When my relatives moved to Linux

2006-11-10 Thread Richmond Mathewson
I'm sorry, I phrased my question rather badly;
obviously standalones and stacks being run with Stack
Runner have certain constraints placed on them which
are not there in the dev. environment.

However, in my own case (see earlier postings under
this heading) I was extremely surprised to find that a

do fldstatement

which worked in the dev. environment did not in a
standalone when it did
not require any of the libraries and so forth one
finds in the dev environment.

A long time ago (well, about 4 years ago) I became
extremely efficient at dodging the 10-line script
limit in the 'Free' 2.0.1 build - to the extent that I
built a whole CD of musical stuff for a company in St

Now, having paid for a newer version of RR I was
rather surprised to find that there appear to be
rather similar script constraints.


sorry to have asked such a goofy and naive-seeming

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

Its time to do Philosophy and stop worrying about what dead men said.

   Mathewson 2006

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Careful - revisited

2006-11-10 Thread Richmond Mathewson
Sorry chaps,
  couldn't resist posting the following from

An updated version of Ubuntu Christian Edition has
been released: We have just released Ubuntu CE v1.5!
With this release we focused on the fixing some issues
with the live CD installer. We have also made a
subtle, but very important change to the Ubuntu CE
installer, upgrade_me script, Convert_me script, Web
Content Filtering Only script, and the DansGuardian
GUI Only script. The Configure Parental Controls GUI
has been updated to include a few new features. You
can now easily adjust the naughtiness limit with the

I think it is time that all the really hot-blooded
RunRev types got together
to develop a plug-in so users can adjust the
naughtiness limit. :)

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

Its time to do Philosophy and stop worrying about what dead men said.

   Mathewson 2006

All new Yahoo! Mail The new Interface is stunning in its simplicity and ease 
of use. - PC Magazine 
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: When my relatives moved to Linux

2006-11-10 Thread Bill Marriott

Now, having paid for a newer version of RR I was
rather surprised to find that there appear to be
rather similar script constraints.

Without those constraints, you'd pretty much be able to write your own 
mini-Rev and distribute it for free, eh? Just put whatever script you like 
into a field and use do commands. There'd be no limit what could be done by 
the end user of your standalone.

Keep in mind the script constraints are for what is defined on-the-fly at 
runtime in standalones, when setting the script of something or using do 
commands. Scripts that already exist at the time you created the standalone 
can be of any length.

Obviously it's an arbitrary, anti-piracy thing that restricts absolute 
freedom in design. But in practice I haven't found it to be a factor at all. 
In your stack, you want the kids to be typing Grandmother and Cousin --  
not writing xTalk handlers, right? I think the only real limitation 
scriptLimits imposes is making it more difficult (but not even impossible) 
to build some kind of self-aware AI that reprograms itself. :)

Anyway, I think the real lesson here is to look at programming Revolution 
differently than how you're doing it right now. Take your skills to the next 
level! Sure there are lots of styles with benefits and drawbacks perhaps 
to each, but just look as some of the handlers you had in that stack.

- In some cases if you made one small addition to how you wanted to 
handle/display things, you'd be making multi-line changes to the scripts of 
dozens of different objects (like the check marks).

- The script that I replaced with 10 statements in my prior post was 
originally more than 50 lines

- Everything was explicitly referenced, as if you had a grudge against 
loops, variables, and passing messages :)

- And did that script really need to be in a field, as opposed to being 
attached a standard control? It seems to me one would only want to do this 
for something that must be dynamically created/modified at runtime.

Sure it works (standalone issues aside) for what you've got currently. But 
what if you wanted to take this stack to the next level? For example, 
perhaps you'd like to start out with a simpler family tree at first, then 
build up to the one in card 2. Or enable a student to build their own 
personal tree based on interview questions? Or to have them load the actual 
pictures of their family members? Any of those changes would require an 
almost complete rewrite because of the hard-wired nature of what you've 

Here's one concrete example. You've got a closeCard handler in card 2 that 
reads as follows:

on closeCard
 hide yellow borders 
set the vis of img Y1 to false
set the vis of img Y2 to false
set the vis of img Y3 to false
set the vis of img Y4 to false
set the vis of img Y5 to false
set the vis of img Y6 to false
set the vis of img Y7 to false
set the vis of img Y8 to false
set the vis of img Y9 to false
set the vis of img Y10 to false
set the vis of img Y11 to false
set the vis of img Y12 to false
set the vis of img Y13 to false
set the vis of img Y14 to false
 clear fields 
put empty into fld F1
put empty into fld F2
put empty into fld F3
put empty into fld F4
put empty into fld F5
put empty into fld F6
put empty into fld F7
put empty into fld F8
put empty into fld F9
put empty into fld F10
put empty into fld F11
put empty into fld F12
put empty into fld F13
put empty into fld F14
end closeCard

Now, you follow a convention in which all the yellow border images around 
solved pictures are named starting with Y and all the fields where answers 
must be supplied start with F -- and there is one field for every image. 
You could say:

global familyElements
-- number of Family Members to guess. Doesn't have to be a global,
-- could be stored in a field or even derived from counting the number
-- of portrait images

on closeCard
  repeat with i = 1 to familyElements
hide img (Y  i) -- hide the yellow borders
put empty into fld (F  i) -- clear the guess fields
  end repeat
end closeCard

And you'd be done with it... never having to visit that handler again. In 
the original script, you have to make two changes any time you add or remove 
a family member from the tree. And if you decided to adjust the naming 
convention (from say F to the more descriptive Guess) you'd have 14 
changes. In the suggestion above, that's just one adjustment.

Suppose you realized that you had one more cleanup chore to do for each 
image. Well you can now just add one more line inside the loop, rather than 
another 14. It's just more amenable to updates.

Compared to the original it is quicker to write, easier to understand, more 
flexible, and self-maintaining. This is an example of where quick and 
dirty is not really quicker. Best to do it right the first time.

It's kind of like the difference between manually setting the headline font, 
size, and style in a word processor document, vs. using a style sheet. It's 

When my relatives moved to Linux

2006-11-10 Thread Richmond Mathewson
Wow . . . 

Bill Marriott, thank you - I got a lot more advice and
help than I expected there - all of which is useful.

However, the relative program was written over a 15
minute period (mucking around preparing the graphics
took ages) as a 'one trick pony' for kids who have
little or no contact with computers (in Bulgaria most
people cannot afford a computer) so would be quite
unable to insert photo of their own relatives (one
wonders how they would get the images into the
computers - I have each group of kids for 90 minutes
twice a week, and the main task is to teach them
English - teaching kids how to work with a scanner,
graphics prog. and so on is a whole different

I have been known to use much less 'heavy' scripts -
but, while, eventually the return on them is super,
the effort involved in thinking them through is not
worth it for a quickie that will keep kids occupied
for 15-20 minutes while I run through their homework.

There is an inevitable conflict between my making
elegant, potentially extensible programs and
interfaces, and the fact that what pays for my bread
and cheese is shoe-horning English into the tiny minds
of 6-10 year-olds.

I am sure that many other educators wish they had the
time, energy and money to make really super programs
for their educational needs.
But they don't.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

Its time to do Philosophy and stop worrying about what dead men said.

   Mathewson 2006

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Re: Rev_rant

2006-11-10 Thread Dave

Hi Ya,

You have a lot of points I agree with and have voiced these concerns  
in the past, both in Private to RunRev and on this list.

The fact that it turned into a rant and abuse was thrown was  
unfortunate, but perhaps understandable.

There is definitely a problem with silly bugs and lack of a clear  
way of finding answers to problems within the Rev environment - in  
short it takes a long time (more than necessary) to become a RunRev  
expert. I think it's really sad that this is the case, and, the new  
way of selling support or updates compounds that problem and makes it  
harder to sell (in my experience).

It may help to realize that there is a big distinction made (both at  
RunRev and with seasoned RunRev developers that have come to the  
environment via HyperCard/MetaCard) between the IDE and the Engine.  
This means that more support effort is put into developing/fixing the  
Engine than the IDE. The problem with this is that new customers do  
not see this distinction until further along the RunRev route and  
treat it as one big package. In my opinion RunRev should concentrate  
on one Bug-Fix release and fix as many old bugs as possible without  
adding too many (if any) new features. I really think the IDE needs a  
big overhaul, since this is the first thing a new user sees.

I would be willing to do this work for a lot less than market rate  
but I just cannot afford to do it for free, or better still why  
doesn't RunRev just license one of the existing 3rd party IDE and  
make that the one they ship when you buy a RunRev license?

All I know is I agree that something needs to be done to address the  
backlog of bugs and make the IDE much more stable, I also think that  
if this is not done, then RunRev will stop growing and eventually die.

Anyway, I really hope that some bugs get fixed soon and the IDE is  
over hauled. The sad reality is that in the last 2 months I could  
have sold 2 studio licenses (That's 2 licenses + 1 extra platform,  
Mac and Windows (4 total)), however the policy of charging for  
updates and the fact that 2.7.x is really buggy stopped the sales. I  
would also have purchased one Mac License for 2.7.4 for myself, so  
that's a total of 5 licenses lost.

However in the meantime I still *love* developing in RunRev and would  
love it to grow.

All the Best

On 7 Nov 2006, at 15:42, Luis wrote:


I was going to post this in a reply, but thought it might be better  
on its own.


If I perceive a failing in an environment, I will state it, whether  
or not I decide to utilise that environment in my projects.
There will come a point, if that environment has not evolved into  
what I reckon it should (call this bug fixes, features, take your  
pick) I will drop it. This is my personal opinion, no better or  
worse than anyone else's.
The fact that others have become more vocal is perhaps an indicator  
of frustration, realising they are not alone, want to inject some  
life back into their favourite dev environment, whatever.

I wonder if the current issues with delayed bug fixes is indicating  
some sort of developer drop out, resulting in lower sales,  
therefore lower Rev resources.


Definitely a Tuesday.



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Re: RevCon - How To Increase Rev Profile

2006-11-10 Thread Dave


I can't help seeing their point, from a recent post to the list by  

Anyway, I really hope that some bugs get fixed soon and the IDE is  
over hauled. The sad reality is that in the last 2 months I could  
have sold 2 studio licenses (That's 2 licenses + 1 extra platform,  
Mac and Windows (4 total)), however the policy of charging for  
updates and the fact that 2.7.x is really buggy stopped the sales. I  
would also have purchased one Mac License for 2.7.4 for myself, so  
that's a total of 5 licenses lost.

Can you honestly say that there is a better way to increase Rev  
Profile than to:

A) Maybe, just maybe, getting bugs fixed would do the trick.
Happier developers not hampered by the environment, less likely to  
move to another environment and releasing more software (ie: more  

which in turn would lead to:

B) Selling more copies and having more pleased customers.

Anything else is just hype.

All the Best

On 3 Nov 2006, at 16:48, Kay C Lan wrote:

On 11/3/06, Adrian Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ditto Luis...

Guys, you've gotta lighten up a little:-)

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Re: Rev's Icon Similarities to the R language???

2006-11-10 Thread Dave


Look interesting! Have you seen the Icon Language? In my opinion if  
you could implement some of the features from Icon (or R) into  
TranScript language would open the doors to all kinds of cool stuff.  
The problem with most of these other cool languages is that it's  
*REALLY* difficult to implement a reasonable GUI whereas RunRev/ 
TranScript is fantastic at GUI handling but lacks any good pattern  
matching or generation functions.

I have half developed a interface between SNOBOL4 and RunRev which is  
pretty cool and allows you to do some REALLY powerful stuff.

