Re: Network install options?

2024-06-02 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 01.06.2024 um 20:29 schrieb Jonathan Billings :
> If you can just point at an ISO, use the Everything boot.iso

Why do you think this is advantageous?

In general, this is bad advice for an installation of Fedora Server Edition.  
The interface for storage and network configuration is the same, but the server 
installation medium provides special default values "under the hood". 

And for a server installation Everthing offers no advantages, only 

Peter Boy

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Re: RAID options during install?

2024-06-02 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 01.06.2024 um 21:33 schrieb Alex :
> ...
> Thanks so much for your help. A few general questions:
> - Can (should?) I put /boot/efi on RAID5? It lets me choose the option, but 
> then complains and wants it on RAID1. Does it set up RAID1 with a failover?

You definitely have to use RAID 1. When the disk is first read in the boot 
process, there is no mdm available to put the pieces of the raid5 disks 
together. It is just reading the file system from the first available single 

Later in the boot process it gets mounted at /boot/efi and just then the raid 
software is available. 

> - I screwed up the first time and had to switch to the console on ALT-2 and 
> use dd to overwrite the MBR because the third disk wasn't recognized. In the 
> past, this would crash the installer, so I'm glad to see that's fixed, but it 
> would be nice if all disks were recognized or the existing disk layout was 
> ignored.

OK, I think that’s worth a bug report against Anaconda! Unfortunately I don’t 
have a 3 disk test equipment here at the moment. 

Would be helpful to know it someone can reproduce the issue or is it specific 
to a special property of the hardware you are using. I suppose, the disk are 
used and already had some data on it. Ist there something special? E.g. had 
they different partitioning schemes? 

> - Both times I tried to install, the systemd-resolved daemon wouldn't resolve 
> hostnames, as the "software selection" menu could not identify a local 
> mirror. I had to remove the /etc/resolv.conf symlink and create it using 

Obviously you didn’t used the distributed installation media to boot the 
server. How did you create the boot medium?

Peter Boy

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Re: RAID options during install?

2024-06-01 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 01.06.2024 um 07:20 schrieb Peter Boy :
> ...
> Additionally, I can send you my original documentation that I wrote for 
> Hetzner (for F33, but it basically didn’t change much) by e-mail if you like. 

Or you may download it from

Peter Boy

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Re: RAID options during install?

2024-05-31 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 01.06.2024 um 04:12 schrieb Alex :
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install fedora40 server on a server with 3x4TB disks and I 
> don't understand how the RAID options work. I'm familiar with RAID and how it 
> works, but it's been quite some time since I've used the fedora installer, 
> and it appears to have changed.
> How do I create a RAID5 array from the three disks? It appears like it's not 
> possible to create the three partitions on each device separately? 

We have some documentation about RAID installation.

- Fedora Server Installation Guide

- Fedora Server interactive local installation -> Raid configuration

- Fedora on Rented Server – The Example of Hetzner Data Center

Unfortunately due to a technical issue I lost most of the text parts in the 
latter. But the remaining screenshots may offer enough guidance. Additionally, 
I can send you my original documentation that I wrote for Hetzner (for F33, but 
it basically didn’t change much) by e-mail if you like. 

Basically You use the „Destination“ step in the GUI and select all 3 disks. 
Then you have 2 options:

Select custom installation

Here you don’t work with partitioning but with mount points and file systems. 
Anaconda does the partitioning for you. E.g. you add a root file system on a 
LVM logical volume and select RAID 3 as basis. Anaconda creates the three 
partition and the raid, creates the Volume Group and the logical volume.

You can find a detailed description of the work steps in
Issue #89 Software Raid on a UEFI system using GPT partitioning scheme
Issue #87 Software Raid on a BiosBoot system using GPT partitioning scheme

This option is quite comfortable. One disadvantage is that Anaconda mixes up 
the order of the partitions on the disk during installation.  Everything works, 
but this may make it difficult to adjust the partitioning later.

Select Advanced custom (blivet GUI)

Here you do the partitioning, creation of Raid, creation of LVM VG and creation 
of LVs in a GUI all by yourself. It is quite low level and you have to do every 
single step.

My Hetzner documentation describes this path. The advantage is that you can 
define the partitioning exactly, but it is quite detailed and quite tedious.

> I'd also like to create a 3GB swap partition on each disk, but it also 
> appears to not be possible with this installer?

With both method you can add a swap partion. In Custom you find swap as a 
„special mount point“. In Advanced custom you can add a partition or logical 
volume and „format“ it as swap.

But mind you, in these days and the default memory equipment, a swap partition 
is no longer necessary nor useful in most cases.  

Peter Boy

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Re: can I clone from a usb flash drive to an NVMe drive?

2024-04-29 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 30.04.2024 um 02:27 schrieb ToddAndMargo via users 
> :
> Hi All,
> I am making up a USB flash from of Fedroa 40 MATE for
> a customer to play with.
> If he likes it, can I clonezilla clone it over
> to his brand new NVMe drive (gpart it to expand
> the extents)?

What I did several times:

I used the Fedora installation routine with an USB stick or an USB attached 
portable NVMe drive as installation target. So I could boot the machine from 
USB leaving the internal disk untouched.

I think that is what you mean with „making up a USB flash drive…“

Later I used dd to copy everything to the internal disk and was able to boot. 
Then I used gparted or cfdisk to adjust/enlarge the partitions.

I never used safe boot. That may be a problem.

Peter Boy

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Re: rc.local

2024-04-29 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 29.04.2024 um 19:57 schrieb George R Goffe via users 
> :
> Hi,
> I noticed some time ago that rc.local became a service. I'm just getting 
> around to address this issue but am having trouble getting my fedora 41 
> system to "notice" my efforts.
> Can someone post what they're doing to implement this new way of doing 
> things, please?
> Best regards,
> George...
> --

We use it to autostart nspawn containers at system boot, after the system 
project disabled the systemctl enable option for nspawn container. 

(Re-)activation of rc.local
  edit  --
[…]# vim /etc/rc.d/rc.local# create and edit file

systemctl start systemd-nspawn@CONTAINER_NAME

[[   wq ]]

[…]# chmod ug+x /etc/rc.d/rc.local  # adjust permissions of created file

[…]#  Just in case you depend on a specific network service 
[…]# mkdir /etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service.d/
[…]# vim /etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service.d/network.conf  
# /etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service.d/network.conf

[[   wq ]]

[…]# /usr/lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-rc-local-generator  # execute

Each time you modify /etc/rc.d/rc.local you must rerun 

Issue with F 36/37: When called, the message: "This program takes one or three 
arguments." is displayed. The parameter "-h" causes the output of an error 
message, e.g. that rc.local is not executable.

A "man systemd-rc-local-generator" does not mention anything about required 
parameters, a "systemd-rc-local-generator --help" gives a lot of options and 
shows "file ..." as a parameter, but no explanation of which files.

It works nevertheless. 

Peter Boy

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Re: Fedora 40 is available

2024-04-24 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 25.04.2024 um 04:48 schrieb Jeffrey Walton :
> It looks like Fedora 40 just dropped! Upgrade instructions at 
> <>.
> RPMFushion folks should wait about a month before upgrading. There always 
> seems to be a lot of video problems after a new release while RPMFusion is 
> rebuilding their packages.
> Jeff
> --

Updated Quick Docs to release 40. So the text should show the correct release 
numbers soon.

Peter Boy

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Re: libvirtd.service start

2024-03-21 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 21.03.2024 um 21:51 schrieb Samuel Sieb :
> On 3/21/24 12:20, Robert McBroom via users wrote:
>> On 3/20/24 10:32 AM, Jerry James wrote:
>>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 7:49 AM Robert McBroom via users
>>>   wrote:
>>>> Recently libvirtd.service is not starting on boot. I have to manually
>>>> start it with systemctl start libvirtd.
>>>> Do I need to put that command in a startup script?
>>> libvirtd.service is socket activated, so it should run automatically
>>> when needed.  Does something not work if you don't start it manually?
>> virt- manager starts but says it cannot connect to anything. I have six 
>> virtual machines I use for various purposes.
>> systemctl status libvirtd
>> shows disabled and dead. After starting it manually all machines are present.
>> Status then shows
>> systemctl status libvirtd
>> ●libvirtd.service - libvirt legacy monolithic daemon
>> Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/libvirtd.service; enabled; 
>> preset: disabled)
>> Thought
>> systemctl enable libvirtd
>> would change the preset notation but it didn't
> It doesn't.  That's the system preset.  "enable" only changes the first 
> enabled/disable option, but that overrides the preset, so it should be 
> starting at boot if you've rebooted since changing that setting.
> You can use "journalctl -b -u libvirtd" to find out what has happened.

As you noticed:

> systemctl status libvirtd 
> ● libvirtd.service - libvirt legacy monolithic daemon 

Fedora uses the current modularized version 


Peter Boy

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Re: libvirtd.service start

2024-03-20 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 20.03.2024 um 14:49 schrieb Robert McBroom via users 
> :
> Recently libvirtd.service is not starting on boot. I have to manually start 
> it with systemctl start libvirtd.

You may have a look at 

Peter Boy

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Re: javaws - icedteaweb issues trying to start app

2024-02-07 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 07.02.2024 um 21:29 schrieb Terry Polzin :
> Trying to access the java based GUI on an old brocade fiber switch. Can 
> anyone help? Fedora 39.
> javaws "http:///switchExplorer.html"
> selected jre: /usr/lib/jvm/jre-17-openjdk
> WARNING: package sun.applet not in java.desktop
> WARNING: package not in java.base
> WARNING: package javax.jnlp not in java.desktop
> WARNING: A terminally deprecated method in java.lang.System has been called
> WARNING: System::setSecurityManager has been called by 
> net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.JNLPRuntime
> WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of 
> net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.JNLPRuntime
> WARNING: System::setSecurityManager will be removed in a future release
> Unable to use Firefox's proxy settings. Using "DIRECT" as proxy type.
> netx: Read Error: Could not read or parse the JNLP file. (Root element is not 
> a jnlp element.)
> --

It looks to me like you should try an older JRE first. The oldest version 
available in Fedora is java-1.8.0-openjdk. If I remember correctly it includes 
the old sun classes. With version 11, Oracle has started to actually remove 
some classes that have long been obsolete.

If this helps, but there are still problems with SecurityManager, this may be 
due to the "special" configuration that Oracle chose for the free version. Then 
perhaps switching to Azul's JDK could help. I can't tell exactly from the 

Peter Boy

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Re: Modern Dual-Boot Setup Prcoedure (Dell XPS)

2023-12-07 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 07.12.2023 um 22:39 schrieb Tim Evans :
> Closing the loop on this. Thanks to everyone who replied.  This turned out to 
> be fairly simple, and everyone who replied had something good to add.

Hi Tim and all participants here,

This thread is a permanent and recurring topic. Wouldn't it be useful and 
beneficial to transfer this discussion and your summary into a "Quick Docs" 
document ( Then it would be 
easier for Fedora users to find and easier to upgrade to the next Fedora 

Could you imagine doing this or working on it together with me? 

(It’s easy using the pagure web based editor)

Peter Boy

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Re: How to get rid of current color selection in terminal?

2023-11-23 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 23.11.2023 um 10:51 schrieb Samuel Sieb :
> On 11/23/23 01:48, Peter Boy wrote:
>> The current selection of color in Server ASCII terminal (not in Gnome 
>> terminal) and the choice of the prompt including the complete current path 
>> is quite awful for people who are dependent on glasses due to eye sight 
>> problems, for example.
>> How can I switch back to the F38 of better F36 configuration? Or at least 
>> switch off the colors? All I found on the internet doesn’t work in Fedora.
> Looks like you can remove the "bash-color-prompt" package.

Thanks a lot!!!

It really helped me. There is a lot of information how to adopt the color and 
prompt details or switch it off. 

Well, I should have remembered that myself. 

Peter Boy

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How to get rid of current color selection in terminal?

2023-11-23 Thread Peter Boy
The current selection of color in Server ASCII terminal (not in Gnome terminal) 
and the choice of the prompt including the complete current path is quite awful 
for people who are dependent on glasses due to eye sight problems, for example. 

How can I switch back to the F38 of better F36 configuration? Or at least 
switch off the colors? All I found on the internet doesn’t work in Fedora. 

Peter Boy

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Re: adding static routes on fc38

2023-11-16 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 16.11.2023 um 22:06 schrieb Alex :
> Hi,
> I have a fedora38 server that's been updated to new versions many times over 
> the years. It seems now I'm having a problem with the static route I created 
> many years ago no longer being supported. I knew this was coming, but I'm 
> unfamiliar with the new methods. I'm using the old network-tools method, not 
> NM or even nmcli.
> It clearly doesn't understand my current config:
> Nov 16 15:25:52 mail03 network[1123]: Bringing up interface enp0s31f6:
> Nov 16 15:25:52 mail03 network[1313]: INFO  : [ipv6_wait_tentative] 
> Waiting for interface enp0s31f6 IPv6 address(es) to leave the 'tentative' 
> state
> Nov 16 15:25:52 mail03 ipv6_wait_tentative: Waiting for interface enp0s31f6 
> IPv6 address(es) to leave the 'tentative' state
> Nov 16 15:25:53 mail03 network[1313]: INFO  : [ipv6_wait_tentative] 
> Waiting for interface enp0s31f6 IPv6 address(es) to leave the 'tentative' 
> state
> Nov 16 15:25:53 mail03 ipv6_wait_tentative: Waiting for interface enp0s31f6 
> IPv6 address(es) to leave the 'tentative' state
> Nov 16 15:25:54 mail03 network[1370]: Error: either "to" is duplicate, or 
> "gw" is a garbage.
> Nov 16 15:25:54 mail03 network[1368]: WARN  : 
> [/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-routes] Failed to add route 
> gw dev enp0s31f6, using ip route replace instead.
> Nov 16 15:25:54 mail03 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-routes: Failed to 
> add route gw dev enp0s31f6, using ip route 
> replace instead.
> Nov 16 15:25:54 mail03 network[1372]: Error: either "to" is duplicate, or 
> "gw" is a garbage.
> Nov 16 15:25:54 mail03 NET[1386]: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-post : 
> updated /etc/resolv.conf
> Nov 16 15:25:54 mail03 network[1123]: [  OK  ]
> In /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-enp0s31f6 I have the following:
> gw dev enp0s31f6
> In /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s31f6 I have the following (my 
> domain sanitized):
> # cat ifcfg-enp0s31f6|grep -Ev '^$|^#'
> HWADDR=4c:ed:fb:bb:47:93
> BOOTPROTO=static
> DEVICE=enp0s31f6
> TYPE=Ethernet
> ONBOOT=yes
> DNS1=
> ZONE=FedoraServer
> I'm also still using iptables, not firewalls or ipfw.
> Ideas on how to "upgrade" my server would be greatly appreciated.

The first step you should do is to migrate the /etc/sysconfig/network-script to 
the NetworkManager standard configuration in /etc/NetworkManager. The 
/etc/sysconfig-method got deprecated some times ago and iwas withdrawn with F37 
or so (don’t remember the exact release, it feels like it was s long ago). 
The network guys provided a nice migration tool which does all the work. Search 
the Fedora Magazine, there was an informative article about the migration 
process. (Just found it: 
The migration tool migrates the static routes, too.

In case of difficulties, feel free to ask. Maybe on our Fedora Server mailing 

Peter Boy

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Re: Is AnyDesk any good?

2023-11-08 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 08.11.2023 um 13:57 schrieb ToddAndMargo via users 
> :
> So anyway, before I start demoing Any Desk, I
> though I'd ask you guys what you used for
> remote support.

We used Teamviewer for a long time, but since some years the free version got 
more and more unusable. So we switched to AnyDesk. It works find, but compared 
to Teamviewer it is a bit complicated to use it in unattended mode (start the 
software and leave the system alone so the supporter can work any time later 
without the need for local intervention). It should be possible with AnyDesk, 
too. But we didn’t get it work flawlessly. I will not blame AnyDesk, maybe I 
was not patient enough.

> I use the open-source rustdesk now.  I even use my own server for it, but at 
> this point, that requires the client to change that setting.

Interesting, didn’t know that and will check it out. Does your rustdesk server 
is running on Fedora?

Peter Boy

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Re: screwed up fonts or something

2023-11-08 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 09.11.2023 um 02:46 schrieb ToddAndMargo via users 
> :
> Hi All,
> Fedora 38
> Getting ready to upgrade my main computer to FC39, I did hte following 
> commands
> # rpm --rebuilddb
> # rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
> # dnf --enablerepo=* update --refresh
> # reboot   and repeat the above update until no updates registered
> # dnf autoremove

Where in the Docs you found you should do that? Specifically  -—enablerepo=* ?

Many issues will not arise if you just use the documented procedures. These are 
tested and work on compliant systems.  

> Okay, now both krusader and smplayer seems to have long
> all their text, except for the first letter and any
> numbers.  Capitol letters seems to come out.
> This is krusader:
> How in the world do I fix this?

Install from scratch and stick to the procedures as documented. Alternatively 
it may help to install the defective progs, reboot and try to re-install.

Peter Boy <>

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Re: Upgrade to F39: Disk Requirements: At least 5633 MB more space needed on the / filesystem.

