re: Is anybody working with Arabic?

2010-09-01 Thread Lars Brehmer

Thanks Richmond and Mark for the tips and advice.

Both were beyond my abilities at this time, but I appreciate it anyway.

For now I'll stick with my workarounds, one of which is trying to make  
sure that empty lines are never created in the custom property the  
first place. If that doesn't succeed, there is always:

repeat with i = 1 to the num of lines in tData
  if line i in tData = empty then delete line i in tData
end repeat

Obviously slower than filter without empty but the content of that  
custom property won't be large enough to make it noticable. By the way  
- I never understood why this, which is faster than repeat with ..,  
doesn't work.

repeat for ech line X in tData
  if X = empty then delete  X
end repeat

I use repeat for each ... in many handlers, but it doesn't work here  
and i don't see the difference.

Last thing - the alphabetical question. Is the result of sorting  
Arabic text linesalphabetical indeed alphabetical?

Cheers again,


I am working with Arabic for the first time and have a problem.  
First of all, I do not speak, read or write Arabic, so I can't spot  
things that might be obvious.  This project if for a friend who is  
learning Arabic. He will eventually enter his own content, and my  
Arabic content is just gibberish for testing purposes.

So far, most things work as predicted - the Arabic font, right to  
left text, etc. (looks weird by the way - the insertion point stays  
at the right as new characters are added/deleted at the left)

The only problem so far is this;

The bilingual content is stored as a tab delimited list in a custom  
property. When I filter the custom property without empty, I lose  
all of the content of the custom property except the first line or  
2. I finally noticed after much frustration that this seems to  
happen when there is more than one arabic word in an item, that is I  
lose all of the content starting with the first space in an Arabic  
The only thing I could think of is that the ASCII number of a space  
using the Arabic keyboard layout differs from the ASCII number of a  
European keyboard layout, but they are both 32.

I found out a long time ago that when a  appears in such a tab  
delimited list custom property, it causes weird things to happen,  
but I can easily work around it, and it never caused content in the  
custom property to just disappear while filtering without empty. Is  
there something about Arabic text that I obviously don't know? For  
now, all I can do is NOT filter without empty, which I do routinely  
in scripts because an empty line in the custom property would be a  
big problem for this particulat stack.

Anyone have an idea about this?

Also, when Runrev supports Arabic, does that mean that sorting  
aplphabetically works correctly? I can see that the text lines are  
indeed sorted by the first letter, but I obviously can't tell  
whether it is alphabetical.

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Is anyone working with Arabic?

2010-08-31 Thread Lars Brehmer
I am working with Arabic for the first time and have a problem. First  
of all, I do not speak, read or write Arabic, so I can't spot things  
that might be obvious.  This project if for a friend who is learning  
Arabic. He will eventually enter his own content, and my Arabic  
content is just gibberish for testing purposes.

So far, most things work as predicted - the Arabic font, right to left  
text, etc. (looks weird by the way - the insertion point stays at the  
right as new characters are added/deleted at the left)

The only problem so far is this;

The bilingual content is stored as a tab delimited list in a custom  
property. When I filter the custom property without empty, I lose all  
of the content of the custom property except the first line or 2. I  
finally noticed after much frustration that this seems to happen when  
there is more than one arabic word in an item, that is I lose all of  
the content starting with the first space in an Arabic item.
The only thing I could think of is that the ASCII number of a space  
using the Arabic keyboard layout differs from the ASCII number of a  
European keyboard layout, but they are both 32.

I found out a long time ago that when a  appears in such a tab  
delimited list custom property, it causes weird things to happen, but  
I can easily work around it, and it never caused content in the custom  
property to just disappear while filtering without empty. Is there  
something about Arabic text that I obviously don't know? For now, all  
I can do is NOT filter without empty, which I do routinely in scripts  
because an empty line in the custom property would be a big problem  
for this particulat stack.

Anyone have an idea about this?

Also, when Runrev supports Arabic, does that mean that sorting  
aplphabetically works correctly? I can see that the text lines are  
indeed sorted by the first letter, but I obviously can't tell whether  
it is alphabetical.


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formatted text in clipboardData

2010-03-31 Thread Lars Brehmer
I am trying to use a script to put the text of three text fields into  
the clipboardData and then manually paste it into a Word document and  
keep the text formatting.

Field txt1 - font A Bold
Field txt2 - font B Regular
Field txt3 - font A Regular

If I copy and paste each of the 3 fields separately, the fonts and  
formatting are retained.

But with this script;

set the clipboardData[rtf] to the rtfText of fld txt1  the  
rtfText of fld txt2  the rtfText of fld txt3

and then paste in the Word document, even when choosing formatted  
text result in all three becoming font A Regular. I have tried the  
same thing with htmlText and neither one works so far for me.

Is it possible to do what I am trying to do?


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Difference between XP and Vista/7?

2009-11-01 Thread Lars Brehmer
I have a standalone that is thoroughly tested in XP and I am now  
trying in Vista and Windows 7. I never bothered with Vista before, but  
Windows 7 will surely be adopted in far greater numbers than Vista  
was, so they are obviously extremely important now.

This is a standalone that is a splashscreen with the actual program  
stacks in the package or program folder. Nothing unusual here - in  
OSX  the program stacks have always been savable. In XP as well,  
whether the stanalone is installed or is just a program folder sitting  
on the desktop containing the .exe and other program stacks. I don't  
use any installer for OSX, just dragging the application to the  
applications folder.

When the free trial is launched for the first time, some custom  
properties which define the trial period are set in one of the stacks  
and saved. If the user buys the program, he receives an unlock code  
that also, among other things, sets some custom properties in one of  
the program stacks and saves it.

In Vista this all works as expected in the Rev IDE and also works as a  
program folder with the .exe inside on the desktop. But when I  
actually install the program and launch it from the start menu, the  
necessary custom properties for defining the the trial period and then  
the unlocking process are not saved.

I use the Inno setup compiler to create my Windows installers, and  
again, it always worked perfectly in XP. As you can see, I don't know  
a lot about Windows, I've only gotten pretty good at what it takes to  
get my standalones working in XP.

So I guess the question is this; What is different about Vista that an  
installed applications works differently than one that isn't  
installed? Why won't it save some simple custom properties once the  
standalone is actually installed? Or does the problem lie in the Inno  
setup compiler? And is it the same for Windows 7?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!



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Re: Difference between XP and Vista/7?

2009-11-01 Thread Lars Brehmer

Thanks Shao  Tiemo for the replies!

I guess I didn't make myself very clear, or I don't completely  
understand your suggestions, which is of course very likely, as I am  
one of those weird Mac-based Rev users who only understand Macs and  
Rev and not much else, and certainly nothing about Windows.

In the Rev IDE I have a stack - let's call it splashScreen that  
becomes the standalone application. There are also stacks myData,  
theApp, appGraphics and a couple of others. When I set the  
standalone application settings for the stack splashScreen, in the  
stacks pane I then add the stacks myData, theApp and appGraphics  
and the others. This gives me a standalone with the .exe and the added  
stacks in the program folder (Windows) or the application  Package   
Contents  MacOS  (OSX). All very basic. When the application opens,  
it opens the added stacks, which in my simple understanding ARE the  
program, that is, what the user actually uses. The splash screen app  
is just a construction to allow changes to the actual program  
stacks. I learned this 5 years ago from this very list and have been  
doing it this way ever since. There are hundreds of posts in the rev  
digest suggesting this - changes in a standalone application cannot be  
saved so make a splash screen the actual application and include the  
other stacks that might need to accept changes. So just now I found  
out the when I run the application splashScreen in Vista / 7 and  
want to do this;

set the whatEver of stack myData to true
save stack myData

it isn't saved. But it isn't saved only when the application is  
installed via the installer I made with Inno. If the program folder is  
just sitting on the desktop, it does work as expected.

Shao Sean wrote:

While most systems are pretty relaxed about it, if the user trying  
to use your software does not  have privileges to modify the content  
of the directory your scheme stops working..

I have to say I don't understand this, but my natural question is how  
do you give the user such priveleges? Is it even possible?


In Vista (and I am assuming Windows 7) there is the lovely virtual  
store which might be happening with your code seeing as it works  
when on the desktop but not installed in the Program Files  
directory.. Try saving your license stack to a safe folder (appdata)  
and see if that  works better for you..

I assume by license stack  you mean what I called myData. So how  
do I do this? How can I get that stack out of the program folder and  
into the Program Data folder? This question clearly shows how little I  
know and how dependent I am on the simplicity of RunRev - my  
standalones are 100% self contained - no databases, no writing to  
external files - just rev stacks and custom properties. Which al  
worked perfectly until Vista/7.

Tiemo wrote;

as Shao already pointed out, you may not write / update to the  
program dir,as far, as you haven't given full access for a normal  
user to your sub dir. The installer (inno) gets from vista once  
admin persmissions because of the name of the setup to allow him to  
write to the program dir. But your standalone may not.

again, how do I give that access to a user if it is at all possible?

The problem for people like me is that what worked in MacOS, OSX and  
every version of Windows throught XP sp3 suddenly doesn't work  
anymore. And no mention by RunRev that saving changes to stacks  
included in the standalone no longer works, at least no mention that I  
have ever seen. I have been reading this digest for 5 years now for  
the great tips and ideas, but I don't recall seeing that the entire  
stack paradigm and the use of changeable custom properties changed  
completely when Vista was relased. True, I don't read every post as  
carefully as the ones that are directly applicable to my work, but I  
have to think that I would have noticed something this important! Then  
again maybe not ;-) Besides that, I am still using Rev 2.8. In newer  
versions does in mention in the sandalone settings that just adding  
stacks in Vista / 7 will not allow changes to those stacks? Does it  
put the added stacks somewhere else so that it does work? I am very  
confused at this point and would appreciate some more help.


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Windows specialFolderPath

2009-09-30 Thread Lars Brehmer

Quick question about specialFolderPaths in Windows;

 specialFolderPath 35 (XP) C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/ 
Application Data

 specialFolderPath 35 (Vista) C:/ProgramData

Is sfp 35 in Windows 7 the same as in Vista?

And this is probably as dumd as it sounds, but systemVersion 6 =  
Vista, can i assume that systemVersion 7 is Windows 7?



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creating and/or replacing stacks

2009-09-17 Thread Lars Brehmer
Can anybody point me to a tutorial or a demonstration or anything that  
emplains creating or deleting or replacing stacks from a standalone?  
What I want to do is make a standalone that updates another standalone  
by replacing one of its stacks with one from the updater stack. As  
basic as this probably is, I haven't a clue how to do it, and all  
atttempts to figure it out have failed.



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Re: creating and/or replacing stacks

2009-09-17 Thread Lars Brehmer


Thanks for the links.

I guess I didn't phrase my question very well. My standalones have  
always been splash screens with the actual stacks in the program  
folder. It's one of those stacks I want to be able to replace with the  
update, so this isn't new to me. It's actually figuring out how to do  
it that I need help with, but after a quicl browse through the links  
you provided, I am pretty sure I will find my answers. Thanks again.



Can anybody point me to a tutorial or a demonstration or anything
that emplains creating or deleting or replacing stacks from a
standalone? What I want to do is make a standalone that updates
another standalone by replacing one of its stacks with one from the
updater stack. As basic as this probably is, I haven't a clue how to
do it, and all atttempts to figure it out have failed.

First concept for you to realize is that a standalone is a compiled
app or exe, which means once compiled, it can no longer be modified.

This is kind of like an oil painting where the artist wants to go back
and replace a blue color with one that is a little darker.  Can't undo
the painting, but you can make a new one and change the blue color.
For Rev, this means go back and compile a new version of your

What you can do is create a standalone that uses stacks that are not
part of the standalone, then replace those stacks.  There are many
discussions on the list about this and the key word to look for is
'splash screen'

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What's with the ¥ character?

2009-09-15 Thread Lars Brehmer

May I'm wrong, but I think there is something odd about the yen sign (¥)

I have a pait of almost identical scripts  and each one is applied to  
a custom property. Among other things, the script filters the custom   
property with a certain item.

In the first case, the item will be a letter and a number (a1, b2, c4,  
h3, p1, etc.)

In the second case, the item will be the same with a ¥ as the first  
character (¥a1, ¥b2, ¥c4, ¥h3,¥1 p1, etc.).

get lineoffset(line z in tText, the catsGrund of this stack)
put item 2 of line it in the catsGrund of this stack into tFilter --  
a1, b2, c4, h3, p1, etc. or ¥a1,¥ b2, ¥c4,

  ¥h3,¥1 p1, etc.--
filter tempList with *  tFilter  *
put the num of lines in templist into fld (tn  z)

In the script applied to the custom property without the ¥ symbol, the  
script works. In the one with the ¥ sympol it doesn't work. Could this  
have something to do with how Rev deals with the ¥ char in a custom  

I'm just curious, because I've already worked around it using

repeat for each line X in templist
  if tfilter is in item 6 in X or tfilter is in item 7 in X in L  
then put L  cr after zTemp

end repeat

It works fine and within a millisecond or two just as fast, but again,  
I'm curious about that ¥.



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Vista folder path

2009-05-22 Thread Lars Brehmer
I'm just now trying to get an old project working in Vista, and need  
to deposit a folder in the equivalent of the Application Data folder  
in XP. What must I add to the following? I know absolutely nothing  
about Visa, so I don't even know if there is an Application Data  
folder like the one in XP or where it is, and if there isn't one,  
where should this folder go (complete file path and specialFolderPath,  
if there is one.)

   if word 1 of the systemversion = NT then
  put specialFolderPath(35) into fPath
  put specialfolderpath(system) into fPath
end if



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General Vista question

2009-04-10 Thread Lars Brehmer
Eventually I will find some who runs Vista and test this all myself,  
but so far no luck.

When I make a standalone for Windows, almost all of the little changes  
I need to make involve text. I need to change almost every field  
location and/or fixed line height and/ or margins, and I often make  
plaintext bold to avoid that jaggy Windows text. I do this with a  
script that runs the first time the Windows standalone opens. Will  
this be necessary in Vista or is text handled, that is, diplayed  
differently making these little changes unnecessary. Anyone developing  
on a Mac and making similar changes for Windows and especially Vista?

