Re: [optimization] calendar week ISO 8601 / DIN 1355

2010-03-30 Thread Robert Cole

Malte and Sarah:
This should work for people who have PHP installed:
 on mouseUp
put "php -r " & quote & "echo date('W',  
mktime(0,0,0,3,15,2010));" & quote into tPHPcommand

put shell(tPHPcommand) into field "Test Results"
 end mouseUp

On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 07:36:33 Sarah Reichelt   

I haven't checked out your function yet Malte, but my DateTime library
has a weekNumISO() function contributed by the late, great Eric  


On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 6:52 AM, Malte Pfaff-Brill > wrote:

Hi all,
I needed to calculate the calendar week from a given date (as we do  
it in germany and I think also in the rest of europe).
I quickly hacked together a function implementing some of the info  
found here:
If anyone has any pointers on how to make this better, I´d  
appreciate input. I hope if anyone needs to implement calendar weeks

later this might be a helpful thread.



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Re: [optimization] calendar week ISO 8601 / DIN 1355

2010-03-28 Thread Sarah Reichelt
On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 8:00 AM, Malte Pfaff-Brill
> Thanks for pointing me to your lib Sarah. Lots of useful stuff in there. If 
> only gems like these were a little easier to find. *sigh*

I'm terrible at putting things on RevOnline - I have a publishing
system set up for my own site so it's easy, but RevOnline seems to be
I would love it if RevOnline allowed you to publish links instead of
complete stacks - that way I could create a link to a stack on my
site, and any updates would only have to be done in one place.

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Re: [optimization] calendar week ISO 8601 / DIN 1355

2010-03-28 Thread Malte Pfaff-Brill
Thanks for pointing me to your lib Sarah. Lots of useful stuff in there. If 
only gems like these were a little easier to find. *sigh*



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Re: [optimization] calendar week ISO 8601 / DIN 1355

2010-03-28 Thread Sarah Reichelt
I haven't checked out your function yet Malte, but my DateTime library
has a weekNumISO() function contributed by the late, great Eric Chatonet.


On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 6:52 AM, Malte Pfaff-Brill
> Hi all,
> I needed to calculate the calendar week from a given date (as we do it in 
> germany and I think also in the rest of europe).
> I quickly hacked together a function implementing some of the info found 
> here:
> If anyone has any pointers on how to make this better, I´d appreciate input. 
> I hope if anyone needs to implement calendar weeks
> later this might be a helpful thread.
> Cheers,
> Malte
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[optimization] calendar week ISO 8601 / DIN 1355

2010-03-28 Thread Malte Pfaff-Brill
Hi all,
I needed to calculate the calendar week from a given date (as we do it in 
germany and I think also in the rest of europe). 
I quickly hacked together a function implementing some of the info found here:
If anyone has any pointers on how to make this better, I´d appreciate input. I 
hope if anyone needs to implement calendar weeks
later this might be a helpful thread.



/* function calendar week 
@param1 = date in english format
@return = the calendar week in ISO 8601 format

function calendarWeekISO8601 pEnglishdate
   -- Calendar week as described in ISO 8601 / DIN 1355
   put pEnglishDate into tDate
   -- convert to date items, to get  year in question
   convert tDate from english date to dateItems
   -- 01/04 is ALWAYS in 1st week in year   
   put "01/04/"&item 1 of tDate into tFirstMonday
   convert tFirstMonday from english date to dateItems
   -- if item -1 = 1, we got a sunday. We need to find first monday
   if item -1 of tFirstMonday = 1 then 
  put 8 into tCurrentday
  put item -1 of tFirstMonday into tCurrentday
   end if
   put tCurrentday - 1 into tCurrentday
   -- get first monday in year
   if tCurrentday>1 then
  subtract (tCurrentday -1) from item 3 of tFirstMonday
   end if
   convert tFirstMonday from dateItems to seconds
   convert pEnglishDate from english date to seconds
   -- if the passed date is smaller than the first calendar weeks monday, the 
   -- is within the last week of the previous year
   if tFirstMonday > pEnglishDate then
  -- check for number of weeks in last year
  put item 1 of tDate -1 into tLastYear
  -- get day of last years 1st January
  put "1/1"&tLastYear into tLastFirstJan
  convert tLastFirstJan to dateItems
  put item -1 of tLastFirstJan into tLastFirstJan
  -- get day of last years 1st January
  put "12/31"&tLastYear into tLastThrityFirstDec
  convert tLastThrityFirstDec to dateItems
  put item -1 of tLastFirstJan into tLastThrityFirstDec
  -- check if it is a leap year first
  if (tLastYear mod 400 = 0) or (tLastYear mod 100 <> 0) and (tLastYear mod 
4 = 0) then
 -- leap year!
 -- if a leap year starts on a wed and ends on a thurs, the year owns 
53 weeks
 if tLastFirstJan=4 and tLastThrityFirstDec=5 then
return tLastYear&"-W53"
return tLastYear&"-W52"
 end if
  -- no leap year!
 -- if a regular year starts and ends on a thurs, the year owns 53 weeks
 if tLastFirstJan=5 and tLastThrityFirstDec=5 then
return tLastYear&"-W53"
return tLastYear&"-W52"
 end if
  end if
  return item 1 of tDate&"-W"&format("%02s",(pEnglishDate-tFirstMonday) div 
604800 + 1)
   end if
end calendarWeekISO8601___
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Re: an annual calendar somewhere? (done)

2010-03-02 Thread Andre.Bisseret


Thanks a lot to Robert, Zrypt, Richard, Bernd who provided very  
helpful material and the others who chimed in helping to push along :-)

I have now an annual calendar with 12 lines, one for each month.
The days of weeks are in a separate field at the top of the display  
(not repeated for each month)
The months are also in a separate field on the left of the main field  
which displays the day numbers.

The year is in a separate field too at the top left.

So it is easy to select any range of days either from a single month  
or across two (or more) months.

Oh! happy day ;-))

Best regards from Grenoble

 the script ---

-- 03/2010
-- first script from Richard Gaskin, completed and improved by Zryip  
theSlug. (comments are from them)
-- I only adapted it to my needs (months in lines instead of tables;  
several fields instead of a single one)

on mouseUp
   set useSystemDate to true
   put empty into fld "calendar field"
   put empty into fld "chMonths"
   put empty into fld "weekDayNames"
   ask "Quelle année ?" with last word of the abbrev system date
   put it into yearToMake
   put yearToMake into fld "theYear"
   put createDate(yearToMake,1,1) into tStartDate -- Create the  
January, 1 2010 in your local language system
   repeat with tMonthNumber = 0 to 11 -- Create months for January  
(1) to December (12)
  put Cal(addToDate(tStartDate,0,tMonthNumber,0),"Monday") & cr  
after fld "calendar field"

   end repeat
end mouseUp

on createLineOfDays --to be put in a separate field at the top
   -- Make day names header: -- in AWEEK
   put "Monday" into pFirstDayWeek
   put weekdayNamesList(pFirstDayWeek) into tWeekdayNames
   put empty into aWeek
   put empty into fourWeeks
   repeat for each line tDay in tWeekdayNames
  put char 1 to 2 of tDay &" " after aWeek --after tCal
   end repeat
   -- Make 5 weeks + lu ma
   repeat 5
  put aWeek & tab after fourWeeks
   end repeat
   put fourWeeks & "lu ma" into fld "weekDayNames"
end createLineOfDays

function Cal pDate, pFirstDayWeek
  set useSystemDate to true
   -- Returns a plain-text calendar representation of
   -- the month the date specified in pDate is in.
   -- If no month is provided it uses the current
   -- month. Month and day names use the user's current
   -- system settings.
   -- Use current date as default:
   if pDate is empty then put the date into pDate
   if pFirstDayWeek is empty then put "Sunday" into pFirstDayWeek
   -- Verify date is valid:
   convert pDate to dateitems
   if the result is not empty then return "Error: "& the result
   put empty into tCal
   -- Make month/year header:
   put item 1 of pDate into tYear
   put item 2 of pDate into tMonthNumber
   put line (tMonthNumber) of the monthNames into tMonth
   --put tMonth && tYear into tHeader
   --put tHeader & cr after fld "chMonths"
   put tMonth & cr after fld "chMonths" -- in an extra field on the  

   -- Pad beginning with empty days:
   put createDate(tYear,tMonthNumber,1) into tStartDay
   convert tStartDay to dateitems
   get last item of tStartDay
   if (pFirstDayWeek is "Monday") then
  if (it = 1) then
 put 6 into tPad -- fix the case that the day is Sunday  
(value1) - 2 = - 1

 put (it - 2) into tPad
  end if
  put (it - 1) into tPad
   end if

   repeat for tPad
  put "   " after tCal
   end repeat

   put createDate(tYear,tMonthNumber,1) into tStartDay -- create a  
date in the system's local language

   -- Walk through 31 days, stopping when we reach a
   -- number not valid for the month we're doing:

   repeat with i = 1 to dayOf(addToDate(tStartDay,0,1,-1))
  -- the end value is the number of days in the month. To obtain  
the last date of a month, add 1 month and subtract one

  -- day to the first day of a month
  -- Get day number:
  put createDate(tYear,tMonthNumber,i) into tDate
  convert tDate to dateitems
  if the result is not empty then exit repeat
  put item 3 of tDate into tDayNum
  -- Pad it and add it:
  if len(i) = 1 then put " " before i
  put i &" " after tCal
  -- Go to next line if we're at the end of the week:
  if last item of tDate = lastDayOfWeek(pFirstDayWeek) then put  
tab after tCal --cr after tCal

   end repeat
   -- Send it to the caller:
   return tCal
end Cal

function weekdayNamesList pFirstDay
  set useSystemDate to true
  put the abbr weekdayNames into tWeekdayNames
  if pFirstDay is "Monday" then
 put cr&first line of tWeekdayNames after tWeekdayNames
 delete first line of tWeekdayNames
  end if
  return tWeekdayNames
end weekdayNamesLis

Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-03-01 Thread Andre.Bisseret

Le 1 mars 10 à 12:06, BNig a écrit :


I haven't tried to select a range of dates, yet.
I tried but seems not possible in a table field (?)

in the property inspector for the field of stack "calendar lines" go  
tables, unselect crevTable, than in the basic properties make shure  
text is true and traversal on is checked. Then you can select text  
in the


Ah! yeesss!  that is working well :-)) (am learning every day!)

Thank you very much Bernd


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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-03-01 Thread BNig

 >I haven't tried to select a range of dates, yet.
>I tried but seems not possible in a table field (?)

in the property inspector for the field of stack "calendar lines" go to
tables, unselect crevTable, than in the basic properties make shure lock
text is true and traversal on is checked. Then you can select text in the
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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-03-01 Thread Andre.Bisseret

Bonjour Robert,

Le 28 févr. 10 à 23:26, Robert Cole a écrit :

I continue to have fun with your calendar question.

Am very glad to hear that :-)
I just uploaded another stack called "Calendar Lines" that produces  
a one-line-per-month format.

I downloaded it; really nice look :-)
It also allows you to transpose the calendar into a one-column-per- 

Yeess! that's very good: I am still hesitating between the two formats.
I wrote a transpose function that uses the split command and the  
extents function.
I am going to study your script : I still have to get familiar with  
these functions, and more familiar with arrays (I began to use them a  
bit when Trevor' data grid appears;  but I must confess that, up to  
now, I use them only when it is very necessary ;-)

I haven't tried to select a range of dates, yet.

I tried but seems not possible in a table field (?)
Up to now, I am using a simple text field (with tab stops). Then I can  
select ranges of dates; but I am going to suppress the months'names at  
the beginning of the lines and to put them in an extra field on the  
left of the main field. So that I be able to select ranges including  
last days of one month and first days of the following month without  
including the name of the second month.