All the Best

On 2 Aug 2006, at 06:10, Judy Perry wrote:

Has anyone else seen this?


R is a statistical analysis opensource language.

My husband says that it (the language project) goes back as far as  

Any thoughts?


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Re: Open Letter to Rev: Quality Is Job #1

2006-11-10 Thread Dave


You hit the nail on the head (for me anyway)!

On 21 Oct 2006, at 06:30, Judy Perry wrote:


I'd argue it a different way:

If you're steathfully (is that a word??) going to switch away from an
oft-vaunted policy of free year of upgrades for a license to a  
this is

all you're gonna get policy of annual subscription fees, you'd really
better be continuously chugging out new versions to keep all the  
subscriptions at their varying points of the year going full steam,  
or you

can kiss your revenue stream buh-bye.

This is the problem with the new policy. You buy version X, it has  
bugs. Version X+1 comes along and you have to pay to get the bugs  
fixed! Ok X+1 may have some super-duper new features in it, but you  
don't really care about them for the job you are doing, you just want  
the bugs fixed. Unless you can separate out Bug fixes from  
enhancements you are left with a buggy piece of software that you can  
never get fixed! Even paying (again) for the latest version does not  
guarantee that you will get the bugs fixed, and since it has a lot of  
new features in it, all of which potentially have bugs in them, the  
situation just gets worse and worse.

I have found that I can get by with 2.6.6  with a bunch of  
workarounds etc., and I am not going to buy or recommend a new  
version until problems that have been around since V2.4 (ish) are  
fixed, so the revenue stream shrinks..

I personally have mixed feelings.

Fortunately, I don't have to actually *produce* anything with  
any bugs that exist I can 'program' my way around in terms of  
change(s).  However, if I did, I'd be leery about paying year after  
wondering whether (as has been claimed, note that I'm not saying  
it's so)
pre-existing bugs of a year or more have actually gotten fixed.  I  
guess I

should be especially glad that I'm not a *nix user waiting for desired
improvements/fixes.  It must be tough to look into a crystal ball  
to try
to discern whether some badly-needed bug fix/improvement will see  
its way

into the next release so as to make the pre-purchased update pack

I know that I recommend that one of my customers get RunRev, they  
were all for it, until they found out that:

1.  They would have to pay extra to have bugs fixed and
2.  Even if they did pay extra there was no guarantee that they  
would ever be fixed.

So, there's two licenses that RunRev didn't get.

The sad thing about it is that if they had just increased the price  
of the total package and offered a year's free updates, plus a  
separate stream for bug fixes as opposed to enhancements, they would  
have paid it.


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Re: [REM] Scripter's Scrapbook half price offer

2006-11-10 Thread Judy Perry
Got mine!


On Fri, 10 Nov 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To give yourself a weekend of evaluation time, a  reminder that the special
 half price offer to Revolution users will expire on  Monday.

 This was the announcement in case you missed  it...

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Re: Careful - revisited

2006-11-10 Thread Dave


I think it is time that all the really hot-blooded
RunRev types got together
to develop a plug-in so users can adjust the
naughtiness limit. :)

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

Laughing my socks off! Would be a great Christmas Stocking Gift for  
the RunRev'er that has everything!!!


On 10 Nov 2006, at 08:11, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

Sorry chaps,
  couldn't resist posting the following from

An updated version of Ubuntu Christian Edition has
been released: We have just released Ubuntu CE v1.5!
With this release we focused on the fixing some issues
with the live CD installer. We have also made a
subtle, but very important change to the Ubuntu CE
installer, upgrade_me script, Convert_me script, Web
Content Filtering Only script, and the DansGuardian
GUI Only script. The Configure Parental Controls GUI
has been updated to include a few new features. You
can now easily adjust the naughtiness limit with the

I think it is time that all the really hot-blooded
RunRev types got together
to develop a plug-in so users can adjust the
naughtiness limit. :)

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

Its time to do Philosophy and stop worrying about what dead men  
 Mathewson 2006

All new Yahoo! Mail The new Interface is stunning in its  
simplicity and ease of use. - PC Magazine

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Re: When my relatives moved to Linux

2006-11-10 Thread Bill Marriott
Hi Richmond ,

I am sure that many other educators wish they had the
time, energy and money to make really super programs
for their educational needs.

Not to belabor it, but the whole point was that it actually takes LESS time 
to build quickie apps like this, once you begin thinking in a certain way.

Anyway, I hope you'll give it a try! (Even for your throwaway projects.) 

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Re: Open Letter to Rev: Quality Is Job #1

2006-11-10 Thread Bill Marriott

Is there really such an animal as 2.6.6, or did you just mean 2.6.1?

 I have found that I can get by with 2.6.6  with a bunch of  workarounds 
 etc., and I am not going to buy or recommend a new  version until problems 
 that have been around since V2.4 (ish) are  fixed, so the revenue stream 

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: When my relatives moved to Linux

2006-11-10 Thread Bill Marriott
Hi again, Richmond,

However, the relative program was written over a 15
minute period (mucking around preparing the graphics
took ages) as a 'one trick pony' for kids who have
little or no contact with computers (in Bulgaria most
people cannot afford a computer) so would be quite
unable to insert photo of their own relatives (one
wonders how they would get the images into the
computers - I have each group of kids for 90 minutes
twice a week, and the main task is to teach them
English - teaching kids how to work with a scanner,
graphics prog. and so on is a whole different

I can't resist picking this one up. The obvious answer to me is to use 
mobile phones! I spent a lot of time in Europe, even parts of Eastern 
Europe, in 1999-2001 ... and even back then, cell phones were all over the 
place. It seemed adoption was running well ahead of the US. Nowadays even 
cheap phones have cameras.

So, here's the idea:

- Set up RevCGI on a nice LAMP server (I'll give you a setup if you need it)
- Have your kiddies borrow a mobile phone and take pictures of their family
- They SMS the pics to your server (email address)
- Have RevCGI read the emails, pre-process and sort the pics
- Your stack connects to the site, pulls down the pics, crops them, sizes 
them, and drops them into place
- The next time your students visit, have them take your family tree quiz 
with their actual family's photos
- Print out a beautiful certificate with the tree and words they've learned 
that they can show to their family

Just think of the excitement they'd feel! Actually the concept could be 
extended to learning all kinds of vocabulary, eh?

I'm sure you'd get a lot of help for such an interesting project from the 
Rev list...

- Bill 

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Home Stack Handler Analog

2006-11-10 Thread Mikey

For the last day or so I've been trying to make some of the old HC
Home stack handlers work in RR.  The one problem that I'm having is
manipulating the RevPropertyPalette 1 stack so that I can do things
like bringing up card and stack properties.

doMenu doesn't seem to work with RR menus.

So has anybody made some of the home stack scripts work in RR?

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, This is good.
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Re: playStart message?

2006-11-10 Thread Trevor DeVore

On Nov 8, 2006, at 8:55 PM, David Bovill wrote:

Thanks all - really think this one should be documented!

Yes it should.  I just filed an report on it:


Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems - www.bluemangolearning.com

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Re: Clipboard Anomally [BUG]?

2006-11-10 Thread Trevor DeVore

On Nov 8, 2006, at 11:47 PM, Kay C Lan wrote:

The occasional failure of the IDE to paste the contents of the  

Is this possibly related to this bug report?


Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems - www.bluemangolearning.com

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Re: Rev_rant

2006-11-10 Thread Richard Gaskin

Dave wrote:
The fact that it turned into a rant and abuse was thrown was  
unfortunate, but perhaps understandable.

Where things tend to go south here is not from an open discussion of 
legitimate quality concerns, but the manner in which they are sometimes 

Some of your posts may have been firmly worded, but never unprofessional 
and never insulting to the others here or our host.  For the most part I 
agree with what you have to say (I feel your reply to Judy this morning 
was especially cogent), and appreciate that you take the time to do so 
with words chosen the achieve results rather than mere annoyance.

If everyone shared your good nature this list would likely remain a 
happy place.

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more: http://www.revJournal.com
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Re: [ANN] Quicktime Issues Wiki

2006-11-10 Thread Trevor DeVore

On Nov 1, 2006, at 7:16 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

Your post would indicate all is well with QT, just don't expect to
make chapatis with it.

Well, I don't know if I would say all is well with QT but it is  
moving forward.  I imagine the QT team has to make decisions and  
allocate resources like everyone else and overhauling audio/video  
architecture  appears to be the primary focus right now.

But I think Stephan's original point
though is still good, answer to Greg's issues:
 identify some subset of functions we would
like to have in QT that are now only available in Flash and tell
Apple about it.

It is definitely a good idea to let them know what you want.  Just  
some history on this though - Interactive QT developers (LiveStage  
Pro users mainly) have been lobbying Apple for interactive updates  
for a long time.  I think the millions of iTunes users hold more sway  
when deciding where development dollars go though :-)  Maybe once  
this audio/visual stuff gets sorted out that will change.  Who knows.

e.g.  I didn't see any reference to SMIL (my chapati) in the
Directions and Shifts of Emphasis in Quicktime 7 (yes -- very  

and encouraging to read that...)

Goal would be: to use XML to talk to the video region in a  
streamed context
 in ways that can be scripted vs sitting in Final Cut Pro and  
building it all into a

single .mov file. If QT SMIL support is not advancing, is there
an alternative that accomplishes the same thing?

I guess that is a question for Apple.

SMIL falls into the interactive realm I believe and so it would  
appears it isn't receiving any love right now.  Very unfortunate as  
it is a great way to combine media.  Whether there is an alternative  
depends on what you are trying to do with SMIL.  If you just want to  
combine multiple clips into a single movie without editing in Final  
Cut Pro then you could may be able to automate that in QuickTime Pro  
or Revolution with the EnhancedQT external.

Re the streaming problem on some of our windows users machines.
I've isolated it to  differences in connectivity that QT player can
handle, but which the Rev Player object cannot.  I'm going to
get a bit more info from our users and will post a BugZilla
on it when we have the data...

I'm not privy to the depth of relationship between Rev Engineers
and Apples QT team, but would hope that it got really tight.
to help solve such issues.

I don't know the answer to this either but I do know that there are  
QuickTime engineers who have a soft spot for Revolution.  There are  
still engineers (at least one) who have been with QT since being  
moved there from the HyperCard team.  I ran into a friend of his (who  
also worked on the HyperCard team) while demoing software at a  
University.  The software was made in Revolution and he was really  
excited to see that HyperCard was still alive in a sense and how  
people were creating things with it.

You main point is good:

QT looks very healthy on both platforms for the future, no need to  

That is how it appears to me.

Especially if one is going to create desktop apps then the  
Revolution Framework
with QT embedded will let us do just about anything we want that we  

try in Flash...

Of course it depends on what you want to do with Flash but for what I  
do the answer is yes.  QuickTime is definitely making strides in the  
QT Framework (lots of Windows integration improvements in QT 7 so it  
appears to be a focus) so apps that depend on that QuickTime seem to  
be in good hands.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems - www.bluemangolearning.com

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Re: Home Stack Handler Analog

2006-11-10 Thread Richard Gaskin

Good to see you here, Mikey:

For the last day or so I've been trying to make some of the old HC
Home stack handlers work in RR.  The one problem that I'm having is
manipulating the RevPropertyPalette 1 stack so that I can do things
like bringing up card and stack properties.

doMenu doesn't seem to work with RR menus.

So has anybody made some of the home stack scripts work in RR?

