ugnet_: Haiti's Latortue Betrays Puppet Strings

2004-04-20 Thread vukoni
Please notewhat the fatpuppet in Port au Princesaysabout reparations from France
(quote underlined for emphasis), a key issue that was championed by the Aristide government that the U.S. and
France overthrew.Veryrevealing ofwhose tunehe is singing.


Copyright 2004 Financial Times InformationAll rights reservedGlobal News Wire
- Asia Africa Intelligence WireCopyright 2004 BBC Monitoring/BBC BBC
Monitoring International Reports
April 16, 2004
ON ELECTIONS, FOREIGN AID, FRANCE, ARISTIDE, CARICOMBODY:subheadings inserted editoriallyWe are going to share with you
an excerpt from an interview which Prime Minister Gerard Latortue gave to Radio France Internationale (RFI)
this morning in which he spoke about elections, relations with the Caribbean Community (Caricom) and also the
issue concerning the status of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.The following
is an excerpt from the interview.(Latortue - recording) The elections will take place
in the course of 2005.(Unidentified RFI journalist) All right. (Latortue) The new president will be sworn in no later than 7 February 2006.(RFI journalist) Will you stand in the elections?(Latortue) No, not at all.
My job will end the day of the installation of the next legislature, as long as there is a majority. Then I
shall be ready to step down immediately. If not, I shall step down during the investiture of the new president
of the republic, which will take place no later than 7 February. Actually, we are going to see if it would be
possible for this new president to take office before that date.(RFI journalist) Will
you have time to carry out a census before the elections?(Latortue) As you know, it
is a long operation. And I do not think that we shall have time to do it. Everything is ready, apart from the
Lavalas Family (FL) party, which has not yet submitted the name of its representative to the Provisional
Electoral Council (CEP). They are making a fuss about it. But in any case, the law authorizes me to make the
necessary decision if they do not submit the name of their representative by the end of this week.The executive branch will make the necessary decision and get somebody else to fill the
gap. Besides, we cannot let them hold the country hostage and I want to start the electoral process as soon as
possible so that the country may return to a constitutional normality as soon as possible.International aid(RFI journalist) Apparently, Colin Powell has not increased
US aid to Haiti. It should be 20m dollars less compared with what was granted to Haiti last year. Are you going
to ask (French Defence Minister) Madame (Michele) Alliot-Marie for some financial assistance?(Lartortue) Actually, we are asking all the partners of Haiti for financial support. What we really
need now - while waiting for intervention by the international community, which will not happen before June,
after the meeting with the international financing organizations - is budget support. And we may be able to get
that only through bilateral aid."Restitution" issue with France a thing of
the pastI shall have the opportunity to meet the (French) minister but what is
essential now is for us to renew our relations with France on the basis of mutual cooperation, and especially
to make them forget the past two years, when the former Haitian government had only one slogan to shout, which
was restitution. That time has passed. And now, together with France, we want to build a new form of
cooperation based on mutual trust and respect for each other's interests.Aristide(RFI journalist) (Former) President Aristide is in
temporary exile in Jamaica and should go to South Africa after that. Will he be allowed to return to Haiti? And
if he were authorized to do so, under what conditions?(Latortue) You know, there are
some sectors of the nation that have already demanded the president's extradition for all the crimes that he
has committed - economic crimes, as well as murders. So today things seem to be showing more and more that he
was the mastermind of all that. Investigations are under way and I believe that Mr Aristide, like any other
citizen, will be subject to the rigour of the law. This time, we just cannot miss the occasion to ask a former
Haitian leader to give accounts of all the acts he committed. We cannot fail to get Mr Aristide to give
accounts for having looted the state's money in the way he did.(RFI journalist) Do
you confirm his involvement in drug trafficking?(Latortue) I cannot confirm it,
because I do not have all the elements of proof. But there seems to be evidence that, at one time or another,
he took part in giving a right of way to drug trafficking in Haiti. Of course, this is something that concerns
the judicial authorities.Relations between Haiti and Caricom(RFI journalist) Just one last thing that concerns relations between Haiti and Caricom. Relations
between Haiti and the other Caribbean countries are 


2004-04-20 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Here we go 

The Mulindwas Communication Group"With 
Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

ugnet_: Helicopter hiccups: Museveni is safe, says State House

2004-04-20 Thread Omar Kezimbira

Museveni is safe, says State House

IMPROVISING: President Museveni arrives for Oyo’s birthday celebrations on a bodaboda
By Emmy Allio State House yesterday said President Yoweri Museveni’s life is not in danger despite recent hiccups involving the presidential helicopter. The President on Saturday told celebrants in Fort Portal that he travelled from Rwakitura to Kamwenge in his food truck for an 80km journey to a Kamwenge fundraising, after his chopper developed mechanical problems. Acting presidential press secretary Onapito Ekomoloit said the mechanical error was repaired and “the chopper is now airworthy.” “Those errors are normal. That helicopter is automated in such a way that when it develops any fault, it jams and warns that something ought to be rectified,” Onapito said Onapito praised the chopper crew, saying they were competent people who have served for 19 years. He said the chopper hiccup, the president journey on a pick-up and the President’s boda-boda ride, “disprove those who allege that the President is full of fear and is surrounded 
 by heavy
Published on: Tuesday, 20th April, 2004

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ugnet_: Fera Movement had external connections in Rwanda and Congo

2004-04-20 Thread Omar Kezimbira

Tuesday, April 20, 2004


Movement had external connections in Rwanda and CongoStandard Reporter 

Fera was created by top military elements in Uganda to repay Brig John Odongo’s for his role in ousting former Presidents Milton Obote and Gen Titus Okello. 
The Bulgarian-trained military strategist was part of Yoweri Museveni’s National Resistance Army that seized power in January 1986.
It is believed that Odongo, Rwanda’s Fred Gisa Rwigyema and Uganda’s Moses Ali were very close to Museveni in the formative years of Front for National Salvation (precursor to the National Resistance Army) and at one time in the 1970s, they shared a house in Tanzania just before they launched a rebel onslaught against Idi Amin Dada and later Obote.
On taking over power, Obote appointed Odongo as the Intelligence Chief but Museveni and his lieutenants felt this position demeaned the Kenyan’s role in ousting Amin.
They felt shortchanged, and thus rebelled against the regime. A deal of sorts was struck among the three guerrillas: Museveni, Odongo and Rukyema. According to the agreement, Museveni, on seizing power, would support Odongo and Rukyema in their quest to topple their respective governments in Kenya and Rwanda.
Fera was therefore founded on this premise. Rwigyema was later killed in the bush, just before the Rwanda Patriotic Front seized power following the death of the country’s strongman Juvenal Habyarimana in April 1994. His position was taken over by Paul Kagame, the current Rwanda leader.
Unconfirmed reports indicate that Museveni, Rukyema, Raila Odinga and Odongo underwent some sort of military training in Mozambique together.
Top Fera officials claim that among Fera founders were Raila, Masinde Muliro, George Kapten and Martin Shikuku.
Its founders claim Fera was formed partly in reaction to the state’s refusal to register the Kenya Patriotic Front that was linked to politician Koigi Wamwere. The Kanu government rebuffed a move by lawyer Wangondu and Odongo to register KPF in Nairobi. About seven years later, Wangondu was charged with being a member of Fera.
According to a Fera official, Odongo and Museveni were "very close" friends. Odongo, sources claim, temporarily housed Museveni in Kenya when the latter escaped Uganda following his fallout with then President Milton Obote.
Odongo’s boats on Lake Victoria transported food for Museveni’s rebels.
Perhaps this camaraderie explains Uganda’s reluctance to hand over Odongo to Kenya when the Kenya government sought his deportation in 1994 and 1995. Instead, Uganda took him to a third country, Ghana, where he stayed for three years, and just returned to Kenya on amnesty granted by President Moi in 1997.
Uganda argued that Odongo was a refugee protected by international protocols that give runaways rights against persecution. International human rights articles forbid discrimination and the forced repatriation of refugees.
Interviews with former Fera elements indicate that Uganda’s Museveni personally facilitated the existence of the guerrilla movement opposed to the Kenya government. The Uganda leader held a series of meetings with Fera officials where matters about the anti-Kenya rebellion were discussed. 
The leader of Fera’s political wing, Patrick Wangamati, attended a number of such meetings, he confirmed in an interview with the East African Standard.
At one of the get-together with Museveni, the two Fera leaders — Odongo and Wangamati — differed on the way forward for the rebel group.
The FEM leader was of the view that the Kenya government could not be toppled by military means while his Fera counterpart, Odongo, felt time was ripe for the boys to raid Kenya and oust Daniel arap Moi.
Their differences almost caused revolt among the Fera rank and file. The young boys felt cheated by inertia on the part of their leaders. It can be recalled that Fera trial raids on Kenya happened after the deportation of Odongo. Fera’s Number Two, Ibrahim Wafula, was more focused and definite, say ex-Fera fighters. 
Of interest is that hardly many Kenyans know Odongo. It was only because of Moi’s relentless rebuke of Fera that Odongo was transformed into a household name. Nonetheless, his close aides say his hatred for Moi and Kanu was "fiery". In fact, the killing of the killing of former Foreign Affairs minister Robert Ouko was a turning point in Odongo’s crusade against Kenya, they say. 
This son of a Siaya peasant felt Moi had run down the country, failed to recognise Independence fathers, and was "protecting" those he felt had "killed Ouko and Masinde Muliro", according to his aides. He was among Kenyan boys sent by Jaramogi Oginga Odinga to former Communist countries for military training in the late 1960s.
When Okello’s regime collapsed and Museveni had seized power, some top elements in the NRA started plotting against Kenya, Rwanda, Zaire and Sudan. "They wanted to create a sort of empire in the region," 

Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\

2004-04-20 Thread Adam Dada
Kipenji, I'm not surprised at all that you disgracefully bow out of the 
debate - the reality check had probably hit you at last! Just as well, so 
you can redirect your misplaced and irrelevant pomposity elsewhere. Just the 
desire effect! The very least we require of you as your kin is to quit 
burying you head in sand in the comfort of western prosperity and do 
something about our people in the North, many of whom still live in caves, 
which pass for a homes.
Thank you.

From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 02:32:37 +0100 (BST)
Adam,stop this stupid posturing of being who you are not.
This cheap apostasy will take you know where.
And for the nth time I will put you together with the obtunded
dunderhead Zakoomu in the same quartile of those whose
pedastal logic will not warrant my indulgence.
Thank you.
Let your apostasy lead you through your amaurotic philisophy
about life.
Thank you.

Adam Dada [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Owor, in fairness to Baganda, they at least have something to show for 
Gakyaali mabaga. What have we in the north got to show for the dominance
of the polical scene post-independece. The truth is - NOTHING!!!. The
Baganda may not be Canadians, by they are light years ahead of us and, by
the way, we should really concentrate on how we can save the situation in
our area, rather than picking on Buganda's motto that appears to lead us 
a cul-de sac. Who is in the cul-de-sac between us and the Baganda? My
friend, you better have a reality check and aknowledge the dire situation 
Northerners are in dear. Also, when were you last in Buganda? For you info,
mud and wattle houses are now almost extinct in Buganda, being replace with
corrogated roofed brick and mortar structures throught the Kingdom. We are,
on the other hand still heavily burdened with thatched huts as the standard
mode of housing. So please brother Kipenji, I strongly advise a reality
check and direct your efforts where it is really needed.

From: Owor Kipenji
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 13:29:28 +0100 (BST)

Mshemiwa Ssenyange,I want to applaud your logic if at all
that passes for one with the exception that you really did not
pay attention to those Officers and Men of the UNLA who died
in that Helicopter crash with the then Chief of Army Staff.
Do you remember a one Captain Godfrey Kato,a promising
then 28 year old Muganda who died in that crash just a month
after his colourful wedding?
If you do ,does it mean that you and your fellow Baganda did actually
celebrate the loss of this young and talented Muganda soldier,whose widow
could be one of the listers on this forum?
Ssenyange and ilk,the world has two fundamental divide,i.e Black and
White.In Ottawa where you reside,I do not think any non balck person
will ask you whether you are a Muganda first rather than whether you
come from Africa,by the time they ask you which part of Africa you hail
the discussion of your being a Muganda would not arise for that will 
less to them.This explains why these non Blacks are planning
to go to the Mars and Jupiter while our blacks in Uganda are still
bothering themselves with knowing olunyiriri,entuba and all that crap and
busy celebrating other people's demise as if that by itself has precluded
them from death.
With this type of flawed logic,it is no wonder that the Buganda Motto 
about 1200 has been and is:Gakyaaali mabaga.
Can we not stop and revist this motto that appears to lead us to a cul-de
sac?.The logic is if whence you do something you get the same flawed
results,you ought to change the methodology if you are to move forward 
that is what I expect of all those intellectuals and elites from Mother
Thank you.

Edward Mulindwa wrote:
What is the population of Baganda? Just curious !

Secondly, some of us were in Uganda and in luwero at the time, but 
was the minister of defense, can Ssenyange tell us what happened in 
under Museveni's watch? It is one of those questions which will never be
answered by our people who are enjoying the road map of peace, same as 
say Ffe kasita twebaka yet they can not tell you who refused them to
sleep all along, just a name who refused Ugandans to sleep?



 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message -
From: Y Yaobang
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 8:11 PM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: 

Re: Mulindwa Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's family secrets buried here\

2004-04-20 Thread Mary Nagadya

On Obote's concentration camps: what comparisons do
they bear to camps in Northern Uganda?

Those of us whose relatives were butchered at
Oyite-Ojok's and/or Obote's orders can hardly be
expected to feel even the slightest empathy or sorrow
for either of these murderers. 

I do not eaxctly remember any Acholi or Langi
sorrowfully mourning the passing of their former
partner in murder, Idi Amin.  Why is that?

So what is this silly debate really about if not mere
hollier-than-thou posturing?

--- The Fugee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The population of Luwero was about 600,000 when
 Museveni launched his war. The population growth
 rate of Luwero was only beaten by that of Tororo
 between 1969 and 1980 and this can be explained in
 the multi-ethnic complexion of both places. The fact
 that Luwero had many settlers from various parts of
 the country though most from other parts of Buganda
 explains how and why many who fled the violence
 unleashed by Museveni in Luwero were able to quickly
 settle elsewhere as many had ancestral roots in
 Buganda and in other parts of Uganda. I would not be
 surprised if many of these who scream in the name of
 Luwero have no connection with Luwero but are using
 the sufferings brought about by Museveni and co.
 choosing Luwero as the platform to forward his
 personal ambitions.
 I have read on these forums of the camps which were
 set up the International Committee of the Red Cross
 (ICRC) described as concentration camps created by
 the elected government and those who sought shelter
 from Museveni's marauding army in 1981 and early
 1982 as people deliberately uprooted by the UNLA
 when the UNLA did not have any units in rural Luwero
 until May 1982. But to these Ugandans this makes
 perfect sense. Others can even claim that citizens
 in rural Luwero were rebelling because the elections
 were rigged and yet the four constituencies in
 Luwero all returned DP candidates; were these MPs
 imposed on them so that this is why the people in
 Luwero rebelled? Since it is assumed that the people
 in Luwero were the ones leading the rebellion it is
 surprising that those from Luwero did not and do not
 dominate the leadership postions in Museveni's
 private army.
 The Fugee
   - Original Message - 
   From: Edward Mulindwa 
   Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 2:38 AM
   Subject: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's family secrets
 buried here\
   What is the population of Baganda? Just curious ! 
   Secondly, some of us were in Uganda and in luwero
 at the time, but Museveni was the minister of
 defense, can Ssenyange tell us what happened in
 Uganda under Museveni's watch? It is one of those
 questions which will never be answered by our people
 who are enjoying the road map of peace, same as they
 say Ffe kasita twebaka yet they can not tell you
 who refused them to sleep all along, just a name who
 refused Ugandans to sleep?
The Mulindwas Communication Group
   With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
   avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans
 - Original Message - 
 From: Y Yaobang 
 Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 8:11 PM
 Subject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's family secrets
 buried here\
 You stated:
 ... the Baganda who lost the 500,000 relatives
 under Oyite's command. ...
 This is a very serious statement and allegation.
 I would not be suprised if you ended up in court
 over this!!
 From: ssenya nyange [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's family
 secrets buried here\ 
 Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 19:52:10 -0400 
 Owor Kipenji, 
   As I mentioned in my email posting that
 its not good to 
 celebrate someone's death but Oyite's case was
 different. Just as 
 many celebrated the death and fall of Hitler,
 especially those who 
 had lost their beloved ones, so didd the
 Baganda who lost the 
 500,000 relatives under Oyite's command. 
 Buy ending his life, God answered the haunting
 blood of the dead and 
 indeed Oyite died in the sky or on the soil of
 Luweero.How long did 
 the UPC killing continue after Oyite's death?
 Less that 2 years. He 
 was the rise and fall of UPC in the 80's. He
 was tainted with blood 
 of 1/2 million  innocent citizens. If his death
 was seen as the road 
 map to stop the massacres in Buganda, why not
 celebrate the road map 
 victory, just because it saved another million
 if the UPC was to 
 continue ruling for another 5 years. 
 From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: RE: 

ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's family secrets buried here\

2004-04-20 Thread Edward Mulindwa
Marry Nagaddya

If you lost your people in Uganda and you know who either killed them or who
directed their murders, why not use that information to take them to the
court of law? How can a sensible woman like you, have this information and
keep quite with it for this long? Yet on the other side people like our
selves from Luwero district are asking for a public inquirely for we feel it
is the only right way for us to know who murdered our people, and you do not
support that either.

It is very hurting for you personally have decided to cover the people who
murdered the Luwerorians for you want to use them to beat up a dead man who
can never defend him self.

That is as wrong as NRM which has up to today refused to repay the
population of Luwero, which lost all they hard during that war. These are
Baganda who bought the crap that they will be repaid after the war. Please
note that up until today not even a single cow has been paid by your
government. Your government does not even want us to know who killed our
people. Let me as well add, that if Oyite Ojok killed the people in Luwero
district, and yes I am talking about the 500,000 Baganda you guys are
claiming to have died in Luwero. What is so wrong in opening up these
inquiries and we state so and publicly in Luwero. Among the people who were
in Luwero at the time and know full well who not only murdered their people
but know how many died? Let us go into Luwero District and open up this
inquirely, than attacking Oyite Ojok a dead man who can never defend him
self. And a man whose death turned Uganda's politics into a nightmare.

I am very disappointed for we are tuning this debate into a childish and
very silly exchange.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
From: Mary Nagadya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 9:55 PM
Subject: Re: Mulindwa Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's family secrets buried here\

 On Obote's concentration camps: what comparisons do
 they bear to camps in Northern Uganda?

 Those of us whose relatives were butchered at
 Oyite-Ojok's and/or Obote's orders can hardly be
 expected to feel even the slightest empathy or sorrow
 for either of these murderers.

 I do not eaxctly remember any Acholi or Langi
 sorrowfully mourning the passing of their former
 partner in murder, Idi Amin.  Why is that?

 So what is this silly debate really about if not mere
 hollier-than-thou posturing?