Thanks a lot for your attention and your Calendar Lines"

Best regards from Grenoble


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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-03-01 Thread Andre.Bisseret

Bonjour Zryip,

Le 27 févr. 10 à 20:21, zryip theSlug a écrit :

To fix this bug, replace the pad part by this new portion:

   -- Pad beginning with empty days:
  put createDate(tYear,tMonthNumber,1) into tStartDay
  convert tStartDay to dateitems
  get last item of tStartDay
  if (pFirstDayWeek is "Monday") then
 if (it = 1) then
put 6 into tPad -- fix the case that the day is Sunday (value
1) - 2 = - 1
put (it - 2) into tPad
 end if
 put (it - 1) into tPad
  end if

  repeat for tPad
put "   " after tCal
  end repeat

Nice! all is OK now

Now a little trick with my code. It could give you free times if you
have missed it ;)

You are really considerate ;-))

How to create an easy loop to add months:

put createDate(2010,1,1) into tStartDate -- Create the January, 1 2010
in your local language system
repeat with tMonthNumber = 0 to 11 -- Create months for January (1) to
December (12)
 put cal(addToDate(tStartDate,0,tMonthNumber,0),"Monday") & cr
after fld "MyField"
end repeat

Thanks a lot. That's working like a charm. The 12 months are created  
very fast. Magnifique! (table or lines as well :-))

I am doing trials to improve my "in lines" layout : I think I will  
keep only one line for the days of weeks at the top of the field and I  
will isolate the months' names in an extra field on the left (to avoid  
that a month'name be selected when dragging from the end of a month to  
the beginning of the following one.

Have a nice week

Best regards from Grenoble


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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-28 Thread Robert Cole

I continue to have fun with your calendar question.
I just uploaded another stack called "Calendar Lines" that produces a  
one-line-per-month format.
It also allows you to transpose the calendar into a one-column-per- 
I wrote a transpose function that uses the split command and the  
extents function.

I haven't tried to select a range of dates, yet.
If this is of interest, download "Calendar Lines" from RevOnline and  
take a look.


Thank you much Bob for this nice calendar.
Also, thanks to the others who added comments, results of trials and
I was not waiting for such a "rush" on this topic ;-))

However, my problem is not solved with this kind of layout. Mostly I  

that the user be able to highlight periods of the year.
For example periods when a holidays' house has been rented (or is plan  
to be


With the present layout that can't be done. One can't drag (in order to
highlight)  from jan. 2 to jan 9 for example, or from jan. 30 to feb 6  

That why I am looking for an annual calendar with 12 rows/lines, one for
each month ( or might be 12 columns).

André, if you need some examples have a look to the lab experiment 009
-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)

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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-27 Thread zryip theSlug
2010/2/27 Andre.Bisseret :
> Bonjour Zryip,
> Starting from your very nice script, I am modifying it so that I obtain one
> month per line.
> I managed to get the days of weeks repeated five times separated by tab in
> the first line of the field (with tab stops in it)
>  I suppressed carriage returns and I added "tab" between weeks.
> Not too difficult up to now :-)
> Not completed yet (currently I am getting one month nearly as I expected.
> While doing trials, I just noticed that, when pFirstDayWeek is "Monday", if
> the first day of a month is actually "sunday" then there is a flaw: the "1"
> is set up under "monday" instead of "sunday" while "2" is at its right place
> (second line).
> I got that for example when trying "1/0810" (August 2010)
> This does not happen with pFirstDayWeek = "Sunday" (I tried for months
> beginning a saturday).
> I must confess that I did not study your script deeply
> (I just made few local modifications to quicky obtain a month with an
> aligned format instead of a table.
> So you likely will see faster than me how to fix that issue ;-))

Bonjour André!

Thanks for your feedback ;)

To fix this bug, replace the pad part by this new portion:

    -- Pad beginning with empty days:
   put createDate(tYear,tMonthNumber,1) into tStartDay
   convert tStartDay to dateitems
   get last item of tStartDay
   if (pFirstDayWeek is "Monday") then
  if (it = 1) then
 put 6 into tPad -- fix the case that the day is Sunday (value
1) - 2 = - 1
 put (it - 2) into tPad
  end if
  put (it - 1) into tPad
   end if

   repeat for tPad
     put "   " after tCal
   end repeat

> Anyway, thanks a lot for your improvement of the Richard'script; I
> particularly appreciate the possibililty to choose between Sunday and Monday
> as the first day of week. Thanks to your script I am sure I will get the
> format I am expecting.

You're welcome 8-)

Now a little trick with my code. It could give you free times if you
have missed it ;)

How to create an easy loop to add months:

put createDate(2010,1,1) into tStartDate -- Create the January, 1 2010
in your local language system
repeat with tMonthNumber = 0 to 11 -- Create months for January (1) to
December (12)
  put cal(addToDate(tStartDate,0,tMonthNumber,0),"Monday") & cr
after fld "MyField"
end repeat

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-27 Thread Andre.Bisseret

Bonjour Zryip,

Starting from your very nice script, I am modifying it so that I  
obtain one month per line.
I managed to get the days of weeks repeated five times separated by  
tab in the first line of the field (with tab stops in it)

 I suppressed carriage returns and I added "tab" between weeks.
Not too difficult up to now :-)
Not completed yet (currently I am getting one month nearly as I  

While doing trials, I just noticed that, when pFirstDayWeek is  
"Monday", if the first day of a month is actually "sunday" then there  
is a flaw: the "1" is set up under "monday" instead of "sunday" while  
"2" is at its right place (second line).

I got that for example when trying "1/0810" (August 2010)

This does not happen with pFirstDayWeek = "Sunday" (I tried for months  
beginning a saturday).

I must confess that I did not study your script deeply
(I just made few local modifications to quicky obtain a month with an  
aligned format instead of a table.

So you likely will see faster than me how to fix that issue ;-))

Anyway, thanks a lot for your improvement of the Richard'script; I  
particularly appreciate the possibililty to choose between Sunday and  
Monday as the first day of week. Thanks to your script I am sure I  
will get the format I am expecting.

Best regards from Grenoble


Le 27 févr. 10 à 01:12, zryip theSlug a écrit :

2010/2/26 Richard Gaskin :
FWIW, here's a a function I pulled out of my archives which is a  
sort of
variant of Cal in native RevTalk, making a single month from a date  
to it.  I'll leave it as an exercise to the user to make a year out  
of it if


One of the nice things about RevTalk is that the weekDayNames and  
functions return values in the current system's local language, so  
this is

localized without having to do anything.

I confess that I have missed these two valuables functions.

Interestingly, without the overhead involved in going to shell it's  
about 20

times faster on my machine than calling shell("cal").

It's instant on my machine. So with your script I could back in  
time? 8-)

However as far I have understood it seems that the property
useSystemDate set to true is necessary to obtain values according with
the local language.
Plus, a second difficulty exists: the week don't starts necessary a
Sunday but a Monday.

So I try to improve the Richard's solution like this:

function Cal pDate, pFirstDayWeek
  set useSystemDate to true
   -- Returns a plain-text calendar representation of
   -- the month the date specified in pDate is in.
   -- If no month is provided it uses the current
   -- month. Month and day names use the user's current
   -- system settings.
   -- Use current date as default:
  if pDate is empty then put the date into pDate
  if pFirstDayWeek is empty then put "Sunday" into pFirstDayWeek
   -- Verify date is valid:
   convert pDate to dateitems
   if the result is not empty then return "Error: "& the result
   put empty into tCal
   -- Make month/year header:
  put item 1 of pDate into tYear
  put item 2 of pDate into tMonthNumber
  put line (tMonthNumber) of the monthNames into tMonth
  put tMonth && tYear into tHeader
   -- Center it:
   repeat for ( (20 - len(tHeader)) div 2)
put " " after tCal
   end repeat
   put tHeader &cr after tCal
   -- Make day names header:
   put weekdayNamesList(pFirstDayWeek) into tWeekdayNames
   repeat for each line tDay in tWeekdayNames
put char 1 to 2 of tDay &" " after tCal
   end repeat
   put cr after tCal
   -- Pad beginning with empty days:
  put createDate(tYear,tMonthNumber,1) into tStartDay -- create a
date in the system's local language
  convert tStartDay to dateitems
  if (pFirstDayWeek is "Monday") then
 repeat for (last item of tStartDay - 2)
   put "   " after tCal
  end repeat
  repeat for (last item of tStartDay - 1)
   put "   " after tCal
  end repeat
  end if

  put createDate(tYear,tMonthNumber,1) into tStartDay -- create a
date in the system's local language

   -- Walk through 31 days, stopping when we reach a
   -- number not valid for the month we're doing:

   repeat with i = 1 to dayOf(addToDate(tStartDay,0,1,-1))
-- the end value is the number of days in the month. To
obtain the last date of a month, add 1 month and subtract one
-- day to the first day of a month
-- Get day number:
 put createDate(tYear,tMonthNumber,i) into tDate
 convert tDate to dateitems
 if the result is not empty then exit repeat
 put item 3 of tDate into tDayNum
-- Pad it and add it:
 if len(i) = 1 then put " " before i
 put i &

Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-27 Thread Andre.Bisseret


2010/2/26 Richard Gaskin :
FWIW, here's a a function I pulled out of my archives which is a  
sort of
variant of Cal in native RevTalk, making a single month from a date  
to it.  I'll leave it as an exercise to the user to make a year out  
of it if


One of the nice things about RevTalk is that the weekDayNames and  
functions return values in the current system's local language, so  
this is

localized without having to do anything.
Interestingly, without the overhead involved in going to shell it's  
about 20

times faster on my machine than calling shell("cal").

Le 27 févr. 10 à 01:12, zryip theSlug a écrit :

It's instant on my machine. So with your script I could back in  
time? 8-)

Very fast indeed on my machine too. Thank you much Richard

However as far I have understood it seems that the property
useSystemDate set to true is necessary to obtain values according with
the local language.
Plus, a second difficulty exists: the week don't starts necessary a
Sunday but a Monday.

So I try to improve the Richard's solution like this:


If some members of the list could validate this script in their own
language? 8-)

-> If your weeks starts a Monday call the function like this:

set useSystemDate to true
put cal(the date,"Monday") into fld "myField"

Works perfectly here ; very fast too

And thanks a lot Zryip for your other recent posts : links to the work  
of David Beck and to your experiment 009.

Sure will give me usefull hints

Best regards from Grenoble


use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-26 Thread zryip theSlug
2010/2/26 Andre.Bisseret :
> Thank you much Bob for this nice calendar.
> Also, thanks to the others who added comments, results of trials and
> elaborated.
> I was not waiting for such a "rush" on this topic ;-))
> However, my problem is not solved with this kind of layout. Mostly I need
> that the user be able to highlight periods of the year.
> For example periods when a holidays' house has been rented (or is plan to be
> rented).
> With the present layout that can't be done. One can't drag (in order to
> highlight)  from jan. 2 to jan 9 for example, or from jan. 30 to feb 6 etc
> That why I am looking for an annual calendar with 12 rows/lines, one for
> each month ( or might be 12 columns).

André, if you need some examples have a look to the lab experiment 009


-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-26 Thread zryip theSlug
2010/2/26 Richard Gaskin :
> FWIW, here's a a function I pulled out of my archives which is a sort of
> variant of Cal in native RevTalk, making a single month from a date passed
> to it.  I'll leave it as an exercise to the user to make a year out of it if
> needed.
> One of the nice things about RevTalk is that the weekDayNames and monthNames
> functions return values in the current system's local language, so this is
> localized without having to do anything.

I confess that I have missed these two valuables functions.

> Interestingly, without the overhead involved in going to shell it's about 20
> times faster on my machine than calling shell("cal").

It's instant on my machine. So with your script I could back in time? 8-)

However as far I have understood it seems that the property
useSystemDate set to true is necessary to obtain values according with
the local language.
Plus, a second difficulty exists: the week don't starts necessary a
Sunday but a Monday.

