Re: [twsocket] Should next ICS version support anything before DelphiXE ?

2012-03-28 Thread Lars Gehre
Still using Delphi 7.  

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of François Piette
 Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 8:59 PM
 To: ICS support mailing
 Subject: [twsocket] Should next ICS version support anything 
 before DelphiXE ?
 Hi !
 I’m planning the next ICS version…
 Being unable to use any features added to Delphi in the last 
 10 years is very restricted.  Maybe we need to cease support 
 for old Delphi versions ?
 Of course ICS V5 and V7 will remains available however, the 
 only changes will be bug fixes.
 What do you think ? Please keep your answer as short as 
 possible, I just want to have an idea about how many of you 
 are still using an old Delphi version.
 The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
 The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)
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Re: [twsocket] Should next ICS version support anything beforeDelphiXE ?

2012-03-28 Thread Lars Gehre
Well I for my part would like see the IP V6 branch of Arno Garrels as the
next ICS V8 (with support of older Delphi versions, XE2 firemonkey and x64
bit) because it is a REAL step forward for ICS and useful without new
language mumbo jumbo. ;)

I'm not saying there might be a time to make a cut and say that's it for now
only the current and following Versions of delphi. But come on, IP V6 IS
coming and it is big and it will be needed also in legacy applications
developed with older Delphi versions.


 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Arno Garrels
 Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 11:00 PM
 To: ICS support mailing
 Subject: Re: [twsocket] Should next ICS version support 
 anything beforeDelphiXE ?
 François Piette wrote:
  I'm planning the next ICS version.
 Interesting, I'm planning it since last year as well, namely 
 in the IPv6/FireMonkey beta branch and while porting ICS to 
 XE2 64-bit. What are your actual plans except abandon support 
 for older compilers? 
  Being unable to use any features added to Delphi in the 
 last 10 years 
  is very restricted.  Maybe we need to cease support for old Delphi 
  versions ?
 Abandon Delphi 7 support was just stupid unless someone 
 rewrites ICS to take full advantage of the new and powerful 
 language features at the same time, sorry ( I won't be the 
 guy doing this ). 
 Actually the tweaks required to get current ICS compiled from 
 D7 up to latest RAD Studio version are **very minor** (oh, 
 this property StrictDelimiter doesn't exist in D7? **come on**). 
 BTW: Indy still supports D5!
 Taking into account that many of the new language features 
 can't be used without problems before XE/2010 (because of 
 bugs), it makes *no sense* at all to abandon D7 if at the 
 same time support for D2007 is kept. It would make sense 
 though to start a _new version from *scratch*, such an 
 incarnation of ICS ;) would then of course support only XE+ 
 or maybe D2010+, is that your plan?  
  The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
  The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)
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Re: [twsocket] Setting additional Header fields depending on the mimetype in the HTTP Server

2011-12-12 Thread Lars Gehre
Well, I simply changed the source code and added a callback. It's normally
not the way to go, but well, sometimes it's the easiest way.

I'm talking about mostly automatically served files so calling
senddocument is out of the question. 
Overriding said function would mean, I would have to duplicate the code and
with each update of ICS I would have to check all my projects for this
overriden function. Not very practical. It's easier to change the ICS code
once every update...

Persistant headers are not usefull cause only certain Mimetype need special
headers and as an another use example: the Date header should reflect the
current (GMT) time, not the one when you started the server. With this
callback, you could handle time sensitive headers also.

The best way to go would normally be to implement a callback in the ICS http
server similar to the one which was added not too long ago for the
MimeContentType. :)

And I believe this is not just a special scenario for our apps. 
According to Pagespeed and feedback from our users this relative simple
change (Date and Expire headers) improved the response times of the
webserver and the display speed of the pages a lot. Just because all the js
libs, the css and image file are now taken from the cache and not downloaded
every time (IE seem to be a special case, according to the network monitor
of the IE9 the static files get a 304 answer which is in NO way send by ICS
http ;) ).


