Maven 2.2.1 - Test compilation classpath does not include dependencies with provided scope

2010-07-17 Thread Olivier Dehon

I came across what I think is a bug introduced in maven 2.2.x.
In my WAR project, I have a dependency with provided scope, which is
needed by both my classes and test-classes. With maven 2.1.0, everything
compiles ok, classes and test-classes alike. With maven 2.2.1, the test
classes do not compile anymore, complaining about a missing class from
the provided dependency.

I have browsed JIRA and found issues that sound similar, mentioning a
change of spec when dealing with the inheritance of the provided scope,
but this case seems a bit different, as no inheritance is involved.

Has anyone faced a similar issue? Is there a workaround?

Thanks in advance, -Olivier

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Checkstyle plugin 2.5 - Wrong exception reported?

2010-02-14 Thread Olivier Dehon

With the recent release of Checkstyle plugin 2.5, which uses Checkstyle
5.0, the format of the xml config file is not backwards compatible.

I struggled for a bit trying to understand why the checkstyle plugin
reported a Could not find resource:; error, where
that resource was actually browsable.

It so happens because the format of the file is not compliant with
Checkstyle 5.0 anymore, and using version 2.4 of the checkstyle plugin
finds the file loads it and produces the reports just fine.

It seems that the XML parsing exception reported from checkstyle 5.0 is
interpreted as a resource not found by the plugin and reported as such,
which is confusing.

Has anyone encountered the same behavior? I can build a test case and
raise a JIRA if that is the case...

Thanks, -Olivier

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Re: Checkstyle plugin 2.5 - Wrong exception reported?

2010-02-14 Thread Olivier Dehon
Yes exact same case, even though I was under the impression that if the
xml file was 5.0 compliant, then the http URL was loaded OK.

I'll have to reconfirm that when I get into the office.


On Sun, 2010-02-14 at 20:34 +0100, Olivier Lamy wrote:
 Same case as ?
 2010/2/14 Olivier Dehon
  With the recent release of Checkstyle plugin 2.5, which uses Checkstyle
  5.0, the format of the xml config file is not backwards compatible.
  I struggled for a bit trying to understand why the checkstyle plugin
  reported a Could not find resource:; error, where
  that resource was actually browsable.
  It so happens because the format of the file is not compliant with
  Checkstyle 5.0 anymore, and using version 2.4 of the checkstyle plugin
  finds the file loads it and produces the reports just fine.
  It seems that the XML parsing exception reported from checkstyle 5.0 is
  interpreted as a resource not found by the plugin and reported as such,
  which is confusing.
  Has anyone encountered the same behavior? I can build a test case and
  raise a JIRA if that is the case...
  Thanks, -Olivier
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Re: passing parameters to plugin Archetype

2010-01-09 Thread Olivier Dehon

For files and directory names, you can use the syntax in your archetype
file structure:

The archetype:generate will replace the double-underscore with the
actual value of rootArtifactId.

NB: I have had problems recently  with that structure when there are
multiple instances of that syntax in one given path:


the folder name at the top of the hierarchy gets interpolated correctly,
but not the properties file below in the structure.

I have seen a few JIRAs that seem related to that but not exactly that
particular issue ( )
I can forge a use/test case illustrating the issue and create a new JIRA
if other users have been facing the same issue.


On Sat, 2010-01-09 at 05:23 -0800, mirekSz wrote:

 I hava the same problems. Could you explain how to resolve it
 Best regards

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Re: mvn dependency:analyze missing dependency?

2009-06-18 Thread Olivier Dehon
You might be a victim of:


On Thu, 2009-06-18 at 21:18 -0400, David Weintraub wrote:
 I am converting yet another Ant build to a Maven build. This time, I
 purposefully laid out the directory tree, so when we do the
 conversion, it would be much simpler.
 I've finally found all of my dependencies, added them into the
 pom.xml, and got everything to compile and build the jar. (whether the
 jar actually works is another question).
 I did a dependency:analyze, and got the following result:
 [INFO] [dependency:analyze]
 [WARNING] Unused declared dependencies found:
 I know the junit would be because this jar has no tests. However ,the
 com.wutka.jox is used in a particular program, and if I remove this
 dependency from the pom.xml, the program won't compile.
 Why am I getting this message?
 David Weintraub
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Archivers could be storing effective-pom.xml in META-INF

2009-06-10 Thread Olivier Dehon

I keep mumbling at how tools that interact with Maven-built artifacts
(like repository managers or indexing tools) are unable to present
accurate/complete information about those artifacts, because they lack a
crucial piece of the puzzle, and that is the effective pom that was in
effect during the build of that artifact.