2023-11-07 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 07.11.2023 um 17:59 schrieb Paul Smith :
> On Tue, Nov 7, 2023 at 4:57 PM Peter Boy  wrote:
>>>> While running
>>>> dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=39
>>>> to upgrade Fedora, I get the following error:
>>>> Error Summary -
>>>> Disk Requirements: At least 5633 MB more space needed on the / filesystem.
>>>> Could you please help me?
>>> Maybe I can delete something from the following, to free up space?
>>> # dir /boot
>>> config-6.5.8-200.fc38.x86_64
>>> config-6.5.9-200.fc38.x86_64
>>> efi
>>> extlinux
>>> grub2
>>> initramfs-0-rescue-5cbe81aa795444b29a47ec1bf2b6dca1.img
>>> initramfs-5.14.9-200.fc34.x86_64.img
>>> initramfs-5.8.11-200.fc32.x86_64.img
>>> initramfs-6.5.8-200.fc38.x86_64.img
>>> initramfs-6.5.9-200.fc38.x86_64.img
>>> loader
>>> lost+found
>>> memtest86+x64.bin
>>> symvers-6.5.8-200.fc38.x86_64.xz
>>> symvers-6.5.9-200.fc38.x86_64.xz
>>> vmlinuz-0-rescue-5cbe81aa795444b29a47ec1bf2b6dca1
>>> vmlinuz-6.5.8-200.fc38.x86_64
>>> vmlinuz-6.5.9-200.fc38.x86_64
>>> #
>>> Paul
>> That may not help a lot. You need more space in /
>> I guess, we need more information, e.g. the output of  "df -h“, which 
>> Edition at least.
> Thanks, Peter:
> # df -h
> Filesystem   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> devtmpfs 4.0M 0  4.0M   0% /dev
> tmpfs 16G  194M   16G   2% /dev/shm
> tmpfs6.3G  1.7M  6.3G   1% /run
> /dev/mapper/fedora_localhost--live-root   69G   68G 0 100% /
> tmpfs 16G   36M   16G   1% /tmp
> /dev/sda1974M  280M  627M  31% /boot
> /dev/mapper/fedora_localhost--live-home  794G  397G  357G  53% /home
> /dev/loop0   128K  128K 0 100%
> /var/lib/snapd/snap/bare/5
> /dev/loop256M   56M 0 100%
> /var/lib/snapd/snap/core18/2284
> /dev/loop1   117M  117M 0 100%
> /var/lib/snapd/snap/core/14946
> /dev/loop356M   56M 0 100%
> /var/lib/snapd/snap/core18/2745
> /dev/loop4   165M  165M 0 100%
> /var/lib/snapd/snap/gnome-3-28-1804/161
> /dev/loop5   165M  165M 0 100%
> /var/lib/snapd/snap/gnome-3-28-1804/198
> /dev/loop666M   66M 0 100%
> /var/lib/snapd/snap/gtk-common-themes/1519
> /dev/loop792M   92M 0 100%
> /var/lib/snapd/snap/gtk-common-themes/1535
> /dev/loop8   128K  128K 0 100%
> /var/lib/snapd/snap/hello-world/29
> /dev/loop9   141M  141M 0 100%
> /var/lib/snapd/snap/mathpix-snipping-tool/155
> /dev/loop10  141M  141M 0 100%
> /var/lib/snapd/snap/mathpix-snipping-tool/195
> /dev/loop11   92M   92M 0 100%
> /var/lib/snapd/snap/p3x-onenote/136
> /dev/loop12   81M   81M 0 100%
> /var/lib/snapd/snap/p3x-onenote/154
> /dev/loop13   33M   33M 0 100%
> /var/lib/snapd/snap/snapd/11107
> /dev/loop14   33M   33M 0 100%
> /var/lib/snapd/snap/snapd/12704
> tmpfs3.2G  108K  3.2G   1% /run/user/1000
> #
> ___

I guess, you installed Workstation, but with a slightly different Harddisk 

Your root system is exhausted. That unfortunate.

First thing you should perform a dnf clean all

To delete all downloaded packages so your root filesystem has some space again.

Then use "du -sh *“  in the root directory to finde out, where the most space 
is used, and then check, if you still need all the files.

Peter Boy

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Peter Boy

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Re: Upgrade to F39: Disk Requirements: At least 5633 MB more space needed on the / filesystem.

2023-11-07 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 07.11.2023 um 17:52 schrieb Paul Smith :
> On Tue, Nov 7, 2023 at 4:46 PM Paul Smith  wrote:
>> While running
>> dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=39
>> to upgrade Fedora, I get the following error:
>> Error Summary -
>> Disk Requirements: At least 5633 MB more space needed on the / filesystem.
>> Could you please help me?
> Maybe I can delete something from the following, to free up space?
> # dir /boot
> config-6.5.8-200.fc38.x86_64
> config-6.5.9-200.fc38.x86_64
> efi
> extlinux
> grub2
> initramfs-0-rescue-5cbe81aa795444b29a47ec1bf2b6dca1.img
> initramfs-5.14.9-200.fc34.x86_64.img
> initramfs-5.8.11-200.fc32.x86_64.img
> initramfs-6.5.8-200.fc38.x86_64.img
> initramfs-6.5.9-200.fc38.x86_64.img
> loader
> lost+found
> memtest86+x64.bin
> symvers-6.5.8-200.fc38.x86_64.xz
> symvers-6.5.9-200.fc38.x86_64.xz
> vmlinuz-0-rescue-5cbe81aa795444b29a47ec1bf2b6dca1
> vmlinuz-6.5.8-200.fc38.x86_64
> vmlinuz-6.5.9-200.fc38.x86_64
> #
> Paul

That may not help a lot. You need more space in /

I guess, we need more information, e.g. the output of  "df -h“, which Edition 
at least.

Peter Boy

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Re: Listing a libvirt domain

2023-10-24 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 24.10.2023 um 14:39 schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan :
> I haven't used QEMU/KVM in a long time, and want to back up an existing
> VM to external storage. I can see the domain using virt-manager, but
> when I try to examine it using virt-ls (or other virt-* commands) I'm
> getting an error that the domain doesn't exist.
> In fact, 'virt-ls --all' lists no domains, even the one I'm looking at
> in virt-manager.

$ man virt-ls
   virt-ls - List files in a virtual machine

virt-ls [--options] -d domname directory [directory ...]

virt-ls [--options] -a disk.img [-a disk.img ...] directory [directory 

   Old style:

virt-ls [--options] domname directory

virt-ls [--options] disk.img [disk.img ...] directory


$  virsh list  —all

should be more talkative for you. 

Peter Boy

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Re: Anyone using 5G as their internet access method?

2023-10-06 Thread Peter Boy
Another drawback might be that you can’t access your home server or desktop 
while on the road. You can't configure port sharing or a VPN endpoint like you 
can on your landline router.

> Am 06.10.2023 um 06:58 schrieb Jeffrey Walton :
> On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 11:15 AM stan via users
>  wrote:
>> I recently received an offer from T-mobile to use their 5G network as
>> my main internet access.  It was contingent on a contract for phone
>> with them, but the price and speed for internet was competitive.  Has
>> anyone done this using fedora, or I suppose, any other system?  Horror
>> stories or kudos?  The main drawback I could see was that it was a lot
>> like early cable, where the bandwidth depended on the number of users
>> on your branch. If it was just me, I have the whole pipe, and it would
>> be awesome. Ten others and me, and not so hot as we shared the bandwidth
>> among us.
> I used T-Mobile and a hotspot for internet access while on-prem at a
> customer's site in New York City (Manhattan) back around 2011 to about
> 2012 or 2013. It was a 4G network back then. I used the hotspot to
> avoid using the customer's network, and its Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
> program.
> T-Mobile regularly dropped my data connections when the network got
> bogged down (presumably with voice calls).
> Your internet and data traffic on a 5G connection will likely be a
> second class citizen with no quality of service guarantees. In fact,
> it probably won't even meet 5G standards, which I believe is 20 GB/s
> burst and 1 GB/s download speed. If I recall correctly, there are
> loopholes built into the marketing so carriers can claim they provide
> the standard even though they don't meet the specification. Or that's
> what I found back in the 4G days.
> Jeff
> ___
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Re: monitoring of fed/web severs

2023-10-01 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 01.10.2023 um 01:08 schrieb bruce :
> Hi.
> To all you sys admin -- real or just good!
> I'm doing some thought/research prep to figure out what's required to
> monitor remote (cloud) web servers, and the services running on the
> instance.
> Ie, what apps/services should be used
> -3rd party apps running/pointed to the box
> -what  should be tracked/monitored?
> -are there "recipes" to use to be used as a starting point?
> -things "not" to do  -- things "to" do..
> Good/Better/Best practices...
> Server security processes
> User attacking the server
> Traffic attacking the web Server process..
> Whatever the list has to offer, I'd be interested in seeing/hearing.
> thanks much
> ps. The use case is a couple of test servers, running different
> webSites, with different mysql db. The apps will be php/javascript for
> the most part.
> thanks!!
> ___

As Fedora Server WG we are starting to  pursue a project to use an ARM SBC 
(very low power consumption) to create a dedicated 24/7 monitor appliance. 
Currently, I'm leaning towards OpenNMS ( as 
the monitor software of choice. Icinga might be an alternative. Maybe we can 
cooperate on this. 


Peter Boy

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Re: Creating a ScreenShot HotKey Script

2023-09-16 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 16.09.2023 um 14:12 schrieb Philip Rhoades via users 
> :
> People,
> I want to scroll through doc pages in a script loop doing a screenshot for 
> each page eg the procedure would be:
> 1. Display the first page of the doc you want to screenshot.
> 2. Hit CTRL-PrtScrn (say) to start the script loop.
>   The script does a screenshot of the current screen.
>   The Right Arrow or PageDn key is sent from the script to advance the doc to 
> the next page.
>   The script continues to loop . .
> 3. The script is stopped by CTRL-C (say).
> Is this possible?  Should I be trying to do this from Sway?
> Thanks,
> Phil.

I suppose, a script (bash) won’t work. But most GUIs have a kind of ‚keyboard 
macro recorder‘ which records your keystrokes, enables you to edit it and to 
replay it as often as you like.

But I don’t know anything about Sway.

A question OT (sorry for that)

I found a post by you on regarding installation of Jitsi on Fedora 

Did you made progress with that?

I’m on my way to install Jitsi on Fedora Server using container and write 
documentation about it.

Thanks in advance.


Peter Boy

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Re: GPT Partition

2023-09-16 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 15.09.2023 um 22:20 schrieb John Mellor :
>> ...
> Umm, no.
> Fedora server uses LVM because that's what most people have upgraded from. 

We had an intensive discussion on our working group about the default file 
system. Obviously, I missed you? Or did I just imagine the extensive 
discussion? Have we all just simply updated? 

> ...  It is unclear why Fedora has not moved server installs to BTRFS by 
> default, as the advantages in complexity, training and data reliability are 
> huge. 

Yeah, we are just all too stupid and stubborn, that we could understand all 
your valuable and undoubtedly solely true insights.

A little more expertise wouldn't hurt. And „ipse se nihil scire id unum sciat“ 
[1], even Socrates, 469 to 399 B.C., was more advanced in his cognitive 

[1] Cicero, Academia 1,16, Latin, because of problems with the Greek character 
set here. 
Peter Boy

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Re: GPT Partition

2023-09-16 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 15.09.2023 um 23:11 schrieb Samuel Sieb :
> The advantage btrfs has is that the volumes share the same space.  So you can 
> have / and /home be separate,

Think again, you hopefully recognize the 'contradictio in adiecto' yourself.

> And you can still do a re-install while keeping the files in /home.  

You can do that as long as you have no serious filesystem issue and you don’t 
need to reformat ROOT. But in such a case you can do that with any plain 
filesystem as well. That is no specific advantage of BTRFS at all.

If you have to reformat while installing, all your data in /home are lost as 
well in case of BTRFS subvolumes. But they are not lost in case of  LVM 

BTRFS is perfectly OK for desktop and laptops. Fortunately you don’t need to 
reformat that often, nowadays. But everyone should clearly know what is going 
on. And you should really stop to spread misleading information! This could be 
dangerous for precious data of other users. 

Peter Boy

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Re: GPT Partition

2023-09-16 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 15.09.2023 um 23:05 schrieb Joe Zeff :
> On 09/15/2023 02:20 PM, John Mellor wrote:
>> Fedora desktop uses BTRFS by default for a number of really good reasons.  
>> BTRFS detects bit-rot on the fly.  With mirrored or RAIDed disks it can also 
>> correct that bit-rot on the fly.
> And what advantages does either it or LVM have for a home user with one 
> desktop and one laptop?

Well, the Workstation Edition Working Group discussed that about 1 or 2 years 
ago, I don’t remember the time. I didn’t participate in that discussion. But I 
strongly assume they carefully weighed the technical arguments at hand and then 
came to the decision that for most desktop use cases BTRFS is the better 
solution **overall**. So this became the default configuration. The user can 
decide otherwise during the installation. 

Forget all the detail-obsessed single bogus arguments like "can also correct 
the bit-red on the fly".  In the end, this is a highly complex technical 
consideration and each solution has its advantages and disadvantages. 

Fedora is known for its high technical quality and for ensuring secure usage 
already in the default configuration. From the technical side, it is therefore 
generally best to use the default configuration! 

From the *practical* side, perhaps it would be worth considering whether your 
use case is the usual and common case - 6-16 GB RAM, 500GB - 1TB disk, regular 
(hourly) backup, etc. And in case of emergency, you are the only one affected, 
not hundreds of other users at the same time. With the workstation default 
configuration, you give up the separation of system and user data that has been 
proven for Unix systems for decades, in favor of greater flexibility and less 
administrative effort. I think this is a sensible decision in view of today's 
disk technology. But don't fall for the "/" and "/home" subvolumes. That's not 
a Unix-proven separation, it is just a logical grouping, especially to enable 
image-based backups / snapshots. In the worst case of a file system error or a 
serious operating system error in the ROOT subvolume, all your data is lost and 
you need the backup. A BTRFS subvolume is not a separate filesystem as a LVM 
volume is! But most likely you will either never or most rarely in a few years, 
experience such a disaster. Until then, you can use and enjoy the benefits of 

For a server with 8, 12 or more TB disks (and user data) and maybe hundreds of 
users the situation is quite different. Therefore we decided for LVM/XFS, 
giving data protection, reliable and as possible uninterrupted operation and, 
in the worst case, damage with the least possible effect the highest priority - 
 at the cost of increased administration effort and higher costs. 


Peter Boy

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Re: GPT Partition

2023-09-15 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 15.09.2023 um 17:23 schrieb Bill Cunningham :
>> ...
>> WHat is the reason Peter behind xfs being used on the server edition and 
>> btrfs on the workstation? I pretty much stick with ext3. I don't even use 
>> ext4 really. I've never used xfs.
> Bill

It is basically about data protection, performances, reliability and easy 
administration (see
 So, the Fedora server editions (i.e. Server and CoreOS) use LVM/xfs.   

And please, think twice when you read something like "BTRFS protects us from 
"silent" corruption of files, which is more of an issue with large volumes of 
data“ or „... large organizations with many users, btrfs is expected to reduce 
problems with data corruption…“. It’s more kind of marketing speech than any 
valid decision criteria or technically based argument. If you use the search 
engine of your preference you will find a lot of detailed and and technically 
based discussions of Fedora and Red Hat engineers about the topic. As in most 
cases, there is no „one absolute truth“ about filesystems as many missionaries 
claim again and again. It is a question of weighing and criteria for a use case 
or also for a type of use cases. 


Peter Boy

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Re: GPT Partition

2023-09-15 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 15.09.2023 um 04:57 schrieb Felix Miata :
> BTRFS devs seem to
> think only one is somehow better due to its inclusion of LVM technology.

There is no „inclusion of LVM technology“ in BTRFS. LVM provides you with 
several separate filesystems, completely independent from each other. A file 
system failure in one LVM volume does not affect any of the other volumes. All 
data in other volumes are safe. In BTRFS, everything is a single huge file 
system, (sub)volumes are just logical groupings within a single, in the worst 
case faulty, file system. The advantage of BTRFS is greater flexibility and 
effectiveness of disk capacity usage, at the expense of data protection. 

Peter Boy

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Re: best practices for configuring multiple VirtualHost Apache WWW servers in Fedora?

2023-08-26 Thread Peter Boy
I’m not sure, if I really understood the issue, you want to resolve

> Am 26.08.2023 um 20:29 schrieb Franta Hanzlík via users 
> :
> Hi,
> how is it possible to best configure multiple virtual servers, given
> how Fedora has organized configuration files for inclusion in Apache
> httpd.conf? Especially if I want some configuration files to be used
> by only some VirtualHost sites?
> Example - I want to have 4 web servers (VirtualHost), and I want each
> one to use a different /etc/http/conf.d/*.conf file (and not another)
> - e.g.:
> 1) http://intranet.mydom   - zoneminder.conf
> 2) https://intranet.mydom  - mrtg.conf
> 3) http://www.mydom- geoip.conf + apcupsd.conf
> 4) https://www.mydom   - geoip.conf + roundcubemail.conf 
> I suppose I will create four configuration files for each Virtualhost 
> in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory (eg srv1_intranet.mydom_ssl.conf, 
> srv2_intranet.mydom.conf, srv3_www.mydom_ssl.conf, srv4_www.mydom.conf).
> But how best to proceed?

Yes, you create a configuration file for each Virtualhost. Maybe the server doc 
provides some useful information for you 
 And I would be interested, which information or explanation your are missing. 
We are still in the process to complete that article.

> IMO if I leave zoneminder/mrtg/apcupsd/geoip/roundcubemail as they are,
> in /etc/http/conf.d/, they will apply in all VirtualHost - which I
> don't want.

Not exactly. They provide configuration for the „main“ server. But the 
(formerly) „main“ server is not used anymore. Instead, best practice is to 
define a virtual host in a configuration file for each domain for which you 
want to provide a web service - even if the (physical or virtual) server is to 
provide only one single domain, and that may or may not have the same DNS name 
as the server.

The Virtualhost defined in the alphabetically first of those files which define 
a Virtualhost, becomes the „default“ host and replaces the „main“ host.  