 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of RTT
 Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 1:18 AM
 To: ICS support mailing
 Subject: Re: [twsocket] Setting additional Header fields 
 depending on the mimetype in the HTTP Server
 If you call the SendDocument yourself, you can use this 
 overload version
 procedure SendDocument(SendType: THttpSendType; const CustomHeaders: 
 string); overload; virtual; { V7.29 }
 If not, you can override it and pass your custom header in 
 the CustomHeaders parameter, calling the inherited 
 SendDocument. This way you don't need to duplicate that function code.
 Or you can use the PersistentHeader property. Just fill it 
 with your custom headers, before the send, and clear after 
 done if additional sends don't need it anymore.
  I need to add for certain mime content types special headers to the 
  HTTP header. As an example for static resources the 
 Expires or Cache-Control
  Unfortunatly I haven't found a way to do this without 
 overriding (and
  duplicating) the SendDocument function. Did I miss 
 something obvious 
  or is there no way to add custom headers depending on the 
 mime content type?
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[twsocket] Setting additional Header fields depending on the mimetype in the HTTP Server

2011-12-10 Thread Lars Gehre

I need to add for certain mime content types special headers to the HTTP
header. As an example for static resources the Expires or Cache-Control

Unfortunatly I haven't found a way to do this without overriding (and
duplicating) the SendDocument function. Did I miss something obvious or is
there no way to add custom headers depending on the mime content type?


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Re: [twsocket] Suggestion for DocumentToContentType

2011-10-21 Thread Lars Gehre
 Oct 21, 2011 V7.41 Angus added OnHttpMimeContentType to allow 
 custom ContentTypes to be supported for unusual file extensions.

Very nice. 

Is there a reason you placed the calls in this sequences? I think 

procedure THttpConnection.SendDocument[..]
ErrorSend  := FALSE;
ProtoNumber:= 200;
TriggerMimeContentType(FDocument, FAnswerContentType);  { V7.41 allow
content type to be changed }
if FAnswerContentType='' then   // no callback or not handled? Let the
default function do it's magic.
  FAnswerContentType := DocumentToContentType(FDocument);

is a little bit better (at least if you have a callback and a matching
MimeContentType). In the worst case you have one additional comparism
(FAnswerContentType='') in the best case the complete if..then..else
construct of the default function will be skipped. It also would enable the
user to replace the default function with a optimized search.

BTW: what is the local variable ErrorSend good for? I think it simply can
be kicked...

Another minor thing: Is there a special reason why the String parameters
(Filename) of the callbacks and the Trigger[..] procedures are not declared
as const? This also applies to the DocumentToContentType function.



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[twsocket] Small problem with ifdefs in httpSrv

2011-07-08 Thread Lars Gehre

I found one small problem in the THttpConnection class: 

FPostRcvBuf   : array [0..1023] of Byte; { V7.30 }
FPostCounter  : Int64;   { V7.30 }

must to be placed before the 


block, otherwise you get compilation errors, if you use this directive.


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[twsocket] Suggestion for DocumentToContentType

2011-07-08 Thread Lars Gehre

after getting chewed out (again!) for forgetting to extend the
DocumentToContentType function after an update of ICS, I like to suggest
an improvement.

As base use a THashedStringlist (or something similar). 
Fill the list with the default extension/contentType names and values pairs
and provide a public RegisterContentType procedure to add customized
content types to the list. 
It might be actually faster (sorted list) than the old function...
Maybe this is also the time to add use the registry to find MIME type for
file types ;)


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Re: [twsocket] HTTP Server creates extremly high CPU load

2011-07-02 Thread Lars Gehre
Thanks, I can confirm, it works now without problems.