Maven archivers already store the pom.xml in META-INF, but this is not
enough, as a lot of the info could actually be stored somewhere else (in
parent poms, for instance) or be variable (was a certain profile
activated or not during the build, what were the values of the ${...}

I believe it might make sense to get the archivers to store a bit more
information about the build in META-INF, maybe something that resembles
the output of the help:effective-pom mojo, for the purpose of having a
standard place to look for all build-related information in a more
complete and accurate fashion.

WDYT? Is that idea worth creating a JIRA for?


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Dependency version resolution inconsistent between projects in a multimodule project

2009-05-27 Thread Olivier Dehon

I have a multimodule project with 2 modules:
- an EJB project
- an EAR project that only has the EJB as a dependency

When the EJB gets built, the indirect dependency to commons-lang gets
resolved to version 2.0, and is hence referenced in the MANIFEST.MF
Class-Path entry as commons-lang-2.0.jar

The commons-lang dependency is an indirect dependency via 2 direct
dependencies of the EJB. One uses version 2.1, whilst the other uses 2.0

Unfortunately, when the EAR file gets built, maven chooses to resolve
commons-lang as version 2.1 and the EJB's Class-Path entry becomes
inconsistent with the contents of the EAR.

Is there any way to ensure consistency of the resolution process, other
than managing the version via dependencyManagement after having
detected the issue?

(This is maven 2.0.9)

Thanks in advance for your advice.

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Maven password encryption and usage in a CI server

2009-05-05 Thread Olivier Dehon

I was reading about the recent enhancements to the management of server
passwords in settings.xml at

A few questions arose around the actual security provided by these
enhancements in the context of a build/CI server.

Agreed, this is an enhancement over passwords in clear text in
settings.xml, where any developer can run the help:effective-settings
goal in a custom build definition to gain access to the passwords
configured there on the server.

But can it be considered a safe protection in the context of a build
server? For instance, what prevents a developer from running a build
definition that runs a command through the exec or antrun plugin that
outputs the content of the settings-security.xml, thereby compromising
the encryption?

Unless I miss the obvious (or the less obvious) I am under the
impression that this enhancement makes it harder to get to the
passwords, but does not make it impossible (and maybe this was never the

Thank you in advance for your insights/pointers.


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Re: How to mkdir and move files as part of build

2008-12-13 Thread Olivier Dehon
On Fri, 2008-12-12 at 19:52 -0800, CheapLisa wrote:
 yea, I already googled.  I already to that before posting.  Nothing came up. 
 What does modicum mean?

This is hilarious. Did you google the definition for it ?


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Re: Property that defines the generated artifact name

2008-11-23 Thread Olivier Dehon
On Sat, 2008-11-22 at 22:41 -0800, Bracewell, Robert wrote:
 Is there a property that holds the name of the generated artifact that is 

I have been struggling with this need for such a property too.
Unfortunately, the name (and path) of the deployed artifact depends on
the repository layout of your repository (timestamped snapshots or
not, ...).
The only way I have found is to write my own plugin and call onto the
artifact resolution to figure out the URL of my artifact after it has
been deployed.


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Re: what filtering does assembly plugin provide?

