Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza

2004-04-24 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Ha, ha ! He has totally lost it. I ask him to tell us about his community 
and all he comes up with is Buganda, Buganda, Buganda. What is this 
obsession with Buganda ? If Buganda is undeveloped as you claim, all we 
wanted was for you to tell us how your area is doing in comparison. But even 
that is not forthcoming. I can only conclude that you have nothing to show 
by way of progress in your area / community for the last umpteen years. 
This being so, I don't see any logic in your criticism of Buganda when your 
area is far worse off - you could spend your energy trying to improve it 
instead of wasting it in displaying your envy and inferiority complex.

Incidentally, you are one of those who, when they hear the word federalism, 
do something in their pants. You get so scared that you will finally have to 
take the fate of your own area in your own hands instead of being spoonfed 
by the central government, that you don't even believe your community will 
survive under federalism. A pity really, for the federalists' proposals 
foresee help for such areas.

Finally, you did not quote anything. All you did was make some allegations 
about what the Kabaka is supposed to have written. What this is, you didn't 
say. I therefore find it preposterous to be asked to come up 'with info to 
the contrary' when there is no information to be contradicted. As has been 
your habit of late, when it turned out that you don't know what you are 
talking about, you thought up some justification about not wanting to 
spoonfeed us ! The fact is that there is no such written information. What a 
joker !


From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 14:09:12 +0100 (BST)
It is amazing that so called developed and therefore sophisticated
people,the like of you and your purpoted cohorts still expect to be
spoon fed with knowledge.
Are you not by inference just proving that you and your ilk are not only 
mundane but also anachronistic?
Development can not be defined by parameters that are not robust and
that cannot be verifiable in other settings.
What Buganda had was only administrative structures that showed the strata 
into which the rulers could relate with the ordinary folks in their areas.
This same arrangement existed in areas other than Buganda but had a 
different nomenclature which unfortunately for you with your Ntu syntax
innebriation believes since you do not understand it then it could as well 
not exist.
If you look at the parameters that are internationally used as a gauge of 
development,can you tell me what the Infant Mortality rate in Buganda 
is?,the Maternal mortality rate?,the life expectancy in Buganda ,the amount 
of disposal income available to these so called developed people
and area you keep jabbering about just as a few examples?.
If you realise that today unlike in the 1950s and 1960s Baganda are the 
highest consumers of Mwogo and all that they used to refer to as not 
food,do you still not feel ashamed to utter these nonsenses about being 
developed and sophisticated?.
If you also recall that the establishment at the center of your purported
development went on to urge their young girls and women to go sell their
hardware in Europe and wherever inorder to bring income to them,does that 
pass for being developed and sophisticated?
Any society that has no respect for women in their midst and uses them
as entertainers aka Ebimansulo,needs to rethink definitions of what it 
calls development and sophistication.
Have you ever heard of these litany of societal miscues anywhere from those 
areas you believe in your mind are not developed?.
You are putting yourselves in coccoons of a past that has become a mirage 
and thus accepting to be used as political condoms and that is why  today 
Mu7 is re-sterilizing you for further use in his quest for more time in 
Office since he knows very well how gullible you people can be when it 
comes to thinking you can re-invent a wheel.To live is to Change.
From my opening statement,I am not going to spoon feed you on where
Mutebbi said what I quoted because as developed and sophisticated people 
you need to exercise your intellect and take advantage of the super 
information highway and get the neccessary information to refute
what you think is unpalatable to you.
That in a nutshell will make you indeed sophisticated for they say,the 
taste of the pudding is in the Eating!.
Thus to prove me wrong come up with info to the contrary rather than being 
passive receipients of knowledge unless your sophistication is only founded 
on being good Xeroxers of other peoples' ways and views.
Thank you.
jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Despite your denials, a keen observer cannot fail to notice the envy

Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza

2004-04-24 Thread Adam Dada
Netters, does this Kipenji ever have any substantial argumented answer to 
any issues? The guy is really stupid - he keeps ducking issues. No reasoning 
capacity at all.

From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 21:24:37 +0100 (BST)
Musaazi,if I enter into any serious discourse with you,the difference
will not be noticed.
You can continue to delude yourself in your coccoon of self importance
etc etc,but given what the world is today,we need to use internationally
acceptable definitions to give credence to our claims.
You take it or leave it and continue with your jabberings.
God save you from the ignorance that has engulfed you.
Thank you.
emmanuel musaazi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
..Kipenji, i have just about had enough of your stupidity and ethonophobic
outbursts...your prejudice and hatred of Baganda is of genocidal
proportions...i would go as far as warn Baganda to keep away from this man
(Kipenji)...these are poeple who, if they had the means and wherewithal,
would eradicate Baganda from the face of this earth Rwanda style, and we 
and wonder how genocide occured in Rwanda. I wonder where Mr. Oracha is 
Kipenji is unleashing his ethnic venom against Baganda...well they say
silence is a sign of consent

