Re: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating its parent form

2006-12-12 Thread Henrik
Hi Marcelo!

Ok, I didn't realize that that was what it was. Thanks for the
I tried it in the example application but I still get the same freeze when
trying to connect after the second time the form is created...

Any other ideas?
To rephrase a solution to the problem: If I use the standard example
applications or if I put the smtp component on the main form of my own
application, everything works fine on all computers since the main form is
not released until the application is closed. It is when the form containing
the smtp-component is created and freed when I want to send an email that I
get the freezing problem the second time it is done.

So why not just put it on the main form? Well I want to have the capability
to send e-mails from many applications so it is convenient to have a
separate e-mail unit with an Execute-function that I can call from my
applications. Execute takes care of everything from creating the form that
contains the smtp component and shows the sending status to initiating the
properties of the smtp component with the parameters passed to Execute. It
tries to send the email and returns true if the email was sent.

Once again: All suggestions are appreciated.
Thank You in advance!
Best Regards


-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Marcelo Grossi
Skickat: den 11 december 2006 17:41
Till: ICS support mailing
Ämne: Re: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating itsparentform


Procedure Variable is a variable that has scope only for a given procedure. 

procedure MyForm.ButtonSendMailClick(Sender : TObject);
   MySendMailForm : TMySendMailForm; -- Procedure Variable, for its

only accessible inside this procedure (ButtonSendMailClick)...
   MySendMailForm := TMySendMailForm.Create(params..);


Marcelo Grossi

 My final remark was that I normally have the form
 as a procedure variable as it is not needed to be
 defined outside the buttonclick event and maybe that
 also solves your issue.

 I don't know if I understand You correctly...

 Best Regards

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Re: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating its parent form

2006-12-12 Thread Wilfried Mestdagh
Hello Henrik,

Do you have the same problem in the IDE ?  Because this way you can
check witch code line never comes back (freeze). If not eventually open
a console window and write some debug information into it to see where
it happens.

Your approach is normal. I do this all the time, however I almost never
use forms for it. Normally I have an object containing the component, eg
TSmtpClient, another object that creates / handles / destroy the
TSmtpClient objects. But in principle it is the same. It can as whell be
a DataModule, a Form or whatever other object.

Question: We do understeand the word 'Freeze' the right way ?  Form
cannot moved, closed, application cannot quit, etc... Right ?

Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]

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Re: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating its parentform

2006-12-12 Thread Frans van Daalen

 Question: We do understeand the word 'Freeze' the right way ?  Form
 cannot moved, closed, application cannot quit, etc... Right ?

It was writen in some previous posting that the application was then at 50% 
cpu, so on a hyperthreaded cpu, the application is in some fast loop, i gues 

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[twsocket] FastCGI project proposal (with permission from Francois)

2006-12-12 Thread Fastream Technologies
Dear ICS Colleagues,

We (Fastream Technologies) are looking for a developer who will be in charge of
developing a FastCGI extension (See the the specs at based on our custom CGI component for our
existing server based on ICS. If you are interested as, please email
us from [EMAIL PROTECTED] with how much do you ask for the job and the
deadline you can do it in. If you want to contribute to this project
by any means, please do not hesitate to email.

Best Regards,

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Re: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating itsparentform

2006-12-12 Thread Henrik
  Question: We do understeand the word 'Freeze' the right way ?  Form 
  cannot moved, closed, application cannot quit, etc... Right ?
 It was writen in some previous posting that the application was
 then at 50% cpu, so on a hyperthreaded cpu, the application is in
 some fast loop, i gues 

It's an Intel Core Duo on the machine I use to duplicate the problem. Can
the type of processor be a problem in this case?
// Henrik

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Re: [twsocket] TWSocket Digest, Vol 199, Issue 2 (Aleksey Potjomkin)

2006-12-12 Thread Aleksey Potjomkin
Hello !

  For your next message, be sure to use a proper subject. Using a proper
  subject enhance your chances to get an answer.

Is it OK now ?

  Have a look at FtpAsy sample program (In ICS-V5 but also good for V6
  provided you change the uses clause).

Sorry, but i couldn't find any such sample as in ICS archive, same not at 
your website (User made section). Can you please give me exact way where to 
get this sample ?

  You may also have a look at the MailSndAsync demo of V5, it's SMTP but

Same problem as with FtpAsy, i can't find that anywhere.

