Re: tikiwiki RSS and blogs

2005-05-04 Thread xbury . cs

I regularly have a look at your blogs and forums. My intention was not to 
concurrence, only to create a resource targetting a more specialized 

Im honored ;) And concurrence better known as competition in english 
is actually
healthy so i'll be glad if you do - the more we have of runrev out there, 
the more likely
it will be see by others! ;))

You evoked the model... In fact, the wiki framework I use, 
let you add such a news+comments system (the module is installed, I 
disabled it
on my wiki as well as the blogs -- more info at:, 
source, easy to install, easy to manage). 

Unfortunately, I went the PHPNuke way - it was the right wiki at the 
time and it's quite
powerful. Also easy to manage but not always easy to modify ;)

Why not also consider RSS feeds? This
would facilitate the rapid exchange of news about revolution on the 

True but in this case. I had rss feeds on my website and for those of 
Metacard list too.
But the MC rss never moved and i'd rather have people come to my site for 
the news



Last month, I had a hacker insert half a dozen comments of totally 
origin into my story's comments - some 900 comments in total! Not good 
my google ranking... I'd suggest you be aware that html PUT or SEND 
can be had for a ride at your expense...

But i was bolder, i required no registration for comments - too bad for
me... Fixed now... ;)

MySQL cleansing was done thanks to RunRev in 5 minutes time thanks also 

I'd like to share more openly but there always that user-level-agreement
thing that is not working ;)

use-revolution mailing list

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them to be the views of Clearstream International or of any of its
affiliates or subsidiaries.END OF DISCLAIMER
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Drawing a straight line

2005-05-04 Thread xbury . cs
Yes, well, seems the good folks at RunRev haven't put all the HyperCard 
in yet. Or there is another bugzilla pilling up dust ;)

There's the resizeN2O plugin i wrote that could do this easily with a few 

But it's unfinished, under-funded and no-one seemed interested. So i put i 
into the bottom of the pile...
I'll put it in the coming week's todos and i might include it in GIM - my 
new Graphical Interface Manager


On 04.05.2005 06:09:33 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
I have recently been converting some stacks from HyperCard into 
In the process of putting the color back into the stacks, I have found 
I need to be drawing straight lines with the pencil tool. However, as for 
I know, there is no key that I can hold down such as shift to keep the 
going straight, as I can in other drawing apps. Does anyone know of a way 
quickly add this functionality to Revolution?

Scott Slaugh
use-revolution mailing list

Visit us at
IMPORTANT MESSAGEInternet communications are not secure and therefore
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contents of this message.The information contained in this e-mail is
confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the
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distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it,
is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any views expressed in this e-mail are
those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states
them to be the views of Clearstream International or of any of its
affiliates or subsidiaries.END OF DISCLAIMER
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Update to 2.5 from 2.2????

2005-05-04 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto
At 2:14 PM +0100 5/3/05, David Burgun wrote:
I've just updated to 2.5 from 2.2 and my .rev files no long open 
RunRev when double-clicked, instead DreamCard Player starts up. What 
do I have to do to make it open RunRev instead?

I am using MacOS 9.
Association of a primary application with a creator signature in 
Mac OS is...erm...mysterious. In my experience, the best method for 
dealing with this sort of situation is:
1. Move the application you want to be primary out of its folder and 
onto the desktop.
2. Close the folder that the application used to be in.
3. Move the application from the desktop back into the folder.
This seems to cause the desktop database to update itself in most cases.
jeanne a. e. devoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Error saving standalone -- revisited yet again

2005-05-04 Thread Signe Marie Sanne
Frank D. Engel, Jr. skrev:
Hash: SHA1
Okay, I'm getting the infamous There was an error while saving the 
standalone application message for just one specific stack.

* I checked to ensure that the stack had a .rev extension, it does.
* I tried saving to a new empty folder on my desktop.  Nope.
* I tried saving to my home directory.  Still not working.
* I tried other stacks, they worked fine.
* I ran repair disk permissions and tried again, still no good.
* I tried saving to a new empty folder at the root level of my hard 
drive.  Same problem.

Mac OS X 10.3.9
Any clues?
I had the same problem earlier on when I had opened a MetaCard stack with 
resources (answer/ask stacks etc)included. I had to go back to MetaCard, 
remove the resources before being able to save the stack as a rev stack.
Could this be the cause?
Signe Marie Sanne

1. amanuensis/Senior lecturer
Romansk institutt   Tlf.+47 55 58 21 27
Øisteins gt. 1  Epost:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universitetet i Bergen
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Corrupted Stack

2005-05-04 Thread David Burgun
Is the Structure of a Stack File published anywhere?

KOPP Ed wrote:
I searched the archives, but didn't find the silver bullet I was looking
I've distributed a standalone stack (Windows) that calls another in the
splash screen style. The second stack is my data stack and it's corrupted.
It can no longer be opened by my standalone app. When I try to open this
data stack directly from Revolution, I get a message There was a problem
opening that stack: stack is corrupted; check for ~ backup file.
Of course, there's no backup file. Is there any way to ignore the scripting
and just retrieve the data that's stored in the various fields on the cards?
Hwe go seven years with close to zero corruption, and in the 
last two months I've read about three cases.  RunRev -- what's 

Ed, before you go down the arduous route of rebuilding the stack, 
you might try seeing if there's some way to delete any images in it 
first. In most cases corruption is related to images embedded in the 
stack, and it may be possible to delete those without truly opening 
it (the engine does less work with a stack when it doesn't actually 
open it) with something like this (off the top of my head, so maybe 
it'll need revision):

  on mouseUp
answer file Select the bad stack:
if it is empty then exit to top
put it into tStackFile
repeat with i = 1 to the number of cards in stack tStackFile
  repeat with j = the number of images \
   of cd i of stack tStackFile down to 1
 delete img 1 of cd i of stack tStackFile
  end repeat
end repeat
  end mouseUp

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT : PearPC

2005-05-04 Thread David Burgun
What about all those hundreds on industrialized Mac's? They have no 
labels on at all! They are just regular Mac's with the insides put 
into a sealed steal box with a Giant On/Off switch on the front!

I guess you'd have to define what constitues a computer too! I mean I 
can run Linux on my Tivo which has a PowerPC and it's a Digital Video 
Recorder not a computer! That would be a good one for the lawyers 
to fight out!

All the Best

My Panther license says this:
 This License allows you to install and use one copy
 of the Apple Software on a single Apple-labeled
 computer at a time.  This License does not allow
 the Apple Software to exist on more than one computer
 at a time [...]
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Update to 2.5 from 2.2????

2005-05-04 Thread David Burgun
At 2:14 PM +0100 5/3/05, David Burgun wrote:
I've just updated to 2.5 from 2.2 and my .rev files no long open 
RunRev when double-clicked, instead DreamCard Player starts up. 
What do I have to do to make it open RunRev instead?

I am using MacOS 9.
Association of a primary application with a creator signature in 
Mac OS is...erm...mysterious. In my experience, the best method for 
dealing with this sort of situation is:
1. Move the application you want to be primary out of its folder and 
onto the desktop.
2. Close the folder that the application used to be in.
3. Move the application from the desktop back into the folder.
This seems to cause the desktop database to update itself in most cases.
Sorry I understand how the desktop associations work, I really was 
just wondering *why* DreamCard and Revolution have the *same* creator 
signature (Revo). According to Apple, each Application should have 
a unique signature.

I can easilly (and have) just changed DreamCard's ID to be something 
else and then it associates with RunRev again.

 I think I will write a Stack or a Script and that allows you to 
specifiy which of these Apps should be used, but I can see this 
leading to major distribution problems, maybe only under MacOS 9 
though which of course isn't so bad.

All the Best
use-revolution mailing list

Re: New group disappears

2005-05-04 Thread David Burgun
I either just rename the group and then remove/add objects, or I do this:
Select the Group
Ungroup them
Save   This seems to kill the Group DEAD!
Regroup as Desired
All the Best
On May 3, 2005, at 7:59 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:
Tuesday, May 3, 2005, 2:43:41 PM, you wrote:
DB I select a group of controls and fields.  I ungroup them.  I select a
Why? If you're trying to edit the individual controls, use the
unfortunately-named Select Grouped button instead.
I was using one stack/card saved as, for a template for a new stack, 
and I was removing the groups but saving the controls to create new 

DB What is going on?  How do I get my missing controls back?
Doesn't happen here, but guess is that you've got another pane on your
card that they're disappearing behind.
It is a simple one card stack, nothing to hide behind.  Besides, the 
newly created group did not exist in the inspector, just the 
vanished controls.  So the controls were invisible because they were 
part of a non-existent group that obviously could not be displayed.

Control-click or right-click on them in the app browser, select the
property inspector, then go the the Object menu and select Bring to
Thanks, I will try that next time it happens.
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

tikiwiki, RSS, French, and changing the world

2005-05-04 Thread Marielle Lange

(thanks for answering with a meaningful title, I was juggling with the webmail
interface I use to check my work account from home and noticed the absence of
title right after pushing on send).

I regularly have a look at your blogs and forums. My intention
was not to  create concurrence, only to create a resource
targetting a more specialized public.

Im honored ;) And concurrence better known as competition in english
is actually healthy so i'll be glad if you do - the more we have of runrev out
there,  the more likely it will be see by others! ;))

Glad to know that still kicks in when I write emails late in the evening,
despite having been for 5 years in English speaking countries (Australia and
then Scotland) and with very little opportunities to speak my native French
(the only thing my fiance ever learned to say in French is S'il vous plait. Je
suis perdu. Pouvez-vous m'aider?- I let non French speakers be lost at what
this means, this is only fair). :-))) So many users on this list contribute in
their non native language! My English is good enough that I do not feel any
shame when expressing myself in English, but there is something frustrating
about the fact that I cannot anymore use French the way I was able to (you
know, knowing the meaning of very rare words, using the exact word in the right
context, playing with the ambiguity of meaning of some words, playing with the
rhythm of the sentence, the melody of the language) and will probably never be
able to do so in English (I learned it too late, studies show that you should
learn a second langauge before the age of 7-10 to have a chance to reach
native-like competency in pronunciation and grammar).

Unfortunately, I went the PHPNuke way - it was the right wiki at
the time and it's quite powerful. Also easy to manage but not
always easy to modify ;)

I gave a try to PHPNuke as well. There are so many different content management
systems, nowadays! It is a nightmare to decide the one that best suits your
needs. What got me adopt tikiwiki is that (1) it is well designed, easy to
manage (but I will need to redesign the interface), (2) the first tikiwiki was
about gathering various tikiwiki users and contributors interested in changing
the world. That's exactly what I have always wanted to do ;-).

True but in this case. I had rss feeds on my website and for those of
Metacard list too. But the MC rss never moved and i'd rather have people
come to my site for the news

Agreed, never changing RSS feeds give a negative rather than positive image of
revolution. We may need to wait to reach a critical mass of 50 in the
revolution webring for it to be worthwhile.

Anyway, I guess that French, CMS and RSS are a bit out of topic for a revolution
list. Changing the world probably not.

use-revolution mailing list

naming variables...

2005-05-04 Thread Christian Langers
Hello all,
how does it come that the simple How do I create and use a numbered  
set of variables? example
does not work in 2.5.1 ?

I badly need to collect contents of flds into variables which are  
used later in the script...

 repeat with x = 1 to 20
put fld (ax) into (myVar  x)
  end repeat
-- returns error : bad destination ???

So how do I manage this ?
Thanks for any help,
from Luxembourg
(11° C, rainy weather -- the weather widget in Tiger is awesome ;-) )
Mac OS X 10.4, iMac G4, 1.25MHZ, 1 Gb RAM
use-revolution mailing list

Re: naming variables...

2005-05-04 Thread xbury . cs
Moyen Christian,

Finally another Lulu Rev partner?

try this

get fld (Ax)
do put it into myVar X

(i dont need Tiger to get the weather in Luxembourg, I live it daily : ))

On 04.05.2005 13:26:51 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
Hello all,

how does it come that the simple How do I create and use a numbered
set of variables? example
does not work in 2.5.1 ?

I badly need to collect contents of flds into variables which are
used later in the script...

repeat with x = 1 to 20
put fld (ax) into (myVar  x)
end repeat

-- returns error : bad destination ???

So how do I manage this ?

Thanks for any help,

from Luxembourg
(11° C, rainy weather -- the weather widget in Tiger is awesome ;-) )

Mac OS X 10.4, iMac G4, 1.25MHZ, 1 Gb RAM

use-revolution mailing list

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distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it,
is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any views expressed in this e-mail are
those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states
them to be the views of Clearstream International or of any of its
affiliates or subsidiaries.END OF DISCLAIMER

use-revolution mailing list

Re: naming variables...

2005-05-04 Thread Christian Langers
Me too,
but often I'm in my computer cellar, Grins ;-)

Le 4 mai 05 à 13:34, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
Moyen Christian,
Finally another Lulu Rev partner?
try this
get fld (Ax)
do put it into myVar X
(i dont need Tiger to get the weather in Luxembourg, I live it  
daily : ))

On 04.05.2005 13:26:51 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
Hello all,
how does it come that the simple How do I create and use a numbered
set of variables? example
does not work in 2.5.1 ?
I badly need to collect contents of flds into variables which are
used later in the script...
repeat with x = 1 to 20
put fld (ax) into (myVar  x)
end repeat
-- returns error : bad destination ???