2008-11-21 Thread Olivier Dehon
On Fri, 2008-11-21 at 14:07 -0800, Rusty Wright wrote:
 I'm trying to inject some properties from my pom.xml into a shell script 
 using the assembly plugin.  Is that possible?  Is there some special syntax 
 that I should be using?  In my pom.xml I have

 And the script has at the top
   export REL=${project.version}
   export LAYER=${pom.layer}
   export SVNURL=${pom.developerConnection}

I believe you want:

export LAYER=${layer}
export SVNURL=${scm.developerConnection}



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Re: Filtering of a SINGLE property

2008-07-05 Thread Olivier Dehon
One way of achieving this would be to put the properties files that need
to be filtered in a folder and the non-filtered ones in another folder.
These folders can then be configured for
filteringtrue/false/filtering accordingly.

Something along the lines of:



On Sat, 2008-07-05 at 16:21 +0200, Peter Horlock wrote:
 Please, there must be someone able to answer this?!
 2008/7/3 Peter Horlock [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I want to let Maven / the Resource plugin (
  parse my source code to replace {project.version} with the current version
  of the project as defined in the pom.
  This works great, but - in JSTL, as well as in OpenLazlo, ${variableName}
  is also a variable of the language itself -
  therefore, this leads to collisions - for example, one of our developers
  used a variable named ${parent} which then was filtered by Maven and booom
  the code was broken. Yada yada YAda!
  = Is there a way of telling Maven to JUST filter certain properties? I
  know I could tell it to just filter certain files,
  a) a developer could then STILL use ${parent} as a variable in this very
  b) whenever I wanted a new file to be filtered, I would have to add this
  file to the filter section...
  Thanks a lot folks,

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Re: Modify Classpath

2008-05-13 Thread Olivier Dehon
Have a look at the build-classpath goal of the dependency plugin:


On Tue, 2008-05-13 at 11:23 -0700, vicki wrote:
 I have a maven's subproject that runs tests against the artifacts of its
 piers subprojects. Obviously, In other words, to run my tests I need to
 create dependencies on the artifacts produced by the other subprojects. I
 run my tests with maven's exec plugin. All the artifacts packaged as jars
 are indeed on my classpath when I run maven exec. But dependencies on the
 artifacts packaged as wars are not resolved in such a way that classes
 directory inside these wars are put on the classpath. I do not want to
 explicitly specify a classpath in the configuration of maven exec plugin.
 Instead I'd like to have a classpath that is build with project's
 dependencies.  Can anyone advise a good way of doing this?
 Thanks a lot.

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RE: Dependency scope - provided or optional.. ?

2008-05-10 Thread Olivier Dehon
Also, in the context of a WAR project, scopeprovided/scope and
optionaltrue/optional have different semantics when it comes to
inclusion in the manifest's Class-Path or not.


In my experience, it is usually better to mark dependencies in a JAR
project as optionaltrue/optional, since provided scope would be a
strong assumption about the context that the JAR is going to be used in.



On Fri, 2008-05-09 at 19:45 -0400, Brian E. Fox wrote:
 Optional is meant if you have several dependencies that you need to
 compile, but that a user of your jar might only need one of (think
 oracle vs mssql bindings).
 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 4:42 PM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Re: Dependency scope - provided or optional.. ?
 On 10/05/2008, at 9:38 AM, Brianefox wrote:
  Provided means to include in the compile do but not in the package  
  Optional means that it wont be pulled in transitively by users of  
  your jar
  From this, I gather Optional is actually what we want.  Would it be  
 fair to say that Optional is a sort of extension to provided.  Whereas  
 Provided indicates that it is actually needed downstream, but the  
 downstream projects need to arrange their own bundling of it.  A  
 dependency marked as Provided still indicates to the downstream  
 project that they need it to run it.
 Would you agree that Optional is what we want for log4j?
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Re: How to build sub-module without parent pom?

2008-05-09 Thread Olivier Dehon
On Fri, 2008-05-09 at 06:03 -0700, youhaodeyi wrote:
 Sometimes a project has many sub-modules and each of them may have
 sub-sub-modules. I don't want to get all the source codes. How can I work on
 a sub-module without its parent pom file? 

If the parent in installed in your local repository of if it is in one
of the remote repositories you have configured in your settings.xml,
then you can simply check the module out and build it, the parent pom
will be retrieved for you like any other dependency.