I don't have much in my old HC Home stack that I've needed in Rev, but 
you're right, doMenu is implemented in a limited way in Rev.  It 
provides hooks only to a handful of common menu items, but exactly which 
ones are supported doesn't appear to be documented.  Does anyone here know?

To solve the problem at hand, looking in Rev's menu script shows that 
the Object-Object Inspector menu item triggers this line:

  send revBuildPropertyPalette to stack revTemplatePalette

You should be able to use that in place of doMenu to open the property 
inspector for controls.

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more: http://www.revJournal.com
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UDP question

2006-11-10 Thread Andre Garzia


I have two stacks, one is a udp server stack and the other is a  
client stack. The server is setup to use the newPacket callback  
message when a datagram arrives. The client will write to the server  
then it will read from the socket to see if there was any answer.

The client is able to write to the server fine, the datagrams arrive  
nicelly. The server is not able to answer back, no error is reported  
by the write to socket message but nothing is returned to the server,  
the read from socket message after the write to socket on the client  
returns empty. I've sent more than 1k packets, they could not be all  
droped since on one way it all works fine but on the other way they  
simply don't work.

Am I doing something really stupid?

My packet size is 576 chars, I've also used 8k and 2k sizes, the  
client is able to send those fine and they arrive intact, but from  
server to the client I can't seem able to communicate.

thanks in advance, udp is kinda new to me.

PS: Mac OS X here, rev 2.7.5.
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: UDP question

2006-11-10 Thread Mark Schonewille


I had a similar problem when I tried to broadcast over UDP. I wanted  
a client to broadcast and a server to reply. AFAIK Revolution cannot  
do that. I solved it by having the server open a new connection to  
the client. Since you're sure that the client will reply, this can be  
a normal connection, which allows you to keep the connection open as  
long as necessary.




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Op 10-nov-2006, om 16:50 heeft Andre Garzia het volgende geschreven:


I have two stacks, one is a udp server stack and the other is a  
client stack. The server is setup to use the newPacket callback  
message when a datagram arrives. The client will write to the  
server then it will read from the socket to see if there was any  

The client is able to write to the server fine, the datagrams  
arrive nicelly. The server is not able to answer back, no error is  
reported by the write to socket message but nothing is returned to  
the server, the read from socket message after the write to socket  
on the client returns empty. I've sent more than 1k packets, they  
could not be all droped since on one way it all works fine but on  
the other way they simply don't work.

Am I doing something really stupid?

My packet size is 576 chars, I've also used 8k and 2k sizes, the  
client is able to send those fine and they arrive intact, but from  
server to the client I can't seem able to communicate.

thanks in advance, udp is kinda new to me.

PS: Mac OS X here, rev 2.7.5.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: UDP question

2006-11-10 Thread Jim Ault
On 11/10/06 7:50 AM, Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My packet size is 576 chars, I've also used 8k and 2k sizes, the
 client is able to send those fine and they arrive intact, but from
 server to the client I can't seem able to communicate.

Part of the answer may lie in your router/ip configuration, but I am sure
you are aware of sockets and connections in general.

When I went through my setup ( I use UDP every day btween apps and
computers), I used the two stacks by Alex Tweedly to test and debug all of
my apps.  

Do you have the 
UDP Echo Client and
UDP Echo server?

The idea is to run the Echo Client and Server, then reverse and make the
computers the opposite, therefore testing packets both scenarios to find the

If not, they are available in the User Spaces   alextweedly

I believe UDP broadcast needs to know the ip addresses of the recipients,
which is the way I set it up.

Let me know if you have any questions or need someone to help ping and debug
from here.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 11/10/06 7:50 AM, Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have two stacks, one is a udp server stack and the other is a
 client stack. The server is setup to use the newPacket callback
 message when a datagram arrives. The client will write to the server
 then it will read from the socket to see if there was any answer.
 The client is able to write to the server fine, the datagrams arrive
 nicelly. The server is not able to answer back, no error is reported
 by the write to socket message but nothing is returned to the server,
 the read from socket message after the write to socket on the client
 returns empty. I've sent more than 1k packets, they could not be all
 droped since on one way it all works fine but on the other way they
 simply don't work.
 Am I doing something really stupid?
 My packet size is 576 chars, I've also used 8k and 2k sizes, the
 client is able to send those fine and they arrive intact, but from
 server to the client I can't seem able to communicate.
 thanks in advance, udp is kinda new to me.
 PS: Mac OS X here, rev 2.7.5.
 use-revolution mailing list
 Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: UDP question

2006-11-10 Thread Jim Ault
On 11/10/06 7:50 AM, Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My packet size is 576 chars, I've also used 8k and 2k sizes, the
 client is able to send those fine and they arrive intact, but from
 server to the client I can't seem able to communicate.

One more note:
The script container that opens a socket is the one that receives the the
close and error notifications.  You may have designed a button to open the
socket and a stack handler to trap the errors, but the message path is not
maintained (eg. a card script opens the socket, then you navigate to another
card, the prev card is no longer in the message path)

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On 11/10/06 7:50 AM, Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have two stacks, one is a udp server stack and the other is a
 client stack. The server is setup to use the newPacket callback
 message when a datagram arrives. The client will write to the server
 then it will read from the socket to see if there was any answer.
 The client is able to write to the server fine, the datagrams arrive
 nicelly. The server is not able to answer back, no error is reported
 by the write to socket message but nothing is returned to the server,
 the read from socket message after the write to socket on the client
 returns empty. I've sent more than 1k packets, they could not be all
 droped since on one way it all works fine but on the other way they
 simply don't work.
 Am I doing something really stupid?
 My packet size is 576 chars, I've also used 8k and 2k sizes, the
 client is able to send those fine and they arrive intact, but from
 server to the client I can't seem able to communicate.
 thanks in advance, udp is kinda new to me.
 PS: Mac OS X here, rev 2.7.5.
 use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Rev_rant part 1

2006-11-10 Thread Bernard Devlin

Hi Dave,

I'm not sure if you intended this email to come to the list (some  
stuff in it sounds oddly private), but since it is now in the public  
domain, I'm going to reply to it.  I'm not sure if I'm getting all  
the mail that goes to the list, so apologies if I'm posting out of  
context.  Also, as it's a long reply, I'm going to split it into  
sections (the list doesn't like messages above 15kb).

There is definitely a problem with silly bugs and lack of a clear
way of finding answers to problems within the Rev environment - in
short it takes a long time (more than necessary) to become a RunRev

If a bug affects you, then yes it is annoying.  But in 3 weeks of  
intensive development, I came across 1 bug.  The advice on how to fix  
it was readily available by dropping in to chat with my chums on  
ChatRev (indeed I felt very stupid for not thinking how to solve it  
for myself).  It wasn't a show stopper, but could well cause a new  
user to doubt the power of Rev.  As for your other remark about how  
long it takes to become an expert - I have dabbled in Rev for the  
past four years, committing myself instead to developing web  
applications.  Well, after 4 years I've come to the conclusion that I  
have wasted far too much time trying to get reasonable UIs working in  
those web applications (I was using what became the dojo toolkit  
before AJAX was invented as a word/concept).  I have achieved far  
more in three weeks with Rev than I could have ever achieved in 3  
weeks of web development.  In fact, I'm re-working an entire client- 
side toolkit (that was previously written in Java by a famous company  
with some of the best developers in the world), and I'm adding  
features to it that they never had (such as broadcasting change  
notifications to other users based on what data they are currently  
viewing).  One of the things that I have wanted for a long time in  
Rev is integration with a VCS - so I've written an application to  
convert Rev stacks to XML and back again, so that they can be under  
version control.  I'm a long way from being one of the Rev experts to  
be found on this list, I would estimate that over the past 4 years  
I've spent less than 5% of my programming time using Rev, yet I would  
say that I'm able to achieve more in Rev than I am (for example) in  
languages like Javascript or Java, where I've spent considerably more  

I just don't know what you mean by there is definitely a ... lack of  
a clear way of finding answers to problems within the Rev  
environment.  The documentation is actually some of the best I have  
seen (try using some Java libraries where all you get is an API).   
There is this user group (where requests for help rarely go  
unanswered) - I know official fora of some companies where 20% of  
requests for help go unanswered.  There is ChatRev - a nice, cosy  
place where some very knowledgeable people hang out - if I'm stuck  
and really impatient I go there, and after a few minutes of chatting  
I've got the information I need (sometimes at 7am, other times at  
11pm).  You can get official technical support from Runrev at a  
fraction of the price of other companies.  You have access to  
bugzilla.  You have 2 Rev conferences a year that you can attend.

I thought a couple of weeks ago that some of libURL seemed badly  
documented, and after asking for help (which I received within  
minutes) I realised it was my own mis-reading (the use of 'it' as a  
keyword does sometimes have its drawbacks).  A couple of days ago I  
thought that the pErrors caught in a try/catch was badly documented.   
Turns out it is a little obscure, but again, in almost no time at all  
I had one of the users here pointing me to a library he's written  
that would help me in this regard, and which does more than I would  
probably even have imagined I could need.

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Re: Rev_rant part 2

2006-11-10 Thread Bernard Devlin

Dave said:

I think it's really sad that this is the case, and, the new
way of selling support or updates compounds that problem and makes it
harder to sell (in my experience).

It might make it harder for you to sell.  That doesn't mean that  
(overall) it is a less profitable way for Runrev to function.   
Indeed, I think maybe some clarification is required here.  If you  
are renewing an existing license, Rev is really insignificant as a  
business expense.  If you are buying a license for the first time,  
you no longer get the free 1 year of upgrades that earlier licensees  
got.  Well, sorry for those people who are a little late to the party  
- maybe you should turn this around and consider that existing users  
of Rev are being rewarded for the past good sense and loyalty.   
Believe it or not, I actually agree with you that this change in  
pricing seems like a backward step for Runrev - but neither you nor I  
are privy to their thinking, and I just assume that if it does not  
work as they expect they are shrewd enough to make the necessary  

Now, what are you referring to WRT the new way of selling support?   
I don't think that the costs of support have changed, and  
furthermore, as I pointed out in an earlier email, the cost of  
support incidents from Rev are remarkably low compared to the other  
support options for products I use/have used.

It may help to realize that there is a big distinction made (both at
RunRev and with seasoned RunRev developers that have come to the
environment via HyperCard/MetaCard) between the IDE and the Engine.
This means that more support effort is put into developing/fixing the
Engine than the IDE. The problem with this is that new customers do
not see this distinction until further along the RunRev route and
treat it as one big package.

There is no reason for new users to be aware that there is a  
separation between the engine and the IDE (in fact, there is every  
reason to keep that complication away from new users). We are in the  
enlightened position that the engine and the IDE can be separated,  
hence the availability of other IDEs (all still provided by the same  
engine).  That doesn't mean that Runrev have neglected the IDE, as  
far as I can see, so what makes you say more support effort is put  
into developing/fixing the  Engine than the IDE?  I just looked at  
the change log files that came with 2.7.4 and they are both 8kb in  
size, but there are far more bug fixes listed for the IDE than there  
are for the engine.


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Re: Rev_rant part 3

2006-11-10 Thread Bernard Devlin

Dave said:

In my opinion RunRev should concentrate
on one Bug-Fix release and fix as many old bugs as possible without
adding too many (if any) new features. I really think the IDE needs a
big overhaul, since this is the first thing a new user sees.

As I say, I do not experience Revolution as a bug-ridden tool, and I  
don't see why the IDE needs a big overhaul.  I can find you long- 
standing bugs in Lotus Notes and WebObjects, tools by companies much  
larger than Runrev.

