Re: Running in Taskbar

2005-09-29 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, September 29, 2005, 3:13:53 PM, you wrote:

 like that But anyway on to my question. Is it possible  to make a
 revolution program run in the background or in the WINDOWS  task-bar? I'm 
 trying to get
 the program to monitor the keyboard, and  when a certain hotkey is pressed it
 opens the main window. Does anyone have any  advice or ideas? 

I'm assuming you're talking about the Windows system task bar (the
icons down there next to the clock) and:
1. yes, it can be done and
2. no, it isn't much fun.

You'll need to write an external DLL with an event loop to catch some
Windows messages, then process those messages and pass them back to
your rev app running invisibly. If you're comfortable doing this in C
then the steps are fairly straightforward but still quite a bit of
coding. If you're not then I wouldn't even think about trying this.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Some Foolish questions

2005-09-30 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, September 29, 2005, 6:47:03 PM, you wrote:

 You should be able to use 'revDB_moveprev' in order to move back one record


The ODBC functions are implemented as a forward-only snapshot. Random
access to database records is not available. And copying into an array
is not a viable option except for very small databases because of the
tremendous amount of disk thrashing involved. My take is that a new
ODBC connection is opened and closed for each record retrieval.

Yes, it's been BZed.

-Mark Wieder

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2005-10-01 Thread Mark Wieder

Can someone clue me in about the use of errorDialog? My on errorDialog
handlers are never being triggered and I never see the errorDialog
message in the Message Viewer. I'd like to intercept the standard
error dialog, but can't quite figure out how.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Some Foolish questions

2005-10-04 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 1:42:23 PM, you wrote:

 2) When I hit the previous button the record stays on the current record.  I
 can go forward successfully, hit previous button (nothing happens), and then
 go forward again successfully.  I can only get to the first entry again by
 refreshing the SQL.  I am using the button exactly as it is shown in the
 video example.

The move to previous record and other such functions simply don't
work with ODBC connections. Cast some votes for bug #1528 if you think
it's important to get fixed. ODBC connections are created in a
forward-only mode. Tuviah weaseled out of this one by saying I
believe the docs document that certain ops don't work with certain

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Stack Switching Question

2005-10-06 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, October 5, 2005, 9:34:21 PM, you wrote:

 It is... (deep breath)... perhaps not the most well-thought-out
 feature of the language. There is a bugzilla request to split
 the two functions of the delete stack command.

Got my vote, too. See also the destroyStack writeup at

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Stack Switching Question

2005-10-06 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, October 6, 2005, 9:41:39 AM, you wrote:

 I, for one, hope it doesn't dissapear, as I use 'delete stack' quite
 often. It's the only sure-fire way to make sure a stack is closed, and
 I'd have to rewrite many, many stacks if it went away.

 It's unfortunately named, and could certainly use a better synonym. But
 it does 'delete a stack from memory' as it says. Once you get the hang
 of it, and know to never use it on subStacks, it's not too bad.

Well, it's the substack behavior here that is of primary concern. My
take of the BZ entry for this suggests two steps: the first would be
getting rid of the substack part of the delete stack command; and
the second would be the addition of a purge stack command to xTalk.
This is related to the BZ entry for the destroyStack property. If you
really need delete stack then I don't see a problem with deprecating
it for new stacks in favor of purge stack and having purge stack
alias to the existing behavior of delete stack (without the substack
badness, of course).

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Strange math behaviour... could someone explain this ?

2005-10-08 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, October 7, 2005, 11:14:47 AM, you wrote:

 It's NOT a Rev bug - it's an artifact of double precision binary
 arithmetic (or, if you like, an artifact of the IEEE format used by 
 Intel (and everyone else)).

I'm sure if I coded the same thing in java I would also come up with
179. It's an artifact of trying to force an analog world into a
digital frame and back again. You can see the same sort of thing at
work if you look into random numbers.

However, 36-34.2 = 179 is just WRONG.

While it's easy to rationalize the error by examining the inaccuracies
due to the constraints forced by the math libraries, the real-world
consequences become more apparent when the discrepancy is a larger
percentage of the result.

Try this:

on mouseUp
  local t1
  put 36 - 34.2 into t1
  add .2 to t1
  put t1  +  t1  =  trunc(t1+t1)
end mouseUp

I'd be happiest if the trunc() function internally appended a trailing
 before performing its task, and I think it's worth a BZ enhancement
request entry - jbv, want to do the honors?

-Mark Wieder

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Re: little arrows Increase/decrease a field value

2005-10-08 Thread Mark Wieder

Saturday, October 8, 2005, 5:07:40 AM, you wrote:

 It seems that they are Scrollbars and A search for scrollbars says use 
 like this.
 on scrollbarLineDec
   Put field ButtonWidth into tBtnWidth
   put (BtnWidth + 1) into BtnWidth
   Put BtnWidth into field ButtonWidth
 end scrollbarLineDec

 on scrollbarLineInc
 Put field ButtonWidth into tBtnWidth
   put (BtnWidth -1) into BtnWidth
   Put BtnWidth into field ButtonWidth
 end scrollbarLineInc

Not sure what you expected to happen here, but did you mean tBtnWidth
for those variables? If you change them, then the value in the field
goes up and down.

Try enabling Variable Checking in the Script menu, or better yet,
change the Script Editor preferences to enable Variable checking by
default. That's what it's for.

-Mark Wieder

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computers on network

2005-10-09 Thread Mark Wieder

Saturday, October 8, 2005, 3:35:35 PM, you wrote:

 Is there a Rev command that returns the names
 of all computers running on a LAN? (On Win2K,
 I'd click on My network to find this out.)

If you're on Win2k, try:

shell(net view)

BTW - I accidentally typed get view instead net view and got a
completely unanticipated result. I think I have never typed get as a
command prompt verb before...

-Mark Wieder

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Re: c

2005-10-09 Thread Mark Wieder

The get command appears to be part of my Perl installation...

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Strange math behaviour... could someone explain this ?

2005-10-09 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, October 9, 2005, 4:58:45 AM, you wrote:

 The solution to the issue you have here is to always add a small
 'epsilon' value to your numbers before truncating.

Sorry, Mark, but that won't do it.

on mouseUp
  local tValue
  put 179.71578291 into tValue
  put trunc(tValue + 1e-8)
end mouseUp

In this case you get 180, even though the specified value is less than
180 by a finite amount, which has the effect of rounding the value to
the next higher integer instead of truncating it.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: QT version on Windows

2005-10-11 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 3:45:23 AM, you wrote:

 This gives me what I see in the registry. (in this case version 7.0.2)

 put queryregistry(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\apple Computer, Inc. 
 \quicktime\version,text) into data
 local t1,t2,t3,t4
 get binaryDecode(H2H2H2H2,data,t1,t2,t3,t4)
 put t4t3t2t1

Interesting. What are you trying to do with that text in the
queryRegistry() call? I suppose the compiler will try to create a
variable called text and store the result there, but I don't think
you'll be able to retrieve it.

put queryRegistry(blahblahblah, abc)
put abc

gives dword for the registry key type for the QT version.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: QT version on Windows

2005-10-11 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 10:16:23 AM, you wrote:

 No idea, Mark. :-) I just copied that part from an earlier post. I
 didn't notice it.