Aleksey Potjomkin

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Re: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating itsparentform

2006-12-12 Thread Frans van Daalen
  Question: We do understeand the word 'Freeze' the right way ?  Form
  cannot moved, closed, application cannot quit, etc... Right ?
 It was writen in some previous posting that the application was
 then at 50% cpu, so on a hyperthreaded cpu, the application is in
 some fast loop, i gues

 It's an Intel Core Duo on the machine I use to duplicate the problem. Can
 the type of processor be a problem in this case?
 // Henrik

I have really no idea, I was just guessing that the problem was a fast loop 
due to the reported cpu load. But with the log you provided maybe someone is 
able to help. I can not :( 

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Re: [twsocket] TWSocket Digest, Vol 199, Issue 2 (Aleksey Potjomkin)

2006-12-12 Thread Frans van Daalen

  Have a look at FtpAsy sample program (In ICS-V5 but also good for V6
  provided you change the uses clause).

 Sorry, but i couldn't find any such sample as in ICS archive, same not at
 your website (User made section). Can you please give me exact way where 
 get this sample ?

  You may also have a look at the MailSndAsync demo of V5, it's SMTP but

 Same problem as with FtpAsy, i can't find that anywhere.

just download the ics v5 and then have a look in de ics/internet directory 

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Re: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating its parentform

2006-12-12 Thread Henrik
Hello Wilfred!

Yes, I get the same behavior when running the application from within the
IDE. So I traced the code up until the application stops to respond. (And
yes, we mean the same thing: the application freezes or hangs so that You
can't quit and You can not move or close the window.)

The trace disappears in the function WSocket_Synchronized_WSAAsyncSelect in
WSocket.pas. You can see the actual line where something happens in the code
snippet below:

function WSocket_Synchronized_WSAAsyncSelect(
   s: TSocket; HWindow: HWND;
   wMsg: u_int; lEvent: Longint): Integer;
  SaveTrace('Start WSocket.pas: function
  if @FWSAAsyncSelect = nil then
  @FWSAAsyncSelect := WSocketGetProc('WSAAsyncSelect');

  SaveTrace('Hang on the line below this row: Result :=

  Result := FWSAAsyncSelect(s, HWindow, wMsg, lEvent);   // --
Something happens here

  SaveTrace('Hang on the line obove this row: Result :=
  SaveTrace('End   WSocket.pas: function

Does this make any sense?
Best Regards 

Ps. If there by any chance is someone who want a bit more in depth facts,
I also attached the following trace logs :-)

I added the SaveTrace procedure seen in the snippet above at the first line
and the last line of the following functions and procedures:
  WSocket.pas:  function XSocketWindowProc
  WSocket.pas:  procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
  WSocket.pas:  procedure TCustomWSocket.WMAsyncGetHostByName
  WSocket.pas:  procedure TCustomWSocket.TriggerDNSLookupDone
  SmtpProt.pas: procedure TCustomSmtpClient.WSocketDnsLookupDone
  WSocket.pas:  procedure TCustomSocksWSocket.Connect;
  WSocket.pas:  procedure TCustomWSocket.Connect
  WSocket.pas:  function WSocket_Synchronized_WSAAsyncSelect

So after the ConnectButton in the example is pressed I get the following
results on computers where everything works:

First time the SmtpTestForm is created and ConnectButton is pressed:

Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
  Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
  End   WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
  Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
  End   WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
  Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WMAsyncGetHostByName
  Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.TriggerDNSLookupDone
Start SmtpProt.pas: procedure TCustomSmtpClient.WSocketDnsLookupDone
  Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomSocksWSocket.Connect
Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.Connect
  Start WSocket.pas: function
Hang on the line below this row: Result :=
Hang on the line obove this row: Result :=
  End   WSocket.pas: function
End   WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.Connect
End   SmtpProt.pas: procedure TCustomSmtpClient.WSocketDnsLookupDone
  End   WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.TriggerDNSLookupDone
End   WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WMAsyncGetHostByName
  End   WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
  Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
  End   WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
  Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
  End   WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
  Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
  End   WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc

I close the SmtpTestForm, release it and create it again.
When ConnectButton is 

Re: [twsocket] TWSocket Digest, Vol 199, Issue 2 (Aleksey Potjomkin)

2006-12-12 Thread Henrik

  For your next message, be sure to use a proper subject. Using a proper
  subject enhance your chances to get an answer.