Also, I use the Inno Setup Compiler to make the installer. Does it  
work in Vista or will I need a different setup compiler, and if so,  
which one?

Eventually I will find a Vista user, not so easy in Estonia, but it  
would be nice to know what to expect, right?


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Re: referenced images vs. images?

2009-04-01 Thread Lars Brehmer

Thank you for the tip Sarah!

However something is wrong. Terribly and strangely wrong. I made a  
folder with all photos, delete all corresponding photos in the stack,  
and reimported them as referenced images. The stack is STILL 550 megs!  
The standalone contains the following:

12 kbthe stack that is the standalone
36 kba second main stack
628 kb  all images in the in the main stack that are the icons and  
graphics of the interface

5.8mb   the referenced folder that contains the photos in question
2.3mb   the executable

This adds up to about 8.8 mb. The main stack has 130 cards all with  
the same background group, so without the photos, it should be about  
700 kb tops, so the standalone shoud be about 9.5 mb. But it is STILL  
550 mb! And it takes 8 seconds to launch, either in Rev or as a  
standalone. It saves itself when it closes, which also takes 8  
seconds. In both cases the beachball shows up.

I opened a copy of the main stack and deleted all cards but one,  
including even the card with the 628 kb of icon images. I saved it,  
closed Rev and guess what? The stack file is is still 550 mb

The build has nothing included at all, no ask/answer, no database  
support, no fonts, absolutely nothing!

Has anyone ever seen anything like this? It is driving me crazy!



by the way, in my original post below, it says 500 megs of images.  
that is not even correct (I just lookes at the file size without  
thinking.) There are only 5.8 megs of photos, so if I left them in the  
main stack, it should still be under 7 mb!

I have a stack with a lot of images, about 500 megs worth. Opening   
saving the standalone is very slow, so I redid the entire stack and  
the same images as referenced images from a separate folder instead  
simply importing them into the stack. I thought that the stack size  
drop from 550 megs to 50 megs by having referenced images outside  
of the
stack, but it doesn't - it stays the same size and is just as slow.  
when saving the standalone, there seems to be no way to include the  
that contains the referenced images, and in the standalone there is  
just a
grey rectangle where the images are supposed to be, obviously  
because the

wasn't included in the standalone.

What am I doing wrong? Have I misunderstood the concept of  
referenced images

completely? I found no answers in the Rev docs and am a little bit

If the size of your standalone hasn't changed, it appears that the
images are still stored as part of the stack.
You will need to clear them all out before building - put empty into
img MyImage will work I think.
Then your standalone needs to know where to find the images relative
to your standalone.

In Mac, the standalone is actually buried inside an application
bundle, which is a folder in disguise.
Get into it by right-clicking on the app and choosing Show Package  

Drill down in to the folders and you will find your standalone.
Your app needs to look for the images folder relative to this
location. The easiest is probably put the images folder inside the
bundle, so it is hidden from the casual user. If you put it in the
MacOS folder with your standalone, you can use the same references as
for the Windows version.


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referenced images vs. images?

2009-03-31 Thread Lars Brehmer

How is this supposed to work?

I have a stack with a lot of images, about 500 megs worth. Opening   
and saving the standalone is very slow, so I redid the entire stack  
and imported the same images as referenced images from a separate  
folder instead of simply importing them into the stack. I thought that  
the stack size would drop from 550 megs to 50 megs by having  
referenced images outside of the stack, but it doesn't - it stays the  
same size and is just as slow. Also, when saving the standalone, there  
seems to be no way to include the folder that contains the referenced  
images, and in the standalone there is just a grey rectangle where the  
images are supposed to be, obviously because the wasn't included in  
the standalone.

What am I doing wrong? Have I misunderstood the concept of referenced  
images completely? I found no answers in the Rev docs and am a little  
bit frustrated!



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Will pay for help

2008-12-10 Thread Lars Brehmer
In the next 10 weeks I will need a lot of help, which I will of course  
pay for, in order to build the Kagi KRM into a standalone. I have been  
asking the Kagi support staff about this, and apparently their support  
staff does not actually build the KRM into your program, not even for  
pay. You must do it yourself using their APIs (I need OSX and Windows)  
and theirin lies the rub. I am not capable of any programming  
whatsoever but Rev Transcript, so I cannot work with their APIs. They  
did send me a stack a Rev developer once made called Kagi External for  
Revolution v1.0 that apparently makes it all possible to use theeKRM,  
but I am not capable of implementing it myself.

I think the KRM process of buying and unlocking with a click without  
navigating a store, shopping carts, checkouts etc. would be the  
perfect way to go, at least for me with this particular project, and  
worth every penny of the fees thay charge for using this service.

If you are interested, please contact me off list with an estimate of  
your fee, when you could fit this into your schedule  and roughly how  
long it would take, including getting the final product set up with  
Kagi's support staff. Or does anyone recommend another solution to  
accomplishing the same thing the KRM does? I really like their model.



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Kagi as a distributor?

2008-11-18 Thread Lars Brehmer

Does anyone out there use Kagi to distribute/sell their applications?

I am considering using Kagi but my problem is that I just do not have  
the skills to use their APIs to incorporate their automatic  
registrationunlock keys into my rev made applications. Whos distriutes  
through Kagi and what can you tell me about the entire process of  
building their distribution and security features into rev standalones?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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re: Text Tricks invitation...

2008-05-08 Thread Lars Brehmer
I was just thinking about a text question I have no clue whatsover on  
how to solve when I saw Richmonds post, so let me ask you text experts  
about it if I may.

Suppose I have been working with an IPA font for a while, but want to  
switch to a different one, but the new one uses different key  
combinations (straight key, alt+key, shift+key, etc.) to produce the  
characters. It seems that I would need a script that replaces each old  
keystroke comination with the new one. I have to assume this is  
possible, and most likely not too difficult to do, but again, I  
haven't the on foggiest how to do this.  The idea here is that my  
Times IPA font is neither free nor distributable, but there is an  
alternative free IPA font that CAN be distributed, so I was thinking  
about including that one in my standalones and using revFontLoad  
(which I also haven't really figured out yet.)

Suggestions and tips?



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re: RunRev for iPhone and iPod Touch

2008-02-22 Thread Lars Brehmer
I couldn't agree more!  Personally I doubt I will ever learn to use/ 
code Apple's Xcode or the coming iPhone SDK, but I am sure some of you  
real cracks out there could develop a rev stack that can convert what  
is necessary to run a standalone on those devices. Or do the rev  
developers themselves plan to make that platform a standalone option?  
I guess that can't really be answered until everyone has seen the  
SDK,but isn't it theoretically possible? I am keeping my fingers  

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Property Profile Problems

2008-02-19 Thread Lars Brehmer
Does anyone out there make wxtensive use of Property Profiles, because  
I need a little help.

First problem; how do I prevent property profiles from creating  
themselves? For example - I have about 200 objects, mostly buttons,  
with 2 profiles - Master and Other. The two profiles are either icon  
(one for each profile) or visible (true or false). If I have the  
stackFile in Other and add a new object/ layer, a layer property is  
added to all two profile objects in front of it. The answer of course  
to only add objects when in the Master Profile, but sometimes I  
forget. Not that this doesn't make sense - it certainly does, but I  
would still like to know if there is any way to avoid this if I happen  
to forget which profile I am in and make some changes. It may not seem  
too important, but in this case it is, because of all the scripts in  
this project the only one that isn't virtually instaneous is switching  
profiles, which takes about 1/3 of a second. But at one point it  
started taking almost a second, at which point I discovered the  
hundreds of extra layer properties. One all were deleted and  
corrected, the switch was back to 1/3 of a second. Right now I am busy  
correcting this once again, and I was wondering if it is at all  
possible to avoid. I kind of doubt it, but it doesn't hurt to ask,  

The second is more difficult. I have some homemade ask and answer  
dialogs that involve a group moving into and back out of place,  
imitating a sheet. This by the way was a great suggestion to replace  
visual effects (sorry, I forgot who suggested this to me) but it is  
causing one problem. If for example I slide an answer dialog into  
place while in Master and then switch the profile to Other before  
answering (which slides the dialog group back out) a rect property is  
created fo all the objects in the group, and when I switch back to  
Master all the rects of the objects are wrong, because the group  
moves while in the Other profile. Is the only way around this to  
prevent the profile switch while an ask or answer dialog is visible  
and in place? I hope someone can suggest a way around this.


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Leopard throb images in a standalone

2008-01-30 Thread Lars Brehmer
First of all, many thanks to Sarah, Jaqueline and Jim for the concise  
and very easy to understand suggestions for my recent question about  
using a stack with many cards vs. listfield/custom properties. As  
simple as their suggestions were, they had tiny bits that are not  
clear in the documentation, at least not for a non-coder like me. The  
results are terrific, anywhere from a script taking 60 vs 1600  
milliseconds down to 18 vs 34!  A terrific speed improvement, thanks  
again! One strange thing though - Originally my data was in the many  
card stack stored as custom properties, now all of that is a single,  
very large custom property, so when I deleted the many card stack and  
made a new standalone, I expected the file size to be about the same  
if not slightly smaller, but instead it has grown by a couple of megs  
(about 30%!). The new single custom property is just the sum of all  
the old custom properties, and the only other changes are in a bunch  
of scripts, which for the most part got shorter. Where did the extra  
size come from?

Next question - how, if at all possible, can I make images in a  
standalone selectable and copy and pastable? In the IDE, obviously,  
yes, but clicking on an image in my standalone does not select it. I  
am starting to think it is not meant to be, but that would seem odd to  

Last question - some of you may recall my Leopard throb question  
from a week ago - where the shadow around the active window throbs  
in Leopard when a handler with a visual effect is executed. Now I know  
what causes it, but I don't know how to fix it, if that is even  
possible. It happens with visual effect wipe on a window that has a  
window shape, but not on a rectangular window.  Any way around this? I  
really like my app windows to have slightly rounded corners, but I  
also like some things to slide in and out like sheets. Ides anyone?


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Cards vs Listfield/custom properties revisited

2008-01-24 Thread Lars Brehmer
I followed the discussion about using stacks of many cards vs. a  
listfield vs. a custom property vs. a database.

I use a data stack with around 5,000 cards with anywhere from 4 or 5  
to over a hundred custom properties in each (out of 250 possible), so  
I decided to try everyone's advice.  I created a custom property with  
1 line with up to 250 items for each of the data cards.

My first speed tests were quite promising at first (example: what took  
1765 milliseconds the card way took just 60 milliseconds the new way.)  
Being a non coder type (please be patient with my lack of expertice),  
I haven't been able to find ways to translate all of the search and  
sort operations I do. Most things rely on the very basic

mark cards where some custom property = some condition
lock screen
lock messages --the data stack has an openCard handler that affects my  
main stack

repeat for q = 1 to the num of marked cards
go next marked card
do something
end repeat
unmark all cards
--mark cards the way they were before this operation
unlock messages
unlock screen

While this has always been fast enough for me, I am trying to learn  
better ways to do things, but after trying such things as filter with  
or match etc, I have found no way do something that has the same  
result as mark cards where  Is there anything that would have  
the effect of the (apparently not possible) command mark lines in it  
where ...? I suppose it would look something like this:

put the mData of this stack into gData --loads that big custom prop
somehow get rid of lines where something is not in a certain item of  
those lines

set the tempData of this stack to gData
do things with the tempData of this stack

I have been fiddling with this in my amateurish way for a couple of  
days now, and would really appreciate a simple to understand push in  
the right direction.



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Window trobbing in Leopard

2008-01-24 Thread Lars Brehmer
I have noticed a very slight throb effect in Leopard that I have  
never seen befor. It is not that flicker or flash that was discussed  
on many occasions in the past, just a very slight change that I can  
only descrive as a thob. It's as if that light shadow around the  
active window in OS X lightens a tiny bit and returns to normal - it  
is just a millisecond, but still noticeable. It only happens when the  
screen is locked and then unlocked with a visual effect - in this case  
wipe. It's almost as if the window goes from active window to not  
active window and back to active in an instant. There are only a  
handful of handlers in my app that use this, like dialogs appearing to  
slide down and up like a sheet. I love how it looks normally, so I'd  
like to keep it. I tried to recreate this with a new simple stack, but  
it behaves normally. This particular app has been a work in progress  
since Panther and pre rev version 2.

Has anyone seen this and maybe figured out a workaround? I does the  
same thing in the IDE as well.


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hypothetical iPhone question

2007-12-14 Thread Lars Brehmer
As we get closer to the release of the first iPhone SDK, I have a  
couple of (probably not too bright) questions.

Once the SDK is available, will it be possible for RunRev to somehow  
adapt Revolution to enable iPhone standalones? Is this even a valid  
question in the first place?  I have been using Rev for years now,  
but it is the only type of development I do. I have no idea how to  
use X-code or any other development environment or programming  
language, but I would be very keen to make simple apps for the iPhone  
and iPod Touch in the future.

Are they any rumours about RunRev getting on this bandwagon in the  
future? What would it take from Runrev to do this? Is it at all  
possible to make iPhone apps with Rev as it is now?

Just very, very curious!


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help with profiles

2007-09-21 Thread Lars Brehmer
I'm having a tough time working with property profiles and could use  
some advice.  Is there any way to prevent new profiles from being  
created for an object - behind my back, so to speak?  For example  
when I switch profiles, all that should happen is that the icons of  
about 150 objects get changed, in this case to the same icon in a  
different language. Also the menu items for about a dozen pop-up  
menus get switched to the other language.  What happens is that if a  
comletely unrelated  script calls for an object to move to a  
different location or be hidden,  the rect and/or visible becomes a  
new profile property, so when I switch profiles later, objects move  
or are hidden when they shouldn't be.  So far as a workaround I have  
created masks for objects that a script hides, so instead of hiding  
the object, the script shows the mask instead, in effect hiding it.  
This is fine with me. For objects that move, all I can do so far is  
tweek the interface a little, making the movement unnecessary. This  
changes my interface in small ways that really aren't my first  
choice. The only other thing I can think of is to add lines and if- 
thens to the script that switches the profiles, but this seems to  
defeat the purpose of profiles in the first place.

