Re: create/removeStatement execution time

2012-06-25 Thread Dave Reynolds

On 24/06/12 16:12, Lars Wißler wrote:

Hi all,

I need information on the efficiency of the execution of the
createStatement and removeStatement operations on the OntModel, i.e. how
many calls of these methods Jena can execute in lets say under 3-4 min.

Depends on your hardware, JDK, OS, memory settings, data, whether you 
have inference enabled or not etc. The correct thing to do is simply 
time it yourself in your environment.

To make myself clearer: I load a model, transfer it to a GMFmodel, where
changes can be made, and then need to transport it back to the Jena

What's a GMFmodel?


Re: Strange behaviour of XMLLiterals in RDF/XML

2012-06-25 Thread Andy Seaborne

On 25/06/12 12:57, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

Hey list,

I'd like to know why the following triple

   @prefix rdf: .
   @prefix awol: .

   _:smth awol:xml 'div
stuff/p/div'^^rdf:XMLLiteral .

serialized into RDF/XML produces escaped XMLLiteral:

rdf:Description rdf:nodeID=A23

However this one

   _:smth awol:xml 'div
stuff/p/div'^^rdf:XMLLiteral .

produces unescaped XMLLiteral, as expected:

rdf:Description rdf:nodeID=A23
 awol:xml rdf:parseType=Literaldiv

Both br/ and br/br are well-formed and equivalent in the XML
context, so why the difference in serialization?
I'm using Jena 2.6.4 and ARQ 2.8.7.

Try riot --validate - you may been a newer jena, can't remember Dec 2010.

WARN  [line: 5, col: 19] Lexical form 'div 
xmlns=;pstuffbr/more stuff/p/div' 
not valid for datatype


br/ is not canonical c14n XML.

The rules for a valid XMLLiteral are complicated.  The best RDF-WG is 
going to do is make XMLLiteral less mandatory.  At the moment, it is the 
only special datatype built into RDF, and it's built into the RDF/XML 
parser as well.



Re: ARQ: Traversing and processing a SPARQL Algebra (Op) tree

2012-06-25 Thread Andy Seaborne
On top of the visitor pattern, there is a subsystem to rewrite algebra 

Have a look at some of the ARQ transforms

e.g. TransformUnionQuery

The Transform instance can have state.

and this is driven by teh tree walker 

   Op Transformer.transform(Transform, op)

this is a bottom up rewrite of the tree.

 variables appearing in all ots descendant Ops

OpVars.patternVars or OpVars.allVars


On 23/06/12 07:14, Dimitris Spanos wrote:

That's very interesting Martynas and I will keep this option in mind.
I'm not sure it applies to what I want to do, as I do not want just a
syntactic query translation, but also tweaking the query engine and
getting results by executing it.


On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 9:24 PM, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

It might not be the traditional solution, but I've done some SPARQL query
transformations with RDF/XML and XSLT 2.

It doesn't work on the algebra level, but rather on the SPIN serialization.
It might or might not be easier than Java code. I don't know if that
applies in your case.

On Jun 22, 2012 6:10 PM, Paul Gearon wrote:

On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 9:30 AM, Dimitris Spanos

Hello all,

I'm trying to traverse and process the algebra expression tree for a
SPARQL query. For this purpose, I have created a class that implements
OpVisitor and visits the entire tree in a top-down fashion. Ideally, I
would like to be able to pass information from a visited operator to
its children and vice versa, but I'm not sure how I can do this in an
elegant way (using just some global class variables does not seem

 From parents to children and back up again is reasonably
straightforward. Just have the visitor keep a stack of where it's
visited (so the visitor knows about the parent to the current Op), and
accumulate results as it finishes processing an Op (so the visitor has
information about what the processing of child Ops returned).

I guess a naive way to deal with it would be to start from the top of
the tree, visit every Op, transform it to a custom extension of the
respective Op that will maybe hold a link to the parent (already
transformed) Op and store the information that will get passed to its
children. At the same time, every such transformed Op will be inserted
into a Stack and, after the top-down traversal is done, popped out in
reverse order in order to go back up the tree and pass information
from children Ops to parent Ops.

I think that what you're describing here is a transformation of the
tree into another tree. That works, but it's more than what you said
in the first paragraph (where you just need to have results of
processing children, plus knowledge of what your parents are).

Personally, I prefer to update the nodes in my trees so that they can
be transformed directly, rather than being mapped to an equivalent
tree before transforming. However, in the case of Op I can appreciate
why you may not want to touch the existing structure.

If you just need the info of where you are in the tree as you process
it, then I recommend just keeping a stack in the tree walker that you
use. If you need to see across the tree as you're processing, then
mapping the tree to an equivalent that is more amenable to processing
(as you suggest) is preferable to modifying Op.

Is there another more straightforward procedure to accomplish this?

For this kind of processing, I really, *really* prefer using Clojure
(using protocols to extend Op would make this a breeze). However, I
don't see that getting inserted into the Jena dependencies any time
soon.  ;-)

Sorry for sounding completely abstract, I hope I'm making (some)
sense, any ideas/hints/pointers to examples would be very much

That's OK. I sometimes find that the large amounts of boilerplate that
Java requires for things like the visitor pattern can get in the way
of seeing exactly how to accomplish something.


Re: Strange behaviour of XMLLiterals in RDF/XML

2012-06-25 Thread Damian Steer
Hash: SHA1

On 25/06/12 13:34, Andy Seaborne wrote:

 The best RDF-WG is going to do is make XMLLiteral less mandatory.