 --- The Fugee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The population of Luwero was about 600,000 when
  Museveni launched his war. The population growth
  rate of Luwero was only beaten by that of Tororo
  between 1969 and 1980 and this can be explained in
  the multi-ethnic complexion of both places. The fact
  that Luwero had many settlers from various parts of
  the country though most from other parts of Buganda
  explains how and why many who fled the violence
  unleashed by Museveni in Luwero were able to quickly
  settle elsewhere as many had ancestral roots in
  Buganda and in other parts of Uganda. I would not be
  surprised if many of these who scream in the name of
  Luwero have no connection with Luwero but are using
  the sufferings brought about by Museveni and co.
  choosing Luwero as the platform to forward his
  personal ambitions.
  I have read on these forums of the camps which were
  set up the International Committee of the Red Cross
  (ICRC) described as concentration camps created by
  the elected government and those who sought shelter
  from Museveni's marauding army in 1981 and early
  1982 as people deliberately uprooted by the UNLA
  when the UNLA did not have any units in rural Luwero
  until May 1982. But to these Ugandans this makes
  perfect sense. Others can even claim that citizens
  in rural Luwero were rebelling because the elections
  were rigged and yet the four constituencies in
  Luwero all returned DP candidates; were these MPs
  imposed on them so that this is why the people in
  Luwero rebelled? Since it is assumed that the people
  in Luwero were the ones leading the rebellion it is
  surprising that those from Luwero did not and do not
  dominate the leadership postions in Museveni's
  private army.
  The Fugee
- Original Message - 
From: Edward Mulindwa
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 2:38 AM
Subject: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's family secrets
  buried here\
What is the population of Baganda? Just curious !
Secondly, some of us were in Uganda and in luwero
  at the time, but Museveni was the minister of
  defense, can Ssenyange tell us what happened in
  Uganda under Museveni's watch? It is one of those
  questions which will never be answered by our people
  who are enjoying the road map of peace, same as they
  say Ffe 

Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\

2004-04-20 Thread Owor Kipenji
Adam, I told you before that I have not time for IDIOTS 
like you.
Wallow in your IDIOCY till kingdom come.
Ugandanet should not be turned into a gossip chat room
by pigs and idiots of your type.
Auf Wieder Sehen!
_Adam Dada [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Kipenji, I'm not surprised at all that you disgracefully bow out of the debate - the reality check had probably hit you at last! Just as well, so you can redirect your misplaced and irrelevant pomposity elsewhere. Just the desire effect! The very least we require of you as your kin is to quit burying you head in sand in the comfort of western prosperity and do something about our people in the North, many of whom still live in caves, which pass for a homes.Thank you.AdamFrom: Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 02:32:37 +0100 (BST)Adam,stop this stupid posturing of being who you are not.This cheap apostasy will take you know where.And for the
 nth time I will put you together with the obtundeddunderhead Zakoomu in the same quartile of those whosepedastal logic will not warrant my indulgence.Thank you.Let your apostasy lead you through your amaurotic philisophyabout life.Thank you.Kipenji.Adam Dada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:Owor, in fairness to Baganda, they at least have something to show for their"Gakyaali mabaga". What have we in the north got to show for the dominanceof the polical scene post-independece. The truth is - NOTHING!!!. TheBaganda may not be Canadians, by they are light years ahead of us and, bythe way, we should really concentrate on how we can save the situation inour area, rather than picking on Buganda's "motto that appears to lead us toa cul-de sac". Who
 is in the cul-de-sac between us and the Baganda? Myfriend, you better have a reality check and aknowledge the dire situation weNortherners are in dear. Also, when were you last in Buganda? For you info,mud and wattle houses are now almost extinct in Buganda, being replace withcorrogated roofed brick and mortar structures throught the Kingdom. We are,on the other hand still heavily burdened with thatched huts as the standardmode of housing. So please brother Kipenji, I strongly advise a realitycheck and direct your efforts where it is really needed.ThanksAdam From: Owor Kipenji Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\ Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 13:29:28 +0100 (BST)  Mshemiwa Ssenyange,I want to
 applaud your logic if at all that passes for one with the exception that you really did not pay attention to those Officers and Men of the UNLA who died in that Helicopter crash with the then Chief of Army Staff. Do you remember a one Captain Godfrey Kato,a promising then 28 year old Muganda who died in that crash just a month after his colourful wedding? If you do ,does it mean that you and your fellow Baganda did actually celebrate the loss of this young and talented Muganda soldier,whose widow could be one of the listers on this forum? Ssenyange and ilk,the world has two fundamental divide,i.e Black and White.In Ottawa where you reside,I do not think any non balck person will ask you whether you are a Muganda first rather than whether you come from Africa,by the time they ask you which part of Africa you hail the
 discussion of your being a Muganda would not arise for that will matter less to them.This explains why these non Blacks are planning to go to the Mars and Jupiter while our blacks in Uganda are still bothering themselves with knowing olunyiriri,entuba and all that crap and busy celebrating other people's demise as if that by itself has precluded them from death. With this type of flawed logic,it is no wonder that the Buganda Motto since about 1200 has been and is:"Gakyaaali mabaga". Can we not stop and revist this motto that appears to lead us to a cul-de sac?.The logic is if whence you do something you get the same flawed results,you ought to change the methodology if you are to move forward and that is what I expect of all those intellectuals and elites from Mother Uganda. Thank you.
 Kipenji. _-  Edward Mulindwa wrote: What is the population of Baganda? Just curious !  Secondly, some of us were in Uganda and in luwero at the time, but Museveni was the minister of defense, can Ssenyange tell us what happened in Uganda under Museveni's watch? It is one of those questions which will never be answered by our people who are enjoying the road map of peace, same as they say "Ffe kasita twebaka" yet they can not tell you who refused them to sleep all along, just a name who refused Ugandans to sleep?  Em  Toronto   

Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\

2004-04-20 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Ooh, I'm overwhelmed with emotion !

Kipenji, just cut the crap ! Are we now supposed to shed tears for a man who 
had joined the head of the killing machine of his own people ? I don't think 

You are one of those wiseacres (like Odwe) I was talking about recently; you 
know, the ones who pretend to know about a culture better than the owners of 
that culture. The motto 'Gakyaali mabaga' (incidentally this is the motto of 
King's College Buddo and not of the Buganda kingdom) is an inspiration to 
excellence; an encouragement to always strive to do better. Where you get 
the idea that this leads to a cul-de-sac is beyond me. Since you are not 
even a Muganda, I don't see why you are obliged to follow that motto if you 
feel its no good.

Similarly, your adverse remarks about olunyiriri and emituba (not 'entuba') 
are just a display of your ignorance about Kiganda culture and are of no 
consequence. If you are making them out of envy, too bad. Whether you are 
bothered by these traditions or not, I'm afraid they are here to stay.


From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 13:29:28 +0100 (BST)
Mshemiwa Ssenyange,I want to applaud your logic if at all
that passes for one with the exception that you really did not
pay attention to those Officers and Men of the UNLA who died
in that Helicopter crash with the then Chief of Army Staff.
Do you remember a one Captain Godfrey Kato,a promising
then 28 year old Muganda who died in that crash just a month
after his colourful wedding?
If you do ,does it mean that you and your fellow Baganda did actually
celebrate the loss of this young and talented Muganda soldier,whose widow 
could be one of the listers on this forum?
Ssenyange and ilk,the world has two fundamental divide,i.e Black and
White.In Ottawa where you reside,I do not think any non balck person
will ask you whether you are a Muganda first rather than whether you
come from Africa,by the time they ask you which part of Africa you hail
the discussion of your being a Muganda would not arise for that will matter 
less to them.This explains why these non Blacks are planning
to go to the Mars and Jupiter while our blacks in Uganda are still 
bothering themselves with knowing olunyiriri,entuba and all that crap and 
busy celebrating other people's demise as if that by itself has precluded 
them from death.
With this type of flawed logic,it is no wonder that the Buganda Motto since 
about 1200 has been and is:Gakyaaali mabaga.
Can we not stop and revist this motto that appears to lead us to a cul-de 
sac?.The logic is if whence you do something you get the same flawed 
results,you ought to change the methodology if you are to move forward and 
that is what I expect of all those intellectuals and elites from Mother
Thank you.

Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What is the population of Baganda? Just curious !
Secondly, some of us were in Uganda and in luwero at the time, but Museveni 
was the minister of defense, can Ssenyange tell us what happened in Uganda 
under Museveni's watch? It is one of those questions which will never be 
answered by our people who are enjoying the road map of peace, same as they 
say Ffe kasita twebaka yet they can not tell you who refused them to 
sleep all along, just a name who refused Ugandans to sleep?



 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: Y Yaobang
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 8:11 PM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok’s family secrets buried here\


You stated:

... the Baganda who lost the 500,000 relatives under Oyite's command. ...

This is a very serious statement and allegation. I would not be suprised if 
you ended up in court over this!!


From: ssenya nyange [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok’s family secrets buried here\
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 19:52:10 -0400

Owor Kipenji,

  As I mentioned in my email posting that its not good to
celebrate someone's death but Oyite's case was different. Just as
many celebrated the death and fall of Hitler, especially those who
had lost their beloved ones, so didd the Baganda who lost the
500,000 relatives under Oyite's command.
Buy ending his life, God answered the haunting blood of the dead and
indeed Oyite died in the sky or on the soil of Luweero.How long did
the UPC killing continue after Oyite's death? Less that 2 years. He
was the rise and fall of UPC in the 80's. He was tainted with blood
of 1/2 million  innocent citizens. If his death was seen as the road
map to 

RE: ugnet_: RE: OMUKYALA MARRY NAGADYA\ reminder to Mulindwa

2004-04-20 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Ms Mukooza,

I don't think we should expect a response on this one. He is now going to 
bury his head in the sand like an ostrich and then later come back with some 
other nonsense.


From: Rehema Mukooza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: RE: OMUKYALA MARRY NAGADYA\ reminder to Mulindwa
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 08:23:06 -0700 (PDT)


I wonder, maybe Edward can tell us about Obote's money source.  Obote 
abused the presidential powers when he used taxpayers' money to build 
Uganda House for his then dictatorial UPC govt.  I think Edward is a very 
non-critical thinker.

Whose money is Obote living off of for all these years??
Whose money did Obote use to build UPC House/Uganda House??
Zakoomu M.

jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

since you ask questions and I don't, can you tell us which questions and 
you asked to be able to find out that Obote didn't take even a penny ?



From: Edward Mulindwa
To: ,
Subject: ugnet_: OMUKYALA MARRY NAGADYA\ reminder to Mulindwa
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 06:56:38 -0400


It is an open secret that when Obote was kicked out the second time, he
emptied the state coffers on his way out.

Is that another must be accepted statement from Ugandans or you can
back it up by telling us how much money Obote took from Uganda banks? 
the man was taken out of office and you guys got the full control of 
finances, tell us how much you found missing, what is so hard or wrong
that? Do you know why you can not do that, it is because you found no 
stolen, but as long as it will waste Obote's name yes it can be posted 
Ugandans will not ask questions. That is the difference between me and 
for I ask questions.

Yes I know the defense you will respond with, I am a UPC supporter, but
here even if it is Museveni out of office, I need to know how much he has
looted out of Uganda Banks before I make my self an idiot by posting such
provable nonsense about him, bad as he is.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie


- Original Message -
From: jonah kasangwawo
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 6:26 AM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: OMUKYALA MARRY NAGADYA\ reminder to Mulindwa

  thanks for reminding our friend, who incidentally is beating 'kyeyo' 
  Kong these days. At least this time round he acknowledges that he went
  to check on his roots as far back as 1971. That's a good start.
  I was just a bit puzzled by his attack on Muky. Nagadya for mentioning
  Northern Uganda and yet he spends his whole response talking about it. 
  only conclude that he really believes he is the only one with the 
  talk about this pet subject of his.
  It is an open secret that when Obote was kicked out the second time, 
  emptied the state coffers on his way out. If he is now poor, as our
  who pretends to know every detail about his hero's situation is trying
  make us believe, then it is his fault for having spent his loot
  Yes, thanks to the Northerner who led our country so far that even a
  Sudanese could command our national army !

  From: ssenya nyange
  Subject: RE: ugnet_: OMUKYALA MARRY NAGADYA\ reminder to Mulindwa
  Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 18:44:05 -0400
   Reminder from Adam
  From: Adam Dada
  Subject: RE: ugnet_: Mulindwa is not Mulindwa! - is this a joke?
  Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2004 12:30:49 +
  Mulindwa- It is obvious to any netter that you have got scores to
  with Buganda and Baganda. Yours is not the ordinary balanced 
  it is outright hatred. You invariably only have negative, and at 
  distorted views about Buganda and Baganda. Clearly, that can't be
  The Baganda can distinguish between open hatred and constructive
  criticism, and this happens all the time here. But the might of
  Buganda/Baganda cannot be diminished by non-entities the likes of
  yourself. You are my fellow notherner, and it pains me that you have
  failed to own up to that fact - instead you have chosed to disguise
  yourself in a kiganda 

Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\

2004-04-20 Thread jonah kasangwawo

now that Adam is telling it like it is, you are trying to shut him down. The 
truth hurts. No, let Adam bring you back to reality.
Adam, do not be deterred by our friend's pretences, keep them coming.


From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 02:32:37 +0100 (BST)
Adam,stop this stupid posturing of being who you are not.
This cheap apostasy will take you know where.
And for the nth time I will put you together with the obtunded
dunderhead Zakoomu in the same quartile of those whose
pedastal logic will not warrant my indulgence.
Thank you.
Let your apostasy lead you through your amaurotic philisophy
about life.
Thank you.

Adam Dada [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Owor, in fairness to Baganda, they at least have something to show for 
Gakyaali mabaga. What have we in the north got to show for the dominance
of the polical scene post-independece. The truth is - NOTHING!!!. The
Baganda may not be Canadians, by they are light years ahead of us and, by
the way, we should really concentrate on how we can save the situation in
our area, rather than picking on Buganda's motto that appears to lead us 
a cul-de sac. Who is in the cul-de-sac between us and the Baganda? My
friend, you better have a reality check and aknowledge the dire situation 
Northerners are in dear. Also, when were you last in Buganda? For you info,
mud and wattle houses are now almost extinct in Buganda, being replace with
corrogated roofed brick and mortar structures throught the Kingdom. We are,
on the other hand still heavily burdened with thatched huts as the standard
mode of housing. So please brother Kipenji, I strongly advise a reality
check and direct your efforts where it is really needed.

From: Owor Kipenji
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 13:29:28 +0100 (BST)

Mshemiwa Ssenyange,I want to applaud your logic if at all
that passes for one with the exception that you really did not
pay attention to those Officers and Men of the UNLA who died
in that Helicopter crash with the then Chief of Army Staff.
Do you remember a one Captain Godfrey Kato,a promising
then 28 year old Muganda who died in that crash just a month
after his colourful wedding?
If you do ,does it mean that you and your fellow Baganda did actually
celebrate the loss of this young and talented Muganda soldier,whose widow
could be one of the listers on this forum?
Ssenyange and ilk,the world has two fundamental divide,i.e Black and
White.In Ottawa where you reside,I do not think any non balck person
will ask you whether you are a Muganda first rather than whether you
come from Africa,by the time they ask you which part of Africa you hail
the discussion of your being a Muganda would not arise for that will 
less to them.This explains why these non Blacks are planning
to go to the Mars and Jupiter while our blacks in Uganda are still
bothering themselves with knowing olunyiriri,entuba and all that crap and
busy celebrating other people's demise as if that by itself has precluded
them from death.
With this type of flawed logic,it is no wonder that the Buganda Motto 
about 1200 has been and is:Gakyaaali mabaga.
Can we not stop and revist this motto that appears to lead us to a cul-de
sac?.The logic is if whence you do something you get the same flawed
results,you ought to change the methodology if you are to move forward 
that is what I expect of all those intellectuals and elites from Mother
Thank you.

Edward Mulindwa wrote:
What is the population of Baganda? Just curious !

Secondly, some of us were in Uganda and in luwero at the time, but 
was the minister of defense, can Ssenyange tell us what happened in 
under Museveni's watch? It is one of those questions which will never be
answered by our people who are enjoying the road map of peace, same as 
say Ffe kasita twebaka yet they can not tell you who refused them to
sleep all along, just a name who refused Ugandans to sleep?



 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message -
From: Y Yaobang
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 8:11 PM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok’s family secrets buried here\


You stated:

... the Baganda who lost the 500,000 relatives under Oyite's command. 

This is a very serious statement and allegation. I would not be suprised 
you ended up in court over this!!



RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's family secrets buried here\

2004-04-20 Thread Adam Dada
Mulindwa - Why do you have to prejudje Oyite? For all you know, the man 
could be guilty of not just murder, but genocide. All you are attempting to 
do is absolve your tribesman of responsibility, which is understandable, but 
you must bear a thought of those who died on his brutal hands. You don't 
have to be a genuis and a legal expert to notice that there is all the 
circumstancial evidence to pin him down - he was the topmost in the line of 
command and had he been alive, he would have borne the full rigours of the 
law, from which I can really not see an escape. So stop that legalistic crap 
of yours, when even the basic ones were never implemented during the UPC 
atrocious years in power. Avoid taking netters for fools.

From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's family secrets buried here\
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 07:15:11 -0400
Marry Nagaddya

If you lost your people in Uganda and you know who either killed them or 
directed their murders, why not use that information to take them to the
court of law? How can a sensible woman like you, have this information and
keep quite with it for this long? Yet on the other side people like our
selves from Luwero district are asking for a public inquirely for we feel 
is the only right way for us to know who murdered our people, and you do 
support that either.

It is very hurting for you personally have decided to cover the people who
murdered the Luwerorians for you want to use them to beat up a dead man who
can never defend him self.
That is as wrong as NRM which has up to today refused to repay the
population of Luwero, which lost all they hard during that war. These are
Baganda who bought the crap that they will be repaid after the war. Please
note that up until today not even a single cow has been paid by your
government. Your government does not even want us to know who killed our
people. Let me as well add, that if Oyite Ojok killed the people in Luwero
district, and yes I am talking about the 500,000 Baganda you guys are
claiming to have died in Luwero. What is so wrong in opening up these
inquiries and we state so and publicly in Luwero. Among the people who were
in Luwero at the time and know full well who not only murdered their people
but know how many died? Let us go into Luwero District and open up this
inquirely, than attacking Oyite Ojok a dead man who can never defend him
self. And a man whose death turned Uganda's politics into a nightmare.
I am very disappointed for we are tuning this debate into a childish and
very silly exchange.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
- Original Message -
From: Mary Nagadya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 9:55 PM
Subject: Re: Mulindwa Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's family secrets buried here\

 On Obote's concentration camps: what comparisons do
 they bear to camps in Northern Uganda?

 Those of us whose relatives were butchered at
 Oyite-Ojok's and/or Obote's orders can hardly be
 expected to feel even the slightest empathy or sorrow
 for either of these murderers.

 I do not eaxctly remember any Acholi or Langi
 sorrowfully mourning the passing of their former
 partner in murder, Idi Amin.  Why is that?

 So what is this silly debate really about if not mere
 hollier-than-thou posturing?

 --- The Fugee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The population of Luwero was about 600,000 when
  Museveni launched his war. The population growth
  rate of Luwero was only beaten by that of Tororo
  between 1969 and 1980 and this can be explained in
  the multi-ethnic complexion of both places. The fact
  that Luwero had many settlers from various parts of
  the country though most from other parts of Buganda
  explains how and why many who fled the violence
  unleashed by Museveni in Luwero were able to quickly
  settle elsewhere as many had ancestral roots in
  Buganda and in other parts of Uganda. I would not be
  surprised if many of these who scream in the name of
  Luwero have no connection with Luwero but are using
  the sufferings brought about by Museveni and co.
  choosing Luwero as the platform to forward his
  personal ambitions.
  I have read on these forums of the camps which were
  set up the International Committee of the Red Cross
  (ICRC) described as concentration camps created by
  the elected government and those who sought shelter
  from Museveni's marauding army in 1981 and early
  1982 as people deliberately uprooted by the UNLA
  when the UNLA did not have any units in rural Luwero
  until May 1982. But to these Ugandans this makes
  perfect sense. Others can even claim that citizens
  in rural Luwero were rebelling because the elections
  were rigged and yet the four constituencies in

ugnet_: [abujaNig] Colonial distortions stagnated development in Africa - Museveni

2004-04-20 Thread Edward Mulindwa

  Museveni meets Speakers

  By Felix Osike and Henry Mukasa 

  PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has said colonial distortions stagnated development of 
African countries. 
  He, however, said it was not right to solely blame colonialists for the 
shameful phenomenon, saying Africans were too weak to defend themselves. 

  He said the colonialists left behind armies of illiterates, gave Africans little 
education and made the countries dependent on export of raw materials. 
  Opening a six-day Commonwealth Parliamentary Association mid-year executive 
meeting at Speke Resort Munyonyo yesterday, Museveni (left) said Africans must demand 
for trade access with developed nations, most of them former colonial masters, to 
overcome the distortions. 

  The Commonwealth has membership of former British colonies. 
  Some of you must be wondering what is the problem with Africa. There must be a 
devil! There's no devil. It's colonial distortion that we are grappling with, he 
  Museveni said the commonwealth would lose meaning if member countries remained 
divided in the categories of developed, developing and least developed states. 

  He said colonialism left former colonies with the English language which must be 
used as a captured weapon for doing serious mutual beneficial business with one 
  He categorised UK, Canada, Australia and Newzeland as the developed, India, 
South Africa and Pakistan as developing and most African, Caribbean and Pacific 
nations as under developed. 

  Now where is the common wealth? Where is the commonness? Where is the 
universality? We cannot continue to have first and second world in the commonwealth, 
he said. 
  He said while African colonies fought alongside the British in their 
expeditions, like in Burma, the best the colonial master did was to leave the 
colonies' armies under the command of illiterate officers, completely alienated from 
the people. 