I already knew that working with property profiles can be a little  
bit tricky - the first time I tried to use profiles a couple of years  
ago as a newbie, I sort of created a nightmare for myself - I had  
added a single profile to quite a few objects while still designing  
the interface, so as the interface took shape and I moved things  
around, or hid them or changed sizes, etc, my objects suddenly had  
dozens of profiles each and the profile switch took forever and did  
dozens of things I didn't want it to. Back then I gave up on profiles.

I thought I had a handle on it now, but I guess I don't. For example  
besides the two things I already mentioned, I noticed that the switch  
took a little bit longer from Master to the second profile than from  
the second back to Master and when I looked at the profiles, most of  
the Master profiles suddenly had a layer profile - I guess I must  
have changed a layer somewhere, which of course changed the layer of  
every object in front of it. Now I am deleting the layer property  
from dozens of profiles.  What am I missing that could have prevented  
all of this? In preferences, the create profiles automatically is  
unchecked, and I honestly have no idea what the don't save settings  
when switching profiles even means.  Any tips?


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cross platform installer made with rev

2007-08-19 Thread Lars Brehmer
I could swear a while back one you pros out there mentioned an  
installer someone made with rev for installing software including  
EULA and everything else that belongs there.  I wanted to buy a copy,  
but I can't find it anywhere!  Anyone remember this or made such an  
installer yourself? Did I just imagine this?


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re: launch app from browser

2007-07-12 Thread Lars Brehmer
Thanks for replies to my original question, but I guess either what I  
had in mind and thought would be simple either isn't possible at all,  
or I just didn't ask the question in a way that any normal person  
could understand what I was trying to say. Sorry about that.  When I  
say launch an app from a browser I do not mean launch or download  
an app on a server and I don't mean anything involving file down or  
uploading or anything of the sort.  I don't mean anything involving  
any connection to the web or another server or another machine at  
all.  I just mean launch in the simplest sense of the word - launch  
an app that resides on your hard drive.  For example on a Mac in Mac  
Help you are looking at the help file for connecting to the  
internet.  On that page in the help file there are linksopen network  
diagnostics and open network preferences,  which when clicked  
launch tose apps. These links do exactly what single clicking on a  
dock icon does or douple clicking on an app icon in the finder, or  
for that matter single clicking on an app icon in the Windows start  
menu or double clicking on an app shortcut on the desktop or on an  
app icon in the programs directory. All I want to know is whether or  
not you can have a hyperlink or button in an html document (that  
resides on your hard drive) and is open in your browser and that  
launches another application which also resides on your hard drive,  
exactly the way clicking on a mailto link in your browser opens your  
mail app or clicking on a link to a H.264 video file launches  
Quicktime Player.  Or just like clicking on a web link in a rev  
document launches your browser and internet connection or using  
launch in a rev script launches any app you want it to launch. In  
this case the app I want to lauch is a simple standalone created in Rev.


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re: launch app from browser

2007-07-11 Thread Lars Brehmer

Thanks for the quick reply Stephen!


Quick, easy question;

I need to launch a standalone from within a web browser,


The why is easy.  A publisher making a multi-media language course  
is interested in integrating a vocabulary trainer of mine into their  
project.  Their project is not a web app, but it is done in html and  
runs locally on the user's machine in their web browser.  My app is a  
standalone and wouldn't run in the browser, of course, but it makes  
sense to me to be able to click a button or link in the language  
course html document that launches it.  I guess this is just to allow  
the user to lauch my trainer without navigating to it in the start  
menu or finder. Again, I know absolutely no html or java or the like,  
but I somehow assume there is a way to do this, just like clicking an  
e-mail address on a web page launches your mail app, or clicking on a  
link to an h.264 video on a web site launches Quicktime Player  
locally, or clicking a download link on the Veoh site launches Veoh  
player.  And in these three cases a file path is not necessary,  
although if a file path IS necessary, that wouldn't be a problem,  
since their installer would also install my app, so the file path is  

I do use Dreamweaver/Fireworks and have searched through their help  
files for this and found no hint.  And since opening an app via start  
menu - dock - finder etc. is as basic as it gets, I guess this is not  
a big deal.  It is, however, a nice little convenience for the user,  
so I thought I'd try to see whether it is indeed possible.  Any advice?


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launch app from browser

2007-07-10 Thread Lars Brehmer

Quick, easy question;

I need to launch a standalone from within a web browser, but I know  
absolutely zero html etc.  This would be an html file either  
installed on a user's hard drive or being read from a CD-rom with  
Firefox, Explorer, Safari, etc.  The standalone is already installed  
on the hard drive. In rev the button script is simply;

on mouseUp
  if the platform is macOS then
launch /applications/
launch C:\Program Files\eestiKeel\eestiKeel.exe
  end if
end mouseUp

How do I script a  button in this html file to do the same thing?  
Please remember, I know no html.



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re: Windows question

2007-04-05 Thread Lars Brehmer

Hey there Chip and Jaqueline (and anyone who can help!)

I have an application made on a Mac that I am testing in Windows  
and it does not show up with the other open apps with alt+tab. The  
interesting thing is that I have similar applications I have made  
that DO show up there, and I made them the same way with the exact  
same .ico file for the icons.  Furthermore, when I minimize this  
app to the task bar, it doesn't actually do that - it collapses to  
a small rectangular box just above the task bar that needs to be  
double clicked, not single clicked to expand again. Obviously  
something is wrong

Perhaps you have the stacks decorations set to empty? If so, then  
it won't
show up in the task bar. I believe also applications which window  
type are

set to palette have the same issue.

Well, this apparently isn't quite correct.  I have other standalones  
with decorations set to empty and they behave just fine.  And no  
palette windows either. And even more interesting is the following   
-  this is an app that needs a bunch of tweeks when I make the  
Windows standalone - mostly things like object positions and fonts,  
etc.  But the big problem lies in something I have been struggling  
with for a long time.

The Mac version has a window shape and decorations set to empty.
Yet it collapses into the task bar correctly!
It show up in the alt+tab open applications list!
The shape is simply a rectangle with rounded corners.
Several scripts use visual effect reveal (which has to be changed to  
wipe in windows to do the same thing).

Visual effects DO NOT work in Windows with this windowshape!
But they do work just fine with a regular rectangle shape.
So I change the stack shape to a regular rectangle as one of my tweeks.
Now the visual effects work but it does not collapse into the taskbar
AND does not show up in the alt+tab apps list.

So to summaraize, I can either have the shape I want and no visual  
effects or the visual effects but not the shape that I want. In both  
cases the decorations are empty.  I have redone the Windows  
standalone on the mac and the Windows machine and in both cases once  
with the tweeks being done before the standalone is made and once  
with the tweeks done after the standalone is done, but always with  
the same results.

I just cannot get both the shape and the effects that I want in  
Windows! But then again I am a windows idiot and fully realize my  
shortcomings there.  My Windows testing machine is a cheap HP running  
XP home on a Celeron processor (Oh my god - could this be the reason  
effects don't work in Windows It never occurred to me before!  

If anyone has a minute to check this out, contact me offline and I  
will get the app to you with detailed instructions on recreating this  
bizarre problem.

... a little bit later...

Ok, I have been fooling around and tried something for the first  
time, namely create the Windows standalone on my Windows test  
machine.  I never did this before because it has always worked  
fine on the Mac and I am an idiot with Windows.  Here is what  
happened - the standalone was created just fine, and it collapses  
properly to the task bar AND it shows up in the alt+tab open  
applications list.  This is an acceptable solution, but there is  
one new problem - the application icon doesn't work.

You shouldn't have to build on Windows, it's very odd. If it's
reproducible, I hope you'll put it into the bug database. I haven't
tried a Windows standalone in 2.8, but it was working fine in  
2.7.x. So
if it's broken, it's a new bug and now would be a good time to  
report it.

I goofed - this doesn't actually work - I made the standalone in  
Windows but forgot to do the tweeks that cause the collapse/alt+tab  
problems in the first place, so I will continue to make my standalone  
on the Mac.


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re: find and replace

2007-04-04 Thread Lars Brehmer

Thanks a million Jan!

Wouldn't it be easier if you kept the transition
separate in a custom handler that you could call from
other places?

The custom handler is definitely the way to go! It's almost  
embarassing, because I've been using custom handlers forever, but  
always a custom handler in a script that is only used in that  
script.  Now I know!



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Windows question

2007-04-04 Thread Lars Brehmer
What would cause a standalone made with Rev to not show up in the  
open applications alt+tab window and not collapse to the task bar?

I have an application made on a Mac that I am testing in Windows and  
it does not show up with the other open apps with alt+tab. The  
interesting thing is that I have similar applications I have made  
that DO show up there, and I made them the same way with the exact  
same .ico file for the icons.  Furthermore, when I minimize this app  
to the task bar, it doesn't actually do that - it collapses to a  
small rectangular box just above the task bar that needs to be double  
clicked, not single clicked to expand again. Obviously something is  
wrong, and even though I am an admitted idiot when it comes to  
Windows, as far as I know nothing was done differently with my  
Windows apps that behave properly in these two respects and this one  
that doesn't. Everything else in this app seems to work flawlessly in  
Windows. Any ideas out there?

... a little bit later...

Ok, I have been fooling around and tried something for the first  
time, namely create the Windows standalone on my Windows test  
machine.  I never did this before because it has always worked fine  
on the Mac and I am an idiot with Windows.  Here is what happened -  
the standalone was created just fine, and it collapses properly to  
the task bar AND it shows up in the alt+tab open applications list.   
This is an acceptable solution, but there is one new problem - the  
application icon doesn't work. I copied the .ico file over to the  
Windows machine with the other files and in the standalone  
application settings chose it as the icon, but I just get some  
generic icon in my standalone. Now, this happens sometimes in OSX,  
but I know that if I create an archive of it and unstuff it, the icon  
then works. Is there a way to do something similar in Windows?

I am still curious why the standalone generated in OSX misbehaves  
with alt+tab and minimize because I prefer working on my Mac.  But if  
i need to do the standalones in Windows, so be it - but how do I get  
the icons to work?

Revolution 2.6 (both Mac and Windows)
OS 10.4.9
Windows XP Home


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find and replace

2007-04-03 Thread Lars Brehmer

Hi all,

I am trying to duplicate the find and replace tool in the rev IDE in  
a button script.  I have a large project in macOSX that needs a few  
dozen little tweeks when I make a Windows standalone.  I put these  
all into a button so when I make a new Windows standalone just one  
click gives me all the little changes.  The one thing I haven't  
succeeded in is a single word that appears in about 20 button and  
stack scripts. It seems that visualEffect reval needs to be  
visualEffect wipe to get the same result in Windows.  So for now I  
just do a find and replace with the scripts box checked, but it  
would be nice to include this in my tweek button in order to doo all  
tweeks without opening Rev. I assume it's just a question of getting  
the syntax correct for:

replace reveal with wipe in this stack and its stack files --  
using the find and replace tool with scripts checked

What should it be?



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re: drawers in Tiger

2006-12-21 Thread Lars Brehmer

I am using and the lhe latet version of Tiger.

I can't quite remember when the doesn't-slide-out behavior of drawers  
started, but I am at least fairly sure it was the same time that the  
sheets stopped sliding out.  Both drawers and sheets do, however,  
slide back in correctly.  The thing is it might correspond to when I  
installed rev or possibly a tiger update. Again, I started  
making my own ask/answer dialogs long ago, and haved done anything  
with drawers for quite some time. I wanted to think that one of the  
settings or properties of the drawer stack was wrong, but have found  
nothing wrong, and even if I did, it still wouldn't explain why  
sheets don't slide out - they just appear in place, just like the  

Seriously, am I the only one experiencing this with sheets and drawers?


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Drawers in Tiger

2006-12-20 Thread Lars Brehmer
I haven't used drawers for a while, but I noticed that when I drawer  
a stack it doesn't slide out, rather it just appears where it should,  
but when I close it again, it slides in.  I used drawers a lot back  
in Panther and they always worked as expected. I have, however  
noticed that sheets in Tiger don't slide out but they do slide in.
I assume these two things are related?  I don't mind that the sheets  
don't slide out because I always make and animate my own ask and  
answer dialogs, but I do want the drawer to slide out.

Any tips on this?


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RE Is this weird or is it just me?

2006-10-12 Thread Lars Brehmer
Wow, I didn't expect so many responses and opinions on this small  
matter!  And I do agree (conditionally) with both.

I still find it odd that mouseEnter does nothing but mouseUp does in  
the sense that a clickable opject under the disabled button is  
clicked.  As far as transparency is concerned, i use my own icons, so  
in the disable state it doesn't look partially transparent, so it  
still seems strange. especially in deBug mode when mouseEnter doesn't  
call up the script and mouseUp brings up the script of the button  
behind it.  Since both buttons actually do similar things, it took a  
while for me to even try deBug mode and figure this out.

But i guess what i am really saying is either behavior for a disabled  
button is perfectly acceptable to me  IF I KNOW ABOUT IT.  Couldn't  
this have been mentioned in the docs?  I mean for a non-programmer  
like me, when I first find something to use, like disable and enable,  
I look in the dictionary to see exactly how to implement it and what  
behaviour to expect. This reminds me of Dr. Strangelove's great line  
to the Russian ambassador - ze whole point of zis doomsday machine is  
lost - if you keep it a secret!  Vy didn't you tell ze Vorld!


Lars we must not allow a mineshaft gap! Brehmer

ps. another quickie - is there any way to do something like repeat  
for each marked card?  I kinda doubt it, but I thought I'd ask.   
Just looking for something quicker than:

get the num of marked cds
repeat it times
go next marked cd
doThis, doThat
end repeat

Also, is there a way to navigate between cards in a stack with a  
preOpenCard handler and ignore preOpenCard?

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Is this weird or is it me?

2006-10-11 Thread Lars Brehmer
I just wrestled with a problem, finally solving it by trying  
something that in my opinion shouldn't be necessary, but why this was  
necessary makes no sense to me whatsoever.  Can anyone explain this?