In that case the zoneminder/mrtg/… configuration file provides default values 
for configuration parameters specified in this file. They have only an effect 
inside the virtual host(s) if the parameter(s) are inherited. And in this case 
you overwrite them in your virtual host configuration.   

> And if I put each one in its VirtualHost and delete the original in
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/, it reappears there when its RPM package will be
> updated.

> Am I thinking correctly? Is there an elegant solution to this?
> What about leaving empty files of the same name in /etc/httpd/conf.d/
> (mrtg.conf, geoip.conf, ...) and setting the immutable attribute to
> them (i'm on ext4), so that package updates don't overwrite them?

I think that’s not a good idea. The update program compares determines whether 
the config fils was changed. It not, it replaces the file, otherwise it creates 
a  .newrpm file of the same name. An administrator use to check for those files 
after an updates and will decide how to deal with it.

Peter Boy <>

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Re: Screen casting - help wanted

2023-08-19 Thread Peter Boy

Thanks to everybody for the suggestions. I renamed the article to Screen 
Recorder and added sections about chrome tool and OBS. It should be online in 
about half an hour, after the regular refresh of docs pages.

Please, could you check the additions? And maybe add some informations how to 


Peter Boy

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Screen casting - help wanted

2023-08-17 Thread Peter Boy
We have a new Quick Docs article about comparison of various screen casting 
tools in Fedora:

Everybody who used such a tool more or less recently, please habe a short look 
at the article and provide us with feedback

- is it adequate for Fedora 37/38/
- is something wrong 
- is something missing

You may use the Issue (bug) button in the bar below the blue header to easily 
open a feedback form. 

May thanks.

Peter Boy

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Re: wordpress problem

2023-07-20 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 20.07.2023 um 01:57 schrieb Bill Cunningham :
> On 7/18/2023 7:16 PM, Peter Boy wrote:
>>> Am 16.07.2023 um 20:23 schrieb Bill Cunningham :
>>> I definitely want to see your doc article.
>> I first version is now available:
>> Installing Wordpress (on Fedora Server Edition)
>> It would be really helpful to get comments, amendments, feedback, 
>> corrections!
>> Please use the issue button using the bug symbol on the right side beyond 
>> the blue header bar or the edit button next to it. Or write your comments 
>> here on the mailing list.
>> Well there are some typos but that's to be expected. I am not complaining. 

They are expected, indeed. It is incredible hard to proofread a text you have 
written yourself. So, some hints would be helpful. And also maybe some 
improvement of the wording, if my German mother tongue comes to the surface too 

>> What you have written concerning virtualization too is intriguing. I will 
>> look into that but one of the first things I do after install is install 
>> Xfce4 and firefox. And then httpd. I would like to get the server just as I 
>> want it

Yeah, it's a kind of „off label“ use. I wrote a short text about it: But to 
get the „real feeling“ you should use the virtualization option I described 

>> and create an image to upload to GCP, that's my ultimate goal. I will 
>> continue to study this though.

The installation of the Server Edition is one of our focal points for the next 
months (see So I would be happy if 
we could communicate on that.

And I'm skeptical about how happy you'll be with operating a graphical 
interface over a network connection.  


Peter Boy

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Re: wordpress problem

2023-07-18 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 16.07.2023 um 20:23 schrieb Bill Cunningham :
> I definitely want to see your doc article.

I first version is now available:

Installing Wordpress (on Fedora Server Edition)

It would be really helpful to get comments, amendments, feedback, corrections!

Please use the issue button using the bug symbol on the right side beyond the 
blue header bar or the edit button next to it. Or write your comments here on 
the mailing list.

Peter Boy

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Aw: Aw: wordpress problem

2023-07-17 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 16.07.2023 um 20:23 schrieb Bill Cunningham :
> On 7/16/2023 3:41 AM, Peter Boy wrote:
>>> Am 14.07.2023 um 21:59 schrieb Bill Cunningham :
>>> I have the server edition installed and log into firefox and enter 
>>> https://localhost/wp-admin and I always get there's no such url. 
>>> https://localhost:9090 works fine for the server edition login. What am I 
>>> doing or not doing here? I installed one rpm called wordpress and its' 
>>> dependencies. There was also a wordpress plugin that I did not install. Is 
>>> anyone familiar with Server Edition wordpress?
>> Well, I’m familiar, ‚a bit‘.
>> [...]
> I will slowly digest your kind help. It will take me a while to take all this 
> in.

Skimming through my text I just noted that Wordpress dropped PostgreSQL plugin 
in November last year 
( So you are stuck 
with mysql / mariadb and can’t use advanced professional db features as 
provided by PostgreSQL.

>> You may also wait some days until I have finished my Fedora Server 
>> documentation article.
> [...]
> I definitely want to see your doc article.

Thanks. I need some days more because I have to rewrite the complete part about 

Peter Boy

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Aw: wordpress problem

2023-07-16 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 14.07.2023 um 21:59 schrieb Bill Cunningham :
> I have the server edition installed and log into firefox and enter 
> https://localhost/wp-admin and I always get there's no such url. 
> https://localhost:9090 works fine for the server edition login. What am I 
> doing or not doing here? I installed one rpm called wordpress and its' 
> dependencies. There was also a wordpress plugin that I did not install. Is 
> anyone familiar with Server Edition wordpress?

Well, I’m familiar, ‚a bit‘. 

Before you start installing WordPress, you should check if this is what you 
really want. :-) WP is a beast, a prime example of bloated software and an 
ongoing source of security vulnerabilities. If you need a dynamic CMS, there 
are really better alternatives. See If you have 
no choice, proceed.

The way you obviously installed WP is not meant to work. Fedora Server has no 
graphical interface and no graphical browser with which you can view a WP page.

Rather, you install Fedora Server and software like WordPress and view the 
content from another machine over a network connection, not localhost. 
Localhost also works under certain conditions, but that is then kind of "off 
label use“.

If you want to experiment with it, then either buy a small Rasberry Pi 
compatible computer (see
 or install virtualization software like VirtualBox on your desktop and then 
Fedora Server in it. Then you can access Fedora Server and WordPress through 
the internal virtual network.

A good fist overview provides

The steps required are approximately as follows: 

Install Fedora Server (obviously)

Install a database. Fedora Server supports PostgreSQL (WordPress does, too) 
When everything works, add a database and a database user for Wordpress.

Install a Web Server. Fedora Server Supports Apache. See

Install the WordPress Package. It automatically installs PHP as a dependency, 

Edit the Wordpress configuration file:
[…]# vim /etc/wordpress/wp-config.php 
• → define( 'DB_NAME', 'x' );
• → define( 'DB_USER', '' );
• → define( 'DB_PASSWORD', '' );
• → define( 'DB_HOST', '' );

Select PostgreSQL as your database and insert user name, password, etc as 
configured in b)

Optionally you may adjust various parameters to your liking, e.g. the Wordpress 

[…]# vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/wordpress.conf
## Alias /wordpress /usr/share/wordpress

## Access wordpress via base address
DocumentRoot /usr/share/wordpress

# Access is only allowed via local access

But probably you should not do this with a first installation.

Adjust the Apache Wordpress configuration file
[…]# vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/wordpress.conf
'Require local' → 'Require all granted‘

Start the Web Server
[…]# systemctl enable httpd
[…]# systemctl start httpd
[…]# systemctl status httpd

On your desktop start your browser and visit the WordPress graphical 
configuration page 

You may also wait some days until I have finished my Fedora Server 
documentation article.

Good luck

Peter Boy

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Re: Help with perl in httpd

2023-07-14 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 14.07.2023 um 21:11 schrieb
> On Fri, 14 Jul 2023 20:56:21 +0200 Peter Boy wrote:
>> But linie 3 of the script produced the next error message:
>> Can't locate CGI/ in @INC
>> (you may need to install the CGI::Carp module) 
>> (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5/5.36 /usr/local/share/perl5/5.36 
>> /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 
>> /usr/share/perl5
>> The package perl-Carp is already installed (presumably as a dependency of 
>> mod_perl) and I found
>> /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/
>> which is in the search path
> The script wants CGI/
>rpm -qf /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/CGI/
> Try to install perl-CGI

That brought me past line 3 to the next error: 

Fri Jul 14 22:38:35.479031 2023] [cgid:error] [pid 1406:tid 1496] [client]
 AH01215: stderr from /var/www/html/artikel/ Can't locate in @INC 
  (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5/5.36 /usr/local/share/perl5/5.36 
/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 
/usr/share/perl5) at /var/www/html/artikel/ line 12.

Line 12 is in this section:

05 use vars qw($artikelinhalt $artikelnummer $artikelnummer $artikelzeile 
06  $falscher_aufruf $file $grafik $job $lz $nr4stlg $oberrubrik 
$oberrubrikname $offline  07  $rubrik  $rubrikfile $rubriknummer $schlagzeile 
$seitentitel  08  $t0 $template $templatefile $text $textandereartikel 
$textoberrubriken  09  $textunterrubriken $unterrubrik $verfasser $basedir 
10  @templ  @zuordnungen  11  %unterrubriken %oberrubriken %verfasser);  12 
require "“;

But the file is in the same subdir:

[root@forum-gp httpd]# ls -al /var/www/html/artikel/
total 128
drwxr-xr-x.  3 apache apache   116 Apr  6  2014 .
drwxr-xr--. 15 apache apache  4096 Aug 23  2012 ..
drwx--x---.  2 apache apache 45056 Jul  8  2021 artikel
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 apache apache 10806 Nov 17  2008
-rwxr-.  1 apache apache   165 Apr  6  2014
-rwxr-.  1 apache apache  4218 Nov 30  2008 template-artikel.txt
-rwxr-.  1 apache apache  3880 Nov 30  2008 template-rubrik.txt

Maybe I have to fix @INC anyhow?

A similarly excellent idea for this?


Peter Boy

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Re: Help with perl in httpd

2023-07-14 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 14.07.2023 um 19:01 schrieb Samuel Sieb :
> On 7/14/23 06:48, Peter Boy wrote:
>> I have the thankless task of getting an application written with perl to run 
>> on one of our F38 servers.
>> The application was developed around 2005 or so, last changes around 2012, 
>> the developer is long gone from the university and the colleagues whose 
>> (long term) project use the application know nothing except how to use the 
>> finished system. It was running on an external DomainFactory web space, 
>> which has now been terminated at short notice and I only have the backup, no 
>> configuration information. The last time I used perl was more than a decade 
>> ago. Those were the times.
>> I installed a fresh VM as default and added https and mod_perl.
>> The problem is:
>> The html pages show up nicely, the perl scripts are downloaded automatically.
>> The Perl scripts are scattered around in DocumentRoot and various subdirs 
>> and sub-subdirs. So they are not all in one cgi directory.
>> I faintly remember having to enable directories for Perl. I guess that 
>> mod_perl basically already does that as usual in Fedora.
>> As far as I have found information, everything is based on a dedicated cgi 
>> directory, where all scripts are located and executed. But there must be 
>> another way, at least the application worked a week ago as it is.
> I have also not used perl on a web server for around 20 years, but I think 
> you need to map the file extension in a way to trigger mod_perl to handle it. 
>  For example, if you look in the php config, you'll see this:
>SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
> You need to find the corresponding handler for mod_perl.

Thanks, you gave me the idea what to make of several other infos I read. I 
added to http configuration:

  ## that is the document root
Options +ExecCGI:q:q
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl

And the perl script /var/www/html/artikel/ got executed.

But linie 3 of the script produced the next error message:

Can't locate CGI/ in @INC
(you may need to install the CGI::Carp module) 
(@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5/5.36 /usr/local/share/perl5/5.36 
/usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 

The package perl-Carp is already installed (presumably as a dependency of 
mod_perl) and I found
which is in the search path

Obviously, I miss something else.

Hello Perl experts, what else am I missing?

Thanks a lot in advance

Peter Boy

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Help with perl in httpd

2023-07-14 Thread Peter Boy
I have the thankless task of getting an application written with perl to run on 
one of our F38 servers.  

The application was developed around 2005 or so, last changes around 2012, the 
developer is long gone from the university and the colleagues whose (long term) 
project use the application know nothing except how to use the finished system. 
It was running on an external DomainFactory web space, which has now been 
terminated at short notice and I only have the backup, no configuration 
information. The last time I used perl was more than a decade ago. Those were 
the times.

I installed a fresh VM as default and added https and mod_perl. 

The problem is:
The html pages show up nicely, the perl scripts are downloaded automatically. 

The Perl scripts are scattered around in DocumentRoot and various subdirs and 
sub-subdirs. So they are not all in one cgi directory.

I faintly remember having to enable directories for Perl. I guess that mod_perl 
basically already does that as usual in Fedora.  

As far as I have found information, everything is based on a dedicated cgi 
directory, where all scripts are located and executed. But there must be 
another way, at least the application worked a week ago as it is.

When the application is running again, I will banish it to a container behind a 
proxy. So security issues are somewhat relaxed. 

Any help greatly appreciated.

Peter Boy

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Re: libvirtd.service won't start

2023-07-08 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 08.07.2023 um 09:13 schrieb ToddAndMargo via users 
> :
> no symptom change after a reboot either.
> I do not think there were to many tries.
> Or five attempts failed right in a row
> when I issued start

You should use journalctl to check the log entries in detail. This kind of 
behavior is often related to permission issues or missing files. 

And in order to dig deeper into the issue, we need to know what you exactly 
did. On what Fedora Edition did you install libvirt, and how did you install?

Peter Boy

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Re: Server edition password

2023-07-05 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 05.07.2023 um 08:46 schrieb Bill Cunningham :
>> Well I couldn't login with root and that's all I have set. I am not using 
>> two machines here so that might be it. But I have however, logged into a web 
>> server through a gui on the same machine I do not know why that isn't 
>> working.

The issue is, that Cockpit doesn’t accept root user to log in. So, in a 
terminal you should create a system user and then use that to log in

# adduser -G wheel USER_NAME
# passwd  USER_NAME
(Enter password)

>As far as a server article I myself would be interested in DHCP, a web 
> server maybe wordpress or apache. And a LAMP stack. An rsync server, and ssh 
> for login security would be interesting. Settings for these services from the 
> server side.

Thanks, it’s noted. 

Peter Boy

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Re: Server edition password

2023-07-05 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 05.07.2023 um 04:24 schrieb Bill Cunningham :
> I installed the Server addition to get used to servers. I added firefox 
> and Xfce and their dependencies along with httpd and tried to log into 
> localhost:9090. I believe that is the right port. I am prompted to enter 
> fedora server edition password. I have read there is no default password, but 
> it wants a user name. What am I supposed to enter as a user? To access Fedora 
> Server Edition from Xfc and firefox?

As part of the installation you are required to provide at least one user, 
either using root and create a password or - the recommended way - create a 
non-privileged system user who is by default entitled to acquire root 
priviledges to perform administrative tasks. Without selecting one or these 
choices the installation program will not proceed (see
 Use this user to login with Cockpit. By default root doesn’t work here for 
security reasons. You would have to modify the default configuration. I would 
highly recommend never doing that - and off the top of my head, I don't even 
know how to do that. 

To access the web admin GUI you use https://YOUR_SERVER_DNS_NAME:9090 
<https://your_server_dns_name:9090/> or https://YOUR.SERVER.IP:9090 on your 
_desktop_ to connect to your server.

By the way, I am planning an article "Getting Started with Fedora Server 
Edition" or "Get to Know Fedora Server Edition" as an introduction for new 
users who are getting started with a server for the first time. Do you have any 
idea what you would like to see in such an article?


Peter Boy

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Re: Remote desktop on headless server?

2023-06-29 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 29.06.2023 um 21:16 schrieb Matthew Saltzman :
>  There seem to be a few
> choices for VNC servers: TigerVNC, neatvnc, wayvnc, x11vnc. What should
> I look for when choosing one? Anybody have a particular recommendation?
> Ease of administration would be a plus.

I suppose, TigerVNC  is for you. There is a Fedora package with good default 
configuration, that are easy to adopt.

Peter Boy

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Re: Remote desktop on headless server?

2023-06-29 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 29.06.2023 um 19:47 schrieb Matthew Saltzman :
> Hi, all-
> I would like to set up a workstation in a network closet with no
> monitor or keyboard attached and run a (GNOME shell) desktop session
> from another machine on the local network.
> What's the best way to do that in Fedora 38, and is there a good source
> of documentation someplace? The GNOME desktop sharing facility requires
> that the connection be to an active session logged in on the console.
> Googling hasn't been much help for recent distros.

VNC is the best way, IMHO. It’s a bit tricky, if you want to provide several 
parallel VNC sessions for multiuser. Otherwise it’s quite simple.

RealVNC project page provides some nice examples.

The security issue is, usually you keep logged in as a user, and access 
security depends on VNC, only. And if someone can connect a keyboard/Monitor at 
the remote location, it may not be, what you want. 

Peter Boy

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Re: Fedora on a 2015 iMac?

2023-06-17 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 17.06.2023 um 09:20 schrieb Lists :
> I have a 27" late 2015 iMac with i5 processor and 16 GB of RAM. It runs El 
> Capitan just fine after wiping the drive and doing an Internet install. 

I guess you are aware, that you can install the latest MacOS Ventura on your 
device using OpenCore Legacy Patcher 
( It worked 
fine for me.

> This would make a fabulous Fedora workstation! However, I have had trouble 
> getting Fedora installer to run much at all.  
> I have an F38 install ISO dd'd to a thumb disk. On my Dell laptop, the 
> installer starts fine.  
> When I put the thumb disk on the iMac and hold  during boot, I see "EFI 
> Boot" without issue., but every attempt I've tried to get it to boot or start 
> into the installer has failed.  
> Is there anybody here who has had success loading/running Fedora 37/38 on 
> Intel iMacs?  