  Inspite of working with the British for more than 70 years, the best they did 
to develop the army was to commission two officers in 1958 and one of the two was 
(former Ugandan dictator) Idi Amin. Amin was Her Majesty's soldier recruited by the 
British. This wasn't a problem but he was illiterate. This led to the dark ages and 
Idi Amin was the author, he said. 

  Museveni said the export of raw materials was another distortion that began with 
colonialism. He said without value addition, Africa reaped very little from exports. 
  The export of raw materials has been a curse on black Africa, Museveni added. 
  He said the situation was exacerbated by colonial boundaries which excessively 
balkanised the continent and denied Africans a would-be large single market for trade. 

  He said for many countries the coast was detached from the hinterland. 
  The Speaker, Edward Ssekandi, who chairs CPA-Uganda Chapter, said the meeting 
would discuss Uganda's transition, implication of WTO, anti-terrorism strategies, the 
role of women in decision making and effects of HIV/AIDS. 

  Ssekandi hailed the US for opening up her market to African countries through 
  We pray that the developed countries within the community of the commonwealth 
could do the same instead of putting emphasis and preference on development aid, 
Ssekandi said. This earned him applause from president Museveni who said, market 
access and not aid will develop Africa. 

  Dan Hays, the Speaker of the Senate of Canada, who moved a vote of thanks, said 
Uganda had become exceptionally successful in the fight against the dreaded HIV/AIDS 
  He invited President Museveni to Canada to attend the 50th CPA annual conference 
due in August. 

  Hays also said Commonwealth countries must pursue their pledge of promoting 
democratic values. 
  CPA is an association of Commonwealth Parliamentarians who are bound by respect 
for the rule of law and individual rights and freedoms and pursuit of positive ideals 
of parliamentary democracy.

  Published on: Tuesday, 20th April, 2004

   The Mulindwas Communication Group
  With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
  avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
  Email this article to a friend.

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2004-04-20 Thread Edward Mulindwa
Al-Sadr: Leave the Spanish alone

Monday 19 April 2004, 21:42 Makka Time, 18:42 GMT  

Occupation forces keen to avoid a confrontation with al-Sadr

Shia leader Muqtada al-Sadr has urged his followers to stop attacking Spanish troops 
after Madrid announced their upcoming withdrawal from Iraq.

In the holy city of Najaf, Qais al-Khazali, a spokesman for al-Sadr, said on Monday: 
We call [on al-Sadr's followers] to ensure the security of Spanish troops until their 
departure as long as these forces do not perpetrate aggressions against the Iraqi 


Other countries which assign troops to the coalition in Iraq are urged to follow the 
example of Spain and to withdraw their forces to save the lives of their soldiers, he 




A senior US-led occupation spokesman played down the impact of Spain's decision to 
pull its 1300 troops out of Iraq. 


  Spanish troops in Iraq will be withdrawn as soon as possible and with maximum 

  Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, 
  Spanish prime minister 
The Spaniards have done a wonderful job, the spokesman said. On the military point 
of view, it's not a large problem. We certainly have sufficient capabilities and we'll 
certainly have more countries coming. 


Spanish troops in Iraq will be withdrawn as soon as possible and with maximum 
security, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said in a nationally 
televised broadcast on Sunday, a day after taking office.


Zapatero had originally said the withdrawal would go ahead unless there was a UN 
Security Council mandate for an international force in Iraq before the 30 June 
transfer of power to an interim government. 

But Sunday, he said a UN resolution was unlikely to match the content of the Spanish 
demands for the continued presence of the troops. 


Bush reaction


For his part, US President George Bush told Zapatero he regrets Madrid's decision. 


In a five-minute telephone call initiated by Zapatero, Bush expressed his regret to 
president Zapatero about the decision to abruptly announce the pullout of Spanish 
troops from Iraq, said Whitehouse spokesman Scott McClellan.


The president urged that the Spanish withdrawal take place in a coordinated manner 
that does not put at risk other coalition forces in Iraq, McClellan told reporters.


The president stressed the importance of carefully considering future actions to avoid 
giving false comfort to terrorists or enemies of freedom in Iraq, the spokesman said.


UN deployment


  Al-Sadr has asked for a UN Muslim 
  peacekeeping force
Al-Sadr also indicated through his spokesman that he favoured the deployment of a UN 
peacekeeping force in Iraq on condition that it be made up of Muslim countries or 
countries which did not join the occupation of Iraq such as Russia, France or 


Khazali said the UN force must let the Iraqi people ensure their own protection by 
entrusting law and order duties to the Iraqi security forces, notably the police. 


Until now, al-Sadr had rejected any role for the UN in Iraq, arguing that the world 
body was under the sway of occupation forces. 




Bremer for his part warned: If former members of the Republican Guards, the 
mukharabbat [ousted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's now disbanded intelligence service], 
the Fedayin Saddam and the Muqtada's militia are to be prevented from shooting their 
way into power, Iraqi security forces must have help until they are fully equipped and 


This is what the coalition intends to do, he said in a statement issued by the 


But it is clear that Iraqi forces will not be able, on their own, to deal with these 
threats by 30 June when an Iraqi government assumes sovereignty. 

Instead, Iraq and troops from many countries, including the United States will be 
partners in providing the security Iraqis need. 




  The goal is to reach a global ceasefire and a return to normal in the city 

  Fuad Rawi, 
  Iraqi Islamic Party
Violence continued on Monday as a mortar round hit the Swedish embassy grounds in 
Baghdad, causing no casualties, police said. 

It was not clear whether the embassy was the target as the Iraqi agriculture ministry 
and an evangelical church are located nearby. 


No Swedes were working at the embassy, located in central Baghdad, the Swedish foreign 
ministry in Stockholm said. 


An upsurge in violence this month sparked by Sunni and Shia resistance fighters has 
left more than 90 US soldiers and hundreds of Iraqis dead. 


Uneasy ceasefire


In the flashpoint Sunni bastion of Falluja west of Baghdad, Iraqi mediators were to 
arrange another meeting between local civic leaders and occupation officials to 
consolidate an uneasy ceasefire in the city which has been under a US marine siege for 
two weeks. 


Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\

2004-04-20 Thread Owor Kipenji
Do not expose more of your ignorance by refuting what is written
by authorities that you have not yet read.
Read more and you'll be better informed otherwise continue 
with your cheerleader role which apparently is your best trademark.
You always find it fit to appear to corroborate what your think tanks 
tell you other than stating what you personally know for a fact.
What an imbecile!.
Since cheerleading is what you excel best in,I grant you the floor and
continue with it till your voice gets hoarse.
Just for improving on your imbecility,ever heard the saying: "living by the Riverside or near a Lake does not mean you eat Fish everyday,let alone know how to fish?".
Next time before you peddle more of your ignorance on this fora,think about it.
Thank you.
__jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Ooh, I'm overwhelmed with emotion !Kipenji, just cut the crap ! Are we now supposed to shed tears for a man who had joined the head of the killing machine of his own people ? I don't think so.You are one of those wiseacres (like Odwe) I was talking about recently; you know, the ones who pretend to know about a culture better than the owners of that culture. The motto 'Gakyaali mabaga' (incidentally this is the motto of King's College Buddo and not of the Buganda kingdom) is an inspiration to excellence; an encouragement to always strive to do better. Where you get the idea that this leads to a cul-de-sac is beyond me. Since you are not even a Muganda, I don't see why you are obliged to follow that motto if you feel its no good.Similarly, your adverse remarks about olunyiriri and emituba (not 'entuba') are just a display
 of your ignorance about Kiganda culture and are of no consequence. If you are making them out of envy, too bad. Whether you are bothered by these traditions or not, I'm afraid they are here to stay.KasangwawoFrom: Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 13:29:28 +0100 (BST)Mshemiwa Ssenyange,I want to applaud your logic if at allthat passes for one with the exception that you really did notpay attention to those Officers and Men of the UNLA who diedin that Helicopter crash with the then Chief of Army Staff.Do you remember a one Captain Godfrey Kato,a promisingthen 28 year old Muganda who died in that crash just a monthafter his colourful wedding?If you do ,does it mean that you and your
 fellow Baganda did actuallycelebrate the loss of this young and talented Muganda soldier,whose widow could be one of the listers on this forum?Ssenyange and ilk,the world has two fundamental divide,i.e Black andWhite.In Ottawa where you reside,I do not think any non balck personwill ask you whether you are a Muganda first rather than whether youcome from Africa,by the time they ask you which part of Africa you hailthe discussion of your being a Muganda would not arise for that will matter less to them.This explains why these non Blacks are planningto go to the Mars and Jupiter while our blacks in Uganda are still bothering themselves with knowing olunyiriri,entuba and all that crap and busy celebrating other people's demise as if that by itself has precluded them from death.With this type of flawed logic,it is no wonder that the Buganda Motto since about 1200 has been and
 is:"Gakyaaali mabaga".Can we not stop and revist this motto that appears to lead us to a cul-de sac?.The logic is if whence you do something you get the same flawed results,you ought to change the methodology if you are to move forward and that is what I expect of all those intellectuals and elites from MotherUganda.Thank you.Kipenji._-Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:What is the population of Baganda? Just curious !Secondly, some of us were in Uganda and in luwero at the time, but Museveni was the minister of defense, can Ssenyange tell us what happened in Uganda under Museveni's watch? It is one of those questions which will never be answered by our people who are enjoying the road map of peace, same as they say "Ffe kasita twebaka" yet they can
 not tell you who refused them to sleep all along, just a name who refused Ugandans to sleep?EmToronto The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"- Original Message -From: Y YaobangTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 8:11 PMSubject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok’s family secrets buried here\Ssenyange:You stated:"... the Baganda who lost the 500,000 relatives under Oyite's command. ..."This is a very serious statement and allegation. I would not be suprised if you ended up in court over this!!y From: "ssenya nyange" <[EMAIL 

ugnet_: Ndejje University

2004-04-20 Thread dbbwanika db
 – Ndejje University in Uganda East Africa. The University is in advanced stages 
of developing a website and inter/intranet network for instant 
communication. The University has different campuses in Ugandans 
capital Kampala and another about 25 km away from the capital city an 
ideal place for academic pursuit.

The university is seeking contacts with external university resource in 
the development of  the following;

- Science and Research Development programme
- Student Exchange Programme 
- Human Resources Exchange and Development
- Institutional Academic programme Development

If there is wish  from your university to get in touch of Vice 
Chancellor please find the contacts below .

Contact Vice Chancellor 

Rt. Rev. Dr. Micheal Senyimba
Ndejje Univeristy
P.O . Box 7088

Tel: 256 –77- 507306
   256 –77- 730322



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ugnet_: SA Scientists Build Bolt That Cries for Help

2004-04-20 Thread Lugemwa FN

FN Lugemwa
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Re: ugnet_: Thanks be to Allah that Oyite-Ojok is dead!

2004-04-20 Thread Lisa Toro

As if you are immortal, you caused people death, then 
accused then to be killers without evidence. Super natural The same almighty 
Allah or God will catch up with you sooner or later. Sadists of all 


  - Original Message - 
  Rehema Mukooza 
  Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 1:43 
  Subject: ugnet_: Thanks be to Allah that 
  Oyite-Ojok is dead!
  I am here to thank the Almighty Allah for the death of Oyite-Ojok. 
  Alyoose naffa! Twakoowa agasajja gano agatemu! - (We are sick 
  and tired of these murderers!) That man was a killer who disguised 
  himself as a "nationalist". But you know what, Allah shall continue to 
  take away the enemies of our freedom, one by one. At the end of the day, 
  we loose nothing but gain a peacefull piece of mind. 
  Justice has been served to us who are still living, not considered the 
  dead who lost their lives because of Oyite-Ojok. All Praises Be to 
  Allah, for He is redeeming us from this Axis of Evil (Oyite-Ojok and 
  gang). Let us all celebrate, becauseFreedom is around the 
  corner. When is Obote's death?? We can not wait to see Obote 
  getting burried in Zambia. Hahaha... that killer is just taking up space 
  on this earth for no good reason! Allah, please act on him real soon, 
  for the anticipation is growing stronger.
  Zakoomu M.
  kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
aaah, let's not argue about the word 'majority', in any case that was a 
side point. If it pleases you I'll amend it to: a large part of the 
population were not sad about his death.My main point was, if 
you wanted to keep your life intact, could you openly celebrate in 
Kampala at the time ?Kasangwawo
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojoks family secrets 
buried here\Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 16:15:45 +0200Who 
on earth is this elusive majority? Just because some people may 
holdthat position it is erroneous to assume that they constitute the 
Original Message -From: "jonah kasangwawo" 
April 18, 2004 1:55 PMSubject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojoks family 
secrets buried here\  gook,  
 be real ! Do you seriously believe one could openly celebrate in 
Kampalaatg t;  the time ? What do you think would have 
happened to such a person ?   Some Ugandans like you 
might have been sad at his death but the majority  surely didn't 
miss him.   
  Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Photos: High-quality 
  4x6 digital prints for 25¢

ugnet_: Plants Dispatched to Decontaminate Soil

2004-04-20 Thread J Ssemakula

April 12, 2004

Plants Dispatched to Decontaminate Soil

Scientists have recruited plants in their fight against pollution. Specifically, they have teamed the yellow lupine with modified bacteria that can break down organic chemicals. According to a report in the May issue of Nature Biotechnology, the combination is very effective at removing the toxic compound toluene from soil. What is more, the bacteria break down the chemical within the plant, resulting in a 70 percent reduction in the amount of toluene released through its leaves. 
To create the novel chemical-devouring duo, Daniel van der Lelie of Brookhaven National Laboratory and his colleagues inserted the machinery to break down toluene from one bacterium, Burkholderia cepacia G4, into a second type of bacterium, B. cepacia L.S.2.4, which occurs naturally inside yellow lupine. Toluene is a water-soluble organic compound that is widely used as a solvent and is present in products such as paint thinner, nail polish remover and adhesives. Plants containing the modified B. cepacia that were grown in toluene-seeped soil showed no signs of toxicity, because the bugs protected them. Plants lacking the modified bacteria can also draw toluene out of the ground, but the chemical is later released from the leaves through evaporation. Plants carrying B. cepacia, in contrast, returned far less toluene to the atmosphere. 
Depending on the type of bacteria utilized, the approach can clear a variety of pollutants. "Other applications we envisage include the use of engineered endophytic bacteria to degrade pesticide and herbicide residues in crop plants, addressing important food safety related issues," the scientists write. The team’s next step is to expand the work to other types of trees--including poplars and willows--to clean up contaminated groundwater. --Sarah Graham 

© 1996-2004 Scientific American, Inc. All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

April 20, 2004

Cloned Cows Manufacture Cancer Treatment

The products most closely associated with cows are milk and beef. But European scientists report today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that the animals can be bred to generate antitumor drugs. The findings could lead to a novel way of manufacturing antibodies for tumor therapy on a large scale. 
Drugs employing antibodies that recognize proteins found only on cancerous cells tend to work more effectively when paired with a second type of antibody that targets immune cells. But these so-called bispecific antibodies are difficult to produce, so Gottfried Brem of the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna and his colleagues tried a new approach. The researchers first linked two genes, one that targets human melanoma cells and one that activates T cells, and inserted the resulting genetic sequence into cow embryos. The nine animals that developed (see image) had high levels of the desired designer antibody, called r28M, in their bloodstreams. The scientists were able to extract and purify significant quantities of r28M, and test it against human melanoma cells. According to the report, the protein is stable and successfully targeted and killed cancer cells in laboratory tests. 
The authors suggest that this gene farming approach could be tailored to produce a variety of proteins. Their results, they conclude, emphasize "the fact that blood cells can be directed to produce high concentrations of fully active therapeutic molecules that are otherwise difficult to express." --Sarah Graham 

© 1996-2004 Scientific American, Inc. All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

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ugnet_: Modern thought may have began in Africa

2004-04-20 Thread J Ssemakula

Is Bead Find Proof Modern Thought Began in Africa? 

Hillary Mayellfor National Geographic NewsMarch 31, 2004
Ostrich-eggshell beads found in Africa show that human beings were capable of symbolic thinking much earlier than previously thought, a team of scientists reports. 
Anatomically modern humans (homo sapiens)—people who looked pretty much like we do now—arose in Africa around 130,000 years ago. The question debated by archaeologists and anthropologists is: How smart were they? 


Ostrich-eggshell beads recovered from a site in Tanzania are believed to be about 70,000 years old, according to a team of scientists. The scientists say the find sustains the theory that modern human behavior originated in Africa and much earlier than many experts believe.Picture courtesy Arizona State University

One school of thought holds that while early human ancestors became anatomically modern while still in Africa, the development of modern behavioral traits lagged, emerging relatively suddenly only about 45,000 years ago. Around that time waves of modern humans began leaving Africa and colonizing the rest of the world. 
Proponents of the cultural-lag idea suggest that a sudden genetic change, an increase in population density that spurred technological and cultural innovation, or other factors triggered the exodus out of Africa and the explosion of cultural change which occurred in Europe. 
Others argue that "behavioral modernity" evolved in Africa and has a much longer history. 
The ostrich-eggshell beads recovered from a site in the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania are believed to be about 70,000 years old, according to a team of scientists. 
The team is speaking today at the annual meeting of the Paleoanthropology Society taking place this week in Montreal. The research was supported in part by the National Geographic Society's Committee for Research and Exploration and the Leakey Foundation. 
If the dates are correct, there was modern human behavior in Africa about 35,000 years earlier than previously thought, strengthening the argument that "behavioral modernity" evolved hand-in-hand with anatomical modernity. 
Beads are "unambiguous examples of symbolic behavior," said Curtis Marean, one of the paper's presenters. Marean is an anthropologist at the Institute of Human Origins at Arizona State University. "Once we get some definitive dating, [the find] could have a major impact on the evolution of symbolic thinking." 
Defining Modernity 
Complicating the debate is the fact that there is no consensus definition for what constitutes modern behavior. 
Beadmaking is considered evidence of symbolic thinking because—whether used for jewelry to show status or group identity or used in trade—it has little to do with survival. Other traits thought of as "modern" include the ability to plan ahead, innovate technologically, establish social and trade networks, create art, and adapt to changing conditions and environments. 
Late Stone Age (beginning about 45,000 years ago) sites in Europe abound with cave paintings, sophisticated bone tools, and evidence of complex burial rituals, which signal symbolic thinking. 
During the late Stone Age people began constructing permanent shelters rather than depending on caves. They figured out how to catch large fish and hunt more aggressively, and they developed weapons that could be thrown. 
Tools made out of bones or antlers are commonly found at late Stone Age sites, and they are more specialized and complex than the stone tools of the middle Stone Age (beginning about 280,000 until 45,000 years ago) found in Africa. 
Until recently very little evidence of symbolic thinking during the middle Stone Age has been found in Africa. There are advocates of the idea that the capability was always there, but that it wasn't expressed. There have been no fundamental changes in human anatomy in the last 50,000 years, and it simply took us this long to send people into space or develop computers, these advocates believe. 
Others argue that the record is scant in Africa because very little archaeological work has been done on the continent. By contrast, European archaeological sites have been mined extensively and for decades. 
This is beginning to change. Work published in 2001 described 28 bone tools and thousands of pieces of ocher—a mineral used to create paint for body decoration and cave painting—dated at roughly 70,000 years old found in Blombos Cave in South Africa. Two pieces of ocher appear to be marked with abstract lines that could be viewed as artistic _expression_. 
The archaeological record is also open to varying interpretations. 
Alison Brooks, an anthropologist at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., supports the idea of continuous innovation. She says archaeological evidence suggests that modern humans in Africa 120,000 years to 50,000 years ago were transporting raw materials for distances up to 186 miles (300 kilometers). They were capable 

Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\

2004-04-20 Thread J Ssemakula

Mr. Kipenji,
How about addressing the substantive issues raied by Mr. Dada? i.e. what do you have to show by way of progress in your area / community for the last umpteen years so that we may all learn from you?
Deriding us, the Baganda, for our cultural norms, e.g. the emphasis we place on our geneology or descent is just about as productive as me deriding thediet, way of life or culture of the Badama.
Face the truth.
Gakyali Mabaga (do you know what it really means?),
Original Message Follows 
From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\ 
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 02:32:37 +0100 (BST) 

Adam,stop this stupid posturing of being who you are not. 
This cheap apostasy will take you know where. 
And for the nth time I will put you together with the obtunded 
dunderhead Zakoomu in the same quartile of those whose 
pedastal logic will not warrant my indulgence. 
Thank you. 
Let your apostasy lead you through your amaurotic philisophy 
about life. 
Thank you. 

