just blanketly suspended several of our accounts and our
users accounts that had any tweets posted recently from our
application.  This is even worse than just shutting our application
down...hopefully, I'm wrong but it seems that this is what has
happened.  So, does Twitter actually do this? would Twitter really
punish users for using certain applications?  If so then this is
horrible...both for the app vendor and the user...we all end up as

Any insight?  I'm really beginning to wonder why we got involved with
Twitter in the first place, between their outages, poor customer
service and stuff like this I've never been more frustrated.  If we
didn't have so much already invested around their technology I'd
probably just quit today but I can't so HELP!

On Aug 20, 6:03 am, AccountingSoftwareGuy 
> Oauth
> On Aug 20, 5:49 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > On Aug 20, 9:40 am, AccountingSoftwareGuy 
> > wrote:
> > > No it appears that our API is shut down completely, everything we do
> > > now is returned (401) Unauthorized.
> > Are you using OAuth or Basic Auth?
> > Dewald- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

[twitter-dev] Re: Suspended Account - Need Help!!!

2009-08-20 Thread AccountingSoftwareGuy


On Aug 20, 5:49 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> On Aug 20, 9:40 am, AccountingSoftwareGuy 
> wrote:
> > No it appears that our API is shut down completely, everything we do
> > now is returned (401) Unauthorized.
> Are you using OAuth or Basic Auth?
> Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Suspended Account - Need Help!!!

2009-08-20 Thread AccountingSoftwareGuy

No it appears that our API is shut down completely, everything we do
now is returned (401) Unauthorized.  We do not do anything automated
other than send out tweets that our users schedule.  I presume if the
users scheduled a tweet with DM it would go out that way but we do not
automatically do this.  In other words, we do not automate DM's,
unfollows or follows.  From looking at our logs one user scheduled the
same tweet to about 15 different accounts and the wording in the
tweets was definitely spammy...we've since susupended the account but
at this point it doesn't really matter because our entire app can't

Can anyone over there at Twitter help unlock our API?

On Aug 20, 5:31 am, Dale Merritt  wrote:
> are you using automated software to generate direct messages through that
> Twitter account, on behalf of your subscribers?  If so, that would
> definitely raise an issue
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 5:26 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > It sounds as if your Twitter account has been suspended. That is not
> > the same as having your application shut down. A shut-down app means
> > you cannot access the API at all, i.e., all your API calls are denied
> > with connection refused.
> > Can you still access the API from your app and publish tweets on other
> > Twitter accounts?
> > If it's only your Twitter account that has been suspended, then that
> > was done because you must have violated the Twitter Rules on that
> > particular account, and will probably have nothing to do with API
> > access from your app.
> > Dewald
> > On Aug 20, 9:11 am, AccountingSoftwareGuy 
> > wrote:
> >  > Hello,
> > > We just built and released an application to allow users to schedule
> > > tweets.  We've also in short time built a nice little following and
> > > then all of a sudden our account was suspended a day and half ago, out
> > > of the blue, no warning even though our app has been "whitelisted".
> > > Since we can't seem to get any response from Twitter, we did some
> > > searching on our end and we think that one of our users abused our app
> > > and was sending out tweets considered as spam by Twitter.  Here are my
> > > questions...
> > > 1) How the heck do you get your account "unsuspended", we've contested
> > > the suspension via the help desk form but it does not appear anyone at
> > > Twitter looks at these or responds to them in any timely fashion.
> > > 2) Doesn't it seem reasonable that if you have a "whitelisted"
> > > application you should at least be given the benefit of the doubt and
> > > be given some kind of warning to correct the problem or abuse
> > > infraction before Twitter just pulls the plug on your app?  How is a
> > > legitimate company supposed to operate if Twitter just goes around
> > > dropping apps at their will with no communication or warning (Even
> > > Google isn't this draconian).  There is also obviously some favortisim
> > > at Twitter going on with certain vendors because I cannot believe
> > > sites such as Tweetlater, TweetDeck or other major twitter apps who
> > > have hundreds of thousands of users do not have a few users from time
> > > to time that abuse Twitter's Spamming policy and I'm pretty certain
> > > that Twitter doesn't just go and suspend their accounts without any
> > > warning whatsoever, I'm pretty sure if they have a major abuser they
> > > get some kind of warning or heads up.  Why isn't Twitter being
> > > consistent in their approach to all vendors, how are other vendors
> > > suppose to achieve the same type of success if thier apps get shut
> > > down out of the blue and ruin their reputation with their existing
> > > customers?
> > > Please..someone at Twitter HELP...we need to get our application
> > > unsuspended, how do we accomplish this???
> --
> Dale Merritt
> Fol.la MeDia, LLC- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

[twitter-dev] Suspended Account - Need Help!!!

