Re: [M2] Native plugin and multi-platform C++ projects How-To

2007-04-13 Thread Christian Goetze

 - Using again the native plugin, create a multi-module project. The
 parent would contain the C++ source code, while each child module would
 be devoted to create a single OS/platform specific artifact.

I use this option. However you still need to use profile to do debug/release
type artifacts

I'm not so sure this is going to be as simple as that. C/C++ artifacts
are not nearly as nice and tidy as java artifacts. A java artifact is
essentially a single file, the .jar file. A C/C++ artifact will be at
minimum two files: the library and the header file(s). In addition to
that, you will likely need to know the exact compilation options used
to compile the code and to link the shared object, so you can match
these in your actual project build. The compilation will need to know
about your local repository location and set multiple classpath type
parameters to point to the right headers and libraries. It would be a
great thing to have, but having spent a significant amount of time
developing C/C++ build systems, I can guarantee some interesting
challenges. I don't think that maven is quite up to it yet, but it is
certainly an interesting approach to build avoidance.

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Re: [M2] Native plugin and multi-platform C++ projects How-To

2007-04-13 Thread Christian Goetze

On 4/13/07, Mark Donszelmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Christian,

you may have a look at
it does quite a bit of what you suggest, though it is not perfect.

That is pretty neat - but the devil is in the details :) For example,
you'd want various variants of the same artifact (debug, optimized,
profiled, quantified, instrumented in other ways) ... Not sure AOL
cuts it.

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Re: Profile activation via environment?

2007-03-13 Thread Christian Goetze

ossi petz wrote:


what is the command line and path you used to fire up maven?
and where did you put these profiles?

The profiles are in my pom.xml file, and the command line is just plain 
mvn clean (or any other target), after setting the MAVEN_PROXY_URL 
environment variable.,

I expected that the activation section would trigger the profile by 
setting the environment variable, but I guess the code that handles 
${env.var} is not the same code that handles activations...


Christian Goetze schrieb:

Why does this not work?



   nameMaven proxy defined by environment/name

   nameMaven proxy defined by environment/name

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Profile activation via environment?

2007-03-12 Thread Christian Goetze

Why does this not work?



   nameMaven proxy defined by environment/name

   nameMaven proxy defined by environment/name

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Re: maven question

2007-03-09 Thread Christian Goetze
Trouble is that this will not compile the prerequisite projects. You 
would have to either accept the hit of a full reactor build or use your 
inside knowledge and cd into all prerequisite subdirs, mvn install 
those, then build your project.


Thierry Lach wrote:

Change your directory to proj1/sub and run maven

On 3/9/07, Don Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am working on a project that has many subprojects, from the root is
a way to compile/install just a targeted subproject. I want to be 
able to

build/install proj1/sub




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MultiModule checkstyle config

2007-03-06 Thread Christian Goetze

I've been trying to reproduce the example setup described in

The example doesn't show me the pom.xml file to be used for the 
build-tools module.

I tried making the obvious pom for it with a parent section, I get a 
cyclic reference error.

I tried removing the parent section, but then it fails to actually 
include the build-tools module in the reactor build and bombs out with a 
failed to resolve artifact.

So, how does it really work ?

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What is the simplest way to populate a remote depot?

2007-03-03 Thread Christian Goetze
I have some third party jars and want to place them in our common remote 
repo. I've been placing them there, writing their pom file and doing the 
sha1sum by hand. Is there some kind of deploy target for this which 
would make it easier?


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Re: What is the simplest way to populate a remote depot?

2007-03-03 Thread Christian Goetze

Tom Huybrechts wrote:

Read That Fine Manual :

Thanks, sorry

Now if someone could tell me how to get the site generation to work... 
(see other mail)


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maven-site-plugin not generating proper modules nav menu

2007-03-02 Thread Christian Goetze
I have a project with subprojects, and I wish to generate a site with 
some simple reports. It just doesn't work. I always end up with no 
module links on the top level index.html page, and if I go to 
project-reports.html, all the module links simply point to index.html, 
not the actual submodules.

I tried adding my own menu items, but then the leading / of every href 
in the items is removed, making the links relative, and useless.

What am I doing wrong? I really don't want to have to write my own site 
generations scripts, since the actual content seems to work OK.


Here is my src/site/site.xml:

project name=SenSage



Here is my reporting section from the top level pom.xml




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Re: How can I deactivate an activeProfile?

2007-02-08 Thread Christian Goetze

franz see wrote:

Good day to you, CG, 

AFAIK, there's none.

If you want, you can remove your profile from the activeProfiles section,
and add to your profile something like this


I tried profile activation - it doesn't seem to work.

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Re: How can I deactivate an activeProfile?

2007-02-08 Thread Christian Goetze

franz see wrote:

Good day to you, CG,

May I ask for a snippet of your settings where you used the activation, the
maven command you used ( i.e. mvn install ), and what made you say that it
did not work? :)

Those info would help in determining why it did not work :)

Ok. Here's what I tried to do:


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Re: How can I deactivate an activeProfile?

2007-02-08 Thread Christian Goetze

franz see wrote:

Good day to you, CG,

May I ask for a snippet of your settings where you used the activation, the
maven command you used ( i.e. mvn install ), and what made you say that it
did not work? :)

Those info would help in determining why it did not work :)

The negative activation works. Thanks. I guess you just can't activate a 
profile with properties defined in the pom itself.


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How can I deactivate an activeProfile?

2007-02-07 Thread Christian Goetze
Is there a magic incantation on the command line to deactivate a profile 
mentioned in the activeProfiles / section?


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Re: dependencies are bloated in M2

2007-02-06 Thread Christian Goetze

Tandon, Pankaj wrote:

So the questions are:
1. How can we control what get's into WEB-INF/lib. We tried all the
scopes mentioned, but that did not help.

I believe that the scope that should work is provided. The problem is 
that I don't know if maven is smart enough to remove a provided 
dependency from the transitive closure. I would call that a bug if it 


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Re: compile tries to bundle up the ear - should it?

2007-02-05 Thread Christian Goetze

EJ Ciramella wrote:

Still haven't seen any response - this has us wedged, can anyone shed
any light on this for me? 

If you run mvn anything in some project/module subdirectory, you are 
assuming that all dependencies are built and installed, and therefore 
available either from your local repo, or from your other repositories. 
If this is not true, then you cannot build.

If you are in the situation where your code builds, but some else's 
code doesn't, then you won't be able to use your .ear file anyway. If 
you don't need the .ear file yet, but do wish to run unit tests on 
your code, then maybe you should temparily change your packaging to 
jar. If you want a more permanent solution, then make a separate 
artifact which just has the dependencies to pack the ear, but no code 
(except perhaps for some simple wrapping or debugging code) on its own...

But to me it sounds simply as if you'd want to run mvn from a higher 
directory to get it to build all of your modules - or that you need to 
ensure that the other people deploy the results of their builds.