Since there has been a lot of loud complaining about this in the past  
few months by several others, maybe such a release is required.  It  
could well be that since I have only been a dabbler in Revolution for  
the past few years, I haven't been caught by the long-unfixed bugs  
that people are complaining about.  I will repeat what I have said  
before -  because of users moaning about the inadequacies of the  
documentation Runrev have put a lot of effort into converting what  
was already excellent documentation - it's now in XMl and in PDF, and  
there are even beginner's tutorials in both PDF and Video.  Runrev  
also produced a forum because there was plenty of moaning about there  
being a mailing list but not a forum.  (I'm almost tempted to go back  
over the list archive and see who those people were,  to see if they  
are still around and if they are actually using the forum).  There  
were complaints about the externals interface - it was re-written.  I  
think Runrev have been more responsive than any other development  
company that I've been involved with.  In fact, my belief is that the  
loud complaints about the documentation in the past were probably  
unfounded.  I actually find myself going back to my install of 2.2.1  
to use the documentation because for me that was the high point for  
the documentation.

It could be that in the attempt to make programming in Rev more  
accessible they have taken their eyes off the ball WRT to some bug  
fixes.  Or maybe they are hard to fix.  I would welcome this great  
bug-fix version too (even though I obviously live in a parallel -  
maybe even pollyanna - universe).  I understand that other people are  
probably using Rev far more actively than I have been, and have been  
feeling some irritation with long-standing bugs. But if you look at  
the change logs for 2.7.4 you will see that many IDE bugs were fixed.

why doesn't RunRev just license one of the existing 3rd party IDE and
make that the one they ship when you buy a RunRev license?

I like the Revolution IDE.  I like it more than the MetaCard IDE.  I  
like it more than Constellation.  I haven't even gotten round to  
trying Galaxy, even though I have a license for it.  I like the Rev  
IDE a darn sight more than Emacs, or Eclipse, or the Domino Designer  
IDE, or Dreamweaver, or Filemaker, or Wirefusion, or Applescript  
Studio/XCode.  In fact, I think I prefer it to any other IDE.  Of  
course there are some inconsistent behaviours, and it would be nice  
to have them fixed.  But they don't irk me enough to see if they are  
in bugzilla, and they certainly don't irk me enough to complain to  
the list.

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Re: Rev_rant part 4

2006-11-10 Thread Bernard Devlin

Dave said:

then RunRev will stop growing and eventually die.

I think that these kind of doomsday prognostications are particularly  
unhelpful.  Do you have any evidence that Runrev's financial position  
is suffering?  As far as I can see, Runrev are going from strength to  
strength.  Do you really think that this long stream of negative  
threads is beneficial to new users, old users, and the company  
itself?  I think it is more likely to put off new users than anything  
else they might experience in their first 30 days of using Rev.

In fact, ironically, part of me actually doesn't want other people to  
know about Rev - for me Rev is an amazing competitive advantage.  I'm  
not entirely sure that my interests as a developer are best served by  
everyone and his dog knowing what a great tool it is.  Of course it  
is in Runrev's interests to maximize their profits and maximise their  

Since I first came across Rev 4 years ago I have bought updates (even  
if I was not making much use of the tool in those years) because I  
wanted to keep supporting it for a time when (or even if) I did start  
to really need it.  Anyone who can see that it is a very productive  
tool for them should IMO do likewise and keep a stream of revenue  
going in the direction of Runrev.  If you can find better tools for  
development, then go for them.  I for one can't find a better tool  
for the development of cross-platform GUI apps.  And if you've spent  
a significant amount of time learning the ins and outs of Transcript/ 
xTalk and the whole stacks/controls/message path thing, then it's in  
your own interest to do what you can to support Runrev.

As far as I am concerned, with Rev the glass is certainly more than  
half-full.  In fact, if I had the money I'd be trying to buy the  

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Re: how to place a dialog window

2006-11-10 Thread Wilhelm Sanke

On Tue Nov 7; Mark Swindell mdswindell at cruzio.com wrote:

What is the correct syntax to tell Rev where to place a dialog window?


Ask What's your name? (at the location of this wd)

and on Wed Nov 8, Phil Davis revdev at pdslabs.net answered:

Hi Mark,

Personally I'm not aware that you can set the screen position of a 
standard Rev

dialog, though I'm willing to be corrected.

I often use a substack as a dialog. (snip)

Although I  frequently build my own custom dialogs, I also make use of 
the possibility to place answer and ask dialogs.
This has been implemented in the alternative Metacard IDE since about a 
year. The same approach can be used within Revolution if you make the 
necessary small changes - only two added lines -  to the scripts of the 

I have uploaded a sample stack that shows a number of different ways to 
place dialogs and how to modify the scripts of the 2.7.x  Rev dialogs to


This stack contains modified answer and ask dialogs as substacks. A  
folder modifieddialogs in the zip-file contains modified versions  of 
stacks revanswerdialog.rev and revaskdialog.rev that can be used to 
replace the default Rev stacks in folder toolset .

An older stack that can be used with Rev 2.6.x can be found on page 
Tools and Samples for Development at


(Scroll  far down on that page).


From the text of the new sample stack:

Normally, an answer dialog or ask dialog is displayed at the center of 
the stack from which it called by the answer or ask command (on 
Windows) and on Mac OS slightly above the center of the stack.

The modified card scripts of stack answer dialog and  ask dialog 
have  two added lines at the end of the preopenstack handler - 
immediately before end preopenstack - that creates or sets a custom 
property NewLoc of the dialog.

if the NewLoc of this stack is not empty then set the loc of this stack 
to the NewLoc of this stack

set the NewLoc of this stack to empty

Line 2 of the above script ensures that the default behavior of the 
dialog is restored for the next time you open the dialog and have *not* 
specified a NewLoc before, meaning the two added lines do not affect 
the normal behavior of the dialogs unless you choose to determine a 

You have to set a value for NewLoc in the script of the calling button 
above the line with the answer or ask command, like

set the NewLoc of stack Answer dialog to 150,150
answer Does this work?

As answer dialog and ask dialog are stacks (even as substacks) the 
coordinates you set are screen coordinates.

If you want to place the dialogs relative to the stack - e.g. near one 
button, to the right of a field etc. - you have to use the globalloc() 
property which transforms stack to screen coordinates; example:

To place a dialog below a button you could use:

 put the loc of me into tloc # the position of the calling button
 add 90 to item 2 of tloc  # the y value
 set the NewLoc of stack answer dialog to globalloc(tloc)
  answer immediately below the button?

If you set the x,y values directly instead of a variable  you have to 
put the values between quotes like

set the NewLoc of stack answer dialog to globalloc(150,300)

Compare the different ways to set values for NewLoc in scripts of the 
sample buttons.

I have added a modified answer dialog and ask dialog as substacks to 
this sample stack. These substacks take precedence over IDE stacks when 
you use the answer or ask command.-

Now, how to change the script of stack Answer dialog (likewise for the 
ask dialog) in Revolution

Up to version Rev 2.6.x the answer and ask dialogs were substacks of the 
home (license) stack.
From version 2.7.x on the stacks were renamed to revanswerdialog.rev 
and revaskdialog.rev and transferred to folder toolset.

versions 2.7.x

- choose open stack from menu button File and open stack 
revanswerdialog in folder toolset

- choose card inspector and then edit script
- add the two scriptlines just before end preopenstack
- save stack revanswerdialog

In versions Rev 2.6.x this is different, because answer and ask dialogs 
are substacks of stack Home (stack licence.rev)

- check Revolution UI elements in Lists under menu button View
- open the Application Browser and click on Answer dialog
- right-click on card ID 1002 to bring up the script editor
- add the two lines
- save the dialog

In both versions 2.6.X and 2.7.x you can also use the message box to 
change the script and type

edit script of cd 1 of stack answer dialog

(Be sure to save stack answerdialog in the message box afterwards.)

This is possible although in 2.7.x the answer dialog has been renamed to 
revanswerdialog. This new name is only the effective filename, the 
real name with which the dialog is called  is still answer dialog.
revanswerdialog can be used  with open stack etc. only from the 
File menu item,  not 

Re: UDP question

2006-11-10 Thread John Craig
I also had a look at Alex Tweedly's UDP examples when I started looking 
at networking with Rev. - saved a lot of time.
I've also got two very minimal test stacks on user space Jock_McTartan - 
about 10 lines of code each - client and server.

They have just enough in them to show the mechanism working.

Hope this helps.


Andre Garzia wrote:


I have two stacks, one is a udp server stack and the other is a client 
stack. The server is setup to use the newPacket callback message when 
a datagram arrives. The client will write to the server then it will 
read from the socket to see if there was any answer.

The client is able to write to the server fine, the datagrams arrive 
nicelly. The server is not able to answer back, no error is reported 
by the write to socket message but nothing is returned to the server, 
the read from socket message after the write to socket on the client 
returns empty. I've sent more than 1k packets, they could not be all 
droped since on one way it all works fine but on the other way they 
simply don't work.

Am I doing something really stupid?

My packet size is 576 chars, I've also used 8k and 2k sizes, the 
client is able to send those fine and they arrive intact, but from 
server to the client I can't seem able to communicate.

thanks in advance, udp is kinda new to me.

PS: Mac OS X here, rev 2.7.5.
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Re: Clipboard Anomally [BUG]?

2006-11-10 Thread J. Landman Gay

Chipp Walters wrote:

Actually, I find copy/paste clipboard issues always occur when launching
Rev. Rev seems to always start with a clear clipboard on XP. I don't have
the same problem with copy/paste text in other apps.

I restarted WinXP, copied some text in Notepad, closed Notepad, reopened 
Notepad, and pasted. It worked. Then I relaunched Revolution, made a new 
stack with a field, and pasted. And that worked too. So it isn't 
consistent. Today's test seems to show that Rev doesn't automatically 
clear the clipboard.

I wish I could pin down when it fails, because I have a standalone with 
a registration dialog that users paste a serial number into. If they 
copy the serial from an email and launch my app, it only pastes 
sporadically. If the dialog is already open when they flip over to email 
to copy, it pastes every time.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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Re: Clipboard Anomally [BUG]?

2006-11-10 Thread Mark MacKenzie
I need to be able to do this as well, for a registration stack 
function.  I have awful trouble with the copy and paste function 
(to/from clipboard) not working as it should.  You have described it 


Mark MacKenzie

J. Landman Gay wrote:

I restarted WinXP, copied some text in Notepad, closed Notepad, 
reopened Notepad, and pasted. It worked. Then I relaunched Revolution, 
made a new stack with a field, and pasted. And that worked too. So it 
isn't consistent. Today's test seems to show that Rev doesn't 
automatically clear the clipboard.

I wish I could pin down when it fails, because I have a standalone 
with a registration dialog that users paste a serial number into. If 
they copy the serial from an email and launch my app, it only pastes 
sporadically. If the dialog is already open when they flip over to 
email to copy, it pastes every time.

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Kudos to Bill Marriott and RunRev

2006-11-10 Thread Richard Gaskin
I just got the latest newsletter.  Wow!  Check out the new QA initiative 
headed up by Bill Marriott:


Excellent news.

Thank you Bill for stepping up to the plate, and thanks for RunRev for 
the insight to put this together.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.FourthWorld.com
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Re: Group margin

2006-11-10 Thread Peter T. Evensen
I just looked and the boundingrect is empty.  I still had to use a 
leftmargin of -4 to get it to work.

At least I do have a work around (the negative leftmargine).  It seems to 
work on Mac as well.