'Less mandatory'? :-)

I was writing a similar reply as this came in. It's horrible trying to
explain it, and it will be nice not to have to do that post-rdf 1.1.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: TDBLoader2 Performance on Empty vs Existing Store (WAS: Import Messures)

2012-06-25 Thread Andy Seaborne

On 22/06/12 17:22, Rob Vesse wrote:

Off the top of my head I believe loading into an empty database is always
faster because of the way it generates the index files and node tables.
When loading to an existing dataset it tends to be slower because it has
to add to the existing files rather than generating them from scratch.


It performs the operations in an order that is index friendly - it avoid 
inserting in a random fashion but tries to make it roughly sequential. 
That makes disk caches more efficient; and real disk access is 
expensive.  Of the order of 1e6 instructions.

When empty:

tdbloader loads SPO and the nodes together, then creates the secondary 
indexes one at a time.

In normal use, loading SPO is a sequential process - data arrives in 
blocks of same-subject.  The code does not depend on this but it is 
faster if it is.  The SPO index is written in (at a macroscopic level) 
sequential order - complete a B+Tree block and not need to come back to 
it later. Making POS and OSP is done by a sequential walk through SPO.

tdbloader2 is more extreme - it loads the node data and outputs a stream 
of triples to a temporary file (as a text format!).  It sorts the 
temporary file into the necessary order for an index, then loads it the 
index.  Repeats for all the indexes.

The sorting is done by unix sort(1) - while it seems more work, this is 
a very efficient program and, for large data, it is faster.  Where the 
cut over is, depends on data shape and machine.

tdbloader3 is like tdblaoder2 except pure java, binary and does parallel 
block sorts.

Load time: 16 minutes
average loading: ca 81.000 triple / second
index time: 40 minutes
store size: 9,3GB

The second test was to store the same data into an allready filled store
As i started the import i created a store with 348.398.593 Triples from DNB and 
HBZ (which are german libraries, store size: 33 GB).
Then i started to load the german dbpedia in.

Load time: 3 hours and 4 minutes
average loading: ca 7200 / second

Looks to be like tdbloader, - it needs to check for existence of any 
triple when loading a pre-filled store.  That is random access and slow.

index time: 38 minutes
store size: 19 GB!

I don't know why for sure, but jumps in size can be because the indexes 
need to be slightly bigger but the unit of allocation is 8M (memory 
mapped files).  It's while an empty database can look quite large - 
there are 8M files, and although sparse some OSs (Mac) count the space.

If there are some bNodes then that can lead to some new nodes and 
triples causing index sizes to jump.

What is ls -lh saying?


Re: Strange behaviour of XMLLiterals in RDF/XML

2012-06-25 Thread Martynas Jusevičius
Thanks, I didn't realize XMLLiterals have to be canonical.

You don't mean XMLLiterals are going away, do you?
Escaped XML would cut off all XML processing tools (I heavily use XSLT
on RDF/XML, for example).


On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 2:43 PM, Damian Steer wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On 25/06/12 13:34, Andy Seaborne wrote:

 The best RDF-WG is going to do is make XMLLiteral less mandatory.

 'Less mandatory'? :-)

 I was writing a similar reply as this came in. It's horrible trying to
 explain it, and it will be nice not to have to do that post-rdf 1.1.


 Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Strange behaviour of XMLLiterals in RDF/XML

2012-06-25 Thread Andy Seaborne

On 25/06/12 13:43, Damian Steer wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 25/06/12 13:34, Andy Seaborne wrote:

The best RDF-WG is going to do is make XMLLiteral less mandatory.

'Less mandatory'? :-)

I was writing a similar reply as this came in. It's horrible trying to
explain it, and it will be nice not to have to do that post-rdf 1.1.

I just rant about rdf:XMLLiterals a lot.

The definition isn't changing as far as I can remember.  The lexical 
space is still c14n exclusive canonicalization with comments, with empty 
inclusiveNamespaces.  I only know where to look because of helping 
people with their data.  Never used the things myself.

There are so few real use cases - real XML data can't be put straight 
into RDF because of the canonicalization rules.  e.g. People having 
problem with GML and RDF.  Canonicalization software often isn't 
available at the point of data creation.

I'll have another coffee now.



Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Want to run SPARQL Query with Hadoop Map Reduce Framework

2012-06-25 Thread Paolo Castagna
Hi Mizanur,
when you have big RDF datasets, it might make sense to use MapReduce (but only 
if you already have an Hadoop cluster at hand. Is this your case?).
You say that your data is 'huge', just for the sake of curiosity... how many 
triples/quads is 'huge'? ;-)
Most of the use cases I've seen related to statistics on RDF datasets were 
trivial MapReduce jobs.

For a couple of examples on using MapReduce with RDF datasets have a look here:

This, for example, is certainly not exactly what you need, but I am sure that 
with little changes you can get what you want:

Last but not least, you'll need to dump your RDF data out onto HDFS.
I suggest you use N-Triples/N-Quads serialization formats.

Running SPARQL queries on top of an Hadoop cluster is another (long and not 
easy) story.
But, it might be possible to translate part of the SPARQL algebra into Pig 
Latin scripts and use Pig.
In my opinion however, it makes more sense to use MapReduce to filter/slice 
massive datasets, load the result into a triple store and refine your data 
analysis using SPARQL there.

My 2 cents,

Md. Mizanur Rahoman wrote:
 Dear All,
 I want to collect some statistics over RDF data. My triple store is
 Virtuoso and I am using Jena for executing my query.  I want to get some
 statistics like
 i) how many resources in my dataset ii) resources belong to in which
 position of dataset (i.e., sub/prd/obj) etc. As my data is huge, I want to
 use Hadoop Map Reduce in calculating such statistics.
 Can you please suggest.