 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Arno Garrels
 Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 8:35 AM
 To: ICS support mailing
 Subject: Re: [twsocket] HTTP Server creates extremly high CPU load
 Lars Gehre wrote:
  I think, I found something.
 Thanks for reporting, I just checked in a fix.
 Available via SVN now or included in next daily snapshot
 Arno Garrels 
  The problem seems to be the head request. Normaly you do a HEAD and 
  close the connection, but in my case it stays open and the 
 http server 
  gets stuck in an endless loop.
  The culprits are:
  procedure THttpConnection.SendDocument(SendType : 
  CustomHeaders : String); and procedure 
  THttpConnection.ConnectionDataSent(Sender : TObject; Error :
  In SendDocument the fdocsize gets set to the size of the 
 stream and a
  if SendType = httpSendHead then
 FDocStream.Seek(0, soFromEnd)
 if SendType = httpSendDoc then
 Send(nil, 0); { Added 15/04/02 } // this one 
 triggers the 
  In ConnectionDataSent FDataSent = FDocSize is the end trigger but
  ToSend := FDocSize - FDataSent;  //fdatasent = 0
 if ToSend  FSndBlkSize then
 ToSend := FSndBlkSize;
 Count := FDocStream.Read(FDocBuf^, ToSend); // =0 because of
  FDocStream.Seek(0, soFromEnd) in SendDocument
 FDataSent := FDataSent + Count;  { Count data which is sent
  }  // 0 + 0 = 0
 if State = wsConnected then  { Be sure to be still
  connected... }
 Send(FDocBuf, Count);{ before actually send any
  data. }  // starts it all over again...
  Maybe a
 if (FDataSent = FDocSize) or
  (FDocStream.Position=FDocStream.Size) then begin
  might be a solution, but I don't know enough of the inner 
 workings of 
  the http component to foresee possible side effects...
  -Original Message-
  [] On Behalf Of Lars Gehre
  Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 9:49 PM
  To: 'ICS support mailing'
  Subject: Re: [twsocket] HTTP Server creates extremly high CPU load
  Well I was a little to fast with my conclusion. It only happens to 
  files in the demo because they have a proper header, the virtual 
  documents only give a 404 for a HEAD request.
  The download is not of matter, the demo files are 500 bytes or so. 
  And the server load stays as long as the client is connected.
  As I said, I was able to replicate this on two different 
 machines and 
  it is not limited to local access. cross tests between the 
  also show this behaviour.
  -Original Message-
  [] On Behalf Of Arno Garrels
  Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 3:49 PM
  To: ICS support mailing
  Subject: Re: [twsocket] HTTP Server creates extremly high CPU load
  Lars Gehre wrote:
  I noticed one thing: This only happens if files are 
 involved, for 
  virtual documents it does not happen.
  I cannot reproduce it, 0.0% CPU here.
  I used the OverbyteIcsWebServ demo running on a Win7 quadcore.
  However if I download a file with Firefox (100 Mbit/s LAN)
  at around 6
  MB/s CPU 0 uses ~25-30% and CPU 2 8-15%, overall usage of
  the server
  process ~8-10% reported by Process Explorer.
  Arno Garrels
  For the http server demo it means you need to open Index.html or 
  -Original Message-
  [] On Behalf Of Lars Gehre
  Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 11:21 AM
  To: 'ICS support mailing'
  Subject: [twsocket] HTTP Server creates extremly high CPU load
  Hello all,
  I have a serious problem with the http server component from
  ICS7 (downloaded from the repository last week).
  I'm using the wininet api on the client side to open a (GET) 
  connection to a ICS http Server.
  For certain reasons I need to query the HEAD in 
 intervals (while 
  the other get is still in progress).
  As soon as I send the second request the CPU load of the http 
  server maxes out one CPU core.
  Steps to reproduce:
  - Run the http server demo from ics.
  - Download the demo source (delphi 7)
  - Run the demo, enter the url of the demo server and press the 
  - As soon as the call to GetFileSize is finished you 
 see the CPU 
  load of the webserver going up.
  I checked it on two windows 7 (multicore) machines with 
 the same 
  I also checked it against several other http servers 
 and none of 
  them had a problem with this kind

Re: [twsocket] HTTP Server creates extremly high CPU load

2011-06-30 Thread Lars Gehre
I noticed one thing: This only happens if files are involved, for virtual
documents it does not happen. 

For the http server demo it means you need to open 
Index.html or Form.html.


 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Lars Gehre
 Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 11:21 AM
 To: 'ICS support mailing'
 Subject: [twsocket] HTTP Server creates extremly high CPU load
 Hello all,
 I have a serious problem with the http server component from 
 ICS7 (downloaded from the repository last week).
 I'm using the wininet api on the client side to open a (GET) 
 connection to a ICS http Server. 
 For certain reasons I need to query the HEAD in intervals 
 (while the other get is still in progress). 
 As soon as I send the second request the CPU load of the http 
 server maxes out one CPU core.
 Steps to reproduce:
 - Run the http server demo from ics.
 - Download the demo source (delphi 7)
 - Run the demo, enter the url of the demo server and press the button.
 - As soon as the call to GetFileSize is finished you see the 
 CPU load of the webserver going up.
 I checked it on two windows 7 (multicore) machines with the 
 same result. 
 I also checked it against several other http servers and none 
 of them had a problem with this kind of usage.
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Re: [twsocket] HTTP Server creates extremly high CPU load

2011-06-30 Thread Lars Gehre
Well I was a little to fast with my conclusion. It only happens to files in
the demo because they have a proper header, the virtual documents only give
a 404 for a HEAD request.

The download is not of matter, the demo files are 500 bytes or so. And the
server load stays as long as the client is connected.