So I try to improve the Richard's solution like this:

function Cal pDate, pFirstDayWeek
   set useSystemDate to true
    -- Returns a plain-text calendar representation of
    -- the month the date specified in pDate is in.
    -- If no month is provided it uses the current
    -- month. Month and day names use the user's current
    -- system settings.
    -- Use current date as default:
   if pDate is empty then put the date into pDate
   if pFirstDayWeek is empty then put "Sunday" into pFirstDayWeek
    -- Verify date is valid:
    convert pDate to dateitems
    if the result is not empty then return "Error: "& the result
    put empty into tCal
    -- Make month/year header:
   put item 1 of pDate into tYear
   put item 2 of pDate into tMonthNumber
   put line (tMonthNumber) of the monthNames into tMonth
   put tMonth && tYear into tHeader
    -- Center it:
    repeat for ( (20 - len(tHeader)) div 2)
     put " " after tCal
    end repeat
    put tHeader &cr after tCal
    -- Make day names header:
    put weekdayNamesList(pFirstDayWeek) into tWeekdayNames
    repeat for each line tDay in tWeekdayNames
     put char 1 to 2 of tDay &" " after tCal
    end repeat
    put cr after tCal
    -- Pad beginning with empty days:
   put createDate(tYear,tMonthNumber,1) into tStartDay -- create a
date in the system's local language
   convert tStartDay to dateitems
   if (pFirstDayWeek is "Monday") then
  repeat for (last item of tStartDay - 2)
    put "   " after tCal
   end repeat
   repeat for (last item of tStartDay - 1)
    put "   " after tCal
   end repeat
   end if

   put createDate(tYear,tMonthNumber,1) into tStartDay -- create a
date in the system's local language

    -- Walk through 31 days, stopping when we reach a
    -- number not valid for the month we're doing:

    repeat with i = 1 to dayOf(addToDate(tStartDay,0,1,-1))
 -- the end value is the number of days in the month. To
obtain the last date of a month, add 1 month and subtract one
 -- day to the first day of a month
     -- Get day number:
  put createDate(tYear,tMonthNumber,i) into tDate
  convert tDate to dateitems
  if the result is not empty then exit repeat
  put item 3 of tDate into tDayNum
     -- Pad it and add it:
  if len(i) = 1 then put " " before i
  put i &" " after tCal
     -- Go to next line if we're at the end of the week:
  if last item of tDate = lastDayOfWeek(pFirstDayWeek) then put cr
after tCal
    end repeat
    -- Pad empty lines at end for uniform appearance
    -- when using multiple calendars in a field:
    repeat for (8-the number of lines of tCal)
     put cr after tCal
    end repeat
    -- Send it to the caller:
    return tCal
end Cal

function weekdayNamesList pFirstDay
   set useSystemDate to true
   put the abbr weekdayNames into tWeekdayNames
   if pFirstDay is "Monday" then
  put cr&first line of tWeekdayNames after tWeekdayNames
  delete first line of tWeekdayNames
   end if
   return tWeekdayNames
end weekdayNamesList

function lastDayOfWeek pFirstDay
   if pFirstDay is "Monday" then
  return 1
  return 7
   end if
end lastDayOfWeek

function firstDayInMonth pStartDate
   -- Return the first day in a month
   set useSystemDate to true
   convert pStartDate to dateitems
   put 1 into item 3 of pStartDate
   convert pStartDate to short date
   return pStartDate
end firstDayInMonth

function createDate pTheYear,pTheMonth,pTheDay
   local tDateItems

   set useSystemDate to true
   put pTheYear,pTheMonth,pTheDay,0,0,0,0 into tDateItems
   convert tDateItems from dateItems to short date
   return t

Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-26 Thread zryip theSlug
2010/2/26 Brian Yennie :
> According to the ncal docs, the country code has nothing to do with language, 
> just Gregorian dates:
>    -s country_code
>            Assume the switch from Julian to Gregorian Calendar at the date
>            associated with the country_code.  If not specified, ncal tries to
>            guess the switch date from the local environment or falls back to
>            September 2, 1752.  This was when Great Britain and her colonies
>            switched to the Gregorian Calendar.

You're right Brian. I confess that I've only read "country_code" and
thought it was a solution. Then I searched on forums the list of
available country code. I have seen an example in a forum and
concluded that I was in the good way...

2010/2/26 Yves COPPE :
> no, 10.5.7

Odds. In theory I'm not in a custom system. The ncal was definitively
not the solution ;)

2010/2/26 Andre.Bisseret :
> Thank you much Bob for this nice calendar.
> Also, thanks to the others who added comments, results of trials and
> elaborated.
> I was not waiting for such a "rush" on this topic ;-))
> However, my problem is not solved with this kind of layout. Mostly I need
> that the user be able to highlight periods of the year.
> For example periods when a holidays' house has been rented (or is plan to be
> rented).
> With the present layout that can't be done. One can't drag (in order to
> highlight)  from jan. 2 to jan 9 for example, or from jan. 30 to feb 6 etc
> That why I am looking for an annual calendar with 12 rows/lines, one for
> each month ( or might be 12 columns).


Have a look to the work of David Beck:

He sent an announce on the list:

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-26 Thread Richard Gaskin
FWIW, here's a a function I pulled out of my archives which is a sort of 
variant of Cal in native RevTalk, making a single month from a date 
passed to it.  I'll leave it as an exercise to the user to make a year 
out of it if needed.

One of the nice things about RevTalk is that the weekDayNames and 
monthNames functions return values in the current system's local 
language, so this is localized without having to do anything.

Interestingly, without the overhead involved in going to shell it's 
about 20 times faster on my machine than calling shell("cal").

function Cal pDate
  -- Returns a plain-text calendar representation of
  -- the month the date specified in pDate is in.
  -- If no month is provided it uses the current
  -- month. Month and day names use the user's current
  -- system settings.
  -- Use current date as default:
  if pDate is empty then put the date into pDate
  -- Verify date is valid:
  convert pDate to dateitems
  if the result is not empty then return "Error: "& the result
  put empty into tCal
  -- Make month/year header:
  put item 1 of pDate into tYear
  put line (item 2 of pDate) of the monthNames into tMonth
  put tMonth && tYear into tHeader
  -- Center it:
  repeat for ( (20 - len(tHeader)) div 2)
put " " after tCal
  end repeat
  put tHeader &cr after tCal
  -- Make day names header:
  put the abbr weekdayNames into tWeekdayNames
  repeat for each line tDay in tWeekdayNames
put char 1 to 2 of tDay &" " after tCal
  end repeat
  put cr after tCal
  -- Pad beginning with empty days:
  put tMonth && "1"&& tYear into tStartDay
  convert tStartDay to dateitems
  repeat for (last item of tStartDay - 1)
put "   " after tCal
  end repeat
  -- Walk through 31 days, stopping when we reach a
  -- number not valid for the month we're doing:
  repeat with i = 1 to 31
-- Get day number:
put tMonth &&i&& tYear into tDate
convert tDate to dateitems
if the result is not empty then exit repeat
put item 3 of tDate into tDayNum
-- Pad it and add it:
if len(i) = 1 then put " " before i
put i &" " after tCal
-- Go to next line if we're at the end of the week:
if last item of tDate = 7 then put cr after tCal
  end repeat
  -- Pad empty lines at end for uniform appearance
  -- when using multiple calendars in a field:
  repeat for (8-the number of lines of tCal)
put cr after tCal
  end repeat
  -- Send it to the caller:
  return tCal
end Cal

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 Rev training and consulting:
 Webzine for Rev developers:
 revJournal blog:
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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-26 Thread Andre.Bisseret

Thank you much Bob for this nice calendar.
Also, thanks to the others who added comments, results of trials and  

I was not waiting for such a "rush" on this topic ;-))

However, my problem is not solved with this kind of layout. Mostly I  
need that the user be able to highlight periods of the year.
For example periods when a holidays' house has been rented (or is plan  
to be rented).

With the present layout that can't be done. One can't drag (in order  
to highlight)  from jan. 2 to jan 9 for example, or from jan. 30 to  
feb 6 etc

That why I am looking for an annual calendar with 12 rows/lines, one  
for each month ( or might be 12 columns).

Best regards from Grenoble (by the way, I joined the runrev folks  
google map ;-)


Le 25 févr. 10 à 20:45, Robert Cole a écrit :

On Mac OS X, I use a simple shell command to put the calendar into a  
field .

put shell("cal 2010") into field "Calendar Field"
Be sure to use a monospace font like Courier in the field
- - - - - - -
I need an annual calendar, one which could be display entirely on one
card of a stack.
Something like 12 rows, one for each months.

Does someone know if that has already been done with runrev and if it
is possible to get it somewhere?

Thanks a lot in advance for any clue

Best regards from Grenoble

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Re: an annual calendar somewhere? - French Version

2010-02-26 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

I played with "zryip theSlug's" code for all of
30 seconds, replace ncal command by "cal 2010",
corrected the line ending errors, corrected the
month of August, and it all works fine for me.
I'm on 10.5.8.

Merci Monsieur "zryip theSlug"


on mouseUp
  local tTheCal, tTheMonth, tTheFrenchMonth, tTheDay, tTheFrenchDay

into tTheMonth
into tTheFrenchMonth

  put "Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su" into tTheDay
  put "Lu,Ma,Me,Je,Ve,Sa,Di" into tTheFrenchDay

  put shell("cal 2010") into tTheCal

  -- Translate month
  repeat with x = 1 to number of items in tTheMonth
 replace (item x of tTheMonth) with (item x of tTheFrenchMonth)  
in tTheCal

  end repeat

  -- Translate day
  repeat with x = 1 to number of items in tTheDay
 replace (item x of tTheDay) with (item x of tTheFrenchDay) in  

  end repeat

  put tTheCal into fld "MyCal"

end mouseUp

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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread Yves COPPE

Le 25-févr.-10 à 23:05, zryip theSlug a écrit :

 put shell("ncal -s FR 2010") into tTheCal

error  : /bin/sh: line 1: ncal: command not found



Maybe you are in 10.4?


no, 10.5.7



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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread Robert Cole
I created a small stack to show how I use a monthly calendar (using  
the shell command) and the mouseText function to pick a date.
I just uploaded "Calendar Picker" to RevOnLine where it is now  
available for download.

Please feel free to use this stack and refine the visual appearance.
It can be used as a popup stack but I don't know how to return a date  
to the calling stack.

Enjoy the Calendar Picker stack,

Robert Cole wrote:

On Mac OS X, I use a simple shell command to put the calendar into a
field .
put shell("cal 2010") into field "Calendar Field"
Be sure to use a monospace font like Courier in the field

!!! Had no idea. That is too cool.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread Brian Yennie
According to the ncal docs, the country code has nothing to do with language, 
just Gregorian dates:

-s country_code
Assume the switch from Julian to Gregorian Calendar at the date
associated with the country_code.  If not specified, ncal tries to
guess the switch date from the local environment or falls back to
September 2, 1752.  This was when Great Britain and her colonies
switched to the Gregorian Calendar.

> 2010/2/25 J. Landman Gay :
>> zryip theSlug wrote:
>>> Maybe you are in 10.4?
>> It does seem to be OS-related. On my Snow Leopard machine, ncal is
>> supported. On my plain Leopard Mac, it is not. But even on Snow Leopard I
>> don't see French, the calendar is returned in English.
> Thanks, interesting to know.
> If I consider my test, changing the country has no effect. First I
> believe that the command will be return the calendar with a difference
> with the first day of the week (as you know, it's not sunday in
> french, but monday) but I obtain all the time monday as first day of
> the week...
> For the translation, a quick replace as I propose previously, could do
> the job. The difficulty here, is have the right system version...
> -- 
> -Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
> __
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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread zryip theSlug
2010/2/25 J. Landman Gay :
> zryip theSlug wrote:
>> Maybe you are in 10.4?
> It does seem to be OS-related. On my Snow Leopard machine, ncal is
> supported. On my plain Leopard Mac, it is not. But even on Snow Leopard I
> don't see French, the calendar is returned in English.

Thanks, interesting to know.

If I consider my test, changing the country has no effect. First I
believe that the command will be return the calendar with a difference
with the first day of the week (as you know, it's not sunday in
french, but monday) but I obtain all the time monday as first day of
the week...

For the translation, a quick replace as I propose previously, could do
the job. The difficulty here, is have the right system version...

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread J. Landman Gay

zryip theSlug wrote:

Maybe you are in 10.4?

It does seem to be OS-related. On my Snow Leopard machine, ncal is 
supported. On my plain Leopard Mac, it is not. But even on Snow Leopard 
I don't see French, the calendar is returned in English.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread zryip theSlug
2010/2/25 zryip theSlug :
> 2010/2/25 Yves COPPE :
>> Le 25-févr.-10 à 22:37, zryip theSlug a écrit :
>>> Okay, okay.
>>> on mouseUp
>>>  local tTheCal, tTheMonth, tTheFrenchMonth, tTheDay, tTheFrenchDay
>>>  put
>>> "January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December"
>>> into tTheMonth
>>>  put
>>> "Janvier,Février,Mars,Avril,Mai,Juin,Juillet,Aiut,Septembre,Octobre,Novembre,Décembre"
>>> into tTheFrenchMonth
>>>  put "Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su" into tTheDay
>>>  put "Lu,Ma,Me,Je,Ve,Sa,Di" into tTheFrenchDay
>>>  put shell("ncal -s FR 2010") into tTheCal
>>>  -- Translate month
>>>  repeat with x = 1 to number of items in tTheMonth
>>>     replace (item x of tTheMonth) with (item x of tTheFrenchMonth) in
>>> tTheCal
>>>  end repeat
>>>  -- Translate day
>>>  repeat with x = 1 to number of items in tTheDay
>>>     replace (item x of tTheDay) with (item x of tTheFrenchDay) in tTheCal
>>>  end repeat
>>>  put tTheCal into fld "Calendar Field"
>>> end mouseUp
>>> And now?
>> Re
>>>  put shell("ncal -s FR 2010") into tTheCal
>> error  : /bin/sh: line 1: ncal: command not found

In the manual for the cal command, I found this:

 A cal command appeared in Version 5 AT&T UNIX.  The ncal command
appeared in FreeBSD 2.2.6.