Planning for a new framework for Jena

2012-06-25 Thread Joan Iglesias

Dear all

I'm new at this list, but I would like to purpose the building of a new 
framework for Jena.

I'll be in charge of the design and programming of this new framework, but new 
ideas or collaborations with other developers are welcome.

The project is a java web platform for configuring, managing and queering the 
Jena framework from any web browser. That framework will allow the users to 
save time in the configuration time,  initial contact and database 
administration of Jena framework. It could be .war for any application server 
with the appropriate configuration files.

I consider that it has to be designed in a modular way, and the addition of new 
plug-ins have to be taken into acount from the very begginng. I thought it 
could be like a kind of Eclipse, that it's a platform for development with 
basic functionalities, but allows the additions of a lot of plug-gins from the 
community or private companies.

Some of the nowadays utilities for Jena could be migrated into a plug-in for 
this platform. REST and SOAP services could be a plug-in for this platform.

New ideas or suggestions are welcome. I think a framework like this will help 
Jena to be more used, because the intention is that the new framework has to be 
in most of the cases self explanatory and intuitive, and with a lot of 
helping tools.

Best regards,



Re: Planning for a new framework for Jena

2012-06-25 Thread Rob Vesse
Hi Joan

Comments inline:

On 6/25/12 9:30 AM, Joan Iglesias wrote:

Dear all

I'm new at this list, but I would like to purpose the building of a new
framework for Jena.

I'll be in charge of the design and programming of this new framework,
but new ideas or collaborations with other developers are welcome.

The project is a java web platform for configuring, managing and queering
the Jena framework from any web browser. That framework will allow the
users to save time in the configuration time,  initial contact and
database administration of Jena framework. It could be .war for any
application server with the appropriate configuration files.

Please take a look at JENA-201
( which contains a
discussion on how to convert the existing Fuseki architecture into WAR
form.  If you are interested maybe you would like to work on contributing
towards that effort?

Also Fuseki already includes much of the configuration, management and
querying capabilities you are talking about.  Granted right now Fuseki
can't easily be run in any Java application server because it runs off an
embedded Jetty but if that issue was addressed this would become possible.
 And equally the built in UI could be a little less basic but none of us
Jena developers claim to be graphic design or UX experts!

I consider that it has to be designed in a modular way, and the addition
of new plug-ins have to be taken into acount from the very begginng. I
thought it could be like a kind of Eclipse, that it's a platform for
development with basic functionalities, but allows the additions of a lot
of plug-gins from the community or private companies.

This is basically what the Jena platform is already unless I am
misunderstanding your point?

I don't know how familiar you are with Jena (I assume at least reasonably
so given the scope of your proposal) but Jena already has many extension
points that can be utilized and many people using Jena commercially
already use these widely.  Maybe you could elaborate on exactly what it is
that you want to extend/do that you don't think Jena can do right now?
You may find that the types of extensions you want are already possible in
the existing framework and you are just not aware of it.

For example within Fuseki you can already leverage the Jena assembly
mechanism for loading and executing arbitrary code allowing you to add
custom functionality to a standard Fuseki distro to some extent.

Some of the nowadays utilities for Jena could be migrated into a plug-in
for this platform. REST and SOAP services could be a plug-in for this

Utilities such as?

New ideas or suggestions are welcome. I think a framework like this will
help Jena to be more used, because the intention is that the new
framework has to be in most of the cases self explanatory and
intuitive, and with a lot of helping tools.

While I do want to discourage you from contributing to the Jena ecosystem
it would be interesting to here some more detail on what exactly you want
to build.  From reading your email I get the impression that maybe a lot
of what you want may already be available and you're just looking to get
it more solidly integrated into a user friendly web based UI?


Rob Vesse

Best regards,



RE: Planning for a new framework for Jena

2012-06-25 Thread Joan Iglesias

Hello Rob

Commends inline also.

 Subject: Re: Planning for a new framework for Jena
 Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 17:01:30 +
 Hi Joan
 Comments inline:
 On 6/25/12 9:30 AM, Joan Iglesias wrote:
 Dear all
 I'm new at this list, but I would like to purpose the building of a new
 framework for Jena.
 I'll be in charge of the design and programming of this new framework,
 but new ideas or collaborations with other developers are welcome.
 The project is a java web platform for configuring, managing and queering
 the Jena framework from any web browser. That framework will allow the
 users to save time in the configuration time,  initial contact and
 database administration of Jena framework. It could be .war for any
 application server with the appropriate configuration files.
 Please take a look at JENA-201
 ( which contains a
 discussion on how to convert the existing Fuseki architecture into WAR
 form.  If you are interested maybe you would like to work on contributing
 towards that effort?
 Also Fuseki already includes much of the configuration, management and
 querying capabilities you are talking about.  Granted right now Fuseki
 can't easily be run in any Java application server because it runs off an
 embedded Jetty but if that issue was addressed this would become possible.
  And equally the built in UI could be a little less basic but none of us
 Jena developers claim to be graphic design or UX experts!

I'm not an expert on Jena, I only read some tutorials about Jena and its 
frameworks. Of course the development of such a framework needs much more 
knowledge than I have. Because of this I suggested the project to the Jena 
community, because I don't want to start a long learning period if the 
framework is useless or not needed for the community or already exists 
something similar.

Like all technologies, the more user-friendly user interface, the most success 
in the adoption of the technology. Some companies if they appreciate a long 
learning period of a framework, the framework is discarded. 

I could deduce from the tutorials of fuseki an so on, that most of the 
configuration is done by file configuration. The idea of my project, it's that 
you just download the war file, you deploy it, and all the configuration and 
management is done using a very helpful and user-friendly interface. Addition 
of modules, database configuration and administration, and so on.