At 09:30 PM 11/9/2006, you wrote:

Peter T. Evensen wrote:
Is there a way to adjust the group?  I have some grouped controls and I 
made the width of the group smaller than the width of the items and added 
a horizontal scroll bar.  The problem is that there is a several pixels 
margin on the left and right, so that the scroll bar is wider than it 
needs to be and when I scroll all the way to the left, the objects are 
several pixels too far to the right.
I tried adjusting the leftmargin, but that doesn't seem to have any 
effect.  I set it to 0, and I still have the blank space on the left.

Although if I set the leftmargin to -4 then it has no space on the left.

Make sure the group's boundingrect is set to empty. Then open the group 
for editing (you don't have to change anything, but you might want to 
jiggle an object or two) and then stop editing it. It sounds like the 
group's boundaries may be off, and doing this might force a reset of the 
edges. I seem to remember having this same problem a few years ago and 
that's how I fixed it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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Peter T. Evensen
314-629-5248 or 888-682-4588 

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Re: UDP question

2006-11-10 Thread Dar Scott

On Nov 10, 2006, at 8:50 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:

The client will write to the server then it will read from the  
socket to see if there was any answer.

That's what I tried to do, but (unless it was changed in the past two  
years) that is not how it works for UDP.  I would have preferred  
something like that.  It makes it more like TCP.  In my message level  
scripts I make them more alike.  Scott Raney set me straight on this  
some time ago when I reported bugs on the above method.

The client is able to write to the server fine, the datagrams  
arrive nicelly. The server is not able to answer back, no error is  
reported by the write to socket message but nothing is returned to  
the server, the read from socket message after the write to socket  
on the client returns empty. I've sent more than 1k packets, they  
could not be all droped since on one way it all works fine but on  
the other way they simply don't work.

Open the client-to-server with a callback.  For UDP the callback is  
not a callback for when the open completes, it completes  
immediately.  It is the callback for any return packets.  This is the  
same kind of callback as 'accept' gets.

On the server end, handle the response with the handler for the  
'accept' callback.  The IP address  port is in the parameters.   
There is a socket to that destination open.  Send back any packets  
you need (usually one) and then close it using the provided socket id.

For both that callback and the one for the server's accept you should  
close the incoming connection.

Rev doesn't allow specifying your local port, but you can crisscross  
one-way IP if you don't like the above methods.

If you have both a TCP 'accept' and a UDP 'accept' on the same port  
number, they look the same in the openSockets.  When you close one or  
otherwise refer to one, you might not be closing or working with the  
one you think.

It's been a while since I have used UDP at this level on Rev, so  
there may have been changes.


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Re: RevCon - How To Increase Rev Profile

2006-11-10 Thread Mark Swindell

On Nov 10, 2006, at 2:58 AM, Dave wrote:


I can't help seeing their point, from a recent post to the list by  

Anyway, I really hope that some bugs get fixed soon and the IDE is  
over hauled.

If you (or anybody) already tried it, download a trial of the Galaxy  
IDE.  I've never seen a company respond so quickly to feature  
requests and bug reports... they have been added and fixed, literally  
within hours sometimes.  And the IDE is looking and working better by  
the day.  When it is finished (if an IDE can ever be finished )  
it's going to be a thing of beauty.  OK, it's an added cost, but well  
worth it.


No affiliation,
use-revolution mailing list
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Custon Modal Dialogs Problems

2006-11-10 Thread Stephen Barncard
I've been creating custom answer and ask modal dialogs, mainly 
because I want HTML prompts, cancel to return 'cancel' instead of 
empty, and the capability to have empty be empty.

For some reason, however, I'm getting a strange situation when the 
modal stack is launched.

When clicking around the edges of the dialog, the mousedown message 
gets sent to a field below, which does have some mousedown handlers.

After one click, the dialog works normally. It's like the focus is 
shifted to the calling card just after the dialog is drawn.

launch again, this time when I try to click-drag on the titlebar to 
move the dialog window, a field just above and behind the dialog gets 
selected as if I had dragged it.

I'm not using any special code that we haven't discussed here previously.

has anyone noticed this in Rev lately? If so, I'll BZ it.

Runtime Revolution:  v2.7.4
Platform:   MacOS
License Type:
Build # 291
MacOS   10.4.8

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
- - -  - - - - - - - - -
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Re: how to place a dialog window

2006-11-10 Thread Chipp Walters

Quick and dirty way:

on mouseUp
 go inv stack answer Dialog
 set the loc of stack answer Dialog to the screenloc
 show stack Answer Dialog
 answer hello
end mouseUp

On 11/7/06, Mark Swindell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What is the correct syntax to tell Rev where to place a dialog window?

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OT: looking for Xcode expert

2006-11-10 Thread Josh Mellicker
Figured with the Mac faithful on this list there might be an Xcode  
guru or two...

The process I need to do seems to be summed up here:


and here:


Rather than setting off on this journey without a guide, I was hoping  
to have an expert walk me through these steps to avoid excessive time  
wandering and lost in the desolate Xcode wastelands :-)

Our offer is $200/hour prorated.

Thanks, and now back to your regularly scheduled program...
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Kudos to Bill Marriott and RunRev

2006-11-10 Thread Mark Talluto

On Nov 10, 2006, at 11:22 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

I just got the latest newsletter.  Wow!  Check out the new QA  
initiative headed up by Bill Marriott:


Excellent news.

Thank you Bill for stepping up to the plate, and thanks for RunRev  
for the insight to put this together.

If that is not solid support, I don't know what is.  This is a great  
move by RunRev with all the experience from Bill Marriott to make it  
come together!  My blood is pulsating.  Yikes!

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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Re: Kudos to Bill Marriott and RunRev

2006-11-10 Thread Viktoras Didziulis
The Linux support alone is so long waited feature. And now with integrated
Altuit products and new QA strategy! 
Wow! Many thanks! 
---Original Message--- 
From: Richard Gaskin 
Date: 11/10/06 21:23:24 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: Kudos to Bill Marriott and RunRev 
I just got the latest newsletter. Wow! Check out the new QA initiative 
headed up by Bill Marriott: 
Excellent news. 
Thank you Bill for stepping up to the plate, and thanks for RunRev for 
the insight to put this together. 
Richard Gaskin 
Fourth World Media Corporation 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.FourthWorld.com 
use-revolution mailing list 
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Re: Kudos to Bill Marriott and RunRev

2006-11-10 Thread Bernard Devlin

If that is not solid support, I don't know what is.  This is a great
move by RunRev with all the experience from Bill Marriott to make it
come together!

Absolutely!  This is exactly the kind of thing I've seen done by  
Runrev time and again in the last 4 years.  They really do listen,  
and they really do try to solve problems.

use-revolution mailing list
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Browser, SQLite and font capabilities added to Revolution

2006-11-10 Thread Bernard Devlin
Thank you, Runrev for justifying my belief in you :-)  I was starting  
to sound like a fanboy, not the deep cynic I really am...

I already purchased  altBrowser earlier this year, and purchasing the  
other two came very close too.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Kudos to Bill Marriott and RunRev

2006-11-10 Thread J. Landman Gay

Richard Gaskin wrote:
I just got the latest newsletter.  Wow!  Check out the new QA initiative 
headed up by Bill Marriott:


I am so excited by this. As near as I can tell, it is everything that 
people here have been asking for. And Bill, wow, what a champ, stepping 
up to the plate like this.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Clipboard Anomally [BUG]?

2006-11-10 Thread J. Landman Gay

Mark MacKenzie wrote:
I need to be able to do this as well, for a registration stack 
function.  I have awful trouble with the copy and paste function 
(to/from clipboard) not working as it should.  You have described it 

One thing you might have to do is add a pasteKey handler to the dialog 
card. In my app, there are not yet any menus loaded when the initial 
registration window appears, so there is no automatic editing 
capabilities. I don't need copying, but I did need pasting, so I added 
this to the card:

on pasteKey
 put the clipboardData[text] into fld myRegField
end pasteKey

Or you might want to use the selectedfield if you allow pasting to any 
field. If you do need the ability to copy, take a look at copyKey in 
the docs and write a handler to catch that message too.

Adding the pasteKey handler got it working for me on all platforms, 
except that on Windows it works only some of the time.


Mark MacKenzie

J. Landman Gay wrote:

I restarted WinXP, copied some text in Notepad, closed Notepad, 
reopened Notepad, and pasted. It worked. Then I relaunched Revolution, 
made a new stack with a field, and pasted. And that worked too. So it 
isn't consistent. Today's test seems to show that Rev doesn't 
automatically clear the clipboard.

I wish I could pin down when it fails, because I have a standalone 
with a registration dialog that users paste a serial number into. If 
they copy the serial from an email and launch my app, it only pastes 
sporadically. If the dialog is already open when they flip over to 
email to copy, it pastes every time.

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your 
subscription preferences:


Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
use-revolution mailing list
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External Writing for the Unitiated – Part I

2006-11-10 Thread Bernard Devlin
I just want to say 'thanks' to Mark for this article in the latest  
newsletter.  After openly admitting that I felt that building  
externals was beyond me, I am really pleased to know that I am going  
to be able to follow this tutorial and bridge that gap in my knowledge.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: External Writing for the Unitiated – Pa rt I

2006-11-10 Thread Sarah Reichelt

On 11/11/06, Bernard Devlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just want to say 'thanks' to Mark for this article in the latest
newsletter.  After openly admitting that I felt that building
externals was beyond me, I am really pleased to know that I am going
to be able to follow this tutorial and bridge that gap in my knowledge.

You beat me to it Bernard :-)

I just read that article with great interest and mean to try it out,
although I've always stayed well away from externals before. I think
there are some OS X functions for printing that would be really good
if I could work out how to call them directly.

Thanks, Mark - looking forward to part 2...

use-revolution mailing list
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Altuit sale of altBrowser, altSQLite and altFont to RunRev

2006-11-10 Thread Chipp Walters

Well, most of you probably have already read the latest news, but I thought
I could add our take on things.

Today we announced the imminent sale of three of our best selling add-ons to
Runtime Revolution.
The three products are altBrowser, altSQLite, and altFont. All are externals
which enhance the capabilities of the RunRev development platform and
standalones. For more information on what they do, please visit our website
at www.altuit.com. Here are some answers to some obvious questions:

So why did Chris and I do this?
We have felt for sometime now, Chris has pushed the external architecture to
it's limits with altBrowser. With RunRev now becoming the owner, there are
many things they can do to even make it better, as well as integrate it more
thoroughly with the IDE. altSQLite is the only single-user DB available for
RR which runs on all 3 platforms-- plus the footprint is considerably
smaller than all others. It's a natural fit for RunRev, especially for users
of other databases like FileMaker who wish to jump out from under
restrictive licensing terms. And altFont was thrown in for 'good measure!'

When does the sale take place?
Starting December 1, you can no longer purchase any of the 3 from Altuit.

What about support?
We will continue to support versions purchased from us up until Dec 1. We
are not obligated to support any of the products after Dec 1. If you ask
nicely, we will probably help out. ;-)

Do existing users get free or discounted upgrades?
This has not yet been determined. Purchasing a new version today does not
allow you a free upgrade when RR's version comes out in Q1, so unless you
really need the functionality now, you may wish to wait.

What if I need to buy altBrowser, altSQLite or altFont between Dec 1 and
when RR ships the new version in Q1 2007?
You'll need to discuss it directly with the Runtime Revolution folks.

Does this mean Altuit will no longer be making externals or other products
for Rev users?
Nope, we still may release some external products in the future. We
currently still have a free grouping of plugins available for developers
along with MagicCarpet, InterfaceDesigner, and ButtonGadget available for
all you guys and gals.