 The ncal command and manual were written by Wolfgang Helbig

It seems that the ncal command is only available since OS X 10.5.

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread zryip theSlug
2010/2/25 Yves COPPE :
> Le 25-févr.-10 à 22:37, zryip theSlug a écrit :
>> Okay, okay.
>> on mouseUp
>>  local tTheCal, tTheMonth, tTheFrenchMonth, tTheDay, tTheFrenchDay
>>  put
>> "January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December"
>> into tTheMonth
>>  put
>> "Janvier,Février,Mars,Avril,Mai,Juin,Juillet,Aiut,Septembre,Octobre,Novembre,Décembre"
>> into tTheFrenchMonth
>>  put "Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su" into tTheDay
>>  put "Lu,Ma,Me,Je,Ve,Sa,Di" into tTheFrenchDay
>>  put shell("ncal -s FR 2010") into tTheCal
>>  -- Translate month
>>  repeat with x = 1 to number of items in tTheMonth
>>     replace (item x of tTheMonth) with (item x of tTheFrenchMonth) in
>> tTheCal
>>  end repeat
>>  -- Translate day
>>  repeat with x = 1 to number of items in tTheDay
>>     replace (item x of tTheDay) with (item x of tTheFrenchDay) in tTheCal
>>  end repeat
>>  put tTheCal into fld "Calendar Field"
>> end mouseUp
>> And now?
> Re
>>  put shell("ncal -s FR 2010") into tTheCal
> error  : /bin/sh: line 1: ncal: command not found
> Greetings.
> Yves COPPE

Maybe you are in 10.4?

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread Yves COPPE

Le 25-févr.-10 à 22:51, zryip theSlug a écrit :

I'm on OS X too, and it seems that the ncal and cal commands are  

When you type:
put shell("man ncal") into fld "Calendar Field"
What do you get?

I get this :
No manual entry for ncal



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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread Yves COPPE

Le 25-févr.-10 à 22:37, zryip theSlug a écrit :

Okay, okay.

on mouseUp
  local tTheCal, tTheMonth, tTheFrenchMonth, tTheDay, tTheFrenchDay


into tTheMonth

into tTheFrenchMonth
  put "Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su" into tTheDay
  put "Lu,Ma,Me,Je,Ve,Sa,Di" into tTheFrenchDay

  put shell("ncal -s FR 2010") into tTheCal

  -- Translate month
  repeat with x = 1 to number of items in tTheMonth
 replace (item x of tTheMonth) with (item x of tTheFrenchMonth)  
in tTheCal

  end repeat

  -- Translate day
  repeat with x = 1 to number of items in tTheDay
 replace (item x of tTheDay) with (item x of tTheFrenchDay) in  

  end repeat

  put tTheCal into fld "Calendar Field"

end mouseUp

And now?


 put shell("ncal -s FR 2010") into tTheCal

error  : /bin/sh: line 1: ncal: command not found



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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread zryip theSlug
2010/2/25 J. Landman Gay :
> zryip theSlug wrote:
>>   put tTheCal into fld "Calendar Field"
>> end mouseUp
>> And now?
> When I tried to use "ncal" on OS X, the command wasn't found. It seems it is
> unsupported there.
> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
> HyperActive Software           |
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription
> preferences:

I'm on OS X too, and it seems that the ncal and cal commands are linked.

When you type:
put shell("man ncal") into fld "Calendar Field"
What do you get?

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread J. Landman Gay

zryip theSlug wrote:

   put tTheCal into fld "Calendar Field"

end mouseUp

And now?

When I tried to use "ncal" on OS X, the command wasn't found. It seems 
it is unsupported there.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread zryip theSlug
2010/2/25 Yves COPPE :
> Le 25-févr.-10 à 21:56, zryip theSlug a écrit :
>> 2010/2/25 Yves COPPE :
>>> one question : is it possible to get the calendar in the chosen language
>>> in
>>> the preferences system (in my case : french) ?
>> Not sure that the calendar is stored in different languages.
>> For french, try this:
>> put shell("ncal -s FR 2010") into field "Calendar Field"
> re
> no, it doesn't work ...
> it's a pity
> Thanks for trying to help me !

Okay, okay.

on mouseUp
   local tTheCal, tTheMonth, tTheFrenchMonth, tTheDay, tTheFrenchDay

into tTheMonth
into tTheFrenchMonth
   put "Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su" into tTheDay
   put "Lu,Ma,Me,Je,Ve,Sa,Di" into tTheFrenchDay

   put shell("ncal -s FR 2010") into tTheCal

   -- Translate month
   repeat with x = 1 to number of items in tTheMonth
  replace (item x of tTheMonth) with (item x of tTheFrenchMonth) in tTheCal
   end repeat

   -- Translate day
   repeat with x = 1 to number of items in tTheDay
  replace (item x of tTheDay) with (item x of tTheFrenchDay) in tTheCal
   end repeat

   put tTheCal into fld "Calendar Field"

end mouseUp

And now?

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread Richmond Mathewson

For an understanding of the parameters of the calendar
do this:

put shell ("call -500") into fld "Calendar Field"

that will generate an error (hard luck Herodotus!) and details
of all the parameters . . .
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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread Yves COPPE

Le 25-févr.-10 à 21:56, zryip theSlug a écrit :

2010/2/25 Yves COPPE :

one question : is it possible to get the calendar in the chosen  
language in

the preferences system (in my case : french) ?

Not sure that the calendar is stored in different languages.

For french, try this:

put shell("ncal -s FR 2010") into field "Calendar Field"


no, it doesn't work ...
it's a pity

Thanks for trying to help me !



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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread Richmond Mathewson

AND . . . it works on Linux as well . . .  :)

Presumably this is because of the common UNIXy base of both Mac OS X
and Linux.

So, to get hold of a Julian calendar would involve mucking around with the
data that arrived in the display field.

And an Islamic, Jewish, Buddhist or Hindu (there are lots of those) calendar
would probably have to be 'pulled' from the internet ?
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread zryip theSlug
2010/2/25 Yves COPPE :

> Re,
> ye !
> one question : is it possible to get the calendar in the chosen language in
> the preferences system (in my case : french) ?
> Greetings.
> Yves COPPE


Not sure that the calendar is stored in different languages.

For french, try this:

put shell("ncal -s FR 2010") into field "Calendar Field"

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread Yves COPPE

Le 25-févr.-10 à 20:45, Robert Cole a écrit :

On Mac OS X, I use a simple shell command to put the calendar into a  
field .

put shell("cal 2010") into field "Calendar Field"
Be sure to use a monospace font like Courier in the field
- - - - - - -


ye !

one question : is it possible to get the calendar in the chosen  
language in the preferences system (in my case : french) ?



use-revolution mailing list
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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread zryip theSlug
2010/2/25 Robert Cole :
> André:
> On Mac OS X, I use a simple shell command to put the calendar into a field .
>     put shell("cal 2010") into field "Calendar Field"
> Be sure to use a monospace font like Courier in the field
> Bob

Thanks for the tip, Bob ;)

More infos for using the cal shell command:

     cal, ncal -- displays a calendar and the date of easter

 cal [-jy] [[month] year]
 cal [-j] -m month [year]
 ncal [-jJpwy] [-s country_code] [[month] year]
 ncal [-Jeo] [year]

 The cal utility displays a simple calendar in traditional format
and ncal offers an alternative layout,
 more options and the date of easter.  The new format is a little
cramped but it makes a year fit on a
 25x80 terminal.  If arguments are not specified, the current
month is displayed.

 The options are as follows:

 -J  Display Julian Calendar, if combined with the -e option,
display date of easter according to
 the Julian Calendar.

 -e  Display date of easter (for western churches).

 -j  Display Julian days (days one-based, numbered from January 1).

 -m month
 Display the specified month.

 -o  Display date of orthodox easter (Greek and Russian
Orthodox Churches).

 -p  Print the country codes and switching days from Julian to
Gregorian Calendar as they are
 assumed by ncal.  The country code as determined from the
local environment is marked with an

 -s country_code
 Assume the switch from Julian to Gregorian Calendar at
the date associated with the
 country_code.  If not specified, ncal tries to guess the
switch date from the local environment
 or falls back to September 2, 1752.  This was when Great
Britain and her colonies switched to
 the Gregorian Calendar.

 -w  Print the number of the week below each week column.

 -y  Display a calendar for the specified year.

 A single parameter specifies the year (1 - ) to be displayed;
note the year must be fully speci-fied: specified:
 fied: ``cal 89'' will not display a calendar for 1989.  Two
parameters denote the month and year; the
 month is either a number between 1 and 12, or a full or
abbreviated name as specified by the current
 locale.  Month and year default to those of the current system
clock and time zone (so ``cal -m 8''
 will display a calendar for the month of August in the current year).

 A year starts on Jan 1.

And an useful link to explore:

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
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Re: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread J. Landman Gay

Robert Cole wrote:

On Mac OS X, I use a simple shell command to put the calendar into a 
field .

 put shell("cal 2010") into field "Calendar Field"
Be sure to use a monospace font like Courier in the field

!!! Had no idea. That is too cool.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

use-revolution mailing list
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RE: an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread Robert Cole

On Mac OS X, I use a simple shell command to put the calendar into a  
field .

 put shell("cal 2010") into field "Calendar Field"
Be sure to use a monospace font like Courier in the field
- - - - - - -
I need an annual calendar, one which could be display entirely on one
card of a stack.
Something like 12 rows, one for each months.

Does someone know if that has already been done with runrev and if it
is possible to get it somewhere?

Thanks a lot in advance for any clue

Best regards from Grenoble

use-revolution mailing list
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an annual calendar somewhere?

2010-02-25 Thread Andre.Bisseret

I need an annual calendar, one which could be display entirely on one  
card of a stack.

Something like 12 rows, one for each months.

Does someone know if that has already been done with runrev and if it  
is possible to get it somewhere?

Thanks a lot in advance for any clue

Best regards from Grenoble


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Revolution iCal calendar

2009-07-06 Thread Mark Schonewille


I have added Malte's webinar to the Revolution iCal calendar. You can  
add the Revolution calendar to iCal by clicking the link >. You can also copy this link, choose Subscribe... from the Calendar  
menu in iCal and paste it into the dialog that will appear.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Snapper Screen Recorder 2.1

If you sent me an e-mail before 21 June and haven't got a reply yet,  
please send me a reminder.

use-revolution mailing list
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Revolution Calendar

2009-03-24 Thread Mark Schonewille


I have put a Revolution calendar online. You can subscribe to the  
following URL:  using iCal  
or compatible software. For now, it has only one event, but you can  
let me know about important future Revolution-related events and I  
will add them as soon as I have a moment.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Dutch forum:

Snapper Screen Recorder is now available for Windows! Download it at < 

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Finding and replacing "numbers" in calendar day field

2008-11-29 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hi Joe and Sarah.

I had been working with the find and then replace functions but kept getting an 
insurmountable pattern error message.
Sarah, your suggestion worked like a charm.

the code snippet is as follows:

on WriteEvent
put the number of lines of field "Month Events List" into tFieldLines
set the itemdelimiter to "/"
repeat with x = 1 to tFieldLines
put item 2 of line x of field "Month Events List" into tDayNeeded
put tDayNeeded && " Event" into tToPaste
find empty
find tDayNeeded in field "Dates" of group "Main_Group"
put tToPaste into foundChunk
-- replace tDayNeeded with tToPaste in field "Dates" of group "Main_Group"
end repeat
end WriteEvent

This works like a charm.

But has also left me with another question.