Fair enough. I've tossed the original by now - was just curious.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: [OT] Microsoft Office's New UI Blazes Some New Trails for Us

2005-10-11 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, October 11, 2005, 3:00:57 PM, you wrote:

 Isn't this whole malleable template approach to word processing  
 exactly what Apple does with the new Pages word processor. I looked

To me it seems that they've taken a cue from skinnable apps. I'm most
intrigued by the Developer menu, and although it wasn't expounded
upon in the writeup there was mention made of being able to define
your own layouts. This isn't necessarily a bad thing at all, but it
does fit in quite well to the turn-everything-into-PowerPoint dumbing
down approach Microsoft has taken.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: automated testing tools (slightly OT)

2005-10-12 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, October 12, 2005, 10:07:26 AM, you wrote:

 This is probably a little bit off topic, but I'm wanting to find out
 if any of you are using any type of automated testing tools with  
 Revolution.  I'm thinking something like scripts or whatever that  
 will perform tasks that your end-users would perform.  Does anything
 like that exist that can be used Revolution-built apps?

Well, the big dogs in the Windows world won't work here. I tried both
WinRunner and SilkTest and they both have the same results: since
runrev doesn't use standard OS controls, all you can see is a single
window with essentially a bitmap. You can send mouseclicks to a given
location, but can't see any results. I haven't tried Eggplant on the
OSX end of things, but I expect the same. I've been working on a QA
automation tool for stacks, but it's a background task and requires
quite a bit of stack introspection. I *do* have a jUnit-style unit
testing framework together and expect to get that out the door Real
Soon Now.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: automated testing tools (slightly OT)

2005-10-12 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, October 12, 2005, 11:39:43 AM, you wrote:

 Do you know offhand how this affects screen readers, such as those use
 for the blind?

I don't, but the subject came up on another listserv a while back. I'm
pretty sure the results would be the same. At least with the standard
QA automation tools you can verify results by taking a snapshot of a
textbox and then comparing the bitmap to a previous bitmap. It's ugly
and error-prone, but it's sometimes the only workaround. Screen
readers wouldn't have this option since they need to grab actual text.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: automated testing tools (slightly OT)

2005-10-12 Thread Mark Wieder

Thanks. And I'm breathing a sigh of relief, too... I was sure you were
gonna say you did this with VU back in the day.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Question on message handling

2005-10-13 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, October 13, 2005, 7:12:32 AM, you wrote:

 What I found surprising (and welcome) is that the back and forward
 slashes never appear in the field. The key stroke is never passed 
 back to the field for display after it is caught by the card script.
 (It would be if there were a pass keyDown in the first two case 
 statements.) So apparently the field gets the message first, then 
 then card (as you both say) and then, if the key stroke is passed by
 the card script, it is passed back to the field display for viewing.
 I was wrong to speak of this last message as part of the conventional
 message passing path. Maybe display message? The keyDown message is
 never *displayed* unless it is passed through all of RR message 
 handlers--display is  the last in line. And as Martha Stewart would 
 say: It is a good thing.

Right. If you had a keydown handler in the field itself it would be
intercepting the message. Since you don't, the message works its way
down the hierarchy until it's grabbed by the card. Since you're
handling the slash keystrokes yourself and never passing them on,
that's the end of things. All the other keystrokes are passed onto the
engine, which wakes up and says somebody pressed a key in this field
- I'd better put the char in there. The slash chars never get to the
pass keydown message, so the engine never gets its wakeup call.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: the most weird of the errors ever... (almost like a cold boot)

2005-10-13 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, October 13, 2005, 3:11:34 PM, you wrote:

 weird weird weird...

...and it looks like Lula's in trouble, too...

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Rev vs. AJAX...Or Web-Aware Apps vs. Web Apps

2005-10-13 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, October 13, 2005, 1:54:38 PM, you wrote:

 Another client for whom I've written three relatively large apps in
 Rev has been advised by his new CEO to require me to rewrite them in
 some more standard language or tool/environment. He may not listen to
 the advice but he has raised the interesting question of what happens
 if I (his language) get stomped on by a dinosaur. Even though the
 apps would keep running, of course, finding programmers to maintain
 and extend them would be significantly more difficult than with, say,
 Basic or Java or C++ (which I will never learn). Or, for that matter,

Back when I was doing hardware stuff, our one strict rule was never
design a circuit with single-source parts. If your sole supplier gets
stomped on by a dinosaur you're SOL.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Rev vs. AJAX...Or Web-Aware Apps vs. Web Apps

2005-10-14 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, October 13, 2005, 10:13:10 PM, you wrote:

 I use this:

 Works very well and leaves me in control.

*Very* interesting. Thanks for the pointer. And that way you won't

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Scripting conference this week -- forgot to mention it

2005-10-15 Thread Mark Wieder

Saturday, October 15, 2005, 10:53:11 AM, you wrote:

 Today's scripting conference was canceled, due to a number of 
 unavoidable circumstances. I meant to announce that yesterday, but 

 Just a heads-up: Jerry's conference in two weeks will also not take
 place, though his stack will be available for download later. Again,

Hmmm. Seems like something's afoot in Texas...

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Rev vs. AJAX...Or Web-Aware Apps vs. Web Apps

2005-10-15 Thread Mark Wieder

Saturday, October 15, 2005, 5:36:56 PM, you wrote:

 And, I would agree IF it were demonstrable that this is what actually
 happens.  I just don't think it does.  I don't see it happening among
 either faculty OR students.

My observation is that Scott is one of those rare folks who are able
to see the outside walls of the box while the rest of us are still
working on discovering that we're in a box at all...

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Open source collaboration [WAS: Re: Rev vs. AJAX... Ajax vs TAOO]

2005-10-16 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, October 16, 2005, 6:47:08 AM, you wrote:

 CVS does not handle binaries so well, so  to keep track with the open

CVS actually handles binaries *very* poorly, usually resulting in file
corruption, in my experience. CVS was explicitly written to deal with
text files, and the binary stuff was added as an afterthought.

 source guys we are moving over to SVN. Trac is a system that combines
 CVS with subversion source code management (SVN). Hope to get this up
 and running in the next month for those in Rev community that wish to
 use it.