I think, that any developer prefer a tool, self explanatory with small time to 
learn how it works.

Maybe such a framework could be developed using fuseki code or other Jena 
frameworks as a base framework or starting framework.

The platform I propose, it allows to manage plug-ins graphically, like Eclipse, 
for example. And a plug-in could have it's own web interface to configure or 
use it. I think that those functionality it's not possible by now using fuseki.

For example, is there any framework that allows to manage ontologies 
graphically and integrated into Jena? Sometimes I think it's very useful that a 
plug-in has a web interface, like the case I mentioned before, and integrated 
into a well defined platform.

What do you think about all this??

 I consider that it has to be designed in a modular way, and the addition
 of new plug-ins have to be taken into acount from the very begginng. I
 thought it could be like a kind of Eclipse, that it's a platform for
 development with basic functionalities, but allows the additions of a lot
 of plug-gins from the community or private companies.
 This is basically what the Jena platform is already unless I am
 misunderstanding your point?
 I don't know how familiar you are with Jena (I assume at least reasonably
 so given the scope of your proposal) but Jena already has many extension
 points that can be utilized and many people using Jena commercially
 already use these widely.  Maybe you could elaborate on exactly what it is
 that you want to extend/do that you don't think Jena can do right now?
 You may find that the types of extensions you want are already possible in
 the existing framework and you are just not aware of it.
 For example within Fuseki you can already leverage the Jena assembly
 mechanism for loading and executing arbitrary code allowing you to add
 custom functionality to a standard Fuseki distro to some extent.
 Some of the nowadays utilities for Jena could be migrated into a plug-in
 for this platform. REST and SOAP services could be a plug-in for this
 Utilities such as?
 New ideas or suggestions are welcome. I think a framework like this will
 help Jena to be more used, because the intention is that the new
 framework has to be in most of the cases self explanatory and
 intuitive, and with a lot of helping tools.
 While I do want to discourage you from contributing to the Jena 

Re: Planning for a new framework for Jena

2012-06-25 Thread Martynas Jusevičius

could Graphity approach be similar to what you have in mind?

You can see what kind of UI it can render on


On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 7:57 PM, Joan Iglesias wrote:

 Hello Rob

 Commends inline also.

 Subject: Re: Planning for a new framework for Jena
 Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 17:01:30 +

 Hi Joan

 Comments inline:

 On 6/25/12 9:30 AM, Joan Iglesias wrote:

 Dear all
 I'm new at this list, but I would like to purpose the building of a new
 framework for Jena.
 I'll be in charge of the design and programming of this new framework,
 but new ideas or collaborations with other developers are welcome.
 The project is a java web platform for configuring, managing and queering
 the Jena framework from any web browser. That framework will allow the
 users to save time in the configuration time,  initial contact and
 database administration of Jena framework. It could be .war for any
 application server with the appropriate configuration files.

 Please take a look at JENA-201
 ( which contains a
 discussion on how to convert the existing Fuseki architecture into WAR
 form.  If you are interested maybe you would like to work on contributing
 towards that effort?

 Also Fuseki already includes much of the configuration, management and
 querying capabilities you are talking about.  Granted right now Fuseki
 can't easily be run in any Java application server because it runs off an
 embedded Jetty but if that issue was addressed this would become possible.
  And equally the built in UI could be a little less basic but none of us
 Jena developers claim to be graphic design or UX experts!

 I'm not an expert on Jena, I only read some tutorials about Jena and its 
 frameworks. Of course the development of such a framework needs much more 
 knowledge than I have. Because of this I suggested the project to the Jena 
 community, because I don't want to start a long learning period if the 
 framework is useless or not needed for the community or already exists 
 something similar.

 Like all technologies, the more user-friendly user interface, the most 
 success in the adoption of the technology. Some companies if they appreciate 
 a long learning period of a framework, the framework is discarded.

 I could deduce from the tutorials of fuseki an so on, that most of the 
 configuration is done by file configuration. The idea of my project, it's 
 that you just download the war file, you deploy it, and all the configuration 
 and management is done using a very helpful and user-friendly interface. 
 Addition of modules, database configuration and administration, and so on.

 I think, that any developer prefer a tool, self explanatory with small time 
 to learn how it works.

 Maybe such a framework could be developed using fuseki code or other Jena 
 frameworks as a base framework or starting framework.

 The platform I propose, it allows to manage plug-ins graphically, like 
 Eclipse, for example. And a plug-in could have it's own web interface to 
 configure or use it. I think that those functionality it's not possible by 
 now using fuseki.

 For example, is there any framework that allows to manage ontologies 
 graphically and integrated into Jena? Sometimes I think it's very useful that 
 a plug-in has a web interface, like the case I mentioned before, and 
 integrated into a well defined platform.

 What do you think about all this??

 I consider that it has to be designed in a modular way, and the addition
 of new plug-ins have to be taken into acount from the very begginng. I
 thought it could be like a kind of Eclipse, that it's a platform for
 development with basic functionalities, but allows the additions of a lot
 of plug-gins from the community or private companies.

 This is basically what the Jena platform is already unless I am
 misunderstanding your point?

 I don't know how familiar you are with Jena (I assume at least reasonably
 so given the scope of your proposal) but Jena already has many extension
 points that can be utilized and many people using Jena commercially
 already use these widely.  Maybe you could elaborate on exactly what it is
 that you want to extend/do that you don't think Jena can do right now?
 You may find that the types of extensions you want are already possible in
 the existing framework and you are just not aware of it.