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Re: Maven newbie questions

2007-02-02 Thread Christian Goetze

Ok, lemme see if I can do this one - being a newbie myself :)

srinivas ramgopal wrote:

Hi all,

I am new to Maven.

1) What is the purpose of remote repository (other than ibilbilo) 

To store stuff not in ibiblio - for example your own stuff

2) Whenever a file is modified in a maven project how is the SNAPSHOT jar
updated in the remote repository?

Using mvn deploy, after inserting proper distributionManagement/ 
section into your pom

3) Are there two different ways to adding a dependency jar and a project
artifact jar to the remote repository?

Not sure I understand that one.

4) Is maven 'deploy' goal and actualy copying of a dependency or artifact
jar to remote repository same?

Yes, I guess... artifact != jar. an artifact can be anything, but will 
include at least a pom. What the artifact will be depends on your 
packaging/ setting.


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Re: [M2] scope to include an internal dependency into a war artifact

2007-01-31 Thread Christian Goetze

Roberto UserList wrote:

Hi all! How can I configure scope tag, in order to, package one of the my
project's dependency artifact into the war artifact of my project?
Check it out! I'd like to include artifact comp.jar into the war 

I've tried compile and provided, but both of them did not work.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Try leaving out the scope altogether. provided means explicitly that 
you do not want it included, since it is provided by the environment, 
and compile means it is only relevant for that phase.


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Re: Multi step build process for multi module project

2007-01-30 Thread Christian Goetze

Paul Edwards wrote:


When running a M2 build over a set of modules within a profile within 
a parent project, is it possible to cause certain plugin goals to run 
only once while others run on each sub-project defined in the profile? 
What I am attempting to accomplish goes like this:

Step 1: cargo:stop
Step 2: module 1 clean package cargo:deploy
Step 3: module 2 clean package cargo:deploy
Step 4: module 3 clean package cargo:deploy
Step 5: cargo:start

What I am able to accomplish if I run the following:

mvn cargo:stop clean package cargo:deploy cargo:start

is the following sequence:

Step 1: cargo:stop module 1 clean package cargo:deploy cargo:start
Step 2: cargo:stop module 2 clean package cargo:deploy cargo:start
Step 3: cargo:stop module 3 clean package cargo:deploy cargo:start
Step 4: cargo:stop module 4 clean package cargo:deploy cargo:start

As you can imaging, all that starting and stopping of the web server 
is not only time consuming but tends to cause Windows to chuck a 
wanger. I have attempted to bind cargo:stop and cargo:start to 
lifecycle phases but the same phases iterate for each sub-project... 
no good.

Any ideas?

Maybe making a module stop and start, with packaging pom, with the 
appropriate plugin config entries for stopping and starting, then make 
start depend on all other modules, and make all of those other modules 
depend on stop. Then, the reactor build order will be as you desired.


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Re: Is concurrent execution of two Mavens safe?

2007-01-26 Thread Christian Goetze

Štěpán Roh wrote:


What I would like to know is whether if I run two Mavens at once and 
they both change something in local repository at the same time 
(either downloading required plugin or doing an install) if it is 
possible that the repository can be damaged (downloaded plugin is 
incomplete, something is not installed or metadata are wrong). Thank 
you for your anwsers. Please CC me, because I am not subscribed.

No. I wished it was, but it isn't.

The only way you can run concurrent mavens is by ensuring that every 
instance uses its own local repo.


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Multiple parallel instances of maven using the same local repo...

2007-01-23 Thread Christian Goetze

... doesn't work, as I expected.

Is there any hope that a JIRA request for enabling a locking mechanism 
for the local repo to allow multiple instances of maven to run has a 
chance of getting implemented?

Are there any plans to make maven itself multithreaded or capable of 
parallel builds?

I guess I can make my parallel maven instances point to their own repos 
and just live with the needless duplication of disk usage and network 


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Re: Maven2 (and plugins) need to be released frequently to make maven interesting

2007-01-19 Thread Christian Goetze

Eric Brown wrote:

There is no shortage of numbers in the world. What is the problem  
with releasing often? So what if a bug occasionally gets its way into  
a release -- you can always specify an older version of a plugin that  
didn't have some new bug.

True, a lot of plugins are under 3rd party control and not part of  
the core maven. But if the core maven team starts releasing more  
often and understands why releases are important, many of the 3rd  
parties will follow suit.

Right now maven seems more like a toy and is constantly frustrating  
when trying to use it on a real project (due largely to known bugs  
many of which have been fixed in SNAPSHOTs for over 6-months now and/ 
or several plugins that have produced SNAPSHOT builds but no released  

I would like to second the motion... Over here, I'm constantly teetering 
on the edge of dropping maven altogether. I really really want to like 
it, but it is a hard sell to developers, especially if they have to end 
up writing ant tasks after all...


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How far away is maven-assembly-plugin-2.2 from being released?

2007-01-15 Thread Christian Goetze
Just wanted to know whether it is worthwhile for me to replace my 
maven-proxy with something that understands all aspects of snapshot 

I'd rather use released code if possible...

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jar plugin and assembly plugin disagree on SNAPSHOT versions

2007-01-12 Thread Christian Goetze
So I have my jar plugin include the classpath in the manifest. That 
classpath specifies the version text as x.y-SNAPSHOT. The assembly 
plugin, on the other hand, packs the resolved snapshot name 
(x.y-date.sig-buildnr) of the jars into the assembly, causing the 
application to fail.

Is there a way to tell the assembly plugin to not do that?

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jsmooth anyone?

2007-01-12 Thread Christian Goetze
We're struggling with getting that to work... and I was wondering if 
anyone had some working code to contribute :)

Ciurrently, we're trying to hook in an ant task to do this.

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Re: jar plugin and assembly plugin disagree on SNAPSHOT versions

2007-01-12 Thread Christian Goetze

John Casey wrote:

If you use the 2.2-SNAPSHOT version of the assembly plugin, you can 

the outputFileNameMapping in the dependencySet to be something like the
following descriptor has:

Stupid question: what is the groupId of the 2.2-SNAPSHOT version of the 
assembly plugin? It doesn't seem to be org.apache.maven.plugins.


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Re: jar plugin and assembly plugin disagree on SNAPSHOT versions

2007-01-12 Thread Christian Goetze

Christian Goetze wrote:

John Casey wrote:

If you use the 2.2-SNAPSHOT version of the assembly plugin, you can 
the outputFileNameMapping in the dependencySet to be something like 

following descriptor has:

Stupid question: what is the groupId of the 2.2-SNAPSHOT version of 
the assembly plugin? It doesn't seem to be org.apache.maven.plugins.

Because they are in a different repo... duh :)

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Re: jar plugin and assembly plugin disagree on SNAPSHOT versions

2007-01-12 Thread Christian Goetze

John Casey wrote:

you'll need the following:


Note that this repository has NOT disabled releases...this is important
because of a bug in Maven = 2.0.4, where plugin-version resolution will
only check repositories with releases enabled. It should work for you 

this repository in place.