Funny, I just started down the road of moving my rev version control
over to subversion, too. But I'd happily give that up if you can get
this running in the next month or so.

-Mark Wieder

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2005-10-16 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, October 16, 2005, 9:58:04 AM, you wrote:

 to Forth.  Forth is a low level but extensible language and IDE from

Forth? (Running over to x's web site to check it out...) Forth is as
close to the metal as you can get without writing in ones and zeros.

 One of the weaknesses of XTalk/Transcript in my opinion was that you
 could not directly and efficiently extend the language in this same way.

XTalk would be more on the path to Forthness if we could overload
keywords and add new ones. Of course, that would probably also require
namespaces and an include mechanism. Imagine patching trunc so that
it does the right thing by:

function trunc pValue
  return trunc(pValue  )
end trunc

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Open source collaboration [WAS: Re: Rev vs. AJAX... Ajax vs TAOO]

2005-10-16 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, October 16, 2005, 12:40:59 PM, you wrote:

 One man's flow is another man's impedence. ;)


 For myself, I think Magic Carpet got it right for the sorts of workflows
 I find myself involved in:  it's stack-based rather than script- or 
 object-based, and in the projects I work in we usually assign owners by
 stack and nothing more atomic.

I think Magic Carpet is great. The serverless implementation makes it
very easy to set up and use.

What I'm interested in, though, is opening up a path to a more
granular approach to rev development. If you don't need to get more
atomic than one stack-one developer then you're home free. But if
you've got complex projects and need to have developers check out an
object from a stack, work on it, and check it back in, then nobody
else can work on that stack without the pain of merging objects.

In the stack-at-a-time approach only one person on the rev team would
be able to work on the revLibrary stack at a time. That's a workable
way to go about things, but it's restrictive on time and resource
management and places an extra burden on the project manager. I think
that for runrev to be accepted in professional environments it needs
to shed the cowboy coder mentality that the rest of the developing
world left behind a decade ago. Subversion integration in the IDE is a
big step in that direction.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Open source collaboration [WAS: Re: Rev vs. AJAX... Ajax vs TAOO]

2005-10-16 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, October 16, 2005, 10:55:59 AM, you wrote:

 Magic Carpet's been around for a while, and many of us have written

...and it's about time someone posted the url...

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Open source collaboration [WAS: Re: Rev vs. AJAX... Ajax vs TAOO]

2005-10-16 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, October 16, 2005, 10:55:59 AM, you wrote:

 Magic Carpet's been around for a while, and many of us have written

...and it's about time someone posted the url...

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Open source collaboration [WAS: Re: Rev vs. AJAX... Ajax vs TAOO]

2005-10-16 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, October 16, 2005, 10:55:59 AM, you wrote:

 Magic Carpet's been around for a while, and many of us have written

...and it's about time someone posted the url...

-Mark Wieder

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Re: FORTH and Hypercard

2005-10-16 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, October 16, 2005, 6:47:15 PM, you wrote:

 I also liked a feature of Hypercard that was like forth - you could
 redefine and intercept a lower level handler using the same name. I 
 guess it was a design decision to not allow that in Transcript 
 but why?

Yes, that's the keyword overloading feature I'm wishing we had...

not that I would wish Forth syntax on Transcript, but its
extensibility is the stuff dreams are made of.

-Mark Wieder

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2005-10-16 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, October 16, 2005, 6:27:04 PM, you wrote:

 One of the great things about Forth was the overhead of just a few
 machine language instructions to execute a high level function call.

Yep - it's hard to beat an indirect stack pop for speed.

 Transcript seems to require a trip around the world to jump next  
 door.  For GUI speed stuff, it would not be a problem, but for my  
 array crunching stuff, I am stuck writing everything in one handler
 to keep the speed up.  The convenience of having an environment like
 that would be very tempting to use for whatever could stand the  
 overhead --and that might be quit a lot of applications.

Well, the Forth kernel doesn't take up much space - there are a few
implementations in C available - it might be fun to throw one of the
embedded forths into an external library, but I expect you could count
the interested target group on one finger.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Open source collaboration [WAS: Re: Rev vs. AJAX... Ajax vs TAOO]

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, October 16, 2005, 8:27:55 PM, you wrote:

 Can you tell us a bit more about projects you've worked on where
 multiple team members needed to work on different controls in the same
 window at the same time?

Sure, but that may be missing the point a bit.

The problem is that stacks are monolithic, while most other
development environments use separate files: .c files, .java files,
etc. Splitting a stack into substack files helps - different
developers can work on different parts of a project that way, but a
stack is the smallest atomic unit that can be parceled out.

One problem is that as stack size grows the stack either must be split
into separate substack files to distribute the work or one developer's
work responsibility keeps growing. And splitting a stack into separate
files can require architectural changes that may have consequences
down the line. Another problem with this is that development on a
stack progresses serially (only one developer can work on a stack at a
time, then hand it off to another) versus in parallel (multiple
programmers can tackle different parts at the same time).

I've worked on java projects with 10 or so developers all crafting
pieces of a single application. Let's say someone adds a new routine
to a source file and then wants to add a reference to it to a header
file common to several source files. That developer needs to check out
the header file, make the change, and check it back in. Then when
another developer wants to make a change to the common header file
they check it out, add their change, and check it back in. Nobody can
check out the file while it's being worked on so that changes don't
overwrite each other.

Let's say there are five of us working on a project together spread
out over the world. We either have to divide the work into separate
stacks or we have to email our finished work in token-passing style.
This limits the sort of collaborative projects that can be taken on
with runrev (libraries, for example, are typically single-developer

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Open source collaboration [WAS: Re: Rev vs. AJAX... Ajax vs TAOO]

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, October 16, 2005, 8:07:16 PM, you wrote:

 Also, interesting enough, the Filemaker community has picked up on
 MagicCarpet and are now starting to use it for their version control as

Cool. And that makes sense, now that FileMaker 7 finally allows
separate files instead of the monolithic structure it's always had.
Now if we could just get FileMaker to adopt xTalk to give it a *real*
programming language...

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Open source collaboration [WAS: Re: Rev vs. AJAX... Ajax vs TAOO]

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Monday, October 17, 2005, 12:09:22 AM, you wrote:

 I'd rather build the same level of ease of FMP into Rev than the opposite
 (which is unlikely to happen)...

Yes, but why reinvent things? Ideally I'd like to see them each do
what they do best.

 MS Access is more flexible in this way... alas...

MSAccess does have a real programming language, even if it's VBA...

-Mark Wieder

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Re: control layer in a grp

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Monday, October 17, 2005, 12:41:47 AM, you wrote:

 I'm wondering if there is an easier (faster) way to discover the 
 stacking number of a specific field within a group (the control's 
 stacking number just within that group) without using a repeat 
 structure to step through all the controls in that group, checking each
 one to see if it is a match.

if you're looking for a specific button in a group, try something like

 if the hilitedButton of group gpFilter is 6 then

...but you've got a group of *fields*? I've used groups of fields but
then just referred to the fields by name, i.e., field x of group
abc. What problem are you trying to solve?