So how do I manage this ?
Thanks for any help,
from Luxembourg
(11° C, rainy weather -- the weather widget in Tiger is  
awesome ;-) )

Mac OS X 10.4, iMac G4, 1.25MHZ, 1 Gb RAM
use-revolution mailing list

Visit us at
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Clearstream International does not accept legal responsibility for the
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for the
addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure,  
distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance  
on it,
is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any views expressed in this e- 
mail are
those of the individual sender, except where the sender  
specifically states
them to be the views of Clearstream International or of any of its
affiliates or subsidiaries.END OF DISCLAIMER

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: naming variables...

2005-05-04 Thread Brian Yennie
Yikes. I hope RunRev fixes this- I've seen it come up at least twice 
now on the list and it's an obvious scripting error.
The solution is to use the do command. This is similar to the eval 
function you find in many other languages- basically you dynamically 
generate the line of code, and then do will execute it at runtime.

## do something
repeat with x=1 to 20
put (fld ax into myVarx) into myCode
## myCode = the string put fld a1 into myVar1
do myCode
end repeat
One cool sidenote- you can also use the do command to execute code 
from any other OSA scripting language installed if you are on MacOS, 
which usually means AppleScript.

The other way to access outside code is to use shell() in order to 
run command-line commands, but now I'm straying...

Hello all,
how does it come that the simple How do I create and use a numbered 
set of variables? example
does not work in 2.5.1 ?

I badly need to collect contents of flds into variables which are used 
later in the script...

 repeat with x = 1 to 20
put fld (ax) into (myVar  x)
  end repeat
-- returns error : bad destination ???
use-revolution mailing list

Writing a file to another computer on the LAN?

2005-05-04 Thread Malte Brill
Hi list,
I´m new to all this Networking stuff, so please be patient. ;-)
What I want to do is create a set of folders and files on another 
computer connected to a small LAN.  How do I go about this? I 
configured my router to assign a static IP to one of the computers 
(running OsX). I now can get files from library/webserver by using

get URL http://staticIPAdd/test.txt;
but I can´t use
put blah into URL http://staticIP/test.txt;
-Error 405 Method not allowed
How do I go about this? How can I write text to a file on the other 
machine? Can I write to a different folderthan library/webserver?
Thanks a lot!

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution in Education - ANNOUNCING New List

2005-05-04 Thread Ro Nagey
It's just brand new, Mark. It's only been reactivated in the last 72  
hours. Is there a way to kick Google awake? ;)

On May 3, 2005, at 10:30 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:
Tuesday, May 3, 2005, 1:40:43 PM, you wrote:
The education list isn't indexed at Google yet. Is it just too new or
is it just under their radar or are you trying to keep it private for
now? As soon as Google starts indexing it I can add it as an option to
my ArchiveSearch plugin.
-Mark Wieder
use-revolution mailing list
Ro Nagey ~ Evangelist ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools ~ http://

use-revolution mailing list

Re: tikiwiki, RSS, French, and changing the world

2005-05-04 Thread Ro Nagey
Frankly, I have no problem with a post in an alternate language.  
Obviously, English is the predominate one here. However, a post in,  
say, French will certainly attract all Francophones together! :)

However, it's only polite [and I think the ListMom made it a rule] to  
also post either a babelfish translation of your post or your best  
effort at translation.

On May 4, 2005, at 11:27 AM, Marielle Lange wrote:
Anyway, I guess that French, CMS and RSS are a bit out of topic for  
a revolution
list. Changing the world probably not.
Ro Nagey ~ Evangelist ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools ~ http://

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Internet Time

2005-05-04 Thread Mikey
 You can get GMT on Mac OSX
  put shell(date -u)
 Windows Internet Time works correctly.

It's not GMT that is the problem for all of us, it's DST, which is
difficult to obtain because of the way that the seconds is calculated.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Internet Time

2005-05-04 Thread Mikey
Correcting myself (again), it's the local time in seconds that's
difficult to arrive at, because of the way the seconds is calcluated. 
1) It doesn't take local time zone into account 2) It doesn't take DST
into account.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: tikiwiki, RSS, French, and changing the world

2005-05-04 Thread xbury . cs
Isn't there a french Rev or MetaCard list?
Please send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or submit the link to

I know I've seen it somewhere...


On 04.05.2005 15:12:13 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
Frankly, I have no problem with a post in an alternate language.
Obviously, English is the predominate one here. However, a post in,
say, French will certainly attract all Francophones together! :)

However, it's only polite [and I think the ListMom made it a rule] to
also post either a babelfish translation of your post or your best
effort at translation.


On May 4, 2005, at 11:27 AM, Marielle Lange wrote:

 Anyway, I guess that French, CMS and RSS are a bit out of topic for
 a revolution
 list. Changing the world probably not.

Ro Nagey ~ Evangelist ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools ~ http://

use-revolution mailing list

Visit us at
IMPORTANT MESSAGEInternet communications are not secure and therefore
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addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying,
distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it,
is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any views expressed in this e-mail are
those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically states
them to be the views of Clearstream International or of any of its
affiliates or subsidiaries.END OF DISCLAIMER
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Internet Time

2005-05-04 Thread Mikey
Expanding on this thought, I don't know off the top of my head how you
would do this, but using the web features of RR, you could perhaps use
the PHP function date to get your offset.  In this case it would be
date(Z), which should return the seconds offset from GMT.

Oh, and once again I forgot to add the tao blog to the sig.  I'm such an idiot.
On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Drawing a straight line

2005-05-04 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Hash: SHA1
Why don't you just use the line tool?
For bitmap line drawing, it's hidden in a submenu with the curve tool 
(just left of the pencil).

On May 4, 2005, at 2:19 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Yes, well, seems the good folks at RunRev haven't put all the HyperCard
in yet. Or there is another bugzilla pilling up dust ;)
There's the resizeN2O plugin i wrote that could do this easily with a 

But it's unfinished, under-funded and no-one seemed interested. So i 
put i
into the bottom of the pile...
I'll put it in the coming week's todos and i might include it in GIM - 
new Graphical Interface Manager

On 04.05.2005 06:09:33 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
I have recently been converting some stacks from HyperCard into
In the process of putting the color back into the stacks, I have found
I need to be drawing straight lines with the pencil tool. However, as 
I know, there is no key that I can hold down such as shift to keep the
going straight, as I can in other drawing apps. Does anyone know of a 
quickly add this functionality to Revolution?
Scott Slaugh
use-revolution mailing list

Visit us at
IMPORTANT MESSAGEInternet communications are not secure and 
Clearstream International does not accept legal responsibility for the
contents of this message.The information contained in this e-mail 
confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for 
addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, 
distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on 
is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any views expressed in this e-mail 
those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically 
them to be the views of Clearstream International or of any of its
affiliates or subsidiaries.END OF DISCLAIMER
use-revolution mailing list

- ---
Frank D. Engel, Jr.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep John 3:16
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
everlasting life.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


$0 Web Hosting with up to 200MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
Signup at
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Error saving standalone -- revisited yet again

2005-05-04 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Hash: SHA1
I'm not using MetaCard (I don't have a license for that, and have never 
even tried it), and I never did anything to add a nonempty resource 
fork to my stack (technically, all files on an HFS filesystem have a 
resource fork, but they are typically empty).

ls -l stack-file.rev/rsrc shows a resource fork with a zero length, 
so that cannot be it.

On May 4, 2005, at 2:58 AM, Signe Marie Sanne wrote:
Frank D. Engel, Jr. skrev:
Hash: SHA1
Okay, I'm getting the infamous There was an error while saving the 
standalone application message for just one specific stack.
* I checked to ensure that the stack had a .rev extension, it does.
* I tried saving to a new empty folder on my desktop.  Nope.
* I tried saving to my home directory.  Still not working.
* I tried other stacks, they worked fine.
* I ran repair disk permissions and tried again, still no good.
* I tried saving to a new empty folder at the root level of my hard 
drive.  Same problem.
Mac OS X 10.3.9
Any clues?
I had the same problem earlier on when I had opened a MetaCard stack 
with resources (answer/ask stacks etc)included. I had to go back to 
MetaCard, remove the resources before being able to save the stack as 
a rev stack.
Could this be the cause?
Signe Marie Sanne

1. amanuensis/Senior lecturer
Romansk institutt   Tlf.+47 55 58 21 27
Øisteins gt. 1  Epost:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universitetet i Bergen
use-revolution mailing list

- ---
Frank D. Engel, Jr.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep John 3:16
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
everlasting life.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


$0 Web Hosting with up to 200MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
Signup at
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Internet Time

2005-05-04 Thread Gordon Webster
As I said in my previous post, if you do:

 convert the internet date to seconds

it doesn't account for the timezone. However, the
following rev construction:

the last word of the internet date

gives you the correct offset to GMT. Here in
Cambridge, MA, I get '-0400' which is correct since
both Cambridge and London are on DST (local standard
time + 1 hour).

I must therefore add 4 hours (and zero minutes) worth
of seconds onto my local time (taking account of the
sign of the offset). 

The complications arise in knowing which countries are
currently using DST and which are not, especially
since even the countries that do use it, do not all
spring forward or fall back on the same day. 

There are databases online that list which countries
use DST and when they change. Perhaps using a cunning
HTTP script, somebody could create a World Time
Stack ;-)



--- Mikey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Expanding on this thought, I don't know off the top
 of my head how you
 would do this, but using the web features of RR, you
 could perhaps use
 the PHP function date to get your offset.  In this
 case it would be
 date(Z), which should return the seconds offset
 from GMT.
 Oh, and once again I forgot to add the tao blog to
 the sig.  I'm such an idiot.
 On the first day, God created the heavens and the
 On the second day, God created the oceans.
 On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a
 few hours,
and did a little diving.
 And God said, This is good.
 use-revolution mailing list

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Drawing a straight line

2005-05-04 Thread Scott Slaugh
I can't use the line tool (or rectangle tool for that matter) because they 
both seem to almost skip pixels. I'll try to drag a rectangle or draw a line 
over an area, and I can end the drawing either one pixel from the edge or 
one pixel over the edge.

Scott Slaugh

On 5/4/05, Frank D. Engel, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Why don't you just use the line tool?
 For bitmap line drawing, it's hidden in a submenu with the curve tool
 (just left of the pencil).
 On May 4, 2005, at 2:19 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes, well, seems the good folks at RunRev haven't put all the HyperCard
  in yet. Or there is another bugzilla pilling up dust ;)
  There's the resizeN2O plugin i wrote that could do this easily with a
  But it's unfinished, under-funded and no-one seemed interested. So i
  put i
  into the bottom of the pile...
  I'll put it in the coming week's todos and i might include it in GIM -
  new Graphical Interface Manager
  On 04.05.2005 06:09:33 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
  I have recently been converting some stacks from HyperCard into
  In the process of putting the color back into the stacks, I have found
  I need to be drawing straight lines with the pencil tool. However, as
  I know, there is no key that I can hold down such as shift to keep the
  going straight, as I can in other drawing apps. Does anyone know of a
  quickly add this functionality to Revolution?
  Scott Slaugh
  use-revolution mailing list
  Visit us at
  IMPORTANT MESSAGE Internet communications are not secure and
  Clearstream International does not accept legal responsibility for the
  contents of this message. The information contained in this e-mail
  confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for
  addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure,
  distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on
  is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any views expressed in this e-mail
  those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically
  them to be the views of Clearstream International or of any of its
  affiliates or subsidiaries. END OF DISCLAIMER
  use-revolution mailing list
 - ---
 Frank D. Engel, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 $ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
 $ true | cat /usr/manual | grep John 3:16
 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten
 Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have
 everlasting life.
 Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)
 $0 Web Hosting with up to 200MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
 10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
 Signup at
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Update to 2.5 from 2.2????

2005-05-04 Thread Marty Billingsley
 Jeanne A. E. DeVoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes;
 At 2:14 PM +0100 5/3/05, David Burgun wrote:
 I've just updated to 2.5 from 2.2 and my .rev files no long open
 RunRev when double-clicked, instead DreamCard Player starts up. What
 do I have to do to make it open RunRev instead?
 I am using MacOS 9.

 Association of a primary application with a creator signature in
 Mac OS is...erm...mysterious. In my experience, the best method for
 dealing with this sort of situation is:
 1. Move the application you want to be primary out of its folder and
 onto the desktop.
 2. Close the folder that the application used to be in.
 3. Move the application from the desktop back into the folder.
 This seems to cause the desktop database to update itself in most cases.

Oryou could just use a utility like DragThing to create a
dock of all your applications so that you can drag a document
and drop it on exactly the application you want to open it in.
Gives you much more control than double-clicking.

BTW, DragThing is a million times better than the OS X dock; don't
throw it away when you get around to upgrading to X.

  - marty

Marty Billingsley ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
The University of Chicago Laboratory Schools
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Error saving standalone -- revisited yet again

2005-05-04 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Hash: SHA1
I never use the single-byte , = or = versions in any of my scripts. 
 I just checked the only other script I may have added from an outside 
source since this last worked, and they are clean.

I tried suppress messages and save standalone, no good.
I then made an exact copy of the stack (using the Finder), opened that 
copy in Rev, tried saving that as a standalone.  Still not working.

Next, I tried commenting out the savingStandalone, preOpenStack, 
openStack, closeStackRequest, shutdownRequest, and closeStack handlers 
in my mainstack, along with the preOpenCard and openCard handlers in 
the first card of that stack (I'm working with the copy).

I then saved the stack, quit Rev, reopened the stack, turned on Supress 
Messages, and tried saving the standalone.

Same unhelpful error.  Needless to say, this is getting rather 
frustrating.  The stack represents several months worth of work.  There 
are 40 substacks, one of which has 42 cards (the mainstack has 8 

The mainstack's script got to be so long I broke it down by adding a 
backscript via a field on the first card (it is added by the 
preOpenStack script which I commeted out -- that's why I quit Rev 
before trying to build again).