Thanks ...

Now my problem is that maven-proxy doesn't seem to understand how to 
resolve SNAPSHOT names, it is actually looking for x.y-SNAPSHOT.

I heard that maven-proxy is obsolete - so what are people using for 
proxy instead?


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Just checking my understanding of SNAPSHOT vs real versions

2007-01-11 Thread Christian Goetze
A real version is only downloaded into your local repo if it isn't 
already there.

A SNAPSHOT version is always checked against central (or other outside 
repos) to see if there is a newer version available.

Is that correct?

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Re: Just checking my understanding of SNAPSHOT vs real versions

2007-01-11 Thread Christian Goetze

Patrick Schneider wrote:

Snapshots are checked once a day by default.  You can override this by
passing the -U flag, forcing maven to update its snapshots.

Here's a good review of snaps, by Brett:

Thanks - so it would seem  that snapshot-policy isn't implemented yet 
- or that I don't know where to set it... otoh, once a day isn't too bad.


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Re: jar signing - the good and the bad

2007-01-10 Thread Christian Goetze

diroussel wrote:

The question is, why is surefire not using the un-signed jar.  I have two

so why is surefire choosing the second one, not the normal one in the normal

Any ideas?


No ideas here, sorry

Just wanted to add my opinion that the jar signing should really be in 
the assembly plugin. It is not very useful to have it in the jar plugin, 
since all the third party jars which get pulled in via transitive 
dependencies won't get signed.

Currently, I do the jar signing as a post-processing step outside of 
maven, for that reason. A pity, if you ask me...


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How can I make assembly include test jars?

2007-01-04 Thread Christian Goetze
As subject says ... it would seem that the assembly descriptors assume 
you're packaging main. Am I supposed to use full paths in the assembly 
descriptor? Anyone have an example?

Thanks in advance!

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First impressions of using maven (long)

2007-01-04 Thread Christian Goetze

In this post, I'd like to summarize my first impressions of using maven.

The product built in my company is a mixed bag of C/C++ code, java code 
and perl code. It is a classic three tier app, with the back end written 
in C/C++, the middle tier written in perl and java and the GUI written 
in java.

The java code is built via ant scripts, and they have grown to be quite 
intricate and unwieldy, and they also tended to obscure the actual 
dependencies between artifacts, causing multiple jars to contain varying 
subsets of the class files, and various random jars being duplicated 
into several places in the source tree -- in other words: your classic 
organically grown mess. Also, the way the ant scripts were written made 
it very hard to get incremental parallel builds to work, since they 
tended to spill files all over the tree while invoking each others in 
scary ways.

The top level build system is written in a make clone called cook, 
written by a nice guy in Australia, Peter Miller. This clone has a 
variety of extras not available in any other build tool, which made it 
possible for me to write a system implementing a philosophy that matches 
almost perfectly with maven's philosophy. See for details. One thing to note is 
that cook is fairly old software (I think that the first version came 
out over 20 years ago), which makes the absence of many of its features 
in newer systems that much more depressing - more on that later.

So maven seems like a perfect fit, especially since our java code is 
fairly vanilla, using standard technologies and very few hacks. Indeed, 
it was possible for me to convert about 60% of the java build to maven 
builds within 2 days after reading the Better Builds with Maven book. 
Needless to say, I was impressed.

I really want to like maven. I think it has the right ideas, and the way 
it deals with deploying and reusing artifacts built elsewhere is a great 
model for dealing with third party software, and even inhouse software 
build by separate teams. It effortlessly implements a wink-in scheme 
which usually requires a lot of effort to get to work. In particular, I 
like the fact that developers only need to have those subtrees checked 
out where they are actually making changes, and can still build the 
complete product by downloading the artifacts built and deployed by the 
continuous build loop.

I am in the process of integrating some of the maven ideas (mainly the 
plugin architecture) into my cook based build system, and I almost 
wished maven had some support for C/C++ style artifacts - but I realize 
that this is a much harder problem than java artifacts - a testament to 
the wisdom of the java designers.

Nevertheless, there are difficulties and disappointments:

   * Incremental builds are not reliable;
   * Builds are not reproducible;
   * Builds are not parallizable and distributable;
   * Reactor builds are all or nothing;
   * Propagation of build parameters is undocumented and unpredictable;
   * Release process is bizarre.

I think these are important issues. I'll go into details later, but I 
cannot stress how important it is to have a reliable build tool that 
actually removes workload from developers. Most developers are not 
thrilled about having control taken away from them via an opiniated 
tool like maven. They will only go along if it provides tangible 
benefits. It is therefore -extremely-important- to not disappoint them. 
I don't think there is disagreement about that - after all, the idea 
plugin is a great step in the right direction, but I do fear that people 
do not fully appreciate the difficulties created by having a build tool 
that fails in mysterious and random, hard to debug ways. Developers have 
strong egos, and will go to great lengths to try to figure out things by 
themselves and will only come and ask questions when they are desperate 
- and then they will blame the tool and the people who brought it into 
their lives.

Now, in detail:

_Incremental Builds are not Reliable_

There are two well known failure modes:

   * A source file has been relocated or removed
   * A source file was updated, but with a timestamp older than the
 associated derived file(s).

Supporting those two cases is not really that hard: In the first case, 
you record a hash signature of the sorted list of all ingredient files 
used to produce the target file, and consider it out of date if that 
signature changes. In the second case, you record timestamp and hash 
signature of the source file and consider it out of date if the 
timestamp and signature changes. As a side effect, you get free build 
avoidance by comparing hash signature of a generated file with the 
previous version and consider subsequent dependencies up to date if the 
signature did not change. cook has been doing this for years and it 
works great.

The real problem seems to be a lack of awareness of why this is so bad. 
The classic 

Re: How can I make assembly include test jars?

2007-01-04 Thread Christian Goetze
Thanks for the tips. I ended up making it its own module and just use 
the standard assembly. My thinking is that if it's being distributed, it 
isn't really a test anymore. I hope this conforms with the idea of the 
test vs main source subtrees...


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Re: External repositories listed in centrally deployed poms?

2007-01-02 Thread Christian Goetze

Wayne Fay wrote:

Or would you expect the mirror to Central process to alter
all the pom files and remove the repo references?

I think that they should not contain explicit location references at 
all, relying instead on the locations defined in the poms traversed 
previously in your transitive dependency search.

I also think that the maven proxy solution should be advocated, if not 
required, and that the maven proxy should be an integral part of maven, 
not something fabricated by third parties.


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Re: External repositories listed in centrally deployed poms?

2007-01-02 Thread Christian Goetze

Just would like to add my agreement with Mykel's position.

The problem is that you can have the best developers in your world, and 
still get screwed by one guy outside accidentally including a dependency 
with encumbering licensing. That's the big drawback of the automatic 
inclusion of transitive dependencies.