As I said, I was able to replicate this on two different machines and it is
not limited to local access. cross tests between the machines also show this


 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Arno Garrels
 Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 3:49 PM
 To: ICS support mailing
 Subject: Re: [twsocket] HTTP Server creates extremly high CPU load
 Lars Gehre wrote:
  I noticed one thing: This only happens if files are involved, for 
  virtual documents it does not happen.
 I cannot reproduce it, 0.0% CPU here.
 I used the OverbyteIcsWebServ demo running on a Win7 quadcore.
 However if I download a file with Firefox (100 Mbit/s LAN) at 
 around 6 MB/s CPU 0 uses ~25-30% and CPU 2 8-15%, overall 
 usage of the server process ~8-10% reported by Process Explorer.
 Arno Garrels
  For the http server demo it means you need to open
  Index.html or Form.html.
  -Original Message-
  [] On Behalf Of Lars Gehre
  Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 11:21 AM
  To: 'ICS support mailing'
  Subject: [twsocket] HTTP Server creates extremly high CPU load
  Hello all,
  I have a serious problem with the http server component from
  ICS7 (downloaded from the repository last week).
  I'm using the wininet api on the client side to open a (GET)
  connection to a ICS http Server.
  For certain reasons I need to query the HEAD in intervals
  (while the other get is still in progress).
  As soon as I send the second request the CPU load of the http
  server maxes out one CPU core.
  Steps to reproduce:
  - Run the http server demo from ics.
  - Download the demo source (delphi 7)
  - Run the demo, enter the url of the demo server and press the
  - As soon as the call to GetFileSize is finished you see the
  CPU load of the webserver going up.
  I checked it on two windows 7 (multicore) machines with the
  same result.
  I also checked it against several other http servers and none
  of them had a problem with this kind of usage.
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[twsocket] IGMP V3 proposal

2009-11-30 Thread Lars Gehre
I like to propose a code addition for IGMP V3
( to the
OverbyteICSWSocket unit.
It is mostly used by professional equipment (Cisco  Co) to join a multicast
group. We use it for our IPTV analyzing tool and the code is confirmed to
work. :)



ip_mreq_source = record
  imr_multiaddr: in_addr; // IP multicast address of group
  imr_sourceaddr: in_addr; // IP address of source
  imr_interface: in_addr; // local IP address of interface

   IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP  = 15; // join IP group/source 

In the definition of 

 TCustomWSocket = class(TIcsWndControl)

FMultiCastAddrStr   : String;
FMultiCastIpTTL : Integer;
FMultiCastSourceAddrStr: String;  // the source IP of the multicast


property MultiCastAddrStr: String   read  FMultiCastAddrStr
write FMultiCastAddrStr;
property MultiCastIpTTL  : Integer  read  FMultiCastIpTTL
write FMultiCastIpTTL;
property MultiCastSourceAddrStr: String read
FMultiCastSourceAddrStr;  // the source IP of the multicast property - must
be published in TWSocket

and in 

procedure TCustomWSocket.Listen;
iStatus: Integer;
optval : Integer;
mreq   : ip_mreq;
mreqSrc: ip_mreq_source; // new


if FMultiCast then begin
if (FMultiCastSourceAddrStr='') then  //simple join
 { Use setsockopt() to join a multicast group }
 { mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr :=
 { mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr := sin.sin_addr.s_addr;}
 { mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr :=
 mreq.imr_multiaddr.s_addr :=
 { mreq.imr_interface.s_addr := htonl(INADDR_ANY);} { RK}
 mreq.imr_interface.s_addr :=
 iStatus := WSocket_Synchronized_SetSockOpt(FHSocket,

 if iStatus  0 then begin
begin  //IGMP V3 Join
 { Use setsockopt() to join a multicast group }
 mreqSrc.imr_multiaddr.s_addr :=
 mreqSrc.imr_sourceaddr.s_addr :=
 mreqSrc.imr_interface.s_addr :=

 iStatus := WSocket_Synchronized_SetSockOpt(FHSocket,

 if iStatus  0 then begin

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Re: [twsocket] Proposal for more contenttypes in DocumentToContentType in OverbyteIcsHttpSrv.pas

2009-09-13 Thread Lars Gehre

  else if (Ext = 'doc') or (Ext = 'docx') then
  Result := 'application/msword'
  else if (Ext = 'xls') or (Ext = 'xlsx') then
  Result := 'application/'
  else if (Ext = 'ppt') or (Ext = 'pptx') then
  Result := 'application/'
 In my opinion, such things shouldn't be kept in component's 
 source code.
 There should be external (or stored as resource) 
 configuration file that contains all extension-content type pairs.  
I agree, in fact, it should be a callback or a virtual helper method. I have
situations where the content type is depended on the client (don't ask, UPnP
does it to you) or depend on the application. It is not very nice to have to
edit the ICS sources at all in this cases.

