[SlimDevices: Unix] Best HDD format for PiCore player and MacOS?

2022-03-07 Thread PugRallye


I recently switched from using Windows to MacOS and I've always run the
HDD attached to the Pi, and an external backup HDD as exFAT

Since moving to MacOS, I've learned the hard way that MacOS doesn't play
nice with exFAT where the disc was formatted on Windows (which uses a
default allocation size of 4096) - from what I can see, MacOS only
supports allocation sizes up to 1024

I use GoodSync on MacOS to backup between the drive normally connected
to the Pi and my backup drive btw

So I guess I have two questions:
1. would changing to allocation size of 1024 have much impact on
performance? (either in use on the Pi, playback, re-indexing etc, or
when backing up)
2. is there a better format than exFAT that will work on both the Pi and
MacOS (and ideally Windows too, just in case, but not a deal breaker)
3. Other options? (e.g. running Windows on my MacBook Air M1?)

For reference, I have c6TB of music files (almost entirely FLAC)

Any help or experience would be welcome - thank you in advance...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Network drive / Samba issues with Mac OS

2021-12-07 Thread PugRallye

My main music folder has 1000s and 1000s of subfolders and is still
basically unresponsive in Finder

I've got myself up and running using FileZilla and SFTP to connect to
the Samba share and transfer files

But it's still not a really good alternative to having the Samba share
mounted in Finder

I found this article
which gives some info on how to improve Samba response when connecting
using a MacBook

It suggests inserting the following into the smb.conf file:


  vfs objects = fruit
  fruit:aapl = yes
  fruit:encoding = native
  fruit:locking = none
  fruit:metadata = stream
  fruit:resource = file

Is anyone able to comment as to whether or not these changes will help?

After some rummaging, I found the smb.conf file here:

However, I can't edit changes (using vi) because it's marked as readonly
(ls -l shows "-rw-r--r--" as the permissions)

Is this just because Samba is running, and if so would it be as simple
as stopping Samba, editing the file, restarting Samba again?

Thank you for any help...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Network drive / Samba issues with Mac OS

2021-12-01 Thread PugRallye

Having spent many hours reading and fiddling, I decided to give up -
basically it seems that MacBooks just don't play nice with Samba

Especially when you have a lot of data/large folders (as I do)

However, I did then look at using SFTP (basically FTP over SSH) and this
works a treat!

I can connect, browse, manage files etc using apps like FileZilla

I'm also looking at Forklift (a paid for alternative to Finder that can
also connect directly, i.e. a mapped drive, to SFTP)

It does appear that Finder should also be able to connect/map a drive
using SFTP (although it uses ftps:// for some reason), but I've not been
able to get that working as yet

So it appears that the solution is to ignore using smb:// to connect,
and instead use sftp://

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Network drive / Samba issues with Mac OS

2021-11-30 Thread PugRallye


I've just switched from a Windows laptop to a MacBook Air (M1)

And immediately run into some issues with MacOS and Samba

I have a rather large music library (c8TB) on an external HDD attached
to a Pi4 LMS server

This has never been an issue on Windows (browsing, searching/sorting,
copying/deleting files etc) - but it's basically impossible on MacOS

I've read all sorts of things online, but nothing having any impact as

I wondered if anyone on the forum who's using a Mac has a good solution
to this?

Many thanks...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2021-07-21 Thread PugRallye

Thank you so much!

In was still lagging behind on v6.1.0 (running on a Pi4)

Did an insitu upgrade to 7.0 (had an error about samba needing a manual
update, but ignored that)

Did an immediate insitu upgrade to 8.0.0 and everything seems to be
working (so far!) - had to upgrade the Spotify plugin (but that's a

Great work!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-07-13 Thread PugRallye

paul- wrote: 
> exFat can be a little spotty, itÂ’s not a native file system.  But take a
> look at the dmesg section in diagnostics, see what it says towards the
> end.


In the end it seemed to work OK when I booted the Pi, and once up and
running, -then- switched on/attached the external disk.

Previously the disk was powered up and connected the Pi booted and it
didn't "see" it.

Seems to be working OK for now.

The only reason I chose exFAT was t try and avoid some of the weird
permissions errors I was getting from using NTFS...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-07-12 Thread PugRallye

Hi all,

For some reason I was having some permissions problems with my NTFS
formatted external drive, so I backed up, reformatted it as exFAT and
copied all the files back again.

When I go into LMS, it's not showing me any external/attached disks that
I can mount.

I've installed the additional file systems, I've tried various reboots
etc (even uninstalling and reinstalling LMS entirely) but still no USB
disk being found.