Thank you

Mark MacKenzie
Art Conservator & Wet Plate Photographer
Alcalde, New Mexico
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Finding and replacing "numbers" in calendar day field

2008-11-28 Thread Sarah Reichelt
> I have been playing with the tutorial calendar and am having trouble adding a 
> to me useful feature.
> I have a list field where day events are put along with the short date.  I 
> can grab the day number from this short date, line by line.
> Where I am having trouble is after finding the needed day date in the 
> calendar day field (same as in tutorial) I am stuck with how to replace the 
> date number with a phrase consisting of the same day date number and the word 
> "Event".  The end effect is that after a note is added, the calendar date 
> will show instead of "28" the phrase "28Event" as a visual reminder that 
> a note or event has been added to the overall calendar.

Like Joe, I am not familiar with this tutorial, but how about
something like this:

replace "28" with "28   Event" in field "whatever"

I don't know the correct field name but  this will show you want I mean.

Alternatively, you can have:

put "   Event" after field "whatever"

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Re: Finding and replacing "numbers" in calendar day field

2008-11-28 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins

Hi Mark,

Guess all the pros have closed shop for the day. (smile)

I don't have the tutorial you're using in front of me, but...

If you can define the "chunk" that you're replacing, why not just  
"put" the new stuff into it, or "put" &"Event" after it.

Joe Wilkins

On Nov 28, 2008, at 1:58 PM, Mark MacKenzie wrote:

Hi all.

I have been playing with the tutorial calendar and am having trouble  
adding a to me useful feature.

I have a list field where day events are put along with the short  
date.  I can grab the day number from this short date, line by line.

Where I am having trouble is after finding the needed day date in  
the calendar day field (same as in tutorial) I am stuck with how to  
replace the date number with a phrase consisting of the same day  
date number and the word "Event".  The end effect is that after a  
note is added, the calendar date will show instead of "28" the  
phrase "28    Event" as a visual reminder that a note or event has  
been added to the overall calendar.

I am just missing something.  I have been using find and replace but  
to no avail.

How would you advise doing this?

use-revolution mailing list
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Finding and replacing "numbers" in calendar day field

2008-11-28 Thread Mark MacKenzie
Hi all.

I have been playing with the tutorial calendar and am having trouble adding a 
to me useful feature.

I have a list field where day events are put along with the short date.  I can 
grab the day number from this short date, line by line.

Where I am having trouble is after finding the needed day date in the calendar 
day field (same as in tutorial) I am stuck with how to replace the date number 
with a phrase consisting of the same day date number and the word "Event".  The 
end effect is that after a note is added, the calendar date will show instead 
of "28" the phrase "28Event" as a visual reminder that a note or event has 
been added to the overall calendar.

I am just missing something.  I have been using find and replace but to no 

How would you advise doing this?


Mark MacKenzie
Art Conservator & Wet Plate Photographer
Alcalde, New Mexico
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: OT: Mark well [was: problem with calendar tutorial]

2008-11-25 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins

Hey all,

Any name is better than one of my lady friends whose last name is  
"Penix" (smile) Google that if you will.

Joe Wilkins

On Nov 25, 2008, at 7:48 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Mark Smith wrote:

I said only recently on this list, that one day all people will be  
called Mark. I didn't let on that all people would be called Mark  
Smith, as I felt that these things should be done in stages - but I  
see the plan is further along than I'd thought!

I just googled "Mark Smith" and got 1,180,000 results. You've really  
been busy.

Still, welcome to the list, and you'll find that even those who  
stubbornly hold on to their weird non-mark-smith names are very  
helpful and knowledgeable.

Actually, I'm willing to consider becoming a Mark Smith. After 20+  
years of being married to a "Gay" I occasionally think I'd like  
being a Smith...less explaining to do.

Which leads me to...Proposition 8. My husband says, "Gay marriage  
has been practiced in our family for generations. I don't see what  
the big deal is."

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

OT: Mark well [was: problem with calendar tutorial]

2008-11-25 Thread J. Landman Gay

Mark Smith wrote:

I said only recently on this list, that one day all people will be 
called Mark. I didn't let on that all people would be called Mark Smith, 
as I felt that these things should be done in stages - but I see the 
plan is further along than I'd thought!

I just googled "Mark Smith" and got 1,180,000 results. You've really 
been busy.

Still, welcome to the list, and you'll find that even those who 
stubbornly hold on to their weird non-mark-smith names are very helpful 
and knowledgeable.

Actually, I'm willing to consider becoming a Mark Smith. After 20+ years 
of being married to a "Gay" I occasionally think I'd like being a 
Smith...less explaining to do.

Which leads me to...Proposition 8. My husband says, "Gay marriage has 
been practiced in our family for generations. I don't see what the big 
deal is."

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: problem with calendar tutorial

2008-11-25 Thread J. Landman Gay

Mark Smith wrote:

Before I begin, Jacqueline suggested I let the other Mark Smith in this list
know that I am not a doppleganger. We probably look nothing alike :-)

Yay! You came! :) Personally I think we should give both of you pet names.

I import the image ok using the File menu command "import as control" (at least
I think that is what I am to do). And then the image shows up. But I've not
been able to figure out how you move it into the background group using the
edit group control. When I select the image the edit group control is not an
option. If I select the group on the card, then select "edit group" nothing
happens. There must be some sequence of mouse clicks that I am just not
getting. Any advice would be great. Thanks

There've been a couple of ways posted that will move your image into the 
group. Here's another method. When you import a control, it will go into 
the layer that is currently active. Usually this is the card layer, 
which is what happened when you did it. You can use either Sarah's or 
(the other) Mark's method to move it into the group.

Or you can just import it into the group directly. Make sure "Edit 
grouped controls" is turned off in the toolbar, click on your group to 
select it, and then click "Edit group" in the toolbar. Now you are in 
group editing mode. Now import your image as a control. It goes into the 
group layer because that's the active one. Then click off "Edit group" 
and you're back on the card, with your image in the group.

Oh, and at midnight I turn into a pumpkin according to the "trial remaining
days" counter. I better go buy something if I am too be able to complete this
tutorial. Cheers,

Cutting it close. :)

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: problem with calendar tutorial

2008-11-25 Thread Mark Smith

Hi Mark!

I said only recently on this list, that one day all people will be  
called Mark. I didn't let on that all people would be called Mark  
Smith, as I felt that these things should be done in stages - but I  
see the plan is further along than I'd thought!

Still, welcome to the list, and you'll find that even those who  
stubbornly hold on to their weird non-mark-smith names are very  
helpful and knowledgeable.

The routine I have for adding things to groups is:
1. Select the item to be added - in this case your image, and copy or  
cut it

2. Deselect "Select Grouped" in the toolbar
3. Select your group
4. Select "Edit Group" in the toolbar
5. Paste


Mark Smith

On 26 Nov 2008, at 02:00, Mark Smith wrote:

Before I begin, Jacqueline suggested I let the other Mark Smith in  
this list

know that I am not a doppleganger. We probably look nothing alike :-)

That said, I am very new to this and just fooling around with some  
of the
tutorial examples, in this case the first one, the calendar. All  
goes well

until I get to this point:

"You can create a background image in any graphic
editing application such as Gimp or Photoshop then
import it into Revolution as a control. This image can
then be copied into the background group using the
edit group control. If the imported image has a
particular shape you can force the stack itself to take
that shape."

I import the image ok using the File menu command "import as  
control" (at least
I think that is what I am to do). And then the image shows up. But  
I've not
been able to figure out how you move it into the background group  
using the
edit group control. When I select the image the edit group control  
is not an
option. If I select the group on the card, then select "edit group"  
happens. There must be some sequence of mouse clicks that I am just  

getting. Any advice would be great. Thanks

Oh, and at midnight I turn into a pumpkin according to the "trial  
days" counter. I better go buy something if I am too be able to  
complete this

tutorial. Cheers,

the "other" mark smith

use-revolution mailing list
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subscription preferences:

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Re: problem with calendar tutorial

2008-11-25 Thread Sarah Reichelt
> I import the image ok using the File menu command "import as control" (at 
> least
> I think that is what I am to do). And then the image shows up. But I've not
> been able to figure out how you move it into the background group using the
> edit group control. When I select the image the edit group control is not an
> option. If I select the group on the card, then select "edit group" nothing
> happens. There must be some sequence of mouse clicks that I am just not
> getting. Any advice would be great. Thanks

Here is my preferred method:

make sure you have "Select Grouped Controls" turned OFF (in the Edit menu)
select your newly imported image
cut it
select the group (make sure the whole group is selected, not just a
single object)
right-click on the group and select "Paste into group"

The image will now be a part of the group.

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problem with calendar tutorial

2008-11-25 Thread Mark Smith
Before I begin, Jacqueline suggested I let the other Mark Smith in this list
know that I am not a doppleganger. We probably look nothing alike :-)

That said, I am very new to this and just fooling around with some of the
tutorial examples, in this case the first one, the calendar. All goes well
until I get to this point:

"You can create a background image in any graphic
editing application such as Gimp or Photoshop then
import it into Revolution as a control. This image can
then be copied into the background group using the
edit group control. If the imported image has a
particular shape you can force the stack itself to take
that shape."

I import the image ok using the File menu command "import as control" (at least
I think that is what I am to do). And then the image shows up. But I've not
been able to figure out how you move it into the background group using the
edit group control. When I select the image the edit group control is not an
option. If I select the group on the card, then select "edit group" nothing
happens. There must be some sequence of mouse clicks that I am just not
getting. Any advice would be great. Thanks

Oh, and at midnight I turn into a pumpkin according to the "trial remaining
days" counter. I better go buy something if I am too be able to complete this
tutorial. Cheers,

the "other" mark smith

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Learning Rev3 - Calendar Tutorial Questions

2008-10-22 Thread rchilderic
Selon "J. Landman Gay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Mark Srebnik wrote:
> > 2. Good Way to Edit Background Group Across Multiple Cards
> >
> > Found myself editing February card and then realizing that this was
> > probably a mistake, as I'd need to make the same corrections to about
> > 9-10 more for each month
> >
> > Seems to me know that it would make more sense to have design that
> > carries over month to month so that you don't have to change each
> > month individually if you have changes. However, maybe that's not
> > possible with this tutorial as each month has different days in it??
> Right. Fields in background groups have a property called "sharedText"
> which determines whether the text is the same on all cards or varies for
> each card. For labels and such, you usually want them shared. For other
> things (like the calendar dates) you don't. In this tutorial, you want
> to share field text for things like the days of the week, but not for
> the calendar days themselves or the name of the month. Regardless, the
> field is being shared; the only difference is whether the text varies
> card-to-card or not. This allows you to change things like the field
> placement, size, color, font, etc. and the changes will appear on every
> card that uses the shared group. Only the text will change on each card.
> For this tutorial you just type in all the dates for every month, and
> since the sharedtext of that field is false, Rev will keep track of
> which card shows what dates. However, there are lots of scripts floating
> around that will auto-calculate the dates that should appear in each
> month. I think RR decided this would be too much for a beginner tutorial
> so they left it out.
> A more advanced tutorial would probably not do a calendar this way. One
> method I've used is to have only a single card that auto-calculates and
> enters the dates when the user changes months, and any user entries
> (like appointments) are stored in a custom property and dynamically
> loaded into the field on demand when the month is displayed. That's a
> bit much for a basic beginner tutorial though.
> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> HyperActive Software   |
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription
> preferences:

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Learning Rev3 - Calendar Tutorial Questions