That backscript got to be so long I forked off a *second* backscript, 
so that there are now two backscripts: one with 838 lines, and one with 
803 lines.  The mainstack script still has 473 lines , and some of the 
cards on my mainstack have scripts with line counts like 889 and 807... 
some of the substacks have scripts of over 200 lines, and a few of 
their cards have scripts on the order of 100+ lines.  And these are 
just the stacks and cards!  Some of the controls also have scripts of 
several hundred lines each.

Needless to say, I can't really afford to lose this stack.  I have 
backup copies, but with this level of complexity, backing up even a 
step or two could be rather costly, and if the same problems occur...

Okay, one more thing I thought to try: I have a number of externals I'm 
using, some of them are custom ones (that I built).  Rev crashes every 
time I build a standalone from a stack using certain externals (after 
displaying the message that the standalone was successfully saved, or 
now this error), and this is one of those stacks.

I tried setting the externals of the copy (the one with all of the 
handlers commented out) to empty, quitting Rev, and repeating the 
process.  Rev thinks about it a little longer now, but still comes back 
to the same error message. At least this time it didn't crash 
afterwords ;-)

The destination folder (the folder created during the save process) is 
still not created.

On May 3, 2005, at 10:50 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:
Hi Frank,
Here are a couple of other suggestions.
1) If you're using a Mac, make sure = is two characters not one.
2) Try commenting out all preOpenStack/preOpenCard openStack/openCard 
handlers and then build the standalone. If it works, then you can 
assume you're doing something in the handlers which is creating 
problems. Enable one at a time and locate the problem handler, then 
debug from there.

Let us know what you find.
use-revolution mailing list

- ---
Frank D. Engel, Jr.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep John 3:16
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
everlasting life.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


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use-revolution mailing list

RE: Drawing a straight line

2005-05-04 Thread MisterX
i know this will sound silly but you should know you can use a ruler
to draw the line straight with your mouse...  

If you dont have a ruler, use the keyboard or your head! ;)


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Scott Slaugh
 Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 15:48
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: Re: Drawing a straight line
 I can't use the line tool (or rectangle tool for that matter) 
 because they both seem to almost skip pixels. I'll try to 
 drag a rectangle or draw a line over an area, and I can end 
 the drawing either one pixel from the edge or one pixel over the edge.
 Scott Slaugh
 On 5/4/05, Frank D. Engel, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  Why don't you just use the line tool?
  For bitmap line drawing, it's hidden in a submenu with the 
 curve tool 
  (just left of the pencil).
  On May 4, 2005, at 2:19 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Yes, well, seems the good folks at RunRev haven't put all the 
   HyperCard goodies in yet. Or there is another bugzilla pilling up 
   dust ;)
   There's the resizeN2O plugin i wrote that could do this 
 easily with 
   a few tweaks.
   But it's unfinished, under-funded and no-one seemed 
 interested. So i 
   put i into the bottom of the pile...
   I'll put it in the coming week's todos and i might 
 include it in GIM 
   - my new Graphical Interface Manager
   On 04.05.2005 06:09:33 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
   I have recently been converting some stacks from HyperCard into
   In the process of putting the color back into the stacks, I have 
   I need to be drawing straight lines with the pencil 
 tool. However, 
   as for
   I know, there is no key that I can hold down such as 
 shift to keep 
   going straight, as I can in other drawing apps. Does 
 anyone know of 
   a way
   quickly add this functionality to Revolution?
   Scott Slaugh
   use-revolution mailing list
   Visit us at IMPORTANT MESSAGE Internet 
   communications are not secure and therefore Clearstream 
   International does not accept legal responsibility for 
 the contents 
   of this message. The information contained in this e-mail is 
   confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely 
   for the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, any 
   disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or 
 omitted to 
   be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be 
 unlawful. Any 
   views expressed in this e-mail are those of the 
 individual sender, 
   except where the sender specifically states them to be 
 the views of 
   Clearstream International or of any of its affiliates or 
   subsidiaries. END OF DISCLAIMER 
   use-revolution mailing list
  - ---
  Frank D. Engel, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  $ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual $ true | cat /usr/manual | 
  grep John 3:16
  John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only 
  Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
  everlasting life.
  Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)
  $0 Web Hosting with up to 200MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer 10 
  Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
  Signup at
  use-revolution mailing list
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Drawing a straight line

2005-05-04 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Hash: SHA1
Which line/rectangle tools are you using?  There are two of them: one 
for image objects (bitmaps; below the divider line), and those for 
graphic objects (vector shapes; above the divider line).

On May 4, 2005, at 9:47 AM, Scott Slaugh wrote:
I can't use the line tool (or rectangle tool for that matter) because 
both seem to almost skip pixels. I'll try to drag a rectangle or draw 
a line
over an area, and I can end the drawing either one pixel from the edge 
one pixel over the edge.

Scott Slaugh
On 5/4/05, Frank D. Engel, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Why don't you just use the line tool?
For bitmap line drawing, it's hidden in a submenu with the curve tool
(just left of the pencil).
On May 4, 2005, at 2:19 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Yes, well, seems the good folks at RunRev haven't put all the 
in yet. Or there is another bugzilla pilling up dust ;)

There's the resizeN2O plugin i wrote that could do this easily with a
But it's unfinished, under-funded and no-one seemed interested. So i
put i
into the bottom of the pile...
I'll put it in the coming week's todos and i might include it in GIM 
new Graphical Interface Manager

On 04.05.2005 06:09:33 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
I have recently been converting some stacks from HyperCard into
In the process of putting the color back into the stacks, I have 
I need to be drawing straight lines with the pencil tool. However, 
I know, there is no key that I can hold down such as shift to keep 
going straight, as I can in other drawing apps. Does anyone know of 
quickly add this functionality to Revolution?
Scott Slaugh
use-revolution mailing list

Visit us at
IMPORTANT MESSAGE Internet communications are not secure and
Clearstream International does not accept legal responsibility for 
contents of this message. The information contained in this e-mail
confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for
addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure,
distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance 
is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any views expressed in this e-mail
those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically
them to be the views of Clearstream International or of any of its
affiliates or subsidiaries. END OF DISCLAIMER
use-revolution mailing list

- ---
Frank D. Engel, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep John 3:16
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have
everlasting life.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)
$0 Web Hosting with up to 200MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
Signup at
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

- ---
Frank D. Engel, Jr.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep John 3:16
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
everlasting life.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


$0 Web Hosting with up to 200MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Update to 2.5 from 2.2????

2005-05-04 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Hash: SHA1
Well, technically they are two versions of the same program, and 
someone with only one or the other will want stacks created with the 
other one (the one they don't have) to be opened with what they do 
have, so it makes sense that they would both have the same code.

What is truly troublesome is that so many of the standalones created 
from Rev have not changed the creator code.  Thus double-clicking a 
stack icon can cause that stack to be opened in some oddball standalone 
app you downloaded from somewhere completely different!

And btw, I see this problem on OS X as well.
On May 4, 2005, at 6:08 AM, David Burgun wrote:
Sorry I understand how the desktop associations work, I really was 
just wondering *why* DreamCard and Revolution have the *same* creator 
signature (Revo). According to Apple, each Application should have a 
unique signature.
- ---
Frank D. Engel, Jr.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep John 3:16
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
everlasting life.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


$0 Web Hosting with up to 200MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Writing a file to another computer on the LAN?

2005-05-04 Thread Alex Tweedly
Malte Brill wrote:
Hi list,
I´m new to all this Networking stuff, so please be patient. ;-)
What I want to do is create a set of folders and files on another 
computer connected to a small LAN.  How do I go about this? I 
configured my router to assign a static IP to one of the computers 
(running OsX). I now can get files from library/webserver by using

get URL http://staticIPAdd/test.txt;
but I can´t use
put blah into URL http://staticIP/test.txt;
-Error 405 Method not allowed
How do I go about this? How can I write text to a file on the other 
machine? Can I write to a different folderthan library/webserver?
Thanks a lot!
There are lots of options  probably too many :-)
1. Change your webserver to allow http put operations.
Most webservers disallow this, and will default to disallowing it, but 
you can change the config to allow it. It's generally disallowed because 
it opens a security hole by allowing other people to write to your 
webserver - but if this server is simply serving an internal network for 
some app, not open to the wide, dangerous, world that could be OK.
Google for xxx allow http put where xxx is your webserver, and you'll 
find instructions - especially if xxx == Apache.

2. Export and mount files systems, and access them through that.
3. Run a FTP server on the server, and use put URL ftp://; etc.
and many, many others.
Alex Tweedly

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Internet Time

2005-05-04 Thread Mikey
Obviously the goal is to not have to go through any of this.  All that
anybody desires is the shortest amount of code to get from the seconds
to the seconds in the current time zone.  While the rest of this is
interesting, it isn't simple.  The goal is to make it simple, which
ultimately requires some sort of help from the client machine that is
executing the RR stack so that the proper offset to the seconds can be

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Drawing a straight line

2005-05-04 Thread Martin Baxter
It sounds like the objects could be snapping to the grid setting. There is
a Grid Spacing (Pixels) preference (under appearance preferences in my
version of RR) which affects this IIRC. Mine is set to 1, and I vaguely
remember setting it to that myself in order to ocercome the annoyance you

Martin Baxter

I can't use the line tool (or rectangle tool for that matter) because they
both seem to almost skip pixels. I'll try to drag a rectangle or draw a line
over an area, and I can end the drawing either one pixel from the edge or
one pixel over the edge.

Scott Slaugh

On 5/4/05, Frank D. Engel, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 Why don't you just use the line tool?

 For bitmap line drawing, it's hidden in a submenu with the curve tool
 (just left of the pencil).

 On May 4, 2005, at 2:19 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Yes, well, seems the good folks at RunRev haven't put all the HyperCard
  in yet. Or there is another bugzilla pilling up dust ;)
  There's the resizeN2O plugin i wrote that could do this easily with a
  But it's unfinished, under-funded and no-one seemed interested. So i
  put i
  into the bottom of the pile...
  I'll put it in the coming week's todos and i might include it in GIM -
  new Graphical Interface Manager
  On 04.05.2005 06:09:33 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
  I have recently been converting some stacks from HyperCard into
  In the process of putting the color back into the stacks, I have found
  I need to be drawing straight lines with the pencil tool. However, as
  I know, there is no key that I can hold down such as shift to keep the
  going straight, as I can in other drawing apps. Does anyone know of a
  quickly add this functionality to Revolution?
  Scott Slaugh
  use-revolution mailing list
  Visit us at
  IMPORTANT MESSAGE Internet communications are not secure and
  Clearstream International does not accept legal responsibility for the
  contents of this message. The information contained in this e-mail
  confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for
  addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure,
  distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on
  is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any views expressed in this e-mail
  those of the individual sender, except where the sender specifically
  them to be the views of Clearstream International or of any of its
  affiliates or subsidiaries. END OF DISCLAIMER
  use-revolution mailing list
 - ---
 Frank D. Engel, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 $ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
 $ true | cat /usr/manual | grep John 3:16
 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten
 Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have
 everlasting life.
 Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


 $0 Web Hosting with up to 200MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
 10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
 Signup at

 use-revolution mailing list

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: To Rev or not to Rev

2005-05-04 Thread Geoff Canyon
On May 2, 2005, at 8:02 AM, Dennis Brown wrote:
On May 2, 2005, at 10:25 AM, Geoff Canyon wrote:

I'm not sure how to catalog Forth, but it's not OO (inherently --  
there are OO implementations). It's procedural, certainly, but the  
inherent stack gives it a definite functional feel.

Forth is not really a high level language any more than assembler  
is.  It is an alternative machine language based on a double stack  
architecture.   There have been hardware implementations of Forth  
as the native machine instruction set.  When emulated, the Code  
just consists of a list of addresses to the actual machine code for  
the native functions, or addresses of  higher level defined  
function (uses a flag bit to tell which).  This makes it execute  
much faster than byte code.  You can implement a higher level  
language within the syntax of Forth because of its extensible  
nature.  Words are defined from other words in an interpretive  
environment.  Because of the double stack architecture, data  
arguments are passed and returned on one stack and return addresses  
are in the other stack.  It makes a very efficient and powerful  
architecture for developing real time machine controllers with a  
tiny amount of memory.  You are free to define words that  
implement an OO environment if you choose.  You could even create  
Rev using this as the lower level P code, or an operating system  
for that matter.
I understand how Forth works. I'm just not sure how I would  
categorize it. On further reflection, I would say that Forth is  
functional in about the same way that Revolution is Object-Oriented.  
In other words, loosely. ;-)

I disagree that Forth is no more high-level than assembler is. The  
built-in extensibility of Forth syntax makes it much more than just a  
convenient way of handling machine language.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Profiling? Odd delay on windows

2005-05-04 Thread Peter T. Evensen
No, I'm not locking the screen.  This only happens on  Windows.  I put a 
beep at the end of the preOpenCard and a beep at the beginning of openCard 
and there is a 1-2 second delay between the beeps.

Not visual effects are involved (that I'm aware of).  The page I'm going to 
just has several graphics on it.

At 11:19 AM 4/25/2005, you wrote:
On 4/25/05 11:03 AM, Peter T. Evensen wrote:
No, I'm not using any visual effects.  I'm just using go to card 
CardName  I basically have 3 tabs, and when you click on one of the 
tabs, it goes to one of 3 cards.  The 3rd card is what takes so long (and 
it has less on it than the first two).
I just had a similar delay in a stack and found it was running a long 
preOpenCard script while the screen was locked. That made it look like the 
card hadn't changed, though it really had. Are you locking the screen?