I did so some time ago with an even older iMac 27“ (2009 or 2010)  using the 
Server install media. It worked fine. 

What install media did you try? 

I’ve an iMac 27“ 2012 and 2013 around waiting to be reused with Fedora. 
Hopefully I can manage to try this weekend.

Peter Boy

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Re: 1st problem when installing f38

2023-06-09 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 09.06.2023 um 18:19 schrieb François Patte 
> :

Sorry for the delay.

> Le 2023-06-09 14:01, Peter Boy a écrit :
>>> Am 09.06.2023 um 09:48 schrieb François Patte 
>>> :
>>>> ...
>>>> Is it possible to unplug one of the disks (say sdf) and make an
>>>> install with a raid1 in degraded mode (+lvm) then, when the install is
>>>> finished, to plug again the disk sdf and synchronise the partitions
>>>> with mdadm?
>>>> Moreover, I don't understand why the problem occurs only with sde1 and
>>>> sdf1 and not with the other disks (sde2, sdf2 as already pointed) : I
>>>> have 6 disks, and more partitions, paired in pairs as raid members.
>>>> Thank you for lights.
>>> No answer... Is this problem so uncommon?  Or so obvious?
>> I suppose, the issue is a bit complex and a bit confusing.
>> The first question is which Fedora edition you want to install. The
>> installation routines differ a lot and so do the possible solutions.
> I tried f38 netinstall.

Fedora Server Edition is the only Edition with a net install media, as far as I 

Nevertheless, do you want to install (and operate) a Fedora Server or just use 
the medium to install another variant (by selecting a different target in the 
installation source menu). These alternatives require different followup steps.

>> Additionally, in the previous thread, I recall that the affected disks
>> are to be reinstalled any way and can be reformatted beforehand. Is
>> that not a solution?
> Reformat the disks where the system is installed (2 on 6) OK, but why should 
> I reformat the other disks?

No, just reformat the disk(s) which cause issues. And probably only reformat 
the partition(s) that are affected.

> And I don't understand why there are duplicates UUID and why the f38 
> installer complains about these duplicates UUID on disk /dev/ssde1 and 
> /dev/sdf1 and not for the duplicates UUID on /dev/sde2 and /dev/sdf2?

It’s hard to identify the cause of the problem. But the problem is not 
necessarily the identical UUIDs in that specific field, but probably a value 
anywhere else that determine the purpose of the disk resp. the partition, in 
your case usage of the partition as a raid member and not as an independent 
partition (which would require unique UUIDs).

You can try to disconnect one of the drives of the failing raid and then 
reboot. If it works, fine. Otherwise try the other disks. If the system boots 
and works without issues (besides a degraded raid) with a one-disk-raid, then 
you may delete all partitions of the disconnected disk, probably even delete 
the partition table (e.g. by using dd if:/dev/zero of=/dev/). 
Then integrate the empty disk into the raid again and initiate a 
resynchronization. It may be a bit tricky.

If you can’t manage to resync the raid, you have at least still a bootable 
system and a working base for next steps.

The alternative is to reformat either the disk or just one or two partitions 
(that depends on the details of your disk layout) and then start a complete new 
installation of the system (and preserving user data if your existing 
partitioning scheme allows for that).

The details here depend on what Edition you really want to install.

Peter Boy

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Re: 1st problem when installing f38

2023-06-09 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 09.06.2023 um 18:38 schrieb stan via users :
> On Fri, 09 Jun 2023 09:48:25 +0200
> François Patte  wrote:
>> No answer... Is this problem so uncommon?  Or so obvious?
> I haven't seen it even mentioned before and not obvious at all to me.
> Perhaps there is an expert who would immediately understand what
> happened, and how to either fix or workaround it.  But like you, I don't
> understand how the system could assign the same UUID to two disks.   

I probably don’t count as an expert. But software raid introduces a property 
„raid-member“ (not literally but something like that). Each raid gets a UUID 
and all members of a specific raid get the same UUID that identifies them as 
belonging together. I guess, the problem is not that the disks have the same 
UUID but a missing value of a property elsewhere indicating how to interpret 
that property. 

I guess it is quite pointless to find the mistake. Even if you would identify 
it, there might be no tool to fix it. And binary-editing a disk sector may be 
quite a challenge.

> Is
> it possible that the way you set up raid was different?  It is as if
> they were assigned the same UUID *because* they were in a raid.  Are
> they using hardware raid, or an unusual software raid?  What happens if
> you try to change the UUID on one of the disks?  Don't actually do it
> because you might lose data, but does it give an error or warning?

If I remember the previous thread correctly, there was some disk cloning 
involved. Maybe that part of the issue.

Peter Boy

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Re: 1st problem when installing f38

2023-06-09 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 09.06.2023 um 09:48 schrieb François Patte 
> :
>> ...
>> Is it possible to unplug one of the disks (say sdf) and make an
>> install with a raid1 in degraded mode (+lvm) then, when the install is
>> finished, to plug again the disk sdf and synchronise the partitions
>> with mdadm?
>> Moreover, I don't understand why the problem occurs only with sde1 and
>> sdf1 and not with the other disks (sde2, sdf2 as already pointed) : I
>> have 6 disks, and more partitions, paired in pairs as raid members.
>> Thank you for lights.
> No answer... Is this problem so uncommon?  Or so obvious?

I suppose, the issue is a bit complex and a bit confusing.

The first question is which Fedora edition you want to install. The 
installation routines differ a lot and so do the possible solutions. 

Additionally, in the previous thread, I recall that the affected disks are to 
be reinstalled any way and can be reformatted beforehand. Is that not a 


Peter Boy

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Re: OT question about let's encrypt

2023-06-01 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 01.06.2023 um 17:44 schrieb Tim via users :
> On Thu, 2023-06-01 at 11:15 +0930, Tim via users wrote:
>> Trying to find decent and affordable hosting in my country is an
>> exercise in frustration.  Trying to find one that's actually in my
>> country is difficult
> Realising, after the fact, I hadn't mentioned I'm in Australia, during
> this thread...
> There's a couple of aspects to wanting local hosting service, apart
> from the obvious of wanting to deal with locals and no overseas call
> centres.  Google will consider my site is Australian if I have an
> Australian IP address, or an Australian top-level domain name.  And can
> return my site as an answer for queries that want local answers,
> instead of discarding it as overseas.
> I don't have a .au TLD.  You can get personal domain names
> without too many hurdles to jump through, but I don't want one of them
> (a website in my own name).  All the other .au (,,
> domain names required an Australian Business Number, or other similar
> business registration, I don't have one of them, nor want to get one. 
> So having an Australian IP address is the only way to make Google thing
> my .com address is Australian.
> Most people around here don't understand the purpose of these various
> top-level subdomains and think that most sites are either simply
> or .com, so bucking that trend works against you.
> While it's a good thing that our name registration system knuckled down
> and insisted that was only used for commercial sites, likewise
> with for business, there's & for non-profit
> associations and charitable organisations, etc.  Using them for their
> intended purposes.  It's a shame that they didn't have the foresight to
> have a general-purpose top domain, having simply for something
> that's on the net would have been a good idea.
> Only recently (end of last year) they seem to be opening up .au by
> itself for uncategorised purposes, but registrars are price gouging it.

Two ideas:

(a) The message says .. domain failed DCV (Domain Control Validation) … Even if 
the domain worked previously, it may be worthwhile to check the DNS entry.

(b) If you suspect a problem with the certificate handling by certbot or your 
hosters administrative tools, did you try Apache md module 
( Then Apache would handle 
the certificate directly. You would to have to add to your host configuration 
something like 
# Letsencrypt certificate management via Apache mod_md
# By default, automatically all alternative names get included.
MDCertificateAgreement accepted

   (Your configure here)

And comment out the

#SSLCertificateFile  /etc/letsencrypt/live/
#SSLCertificateKeyFile   /etc/letsencrypt/live/
#SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

Peter Boy

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Re: OT question about let's encrypt

2023-05-31 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 31.05.2023 um 05:01 schrieb Tim via users :
> Hi,
> After discussing let's encrypt on here the other week, I was wondering
> if you get the same nonsense warnings as my hosting service provider
> was emailing me over and over:
>  begin paste 
> ⛔ (checked on May 30, 2023 at 12:25:12 PM UTC)
> There is no recorded error on the system for “”. This
> might mean that this domain failed DCV (Domain Control Validation) when
> the system requested the new certificate, but the domain has since
> passed DCV.
>  end paste 

Did you really use <> <>? 
That would never work. Otherwise it would be helpful, to post the SSL related 
part of your configuration file.

Peter Boy <>

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Peter Boy

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Re: Transaction test error

2023-05-16 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 16.05.2023 um 10:04 schrieb Patrick Dupre :
> ...
> I did:
> dnf remove java-latest-openjdk
>   and it seems OK now

Very good.

> However, I still have 3 versions of java
>   java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless-
> java-1.8.0-openjdk-
> java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel-
> java-11-openjdk-headless-
> java-11-openjdk-
> java-11-openjdk-devel-
> java-17-openjdk-headless-
> java-17-openjdk-
> java-17-openjdk-devel-
>   Should I keep all of them ?

In Germany the saying is "Radio Eriwan, it depends … „

OpenJDK packages in Fedora are designed in such a way that several versions can 
be installed at the same time without any problems and can also be used in 
parallel without any restrictions or obstacles. This is practical or sometimes 
necessary if older Java programs do not get along with newer OpenJDK versions 
or are simply not tested. Java is "Enterprise grade" and designed for long term 
and error free use. This distinguishes Java from some other programming 
languages, where version jumps are again and again for impairments and 
malfunctions of existing programs.  

You use 'updates-alternatives --config java' to set the default version. By 
configuration in /etc/sysconfig you can set a specific version for individual 
Java programs (or adjusting their main class path). 

So, if all your Java programs are running with JDK X you can remove the other 
versions. But many SysAdmins keep for convenience at least the JRE of all 
supported LTS versions and the JDK as far as it is needed for development or 

Peter Boy

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Re: Transaction test error

2023-05-16 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 15.05.2023 um 22:57 schrieb Patrick Dupre  <>>:
>> On 5/15/23 11:33, Patrick Dupre wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Running an update of fc36, I get
>>> Error: Transaction test error:
>>>  file /usr/lib/.build-id/a8/5d273e920106a68e86541b187062d7dbef328a 
>>> conflicts between attempted installs of 
>>> java-latest-openjdk-headless-1: and 
>>> java-17-openjdk-headless-1:
>>> Here are the java files which are supposed to be updated:
>>> java-17-openjdk  x86_64 1: updates  
>>> 428 k
>>> java-17-openjdk-develx86_64 1: updates  
>>> 4.7 M
>>> java-17-openjdk-headless x86_64 1: updates   
>>> 42 M
>>> java-latest-openjdk  x86_64 1: updates  
>>> 447 k
>>> java-latest-openjdk-headless x86_64 1: updates   
>>> 44 M
>> Try this:
>> dnf update --best --allowerasing
> Total   472 kB/s | 343 kB 00:00
> Running transaction check
> Transaction check succeeded.
> Running transaction test
> The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful 
> transaction.
> You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.
> Error: Transaction test error:
> file /usr/lib/.build-id/a8/5d273e920106a68e86541b187062d7dbef328a conflicts 
> between attempted installs of 
> java-latest-openjdk-headless-1: and 
> java-17-openjdk-headless-1:
> If I try
> dnf remove  java-17-openjdk-headless
> I get
> Removing:
> java-17-openjdk-headless x86_64  1: 
>@updates   188 M
> Removing dependent packages:
> IPAddressnoarch  5.2.1-9.fc36 
>@fedora2.1 M
> Rx86_64  4.1.3-2.fc36 
>@updates 0
> R-java   x86_64  4.1.3-2.fc36 
>@updates 0
> ...
> xz-java  noarch  1.9-3.fc36   
>@fedora120 k
> Transaction Summary
> ==
> Remove  312 Packages

A bit much to remove. Do you really use openjdk 20? I would try deleting it and 
see if there is less deleted and if the update works then.  After upgrading to 
F37 /F38  you may try to install it again. 

Maybe, you should ask on the java list and/or open a bug report. The openjdk 
maintainers are quite responsive.

Peter Boy <>

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Re: More fun with SSL certificates

2023-05-14 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 08.05.2023 um 12:52 schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan :
> On Fri, 2023-05-05 at 23:38 +0200, Peter Boy wrote:
>> I just updated the Web service guide and its troubleshooting section.
>> The URL is still the same.  Sorry for the delay, the issue has proven
>> in systematic testing to be even more complicated than we previously
>> knew.  
>> The guide is not yet completed, I’ll work on it over the next days as
>> my time budget allows. And thanks for all the comments. I’ll include
>> it in further testing and versions.
>> Of course, in case on any difficulties with the proposed fixes,
>> please ask again and I’ll happy to help to make it work.
>> And, of course, any comments regarding the guide are much
>> appreciated.
> Many thanks. I've edited my ssl.conf according to the guide and it now
> seems to be working correctly. It even passes the Qualys tests
> ( with an A :-)
> I have some comments on the guide text, mainly small typos, I can send
> you a separate email or try to edit the page directly. Not sure what
> the protocol is here.

Many thanks. It would be great to get your feedback. You can use the edit 
button (on the right side below the blue bart). It should do all the required 
git steps in the background. If it is easier for you, you can also send it via 
email to my mail address. In both cases I could work with it in my next working 
step to complete the article. 

Thanks a lot.


Peter Boy

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Re: More fun with SSL certificates

2023-05-05 Thread Peter Boy
I just updated the Web service guide and its troubleshooting section. The URL 
is still the same.  Sorry for the delay, the issue has proven in systematic 
testing to be even more complicated than we previously knew.  

The guide is not yet completed, I’ll work on it over the next days as my time 
budget allows. And thanks for all the comments. I’ll include it in further 
testing and versions.

Of course, in case on any difficulties with the proposed fixes, please ask 
again and I’ll happy to help to make it work.

And, of course, any comments regarding the guide are much appreciated.

> Am 04.05.2023 um 01:26 schrieb Peter Boy :
>> Am 03.05.2023 um 23:56 schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan :
>> On Wed, 2023-05-03 at 18:49 +0200, Peter Boy wrote:
>>> The description is now at
>>> at the bottom, Troubleshooting
>>> Unfortunately, I had various issues with my test equipment and
>>> couldn’t test the steps so far. The next hours I’ve various Fedora
>>> team meetings. So I’ll continue later and tomorrow. 
>>> If you stay with you name your configuration file bre-org-uk.conf you
>>> must use aaadefault.con (instead of vhost-aaadefault.conf as in the
>>> Fedora server docs.
>> I did that (copied the config from the web page into aaa-default.conf)
>> and I still get the exact same error (both as is and with
> I just now finished the various Fedora meetings and it is midnight in Europe. 
> I will continue tomorrow at noon, complete and test. Sorry, my test equipment 
> was a mess. 

Peter Boy

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Re: More fun with SSL certificates

2023-05-03 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 03.05.2023 um 23:56 schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan :
> On Wed, 2023-05-03 at 18:49 +0200, Peter Boy wrote:
>> The description is now at
>> at the bottom, Troubleshooting
>> Unfortunately, I had various issues with my test equipment and
>> couldn’t test the steps so far. The next hours I’ve various Fedora
>> team meetings. So I’ll continue later and tomorrow. 
>> If you stay with you name your configuration file bre-org-uk.conf you
>> must use aaadefault.con (instead of vhost-aaadefault.conf as in the
>> Fedora server docs.
> I did that (copied the config from the web page into aaa-default.conf)
> and I still get the exact same error (both as is and with

I just now finished the various Fedora meetings and it is midnight in Europe. I 
will continue tomorrow at noon, complete and test. Sorry, my test equipment was 
a mess. 