-Mark Wieder

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2005-10-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, October 16, 2005, 10:46:25 PM, you wrote:

 Ah Neon. It was the first language I bought for the Mac. It was object
 oriented and everything.

IIRC Neon was where Michael Hore started when he built Mops and really
took the whole object-oriented thing to a new level.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Open source collaboration

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, October 16, 2005, 10:41:26 PM, you wrote:

 One of the things I really like about Rev, is the longer you program
 with it, the more it reveals itself as a fundamentally sound architecture.

...and I'm *extremely* glad the rev team is very cautious about making
any changes to that, even when it's my own suggestions that get

 my code into many different libraries and plugins. One of the great
 things about doing it this way, is you can create 'black box' objects
 which can be abstracted to a level where you can reuse them again and
 again. Another great advantage with numerous smaller stacks, is that
 you're only 'touching' one part of the code, and for large projects,
 that's just fine with me!

Absolutely in agreement with all that. Now imagine taking it a step
further and encapsulating some of that code into a single button or
field or group that's self-contained and reusable.

 Frankly, I can't imagine working on a team with a really large stack
 being shared by multiple programmers. OMG! The hair bristles on the back
   of my neck just thinking about it. I'd much rather have you do one
 library, and Mark do another and me work on gluing them together.

...and this is the way rev development works best right now.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: ANN: New Website for TAOO

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Monday, October 17, 2005, 12:09:02 AM, you wrote:

 Subclassing is a bit different:
 You have a mehod called CreateClient that creates clients. If you wanted
 to use that to createClient
 objects or Companies, you copy the method, rename it and change what you

I don't see how this is subclassing...

-Mark Wieder

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Re: debugging modal dlg boxes

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Monday, October 17, 2005, 5:07:43 AM, you wrote:

 Unless you have put in some kind of escape route for debugging, you
 are stuck. Modals just don't allow anything else to happen until  
 they are dismissed.

 Ah, OK. The cost of the app (stack) and IDE not being distinct, for
 the sake of avoiding compilation. Hm.

...not exactly. That's just the way modal dialogs work.

 I got into a situation in which a dialog had to be modal, and what it
 did *as* modal was what I needed to debug . . . Which isn't exactly
 *why* I've abandoned that trial design for this app, but it does make
 me glad I did.

There *are* some times when modal dialogs are the best solution for a
given task, and I do use them for that, but I do what Jacque does and
only make them modal once I've gotten them debugged. It's a real pain
otherwise. Rethinking the design is usually a better idea, as you've

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Open source collaboration [WAS: Re: Rev vs. AJAX... Ajax vs TAOO]

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Monday, October 17, 2005, 8:11:50 AM, you wrote:

 Actually FileMaker 7 (and now FileMaker 8) encourages development in less
 files then before.

My bad. Typing without thinking again. You're right, of course. And
the data/interface separation is definitely a Good Thing.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Ann: uRIPides

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Well, there hasn't been any recent activity on the RIP circuit, so I
threw together a RIP property editor plugin as a somewhat more complex
version of the simple one that Richard Gaskin put together a while
back. You can edit the uRIP properties of any object with this: stack,
card, or control and also create updateInfoURL files ready to be
uploaded to a web location.

In addition, this includes what I believe are the first real-world
applications of RIP properties: a button to allow for update checking
(and a button to copy this to the topStack); and a button to permit
creation of new mainStacks with some RIP properties already filled in
and ready for editing.

revOnline under my user space (mwieder) and in the RIP files area on
yahoo ( ).

Of course, mostly it was just an excuse to use Yet Another Pun.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: FORTH and Hypercard

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Monday, October 17, 2005, 2:37:20 PM, you wrote:

 Yeah, I got all up in Scott's face over that once, insisting it was
 absolutely necessary to support.  He asked me for a test case where no
 alternative was available to accomplish a given goal, and darnit I never
 did come up with one.

There are cases where I'd really *like* to have the facility, but none
that I can think of that I can't work around.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: FORTH and Hypercard

2005-10-17 Thread Mark Wieder

Monday, October 17, 2005, 10:35:14 AM, you wrote:

 True, though knowing Scott Raney he wouldn't change it even now.

There shouldn't really be much of a speed difference - the way this is
usually handled is you create a hash table with the overloaded
functions. If there's a match in the hash table then you process it
locally, otherwise you move right on to the builtins. So the only hit
you take is in a quick lookup in the hash table. It's a direct lookup,
it's either there or it isn't, and it's compiled and optimized. Should
actually take less overhead than a scripted function call.

I sense an inherent incompatibility between the folks who want more
speed out of the basic engine calls (arrays and such) and the folks
who want the flexibility of overloading the builtin functions. I fall
more in the latter category, but not enough to want things to change
(and possibly break existing behavior).

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: spacebar messes up focus?

2005-10-18 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 4:07:56 AM, you wrote:

 Wel . . . of course there *are* programming environments in which
 that's not so hard. Rev, in contrast, doesn't have (as far as I can
 tell) even any way to tell how you got to a particular breakpoint  
 line --a stack inspector in the other sense.

Sure it does. Open the Variable Watcher. Look at the Context pulldown
at the top. That shows your stack trace contexts. Now select one and
you can see the variables from that context. Click the icon button to
the right and you'll see the script editor window change to the
appropriate script. Now if it just highlighted the proper line...

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: spacebar messes up focus?

2005-10-18 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 10:19:41 AM, you wrote:

 Wow. I knew that. I forgot that, somewhere about a week after I  
 started using Rev. Thanks.

Not a problem. Actually, the context icon isn't documented. It got
added in 2.6 and the docs and release notes haven't caught up yet.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Constellation's Great, But the Rev IDE Doesn't Suck

2005-10-18 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 10:22:24 AM, you wrote:

 It would be interesting to hear from the makers of the Rev IDE about
 their debugging process.

 Could there be a relationship between a less-than-robust debugger and a
 buggy IDE built with it? ;)


Or the fact that the IDE isn't explictVars-safe. I've written up bugs
on the use of nonexistent variables in the IDE that explictly
declaring variables would have caught.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Constellation's Great, But the Rev IDE Doesn't Suck

2005-10-18 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 10:50:36 AM, you wrote:

 If there's sufficient interest and joining the group to get one file
 seems annoying, I can mirror that file at a simpler location.

Now *that's* a low-impact group - no messages between Apr 2004 and May
2005? And only 3 since then? OK - I joined up.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Constellation's Great, But the Rev IDE Doesn't Suck

2005-10-18 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 4:16:49 PM, you wrote:

 After a couple hundred test cycles and hundreds of suggestions on
 design and UI, I have decided that no two people want the same IDE.