At 10:53 AM 4/25/2005, Dave Cragg wrote:
On 25 Apr 2005, at 15:48, Peter T. Evensen wrote:
Is there any way to do application profiling (to find out what 
Revolution is doing)?   I am experiencing an odd delay of 1-2 seconds 
when going to a card on Windows in a stand-alone (which doesn't happen 
on the Mac).

It appears it is something that is happening between preOpenCard and 
OpenCard.  It is happening only on the first time I go to that card.

Are you using visual effects when going to the card. It could be 
QuickTime starting up that causes the delay. I seem to remember a report 
of this before.

If so, perhaps you can do something to start quickTime before going to 
the card.

use-revolution mailing list
Peter T. Evensen
24-hour recorded info hotline: 1-800-624-7671
use-revolution mailing list

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
Peter T. Evensen
24-hour recorded info hotline: 1-800-624-7671 

use-revolution mailing list

Re:File associations in OS 9

2005-05-04 Thread Stephen Barncard
Actually there was always a procedure...'Rebuild the Desktop' that 
fixed file associations. There is a four finger salutation of some 
kind done when a volume was mounted that got the Rebuild the 
Desktop? dialog. Also the original TechTool would delete the desktop 
file (forcing a rebuild) and do a 'zap' the Pram

and yes, Micromat still offers it.. it was always regular maintenance 
just like 'fixing permissions' is today with OSX...
I love a lot of things about OS9... it's speedy, lack of eye-candy 
(have you seen it run on a dual-1.25ghz machine?).

The text editing core code was better engineered as far as selection 
is concerned.

 It's totally different in OSX. The timing is way different. It's 
hard in OSX to say, click before a selection, as it wants to keep the 
selection active, eventually by clicking you lose the content 
completely. One does about 3x as much clicking. And files launch way 
too easily from a list when one is trying to just edit the filename. 
And don't get me started about the default listing of files in the 
ask/answer file dialogs - one has to click three times every time to 
get a descending file list (it doesn't stick). And I preferred 
borders around windows. In OSX I swear I click inside the boundaries 
of a window and I get what's behind the window selected instead. This 
happens 3 or 4 times a day. The NEXT geeks won in that department. If 
we hadn't so loudly complained, we wouldn't have a desktop.  Having 
said that, even with all the eye candy, it's amazingly stable.

Association of a primary application with a creator signature in 
Mac OS is...erm...mysterious. In my experience, the best method for 
dealing with this sort of situation is:
1. Move the application you want to be primary out of its folder and 
onto the desktop.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Writing a file to another computer on the LAN?

2005-05-04 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Malte,
I would recommend creating a shared folder on the 'networked' drive, 
then trying to 'drag/drop' a file from your computer to it to make sure 
it works. If it does, then you can map it to a drive letter, and simply 
use the put URL form:

put URL file:C:/test.txt into URL file:X:/test.txt
Malte Brill wrote:
Hi list,
I´m new to all this Networking stuff, so please be patient. ;-)
What I want to do is create a set of folders and files on another 
computer connected to a small LAN.  How do I go about this? I configured 
my router to assign a static IP to one of the computers (running OsX). I 
now can get files from library/webserver by using
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Drawing a straight line

2005-05-04 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Scott,
The reason it's 'skipping pixels' is that you've got a grid preference 
setting other than 1. Check your prefs.

Scott Slaugh wrote:
I can't use the line tool (or rectangle tool for that matter) because they 
both seem to almost skip pixels. I'll try to drag a rectangle or draw a line 
over an area, and I can end the drawing either one pixel from the edge or 
one pixel over the edge.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: To Rev or not to Rev

2005-05-04 Thread Dennis Brown
On May 4, 2005, at 10:43 AM, Geoff Canyon wrote:
On May 2, 2005, at 8:02 AM, Dennis Brown wrote:

On May 2, 2005, at 10:25 AM, Geoff Canyon wrote:

I'm not sure how to catalog Forth, but it's not OO (inherently --  
there are OO implementations). It's procedural, certainly, but  
the inherent stack gives it a definite functional feel.

Forth is not really a high level language any more than assembler  
is.  It is an alternative machine language based on a double stack  
architecture.   There have been hardware implementations of Forth  
as the native machine instruction set.  When emulated, the Code  
just consists of a list of addresses to the actual machine code  
for the native functions, or addresses of  higher level defined  
function (uses a flag bit to tell which).  This makes it execute  
much faster than byte code.  You can implement a higher level  
language within the syntax of Forth because of its extensible  
nature.  Words are defined from other words in an interpretive  
environment.  Because of the double stack architecture, data  
arguments are passed and returned on one stack and return  
addresses are in the other stack.  It makes a very efficient and  
powerful architecture for developing real time machine controllers  
with a tiny amount of memory.  You are free to define words that  
implement an OO environment if you choose.  You could even create  
Rev using this as the lower level P code, or an operating system  
for that matter.

I understand how Forth works. I'm just not sure how I would  
categorize it. On further reflection, I would say that Forth is  
functional in about the same way that Revolution is Object- 
Oriented. In other words, loosely. ;-)

I disagree that Forth is no more high-level than assembler is. The  
built-in extensibility of Forth syntax makes it much more than just  
a convenient way of handling machine language.
I was referring to the native instruction words as being like  
assembler.  In fact now days, microprocessors like the G5 etc. have  
much higher level functionality than Forth.  Just as you can write  
macros in assembler that implement a pseudo higher level language of  
your design, Forth gives the same ability in a very convenient  
defined way.  I liked Forth a lot twenty years ago when I was playing  
with it.  If one were to redesign it again today, a much more robust  
set of native words could be created for modern microprocessors and  
methods.  But I have found that the UI is really 90% of programming  
these days, and for that you can't beat Rev.  I just want fast fixed  
type array processing for the other 10% of the program with a  
seamless interface between the two.  Rev is plenty fast for most  
stuff, but an order of magnitude too slow for the array stuff.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Profiling? Odd delay on windows

2005-05-04 Thread Richard Gaskin
Peter T. Evensen wrote:
No, I'm not locking the screen.  This only happens on  Windows.  I put a 
beep at the end of the preOpenCard and a beep at the beginning of 
openCard and there is a 1-2 second delay between the beeps.

Not visual effects are involved (that I'm aware of).  The page I'm going 
to just has several graphics on it.
Are any of those graphics in PICT format?  I believe the engine uses QT 
to render those.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Rev tools and more:
use-revolution mailing list

RE: To Rev or not to Rev

2005-05-04 Thread MisterX
Im sick of this non-sense - no offense to you Mickey...

Object oriented technology is just any way to refer semantically via a
programming language to operate on generic objects or objects derived from

RR doesn't have a memory model but it's possible to create it with easy

And I'll quote Grady Booch it is therefore the task of the developer to
distribute such behaviors so that they may be combined in interesting ways,
giving rise to the 'self-maintaining fire' that is the mark of a profound oo
architecture. Pg 167 The Best of Booch (Sigs Reference Library - Cambridge
Univ. Press)

Patterns, templates, polymorph*, abstraction, classes and all the rest are
just a matter of imagination or interpretation. If the engine doesn't
support the abstraction, you write it. If they dont support polimorph*, you
branch it. ez!

In Forth, it's like in C, you add a layer ++. Java, and others have it...
RunRev - doesn't have the abstraction? They do, but they is literally no
array handling to speak of compared to other mainstream languages. It's nice
to keep things easy but it makes the use and adaptability very weak IMOHO.
Sorry, it's reality...

In forth or c you could develop libraries to handle arrays with little
performance hits. In RunRev, it's another story...

With one exception... If a background behavior group is considered a class,
and a card in this group is an object then you jump one step ahead of any
other environment. 

So... That's the TAOO object model base for data storage. It also works in
SQL or any other classic memory storage (arrays, folder/files, FMP layouts,

My 2 TAOOcentric cents...

Critiques are welcome naturally!


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Geoff Canyon
 Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 16:44
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: Re: To Rev or not to Rev
 On May 2, 2005, at 8:02 AM, Dennis Brown wrote:
  On May 2, 2005, at 10:25 AM, Geoff Canyon wrote:
  I'm not sure how to catalog Forth, but it's not OO (inherently -- 
  there are OO implementations). It's procedural, certainly, but the 
  inherent stack gives it a definite functional feel.
  Forth is not really a high level language any more than assembler  
  is.  It is an alternative machine language based on a double stack  
  architecture.   There have been hardware implementations of Forth  
  as the native machine instruction set.  When emulated, the Code  
  just consists of a list of addresses to the actual machine 
 code for  
  the native functions, or addresses of  higher level defined  
  function (uses a flag bit to tell which).  This makes it execute  
  much faster than byte code.  You can implement a higher level  
  language within the syntax of Forth because of its extensible  
  nature.  Words are defined from other words in an interpretive  
  environment.  Because of the double stack architecture, data  
  arguments are passed and returned on one stack and return 
  are in the other stack.  It makes a very efficient and powerful  
  architecture for developing real time machine controllers with a  
  tiny amount of memory.  You are free to define words that  
  implement an OO environment if you choose.  You could even create  
  Rev using this as the lower level P code, or an operating system  
  for that matter.
 I understand how Forth works. I'm just not sure how I would  
 categorize it. On further reflection, I would say that Forth is  
 functional in about the same way that Revolution is Object-Oriented.  
 In other words, loosely. ;-)
 I disagree that Forth is no more high-level than assembler is. The  
 built-in extensibility of Forth syntax makes it much more 
 than just a  
 convenient way of handling machine language.
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Corrupted Stack

2005-05-04 Thread Richard Gaskin
David Burgun wrote:
Is the Structure of a Stack File published anywhere?
Not to my knowledge, as with most commercial formats it's considered 

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Rev tools and more:
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Frozen Accidents

2005-05-04 Thread Rob Cozens
Lynn, Dan, Gordon, et al:
  It's never about the technology. I've seen so
 many great
  technologies buried by inferior products that had
 either more
  marketing money or better lawyers than I've seen
Add to that ineptitude or failure to appreciate the market potential on 
the part of management (eg: Softech Microsystems decision to charge $400 
for the UCSD-p System for the original IBM PC when Microsoft was selling 
PC-DOS for $40), and I couldn't agree more.

Which is why I feel Apple will continue to loose market share if it cannot 
bring touch screen, handwriting recognition, pen input, voice recognition, 
and WiFi technology to market bundled a la the various Windows Tablet 
PCs.  Having used a TPC for about six months now, nothing would entice me 
to put down my pen and reach for a mouse, keyboard, track pad, or track ball.

Rob Cozens CCW
Serendipity Software Company
And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
 Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
 from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631) 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: New group disappears

2005-05-04 Thread Dennis Brown
 I was wondering if this is a Rev stability bug that is repeatable  
enough to make a BZ entry.

On May 4, 2005, at 6:24 AM, David Burgun wrote:
I either just rename the group and then remove/add objects, or I do  

Select the Group
Ungroup them
Save   This seems to kill the Group DEAD!
Regroup as Desired
All the Best

On May 3, 2005, at 7:59 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:

Tuesday, May 3, 2005, 2:43:41 PM, you wrote:
DB I select a group of controls and fields.  I ungroup them.  I  
select a

Why? If you're trying to edit the individual controls, use the
unfortunately-named Select Grouped button instead.
I was using one stack/card saved as, for a template for a new  
stack, and I was removing the groups but saving the controls to  
create new groups.

DB What is going on?  How do I get my missing controls back?
Doesn't happen here, but guess is that you've got another pane on  
card that they're disappearing behind.

It is a simple one card stack, nothing to hide behind.  Besides,  
the newly created group did not exist in the inspector, just the  
vanished controls.  So the controls were invisible because they  
were part of a non-existent group that obviously could not be  

Control-click or right-click on them in the app browser, select the
property inspector, then go the the Object menu and select Bring to
Thanks, I will try that next time it happens.
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: To Rev or not to Rev

2005-05-04 Thread Gordon Webster
I totally agree with Dennis. Efficient arrays are the
missing link in rev.


--- Dennis Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On May 4, 2005, at 10:43 AM, Geoff Canyon wrote:
  On May 2, 2005, at 8:02 AM, Dennis Brown wrote:
  On May 2, 2005, at 10:25 AM, Geoff Canyon wrote:
  I'm not sure how to catalog Forth, but it's not
 OO (inherently --  
  there are OO implementations). It's procedural,
 certainly, but  
  the inherent stack gives it a definite
 functional feel.
  Forth is not really a high level language any
 more than assembler  
  is.  It is an alternative machine language based
 on a double stack  
  architecture.   There have been hardware
 implementations of Forth  
  as the native machine instruction set.  When
 emulated, the Code  
  just consists of a list of addresses to the
 actual machine code  
  for the native functions, or addresses of 
 higher level defined  
  function (uses a flag bit to tell which).  This
 makes it execute  
  much faster than byte code.  You can implement
 a higher level  
  language within the syntax of Forth because of
 its extensible  
  nature.  Words are defined from other words in
 an interpretive  
  environment.  Because of the double stack
 architecture, data  
  arguments are passed and returned on one stack
 and return  
  addresses are in the other stack.  It makes a
 very efficient and  
  powerful architecture for developing real time
 machine controllers  
  with a tiny amount of memory.  You are free to
 define words that  
  implement an OO environment if you choose.  You
 could even create  
  Rev using this as the lower level P code, or an
 operating system  
  for that matter.
  I understand how Forth works. I'm just not sure
 how I would  
  categorize it. On further reflection, I would say
 that Forth is  
  functional in about the same way that Revolution
 is Object- 
  Oriented. In other words, loosely. ;-)
  I disagree that Forth is no more high-level than
 assembler is. The  
  built-in extensibility of Forth syntax makes it
 much more than just  
  a convenient way of handling machine language.
 I was referring to the native instruction words as
 being like  
 assembler.  In fact now days, microprocessors like
 the G5 etc. have  
 much higher level functionality than Forth.  Just as
 you can write  
 macros in assembler that implement a pseudo higher
 level language of  
 your design, Forth gives the same ability in a very
 defined way.  I liked Forth a lot twenty years ago
 when I was playing  
 with it.  If one were to redesign it again today, a
 much more robust  
 set of native words could be created for modern
 microprocessors and  
 methods.  But I have found that the UI is really 90%
 of programming  
 these days, and for that you can't beat Rev.  I just
 want fast fixed  
 type array processing for the other 10% of the
 program with a  
 seamless interface between the two.  Rev is plenty
 fast for most  
 stuff, but an order of magnitude too slow for the
 array stuff.
 use-revolution mailing list

:: Gordon Webster ::
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Frozen Accidents

2005-05-04 Thread MisterX
Rob, et al

I beat you to it in 1996!