2008-10-22 Thread rchilderic
Selon Mark Srebnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> THANKS, Jacqueline, for this and your previous reply. It really helps make
> things clearer for me
> Onward and upward ;-)
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> >From: "J. Landman Gay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Oct 20, 2008 12:49 PM
> >To: How to use Revolution 
> >Subject: Re: Learning Rev3 - Calendar Tutorial Questions
> >
> >Mark Srebnik wrote:
> >
> >> 2. Good Way to Edit Background Group Across Multiple Cards
> >>
> >> Found myself editing February card and then realizing that this was
> >> probably a mistake, as I'd need to make the same corrections to about
> >> 9-10 more for each month
> >>
> >> Seems to me know that it would make more sense to have design that
> >> carries over month to month so that you don't have to change each
> >> month individually if you have changes. However, maybe that's not
> >> possible with this tutorial as each month has different days in it??
> >
> >Right. Fields in background groups have a property called "sharedText"
> >which determines whether the text is the same on all cards or varies for
> >each card. For labels and such, you usually want them shared. For other
> >things (like the calendar dates) you don't. In this tutorial, you want
> >to share field text for things like the days of the week, but not for
> >the calendar days themselves or the name of the month. Regardless, the
> >field is being shared; the only difference is whether the text varies
> >card-to-card or not. This allows you to change things like the field
> >placement, size, color, font, etc. and the changes will appear on every
> >card that uses the shared group. Only the text will change on each card.
> >
> >For this tutorial you just type in all the dates for every month, and
> >since the sharedtext of that field is false, Rev will keep track of
> >which card shows what dates. However, there are lots of scripts floating
> >around that will auto-calculate the dates that should appear in each
> >month. I think RR decided this would be too much for a beginner tutorial
> >so they left it out.
> >
> >A more advanced tutorial would probably not do a calendar this way. One
> >method I've used is to have only a single card that auto-calculates and
> >enters the dates when the user changes months, and any user entries
> >(like appointments) are stored in a custom property and dynamically
> >loaded into the field on demand when the month is displayed. That's a
> >bit much for a basic beginner tutorial though.
> >
> >--
> >Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >HyperActive Software   |
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription
> preferences:

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Learning Rev3 - Calendar Tutorial Questions

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Srebnik
THANKS, Jacqueline, for this and your previous reply. It really helps make 
things clearer for me

Onward and upward ;-)

-Original Message-
>From: "J. Landman Gay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Oct 20, 2008 12:49 PM
>To: How to use Revolution 
>Subject: Re: Learning Rev3 - Calendar Tutorial Questions
>Mark Srebnik wrote:
>> 2. Good Way to Edit Background Group Across Multiple Cards
>> Found myself editing February card and then realizing that this was
>> probably a mistake, as I'd need to make the same corrections to about
>> 9-10 more for each month
>> Seems to me know that it would make more sense to have design that
>> carries over month to month so that you don't have to change each
>> month individually if you have changes. However, maybe that's not
>> possible with this tutorial as each month has different days in it??
>Right. Fields in background groups have a property called "sharedText" 
>which determines whether the text is the same on all cards or varies for 
>each card. For labels and such, you usually want them shared. For other 
>things (like the calendar dates) you don't. In this tutorial, you want 
>to share field text for things like the days of the week, but not for 
>the calendar days themselves or the name of the month. Regardless, the 
>field is being shared; the only difference is whether the text varies 
>card-to-card or not. This allows you to change things like the field 
>placement, size, color, font, etc. and the changes will appear on every 
>card that uses the shared group. Only the text will change on each card.
>For this tutorial you just type in all the dates for every month, and 
>since the sharedtext of that field is false, Rev will keep track of 
>which card shows what dates. However, there are lots of scripts floating 
>around that will auto-calculate the dates that should appear in each 
>month. I think RR decided this would be too much for a beginner tutorial 
>so they left it out.
>A more advanced tutorial would probably not do a calendar this way. One 
>method I've used is to have only a single card that auto-calculates and 
>enters the dates when the user changes months, and any user entries 
>(like appointments) are stored in a custom property and dynamically 
>loaded into the field on demand when the month is displayed. That's a 
>bit much for a basic beginner tutorial though.
>Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Learning Rev3 - Calendar Tutorial Questions

2008-10-20 Thread J. Landman Gay

Mark Srebnik wrote:

2. Good Way to Edit Background Group Across Multiple Cards

Found myself editing February card and then realizing that this was
probably a mistake, as I'd need to make the same corrections to about
9-10 more for each month

Seems to me know that it would make more sense to have design that
carries over month to month so that you don't have to change each
month individually if you have changes. However, maybe that's not
possible with this tutorial as each month has different days in it??

Right. Fields in background groups have a property called "sharedText" 
which determines whether the text is the same on all cards or varies for 
each card. For labels and such, you usually want them shared. For other 
things (like the calendar dates) you don't. In this tutorial, you want 
to share field text for things like the days of the week, but not for 
the calendar days themselves or the name of the month. Regardless, the 
field is being shared; the only difference is whether the text varies 
card-to-card or not. This allows you to change things like the field 
placement, size, color, font, etc. and the changes will appear on every 
card that uses the shared group. Only the text will change on each card.

For this tutorial you just type in all the dates for every month, and 
since the sharedtext of that field is false, Rev will keep track of 
which card shows what dates. However, there are lots of scripts floating 
around that will auto-calculate the dates that should appear in each 
month. I think RR decided this would be too much for a beginner tutorial 
so they left it out.

A more advanced tutorial would probably not do a calendar this way. One 
method I've used is to have only a single card that auto-calculates and 
enters the dates when the user changes months, and any user entries 
(like appointments) are stored in a custom property and dynamically 
loaded into the field on demand when the month is displayed. That's a 
bit much for a basic beginner tutorial though.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Learning Rev3 - Calendar Tutorial Questions

2008-10-20 Thread J. Landman Gay

Mark Srebnik wrote:

Then followed the instructions, adding navigation buttons at bottom
of card and added them to background group. Then I created a new card
and changed the text heading from January to February. That's when I
noticed that the days of the week were not showing up in the days of
the week table.

It sounds like the only thing wrong is that the days of the week field 
didn't get added to the background group. Check to see if it is only 
living on the first card. If so, cut the field, edit the backgound 
group, and paste it in there.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Learning Rev3 - Calendar Tutorial Questions

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Srebnik
THANKS, Judy and Joe for all your helpnot sure if I'd say that I'm having a 
ball yet, Joe...more like one step forward and two steps back ;-)

I thought I checked 'behave like background' box...

Thinking about what I did again...what I did was create the stack and 
background on it for the month of January. 

Then followed the instructions, adding navigation buttons at bottom of card and 
added them to background group. Then I created a new card and changed the text 
heading from January to February. That's when I noticed that the days of the 
week were not showing up in the days of the week table.



-Original Message-
>From: Joe Lewis Wilkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Oct 20, 2008 11:51 AM
>To: How to use Revolution 
>Subject: Re: Learning Rev3 - Calendar Tutorial Questions
>Yeah, Mark, I forgot that since it wasn't in  front of me. Thanks, Judy.
>Joe Wilkins
>On Oct 20, 2008, at 11:42 AM, Judy Perry wrote:
>> Mark,
>> For those items that are largely unchanged across the various
>> months/cards, did you check the little tick for "behave like a
>> background" in the properties pane/palette?
>> Judy
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Re: Learning Rev3 - Calendar Tutorial Questions

2008-10-20 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins

Yeah, Mark, I forgot that since it wasn't in  front of me. Thanks, Judy.

Joe Wilkins

On Oct 20, 2008, at 11:42 AM, Judy Perry wrote:


For those items that are largely unchanged across the various
months/cards, did you check the little tick for "behave like a
background" in the properties pane/palette?


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Re: Learning Rev3 - Calendar Tutorial Questions

2008-10-20 Thread Joe Lewis Wilkins

Hi Mark,

Looks like you're having a ball.

Once you have created the first card for January, leaving all of the  
"contents" of the individual fields "empty" at this time, all  
subsequently created cards should have all of those fields and any  
other things that you may have included in the original grouping.  
There is no need to do any copying.
The grouping behaves the same as if you had created all of these  
"elements" in the background mode on HC, though there should be some  
attention given to the "shared" property the same as you would have to  
do with HC. Those items marked as "shared" should appear on all  
subsequently created cards. Those that "exist" but have different  
content should not be marked as shared. Since I am still far from  
being a Rev expert, I trust that what I have said is totally  
applicable. With me, it is still trial and error. I try it. If it  
works, great; if not, back to the drawing board. Often, literally.  


Joe Wilkins

On Oct 20, 2008, at 10:31 AM, Mark Srebnik wrote:

Since my recent post about learning Rev, I've been busy trying to  
get up to speed by doing the following:

A. Reading

Got a few HyperCard books, but some real good ones. "Applied  
HyperCard" by Jerry Daniels and Mary Jane Mara and "The Complete  
HyperCard Handbook 2.2", Danny Goodman. Both are excellent and have  
given me a much better picture of what this is all aboutalmost  
makes me want to go get a copy of HyperCard, it sounds like so much  
fun to use!

B. Tutorials

Have been trying to go through several tutorials, but have hit a few  
snags here and theretrying to get old HC files off of old floppy  
disk, tutorials are outdated, and other issues...but wading through  
it all

Meanwhile, trying to get through calendar tutorial that comes with  
Rev and have some questions please

1. Right Way to Copy Background Group to Other Cards

I made first the calendar background using January to start with,  
grouped the items, after that made new card for February, then  
subsequent months.. After I did that I noticed that some appears to  
be missing from the cards that I copied from January. For example, I  
used the table field to make the grid across the top of the calendar  
that shows the days of the week. However, on the February on months  
cards, the days of the week are missing, just see the grid.

Shouldn't the info (days of the week) that I put into the grid in  
January show up in the subsequent copies?

Or do I have to enter the info again on each card?

Or is there a better way to do this?

* Please excuse any errors in Rev terminology

2. Good Way to Edit Background Group Across Multiple Cards

Found myself editing February card and then realizing that this was  
probably a mistake, as I'd need to make the same corrections to  
about 9-10 more for each month

Seems to me know that it would make more sense to have design that  
carries over month to month so that you don't have to change each  
month individually if you have changes. However, maybe that's not  
possible with this tutorial as each month has different days in it??

Hope someone can make sense out of the aboveor maybe even look  
at the tutorial and advise

Trying to get off to a good start and not learn too many bad habits  
that I'll need to unlearn later ;-)


Silicone Valley Digerati & Rev Noob

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Learning Rev3 - Calendar Tutorial Questions

2008-10-20 Thread Judy Perry

For those items that are largely unchanged across the various
months/cards, did you check the little tick for "behave like a
background" in the properties pane/palette?


On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Mark Srebnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since my recent post about learning Rev, I've been busy trying to get up to 
> speed by doing the following:
> A. Reading
> Got a few HyperCard books, but some real good ones. "Applied HyperCard" by 
> Jerry Daniels and Mary Jane Mara and "The Complete HyperCard Handbook 2.2", 
> Danny Goodman. Both are excellent and have given me a much better picture of 
> what this is all aboutalmost makes me want to go get a copy of HyperCard, 
> it sounds like so much fun to use!
> B. Tutorials
> Have been trying to go through several tutorials, but have hit a few snags 
> here and theretrying to get old HC files off of old floppy disk, 
> tutorials are outdated, and other issues...but wading through it all
> Meanwhile, trying to get through calendar tutorial that comes with Rev and 
> have some questions please
> 1. Right Way to Copy Background Group to Other Cards
> I made first the calendar background using January to start with, grouped the 
> items, after that made new card for February, then subsequent months.. After 
> I did that I noticed that some appears to be missing from the cards that I 
> copied from January. For example, I used the table field to make the grid 
> across the top of the calendar that shows the days of the week. However, on 
> the February on months cards, the days of the week are missing, just see the 
> grid.
> Shouldn't the info (days of the week) that I put into the grid in January 
> show up in the subsequent copies?
> Or do I have to enter the info again on each card?
> Or is there a better way to do this?
> * Please excuse any errors in Rev terminology
> 2. Good Way to Edit Background Group Across Multiple Cards
> Found myself editing February card and then realizing that this was probably 
> a mistake, as I'd need to make the same corrections to about 9-10 more 
> for each month
> Seems to me know that it would make more sense to have design that carries 
> over month to month so that you don't have to change each month individually 
> if you have changes. However, maybe that's not possible with this tutorial as 
> each month has different days in it??
> Hope someone can make sense out of the aboveor maybe even look at the 
> tutorial and advise
> Trying to get off to a good start and not learn too many bad habits that I'll 
> need to unlearn later ;-)
> Thanks,
> Mark
> Silicone Valley Digerati & Rev Noob
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
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> preferences:
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Learning Rev3 - Calendar Tutorial Questions

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Srebnik
Since my recent post about learning Rev, I've been busy trying to get up to 
speed by doing the following:

A. Reading 

Got a few HyperCard books, but some real good ones. "Applied HyperCard" by 
Jerry Daniels and Mary Jane Mara and "The Complete HyperCard Handbook 2.2", 
Danny Goodman. Both are excellent and have given me a much better picture of 
what this is all aboutalmost makes me want to go get a copy of HyperCard, 
it sounds like so much fun to use!