Does this mean Altuit is leaving the RunRev platform?
Not anytime soon. Unless someone can point us to a product which allows us
to develop client apps like ChartWizard
IN A SINGLE DAY, I seriously doubt it. Plus, we have many many clients who
depend on RunRev applications built by us for them who all need support and
next generation products.

Did you guys make a boatload of money from this?
We wish. Actually the terms are a big trade secret, but needless to say,
Chris and I won't be making any unscheduled stops in Vegas anytime soon. The
primary incentive for doing this was not money. A real bonus is, we believe
it helps to make RR a stronger and more viable platform. Discussions with
Kevin over the past month have been very positive regarding the future of
quality control for our beloved development platform, as evidenced by the
public beta announcement made today.

Thanks to all for the great support of our products. We hope to onetime
again amaze you guys with some newer, neater stuff!

best, Chipp and Chris
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Re: RevCon - How To Increase Rev Profile

2006-11-10 Thread Josh Mellicker

On Nov 10, 2006, at 11:55 AM, Mark Swindell wrote:

If you (or anybody) already tried it, download a trial of the  
Galaxy IDE.

I second that.

Also, once you can set up a front end for a remote multiuser  
relational database in Rev as quickly as FileMaker*, and Rev  
positions in the market as a tool for many users to access and edit  
data, Rev will be huge. It is the Information Age, it's all about the  

(Then, users will discover all the other power as a bonus!)

*I am getting closer to this goal, slowly but surely... Rev could  
help with a super-duper table object, I have the rest pretty well  
figured out :-)

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Re: Kudos to Bill Marriott and RunRev

2006-11-10 Thread Dan Shafer

Fantastic news. Way to go, RR and BIll!

Now the rest of us have clear marching requests (since nobody can order US
around, right?) :-)

On 11/10/06, J. Landman Gay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Richard Gaskin wrote:
 I just got the latest newsletter.  Wow!  Check out the new QA initiative
 headed up by Bill Marriott:


I am so excited by this. As near as I can tell, it is everything that
people here have been asking for. And Bill, wow, what a champ, stepping
up to the plate like this.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   | http://www.hyperactivesw.com

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought

From http://www.shafermediastore.com/tech_main.html

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Re: how to place a dialog window

2006-11-10 Thread Wilhelm Sanke

On Fri Nov 10,  Chipp Walters chipp at chipp.com wrote:

Quick and dirty way:

on mouseUp
  go inv stack answer Dialog
  set the loc of stack answer Dialog to the screenloc
  show stack Answer Dialog
  answer hello
end mouseUp

The dirty part of this is if you use a full answer syntax with options 
- instead of just saying hello - like

answer Choose a color with red or green or Blue

and then

put it into field result

then field result will remain empty!

The only place you can put the it variable - when using a script like 
in Chipps example - seems to be the message box.--

What it needed here is to change the syntax in the engine; several 
proposals have been made in the past for such a solution to place the 

Unitl this happens, it is a good interim solution to use a custom 
property NewLoc like it is implemented in the Metacard IDE and could 
also be implemented in the Rev IDE (see my last post of this thread).


Wilhelm Sanke


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Non-US keyboards: Cmd-{ and Cmd-]

2006-11-10 Thread Richard Gaskin

I have a customer using a Swedish keyboard in an application that makes 
extensive use of Cmd-[ and Cmd-] in the workflow.  This user reports 
that on her keyboard layout the [ and ] characters are not readily 

So this leaves me with two question:

1. For all you folks using non-US keyboards, which keyboards do not 
support [ or ] as a single keystroke?

2. Anyone know of a site where I can see images or a table of keyboard 
layouts for multiple languages?  Any other way to better understand the 
keys available for our international users?


 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.FourthWorld.com
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Non-US keyboards: Cmd-{ and Cmd-]

2006-11-10 Thread Dave Cragg

On 10 Nov 2006, at 22:47, Richard Gaskin wrote:

2. Anyone know of a site where I can see images or a table of  
keyboard layouts for multiple languages?  Any other way to better  
understand the keys available for our international users?

Try here


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Re: how to place a dialog window

2006-11-10 Thread Wilhelm Sanke

Another detail:

If you use the dirty script

on mouseup
 go inv stack answer Dialog
 set the loc of stack answer Dialog to 200,200
 show stack Answer Dialog
 answer Choose a color with red or green or blue
 set the backcolor of fld  1 to it
end mouseup

then field 1 of the answer dialog is being colored!

If you have named field 1 of the stack that contains the calling button 
to result  -and you change the above script accordingly - then you 
will get an error message no such object.

--Wilhelm Sanke


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2006-11-10 Thread Bill Marriott
Hi everyone,

I had something of a quandary deciding how to title/post this note:

- I could have made a final post to my now-famous Open Letter to Rev: 
Quality is Job #1 thread
- I could have responded to the recent Rev_rant discussion (which I've 
been itching to do for a week or so, now)
- I could have titled this FREE REV UPDATE! AWESOME!
- or simply, Hooray!!

The bottom line is... I think this is is a red-letter day for us as Rev 
users and Runrev as a company.

   ~  ~  ~

Let me first highlight something that could have been missed in all the 
exciting headlines:

* * * * * * * * * *
Revolution 2.7.5 will be a FREE UPDATE. If you had an active Revolution 
maintenance plan as of February 1, 2006, or if you purchased any version of 
Revolution 2.7, you will receive Revolution 2.7.5 AT NO CHARGE.
* * * * * * * * * *

What an important move on the part of Runrev. It shows not only that they've 
been reading and listening to the feedback on the list, but also that they 
have a lot of integrity and pride about the product. Not to mention the 
highest regard for their customers. All of us who've been waiting for Linux 
support, everyone who's had a crash, everyone who's scratched their heads 
with weird behavior now gets the version of Rev we've been waiting and 
hoping for, no matter whether their license expired in the last 9 months.

It's a big deal. It was one of the things I asked for in my posts, and I'm 
delighted they agreed.

   ~  ~  ~

The second thing I want to point out is that this is a no-features release 
TOTALLY driven by our feedback and bug reports. I can't think of many (if 
any) other companies that have taken quite this approach before.

If you, like me, felt you were wandering in the desert or frustrated by 
the impression that an esoteric feature was taking priority over some 
aggravating problem... come in out of the cold and fret no more. I've had 
every assurance -- and I believe them -- that Bugzilla will be what drives 
this update.

So now is the time for everyone to make friends with Bugzilla:


Dust off your old bugs, file new reports, and vote for the ones filed by 
others that affect you most. We ESPECIALLY need to transform all the 
anybody else see this happening? chat on the list into actual, 
full-fledged bug reports that can be tracked and resolved. So I hope you'll 
go through your prior posts right now and begin transforming them into 
Bugzilla bugs as appropriate.

You'll remember that I was pretty skeptical about the value of Bugzilla, 
given its Byzantine interface, the time investment it took to file a decent 
report, and the assumption the reports didn't go anywhere. Well, Bugzilla 
still is an ugly, drooling beast, but I *AM* now convinced that filing 
reports will be worth every minute of effort. I am confident the reports 
will be read and acted upon. So, let's take Runrev up on their pledge and 
channel our energies into documenting the problems we've found.

   ~  ~  ~

Finally, those of you who've been around a while know I've been something of 
a gadfly on the list. I tell it like it is and I don't pull any punches.

I'm hoping that Runrev's selection of me to lead the community in defining 
this release demonstrates to everyone Runrev's credibility. When they say 
they intend to make 2.7.5 the best-ever version of Rev, eliminate the bugs, 
and make it a joy to use... I believe them.

   ~  ~  ~

The Open Community Beta won't last forever. We need to pound on it early 
and often. So please don't delay. Go to


right away and sign up for the beta RIGHT NOW. When your key code and 
download links arrive (very likely, Monday) please download and throw your 
best punches.

And please feel free to send me your comments... either at my personal 
address or my new email: bill.marriott (at) runrev.com

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Non-US keyboards: Cmd-{ and Cmd-]

2006-11-10 Thread Richard Gaskin

Dave Cragg wrote:

On 10 Nov 2006, at 22:47, Richard Gaskin wrote:
2. Anyone know of a site where I can see images or a table of  
keyboard layouts for multiple languages?  Any other way to better  
understand the keys available for our international users?

Try here


Perfect!  Thank you.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.FourthWorld.com
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Re: Clipboard Anomally [BUG]?

2006-11-10 Thread Martin Baxter

J. Landman Gay wrote:

Chipp Walters wrote:

Actually, I find copy/paste clipboard issues always occur when launching
Rev. Rev seems to always start with a clear clipboard on XP. I don't have
the same problem with copy/paste text in other apps.

I restarted WinXP, copied some text in Notepad, closed Notepad, reopened 
Notepad, and pasted. It worked. Then I relaunched Revolution, made a new 
stack with a field, and pasted. And that worked too. So it isn't 
consistent. Today's test seems to show that Rev doesn't automatically 
clear the clipboard.

I wish I could pin down when it fails, because I have a standalone with 
a registration dialog that users paste a serial number into. If they 
copy the serial from an email and launch my app, it only pastes 
sporadically. If the dialog is already open when they flip over to email 
to copy, it pastes every time.

I dunno either, but some time ago when I was experimenting with a linux 
version of my app, I found that keyboard shortcuts for menu items in 
general failed on that platform, so I included a commandkey handler in 
the card script, and that worked reliably. Just thought I'd mention it.

Martin Baxter
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Valentina 2.5 for Revolution Countdown: SSL Adapter

2006-11-10 Thread Lynn Fredricks
Valentina 2.5 is the next major update to Valentina for Revolution ADK and
Valentina Developer Network (Platform Edition). Current license holders will
receive a free upgrade.

Valentina 2.5 for Revolution Countdown: SSL Adapter

Valentina 2.5 introduces a second Valentina Adapter: Valentina SSL Adapter.
Valentina SSL Adapter allows you to establish secure, SSL connections
between your Valentina based solution and Valentina Embedded Server.

Valentina Office Server 2.5 and Valentina Studio 2.5 incorporate support for
the Valentina SSL Adapter. To deploy support in an Embedded Server-based
solution, you will need to pass your own SSL Adapter key in the same way you
deploy your developer code for Valentina Embedded Server.

Valentina Office Server and Valentina Embedded Server have a default
port_SSL of 0. However, you can allow your server to listen to two ports at
a time: a secure port and a non-secure port. You can entirely disable the
non-secure port by specifying this in the server's .ini file.

Here is how you make a non-SSL connection to a server:

connection = new VConnection( host, user, passw, port )

Using the Valentina SSL Adapter, the call is remarkably similar:

connection = new VConnection( host, user, passw, port )

Standard OpenSSL Library
The Valentina SSL Adapter utilizes the OpenSSL library, the most widely used
SSL library available.

Using Valentina SSL Adapter in Your Solutions
The Valentina SSL Adapter is available to VDN Platform Edition 2.5
customers. You pay once to deploy it with your solutions, royalty free.


Valentina Developer Network lets you create end deploy solutions using
Valentina Embedded Server - the ultra fast server you can deploy royalty

Learn more at http://www.valentina-db.com

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Re: External Writing for the Unitiated – Pa rt I

2006-11-10 Thread Dar Scott

On Nov 10, 2006, at 1:56 PM, Bernard Devlin wrote:

I just want to say 'thanks' to Mark for this article in the latest  

I clicked on the read more  link in the email I got and was taken  
to something else.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Altuit sale of altBrowser, altSQLite and altFont to RunRev

2006-11-10 Thread Jim Ault
Congratulations Chris and Chipp!
I use altBrowser every day in my business and am glad that Rev is adding it
to the externals they will offer.  Just starting with altSQLite, but will be
doing much more with it in the coming months.