Two buttons, one right behind the other one.  When the one in front  
is visible and disabled, it's rollover icon, which I do with  
mouseEnter and mouseLeave, is disabled - so far so good - , but if it  
is clicked on anyway, the script of the button behind it is  
executed!  After a lot of cursing and dumfoundedness, I tried moving  
it so it is NOT in front of the second one and it behaves as expected  
- disabled.  OK, so put it behind the second one, and in all relevant  
scripts hide the one that is now in front so my purpose is served,  
but why is this necessary?  Why does clicking on a disabled button  
cause the script of another button to run?

Just very, very curious!


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Application browser making me crazy!

2006-10-10 Thread Lars Brehmer
I have a card with almost 500 layers, including about 20 groups and  
groups within groups, so it is sometimes handy to click on the sort  
by control button in the application browser to find something  
quickly. But 98% of the time it is better for me to have the browser  
sort by layer.  But now, when I click on sort by layer and choose the  
browse tool, the browser switches back to sort by control.  Is there  
any way to prevent this?  It always seemed to me that sorting by  
layer is the default, but not any more.  I can't seem to find a way  
to prevent this - very frustrating!


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Object ID problems

2006-10-09 Thread Lars Brehmer
Something like this happened to me about 20 months ago, and I can't  
remember for the life of me how I fixed it, I just remember it took  
quite a while and was very strange.  Now it is happening again.

I am importing images into a stack of images i use as icons for  
buttons in other substacks of this project, but suddenly when I  
import a new image, Rev gives it the name and ID number of an image  
that is already there!  Now, we all know two objects in the same  
stack cannot have the same ID, so this causes strange problems, like  
one of the two with the same ID cannot be selected, so It can't be  
deleted or given a different ID number!  The last thing I tried was  
create a second card in the stack and import more images, but the new  
card gets the same ID as an existing image on the first card, and  
subsequent imported images get existing ID's.

I have trashed the pList and tried again, I have trashed Rev and  
reinstalled it, in short I think I have tried everything I can think  
of, but new objects get existing ID's and even the name of an  
existing image, regardless of what the name of the imported png file is!

Has anyone ever seen anything like this?  Is it a corrupt image?  If  
so, how can I find it?



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RE Object id problems

2006-10-09 Thread Lars Brehmer
Sorry, I think I may have solved it - the stack ID for whatever  
reason was ALSO not the same as the most recent object as it should  
have been, so in the mesagebox i changed the stack ID.  This is  
something I didn't know could be done, but I guess I can, and the  
last image I imported got a new, unique ID.


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RE: Windows questions

2006-10-02 Thread Lars Brehmer

Thanks again Ray!

My stack has a
windowShape (basically a rectangle with rounded corners used to avoid
the standard controls), and when I lose that windowShape, your
suggestions either worked perfectly (visual effect) or were no longer
necessary (field insertion point.) And if I set the stack to no shape
and set the decorations to empty, the fields and effects still work!

So the new question is can a stack with a windowShape work properly
in Windows?  No mention in the docs about fields and visual effects
not working in stacks with windowShape.  I haven't tested it yet, but
my guess the shape also has to do with move not working well.  Any
ideas or experience with this?

Sounds like a bug to me... having a unique windowShape shouldn't  
whether a field gets a displayable insertion point or not, nor  
should it

affect how object-based visual effects are implemented.

After further fooling around, I think it must be a bug.  I have  
created new duplicate stacks from scratch and the result is the  
same.  With a unique windowShape, the built in visual effects are  
sporadic and buggy and I definitely can't get the insertion point  
blinking i-beam!

By not using the windowShape I can get around some of my problems in  
a way that I am at least satisfied, but not others.  Is there, for  
example, a way to get around the standard Windows closeStack dialog  
when the close window button is clicked?  So far I have tried

on closeStack
  do this
  do that
end closeStack

but I just get the standard Windows close dialog.

Looking in Bugzilla, it appears that a report was made about visual  
being broken with windowshape windows in OS X (Bug #3274), but this  
reported as fixed in 2.7. Perhaps the problem was also in Windows  
and not

reported there?

And there is no entry AFAICT about the loss of an insertion point in
windowShaped windows.

So Lars, it sounds like you should create a couple of bug entries in
Bugzilla... if you haven't done that before, contact me offlist and  

tell you how.

Klaus already taught me this about 18 months ago and  I think I can  
find his instructions again, but I am wondering whether this is  
worthwhile.  I am using 2.6 and will probably not get 2.7 for quite a  
while. I have no idea whether this problem exists in 2.7, and when I  
check for updates, it only says 2.7 is available for download,  
leading me to believe that should this still be a bug, it would not  
be fixed in 2.6.  I mean there must be countless bug fixes since I  
bought 2.6, but there are no updates for 2.6.  And again, I can't  
possibly know if this works in 2.7 and would be wasting the bug  
fixers valuable time by reporting it.

What to do?


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A couple of Windows questions

2006-10-01 Thread Lars Brehmer
I guess I'm an idiot when working in Windows, but a few simple  

1. How can I make sure that the i-beam cursor is visible in a text  
field?  I am tweaking a windows version of a Mac app, and sometimes  
the i-beam is there and sometimes it isn't. I compared the fields in  
question and they seem identical - focusable, auto hilite text,  
traversal on, share text, etc.  The cursor changes to an i-beam when  
it passes over the field, but is invisible when inserted, but i can  
type and select - seems weird without that blinking i-beam, which a  
user would definitely expect to see.

2. Is there anything special about move in Windows -  I have some  
scripts that moveobjects, and sometimes they work, albeit it a little  
bit jerky, sometimes they don't happen at all and other times the  
object just shows up at the destination with no mevement in between.

3. What up with visual effects in Windows?  OK, I admit I am doing  
something that isn't mentioned at all in the docs, and that is  
showing groups on a card with effects like wipe, scroll and reveal  
(the docs only mention transitions between cards and stacks.) but  
they work on the Mac.  At first I thought maybe that's just a little  
bonus on the Mac, but then I saw that in a couple of instances they  
DO happen in Windows!  Similar groups, same effect, sometimes it  
works, sometimes it doesn't.  Some built in effects don't seem to  
work at all.  This is a childrens progam, and the cheesy motion  
effects are important.

At first I thought it might be the fact that this is a cheap machine  
with a Celeron processor, but some things work, others don't.  A lot  
of you must have had these problems and found solutions, right?

I am not ragging on Windows, - heck! - a previous problem of mine,  
namely inserting a field and wanting the keyboard map to switch to  
Russian in the case of a Russian text field, and to Estonian in the  
case of an Estonian field works automatically in Windows, but not at  
all on the Mac.  By the way, does anyone know why this is and how to  
fix it on the Mac?



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RE: Windows questions

2006-10-01 Thread Lars Brehmer
Thanks Ken for the quick reply, but the nature of the problem has  
changed somewhat after some experimentation.

In my stack, increasing the field height didn't help, there is  
nothing overlapping  and the visual effects using lock and unlock  
screen didn't help either, so I fooled around a bit and found  
something else that seems to be responsible.  My stack has a  
windowShape (basically a rectangle with rounded corners used to avoid  
the standard controls), and when I lose that windowShape, your  
suggestions either worked perfectly (visual effect) or were no longer  
necessary (field insertion point.) And if I set the stack to no shape  
and set the decorations to empty, the fields and effects still work!

So the new question is can a stack with a windowShape work properly  
in Windows?  No mention in the docs about fields and visual effects  
not working in stacks with windowShape.  I haven't tested it yet, but  
my guess the shape also has to do with move not working well.  Any  
ideas or experience with this?


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re: delayed mouse clicks

2006-09-29 Thread Lars Brehmer
This isn't as elegant as some of the the other solutions, but it gets  
the job done, especially when you want no clicks anywhere at all  
while a script is running.  I just put a transparent button with no  
script that covers the entire stack in the top layer.

on whatEver
  show btn preventActions

  --the script in question

  hide btn preventActions
end whatEver

Greetings from sunny Estonia!


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re: Languages, but what the heck?

2006-09-18 Thread Lars Brehmer
First of all thanks a boatload to Devin for his suggestions.  To bad  
the Russian solution only works for answer and not ask, but I tested  
it anyway for future reference and, yes, it works.  The keyboard map  
solution really did it for me though!

However, with this in place I thought I was in the clear but I ran  
into the most frustrating thing that I have ever seen in Rev, and it  
almost cost me a laptop-hurled-against-the-wall, and still might! I  
hate to waste people's time with something so insanely simple, but  
this is too weird!

Has anyone every had a simple line work in the message box but not in  
an object handler? This is so incredibly simple and the exact same  
thing is in a number of my applications and always works as expected,  
but suddenly this happened to me in a new project, and believe me,  
this is the simplest of scripts.  All it should do is this:  after  
choosing a book in a popUp button, a number representing that book is  
put into a custom property, the tBook, of a chapter-choosing button.   
After then choosing a chapter number from that popUp, there is  
another custom property, the tChap, also just a number. The two are  
then combined to become the bChap, that looks, for example, like  
this:  4,5  where 4 is the number of the textbook and 5 is the  
chapter number.  Each card in this stack has a custom property, call  
it the tBookChap, with several lines in it, each one representing a  
book number and a chapter number, for example;

2,3  (book 3, chapter 2, etc)

The final step is to mark the cards in the desired chapter of the  
desired book.  Incredibly simple, but it suddenly doesn't work.

   mark cds where the bChap of me is among the lines of the  
tBookChap of this cd

This has always worked for me before.  This time, it worked 1 time  
and then never again.  At one point, clicking on the button didn't  
even bring up the popUp menu!  I have renamed the custom properties,  
tried not combining the the 2 custom properties:

   mark cds where (the tBook of me),(the tChap of me) is among the  
lines of the tBookChap of this cd

Both of these work in other stacks, and work in the message box.  I  
then took a popUp button just like this one from another stack,  
pasted it into this stack, and once it worked one time and then never  
again!  I started trying all kinds of things, like actually having a  
script replace (the bChap of me) in the script in question with the  
desired number.  Believe it or not, this worked one time and never  
again but always works in the message box.  In deBug mode, using the  
message box I could see that the custom properties were always in the  
right place at the right time.  Still nothing worked.  As a last  
resort, I replaced

mark cds where the bChap of me is among the lines of the  
tBookChap of this cd


if the bChap of me is 1,1 then mark cds where 1,1 is among the  
lines of the tBookChap of this cd
if the bChap of me is 1,2 then mark cds where 1,2 is among the  
lines of the tBookChap of this cd
if the bChap of me is 2,1 then mark cds where 2,1 is among the  
lines of the tBookChap of this cd

and a line every single book,chapter combination.

again, this works in the message box, but not in the button.  Things  
were getting a little buggy, so I trashed Rev and reinstalled it.  
Still nothing.
And I have both real stacks and quickly made test stacks where all of  
these things work as expected.  There is nothing unusual about this  
stack, nothing different from my other stacks.  Consider this a most  
urgent plea for help that could get my blood presure back to normal  
and save the life of my computer!



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re: Language and what the heck?

2006-09-18 Thread Lars Brehmer
Before anyone spends any time on my odd problem, I think I found out  
what was happening.

How very embarassing!

In my previous post I chose custom property names that would easily  
make sense, but they were not the ones I was actually using.  It  
finally occurred to me to look carefully in the transcript dictionary  
to see if I was using names that are in use  in transcript, and it  
seems that this was the case.

Apologies to anyone who spent more than a few seconds thinking about  
this - all my own dumb fault!

Sorry, thanks for the great help with my other snaggs!


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Languages, keyboard maps and ask dialogs

2006-09-14 Thread Lars Brehmer
I seem to have one last language-character problem begging for a  

No one came up with a way to switch to the correct the keyboard map  
when a field is clicked in or otherwise active, so I guess I will  
have to live with that. I did find out something interesting through  
experimentation.  At least with my app running in Windows, it DOES  
actually switch when a Russian field is clicked in, but when an  
Estonian field is clicked in, it switches to the English keyboard  
map.  I assume this is because the machine I use was purchased in the  
US and there seems to be no way to ged rid of that keyboard.  If I  
delete it and make the default map Estonian and click in ANY field  
with Roman/Latin mapping, the English keyboard magically reappears  
and is selected.  I will try this on a locally bought machine that  
doesn't have English as the default keyboard map, which just might  
work. If notl, at the least the Russian fields seem to work.  I  
suppose that most people who use different mappings on a regular  
basis are used to this problem, so I guess in the end it is not a big  
deal.  On the Mac, it never switches to Russian.  Not really a  
problem because 98% of potential users here have Windows machines,  
just a little frustrating for me working with it :-(

Now to the last problem.  No matter what I try with useUnicode,  
uniencode, unidecode etc. I can't get an ask dialog to work with  
Russian.  All I want is to ask a user's name and put it into a field.

The textFont of the field is Geneva,Russian

So far the ask dialog is in Estonian.  It asks for your name, and  
when you use the Russian keyboard map and type in a name, it shows up  
fine, in Russian in the name field.  But I'd prefer to ask in  
Russian, but can't get Russian in the ask dialog.  I have tried  
storing the question in a separate field, and as a custom property  
and in both cases tried every combination of uniEncode and uniDecode  
that works in other aspects of this project.  I saw Sarah's post  
about the Danish .lproj being useful.  Is this where I should be  
looking, because I have no idea what that is, how it works or how to  
implement it.  Is there anything else i should be trying?  I am once  
again really stumped here!


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Keyboard maps (was foreign languages in script editor)

2006-09-03 Thread Lars Brehmer

Thanks cubist!

In a message dated 9/2/06 11:39:09 AM, Lars Brehmer  


When you have fields in different languages with different keyboard
maps on a card, is it possible to have the keyboard map switch to the
correct one when you click in a field?  This is driving me nuts!  And
in both directions!  When I am in one field and then click in one
that needs a different keyboard map, the keyboard map does not
change.  On the other hand, sometimes when the keyboard map is set to
the one I want and click in another field which needs the same map,
my keyboard map switches to the wrong one!  When I want the map
to change it doesn't, when it shouldn't change it does!  I am out of
ideas on this one and would appreciate some help.