 Is it OK now ?

Hi Aleksey!

I'm also new to this but I think what Francois meant was that You should
_continue_ to use the subject that describes the contents of the thread You
are answering. It makes it easier for everyone to follow the thread and se
what it is about. 

I don't use Digest mode but as I have understood it You get one mail with a
standard subject describing what volume and issue it is and the separate
messages attached as separate files. I think You should not answer that mail
directly (at least not without replacing its subject first...) Instead I
think You can open the attached message You want to send an answer to and
reply to that one.
(If You use non Digest mode every message arrives separately and You can
answer them directly.)

Well I don't know if that explained anything but I gave it a try :-)
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Re: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating itsparentform

2006-12-12 Thread Arno Garrels

I still guess that it's caused by any crap process running on
this box. Why else does it not happen on other computers as well? 
I don't know the Norman software, but have you tried to uninstall it? 
I would also check the auto-started processes as well and turn
them off one after the other. Then I would search for strange
processes in the process list that do not exist on the other,
working boxes. That's at least worth a try. 

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

Henrik wrote:
 Hello Wilfred!
 Yes, I get the same behavior when running the application from within
 IDE. So I traced the code up until the application stops to respond.
 yes, we mean the same thing: the application freezes or hangs so that
 can't quit and You can not move or close the window.)
 The trace disappears in the function
 WSocket_Synchronized_WSAAsyncSelect in 
 WSocket.pas. You can see the actual line where something happens in
 the code 
 snippet below:
 function WSocket_Synchronized_WSAAsyncSelect(
s: TSocket; HWindow: HWND;
wMsg: u_int; lEvent: Longint): Integer;
   SaveTrace('Start WSocket.pas: function
   if @FWSAAsyncSelect = nil then
   @FWSAAsyncSelect := WSocketGetProc('WSAAsyncSelect');
   SaveTrace('Hang on the line below this row: Result :=
   Result := FWSAAsyncSelect(s, HWindow, wMsg, lEvent);   // --
 Something happens here
   SaveTrace('Hang on the line obove this row: Result :=
   SaveTrace('End   WSocket.pas: function
 Does this make any sense?
 Best Regards
 Ps. If there by any chance is someone who want a bit more in depth
 I also attached the following trace logs :-)
 I added the SaveTrace procedure seen in the snippet above at the
 first line 
 and the last line of the following functions and procedures:
   WSocket.pas:  function XSocketWindowProc
   WSocket.pas:  procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
   WSocket.pas:  procedure TCustomWSocket.WMAsyncGetHostByName
   WSocket.pas:  procedure TCustomWSocket.TriggerDNSLookupDone
   SmtpProt.pas: procedure TCustomSmtpClient.WSocketDnsLookupDone
   WSocket.pas:  procedure TCustomSocksWSocket.Connect;
   WSocket.pas:  procedure TCustomWSocket.Connect
   WSocket.pas:  function WSocket_Synchronized_WSAAsyncSelect
 So after the ConnectButton in the example is pressed I get the
 results on computers where everything works:
 First time the SmtpTestForm is created and ConnectButton is pressed:
 Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
 End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
 Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
 End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
 Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
 End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
 Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
 End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
 Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
 End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
 Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
   Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
   End   WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
 End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
 Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
   Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
   End   WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
 End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
 Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
   Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
 Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WMAsyncGetHostByName
   Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.TriggerDNSLookupDone
 Start SmtpProt.pas: procedure
   Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomSocksWSocket.Connect
 Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.Connect
   Start WSocket.pas: function
 Hang on the line below this row: Result :=
 Hang on the line obove this row: Result :=
   End   WSocket.pas: function
 End   WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.Connect
 End   SmtpProt.pas: procedure
   End   WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.TriggerDNSLookupDone
 End   WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WMAsyncGetHostByName
   End   WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
 End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
 Start WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
   Start WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
   End   WSocket.pas: procedure TCustomWSocket.WndProc
 End   WSocket.pas: function XSocketWindowProc
 Start WSocket.pas: 

Re: [twsocket] Freeze when using smtp after recreating itsparentform

2006-12-12 Thread Clay Shannon
I still guess that it's caused by any crap process running on this box.

It sounds like you have a toilet hooked up to your computer. 