Looking forward to the future.
Jim Ault 
Las Vegas

On 11/10/06 1:15 PM, Chipp Walters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, most of you probably have already read the latest news, but I thought
 I could add our take on things.
 Today we announced the imminent sale of three of our best selling add-ons to
 Runtime Revolution.
 The three products are altBrowser, altSQLite, and altFont. All are externals
 which enhance the capabilities of the RunRev development platform and
 standalones. For more information on what they do, please visit our website
 at www.altuit.com. Here are some answers to some obvious questions:
 So why did Chris and I do this?
 We have felt for sometime now, Chris has pushed the external architecture to
 it's limits with altBrowser. With RunRev now becoming the owner, there are
 many things they can do to even make it better, as well as integrate it more
 thoroughly with the IDE. altSQLite is the only single-user DB available for
 RR which runs on all 3 platforms-- plus the footprint is considerably
 smaller than all others. It's a natural fit for RunRev, especially for users
 of other databases like FileMaker who wish to jump out from under
 restrictive licensing terms. And altFont was thrown in for 'good measure!'
 When does the sale take place?
 Starting December 1, you can no longer purchase any of the 3 from Altuit.
 What about support?
 We will continue to support versions purchased from us up until Dec 1. We
 are not obligated to support any of the products after Dec 1. If you ask
 nicely, we will probably help out. ;-)
 Do existing users get free or discounted upgrades?
 This has not yet been determined. Purchasing a new version today does not
 allow you a free upgrade when RR's version comes out in Q1, so unless you
 really need the functionality now, you may wish to wait.
 What if I need to buy altBrowser, altSQLite or altFont between Dec 1 and
 when RR ships the new version in Q1 2007?
 You'll need to discuss it directly with the Runtime Revolution folks.
 Does this mean Altuit will no longer be making externals or other products
 for Rev users?
 Nope, we still may release some external products in the future. We
 currently still have a free grouping of plugins available for developers
 along with MagicCarpet, InterfaceDesigner, and ButtonGadget available for
 all you guys and gals.
 Does this mean Altuit is leaving the RunRev platform?
 Not anytime soon. Unless someone can point us to a product which allows us
 to develop client apps like ChartWizard
 IN A SINGLE DAY, I seriously doubt it. Plus, we have many many clients who
 depend on RunRev applications built by us for them who all need support and
 next generation products.
 Did you guys make a boatload of money from this?
 We wish. Actually the terms are a big trade secret, but needless to say,
 Chris and I won't be making any unscheduled stops in Vegas anytime soon. The
 primary incentive for doing this was not money. A real bonus is, we believe
 it helps to make RR a stronger and more viable platform. Discussions with
 Kevin over the past month have been very positive regarding the future of
 quality control for our beloved development platform, as evidenced by the
 public beta announcement made today.
 Thanks to all for the great support of our products. We hope to onetime
 again amaze you guys with some newer, neater stuff!
 best, Chipp and Chris
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Re: External Writing for the Unitiated – Pa rt I

2006-11-10 Thread Dar Scott

On Nov 10, 2006, at 6:10 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

I just want to say 'thanks' to Mark for this article in the latest  

I clicked on the read more  link in the email I got and was  
taken to something else.

I found it.  (Sorry for the noise.)

This looks interesting.  There seems to be some new things in the SDK.


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RE: External Writing for the Unitiated - Part I

2006-11-10 Thread Lynn Fredricks
 I found it.  (Sorry for the noise.)
 This looks interesting.  There seems to be some new things in the SDK.

I hope this stimulates capitalistic tendencies for those of you thinking
about RevSelect :-)

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Worldwide Business Operations
Runtime Revolution, Ltd

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Re: Thanks to all the non-native English speakers

2006-11-10 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, November 9, 2006, 12:43:24 PM, you wrote:

 If one looks at the frappr map, it looks like about half of the users
 might be non-native English speakers (I know the map is only the tip
 of the ice-berg - I'm not even on it myself):


   (to get the map to display in Firefox I find I have to go and look
 at some of the photos, then go back to the map page to get it load  
 the actual map)

The frappr folks keep changing things all the time. I'll see if I can
get that fixed up - thanks for bringing it to my attention. I can't
believe it's anything other than a glitch in their interface and will
set itself right soon - hard to imagine they'd want it to work that

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Annoying invisible background color.

2006-11-10 Thread Mark Wieder

Saturday, November 4, 2006, 8:06:03 AM, you wrote:

 Thanks. It says in the property inspector that bath the stack background and
 the card background are white inherited.

 I ran your (nice and very quickly furnished) set the bockground color and
 now it says it is white and not just white inherited. Now I can print a
 nice white card.

 Maybe the name white inherited could be changed to gray and the card
 when it is that white-inherited color could also be gray and we could
 retire the confusing white-innherited color which is not really a color at

I believe this is (or is related to) BZ#3570.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: UDP question

2006-11-10 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, November 10, 2006, 7:50:48 AM, you wrote:

 I have two stacks, one is a udp server stack and the other is a
 client stack. The server is setup to use the newPacket callback  
 message when a datagram arrives. The client will write to the server
 then it will read from the socket to see if there was any answer.

 The client is able to write to the server fine, the datagrams arrive
 nicelly. The server is not able to answer back, no error is reported
 by the write to socket message but nothing is returned to the server,
 the read from socket message after the write to socket on the client
 returns empty. I've sent more than 1k packets, they could not be all
 droped since on one way it all works fine but on the other way they
 simply don't work.

We ran into the same thing setting up a UDP demo in Malta. The server
could send a broadcast packet which was received by the client. The
client would then respond to the packet but the response was
apparently never picked up by the server. The same thing works fine
using TCP. There seems to be a bug with either a) responding to UDP
broadcast packets or b) receiving responses to UDP broadcast packets.
We had to code around this by using known IP addresses.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Quality

2006-11-10 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, November 10, 2006, 3:35:19 PM, you wrote:

 So now is the time for everyone to make friends with Bugzilla:


Or better yet, RevZilla...


-Mark Wieder

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Re: how to place a dialog window

2006-11-10 Thread Chipp Walters

OK Wilhelm.

How about this then,

on mouseUp
put the short name of the topStack into tStack
go inv stack answer Dialog
set the loc of stack answer Dialog to 200,200
show stack Answer Dialog
answer Choose a color with red or green or blue
set the defaultStack to tStack
set the backcolor of fld  1 to it
end mouseUp

That should solve your problem. Still quick and dirty. Oh, what if your
topStack is a palette, or even modal/non-modal??? Then don't use it, or hack
it further to accomodate.

I agree, the preferred way is to use one's own answer/ask dialogs, but
sometimes (as in when you are creating plugins for others to use inside
THEIR versions of Rev), you can't always count on your hacked versions being
'in play.'
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Re: Quality

2006-11-10 Thread Bill Marriott
Yes, Revzilla is beautiful! :) Perhaps an attractive candidate for inclusion 
within Rev itself?

But, I suppose that it's good to be able to submit bugs via web page 
(Revzilla would depend on Rev working).

Mark Wieder wrote
 Or better yet, RevZilla...


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Re: Rev_rant

2006-11-10 Thread Judy Perry
Hi Richard,

You just made me go back and re-read his posts to see if I missed
anything, as I certainly did not not have a recollection of any flaming
arrows being released in my general direction...

And, indeed, I didn't find any!



On Fri, 10 Nov 2006, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 Some of your posts may have been firmly worded, but never unprofessional
 and never insulting to the others here or our host.  For the most part I
 agree with what you have to say (I feel your reply to Judy this morning
 was especially cogent), and appreciate that you take the time to do so
 with words chosen the achieve results rather than mere annoyance.

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Re: Altuit sale of altBrowser, altSQLite and altFont to RunRev

2006-11-10 Thread Judy Perry
Awesome news!


On Fri, 10 Nov 2006, Chipp Walters wrote:

 Well, most of you probably have already read the latest news, but I thought
 I could add our take on things.

 Today we announced the imminent sale of three of our best selling add-ons to
 Runtime Revolution.
 The three products are altBrowser, altSQLite, and altFont. All are externals
 which enhance the capabilities of the RunRev development platform and
 standalones. For more information on what they do, please visit our website
 at www.altuit.com. Here are some answers to some obvious questions:

 So why did Chris and I do this?
 We have felt for sometime now, Chris has pushed the external architecture to
 it's limits with altBrowser. With RunRev now becoming the owner, there are
 many things they can do to even make it better, as well as integrate it more
 thoroughly with the IDE. altSQLite is the only single-user DB available for
 RR which runs on all 3 platforms-- plus the footprint is considerably
 smaller than all others. It's a natural fit for RunRev, especially for users
 of other databases like FileMaker who wish to jump out from under
 restrictive licensing terms. And altFont was thrown in for 'good measure!'

 When does the sale take place?
 Starting December 1, you can no longer purchase any of the 3 from Altuit.

 What about support?
 We will continue to support versions purchased from us up until Dec 1. We
 are not obligated to support any of the products after Dec 1. If you ask
 nicely, we will probably help out. ;-)

 Do existing users get free or discounted upgrades?
 This has not yet been determined. Purchasing a new version today does not
 allow you a free upgrade when RR's version comes out in Q1, so unless you
 really need the functionality now, you may wish to wait.

 What if I need to buy altBrowser, altSQLite or altFont between Dec 1 and
 when RR ships the new version in Q1 2007?
 You'll need to discuss it directly with the Runtime Revolution folks.

 Does this mean Altuit will no longer be making externals or other products
 for Rev users?
 Nope, we still may release some external products in the future. We
 currently still have a free grouping of plugins available for developers
 along with MagicCarpet, InterfaceDesigner, and ButtonGadget available for
 all you guys and gals.

 Does this mean Altuit is leaving the RunRev platform?
 Not anytime soon. Unless someone can point us to a product which allows us
 to develop client apps like ChartWizard
 IN A SINGLE DAY, I seriously doubt it. Plus, we have many many clients who
 depend on RunRev applications built by us for them who all need support and
 next generation products.

 Did you guys make a boatload of money from this?
 We wish. Actually the terms are a big trade secret, but needless to say,
 Chris and I won't be making any unscheduled stops in Vegas anytime soon. The
 primary incentive for doing this was not money. A real bonus is, we believe
 it helps to make RR a stronger and more viable platform. Discussions with
 Kevin over the past month have been very positive regarding the future of
 quality control for our beloved development platform, as evidenced by the
 public beta announcement made today.

 Thanks to all for the great support of our products. We hope to onetime
 again amaze you guys with some newer, neater stuff!

 best, Chipp and Chris
 use-revolution mailing list
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RE: Quality

2006-11-10 Thread MisterX
Way to go Bill!

 The second thing I want to point out is that this is a 
 no-features release TOTALLY driven by our feedback and bug 
 reports. I can't think of many (if
 any) other companies that have taken quite this approach before.

If any, most enterprise PC products (which I work with) do this even for 2
or 3 year old licensed products. 

But im glad this is finally happening in Rev's world.

 If you, like me, felt you were wandering in the desert or 
 frustrated by the impression that an esoteric feature was 
 taking priority over some aggravating problem... come in out 
 of the cold and fret no more. I've had every assurance -- and 
 I believe them -- that Bugzilla will be what drives this update.