..Kipenji, what exactly is your quarrell with Baganda...why this hatred of
Bugunda and Baganda...have Baganda ever invaded your tribal area and killed
your kingsmen as you northerners have done to us on several occasions..most
of you have property and family in Buganda, have they ever been attacked
and\or mistreated on account of being northerners. Even now that you guys
are out of power and given the attrocities commited by your tribesmen
against Baganda during OboteII, one would have expected retribution on a
large scale from Baganda (as your Kingsmen did to Idi Amin's kingsmen and
Baganda, during OboteII), but no, Baganda have not descended to such 
levels. Anytime your kingsmen get into power, they immediately descend on
Baganda and other southerners, killing our people, raping our women and
destroying our property. To me that is the highest display of inferiority
complex, even obote had to marry a Muganda in order to feel like a human
being. This love/hate relationship is bourne out of the fact that you
northerners hate and envy us but realize (unfortunately) that you can't do
without us...and unfortunately that is a situation you guys have put
yourselves doesn't have to be that way, as Mr. Dada has been
trying to drum into your thick skull. The more you write the more you 
the jealousy you have for Baganda (and southerners in general) eating deep
into your soul...i'm sorry for you.

If you think Baganda are inferior and not as sophisticated as we make 
the i suggest you join and support the federalists, that we you and your
more developed tribesmen can live Buganda, and go to your area and be
spared the inferior culture and habbits of Baganda. Your inferiority
complex, and other petty grudges you have against Buganda will be better
soothed if you had less contact with Baganda...don't you agree Mr. Kipenji
and it is only federalism that can enable that.

What amaizes me about these fellows is that in their hate mongering against
Baganda, they forget (albeit conveniently) that it was because of Kabaka
Mutebi's (and Buganda) support of Obote and his UPC, that Obote won 
maiden elections and became Prime minister, Obote has never (and will 
won an election since, because he betrayed the trust of Buganda. Obote was
the first to play the ethnic card in Ugandan politics and it has been down
hill for UPC ever since...and listening to the likes of Kipeji and
Mulindwa one clearly sees, that UPC has never learnt it's lesson and is
therefore perpetually doomed to failure.

Finally, to all you Baganda and southerners who think that Museveni is bad
for Uganda, wait 'till the likes of Kipenji ever get into power in Uganda
then you will know what bad really is...if you pay kin attention to their
postings you get a sneak preview of what to expect if they ever got power 
Uganda, that will be the day you will all pray for Museveni to come back.
UPC has NOTHING to offer Uganda and Ugandans except pain, poverty and
disunity, that has been their record and that will always be their record.

From: Owor Kipenji
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 14:09:12 +0100 (BST)

It is amazing that so called developed and therefore sophisticated
people,the like of you and your purpoted cohorts still expect to be
spoon fed with knowledge.
Are you not by inference just proving that you and your ilk are not only
mundane but also anachronistic?
Development can

Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza

2004-04-23 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Despite your denials, a keen observer cannot fail to notice the envy 
embedded in your

It seems you are turning this into a habit - I mean, the constant failure to 
answer questions
put to you. Can you please at last answer Mw. Ssemakula's question about 
what you have to show by way of progress in your area / community for the 
last umpteen years. And while you are
at it, could you also answer my and Mw. Ssemakula's questions about your 
concerning what Kabaka Mutebi is supposed to have written.

Failing this, I would earnestly advise you to abstain from talking about 
things you have not
even an inkling about.


From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 19:04:24 +0100 (BST)
This message is actaully meant for the dustbin and I will
next time do exactly that.
In London or wherever you are yakking from,how is that helping you
develop Buganda?
You should henceforth stop being obtuse and do more meaningful
Envy is something very foreign to me and hence your presumptions
are very misplaced.
Start thinking beyond the chronic mediocrity that appears to have engulfed 
you and your ilk.

jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
your envy of Buganda is there for all to see and it knows no bounds. It has
taken you
so far that you even criticize traditions and mottos whose origin you have
no clue about.
If you spent half of the energy which you waste criticizing Buganda on
developing your region,
maybe there would be something to show for it. Oh, that reminds me. Why
don't you
answer Mw. Ssemakula's question:
- what do you have to show by way of progress in your area / community for
the last
umpteen years ?

From: Owor Kipenji
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 02:19:09 +0100 (BST)

Ssenyange,I would rather you keep your puerile talks about you and your
support for Mu7 to yourself.
In the same vein would one have to say that as long as you and Buganda 
to keep Mu7,then you can go ahead and get the Federo for Buganda that Mu7
is peddling before you?.
Wise people learn from other peoples' mistakes but Fools always want
to learn through their own experiences which oftentimes turns to be very
You think Mu7's killing fields that you support in the North will go on 
ever?.What about if he achieves what you want and still feels he needs to
kill and by that time only the Baganda like you are there for him to
kill,what will you say?.Will you stop him from killing you and your
paranoid ilk?
The Motto that might have been started and adopted for obscure reasons
breeds more true today than then.
Lastly I want you to take it from me,Kipenji,that I have nothing that I
have ever envied about Buganda let alone Baganda so your conclusions 
my opinions on this fora are very much misplaced.
Lets' wait and see.

ssenya nyange wrote:


So long as UPC supporters continue their hatemonger against
Buganda, Mu7 will rule Uganda until he's deposed by the use of arms or
killed by bullets. Thats why he doesnt want to stop the war in the north 
that UPC can increase its sentiments against Buganda- devide more, rule 
ever. The result will be as you see on Ugandanet. Iam anti Museveni but
the Adhola, Mulindwa, Akanga, Kipenji etc continue the envious sentiments
against Buganda, I would rather give Mu7 a go ahead until a more credible
replacement ( free of UPC, NRM  Ganda sentiments ) is found. I have 
UPC to initiate a Truth and Reconciliation commission similar to Suth
African but they refused, saying that they have unfinished business to
settle with Buganda. Well, Baganda say Ekigy'omanyi kinyaga
Sekawuka kaali kakulumye...  okwerinda...ssi butiitiizi



 From: Rehema Mukooza
 Subject: Re: ugnet_: Museveni to talk to Mengo
 Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 19:23:00 -0700 (PDT)
 I don't believe that Museveni is going to talk to Mengo. Ooh, please!
 How many times has he sworn to talk to Mengo?? The fact is that he has
 done so, and he says the opposite. Take a look into his recent Tororo
 speech when he blasted Mengo. Museveni talks his shit about talking to
 Mengo and the Kabaka when he is in Buganda. Basically to please folks!
 Zakoomu M.
 Omar Kezimbira wrote:Museveni to talk to Mengo, New
 Vision, 21st April 2004
 By Alfred Wasike
 PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has said he is willing

Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza

2004-04-23 Thread Owor Kipenji
IL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 02:19:09 +0100 (BST)  Ssenyange,I would rather you keep your puerile talks about you and your support for Mu7 to yourself. In the same vein would one have to say that as long as you and Buganda want to keep Mu7,then you can go ahead and get the Federo for Buganda that Mu7 is peddling before you?. Wise
 people learn from other peoples' mistakes but Fools always want to learn through their own experiences which oftentimes turns to be very expensive. You think Mu7's killing fields that you support in the North will go on for ever?.What about if he achieves what you want and still feels he needs to kill and by that time only the Baganda like you are there for him to kill,what will you say?.Will you stop him from killing you and your paranoid ilk? The Motto that might have been started and adopted for obscure reasons breeds more true today than then. Lastly I want you to take it from me,Kipenji,that I have nothing that I have ever envied about Buganda let alone Baganda so your conclusions about my opinions on this fora are very much misplaced. Lets' wait and see. Kipenji.
 __  ssenya nyange wrote:   Mukooza,  So long as UPC supporters continue their hatemonger against Buganda, Mu7 will rule Uganda until he's deposed by the use of arms or killed by bullets. Thats why he doesnt want to stop the war in the north so that UPC can increase its sentiments against Buganda- devide more, rule for ever. The result will be as you see on Ugandanet. Iam anti Museveni but when the Adhola, Mulindwa, Akanga, Kipenji etc continue the envious sentiments against Buganda, I would rather give Mu7 a go ahead until a more credible replacement ( free of UPC, NRM  Ganda sentiments ) is found. I have argued UPC to initiate a Truth and Reconciliation commission similar to Suth
 African but they refused, saying that they have unfinished business to settle with Buganda. Well, Baganda say "Ekigy'omanyi kinyaga bitono" "Sekawuka kaali kakulumye..." " okwerinda...ssi butiitiizi"  Ssenyange  --   From: Rehema Mukooza  Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Subject: Re: ugnet_: Museveni to talk to Mengo  Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 19:23:00 -0700 (PDT)Members:I don't believe that Museveni is going to "talk to Mengo". Ooh, please!  How many times has he sworn to talk to Mengo?? The fact is that he has not  done so, and he says the opposite. Take a look into his recent
 Tororo  speech when he blasted Mengo. Museveni talks his shit about talking to  Mengo and the Kabaka when he is in Buganda. Basically to please folks!Zakoomu M. ===Omar Kezimbira wrote:Museveni to talk to Mengo, New  Vision, 21st April 2004  By Alfred Wasike  PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has said he is willing to discuss with the  Buganda Kingdom officials at Mengo on how much powers they should hold on.  “I am ready to discuss with my Mengo friends to determine how much  authority they want to hold. I have no problem with discussion but the  power must be shared rationally,” Museveni said while commissioning
 the  first phase of a sh2.7b office complex at the Wakiso district headquarters  yesterday.Vice-President Prof Gilbert Bukenya and Minister for the Presidency, Alhaj  Ali Kirunda Kivejinja, were among the guests.  “But I strongly object to all power being usurped from the people at the  villages, sub-counties and districts and going to regional tiers. Why  should I, a mwanainchi walk from Buwekula to Mengo or Parliament in Kampala  to have my problems solved? I have a son called Muhoozi. I can’t usurp the  authority of running his house. I can only advise him,” he said as  his supporters yelled, “ Museveni for 3rd term”, “No change” while  displaying combined three-finger and thumbs-up signs.Museveni
 (right), said decentralisation had empowered Ugandans to determine  development in their areas. He attacked exiled UPC leader Apolo Milton  Obote for tricking the DP and other political actors of the 1960s and  concentrating power at the centre and plunging the country into turbulence  by abrogating the constitution in 1967.“He was so greedy that he was even appointing gombolola chiefs. But when we  went to the bush, we changed all that by restoring power to the people. But  some people were against decentralisation,” Museveni said, triggering  massive cheers.  He said the actual determinants of Uganda’s destiny were ordinary people.“It is wananchi who are the judges of Uganda’s present and future. Those
  judges like Kanyeihamba can only judge cases of theft of goats. They can’t  manage the cases of politics. it is the voters who are supreme. It is not  Kanyeihamba, 

Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza

2004-04-23 Thread Adam Dada
Kipenji, a few comments:

1 - what is disposal income? Did you incidentally mean to say disposable?
2 - You refer to administrative structures in Buganda - What did we in the 
North have. What Buganda had is the best that mankind has come up with and 
the racist colonialists were stunned by the development of administrative 
structures Buganda had, which were a carbon copy of their own system, 
despite the fact that there had been no previous interaction. I'm however 
not that surprised that this universally acknoledged fact about Buganda has 
escaped your little brain.
3 - Before you ask about the infant mortality rate and sundry in Buganda, it 
would only be fair for you state that statistic in our area in the North - 
thereafter there wont be much mileage in your pursuing this particular 
point, if you know what I mean.
4 - About Buganda's consumption of Muwogo, again it would be prudent first 
to state the dietary habits in our area, including the hunting activity and 
what we hunt, including the little birds and other creatures
5 - About Baganda girls and women selling their merchandise in Europe and 
wherever, I challenge you to inform the netters where you can sell 
merchandise on the market if it is not saleable - in the same token I 
challenge to let us know if we northerners have a chance to compete in that 
market, which is by the way extremely competitive and only for those that 
can really compete in that market, since the customers are wealthy and 
chosy. You know as I do that the Baganda and their sophistication are a hard 
act to follow, as many of our girls would happily enter the market, instead 
of being raped by Kony and his commanders, if it weren't for the high 
qualities demanded of the trade.
6 - It is now evident to every right thinking netter that you in the habit 
of peddling unsubstantiated rumours, having failed to answer to extremely 
straight-forward questions from Mr Ssemakula about the source of your info. 
That's why it would have been extremely difficult for you to get a decent 
mark in any institution of higher learning and thus your complex of passing 
off as a knowledgeable person by reading dictionaries, including in 
languages you know absolutely nothing about.

7- You have displayed the highest degree of idiocy and uncovered your 
ignorance to the extent that there will be few doubters about that fact.


From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 14:09:12 +0100 (BST)
It is amazing that so called developed and therefore sophisticated
people,the like of you and your purpoted cohorts still expect to be
spoon fed with knowledge.
Are you not by inference just proving that you and your ilk are not only 
mundane but also anachronistic?
Development can not be defined by parameters that are not robust and
that cannot be verifiable in other settings.
What Buganda had was only administrative structures that showed the strata 
into which the rulers could relate with the ordinary folks in their areas.
This same arrangement existed in areas other than Buganda but had a 
different nomenclature which unfortunately for you with your Ntu syntax
innebriation believes since you do not understand it then it could as well 
not exist.
If you look at the parameters that are internationally used as a gauge of 
development,can you tell me what the Infant Mortality rate in Buganda 
is?,the Maternal mortality rate?,the life expectancy in Buganda ,the amount 
of disposal income available to these so called developed people
and area you keep jabbering about just as a few examples?.
If you realise that today unlike in the 1950s and 1960s Baganda are the 
highest consumers of Mwogo and all that they used to refer to as not 
food,do you still not feel ashamed to utter these nonsenses about being 
developed and sophisticated?.
If you also recall that the establishment at the center of your purported
development went on to urge their young girls and women to go sell their
hardware in Europe and wherever inorder to bring income to them,does that 
pass for being developed and sophisticated?
Any society that has no respect for women in their midst and uses them
as entertainers aka Ebimansulo,needs to rethink definitions of what it 
calls development and sophistication.
Have you ever heard of these litany of societal miscues anywhere from those 
areas you believe in your mind are not developed?.
You are putting yourselves in coccoons of a past that has become a mirage 
and thus accepting to be used as political condoms and that is why  today 
Mu7 is re-sterilizing you for further use in his quest for more time in 
Office since he knows very well how gullible you people can be when it 
comes to thinking you can re-invent a wheel.To live is to Change.
From my opening statement,I am not going to spoon feed you on where
Mutebbi said what I quoted because as developed

Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza

2004-04-23 Thread Owor Kipenji
nclature which unfortunately for you with your Ntu syntaxinnebriation believes
 since you do not understand it then it could as well not exist.If you look at the parameters that are internationally used as a gauge of development,can you tell me what the Infant Mortality rate in Buganda is?,the Maternal mortality rate?,the life expectancy in Buganda ,the amount of disposal income available to these so called developed peopleand area you keep jabbering about just as a few examples?.If you realise that today unlike in the 1950s and 1960s Baganda are the highest consumers of Mwogo and all that they used to refer to as not food,do you still not feel ashamed to utter these nonsenses about being developed and sophisticated?.If you also recall that the establishment at the center of your purporteddevelopment went on to urge their young girls and women to go sell theirhardware in Europe and wherever inorder to bring income to them,does that pass for being
 developed and sophisticated?Any society that has no respect for women in their midst and uses themas entertainers aka Ebimansulo,needs to rethink definitions of what it calls development and sophistication.Have you ever heard of these litany of societal miscues anywhere from those areas you believe in your mind are not developed?.You are putting yourselves in coccoons of a past that has become a mirage and thus accepting to be used as political condoms and that is why today Mu7 is re-sterilizing you for further use in his quest for more time in Office since he knows very well how gullible you people can be when it comes to thinking you can re-invent a wheel.To live is to Change.From my opening statement,I am not going to spoon feed you on whereMutebbi said what I quoted because as developed and sophisticated people you need to exercise your intellect and take advantage of the
 super information highway and get the neccessary information to refutewhat you think is unpalatable to you.That in a nutshell will make you indeed sophisticated for they say,the taste of the pudding is in the Eating!.Thus to prove me wrong come up with info to the contrary rather than being passive receipients of knowledge unless your sophistication is only founded on being good Xeroxers of other peoples' ways and views.Thank you.Kipenji._jonah kasangwawo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:Despite your denials, a keen observer cannot fail to notice the envyembedded in yourwritings.It seems you are turning this into a habit - I mean, the constant failure toanswer questionsput to you. Can you please at last answer Mw. Ssemakula's
 question aboutwhat you have to show by way of progress in your area / community for thelast umpteen years. And while you areat it, could you also answer my and Mw. Ssemakula's questions about yourallegationsconcerning what Kabaka Mutebi is supposed to have written.Failing this, I would earnestly advise you to abstain from talking aboutthings you have noteven an inkling about.Kasangwawo From: Owor Kipenji Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 19:04:24 +0100 (BST)  This message is actaully meant for the dustbin and I will next time do exactly that. In London or wherever you are yakking from,how is that helping you develop Buganda? You should henceforth stop
 being obtuse and do more meaningful things. Envy is something very foreign to me and hence your presumptions are very misplaced. Start thinking beyond the chronic mediocrity that appears to have engulfed you and your ilk. Ciao!. Kipenji.   jonah kasangwawo wrote: Kipenji,  your envy of Buganda is there for all to see and it knows no bounds. It has taken you so far that you even criticize traditions and mottos whose origin you have no clue about. If you spent half of the energy which you waste criticizing Buganda on developing your region, maybe there would be something to show for it. Oh, that reminds me. Why don't you answer Mw.
 Ssemakula's question:  - what do you have to show by way of progress in your area / community for the last umpteen years ?  Kasangwawo   From: Owor Kipenji  Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza  Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 02:19:09 +0100 (BST)Ssenyange,I would rather you keep your puerile talks about you and your  support for Mu7 to yourself.  In the same vein would one have to say that as long as you and Buganda want  to keep Mu7,then you can go ahead and get the Federo for Buganda that Mu7  is peddling before you?.  Wise people learn from other peoples' mistakes but Fools always want  to
 learn through their own experiences which oftentimes turns to be very  expensive.  You think Mu7's killing fields that you support in the North 

Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza

2004-04-22 Thread jonah kasangwawo

your envy of Buganda is there for all to see and it knows no bounds. It has 
taken you
so far that you even criticize traditions and mottos whose origin you have 
no clue about.
If you spent half of the energy which you waste criticizing Buganda on 
developing your region,
maybe there would be something to show for it. Oh, that reminds me. Why 
don't you
answer Mw. Ssemakula's question:

- what do you have to show by way of progress in your area / community for 
the last
umpteen years ?


From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 02:19:09 +0100 (BST)
Ssenyange,I would rather you keep your puerile talks about you and your 
support for Mu7 to yourself.
In the same vein would one have to say that as long as you and Buganda want 
to keep Mu7,then you can go ahead and get the Federo for Buganda that Mu7 
is peddling before you?.
Wise people learn from other peoples' mistakes but Fools always want
to learn through their own experiences which oftentimes turns to be very
You think Mu7's killing fields that you support in the North will go on for
ever?.What about if he achieves what you want and still feels he needs to 
kill and by that time only the Baganda like you are there for him to 
kill,what will you say?.Will you stop him from killing you and your 
paranoid ilk?
The Motto that might have been started and adopted for obscure reasons 
breeds more true  today than then.
Lastly I want you to take it from me,Kipenji,that I have nothing that I 
have ever envied about Buganda let alone Baganda so your conclusions about 
my opinions on this fora are very much misplaced.
Lets' wait and see.