   Multiple different languages in use on different fields of one  
card? Yow!

That's... unusual.

I guess it is pretty unusual, but not for certain language learning  
stacks.  In this case it is teaching Estonian vocabulary to Russians,  
so the cards have fields in Estonian (Roman alphabet with 6 letters  
with diacritical marks) and Russian (cyrillic alphabet).  The cards  
display perfectly using uniEncode and uniDecode, but some cards are  
editable, so the user has to be able to type in Russian words in some  
fields and Estonian words in others. It would be great if a field is  
clicked in the keyboard map is adjusted accordingly.  There are also  
utilities, among others for searching, where the cursor is placed in  
a field (select after text), so it would be terrific if when this  
happens, the user doesn't have to pay attention to which keyboard map  
is active and which one it should be...

And automatically swapping to a different keyboard map at
arbitrary times, well, that's even more so! Hmmm...

... so the switches aren't really arbitrary - some fields need one  
map, some need the other.

   My first thought: Don't bother with the OS keyboard maps --  
especially if
this project of yours is to be installed on machines that you don't  

which keyboard maps are available.

Well, I am certain that Russians using Windows can easily add the  
Estonian keyboard map (which I believe is included in Windows in the  
Regional and Language Options control panel, it just needs to be  
added via that control panel) and I know for a fact that the Mac  
users (like me, by the way) have both keyboard maps at their  
disposal, so this isn't really the issue.

Instead, build your own maps, associating each
rawKeyDown value with a particular character, and use the maps you  
Put all your keyboard maps into custom properties of the stack;  
give each
relevant field a custom property that defines which keyboard map to  
use. Also give

each relevant field this script:

I appreciate the suggestion, but this is so far beyond my Rev  
programming abilities that I really wouldn't know where to start :-(

I know some of you out there are making apps that have similar  
language requirements, so are there any other solutions for this?  If  
not, I would most certainly appreciate more info (at the near idiot  
level ;-)  ) on the suggestion below!



local MyKeyboard

on focusIn
end focusIn

on openField
end openField

on GetLanguage
  put the PreferredLanguage of me into MyLang
   -- me is the field, right?
  put the KeyboardMap[MyLang] of this stack into MyKeyboard
end GetLanguage

on rawKeyDown ThisKey
  put character (ThisKey) of MyKeyboard into (the selectedChunk)
  -- assumes that a keyboard map is a string of characters, with
  -- the character for rawKeyDown N being the Nth character in  
the string

end rawKeyDown

   This script is completely untested, but hopefully it will at  
least serve

as a starting point to help you get where you want to go...

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keyboard maps (was foreign language in script editor)

2006-09-02 Thread Lars Brehmer

Hi again

Thanks to those who had suggestions on the foreign language in the  
script editor problem a few dyas ago.

Problem solved, and the same suggestions helped me solve a similar  
problem with Russian text in custom properties (I had to convert the  
custom props to a hidden field in this case.)

Now a (hopefully) final question along these lines.  I seem to  
remember seeing this before, but I'll be darned if I can find it in  
the archives, so here goes;

When you have fields in different languages with different keyboard  
maps on a card, is it possible to have the keyboard map switch to the  
correct one when you click in a field?  This is driving me nuts!  And  
in both directions!  When I am in one field and then click in one  
that needs a different keyboard map, the keyboard map does not  
change.  On the other hand, sometimes when the keyboard map is set to  
the one I want and click in another field which needs the same map,  
my keyboard map switches to the wrong one!  When I want the map  
to change it doesn't, when it shouldn't change it does!  I am out of  
ideas on this one and would appreciate some help.



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foreign languages in the script editor

2006-08-30 Thread Lars Brehmer

A question for you pros out there.

I couldn't find much on this in the archives, so I have to ask you  
all now:

Is there a way to use non Roman characters in the script editor?  I  
have a pop-up menu button that gives two language choices for the  
program interface language - Estonian and Russian.  All buttons and a  
few other things have 2 profiles - Estonian and Russian with the  
labels and text in the appropriate language.  The problem seems to be  
that when I put the  Russian choices into the menuPick script it  
doesn't respond. When I switch profiles with the message box, all is  
well.  Is there a workaround for this?  Another way characterize the  
menu choices that are in Russian in the button pop-up?

on menuPick pWhichItem
  switch pWhichItem
  case eesti keeles
exit menuPick
  case vene keeles
revSetCardProfile rus
  case на эстонском языке  -- could this be called  
something like line 1 of the menu items for profile rus or  
something along those lines?

revSetCardProfile Master
  case  на русском языке --  same as above
exit menuPick
  end switch
end menuPick

If there is not a known way to do this, anybody have any ideas?  I  
need to demonstrate this project at the Estonian Ministry for  
Education and Research in a couple of weeks, so if I sound desperate,  
I guess I am.  I have tired everything I can think of and I still  
hope I have the right idea but am making some little mistake I can't  
see myself.



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re: changing input keyboard

2005-12-09 Thread Lars Brehmer
I also have a small problem with this in Windows, but my problem is  
slightly different.

I have a project dealing with Estonian vocabulary and I just prepared  
a Windows version for testing purposes and the keyboard input is  
buggy in Windows.  Wehn I switch the keyboard to Estonian it tends to  
switch immediately, unlike your problem, but when I click to create a  
new word card, the keyboard switches back to English.  However when I  
click to edit fields on existing cards, it stays in Estonian keyboard  
mode.  This seems to be 100% - edit card, keyboard stays correct -  
create new card, keyboard switches.

Would it be possible to put something in the create card handler that  
forces they keyboard input to stay in Estonian?

Also, and I've been wrestling with this for months now, Rev unicode  
doesn't handle the letters ž and š in Windows.  (if these letters  
don't display properly in your mail software, they are the s and z  
with the diacritical mark above that looks like a little v).  These  
work in any Windows word processor so I can always cut and paste  
these two letters into my rev standalone, and content produced on my  
Mac display the letters properly in Windows, I just cant create them  
in my standalone in Windows.  Even though these letters aren't very  
common in Estonian, it would be nice to have this work correctly.   
I'd hate to have to tell users they need to cut and paste a few  
leters when using my app! Any tips from Windows users who know the  
keyboard input system well? Is there any way around this?



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re: mainStack scripts, now Windows??

2005-08-31 Thread Lars Brehmer

Hi all!

I thank Richard, Eric and Robert for their concise expalnations and  
help.   Now that I have followed that advice (a different stack with  
no script is now the mainStack) I'm happy as a clam.  One more thing  

One of the reasons I made the major changes to my project was to try  
to make the Windows version run better.  I work on a Mac (OSX.4.2)  
and was a little shocked to see the newest Windows standalone.  I  
hadn't done one for many months after I originally convinced myself  
it would work in Windows.  Now that the program has grown and morphed  
into something far better and is nearing completion, I made another  
Windows build.  I always knew I would need to buy Rev for Windows, at  
least to get the fonts looking their best, but I was a little  
disappointed when I launched it.  On my Mac it is flawless, but on  
windows, so many things flicker and stacks in the backgound flash  
black when buttons are clicked in other stacks.  And my mainStack  
flickers black when I navigate in it.  Now, the background of the  
stack is black, and  the mask that provides the windowShape is black,  
so a black flash makes sense, but why does it flash at all? I mean,  
sometines two side by side buttons, whose icons were made in  
Photoshop and other than their labels are indentical have tow  
different color shades!!!  All of this before AND after the mainStack  
script thing.

What can I expect from Rev for Windows?  Does a windows standalone  
built in Windows function better?  Will I be able to solve these  
problems working in Windows?  Has anyone out there built an app on a  
make and found this type of behavior in a windows sandalone?  How did  
you fix it?  I have little Windows experience, heck, maybe it's the  
machine (cheap HP laptog, XP Home, 1.4 ghz Celeron, enough memory)

Any advice before I shell out the cash for my second platform copy of  

As always, tips are appreciated, and in this case, being begged for!

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re:commas in custom properties

2005-08-30 Thread Lars Brehmer

Thanks Mark, Mark  Malte!

I knew the answer was simple, both work as I want them to work.  I  
had never heard the term token before, otherwise I would have just  
looked it up in the docs dictionary or topics, which give a good  
explanation.  On the other hand, in defense of Rev's docs, I SHOULD  
have looked up chunk expressions in the topics.  To me it's just as  
valuable to get better at using the docs as it is to get better at  
using Rev, I suppose.


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question about mainStack scripts

2005-08-30 Thread Lars Brehmer
I have a problem with a preOpenCard handler in the stack script of  
the main stack of a huge project, that I never had before.  I've  
totally redone a ton of things in the last 3 days, but I didn't think  
any of these changes would change  the general working of it , yet  
something keeps cropping up that I haven't seen before don't  
understand.  I have managed to fix it in almost every case but 2,  
which are kind of important.  Maybe someone has the solution for me ;-)

Here goes:

In my main stack there is a preOpenCard handler.  Now, every time one  
of my many subStacks is opened, the preOpenCard handler of the main  
stack tries to run, and since it involves objects unique to that  
stack, and the handler is trying to perform itself in the subStack,   
I get an error, something like oject doesn't exist,   which is  
logical. In almost every case of this occurance, I solved it by  
putting a lock messages in the handler in question before the  
substack is opened.  This works of course but when I just double  
click on a stack in the application browser to open it, the error of  
course still happens since messages are not locked.  I can live with  
that, as long as the stanalone functions correctly.  One problem  
though - some of the handlers in question call for a substack to be  
paletted, and just locking messages before the palette command  
doesn't prevent the error.  This one I can't live with, because these  
substacks open as palettes in front of other stacks, and I don't the  
palette stack to disappear to the back when you click on one of the  
stacks behind it.  Now, before I made the changes, the main stack had  
a preOpenCard handler, very much like the new one, and it never tried  
to run as other stacks were opened.  Since my changes weren't all  
that drastic, I guess my question is - what is it about main stack  
scripts that I don't understand?  Most of my subStacks have always  
had preOpenCard handlers in their stack scripts, and they have never  
tried to run at the wrong time.  Only the main stack script does this.
What is different about main stack scripts?  And if the lock messages  
prevent it, why doesn't that work for a paletted substack?

Help, as always, would be greatly appreciated!



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commas in custom properties

2005-08-29 Thread Lars Brehmer

Hi all!

I'm sure I've seen this question on the list befrore, but darned if I  
can find it again!

I use text stored in custom properties for word searching purposes,  
among other things, and I need to know how to ignore commas.  For  
example a custom property that contains;

to read, recite

Using the broader search (mark cds where it is in the storedText of  
me) it wil return for to , read and recite.

in a more precise word search (mark cds where it is among the words  
of the storedText of me) it will only return for to or recite ,  
but obviously not for read because of the comma.  I'm pretty sure  
this can be done somehow, most likely very easily, but I can't seem  
to discover it on my own.

A little help (once again!)


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Open with?

2005-07-25 Thread Lars Brehmer
I just downloaded 2.6 for a test drive, but now all of my rev files  
try to open with 2.6, even when it's in the trash.  On the open with  
contextual menu, 2.5 isn't one of the options even though it is  
installed and has been for a while, and when I click get info it  
isn't an option in the open with there either.  So with 2.6 in the  
trash, i can't double click on a rev file to open it (error message)  
and from within rev, I can't choose open file and navigate to a file  
that is in a standalone package.  I can open the package and drag the  
rev file onto the rev 2.5 icon in my dock, but what a pain!  I seem  
to remember seeing this in the list back when 2.6 was released, but  
no lick finding it in the list archives.

Anyone know the way around this?


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Re: Transfering stack between WinXP and MacOS9

2005-07-11 Thread Lars Brehmer
This got a little off topic with the whole gender thing, so I thought  
I'd share an interesting fact with you all.

In Estonian there IS only one word for he and she (same goes for him/ 
her and all other nominal cases.)  In other words there is no gender  
distinction whatsoever in the language.  By the way, there are no  
future verb forms either, so you can imagine how confused the dating  
scene can get ;-)

Thought that might be amusing.


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string: finding and marking in custom properties

2005-07-09 Thread Lars Brehmer
I can't seem to find help in the docs for this one, which is probably  
an extremely simple syntax question.

I have a find script that looks in the custom properties of the cards  
in a stack and marks the cards that match;

do some stuff
mark cds where (the findIt of me) is among the words of the ansP of  
this cd

do some more stuff

Now this works just fine but for several reasons I'd rather be  
looking for a string, not a word or a set of characters, but I can't  
get the syntax right.

mark cds by finding string (the findIt of me) in the ansP of this cd

this doesn't work and neither does any variation that I could come up  
with, same with mark cds where string xyz  The contents of  
these custom props are in uniEncode UTF8.  What am I doing wrong  
here?  It seems like it shouldn't be a problem.


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Mark by finding mark cds where - again

2005-07-08 Thread Lars Brehmer
I was following the discussion earlier about mark by finding etc.  
and I have a quick question. I have a pretty good search thing going  
using custom properties, but I can't get it to work using string.   
For now I am using

mark cds where (the findIt of me) is among the words of the wdP of  
this cd

and have also used the same but with among the chars but would  
rather look for a string.  This has to do with commas and brackets  
within the custom props. These custom props are in the uniEncode UTF8  
format.  is this somehow the problem, or am i just getting the syntax  
wrong when I use string instead of word or char?


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RE: returnInfield

2005-06-28 Thread Lars Brehmer


I faced the exact same thing when I set all my fields to unicode  
textFont, which Chinese obviously is. I am uncertain whether you can  
somehow use unicode in the simple returnInfield \  find handler,  
because at the same time I decided to put the text of all card fields  
into custom properties which are only displayed as text in the fields  
when the card is called up.  This led me to a far superior find  
system that marks cards that have the string in the customProps and  
then lists the results in a separate window with buttons that go to  
each card that contains the word, or string, and the label each  
button is the word or string I am looking for.  In my case, you can  
search for an English or an Estonian word, but I choose to have the  
result button labels be the Estonian text, but both are possible of  
course.  This involves using the uniEncode and uniDecode commands I  
got from the kind people from this list, and it is incredibly fast  
and efficient this way.  My project is for Estonian vocabulary -  
when, for example, I search for the English word get, there are,  
for now, 8 matches (things like get dressed, get ready, get, get  
drunk, etc, so i have 8 buttons with 8 different Estonian labels,  
each one goes to the card in question.  I would be glad to show you  
the various scripts I made that allow this.  Contact me offline, if  
you'd like - I've been dying for the chance to really give something  
back, after gettting so much advice and help!