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Re: [twsocket] TWSocket Digest, Vol 199, Issue 2 (Aleksey Potjomkin)

2006-12-12 Thread Francois PIETTE
  For your next message, be sure to use a proper subject. Using a proper
  subject enhance your chances to get an answer.

 Is it OK now ?

Not, it isn't.
If you reply to a digest mode, change the subject line from TWSocket 
Digest... to the original subject of the message you reply to (A digest 
message is a collection of messages and you really reply to only one at a 
time). Maybe you should turn digect mode off. This way it is much easier to 
reply to messages. And you receive the messages much more quickly along the 

  Have a look at FtpAsy sample program (In ICS-V5 but also good for V6
  provided you change the uses clause).

 Sorry, but i couldn't find any such sample as in ICS archive, same not at
 your website (User made section). Can you please give me exact way where 
 get this sample ?

  You may also have a look at the MailSndAsync demo of V5, it's SMTP but

 Same problem as with FtpAsy, i can't find that anywhere.

It is simply located in ICS.ZIP ! You probably already have it on your 
system if you are using ICS-V5. If not, download ICS-V5.

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[twsocket] Service dependency problem re-occurred.

2006-12-12 Thread Fastream Technologies

Our clients using Windows 2003 complain that the lastest beta is
causing hangs during boot up and then reboots and goes into a loop.
This is a HTTP/FTP server installed as system service and running with
administrative rights. It depends only to Tcpip. I noticed that when
it is trying to run, it blocks alg.exe to execute and this is a cycle
of waiting (cyclic dependency). I wonder which other service should it
depend to prevent this situation? Is Samss (Security Accounts Manager
System Service) needed/supported by all systems?

Best Regards,

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Re: [twsocket] TWSocket Digest, Vol 199, Issue 2 (Aleksey Potjomkin)

2006-12-12 Thread Frans van Daalen

- Original Message - 
From: Aleksey Potjomkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] TWSocket Digest, Vol 199, Issue 2 (Aleksey 

 Hello !

just download the ics v5 and then have a look in de ics/internet

 OK, I did. But i'm still can't understand main point of it. How to handle
 concurrent connections ??? As I understood, main feature of it is event
 OnRequestDone and there I can make a switch:

just create some more ftp's components or maybe as many needed. Have a look 
at the httpasy project for some nice idea's :-) 

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Re: [twsocket] TWSocket Digest, Vol 199, Issue 2 (Aleksey Potjomkin)

2006-12-12 Thread Arno Garrels

Create multiple FTP components, assign them the same event handlers.

for I := 1 to 10 do
  Ftp := TFtpClient.Create(nil);
  Ftp.OnRequestDone := FtpRequestDone;

Cast the Sender that is available in any event handler like: 

procedure TForm1.FtpRequestDone(Sender: TObject;
  RqType: TFtpRequest; ErrCode: Word);
  case RqType of 
   ftpOpenAsync : TFtpClient(Sender).UserAsync;

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

Aleksey Potjomkin wrote:
 Hello !
 just download the ics v5 and then have a look in de ics/internet
 OK, I did. But i'm still can't understand main point of it. How to
 handle concurrent connections ??? As I understood, main feature of it
 is event OnRequestDone and there I can make a switch:
case RqType of
 ftpOpenAsync:   //..
 ftpPassAsync:   //..
 ftpCwdAsync: //..
 ftpTypeSetAsync: //..
 ftpGetAsync: //..
 Something like that. But anyways, it's only about 1 connection at the
 same time. For example i have on my form TFTPCli component named
 FTP. So how I can open 2 connections at the same time ??? It will
 be the same as with synchronous sockets. First i need to work out 1st
 connection and only then work with other one.
   For example:
   FTP-HostName =;
   FTP-User = user1;
   FTP-Pass = pass1;
   // now OnRequestDone event:
 case ftpOpenAsync: FTP-UserAsync;
 case ftpUserAync: FTP-PassAsync;
 case ftpPassAsync: // ...
   So only after this connection with worked out i can take another
 one, right ? Because if i type:
   FTP-HostName =;
   FTP-User = user1;
   FTP-Pass = pass1;
   FTP-HostName =;
   FTP-User = user2;
   FTP-Pass = pass2;
   User  pass are changed now (if first one isn't done still), so
 that will be all wrong. That means I can't work with 2 connections at
 once. That's why i used threads. So what you can advice me to do with
 all that ? Or maybe I'm not understanding something ?
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