...ain't it the truth...

...and in a funny sort of way, I kind of like it like that. I'm fully
into celebrating diversity, not just living with it. If everyone
thought like me I'd never learn anything. Meanwhile I'm hanging out
here on the list and constantly learning new ways of thinking about
things. And having a blast.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Filtering for uniqueness in a list

2005-10-19 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 4:31:32 PM, you wrote:

 Does anyone have a good, fast method for ensuring uniqueness in a multi
 word list?

From your description, it sounds like a plain old array would do the
job for you:

-- pass your list (with duplicates) in pList:
function RemoveDupesFrom pList
  local tNoDupesA
  repeat for each line tData in pList
put true into tNoDupesA[tData]
  end repeat
  return the keys of tNoDupesA
end RemoveDupesFrom

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Filtering for uniqueness in a list

2005-10-20 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 5:08:44 PM, you wrote:

 put myVar into otherVar
 split otherVar by cr and TAB
 put the keys of otherVar into otherVar

Dang! I never remember about split. Good one.

Congrats on the move to broadband, BTW.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Filtering for uniqueness in a list

2005-10-20 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, October 20, 2005, 7:49:27 AM, you wrote:

 work, but I'll settle on the split. It took me a while to figure out
 why it works.

I think the split technique should be faster as well, although I
haven't benchmarked it.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Constellation

2005-10-21 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, October 21, 2005, 9:33:16 AM, you wrote:

 Developers normally disagree on UI, but Rev developers
 disagree on UI and workflow both.


-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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OT: Bush in Free Fall

2005-10-21 Thread Mark Wieder

completely off topic
But it's Friday and this is way too much fun...

Here's a great flash animation with physics based on Pekka's rag doll.
Be sure to check out Pekka's site while you're at it (especially the
elephants). Warning: not when you have anything else to do for a

obligatory back-on-track content
 Makes me wonder how I would do something like this in runrev.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: OT: Bush in Free Fall

2005-10-22 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, October 21, 2005, 5:51:36 PM, you wrote:

 Couldn't find the elephants.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: OT: Bush in Free Fall

2005-10-22 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, October 21, 2005, 5:51:36 PM, you wrote:

 something else. There is some complicated physics there.

Here's a paper on the free-fall physics behind the animation, although
it's still beyond me at the moment, although using Verlet integration
for molecular dynamics does sound appealing:

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Phishy Paypal

2005-10-22 Thread Mark Wieder

Saturday, October 22, 2005, 5:28:50 AM, you wrote:

 Obviously it is not PayPal doing it BUT someone IS gaining access to
 either PayPal and/or eBay and their mailing lists 'when someone does
 a transaction'. This started for me right after an eBay sale and  
 PayPal transaction.

Well, eBay does own PayPal, so...

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Best Update Standalone Scenario

2005-10-22 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, October 21, 2005, 10:56:24 PM, you wrote:

 Check out

The only things I would add to Chipp's excellent writeup are:

I have an aversion to apps that phone home on their own at startup,
so I leave this as an option for the users to check for updated
versions on their own. There are obviously cases, though, where you do
want the automatic checks to occur at startup.

And the splash screen approach to segmenting your program also has a
couple of advantages that Chipp didn't metion: a) since the process of
creating a standalone binds the engine to the mainstack, this then
gets attached to the splash screen, making updates much smaller and
faster downloads; and b) the user perception of the smaller download
is that you're not really giving them a whole new application (you may
be), but that it's a minor update, making them feel better about
updating the app.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: strange issue

2005-10-22 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, October 21, 2005, 10:48:11 PM, you wrote:

 another reason to use labeling conventions I guess...

 cCustomProperty (or kCustomProperty?)

I've come around to the convention of using uCustomProperty for my
own custom properties.

and kConstant (never got out of that habit)...

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Best Update Standalone Scenario

2005-10-22 Thread Mark Wieder

Saturday, October 22, 2005, 12:44:33 PM, you wrote:

 1)  How do you handle the Splash Screen-Engine-Player after the
 MainStack is opened... set it to invisible? Just let it sit in the  
 background behind everything? I would guess the former, which is more
 normal UI behavior (I mean there is no Splash screen present in the
 visible GUI once the user opens an MS word document, or any Adobe  
 document either...)

Can't (or won't) answer for Chipp here, but here's the entire Splash
Screen script from one of my apps. I put this into the openStack
handler because I *want* the splash screen to be visible if there's a
problem opening the main stack. Then the user is presented with the
splash screen, which has a field that says that an error has occurred
and they should contact me.

on openStack
  set the visible of me to false
  open stack LPMain -- the mainStack for this app
  close me
end openStack

 2) Marie Signe recently said the special folder path to /Application
 Data/ on Windows was (26)... this email say (35) 

The difference here is whether you want a single file installed for
all users on the computer to share or just for the current user (in
which case different users on the computer would have separate copies
of the file). Use (35) for the first case and (26) for the second

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: docWikis

2005-10-25 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 7:44:04 AM, you wrote:

 Maybe this is why a Wiki *might* work while Web Notes (based on the last
 9 months experience or so since they were introduced) demonstrably don't

I notice that the Web Notes I have uploaded have just disappeared into
the void. I don't know whether they were vetted and rejected, whether
they never made it to the destination, whether they were overwritten
by someone else, whether I should resubmit them, etc. I've got notes
scribbled in my hardcopy of the docs and there they remain, for my
eyes only.

It's really not worth my while trying to type these things in anymore.
If this is an attempt at a wiki sort of approach it's a failure. If
it's trying to implement a Bugzilla enhancement request feature, it
also isn't accomplishing that. What Web Notes are and how they work
has never been documented. Maybe you have to type hkhfkj in order
for them to stick?

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Variable Watcher

2005-10-25 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 4:52:47 AM, you wrote:

 Well, I have a command in a loop that sends the elements of an array
 to be stored in a database. I put a breakpoint on the line with the
 command, and watch the value of the array. I know it's changing,  
 because if I re-click the array's name in the upper panel of the  
 Watcher, it updates to the expected value. But if I don't do that,  
 the value is not live updated in the lower panel.

Ah. OK - now it becomes clear. I think the implementation of arrays in
the Variable Watcher is a work in progress. It's probably related to
the fact that you can change the value of variables in the VW on the
fly but can't (yet) change the values of array elements.