Adam Dada [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Owor, in fairness to Baganda, they at least have something to show for their 
"Gakyaali mabaga". What have we in the north got to show for the dominance 
of the polical scene post-independece. The truth is - NOTHING!!!. The 
Baganda may not be Canadians, by they are light years ahead of us and, by 
the way, we should really concentrate on how we can save the situation in 
our area, rather than picking on Buganda's "motto that appears to lead us to 
a cul-de sac". Who is in the cul-de-sac between us and the Baganda? My 
friend, you better have a reality check and aknowledge the dire situation we 
Northerners are in dear. Also, when were you last in Buganda? For you info, 
mud and wattle houses are now almost extinct in Buganda, being replace with 
corrogated roofed brick and mortar structures throught the Kingdom. We are, 
on the other hand still heavily burdened with thatched huts as the standard 
mode of housing. So please brother Kipenji, I strongly advise a reality 
check and direct your efforts where it is really needed. 

From: Owor Kipenji 
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\ 
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 13:29:28 +0100 (BST) 
Mshemiwa Ssenyange,I want to applaud your logic if at all 
that passes for one with the exception that you really did not 
pay attention to those Officers and Men of the UNLA who died 
in that Helicopter crash with the then Chief of Army Staff. 
Do you remember a one Captain Godfrey Kato,a promising 
then 28 year old Muganda who died in that crash just a month 
after his colourful wedding? 
If you do ,does it mean that you and your fellow Baganda did actually 
celebrate the loss of this young and talented Muganda soldier,whose widow 
could be one of the listers on this forum? 
Ssenyange and ilk,the world has two fundamental divide,i.e Black and 
White.In Ottawa where you reside,I do not think any non balck person 
will ask you whether you are a Muganda first rather than whether you 
come from Africa,by the time they ask you which part of Africa you hail 
the discussion of your being a Muganda would not arise for that will matter 
less to them.This explains why these non Blacks are planning 
to go to the Mars and Jupiter while our blacks in Uganda are still 
bothering themselves with knowing olunyiriri,entuba and all that crap and 
busy celebrating other people's demise as if that by itself has precluded 
them from death. 
With this type of flawed logic,it is no wonder that the Buganda Motto since 
about 1200 has been and is:"Gakyaaali mabaga". 
Can we not stop and revist this motto that appears to lead us to a cul-de 
sac?.The logic is if whence you do something you get the same flawed 
results,you ought to change the methodology if you are to move forward and 
that is what I expect of all those intellectuals and elites from Mother 
Thank you. 
Edward Mulindwa wrote: 
What is the population of Baganda? Just curious ! 
Secondly, some of us were in Uganda and in luwero at the time, but Museveni 
was the minister of defense, can Ssenyange tell us what happened in Uganda 
under Museveni's watch? It is one of those questions which will never be 
answered by our people who are enjoying the road map of peace, same as they 
say "Ffe kasita twebaka" yet they can not tell you who refused them to 
sleep all along, just a name who refused Ugandans to sleep? 
 The Mulindwas Communication Group 
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" 
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

ugnet_: FW: Article: Link Between Gout and Alcohol Is Verified

2004-04-20 Thread J Ssemakula

/- E-mail Sponsored by Fox Searchlight \ 


An official selection of the 2004 Sundance Film Festival, THE CLEARING 
stars ROBERT REDFORD and HELEN MIRREN as Wayne and Eileen Hayes - a 
husband and wife living the American Dream. Together they've raised two 
children and struggled to build a successful business from the ground 
up. But there have been sacrifices along the way. When Wayne is 
kidnapped by an ordinary man, Arnold Mack (WILLEM DAFOE), and held for 
ransom in a remote forest, the couple's world is turned inside out. 
Watch the trailer at: 


Link Between Gout and Alcohol Is Verified 

April 16, 2004 

For the first time, scientists have documented the age-old 
belief that alcohol intake strongly increases the risk of 
developing gout and that the risk is related to the type of 
alcoholic beverage consumed. 

Beer is more likely to lead to gout than spirits, but 
moderate wine consumption does not raise the risk, 
according to a study being reported in The Lancet on April 

People have long suspected a link between alcohol and gout. 
But the study's authors, all from Harvard-affiliated 
institutions, said it was the first to document the link 
systematically and to assess the risk according to the 
types of alcohol ingested. 

The findings suggest that unidentified nonalcoholic 
components in beer and spirits may play an important role 
in precipitating attacks of the disease, a form of 
arthritis, said the head of the team, Dr. Hyon K. Choi of 
Massachusetts General Hospital. 

Gout can affect any joint, but it usually affects a big 
toe. Pain and inflammation result from deposits of uric 
acid crystals in a joint or tendon. 

Drinking two or more 12-ounce cans or bottles of any kind 
of beer a day was found to increase the risk of gout 2.5 
times compared with drinking no beer. Consuming two drinks 
each containing a shot of liquor increased the risk 1.6 
times compared with consuming no liquor. Drinking two or 
more four-ounce glasses of wine a day was not found to be 
associated with an increased risk. 

Whether beer contains a factor that promotes gout or wine a 
protective factor, or both, is not known. 


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ugnet_: FW: Article: Polio Reported in Botswana, Its First Case Since 1991

2004-04-20 Thread J Ssemakula

/- E-mail Sponsored by Fox Searchlight \ 


An official selection of the 2004 Sundance Film Festival, THE CLEARING 
stars ROBERT REDFORD and HELEN MIRREN as Wayne and Eileen Hayes - a 
husband and wife living the American Dream. Together they've raised two 
children and struggled to build a successful business from the ground 
up. But there have been sacrifices along the way. When Wayne is 
kidnapped by an ordinary man, Arnold Mack (WILLEM DAFOE), and held for 
ransom in a remote forest, the couple's world is turned inside out. 
Watch the trailer at: 


Polio Reported in Botswana, Its First Case Since 1991 

April 15, 2004 

Botswana has reported its first case of paralytic polio 
since 1991, as the spread of the disease from northern 
Nigeria further jeopardizes efforts to eradicate it, the 
World Health Organization said yesterday. 

Botswana is the ninth previously polio-free country where 
the crippling disease has reappeared in recent months and 
the farthest from its presumed source, northern Nigeria. 
There, officials stopped polio vaccinations because of 
religious and political opposition, said officials of 
W.H.O., a United Nations agency in Geneva. 

The Botswana case involves a 7-year-old boy from the Ngami 
district of northwestern Botswana whose paralysis began on 
Feb. 8. The health organization did not disclose his 
current condition. 

Unicef, W.H.O., Rotary International and the government of 
Botswana are preparing an emergency response to the case, 
including heightened disease surveillance throughout 
Botswana and a nationwide immunization campaign. 

Scientists confirmed that the virus isolated from the boy 
in Botswana came from Nigeria by laboratory tests that 
showed it was genetically similar to the strain that has 
been infecting children in Nigeria, W.H.O. said. 

In the past 18 months, polio viruses genetically linked to 
northern Nigeria have caused new cases of polio in nine 
previously polio-free countries. Besides Botswana, they are 
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Central African 
Republic, Chad, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Togo. 

Polio virus is endemic in five countries besides Nigeria: 
Afghanistan, Egypt, India, Niger and Pakistan. Polio was 
endemic in 125 countries when W.H.O. began its polio 
eradication program in 1988. 

Nigeria has experienced an extensive outbreak of polio that 
the health agency said resulted from the suspension of 
polio immunization campaigns in Kano and other northern 
states in August 2003. 

As of last month, all states in Nigeria, except Kano, had 
resumed mass polio immunization efforts. 

Earlier this year, health ministers from countries affected 
by polio pledged to stop transmission of the virus by the 
end of 2004, a year earlier than W.H.O.'s goal to eliminate 

But the polio case in Botswana highlights the magnitude of 
the risk posed to polio-free areas by outbreaks of the 
disease in west and central Africa. 

Polio can spread anywhere as long as there is a case 
somewhere, said Dr. David L. Heymann, who directs W.H.O.'s 
polio eradication program. 


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Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\

2004-04-20 Thread Owor Kipenji
Can you face the truth as you want it.
Continue with your culture and for your
personal info,Badama are the Kiganda name 
for people who proudly call themselves Japs.
I think that will teach you a few basic knowledge
and remove an iota of ignorance from that structure
resting above your neck.
Thank you.
-J Ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mr. Kipenji,
How about addressing the substantive issues raied by Mr. Dada? i.e. what do you have to show by way of progress in your area / community for the last umpteen years so that we may all learn from you?
Deriding us, the Baganda, for our cultural norms, e.g. the emphasis we place on our geneology or descent is just about as productive as me deriding thediet, way of life or culture of the Badama.
Face the truth.
Gakyali Mabaga (do you know what it really means?),
Original Message Follows 
From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\ 
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 02:32:37 +0100 (BST) 

Adam,stop this stupid posturing of being who you are not. 
This cheap apostasy will take you know where. 
And for the nth time I will put you together with the obtunded 
dunderhead Zakoomu in the same quartile of those whose 
pedastal logic will not warrant my indulgence. 
Thank you. 
Let your apostasy lead you through your amaurotic philisophy 
about life. 
Thank you. 

Adam Dada [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Owor, in fairness to Baganda, they at least have something to show for their 
"Gakyaali mabaga". What have we in the north got to show for the dominance 
of the polical scene post-independece. The truth is - NOTHING!!!. The 
Baganda may not be Canadians, by they are light years ahead of us and, by 
the way, we should really concentrate on how we can save the situation in 
our area, rather than picking on Buganda's "motto that appears to lead us to 
a cul-de sac". Who is in the cul-de-sac between us and the Baganda? My 
friend, you better have a reality check and aknowledge the dire situation we 
Northerners are in dear. Also, when were you last in Buganda? For you info, 
mud and wattle houses are now almost extinct in Buganda, being replace with 
corrogated roofed brick and mortar structures throught the Kingdom. We are, 
on the other hand still heavily burdened with thatched huts as the standard 
mode of housing. So please brother Kipenji, I strongly advise a reality 
check and direct your efforts where it is really needed. 

From: Owor Kipenji 
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\ 
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 13:29:28 +0100 (BST) 
Mshemiwa Ssenyange,I want to applaud your logic if at all 
that passes for one with the exception that you really did not 
pay attention to those Officers and Men of the UNLA who died 
in that Helicopter crash with the then Chief of Army Staff. 
Do you remember a one Captain Godfrey Kato,a promising 
then 28 year old Muganda who died in that crash just a month 
after his colourful wedding? 
If you do ,does it mean that you and your fellow Baganda did actually 
celebrate the loss of this young and talented Muganda soldier,whose widow 
could be one of the listers on this forum? 
Ssenyange and ilk,the world has two fundamental divide,i.e Black and 
White.In Ottawa where you reside,I do not think any non balck person 
will ask you whether you are a Muganda first rather than whether you 
come from Africa,by the time they ask you which part of Africa you hail 
the discussion of your being a Muganda would not arise for that will matter 
less to them.This explains why these non Blacks are planning 
to go to the Mars and Jupiter while our blacks in Uganda are still 
bothering themselves with knowing olunyiriri,entuba and all that crap and 
busy celebrating other people's demise as if that by itself has precluded 
them from death. 
With this type of flawed logic,it is no wonder that the Buganda Motto since 
about 1200 has been and is:"Gakyaaali mabaga". 
Can we not stop and revist this motto that appears to lead us to a cul-de 
sac?.The logic is if whence you do something you get the same flawed 
results,you ought to change the methodology if you are to move forward and 
that is what I expect of all those intellectuals and elites from Mother 
Thank you. 
Edward Mulindwa wrote: 
What is the population of Baganda? Just curious ! 
Secondly, some of us were in Uganda and in luwero at the time, but Museveni 
was the minister of defense, can Ssenyange tell us what happened in Uganda 
under Museveni's watch? It is one of those questions 

ugnet_: ON Zokaamu's comments

2004-04-20 Thread Matekopoko
No before we make a conclusion on a Ugandan I think it is only fair we give him/her a 
chance to explain, for example Zakoomu can you tell me who Oyite Ojok murdered? Just 
that I am able to follow your reasoning.


There is a limit, a line of demacation if you like, beyond which one cannot accept 

Mukooza has pretty much crossed that line  if he/she is celebrating the death of 
Brigadier David Oyite Ojok. 

David achieved alot for the people of Uganda. Celebrating the death of David, is more 
like pissing off, (excuse my french)a great many Ugandans who hold this Ugandan hero 
in High Regard. I a one such Ugandan.


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ugnet_: Southerners wake up to Brutal War in the North

2004-04-20 Thread Matekopoko
Fratricide: Finally, Southerners Wake Up to the Brutal War in the North

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The East African (Nairobi)

April 19, 2004 
Posted to the web April 20, 2004 

Joachim Buwembo

At most churches in Uganda, special prayers were offered on Easter Sunday for Joseph 
Kony to reconsider his agenda and stop fighting. Having to drop various elderly 
relatives off at churches near their localities, I attended several services on 
Easter. And the message was remarkably uniform - pray to God to soften Kony's heart 
and make him stop slaughtering the people of northern Uganda.

Now this is a departure, or shall we say an evolution of attitude among people from 
the peaceful and relatively prosperous south. When the insurgency in the north began 
18 years ago, the response in the south was to urge the government to do its job and 
crush the criminals.

But the LRA rebellion was not crushed and, some time in the late 1980s and early 
1990s, it began taking on the dimensions of a real war. The people urged the 
government to win the war. Then as the '90s wore on, the rebels started operating in 
small groups carrying out acts of banditry. The south more or less lost interest, 
though people kept talking about the painful episode of the dozens of Aboke 
schoolgirls whom Kony abducted and forcibly converted into breeders of a new, pure 
race of Acholi people to repopulate Uganda.

Then, last year, Kony made a violent return. He attacked Teso region and wreaked 
havoc. When the Teso leaders organised the local people and managed to drive him out, 
he went to Lango, an area that had been peaceful for years, and burned over 200 people 
to ashes. Then two weeks ago, he decided to remind the public that he is still the 
unspeakable monster he has always been and returned to his old sadistic ways. He did 
some cutting off of lips in Lango.

Now if you have never seen a person whose lips have been neatly cut off you may never 
realise how important lips are. At a distance, you think the person is grinning 
widely. When they approach, you realise what cruelty has been inflicted on them. And 
for some reason, Kony prefers to cut off women's' lips rather than men's. When the 
poor woman tries to speak, you have to be very stronghearted to keep back the tears. 
Try to say three sentences in any language without moving your lips.

Anyway, the news and the pictures from the north are not good. The people in the south 
are coming to realise that the insurgency is not proving easy to end. Fighting has 
been going on for 18 years. Negotiations used to take place on and off. Even offers of 
money were made. Sudan co-operated and allowed the Ugandan army on its soil to hunt 
down Kony.

The army has scored many victories, going by the number of reports of rebels killed. 
But problem remains. Southerners have now taken the matter to Jesus. You have these 
bumper stickers on born-again people's cars. Try Jesus, they say. First they cheered 
their army. Then they paid the taxes. Now they want divine intervention.

Kony is the talk of the town. It is as if he started business yesterday. At a city 
secondary school last week, teenagers debated whether Kony really exists. They argued 
that the picture of his they saw when they were in primary is the same the newspapers 
show them now. Is he like Jesus? They asked. Others claimed that the guy must have 
stopped fighting long ago and that the war had taken on a life of its own. The man 
could be dancing in Kampala discotheques and sending his kids to this very school, a 
cheeky boy said.

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East Africa 
Conflict, Peace and Security 
So while we should be discussing boosting foreign trade, reducing HIV infection rates 
and putting more computers in schools, Mr Kony refuses to go away. Now impatience with 
him is giving way to desperation and finally reflection, people have begun to see the 
war in a new light: Kony's entire army is now made up of abductees. The people who are 
being recruited from Acholi region to fight them are their brothers. If you sign up 
for service, you are being sent to kill your own brother who was forced into the 
fight. If you don't join, you will be killed by your brother. It is a no-win 
situation. The present appeals to God may, after all, not be such a naive thing.

Joachim Buwembo is editor of the Sunday Vision of Kampala 

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ugnet_: Re: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here - Kipenji

2004-04-20 Thread Rehema Mukooza

I trust that it's not time that you don't have, but rather you can not defend your points against mine. I don't blame you for your failure of an explanation, because logically you don't make sense, not even to yourself.

If you really were sensible, you would understand why people celebrate the deaths of their enemies. But since you are not that sensible, I guess you can not understand. Too bad! Sense is what leads us critical thinkersto celebrate our enemies deaths, and not "foolishness". A fool is one who mourns for his/her enemies' death. 

Zakoomu M.

=Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Zakoomu,sorry but I really have no time for obtunded dunderheads
like you for your pedastal views are not worth my indulgence.
Try your circumlocutions reminiscent of those under the burdens
of bipolar disorders with others.
Celebrate as much as your foolishness can lead you.
Thank you.
___-Rehema Mukooza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Let me tell you something, in this world we live in, people do celebrate the deaths of their enemies. To be specific, people do act to bring death to their enemies through wars and other means. This is not new to a critical thinker like me. I will continue to celebrate the deaths of the enemies of my freedom. Does the celebration prelude me from death?? = NO! Do people who go to war to finish off their enemies eventually die in time?? = YES. Everyone will die, that's the natural law any child knows. 

The point however is that, in the absence (death) of an enemy, we freedom seekers get closer to what we want, and that is freedom. The closer (more enemies die) we get, the more celebrations we carry out. What is there for us to miss (mourn) for these murderers like Oyite-Ojok?? You've got to be kidding me. We weren't born yesterday. We know how this world works. And we shall press for this world to evolve around our FREEDOMS. An enemy of our freedom, is an enemy of our world and civilizations, and thus the enemy should get out of our way (death, exile). We have one life to live. We have no time and space for these enemies. This is why I shall praise Allah for his action towards the death of Oyite-Ojok.

Captain Godfrey Kato might have died along with the enemies of freedom, it is not suprising to me. Kato was playing along with the enemies, supporting them in their every action to suppress our freedoms. It was either Kato was dumb, or he sold his soul to the enemies (puppet). Whatever he did, it is too late now to dwell on these puppets of our enemies. I see these puppets as equivalent to the enemy. 

Kipenji, I find it very uncritical ofyou to give the Canadian experience of Black and White as an example to work in a majority Black Uganda or Africa. In Canada they will view all Blacks as the same, but such does not apply in Uganda. In Uganda they will view people according to their TRIBES or nations (whatever they call it). Take the Bakenyi in Teso asan example. In Teso, any Mukenyi is doomed to be at the end of the list to see a doctor. In Teso, Bahiima settlers are viewed as a threat. And these are all "Black" people in our Black Africa, Uganda. Let us stop blinding ourselves when it comes to tribal identity, Uganda is not Canada. Can't you tell the difference??

The fact that you going for the blindness of tribal identity brings me back to the discussion of "personal merit" as being applied to government jobs, where a majority of these jobs are dominated by Ugandans of Western descent. If you thought that such a "fundamental change" was not good for Uganda, what makes you think that tribal identities are bad for the country or Africa at large?? To me, you sound no different from Museveni or Obote. 

An explanation for the reason why non Blacks are going to the Jupiter (where they can not live) is because in Africa, people have still blinding themselves to the fact that we are diverse, tribal-wise. In many parts of Africa, like Uganda, we still have people among us who have failed to grasp this fact. E.g. Obote, Amin, Museveni. These men are elluding themselves to the tribal differences and they have all worked towards killing people of other tribes in order to "unite" Uganda. They thought that by oppressing their tribal opponents, they will get "nationalism". Hahaha, this is such an illussion - the greatest lie any Ugandan president could ever believe. 