I am very lucky to be in an environment where I actually can download 
anything fron anywhere, but I still remain uncomfortable with this 
aspect of maven. For one, I need to trust the community that it won't 
change anything down the road, and furthermore I need to keep snapshots 
of the repository image for reliable build reproduction purposes.

I believe running maven without at least some proxy setup is asking for 
trouble, even in the most liberal environment.


Mykel Alvis wrote:

I still maintain, as I have said in other threads, you should audit
not enforce lock down.

Why is that?  It doesn't seem a particularly valid method in my current
environment, but I'm willing to listen.

I think my developers are competent for the most part, given that 
they're a

fairly large group broken into several pieces. But essentially to a
(gender-nonspecific pronoun) they are not competent with maven, build
processes in general or the reasons behind the controls associated with
those processes.

I disagree about the lockdown vs. audit question, but I don't completely
disagree...except when I'm obligated to do otherwise by the terms of my
employment.  Like at each  commercial environment that I've worked in for
the last several years.

I think audits usually work to handle dependency issues, and recommended
them prior to release.  But my current working dependency set is now over
1000 artifacts, and that's just a bit too much to ask. Plus, a couple of
times before I got here an artifact slipped through the audit cracks so
caching proxies are the only choice that I can see.   I'm charged with
working on an accepted asset list that would scan checked in poms and
report checkins that had dependencies not on the list, but that's a few
steps down the to-do list.

I should also note that there was no instance of distribution of 

artifacts at previous employers, but they had identical policies.

IANAL, but I do try to keep up with the legalities associated with 

and if you're a largish firm that sells software and somebody catches on
that you've distributed something unacceptably then it's your buttocks in
the fire.  That fire would also, very likely, include the firing of 
me. :)

As for locking down what can and can't be downloaded, it's a moot point.
Even while I've been mandated to restrict maven's use of external 
repos, I

can't help but do it since maven can't actually reach external repos from
any build host that isn't part of the domain (which includes my entire 

farm). :(

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Re: idea plugin question

2006-12-29 Thread Christian Goetze

Roald Bankras wrote:

First time I just run the idea:idea goal. After setting op my workspace in 
intellij, I only run idea:module to update the dependencies.


Thanks, yes, that seems to be the way to go - now I need to find out if 
the maven plugin for IDEA has a way to set this up to happen 
automatically on startup or on demand.

The goal for me is to create an IDEA config which will bootstrap maven 
and do the right thing without developers needing to do more than get 
the source tree and install IDEA.


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Re: idea plugin question

2006-12-28 Thread Christian Goetze
Sorry for the repost, but I can't believe that nobody is having this 
problem. What do you guys do?

Christian Goetze wrote:

How can I merge custom idea settings (e.g. the arguments to the idea 
run targets, perforce settings etc) into the idea project files 
generated via maven?

On the one hand, I would like to get the benefit of the source and 
javadoc download and the dependency knowledge maven provides, but on 
the other hand I cannot ask developers to constantly clobber their 
project files.

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Re: How to sign all jars included in an assembly?

2006-12-28 Thread Christian Goetze

franz see wrote:

Good day to you, Christian,

You can sign your jars using jar:sign ( see [1] ). However, it needs you to
input the location and filename. 


Yes, I can do that, but that was not what I was asking.

The problem I have is that I want to sign all the third party jars 
imported via the transitive dependencies. It would seem that the 
assembly plugin would be the ideal candidate for the job of doing the 
signing, but I guess I'm missing something...

It's not a vital problem for me, since I repack the stuff into rpms 
anyway and can do the signing there, but it would be nice if maven could 
do it...


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Re: accessing sources of third party jars

2006-12-27 Thread Christian Goetze

Edwin Punzalan wrote:

If the artifacts have sources and javadocs deployed with them, then 
using -DdownloadSources=true and -DdownloadJavadocs=true is what you 
need.  The plugin will download them and attach them to the project to 
help you in your development.

Hope that helps


Ok, and how are they deployed into the repo? What is the expected 


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idea plugin question

2006-12-27 Thread Christian Goetze
How can I merge custom idea settings (e.g. the arguments to the idea 
run targets, perforce settings etc) into the idea project files 
generated via maven?

On the one hand, I would like to get the benefit of the source and 
javadoc download and the dependency knowledge maven provides, but on the 
other hand I cannot ask developers to constantly clobber their project 


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Re: accessing sources of third party jars

2006-12-27 Thread Christian Goetze

Christian Goetze wrote:

Edwin Punzalan wrote:

If the artifacts have sources and javadocs deployed with them, then 
using -DdownloadSources=true and -DdownloadJavadocs=true is what you 
need.  The plugin will download them and attach them to the project 
to help you in your development.

Hope that helps


Ok, and how are they deployed into the repo? What is the expected 


Answered the question myself: xyz-1.2.3-sources.jar and 
xyz-1.2.3-javadoc.jar -sigh- plural/singular mixup

Now, for the next trick: how can I cause these to be downloaded without 
regenerating the project files?


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accessing sources of third party jars

2006-12-26 Thread Christian Goetze

This is not clear for me from the maven book.

We have some third party jars that come with source code and javadocs, 
and I'd like those to be retrieved via a maven build. How can I do that? 
Do I actually need to make these into full-blown modules or is there a 
way to just handle the zip files directly, since idea is able to look at 
zip files for sources and javadocs...


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How to sign all jars included in an assembly?

2006-12-26 Thread Christian Goetze
I'd like to configure the assembly plugin to sign all jars pulled in by 
the transitive dependency resolution. How can I accomplish that?

Otherwise I would need to hand-sign all the thirdparty jars in my 


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multiple non-recursive mvn invocations running in parallel?

2006-12-13 Thread Christian Goetze
Will multiple non-recursive mvn -N install invocations running in 
parallel, each building and installing a different artifact, interact 
with each other in some way? My naive assumption is that they shouldn't, 
since they will populate different parts of the local repository, and 
since I'm not deploying...

Anything I'm missing? would be a pitty to force single threaded 
execution there...


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How to invoke mvn to not do the reactor build?

2006-12-12 Thread Christian Goetze
Is there an option to disable the reactor build when invoking maven from 
the project parent? All I want is the installed pom, nothing else.


I need to embed maven into a larger build system, and I would like to be 
more specific about which parts of a project need rebuilding. My plan is 
therefore to generate dependencies from the pom.xml files and to have my 
build system invoke maven directly in the module subdirs. The subdir 
builds require that the parent pom.xml be installed. I can live with 
that as long as that is the only thing that happens.

The reason I wish to be specific is to support incremental product 
builds and tests. I don't want every change to the java source to 
trigger all java related rebuilds, packings, installs and test runs, but 
only the ones specifically including the derived objects generated by 
the change.

As it turns out, it is probably not a big deal if there is no way to 
disable the reactor build, since the parent pom.xml will only be out of 
date when it changes, in which case everything needs to be rebuilt 
anyway. The only issue is that in my scenario, maven will end up 
scanning every module tree at least twice...