See BZ #870, 1199, 1564

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: AW: How trim: Bug in RegExp engine + docWiki

2005-10-25 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 4:05:38 AM, you wrote:

 Sure, there is this mention at the very bottom of the matchtext
 function. Changes to Transcript: The regular expression format  
 changed in version 2.0 to use PCRE compatible syntax. But when I  
 tried the PCRE syntax in version 2.1, they were not working properly.
 I read that in version 2.5 or 2.6 regular expressions had been  
 improved but there is no mention of PCRE in the regular expression
 syntax popup and examples haven't changed.

 So how was I supposed to know that this has been fixed?

Fixed? I think the best way to explain regular expressions in runrev
is that it supports a sparsely-documented subset of PCRE compatible
syntax and that subset can change at any time.

BZ #428, 2805, 3198

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Variable Watcher

2005-10-25 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 9:14:53 AM, you wrote:

 I don't have time to check at this minute -- but I'll take Mark W's
 message (a little farther down the list) to mean that this has  
 already been BZ'd . . . right?

This particular issue (click on an array to display the elements,
continue processing, the elements don't change and don't disappear the
way other variables do) hasn't been logged, and probably deserves its
own entry.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: AW: How trim: Bug in RegExp engine + docWiki

2005-10-25 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 10:28:36 AM, you wrote:

 Actually, it *should* support the full form of PCRE, since that is the
 library that was used when the put it into the engine. The bugs you identify
 above are all enhancement requests, so they are not representative of actual
 bugs with the engine - in fact the only other two bugs I could find were
 related to docs and not PCRE support at all.

 So AFAICT we have a full and complete PCRE implementation here, with no
 'real' bugs associated with it.

Well, my BZ #2805 was filed as an enhancement because I realize that
runrev implements *some* of the regular expression characters in the
filter command, but not all. I realize the matchText function handles
more of them, but whether this inconsistency is a bug or an
enhancement request is a matter of semantics. If the engine implements
the full PCRE set but I can't get to it using the syntax that the
builtin commands will accept, it doesn't do much good from a scripting

-Mark Wieder

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Re: AW: How trim: Bug in RegExp engine + docWiki

2005-10-25 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 12:52:09 PM, you wrote:

 The filter command doesn't claim to use regualr expressions. (only
 matchText, matchChunk, and replaceText do) The docs for filter use
 the term wilcard expression, and in fact, a much richer set of  
 wildcards are allowed in filter now than used to be the case.

Ah. My bad in that case. I read wildcard expression to mean regular
expression since that's what's used elsewhere.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: AW: How trim: Bug in RegExp engine + docWiki

2005-10-26 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 4:40:55 PM, you wrote:

 put ACcrBDCC into tText
 regexFilter tText,[AB][BC]
// tText = AC

Something like that would probably work out, but you'd lose the speed
of the filter command.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: OpenSockets and multiple stacks...?

2005-10-26 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 5:52:12 PM, you wrote:

 The other option would be to do it as a peer-to-peer distribution using
 local repeaters - an even more interesting protocol design problem, but
 probably even less pragmatic a choice :-)

Another way to tackle this would be to have the student stacks
subscribe to the instructors stack by opening socket connections.
Then the instructors stack could just push out messages to the
subscribed sockets. This would save you from having to use multicast
packets and give you a finite and known pool of sockets to deal with.
(Although the peer-to-peer approach is most definitely the more
interesting way to go about designing it).

-Mark Wieder

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Re: OpenSockets and multiple stacks...?

2005-10-26 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, October 26, 2005, 9:09:24 AM, you wrote:

 I think that was what I was trying to describe in:

Well, sure, but that's only if you read the whole post before sending
an off-the-top-of-your-head reply...

 peer-to-peer, although interesting, introduces (in this context) a range
 of privacy / confidentiality / trust concerns that I am not sure I'd

...and that's part of what makes it interesting...

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Enhancement for Constellation?

2005-10-26 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, October 26, 2005, 2:40:30 PM, you wrote:

 When working in larger structures, I found it handy to automatically
 insert a comment at the end of a control structure, showing the name
 of the control structure.
 The comment is only placed when the structure is more then 5 lines  
 big, including the start- and endline.

I do the same, only I rarely limit it to structures five lines or
longer - I know that I'll be going in and adding things to the
conditional structure later on, whether I intend to or not, so adding
the comment when I create it makes it harder to forget about it when
the structure grows later.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Programming tools philosophy.

2005-10-26 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, October 26, 2005, 5:39:04 PM, you wrote:

Dang. I started reading this right after the White Sox game and now I
have to think about dinner, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see
how I would code a solver for the Enigma puzzle.

What is the largest integer whose digits are all different (and do
not include 0) that is divisible by each of its individual digits?

That article is a *very* interesting read - I couldn't put it down.
Petzold, of course, knows his stuff, and although I do disagree with
him on the subject of Generated Code here I always find him worth

-Mark Wieder

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Re: working method?

2005-10-26 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, October 26, 2005, 7:25:38 PM, you wrote:

 I keep getting lost. I keep forgetting where my code is that does
 such-and-such. (Which script was that in?) So I keep losing track of
 what I was about to do next, and my concentration falls apart. It's
 making Rev *much* slower for me to program in than supposedly more  
 complicated languages like Python and C++.

 Anybody think this makes any sense? Any hints how to think about it

I find it interesting that the Petzold article that Alex Tweedly
pointed out has a section dealing with this very subject...

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Programming tools philosophy.

2005-10-27 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, October 26, 2005, 11:48:00 PM, you wrote:

 What is the largest integer whose digits are all different (and do
 not include 0) that is divisible by each of its individual digits?
 The biggest I get is 864312, have not tested all yet.  12346789  
 through 98764321 does not yield a result.

Thanks, but I'm actually more interested in the program that finds the
answer than in the result itself. Can you show your work?

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Programming tools philosophy.

2005-10-27 Thread Mark Wieder

Nice. And that elapsed time is amazing. If I'm reading the statistics
properly, your program performed 208 divisions out of 229 trials, so
21 attempts were rejected due to repeated digits. And 773 attempts
were rejected because they contained 0, 4, or 5.

But did you really mean

 if c is in char i+1 to -i of tNum then

-Mark Wieder

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Re: I guess I stumped everyone. :(

2005-11-02 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 10:06:55 AM, you wrote:

 Charles Hartman wrote:
   On Nov 2, 2005, at 11:46 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
   In the button, add this script:
   on mouseup
   end mouseup
   When you click the button it will generate an error. See if the  error
   dialog is the correct size.
   -- and if it *doesn't* generate an error, you will have discovered a
   little-known but very useful Rev-internal command. (Hint: watch what
   happens to the person sitting next to you.)

 Works on pets, too.

And cleaned all the gunk out of my engine.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: checking removable drives

2005-11-02 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 1:22:08 PM, you wrote:

 I'd like to be able to determine if an app is running from a removable

 I've found that on OS X I can call system_profiler from shell, but it
 takes between 2 and 4 seconds on my 1GHz PB.