 For example within Fuseki you can already leverage the Jena assembly
 mechanism for loading and executing arbitrary code allowing you to add
 custom functionality to a standard Fuseki distro to some extent.

 Some of the nowadays utilities for Jena could be migrated into a plug-in
 for this platform. REST and SOAP services could be a plug-in for this

 Utilities such as?


RE: Planning for a new framework for Jena

2012-06-25 Thread Joan Iglesias

Hello Martynas

I think it's not exactly what I had in mind. On your site I could see a group 
of Semantic web sites accessible from your portal, and this portal generates a 
basic user interface, automatically I suppose. I suppose it's very easy to add 
new sites or repositories, and your platform generates a basic view-controller 
for the site, or allows the user to define their own view-controller. Correct 
me if I'm wrong, please.

My idea is that my framework allows the addition of other plug-ins to manage a 
single site, the complexities of a single site or repository and help the 
programmer or admin to manage the Jena capabilities and associated plug-ins 
graphically. Of course it could be linked with other sites or repositories.

I thought in having a very dynamic and ajax based VIEW, for example using the 
ZK framework.

Because around java there a lot of framework and utilities [the most I think], 
the core technology has to be Java based.

Thank you for your answer.

Best regards


 Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 20:26:18 +0200
 Subject: Re: Planning for a new framework for Jena
 could Graphity approach be similar to what you have in mind?
 You can see what kind of UI it can render on
 On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 7:57 PM, Joan Iglesias wrote:
  Hello Rob
  Commends inline also.
  Subject: Re: Planning for a new framework for Jena
  Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 17:01:30 +
  Hi Joan
  Comments inline:
  On 6/25/12 9:30 AM, Joan Iglesias wrote:
  Dear all
  I'm new at this list, but I would like to purpose the building of a new
  framework for Jena.
  I'll be in charge of the design and programming of this new framework,
  but new ideas or collaborations with other developers are welcome.
  The project is a java web platform for configuring, managing and queering
  the Jena framework from any web browser. That framework will allow the
  users to save time in the configuration time,  initial contact and
  database administration of Jena framework. It could be .war for any
  application server with the appropriate configuration files.
  Please take a look at JENA-201
  ( which contains a
  discussion on how to convert the existing Fuseki architecture into WAR
  form.  If you are interested maybe you would like to work on contributing
  towards that effort?
  Also Fuseki already includes much of the configuration, management and
  querying capabilities you are talking about.  Granted right now Fuseki
  can't easily be run in any Java application server because it runs off an
  embedded Jetty but if that issue was addressed this would become possible.
   And equally the built in UI could be a little less basic but none of us
  Jena developers claim to be graphic design or UX experts!
  I'm not an expert on Jena, I only read some tutorials about Jena and its 
  frameworks. Of course the development of such a framework needs much more 
  knowledge than I have. Because of this I suggested the project to the Jena 
  community, because I don't want to start a long learning period if the 
  framework is useless or not needed for the community or already exists 
  something similar.
  Like all technologies, the more user-friendly user interface, the most 
  success in the adoption of the technology. Some companies if they 
  appreciate a long learning period of a framework, the framework is 
  I could deduce from the tutorials of fuseki an so on, that most of the 
  configuration is done by file configuration. The idea of my project, it's 
  that you just download the war file, you deploy it, and all the 
  configuration and management is done using a very helpful and user-friendly 
  interface. Addition of modules, database configuration and administration, 
  and so on.
  I think, that any developer prefer a tool, self explanatory with small time 
  to learn how it works.
  Maybe such a framework could be developed using fuseki code or other Jena 
  frameworks as a base framework or starting framework.
  The platform I propose, it allows to manage plug-ins graphically, like 
  Eclipse, for example. And a plug-in could have it's own web interface to 
  configure or use it. I think that those functionality it's not possible by 
  now using fuseki.
  For example, is there any framework that allows to manage ontologies 
  graphically and integrated into Jena? Sometimes I think it's very useful 
  that a plug-in has a web interface, like the case I mentioned before, and 
  integrated into a well defined platform.
  What do you think about all this??
  I consider that it has to be designed in a modular way, and the addition

Re: Strange behaviour of XMLLiterals in RDF/XML

2012-06-25 Thread Andy Seaborne

On 25/06/12 14:05, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:

Thanks, I didn't realize XMLLiterals have to be canonical.

You don't mean XMLLiterals are going away, do you?
Escaped XML would cut off all XML processing tools (I heavily use XSLT
on RDF/XML, for example).

Not going way.

They have a special status in that their lexical form is changed by the 
RDF/XML parser to be canonical, they don't behave like normal datatypes.

The RDF/XML behaviour will remain but, for example, Turtle parsers will 
not be required to canonicalize.

RESOLVED: in RDF 1.1: [a] XMLLiterals are optional; [b] lexical space 
consists of well-formed XML fragments; [c] the canonical lexical form is, as defined in RDF 2004; [d] the 
value space consists of (normalized) DOM trees.




On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 2:43 PM, Damian Steer wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 25/06/12 13:34, Andy Seaborne wrote:

The best RDF-WG is going to do is make XMLLiteral less mandatory.

'Less mandatory'? :-)

I was writing a similar reply as this came in. It's horrible trying to
explain it, and it will be nice not to have to do that post-rdf 1.1.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Planning for a new framework for Jena

2012-06-25 Thread Martynas Jusevičius

Graphity also allows defining XHTML templates, so the layout and
functionallity is fully customizable. You can include all the
libraries you want, but the platform doesn't deal with client-side
much -- is just one of the possible layouts.