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Re: maven proxy question

2006-12-08 Thread Christian Goetze

Barrie Treloar wrote:

Can you paste in the types of build failures you are getting?

I get the usual cannot find artifact, can you upload it with the 
following commands error.

I changed the the proxy setting to not check for pom file updates, and 
I'll see if it happens again.

Proxy log shows:

2006-12-07 08:58:45,707 [ERROR] proxy.config.RepoConfiguration  - 
Repo[www-ibiblio-org]: Failure getting meta information for 

java.lang.RuntimeException: Connection timed out

2006-12-07 08:58:45,708 [INFO ] components.impl.DefaultSnapshotCache  - 
Updating /org/apache/apache/1/apache-1.pom in snapshot cache
2006-12-07 08:58:45,708 [ERROR] proxy.engine.DownloadEngine  - 
org.apache.maven.proxy.engine.RepoAccessException: C

onnection timed out

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maven proxy question

2006-12-07 Thread Christian Goetze
I am using the maven proxy as described in, 
but I am observing spurious build failures due to some of the actual 
remote sites not always responding in a timely manner.

Is there a way to configure maven proxy to not fail, but to simply send 
the cached version instead? Should I just set the cache timeout to some 
really large value? What I would like, though, is that it does try to 
get an update, but not fail if the update fails?


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Re: module builds but doesn't install

2006-12-06 Thread Christian Goetze

Jörg Schaible wrote:

Christian Goetze wrote on Tuesday, December 05, 2006 10:49 PM:


I have a situation where a module with packaging jar
builds, i.e. it
produces a .jar file, but it doesn't install if maven is run from the
parent project directory. No indication by mvn why. It will
install if I
run maven from the module directory.

Any ideas how I can debug this?

Do you use by chance in another project an assembly? It might destroy the 
lifecycle ... (note, 2.2 is not 
released yet).


Yep, I found that out by removing all modules and adding them back one 
by one. Those with assemblies cause the subsequent build lifecycle to fail.


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Re: I need help with multi-module project site generation.

2006-12-06 Thread Christian Goetze

Wendy Smoak wrote:

On 12/5/06, Christian Goetze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If I generate the default site according to the mergere book, I get
essentially a useless cover page with a navigation menu that lists the
modules, but without links

I've seen that happen too.  Most of my projects have a custom site.xml
and aren't using ${modules} (?) though, so I've never tried to chase
it down.  Can you reproduce it with a simple parent-and-two-children
multi-module project?

I'll see what I can do, thanks for the pointers, and at least I feel 
less alone now :)

mvn site fails with an internal error, stumbling over a dependency
which seems to stem from the java code being javadoc'ed itself.

Are you using dependencyManagement ?  This sounds familiar, but I
thought it was fixed.  First try 'mvn site -U' to make sure you've got
the latest plugin versions, or (better) add a version element to set
the version you want to use.

Yes, I do use dependencyManagement. I tried mvn site -U and it still 
fails. So I can't use dependencyManagement? That would suck...

Not sure what you mean here... 'mvn site' is only going to generate
the pieces of a multi-module site under the various 'target'
directories.  To see what the whole thing looks like you'll need to
use either site:stage or site:deploy.

The default index.html page will include the description from the
pom, if you want more than that, add src/site/apt/index.apt with your

Yes, I am slowly discovering that the deploy part of the lifecycle is 
essential, for other stuff too...


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Re: I need help with multi-module project site generation.

2006-12-06 Thread Christian Goetze

Wendy Smoak wrote:

which seems to stem from the java code being javadoc'ed itself.

mvn site fails with an internal error, stumbling over a dependency

Are you using dependencyManagement ?  This sounds familiar, but I
thought it was fixed.  First try 'mvn site -U' to make sure you've got
the latest plugin versions, or (better) add a version element to set
the version you want to use.

I put version elements to all my dependencies, but it still fails with:

Embedded error: Error rendering Maven report: Exit code: 1 - 
package javax.mail.internet does not exist

import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;

(same failure as before)

I also tried adding the dependencies to the 
build/plugins/plugin/dependencies section


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Re: I need help with multi-module project site generation.

2006-12-06 Thread Christian Goetze

Wayne Fay wrote:

Probably a silly question, but you added a dependency on javax.mail,
right? And unless I'm mistaken, this is a Jar you have to download
from Sun and add to your local repo manually.

I did all that, yes... Thanks :) After all, my project builds fine, it's 
just the aggregating javadoc plugin that fails.


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Projects with empty modules

2006-12-05 Thread Christian Goetze

Maybe a JIRA issue...

I've been setting up a project framework with no code in the modules 
yet, but with dependencies, and I notice that running mvn from the top 
causes the empty module to be skipped and subsequent dependency 
failures, but running mvn from within the empty project will cause an 
empty jar file to be created, available for dependency resolution in a 
subsequent build from the top.

Obviously, the solution is to put at least one stub class into every 
module, but I do wonder why the reactor build behaves differently than 
the module build...


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Merging vs Overriding Settings?

2006-12-05 Thread Christian Goetze

I'm not clear on the algorithm used for inheritance of pom settings.

It would seem that some settings are merged (obvious example: 
dependencies), whereas others seem to override. Is there any consistent 
rule about this or is it just whatever was deemed appropriate by 
whomever writing that section?

For example, I would like to be able to do this, but it doesn't seem to 

In the parent pom.xml:


  !-- Always exclude this file --

In the module pom.xml:


  !-- Cause resource filtering --

And I would like to end up with the effective pom of:


  !-- Cause resource filtering --

but I don't, instead the module setting replaces the parent setting.

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Re: Projects with empty modules

2006-12-05 Thread Christian Goetze

Christian Goetze wrote:

Maybe a JIRA issue...

I've been setting up a project framework with no code in the modules 
yet, but with dependencies, and I notice that running mvn from the top 
causes the empty module to be skipped and subsequent dependency 
failures, but running mvn from within the empty project will cause an 
empty jar file to be created, available for dependency resolution in a 
subsequent build from the top.

Obviously, the solution is to put at least one stub class into every 
module, but I do wonder why the reactor build behaves differently than 
the module build...

Well, turns out that doesn't fix the problem. Something is causing it to 
not install. How would I go about debugging this? mvn -e doesn't say 
anything useful... I see it actually building the jar, but for some 
reason it isn't installing it...


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module builds but doesn't install

2006-12-05 Thread Christian Goetze
I have a situation where a module with packaging jar builds, i.e. it 
produces a .jar file, but it doesn't install if maven is run from the 
parent project directory. No indication by mvn why. It will install if I 
run maven from the module directory.

Any ideas how I can debug this?

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Workaround: module builds but doesn't install

2006-12-05 Thread Christian Goetze

Christian Goetze wrote:

I have a situation where a module with packaging jar builds, i.e. it 
produces a .jar file, but it doesn't install if maven is run from the 
parent project directory. No indication by mvn why. It will install if 
I run maven from the module directory.