 And I've found no solution at all for Windows.

There's a GetDriveType external function for Windows in the sdk. I
thought there was an OSX Gestalt function for this, but I can't find

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Globals Question

2005-11-02 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 3:13:51 PM, you wrote:

From this I can set a global or get a value anywhere in the stack at any
 time without additional global declarations, no matter what the object is.

Nice ...and even better would be to make myglobalarray local, as
nonintutive as that seems...

local myglobalarray

-Mark Wieder

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Re: checking removable drives

2005-11-03 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, November 3, 2005, 12:50:36 PM, you wrote:

 PS I've asked Chris about how to figure out the removable drive thing on
 XP w/out vbs...He's processing...(unfortunately, I'm using Chris 1.0,
 the 2.0 version *still* hasn't been released).

Again, there's an external call in the sdk to do this. There's a Win32
API call named GetDriveType() that returns DRIVE_REMOVABLE for
removable drives. Including USB flash drives. I doubt this can be done
without an external call, short of seeing if a write works.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: [Slightly OT?] Why It's Hard to Explain Rev

2005-11-03 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 2:33:12 PM, you wrote:

 A good experience is rich, something worth exploring, telling others
 about, and experiencing again. It's overdetermined - or holistic - or
 *integrated*. And being integrated makes it (often) hard to explain,
 since one can't truly reduce an integrated whole to a simple cause.

 Well said, I think, and an apt description of Revolution's many- 
 faceted appeals.

Yes, for those of us already in the know. It's still no help, though,
in terms of describing Revolution to potential users. My favorite so
far is

It was a world of what it was, and it resembled nothing so much as an

-Edward Albee - any attempt at trying to describe this for folks who haven't
dived in yet?

-Mark Wieder

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Re: checking removable drives

2005-11-04 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, November 3, 2005, 10:33:33 PM, you wrote:

 Well then Mark, are you going to share it? ;-)

The source is in the sdk. Do you need the compiled dll? I can't post
it to the list or to revonline...

-Mark Wieder

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Re: [Slightly OT?] Why It's Hard to Explain Rev

2005-11-04 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, November 4, 2005, 6:16:55 AM, you wrote:

Thanks for the writeup. Nice description.

 (1) When I read on the Rev website that it was unlike Java, C++, or VB,
 my interest in Revolution increased about tenfold--from an ease of use

Interesting. This is the first report I can remember seeing where
someone was drawn to rev because it was UNlike something else.

 (2) My next concern was power and ability; a look at the command and

and maybe 2.5: I find myself some four to five times as productive
writing xtalk as c++ or java. Part of that's getting out of the
code-compile-debug-repeat cycle, part is the near-natural language
syntax, part is the power that's built into the engine, part is the

 this) reminds me of REXX, which I think was a great innovation in

I forgot about REXX (had to take my dusty manual off the shelf). I
usually think of xtalk as being close to Python and Ruby.

 My description of Rev is an RAD tool that lets you construct a GUI as
 easy as with VB, make it functional with normal language code, and work
 with all the files, databases, and I/O devices you'd expect it to. Oh,
 it lets you compile for Windows, MAC, and 'NIX, as well. least in theory. And as they say,

In theory there's no difference between theory and practice, but in
practice there is.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: [Slightly OT?] Why It's Hard to Explain Rev

2005-11-04 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, November 4, 2005, 4:33:55 AM, you wrote:

 I just called it Hyper-HyperCard

 Greetings, just joined the list today by the way.

Welcome to the list. I find that if someone already knows what
HyperCard is then there's no problem. If they don't (most of the
managers I talk with when trying to pitch a project) then they just
don't get it.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [Slightly OT?] Why It's Hard to Explain Rev

2005-11-04 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, November 3, 2005, 5:08:13 PM, you wrote:

 am done.  Cross platform made dead easy... (with emphasis on... well... all
 of the words.)

...except maybe for dead... g

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Controlling External Devices

2005-11-04 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, November 3, 2005, 9:09:59 PM, you wrote:

 Chris did spend a significant amount of time writing a USB external for
 both Mac and PC, but after taking a look at the way data is handled 
 through a USB connection, we decided it would take way too much 
 hand-holding tech support to ever release such a product.

Bummer. I was looking forward to that. Any plans to open-source it

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Controlling External Devices

2005-11-04 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, November 4, 2005, 12:47:58 PM, you wrote:

 I think the way to handle USB externals is to right specific externals
 for specific tasks. For instance a TWAIN USB external which could 
 interface with TWAIN compliant scanners.

Sad but true. And TWAIN is still one of my favorite acronyms.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [Slightly OT?] Why It's Hard to Explain Rev

2005-11-04 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, November 4, 2005, 6:17:02 PM, you wrote:

 You know the great Chris Crawford?!  He's a god. Loved Siboot -- nothing
 like it at the time.

Now that's a name I haven't heard in years. I did a quick search:
Siboot II is available here:

Apparently Siboot only sold some 5000 copies back in the day.

...and the Erasmatron is now at version 4 and

Erasmatron 4 is being rebuilt from the ground up in Java in order to
enable full cross-platform compatibility.

It's not too late to discover what true cross-platform compatibility
is like... looking at the Deikto dictionary, this seems like something
that's *very* easy to do in rev, and I wouldn't even attempt this in
java. The one nice thing about doing it in java, though, is that you
have real subclasses instead of having to fake them in xtalk.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Virtual custom property question

2005-11-05 Thread Mark Wieder

Saturday, November 5, 2005, 2:28:24 PM, you wrote:

 Yes, you look at the 'executionContexts'... the last line will be the group
 itself (i.e. the last object to act on the script), but the *second to last*
 line will be the object that was trying to set the custom property.

standard disclaimer
...and keep in mind that the executionContexts is not documented, so
it may change or disappear with any future release. Given that it's
used internally in the IDE and that there isn't any alternative to
using it, that isn't likely to happen any time soon, but use it at
your own risk. I'd like to see it documented and given runrev's
blessing, but that hasn't happened yet.
/standard disclaimer

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: My Prototype update!

2005-11-05 Thread Mark Wieder


I want to be able to tell success stories like this when I grow up...
If the team doesn't pick up on this as a feature story I'm gonna
leave them out of my will.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [OTAnn] Feedback - take care!

2005-11-08 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 1:23:50 AM, you wrote:

 Personally - i don't like the feel of this.

 Web app on site requires you to trust certificate and therefore  
 presumably give you access to all your emails. Marketing to a list  
 like this, without including so much as a url, or anything that looks
 like a real name - well to be frank the question to this list is:

  - would you trust a salesman who came into your house, who you
 have never met, never heard of their company, promises you a great  
 freebee, flashes a quick business card, and then asks to read all  
 your mail?