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Rob Cozens
 Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 17:48
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: Re: Frozen Accidents
 Lynn, Dan, Gordon, et al:
It's never about the technology. I've seen so
   many great
technologies buried by inferior products that had
   either more
marketing money or better lawyers than I've seen
 Add to that ineptitude or failure to appreciate the market 
 potential on the part of management (eg: Softech 
 Microsystems decision to charge $400 for the UCSD-p System 
 for the original IBM PC when Microsoft was selling PC-DOS for 
 $40), and I couldn't agree more.
 Which is why I feel Apple will continue to loose market share 
 if it cannot bring touch screen, handwriting recognition, pen 
 input, voice recognition, and WiFi technology to market 
 bundled a la the various Windows Tablet PCs.  Having used a 
 TPC for about six months now, nothing would entice me to put 
 down my pen and reach for a mouse, keyboard, track pad, or track ball.
 Rob Cozens CCW
 Serendipity Software Company
 And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
   Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
   from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631) 
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

RE: New group disappears

2005-05-04 Thread MisterX
yes but it doesn't guarantee you will ever get a solution for it 

But there's always a kind soul to write a workaround ;)


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Dennis Brown
 Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 17:50
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: Re: New group disappears
   I was wondering if this is a Rev stability bug that is 
 repeatable enough to make a BZ entry.
 On May 4, 2005, at 6:24 AM, David Burgun wrote:
  I either just rename the group and then remove/add objects, or I do
  Select the Group
  Ungroup them
  Save   This seems to kill the Group DEAD!
  Regroup as Desired
  All the Best
  On May 3, 2005, at 7:59 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:
  Tuesday, May 3, 2005, 2:43:41 PM, you wrote:
  DB I select a group of controls and fields.  I ungroup them.  I
  select a
  Why? If you're trying to edit the individual controls, use the 
  unfortunately-named Select Grouped button instead.
  I was using one stack/card saved as, for a template for a 
 new stack, 
  and I was removing the groups but saving the controls to 
 create new 
  DB What is going on?  How do I get my missing controls back?
  Doesn't happen here, but guess is that you've got another pane on 
  your card that they're disappearing behind.
  It is a simple one card stack, nothing to hide behind.  
 Besides, the 
  newly created group did not exist in the inspector, just 
 the vanished 
  controls.  So the controls were invisible because they 
 were part of a 
  non-existent group that obviously could not be displayed.
  Control-click or right-click on them in the app browser, 
 select the 
  property inspector, then go the the Object menu and 
 select Bring to 
  Thanks, I will try that next time it happens.
  use-revolution mailing list
  use-revolution mailing list
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: New group disappears

2005-05-04 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Hash: SHA1
Well, that does seem to indicate that you worked around the problem 
awhile, which to Rev's mind seemingly reduces the urgency of the 

Also, that was *only* posted this past November (6-7 months ago), 
compared to some of the other bugs out there...

On May 4, 2005, at 12:02 PM, MisterX wrote:
yes but it doesn't guarantee you will ever get a solution for it
But there's always a kind soul to write a workaround ;)
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Dennis Brown
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 17:50
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: New group disappears
  I was wondering if this is a Rev stability bug that is
repeatable enough to make a BZ entry.
On May 4, 2005, at 6:24 AM, David Burgun wrote:
I either just rename the group and then remove/add objects, or I do
Select the Group
Ungroup them
Save   This seems to kill the Group DEAD!
Regroup as Desired
All the Best

On May 3, 2005, at 7:59 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:

Tuesday, May 3, 2005, 2:43:41 PM, you wrote:
DB I select a group of controls and fields.  I ungroup them.  I
select a
Why? If you're trying to edit the individual controls, use the
unfortunately-named Select Grouped button instead.
I was using one stack/card saved as, for a template for a
new stack,
and I was removing the groups but saving the controls to
create new

DB What is going on?  How do I get my missing controls back?
Doesn't happen here, but guess is that you've got another pane on
your card that they're disappearing behind.
It is a simple one card stack, nothing to hide behind.
Besides, the
newly created group did not exist in the inspector, just
the vanished
controls.  So the controls were invisible because they
were part of a
non-existent group that obviously could not be displayed.

Control-click or right-click on them in the app browser,
select the
property inspector, then go the the Object menu and
select Bring to
Thanks, I will try that next time it happens.
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

- ---
Frank D. Engel, Jr.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep John 3:16
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
everlasting life.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


$0 Web Hosting with up to 200MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
Signup at
use-revolution mailing list

Re: naming variables...

2005-05-04 Thread Dennis Brown
It is not a scripting error if you are following the Reference  
Documentation supplied with Rev:
How do I create and use a numbered set of variables?

To easily create a set of variables with similar names (such as  
myVar1, myVar2,...,myVar20), you can use the concatenation  
operator .

The following example shows how to use a set of variables named  
myVar1, myVar2,...,myVar20:

  repeat with x = 1 to 20
put empty into (myVar  x)
  end repeat
Notice no mention of the do command.  This is what tripped me up.  I  
entered a BZ for it:   #2753

On May 4, 2005, at 8:09 AM, Brian Yennie wrote:
Yikes. I hope RunRev fixes this- I've seen it come up at least  
twice now on the list and it's an obvious scripting error.
The solution is to use the do command. This is similar to the  
eval function you find in many other languages- basically you  
dynamically generate the line of code, and then do will execute  
it at runtime.

## do something
repeat with x=1 to 20
put (fld ax into myVarx) into myCode
## myCode = the string put fld a1 into myVar1
do myCode
end repeat
One cool sidenote- you can also use the do command to execute  
code from any other OSA scripting language installed if you are on  
MacOS, which usually means AppleScript.

The other way to access outside code is to use shell() in order  
to run command-line commands, but now I'm straying...


Hello all,
how does it come that the simple How do I create and use a  
numbered set of variables? example
does not work in 2.5.1 ?

I badly need to collect contents of flds into variables which are  
used later in the script...

 repeat with x = 1 to 20
put fld (ax) into (myVar  x)
  end repeat
-- returns error : bad destination ???
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re-2: Writing a file to another computer on the LAN?

2005-05-04 Thread boehmisch
Hallo Malte, hi Chipp

The syntax on win machines for creating a path mapping from an UNC path to a ms 
drive letter:

net use q: \\server\share\path persistent:yes

If you need specifiing access rights you can do

net use q: \\server\share\path mypassWrd /USER:maltedomain\malte persistent:yes

If the server/PC can be reached by the filesystem through TCP/IP (even over a 
VPN connection) you can use this syntax.

syntax cf. (or just type net use /?)

in runrev:
set the hideConsoleWindows to true
get shell(net use q: \\\share1\path )
get shell(net use z: \\\share2\path )

Then you can put the file from q: to z:

and after the session you could delete the mapping
set the hideConsoleWindows to true
get shell(net use q: /delete )
get shell(net use z: /delete )

for the next sessions.

if runrev cant do the copy just use xcopy
type xcopy /? on win


Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Franz Böhmisch
GF Animabit Multimedia Software GmbH
Tel +49 (0)8501-8538
Fax +49 (0)8501-8537

Original Messageprocessed by David InfoCenter
Subject: Re: Writing a file to another computer on the LAN? (04-Mai-2005 17:19)

Hi Malte,

I would recommend creating a shared folder on the 'networked' drive,
then trying to 'drag/drop' a file from your computer to it to make sure
it works. If it does, then you can map it to a drive letter, and simply
use the put URL form:

put URL file:C:/test.txt into URL file:X:/test.txt


use-revolution mailing list

Publish and Subscribe iCal with RunRev

2005-05-04 Thread zack
Hello everyone,

I have a dream!

I want my calendar displayed in Apple's iCal (or other vCal client) but I
want the data stored in a database so I can integrate it into group and
corporate databases systems.

My thought was that I could use RunRev to create a little server that
accepts iCal publish and subscribe requests, then parses the data and flings
it into (or pulls it from) an ODBC database of my choice.

Does anybody have any thoughts or ideas about this approach?  I am pretty
new to RunRev so any tips pointers or other ideas would be appreciated.

What do you think?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Publish and Subscribe iCal with RunRev

2005-05-04 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Hash: SHA1
This is already a solved problem:
On May 4, 2005, at 12:29 PM, zack wrote:
Hello everyone,
I have a dream!
I want my calendar displayed in Apple's iCal (or other vCal client) 
but I
want the data stored in a database so I can integrate it into group and
corporate databases systems.

My thought was that I could use RunRev to create a little server that
accepts iCal publish and subscribe requests, then parses the data and 
it into (or pulls it from) an ODBC database of my choice.

Does anybody have any thoughts or ideas about this approach?  I am 
new to RunRev so any tips pointers or other ideas would be appreciated.

What do you think?
- ---
Frank D. Engel, Jr.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep John 3:16
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
everlasting life.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


$0 Web Hosting with up to 200MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
Signup at
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Frozen Accidents

2005-05-04 Thread Rob Cozens
I beat you to it in 1996!
Close, my friend, but you missed the part about the pen being mightier than 
the track ball.   :{`)


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Publish and Subscribe iCal with RunRev

2005-05-04 Thread zack

Thanks for this. It looks interesting. I will check it out.

But I still would prefer to do it with RunRev if possible. This project is
as much educational for me then anything else.



On 5/4/05 9:50 AM, Frank D. Engel, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 This is already a solved problem:

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Frozen Accidents

2005-05-04 Thread MisterX

A pen is easily broken, lost, etc...
And you can't loose a trackball or breakit!

And you only need one hand to operate the world!

Gotcha! ;)

The pen is quicker to point to the screen though
as i remember from my wacom pad on my venerable
last PowerMac 8500...

And i had speech recognition doing my applescript
batches too then! Such were good times!

S'cuz me, i just regained consciousness!
a friend's Orange Pinto's bumper-sticker...
the car was named Ody after Garfield's buddy

 -Original Message-
 From: Rob Cozens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 18:17
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; How to use Revolution
 Subject: RE: Frozen Accidents
 I beat you to it in 1996!
 Close, my friend, but you missed the part about the pen being 
 mightier than 
 the track ball.   :{`)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution in Education - ANNOUNCING New List

2005-05-04 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, May 4, 2005, 5:56:51 AM, you wrote:

RN It's just brand new, Mark. It's only been reactivated in the last 72
RN hours. Is there a way to kick Google awake? ;)

I don't know if it activates their indexing, but this should help:

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Profiling? Odd delay on windows

2005-05-04 Thread Peter T. Evensen
No, they are all png and jpgs, which are also on the first screen, so the 
QT engine should be loaded already.

At 10:26 AM 5/4/2005, Richard Gaskin wrote:
Peter T. Evensen wrote:
No, I'm not locking the screen.  This only happens on  Windows.  I put a 
beep at the end of the preOpenCard and a beep at the beginning of 
openCard and there is a 1-2 second delay between the beeps.
Not visual effects are involved (that I'm aware of).  The page I'm going 
to just has several graphics on it.
Are any of those graphics in PICT format?  I believe the engine uses QT to 
render those.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Rev tools and more:
use-revolution mailing list
Peter T. Evensen
24-hour recorded info hotline: 1-800-624-7671 

use-revolution mailing list

Contributions in languages other than English

2005-05-04 Thread Marielle Lange
Hi Ro,

I am not sure the issue there is politeness. The translation of your post to
French and back from French to English is the following (and, believe me, it is
worse in French than the translation back to English):

Frankly, I do not have any problem with a (road) post in an alternative
language. Obviously, English is here the prevalence one. However, a
(road) post in for example the French will attract certainly all
the French-speaking people together! :) However, it is only polished
[ and me think ListMom made to him a rule ] to also announce a
 translation of babelfish of your post or your best effort to
the translation.

Imagine you are a non-native. How would you feel about publishing this on the
revolution list? Would you dare put a post that consists in a babelfish
translation on a Russian list (assuming you do not know a word of Russian)? As
a native, what is your first impression (you know, the one that counts so much)
of the writer of the babelfish post above?

It is not a question of politeness, but of self-restraint. Foreign speakers will
usually refrain from contributing until they are confident enough about writing
in English.