Peter Boy

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Re: More fun with SSL certificates

2023-05-03 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 03.05.2023 um 13:37 schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan :
> On Wed, 2023-05-03 at 13:31 +0200, Peter Boy wrote:
>>> Am 03.05.2023 um 12:05 schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan
>>> :
>>> On Tue, 2023-05-02 at 14:31 +0200, Peter Boy wrote:
>>>>> Am 02.05.2023 um 12:23 schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan
>>>>> :
>>>>> # httpd  -S
>>>>> VirtualHost configuration:
>>>>> *:80
>>>>> (/etc/httpd/conf.d/bree.conf:1)
>>>>> *:443  is a NameVirtualHost
>>>>>default server (/etc/httpd/conf.d/bree-le-
>>>>> ssl.conf:2)
>>>>>port 443 namevhost (/etc/httpd/conf.d/bree-
>>>>> le-
>>>>> ssl.conf:2)
>>>>>port 443 namevhost
>>>>> (/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:56)
>>>>> ServerRoot: "/etc/httpd"
>>>>> Main DocumentRoot: "/var/www/html“
>>>> We often encounter issues with a configuration as you have.
>>>> The problem is:
>>>> Your address acts as a default server following
>>>> apache’s
>>>> naming convention (it is the first file sorting the file names
>>>> alphabetically). At the same time a default vname server is
>>>> configured in the default ssl configuration file
>>>> (/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:56). We often encounter problems in
>>>> such
>>>> a situation, when 2 configurations are effective at the same
>>>> time. 
>>>> You may try either of the following
>>>> (a) define another named host with comes first in the
>>>> alphabetical
>>>> order, e.g. adefault.conf You may configure it minimally so it
>>>> shows
>>>> the default Fedora welcome page. It will only get used, if
>>>> someone
>>>> addresses your server by IP.
>>>> (b) comment out the default server at
>>>> /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:56
>>>> You may comment out all the lines between >>> _default_:443>
>>>> and  provided you fully configure ssl in
>>>> /etc/httpd/conf.d/bree-le-ssl.conf, i.e. include all the
>>>> configuration option you find between both former directives of
>>>> your
>>>> own, probably customised, way. Or you may just comment out those
>>>>  directives leaving the remaining directives as
>>>> defaults. But this way sometimes results in conflict between the
>>>> different certificate locations. The details of this conflict are
>>>> not
>>>> fully known yet.
>>>> Anyway, it would be helpful for us it you try it and give
>>>> feedback
>>>> about the results. 
>>>> Another possible issue is that port 80 is defined as 'main
>>>> server'
>>>> only, and port 443 has defined named server only. A more clean
>>>> configuration is to define a port 80 server as a named server for
>>>> as well, that just redirects to port 443.
>>> I've attempted to implement suggestion (a) but without success.
>>> Clearly
>>> there's something I'm not understanding. I copied the standard
>>> /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf to [...]/aaa-default.conf and edited
>>> it
>>> to include the line:
>>> ServerName
>>> but still got the same error after restarting Apache. Changing that
>>> to
>>> '' had the same result. Perhaps you could explain in a
>>> little more detail.
>> Sorry, yes, I probably should have provided more details. Please,
>> wait about 2-3 hours and I’ll publish a complete guide at
>> I’ll post the exact URL here when I’ve it published.
> Thanks. I look forward to it.
>>> I also tried suggestion (b) by commenting out the 
>>> lines,
>>> but again it made no difference.
>>> (I should note that I'm reluctant to edit the standard httpd.conf
>>> itself unless there's no alternative. Currently it's exactly as
>>> installed. I'm aware that it would be replaced on any update.)
>> T

Re: More fun with SSL certificates

2023-05-03 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 03.05.2023 um 12:05 schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan :
> On Tue, 2023-05-02 at 14:31 +0200, Peter Boy wrote:
>>> Am 02.05.2023 um 12:23 schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan
>>> :
>>> # httpd  -S
>>> VirtualHost configuration:
>>> *:80 (/etc/httpd/conf.d/bree.conf:1)
>>> *:443  is a NameVirtualHost
>>>default server (/etc/httpd/conf.d/bree-le-
>>> ssl.conf:2)
>>>port 443 namevhost (/etc/httpd/conf.d/bree-le-
>>> ssl.conf:2)
>>>port 443 namevhost
>>> (/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:56)
>>> ServerRoot: "/etc/httpd"
>>> Main DocumentRoot: "/var/www/html“
>> We often encounter issues with a configuration as you have.
>> The problem is:
>> Your address acts as a default server following apache’s
>> naming convention (it is the first file sorting the file names
>> alphabetically). At the same time a default vname server is
>> configured in the default ssl configuration file
>> (/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:56). We often encounter problems in such
>> a situation, when 2 configurations are effective at the same time. 
>> You may try either of the following
>> (a) define another named host with comes first in the alphabetical
>> order, e.g. adefault.conf You may configure it minimally so it shows
>> the default Fedora welcome page. It will only get used, if someone
>> addresses your server by IP.
>> (b) comment out the default server at /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:56
>> You may comment out all the lines between 
>> and  provided you fully configure ssl in
>> /etc/httpd/conf.d/bree-le-ssl.conf, i.e. include all the
>> configuration option you find between both former directives of your
>> own, probably customised, way. Or you may just comment out those
>>  directives leaving the remaining directives as
>> defaults. But this way sometimes results in conflict between the
>> different certificate locations. The details of this conflict are not
>> fully known yet.
>> Anyway, it would be helpful for us it you try it and give feedback
>> about the results. 
>> Another possible issue is that port 80 is defined as 'main server'
>> only, and port 443 has defined named server only. A more clean
>> configuration is to define a port 80 server as a named server for
>> as well, that just redirects to port 443.
> I've attempted to implement suggestion (a) but without success. Clearly
> there's something I'm not understanding. I copied the standard
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf to [...]/aaa-default.conf and edited it
> to include the line:
> ServerName
> but still got the same error after restarting Apache. Changing that to
> '' had the same result. Perhaps you could explain in a
> little more detail.

Sorry, yes, I probably should have provided more details. Please, wait about 
2-3 hours and I’ll publish a complete guide at

I’ll post the exact URL here when I’ve it published.

> I also tried suggestion (b) by commenting out the  lines,
> but again it made no difference.
> (I should note that I'm reluctant to edit the standard httpd.conf
> itself unless there's no alternative. Currently it's exactly as
> installed. I'm aware that it would be replaced on any update.)

That’s a very good strategy! We know about that bug for some time but never 
managed to describe it in detail and to file a bug. We’ll do it now so it 
hopefully gets fixed soon.

Peter Boy

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Re: I have not been able to install F37 on a computer that has RAID1

2023-05-02 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 02.05.2023 um 16:45 schrieb Tim via users :
> Tim:
>>> Briefly looking at RAID information, there are things that should be
>>> unique, and there are some things that can be duplicated (not so sure
>>> that they should be, though).  Drive IDs would need to be unique for
>>> anything that uses IDs to differentiate one drive from other.  There's
>>> partition and volume IDs that are used for different purposes.
> Peter Boy:
>> I agree. But it’s hard not to use  UIEDs and to ignore misconfigured
>> UUIDs. Many Fedora tools use UUID by default, e.g. Cockpit and - if I
>> remember correctly - dbus. Therefore, cloning a disc often ends up in
>> more work than cloning saves. 
> Since my experience with RAID is minimal (using a motherboard with
> built-in hardware RAID that could not be shut-off on the drive ports I
> had to use), I assume that if a mirror drive dies, you swap it, and let
> the RAID do its own magic to incorporate the replacement drive into the
> system, it handles filling up the new drive with partitions and data
> from the other drive without cloning IDs.

Software Raid write various meta data on the drive. Therefor - as I understand 
the docs - you MUST NOT clone the drive. I use SW Raid on my private servers 
only, and luckily I had not so much drive failures so far. But SW Raid restored 
the drive on its own when I tested it a while ago. However, according to my 
memory, I had created a (empty) partition table. I don't remember if that was 
necessary or if it just happened.

Peter Boy

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Re: More fun with SSL certificates

2023-05-02 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 02.05.2023 um 15:25 schrieb Jeffrey Walton :
> On Tue, May 2, 2023 at 6:22 AM Patrick O'Callaghan
>  wrote:
>> On Mon, 2023-05-01 at 23:41 +0100, Barry wrote:
>>>> On 1 May 2023, at 23:22, Patrick O'Callaghan
>>>>  wrote:
>>>> My small web server appears to be working and even has https,
>>>> however
>>>> I've noticed this in /var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log:
>>>> [...] AH01909: server certificate does NOT
>>>> include an ID which matches the server name
>>>> The ServerName is set to, and that's the name under
>>>> which I
>>>> obtained the certificate, so I'm not sure what's going on here.
>>> Have openssl turn your cert into readable text to check.
>>> From memory its this command.
>>> $ openssl x509 -in your-cert -noout -text
>>> Does it include SNI and your domain name?
>> # openssl x509 -in cert.pem -noout -text
>> Certificate:
>>Version: 3 (0x2)
>>Serial Number:
>>Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
>>Issuer: C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = R3
>>Not Before: May  1 21:20:11 2023 GMT
>>Not After : Jul 30 21:20:10 2023 GMT
>>Subject: CN =
>>Subject Public Key Info:
>>Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
>>Public-Key: (256 bit)
>>ASN1 OID: prime256v1
>> ...
> CN = R3 does not match Apache's ServerName.

CN = R3 refers to the issuer, not your web server. As far as I can see, your 
certificates is OK.

Peter Boy

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Re: More fun with SSL certificates

2023-05-02 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 02.05.2023 um 12:23 schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan :
> # httpd  -S
> VirtualHost configuration:
> *:80 (/etc/httpd/conf.d/bree.conf:1)
> *:443  is a NameVirtualHost
>default server (/etc/httpd/conf.d/bree-le-ssl.conf:2)
>port 443 namevhost (/etc/httpd/conf.d/bree-le-ssl.conf:2)
>port 443 namevhost (/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:56)
> ServerRoot: "/etc/httpd"
> Main DocumentRoot: "/var/www/html“

We often encounter issues with a configuration as you have.

The problem is:
Your address acts as a default server following apache’s naming 
convention (it is the first file sorting the file names alphabetically). At the 
same time a default vname server is configured in the default ssl configuration 
file (/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:56). We often encounter problems in such a 
situation, when 2 configurations are effective at the same time. 

You may try either of the following

(a) define another named host with comes first in the alphabetical order, e.g. 
adefault.conf You may configure it minimally so it shows the default Fedora 
welcome page. It will only get used, if someone addresses your server by IP.

(b) comment out the default server at /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:56 You may 
comment out all the lines between  and 
 provided you fully configure ssl in 
/etc/httpd/conf.d/bree-le-ssl.conf, i.e. include all the configuration option 
you find between both former directives of your own, probably customised, way. 
Or you may just comment out those  directives leaving the 
remaining directives as defaults. But this way sometimes results in conflict 
between the different certificate locations. The details of this conflict are 
not fully known yet.

Anyway, it would be helpful for us it you try it and give feedback about the 

Another possible issue is that port 80 is defined as 'main server' only, and 
port 443 has defined named server only. A more clean configuration is to define 
a port 80 server as a named server for as well, that just redirects 
to port 443.

Peter Boy

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Re: I have not been able to install F37 on a computer that has RAID1

2023-05-02 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 02.05.2023 um 09:05 schrieb Tim via users :
> On Mon, 2023-05-01 at 23:12 +0200, Peter Boy wrote:
>> I think, no system can use 2 disk which have the same UUID at the
>> same time (besides maybe one of the Windows BIOS fake controller).
>> Duplicate UUID is a contradictio in adiecto and should be fixed.
> Just a guess, but it probably could, if you didn't use the UUIDs to
> mount the drives by.  Such as you mounted them by device names, or
> volume names.  Though, I think it'd be best not to have cloned IDs.
> Briefly looking at RAID information, there are things that should be
> unique, and there are some things that can be duplicated (not so sure
> that they should be, though).  Drive IDs would need to be unique for
> anything that uses IDs to differentiate one drive from other.  There's
> partition and volume IDs that are used for different purposes.

I agree. But it’s hard not to use  UIEDs and to ignore misconfigured UUIDs. 
Many Fedora tools use UUID by default, e.g. Cockpit and - if I remember 
correctly - dbus. Therefore, cloning a disc often ends up in more work than 
cloning saves. 


Peter Boy

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Re: More fun with SSL certificates

2023-05-02 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 02.05.2023 um 00:21 schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan :
> My small web server appears to be working and even has https, however
> I've noticed this in /var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log:
> [...] AH01909: server certificate does NOT include an ID 
> which matches the server name
> The ServerName is set to, and that's the name under which I
> obtained the certificate, so I'm not sure what's going on here.
> poc

Your http service is currently not publicly responding. It you can access it 
locally, klick in your browser on the certificate symbol (in Firefox left of 
the address). Klick on „secure connection“ and then on „additional information“ 
to see the certificate details. If you use letsencrypt certificates, use „lets 
encrypt certificates“ to list the details of all certificates. 

Otherwise, the error message is typical for a missing explicit configuration of 
the server name with simultaneous failure of the built-in auto-configuration of 
the name.

Try „httpd  -S“ to list the recognised configuration and check the services for 
port 80 and   443

Peter Boy

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Re: I have not been able to install F37 on a computer that has RAID1

2023-05-01 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 01.05.2023 um 22:22 schrieb David Woodyard :
> On Mon, May 1, 2023 at 11:33 AM David Woodyard  wrote:
> the server is what I need to install.
> David
> On Mon, May 1, 2023 at 11:28 AM Peter Boy  wrote:
> > Am 01.05.2023 um 18:12 schrieb David Woodyard :
> > 
> > I have searched the web for a solution and have found nothing on this topic.
> > The error I get is sda1 and sdb1 have the same UUID. I would rather not 
> > remove a drive from raid and unplug it to do the install.
> > 
> > I must be missing something.
> It’s a well proven procedure. What do you want to install? Workstation, 
> Server, one of the Spins?
> Gmail has deleted your second reply, so I am replying to this one.

I suppose you mean my last reply. I add it at the bottom.

> I, perhaps, was not as clear as I should have been on my first email.
> I have a computer that has a raid1 and it has been working for several years.
> I want to install Fedora-Server 37. When I run the install (anaconda) it 
> gives an error
> about duplicate UUID's and will not do the install.
> That tells me that I can not install on a computer that ALREADY has raid1.
> I was not expecting that error.
> Is it correct that anaconda can NOT install to a hard drive that ALREADY has 
> a RAID1?
> Is there a workaround other than removing one drive from the raid and 
> unplugging it from the computer?

No, that’s not correct. I think, no system can use 2 disk which have the same 
UUID at the same time (besides maybe one of the Windows BIOS fake controller). 
Duplicate UUID is a contradictio in adiecto and should be fixed. Anaconda can 
install on existing raid anyway. And there are several ways to fix the issue 
with the UUID. But I have to know more details. First question is, which of 
your disks is affected and what is the output of 'fdisk -l'.  

> - - - -  - repeating my previous post - - - - - - <

>> Am 01.05.2023 um 19:39 schrieb David Woodyard :
>> ...
>> Fedora is the only OS. 
> That’s good. So it is quite easy.
>> Second bunch of questions:
>> (a)
>> Do you need to keep data?  If yes, how they are stored? On its own partition?
>> Both / and /home has raid1.
>> / of course will be over written. /home needs to be preserved.
> That’s not so good, but perfectly doable. Keeping sda2/sdb2 and mounting as 
> /home may cause some headaches in the long run, in organizational and 
> administrative terms. But does not affect the reliability.
> Maybe, you study  
> and 
> If you haven’t already done so.
>> If not, is there anything against completely restructuring the hard disks? 
>> Then you wouldn't have to worry about the UUID at all. 
>> (b) how are the disk currently formatted, what is the output of
>> Formatted as ext4 for everything. 
>> lsblk
>> sda 8:01 931.5G  0 disk  
>> ├─sda1  8:11  14.7G  0 part  
>> └─sda2  8:21 916.9G  0 part  
>>  └─md127   9:127  0 916.7G  0 raid1 /home
>> sdb 8:16   1 931.5G  0 disk  
>> └─sdb2  8:18   1 916.9G  0 part  
>>  └─md127   9:127  0 916.7G  0 raid1 /home
>> sdc 8:32   0 111.8G  0 disk  
>> └─sdc1  8:33   0 111.8G  0 part  
>>  └─md0 9:00 111.7G  0 raid1 
>> sdd 8:48   0 111.8G  0 disk  
>> └─sdd1  8:49   0 111.8G  0 part  
>>  └─md0 9:00 111.7G  0 raid1 
>> sde 8:64   1  28.6G  0 disk  
>> ├─sde1  8:65   1 1M  0 part  
>> └─sde2  8:66   1  28.6G  0 part  /
>> zram0 252:00 8G  0 disk  [SWAP]
>> The sde drive is a usb that I am using to boot with until I get the hdd 
>> fixed.
> The Harddisks are <2 TB and it looks like a DOS/MBR partitioning. Fedora 
> nowadays used GPT for all disks. As said, you can keep DOS/MBR, but may cause 
> organizational and administrative problems later due to the different default 
> partitioning. 
> Another issue: 
> (a)
> sdb has just sdb2, no sdb1. So we have to know, how it is partitioned in 
> detail to determine, how we can use the disk as part of a raid.  
> (b)
> Regarding the mentioned UUID issue you have to check the disk ID. 
> Therefore, use as root / with rood permission (sudo -i)
> fdisk  

Re: I have not been able to install F37 on a computer that has RAID1

2023-05-01 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 01.05.2023 um 19:39 schrieb David Woodyard :
> ...
> Fedora is the only OS. 

That’s good. So it is quite easy.

> Second bunch of questions:
> (a)
> Do you need to keep data?  If yes, how they are stored? On its own partition?
> Both / and /home has raid1.
> / of course will be over written. /home needs to be preserved.

That’s not so good, but perfectly doable. Keeping sda2/sdb2 and mounting as 
/home may cause some headaches in the long run, in organizational and 
administrative terms. But does not affect the reliability.

Maybe, you study

If you haven’t already done so.

> If not, is there anything against completely restructuring the hard disks? 
> Then you wouldn't have to worry about the UUID at all. 
> (b) how are the disk currently formatted, what is the output of
> Formatted as ext4 for everything. 
> lsblk
> sda 8:01 931.5G  0 disk  
> ├─sda1  8:11  14.7G  0 part  
> └─sda2  8:21 916.9G  0 part  
>   └─md127   9:127  0 916.7G  0 raid1 /home
> sdb 8:16   1 931.5G  0 disk  
> └─sdb2  8:18   1 916.9G  0 part  
>   └─md127   9:127  0 916.7G  0 raid1 /home
> sdc 8:32   0 111.8G  0 disk  
> └─sdc1  8:33   0 111.8G  0 part  
>   └─md0 9:00 111.7G  0 raid1 
> sdd 8:48   0 111.8G  0 disk  
> └─sdd1  8:49   0 111.8G  0 part  
>   └─md0 9:00 111.7G  0 raid1 
> sde 8:64   1  28.6G  0 disk  
> ├─sde1  8:65   1 1M  0 part  
> └─sde2  8:66   1  28.6G  0 part  /
> zram0 252:00 8G  0 disk  [SWAP]
> The sde drive is a usb that I am using to boot with until I get the hdd fixed.