By removing all modules and adding them back in one by one, I discovered 
that as soon as I add in a module with an assembly, subsequently built 
modules do not get installed. This looks like a bug to me.

My workaround is to add dummy dependencies with scopeprovided/scope 
to force the reactor to execute builds in an order where the modules 
with assemblies are built last. This will of course only work as long as 
the modules with the assemblies remain leaves in the dependency tree...


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I need help with multi-module project site generation.

2006-12-05 Thread Christian Goetze
So I have a multi-module project and I would like to generate a site 
which includes javadoc and jxr. What am I supposed to do?

I would be extremelty grateful to anyone who can provide an example 
which has a shot at working...

If I generate the default site according to the mergere book, I get 
essentially a useless cover page with a navigation menu that lists the 
modules, but without links

If in the parent pom.xml, I say:



mvn site fails with an internal error, stumbling over a dependency 
which seems to stem from the java code being javadoc'ed itself.

If I set it to false, I don't see any link or anything at all.

Is the intent to let maven generate some of the pages, and I need to add 
the static pages linking them all together myself?

I cannot stress enough how frustrating it is the wade through the many 
twisty XML hierarchies


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How to run checkstyle earlier in the build lifecycle?

2006-12-04 Thread Christian Goetze
I know it runs as part of mvn site, but some people wish to see it run 
earlier, say as part of install, or even test. How do I do that?


P.S. I'm still struggling with multi-module project site generation. I 
just can't get the navigation links to work.


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How to ignore certain files in the source tree

2006-12-04 Thread Christian Goetze

Sorry if this is another FAQ, but I can't find an easy answer...

I would like to systematically ignore certain source files in the build. 
I don;t want them to appear in my jars or any other artifacts. Is there 
a global way to exclude them?


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Re: How to ignore certain files in the source tree

2006-12-04 Thread Christian Goetze

Wendy Smoak wrote:

On 12/4/06, Christian Goetze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like to systematically ignore certain source files in the build.
I don;t want them to appear in my jars or any other artifacts. Is there
a global way to exclude them?

Where are the files located, and what type of files are they?

They are . files generated by the build system into which I'm 
embedding maven. They contain additional metadata about the files and I 
do not have the option of moving them around. They will appear wherever 
source files exist, and they seem to end up in the jars generated by the 

If they are under src/main/resources, you can use resourceexcludes
to ignore them.

I'm wondering if there isn't an option for the maven-jar-plugin, but I 
can't seem to find any.


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Re: How to ignore certain files in the source tree

2006-12-04 Thread Christian Goetze

Wendy Smoak wrote:

On 12/4/06, Christian Goetze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Where are the files located, and what type of files are they?

They are . files generated by the build system into which I'm
embedding maven. They contain additional metadata about the files and I
do not have the option of moving them around. They will appear wherever
source files exist, and they seem to end up in the jars generated by the

If they are under src/main/java, it's odd that they're getting
included.  IME only .java files from there get compiled, everything
else is ignored.  (For example, if you have .properties files stored
with your source code, you have to add a resource to pick them up.)

You're right - the file ended up included via a filtered resource, and 
my exclude didn't immediately do the job because I didn't say mvn clean...
... which leads me to another gripe about maven, namely that 
incremental builds are not very robust ... but I know quite well that 
this is a very hard problem (hence the metadata files of the embedding 
build system etc... )


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Re: Using ant and alternative local repositories with Maven

2006-11-29 Thread Christian Goetze

If we were not using the Maven ant tasks, there are several ways to
address this matter.  There 
is the -s parameter to Maven, there is the $M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml,
where we could vary 
the value of $M2_HOME according to which build we are doing.  These

mechanisms do not work for
the Maven ant tasks, as those tasks ignore $M2_HOME/conf and have no
access to a -s argument.

Can anyone suggest what to do?  Someone here suggested filing a JIRA
request for enhancement 
to Maven Antlib.  That will take quite awhile, so I'm hoping there
actually is already a way 
to do this and I just haven't found it yet.


The way I solve the repository problem is to generate a settings.xml 
file to my taste, then invoke maven with


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Re: Maven cyclic dependecy issue

2006-11-22 Thread Christian Goetze

It could be told by setting -Dmy_version=version and using
${my_version} in the parent reference. But not even that works.

You're missing the point. A child pom MUST be able to know what 
version its
parent is BEFORE it can inherit anything. Wayne is right... it's 
strickly a

chicken-and-egg problem. Its a very bad design to create a project that
requires a parameter from the command-line to decifer its actualy
coordinates... you'd have to type in the version EVERY TIME you used 
it. So

rather than:

mvn install

You users must enter:

mvn install -DmyVersion=1.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT

You're not really gaining anything here.

Yes you are, because you can modify what mvn is and add it to the 
wrapper script. You can then use whatever method pleases you to 
determine the current version number.

The main point here is that one would like to have -exactly- -one- place 
where version numbers are defined and changed. Forcing people to 
manually edit dozens of pom.xml files every time the version number 
changes is just bad design.


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Re: Maven cyclic dependecy issue

2006-11-22 Thread Christian Goetze

Wendy Smoak wrote:

On 11/22/06, Christian Goetze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The main point here is that one would like to have -exactly- -one- place
where version numbers are defined and changed. Forcing people to
manually edit dozens of pom.xml files every time the version number
changes is just bad design.

The intent is for you to use the release plugin, and for Maven to
update these version numbers during the release process.

Trouble with that is that it assumes that our release process maps to 
the assumptions made in the plugin. I actually don't have too much of a 
beef with it, but it does not address some of the issues that arise in 
the non-java world, and it requires that you keep state externally.

I guess my one line criticism is that the release plugin assumes you 
know ahead of time that you are going to release this exact upcoming build.

Granted, I'm still a maven newbie and I accept the fact that I may 
understand all of the design decisions - so be patient with me please :)


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Design Issue with the release plugin (was Re: Maven cyclic dependecy issue)

2006-11-22 Thread Christian Goetze

Maven does several things... one of which is building, but the other 
is to
gently (OK, maybe not THAT gently) push users to adhere to standards. 
It is
not by accident that non-standard behaviors are untenable. The 
standard in

this situation you describe is to use the maven-release-plugin. I know, I
know... doco sucks - we're working on it.

See below - I think the design of the release plugin is inadequate

Before you think this this is an isolated weakness on the part of Maven,
note that this kind of push is happening all over, and once you learn the
standard you see how nice it is to be able to go to any project built 
Maven and be able to use and navigate through it. This is a similar 
behind Ruby on Rails, and clones like Trax... convention over 

I understand that - those are the reasons I chose maven to begin with. 
In fact, for the past 9 years I've been developing build systems 
designed on that exact premise, except that I haven't really pushed it 
out onto people outside my organisation (see, even if it's somewhat dated by now, 
I still use that system)

Nevertheless, it only works if the convention is useful and correct. If 
the convention is flawed, then you need a way to fix it or work around 
it. For now, I'm working around it by simply not using it. Someday, I 
hope I can start using it, because the stuff I'm doing now isn't so hot.