B. Tutorials

Have been trying to go through several tutorials, but have hit a few snags here 
and theretrying to get old HC files off of old floppy disk, tutorials are 
outdated, and other issues...but wading through it all

Meanwhile, trying to get through calendar tutorial that comes with Rev and have 
some questions please

1. Right Way to Copy Background Group to Other Cards

I made first the calendar background using January to start with, grouped the 
items, after that made new card for February, then subsequent months.. After I 
did that I noticed that some appears to be missing from the cards that I copied 
from January. For example, I used the table field to make the grid across the 
top of the calendar that shows the days of the week. However, on the February 
on months cards, the days of the week are missing, just see the grid. 

Shouldn't the info (days of the week) that I put into the grid in January show 
up in the subsequent copies?

Or do I have to enter the info again on each card?

Or is there a better way to do this?

* Please excuse any errors in Rev terminology

2. Good Way to Edit Background Group Across Multiple Cards

Found myself editing February card and then realizing that this was probably a 
mistake, as I'd need to make the same corrections to about 9-10 more for each month

Seems to me know that it would make more sense to have design that carries over 
month to month so that you don't have to change each month individually if you 
have changes. However, maybe that's not possible with this tutorial as each 
month has different days in it??

Hope someone can make sense out of the aboveor maybe even look at the 
tutorial and advise

Trying to get off to a good start and not learn too many bad habits that I'll 
need to unlearn later ;-)


Silicone Valley Digerati & Rev Noob
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Sarah's Calendar

2008-06-25 Thread Jim Sims

On Jun 25, 2008, at 4:15 PM, Devin Asay wrote:

The latest one I see is v. 1.5. The download link is .



Thanks Devin!

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Re: Sarah's Calendar

2008-06-25 Thread Devin Asay

On Jun 25, 2008, at 6:32 AM, Jim Sims wrote:

I cannot load Sarah's web page ( to check
the version of her Calendar object.

Would some kind person tell me if the latest version of her Calendar
is v1.4?

The latest one I see is v. 1.5. The download link is>.



Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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Sarah's Calendar

2008-06-25 Thread Jim Sims

I cannot load Sarah's web page ( to check
the version of her Calendar object.

Would some kind person tell me if the latest version of her Calendar
is v1.4?

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Re: google calendar API

2007-08-22 Thread BILL HUMPHREY

Does anyone know how to post to a google calendar using RunRev on Mac OS X
instead of Win XP?


Thanks a lot, Mark! Using curl does the trick. However, I would
appreciate if this worked without an external shell command.

BTW, I have Rev 2.8.0 studio and the docs lack a hint to the missing
HTTPS implementation as far as I can see. If anyone knows
an easy way to do this with sockets (and maybe openSSL?), please let me

Now, here is the working code (Win XP) to add an event to your
(You'll need

* A form, a button, 3 fields named "Output", "HEADER", "newentry"
in Revolution.
* Install curl, try the "7.16.0
WIN32" version, if necessary edit curlPATH.
* Paste an XML-formatted event into field "newevent" according to
the format specified at: . Try this Exampel

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google calendar API

2007-06-05 Thread william humphrey


Has anyone been accessing google calendar, inserting events, using
runrev from macos?

I'd like to copy someone's code for doing this.




Thanks a lot, Mark! Using curl does the trick. However, I would
appreciate if this worked without an external shell command.

BTW, I have Rev 2.8.0 studio and the docs lack a hint to the missing
HTTPS implementation as far as I can see. If anyone knows
an easy way to do this with sockets (and maybe openSSL?), please let me know.

Now, here is the working code (Win XP) to add an event to your GoogleCalendar:
(You'll need

   * A form, a button, 3 fields named "Output", "HEADER", "newentry"
in Revolution.
   * Install curl, try the "7.16.0
WIN32" version, if necessary edit curlPATH.
   * Paste an XML-formatted event into field "newevent" according to
the format specified at: . Try this Exampel
   * Take a look at the Google Calendar API at:
   * You also need a Google Calendar account and change the email and
PSWD accordingly
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Calendar stacks fix

2007-05-07 Thread Sarah Reichelt

Hi All,

The new date & time features of the Rev 2.8.1 betas have revealed a
bug in my Calendar stacks. I'm not quite sure how they worked before
as I had a line that converted a date from short english date to long
system date. The supplied date was actually in date items format, so
it really should never have worked, however it only stopped working in

Anyway, if anyone is using the stacks, there is an update. If you
already have any of the calendar stacks embedded in your projects and
just want to apply the fix (one line), here it is:

edit the stack script of the calendar stack (any of the 3 sizes, they
are all the same)
find the "setupCurrentDate" handler
look for these 3 lines:
 put today into tDate
 convert tDate from short English date to long system date
 put titleCase(tDate) into fld "Selected"

replace the middle of these lines with:
 convert tDate from dateItems to long system date

Don't forget to save the stack when you have made the change.

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Re: calendar function anyone ?

2007-02-14 Thread Sarah Reichelt

When you are working with dates only, the dateItems will usually show
the hour as 2 am, but sometimes as 1 am depending on daylight savings.
To avoid any potential cross-overs, when working with dates alone, I
tend to supply a default time of midday. The convert command will not
mess this up by supplying it's own default and since it is in the
middle of the day, I know the date will be correct.

Re-writing my suggested function allowing for this:

function weekDay pDate
 put pDate && "12:00 pm" into tDate
 convert tDate to dateItems
 put the last item of tDate into tDayNum
 put line tDayNum of the system weekdayNames into tDayName
 return tDayName
end weekDay

I think you will find this completely reliable.

As an aside on the convert command: I have issues with the way convert
automatically applies the current time zone when converting seconds so
that a specific number of seconds refers to a moment in time and not
to a set date & time. This makes the seconds useless to me as a data
storage & transfer device since the conversions will vary from machine
to machine depending on time zones etc. I now store all time stamps in
a 14 digit number MMDDHHMMSS. However once I have this data, date
& time calculations can be done locally with the convert command only
being used to produce temporary variables, not long-term data storage.


Thanks for your reply. Converting the date to dateItems actually crossed
my mind, but are you sure the convert function is 100% bug free ?
AFAIR, last time I used it in a cgi script, there was a 60 min difference
in some conversions (unfortunately I don't remember in which cases, but
I remember that this bug lead to a few threads on this list) and finally choosed
to make all date conversions with mySQL instead...


> > Does anyone know of a function to find out, for instance, which day of
> > the
> > week was sept. 18th 1918 or which day of week will be dec. 5th 2025 ?
> >
> If you convert a date to dateItems, it becomes a comma-delimited list
> of 7 items. The last one is a number indicating the day of the week.
> Then you can use the system weekDayNames to find the day name that
> matches that number.
> e.g.
> put "12/5/2025" into tDate
> convert tDate to dateItems
> put the last item of tDate into tDayNum
> put line tDayNum of the system weekdayNames into tDayName
> Cheers,
> Sarah

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Re: calendar function anyone ?

2007-02-14 Thread hibis . jmr

I also notice a difference of 60 min only at a few dates (Mac OS X).
I have found that it happens when changing from winter date to summer 
date (in France)

The foreign system dates seems not to be well managed by revolution

Le 14 févr. 2007, à 11:43, jbv a écrit :

Hi all,

Thanks for your reply. Converting the date to dateItems actually 

my mind, but are you sure the convert function is 100% bug free ?
AFAIR, last time I used it in a cgi script, there was a 60 min 

in some conversions (unfortunately I don't remember in which cases, but
I remember that this bug lead to a few threads on this list) and 
finally choosed

to make all date conversions with mySQL instead...


Does anyone know of a function to find out, for instance, which day 

week was sept. 18th 1918 or which day of week will be dec. 5th 2025 ?

If you convert a date to dateItems, it becomes a comma-delimited list
of 7 items. The last one is a number indicating the day of the week.
Then you can use the system weekDayNames to find the day name that
matches that number.

put "12/5/2025" into tDate
convert tDate to dateItems
put the last item of tDate into tDayNum
put line tDayNum of the system weekdayNames into tDayName


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Re: calendar function anyone ?

2007-02-14 Thread jbv
Hi all,

Thanks for your reply. Converting the date to dateItems actually crossed
my mind, but are you sure the convert function is 100% bug free ?
AFAIR, last time I used it in a cgi script, there was a 60 min difference
in some conversions (unfortunately I don't remember in which cases, but
I remember that this bug lead to a few threads on this list) and finally choosed
to make all date conversions with mySQL instead...


> > Does anyone know of a function to find out, for instance, which day of
> > the
> > week was sept. 18th 1918 or which day of week will be dec. 5th 2025 ?
> >
> If you convert a date to dateItems, it becomes a comma-delimited list
> of 7 items. The last one is a number indicating the day of the week.
> Then you can use the system weekDayNames to find the day name that
> matches that number.
> e.g.
> put "12/5/2025" into tDate
> convert tDate to dateItems
> put the last item of tDate into tDayNum
> put line tDayNum of the system weekdayNames into tDayName
> Cheers,
> Sarah

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Re: calendar function anyone ?

2007-02-13 Thread Chipp Walters

the weekdayNames ??

Good one, have to remember that :-)
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Re: calendar function anyone ?

2007-02-13 Thread Richard Gaskin

jbv wrote:

Does anyone know of a function to find out, for instance, which day of
the week was sept. 18th 1918 or which day of week will be dec. 5th 2025 ?

function GetWeekday pDate
  set the centurycutoff to (char -2 to -1 of pDate)-1
  convert pDate to dateitems
  return line (last item of pDate) of the weekdayNames
end GetWeekday

To get the day in the user's local language change the last line to:

  return line (last item of pDate) of the system weekdayNames

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
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Re: calendar function anyone ?

2007-02-13 Thread Sarah Reichelt

Does anyone know of a function to find out, for instance, which day of
week was sept. 18th 1918 or which day of week will be dec. 5th 2025 ?

If you convert a date to dateItems, it becomes a comma-delimited list
of 7 items. The last one is a number indicating the day of the week.
Then you can use the system weekDayNames to find the day name that
matches that number.

put "12/5/2025" into tDate
convert tDate to dateItems
put the last item of tDate into tDayNum
put line tDayNum of the system weekdayNames into tDayName

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Re: calendar function anyone ?

2007-02-13 Thread Gordon Tillman

JB you can try something like this... for example, in the message box:

convert "1918,9,18,0,0,0,0" from dateItems to dateItems
put it

This returns:


Note how it "fixes" the day of the week in the date items to 4  

Alternatively you can specify the output as something like this:

convert "1918,9,18,0,0,0,0" from dateItems to long date
put it

This returns:

Wednesday, September 18, 1918

But be sure and read the note for convert because I think there are  
some limitations if you are running on Windows.


On Feb 13, 2007, at 14:44, jbv wrote:

Hi all,

Does anyone know of a function to find out, for instance, which day of
week was sept. 18th 1918 or which day of week will be dec. 5th 2025 ?


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calendar function anyone ?

2007-02-13 Thread jbv
Hi all,

Does anyone know of a function to find out, for instance, which day of
week was sept. 18th 1918 or which day of week will be dec. 5th 2025 ?


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Re: [ANN] altAnswerDate wrapper for Sean Shao's calendar

2006-08-10 Thread Peter Brigham
Thanks to both of you -- Chip & Ken. I started using  
"calendarWidget100" and then I discovered a missing close-quote in my  
original little script, so I corrected that and tried it again in the  
msg box. This time I got no error message but nothing happened. When  
I put it into a button it worked like a charm. So you were both  
helpful. I wonder what gives with the msg box in cases like these. It  
would be good to know if there is a rhyme/reason to it occasionally  
not executing something properly

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

PROGRAM, tr.v. To engage in a pastime similar to banging one's head
against a wall, but with fewer opportunities for reward.

On Wed, 9 Aug 2006 10:18:51 -0500 "Chipp Walters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You need to start using "calendarWidget100" (you don't need the
altAnswerDateHarness-- it's just for the demo)

Try that and see if it doesn't work.

and Ken Ray wrote:

Peter, try it in a button - there are some times when the Message Box  

trouble executing stuff that works fine in an actual object.

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Re: [ANN] altAnswerDate wrapper for Sean Shao's calendar

2006-08-09 Thread Chipp Walters


You need to start using "calendarWidget100" (you don't need the
altAnswerDateHarness-- it's just for the demo)

Try that and see if it doesn't work.