AFAIK this is the first time this list has been hijacked. They seem to
have found a slick way to deliver broadband ads while providing list
content in approximately a third of the screen. (this from the demo,
since I refused to load their app onto any of my systems) No contact
info on the web site other than for advertisers. Listmom?

  - by the way is shenanigans your real name?

That would be:

   Cekvenich, Vic  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
5521 Greenville
Dallas, TX 75206
917 825 3035

Info from the whois server at

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Best Practices

2005-11-08 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 6:07:29 PM, you wrote:

 Hi, Erin,

stepping in for Erin

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [OT] Daylight Savings (Was Re: Scripting conference stack

2005-11-08 Thread Mark Wieder

Tuesday, November 8, 2005, 2:39:02 PM, you wrote:

 well, took me a bit longer since I am a german native speaker and
 know how
 to pronounce Adenauer correctly :-)

...then you must be familiar with his comrade, Evenanauer...

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Testing Standards

2005-11-08 Thread Mark Wieder

Sunday, November 6, 2005, 8:02:12 PM, you wrote:

 Thanks for the kind words and comments. I am now trying to set up a
 testing team for my project. And, well, I am used to doing this as a
 one man team and i am pretty good at that, but I need to organize a
 small team of 2 to 4 people to do the testing on the ANSI C  
 engineering aspect of the project and am not sure of the best way to
 go about this.

 Is there a set of standards for group testing? What about software? I
 know our programming team is using bugzilla, which is great for bugs
 but what about features and whether they are being done right or not?

If you're using Bugzilla and happy with it, then stay there. Feature
requests can be accomodated, as can feedback on features and the lack

 Does anyone have some pointers in this direction? How to keep the  
 team together and on the same page?

Well, nobody else has chimed in on this so here goes...

What's worked best for me is a hard one to get everyone to sign onto,
but it's a matter of *not* coding and *not* writing tests until the
last phase of the project, but rather putting most of the effort into
getting the engineering specification document defined. Once that's
rock-solid and all the ambiguities are out of it then engineering can
start building to match the spec and QA can start building tests that
also meet the spec. Once engineering starts delivering builds to QA
then the tests should run without failure. When bugs are discovered
they are either the result of a) engineering not building in
conformance with the spec, b) QA not building their tests properly, or
c) an ambiguity in the spec that wasn't caught in the design process.

The a) and b) bugs are easy to sort out and assign to the proper party
for resolution. The exceptions are what are then brought to the bug
meetings to be resolved.

When the inevitable changes occur over the design life-cycle, those
changes are incorporated into the specification and both engineering
and QA make the appropriate modifications.

This design philosophy is at the opposite end of the spectrum from the
Agile Programming folks. I spent a year and a half as QA lead on a
project following this method and delivered two award-winning products
reasonably on time (changes in requirements mid-project - gotta love
those marketing types) and within budget. The reason it's hard to sign
onto is that it requires a leap of faith in the process - people are
itchy to code and there's no product to show for maybe the first two
thirds of the develoopment cycle.

With rev there's a bit of a difference, since the product can be
storyboarded as a proof of concept for the client and then the
prototype later becomes the working model without having to start from
scratch again.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Testing Standards

2005-11-09 Thread Mark Wieder
 in there
might be more in-depth than you want to get unless you're diving into
software testing in a big way. You can find these online at Amazon or
Powells if you have to, but see if your local independent bookstore
can order them first.

What's left in and out: I usually find that what's left out causes
more problems that what's put in. It's easy to write test cases and
very hard to write a complete set of test cases. When I'm developing
something (this goes back to point 1) I find that I think I'm doing a
good job testing what I've written, but as soon as I hand it to
someone else they try a use case that I never thought of and it all
falls apart rapidly. I hate to say it, but forethought pays off. So do
peer reviews for sanity checks - is closing the window the same as
pressing the Done button? what happens if someone pastes text in
here instead of typing it? what happens if someone puts in quotes
and  symbols in a url field?, etc.

Some resources:

Check out:

OK - got more long-winded than I thought. I'll duck out now.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: The Disappearing Desktop - It's Real This Time

2005-11-09 Thread Mark Wieder

Wednesday, November 9, 2005, 4:16:42 PM, you wrote:

 There is no necessary connection between where data is and where the
 app is. That's just today's temporary model.

That may be true, but according to UNESCO's 3 November report on
Knowledge versus Information Societies 11 percent of the world's
population has access to the internet. And that's not talking about
wired-in broadband connection - this includes dialup and folks who
simply have access to internet cafes and such.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Safe (icon) image IDs

2005-11-11 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, November 11, 2005, 3:34:39 AM, you wrote:

Downloads perfectly  - it was tested this morning.;

The html tags you attempted to use are not allowed

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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frappr map

2005-11-11 Thread Mark Wieder

I just created a frappr map so we can see where we are.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [OT] Sony music installs secret malware gateway

2005-11-11 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, November 11, 2005, 2:29:42 PM, you wrote:

 It installs a friggin RootKit on the system!! And thats not all,
 the RootKit makes all files prefixed with $sys$ invisible to the  
 average user, and that is already being exploited by Virus writers on
 the wild

This just in...

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: frappr map

2005-11-11 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, November 11, 2005, 6:02:00 PM, you wrote:

 That's neat Mark. I'm in but it doesn't allow very precise placement
 of my flag. Perhaps it is better in the US where you can enter a zip

I'm actually not quite sure of the UI. I fiddled with the map,
centered it on my house and told it to just go ahead a do it.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Xlate libTranslator

2005-11-12 Thread Mark Wieder

Saturday, November 12, 2005, 4:19:27 AM, you wrote:

 I'm looking for the Xlate demo stack wich used to be available from the
 users' spaces. The Go to button doesn't activate any download for 
 this particular stack.
 Is there any URL where i could download it ?
 Do you know any other stack wich demonstrates the possible uses of 
 libTranslator ?

Thanks for the heads-up on that. I have no idea why that wouldn't
download - some revOnline glitch. I deleted it and uploaded it again,
creating a new entry, and it seems to work now.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: frappr map

2005-11-12 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, November 11, 2005, 7:01:49 PM, you wrote:


 What do you know, rev users using Ajax ;)


-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: frappr map

2005-11-12 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, November 11, 2005, 6:49:14 PM, you wrote:

 Oddly enough, this is the second time in 24 hours frappr has come to
 my attention and I've been invited to add myself -- I had never heard
 of frappr before this.  Is it new?  (I notice it's in beta.)
 It does seem rather US-centric, doesn't it?

Yes. I've adjusted the map so that it shows the whole world now. It's
using Google maps, so my guess is that it's a Google spinoff. I've
just become aware of it in the last couple of weeks, so I think it's
*very* new... and *very* beta. But much fun.

-Mark Wieder

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