Users shouldn't HAVE to know that in your super-special build system, 

have to type mvn install -DmyVersion=1.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT to use it.

There are ways around that particular issue (for example, placing that 
-D into the wrapper script which invokes maven), but those are besides 
the point.

Here is what I do not like about the process implied by the release 
plugin. Perhaps I'm not understanding all aspects of it, and perhaps I'm 
just smoking dope, but here's what I see:

In order to use the release plugin, I have to decide to go for it, and 
call a particular source tree releasable. This may sound trivial, but it 
isn't. How do I decide that?

Say I have a QA department, and they tell me: looking good, so I 
release. I go through the motions, but now I need to have faith that the 
actual release build is going to be exactly equivalent to the builds QA 
used to say looking good. Trouble is: we're not a faith based 
organization. I need to -prove- that it -is- the same - AND I need to 
prove it not just to my satisfaction, but to the satisfaction of any 
pointy-haired boss that feels the need for some hands-on auditing. That 
is actually very hard to do in real life projects. The simple fact of 
removing the -SNAPSHOT from version numbers may have all sorts of side 
effects - if only by removing any hope of doing binary checksums of the 
build products - something you can't really do anyway, since way too 
many processes insert useless timestamp info all over the place.

The only way I know of doing this is to produce release candidates that 
look exactly as if they were the actual release, and keep building new 
ones until QA says it's good. They then use that exact build. 
Essentially, manage releases by access control, not by naming.

So I guess the solution is to continually run the release plugin to 
generate various new versions with new build numbers, feeding a constant 
stream of release candidates to QA. And that's where I hit the second 
snag, which may be easy to fix, but it isn't clear at all from the 
documentation. The release plugin needs to work non-interactively - 
otherwise I'd be sitting there doing nothing else but maven builds.

The third snag is that I need to have a way to explain it how to use 
perforce, and in a way that matches the way we are using perforce in 
this shop. I guess I can live with the constant automatic checkouts and 
checkins of pom.xml files, but I'm not sure how this affects developers...

Finally, I need to integrate maven into a larger system - until the day 
comes when maven knows -everything- about -everything-, simply working 
on the premise that maven is the ultimate controller is not helpful.


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Re: Design Issue with the release plugin (was Re: Maven cyclic dependecy issue)

2006-11-22 Thread Christian Goetze

Wendy Smoak wrote:

On 11/22/06, Christian Goetze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In order to use the release plugin, I have to decide to go for it, and
call a particular source tree releasable. This may sound trivial, but it
isn't. How do I decide that?

We've been struggling with the same issue inside Apache, where our
policies require a vote on the actual artifacts that will be released.

I haven't seen anything recently, but last month we had a discussion
about changing the release process to include a staging or
proposal phase.

So it would be release:prepare, release:propose, then either
release:accept or release:clean

In between propose and accept is when your QA department would do
their work... and if accepted, the exact artifacts they've tested will
be promoted to the release repository.

This is I think where the problem is: if the promotion involves a 
rebuild, especially one where the source code changes - even if it's 
only the version string, then you have created uncertainty and devalued 
the testing effort of QA. That's why I want every build to be done as if 
it was a release, and only call something a release by granting access 
to it.

This design principle is fundamental in the build system into which I'm 
attempting to embed maven - hence my problem :)

Here's the thread:

Thanks for the link. I'll read it

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Re: Maven cyclic dependecy issue

2006-11-21 Thread Christian Goetze

Wayne Fay wrote:

Its a chicken and egg problem.

If you don't hard-code parent version in child = which parent version
should I use? Keep in mind the /parent/module layout in the filesystem
(with relativePath) is not an absolute requirement ie parent poms
could/should be checked into a Maven repo and resolved from there. The
fact that ../pom.xml usually works to find the parent is just an
enhancement to the functionality.

So assuming I have 3 parent pom versions in my Maven repo, how does
Maven know which one is right without being told?

It could be told by setting -Dmy_version=version and using 
${my_version} in the parent reference. But not even that works.


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Re: generating site from parent

2006-11-21 Thread Christian Goetze

Wayne Fay wrote:

This is discussed a couple times every week. Please search this list
for parent site or just check out this recent thread:

from   Morgovsky, Alexander (US - Glen Mills)
date  Nov 9, 2006 4:03 PM
subject  Aggregate site generation

I did that, and it doesn't work.

I get a menu with the sub project names, but no links.

The project summary seems to give me links, but they link back to the 
top. It is really weird.


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Trouble with aggregate javadoc

2006-11-21 Thread Christian Goetze
running the javadoc plugin with aggregate set to true fails with 
unresolved dependency errors. I note that the unresolved dependencies 
stem from a portion of the source tree to be compiled and run with the 
1.4 JRE. Could that affect javadoc and how can I fix it?

Here are the types of messages I see:



[INFO] An error has occurred in JavaDocs report generation.

Embedded error: Exit code: 1 - 
package javax.mail.internet does not exist

import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;

The project builds, of course, and the dependency is declared...

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Re: Maven cyclic dependecy issue

2006-11-21 Thread Christian Goetze

Eric Redmond wrote:

I see what you are trying to do... but why? If you do not define a child
project's version, it automatically inherits from its parent. Just take
version${main.version}/version out.

The trouble is that you need a -reference- to the parent's version in 
the children, and that reference does not seem to resolve any ${...} 
substitutions, so it needs to be hard coded. In other words, you get to 
query/replace all of your project's pom.xml files whenever you bump the 
version number.


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generating site from parent

2006-11-21 Thread Christian Goetze
How come generating the site from the parent project does not result in 
a collection of all the sites of all the sub-projects? Is there no 
aggregate site, or what is the magic XML for that?


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Re: How can I resolve ${...} in assembly descriptors?

2006-11-17 Thread Christian Goetze

Jochen Wiedmann wrote:

On 11/17/06, Christian Goetze [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'd like to pass in something either via the environment or via -D on
the mvn command line, and have that be visible within the assembly
description. How do I do that?

Use a filtered resource to create the actual assembly descriptor. In
other words,
if your assembly descriptor with ${DO} is src/main/assembly/bin.xml,
then specify src/main/assembly as a filtered resource. That will
give you a file target/classes/bin.xml, which you'll give as a
descriptor to the assembly plugin.

Neat! Vielen Dank!

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Embedded Error while rendering javadocs

2006-11-17 Thread Christian Goetze

I added the javadocs plugin to generate an aggregate report, and I see this:



[INFO] Error during page generation

Embedded error: Error rendering Maven report: Exit code: 1 - 
package javax.mail.internet does not exist

import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
package org.apache.xerces.jaxp does not exist

import org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl;
(with a lot more)

It seems that somehow, it needs to know the dependencies of my project, 
so why doesn't use the dependencies as declared? what is really going on?