ssenya nyange [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


So long as UPC supporters continue their hatemonger against
Buganda, Mu7 will rule Uganda until he's deposed by the use of arms or
killed by bullets. Thats why he doesnt want to stop the war in the north so
that UPC can increase its sentiments against Buganda- devide more, rule for
ever. The result will be as you see on Ugandanet. Iam anti Museveni but 
the Adhola, Mulindwa, Akanga, Kipenji etc continue the envious sentiments
against Buganda, I would rather give Mu7 a go ahead until a more credible
replacement ( free of UPC, NRM  Ganda sentiments ) is found. I have argued
UPC to initiate a Truth and Reconciliation commission similar to Suth
African but they refused, saying that they have unfinished business to
settle with Buganda. Well, Baganda say Ekigy'omanyi kinyaga 
Sekawuka kaali kakulumye...  okwerinda...ssi butiitiizi



From: Rehema Mukooza
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Museveni to talk to Mengo
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 19:23:00 -0700 (PDT)


I don't believe that Museveni is going to talk to Mengo. Ooh, please!
How many times has he sworn to talk to Mengo?? The fact is that he has 
done so, and he says the opposite. Take a look into his recent Tororo
speech when he blasted Mengo. Museveni talks his shit about talking to
Mengo and the Kabaka when he is in Buganda. Basically to please folks!

Zakoomu M.


Omar Kezimbira wrote:Museveni to talk to Mengo, New
Vision, 21st April 2004

By Alfred Wasike
PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has said he is willing to discuss with the
Buganda Kingdom officials at Mengo on how much powers they should hold 
“I am ready to discuss with my Mengo friends to determine how much
authority they want to hold. I have no problem with discussion but the
power must be shared rationally,” Museveni said while commissioning the
first phase of a sh2.7b office complex at the Wakiso district 

Vice-President Prof Gilbert Bukenya and Minister for the Presidency, 
Ali Kirunda Kivejinja, were among the guests.
“But I strongly object to all power being usurped from the people at the
villages, sub-counties and districts and going to regional tiers. Why
should I, a mwanainchi walk from Buwekula to Mengo or Parliament in 
to have my problems solved? I have a son called Muhoozi. I can’t usurp 
authority of running his house. I can only advise him,” he said as
his supporters yelled, “ Museveni for 3rd term”, “No change” while
displaying combined three-finger and thumbs-up signs.

Museveni (right), said decentralisation had empowered Ugandans to 
development in their areas. He attacked exiled UPC leader Apolo Milton
Obote for tricking the DP and other political actors of the 1960s and
concentrating power at the centre and plunging the country into 
by abrogating the constitution in 1967.

“He was so greedy that he was even appointing gombolola

Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza

2004-04-22 Thread Owor Kipenji
This message is actaully meant for the dustbin and I will
next time do exactly that.
In London or wherever you are yakking from,how is that helping you
develop Buganda?
You should henceforth stop being obtuse and do more meaningful 
Envy is something very foreign to me and hence your presumptions
are very misplaced.
Start thinking beyond the chronic mediocrity that appears to have engulfed you and your ilk.
jonah kasangwawo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Kipenji,your envy of Buganda is there for all to see and it knows no bounds. It has taken youso far that you even criticize traditions and mottos whose origin you have no clue about.If you spent half of the energy which you waste criticizing Buganda on developing your region,maybe there would be something to show for it. Oh, that reminds me. Why don't youanswer Mw. Ssemakula's question:- what do you have to show by way of progress in your area / community for the lastumpteen years ?KasangwawoFrom: Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\MukoozaDate: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 02:19:09 +0100 (BST)Ssenyange,I would rather you keep your puerile talks about you and your
 support for Mu7 to yourself.In the same vein would one have to say that as long as you and Buganda want to keep Mu7,then you can go ahead and get the Federo for Buganda that Mu7 is peddling before you?.Wise people learn from other peoples' mistakes but Fools always wantto learn through their own experiences which oftentimes turns to be veryexpensive.You think Mu7's killing fields that you support in the North will go on forever?.What about if he achieves what you want and still feels he needs to kill and by that time only the Baganda like you are there for him to kill,what will you say?.Will you stop him from killing you and your paranoid ilk?The Motto that might have been started and adopted for obscure reasons breeds more true today than then.Lastly I want you to take it from me,Kipenji,that I have nothing that I have ever envied about Buganda let alone
 Baganda so your conclusions about my opinions on this fora are very much misplaced.Lets' wait and see.Kipenji.__ssenya nyange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:Mukooza,So long as UPC supporters continue their hatemonger againstBuganda, Mu7 will rule Uganda until he's deposed by the use of arms orkilled by bullets. Thats why he doesnt want to stop the war in the north sothat UPC can increase its sentiments against Buganda- devide more, rule forever. The result will be as you see on Ugandanet. Iam anti Museveni but whenthe Adhola, Mulindwa, Akanga, Kipenji etc continue the envious sentimentsagainst Buganda, I would rather give Mu7 a go ahead until a more crediblereplacement ( free of UPC, NRM  Ganda sentiments ) is found. I have arguedUPC to initiate a Truth and
 Reconciliation commission similar to SuthAfrican but they refused, saying that they have unfinished business tosettle with Buganda. Well, Baganda say "Ekigy'omanyi kinyaga bitono""Sekawuka kaali kakulumye..." " okwerinda...ssi butiitiizi"Ssenyange-- From: Rehema Mukooza Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: ugnet_: Museveni to talk to Mengo Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 19:23:00 -0700 (PDT)  Members:  I don't believe that Museveni is going to "talk to Mengo". Ooh, please! How many times has he sworn to talk to Mengo?? The fact is that he has not done so, and he says the opposite. Take a look into his recent Tororo speech when he blasted Mengo. Museveni talks
 his shit about talking to Mengo and the Kabaka when he is in Buganda. Basically to please folks!  Zakoomu M.  ===  Omar Kezimbira wrote:Museveni to talk to Mengo, New Vision, 21st April 2004   By Alfred Wasike PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has said he is willing to discuss with the Buganda Kingdom officials at Mengo on how much powers they should hold on. “I am ready to discuss with my Mengo friends to determine how much authority they want to hold. I have no problem with discussion but the power must be shared rationally,” Museveni said while commissioning the first phase of a sh2.7b office complex at the Wakiso district headquarters yesterday.  Vice-President
 Prof Gilbert Bukenya and Minister for the Presidency, Alhaj Ali Kirunda Kivejinja, were among the guests. “But I strongly object to all power being usurped from the people at the villages, sub-counties and districts and going to regional tiers. Why should I, a mwanainchi walk from Buwekula to Mengo or Parliament in Kampala to have my problems solved? I have a son called Muhoozi. I can’t usurp the authority of running his house. I can only advise him,” he said as his 