Politeness possibly rather recommends a babelfish link to be automatically added
at the bottom of all posts, including the ones in English. ;-)... The wiki I use
( does that, why not copy their script? Why
not also use it on the revolution website?

use-revolution mailing list

don`t piss me off

2005-05-04 Thread frank knox

- Original Message -
To: 'How to use Revolution'
Subject: RE: Drawing a straight line
Date: Wed, 4 May 2005 16:03:59 +0200

 i know this will sound silly but you should know you can use a ruler
 to draw the line straight with your mouse...
 If you dont have a ruler, use the keyboard or your head! ;)
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
  Scott Slaugh
Dear Mr. X;
I downloaded rev, to try it out!! and they asked me, if i wanted some email. 
(very little. as it was put to me)!! and i haven`t even opened the file to 
try it out yet!!  and i seem to be getting hundreds of e mails in my box every 
day!!! and half are repeats. i am not happy about this! i am sorry to 
single you out, but  I noticed your name as frequent as anyones . please tell 
me how to stop this maddness. nothing personal toward you! but i am only allowd 
2 meg in my email  box. and my friends can`t even send me a messege, because my 
box is so full with this stuff. is there any way you can help me? I think that 
i won`t be interested in this product at all, if this keeps up! I am not in 
some office just waiting to here about the next move on the pc, for the day. i 
was thinking about learning how to program my own software! i am a physically 
disabled vietnam vet, just trying to learn how to get by in todays world. can 
you give me any advice on this subject? i am just a poor ole farm boy, who 
don`t even understand what they are talking about, most of the time. i am only 
trying to learn! if people don`t piss me off! too bad, too soon!but take my 
word for it .nothing to do with you as to why i am upset! I guess i just needed 
someone to vent to.and again I am sorry about that, but i am just getting 
irritated about the emails. sorry to take it out on you! but i thought you 
might be able to help me, or set me on to  the right track, on who to talk to.
PLEASE HELP ME I am willing to learn, and want to learn but these 
people are overwellming me!!!i am sorry . i cant spell either!! can ya 
help me? thanks for letting me vent to you. i hope you don`t hold it against me 
personably either. THANKS AGAIN!  FRANK KNOX
Sign-up for Ads Free at

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Corrupted Stack

2005-05-04 Thread MisterX
Piece of cake!

If you strip any character that's above or below a certain ASCII level, you
should have a text file with the content of your stack that can be easily
parsed to restore the stack. Most objects are delimited. I've done so a
zillion times it seems...

But to be honest, I haven't written the stack to recuperate or fix corrupted
stacks yet, but i have lots of hypercard stacks I can't port - including a
14000 Mac icon library that's a shame to throw away... But c'est la vie...
The funniest is that my script extractor HC stack is corrupted too ;)


For 1500 EUs or a free ticket 1-2 week trip to
Luxembourg-Chicago-Monterey-Luxembourg, i'll write an opensource free stack
parser/stack reconstructor... 

Monterey or bust! ;)


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Richard Gaskin
 Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 17:41
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: Re: Corrupted Stack
 David Burgun wrote:
  Is the Structure of a Stack File published anywhere?
 Not to my knowledge, as with most commercial formats it's 
 considered proprietary.
   Richard Gaskin
   Fourth World Media Corporation
   Rev tools and more: 
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: don`t piss me off

2005-05-04 Thread Richard Gaskin
frank knox wrote:
 I downloaded rev, to try it out!! and they asked me, if i wanted
 some email. (very little. as it was put to me)!! and i
 haven`t even opened the file to try it out yet!!  and i seem
 to be getting hundreds of e mails in my box every day!!!
It's called a discussion list. It's fully optional, and after you choose 
to subscribe you can also choose to unsubscribe.

Have you tried the link included at the bottom of every post?:
 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Rev tools and more:
use-revolution mailing list

Re: don`t piss me off

2005-05-04 Thread Heather Nagey
Dear Frank,

Don't Panic! Evidently you checked the box to subscribe you to the use-list,
not realising how extremely helpful and chatty the good folks on this list
really are :) There are two solutions. You can unsubscribe, by going here:

But then of course you'll be missing all these wonderful new potential
friends. The alternative is to set your list preference to digest mode. This
has the effect of gathering up all the individual posts into one or two
magazine daily posts. This is a much more manageable way to receive the
list. You can set your preferences by going to the same url, if you scroll
to the bottom of the page you will see the area where you can manage your
list subscription.

If you have any problems at all just write me, off list, and I'll be happy
to help you. I'm the listmom, and my email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Regards, and welcome,


 Dear Mr. X;
 I downloaded rev, to try it out!! and they asked me, if i wanted some email.
 (very little. as it was put to me)!! and i haven`t even opened the file to
 try it out yet!!  and i seem to be getting hundreds of e mails in my box every
 day!!! and half are repeats. i am not happy about this! i am sorry to
 single you out, but  I noticed your name as frequent as anyones . please tell
 me how to stop this maddness. nothing personal toward you! but i am only
 allowd 2 meg in my email  box. and my friends can`t even send me a messege,
 because my box is so full with this stuff. is there any way you can help me? I
 think that i won`t be interested in this product at all, if this keeps up! I
 am not in some office just waiting to here about the next move on the pc, for
 the day. i was thinking about learning how to program my own software! i am a
 physically disabled vietnam vet, just trying to learn how to get by in todays
 world. can you give me any advice on this subject? i am just a poor ole farm
 boy, who don`t even understand what they are talking about, most of the time.
 i am only trying to learn! if people don`t piss me off! too bad, too soon!but
 take my word for it .nothing to do with you as to why i am upset! I guess i
 just needed someone to vent to.and again I am sorry about that, but i am just
 getting irritated about the emails. sorry to take it out on you! but i thought
 you might be able to help me, or set me on to  the right track, on who to talk
 PLEASE HELP ME I am willing to learn, and want to learn but these
 people are overwellming me!!!i am sorry . i cant spell either!! can ya
 help me? thanks for letting me vent to you. i hope you don`t hold it against
 me personably either. THANKS AGAIN!  FRANK KNOX


** For a faster response to all licensing, support, and technical issues,
please now send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] **