The only way to move forward, is to acknowledge the tribal differences in our mothersoil and cut this denial. How should we acknowledge these differences?? = We should see people according to their tribe and have a tribally representative governance. How can we do this??= A tribally representative federalism can do the fundamental magic for us. How can it?? = With every tribe represented at the national and local level, a fair, just, representation, 

ugnet_: Wasted Talents

2004-04-20 Thread Owor Kipenji
Wasted TalentsGod gave Black people 500 billion talents.He gave Hispanic people 35 billion talents.He gave Asian people 225 billion talents.He left us alone for one year, and then returnedto see what we had done with our talents. God asked the Asian people,"What have you done with your resources."The Asians replied,"We created many businessesand purchased many franchises.We used our resourcesto assist our families and our Asian friends,helping them to get into business as well." The Asians continued,"Lord, we knew that with 225 billion talentswe could generate even more talents bypooling what we had and working togethertoward a common economic goal.We have doubled the amount you
 awarded us.We now have 550 billion talents.And to top it all off,our restaurants are going strong;everybody loves our food!" The Lord said,"Well done, my good and faithful servants.I will make you rulers over many things."God then asked the Hispanic peoplewhat they had done with their inheritance.They gleefully replied,"Lord, You are really going to be proud of us.Upon receipt of our talents,we went to work right awayand formed our own bank.We have one in Floridathat ranks among the largest in all the land.And you know what else?The interest we are makingwill more than double the amount of talents Yougave us."As God nodded approvingly, the Hispanic people couldn't wait to continue."We opened fast food shops and sidewalk
 stands.We sold fruit, enchiladas, and tacos.We supported Hispanic doctors, lawyers,accountants,and all the Hispanic businesses we could find.If a certain business did not exist in ourcommunity,we pooled our resources and started new ones.We have done very well, Lord,especially considering the short timewe have been in this land."And God said,"Well done, my good and faithful servants.I will make you rulers over many things."Since God had given the most talentsto His chosen people -- Black people,He couldn't wait to hear what they had donewith their 500 billion talents.Like a doting father,He proudly asked them,"What have you done with your inheritance?"After turning their music downin order to hear what God was saying,the Black people
 waved their hands in the air(like they just didn't care) and shouted,"Lord, we just threw the party of the century,and it was all good!Look at those bad rides parked outside.We bought them from the German peopleand the Japanese people.Wouldn't You agree, Lord,that we did good deedsby helping to make them wealthy?"Even God looked perplexed.He asked if there was anything elsethe Black people wanted to report."Oh yeah," they replied."You haven't heard the half of it, Lord.We're the most charitable people on earth.We spent 95% of all You gave uswith businesses other than our own.We helped everyone.We didn't discriminateand we didn't playa-hate."Then one of the Black leaders spoke up."You know how we like nice clothes, Lord.So, after the party,we went out and bought all of the latest styleswith all of
 the right labels.You know what I'm saying?We just had to have it; we couldn't wait.Check us out."Now, the Lord was quite concerned about Hispeople,and their attitude regarding their talents.Continuing to probe,and expecting to hear somethingthat would make Him proud,God pleaded,Surely you have done something with yourinheritanceto generate more talents for yourselves?"The Black people looked around at one another,and one of their "leaders! " stepped forwardto sum things up."Lord we have the finest cars,we eat and drink only top shelf,and we meet in only the most elaborate hotels.Our children have several pairsof the latest gym shoes,we make the baddest videosand we can throw down -- I mean dance --with the best of them.Even better than that,we have good jobsto earn back our 500 billion talents next year,so we will again be able to helpall the other
 inhabitants of this land."Sadly, God looked at His people and said,"With what you have done with your talents,you may as well have buried them in the ground.Because of your slothfulness and lack of goodstewardship,I will give your future talents to those whohave the least. You have gravely disappointed me bynot adhering to one of my most importantadmonishments: To whom much is given, much isexpected."(Author Unknown)Pass the knowledge on, so we can break the cycle.
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Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\

2004-04-20 Thread Owor Kipenji
Swine,wallow in your shit till kingdom come.
Your imbecility has peaked off and it is now on a
decresendo so till you get to the nadir,no one 
can save you swine.
Apostasy will kill you.
Continue with your foolish jestering.
_--Adam Dada [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Kipenji - I warned you before of your idiotic misplaced pomposity. You are at it again by using words in a language which you don't even know how to write properly. For your info. it is not "Auf Wieder Sehen", it is " Auf Wiedersehen", punk! Anyhow, I have committed no offence in pointing you to the true picture of the situation in our place - no offence meant mate, and you shouldn't be meting your anger on me. No amount of frustration and anger will improve the situation in our place. It is us as Notherners to do something about the situation there, rather spending all our time reading dictionaries of even languages we know nothing about, when our people in the North are dying of abject poverty. Wake up brother from the stupor you have sank into and own up to reality.AdamFrom: Owor Kipenji
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 13:59:16 +0100 (BST)Adam, I told you before that I have not time for IDIOTSlike you.Wallow in your IDIOCY till kingdom come.Ugandanet should not be turned into a gossip chat roomby pigs and idiots of your type.Auf Wieder Sehen!Kipenji._Adam Dada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:Kipenji, I'm not surprised at all that you disgracefully bow out of thedebate - the reality check had probably hit you at last! Just as well, soyou can redirect your misplaced and irrelevant pomposity elsewhere. Just thedesire effect! The very least we require of you as your kin is to quitburying you head in sand in the
 comfort of western prosperity and dosomething about our people in the North, many of whom still live in caves,which pass for a homes.Thank you.Adam From: Owor Kipenji Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\ Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 02:32:37 +0100 (BST)  Adam,stop this stupid posturing of being who you are not. This cheap apostasy will take you know where. And for the nth time I will put you together with the obtunded dunderhead Zakoomu in the same quartile of those whose pedastal logic will not warrant my indulgence. Thank you. Let your apostasy lead you through your amaurotic philisophy about life. Thank you. Kipenji.
   Adam Dada wrote: Owor, in fairness to Baganda, they at least have something to show for their "Gakyaali mabaga". What have we in the north got to show for the dominance of the polical scene post-independece. The truth is - NOTHING!!!. The Baganda may not be Canadians, by they are light years ahead of us and, by the way, we should really concentrate on how we can save the situation in our area, rather than picking on Buganda's "motto that appears to lead us to a cul-de sac". Who is in the cul-de-sac between us and the Baganda? My friend, you better have a reality check and aknowledge the dire situation we Northerners are in dear. Also, when were you last in Buganda? For you info, mud and
 wattle houses are now almost extinct in Buganda, being replace with corrogated roofed brick and mortar structures throught the Kingdom. We are, on the other hand still heavily burdened with thatched huts as the standard mode of housing. So please brother Kipenji, I strongly advise a reality check and direct your efforts where it is really needed. Thanks AdamFrom: Owor Kipenji  Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\  Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 13:29:28 +0100 (BST)Mshemiwa Ssenyange,I want to applaud your logic if at all  that passes for one with the exception that you really did not  pay attention to
 those Officers and Men of the UNLA who died  in that Helicopter crash with the then Chief of Army Staff.  Do you remember a one Captain Godfrey Kato,a promising  then 28 year old Muganda who died in that crash just a month  after his colourful wedding?  If you do ,does it mean that you and your fellow Baganda did actually  celebrate the loss of this young and talented Muganda soldier,whose widow  could be one of the listers on this forum?  Ssenyange and ilk,the world has two fundamental divide,i.e Black and  White.In Ottawa where you reside,I do not think any non balck person  will ask you whether you are a Muganda first rather than whether you  come from Africa,by the time they ask you which part of Africa you hail  the discussion of your being a Muganda would not arise for that
 will matter  less to 

ugnet_: Bukenya to ask Museveni about third term claims

2004-04-20 Thread Omar Kezimbira
Bukenya to ask Museveni about third term claims By Richard M. Kavuma April 21, 2004 - Monitor

KAMPALA – Vice President Gilbert Bukenya does not know if President Museveni wants a third term – but he intends to find out.
“I have not asked him but as we go on I may ask him,” Mr Bukenya said on Andrew Mwenda Live talk show on Monitor FM last night.“But first we have to complete the job.” 
Mr Museveni, who has ruled for 18 years, is set to retire in 2006 at the end of his second and last constitutional term in office.Cabinet, however, wants the two-term clause lifted to allow him another term.
While Museveni has not declared whether he will run again, he has attacked anyone who openly opposes the third term. Yesterday, Bukenya said Uganda must choose between the presidential (American) and the parliamentary (British) system as it prepares to go multiparty.
“Me as Bukenya, I would rather we go the British way.” Under that system, where the leader of the party with majority seats in Parliament forms the government, the case for term limits becomes very weak.
Bukenya spoke highly of his poverty eradication campaign, saying Uganda can save $90 million annually through domestic rice production, and even start exporting.
The vice president, appointed last May, said he is chairing a Cabinet sub-committee on improving life in northern Uganda, where 18 years of rebellion have condemned people to squalid camps.
As the two-hour show ended, Bukenya said there is need for Museveni and former deputy Premier Eriya Kategaya to talk.
“They have had two meetings in the past but I don’t think they reached an agreement,” Bukenya said of the two men.
© 2004 The Monitor Publications
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ugnet_: Re: Thanks be to Allah that Oyite-Ojok is dead!

2004-04-20 Thread Rehema Mukooza

I am a mortal as you are my dear. You see, you present noncriticalism of yourself when you try to remind me of me by this "As if you are immortal". That's a wastage of time and you know it. So, why are you saying it anyway?? Trying to hurt my feelings?? = Hahah, I don't think so. We, mortals shall all die, andthat's why our fellow mortal Oyite-Ojok had no business killing some of us.

Oyite-Ojok was a murderer. Why can't you accept that?? Ifyou wanna talk about Sadists in Uganda's history, let us mention: Oyite-Ojok, Obote, Amin, Okello, Salim Saleh, and Museveni. You see, I celebrate when a Sadist dies. I loose nothing but gain a peacefull piece of mind knowing that these murderers are off the face of the earth to leave us in peace. 

Do I gain pleasure from hurting or humiliating other people?? = NO. I only want freedom for all Ugandans, and we have lots of enemies of our freedoms out there, and Allah needs to help us by getting rid of them, himself. I have one life to live, and I must exercise and enjoy my freedoms before I die. I need to see these enemies out of my way towards freedom. Do you have a problem with us enjoying our freedoms??

Zakoomu M.
==Lisa Toro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As if you are immortal, you caused people death, then accused then to be killers without evidence. Super natural The same almighty Allah or God will catch up with you sooner or later. Sadists of all time.



- Original Message - 
From: Rehema Mukooza 
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 1:43 PM
Subject: ugnet_: Thanks be to Allah that Oyite-Ojok is dead!


I am here to thank the Almighty Allah for the death of Oyite-Ojok. Alyoose naffa! Twakoowa agasajja gano agatemu! - (We are sick and tired of these murderers!) That man was a killer who disguised himself as a "nationalist". But you know what, Allah shall continue to take away the enemies of our freedom, one by one. At the end of the day, we loose nothing but gain a peacefull piece of mind. 

Justice has been served to us who are still living, not considered the dead who lost their lives because of Oyite-Ojok. All Praises Be to Allah, for He is redeeming us from this Axis of Evil (Oyite-Ojok and gang). Let us all celebrate, becauseFreedom is around the corner. When is Obote's death?? We can not wait to see Obote getting burried in Zambia. Hahaha... that killer is just taking up space on this earth for no good reason! Allah, please act on him real soon, for the anticipation is growing stronger.

Zakoomu M.

jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

aaah, let's not argue about the word 'majority', in any case that was a side point. If it pleases you I'll amend it to: a large part of the population were not sad about his death.My main point was, if you wanted to keep your life intact, could you openly celebrate in Kampala at the time ?Kasangwawo
From: "The Fugee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojoks family secrets buried here\Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 16:15:45 +0200Who on earth is this elusive majority? Just because some people may holdthat position it is erroneous to assume that they constitute the majority!The Fugee=- Original Message -From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 1:55 PMSubject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojoks family secrets buried here\  gook,   be real ! Do you seriously believe one could openly celebrate in Kampalaat
 mp;g t;
  the time ? What do you think would have happened to such a person ?   Some Ugandans like you might have been sad at his death but the majority  surely didn't miss him.   Kasangwawo==
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ugnet_: Museveni to talk to Mengo

2004-04-20 Thread Omar Kezimbira

Museveni to talk to Mengo, New Vision, 21st April 2004

By Alfred Wasike PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has said he is willing to discuss with the Buganda Kingdom officials at Mengo on how much powers they should hold on. “I am ready to discuss with my Mengo friends to determine how much authority they want to hold. I have no problem with discussion but the power must be shared rationally,” Museveni said while commissioning the first phase of a sh2.7b office complex at the Wakiso district headquarters yesterday. Vice-President Prof Gilbert Bukenya and Minister for the Presidency, Alhaj Ali Kirunda Kivejinja, were among the guests. “But I strongly object to all power being usurped from the people at the villages, sub-counties and districts and going to regional tiers. Why should I, a mwanainchi walk from Buwekula to Mengo or Parliament in Kampala to have my problems solved? I have a son called Muhoozi. I can’t usurp the authority of running his house. I can only advise him,” he said as his supporters yelled, “
 for 3rd term”, “No change” while displaying combined three-finger and thumbs-up signs. Museveni (right), said decentralisation had empowered Ugandans to determine development in their areas. He attacked exiled UPC leader Apolo Milton Obote for tricking the DP and other political actors of the 1960s and concentrating power at the centre and plunging the country into turbulence by abrogating the constitution in 1967. “He was so greedy that he was even appointing gombolola chiefs. But when we went to the bush, we changed all that by restoring power to the people. But some people were against decentralisation,” Museveni said, triggering massive cheers. He said the actual determinants of Uganda’s destiny were ordinary people. “It is wananchi who are the judges of Uganda’s present and future. Those judges like Kanyeihamba can only judge cases of theft of goats. They can’t manage the cases of politics. it is the voters who are supreme. It is not
 Kanyeihamba, or the MPs. It is the people who are the best judges because they have the power. “So when I hear certain people saying wanainchi don’t have the power, I really wonder what is wrong with them. Those who want to dilute the people’s power should just shut up. Leaders are servants. They can’t have the same status as their bosses, the people they lead. That is why we went into combat,” he stressed. He said as a result of the Movement’s electoral success in the 1996 and 2001 polls, “We have used that power entrusted to us to bring development from the centre to the people. In 1986, we used to collect sh5b in taxes. Now we collect sh1,600b and soon we shall collect sh1,800b. There are Government efforts, private sector-led by investors and encouragement of household incomes to eradicate poverty,” Museveni said.
Published on: Wednesday, 21st April, 2004

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ugnet_: Re: Britain still supports Uganda

2004-04-20 Thread Rehema Mukooza

Who is going to put the British "at task to explain their position"??= Themselves, theU.S?? The Russians or the French?? The toothless U.N?? 

Hhhmm, I think we need to remind ourselves that there is no one out there who is going to help us put Museveni in check, except Allah. Kony, other rebels, the gov't, the constitution, have all failed to that. And believe me, if Allah gets rid of Museveni, we (me) shall throw a celebration.

We need to stop dreaming of the International Community coming and rescueing us from the evil of Museveni. The International Community failed to do the same in Rwanda. What makes you think it will put task to Britain to explain her position?? Where is the reality??

Zakoomu M.


All Ugandans should file the article belowif for nothing else but for the record. I swear the British will be put at task to explain their position!!Matek 
Britain still supports Uganda The headline and story in the Sunday Monitor of April 18 (Britain suspends aid to Uganda) are misleading. The UK continues to have an active and substantial programme of development assistance to Uganda and a strong development partnership with Uganda's government. In the year to end March 2004 the UK provided a total of £55 million (Ush. 190 billion approx.), through its development programme in Uganda. This figure includes £30 million of direct support for the Government's budget. The £10 million of direct budget support that the UK has been unable to disburse ahead of discussions on the implementation of the Defence Review and defence expenditure in 2004/05 is only a part of this overall programme. Eric HawthornHeadDepartment for International Development, UgandaRwenzori CourtsPO Box 7306KampalaTel
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ugnet_: Re: Zookamu is bancrupt , to say the least!!!

2004-04-20 Thread Rehema Mukooza

How am I doing myself a diservice by celebrating David Oyite-Ojok's death?? 
How am I embarassing myself in the highest order by celebrating Oyite-Ojok's death?? 
I think that you need to cut down on your emotions.

Zakoomu M.
Zookamu: You so called "critical thinking" is becoming an embaracement of the highest order. You are doing your self a terrible diservice if you begin to celebrtae over the death of Brig. David Oyite Ojok!!Matek Members:I am here to thank the Almighty Allah for the death of Oyite-Ojok. Alyoose naffa! Twakoowa agasajja gano agatemu! - (We are sick and tired of these murderers!) That man was a killer who disguised himself as a "nationalist". But you know what, Allah shall continue to take away the enemies of our freedom, one by one. At the end of the day, we loose nothing but gain a peacefull piece of mind. Justice has been served to us who are still living, not considered the dead who lost their lives
 of Oyite-Ojok. All Praises Be to Allah, for He is redeeming us from this Axis of Evil (Oyite-Ojok and gang). Let us all celebrate, because Freedom is around the corner. When is Obote's death?? We can not wait to see Obote getting burried in Zambia. Hahaha... that killer is just taking up space on this earth for no good reason! Allah, please act on him real soon, for the anticipation is growing stronger.Zakoomu M.

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ugnet_: We Are Not Connected With Ezra's Wealth, Says US

2004-04-20 Thread Omar Kezimbira
Regional- EastAfrican - Nairobi - KenyaMonday, April 19, 2004 

We Are Not Connected With Ezra's Wealth, Says US
WITH UGANDAN intelligence agencies reportedly stepping up investigations into the dealings of businessman Mike Ezra, the US government has dismissed speculation that it is the source of some of the money. 
The denial came amid widespread speculation and media reports that the US government had given Mr Ezra a hefty reward for helping to track down the killers of two American nationals in Uganda’s Bwindi National Park five years ago. Under its "Rewards for Justice" programme, the US offered a bounty of $5 million for information leading to the capture of the killers. 
But Mark Schlachter, spokesman of the US embassy in Kampala, told The EastAfrican that the US had not offered the Bwindi reward to Ezra or to any other person. "The reward still stands," he said. "There is no money that has been paid for the Bwindi killings." 
He also denied that the US government had provided Mr Ezra with guards. "It is an interesting story but it is not a true story," Mr Schlachter said. 
Mr Ezra, the 31-year-old Ugandan who has been donating huge sums of money at fundraisings and on sports programmes, is the subject of wild speculation, as he refuses to disclose the source of his funds. His aides claim that Mr Ezra, who earlier this year bid £60 million ($96 million) to buy English premiership football club Leeds, has up to $500 million in an account in Hong Kong, as well as properties in several countries. 
Until recently, Mr Ezra lived in the US and it is believed he made some of his money there. It was not possible to speak to Mr Ezra Last week. His aide, Johnson Kasajja, told The EastAfrican that he was not ready to comment on speculation about his source of income and reports in the local media that Ezra was four years ago arrested, charged and convicted for forgery, impersonating a military intelligence officer and blackmail. 
The EastAfrican has learnt that the local media reports on Ezra’s supposed run-in with the law were the result of a deliberate security leakage. Both the Internal Security Organisation (ISO) and the Chieftaincy for Military Intelligence (CMI) maintain dossiers on the mysterious businessman. 
While it emerged last week that the External Security Organisation (ESO) had given Ezra a diplomatic passport and used him to persuade some exiles to return from the Democratic Republic of Congo, security agencies in the country are investigating the source of his finances as none of his businesses is known. 
Mr Ezra is said to have facilitated a series of meetings in Kinshasa between senior ESO officials and exiles living in that country. A security official said last Friday on condition of anonymity that they routinely launched investigations whenever huge sums of money were brought into the country. "Such money can be laundered, or from drugs, or even connected to terrorist networks," said the official. In the course of investigations into Mr Ezra’s dealings, it had reportedly been decided last week that his diplomatic passport be withdrawn. 
However, some government officials have spoken out in defence of the businessman. Brig Jim Muhwezi, the Minister of Health who for a long time was the head of the Internal Security Organisation (ISO), said Mr Ezra’s critics were envious of his riches. He praised Mr Ezra’s magnanimity, but said the government would investigate any complaints it received about him. 
The EastAfrican has learnt that Ezra indeed tried to claim the Bwindi reward money from the Americans, saying he had extensive and reliable sources in Congo where the killers of the tourists were believed to be hiding. The money was, however, not given to him because he did not deliver the killers. The offer of the reward is still posted on the Reward for Justice programme website, . 
Uganda’s Criminal Investigations Department also tried to claim the reward after arresting a suspect but the Americans did not believe that the suspect was part of the killer gang and he was subsequently freed. On March 1, 1999, about 100 Intarahamwe fighters attacked tourists at Bwindi, killing eight of them and their Ugandan guide. Two Americans – Susan Miller and Robert Haubner – were killed along with two Britons and four New Zealanders by people who left a note saying they were punishing America for supporting a minority Tutsi regime in Rwanda. The US says the killers were Rwandan Hutu militia – Interahamwe – based in Congo. 
Several teams of agents from the Federal Bureau of investigations (FBI) who have been to Uganda, Rwanda and eastern Congo have failed to apprehend the killers. Sources claimed that while Miller and Haubner passed themselves off as employees of computer chips maker Intel, they were actually Special Agents. The FBI, which reportedly operated out of the US Regional/Great Lakes Security Office in Kampala, recovered a handbag, 

ugnet_: Re: Zookamu is bancrupt , to say the least!!!