The Harddisks are <2 TB and it looks like a DOS/MBR partitioning. Fedora 
nowadays used GPT for all disks. As said, you can keep DOS/MBR, but may cause 
organizational and administrative problems later due to the different default 

Another issue: 

sdb has just sdb2, no sdb1. So we have to know, how it is partitioned in detail 
to determine, how we can use the disk as part of a raid.  

Regarding the mentioned UUID issue you have to check the disk ID. 

Therefore, use as root / with rood permission (sudo -i)

fdisk  -l  | less

You can scroll up and down to check all partition entries. 

Would be good if you could post the listing here

Another question:

how do you use sdc/sdd ?  They are raid type 1 as well. but obviously not 
mounted anywhere.

To install Fedora Server you have several options:

(a) To create a Raid of 14 GB on sda and sdb, format at as xfs (no LVM as 
Fedora uses by default) and use it as the root file system for system data. 
Mount the raid on sda2 und sdb2 as /home in the root file system. That’s a bit 
tricky, but nevertheless just a series of several step-by-step actions.

(b) Install the system (root file system) just on sda1 without raid (and 
therefore without redundancy in case of a disk failure for the system files) 
and mount the current raid on /home. That’s the easiest way.

(c) If you don’t use sdc/sdd, then install Fedora on those disk, and - again - 
mount sda2/sdb2  as /home. That’s quite easy as well.

(d) Backup /home, completely reformat the disks and restore /home. 

Comparing the alternatives:

(c) seems the best solution if you can completely overwrite disks sdc/sdd. 

(b) is best, if you mainly want to play around and explore Fedora Server

(a) Is best if you want to seriously use Fedora Server, but without touching 
you precious data (provided you can add a partition to sdb as required).

(d) is best if you want a long term solution in line with Fedora's development 
and administrative principles and (upcomming) administrative tools.

That’s your choice.


Peter Boy

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Re: I have not been able to install F37 on a computer that has RAID1

2023-05-01 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 01.05.2023 um 18:33 schrieb David Woodyard :
> the server is what I need to install.

OK, o I guess Server will be the only Operating System on the device. And 
because you ‚see‘ sda and sdb, you don’t have a hardware raid but use a 
software raid. 

Second bunch of questions:

Do you need to keep data?  If yes, how they are stored? On its own partition?

If not, is there anything against completely restructuring the hard disks? Then 
you wouldn't have to worry about the UUID at all. 

(b) how are the disk currently formatted, what is the output of



Do you know, if it is a BIOSboot machine or an UEFI machine? 

Peter Boy

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Re: I have not been able to install F37 on a computer that has RAID1

2023-05-01 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 01.05.2023 um 18:12 schrieb David Woodyard :
> I have searched the web for a solution and have found nothing on this topic.
> The error I get is sda1 and sdb1 have the same UUID. I would rather not 
> remove a drive from raid and unplug it to do the install.
> I must be missing something.

It’s a well proven procedure. What do you want to install? Workstation, Server, 
one of the Spins?

Peter Boy

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Re: F38 - QEMM image migration problem

2023-05-01 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 01.05.2023 um 11:41 schrieb Peter Boy :
> … 
> You use virus to dump the vm definition to a xml file, e.g. to your home dir, 
> copy it to the new machine, adjust it (e.g. name of the interface) and create 
> a new machine with virus using that definition file.

This damn  autocorrect:  You use virus -> >ou use virsh   

Peter Boy

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Re: F38 - QEMM image migration problem

2023-05-01 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 01.05.2023 um 11:26 schrieb Robert Moskowitz :
> On 5/1/23 05:06, Peter Boy wrote:
>>> Am 01.05.2023 um 03:27 schrieb Robert Moskowitz :
>>> I have a Fedora21 image from my old F35 system that I rsnyced to my F38 
>>> system:
>>> # ls -ls /var/lib/libvirt/images/
>>> total 18397576
>>> 18397576 -rw-r--r--. 1 qemu qemu 18839109632 Apr 30 21:15 fedora21.qcow2
>>> I then went through the process
>>> Create New Virtual Machine
>>> Import existing Disk Image
>>> Fedora 21 is not a listed OS.  I tried Generic or Unknown OS.
>>> The image started, but nothing happening in the view.  It did the select 
>>> kernel ver and I just let it take the 1st as I do on F35.
>>> It just sits there.
>>> What is the magic selection to get an old F21 image running?  Only a couple 
>>> things I use this for, but would be a real pain to migrate. Running the 
>>> image is easier...
>>> Thanks
>> If I understand you correctly, you have a running F35 system that is able to 
>> run your F21 image? And you installed a new system using F38 and are to 
>> migrate / transfer your F21 image to the new system?
> Correct.
>> Do you use Fedora Workstation of Fedora Server (or yet another spin)? And 
>> did you try to ex- and import the virtual machine definition?
> I used the Fedora everything netinstall and selected the Xfce desktop for my 
> F38 install.
> Where are the vm definitions on F35 and where do I put then on F38?

You use virus to dump the vm definition to a xml file, e.g. to your home dir, 
copy it to the new machine, adjust it (e.g. name of the interface) and create a 
new machine with virus using that definition file.

Unfortunately, I’m on the road at the moment and don’t know the details out of 
my head (i don’t use it so often). Use either man virsh  or the libvirt 
documentation at
or some sites as

You can also compare your F35 configuration and your new F38 configuration to 
get a hint what may cause the problems.

Peter Boy

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Re: F38 - QEMM image migration problem

2023-05-01 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 01.05.2023 um 03:27 schrieb Robert Moskowitz :
> I have a Fedora21 image from my old F35 system that I rsnyced to my F38 
> system:
> # ls -ls /var/lib/libvirt/images/
> total 18397576
> 18397576 -rw-r--r--. 1 qemu qemu 18839109632 Apr 30 21:15 fedora21.qcow2
> I then went through the process
> Create New Virtual Machine
> Import existing Disk Image
> Fedora 21 is not a listed OS.  I tried Generic or Unknown OS.
> The image started, but nothing happening in the view.  It did the select 
> kernel ver and I just let it take the 1st as I do on F35.
> It just sits there.
> What is the magic selection to get an old F21 image running?  Only a couple 
> things I use this for, but would be a real pain to migrate. Running the image 
> is easier...
> Thanks

If I understand you correctly, you have a running F35 system that is able to 
run your F21 image? And you installed a new system using F38 and are to migrate 
/ transfer your F21 image to the new system?

Do you use Fedora Workstation of Fedora Server (or yet another spin)? And did 
you try to ex- and import the virtual machine definition? 

Peter Boy

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Re: Broken browser? Or broken website...

2023-05-01 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 30.04.2023 um 22:58 schrieb Dave Close :
> Accessing a page on <>, I am
> presented with a banner reading, "Unfortunately, your browser is
> unsupported. Please switch to a supported browser to view rich content,
> log in and reply." I am unable to scroll beyond the portion of the
> page immediately visible.
> But, of course, I didn't ask for any support. I recognize that my
> browsers of choice may not properly render some web sites that choose
> to use some newer facilities. ("rich content", indeed! I'd be very happy
> without "rich" content.) If I'm stuck, I can use a different browser;
> I know how to do that.
> I wouldn't object to a banner warning me that some parts of the site
> might not render properly on my browser. But takes
> things further by refusing to allow the entire page to load. I resent
> their patronizing and holier-than-thou attitude.

That sounds strange. What browser are you using? as well as use fairly w3c compliant technology.

I can even „use“ the site with a non-graphical text browser, e.g.

> Unfortunately, is not the only place I've encountered
> this abomination. What gives the administrators of these places their
> special rights to control the rest of us?

They don’t ‚control‘ you. They just check, if your browser it technically 
capable to render the site content. If not, they provide a „minimal view“, 
check e.g. lynx.

Peter Boy

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Re: problem downloading rpms with wifi

2023-05-01 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 01.05.2023 um 02:49 schrieb Bill Cunningham :
> I just was able to install the fedora 38 build and I want to use dnf to 
> install so more rpms. I get this error and I have no idea where to begin. It 
> has to do with wifi networking I know that. using the gui I was able to 
> install fine. I booted to cli and get this:
> Fedora 38 - x86_64 [=== ] ---  B/s |   0  B --:-- ETA
> Fedora 38 - x86_64 0.0  B/s |   0  B 00:00
> Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'fedora':
>   - Curl error (6): Couldn't resolve host name for 
> [Could 
> not resolve host:]
> Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'fedora': Cannot prepare internal 
> mirrorlist: Curl error (6): Couldn't resolve host name for 
> [Could 
> not resolve host:]
> Any suggestions?

You should first check your network connection. In a terminal windows check the 
output of

$ ip a

It should list at least one interface with an ip, something like

2: enp0s31f6:  mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state 
UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 90:1b:0e:fc:ee:d2 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global noprefixroute enp0s31f6
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 2a01:4f8:120:7142::2/128 scope global noprefixroute 
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::921b:eff:fefc:eed2/64 scope link noprefixroute 
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Important is the  ip and the „state UP“

If you have an ip, check your dns, e.g.

$ host fedora

It should respond like has address has address has address has address
… has IPv6 address 2600:2701:4000:5211:dead:beef:fe:fed3 has IPv6 address 2a05:d01c:c6a:cc01:269:da52:9ae1:43e6

Then check if your routing works:

$ ping 

or, it you are IPV6 only

$ ping6 2600:2701:4000:5211:dead:beef:fe:fed3 

Use c to interrupt the listing.

Given your difficulties, one of the steps above should not work on your system. 

Peter Boy

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Re: F38 migrate NetworkManager/system-connections

2023-05-01 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 01.05.2023 um 04:39 schrieb Robert Moskowitz :
> Is there a way to migrate the NetworkManager/system-connections files from 
> F35 to F38 system?
> I am not finding an export option and haven't figured out how to get around 
> file permissions to copy the files to a USB stick.

I guess you want to migrate from the previous 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg* files to the 
/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/*.nmconnection files

Execute (as root)

# nmcli connection migrate


$ sudo nmcli connection migrate 

Peter Boy

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Re: Upgrading to F38, setroubleshoot-server seems to be taking a long time

2023-04-25 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 25.04.2023 um 23:03 schrieb Max Pyziur :
> I've begun using this command. Example:
> dnf distro-sync perl\*
> And it removes all f38 installed packages where there is a an f37 package.
> Is this the correct way to proceed?
> Thank you again.

First you should check, which version your system is on:

$ cat /etc/system-release

It says either F37 or F38 

If say F37, you should continue with distro-sync, until you hopefully get a 
clean f37 again. Then you may start over.

to check you may issue:

$ rpm -qa | grep fc38

It should return nothing. Otherwise continue trying with distro-sync

Peter Boy

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Re: cifs mount error F38 (possible selinux issue).

2023-04-22 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 22.04.2023 um 15:40 schrieb Ranjan Maitra :
> I tried to change selinux to permissive on the F38 box, and then I was able 
> to mount the share. However, the F37 box mounts the share fine, with selinux 
> set at enforcing. So, should a separate context need to be created for F38? 
> If so, what, where?

As I understand, you have a Windows box that provides some shares. And you have 
a Fedora box, I assume one of the desktop variants, where you want to mount 
that share.

And indeed, if it works with SELinux permissive it is clearly a SELinux issue 
and has nothing to do with the Windows version or smbclient. 

Have a look at

to further analyse the blockage.

Good luck

Peter Boy

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Re: Certbot error

2023-04-22 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 22.04.2023 um 19:48 schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan :
> On Sat, 2023-04-22 at 18:27 +0200, Peter Boy wrote:
>>> Am 22.04.2023 um 14:11 schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan
>>> :
>>> I'm trying to set up a simple web server for personal use, using
>>> Apache, and want to enable HTTPS access. This involves getting an
>>> SSL
>>> certificate and I'll be using LetsEncrypt (
>>> The recommended way to do this is with Certbot, but I can't get
>>> past
>>> this error:
>> With apache you have the advantage that you don't need certbot at
>> all, but apache does everything itself with the help of the md
>> module. Configure as follows:
>> # Letsencrypt certificate management via Apache mod_md
>> # By default, automatically all alternative names get included.
>> MDContactEmail  ME@MY_DOMAIN.TLD
>> MDCertificateAgreement accepted
>> ServerName  MY_DOMAIN.TLD
>> ServerAlias www.MY_DOMAIN.TLD
>> ServerAlias demo.MY_DOMAIN.TLD
>> …
>> … 
>> After adding the above configuration restart apache. Wait some
>> minutes and restart again. You should now see in the logs the
>> certificates.
>> Apache cares about the 3-monthly renewing. You don’t need to do
>> anything.
> That's interesting, but seems to contradict what the LetsEncrypt site
> seems to say (as far as I understand it). How does Apache set up a
> certificate if it's only reachable via port 443, which requires a
> certificate?

Apache developed mod_md which is, among others, yet another implementation of 
the certbot protocol, but manages everything inside apache. The module knows it 
has to renew every 3 months and it manages the communication with lets encrypt 
by its own. I didn’t check, but - as it works - mod_md knows about the ports 
and chooses the appropriate. 

I should have send the complete config, it says further down:

    # Production Web Site  Fiction meets Science
ServerAlias www.MY_DOMAIN.TLD
RewriteEngine   On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$  https://MY_DOMAIN.TLD$1  [R=301,L]

But of course, I use Fedora Server.

Peter Boy

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Re: Certbot error

2023-04-22 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 22.04.2023 um 14:11 schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan :
> I'm trying to set up a simple web server for personal use, using
> Apache, and want to enable HTTPS access. This involves getting an SSL
> certificate and I'll be using LetsEncrypt (
> The recommended way to do this is with Certbot, but I can't get past
> this error:

With apache you have the advantage that you don't need certbot at all, but 
apache does everything itself with the help of the md module. Configure as 

# Letsencrypt certificate management via Apache mod_md
# By default, automatically all alternative names get included.
MDCertificateAgreement accepted

ServerAlias www.MY_DOMAIN.TLD
ServerAlias demo.MY_DOMAIN.TLD

After adding the above configuration restart apache. Wait some minutes and 
restart again. You should now see in the logs the certificates.

Apache cares about the 3-monthly renewing. You don’t need to do anything.

Peter Boy

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Re: Upstream for libvirtd?

2023-04-07 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 07.04.2023 um 22:43 schrieb ToddAndMargo via users 
> :
> Anyone know where "upstream" is for libvirtd?   ??

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Re: Virtual Machine Network Connection Confusion

2023-04-04 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 04.04.2023 um 17:51 schrieb Robert McBroom via users 
> :
> Fedora 37 with four qemu/kvm virtual machines. Trying to get internet access 
> from the vm's. Found some advice about using systemd-networkd instead of 
> NetworkManager.

Following „some advice“ is usually a good chance for adventure. What was wrong 
with using Fedora documentation?

>  Lost internet connection with the host. Restored with NetworkManager. 
> Further research on NetworkManager gets into a tangle with ifcfg scripts and 
> the apparent migration to keyfiles.
> Totally confused.
> Can only start the virtual machines if the network device is removed. 
> --
> VM centos8 failed to start
> Requested operation is not valid: network 'default' is not active
> -
> From cockpit on the web interface tried some of the options with bond looking 
> like a possibility
> -
> 11:37 AM
>  [1680622647.3084] dhcp6 (bond0): state changed new lease, 
> address=2600:1702:4860:9dd0::34
> NetworkManager
> 11:27 AM
>  [1680622058.5768] manager: (vnet4): new Tun device 
> (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/9)
> NetworkManager
> 11:07 AM
>  [1680620850.7934] dhcp6 (bond0): state changed new lease, 
> address=2600:1702:4860:9dd0::34
> NetworkManager
> 11:02 AM
>  [1680620556.1938] manager: (vnet3): new Tun device 
> (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/8)
> NetworkManager
> 11:01 AM
>  [1680620475.6234] manager: (vnet2): new Tun device 
> (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/7)
> NetworkManager
> 10:40 AM
>  [1680619204.0043] dhcp6 (bond0): state changed new lease, 
> address=2600:1702:4860:9dd0::34
> NetworkManager
> but
> VM centos8 failed to start
> Unable to add bridge bond0 port vnet5: Operation not supported
> --
> The options seem to be endless with no success. 
> Advice?

All these messages are nice, but meaningless for troubleshooting. The first 
thing is how the host was installed and how the network was configured, as a 
first start the output of „ip a“. The second one is, how you configured the 
virtual internet connection of a vm.

Peter Boy

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Re: mounting a drive on F37

2023-03-30 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 30.03.2023 um 16:02 schrieb Ranjan Maitra :
>> And to make it permanent
>> […]$ sudo vi /etc/fstab
>> and add at the end
>> either
>> /dev/sdb1  /mnt   xfs defaults0  0
>> or
>> /dev/sdb1  /mnt   ext4 defaults0  0
> lsblk now yields a UUID, so I guess i could use that for consistency with the 
> rest, or the actual drive above.

You can do that, yes. One reason for UUID is, when you do some hardware 
maintenance and reconnect the drives to different sata ports the naming can 
change. The previous /dev/sdb may become /dev/sdd etc. Using UUID make you to 
some degree independent from cabling and ports.

> But, should I use 0 0 above, or 1 2, given that /home is 1 2. Since  that is 
> what I will be backing up hourly (after the first run), using changes per 
> rsync to this drive).

The first „zero“:
fs_freq: This field is used by dump(8) to determine which filesystems need to 
be dumped. Defaults to zero (don’t dump) if not present.

I suppose, you don’t want it to get dumped, so leave it zero

The second „zero“:
fs_passno: This field is used by fsck(8) to determine the order in which 
filesystem checks are done at boot time. The root filesystem should be 
specified with a fs_passno of 1. Other filesystems should have a fs_passno of 
2. Filesystems within a drive will be checked sequentially, but filesystems on 
different drives will be checked at the same time to utilize parallelism 
available in the hardware. Defaults to zero (don’t check the filesystem) if not 

Modern journaling filesystems as ext4 or xfs  don’t need a file check at every 
boot time. So I think it is best to retain the default. 