Re: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza

2004-04-21 Thread Owor Kipenji
Ssenyange,I would rather you keep your puerile talks about you and your support for Mu7 to yourself.
In the same vein would one have to say that as long as you and Buganda want to keep Mu7,then you can go ahead and get the Federo for Buganda that Mu7 is peddling before you?.
Wise people learn from other peoples' mistakes but Fools always want
to learn through their own experiences which oftentimes turns to be very
You think Mu7's killing fields that you support in the North will go on for
ever?.What about if he achieves what you want and still feels he needs to kill and by that timeonly the Baganda like you are there for him to kill,what will you say?.Will you stop him from killing you and your paranoid ilk?
The Motto that might have been started and adopted for obscure reasons breeds more true today than then.
Lastly I want you to take it from me,Kipenji,that I have nothing that I have ever envied about Buganda let alone Baganda so your conclusions about my opinions on this fora are very much misplaced.
Lets' wait and see.
__ssenya nyange [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Mukooza,So long as UPC supporters continue their hatemonger against Buganda, Mu7 will rule Uganda until he's deposed by the use of arms or killed by bullets. Thats why he doesnt want to stop the war in the north so that UPC can increase its sentiments against Buganda- devide more, rule for ever. The result will be as you see on Ugandanet. Iam anti Museveni but when the Adhola, Mulindwa, Akanga, Kipenji etc continue the envious sentiments against Buganda, I would rather give Mu7 a go ahead until a more credible replacement ( free of UPC, NRM  Ganda sentiments ) is found. I have argued UPC to initiate a Truth and Reconciliation commission similar to Suth African but they refused, saying that they have unfinished business to settle with Buganda. Well, Baganda say "Ekigy'omanyi kinyaga bitono" "Sekawuka kaali
 kakulumye..." " okwerinda...ssi butiitiizi"Ssenyange--From: Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: ugnet_: Museveni to talk to MengoDate: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 19:23:00 -0700 (PDT)Members:I don't believe that Museveni is going to "talk to Mengo". Ooh, please! How many times has he sworn to talk to Mengo?? The fact is that he has not done so, and he says the opposite. Take a look into his recent Tororo speech when he blasted Mengo. Museveni talks his shit about talking to Mengo and the Kabaka when he is in Buganda. Basically to please folks!Zakoomu M.===Omar Kezimbira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:Museveni to talk to
 Mengo, New Vision, 21st April 2004By Alfred WasikePRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has said he is willing to discuss with the Buganda Kingdom officials at Mengo on how much powers they should hold on.“I am ready to discuss with my Mengo friends to determine how much authority they want to hold. I have no problem with discussion but the power must be shared rationally,” Museveni said while commissioning the first phase of a sh2.7b office complex at the Wakiso district headquarters yesterday.Vice-President Prof Gilbert Bukenya and Minister for the Presidency, Alhaj Ali Kirunda Kivejinja, were among the guests.“But I strongly object to all power being usurped from the people at the villages, sub-counties and districts and going to regional tiers. Why should I, a mwanainchi walk from Buwekula to Mengo or Parliament in Kampala to have my problems
 solved? I have a son called Muhoozi. I can’t usurp the authority of running his house. I can only advise him,” he said ashis supporters yelled, “ Museveni for 3rd term”, “No change” while displaying combined three-finger and thumbs-up signs.Museveni (right), said decentralisation had empowered Ugandans to determine development in their areas. He attacked exiled UPC leader Apolo Milton Obote for tricking the DP and other political actors of the 1960s and concentrating power at the centre and plunging the country into turbulence by abrogating the constitution in 1967.“He was so greedy that he was even appointing gombolola chiefs. But when we went to the bush, we changed all that by restoring power to the people. But some people were against decentralisation,” Museveni said, triggering massive cheers.He said the actual determinants of Uganda’s destiny were ordinary
 people.“It is wananchi who are the judges of Uganda’s present and future. Those judges like Kanyeihamba can only judge cases of theft of goats. They can’t manage the cases of politics. it is the voters who are supreme. It is not Kanyeihamba, or the MPs. It is the people who are the best judges because they have the power.“So when I hear certain people saying wanainchi don’t have the power, I really wonder what is wrong with them. Those who want to dilute the 

