Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Recent Places-related API enhancements more to come...

2010-06-22 Thread znmeb

Quoting David Helder

The geo field is the user's (or tweet's) exact location.  The place
field, whether a POI, neighborhood, city, or admin, contains the
place's location.  Today POIs are always points, but in the future
there may be some polygons (e.g. stadiums, malls, amusement parks).
In this case the exact location would matter.

A place-annotated tweet will show up in the streaming API, even if
it doesn't have an exact location.

Twitter Geo Team

The POI data I've collected show that they are coded as four-sided  
polygons even if they are points, with all four corners of the  
polygon being equal to the point. And sometimes the geo field is  
present and sometimes it isn't. And sometimes the coordinates field  
is present and sometimes it isn't. IIRC the geo and coordinates field  
have latitude first and longitude second, but it's the other way  
around for the corners of polygons!

Can we get this stuff documented so I'm not writing code that matches  
things that will change? And so I can file bugs when something doesn't  
work, like searching for places? Conversely, is there value in an open  
source library that monitors the sample streaming API and announces  
to the world when Twitter starts sending something new or starts  
sending stuff in a new format? ;-)

I've been in the industry a long time - normally Twitter's pretty  
good about announcing major changes, but little stuff like geo data  
formats tends to just get changed without documentation and sometimes  
without even warnings. In the case of User Streams, we *know* it's a  
developer preview and subject to change. But something like places is  
a *released* feature, and I think that kind of thing should happen  
*with* documentation on or preferably *before* release.

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: [twitter-api-announce] User Streams Preview Open To All Developers

2010-04-26 Thread znmeb
- Original Message - 
From: John Kalucki 
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 12:34:35 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: Re: [twitter-dev] Re: [twitter-api-announce] User Streams Preview Open 
To All Developers 

Currently we deliver these to user streams. We'll probably conditional 
them, default off, before we go to beta. 

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 12:32 PM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote: 
 On 04/25/2010 08:40 PM, John Kalucki wrote: 
 The user endpoint is very similar to the filter endpoint. We're tuning 
 the parameters, but, yes, you can track and loc, just as on filter, 
 but you can't follow. 
 Duplicated JSON isn't really a big concern, but I'll look into what we 
 can trim. The markup is rendered once for all receivers. If the rules 
 fire, you get the same event as everyone else who is party to the 
 event. There are also use cases beyond user streams that require 
 -John Kalucki 
 Infrastructure, Twitter Inc. 
 One more question about user streams: when @bob sends a tweet to @carol, 
 I only see that tweet in the web application if I am following *both* 
 @bob and @carol. Is the same true for user streams, or will I see the 
 tweet if I'm only following @bob? 
 M. Edward (Ed) Borasky 
 A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems. ~ Paul Erdős 
 Subscription settings: 

[twitter-dev] Schedule for API call rate increases with oAuth?

2010-04-26 Thread znmeb
What's the latest schedule for increasing the allowed API call rate for oAuth 
users? That seems to have been lost in the shuffle. 

Also, is there any advantage to xAuth over the desktop PIN oAuth scheme (for a 
desktop application)? I'm putting together a proposal and can't see any real 
advantage to it on the desktop, especially since I have the oAuth code done, 
thanks to Marc Mims' Net::Twitter. ;-) 

Subscription settings:

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Annotation details

2010-04-15 Thread znmeb

- Jud wrote:

 On Apr 14, 5:05 pm, James Teters wrote:
  Any ideas on size limitations or restrictions for this meta data?
 good question; I have the same one.
 simple math based on average tweet status byte size (of status
 structure coming through the streaming or REST interface) tells us
 that it wouldn't take much being jammed into the annotation's field
 double that size. what status size increase is Twitter's
 infrastructure ready/willing to tolerate?
 it seems to me that a few things are NOT candidates for the
 annotations field(s):
 - void * (for you old schoolers on the list)
 - media who's original native format is binary (e.g. photos/videos)
 annotations will need limitations like:
 - overall size
 - if key/value pairs become the model... they'll need individual size
 limitations (for name and value)
 - max number of pairs
 - etc.
 the whole thing feels driven by the answer to the original size
 another question would be whether or not the tweet originator can
 remove annotations that others put on their tweet? I'd assume that
 have control over my original tweet in that manner (e.g. notes
 functionality on Flickr)
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In addition to size constraints, I'd like to *strongly* suggest that wherever 
possible, annotations use *existing* open standards! Please, let's not 
reinvent the semantic web, even if we can. ;-)

Re: [twitter-dev] Infochimps Datasets available for Hack Day: drawn from 1.6B tweets, 40M+ users+reputation, ~0.5B reply links, more!