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RE: returnInfield

2005-06-28 Thread Lars Brehmer


I faced the exact same thing when I set all my fields to unicode  
textFont, which Chinese obviously is. I am uncertain whether you can  
somehow use unicode in the simple returnInfield \  find handler,  
because at the same time I decided to put the text of all card fields  
into custom properties which are only displayed as text in the fields  
when the card is called up.  This led me to a far superior find  
system that marks cards that have the string in the customProps and  
then lists the results in a separate window with buttons that go to  
each card that contains the word, or string, and the label each  
button is the word or string I am looking for.  In my case, you can  
search for an English or an Estonian word, but I choose to have the  
result button labels be the Estonian text, but both are possible of  
course.  This involves using the uniEncode and uniDecode commands I  
got from the kind people from this list, and it is incredibly fast  
and efficient this way.  My project is for Estonian vocabulary -  
when, for example, I search for the English word get, there are,  
for now, 8 matches (things like get dressed, get ready, get, get  
drunk, etc, so i have 8 buttons with 8 different Estonian labels,  
each one goes to the card in question.  I would be glad to show you  
the various scripts I made that allow this.  Contact me offline, if  
you'd like - I've been dying for the chance to really give something  
back, after gettting so much advice and help!

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lock screen

2005-06-15 Thread Lars Brehmer
Thanks for responses.  I saw the debug mode note, but I am not in  
debug mode and it's both the IDE and the standalone.  Here's where  
the flicker occurs:

1.  lock screen
 go stack abc
 go stack cde -- a smaller stack that is now in front of  
abc, all other open stacks behind that.

 insert after...--
 unlock screen -- you clearly see a white flash of stack abc ,  
then abc goes to it's correct appearance, then cde appears. I't  
as if the

 end mouseUp
 screen was never locked and unlocked.  At this point data is  
entered into a field on cde

2.  lock screen
 go invisible stack ghi
 copy contents of various fields on ''ghi into fields on abc
 close stack cde
 close stack ghi
 open stack jkl
 insert after...etc
 unlock screen
 end mouseUp -- now it looks just like after the first lock  
screen, except jkl has replaced cde - however the various steps  
flash white   even  though the screen was locked while this took  

3.  lock screen
 close stack jkl
 palette stack abc
 unlock screen
 end mouseUp -- this time no white flash but abc vanishes  
briefly and reappears in palette mode.  This one I can live with  
because there is no white flash, but what did the lock screen  
supposedly do?

4.  (this one is the least important because it is rarely, if ever at  
all, used, but I am trying to understand this lock screen thing.)

 Screen is as it is after 3 with abc in palette mode.
 lock screen
topLevel stack abc
go stack cde --in one case
go stack jki -- the the other case
unlock screen
end mouseUp -- as abc' goes from palette to topLevel, is  
briefly disappers and reappears with very, very slight flash.  Again,  
buffer is always checked in the inspector.

As I said yesterday, I conquered the same problem eslwhere by  
locating the stacks at -5000,-5000, making the changes and then  
putting the stacks at their correct locations, but this hasn't worked  
for the above, still lots of flashes going on on the screen.

from the docs:

A handler may need to open a stack and then close it before the  
handler is completed, or to move or change the appearance of a number  
of objects on the screen. If the screen is locked before these  
changes occur, the user does not see the changes happen on screen.  
Locking the screen can prevent user confusion or unsightly screen  
flashing. It also increases the speed of the handler, since  
Revolution does not have to redraw all the intermediate states of the  

Well, this is not happeneing here!





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Lock screen

2005-06-14 Thread Lars Brehmer
I was wondering what it takes to get lockScreen to do what the docs  
say it does.  I have several scripts that do all kinds of things that  
should be hidden, but it still looks like all of these things happen  
after unlockScreen with all kinds of flicker.  For some things I took  
some old advice and put the stacks way off screen while the changes  
take place, but now not even this works.  Shouldn't it be so that you  
lock the screen, the changes take place, you unlock the screen and  
are at the point where the changes have already happened?  Buffer  
display is always checked in the stack inspector, beyonf that I just  
don't know.  Tps appreciated!


use-revolution mailing list

re:armed icons

2005-06-13 Thread Lars Brehmer

Thanks Derek, Chipp and Eric

it was indeed the traversalOn property, (I knew about this for  
fields, but it didn't occur to me for buttons) which brings up a  
remark I've made before - Shouldn't this be mentioned in the docs  
when you look at armedIcon and autoArm entries?  As good as the docs  
are in general, Rev's goal of allowing non-programmers to create  
terrific, working apps still gets forgotten in some little details  
like this.  I am way too old to learn the type of programming most  
you are capable of so I have to resort to asking ridiculously easy  
questions from time to time, when a single sentence in the docs would  
have done the trick!  A mass thanks to everyone else who have been  
helping me the last few months!


use-revolution mailing list

armed icons?

2005-06-12 Thread Lars Brehmer
Well, I am going a bit crazy here (again)!!   For certain buttons I  
am trying to get an armedIcon to be displayed when the mouse enters  
the button.  Seems pretty standard, right? Is there some kind of  
trick here? Giving the button an icon, a hilite icon and an armed  
icon in the property inspector doesn't work (nothing happens when the  
mouse enters). Setting the icon, hilite and armed icon with the  
messagebox doesn't work (nothing happens when the mouse enters).   
Setting the autoArm property of the button to true in combination  
with the afore mentioned doesn't work. In fact I've tried every  
combination of all of these things and everything I could find in the  
docs, but I just can't get a button to switch icons  when the mouse  
enters and switch back when it leaves. It seems to me that this  
shouldn't be that hard, I would think it works just like a rollover.  
I've even tied scripting this (on mouseEnter set the icon to, on  
mouseLeave set the icon to..., etc) but nada. What the heck am i  
donig wrog here?


use-revolution mailing list

Decorations (titlebar buttons)

2005-06-11 Thread Lars Brehmer
I thought I already asked this, but now I'm not sure because I didn't  
get the usual  replies;

Where can I find the scripts for what the minimize button in the  
titlebar actually does when it is clicked?  I need this for both OSX  
and Windows.  I have a project where all stacks have custom shapes (=  
decorations empty), but I don't want users to not NOT see what they  
expect at the top of the windows for closing and minimizing the window.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: problems with application icons

2005-06-08 Thread Lars Brehmer

I've seen this too (Tige,r Rev 2.5.1)

Is anyone else having problems allocating an icon to a standalone
application on the Mac?  I've been re-building my application under
v2.6 of
Rev and the resulting application has the generic OS X application
icon -
even after I've gone into the Standalone settings and re-confirmed
the path
of the icon file.  It worked under 2.5.1, but I'm on OS X 10.4.1
now as well
so I guess that more than one thing has changed here...

I have had this happen a few times and fixed it by zipping the
application, trashing the original  unzipping again. This seems to
trigger it to read it's plist and re-instate the correct icon.

I though huh?  File path to icon is correct, so I launched  
Inconographer to look at the icon again, an the instant I opened the  
Icon, it corrected itself on the desktop.

use-revolution mailing list

Scripts for decoratiosn?

2005-06-08 Thread Lars Brehmer

Hi all!

Are there scripts out there for doing exactly what the maximize,  
minimize, and close window decorations of a stacks's title bar do?   
If possible, I would like to have the same functionality of the title  
bar, but in a custom shaped stack.  And if this is possible, I assume  
the scripts would be different for Windows, OSX and MacOS?


use-revolution mailing list


2005-06-07 Thread Lars Brehmer

hi all!

I am having a novices problem grasping the pass control structure.  
Let's say i have a stack with a preOpenCard handler, but I want to  
run through the stack and want to skip the preOpenCard.

stack script:

on preOpenCard
  do this
  do that

but another script:

repeat x times
  go next
  do this
  do that

and I want to skip the preOpenCard handler.  Is pass preOpenCard  
the way to do this, and if so, where the heck does it go?


use-revolution mailing list

Custom props and unicode

2005-06-02 Thread Lars Brehmer

Hi all!

I've been looking like crazy in the archives for tips here, but not  
finding the answer to this.  Is it posssible to store unicode text in  
a custom property?  If yes, how? If no, oh well!  It's simple really  
- I want to put unicode text into a customProp and then display it in  
a field.  I've been trying to use useUnicode, uniEncode and  
uincodeText properties, but if one of these will do the trick, I am  
simply doing it wrong. Advice or not possible?


use-revolution mailing list

unique ID's?

2005-06-02 Thread Lars Brehmer

Howdy all,

Problem in 2.5.1!!!  When I import images into a stack, they get  
assigned the same ID as images already there!  This of course causes  
all kinds of conflickts, sometimes even crashes when I try to select  
them or succeed in selecting them and trying to assign an new ID.   
This NEVER happened in 2.1.2, but is the only thing in 2.5.1 that  
seems to go wrong.  Otherwise, I am loving 2.5.1!  Suggestions?  I've  
already tried reinstalling it, doing all the maintenance on my Mac  
(10.4.1) that I can think of.


use-revolution mailing list

tool tips in 2.5.1

2005-05-31 Thread Lars Brehmer

Hi all,

just a quick one:

I finally bought 2.5.1 but can't turn off the tool tips in the IDE.   
I searched the docs and the list archives and only came up with this:

To disable tool tips in the Revolution development environment,  
choose Edit menu  Preferences. In the Documentation pane, uncheck  
the Display Tool Tips box.

Well, in the edit menu there is no Preferences, and in the  
preferences (the Revolution menu in OSX) there is no Documentation  

Am I losing it, or what!



use-revolution mailing list

Progress with Tiger weirdness

2005-05-26 Thread Lars Brehmer

Howdy all,

In case anyone is looking into my windowShape problem, half of it is  
now solved.  The windowShape that was nothing more complicated than a  
rectangle with rounded corners wider than 698 pixels had something to  
do with the ClearDock haxie.  And even if you have ClearDock but  
couldn't reproduce the phenomenon, that doesn't matter, because once  
I disabled ClearDock for one session and then rebooted with it  
enabled again, the Problem was gone.  If anyone out there is running  
Tiger AND ClearDock, take a look at iTunes and resize its window and  
see what happens to its shadow  at a width above and below 698  
Pixels.  If the shadow gets weird above 700 pixels, disable ClearDock  
once and see if it is corrected.  If you can confirm this, let me  
know off list.

The second Problem still remains - my window with the round  
protrusion on the bottom - nothing so far has helped, and again,  
after any reboot if I open the Stack first in Rev and then in the  
standalone, the display is correct.  The other way around the  
weirdnessw is back, and on a machine running Tiger without REv  
installed it is always weird.

One problem down, one to go.   Help is appreciated!


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Stack file size

2005-05-26 Thread Lars Brehmer

Hi Signe Marie and Xavier!

Thanks for the suggestions and tips!  Maybe I misunderstand the  
structure of Rev stacks, but first of all, my stacks work perfectly  
and lightning fast - I just thought it was interesting that the file  
sizes got so large, but now that they are slimmed way down and i know  
how to keep it that way, I am an extremely happy camper.

Again, though, unless I misunderstand the structure of such stacks, I  
really don't see much of a difference between your two (more  
advanced) methods and my simple one.  I mean if every single object  
on the cards is in the background, doesn't this mean that there is  
basically one card and all the hundreds and thousands of others are  
nothing more than a collection of field contents and custom  
properties?  And isn't this comparable to a collection of database  
records?  To be honest, I shy away from using the database solution  
for 2 reasons - one, I lack the knoweldge and skills to implement it,  
and two, I see on the RevList people with far more skills than I  
having all kinds of problems with databases every day, which makes me  
even more hesitant.  True, as I learned in the discussion a week or  
so ago, custom properties are faster than fields (that's why I  
changed as many as possible to custom props), and Signe Marie's  
project apparenetly uses all custom properties and no fields, as long  
as my thing functions as well and as fast as it does, I think I'll  
stick to it just because it works and I understand it.  Thanks for  
the suggestions, though, I will certainly examine them closely  
sometime down the road!


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Graphics help, please

2005-05-26 Thread Lars Brehmer

Hi Roger!

Graphics for buttons etc. in Rev are nothing more than images (gif's  
or png's) which you import into your stacks.

I need to develop graphics/images that will be used as icons for
buttons.  And, I've forgotten how to get rid of the rectangular white
background/border that invariably comes with the graphic.

  Be sure they are transparent and when you set a buttons icon, be  
sure the button opaque property in basic properties is unchecked.  I  
assume this will take care of the white border.

This is
driving me nuts!!  BTW. I work on a Mac.

Thanks, Roger

use-revolution mailing list

re: Saving stacks

2005-05-25 Thread Lars Brehmer

Thanks as always for the replies.

This only failed in a Rev 2.5.1 standalone to work properly the one  
time.  Now, as always, changes made in the standalone are indeed  
saved.  I have no idea whay this didn't work on the one occaission,  
but it was a little unfortunate because of the sheer amount of time  
those changes took.  After making sure changes are saved, I redid the  
work and successfully saved it.  The nature of the work I was doing  
at the time might be interesting for novice revvers like myself, so I  
will post a tip later today.


use-revolution mailing list

Stack file size

2005-05-25 Thread Lars Brehmer
This is probably only of interest if you are a Rev user without much  
coding expertise like myself and are working with stacks and  
standalones that contain thousands of actual Rev cards, instead of  
using a data base.  I assume there are users out there who like me  
are making apps using Rev only for things like music collections,  
contacts, personnel files, etc., or in my case foreign language  
vocabulary trainers.  My main  project right now is for Estonian  
vocabulary and, without going into linguistic details, the nature of  
the language makes the trainer very complex and very large.