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Re: [ANN] altAnswerDate wrapper for Sean Shao's calendar

2006-08-09 Thread Ken Ray
On 8/9/06 9:24 AM, "Peter Brigham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> in the multiline message box, but it returns an error:
> Message execution error:
> Error description: Handler: can't find handler

Peter, try it in a button - there are some times when the Message Box has
trouble executing stuff that works fine in an actual object.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

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Re: [ANN] altAnswerDate wrapper for Sean Shao's calendar

2006-08-09 Thread Peter Brigham
I'd love to use the altAnswerDate() function in one of my stacks, but  
I can't figure out exactly how to do this. I made both  
altAnswerDateHarness and calendarWidget100 substacks of my main  
stack. then I tried:

put "2006" into pYear
put "8 into pMonth
put "9" into pDate
start using stack "altAnswerDateHarness" -- do I need this?
-- doesn't work with or without it
put altAnswerDate(pYear,pMonth,pDate)

in the multiline message box, but it returns an error:

Message execution error:
Error description: Handler: can't find handler

What is going wrong here? I'd like to just have the little modal  
calendar show, then return the selected date to one of my handlers,  
without showing either the full altAnswerDateHarness or  
calendarWidget100 windows. So how do I do that? Obviously, I'm  
missing something obvious

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

PROGRAM, n. A spell cast over a computer allowing it to turn one's
input into error messages.

On Mon, 7 Aug 2006 11:02:01 -0600 Devin Asay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Re: [ANN] altAnswerDate wrapper for Sean Shao's calendar

Extremely cool!
Thanks Sean and Chipp!


On Aug 5, 2006, at 6:39 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

This is a free wrapper for Sean Shao's fine calendarWidget which
can be
called simply like an answer dialog box. (Thanks again Sean for a
calendar widget)
.. snip ..

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Re: [ANN] altAnswerDate wrapper for Sean Shao's calendar widget

2006-08-07 Thread Devin Asay

Extremely cool!
Thanks Sean and Chipp!


On Aug 5, 2006, at 6:39 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

This is a free wrapper for Sean Shao's fine calendarWidget which  
can be
called simply like an answer dialog box. (Thanks again Sean for a  

calendar widget)

Instructions on use are found on the stack. Not tested on Mac yet,  
but it

should work fine (let me know if it doesn't).

To download you can put into the message box:

go URL " 

Then save the stack. I just might make a business out of leveraging  

code! Count this as number 2 ;-)

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subscription preferences:

Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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Re: [ANN] altAnswerDate wrapper for Sean Shao's calendar widget

2006-08-05 Thread Sean Shao

 > This is a free wrapper for Sean Shao's fine calendarWidget
umm.. It's Shao Sean (I'm a traditionalist ;-) but otherwise thanks for the 
useful add-on (again :-)

 > Not tested on Mac yet, but it
Works fine on my PPC eMac

 > I just might make a business out of leveraging Sean's code!
hehe.. Just make sure to keep throwing the compliments my way and everything 
will be fine ;-)

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[ANN] altAnswerDate wrapper for Sean Shao's calendar widget

2006-08-05 Thread Chipp Walters

This is a free wrapper for Sean Shao's fine calendarWidget which can be
called simply like an answer dialog box. (Thanks again Sean for a great
calendar widget)

Instructions on use are found on the stack. Not tested on Mac yet, but it
should work fine (let me know if it doesn't).

To download you can put into the message box:

go URL "";

Then save the stack. I just might make a business out of leveraging Sean's
code! Count this as number 2 ;-)

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Re: [ANN] Time Widget 1.0.0 and Calendar Widget 1.0.0

2006-07-24 Thread Klaus Major

Hi Sean,

Time Widget is an object that allows a user to enter in a time  
Calendar Widget is an object that allows a user to enter in a date  

Both are available at

very, very nice and extremely useful!
Thanks a lot for sharing this.

Best from very hot germany

Klaus Major

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Re: [ANN] Time Widget 1.0.0 and Calendar Widget 1.0.0

2006-07-24 Thread Malte Brill

Very nice!
Many thanks for these.

All the best,

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[ANN] Time Widget 1.0.0 and Calendar Widget 1.0.0

2006-07-23 Thread Sean Shao

Time Widget is an object that allows a user to enter in a time visually.
Calendar Widget is an object that allows a user to enter in a date visually.

Both are available at

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE!

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Re: Shao Sean Calendar Object Question

2006-04-18 Thread Sarah Reichelt
> Is anyone using Shao Sean's Calendar Object ?
> I've downloaded it but in the stack I keep getting a "Can't find
> handler" Error when I change months.  It's for the object
> calendarNextMonth.  Is there something I'm missing?  I can't find a doc
> file for the stack so I'm slightly in the dark.  Graphically it looks
> like a good calendar.  Is there any others out there that are better?
> Jeff

I don't know if it's any better, but I have one at

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Re: Shao Sean Calendar Object Question

2006-04-18 Thread Sean Shao
I will attempt to make an updated version in the future, but for now that 
should be able to fulfill your needs (or you can modify it to fulfill them 

-the ghost of sean

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Calendar fix, etc

2006-04-18 Thread Marty Knapp
I just fixed a couple of bugs in my calendar stack and uploaded to my 
user space (MartyKnapp).

While I was at it I uploaded a new version my my custom slider stack. It 
has a few refinements and a new "gear shift knob" icon. If you need to 
roll your own sliders, either for look or functionality, check this out.

Marty Knapp
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Re: Shao Sean Calendar Object Question

2006-04-18 Thread Karen

On 18 Apr 2006, at 18:00, Jeff Honken wrote:

Message: 6
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 10:33:39 -0700
From: "Jeff Honken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Shao Sean Calendar Object Question

Is anyone using Shao Sean's Calendar Object ?

I've downloaded it but in the stack I keep getting a "Can't find
handler" Error when I change months.  It's for the object
calendarNextMonth.  Is there something I'm missing?  I can't find a  

file for the stack so I'm slightly in the dark.  Graphically it looks
like a good calendar.  Is there any others out there that are better?


If you look in the Curlypaws user space, there is a program "Photo  
Directory" that makes use of Shao Sean's Calendar object.  This may  

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Re: Shao Sean Calendar Object Question

2006-04-18 Thread sims

Is anyone using Shao Sean's Calendar Object ?

I've downloaded it but in the stack I keep getting a "Can't find
handler" Error when I change months.  It's for the object
calendarNextMonth.  Is there something I'm missing?  I can't find a doc
file for the stack so I'm slightly in the dark.  Graphically it looks
like a good calendar.  Is there any others out there that are better?

I'm using version 1.1.2

Check out the script for group "objCalendar"

You should find what you want there.


European Rev Conference  2006
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Shao Sean Calendar Object Question

2006-04-18 Thread Jeff Honken

Is anyone using Shao Sean's Calendar Object ?

I've downloaded it but in the stack I keep getting a "Can't find
handler" Error when I change months.  It's for the object
calendarNextMonth.  Is there something I'm missing?  I can't find a doc
file for the stack so I'm slightly in the dark.  Graphically it looks
like a good calendar.  Is there any others out there that are better?

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Please: Porting the old Hypercard Calendar to Rev,- help needed!

2006-02-01 Thread Kresten Bjerg

Concerning calendars and widgets : We have tried to convert the old hypercard 
calendar to rev, which implied splitting the two backgrounds  into two stacks.

 It works OK with the "Weekly" part, which plays a central role in our freeware 
diary "Phenomenalog",which is approaching publication.

 But the SixMonthly part (which is central to the production of new weekcards) 
we did  not suceed in converting rightly.

 Maybe somebody on the list has done this job with succes, - or could help 
repair all the outcommented parts in our "SixMonthly.rev".

I have uploaded  both substacks seperately to the user-site (where their partly 
functioning in "Phenomenalog.16.1.9" also can be inspected.) 
You find them under the username "Kresten".

Maybe the set, if optimized, could be useful for others. The advantage: that 
you get a chance to enter more than an X or a single word into
the weekdays.

(Excuse reposting,but January archive may already be un-visited) 

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Re: Synching Calendar Events Between Rev and Outlook

2006-01-31 Thread Ken Ray
On 1/26/06 10:54 AM, "Jim Carwardine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That's really great.  Thanks, Ken.  Can I imply from your post that this is
> a good way to communication with any MS Office app.  Would that include MS
> Project?... Jim

Yes, in fact I just posted a new tip that is specifically for communications
with Outlook (shows how to create an appointment and an email with
attachments) at:

Have fun!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Synching Calendar Events Between Rev and Outlook

2006-01-31 Thread Jim Carwardine
That's really great.  Thanks, Ken.  Can I imply from your post that this is
a good way to communication with any MS Office app.  Would that include MS
Project?... Jim

on 1/25/06 10:29 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

> On 1/25/06 7:54 PM, "Jim Carwardine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> I'm building an app that has it's own calendar in it.  Is there a way to
>> access the Outlook database and synchronize events between my calendar and
>> Outlook?  Jim
> Yes, you can use VB Script to communicate to Outlook; I have an example that
> works with Excel that you can adapt:
> HTH,
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software
> Web site:
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription
> preferences:


OYF is... Highly resourceful people working together.

Own Your Future Consulting Services Limited,
1959 Lower Water Street, Suite 1700, Halifax, Nova Scotia. B3J 3N2
Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139

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use-revolution mailing list
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Porting HC Calendar to Rev,- help needed!

2006-01-30 Thread Kresten Bjerg
Concerning calendars and widgets : We have tried to convert the old hypercard 
calendar to rev, which implied splitting it into two stacks.
. It works OK with the "Weekly" part, which plays a central role in our 
freeware diary "Phenomenalog",
which is approaching publication. But the SixMonthly part (which is central to 
the production of new weekcards)
 we did  not suceed in converting rightly. Maybe somebody on the list has done 
this job with succes, - or could
help repair all the outcommented parts in our "SixMonthly.rev".
I have uploaded  both substacks seperately to the user-site (where their partly 
functioning in "Phenomenalog.16.1.9"
also can be inspected.)  You find them under the username "Kresten".

Maybe the set, if optimized, could be useful for others. The advantage: that 
you get a chance to enter more than an X or a single word into
the weekdays.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Calendar widget

2006-01-26 Thread Dan Shafer
I used ShaoSean's objCalendar in my To Do app in my book. Really nice.

On 1/25/06, Marty Knapp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Devin,
> > ShaoSean also has an excellent one, objCalendar, that I've used. His
> > web site is , but I couldn't find it there.
> > Anyone have a link to objCalendar?
> >
> I'm pretty sire it's the same one as you can find here:
> Dan Shaefer has a really nice one that goes with his
> book.  I belive you can download the source code here:
> Marty Knapp
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 
> preferences:

Dan Shafer, Information Product Consultant and Author
Get my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"
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Re: Synching Calendar Events Between Rev and Outlook

2006-01-26 Thread Ken Ray
On 1/26/06 6:05 PM, "Jim Carwardine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> That's really great.  Thanks, Ken.  Can I imply from your post that this is
> a good way to communication with any MS Office app.  Would that include MS
> Project?... Jim

Yup - anything that responds to VB Scripting from the "outside" will work
with this approach.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Synching Calendar Events Between Rev and Outlook

2006-01-26 Thread Jim Carwardine
That's really great.  Thanks, Ken.  Can I imply from your post that this is
a good way to communication with any MS Office app.  Would that include MS
Project?... Jim

on 1/25/06 10:29 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

> On 1/25/06 7:54 PM, "Jim Carwardine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> I'm building an app that has it's own calendar in it.  Is there a way to
>> access the Outlook database and synchronize events between my calendar and
>> Outlook?  Jim
> Yes, you can use VB Script to communicate to Outlook; I have an example that
> works with Excel that you can adapt:
> HTH,
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software
> Web site:
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription
> preferences:


OYF is... Highly resourceful people working together.

Own Your Future Consulting Services Limited,
1959 Lower Water Street, Suite 1700, Halifax, Nova Scotia. B3J 3N2
Phone: 902-823-2339. Fax: 902-823-2139

What¹s New...

* Have you ever hired an employee who didn¹t work out?

* Did you do that on purpose?

Probably not...

If you want to greatly improve your hiring process,
 check out our new hiring process...
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