I've triple checked the disk is OK on my laptop (it connects fine, I can
see all the files etc)

This is all I see though...


|Filename: Annotation 2020-07-12 110508.png |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=31001|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-06-11 Thread PugRallye

stereoptic wrote: 
> I've had no problem using a macbook to samba to the external drive on
> the pi (rpi3), as long as I connect as user 'tc'.  I wonder if 
> @PugRallye is not using the correct ID?


If I use a network/SAMBA connection to the Pi, then I can copy files
across just fine and LMS can see and index, play them just fine.

The issue I'd was after I'd disconnected the HDD from the Pi and
physically connected it to the laptop before transferring across files.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-06-09 Thread PugRallye

paul- wrote: 
> The cache location wont have anything to do with it.  Best thing is just
> to look at the drive from an ssh session.  Can you see the files,  what
> are the permissions showing?  
> Assuming you can see the files, I would do a complete clear and rescan
> of your library.  When you move the drive around, timestamps can change,
> such that LMS doesn't pickup the new files.

Thanks Paul,

I used Putty and checked the file permissions

The folders looked like they all had the correct permissions, but none
of the files had any permissions attached to them.

I used chmod to set perms on the files and a rescan found and indexed
them OK.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-06-08 Thread PugRallye

garym wrote: 
> I have my LMS cache, etc. on the USB drive.  So I always stop rPi (using
> the piCorePlayer webGUI for stopping), then remove the USB drive.   Then
> I add the USB drive back to the rPi BEFORE I apply power to the rPi to
> restart it.

Sounds like exactly what I did (powered down the Pi using the pCP web
UI), then switched off the disc.

When I reconnected, I powered on the disc, waited for a bit, then
powered on the Pi again.

Only difference is I don't have the LMS cache on the external disc...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-06-08 Thread PugRallye

And when reconnecting the drive to the Pi (which I'd powered down), is
there a "right" order in which to connect and power on?

e.g. should I connect the disc, then power on the Pi, then the disc?

Or power on the disc, then the Pi?

Or does it not make any difference?! :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-06-08 Thread PugRallye

garym wrote: 
> can't recall now, but what is the OS of the computer you're connecting
> the drive to?  Windows? Linux? OsX?

It was Windows 10 (and I was sure to properly unmount the disc before
disconnecting it from the laptop)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-06-08 Thread PugRallye

Thanks for the help/feedback...

I too had to extend the USB wait value (as my disc was slow to be

No idea what's happened here then (with these missing file

I have some more music I need to transfer tomorrow, so I'll give it
another go and see what happens...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-06-08 Thread PugRallye

I think my external drive is NTFS - I wonder if that's causing the
permissions issues?

Maybe I should use exFAT?

Or would EXT4 be better?

Any suggestions greatly appreciated...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-06-08 Thread PugRallye

garym wrote: 
> true, but that said, I have same setup and can remove my USB drive, do
> things with it connected to my Windows computer, then return it to the
> rPi, and after starting the rPi I've never had to reconnect the USB
> drive. It just works.

Can I ask, do you write to this disc (that you use with the Pi) from
your Windows machine?

And if so, do you have to set any permissions or anything when you copy
onto this disc?

Thank you...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-06-08 Thread PugRallye

kidstypike wrote: 
> If you have SAMBA running on the Pi, why do you need to disconnect the
> drive to copy music over?

Copying GBs of FLAC files via wifi is rather tedious (when a USB3
connection does it at about 200MB/s) :)

Plus I'll want to disconnect the drive from the Pi for backup purposes
on a regular basis. So I'd like to figure out what happened.

It looks like all the files were missing Linux permissions (even though
I ran the "Set write permissions" thing on pCP (that didn't seem to fix

I had to manually chmod to set full perms on the files in question - a
bit of a faff, but it meant the files could be indexed by LMS...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-06-08 Thread PugRallye

Hi all,

A curious problem

I shut down my Pi4 pCP server, disconnected the USB3 attached drive,
connected the drive to my laptop and then copied a bunch more music
files onto the drive.

When I reconnected and started the pCP up again, I had to remove the
re-mount the disc.

I have a SAMBA share and can see all the newly added files on the
attached disc.

But when I run a scan (either full or partial) the LMS doesn't find or
index any of the newly added files.

The disc is a single NTFS partition and was properly unmounted from my
Windows laptop before being reconnected to the Pi4

I figure it may be a permissions issue, but I'm not sure how to

Any tips/suggestions?

Thank you...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-06-01 Thread PugRallye

Hi all,

I'm using LMS 7.9.2 on a Pi4 with an attached USB3 disc and streaming to
the SqueezePad app on an iPad.

SP always handled gapless fine (when using an older version of LMS
running on a QNAP NAS), and iPeng seems to handle it fine on the same
iPad (running from the Pi4).

Just wondered if there were any other SP users on here?