Do you mean If I get the concept right, you will
end up doing the same thing -- writing templates, only in ZK custom
template language instead of standard XSLT, and probably some provider
Java code?


On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 9:16 PM, Joan Iglesias wrote:

 Hello Martynas

 I think it's not exactly what I had in mind. On your site I could see a group 
 of Semantic web sites accessible from your portal, and this portal generates 
 a basic user interface, automatically I suppose. I suppose it's very easy to 
 add new sites or repositories, and your platform generates a basic 
 view-controller for the site, or allows the user to define their own 
 view-controller. Correct me if I'm wrong, please.

 My idea is that my framework allows the addition of other plug-ins to manage 
 a single site, the complexities of a single site or repository and help the 
 programmer or admin to manage the Jena capabilities and associated plug-ins 
 graphically. Of course it could be linked with other sites or repositories.

 I thought in having a very dynamic and ajax based VIEW, for example using the 
 ZK framework.

 Because around java there a lot of framework and utilities [the most I 
 think], the core technology has to be Java based.

 Thank you for your answer.

 Best regards


 Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 20:26:18 +0200
 Subject: Re: Planning for a new framework for Jena


 could Graphity approach be similar to what you have in mind?

 You can see what kind of UI it can render on


 On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 7:57 PM, Joan Iglesias 
  Hello Rob
  Commends inline also.
  Subject: Re: Planning for a new framework for Jena
  Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 17:01:30 +
  Hi Joan
  Comments inline:
  On 6/25/12 9:30 AM, Joan Iglesias wrote:
  Dear all
  I'm new at this list, but I would like to purpose the building of a new
  framework for Jena.
  I'll be in charge of the design and programming of this new framework,
  but new ideas or collaborations with other developers are welcome.
  The project is a java web platform for configuring, managing and queering
  the Jena framework from any web browser. That framework will allow the
  users to save time in the configuration time,  initial contact and
  database administration of Jena framework. It could be .war for any
  application server with the appropriate configuration files.
  Please take a look at JENA-201
  ( which contains a
  discussion on how to convert the existing Fuseki architecture into WAR
  form.  If you are interested maybe you would like to work on contributing
  towards that effort?
  Also Fuseki already includes much of the configuration, management and
  querying capabilities you are talking about.  Granted right now Fuseki
  can't easily be run in any Java application server because it runs off an
  embedded Jetty but if that issue was addressed this would become possible.
   And equally the built in UI could be a little less basic but none of us
  Jena developers claim to be graphic design or UX experts!
  I'm not an expert on Jena, I only read some tutorials about Jena and its 
  frameworks. Of course the development of such a framework needs much more 
  knowledge than I have. Because of this I suggested the project to the Jena 
  community, because I don't want to start a long learning period if the 
  framework is useless or not needed for the community or already exists 
  something similar.
  Like all technologies, the more user-friendly user interface, the most 
  success in the adoption of the technology. Some companies if they 
  appreciate a long learning period of a framework, the framework is 
  I could deduce from the tutorials of fuseki an so on, that most of the 
  configuration is done by file configuration. The idea of my project, it's 
  that you just download the war file, you deploy it, and all the 
  configuration and management is done using a very helpful and 
  user-friendly interface. Addition of modules, database configuration and 
  administration, and so on.
  I think, that any developer prefer a tool, self explanatory with small 
  time to learn how it works.
  Maybe such a framework could be developed using fuseki code or other Jena 
  frameworks as a base framework or starting framework.
  The platform I propose, it allows to manage plug-ins 

RE: Planning for a new framework for Jena

2012-06-25 Thread Joan Iglesias


Ok I see. But your platform allows the possibility of adding plug-ins in a 
Eclipse way? Just specifying the url of the provider?

If I understood well, if I use your platform I could define something similar 
to what I wanted to do. I suppose that for each plug-in I have to make a king 
of package, with my php code for controllers, XSLT, and so on... I'm right? How 
easy is to define a plug-in for your platform?

Yes you are right, it's not standard technology ZKOSS, but its presentation 
layer it's very dynamic and powerful.

Maybe it could be a good starting point to start defining jena plug-ins for 
your platform. But your platform should allow the user the installation in one 
click fashion, and the customization of the plug-in using web interface. It 
could be possible?

Nowadays, I think it's not enough XHTML. For some functionality, it's needed 
more dynamic contents generation. Maybe your platform could allow the 
definition of the view with dojotoolkit?

ZK and other frameworks I have in mind could allow to define a very dynamic 
view generation, and that also means that more types of plug-ins and utilities 
can e developed. XHTML in some cases can be limited.