 So now is the time for everyone to make friends with Bugzilla:
 Dust off your old bugs, file new reports, and vote for the 
 ones filed by others that affect you most. We ESPECIALLY need 
 to transform all the anybody else see this happening? chat 
 on the list into actual, full-fledged bug reports that can be 
 tracked and resolved. So I hope you'll go through your prior 
 posts right now and begin transforming them into Bugzilla 
 bugs as appropriate.

Problem is that 5 votes max per bug for a PC problem innundated
by Mac votes on other issues will not be concequential at the
end of the day... And any user can only vote what? 20 issues
to the max? Assuming he hasn't voted for other bugzillas...

 You'll remember that I was pretty skeptical about the value 
 of Bugzilla, given its Byzantine interface, the time 
 investment it took to file a decent report, and the 
 assumption the reports didn't go anywhere. Well, Bugzilla 
 still is an ugly, drooling beast, but I *AM* now convinced 
 that filing reports will be worth every minute of effort. I 
 am confident the reports will be read and acted upon. So, 
 let's take Runrev up on their pledge and channel our energies 
 into documenting the problems we've found.

Actually, I met another manufacturer's bugzilla thing... It's a 
6 page form per bug entry system. If you don't get it right in
the first page, you can't see the right stuff in the second page!

And my first bug entry took 3 hours in total because we have to 
the HW's serial number in the right location etc... Hell on the
web! Bugzilla in comparison is Mac-simple!!!

 Finally, those of you who've been around a while know I've 
 been something of a gadfly on the list. I tell it like it 
 is and I don't pull any punches.

welcome to the fly-in-the-soup club ;)

 I'm hoping that Runrev's selection of me to lead the 
 community in defining this release demonstrates to everyone 
 Runrev's credibility. When they say they intend to make 2.7.5 
 the best-ever version of Rev, eliminate the bugs, and make it 
 a joy to use... I believe them.

can't wait to see how far this goes!

 The Open Community Beta won't last forever. We need to 
 pound on it early and often. So please don't delay. Go to
 right away and sign up for the beta RIGHT NOW. When your key 
 code and download links arrive (very likely, Monday) please 
 download and throw your best punches.

Here's an abdomen punch: Unix/Solaris support is missing!?!


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Re: Quality

2006-11-10 Thread Judy Perry
I like that idea!

The only downside I can see is that dolts such as myself may feel free to
flood RevZilla with bugs that are really stupid user errors (which is
why even when I was having wierd font problems, I never BZ'd it because I
was fairly certain it just HAD to be something stupid that I was doing).


On Fri, 10 Nov 2006, Bill Marriott wrote:

 Yes, Revzilla is beautiful! :) Perhaps an attractive candidate for inclusion
 within Rev itself?

 But, I suppose that it's good to be able to submit bugs via web page
 (Revzilla would depend on Rev working).

 Mark Wieder wrote
  Or better yet, RevZilla...

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RE: Quality

2006-11-10 Thread Judy Perry
Well, you know,

even though I mentioned  the plight of the poor Linux/Unix/*nix user, I
suspect that some of the problems experienced or features nonexistent on
that platform may well be beyone Rev's control and lie more with the OS.

FWIW...  Let me know please if I am wrong about this so that I'll have a
better idea what to tell the odd *nix user I have next semester in the Rev


On Sat, 11 Nov 2006, MisterX wrote:

 Way to go Bill!

  The second thing I want to point out is that this is a
  no-features release TOTALLY driven by our feedback and bug
  reports. I can't think of many (if
  any) other companies that have taken quite this approach before.

 If any, most enterprise PC products (which I work with) do this even for 2
 or 3 year old licensed products.

 But im glad this is finally happening in Rev's world.

  If you, like me, felt you were wandering in the desert or
  frustrated by the impression that an esoteric feature was
  taking priority over some aggravating problem... come in out
  of the cold and fret no more. I've had every assurance -- and
  I believe them -- that Bugzilla will be what drives this update.

  So now is the time for everyone to make friends with Bugzilla:
  Dust off your old bugs, file new reports, and vote for the
  ones filed by others that affect you most. We ESPECIALLY need
  to transform all the anybody else see this happening? chat
  on the list into actual, full-fledged bug reports that can be
  tracked and resolved. So I hope you'll go through your prior
  posts right now and begin transforming them into Bugzilla
  bugs as appropriate.

 Problem is that 5 votes max per bug for a PC problem innundated
 by Mac votes on other issues will not be concequential at the
 end of the day... And any user can only vote what? 20 issues
 to the max? Assuming he hasn't voted for other bugzillas...

  You'll remember that I was pretty skeptical about the value
  of Bugzilla, given its Byzantine interface, the time
  investment it took to file a decent report, and the
  assumption the reports didn't go anywhere. Well, Bugzilla
  still is an ugly, drooling beast, but I *AM* now convinced
  that filing reports will be worth every minute of effort. I
  am confident the reports will be read and acted upon. So,
  let's take Runrev up on their pledge and channel our energies
  into documenting the problems we've found.

 Actually, I met another manufacturer's bugzilla thing... It's a
 6 page form per bug entry system. If you don't get it right in
 the first page, you can't see the right stuff in the second page!

 And my first bug entry took 3 hours in total because we have to
 the HW's serial number in the right location etc... Hell on the
 web! Bugzilla in comparison is Mac-simple!!!

  Finally, those of you who've been around a while know I've
  been something of a gadfly on the list. I tell it like it
  is and I don't pull any punches.

 welcome to the fly-in-the-soup club ;)

  I'm hoping that Runrev's selection of me to lead the
  community in defining this release demonstrates to everyone
  Runrev's credibility. When they say they intend to make 2.7.5
  the best-ever version of Rev, eliminate the bugs, and make it
  a joy to use... I believe them.

 can't wait to see how far this goes!

  The Open Community Beta won't last forever. We need to
  pound on it early and often. So please don't delay. Go to
  right away and sign up for the beta RIGHT NOW. When your key
  code and download links arrive (very likely, Monday) please
  download and throw your best punches.

 Here's an abdomen punch: Unix/Solaris support is missing!?!


 use-revolution mailing list
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Re: UDP question

2006-11-10 Thread Dar Scott

On Nov 10, 2006, at 8:29 PM, Mark Wieder wrote:

The server
could send a broadcast packet which was received by the client. The
client would then respond to the packet but the response was
apparently never picked up by the server. The same thing works fine
using TCP. There seems to be a bug with either a) responding to UDP
broadcast packets or b) receiving responses to UDP broadcast packets.
We had to code around this by using known IP addresses.

I would guess the problem is b.  The socket might be willing to  
receive something from, say, 255,255,255,255, but that will never  
happen because that cannot be a sender's IP address.  I guess Rev  
sockets are more picky (and moralizing) then TCP/IP requires, often  
more than Unix sockets.

Back when a team was looking at communication among Rev tasks, I made  
something that got around this by sending responses to all of a batch  
of ports on the requester's IP, a sort of poor man's Rendezvous.   
(The multiple ports allowed multiple tasks per computer.)

Several years ago I suggested some improvements that would allow  
better UDP use.  I don't know if I'd agree with those suggestions now  
or not.


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RE: Quality

2006-11-10 Thread MisterX
there's lots of unix apps out there. While java is more native 
to sun, there's lots of jobs to grab in that platform from 
server apps to administration control and management or 
reporting tools... 

I know it's not multimedia as you would have expected but the 
down to business applications arent always needing fancy 
features, just sturdy operations and a nice little GUI...


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Judy Perry
 Sent: Saturday, 11 November, 2006 06:20
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: RE: Quality
 Well, you know,
 even though I mentioned  the plight of the poor 
 Linux/Unix/*nix user, I suspect that some of the problems 
 experienced or features nonexistent on that platform may well 
 be beyone Rev's control and lie more with the OS.
 FWIW...  Let me know please if I am wrong about this so that 
 I'll have a better idea what to tell the odd *nix user I have 
 next semester in the Rev class.
 On Sat, 11 Nov 2006, MisterX wrote:
  Way to go Bill!
   The second thing I want to point out is that this is a 
   release TOTALLY driven by our feedback and bug reports. I can't 
   think of many (if
   any) other companies that have taken quite this approach before.
  If any, most enterprise PC products (which I work with) do 
 this even 
  for 2 or 3 year old licensed products.
  But im glad this is finally happening in Rev's world.
   If you, like me, felt you were wandering in the desert or 
   frustrated by the impression that an esoteric feature was taking 
   priority over some aggravating problem... come in out of the cold 
   and fret no more. I've had every assurance -- and I 
 believe them -- 
   that Bugzilla will be what drives this update.
   So now is the time for everyone to make friends with Bugzilla:
   Dust off your old bugs, file new reports, and vote for the ones 
   filed by others that affect you most. We ESPECIALLY need to 
   transform all the anybody else see this happening? chat on the 
   list into actual, full-fledged bug reports that can be 
 tracked and 
   resolved. So I hope you'll go through your prior posts 
 right now and 
   begin transforming them into Bugzilla bugs as appropriate.
  Problem is that 5 votes max per bug for a PC problem 
 innundated by Mac 
  votes on other issues will not be concequential at the end of the 
  day... And any user can only vote what? 20 issues to the 
 max? Assuming 
  he hasn't voted for other bugzillas...
   You'll remember that I was pretty skeptical about the value of 
   Bugzilla, given its Byzantine interface, the time 
 investment it took 
   to file a decent report, and the assumption the reports 
 didn't go 
   anywhere. Well, Bugzilla still is an ugly, drooling beast, but I 
   *AM* now convinced that filing reports will be worth 
 every minute of 
   effort. I am confident the reports will be read and acted 
 upon. So, 
   let's take Runrev up on their pledge and channel our 
 energies into 
   documenting the problems we've found.
  Actually, I met another manufacturer's bugzilla thing... It's a
  6 page form per bug entry system. If you don't get it right in the 
  first page, you can't see the right stuff in the second page!
  And my first bug entry took 3 hours in total because we have to the 
  HW's serial number in the right location etc... Hell on the web! 
  Bugzilla in comparison is Mac-simple!!!
   Finally, those of you who've been around a while know I've been 
   something of a gadfly on the list. I tell it like it is and I 
   don't pull any punches.
  welcome to the fly-in-the-soup club ;)
   I'm hoping that Runrev's selection of me to lead the community in 
   defining this release demonstrates to everyone Runrev's 
   When they say they intend to make 2.7.5 the best-ever version of 
   Rev, eliminate the bugs, and make it a joy to use... I 
 believe them.
  can't wait to see how far this goes!
   The Open Community Beta won't last forever. We need to 
 pound on it 
   early and often. So please don't delay. Go to
   right away and sign up for the beta RIGHT NOW. When your key code 
   and download links arrive (very likely, Monday) please 
 download and 
   throw your best punches.
  Here's an abdomen punch: Unix/Solaris support is missing!?!
  use-revolution mailing list
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 your subscription preferences:
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 your subscription preferences:

Re: Kudos to Bill Marriott and RunRev

2006-11-10 Thread Bill Marriott
Note: The Altuit stuff will not come with 2.7.5. That would be a feature 
and this is a pure-bug-fix release.

From the announcement:

All new purchases and upgrades of Revolution Studio and Enterprise from 
today will include these features free of charge when they become available 
in Quarter One 2007. Because new Revolution Studio and Enterprise licenses 
will increase in price December 1 with a corresponding increase in upgrades, 
you can benefit from these features at a lower price by purchasing your 
license or renewal before December 1.

Viktoras Didziulis [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The Linux support alone is so long waited feature. And now with integrated
 Altuit products and new QA strategy!
 Wow! Many thanks!

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