2004-04-20 Thread Rehema Mukooza

No, before your emotions take over your judgment, can you remind me where Oyite-Ojok carried out his "missions"?? What were these missions?? In whose name was Oyite Ojok carrying out these missions?? Who washe fighting against?? Who promoted himto a position of a Brigadier?? Why were he fighting??

I can tell you who Brig. David Oyite-Ojok murdered so it can enable you to follow my reasoning. He murdered Ugandans. Answer the questions in the paragraph above.

Zakoomu M.

=Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


No before we make a conclusion on a Ugandan I think it is only fair we give him/her a chance to explain, for example Zakoomu can you tell me who Oyite Ojok murdered? Just that I am able to follow your reasoning.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 6:27 PM
Subject: [Ugandacom] Zookamu is bancrupt , to say the least!!!

Zookamu: You so called "critical thinking" is becoming an embaracement of the highest order. You are doing your self a terrible diservice if you begin to celebrtae over the death of Brig. David Oyite Ojok!!Matek 
===Members:I am here to thank the Almighty Allah for the death of Oyite-Ojok. Alyoose naffa! Twakoowa agasajja gano agatemu! - (We are sick and tired of these murderers!) That man was a killer who disguised himself as a "nationalist". But you know what, Allah shall continue to take away the enemies of our freedom, one by one. At the end of the day, we loose nothing but gain a peacefull piece of mind. Justice has been served to us who are still living, not considered the dead who lost their lives because of Oyite-Ojok. All Praises Be to Allah, for He is redeeming us from this Axis of Evil (Oyite-Ojok and gang). Let us all celebrate, because Freedom is around the corner. When is Obote's death?? We can not wait to see Obote getting burried in Zambia. Hahaha... that killer is just taking up space on this earth for no 
 reason! Allah, please act on him real soon, for the anticipation is growing stronger.Zakoomu M.

		Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos: High-quality 4x6 digital prints for 25¢

RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\Kipenji

2004-04-20 Thread ssenya nyange

  I have prooved the population of Luweero triangle in another email 
today.Read it and cure your ignorance ( its a disease). Luweero Triangle IS 
NOT EQUAL TO Luweero district.

-  Mulindwa, you asked:
If you state that
Canada is united due to federalism, can you kindly explain why Natives are
in Canada, a developed nation, yet live worse than a Ugandan in Uganda

Mulindwa, thats a lie, 100% lie. The natives of Canada are not prosperous as 
the English French Canadian etc because they dont want to work. Whereas 
Mulindwa is entitled to a monthly social allowance of $520 p.m, the native 
get a minimum of $1,800. Natives dont see the purpose of working for a 
salary of 1,000 p.m when he can sit home and watch TV, boose and gamble. The 
danger is that they are too much previledged to work and thats why they end 
up in a mess. So, dont compare the Toronto street natives to Ugandans in 
Uganda. In Canada, no one will die of cold and hunger. Every city and town 
has a place to sleep and eat dinner and breakfast plus sleep.

 I also was in Buganda until I run away in 1983.I remember early 
1982 when I went to Mubende town to bury a relative. We were in a truck with 
the cusket ( to save us). From Mityana town to Mubende town, I did not 
notice any civilian home being occupied by live people. All homes were 
abandoned and others were being inhabited by UPC army. The empty ones were 
ripped off the mabaati, doors and window flames ( emyango). Road blocks were 
3 miles apart. You think I could not differentiate the nkwanga and Kayiira 

Evidence about Oyite Ojok. Kasangwawo has already elaborated on 
this. There were only 2 people who could stop the massacre in Uganda between 
1980 and 1986- Obote and Oyite Ojok. Thats why they are both accountable for 
the mass killings in Luweero triangle. Oyite had power to tell Obote and the 
UPC army to stop the killing. Obote had the power as commander in chief to 
stop anybody from killing innocent citizen in Luweero. What did they do? 
they saw it as an oportunity to REDRESS THE SENTIMENTS AGAINS BAGANDA.

I had seen Oyite Ojok in 1979 three times before Lule was deposed. 
I attended the massive rally at Kampala city square when Lule was deposed. I 
personnaly saw Oyite Ojok in a landrover coming towards the platform which 
was being used by prominent people\speekers. I saw bullets coming out of 
Ojok's car shooting the people at the platform. We run and took cover. I 
ended up at Mini price, waiting to see whats next. I saw the gentlemen who 
were shot at being lifted by relatives and friends, taken to Nakivubo road 
where they got transport to hospital. In particular, I identified the father 
of my former classmate- the late Paulo Kavuma, a former katikkiro of 
Buganda.His legs were reduced to tendons with bullets. Is that your hero, 
Oyite Ojok? Now I know whom you call your Hero and why.
   So, if UPC do not want reconciliation- apology- you should shut up 
otherwise we shalll never forget and forgive.

J. Ssenyange


From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\Kipenji
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 21:29:20 -0400
Mwaami Ssenyange

This is usually the time I fall out of such non productive debate on Uganda
issues, but you see I have a problem with your sweeping statements for you
know what? In the end they will be accepted that we all believe in them. 
stated that 500,000 Baganda were murdered in Luwero District, during Obote
two, well we now know that the population of Luwero was 600,000 people, and
mark these words, population not Baganda. I am not going to sit here and
fight with numbers for they are public only if you took the time to check
the public records. Ssenyange you are an intelligent man and you full well
know the power of information you make public in these forums.
Can you kindly clarify to us that the population of Luwero was decimated to
a mere 100 000? And Ssenyange I am not going to be here and fight the
semantics of who killed, but all I want to know is very simple, were 500 
Baganda murdered during Obote two or it was a number you picked up from the
space to destroy Obote and UPC government?
Secondly. I have seen a great support from you to the fact that UNLA
murdered Baganda during that time. And I am not here to deny it but I need
to make one observation. That we as people who were physically in Buganda 
the time, saw groups of militias popping up, for example the most murderous
group was by a force made of Baganda and led by a Muganda Nkwanga, the 
was called FEDEMU, these are people who were murdering people left and
center in Mukono District, for I was in Kayunga at a time. another group 
UFM led by Kayiira, and I am just wondering whether you knew any of this? 
it does 

ugnet_: Re: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here

2004-04-20 Thread Rehema Mukooza

Thanks for this reality check which Owor Kipenji seems incapable of handling. I think you should also remind these people to focus on developing their regions for a better life other than reading Bukedde in English. Some of these people need a reality check. 

Zakoomu M.

===Adam Dada [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Owor, in fairness to Baganda, they at least have something to show for their "Gakyaali mabaga". What have we in the north got to show for the dominance of the polical scene post-independece. The truth is - NOTHING!!!. The Baganda may not be Canadians, by they are light years ahead of us and, by the way, we should really concentrate on how we can save the situation in our area, rather than picking on Buganda's "motto that appears to lead us to a cul-de sac". Who is in the cul-de-sac between us and the Baganda? My friend, you better have a reality check and aknowledge the dire situation we Northerners are in dear. Also, when were you last in Buganda? For you info, mud and wattle houses are now almost extinct in Buganda, being replace with corrogated roofed brick and mortar structures throught the Kingdom. We are, on the other hand still heavily burdened with thatched huts as the standard mode of housing. So please brother Kipen
 ji, I
 strongly advise a reality check and direct your efforts where it is really needed.ThanksAdam===
From: Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 13:29:28 +0100 (BST)Mshemiwa Ssenyange,I want to applaud your logic if at allthat passes for one with the exception that you really did notpay attention to those Officers and Men of the UNLA who diedin that Helicopter crash with the then Chief of Army Staff.Do you remember a one Captain Godfrey Kato,a promisingthen 28 year old Muganda who died in that crash just a monthafter his colourful wedding?If you do ,does it mean that you and your fellow Baganda did actuallycelebrate the loss of this young and talented Muganda soldier,whose widow could be one of the listers on this forum?Ssenyange and ilk,the world has two fundamental divid
 Black andWhite.In Ottawa where you reside,I do not think any non balck personwill ask you whether you are a Muganda first rather than whether youcome from Africa,by the time they ask you which part of Africa you hailthe discussion of your being a Muganda would not arise for that will matter less to them.This explains why these non Blacks are planningto go to the Mars and Jupiter while our blacks in Uganda are still bothering themselves with knowing olunyiriri,entuba and all that crap and busy celebrating other people's demise as if that by itself has precluded them from death.With this type of flawed logic,it is no wonder that the Buganda Motto since about 1200 has been and is:"Gakyaaali mabaga".Can we not stop and revist this motto that appears to lead us to a cul-de sac?.The logic is if whence you do something you get the same flawed results,you ought to change t
 methodology if you are to move forward and that is what I expect of all those intellectuals and elites from MotherUganda.Thank you.Kipenji._-Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:What is the population of Baganda? Just curious !Secondly, some of us were in Uganda and in luwero at the time, but Museveni was the minister of defense, can Ssenyange tell us what happened in Uganda under Museveni's watch? It is one of those questions which will never be answered by our people who are enjoying the road map of peace, same as they say "Ffe kasita twebaka" yet they can not tell you who refused them to sleep all along, just a name who refused Ugandans to sleep?EmToronto The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri M
 Uganda is in anarchy" Groupe de communication Mulindwas"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
 Original Message -From: Y YaobangTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 8:11 PMSubject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok’s family secrets buried here\Ssenyange:You stated:"... the Baganda who lost the 500,000 relatives under Oyite's command. ..."This is a very serious statement and allegation. I would not be suprised if you ended up in court over this!!y--- From: "ssenya nyange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok’s family secrets buried here\ Date: Sun
 , 18 Apr
 2004 19:52:10 -0400   Owor Kipenji,   As I mentioned in my 

ugnet_: Re: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here

2004-04-20 Thread Rehema Mukooza

Kipenji can not challenge your claims. He has turned to swearing at you as a way of challenging you. But that can not work with critical thinkers like you. 

The most sad thing is that such people have migrated to other regions of Uganda while abandoning their own kin and keith in the North. They claim to have alot of "pride" in the North, despite the fact that they have abandoned development there. And now they are very much interested in reading Bukedde in English and criticizing Buganda.

Adam, I thank you for trying to redirect these kinds of people towards prosperity for the North. They have lost hope, but with people like you around, please continue to stir hope into their hearts. These are the kinds of things Northerners should be thinking about before some of them become anti-civilization.

Zakoomu M.

==Adam Dada [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Kipenji, I'm not surprised at all that you disgracefully bow out of the debate - the reality check had probably hit you at last! Just as well, so you can redirect your misplaced and irrelevant pomposity elsewhere. Just the desire effect! The very least we require of you as your kin is to quit burying you head in sand in the comfort of western prosperity and do something about our people in the North, many of whom still live in caves, which pass for a homes.Thank you.AdamFrom: Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 02:32:37 +0100 (BST)Adam,stop this stupid posturing of being who you are not.This cheap apostasy will take you know where.And for the nth time I will put you together with the obtundeddunderhead Zakoomu in the same q
 of those whosepedastal logic will not warrant my indulgence.Thank you.Let your apostasy lead you through your amaurotic philisophyabout life.Thank you.Kipenji.Adam Dada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:Owor, in fairness to Baganda, they at least have something to show for their"Gakyaali mabaga". What have we in the north got to show for the dominanceof the polical scene post-independece. The truth is - NOTHING!!!. TheBaganda may not be Canadians, by they are light years ahead of us and, bythe way, we should really concentrate on how we can save the situation inour area, rather than picking on Buganda's "motto that appears to lead us toa cul-de sac". Who is in the cul-de-sac between us and the Baganda? Myfriend, you better have a realit
 y check
 and aknowledge the dire situation weNortherners are in dear. Also, when were you last in Buganda? For you info,mud and wattle houses are now almost extinct in Buganda, being replace withcorrogated roofed brick and mortar structures throught the Kingdom. We are,on the other hand still heavily burdened with thatched huts as the standardmode of housing. So please brother Kipenji, I strongly advise a realitycheck and direct your efforts where it is really needed.ThanksAdam From: Owor Kipenji Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\ Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 13:29:28 +0100 (BST)  Mshemiwa Ssenyange,I want to applaud your logic if at all that passes for one with the exception that you really 
 not pay attention to those Officers and Men of the UNLA who died in that Helicopter crash with the then Chief of Army Staff. Do you remember a one Captain Godfrey Kato,a promising then 28 year old Muganda who died in that crash just a month after his colourful wedding? If you do ,does it mean that you and your fellow Baganda did actually celebrate the loss of this young and talented Muganda soldier,whose widow could be one of the listers on this forum? Ssenyange and ilk,the world has two fundamental divide,i.e Black and White.In Ottawa where you reside,I do not think any non balck person will ask you whether you are a Muganda first rather than whether you come from Africa,by the time they ask you which part of Africa you hail the discussion of your being a Muganda would not arise for that will matter l
 ess to
 them.This explains why these non Blacks are planning to go to the Mars and Jupiter while our blacks in Uganda are still bothering themselves with knowing olunyiriri,entuba and all that crap and busy celebrating other people's demise as if that by itself has precluded them from death. With this type of flawed logic,it is no wonder that the Buganda Motto since about 1200 has been and is:"Gakyaaali mabaga". Can we not stop and revist this motto that appears to lead us to a cul-de sac?.The logic is if whence you do something you get the same flawed results,you ought to change the methodology if you are to move forward and that is what I expect of all those intellectuals and elites from Mother Uganda. Thank you. 

ugnet_: Re: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here

2004-04-20 Thread Rehema Mukooza

How can Adam Dada be an IDIOT?? He is speaking the truth, unlike you who is in denial of under development of the North. In the North, people are still living in grass thatched houses and you are trying to deny it. You galla be livin' la vida fantasia.

Zakoomu M.===
Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Adam, I told you before that I have not time for IDIOTS 
like you.
Wallow in your IDIOCY till kingdom come.
Ugandanet should not be turned into a gossip chat room
by pigs and idiots of your type.
Auf Wieder Sehen!
_Adam Dada [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Kipenji, I'm not surprised at all that you disgracefully bow out of the debate - the reality check had probably hit you at last! Just as well, so you can redirect your misplaced and irrelevant pomposity elsewhere. Just the desire effect! The very least we require of you as your kin is to quit burying you head in sand in the comfort of western prosperity and do something about our people in the North, many of whom still live in caves, which pass for a homes.Thank you.Adam
--From: Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 02:32:37 +0100 (BST)Adam,stop this stupid posturing of being who you are not.This cheap apostasy will take you know where.And for the nth time I will put you together with the obtundeddunderhead Zakoomu in the same quartile of those whosepedastal logic will not warrant my indulgence.Thank you.Let your apostasy lead you through your amaurotic philisophyabout life.Thank you.Kipenji.Adam Dada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:Owor, in fairness to Bagand
 a, they
 at least have something to show for their"Gakyaali mabaga". What have we in the north got to show for the dominanceof the polical scene post-independece. The truth is - NOTHING!!!. TheBaganda may not be Canadians, by they are light years ahead of us and, bythe way, we should really concentrate on how we can save the situation inour area, rather than picking on Buganda's "motto that appears to lead us toa cul-de sac ". Who is in the cul-de-sac between us and the Baganda? Myfriend, you better have a reality check and aknowledge the dire situation weNortherners are in dear. Also, when were you last in Buganda? For you info,mud and wattle houses are now almost extinct in Buganda, being replace withcorrogated roofed brick and mortar structures throught the Kingdom. We are,on the other hand still heavily burdened with thatched huts as the standardmode of housing.
 please brother Kipenji, I strongly advise a realitycheck and direct your efforts where it is really needed.ThanksAdam--
 From: Owor Kipenji Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\ Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 13:29:28 +0100 (BST)  Mshemiwa Ssenyange,I want to applaud your logic if at all that passes for one with the exception that you really did not pay attention to those Officers and Men of the UNLA who died in that Helicopter crash with the then Chief of Army Staff. Do you remember a one Captain Godfrey Kato,a promising then 28 year old Muganda who died in that crash just a month after his colourful wedding? If you do ,does it mean that you and your fellow Baganda did actually celebrate the loss of this young and talented Muganda soldier,whose widow could be one of the listers on this forum?
 Ssenyange and ilk,the world has two fundamental divide,i.e Black and White.In Ottawa where you reside,I do not think any non balck person will ask you whether you are a Muganda first rather than whether you come from Africa,by the time they ask you which part of Africa you hail  gt;the discussion of your being a Muganda would not arise for that will matter less to them.This explains why these non Blacks are planning to go to the Mars and Jupiter while our blacks in Uganda are still bothering themselves with knowing olunyiriri,entuba and all that crap and busy celebrating other people's demise as if that by itself has precluded them from death. With this type of flawed logic,it is no wonder that the Buganda Motto since about 1200 has been and is:"Gakyaaali mabaga". Can we not stop and revist this motto that appear
 s to
 lead us to a cul-de sac?.The logic is if whence you do something you get the same flawed results,you ought to change the methodology if you are to move forward and that is what I expect of all those intellectuals and elites from Mother Uganda. Thank you. Kipenji. 

ugnet_: Counting ballot papers in the dark!

2004-04-20 Thread Lugemwa FN

While counting Waigumbulizi’s votes, the battery of the lamp fell down and was removed by students who disappeared with it. !!
Can you bbaliiv that? FN Lugemwa

Makerere rigs polls
By Arthur Baguma and Pidson Kareire Makerere University Students Guild Electoral Commission yesterday nullified the election results for Livingstone Hall over rigging and violence. But the commission declared a Uganda Youth Democrat (UYD) activist Ronald Mukasa Ssenkubuge winner. In Livingstone hall one candidate purportedly received 739 votes when the registered voters were only 693. In a statement, the commission cited 24 reasons why the Livingstone results were nullified. While counting Waigumbulizi’s votes, the battery of the lamp fell down and was removed by students who disappeared with it. Some other students tore the paper where the chairman had tallied and the speaker of Livingstone Hall refused the agents of any candidates to stand behind him to see what was going on. The agents said they were chased and threatened at the Hall. The Guild electoral commission chairman, Julius Ojok, said the polls w
 ere free
 and fair apart from Livingstone Hall where fake ballot papers were stuffed in the box by some students. He said according to 11 polling stations, Mukasa was the winner. “We regret the fact that no single vote from Livingstone Hall has been considered and that could have denied the genuine voters their rights. We therefore state that any grievances should be lodged with the electoral tribunal as per the Guild Constitution and we hereby declare Ronald Mukasa Ssenkubuge the guild president,” Ojok said. Mukasa, 22, a second year student of Bachelor of Statistics from Nkrumah Hall got 1,410. his closest rival, Samuel Opio Acuti of Lumumba Hall, polled 1,071 votes. Donald Waigumburizi of Livingstone Hall ranked third with 727 votes followed by Ibrahim Muwaya also of Livingstone Hall with 489 votes.
Published on: Wednesday, 21st April, 2004

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ugnet_: MSc. Scholarships for Science students who are in Uganda

2004-04-20 Thread Lugemwa FN

MSc Scholarship Programme in Science and Technology The Islamic Development Bank (IDB)
Closing date: 30 April 2004 

FN Lugemwa
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ugnet_: FW: Article: Which Powell Is Which?

2004-04-20 Thread J Ssemakula

/- E-mail Sponsored by Fox Searchlight \ 


An official selection of the 2004 Sundance Film Festival, THE CLEARING 
stars ROBERT REDFORD and HELEN MIRREN as Wayne and Eileen Hayes - a 
husband and wife living the American Dream. Together they've raised two 
children and struggled to build a successful business from the ground 
up. But there have been sacrifices along the way. When Wayne is 
kidnapped by an ordinary man, Arnold Mack (WILLEM DAFOE), and held for 
ransom in a remote forest, the couple's world is turned inside out. 
Watch the trailer at: 


Which Powell Is Which? 