Heather Nagey ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
Tel +44 (0) 870 747 1165 Fax +44 (0) 845 4588487
~~~ Check our web site for new Revolution editions  special offers ~~~

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Internet Time

2005-05-04 Thread Kenji Kojima
It is GMT whether you do not believe or not.
Kenji Kojima

On May 4, 2005, at 9:16 AM, Mikey wrote:
You can get GMT on Mac OSX
 put shell(date -u)
Windows Internet Time works correctly.

It's not GMT that is the problem for all of us, it's DST, which is
difficult to obtain because of the way that the seconds is calculated.
On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Internet Time

2005-05-04 Thread Mikey
 It is GMT whether you do not believe or not.
On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Frozen Accidents

2005-05-04 Thread Mikey
And to think I was so excited when I got an Outback portable back in 90 or so.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Frozen Accidents

2005-05-04 Thread Rob Cozens
I'll buy your argument as soon as you can show me a trackball incorporating 
handwriting recognition..,


use-revolution mailing list

RE: Frozen Accidents

2005-05-04 Thread MisterX


Will you take speech recog as in any GSM? 

I can have it routed to HyperCard any time for you! ;)

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Rob Cozens
 Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 20:26
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: RE: Frozen Accidents
 I'll buy your argument as soon as you can show me a trackball 
 incorporating handwriting recognition..,
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

[off]gmail invites

2005-05-04 Thread Mikey
I'm so rude!  I've been in this group for a while and haven't offered
gmail invites!  I have 50 (more) to pass out, if anybody is interested
in trying it out.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
use-revolution mailing list

Another STANDALONE query, I'm afraid

2005-05-04 Thread John Ridge
I now understand how to build a Standalone that saves data in a stack -
first make a stub stack, and then create your real stack as a substack,
and set the standalone options to treat it as a .rev file, so that the
standalone user can save to it.

My problem is that before I appreciated this, I had created a large stack as
a mainstack. Now I want to make it a substack of a new stub stack.

How do I do this? I hope it's a really simple question that I just can't see
the answer to...

use-revolution mailing list

Re: To Rev or not to Rev

2005-05-04 Thread Richard Gaskin
Gordon Webster wrote:
I totally agree with Dennis. Efficient arrays are the
missing link in rev.
 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Rev tools and more:
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Another STANDALONE query, I'm afraid

2005-05-04 Thread MisterX

The answer is in a TAOO folder structure. 

Spread your stacks in one or many subfolders depending on the
context. Your application knows where to search and
the rest is go to stack x...

The best is to have one engine and many data files you
can upgrade without modifying the engine...


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 John Ridge
 Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 20:56
 Subject: Another STANDALONE query, I'm afraid
 I now understand how to build a Standalone that saves data in 
 a stack - first make a stub stack, and then create your 
 real stack as a substack, and set the standalone options to 
 treat it as a .rev file, so that the standalone user can save to it.
 My problem is that before I appreciated this, I had created a 
 large stack as a mainstack. Now I want to make it a substack 
 of a new stub stack.
 How do I do this? I hope it's a really simple question that I 
 just can't see the answer to...
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

RE: To Rev or not to Rev

2005-05-04 Thread MisterX
the question mark made it red!!!

works better ;)

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Richard Gaskin
 Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 21:08
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: Re: To Rev or not to Rev
 Gordon Webster wrote:
  I totally agree with Dennis. Efficient arrays are the 
 missing link in 
   Richard Gaskin
   Fourth World Media Corporation
   Rev tools and more: 
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Contributions in languages other than English

2005-05-04 Thread Dom
Marielle Lange [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It is not a question of politeness, but of self-restraint. Foreign
 speakers will usually refrain from contributing until they are confident
 enough about writing in English.

Please note that there IS a french-speakig RR List ;-)
But the traffic is very low, there... if someone wants an answer at his
question, one has to go to the english-speaking List.

* Pour consulter votre groupe en ligne, accédez à :

use-revolution mailing list

Quick Demo stack for creating Transpanrecy effect.

2005-05-04 Thread Chipp Walters
Helping out a friend, I did this. It could be good for a number of 
things including:

Creating cursors
Creating transparent GIFs
in the messagebox:
go URL;
This is a small demo stack which has a neat function which can make a 
specific color transparent in an image.

The demo makes all white pixels transparent. The function is in the 
script of the button, Make White Transparent

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Another STANDALONE query, I'm afraid

2005-05-04 Thread Frank D. Engel, Jr.
Hash: SHA1
You technically don't need to.  Just include the actual stack in the 
same folder as the stub stack, and the standalone stub stack should 
find and open it, just as in the IDE.

If you really want to do this anyway, you need to make sure the real 
stack has no substacks of its own (only one layer deep allowed), then 
simply set its main stack (in the property inspector) to be the stub 
stack.  Save the stub stack.

Be weary of unhandled messages from the substack being obtained by the 

On May 4, 2005, at 2:55 PM, John Ridge wrote:
I now understand how to build a Standalone that saves data in a stack -
first make a stub stack, and then create your real stack as a 
and set the standalone options to treat it as a .rev file, so that the
standalone user can save to it.

My problem is that before I appreciated this, I had created a large 
stack as
a mainstack. Now I want to make it a substack of a new stub stack.

How do I do this? I hope it's a really simple question that I just 
can't see
the answer to...

use-revolution mailing list

- ---
Frank D. Engel, Jr.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$ ln -s /usr/share/kjvbible /usr/manual
$ true | cat /usr/manual | grep John 3:16
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten 
Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have 
everlasting life.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


$0 Web Hosting with up to 200MB web space, 1000 MB Transfer
10 Personalized POP and Web E-mail Accounts, and much more.
Signup at
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Quick Demo stack for creating Transpanrecy effect.

2005-05-04 Thread jbv

I've done that before : setting transparent pixels, replacing
colors in an image, etc.
the problem with using the imagedata property is that it's
terribly slow... it works for small images (like in your example),
but for large images, better write an external...

 Helping out a friend, I did this. It could be good for a number of
 things including:

 Creating cursors
 Creating transparent GIFs

 in the messagebox:

 go URL;

 This is a small demo stack which has a neat function which can make a
 specific color transparent in an image.

 The demo makes all white pixels transparent. The function is in the
 script of the button, Make White Transparent


 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT : PearPC

2005-05-04 Thread Derek Bump
Thank you for the compliments.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate 
that coming from you.

The MacOS X port is coming along, but it's difficult trying to remember 
some of the differences between Mac and Windows. :)  The funny thing is 
that I grew up on a Mac.

I am working on a Linux port, but until 2.5.1 I was not ready to 
distribute it.  My hopes now are to release 2.7 on all 3 platforms. 
Hopefully that will help in my attempts for donations towards a Mac Mini.

So again, thank you.
Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software
Compress Images Easily with JPEGCompress 2.6.1
Chipp Walters wrote:
I just downloaded your JPEGCompress application. Very professional and 
what a wonderful set of features. I like it! You should definitely port 
to Mac and Linux.

Derek Bump wrote:
So thank you to who ever it was that brought up this topic.  I will 
now be able to bring JPEGCompress to Mac OS X (well, provided that Rev 
will work after it's downloaded).
use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Quick Demo stack for creating Transpanrecy effect.

2005-05-04 Thread jbv


one more question : have you tried to use the replace function for
of 4 bytes in the imagedata to speed up things, instead of checking
binary values
in the imagedata and then setting each byte of the alphadata ?


 Helping out a friend, I did this. It could be good for a number of
 things including:

 Creating cursors
 Creating transparent GIFs

 in the messagebox:

 go URL;

 This is a small demo stack which has a neat function which can make a
 specific color transparent in an image.

 The demo makes all white pixels transparent. The function is in the
 script of the button, Make White Transparent


 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Tiger again

2005-05-04 Thread Lars Brehmer
Not that the workaround isn't good enough for now, but I still have a  
very weird problem displaying a stack with a windowShape properly,  
and it just gets weirder!

I have a stack with an windowshape, that was the only thing not  
perfect after I installed Tiger.  Gordy has seen screenshots and  
apparently duplicated the problem and made suggestions (thanks  
again!), but what worked was repairing permissions, shutting down for  
several minutes and then restarting.  What is even stranger now is  
that the problem still crops up if I reboot my machine and open the  
standalone without having first opened the stack  in question (from  
the package contents of the standalone) in Rev !  What in the  
heck can this mean?

I have now repeated the process a few times, and it is always the  
same - boot up, open standalone - weird shape.  Open stack in Rev -  
weird shape!

Boot up, open stack in Rev - correct shape.  Open standalone -  
correct shape

I have rev and Tiger in both of my machines.  I guess my question is  
as follows:  should I trash rev on backup machine, restart and open  
the standalone to test this?  Does anyone have a good guess as to  
what would happen if someone else opened this standalone on a machine  
that never had Rev installed?

Anyone else have windowshape problems after installing Tiger?   It  
seems so odd that everything else works like a charm.  I am following  
all of the problems with Tiger in the Apple discussion boards and  
trying everything that others have had bad experiences with in Tiger,  
so far everything, and I do mean everything, has been smooth as silk  
in Tiger - just this one little peice of strangeness!

Ideas appreciated!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: don`t piss me off

2005-05-04 Thread Bob Hartley
At 18:46 04/05/2005, you wrote:
Hi Frank

Dear Mr. X;
I downloaded rev, to try it out!! and they asked me, if i wanted some 
email. (very little. as it was put to me)!! and i haven`t even opened 
the file to try it out yet!!  and i seem to be getting hundreds of e mails 
in my box every day!!! and half are repeats. i am not happy about 
this! i am sorry to single you out, but  I noticed your name as 
frequent as anyones . please tell me how to stop this maddness. nothing 
personal toward you! but i am only allowd 2 meg in my email  box. and my 
friends can`t even send me a messege, because my box is so full with this 
stuff. is there any way you can help me?
Don't worry. You can have two or three options.
1) unsubscribe from the list
2) use the digest mode like Heather suggested.
3) Get a new email account. There are many free services but the one I use 
for Armbase is simple and cheap.

You can get a domain, for example is available and simply get 
mail from for 4pounds/year and that oncludes webmail. 
The Support from James and the lads at is excellent. If they have 
any downtime, eg 10 hours. They up your mail/web allocation for free.

Then, if you use a PC I would recommend something like mailwasherPro that 
you can use to delete unwanted mail serverside; or indeed simply use 
webmail via and delete them. Having multiple mailboxes on a hosting 
package allows you to selectively download you mail. IE my mail address is 
bob@ however I use [EMAIL PROTECTED] and can leave that until I require the download.

I think that i won`t be interested in this product at all, if this keeps 
up! I am not in some office just waiting to here about the next move on 
the pc, for the day. i was thinking about learning how to program my own 
software! i am a physically disabled vietnam vet, just trying to learn how 
to get by in todays world. can you give me any advice on this subject? i 
am just a poor ole farm boy, who don`t even understand what they are 
talking about, most of the time. i am only trying to learn! if people 
don`t piss me off! too bad, too soon!but take my word for it .nothing to 
do with you as to why i am upset! I guess i just needed someone to vent 
to.and again I am sorry about that, but i am just getting irritated about 
the emails. sorry to take it out on you! but i thought you might be able 
to help me, or set me on to  the right track, on who to talk to.

OK runrev is simple to use really simple. My first app was a file 
transfer app that directory walked and found all my microscope files and 
moved them from one server to my desk-machine. have a look
And have a look at the rev file. Download it from

I did this in a day-2days without EVER programming anything before (NOTE: 
with the help of Klaus and Sarah and others on the list).

All the best in the future
PLEASE HELP ME I am willing to learn, and want to learn but 
these people are overwellming me!!!i am sorry . i cant spell 
either!! can ya help me? thanks for letting me vent to you. i hope 
you don`t hold it against me personably either. THANKS AGAIN!  FRANK KNOX
Sign-up for Ads Free at

use-revolution mailing list

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.11.4 - Release Date: 04/05/2005

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.11.4 - Release Date: 04/05/2005
use-revolution mailing list

FineTune searching

2005-05-04 Thread FlexibleLearning
Hi troops,
As part of a genealogy project, I needed a search that could be more or  less 
specific (and so give more or fewer matches) depending on the User's  
selection of 'Narrow, Wide, Wider'.
How have others resolved this?
function booleanMatch fineTuneLevel,tStr,tSrcString
  --| Param fineTuneLevel: 1 = exact phrase, 2 = all  words [AND], 3 = any 
string [OR]
if fineTuneLevel =1  then
# Whole match...
if num of  words of tStr=1 then
put (tStr is among the  words of tSrcString  OR\
tStr is among the  tokens of tSrcString) into isMATCH
else put tStr is in  tSrcString into isMATCH
# Partial  match...
repeat for each word w in  tStr
if fineTuneLevel =2  then
-- by  Word
put (w is among the words of  tSrcString  OR\
w is  among the tokens of tSrcString) CR after  isMATCH
-- by  String
put (w is in tSrcString)  CR after isMATCH # Each string
end  if
end repeat
end if
if TRUE is not in  isMATCH then return FALSE
if (fineTuneLevel is in 1,2) AND (FALSE is  in isMATCH) then return FALSE
else return TRUE
end  booleanMatch

Hugh  Senior
The Flexible Learning Company
Web: _www.FlexibleLearning.com_ ( 
T/F:  +44(0)1483.27 87 27
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Frozen Accidents

2005-05-04 Thread Thomas McGrath III
There is software that does writing with 'Gestures'. If you move the 
mouse/trackball in different movements it will 'write' text for you. I 
can't remember the name right now though.

I would absolutely love a tablet Mac OSX with touch screen. I have used 
pen input and speech input/recognition for a while and they are ok but 
I don't use them much. I do use a pen for drawing and sketching though.

On May 4, 2005, at 2:25 PM, Rob Cozens wrote:
I'll buy your argument as soon as you can show me a trackball 
incorporating handwriting recognition..,

use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Another STANDALONE query, I'm afraid

2005-05-04 Thread Thomas McGrath III
Specifies which main stack a substack belongs to.
set the mainStack of stack to mainStack
set the mainStack of this stack to Central
set the mainStack of stack Hello to Goodbye
On May 4, 2005, at 2:55 PM, John Ridge wrote:
I now understand how to build a Standalone that saves data in a stack -
first make a stub stack, and then create your real stack as a 
and set the standalone options to treat it as a .rev file, so that the
standalone user can save to it.

My problem is that before I appreciated this, I had created a large 
stack as
a mainstack. Now I want to make it a substack of a new stub stack.

How do I do this? I hope it's a really simple question that I just 
can't see
the answer to...

use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list

Re: don`t piss me off

2005-05-04 Thread Paul Salyers

Dear Mr. X;
I downloaded rev, to try it out!! and they asked me, if i wanted some 
email. (very little. as it was put to me)!! and i haven`t even opened 
the file to try it out yet!!  and i seem to be getting hundreds of e mails 
in my box every day!!! and half are repeats. i am not happy about 
this! i am sorry to single you out, but  I noticed your name as 
frequent as anyones . please tell me how to stop this maddness. nothing 
personal toward you! but i am only allowd 2 meg in my email  box. and my 
friends can`t even send me a messege, because my box is so full with this 
stuff. is there any way you can help me? I think that i won`t be 
interested in this product at all, if this keeps up! I am not in some 
office just waiting to here about the next move on the pc, for the day. i 
was thinking about learning how to program my own software! i am a 
physically disabled vietnam vet, just trying to learn how to get by in 
todays world. can you give me any advice on this subject? i am just a poor 
ole farm boy, who don`t even understand what they are talking about, most 
of the time. i am only trying to learn! if people don`t piss me off! too 
bad, too soon!but take my word for it .nothing to do with you as to why i 
am upset! I guess i just needed someone to vent to.and again I am sorry 
about that, but i am just getting irritated about the emails. sorry to 
take it out on you! but i thought you might be able to help me, or set me 
on to  the right track, on who to talk to.
PLEASE HELP ME I am willing to learn, and want to learn but 
these people are overwellming me!!!i am sorry . i cant spell 
either!! can ya help me? thanks for letting me vent to you. i hope 
you don`t hold it against me personably either. THANKS AGAIN!  FRANK KNOX

This reminds some time back when I was with a email group you could sign up 
for email, and like here that also had a unsubscribe link more obvious 
than here and we had people emailing the group complaining about so many 
emails. Some would call the users names and yell at the incidence persons 
that joined. And their favorite statement Was UNSUBSCRIBE ME NOW like we 
could do something.

Well I hope this is an isolated incident and not a common problem.

Paul Salyers
PS1 - Senior Rep.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: To Rev or not to Rev

2005-05-04 Thread Brian Yennie
It's true, you can implement object-oriented concepts in Transcript, 
but that doesn't make it an object-oriented language.
You can write OO code in C - just implement C++ first and go from 
there, but that doesn't make C an OO environment.

The argument that you can get many of the benefits (and take some of 
the same tactics) in Rev as with true OO environments has merit, IMO, 
but saying that Revolution is OO is just taking liberty with the 
definition of Object-Oriented. Sure if you reinterpret the term based 
on what you think it should mean, you end up in one place- but if you 
associate OO with it's strict definition you're up a creek.

- Brian
Im sick of this non-sense - no offense to you Mickey...
Object oriented technology is just any way to refer semantically via 
programming language to operate on generic objects or objects 
derived from

RR doesn't have a memory model but it's possible to create it with easy
And I'll quote Grady Booch it is therefore the task of the developer 
distribute such behaviors so that they may be combined in interesting 
giving rise to the 'self-maintaining fire' that is the mark of a 
profound oo
architecture. Pg 167 The Best of Booch (Sigs Reference Library - 
Univ. Press)

Patterns, templates, polymorph*, abstraction, classes and all the rest 
just a matter of imagination or interpretation. If the engine doesn't