Also, what iOS apps do people here use/prefer for LMS

Thank you...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.5.0

2020-05-31 Thread PugRallye

paul- wrote: 
> Please use the appropriate threadyou are not using pCP 3.5.0
> Let this thread die.
> Your usb device is taking too long to become ready at boot.  You need to
> add some delay.  On the extras menu, there is a bootcodes screen. 
> Increase the value of waitusb.

Thank you, that seems to have done the trick - and sincere apologies for
posting in an old thread...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.5.0

2020-05-31 Thread PugRallye

Hi all,

Apologies if this is user error/dumb question, but I'm trying to figure
out how I can get pCP to automatically refresh the USB mount when it

I've noticed that if I reboot the Pi (it's a Pi4 that I'm using as a LMS
server) and then try to play music, it starts to screw up the music DB -
i.e. files that are on the disc seem to disappear from the LMS
library/can't be played etc.

This results in me having to do a full rescan (remove and add
everything) in order to correct things.

I take this to be because the ID/information about the mount point has
changed on reboot?

If so, can I get pCP to refresh this automatically on restart?

Thank you...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2019-07-14 Thread PugRallye

kidstypike wrote: 
> First step - install Samba. pCP > LMS page. (mine below)
> 27682

Thanks - I'm such a noob! Didn't really know what Samba was! 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2019-07-14 Thread PugRallye

Just wondering...

Is there any way to make the HDD that's attached to the Pi visible on
the network?

i.e. when using a NAS as the LMS server, I can easily add new music to
it wirelessly across the network.

Is there any way to do that using PCP?

Otherwise I'd need some form of direct connection to the HDD in order to
add new music.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2019-07-14 Thread PugRallye

kidstypike wrote: 
> Good to hear it's now working!
> An SSD drive is even faster, here's mine - 
> 27681

Oh I'm sure - SSDs just fly...

I connected a recent backup to the Pi now - it's a 4TB WD red (7200rpm)
drive that contains about 130,000 FLAC files.

Complete, initial scan took just over 1hr - I could have saved 5 mins by
pointing to an empty "Playlists" folder instead of using the main FLACs
folder (i.e. it rescanned the whole library looking for playlists - when
I don't have any!)

Performance from the Pi is still really snappy.

With just LMS installed, no extras etc, PCP looks like it's using about
560MB of the 2GB partition I created for it.

Without having added/changed any files, a incremental rescan
(new/changed files) takes about 11 mins (2 mins of that was scanning the
whole library for playlists again though)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2019-07-14 Thread PugRallye

kidstypike wrote: 
> You have resized the SD card? Installed extra files systems?
> If it were me at this stage I would put a handful of albums on a USB
> stick and point LMS at that. If LMS responds okay, then I'd suspect your
> HDD/power supply.

You're a star!

That's exactly what it was.

I resized the pCP partition from (I think) 200MB to 2GB, re-installed
LMS and re-scanned everything and it's working!

Thanks so much for replying with that suggestion...

For those who might be interested, the Pi 4 scanned 8000 MP3s (full
initial scan) in about 7 minutes.

It's super-fast and responsive in use.

Later today I'll connect up a drive with the full library and see how it
handles that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2019-07-14 Thread PugRallye

Update: it seems that it's once LMS has done it's full scan that
everything stops working.

The library is only about 8000 MP3s, I'm sure that's not "too much" for
the Pi4 to handle? (I hope not - my eventual plan is to give it the
full, c130k track library to manage)

But having run the initial full scan, when I click on (say) "Albums" on
the main LMS page, that's when everything hangs/stops working.

I just updated to the latest nightly build (just in case that helps) and
the same thing's happening...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2019-07-14 Thread PugRallye

paul- wrote: 
> How was the drive formatted?   What kind of drive?  How is it powered
> Almost all corruption issues are due to power supply

I have no idea what happened. It was a 1TB 3.5" disk from an old NAS
that was sat in a USB3 dock thing, one of these:


Anyway, I got another HDD, stuck the MP3 library on it and tried again.

Seemed to be working (installed the NTFS file system support for the new
drive) and got LMS up and running.

The first scan seemed to be very quick (think it just found the folders
again, no music). Manually ran another scan and that seemed to find

However, LMS seems unresponsive now - e.g. the main LMS main page never
seems to finish loading.

I can click "Settings" (bottom right on the LMS main page), and that
loads. But the main page doesn't.

I've tried powering it all off and on again, starting/stopping LMS etc
and same thing happens.

Also, when I stop/start LMS or reboot the Pi, LMS seems to "forget" the
mount point. It's still there in PCP config, but when I click on
"Configure LMS", it makes me pick the mount point again...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2019-07-13 Thread PugRallye

Not quite sure what's happened here, but any help welcomed.