When I need to make changes to the app, I open the Rev stacks in the  
package conents of the standalone in Rev and make the changes.  I  
noticed a long time ago that any time a stack is open in Rev and I  
just click and navigate around for a while without even making code  
or content changes, the Rev stack grows slightly in size, by bits and  
bytes.  Doing the same in the standalone causes no size increase. Not  
a problem until I need to make changes to hundreds or thousands of  
cards because I got a better idea from Rev-list, (or occaissionally  
on my own ;-)  The size of my application has been growing  
disproportionately  to the amount of content I have added, becoming  
bloated, so I decided to see how much file size the Rev IDE had added  
over the months.  My mainStack has 15 substacks, seven  of which  
together have about 4,500 cards.   I did the following experiment;

In the IDE I turned each of the seven substacks into main stacks. For  
each of them I made a new substack in the mainStack with the exact  
same backgrounds, graphics, objects, etc.  I then added the seven  
mainstacks to the distribution as mainStacks.  In each of them was a  
button that basically did the following:

create a card in my counterpart substack
copy the contents of my fields to it
copy my custom properties to it

In the standalone I executed the scripts in the seven stacks and then  
took them out of the contents folder of the app package.  Now  
mainstack was just as it was before the experiment, but whatever  
simply working in the IDE over the last few months had added to those  
7 substacks, was now gone.  Well, you can imagine what the result  
was.  The size of my mainStack dropped from 8.4 megs to 5.7 megs,  
even thoght on the surface it is exactly the same!  And it runs  
faster to boot!  Also, the standalone engine in Rev 2.5.1 is smaller  
than in Rev 2.x, so my application has gone from 12.2 megs to 8.   
Good news, because I had estimated that the final would be about 20  
megs, but now I think it will come in at about 12.

I guess my point is that when you working with a stack with lots of  
cards and you want to make changes, always make scripts for the  
changes in Rev, but then execute them in the standalone.  This avoids  
adding a lot of fat to your application.

I hope this helps some of you non programmers out there trying to  
make lean, efficient programs.



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Stack file size

2005-05-25 Thread Lars Brehmer

Hi Mark!

I guess my point is that when you working with a stack with lots
of cards and you want to make changes, always make scripts for the
changes in Rev, but then execute them in the standalone.  This
avoids adding a lot of fat to your application.

I wonder why this is.  Anybody know?

Maybe this is related to rev custom properties?

Try running Chipps plugin:

This plugin allows you to remove custom Rev properties in order to
reduce the filesize of stacks which are not to be included in
standalones. The distribution builder automatically does these things
for standalones.

Nope, I've been using  AltCleanStack for a while now and when I ran  
it on these stacks, it reduced the file size by just 180K, and by  
redoing the stacks completely (within the standalone) I reduced the  
size by 3 megs, almost 50% of the file size.  I guess that working in  
stacks in the IDE just puts a sort of footprints in there that  
increase the file size.  But again, now that I know this it's no  
problem whatsoever to work around it.



use-revolution mailing list

Saving stacks

2005-05-24 Thread Lars Brehmer

Hi all!

Is there something different in Rev 2.5.1 as far as saving changes to  
stacks in a standalone?  When I made stanalones in 2.1.2, I could  
always save stacks when a splashscreen is the application.  I've seen  
this countless times in posts and it always worked, but it won't work  
for me using 2.5.1.  What's different?  Or could it be that I'm  
checking out a trial version and this is somehow disabled?


use-revolution mailing list

easy question? Tiger weirdness revisited

2005-05-23 Thread Lars Brehmer

Howdy all!

I have what I hope is an easy question that has me stumped.

I took the discussion last week about why custom properties are so  
fast to heart and made some major changes to an enormous stack of  
mine to drastically reduce the file size and make it run much  
faster.  I'm not a coder, just a rev user that profits immensly from  
reading the posts on this list, so my original project has been  
rebuilt countless times as I learn better ways to do things.  For  
example as a result of the custom props speed discussion, I made a  
the simple change of putting several buttons in the background and  
using the preopenCard handler to look at a custom propery to  
determine whether a button should be visible.  Before, I had up to 4  
superfluous identical buttons on thousands of cards, which bloated  
the file size and make it crawl at a snail's pace in the IDE.  The  
thing I havent solved is re-marking certain unmarked cards without  
having an extra object on those cards.  It used to be:

mark cds by finding blahblah in fld reMark

I want to get rid of the superfluous fields and text, so far no  
luck.  I have tried several things like

unmark this cd
set the reMake of this cd to true

When I want to mark the cards again, I tried

mark cds where the reMake is true

- this just don't work - I have tried everything I could think of  
from the docs using by and where but I must be missing something  
here.  As you can see, my coding skills are practically non- 
existent.  I am convinced that this should be really easy, and being  
the absolute poster child for creating pretty good apps with the help  
of all you re-listers out there, I gotta ask: what am I missing here?



use-revolution mailing list

Tiger weirdness revisited

2005-05-23 Thread Lars Brehmer

Howdy again!

I have made some progress in understanding the weirdness in Tiger  
with stacks using windowShape.  Maybe someone can use what I've found  
to actually figure this one out.

Some of you may recall this from about 2 days after Tiger was  
released.  Certain windowShapes don't display properly on machines  
running Tiger.  Klaus, Gordy and Sarah have confirmed this and Gordy  
came up with a workaround that was a good start. I've been fooling  
around with this again for the last 2 days and made an interesting  
discovery that might help one of you real pros get to the bottom of  

To recap the problem.  Stacks using a windowShape that has a sort of  
semi-circular protrusion on the bottom get a weird shadow when using  
rev or my standalone running Tiger.  Also a windowShape that is  
nothing more than a rectangle with slightly rounded corners had a  
different strange appearance, but only in some cases.

As Klaus knows, I experimented for hours and found that the rectangle  
with rounded corners displays fine in Tiger, but ONLY if the width of  
the stack is 698 pixels of less (!!?!??!)  Now, I'm no pro, but I  
think I know enough consider  this to be bizarre!  What can the  
significance of 698 pixels possibly be?  Also, Gordy found a  
workaround that I am using - before I had the different window  
background images in a separate stack with all my graphics for button  
icons, etc, and in the stack backgrounds a button with the image as  
its icon, and the windowShape set to the image ID.  These images were  
in most cases png24's with transparency, created in Photoshop  
elements.  Klaus pointed out that windowshape in rev theoretically  
only supports 2 bit masks, so I recreated the exact shapes with black  
gif's, but these didn't work either.  Gordy found that if you have  
both the gif and the png in the stack background and set the shape to  
the gif, it works (almost).

Here's the interesting catch/clue.  I copied my standalone to my  
other machine running Panther - everything fine.  I did a clean  
install of Tiger, copied the app over again and the strangeness was  
back.  Then I installed Runrev  on the machine, restarted and copied  
the app over again and the problem was gone.  So for now the question  
is what is it about Runrev and Tiger that effects a standalone made  
with Runrev even when Runrev is not running?  The first clue to this  
intertwining between Rev and Tiger came when I noticed at one point  
that if I booted my machine and opened my standalone, the weirdness  
was there, but if after booting I opend the Stack in the standalone  
package in Rev first, then closed rev and opened the standalone the  
weirdnes was gone! I mean shouldn't a standalone be able to stand  
alone?  I certainly can't expect somebody who has Tiger and wants to  
use my app to buy Rev just to get it to display properly, right?  
There is something about the relationship between Rev and Tiger that  
is different from between Rev and Panther and I hope one of you out  
there might just say Ah Hah! Elementary! It's...

When I first posted this (before lots of experimentation and with  
fewer concrete clues) only Sarah, Gordy and Klaus responded (big  
thanks again!).  By now I hope a lot more of you are using Tiger and  
maybe found some other little problems and found solutions that might  
have some bearing on this one :-)

And one other oddity in Tiger.  When my standalone launches, certain  
stacks  and substacks are opened invisibly while the splash screen is  
visible, and then shown when the splash screen disappears.  This  
always caused some flicker, even using lockScreen,  until I followed  
a suggestion from the list to open the stacks  
offscreen (-5000,-5000) and then set the location to somewhere  
onscreen. Worked like a charm with a tiny Tiger-related problem.  The  
first time I lauch my standalone after booting the machine, those  
stacks appear onscreen in the upper left corner and then switch to  
their end locations.  On subsequent launches they show up flicker  
free at their proper locations.  Any ideas on this one?

Otherwise Tiger has been an absolute dream for everything I do ;-)

Cheers again!

use-revolution mailing list

Tiger again

2005-05-04 Thread Lars Brehmer
Not that the workaround isn't good enough for now, but I still have a  
very weird problem displaying a stack with a windowShape properly,  
and it just gets weirder!

I have a stack with an windowshape, that was the only thing not  
perfect after I installed Tiger.  Gordy has seen screenshots and  
apparently duplicated the problem and made suggestions (thanks  
again!), but what worked was repairing permissions, shutting down for  
several minutes and then restarting.  What is even stranger now is  
that the problem still crops up if I reboot my machine and open the  
standalone without having first opened the stack  in question (from  
the package contents of the standalone) in Rev !  What in the  
heck can this mean?

I have now repeated the process a few times, and it is always the  
same - boot up, open standalone - weird shape.  Open stack in Rev -  
weird shape!

Boot up, open stack in Rev - correct shape.  Open standalone -  
correct shape

I have rev and Tiger in both of my machines.  I guess my question is  
as follows:  should I trash rev on backup machine, restart and open  
the standalone to test this?  Does anyone have a good guess as to  
what would happen if someone else opened this standalone on a machine  
that never had Rev installed?

Anyone else have windowshape problems after installing Tiger?   It  
seems so odd that everything else works like a charm.  I am following  
all of the problems with Tiger in the Apple discussion boards and  
trying everything that others have had bad experiences with in Tiger,  
so far everything, and I do mean everything, has been smooth as silk  
in Tiger - just this one little peice of strangeness!

Ideas appreciated!
use-revolution mailing list

Tiger installation

2005-05-02 Thread Lars Brehmer
Hi all!
you may have seen a brief mentioning of  rev windowShape not working 
properly in Tiger.  Gordon Tillmann helped me out on this, but the 
problem wasn't really a problem at all.  I first installed Tiger on my 
backup machine, which hadn't had the last few Panther updates, and thus 
I hadn't repaired permissions recently.  This turned out to have caused 
the problem, just don't ask me why ;-)  I had noticed in the Apple 
discussions that this simple action seems to have already fixed minor 
and major problems a lot of people were experiencing with a wide 
variety of software, both Apple and third party, so I tried it and it 
worked.  In other words this was my own dopey fault.

Thanks agsain to Gordy for his patience in looking into this with me.
Repair your permission (more than once until no more errors or 
corrections show up) and disable 3rd party utilities (although I'm sure 
noneof you really need to be told this in the first place!)

Other than this tiger so far has been flawless, faster and cooler than 
all get out!

Enjoy the Tiger!
use-revolution mailing list

windowShape in Tiger (again)

2005-05-01 Thread Lars Brehmer
Hi Gordy!
Has anyone installed Tiger and looked at a revStack or standalone
that uses a windowShape other than rectangular?
 one of my main Rev projects has three stacks with a shape that is
basically rectangular with a small, round protrusion on the bottom
(and slightly rounded corners).  Both in rev and in the standalone,
there is a strange outline parallel to the bottom of the window
about 50 pixels lower.  It's a little hard to describe, so if
anyone out there is inclined to take a quick  a look at this
strangeness, let me know and I will send you screen shots.

I just tried the windowLab stack.  This is the one that you can run
from RevNet where you can draw an arbitrary shape and then create a
window from that shape.
Gave this a try and it worked for a round test stack in Tiger both as a 
revStack and as a standalone.  I am not sure what format the mask that 
is created in windowLab is, so I took my stack, whose shape is a png 
and created the same shape as a black gif and gave it a try, but with 
the same result on my machine running Tiger - that wierd additional 
shape.  I am sending you two screenshots offline so you can see what I 
am talking about.

I also tried to drop my black gif onto the active area of windowLab, 
but it doesn't generate a stack when I do that.
It seemed to work just fine and I wasn't able to duplicate the effect
that you mentioned.
Yes, this definitely works in Tiger, but I can't recreate my shape in 
windowLab ;-(

If you have a specific stack you would like for me to try I would be
happy to do that.
I am just wondering what Tiger does differently, because my windowShape 
has always been perfect in Panther, MacOS and Windows XP!

use-revolution mailing list

Tiger and windowShape

2005-04-30 Thread Lars Brehmer
If this appears twice, I'm not sure what happened.  I sent it once and 
it didn't show up, at least not as fast as I am used to.

Has anyone installed Tiger and looked at a revStack or standalone that 
uses a windowShape other than rectangular?

I just installed Tiger on my backup machine to try it out and one of my 
main Rev projects has three stacks with a shape that is basically 
rectangular with a small, round protrusion on the bottom (and slightly 
rounded corners).  Both in rev and in the standalone, there is a 
strange outline parallel to the bottom of the window about 50 pixels 
lower.  It's a little hard to describe, so if anyone out there is 
inclined to take a quick  a look at this strangeness, let me know and I 
will send you screen shots.  I already have made a new empty test 
stack, put the image on it and set the windowShape to the image, and 
the result is the same, so it's not just my existing stacks that behave 
this way.

I really want Tiger on my main machine, so any tips would be very 

Lars Brehmer
use-revolution mailing list

Tiger and windowShape

2005-04-29 Thread Lars Brehmer
Has anyone installed Tiger and looked at a revStack or standalone that 
uses a windowShape other than rectangular?

I just installed Tiger on my backup machine to try it out and one of my 
main Rev projects has three stacks with a shape that is basically 
rectangular with a small, round protrusion on the bottom (and slightly 
rounded corners).  Both in rev and in the standalone, there is a 
strange outline parallel to the bottom of the window about 50 pixels 
lower.  It's a little hard to describe, so if anyone out there is 
inclined to take a quick  a look at this strangeness, let me know and I 
will send you screen shots.  I already have made a new empty test 
stack, put the image on it and set the windowShape to the image, and 
the result is the same.  I really want Tiger on my main machine, so any 
tips would be very appreciated!