2010-04-15 Thread znmeb

- Philip (flip) Kromer wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm pleased to announce that Infochimps is making datasets from our
 massive scrape of the Twitter corpus available for Chirp Hack day
 There's a big opportunity for apps that draw on the historical record
 and *structure* of twitter -- apps that require a global perspective
 and intense computation. The following are available to mash up
 against other datasets from or even just to
 bootstrap-seed the database for your Hack Day application. We also
 have a 30-machine cluster up to do further extractions, so if you have
 something really interesting you'd like to pull please let me know.
 Reputation Metrics from Reply and Follow graph s Uses algorithm
 similar to pagerank to derive reputation, one using the a_follows_b
 graph and one using the a_replies_b graphs
 Reply/retweet/mention graph Every observed Reply, retweet, or mention
 seen in a 1.6B-tweet sample (about 15% of historical record):
 a_[rel]_b, user_a_id, user_b_id, tweet_id
 Twitter Users by Background Color The number of users with each
 background color: color code, user count
 Twitter Users by Friends Count The number of users with a given number
 of friends: number of friends, user count
 Twitter Users by Followers Count The number of users with a given
 number of followers: number of followers, user count
 Twitter Users by Created At The number of users whose accounts were
 created in a given month/day/hour along with the earliest seen ID in
 that hour: timestamp to month/day/hour, user count
 Smileys Smiley faces with user, date, tweet_id
 Hashtags Hashtags with user, date, tweet_id
 TweetUrl URLs with user, date, tweet_id
 Twitter Users by Location The number of users in a location string (as
 provided by the user in their profile). location, user count
 Stock Tweets Tweets that include the stock symbol tag convention of
 $STOCKNAME or $$. The tweet is listed for each time a tag is used in
 the tweet. stock_tweet (resource name), symbol captured, tweet object
 (all things in a tweet)
 Stock Prices Daily stock prices for the NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX exchanges
 1970-now symbol, open, low, close, high, volume
 Parameters for what's available:
 raw object size number of objs
 a_follows_b 45.8 GB 1,587,838,568
 a_mentions_b 29.5 GB 493,682,309
 a_retweets_b 1.6 GB 36,022,061
 twitter_user 3.1 GB 43,261,388
 tweets 376.0 GB 1,641,624,381
 hashtag 7.1 GB 139,916,844
 smiley 4.4 GB 99,272,082
 tweet_url 29.5 GB 433,278,116
 If you'd like access to any of these, or have an idea that needs
 something /not/ here, please let me know ( ).
 We're only opening access to Hack Day devs for now -- but please let
 us know your ideas so we can show twitter how much demand there is for
 aggregated access to data.
 Find any dataset in the world

This is too short notice for me to be able to come up with a use for these 
data. But for the future, do you by any chance have access to *intraday futures 
and options* time series? Daily stock data are more or less useless.

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Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Basic Auth Deprecation

2010-04-14 Thread znmeb

- Raffi Krikorian wrote:

 in my ideal world, nobody would have access to a user's password
 except -- oauth provides a framework so end applications
 are not storing the actual password. people are notoriously bad with
 using the same password on lots of different sites. additionally,
 oauth provides twitter better visibility into the traffic coming into
 our system, so we can better shape traffic needs, we can provide
 auditing back to users on which applications are doing what actions on
 their behalf, etc.

Audit trails for users? Hear, hear!! Where is this on the roadmap? I know 
people who'd love this!!

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Promoted Tweets and the API?

2010-04-13 Thread znmeb

- Nigel Legg wrote:

 Is promotion of tweets going to be part of the algorithm for
 defining popular tweets - in a twisted world where twitter says it's
 popular coz they've taken the cash to say it's popular? [sorry, that
 sounds like rigging charts or something... not quite how I meant it to
 Awaiting further details.
 On 13 April 2010 14:48, Duane Roelands 
 I'm curious about this myself. One of the first things end users are
 going to ask for is a way to block these ads from their timelines.
 Don't kid yourself; there's a reason why AdBlock is such a popular
 Firefox plugin.
 Secondary question: Is the first step towards paid Twitter accounts,
 where free users have to receive ads and paid users do not? Straight
 answers here would be appreciated.
 On 13 Apr, 05:28, Tim  wrote:
  I've been looking around for information on how the new promoted
  tweets advertising feature will affect the API, and I've not really
  found anything. I gather that it's a two phase approach starting
  search and then rolling out to timelines, but can anyone here
  (a) whether API responses will include promoted tweets,
  (b) whether these tweets will be identified as ads
  (c) whether third parties are 'obligated' to present them to users
  (d) whether there will be an API Terms of Use as a result

People - please please please - if you are not going to be at Chirp, please 
please please post all of your questions about this (and everything else) to 
the Google Moderator site, so we can be sure they get on the agenda!