April 20, 2004 

Colin Powell was never your average secretary of state. He 
was the larger-than-life general turned statesman who 
coined a doctrine of warfare and was spoken of seriously, 
even longingly, as a potential candidate for president. But 
he also was the faithful soldier who prized loyalty, 
sometimes too much, and had an overly refined sense of the 
governmental feeding chain. The question is, which one 
became secretary of state? 

For three years, it's been tempting to think that Mr. 
Powell could yet fulfill his promise of being the powerful 
voice of reason in an increasingly ideological 
administration. That über-Powell was forever rumored to be 
on the cusp of asserting himself with Vice President Dick 
Cheney, or Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Overseas, he 
was the face of the "good," multilateral United States, and 
foreign diplomats were encouraged to believe that he was 
simply waiting for the right minute to bring their concerns 
to the White House. 

No one expected Mr. Powell to incessantly air policy 
differences in public. Proper discretion has been as much a 
part of his persona as strength of character. But even when 
he was embarrassingly sidelined, it was calming to think 
that in private, he was taking the strong, even indignant 

The publication of Bob Woodward's latest Washington 
pot-stirrer has left us wondering, once again, just where 
Mr. Powell stood on Iraq, and how hard he fought for his 
own positions when they differed from those of the 
president and Mr. Cheney. According to the Woodward book, 
Mr. Bush made his decision to go to war in Iraq in January 
2003; talked it over with Mr. Cheney and Mr. Rumsfeld; 
informed the national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice; 
and even mentioned it to the Saudi ambassador before he got 
around to Mr. Powell. 

When the secretary of state finally got the word, Mr. 
Woodward reported, he just asked, "Are you aware of the 
consequences?" Mr. Woodward added that Mr. Powell had said 
this in a "chilly way." But that is hardly the "cut it off 
and kill it" kind of response the general was supposed to 
be capable of making. 

Mr. Woodward describes Mr. Powell as deeply concerned about 
the prospect of an Iraq invasion, yet doing virtually 
nothing to try to turn Mr. Bush back from what he 
considered a dangerously wrong policy. Later, Mr. Powell 
cashed in more of his credibility by going to the United 
Nations and presenting intelligence about Iraq's weapons 
that many thought was exaggerated and that turned out to be 
flat wrong. 

After letting the book sit unchallenged for a long weekend 
of national news coverage, Mr. Powell finally told The 
Associated Press yesterday that he had been both well 
informed and ultimately supportive of the president's Iraq 
plans. He did not address the details of Mr. Woodward's 
account, which everyone in Washington assumed had come from 
Mr. Powell himself. But he insisted that the formal 
decision to go to war in Iraq did not come until March, 
which is the official White House stance, and that by then 
his support was "willing, and it was complete." 

What we seem to have once again with Mr. Powell is a desire 
to have it both ways, to be seen as a loyal member of the 
Bush team, but also as a wise man who knew all along that 
the Iraq war would be a mistake. If the Woodward version is 
correct, Mr. Powell should have spoken up more than a year 
ago. He had, in a way, prepared all his life to oppose the 
Iraq policy. Like most soldiers, he'd always been reluctant 
to go to war, and the doctrine that bears his name is one 
that aims to restrict the country from any foreign 
adventure taken without overwhelming commitment - say, by 
an administration that was planning to launch an invasion 
and cut taxes at the same time. 

Mr. Powell, who apprenticed in the vicious parlor wars of 
the Reagan White House, has always played the spin game 
well. If the Woodward book is the version of 
inside-the-White-House history that Mr. Powell wanted 
people to believe, it has done nothing to burnish his 
reputation. Knowing that Mr. Powell thought the invasion 
was a bad idea doesn't make him look better - it makes 

ugnet_: FW: Article: Which Powell Is Which?

2004-04-20 Thread J Ssemakula

/- E-mail Sponsored by Fox Searchlight \ 


An official selection of the 2004 Sundance Film Festival, THE CLEARING 
stars ROBERT REDFORD and HELEN MIRREN as Wayne and Eileen Hayes - a 
husband and wife living the American Dream. Together they've raised two 
children and struggled to build a successful business from the ground 
up. But there have been sacrifices along the way. When Wayne is 
kidnapped by an ordinary man, Arnold Mack (WILLEM DAFOE), and held for 
ransom in a remote forest, the couple's world is turned inside out. 
Watch the trailer at: 


Which Powell Is Which? 

April 20, 2004 

Colin Powell was never your average secretary of state. He 
was the larger-than-life general turned statesman who 
coined a doctrine of warfare and was spoken of seriously, 
even longingly, as a potential candidate for president. But 
he also was the faithful soldier who prized loyalty, 
sometimes too much, and had an overly refined sense of the 
governmental feeding chain. The question is, which one 
became secretary of state? 

For three years, it's been tempting to think that Mr. 
Powell could yet fulfill his promise of being the powerful 
voice of reason in an increasingly ideological 
administration. That über-Powell was forever rumored to be 
on the cusp of asserting himself with Vice President Dick 
Cheney, or Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Overseas, he 
was the face of the "good," multilateral United States, and 
foreign diplomats were encouraged to believe that he was 
simply waiting for the right minute to bring their concerns 
to the White House. 

No one expected Mr. Powell to incessantly air policy 
differences in public. Proper discretion has been as much a 
part of his persona as strength of character. But even when 
he was embarrassingly sidelined, it was calming to think 
that in private, he was taking the strong, even indignant 

The publication of Bob Woodward's latest Washington 
pot-stirrer has left us wondering, once again, just where 
Mr. Powell stood on Iraq, and how hard he fought for his 
own positions when they differed from those of the 
president and Mr. Cheney. According to the Woodward book, 
Mr. Bush made his decision to go to war in Iraq in January 
2003; talked it over with Mr. Cheney and Mr. Rumsfeld; 
informed the national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice; 
and even mentioned it to the Saudi ambassador before he got 
around to Mr. Powell. 

When the secretary of state finally got the word, Mr. 
Woodward reported, he just asked, "Are you aware of the 
consequences?" Mr. Woodward added that Mr. Powell had said 
this in a "chilly way." But that is hardly the "cut it off 
and kill it" kind of response the general was supposed to 
be capable of making. 

Mr. Woodward describes Mr. Powell as deeply concerned about 
the prospect of an Iraq invasion, yet doing virtually 
nothing to try to turn Mr. Bush back from what he 
considered a dangerously wrong policy. Later, Mr. Powell 
cashed in more of his credibility by going to the United 
Nations and presenting intelligence about Iraq's weapons 
that many thought was exaggerated and that turned out to be 
flat wrong. 

After letting the book sit unchallenged for a long weekend 
of national news coverage, Mr. Powell finally told The 
Associated Press yesterday that he had been both well 
informed and ultimately supportive of the president's Iraq 
plans. He did not address the details of Mr. Woodward's 
account, which everyone in Washington assumed had come from 
Mr. Powell himself. But he insisted that the formal 
decision to go to war in Iraq did not come until March, 
which is the official White House stance, and that by then 
his support was "willing, and it was complete." 

What we seem to have once again with Mr. Powell is a desire 
to have it both ways, to be seen as a loyal member of the 
Bush team, but also as a wise man who knew all along that 
the Iraq war would be a mistake. If the Woodward version is 
correct, Mr. Powell should have spoken up more than a year 
ago. He had, in a way, prepared all his life to oppose the 
Iraq policy. Like most soldiers, he'd always been reluctant 
to go to war, and the doctrine that bears his name is one 
that aims to restrict the country from any foreign 
adventure taken without overwhelming commitment - say, by 
an administration that was planning to launch an invasion 
and cut taxes at the same time. 

Mr. Powell, who apprenticed in the vicious parlor wars of 
the Reagan White House, has always played the spin game 
well. If the Woodward book is the version of 
inside-the-White-House history that Mr. Powell wanted 
people to believe, it has done nothing to burnish his 
reputation. Knowing that Mr. Powell thought the invasion 
was a bad idea doesn't make him look better - it makes 

ugnet_: New Vision thinks we are gullable

2004-04-20 Thread J Ssemakula

US firm to set up billion dollar project
By Patrick Jaramogi An American firm Executive Systems Group is to set up a billion-dollar project in the country. Carl Mays, the chief executive of the firm, said this at Hotel Africana on Sunday. “I have been here for the last two months and I have signed a number of joint venture agreements,” Mays said. He said they would start with the film production industry in June. Mays said he would do this with his business partner, John Amos. 
Published on: Tuesday, 20th April, 2004

A project for one billion dollars? And absolutely nothing worth reading on the project is printed? Whatgrade of journalism is this? Given the ampunt of money involved thre are only two possibilities:
1. Carl May is quite mad 
2. this is a con 
(remember: no free lunch and if it sounds to be too good to be true, it aint true!).
Other than a nut, who would invest one billion dollars (or even a million) in the film industry of a country with no known film school, and one with dubiousfilm talent at best? 
This whole thing sounds and smells like one of those Nigerian scams on the internet! See below:

*31 MAR 2004From Reuters, sent in by a concerned Nigerian:Harvard teacher bilks friends, falls for scamBOSTON, Massachusetts (Reuters) -- Sometimes the scammer just turns outto become, well, the scammee.A former Harvard University instructor of medicine who was arrested onTuesday for conning friends, colleagues and Internet acquaintances outof $600,000 was himself duped when he trusted other swindlers with themoney, police said.Weidong Xu, 38, quickly lost his ill-gotten loot by investing it in adubious Nigerian business offer he received by e-mail. The spam messagepromised gains of $50 million, police said."He's as smart as can be," said Boston police detective Steve Blair."But greed got the better of him."Weidong was arraigned on larceny charges at the Roxbury District Courtin Boston Wednesday and pleaded not guilty. He is being held
  on $600,000bail.Weidong started his scam in July when he told his 35 unsuspecting donorshe was trying to set up a SARS research center in China at the peak ofrespiratory disease's epidemic.One of his friends even went so far as to take out a second mortgage onhis house to lend him money.Police said they arrested Weidong, a citizen of China, after he wasspotted quarreling with one annoyed donor who wanted his $5,000 back.Neither Harvard University nor the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, whereWeidong worked as a researcher until last week, knew of the scheme,police said. Dana-Farber terminated Weidong last week, prompting histenure at Harvard to end. His teaching was contingent on his job atDana-Farber.A spokesman for the Harvard School of Medicine declined to comment onthe case.*
These scams are so common now they have their own website chronicling victims, perps, etc:
(Nigeria - 419 Coalition 2004 News on Nigerian Scam/419 Operations. Click on 419 COALITION LATEST NEWS ON)

 Watch LIVE baseball games on your computer with MLB.TV, included with MSN Premium! 

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ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's family secrets buried here\

2004-04-20 Thread Edward Mulindwa

I could not care if Nagadya had the legs to put evidence in a court to prove
a case on Oyite Ojok, even if he is dead. And not only him but even if it is
Museveni him self, we have to grow up Ugandans and state facts and use
proper sectors accepted by any one who is not a cave man. This is  2004 for
crying out loud.

Nagaddya states that she has facts about Oyite Ojok what is wrong with
asking for them to be produced? And Adam where do you cut off that
ignorance? When Nagaddya lies about you?


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 10:00 AM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's family secrets buried here\

 Mulindwa - Why do you have to prejudje Oyite? For all you know, the man
 could be guilty of not just murder, but genocide. All you are attempting
 do is absolve your tribesman of responsibility, which is understandable,
 you must bear a thought of those who died on his brutal hands. You don't
 have to be a genuis and a legal expert to notice that there is all the
 circumstancial evidence to pin him down - he was the topmost in the line
 command and had he been alive, he would have borne the full rigours of the
 law, from which I can really not see an escape. So stop that legalistic
 of yours, when even the basic ones were never implemented during the UPC
 atrocious years in power. Avoid taking netters for fools.

 From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's family secrets buried here\
 Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 07:15:11 -0400
 Marry Nagaddya
 If you lost your people in Uganda and you know who either killed them or
 directed their murders, why not use that information to take them to the
 court of law? How can a sensible woman like you, have this information
 keep quite with it for this long? Yet on the other side people like our
 selves from Luwero district are asking for a public inquirely for we feel
 is the only right way for us to know who murdered our people, and you do
 support that either.
 It is very hurting for you personally have decided to cover the people
 murdered the Luwerorians for you want to use them to beat up a dead man
 can never defend him self.
 That is as wrong as NRM which has up to today refused to repay the
 population of Luwero, which lost all they hard during that war. These are
 Baganda who bought the crap that they will be repaid after the war.
 note that up until today not even a single cow has been paid by your
 government. Your government does not even want us to know who killed our
 people. Let me as well add, that if Oyite Ojok killed the people in
 district, and yes I am talking about the 500,000 Baganda you guys are
 claiming to have died in Luwero. What is so wrong in opening up these
 inquiries and we state so and publicly in Luwero. Among the people who
 in Luwero at the time and know full well who not only murdered their
 but know how many died? Let us go into Luwero District and open up this
 inquirely, than attacking Oyite Ojok a dead man who can never defend him
 self. And a man whose death turned Uganda's politics into a nightmare.
 I am very disappointed for we are tuning this debate into a childish and
 very silly exchange.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
 With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
  Groupe de communication Mulindwas
 avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie
 - Original Message -
 From: Mary Nagadya [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 9:55 PM
 Subject: Re: Mulindwa Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's family secrets buried
   On Obote's concentration camps: what comparisons do
   they bear to camps in Northern Uganda?
   Those of us whose relatives were butchered at
   Oyite-Ojok's and/or Obote's orders can hardly be
   expected to feel even the slightest empathy or sorrow
   for either of these murderers.
   I do not eaxctly remember any Acholi or Langi
   sorrowfully mourning the passing of their former
   partner in murder, Idi Amin.  Why is that?
   So what is this silly debate really about if not mere
   hollier-than-thou posturing?
   --- The Fugee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The population of Luwero was about 600,000 when
Museveni launched his war. The population growth
rate of Luwero was only beaten by that of Tororo
between 1969 and 1980 and this can be explained in
the multi-ethnic complexion of both places. The fact
that Luwero had many settlers from various parts of
the country though most from other parts of Buganda

Re: ugnet_: RE: OMUKYALA MARRY NAGADYA\ reminder to Mulindwa

2004-04-20 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Did you expect an answer to those questions?


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
From: jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 9:32 AM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: RE: OMUKYALA MARRY NAGADYA\ reminder to Mulindwa

 Ms Mukooza,

 I don't think we should expect a response on this one. He is now going to
 bury his head in the sand like an ostrich and then later come back with
 other nonsense.


 From: Rehema Mukooza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: ugnet_: RE: OMUKYALA MARRY NAGADYA\ reminder to Mulindwa
 Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 08:23:06 -0700 (PDT)
 I wonder, maybe Edward can tell us about Obote's money source.  Obote
 abused the presidential powers when he used taxpayers' money to build
 Uganda House for his then dictatorial UPC govt.  I think Edward is a very
 non-critical thinker.
 Whose money is Obote living off of for all these years??
 Whose money did Obote use to build UPC House/Uganda House??
 Zakoomu M.

 jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 since you ask questions and I don't, can you tell us which questions and
 you asked to be able to find out that Obote didn't take even a penny ?


  From: Edward Mulindwa
  To: ,
  Subject: ugnet_: OMUKYALA MARRY NAGADYA\ reminder to Mulindwa
  Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 06:56:38 -0400
  It is an open secret that when Obote was kicked out the second time,
  emptied the state coffers on his way out.
  Is that another must be accepted statement from Ugandans or you can
  back it up by telling us how much money Obote took from Uganda banks?
  the man was taken out of office and you guys got the full control of
  finances, tell us how much you found missing, what is so hard or wrong
  that? Do you know why you can not do that, it is because you found no
  stolen, but as long as it will waste Obote's name yes it can be posted
  Ugandans will not ask questions. That is the difference between me and
  for I ask questions.
  Yes I know the defense you will respond with, I am a UPC supporter, but
  here even if it is Museveni out of office, I need to know how much he
  looted out of Uganda Banks before I make my self an idiot by posting
  provable nonsense about him, bad as he is.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
  With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas
  avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

  - Original Message -
  From: jonah kasangwawo
  Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 6:26 AM
  Subject: RE: ugnet_: OMUKYALA MARRY NAGADYA\ reminder to Mulindwa
thanks for reminding our friend, who incidentally is beating 'kyeyo'
Kong these days. At least this time round he acknowledges that he
to check on his roots as far back as 1971. That's a good start.
I was just a bit puzzled by his attack on Muky. Nagadya for
Northern Uganda and yet he spends his whole response talking about
only conclude that he really believes he is the only one with the
talk about this pet subject of his.
It is an open secret that when Obote was kicked out the second time,
emptied the state coffers on his way out. If he is now poor, as our
who pretends to know every detail about his hero's situation is
make us believe, then it is his fault for having spent his loot
Yes, thanks to the Northerner who led our country so far that even a
Sudanese could command our national army !


From: ssenya nyange
Subject: RE: ugnet_: OMUKYALA MARRY NAGADYA\ reminder to Mulindwa
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 18:44:05 -0400


 Reminder from Adam


From: Adam Dada
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Mulindwa is not Mulindwa! - is this a joke?
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2004 12:30:49 +


ugnet_: FW: Article: Which Powell Is Which?

2004-04-20 Thread J Ssemakula

/- E-mail Sponsored by Fox Searchlight \ 


An official selection of the 2004 Sundance Film Festival, THE CLEARING 
stars ROBERT REDFORD and HELEN MIRREN as Wayne and Eileen Hayes - a 
husband and wife living the American Dream. Together they've raised two 
children and struggled to build a successful business from the ground 
up. But there have been sacrifices along the way. When Wayne is 
kidnapped by an ordinary man, Arnold Mack (WILLEM DAFOE), and held for 
ransom in a remote forest, the couple's world is turned inside out. 
Watch the trailer at: 


Which Powell Is Which? 

April 20, 2004 

Colin Powell was never your average secretary of state. He 
was the larger-than-life general turned statesman who 
coined a doctrine of warfare and was spoken of seriously, 
even longingly, as a potential candidate for president. But 
he also was the faithful soldier who prized loyalty, 
sometimes too much, and had an overly refined sense of the 
governmental feeding chain. The question is, which one 
became secretary of state? 

For three years, it's been tempting to think that Mr. 
Powell could yet fulfill his promise of being the powerful 
voice of reason in an increasingly ideological 
administration. That über-Powell was forever rumored to be 
on the cusp of asserting himself with Vice President Dick 
Cheney, or Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Overseas, he 
was the face of the "good," multilateral United States, and 
foreign diplomats were encouraged to believe that he was 
simply waiting for the right minute to bring their concerns 
to the White House. 

No one expected Mr. Powell to incessantly air policy 
differences in public. Proper discretion has been as much a 
part of his persona as strength of character. But even when 
he was embarrassingly sidelined, it was calming to think 
that in private, he was taking the strong, even indignant 

The publication of Bob Woodward's latest Washington 
pot-stirrer has left us wondering, once again, just where 
Mr. Powell stood on Iraq, and how hard he fought for his 
own positions when they differed from those of the 
president and Mr. Cheney. According to the Woodward book, 
Mr. Bush made his decision to go to war in Iraq in January 
2003; talked it over with Mr. Cheney and Mr. Rumsfeld; 
informed the national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice; 
and even mentioned it to the Saudi ambassador before he got 
around to Mr. Powell. 

When the secretary of state finally got the word, Mr. 
Woodward reported, he just asked, "Are you aware of the 
consequences?" Mr. Woodward added that Mr. Powell had said 
this in a "chilly way." But that is hardly the "cut it off 
and kill it" kind of response the general was supposed to 
be capable of making. 

Mr. Woodward describes Mr. Powell as deeply concerned about 
the prospect of an Iraq invasion, yet doing virtually 
nothing to try to turn Mr. Bush back from what he 
considered a dangerously wrong policy. Later, Mr. Powell 
cashed in more of his credibility by going to the United 
Nations and presenting intelligence about Iraq's weapons 
that many thought was exaggerated and that turned out to be 
flat wrong. 

After letting the book sit unchallenged for a long weekend 
of national news coverage, Mr. Powell finally told The 
Associated Press yesterday that he had been both well 
informed and ultimately supportive of the president's Iraq 
plans. He did not address the details of Mr. Woodward's 
account, which everyone in Washington assumed had come from 
Mr. Powell himself. But he insisted that the formal 
decision to go to war in Iraq did not come until March, 
which is the official White House stance, and that by then 
his support was "willing, and it was complete." 