Got piCorePlayer up and running on my RPi4, installed LMS and created a
mount to an external USB disk

Went into LMS and got it to do a scan

It found c350 folder, but no MP3s

Tried various different things (reboots etc) and then PCP started saying
something about the mount point had changed?

Anyway, the external HDD is now totallt borked - can't mount it in
Windows etc - constant "device not ready" or the disk format is RAW,
can't do anything with Windows Disk Manager etc.

Windows Disk Manager sees the disk (i.e. it's "Disk 1" and it's "not
initialised") when I try to initialise it, once again I just get "The
device is not ready" again.

Looks totally screwed.

Any thoughts on a) what might have happened, and b) if there's anything
I can do to recover the disk?


PugRallye's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=17668
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2019-07-09 Thread PugRallye

paul- wrote: 
> Short and sweet announcement, but for those that have a new PI4 and want
> to use pCP..Only an image is offered, as we had to increase
> partition sizes to accommodate the PI4 firmware/kernels.  One image
> still supports all rpi boards.
> https://repo.picoreplayer.org/insitu/piCorePlayer6.0.0/piCorePlayer6.0.0-b1.zip
> _*pCP_6.0.0-b1*_
> >   >   > 
  - Kernel 4.19.57
  - RPi Firmware 2019/07/05
  - Not many other changes.
  > > > 
> There are a few other things we are working on for the final 6.0.0
> release, however we wanted to get something working on the PI4.

Fantastic! Thanks for the hard work - look forward to trying this on my
4B as soon as I get chance...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 5.0.0

2019-07-02 Thread PugRallye

Looks like cooling of the Pi 4 is known and there could be a fix in an
updated firmware:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 5.0.0

2019-07-02 Thread PugRallye

paul- wrote: 
> Well I have my Pi4 4GB now.   We have pCP booting LAN and Onboard wifi
> are working, and I'll test some other basic function and support.
> I will likely release a Beta image soon so others can play.  I will be
> maintaining a single image that works on all RPi boards, but that will
> lead to increased boot partition sizes.   Right now we are looking at a
> 64MB boot partition.   Obviously this will mean new images (No insutu
> updates) for all on the next release.
> One word of warning is that these boards run warm and will need some
> sort of cooling.  Either passive heat sinks or active fan (I haven't
> played with under clocking yet).   Again, I don't see much of a use case
> as a streamer.  but server activity and disk writes are definitely
> much snappier.
> I attached a USB3 Samsung T5 SSD, that seems pretty quick too.

That's really interesting about the heat - I did notice it getting warm
when I was trying (and obviously) to get PiCorePlayer up and running

It'll be interesting to see if/how it can manage a c6TB/130k track
library :)

And thanks again for your work on this project - it's massively

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 5.0.0

2019-06-30 Thread PugRallye

bencat wrote: 
> Not sure if anyone is looking for them but Pi Hut UK have all three
> versions of the Pi 4 instock and ready to send. For orders in the UK I
> have bought from them and they were very quick for delivery . 
> https://thepihut.com/products/raspberry-pi-4-model-b?variant=20064052674622
> Anyone know of any other companies selling cases for the Pi 4 ?

That's where I got my RPi4 from.

Excellent service. Arrived the day after I ordered it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 5.0.0

2019-06-29 Thread PugRallye

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Mine, with 2GB arrived at home today ... unfortunately I am not going to
> be able to play with it until Friday evening.
> I assume that it will not boot though because of firmware stuff ... but
> are there other things that are only working with Debian/Raspbian Buster
> that would stop it working with TinyCore/pCP?
> I imagine that the dual HDMI won't work but might also mean that HDMI
> does not work at all.
> Also new LAN chip and USB (via PCI).
> Plus whatever tricks are going on to get above 1GB.
> So could imagine will be tricky.


I just got a Pi 4 with a view to using it as the server (thanks to it's
much improved processor, RAM, and better I/O - I found the same as you
though, that PiCorePlayer isn't compatible ("yet", I hope).

My aim is to move away from using a NAS to host the server, and use a Pi
with a (big!) disk attached via USB 3.

Looking forward to seeing PiCorePlayer that's compatible with a Pi 4...

PugRallye's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=17668
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=110642

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Starting Squeezecenter automatically in Ubuntu

2008-06-22 Thread PugRallye

I'm pretty new to this Linux lark and am looking at Ubuntu 8.04.

I've got it all setup and scanning my music (had some issues with
permissions that were sorted by editing the fstab file).

However, everytime I start Ubuntu, I have to go into the /etc/init.d
folder and run the squeezecenter file.

But is there a way to have it start automatically?

And preferably have it start without the need for me to actually log in
to Ubuntu?

Thanks for the help...


PugRallye's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=17668
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=49152

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