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Re: [twitter-dev] Re: What's happening with Tweetie for Mac

2010-04-12 Thread znmeb

- Chad Etzel wrote:

 On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Orian Marx (@orian) wrote:
  I seem to remember some debate over how uberTwitter comes out with
  such a large share in that analysis, ...
 I've always been amazed by this, actually... check out:
 The rate at which people are just posting photos with UberTwitter is
 astounding, nevermind plain tweets.
 To unsubscribe, reply using remove me as the subject.

Yeah, @sheamus thought uberTwitter wasn't that popular either. But I know a 
fair number of power tweeters that have had a Blackberry for a long time, so 
maybe there just aren't any other good BB clients. So - I missed the whole 
Blackberry story in all the iPhone brouhaha - is the new Twitter Blackberry 
client something Twitter bought, or are they building it?

Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter Streaming + Geo = 4square Vision

2010-04-11 Thread znmeb

- Chad Etzel wrote:

 Nice username grab, raffi!
 Also, nice lib. I wonder what awesome thing this could be used for
 testing... :)
 I'm doing a significant bit of stream pre-processing on the backend
 before pushing stuff to the browser (it would probably crush most
 non-chrome browsers to do it all in javascript), plus the whole
 user/pass thing... but this will definitely be useful for testing
 other streams in the future.

You guys are going to force me to break down and learn JavaScript! Well, you 
and the folks that are making server-side JavaScript efficient. ;-) One 
language to rule them all? Finally?

Oh, wait - Scala. Is there browser-side Scala? ;-)
M. Edward (Ed) Borasky @znmeb

A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems. ~ Paul Erdős

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Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter Streaming + Geo = 4square Vision

2010-04-11 Thread znmeb

- Raffi Krikorian wrote:

 We could just be running JavaScript in V8, for all you know :p

Yeah ... and if I didn't have half a dozen other hobbies, I'd write an R 
language engine for the Java Virtual Machine that would run the pants off the 
native one. ;-)

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky @znmeb

A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems. ~  Paul Erdős

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Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Fred Wilson article on Twitter API

2010-04-07 Thread znmeb
- Mike Champion wrote:

 Yeah, interesting post form Fred, especially coming a week before
 Are there classes of killer apps that should be built but haven't
 been? I left a comment on his blog that I would love an app that
 somehow aggregated the recommendations from my twitter stream for
 things like books, music, movies, etc. I tend to trust social
 recommendations often times more than algorithmic ones.

I think

a. That falls into what Fred calls the obvious ones.
b. Facebook has the pole position here and it's a waste of Twitter ecosystem 
resources to try and beat Facebook.

 And I certainly expect more and more great apps will be built around
 data mining the tweet stream and the streaming API.

Again, I think this is in Fred's obvious class. 

 What would have to change for there to be 10X the number of (quality)
 Twitter apps as there are now? A simpler way to make money? More
 success stories? A fund for Twitter app developers? Changes/maturity
 in the Twitter platform?

I'm not sure that question has an answer, and I'm not sure it's even the right 
one to ask. The question I'll throw out is, How can the Twitter ecosystem 
enhance the quality of life for the most people? Because when we get an answer 
to *that* question, the businesses and the money will follow. Business is about 
making peoples' lives *better*, solving real problems for real people, saving 
them money and time, and so on.

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky @znmeb

A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems. ~ Paul Erdős

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: What Exactly is a Developer Advocate? (was Re: Opt-in beta of Popular Tweets for the Search API now available)

2010-04-06 Thread znmeb

- Raffi Krikorian wrote:

 hi dewald.
 we obviously feel that users want the most relevant tweets first (the 
 use of popular is unfortunate here). and the web interface of has begun an evolution in that direction.
 it's still unclear what Twitter is going to do with the API (hence the
 silence), however, to go with your argument: time indexed search is,
 potentially, something a third party service could do.  we do provide 
 the streaming API to get much-better-than-search-real-time results.

Yes, and the real-time work I'm doing I do with Streaming. Building your own 
time indexed search on top of Streaming, however, has an *extensive* 
investment requirement on the part of said third-party services. You've got 
Firehose-scale bandwidth requirements, Cassandra-scale persistence 
requirements, and Hadoop-scale algorithmic requirements just for openers.