Best regards


 Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 21:41:19 +0200
 Subject: Re: Planning for a new framework for Jena
 Graphity also allows defining XHTML templates, so the layout and
 functionallity is fully customizable. You can include all the
 libraries you want, but the platform doesn't deal with client-side
 much -- is just one of the possible layouts.
 Do you mean If I get the concept right, you will
 end up doing the same thing -- writing templates, only in ZK custom
 template language instead of standard XSLT, and probably some provider
 Java code?
 On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 9:16 PM, Joan Iglesias wrote:
  Hello Martynas
  I think it's not exactly what I had in mind. On your site I could see a 
  group of Semantic web sites accessible from your portal, and this portal 
  generates a basic user interface, automatically I suppose. I suppose it's 
  very easy to add new sites or repositories, and your platform generates a 
  basic view-controller for the site, or allows the user to define their own 
  view-controller. Correct me if I'm wrong, please.
  My idea is that my framework allows the addition of other plug-ins to 
  manage a single site, the complexities of a single site or repository and 
  help the programmer or admin to manage the Jena capabilities and associated 
  plug-ins graphically. Of course it could be linked with other sites or 
  I thought in having a very dynamic and ajax based VIEW, for example using 
  the ZK framework.
  Because around java there a lot of framework and utilities [the most I 
  think], the core technology has to be Java based.
  Thank you for your answer.
  Best regards
  Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 20:26:18 +0200
  Subject: Re: Planning for a new framework for Jena
  could Graphity approach be similar to what you have in mind?
  You can see what kind of UI it can render on
  On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 7:57 PM, Joan Iglesias 
   Hello Rob
   Commends inline also.
   Subject: Re: Planning for a new framework for Jena
   Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 17:01:30 +
   Hi Joan
   Comments inline:
   On 6/25/12 9:30 AM, Joan Iglesias wrote:
   Dear all
   I'm new at this list, but I would like to purpose the building of a new
   framework for Jena.
   I'll be in charge of the design and programming of this new framework,
   but new ideas or collaborations with other developers are welcome.
   The project is a java web platform for configuring, managing and 
   the Jena framework from any web browser. That framework will allow the
   users to save time in the configuration time,  initial contact and
   database administration of Jena framework. It could be .war for any
   application server with the appropriate configuration files.
   Please take a look at JENA-201
   ( which contains a
   discussion on how to convert the existing Fuseki architecture into WAR
   form.  If you are interested maybe you would like to work on 
   towards that effort?
   Also Fuseki already includes much of the configuration, management and
   querying capabilities you are talking about.  Granted right now Fuseki
   can't easily be run in any Java application server because it runs off 
   embedded Jetty but if that issue was 

RE: Planning for a new framework for Jena

2012-06-25 Thread Joan Iglesias

I've been reading your article more accurately. It seems very interesting your 
platform and I could see there will be a Java port.

What about the other questions? The one click installation of plug-ins in a 
Eclipse way for example

Thank you


 Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 00:09:44 +0200
 Subject: Re: Planning for a new framework for Jena
 you could try ZKOSS also, I wouldn't mind using widgets to increase
 productivity, but I think you'll have difficulties connecting the RDF
 code to them in a generic way. And if not, you will be building a
 tool, not a platform.
 Graphity does not include non-generic code. is just one
 instance running/extending the platform, the codebases are separate.
 There I use Google Chart Tools (,
 for example:
 On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 10:22 PM, Joan Iglesias 
  Ok I see. But your platform allows the possibility of adding plug-ins in a 
  Eclipse way? Just specifying the url of the provider?
  If I understood well, if I use your platform I could define something 
  similar to what I wanted to do. I suppose that for each plug-in I have to 
  make a king of package, with my php code for controllers, XSLT, and so 
  on... I'm right? How easy is to define a plug-in for your platform?
  Yes you are right, it's not standard technology ZKOSS, but its presentation 
  layer it's very dynamic and powerful.
  Maybe it could be a good starting point to start defining jena plug-ins for 
  your platform. But your platform should allow the user the installation in 
  one click fashion, and the customization of the plug-in using web 
  interface. It could be possible?
  Nowadays, I think it's not enough XHTML. For some functionality, it's 
  needed more dynamic contents generation. Maybe your platform could allow 
  the definition of the view with dojotoolkit?
  ZK and other frameworks I have in mind could allow to define a very dynamic 
  view generation, and that also means that more types of plug-ins and 
  utilities can e developed. XHTML in some cases can be limited.
  Best regards
  Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 21:41:19 +0200
  Subject: Re: Planning for a new framework for Jena
  Graphity also allows defining XHTML templates, so the layout and
  functionallity is fully customizable. You can include all the
  libraries you want, but the platform doesn't deal with client-side
  much -- is just one of the possible layouts.
  Do you mean If I get the concept right, you will
  end up doing the same thing -- writing templates, only in ZK custom
  template language instead of standard XSLT, and probably some provider
  Java code?
  On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 9:16 PM, Joan Iglesias 
   Hello Martynas
   I think it's not exactly what I had in mind. On your site I could see a 
   group of Semantic web sites accessible from your portal, and this portal 
   generates a basic user interface, automatically I suppose. I suppose 
   it's very easy to add new sites or repositories, and your platform 
   generates a basic view-controller for the site, or allows the user to 
   define their own view-controller. Correct me if I'm wrong, please.
   My idea is that my framework allows the addition of other plug-ins to 
   manage a single site, the complexities of a single site or repository 
   and help the programmer or admin to manage the Jena capabilities and 
   associated plug-ins graphically. Of course it could be linked with other 
   sites or repositories.
   I thought in having a very dynamic and ajax based VIEW, for example 
   using the ZK framework.
   Because around java there a lot of framework and utilities [the most I 
   think], the core technology has to be Java based.
   Thank you for your answer.
   Best regards
   Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 20:26:18 +0200
   Subject: Re: Planning for a new framework for Jena
   could Graphity approach be similar to what you have in mind?
   You can see what kind of UI it can render on
   On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 7:57 PM, Joan Iglesias 
Hello Rob
Commends inline also.
Subject: Re: Planning for a new framework for Jena
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 17:01:30 +
Hi Joan
Comments inline:
On 6/25/12 9:30 AM, Joan Iglesias wrote:

Dear all

Can SDB 1.3.4 be used with Jena 2.7.1?

2012-06-25 Thread Holger Knublauch
We are now starting the process of upgrading our platform to the latest 
Jena version(s). I noticed that SDB has not been released yet as an 
Apache module. Question: is it safe to use SDB 1.3.4 in conjunction with 
Jena 2.7.1?

Apologies if this has been asked before.