What we seem to have once again with Mr. Powell is a desire 
to have it both ways, to be seen as a loyal member of the 
Bush team, but also as a wise man who knew all along that 
the Iraq war would be a mistake. If the Woodward version is 
correct, Mr. Powell should have spoken up more than a year 
ago. He had, in a way, prepared all his life to oppose the 
Iraq policy. Like most soldiers, he'd always been reluctant 
to go to war, and the doctrine that bears his name is one 
that aims to restrict the country from any foreign 
adventure taken without overwhelming commitment - say, by 
an administration that was planning to launch an invasion 
and cut taxes at the same time. 

Mr. Powell, who apprenticed in the vicious parlor wars of 
the Reagan White House, has always played the spin game 
well. If the Woodward book is the version of 
inside-the-White-House history that Mr. Powell wanted 
people to believe, it has done nothing to burnish his 
reputation. Knowing that Mr. Powell thought the invasion 
was a bad idea doesn't make him look better - it makes 

Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\Kipenji

2004-04-20 Thread Edward Mulindwa

On that report it is obvious you were not at city square, and since you have
decided to lie I refuse to be involved in such. Just remember that meeting
was attended by thousands of Ugandans and not only you. But if you can twist
facts to that low, Ssenyange you are frightening me. But why should I not
expect you to twist facts on city square, when you saw 500 000 Baganda
murdered in Luwero by Oyite Ojok?


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message - 
From: ssenya nyange [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 7:25 PM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\Kipenji


I have prooved the population of Luweero triangle in another email
 today.Read it and cure your ignorance ( its a disease). Luweero Triangle
 NOT EQUAL TO Luweero district.

 -  Mulindwa, you asked:
 If you state that
 Canada is united due to federalism, can you kindly explain why Natives
 in Canada, a developed nation, yet live worse than a Ugandan in Uganda

 Mulindwa, thats a lie, 100% lie. The natives of Canada are not prosperous
 the English French Canadian etc because they dont want to work. Whereas
 Mulindwa is entitled to a monthly social allowance of $520 p.m, the native
 get a minimum of $1,800. Natives dont see the purpose of working for a
 salary of 1,000 p.m when he can sit home and watch TV, boose and gamble.
 danger is that they are too much previledged to work and thats why they
 up in a mess. So, dont compare the Toronto street natives to Ugandans in
 Uganda. In Canada, no one will die of cold and hunger. Every city and town
 has a place to sleep and eat dinner and breakfast plus sleep.

   I also was in Buganda until I run away in 1983.I remember early
 1982 when I went to Mubende town to bury a relative. We were in a truck
 the cusket ( to save us). From Mityana town to Mubende town, I did not
 notice any civilian home being occupied by live people. All homes were
 abandoned and others were being inhabited by UPC army. The empty ones were
 ripped off the mabaati, doors and window flames ( emyango). Road blocks
 3 miles apart. You think I could not differentiate the nkwanga and Kayiira

  Evidence about Oyite Ojok. Kasangwawo has already elaborated on
 this. There were only 2 people who could stop the massacre in Uganda
 1980 and 1986- Obote and Oyite Ojok. Thats why they are both accountable
 the mass killings in Luweero triangle. Oyite had power to tell Obote and
 UPC army to stop the killing. Obote had the power as commander in chief to
 stop anybody from killing innocent citizen in Luweero. What did they do?
 they saw it as an oportunity to REDRESS THE SENTIMENTS AGAINS BAGANDA.

  I had seen Oyite Ojok in 1979 three times before Lule was
 I attended the massive rally at Kampala city square when Lule was deposed.
 personnaly saw Oyite Ojok in a landrover coming towards the platform which
 was being used by prominent people\speekers. I saw bullets coming out of
 Ojok's car shooting the people at the platform. We run and took cover. I
 ended up at Mini price, waiting to see whats next. I saw the gentlemen who
 were shot at being lifted by relatives and friends, taken to Nakivubo road
 where they got transport to hospital. In particular, I identified the
 of my former classmate- the late Paulo Kavuma, a former katikkiro of
 Buganda.His legs were reduced to tendons with bullets. Is that your hero,
 Oyite Ojok? Now I know whom you call your Hero and why.
 So, if UPC do not want reconciliation- apology- you should shut up
 otherwise we shalll never forget and forgive.

 J. Ssenyange


 From: Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here\Kipenji
 Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 21:29:20 -0400
 Mwaami Ssenyange
 This is usually the time I fall out of such non productive debate on
 issues, but you see I have a problem with your sweeping statements for
 know what? In the end they will be accepted that we all believe in them.
 stated that 500,000 Baganda were murdered in Luwero District, during
 two, well we now know that the population of Luwero was 600,000 people,
 mark these words, population not Baganda. I am not going to sit here and
 fight with numbers for they are public only if you took the time to check
 the public records. Ssenyange you are an intelligent man and you full
 know the power of information you make public in these forums.
 Can you kindly clarify to us that the population of Luwero was decimated
 a mere 100 000? And 


2004-04-20 Thread Edward Mulindwa




evacuated from Gaza will receive estimated $400,000 


  The total 
cost of compensation will be about $600 million. Settler sources 
claim the amounts are higher.


  Stella Korin-Lieber 
Apr 0409:44 


  Prime Minister Ariel Sharon 
will soon call on the Gaza Strip settlers to participate in his 
disengagement plan, probably before the Likud referendum. The 
purpose is to make as smooth a transfer of homes and livelihoods as 
Most of the preparations are intended to ensure a smooth move for 
the settlements' unique form of agricultural and for their 
education, which are their main sources of livelihood. 
A steering committee headed by National Security Advisor 
Maj.-Gen. (res.) Giora Eiland is preparing the military, economic, 
and legal aspects of the disengagement plan. Ministry of Justice 
director-general Dr. Aaron Abramovich and Ministry of Finance 
director general Dr. Joseph Bachar are also committee members. 
It is estimated that each family evacuated from the Gaza Strip 
will receive an average of $400,000, for a total expense of $600 
million. Sources close to the settlers claim the amounts are higher. 

An economic-legal team is examining the possibility of applying 
the Law of Compensation for the Sinai Evacuees (1982) to the present 
Minister of Immigrant Absorption Tzipi Livni, one of the first 
Likud ministers to publicly support the disengagement plan, is 
seeking to arrange the conditions for evacuation of the settlers. 
Published by Globes [online] - - on April 19, 
The Mulindwas Communication Group"With 
Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

Re: ugnet_: Museveni to talk to Mengo

2004-04-20 Thread Rehema Mukooza

I don't believe that Museveni is going to "talk to Mengo". Ooh, please! How many times has he sworn to talk to Mengo?? The fact is that he has not done so, and he says the opposite. Take a look into his recentTororo speech when he blasted Mengo. Museveni talks his shit about talking to Mengo and the Kabaka when he is in Buganda. Basically to please folks!

Zakoomu M.

===Omar Kezimbira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Museveni to talk to Mengo, New Vision, 21st April 2004

By Alfred Wasike PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has said he is willing to discuss with the Buganda Kingdom officials at Mengo on how much powers they should hold on. “I am ready to discuss with my Mengo friends to determine how much authority they want to hold. I have no problem with discussion but the power must be shared rationally,” Museveni said while commissioning the first phase of a sh2.7b office complex at the Wakiso district headquarters yesterday. Vice-President Prof Gilbert Bukenya and Minister for the Presidency, Alhaj Ali Kirunda Kivejinja, were among the guests. “But I strongly object to all power being usurped from the people at the villages, sub-counties and districts and going to regional tiers. Why should I, a mwanainchi walk from Buwekula to Mengo or Parliament in Kampala to have my problems solved? I have a son called Muhoozi. I can’t usurp the authority of running his house. I can only advise him,” he said as his supporters yelled, “
 Museveni for 3rd term”, “No change” while displaying combined three-finger and thumbs-up signs. Museveni (right), said decentralisation had empowered Ugandans to determine development in their areas. He attacked exiled UPC leader Apolo Milton Obote for tricking the DP and other political actors of the 1960s and concentrating power at the centre and plunging the country into turbulence by abrogating the constitution in 1967. “He was so greedy that he was even appointing gombolola chiefs. But when we went to the bush, we changed all that by restoring power to the people. But some people were against decentralisation,” Museveni said, triggering massive cheers. He said the actual determinants of Uganda’s destiny were ordinary people. “It is wananchi who are the judges of Uganda’s present and future. Those judges like Kanyeihamba can only judge cases of theft of goats. They can’t manage the cases of politics. it is the voters who are supreme. It
  is not
 Kanyeihamba, or the MPs. It is the people who are the best judges because they have the power. “So when I hear certain people saying wanainchi don’t have the power, I really wonder what is wrong with them. Those who want to dilute the people’s power should just shut up. Leaders are servants. They can’t have the same status as their bosses, the people they lead. That is why we went into combat,” he stressed. He said as a result of the Movement’s electoral success in the 1996 and 2001 polls, “We have used that power entrusted to us to bring development from the centre to the people. In 1986, we used to collect sh5b in taxes. Now we collect sh1,600b and soon we shall collect sh1,800b. There are Government efforts, private sector-led by investors and encouragement of household incomes to eradicate poverty,” Museveni said.
Published on: Wednesday, 21st April, 2004

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ugnet_: Re: OMUKYALA MARRY NAGADYA - reminder to Mulindwa

2004-04-20 Thread Rehema Mukooza

YES, I expect an answer from you to those questions below. Don't buryyour head in the sand like an ostrich and then later come back with some other nonsense.
Whose money is Obote living off of for all these years??Whose money did Obote use to build UPC House/Uganda House??

Zakoomu M.
Edward Mulindwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

KasangwawoDid you expect an answer to those questions?EmThe Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"Groupe de communication Mulindwas"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
===- Original Message - From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 9:32 AMSubject: RE: ugnet_: RE: OMUKYALA MARRY NAGADYA\ reminder to Mulindwa Ms Mukooza, I don't think we should expect a response on this one. He is now going to bury his head in the sand like an ostrich and then later come back withsome other nonsense. Kasangwawo= From: Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: ugnet_: RE: OMUKYALA MARRY NAGADYA\ reminder to Mulindwa Date: Mon, 19 Apr 
 08:23:06 -0700 (PDT)  Kasangwawo:  I wonder, maybe Edward can tell us about Obote's money source. Obote abused the presidential powers when he used taxpayers' money to build Uganda House for his then dictatorial UPC govt. I think Edward is a very non-critical thinker.  Whose money is Obote living off of for all these years?? Whose money did Obote use to build UPC House/Uganda House??   Zakoomu M. === jonah kasangwawo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:  Mulindwa,  since you ask questions and I don't, can you tell us which questions and who you asked to be able to find out that Obote didn't take even a penny ?  Kasangwawo
 ===   From: "Edward Mulindwa"  Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To: ,  Subject: ugnet_: OMUKYALA MARRY NAGADYA\ reminder to Mulindwa  Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 06:56:38 -0400Kasangwawo"It is an open secret that when Obote was kicked out the second time,he  emptied the state coffers on his way out."Is that another must be accepted statement from Ugandans or you can  actually  back it up by telling us how much money Obote took from Uganda banks? Look  the man was taken out of office and you guys got the full control of Uganda  finances, tell us how much you found missing, what is so hard or
 wrong  about  that? Do you know why you can not do that, it is because you found no penny  stolen, but as long as it will waste Obote's name yes it can be posted and  Ugandans will not ask questions. That is the difference between me and you  for I ask questions.Yes I know the defense you will respond with, I am a UPC supporter, but  look  here even if it is Museveni out of office, I need to know how much hehas  looted out of Uganda Banks before I make my self an idiot by postingsuch  un  provable nonsense about him, bad as he is.Em  Hong-Kong The Mulindwas Communication Group  "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"  
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas  "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie" ===- Original Message -  From: "jonah kasangwawo"  To:  Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 6:26 AM  Subject: RE: ugnet_: OMUKYALA MARRY NAGADYA\ reminder to MulindwaSsenya,   thanks for reminding our friend, who incidentally is beating 'kyeyo' in  HongKong these days. At least this time round he acknowledges that hewent  backto check on his roots as far back as 1971. That's a good start.   I was just a bit puzzled by his attack on M
 Nagadya formentioningNorthern Uganda and yet he spends his whole response talking aboutit. I  canonly conclude that he really believes he is the only one with the right  totalk about this pet subject of his.   It is an open secret that when Obote was kicked out the second time, heemptied the state coffers on his way out. If he is now poor, as our  friendwho pretends to know every detail about his hero's situation istrying  tomake us believe, then it is his fault for having spent his loot  unwisely.   Yes, thanks to the Northerner who led our country so far that even aSudanese could command our nati
 army !   Kasangwawo ===   From: "ssenya nyange"Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: ugnet_: OMUKYALA MARRY NAGADYA\ reminder to MulindwaDate: 

ugnet_: LRA, Boo-Kech, and UPDF's attrocities in the North

2004-04-20 Thread Rehema Mukooza
Who killed Betty?By Richard M. KavumaApril 15, 2004

Villagers suspect the UPDF, Kony, and the boo-kech

Good samaritan: Maliamu Paliga looks after some of the orphans of the war in northern Uganda (File photo).The Saturday morning that I arrived in Kitgum, news of " what happened to the blind teacher" was just breaking. 

Betty Alum was one of two teachers for the blind at Kitgum Girls Primary School.
They old lady had arrived from Gulu on Thursday. Her home, just outside the lower gate of the school is a few metres away from a UPDF detach that guards the mission.
She sent her daughter to the shops to buy some items on Thursday evening but advised her to sleep in town if it got late before she could be back.
When the 15-year old girl returned the next morning, the door to her mother's house was locked. 
She knocked several times but got no answer.
Fearing that her mother had fallen sick or been taken to hospital, she panicked, and cried.
When the teachers kicked the door open, the key lay in the entrance.
Betty lay on her belly. 
Her packed travel bag sat on her head. A grinding stone lay on top of the bag.
A small bag of charcoal sat on the grinding stone, followed by a smaller grinding stone.
Beside her laden body lay the big stick with which Betty had been brutally killed. 
Her money was gone.
The incident raised a lot of fear among the community of Kitgum mission. 
Betty had taught at the school for 14 years according to headmistress Sister Santa Adongo.
"Father I used not to be scared but now I am scared for the girls," Sr Adongo told the Parish Priest, Fr Joseph Gerner, that Sunday evening.
People were asking how Betty could have been killed without the soldiers nearby hearing.
The soldiers could have been away on a patrol but there was suspicion that the soldiers had a hand in Betty's death. Such is the confused world of war-ravaged Acholi.
That soldiers were the first suspects has as much to do with the proximity of the scene of the murder to the UPDF detach, as with the confidence people have in the force.
Journalists reporting killings have stopped using the line "suspected LRA rebels" and pile all murders, ambushes and robberies on the rebels of Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army.
Even residents say the rebels commit the majority of atrocities.
The Boo Kech 
But they also speak of the Boo Kech. Boo Kech in Luo means "vegetables are bitter." 
Villagers use it to mean armed gangsters who prefer "sweet things" like meat and others that they steal.
The Boo Kech, passing off as rebels, stage ambushes and rob and kill people before disappearing into the bushes.
In some cases, the Boo kech have been known to demand a specific amount of money after one has sold a property or given away one's daughter in marriage.
According to two elderly catechists in Kitgum, the Boo kech and the LRA are bitter rivals.
The Army Spokesman, Maj. Shaban Bantariza says many are ex-rebels, who just abandoned the rebellion, hid their guns and melted into their communities.
Bantariza dismisses suspicion of civilians in Gulu and Kitgum that some of the Boo kech may be soldiers or policemen, or that security personnel hire their guns out to the thugs.
"Why would they be policemen?" he asks.
Perhaps it is because some soldiers have not helped their reputation by committing atrocities similar to those of the Boo Kech.
Cases of indiscipline by the government soldiers have left people suspicious that some of the atrocities blamed on the rebels are actually committed by other armed groups.
On July 20, 2003 the New Vision ran a story of an 'armed man' who shot one Odiya, a Land surveyor in Kitgum town council. The incident, in which the killer was disarmed, happened around 8 pm at Crenar Bar in Kitgum's East Ward. 
Residents say that the gun was traced to the UPDF, although the army at the time only admitted that investigations were underway.
About two months before that, a UPDF soldier had entered a bar in Kitgum where people were watching Premier League Football and shot a teacher of Atanga Secondary School dead. 
The soldier run away with an unspecified sum of money.
On October 8, 2003 the Luo newspaper, Rupiny, carried a story about a UPDF soldier Okello John Bosco who raped 30-year old Christine Ajok in Kitgum.
The soldier shot and killed the woman and her 8-months old son, Richard Ayera.
A 13-year old night commuter in Gulu said he had to leave home early because even the soldiers "can cause you problems if you leave late".They can, the boy said, even kill you.
Still fresh in the memory of Gulu residents was the story of young man, his mother in labour and a UPDF foot patrol unit.
Riding a bicycle with a lantern, the boy was taking his mother to hospital at night on July 24.
At Gulu Police playground, on the outskirts of Gulu town, the patrol commander stopped Francis lakony, 18.
Ms Kacilina Aunu reportedly sat down as her son explained that he had to get his mother to hospital. The soldiers shot the boy.
Then they 

Re: ugnet_: Museveni to talk to Mengo

2004-04-20 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Can some one please ask why the price of weed keeps 
on falling every day?


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

  - Original Message - 
  Rehema Mukooza 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 10:23 
  Subject: Re: ugnet_: Museveni to talk to 
  I don't believe that Museveni is going to "talk to Mengo". Ooh, 
  please! How many times has he sworn to talk to Mengo?? The fact is 
  that he has not done so, and he says the opposite. Take a look into his 
  recentTororo speech when he blasted Mengo. Museveni talks his shit 
  about talking to Mengo and the Kabaka when he is in Buganda. Basically 
  to please folks!
  Zakoomu M.
  Kezimbira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Museveni to talk to Mengo, New Vision, 
  21st April 2004




  By Alfred Wasike PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has said he is 
  willing to discuss with the Buganda Kingdom officials at Mengo on how 
  much powers they should hold on. “I am ready to discuss with my 
  Mengo friends to determine how much authority they want to hold. I 
  have no problem with discussion but the power must be shared 
  rationally,” Museveni said while commissioning the first phase of a 
  sh2.7b office complex at the Wakiso district headquarters yesterday. 
  Vice-President Prof Gilbert Bukenya and Minister for the 
  Presidency, Alhaj Ali Kirunda Kivejinja, were among the guests. 
  “But I strongly object to all power being usurped from the people 
  at the villages, sub-counties and districts and going to regional 
  tiers. Why should I, a mwanainchi walk from Buwekula to Mengo or 
  Parliament in Kampala to have my problems solved? I have a son called 
  Muhoozi. I can’t usurp the authority of running his house. I can only 
  advise him,” he said as his supporters yelled, “ Museveni for 3rd 
  term”, “No change” while displaying combined three-finger and 
  thumbs-up signs. Museveni (right), said decentralisation had 
  empowered Ugandans to determine development in their areas. He 
  attacked exiled UPC leader Apolo Milton Obote for tricking the DP and 
  other political actors of the 1960s and concentrating power at the 
  centre and plunging the country into turbulence by abrogating the 
  constitution in 1967. “He was so greedy that he was even 
  appointing gombolola chiefs. But when we went to the bush, we 
  changed all that by restoring power to the people. But some people 
  were against decentralisation,” Museveni said, triggering massive 
  cheers. He said the actual determinants of Uganda’s destiny were 
  ordinary people. “It is wananchi who are the judges of 
  Uganda’s present and future. Those judges like Kanyeihamba can only 
  judge cases of theft of goats. They can’t manage the cases of 
  politics. it is the voters who are supreme. It is not Kanyeihamba, or 
  the MPs. It is the people who are the best judges because they have 
  the power. “So when I hear certain people saying wanainchi 
  don’t have the power, I really wonder what is wrong with them. Those 
  who want to dilute the people’s power should just shut up. Leaders are 
  servants. They can’t have the same status as their bosses, the people 
  they lead. That is why we went into combat,” he stressed. He said 
  as a result of the Movement’s electoral success in the 1996 and 2001 
  polls, “We have used that power entrusted to us to bring development 
  from the centre to the people. In 1986, we used to collect 
  sh5b in taxes. Now we collect sh1,600b and soon we shall collect 
  sh1,800b. There are Government efforts, private sector-led by 
  investors and encouragement of household incomes to eradicate 
  poverty,” Museveni said.
  Published on: Wednesday, 21st April, 2004

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  a friend.
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  4x6 digital prints for 25¢