It's an *extremely* competitive marketplace. Hell, there are profitable 
businesses out there *giving away* Twitter-based services. You've got to be 
compelling, cheap, correct, pretty and fast out of the box to compete with 
them. You can't make it work, then make it pretty, go sell it and then make it 
scale any more. Using Streaming in its current state means duplicating large 
chunks of Twitter's infrastructure. That's inefficient, and off the top of my 
head, I can't think of a *single* example of an inefficient business that 
survived in the long run.

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky @znmeb

A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems. ~ Paul Erdős

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: What Exactly is a Developer Advocate? (was Re: Opt-in beta of Popular Tweets for the Search API now available)

2010-04-06 Thread znmeb

- Dewald Pretorius wrote:

 Tweet id is a no-brainer. We understand that an linear incrementing
 number does not scale because at some point it must cycle back to 1.
 Search is a different animal.
 When I do a Twitter search, I expect your system to tell me what is
 *happening* right now. I am NOT expecting your system to tell me what
 is *popular* right now.
 This popular tweet thing is diluting and violating your entire
 of real-time.
 If I search for earthquake I want to see what is *happening* in
 time. I have no interest in seeing a 30-minute old tweet from @aplusk
 or @ev just because they are trusted accounts and the tweet is being
 retweeted a lot (to simplify the popularity algorithm).
 If people have a need to see popular tweets, you know what? That is
 ideal service to be provided by a third-party developer/service.
 Twitter is real-time, and has defined real-time information. Stick to
 it. Don't dilute your mission.


And can we fix Trending Topics too? Give me the Top 100 or Top 200 or even Top 
1000 and let me filter out Tiger Woods, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga and the iPad! 

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems. ~ Paul Erdős

Re: [twitter-dev] Musings About Twitter Search (was Re: What Exactly is a Developer Advocate? (was Re: Opt-in beta of Popular Tweets for the Search API now available))

2010-04-06 Thread znmeb

- Nigel Legg wrote:

 Ed, I would like to re-read your blog post, but it's redirecting me
 through oAuth into Twitoaster???

It is? On my web page? Sounds like a bug in the Twitoaster WordPress plugin. 
There's a Twitoaster widget there, but you should be able to read the blog post 
directly from the link, and comment with Intense Debate (yet another WordPress 
plugin - I'm rump-deep in them.) ;-)

Try a link - maybe it will work better:

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky @znmeb

A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems. ~ Paul Erdős

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Re: [twitter-dev] How to display local or city wise trending topic into mysite

2010-04-06 Thread znmeb

- Abraham Williams wrote:

 If you need trending topics for cities that are not currently
 supported you can use the streaming location filter around the city
 and calculate frequent keywords yourself.

Streaming locations filters only return tweets that are correctly geotagged, 
and there is a bug which prevents tweets tagged only with the place attribute 
from being included. You get many more tweets using the Search API with a 

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: What Exactly is a Developer Advocate? (was Re: Opt-in beta of Popular Tweets for the Search API now available)

2010-04-05 Thread znmeb

- Raffi Krikorian wrote:

 • popular tweets in search - twitter is increasingly being relied
 upon to be the place for relevant real-time information. most
 end-users would say that a time indexed search stream is not as
 valuable. as you all can probably tell, keeping a real time search
 index operational is hard enough, but imagine keeping a service
 running that is simultaneously delivering relevant results along with
 time indexed results. that's significantly harder.

Ah, see, *this* is the conversation *I* want! ;-) For example, search marketing 
is a well-established branch of online marketing, and both Google and Microsoft 
provide tools for marketers that tell them what people search for. Microsoft 
even provides tools that do a half-way decent job of distinguishing between 
people who are just looking and people who are searching with commercial 
intention. They also measure this internally and use it to tweak their 
indexing algorithms so they balance the needs of the seekers and the sellers. 
Maybe it's on Twitter's road map to provide Twitter Search Keyword Tools, and 
then again, maybe it isn't. Maybe Twitter doesn't want to be a search marketing 
platform. ;-) 

All I'm saying is that it isn't just a technical problem - if your data say 
that Twitter Search users - seekers, since there don't appear to be provisions 
for sellers yet - that popularity is how they want to rank tweets, and by 
extension, tweeters, for relevance, then that's what you should go with. 
Because the third-party monitoring outfits have migrated or will migrate to 
Streaming and will do the indexing their clients require. And they'll pay 
Twitter for the access levels they need to meet their clients' requirements. 

And if you don't *have* data, well ... ;-)

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