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How can I resolve ${...} in assembly descriptors?

2006-11-16 Thread Christian Goetze
I'd like to pass in something either via the environment or via -D on 
the mvn command line, and have that be visible within the assembly 
description. How do I do that?

For example, I'd like to say:


(For those asking why: ${DO} maps to my external build system's 
equivalent of the target directory in maven, and it's the one which 
generates the files to be included - and please don't tell me I need to 
give that up - thanks)


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Version management question

2006-11-14 Thread Christian Goetze

I recently asked the question below, but no answer.

I was wondering whether I really need to edit all pom.xml files in all 
my project whenever I bump version numbers.

I'm still new at this, so if this is a trivial question, please bear 
with me...


Christian Goetze wrote:

Why can't I do this:


 !-- This project belongs to ... --

I do run mvn -Dsensage-version=3.6...

It works fine when I run from the top of the project down.

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Re: Version management question

2006-11-14 Thread Christian Goetze

Lee Meador wrote:

This does not work.

If you think about it you can see why.

You would define 'sensage-version' in the parent pom and use it in all 
children. The problem is that as it is parsing the child pom, maven 
has to
find the parent. To do that, it looks in the parent section and has 
to use

the value of sensage-version'.

Not really, since I pass in  the value of sensage-version via a -D flag. 
Maven just refuses to resolve it within a parent.../parent section.

Its a classic catch-22 situation. You can't find the parent without the
value of 'sensage-version' and you you can't find the value of
'sensage-versin' without the parent.

Yeah, I guess so... I'm wondering, though, why maven can't just go look 
in the parent directory for a pom.xml file and not require me to specify 
where the parent is - after all, maven has no qualms about imposing all 
sorts of directory structure conventions, so why not just go that extra 
step, or at least have a tag use whatever is in the parent directory

Meanwhile, I guess I just need to live with having to manage all 
versions in all the pom.xml files by hand - sigh -.


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Why does ${...} replacement not work within parent.../parent?

2006-11-13 Thread Christian Goetze

Why can't I do this:


 !-- This project belongs to ... --

I do run mvn -Dsensage-version=3.6...

It works fine when I run from the top of the project down.

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How do I avoid install error when using dir assembly?

2006-11-13 Thread Christian Goetze
I'd like to avoid getting the following error, but still have an - 
bin.dir file available:



[INFO] Error installing artifact: 
(Is a directory)

Is there a magic exclude I can insert someplace?

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How can I set project.version externally?

2006-11-08 Thread Christian Goetze
So I have a project with modules, and every module has its pom.xml file 
with a reference to the parent, which must include the parent version. 
All of these version numbers should be the same. I tried writing:


but this fails.

Is there no way to do this centrally, do I really need to go and edit 
all the pom.xml files every time the version changes?


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Looking for a simple maven assembly example

2006-11-07 Thread Christian Goetze
I've read the better builds with maven book, I've looked at, but I'm still not 
sure I understand how this is supposed to work.

I just want end up with a zip file containing all of the jars needed to 
run the particular project I'm building.

Alternatively, I'd already be happy with a way to just get the 
transitive runtime dependency list out of the build.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

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How do people include version info into the build?

2006-11-07 Thread Christian Goetze
With this, I mean how do people ensure that the version number used in 
the build is available at runtime? Do people generate a property file 
with the version number and include it in the jar? Anyone have a nice 
little example for this?

Thanks in advance...
cg - an obvious maven2 newbie...

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Re: Looking for a simple maven assembly example

2006-11-07 Thread Christian Goetze

Dirk Starke wrote:

Hello Christian,

I am just starting to use Maven 2, also had some problems to figure this
out, and perhaps I can help you. In my little project I created two
files in the src/main/assembly directory of my project.


Thanks, but it only ends up with the one jar in the project. How do I 
get it to include all jars needed to run, as expressed in the dependencies?


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Re Looking for a simple maven assembly example

2006-11-07 Thread Christian Goetze

Thanks, but it only ends up with the one jar in the project. How do I 
get it to include all jars needed to run, as expressed in the 


Oops, sorry, the other nice person who answered has the clue...

Thanks again!

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Packing applications and jar signing

2006-10-20 Thread Christian Goetze
What do people do to assemble all the jars required to run a specific 
application (i.e. a specific jar), pack them and get them signed?

I currently use rpm for packing, and my idea was to explicitly list the 
jars and sign them from the spec file, but perhaps there is a better way?


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Re: Why do some jars in ibiblio do not have .pom files?

2006-10-19 Thread Christian Goetze

Dan Tran wrote:

axis group has been moved to org/apache/axis, that could be the reason 

bothers to fix the missing pom.


In ibiblio, I see org.apache.axis, and underneath I only see jars, not poms.

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Re: Why do some jars in ibiblio do not have .pom files?

2006-10-19 Thread Christian Goetze

Dan Tran wrote:

are you sure?

OK, that's not the same as I'll add this 
one to my proxy


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Re: Why do some jars in ibiblio do not have .pom files?

2006-10-19 Thread Christian Goetze

Dan Tran wrote:

are you sure?

Oh, I see it now - the groupid changed too  that's going to be so 
much fun down the road when repositories will have a gazillion things in 
it and somebody decides to clean up


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Why do some jars in ibiblio do not have .pom files?

2006-10-18 Thread Christian Goetze

Just wondering - examples include:


Of course I can create my own in my own proxy, but would like to know 
whether there is a deeper reason.


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Has anyone made a jwsdp-1.6 repository?

2006-10-12 Thread Christian Goetze
Before I start on ther path of rolling my own, I was wondering if anyone 
already did this


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How do people search for jars and poms?

2006-10-12 Thread Christian Goetze

If this is a stupid question, I apologise in advance...

Given a dependency to a specific set of classes, how do people locate 
the jar that provides it, together with the artifact and group ids? I 
haven't yet found a better way than to search through ibiblio, hoping to 
find something there - but to locate things like javax.xml.rpc.*, it's 
not easy.

As you can tell, I'm in the process of converting an ant based system 
with lots of checked in .jar files to a maven system. The trouble with 
the checked in .jar files is that they are completely void of any 
version info, and I need to reconstruct the dependency tree by hand.

How do the pros do it?

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Is there a guide to all the ${...} macros?

2006-10-11 Thread Christian Goetze

As the subject says...

I'm wondering if everything I pass in via a -D flag is available as a 
${...} macro in the pom.xml file. Also, are environment variables 
available? Is it possible to define or compute values within the pom.xml 

One of several reasons I'm asking is because I need to integrate maven 
into a large scale (including non-java code) build system which is the 
authoritative source for information like version numbers, repository 
locations etc. I can, of course, have it generate pom.xml files from 
templates, but would rather not do that...


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