Peter Boy

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Re: mounting a drive on F37

2023-03-30 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 30.03.2023 um 15:11 schrieb Ranjan Maitra :
> Thanks, very much, to all!
> To answer the questions:
>> From: Peter Boy 
>> Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2023 08:03:25 +0200
>>> I have three additional drives, two of which are hardware (for historical 
>>> reasons) RAIDed, and have /home 
>> As it looks, sda and sdc are software raid. If you had a hardware raid, all 
>> disks attached to the hardware raid controller show up as one drive.  But 
>> doesn’t matter as long as it works.
> I see, thanks! I assumed HW RAID since it was set up through the BIOS ages 
> ago.

Then you might have a BIOS Raid, where the BIOS provides some of the code 
instead of the Linux driver. Before you update to F38 and/or F39, you should 
study the release notes. Linux support for  BIOS Raid changed, I don’t remember 
the details out of my head. They will NOT get totally unsupported, but you may 
have to install different drivers, maybe it’s updated automatic. As I said, I 
don’t remember the details. 

>>> But, my problem is that /dev/sdb does not appear to have a UUID number. 
>>> Indeed, I get nothing back when I try:
>> At first you have to create a partition and a file system on the new drive, 
>> which seems to be /dev/sdb. (After that you should see UUIDs).
>> What says
>> cfdisk /dev/sdb ?
> So, I get a new screen come up, and "select label type" from "gpt", "dos", 
> "sgi" and "sun". I guess this should be "gpt", so I tried that.
> The process forward seemed straightforward, and I got a filesystem created 
> with "Label" gpt, "identifier "some long alphanumeric name" and "Partition 
> UUID" and of "Partition type: Linux file system", both the last with two 
> other long alphanumeric names.
> I went into "Type" but there is no option for "ext4" ("or xfs", for that 
> matter) and so left it as "Linux file system" and then "Write" (wrote) to 
> disk ("yes") and "Quit" to move on.
>> If you can, create a partition and afterwards a filesystem. Then try e.g.
>> mount -t xfs|ext4   /dev/sdb1   /mnt 
> Here, however, I get:
> $ sudo mount -t ext4   /dev/sdb1   /mnt
> mount: /mnt/backup: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, 
> missing codepage or helper program, or other error.
>   dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.

Yes, you must create a file system on the newly created partition. Currently 
xfs is the default, so you have to execute:

[…]$ sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb1
[…]$ sudo mount -t xfs  /dev/sdb1 /mnt  

or if you want to stay with ext4:
[…]$ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1
[…]$ sudo mount -t ext4  /dev/sdb1  /mnt  

And to make it permanent

[…]$ sudo vi /etc/fstab

and add at the end
/dev/sdb1  /mnt   xfs defaults0  0
/dev/sdb1  /mnt   ext4 defaults0  0

Generally, /mnt is not a good option for a permanent mount. You should create 
either /srv/backups  (srv for server or services) or at least /mnt/mybackups

> $ fdisk -l /dev/sdb
> Disk /dev/sdb: 1.82 TiB, 2000398934016 bytes, 3907029168 sectors
> Disk model: WDC WD2005FBYZ-0
> Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
> Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
> I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
> Disklabel type: gpt
> Disk identifier: massive alphanumeric number
> Device StartEndSectors  Size Type
> /dev/sdb1   2048 3907028991 3907026944  1.8T Linux filesystem

That looks fine, exactly as it should be. Execute the steps above to create a 

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Re: mounting a drive on F37

2023-03-30 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 30.03.2023 um 06:45 schrieb Ranjan Maitra :
> Hi,
> I am trying to modify my /etc/fstab to mount a drive (where I want to place a 
> backup). From looking at the current setup created by anaconda, it looks like 
> I have to setup using UUID or LABEL (however these seem to be blank, see 
> below).

Don’t worry about UUID. There is no consistent rule how to specify a drive in 
fstab. And various Fedora tools handle it differently and you will have a mix 
of UUID or /dev/xxx specification.

> First, my setup.
> I have one SSD that has / and all the partitions associated with it.
> I have three additional drives, two of which are hardware (for historical 
> reasons) RAIDed, and have /home 

As it looks, sda and sdc are software raid. If you had a hardware raid, all 
disks attached to the hardware raid controller show up as one drive.  But 
doesn’t matter as long as it works.
> in them, and a third new drive that is  a "free agent" (sorry for not knowing 
> the correct term, but I hope that I can convey the meaning).
> I want this to be mounted at boot as /mnt/whatever (I have verified that this 
> mount-point has been created and exists).
> So, I look at my /dev/disk/by-disk-seq and see:
> ~$ ls
> 1@  2@  4@  5@  6@
> ~$ ll *
> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 9 Mar 29 14:01 1 -> ../../sda
> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 9 Mar 29 14:01 2 -> ../../sdb
> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 9 Mar 29 14:01 4 -> ../../sdc
> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 9 Mar 29 14:01 5 -> ../../sr0
> OK, there is an a, b and c. The d is the first drive that has the /, the sr0 
> is the swap, and the a, b and c are the three drives.
> It appears to me that the sda and sdc are the ones raided (they have the same 
> UUID and also lsblk indicates so (I have made up the part numbers here, for 
> security). I have to say that I expected sda and sdb to be the RAIDed drives, 
> I thought that sdc would be the new one that has been put in. But perhaps I 
> am wrong in my understanding.
> Anyway, 
> $ lsblk -f
> sda isw_raid_member 1.3.00
>   sda1  ext41.0  x
>   md126   
> md126p1 ext41.0  x 116.3G8% /home
>   md127   
> sdb   
> sdc isw_raid_member 1.3.00
>   sdc1  ext41.0  x
>   md126   
> md126p1 ext41.0  x 116.3G8% /home
>   md127   
> sdd   
>   sdd1  vfatFAT32E56F-E0D8
>   sdd2  ext41.0  y 595.9M8% /boot
>   sdd3  vfatFAT321616-D18F 933.7M 2% 
> /boot/efi
>   sdd4  ext41.0  u 43.2G 0% /tmp
>   sdd5  ext41.0  v 43.2G 0% 
> /usr/local
>   sdd6  swap1w[SWAP]
>   sdd7  ext41.0  z 76.3G14% /
> sr0   
> zram0 
> But, my problem is that /dev/sdb does not appear to have a UUID number. 
> Indeed, I get nothing back when I try:

At first you have to create a partition and a file system on the new drive, 
which seems to be /dev/sdb. (After that you should see UUIDs).

What says

cfdisk /dev/sdb ?

If you can, create a partition and afterwards a filesystem. Then try e.g.
mount -t xfs|ext4   /dev/sdb1   /mnt 

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Re: Fedora 37 qemu/kvm Centos 8 virtual machine Problem

2023-03-09 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 10.03.2023 um 07:00 schrieb Robert McBroom via users 
> :
> On 3/10/23 00:41, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 10, 2023 at 12:36 AM Robert McBroom via users
>>  wrote:
>>> Installed CentOS-STREAM 8 ON A QEMU/KVM virtual machine. Initially the
>>> reboot went only to a blank display. Editing the grub menu to give a
>>> terminal boot was successful.
>>> Succeeded  to get a graphical screen with xinit and a terminal to
>>> explore the options. Was able to install xfce for a graphical desktop
>>> but gnome fails. The display managers gdm and sddm both fail with a
>>> blank screen with the mouse cursor. The others lxdm and lighdm don't
>>> show as being available.
>>> How do I get the session to start properly?
>> I do not see a problem with Fedora 37. The guest seems to run Ok.
>> Perhaps a CentOS forum would be a better place for the question?
>> Or, install Fedora Server and stop putzing around with the antique
>> software RHEL and CentOS provides.
>> My apologies if I mis-parsed something.
>> Jeff
> Fedora 37 is the host

Which Fedora variant?

I just installed CentOS Stream cloud following the Fedora Server documentation 
 and it works seamlessly. 

What did you do exactly?

Your description is typical of a mismatched console configuration between 
virtual machine properties and guest OS configuration and independent of Fedora 
or any specific Fedora release.

Peter Boy

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Re: software or hardware raid?

2023-03-01 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 01.03.2023 um 21:45 schrieb John Mellor :
> BTRFS is massively faster and safer than all other implementations other than 
> perhaps ZFS, is at least partially error compensating, does not demand 
> identical drives, and can be easily converted into other RAID classes 
> dynamically as desired.

That's a strong claim.  And it is basically as false as it is strong. 

There is a lot of discussion about BTRFS regarding performance and stability. 
And because BTRFS is so superb fast and reliable, Red Hat has dropped BTRFS in 
RHEL. They don’t want something so fast and reliable in their distro. This 
would probably make the (paid) support redundant and reduce the profit. And 
customers could become overwhelmed and dissatisfied with so much speed. 

BTRFS has a number of advantages, but also some disadvantages. A slightly more 
accurate and less operationally blind presentation would be much more 
appropriate. As is almost always the case with Technology, it's a matter of 
balance and differing relevancies. 

Peter Boy

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Re: How to create a Fedora 37 image for AWS

2023-02-26 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 25.02.2023 um 16:19 schrieb Thomas Cameron via users 
> :
> Honestly, this was just me nerding out and having fun, and I wanted to share 
> it in case anyone else wanted to do the same.

Thats perfectly OK. That's what FOSS is for - among other things.

I would be happy if you would contribute your experiences to our Fedora Server 
documentation [1]. I myself am working on an article in which I have collected 
my experiences in creating Fedora Server Edition KVM [2]. It would be great and 
inspirational to have another tutorial on another case, here then Amazon Cloud. 

You don't need to concern yourself with the details of page creation using 
AsciiDoc, etc. A simple text file would be fine. The transfer could be done by 
someone from the WG. The effort is then kept within limits. 

And by the way: We would be very happy if you would contribute your further 
experiences with Fedora Server Edition or your ideas for improvement. :-) 



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Re: How to create a Fedora 37 image for AWS

2023-02-25 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 25.02.2023 um 00:23 schrieb Thomas Cameron via users 
> :
> Hey, all! I work for AWS, and I put together a quick HOWTO on setting up a 
> Fedora 37 instance using KVM, and then converting it to a format that can be 
> used to create a new EC2 instance on AWS. Note that this is a personal 
> project, is not endorsed by AWS, and was not produced by AWS. It’s just me.
> I am not a web guy, I just did a super basic HTML page using Seahorse. It’s 
> literally something I threw together, and I am sure I missed some things, but 
> I hope that it is helpful for anyone who wants to build their own image. I 
> know there are a bunch of images already out there in the community, but I 
> wanted to document how to do it for yourself.
> I hope you find it helpful!

The first questions that comes into my mind: why not use cloud image for 
Amazon? It’s not Fedora Server, but something alike. But that is your kickstart 
as well. Or use the generic cloud image, which includes cloud-init, and adjust 

And just in case you whish to provide a (real) Fedora Server, why don’t you use 
the provided KVM image and add some specifics apps using e.g. guestfish on the 
image (as described in the Fedora Server documentation)? Or use the kickstart 
from Fedora repository and add some specific apps to it? 

I’m just curious, no criticism. I created the KVM image and know about the 
difficulties and peculiarities using kickstart and imagefactory.  


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Re: CentOS8 VM

2023-02-24 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 25.02.2023 um 05:33 schrieb Robert McBroom via users 
> :
> Installed CentOS8 on a VM from
> CentOS-8.1.1911-x86_64-dvd1.iso
> Trying to update it gives
> Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream'
> Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstream'
> I have the rpm's on a local repository but disabling the repos has no effect 
> on the error and will no proceed with the update.
> is there a fix?

CentOS 8 is EOL since end of last year. My fix was: replacing CentOS with 
Fedora Server, although my perspective may not be that unencumbered, given my 
signature. Unless you are using very special application software or a very 
special use case you will not face more issues as with CentOS, in some cases 
rather even less, because the software versions are more recent. 

Peter Boy

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Re: lxd on Fedora for virtual machine

2023-02-01 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 01.02.2023 um 06:01 schrieb Robert McBroom via users 
> :
> On 1/31/23 06:06, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>> On Tue, 2023-01-31 at 00:00 -0500, Robert McBroom via users wrote:
>>> I see discussions of container tech with lxd and docker on ubuntu.
>>> dnf
>>> will install docker. Anyone have experience with a windows virtual
>>> machine with these systems?
>> If you mean running a Windows VM with a container as the hypervisor,
>> AFAIK that's not possible. A container is much lighter than a full VM
>> environment and won't in general allow emulation of a completely
>> different OS, which is one reason they are popular.
> There is a tutorial for ubuntu,

LXD started once as a (new) management tool for LXC container (mostly system 
containers in contrast to Docker). Later (I think with version 4) they expanded 
to manage VMs as well. So, you might be able to manage a virtual Windows 
instance with LXD, but you don’t use container technology. 

Fedora doesn’t include a LXD RPM. There is a RPM in COPR [1], which is 
maintained by one person, who is very active (at least in the past, I actually 
don’t use it anymore). And you can install it via another packaging tool, snap. 
So LXD on Fedora might not be such a superior user experience. 


Peter Boy

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Re: production env linux??

2023-01-10 Thread Peter Boy

> On 1/10/23 10:40, bruce wrote:
>> just curious.. no flames..
>>  for you guys who are sysadmins. what linux do you run in production?
>> any reasons why you use the flavor you use/?

I use Fedora Server Edition on all our servers (and MacOS on desktop and 

It runs stable. Admistration is simple, since the defaults are strongly trimmed 
for security and stability. I can very quickly use the latest software versions 
and provide additional features for our users.

And especially a release upgrade is a breeze. 

Previously I had a mix of Scientific Linux (formerly, a CERN RHEL clone 
optimised for universities and research institutes)) and Fedora servers. Over a 
period of more than 10 years, I have not noticed any difference in terms of 
failures due to software bugs.

However, I do not have a hardware zoo either, but all Lenovo / IBM servers and 
2 explicit test machines on which I test all updates, especially kernels, 
beforehand. And in early years I had sometimes to skip an update. But that has 
gone for at least 5 years now. 

Peter Boy

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Re: old system -centos 6 -- trying to fix a disk/partition/vol issue

2022-12-20 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 20.12.2022 um 13:39 schrieb bruce :
> And yeaHi Peter.
> Thanks for the reply.
> It appears that the issue is as simple as -- the LABEL of the
> partition from gparted is "TestDir' - not /media/TestDir <<
> one I changed the line in the fstab..
>>> LABEL=TestDir /media/TestDir
> and then did a mount -a
> The partition/data is viewable..
> At some point, I'll do a reboot to see if the box reboots again.
> Thanks!

If only it were always that simple.  :-)

Peter Boy

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Re: old system -centos 6 -- trying to fix a disk/partition/vol issue

2022-12-20 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 20.12.2022 um 05:01 schrieb bruce :
> Hi.
> I know. centos6 is dead/buried/reincarnated.
> However, I have a very old box that I haven't touched in a bit.
> I had created a /media/TestDir using part of the drive. As I recall,
> it had been working. However, when I turned it on earlier, something
> happened, (i think the cat hit the cord!). I rebooted and got a msg
> about the /media/foo not being able to resolve and therefore not boot.
> I did a quick comment out of the offending line in the fstab. Rebot
> was successful.
> Now, I'm wondering how to get the fstab /media/foo back with the
> underlying files. I assume the files are still on the "drive". As a
> matter of fact, just fired up gparted, and it shows the partition
> /dev/sda4 as et4 with a Label of "TestDir".
> This was the line in the /etc/fstab file
> ##LABEL=/media/TestDir /media/TestDir  ext4defaults1 2

I’m wondering, where you found „et4“. I guess in the partition table.

As a Server guy I would use a CLI tool and at first check the disk with fdisk. 
And than I would try to manually mount with the *device name*).

And in case of anomalies of the partition table for sda4 - as a (very) last 
resort - delete that partition (noting start and end sectors beforehand) and 
then create a new partition with exactly the same start and end sectors and 
partition type. But that is not for the faint-hearted.

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Re: help needed: How to reset the root password

2022-12-19 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 17.12.2022 um 14:06 schrieb Richard Shaw :
> On Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 2:57 AM Peter Boy  wrote:
> A Quick Doc article describes the procedure:
> We, the Fedora Docs team, are in the process to review and improve the Quick 
> Docs articles. We are (unfortunately) not omniscient IT gods but need support 
> from Fedora community. 
> According to some comments 
> ( the article misses at 
> least some information:
> - the second part about using live CD doesn’t describe Workstation and BTRFS
> I'm not sure why that wouldn't work for Workstation (or any standard install 
> of a linux os) as long as the volume isn't encrypted. It doesn't even have to 
> be a Fedora live image (probably about time to replace "CD" with "Image"), I 
> could do the same (and used to) with System Rescue CD.
> - for which Fedora variant do the instructions apply? Server for sure, 
> Workstation? CoreOS? Silverblue? Kinoite? all spins? 
> I can't speak to Silverblue...
> - what else is missing, misleading, or misunderstandable?
> Looks pretty straight forward but I do which Fedora provided a helper script 
> to mount the filesystems. I always have to look up what's supposed to be a 
> "bind" mount or something else once I have /boot and / mounted.
> Thanks,
> Richard

Many thanks for feedback. So we’ll publish it as is.
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Re: Tip: how to make your own resolv.conf

2022-12-19 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 18.12.2022 um 09:24 schrieb ToddAndMargo via users 
> :
>> On Sat, 2022-12-17 at 16:38 -0800, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
>>> If you are tired of all the bugs and Micky Mouse
>>> surrounding /etc/resolv.conf, here is how to make
>>> your own that Micky can't alter:
> I do not know what FC37 did.
> By the way, I have two network cards.
> The Internet facing was using dhclient to get
> an IP from my router's dhcp server.  I have now
> switched it to fixed IP.
> My other network card has a DHCP server connected
> to an internal DDNS server on it to to service
> the comptuers on the internal side of the network.
> Both cards are connected through iptables.
> What ever helpful tools FC37 installed or updated
> did not realize the comlexitiy of the network
> and made things a nightmare for me.