Also in the  THttpConnection.SendDocument would benefit from a callback
(either to a client or a virtual method) to add some things to the header
before it is send. 


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Re: [twsocket] THttpServer fixes for ICS v5/6/7 uploaded to the SVNrepositories - please test!

2008-12-13 Thread Lars Gehre
 Fixed responses and an infinite loop when a byte-range-set 
 was unsatisfiable. Added a fix for content ranges with files 
  2GB as suggested by Lars Gehre
 Replaced symbol UseInt64ForHttpRange by STREAM64.
 Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

Sorry for taking so long to give feedback. 
Tested your fixes and they work without problems in V5 and V6. 


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[twsocket] HTTP Range Problems with Files 2 GB

2008-11-29 Thread Lars Gehre
Hello all,

I'm currently working system for streaming (DVB-)Recordings via http/get
with the ICS V5 http server and delphi 7. 

Most of these recordings are way bigger than 2 GB (MaxInt). The problem is
easy to replicate: use VLC ( to open a http-Stream on the http
server demo and set the clientcnx.document to a TS/MPG recording bigger than
2GB, it simply won't play, smaller recordings play without problems.

I believe all versions of ICS have these problems (at least with Delphi 7
but I don't think integer or longword are suddenly Int64 in newer delphi

The following routines have problems:

- THttpRangeStream.AddPartStream(Value: TStream; AStartPos, AEndPos:
  Integer should be THttpRangeInt

- THttpRangeStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Integer;
  Result := FSize - FPosition; // don't - Overflow, use seperate Variable
- THttpRangeInt 

  ActSize := min(Count - DataRead,  Rec.Size - (ActOffset));  //Overflow
because min only handles Integer.

- THttpConnection.ConnectionDataSent(Sender : TObject; Error : WORD);
Count  : Integer;
ToSend : Integer;  // Overflow in both use THttpRangeInt instead.

- procedure ParseRangeString(var FromStr : String; var ToStr   : String;
const Value : String);
  Don't use StrToInt, Use StrToInt64

- THttpRangeList.InitFromString(AStr: String);
  Don't use StrToInt, Use StrToInt64

After these corrections, ICS works flawless, even jumping around in a 16 GB
HDTV Recording works without glitches. I simply love ICS! ;)


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Re: [twsocket] HTTP Range Problems with Files 2 GB

2008-11-29 Thread Lars Gehre
 Lars Gehre wrote:
  I believe all versions of ICS have these problems (at least with 
  Delphi 7 but I don't think integer or longword are suddenly 
 Int64 in 
  newer delphi versions).
 It seems that ICSv6 and v7 both support Int64:
 {$IFDEF UseInt64ForHttpRange}
 THttpRangeInt= Int64;
 THttpRangeInt= LongInt;   { Limited to 2GB size }
 If you use Delphi 7 you upgrade to ICSv6 or even ICSv7.

V5 does support it also. That's why I wrote THttpRangeInt. :) 
The problems still exists because integer and THttpRangeInt are constantly
mixed, as I wrote. At least in V7 Code the same routines are used and will
also cause the described problems.

I tried V6, but it does not work very well with continous streams, so I will
stick with V5, which has proven over the last three years to be extremly
stable in streaming. 


 Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
  The following routines have problems:
  - THttpRangeStream.AddPartStream(Value: TStream; AStartPos, AEndPos:
   Integer should be THttpRangeInt
  - THttpRangeStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): 
 Integer;  Result 
  := FSize - FPosition; // don't - Overflow, use seperate 
 Variable - 
   ActSize := min(Count - DataRead,  Rec.Size - (ActOffset)); 
  because min only handles Integer.
  - THttpConnection.ConnectionDataSent(Sender : TObject; 
 Error : WORD);  
 Count  : Integer;
 ToSend : Integer;  // Overflow in both use THttpRangeInt instead.
  - procedure ParseRangeString(var FromStr : String; var ToStr   :
  String; const Value : String);
   Don't use StrToInt, Use StrToInt64
  - THttpRangeList.InitFromString(AStr: String);  Don't use StrToInt, 
  Use StrToInt64
  After these corrections, ICS works flawless, even jumping 
 around in a
  16 GB HDTV Recording works without glitches. I simply love ICS! ;)

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