RE: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza

2004-04-21 Thread Y Yaobang

You are right: the only way dictator Museveni can be deposed is thru military force, probably with a bullet thru is forehead! Yes! Just read the ICG detailed report, which is freely available on the internet (dont rely on the version that was edited by the Monitor). But, please, keep UPC out of this Mengo stuff!
From: "ssenya nyange" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: ugnet_: Re:t_: Museveni to talk to Mengo\Mukooza 
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 20:25:03 -0400 
So long as UPC supporters continue their hatemonger 
against Buganda, Mu7 will rule Uganda until he's deposed by the use 
of arms or killed by bullets. Thats why he doesnt want to stop the 
war in the north so that UPC can increase its sentiments against 
Buganda- devide more, rule for ever. The result will be as you see 
on Ugandanet. Iam anti Museveni but when the Adhola, Mulindwa, 
Akanga, Kipenji etc continue the envious sentiments against Buganda, 
I would rather give Mu7 a go ahead until a more credible replacement 
( free of UPC, NRM  Ganda sentiments ) is found.I have argued UPC 
to initiate a Truth and Reconciliation commission similar to Suth 
African but they refused, saying that they have unfinished business 
to settle with Buganda. Well, Baganda say "Ekigy'omanyi 
kinyaga bitono" "Sekawuka kaali kakulumye..."" okwerinda...ssi 
From: Rehema Mukooza [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Museveni to talk to Mengo 
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 19:23:00 -0700 (PDT) 
I don't believe that Museveni is going to "talk to Mengo".Ooh, 
please!How many times has he sworn to talk to Mengo??The fact 
is that he has not done so, and he says the opposite.Take a look 
into his recent Tororo speech when he blasted Mengo.Museveni 
talks his shit about talking to Mengo and the Kabaka when he is in 
Buganda.Basically to please folks! 
Zakoomu M. 
Omar Kezimbira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Museveni to talk to 
Mengo, New Vision, 21st April 2004 
By Alfred Wasike 
PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has said he is willing to discuss with 
the Buganda Kingdom officials at Mengo on how much powers they 
should hold on. 
“I am ready to discuss with my Mengo friends to determine how much 
authority they want to hold. I have no problem with discussion but 
the power must be shared rationally,” Museveni said while 
commissioning the first phase of a sh2.7b office complex at the 
Wakiso district headquarters yesterday. 
Vice-President Prof Gilbert Bukenya and Minister for the 
Presidency, Alhaj Ali Kirunda Kivejinja, were among the guests. 
“But I strongly object to all power being usurped from the people 
at the villages, sub-counties and districts and going to regional 
tiers. Why should I, a mwanainchi walk from Buwekula to Mengo or 
Parliament in Kampala to have my problems solved? I have a son 
called Muhoozi. I can’t usurp the authority of running his house. I 
can only advise him,” he said as 
his supporters yelled, “ Museveni for 3rd term”, “No change” while 
displaying combined three-finger and thumbs-up signs. 
Museveni (right), said decentralisation had empowered Ugandans to 
determine development in their areas. He attacked exiled UPC leader 
Apolo Milton Obote for tricking the DP and other political actors 
of the 1960s and concentrating power at the centre and plunging the 
country into turbulence by abrogating the constitution in 1967. 
“He was so greedy that he was even appointing gombolola chiefs. But 
when we went to the bush, we changed all that by restoring power to 
the people. But some people were against decentralisation,” 
Museveni said, triggering massive cheers. 
He said the actual determinants of Uganda’s destiny were ordinary 
“It is wananchi who are the judges of Uganda’s present and future. 
Those judges like Kanyeihamba can only judge cases of theft of 
goats. They can’t manage the cases of politics. it is the voters 
who are supreme. It is not Kanyeihamba, or the MPs. It is the 
people who are the best judges because they have the power. 
“So when I hear certain people saying wanainchi don’t have the 
power, I really wonder what is wrong with them. Those who want to 
dilute the people’s power should just shut up. Leaders are 
servants. They can’t have the same status as their bosses, the 
people they lead. That is why we went into combat,” he stressed. 
He said as a result of the Movement’s electoral success in the 1996 
and 2001 polls, “We have used that power entrusted to us to bring 
development from the centre to the people. 
In 1986, we used to collect sh5b in taxes. Now we collect sh1,600b 
and soon we shall collect sh1,800b. There are Government efforts, 
private sector-led by investors and