support the abstraction, you write it. If they dont support 
polimorph*, you
branch it. ez!

In Forth, it's like in C, you add a layer ++. Java, and others have 
RunRev - doesn't have the abstraction? They do, but they is literally 
array handling to speak of compared to other mainstream languages. 
It's nice
to keep things easy but it makes the use and adaptability very weak 
Sorry, it's reality...

In forth or c you could develop libraries to handle arrays with little
performance hits. In RunRev, it's another story...
With one exception... If a background behavior group is considered a 
and a card in this group is an object then you jump one step ahead of 
other environment.

So... That's the TAOO object model base for data storage. It also 
works in
SQL or any other classic memory storage (arrays, folder/files, FMP 

My 2 TAOOcentric cents...
Critiques are welcome naturally!
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Geoff Canyon
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 16:44
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: To Rev or not to Rev
On May 2, 2005, at 8:02 AM, Dennis Brown wrote:
On May 2, 2005, at 10:25 AM, Geoff Canyon wrote:

I'm not sure how to catalog Forth, but it's not OO (inherently --
there are OO implementations). It's procedural, certainly, but the
inherent stack gives it a definite functional feel.
Forth is not really a high level language any more than assembler
is.  It is an alternative machine language based on a double stack
architecture.   There have been hardware implementations of Forth
as the native machine instruction set.  When emulated, the Code
just consists of a list of addresses to the actual machine
code for
the native functions, or addresses of  higher level defined
function (uses a flag bit to tell which).  This makes it execute
much faster than byte code.  You can implement a higher level
language within the syntax of Forth because of its extensible
nature.  Words are defined from other words in an interpretive
environment.  Because of the double stack architecture, data
arguments are passed and returned on one stack and return
are in the other stack.  It makes a very efficient and powerful
architecture for developing real time machine controllers with a
tiny amount of memory.  You are free to define words that
implement an OO environment if you choose.  You could even create
Rev using this as the lower level P code, or an operating system
for that matter.
I understand how Forth works. I'm just not sure how I would
categorize it. On further reflection, I would say that Forth is
functional in about the same way that Revolution is Object-Oriented.
In other words, loosely. ;-)
I disagree that Forth is no more high-level than assembler is. The
built-in extensibility of Forth syntax makes it much more
than just a
convenient way of handling machine language.
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Linux/Unix folder paths

2005-05-04 Thread Sarah Reichelt
Hello all you Linux/Unix gurus out there,
I was hoping someone would be able to tell me a few things about where 
such systems put various types of files.

Where so you store preferences? I see that the specialFolderPath() 
function is Windows  Mac only, so how would I know where to store 
preferences on a Linux system?

Where should an application be installed? And what if I want the 
application to be available to a particular user only e.g. on my Mac OS 
X system, I have /Applications for apps that everyone can use and 
/Users/sarah/Applications for apps that only I can use. The second is 
better if I need to write to the application folder as the user has 
write access to that folder even if not an admin user (at least I think 
that is correct).

use-revolution mailing list

Re: To Rev or not to Rev

2005-05-04 Thread Dennis Brown
This BZ on arrays would be a welcome enhancement, but it would not  
improve the speed of processing arrays.  I was thinking along the  
lines of a high speed array processing instruction subset.  They  
would be less flexible than what we have now --the nice flexible data  
types, dynamic memory allocation, and flexible key names are what  
costs the operators so much time to execute.  Just let me define the  
dimensions and data size for a fixed memory allocation and provide  
operators that work on fixed data types.  It should fly through the  
array calculations at least ten times faster.  I just entered a BZ  
request for it.  If you agree, vote.

BZ# 2813
On May 4, 2005, at 3:13 PM, MisterX wrote:
the question mark made it red!!!
works better ;)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Richard Gaskin
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 21:08
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: To Rev or not to Rev
Gordon Webster wrote:
I totally agree with Dennis. Efficient arrays are the
missing link in
  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Rev tools and more:
use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Another STANDALONE query, I'm afraid

2005-05-04 Thread Sarah Reichelt
I now understand how to build a Standalone that saves data in a stack -
first make a stub stack, and then create your real stack as a 
and set the standalone options to treat it as a .rev file, so that the
standalone user can save to it.

My problem is that before I appreciated this, I had created a large 
stack as
a mainstack. Now I want to make it a substack of a new stub stack.

How do I do this? I hope it's a really simple question that I just 
can't see
the answer to...

Make your Stub stack as a sub stack of your current main Stack, which 
I will call Main for this example.
Go through all the sub-stacks in Main and use the popup button in the 
Basic section of the Stack Inspector to set their mainStack to Stub.
Now set the mainStack of Main to Stub.
If Main contains a lot of scripts that you want all sub stacks to be 
able to use, you can copy them all to Stub, but I prefer to keep the 
splash screen stack almost empty, so I prefer enabling Main as  
library stack with: start using stack Main

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Writing a file to another computer on the LAN?

2005-05-04 Thread Malte Brill
Hi Chipp, Franz, Alex and all!
Thanks for your replys. Even though the tips for Win are useful they 
don´t really help at the moment, as I need to use a Mac with OsX.
I´ll bookmark them anyway, just in case. ;-)

The suggestion by Alex to set up FTP sounds good, but I have no idea 
how to do it. A quick goole search leads me to nowhere. Anyone an 
idea/link to a tutorial on how to set up an FTP server on Mac Os X?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: To Rev or not to Rev

2005-05-04 Thread Pierre Sahores
Be aware to see how combining the repeat for each statement 
(read-only) and the rev two-dimmensions arrays can be very usefull and 
fast running, lots faster than many well formated SQL queries, for an 

Hope this can help,
This BZ on arrays would be a welcome enhancement, but it would not 
improve the speed of processing arrays.  I was thinking along the 
lines of a high speed array processing instruction subset.  They would 
be less flexible than what we have now --the nice flexible data types, 
dynamic memory allocation, and flexible key names are what costs the 
operators so much time to execute.  Just let me define the dimensions 
and data size for a fixed memory allocation and provide operators that 
work on fixed data types.  It should fly through the array 
calculations at least ten times faster.  I just entered a BZ request 
for it.  If you agree, vote.

BZ# 2813
On May 4, 2005, at 3:13 PM, MisterX wrote:
the question mark made it red!!!
works better ;)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Richard Gaskin
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 21:08
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: To Rev or not to Rev
Gordon Webster wrote:
I totally agree with Dennis. Efficient arrays are the
missing link in
  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Rev tools and more:
use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours
GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
WEB/VoD/ACID-DB services over IP
Mutualiser les deltas de productivité
use-revolution mailing list

Re: To Rev or not to Rev

2005-05-04 Thread Ken Ray
On 5/4/05 10:32 AM, MisterX [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Im sick of this non-sense - no offense to you Mickey...

Xavier... you *really* have to let up on the c key when responding... The
gentleman's name is Mikey, not Mickey, and he has said that to you multiple
times. My suggestion would be that when you respond to his posts, that you
double-check your spelling before you submit it... otherwise you will
continue to offend him.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Quick Demo stack for creating Transpanrecy effect.

2005-05-04 Thread Ken Ray
On 5/4/05 3:09 PM, jbv [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've done that before : setting transparent pixels, replacing
 colors in an image, etc.

Have you managed to create transparent pixels in an image, but *not* ones of
the same color that are in an enclosed region (i.e. leave those opaque)?

For example, if you have a circle that is white on the inside and white in
the surrounding area of the bounds of the image rectangle, setting only
those white pixels *outside* the circle as transparent...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list

Re: To Rev or not to Rev

2005-05-04 Thread Dennis Brown
I am quite aware of these, and that is what I want to run 10 times  
faster than.  However, a lot can be done with the repeat for each  
more quickly than other Rev methods, but it can only be used with a  
single named array at a time.  I have entered a BZ request for an  
additional sequential array access method to give repeat for each  
speeds to any number of arrays at the same time.  If you would like  
to see this, cast your vote for BZ# 2773

On May 4, 2005, at 7:42 PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
Be aware to see how combining the repeat for each statement (read- 
only) and the rev two-dimmensions arrays can be very usefull and  
fast running, lots faster than many well formated SQL queries, for  
an exemple...

Hope this can help,

This BZ on arrays would be a welcome enhancement, but it would not  
improve the speed of processing arrays.  I was thinking along the  
lines of a high speed array processing instruction subset.  They  
would be less flexible than what we have now --the nice flexible  
data types, dynamic memory allocation, and flexible key names are  
what costs the operators so much time to execute.  Just let me  
define the dimensions and data size for a fixed memory allocation  
and provide operators that work on fixed data types.  It should  
fly through the array calculations at least ten times faster.  I  
just entered a BZ request for it.  If you agree, vote.

BZ# 2813
On May 4, 2005, at 3:13 PM, MisterX wrote:

the question mark made it red!!!
works better ;)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Richard Gaskin
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 21:08
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: To Rev or not to Rev
Gordon Webster wrote:

I totally agree with Dennis. Efficient arrays are the

missing link in

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Rev tools and more:
use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours
GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:  +33 1 64 45 05 33
WEB/VoD/ACID-DB services over IP
Mutualiser les deltas de productivité
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Writing a file to another computer on the LAN?

2005-05-04 Thread Malte Brill
Ok folks, I´m dumb.
system preferences-Sharing-check ftp
Thanks Björnke!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: FineTune searching

2005-05-04 Thread Mark Wieder

Here's my take on what you presented:

function booleanMatch fineTuneLevel, pStr, pSrcString
  local blnReturn
  -- turn multiple lines into a stream
  replace cr with space in pSrcString
  put false into blnReturn
  --| Param fineTuneLevel:
  -- 1 = exact phrase
  -- 2 = all  words [AND]
  -- 3 = any string [OR]
  switch fineTuneLevel
  case 1 -- EXACT
filter pSrcString with *  pStr  *
put (pSrcString is not empty) into blnReturn
  case 2 -- ALL
repeat for each word w in pStr
  filter pSrcString with *  w  *
end repeat
put (pSrcString is not empty) into blnReturn
  default -- ANY
repeat for each word w in pStr
  if (w is in pSrcString) then
put true into blnReturn
-- no need to go on
exit repeat
  end if
end repeat
  end switch
  return blnReturn
end booleanMatch

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Writing a file to another computer on the LAN?

2005-05-04 Thread Sarah Reichelt
Thanks for your replys. Even though the tips for Win are useful they 
don´t really help at the moment, as I need to use a Mac with OsX.
I´ll bookmark them anyway, just in case. ;-)

The suggestion by Alex to set up FTP sounds good, but I have no idea 
how to do it. A quick goole search leads me to nowhere. Anyone an 
idea/link to a tutorial on how to set up an FTP server on Mac Os X?

Setting up an FTP server on Mac OS X is really complicated...
Go to the sharing system prefs and check FTP Access :-)
Take a note of the address that is then shown at the bottom of the 
window and that's what you can use to log in.

However, I just use personal file sharing, with a Rev script like this 
using AppleScript to connect:
tAddress is the IP address of the remote computer
tUser is the name of a valid user on that remote computer who is 
allowed to log in
tPass is their password

put mount volume   quote  afp://  tAddress  /  tUser  quote 
 on server   quote  tAddress  quote   as user name  \
 quote  tUser  quote   with password   quote  tPass  quote 
into tScript
do tScript as AppleScript

Once you have done this, the remote computer's user folder appears on 
your desktop as an external drive and you can read  write using the 
URL commands.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Writing a file to another computer on the LAN?

2005-05-04 Thread Malte Brill
Thanks Sarah!
(Did I mention I am dumb before? g)
I like the applescript variant. This will simplify things a lot...
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Linux/Unix folder paths

2005-05-04 Thread Marielle Lange
Hi Sarah,

On where to install applications on macs... the usage is to provide a disk image
with the instruction to drag and drop the software in the /Applications folder,
but to leave the user free to drag and drop the software wherever they want
without it affecting performance in any way. You should be able to get the path
to your application using:

   put the long id of this stack into tPath

(at least that works for uncompiled stacks)


Where should an application be installed? And what if I want the
application to be available to a particular user only e.g. on my Mac OS
X system, I have /Applications for apps that everyone can use and
/Users/sarah/Applications for apps that only I can use. The second is
better if I need to write to the application folder as the user has
write access to that folder even if not an admin user (at least I think
that is correct).

use-revolution mailing list

French list

2005-05-04 Thread Marielle Lange
Cher Dom,

Merci pour l'info. J'ai jeté un oeil. Le trafic a l'air en descente douce, en
effet. Domage, apparemment l'existence d'une liste française avait attiré des
petits commerces désireux d'employer des revolutionarios. [Babelfish ;-): Thank
you for information. I threw an eye. The traffic has the air in soft descent,
indeed. Domage, apparently the existence of a French list had attracted small
trade eager to employ revolutionarios.]

I am afraid, I do not expect to be able to be a regular on the French list. I
simply suffer from information overload. I am frankly unable to keep up with
the messages on this US list (I have 1136 unread _digests_ in my mailbox). I am
not a professional. I had some presence on the list this week because I really
needed to take my mind away from some stuff at work. Otherwise, the only time I
can afford to read the revolution emails or do some coding is at week-ends.

Best is probably to accept Ro's invitation to post in foreign languages on the
US list. Most of the posts are about code anyway and the code is always in
transcript, which is understood by everybody on this list (see, for instance for
terrific stacks hidden behind the japanese text). But, yes, babelfish
translations are a reasonable request if we expect a vigilant moderation of
this list.

No shame to have when you write in another language anyway. Try, try, try, and
keep on trying is the rule that must be followed to become an expert in
anything. [W. Clement Stone]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: To Rev or not to Rev

2005-05-04 Thread Stephen Barncard
amen! I used to take Tom Pittman's advice for Compilit and use his 
notation for integers - % and they screamed with speed... and the old 
Hyperbasic XCMD generator had great array capabilities. I don't mind 
typing variables optionally if it speeds up things.

At 7:30 PM -0400 5/4/05, Dennis Brown wrote:
This BZ on arrays would be a welcome enhancement, but it would not 
improve the speed of processing arrays.  I was thinking along the 
lines of a high speed array processing instruction subset.  They 
would be less flexible than what we have now --the nice flexible 
data types, dynamic memory allocation, and flexible key names are 
what costs the operators so much time to execute.  Just let me 
define the dimensions and data size for a fixed memory allocation 
and provide operators that work on fixed data types.  It should fly 
through the array calculations at least ten times faster.  I just 
entered a BZ request for it.  If you agree, vote.

BZ# 2813
use-revolution mailing list

Re: RegEx Help--Across Lines

2005-05-04 Thread Jim Ault
Just reviewed old posts and found this one about RegEx parsing HTML 
and cr (return) characters.  I wanted to pass along a little trick I 
found useful to extract tables into tab delimited format.

Premise:  An HTML document is formatted with spaces and cr's for the 
benefit of the programmer.  Basically the browser app ignores this 
white space in such a way that an HTML table will display correctly 
even with extra characters, such as multiple cr's, are sprinkled 

The (?s) is good for searching past cr's, but it can make a 
difference if you wish to end up with a single cr defining a table 
row, rather than 2 or 3 or 4 cr's.  Also, this cr specific.

One of my first steps is to replace cr with string .  This 
makes the entire block of HTML text a single line and no need for 
(?s),  It also makes spurious cr's easily identifiable by subsequent 
search commands, not to mention easily visible when checking your 
results. BBEdit in softwrap mode allows you to see all of the text 
even without the returns.

Of course, you could simply replace cr with  in htmlTextBlock and 
there is no need for (?s) either.  The browser will display the same 
page, with or without the returns present.

As I mine data from HTML I find it useful to re-establish cr's at 
specific points, thus the  replacement allows me to reinsert cr's 
where desired and use loops that repeat for the number of lines for 
patterned data blocks.

Further   MMM[M]+   will locate all  or longer, no matter how 
many cr's were in a row,
get matchChunk(temp,(MMM[M]+), startChar, endChar)  == 4 to howevermany

   put fld htmlTextToParse into temp
   put z into startChar
   repeat until startChar = 
  -- note: the startChar and endChar vars do not have to be 
defined before matchChunk
  get matchChunk(temp,(MMM[M]+), startChar, endChar)
  --you have to use parens in the regex string
  put return into char startChar to endChar of temp
  put return  startChar  ,  endChar after temp  --for demo 
purposes only
   end repeat
   put return  startChar, endChar list  after temp  --for demo 
purposes only
   put temp  -- view the replacement, and the char list at the bottom

 ---will convert a run of cr's to a single cr.
Nested tables can be problematic, but I find that this technique 
allows me to establish my true output cr's in the cacophony of HTML 
source code formatting.

Hope this helps those who need to learn a bit more about the power of 
RegEx and Rev

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 11/20/04 8:20 PM, Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using Rev to repurpose old html to new CSS compliant mark up. The
 old pages are incredibly inconsistent.  Fortunately grep is our
  friend.. I need a grep expression that will pass out the content from
  both #1:
 title some title /title
 and #2
 title some title
  where the first instance has no line break but the second one does
Use the (?s) directive:
on mouseUp
  local tTitle
  put titlesome titlecr/title into tXML
  get matchText(tXML,(?s)title(.*?)/title,tTItle)
  put tTitle
end mouseUp
Note that you'll get the trailing CR after some title as well, so you'd
have to strip that out if you want to.
Check the docs at - the ?s directive
corresponts to PCRE_DOTALL, which causes the . character to match all
characters, including newlines (CRs).
Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
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