Lars Brehmer
use-revolution mailing list

Is it wierd or is it me?

2005-04-16 Thread Lars Brehmer
Is there a case where a script works in the message box, but not in a 

This is driving me crazy.  Part of a script just doesn't seem to work 
in my standalone, but it always works in Rev when I do it through the 
message box.  I don't know if the button in question works in my stacks 
in the IDE  because this entire script, not just the part that doesn't 
work,  would take  almost 2 hours to run in the IDE so I'd like to 
avoid trying it.  It takes about 35 seconds in the standalone.  It 
involves inspecting every card in a stack of 1,400 cards and performing 
certain operations  if certain conditions are met.

these operations include:
creating a new card in a second stack
copying the contents of textfields to the new card
copying buttons to the new card
changing the script and location of those buttons in the new card
unmarking the original card
then, when certain conditions are met I need certain cards to be marked 

  go stack xyz
  get the limNum of stack xyz
  if it = 0 then
get the getCat of stack xyz
mark cds by finding it in fld catFld of stack xyz
save stack xyz
  end if
when I run the scrpt in my standalone, this is the part that doesn't 
work, but when I open the stack in Rev, the linNum is 0, but the cards 
didn't get marked.  When I put this part of the script into the message 
box, Bang - the cards are marked again!  Am I missing something obvious 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Stack saving clarification

2005-03-21 Thread Lars Brehmer
Hi Len!
It doesn't look like anyone gave you the answer to you question that I 
got from the list many moons ago, so here you are:

I make standalones where the actual standalone is a splash screen and 
the .rev mainStack file and other stacks remain just that - rev stacks 
in the data folder of the standalonethat can be modified and saved from 
within  the standalone.  I like the splash screen, but apparently you 
can do the same thing with a mainstack that is never even visible, as 
long as that stack is the standalone and your real mainstack and other 
stacks are the included stacks.  Easy to do even for a beginner 
(meanwhile novice?) like me!

Hope this helps you along.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: ugly windows focus border

2005-03-18 Thread Lars Brehmer
Hi Xavier!
I think there is a way, though I'm not sure we're on the same page.
First make sure in the basic properties that the focus with keyboard: 
and show focus border are unchecked.

Also make sure under icons and border that the border width and 
shadow offset are 0.  I never figured out which of these does the 
trick, but it has always worked for me, at least with buttons with 
icons and no border at all, no shared highlight and no 3D, which pretty 
much describes the buttons I use most.

I hope this helps!
use-revolution mailing list

MacOS standalone engine

2005-03-14 Thread Lars Brehmer
Thanks for the reply Dan!
When I try to make a Mac OS standalone I first get The engine for 
MacOSPPC is missing. Do you want to download it now?  When I click 
download for a quarter second it say downloading engine immediately 
followed by problem downloading engine and the sheets slides back up. 
 Same with the engine for MacOSFAT.  I've tried several times to no 
avail.  What could be wrong?

use-revolution mailing list

Progress bars

2005-03-12 Thread Lars Brehmer
Hi listers!
I can't seem to find a tutorial or any layman's explanations on putting 
a simple progress bar into my stacks.  I have a stack that imports text 
data and creates the cards to store it on.  If the file is large, it 
takes a while, so I'd like to build in a progress bars (on a separate 
subStack?) to give an idea how long the task will take.  Where does it 
go and how do you set it up? A tutorial or a sample stack that has one 
would be terrific! Can anyone help me out here?

use-revolution mailing list

Windows question

2005-02-27 Thread Lars Brehmer
Greetings all!
I have no experience with Windows whatsoever and have what is hopefully 
a real easy, dopey question:

I build a standalone for Windows (the splash screen is the actual 
standalone, the Main Stack and substacks are rev files) and it works 
just fine, but there's one little thing I don't get.  In OSX, it's the 
icon of the standalone that appears in the dock, but in Windows (XP in 
this case) each of the open stacks, whether visible or not, has a 
thingy in the task bar thing, so as stacks open and close, the taskbar 
thingies multiply and disappear.

Am I doing something wrong here? Or is it always this way in Windows?  
Is there a way to get just the app in the taskbar and not the 
individual rev stacks?


Lars Brehmer
Eestimaa Keeletarkvara
Tallinn, Eesti
Modern foreign language vocabulary
learning software for the Mac and PC

use-revolution mailing list

re: typing foreign characters

2005-02-15 Thread Lars Brehmer
Hi List (especially foreign character typers!)
I've been following this thread because I had similar problems and 
questions last year.  Here is the weirdest thing I found out back then, 
and to my knowledge on one has posted this interesting litlte fact yet, 
at least I never saw it:

In Rev (and it seems in standalones as well) you can't get an umlaut 
even with the option-u extra stroke when using the US English keyboard 
on a Mac.  You can however, using the German keyboard, either hit the [ 
 ;  and  '  keys which give you ü, ö and ä respectively, but you can 
also get the umlauts with the option-u-u,o,a method when using the 
German keyboard (!?!)  I always found this quite strange, but it gets 
even stranger!  For those who need these diacriticals and have to 
switch to the German keyboard but are driven crazy by the different 
layout (once you get used to the y and z keys there are still all the 
punctuation marks and shift-number differences) you just have to use 
the British English keyboard, which has the same layout as the US, 
except the option-u strokes WILL produce the umlauts in both Rev and 
standalones!  Also the õ (option-n-o) which I also need for Estonian.  
I never understood why only the US keyboard is the only one that 
doesn't do this, but using the British keyboard is certainly an easy 

(note to Klaus - I finally DID actually help someone else :-D)
use-revolution mailing list

Stack file size

2004-10-13 Thread Lars Brehmer
I've been searching the list archives, but can't seem to find an answer 
for this:

A fairly intricate foreign language vocabulary trainer I've been 
working on for quite some time was getting really bloated, so I started 
to figure out why.  The main cause turned out to be the fact that I had 
2 profiles, to make the interface bilingual.  This literally doubled 
the file size and wasn't really necessary, so I went back to just a 
Master profile.  At the same time I noticed that when I opened the 
standalone data stacks in Rev to make changes, just navigating around 
increased the file size!  No new cards or anything, just moving between 
cards and stacks.  I tested this out in the standalone, and after a 
session with no new cards, the data stack did indeed stay the same 
size.  But when I opened it in Rev and made about 100 button clicks 
(next card, open substack, open sub-substack, next card, close 
substack, etc) the stack file size had grown by 3 k, even though I 
compacted it and saved it from the menu.  I'll now try to open it in 
Rev as litttle as possible, but in the last few weeks I did quite a bit 
of work on it back in Rev and have absolutely no idea how much the file 
grew because of this.

Does anyone know why the file size grows without me adding anything to 
it, and if so is there any way around this or anyway to get rid of the 
bloat this seems to have caused?

Lars Brehmer
Eestimaa Keeletarkvara
Tallinn, Eesti
Modern foreign language vocabulary
learning software for the Mac and PC

use-revolution mailing list

2.5 trial, MacOS standalone engine

2004-09-02 Thread Lars Brehmer
I just downloaded 2.5 trial version to give it a test ride, but I can't 
seem to get the MacOS standalone engine.  OSX was built in, the windows 
engine downloaded fine, but the MacOS just shows a problem downloading 
MacOS engine for a split second.  Is this known and being fixed?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: slavic languages

2004-08-06 Thread Lars Brehmer
Thanks Devin, but:
This is the first thing I tried, but every character with a diacritical 
just shows up as a box.

This is determined by what language support you have installed in the
OS. In OS X, just choose the Polish input from the keyboard menu and
you should automatically be able to type Polish in a Revolution field.
That's why I've been fooling around with unicode  html.  Nothing 
works.  And it's not my keyboard, because this works in all word 
processors.  Any other solutions?

use-revolution mailing list

slavic languages

2004-08-05 Thread Lars Brehmer
I am using rev 2.2.1, OSX.3.  Is there any way to use the Polish 
keyboard for text field input?  I've been looking in docs under 
language, keyboard, fonts and searching the revList database to no 
avail.  Help, anyone?

use-revolution mailing list

another quick multi-lingual question

2004-07-28 Thread Lars Brehmer
Thanks to Thierry, by the way,  for answering my last question on this!
Now that my pop-up menus are bi-lingual, another quick question - if a 
button with two profiles has an answer dialog in its script, can that 
dialog be different for the two profiles?  I tried to find a similar 
solution to using the text property for the pop-ups, but I am still 
stumped.  Can anybody help?

use-revolution mailing list

Profiles for Pop-Up menu items

2004-07-23 Thread Lars Brehmer
Can the menu items in a pop up menu have different profiles, say for 
different languages? None of the profile properties seem to handle 
this. Is there another way beyond my still meager skills?

Thanks gang,
use-revolution mailing list

Re: card id and button problem

2004-06-30 Thread Lars Brehmer
Thanks Sarah and Rob!
I tried to use Rob's suggestion, and it ALMOST worked - Being code 
illiterate, I don't pretend to understand the solution, so I just 
applied it word for word, most likely not recognizing something I 
needed to substitute for - try not to laugh TOO hard:-)
the button that creates the new card in the drawer stack looks like 

  open stack buttons   --  this is a substack that contains the
buttons I use

copy btn id  to stack MainStack  -- this is now in front of
(and thus hides) the new card button
According to the Rev Dictionary (Copy), if stack is specified, the
copied object must be a card
so you need to
 copy button id  to card [cardReference] of stack Main Stack
followed by
 put it into newButtonId -- it contains new button id
  close stack buttons
  open stack Y  -- this is the drawer stack
  create card
 set the drawerCardId of button id newButtonId of card
[cardReference] of stack Main Stack to it -- it contains new card id
I put this all into the button script, word for word, and got this: 
(for [cardReference] i just used recent card which did indeed put the 
button in the right place on the right card)

  open stack buttons
  copy btn id 1003 to recent card of stack MainStack
  put it into newButtonId
  close stack buttons
  open stack Y
  create card
  set the drawerCardId of button id newButtonId of recent card of stack 
MainStack to it
  repeat with i = 1 to 33
set the lockText of field (Field  i) to false
  end repeat
  close stack Y
  drawer stack Y at bottom aligned to center

Then I made the changes you gave below to the script of button to be 
copied to the MainStack, again, word for word:

  drawer stack Y at bottom aligned to center
  go to card id (the drawerCardId of me) of stack Y
When I made the new card in the mainStack and hit the button to create 
the new card in the drawer stack, I got an error message which I 
ignored (since I couldn't understand it).  The substack was indeed 
opened to a new card, but the error was in the set the 
drawerCardId line, so the fields weren't unlocked, the stack 
wasn't closed and reopend as a drawer.  When I unlocked the fields and 
filled them in and closed the stack and hit the new button in the 
mainstack, it actually worked - the correct new card opened in a 
drawer.  But as soon as I opened the drawer to a different card from a 
different card in the mainstack and went back to the new card, the 
button opened the drawer, but not to the correct card anymore.  (the 
older cards all work because when I made them I entered the card id of 
the drawer card into the button script on the mainstack card by hand - 
just what I'm trying to do away with here).  This is the error

Type	Chunk: no such object
Object:	n
Line:	 set the drawerCardId of button id newButtonId of recent 
card of stack MainStack to it
Hint: 	button id 1153 of card id 1152 of stack 

I assume laughable, but is it fixable?


So far it all works.  The button on the main stack card that should
lead back to this drawer card is:
  drawer stack Y at bottom aligned to center
  go card id  of stack Y
Is it possible to take the short id of the new drawer card and put
it in place of the  in the button script on that specific card
in the main stack? This is what I don't know how to do.
 go card id  of stack Y
 go to card id (the drawerCardId of me) of stack Y
in the script of button id  of stack Buttons
Thanks again!
use-revolution mailing list

Card id and button problem

2004-06-29 Thread Lars Brehmer
Hi All!
I've been searching searching the archives for hours, but since I don't 
really know what I'm doing, I guess I don't know what to search for!  
Here's the problem/question:

I have a stack with a substack drawer.  When a new card is created in 
the main stack, there is a button on it that creates a new card in the 
substack, unlocks its text fields and opens it in the drawer.  The 
button in the main stack that created the new card in the substack is 
then hidden behind another new button that should later open the drawer 
to that same card.  Once the fields on the drawer card are filled in, 
there is a button on it that locks the fields and saves the drawer 
stack.  The problem is that I need that save button also to put the 
short card id of the drawer card into the script of the main stack 
button that will re-open it.   This is what I can't figure out.  It 
looks like this:

the button that creates the new card in the drawer stack looks like this
  open stack buttons   --  this is a substack that contains the 
buttons I use
  copy btn id  to stack MainStack  -- this is now in front of 
(and thus hides) the new card button
  close stack buttons
  open stack Y  -- this is the drawer stack
  create card
  repeat with i = 1 to 33
set the lockText of field (Field  i) to false
  end repeat
  close stack Y
  drawer stack Y at bottom aligned to center -- this reopens the Y 
stack in the drawer

The new drawer card is now open and the fields can be filled in.  The 
save button on this card is:

  repeat with i = 1 to 33
set the lockText of field (Field  i) to true
  end repeat
  save stack Y
  close stack Y
So far it all works.  The button on the main stack card that should 
lead back to this drawer card is:

  drawer stack Y at bottom aligned to center
  go card id  of stack Y
Is it possible to take the short id of the new drawer card and put it 
in place of the  in the button script on that specific card in the 
main stack? This is what I don't know how to do.


use-revolution mailing list

A Litttle Unicode bug?

2004-06-22 Thread Lars Brehmer
I can't get one unicode character to display in RunRev.
It is the ð character, which represents the English voiced th sound, 
as in the, that, rather.  The unicode designation is 00F0 and the 
UTF8 designation is C3 B0.  Is this a bug in RunRev 2.3 and if so, will 
it be fixed in the next version?  Can it be worked around?  I'd 
appreciate suggestions!

Lars Brehmer
use-revolution mailing list

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