Re: Reading JSON from Virtuoso OpenSource output

2012-06-25 Thread Rob Vesse
Hi Lorena

JenaReaderRdfJson is for reading a JSON serialization of RDF.   The
serialization you are trying to read is the JSON serialization of SPARQL
Results which is completely different.

I notice you say that you use a CONSTRUCT query but the results you show
are the SPARQL Results JSON format which should only be used for
ASK/SELECT queries.  If Virtuoso is replying with that to your CONSTRUCT
query then they are behaving incorrectly and you should report a bug to

If you genuinely expect SPARQL results instead then use
ResultSetFactory.fromJSON() which will give you a ResultSet object.


On 6/25/12 3:14 PM, lorena wrote:


I'm trying to process the results of performing a CONSTRUCT query on
Virtuoso using apache-jena-2.7.0-incubating
[1] shows the JSON String I would like to read (schemaStr).

Here is an extract of my code:

Model modelSchema = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
RDFReader schemaReader = new JenaReaderRdfJson() ;

StringReader s = new StringReader(schemaStr);, s, );

And I receive the following exception caused in the line that executes
the read:

com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.JenaException: org.openjena.riot.RiotException:
[line: 2, col: 3 ] Relative IRI: head

It seems to have trouble reading the head section.
My questions:
Is Virtuoso JSON output compatible with what JenaReaderRdfJson expects to
Am I missing something else?
I'm using the empty string () as base URI in the read method, but I
don't understand what is the read method expecting in this field.

Thanks in advance

{ head: { link: [], vars: [ s, p, o ] },
  results: { distinct: false, ordered: true, bindings: [
{ s: { type : uri, value : _:vb43419 }   , p: { type :
uri, value :; } , o:
{ type : uri, value :; }},
{ s: { type : uri, value : _:vb43418 }   , p: { type :
uri, value :; }, o: { type :
uri, value :; }},
{ s: { type : uri, value :; }, p: {
type : uri, value :;
}  , o: { type : uri, value : _:vb43418 }},
{ s: { type : uri, value :; }, p: {
type : uri, value :;
}  , o: { type : uri, value : _:vb43419 }},
{ s: { type : uri, value : _:vb43419 }   , p: { type :
uri, value :; }  , o: {
type : uri, value :;
{ s: { type : uri, value :; } , p: { type :
uri, value :; }   ,
o: { type : uri, value :; }} ] } }

Re: Can SDB 1.3.4 be used with Jena 2.7.1?

2012-06-25 Thread Martynas Jusevičius

does that also mean a new release of SPIN API which will be packaged
with the latest Jena?


On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 1:33 AM, Holger Knublauch wrote:
 We are now starting the process of upgrading our platform to the latest Jena
 version(s). I noticed that SDB has not been released yet as an Apache
 module. Question: is it safe to use SDB 1.3.4 in conjunction with Jena

 Apologies if this has been asked before.


Re: Can SDB 1.3.4 be used with Jena 2.7.1?

2012-06-25 Thread Holger Knublauch

Yes this is my hope, assuming SDB still works for us.


On 6/26/2012 9:46, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:


does that also mean a new release of SPIN API which will be packaged
with the latest Jena?


On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 1:33 AM, Holger Knublauch wrote:

We are now starting the process of upgrading our platform to the latest Jena
version(s). I noticed that SDB has not been released yet as an Apache
module. Question: is it safe to use SDB 1.3.4 in conjunction with Jena

Apologies if this has been asked before.


Re: Want to run SPARQL Query with Hadoop Map Reduce Framework

2012-06-25 Thread Md. Mizanur Rahoman
Hi Paolo,

Thanks for your reply.

Right now I am only using DBPedia, Geoname and NYTimes for LOD cloud. And
later on I want to extend my dataset.

By the way, yes, I can use sparql directly to collect my required
statistics but my assumption is using Hadoop could give me some boosting in
collecting those stat.

I will knock you after going through your links.

Md Mizanur

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 12:50 AM, Paolo Castagna wrote:

 Hi Mizanur,
 when you have big RDF datasets, it might make sense to use MapReduce (but
 only if you already have an Hadoop cluster at hand. Is this your case?).
 You say that your data is 'huge', just for the sake of curiosity... how
 many triples/quads is 'huge'? ;-)
 Most of the use cases I've seen related to statistics on RDF datasets were
 trivial MapReduce jobs.

 For a couple of examples on using MapReduce with RDF datasets have a look

 This, for example, is certainly not exactly what you need, but I am sure
 that with little changes you can get what you want:

 Last but not least, you'll need to dump your RDF data out onto HDFS.
 I suggest you use N-Triples/N-Quads serialization formats.

 Running SPARQL queries on top of an Hadoop cluster is another (long and
 not easy) story.
 But, it might be possible to translate part of the SPARQL algebra into Pig
 Latin scripts and use Pig.
 In my opinion however, it makes more sense to use MapReduce to
 filter/slice massive datasets, load the result into a triple store and
 refine your data analysis using SPARQL there.

 My 2 cents,

 Md. Mizanur Rahoman wrote:
  Dear All,
  I want to collect some statistics over RDF data. My triple store is
  Virtuoso and I am using Jena for executing my query.  I want to get some
  statistics like
  i) how many resources in my dataset ii) resources belong to in which
  position of dataset (i.e., sub/prd/obj) etc. As my data is huge, I want
  use Hadoop Map Reduce in calculating such statistics.
  Can you please suggest.


*Md Mizanur Rahoman*
PhD Student
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
National Institute of Informatics
2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 101-8430, Japan.
Cell # +81-80-4076-9044

Lecturer, Department of Computer Science  Engineering
Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, Bangladesh.
Cell # +88 01823 806618