I really hope that nobody takes the subject line literally. This thread 
contains so much of terminological incorrectness, technical errors and shows in 
large parts such a lack of understanding of basic technical concepts, that is 
breathtaking. And various attempts to correct the errors were ignored further 
on - for whatever reason.

Please, everyone who has issues with their network connection, better ignore 
this kind of advise completely! Do not ruin your system.

Peter Boy

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help needed: How to reset the root password

2022-12-17 Thread Peter Boy
A Quick Doc article describes the procedure: 

We, the Fedora Docs team, are in the process to review and improve the Quick 
Docs articles. We are (unfortunately) not omniscient IT gods but need support 
from Fedora community. 

According to some comments ( 
the article misses at least some information:

- the second part about using live CD doesn’t describe Workstation and BTRFS
- for which Fedora variant do the instructions apply? Server for sure, 
Workstation? CoreOS? Silverblue? Kinoite? all spins?
- what else is missing, misleading, or misunderstandable?

Please, take a quick look at the article and give specific wording for 
completion and improvement by either

- reply here
- add comment to
- edit a copy of the page using pagure editor (2nd icon from the right in the 
bread-crumb bar, use "fork & edit“)

Thanks for contributing

Peter Boy

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Re: Cockpit as root

2022-12-10 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 10.12.2022 um 05:40 schrieb Emmett Culley via users 
> :
> On 12/9/22 11:07 AM, Joe Zeff wrote:
>> On 12/09/2022 10:50 AM, Emmett Culley via users wrote:
>>> Yes, I can see root log in disabled by default.  How to I enable root login?
>> Root login is disabled because the account doesn't have a password.  You can 
>> give it one during install, but it isn't required, so most people never 
>> realize that they can do that.  As I prefer su to sudo, I always do.  To 
>> correct that without reinstalling, run this:
>> sudo passwd
>> which will you to change (or in this case set) the root password.  Once 
>> that's done you, and anybody else who knows it can become root.
> I log in to that workstation many times each day as root.  I always create a 
> root password when I create a new machine.
> I am asking how do I enable root login for cockpit. I do not want to use 
> sudo.  I suppose it may be a KDE plasma issue as I see "Fedora Linux KDE 
> Plasma" in the header of the login dialog.  So how do I enable login to 
> plasma as root?
> This particular server is the first time I used Fedora instead of CentOS or 
> some other Red Hat derivative.  This server was actually first created with 
> Fedora 28, and I just converted it to use as a gateway after upgrading to 
> Fedora 36 (via 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35.  Before this I rarely logged 
> into plasma as root, but on occasion I did, and is was successful, then.  
> What has changed and how do I fix it?

I’m puzzled. If you see „KDE Plasma“ on the login screen, you are logging in to 
your workstation, either directly via console or ssh. There is no Cockpit 

You use Cockpit usually to login to Fedora Server, and there is (usually) no 
Plasma involved, because Server comes without any graphical interface. To 
enable root login via Cockpit for your server, you must first login on the 
server as the current server-user with admin privileges, and use sudo passwd 
one time in the terminal to set a root password (on the server). After that you 
can permanently log in to the server directly as root. To be able to login to 
your server it doesn’t matter how you are logged on your workstation.

Peter Boy

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Re: Cockpit as root

2022-12-09 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 09.12.2022 um 17:47 schrieb Emmett Culley via users 
> :
> I am not able to login to cockpit, localhost:9090, as root.  I can login as a 
> normal user, but that isn't acceptable.  Why would I even need cockpit as a 
> normal user?

By default, the root login is blocked. Therefore, you login as a user and then 
acquire administrative privileges. (Button center at the top) you must use an 
user account with sudo privileges, i.e. member of group wheel. 

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Re: [Undeliverable: Re: Mailing lists and Discourse]

2022-10-27 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 27.10.2022 um 23:38 schrieb Wolfgang Pfeiffer :
> On Thu, Oct 27, 2022 at 11:09:35PM +0200, Wolfgang Pfeiffer wrote:
>> The error message below, that was sent to me after sending an email to
>> this list (via [] - the message
> wrong: IP should say []

The IP itself is not the problem. The Problem is, that one of the servers 
checks the SPF record
> Remote Server returned '550-5.7.26 The MAIL FROM domain [] has an SPF 
> record with a hard fail 550-5.7.26 policy (-all)

And according to my knowledge it is not the Fedora mailing list server.

Peter Boy

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Re: [Undeliverable: Re: Mailing lists and Discourse]

2022-10-27 Thread Peter Boy
You will find the crux here:

> Generating server: PR3P189MB1017.EURP189.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM
> Remote Server returned '550-5.7.26 The MAIL FROM domain [] has an SPF 
> record with a hard fail 550-5.7.26 policy (-all)

That means, a participating server checks, if the domain in your mail address 
allows the domain of the server it receives the mail from, to handle mail from 
that domain.

Fedora mailing list doesn’t check the SPF record, but the list membership of 
the sender. The fedora domain (e.g. 
checks the SPF record.

For a detailed analyses we would need the complete mail header. 

> Am 27.10.2022 um 23:09 schrieb Wolfgang Pfeiffer :
> TL;DR:
> Emails I'm sending to this list take many hours until they reach this
> list. Main problem 'tho is that shortly after sending them I'm getting
> an error message from telling me about
> unspecified errors regarding the mail transport. The message for this
> is attached with this email.
> Details:
> I actually wanted to send this email to an admin responsible for this
> list, but there's no one to find. And I encourage everyone not
> familiar with a mess like below to simply ignore this message:
> I hope 'tho that someone from the Fedora list admins has a look at it.
> The problem seems to be on the side of the Fedora mail distribution
> servers, that seem to be connected in one way or another with
> The error message below, that was sent to me after sending an email to
> this list (via [] - the message
> itself can be seen at the very end of the forwarded message below) is
> a mess, so it's not clear at all who is resposible for the fact that
> my emails to this list are
> 1: first delivered with no problems that I'd know of to the Fedora
>   list's servers (see the default Fedora list footers attached to my
>   email that I sent, at the very end of this message, which seem to
>   indicate just that) and after that successfull delivery to the
>   fedora servers are
> 2: managed by some servers (please see messages below),
>   that complain that
>  "( domain of transitioning
> discourages use of as
>permitted sender)"
> 3: Additionally some is involved (see below).
>   Plus I checked my MTA (sendmail) logs: I have not sent this mail at
>   the very end to some, whoever this is ...
> The email below, at the very end of this forwarded mail, obviously,
> after successfully being sent to the fedora list servers, was handled
> by and - and in the end delivered
> to this list. After many hours.
> So two questions to Fedora list admins (or anyone else who understands
> the message attached)
> 1: Is my email address seen as a spammer address by the
>   Fedora list software?
> 2: Does anyone understand what happened according to the message
>   attached below from
> Thanks in anticipation
> Wolfgang
> - Forwarded message from -
> Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2022 17:46:59 +
> From:
> Subject: Undeliverable: Re: Mailing lists and Discourse
> To:
> Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:
> Your message wasn't delivered because the recipient's email provider rejected 
> it.
> Diagnostic information for administrators:
> Generating server: PR3P189MB1017.EURP189.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM
> Remote Server returned '550-5.7.26 The MAIL FROM domain [] has an SPF 
> record with a hard fail 550-5.7.26 policy (-all) but it fails to pass SPF 
> checks with the ip: 550-5.7.26 []. To best protect our users from 
> spam and phishing, 550-5.7.26 the message has been blocked. Please visit 
> 550-5.7.26 for 
> more 550 5.7.26 information. 
> r20-20020a05640251d400b0045d4b7ad162si6801981edd.546 - gsmtp'
> Original message headers:
> Received: from AM7P189MB0759.EURP189.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:20b:112::22)
> by PR3P189MB1017.EURP189.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:102:49::19) with
> Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2,
> cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.5746.28; Wed, 26 Oct
> 2022 17:46:59 +
> Resent-From: 
> Received: from AM7P189MB0759.EURP189.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([::1]) by
> AM7P189MB0759.EURP189.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM ([fe80::55cb:31af:f4b8:4802%7]) with
> Microsoft SMTP Server id 15.20.5746.026; Wed, 26 Oct 2022 17:46:59 +
> Authentication-Results: spf=softfail (sender IP is
>; dkim=none (message not signed)
> header.d=none;dmarc=fail 

Re: lvm2 question

2022-10-08 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 07.10.2022 um 23:21 schrieb Robert McBroom via users 
> :
> On 10/6/22 00:34, Todd Zullinger wrote:
>> Robert McBroom via users wrote:
>>> Installed the server version of Fedora in a lvm physical
>>> volume.
>> [...]
>>> Quickly started running out of space.  Created a second
>>> physical volume and used vgextend to add it to the volume
>>> group.
>>> ~]# vgextend fedora_hpz440 /dev/nvme0n1p6
>>> Increased the size of the logical volume with some of the
>>> space of the second physical volume.
>>>  ~]# lvextend -L +150G /dev/mapper/fedora_hpz440/root
>> Adding --resizefs to the lvextend command would do the
>> trick.  That calls fsadm to do the resizing, so you could
>> just run fsadm now to finish resizing the underlying
>> filesystem.  Something like:
>> fsadm resize /dev/mapper/fedora_hpz440/root
>> Though it's worth reading fsadm(8) to check the options.  It
>> has a check command as well as --dry-run (-n) for use with
>> the resize command.
>> The fsadm command is a convenient tool to resize various
>> types of filesystems.  You could also use one of the tools
>> for your specific filesystem.  Fedora Server uses xfs, IIRC,
>> so xfs_growfs would be that tool.  For ext{2,3,4}, you can
>> use the resize2fs tool.
>> I'd use fsadm for its simplicity here.  And even better is
>> letting lvextend call it in the future. ;)
> fsadm resize /dev/mapper/fedora_hpz440/root
> did nothing.
> Had some space so tried 
> lvextend -L +10G --resize /dev/mapper/fedora_hpz440/root
> which worked.
> [...]

Yes, "lvextend -L +10G --resize /dev/map…“ is the correct version. 

Sometimes it is helpful to have a look into the Fedora Server Edition 

e.g. Virtualization -> Managing virtual machines with Cockpit

I would like to recommend to use Cockpit for such common administration tasks 
as recommended. It makes live really much easier. And Cockpit is installed 

Peter Boy

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Re: Fedora on a Mac Book Pro

2022-09-24 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 23.09.2022 um 14:59 schrieb Tim via users :
> On Fri, 2022-09-23 at 07:03 -0500, Richard Shaw wrote:
>> the lack of a right mouse button is annoying
> You don't have to use a Mac mouse on a Mac.

And even if you do use a Mac mouse: tapping at the upper right corner gives you 
a right mouse button

Peter Boy

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Re: 32-->36?

2022-07-30 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 31.07.2022 um 03:34 schrieb Tim via users :
> On Sat, 2022-07-30 at 20:01 -0400, Tom Horsley wrote:
>> My approach would be to start from scratch on a new disk (or at least
>> a new partition) and install anything needed to get the same
>> configuration working.
> Likewise.  I gave up upgrading long ago, it's one of those "in theory"
> things that often doesn't go according to plan.  Long term installs
> over the top often end up with conflicts, and a mess of increasing
> things collecting over time.

It’s Fedora Server here. This is far less complex than, for example, 
Workstation, simply because of the non-existent graphical interface.

>> Although why anyone would want to use fedora for a long term server
>> is a separate question :-). (CentOS or Ubuntu LTS comes to mind).
> I'd agree with that too, though it seems CentOS is moving themselves
> out of that position.  CentOS 7 lasts 'til mid-2024, CentOS 8 lasts
> until the end of 2022, there won't be a CentOS9.

There are many reasons to prefer Fedora Server, e.g. additional and needed 
functions by new versions of software (e.g. compare the functions of a standard 
software as postfix). Even an old version of Fedora Server has newer versions 
as RHEL oder CentOS.

And Fedora Server has been reasonable stable for a long time. 

Peter Boy

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Re: 32-->36?

2022-07-30 Thread Peter Boy

> Am 31.07.2022 um 01:50 schrieb ToddAndMargo via users 
> :
> Hi All,
> I have a customer who FINALLY agreed to have me upgrade
> his Fedora 32 server to 36.
> Can I jump directly, or do I have to go one or
> two revisions at a time?

Generally I would prefer to upgrade one by one. Doing it that way you don’t 
miss a script that adapts configuration. It takes a lot of time, but - 
depending of the installation / configuration of the server - it’s  usually 
less effort and less trouble than a new installation.

We have had very few problems with upgrades in recent releases. And when we 
did, it was less due to the upgrade and more due to problems with functionality 
caused by changes to one software or another.

Sometimes there are problems with dependency conflicts. Usually, then it is 
easiest to selectively uninstall the affected software and reinstall and 
reconfigure it at the end. This is still less time-consuming than a complete 
reinstallation. If you use (older) software modules, check if the version you 
are using is still included. And check, if an updated software needs explizit 
and separate data conversion. But that is not specific for an upgrade. You 
would have these problems also with a new installation. 

After everything is done, it is useful to briefly check if there are any old 
leftovers (in the simplest case rpm -qa | grep f32/f33/… There are more 
advanced methods, check the upgrade documentation in Quick Docs)

In case of issues don’t hesitate to contact us.


Peter Boy

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Issue with split DNS and systemd-resolved

2022-07-30 Thread Peter Boy

After Upgrading to Fedora 35 split DNS resolution with systemd-resolved doesn't 
work anymore.

My Fedora server managed a libvirt virtual network for internal communicatin 
between VMs. Systemd doesn't work nicely with libvirt, among others does 
libvirt manage virtual networks directly and doesn't involve NetworkManager. So 
I had to adjust systemd-resolved using resolvectl. 

I guess I miss something but can't find useful information so far. 

My configuration in detail:

My interfaces

> - - - - - - - - - - - <
$ip a
2: enp0s31f6:  mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state 
UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 90:1b:0e:fc:ee:d2 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet 78.46
inet6 2a01:4f8:
15: virbr0:  mtu 8000 ...
inet 192.168
17: virbr1:  mtu 8000 q
inet 192.168.100. virbr1
> - - - - - - - - - - - <

I configured DNS für each virtual network and if I address the corresponding 
DNS servers directly ("dig  @") the DNS 
resolution works correctly.

After boot I get:

> - - - - - - - - - - - <
[~]# resolvectl status
   Protocols: LLMNR=resolve -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported
resolv.conf mode: stub

Link 2 (enp0s31f6)
Current Scopes: DNS LLMNR/IPv4 LLMNR/IPv6
 Protocols: +DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported
Current DNS Server:
   DNS Servers: 
2a01:4f8:0:1::add:1010 2a01:4f8:0:1::add:

Link 3 (virbr0)
Current Scopes: none
 Protocols: -DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported

Link 9 (virbr1)
Current Scopes: none
 Protocols: -DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported
> - - - - - - - - - - - <

That is as expected.

Until before the update I had to:

> - - - - - - - - - - - <
resolvectl domain virbr0 ~resdigita.lan
resolvectl dns virbr0
resolvectl default-route virbr0 false

resolvectl domain virbr1 ~libreccm.lan
resolvectl dns virbr1
resolvectl default-route virbr1 false
> - - - - - - - - - - - <

and it worked. But now that results in:

> - - - - - - - - - - - <
[~]# resolvectl status
   Protocols: LLMNR=resolve -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported
resolv.conf mode: stub

Link 2 (enp0s31f6)
Current Scopes: DNS LLMNR/IPv4 LLMNR/IPv6
 Protocols: +DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported
Current DNS Server:
   DNS Servers: 213.133

Link 3 (virbr0)
Current Scopes: none
 Protocols: -DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported
   DNS Servers:
DNS Domain: ~resdigita.lan

Link 9 (virbr1)
Current Scopes: none
 Protocols: -DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported
   DNS Servers:
DNS Domain: ~libreccm.lan
> - - - - - - - - - - - <

> - - - - - - - - - - - <
[ ~]# resolvectl query myhost
myhost: -- link: enp0s31f6 link: virbr0 -- link: vbr0s31f6 link: virbr1
2a01:4f8:120:7142::2 -- link: enp0s31f6
2a01:4f8:120:7142::2 -- link: vbr0s31f6
fe80::921b:eff:fefc:eed2%2   -- link: enp0s31f6
fe80::a4eb:59ff:fe2e:d%4 -- link: vbr0s31f6But
> - - - - - - - - - - - <

DNS resolution doesn't work

> - - - - - - - - - - - <
[ ~]# resolvectl query myhost.resdigita.lan
myhost.resdigita.lan: resolve call failed: 'myhost.resdigita.lan' not found
> - - - - - - - - - - - <

But dig works:

> - - - - - - - - - - - <
[ ~]# dig  @  myhost.resdigita.lan

; <<>> DiG 9.16.30-RH <<>> @ myhost.resdigita.lan
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 51954
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;myhost.resdigita.lan.  IN  A

myhost.resdigita.lan.   0   IN  A

;; Query time: 1 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Jul 30 23:13:55 CEST 2022
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 63
> - - - - - - - - - - - <

Any help greatly appreciated.
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