2009-08-20 Thread AccountingSoftwareGuy


We just built and released an application to allow users to schedule
tweets.  We've also in short time built a nice little following and
then all of a sudden our account was suspended a day and half ago, out
of the blue, no warning even though our app has been "whitelisted".
Since we can't seem to get any response from Twitter, we did some
searching on our end and we think that one of our users abused our app
and was sending out tweets considered as spam by Twitter.  Here are my

1) How the heck do you get your account "unsuspended", we've contested
the suspension via the help desk form but it does not appear anyone at
Twitter looks at these or responds to them in any timely fashion.

2) Doesn't it seem reasonable that if you have a "whitelisted"
application you should at least be given the benefit of the doubt and
be given some kind of warning to correct the problem or abuse
infraction before Twitter just pulls the plug on your app?  How is a
legitimate company supposed to operate if Twitter just goes around
dropping apps at their will with no communication or warning (Even
Google isn't this draconian).  There is also obviously some favortisim
at Twitter going on with certain vendors because I cannot believe
sites such as Tweetlater, TweetDeck or other major twitter apps who
have hundreds of thousands of users do not have a few users from time
to time that abuse Twitter's Spamming policy and I'm pretty certain
that Twitter doesn't just go and suspend their accounts without any
warning whatsoever, I'm pretty sure if they have a major abuser they
get some kind of warning or heads up.  Why isn't Twitter being
consistent in their approach to all vendors, how are other vendors
suppose to achieve the same type of success if thier apps get shut
down out of the blue and ruin their reputation with their existing

Please..someone at Twitter HELP...we need to get our application
unsuspended, how do we accomplish this???

[twitter-dev] 401 Unauthorized...

2009-08-12 Thread AccountingSoftwareGuy

Is Twitter still blocking posts to the API from non-white listed
apps?  Since the DDOS attack we can't seem to send any posts through
the API using oAuth.  Nothing in our code has changed but all was
working prior to the attack. Is anyone out there havine any success
sending messages with oauth (non-whitelisted app)???

Can someone/anyone please comment, I need to get our app working but
considering our code has not changed I don't want to spend a lot of
time chasing something down that is not my fault and out of my


[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Update, 8/9 noon PST

2009-08-09 Thread AccountingSoftwareGuy

Really weird...using the exact same .NET code and oAuth.  From our
website if we try to post a tweet directly from our webform we get a
401 Unauthorized error.  But if a tweet gets sent out via a windows
service we have that works behind the scenes the tweets are going out
just fine.

Any ideas??

On Aug 9, 12:13 pm, Ryan Sarver  wrote:
> *Finally* have what we hope is good news for everyone. As of about 10
> minutes ago we have been able to restore critical parts of API operation
> that should have great affect on your apps. As such, most of your apps
> should begin to function normally again. I have tested a few OAuth apps and
> they seem to be working as expected.
> Please test your apps from their standard configs to see what results you
> get and let us know. I am primarily interested in unexpected throttling and
> issues with OAuth.
> I look forward to hearing the results and thanks again for your assistance.
> Best, Ryan

[twitter-dev] 408 Request Timeout on oAuth Calls to API

2009-08-08 Thread AccountingSoftwareGuy

Our app has been down for almost 2 days now...every call we make to
the Twitter API returns a 408 Request Timeout.

When can we expect this to be working normal again???

[twitter-dev] Is it possible to control the source name

2009-07-15 Thread AccountingSoftwareGuy

Hi I am using the new oAuth method for communicating with the Twitter
API.  It appears the default behavior is to include the application
name as the source of a post.  For instance...

[date/time] from DynamicTweets

This is fine in most cases but in certain cases we want to make a post
look like it came from the web and not display our application name...
[date/time] from web

Is this possible, I've looked through many threads and I can't seem to
find a way to do this and the "source=" parameter doesn't seem to work.