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Re: Global settings for a plugin

2008-04-30 Thread Olivier Dehon
I haven't tried, but I believe you could have a look at the
pluginManagement section, and add the global configuration for the
eclipse plugin in your super pom.


On Wed, 2008-04-30 at 11:19 +0300, Eugeny N Dzhurinsky wrote:
 Hello everybody!
 Could you please explain how can I provide some specific settings for a
 plugin, which would apply to any Maven project? For instance, I need to
 configure the Eclipse plugin to add the project version to a generated
 project, currently I need to provide each and every POM file with the settings
 like below:
 and this is a bit annoying.
 I learned settings.xml description and found there's no way to specify plugin
 settings in it. Any advice?

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Re: Problem with SNAPSHOT

2008-04-30 Thread Olivier Dehon
Most likely you had the MyApp.1.0-2008***.jar in the
${warSourceDirectory}/WEB-INF/lib folder prior to running the build the
second time. Maybe you ran mvn war:inplace between the two builds?


On Wed, 2008-04-30 at 15:30 -0400, Stanley Lee wrote:
 I define a MyApp.war which depends on MyApp.jar. Like
 When I generate WAR, it runs fine in first time. In next run, it includes
 two MyApp jars: one is MyApp.1.0-2008***.jar, which is last build; another
 is MyApp.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, which is latest build.
 My question is:
 - Why that redundant file MyApp.1.0-2008***.jar is there? How can I remove

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Re: Creating a maven variable

2008-04-28 Thread Olivier Dehon
Avoid redefining variables that are (or might be) defined by maven

Use something like:



HTH, -Olivier

On Mon, 2008-04-28 at 16:13 +0530, amit kumar wrote:
 I want to create a variable that can take a value of directory path on the
 system and that variable can be read by children projects of the project. I
 tried with
 but problem with this is that ${} seems to be taken as
 ${basedir}/${} which ultimately throws an error since the
 C:\builds is not in the ${basedir}. Any clues?
 The reason for having having the value in the variable is because I am
 trying to put all the builds of a project in a dynamic folder named with
 that particular day's date.

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Re: local repository purge

2008-04-22 Thread Olivier Dehon
The things that approach the closest to your requirement look to be:


HTH, -Olivier

On Tue, 2008-04-22 at 15:33 +0200, Julien CARSIQUE wrote:
 Is there a way to purge old snapshots from local repository (like the archiva 
 behavior purge old 
 snapshots which allows to keep a chosen number of old artifacts) ?
 I would like this to remove from local repository all useless artifacts, 
 which doesn't exactly mean 
 the old ones.
 I think we need to keep all versions, but for each SNAPSHOT version, only the 
 latest one.
 Here's an example of what I have in my local repository :
   julien$ ls -1 
   julien$ ls -1 
 How to delete everything in 

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Re: Knowing what artifact I need?

2008-04-13 Thread Olivier Dehon
Looks like what you were looking for is now available from
Have a look at:

and search for spring pom or org.springframework.scripting pom

This is a really useful feature, and can be integrated within the
results of google searches as well if you have a google account.

HTH -Olivier

On Fri, 2008-03-07 at 16:18 -0500, Allen, Daniel wrote:
 Hi all.
 I have a general sort of question about writing POMs. When figuring out
 what dependencies I need, I frequently come up against the fact that the
 web at large refers to package names when talking about class usage,
 whereas Maven refers to the name of the jar file that it comes in. So
 sometimes I have to go searching for what the proper artifactId is, even
 if I know where I could go and manually download the JAR file. For
 example, using Spring, I was getting ClassNotFoundExceptions for
 org.springframework.scripting.[various classes].  But the artifact that
 I needed was not called scripting, it was called spring-support.
 This isn't a huge deal, just some extra time on Google, but it would be
 convenient if there were some kind of database that mapped actual Java
 packages to the names of the JAR artifacts that contain them. 
 Does anything like that exist currently?
 ~Dan Allen

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Re: continuous integration server

2008-04-13 Thread Olivier Dehon
How about handling of maven2 project releases? Does it integrate nicely
with the release plugin?
And also, one point of concern is the security and roles management (who
can deploy/force builds/release per project?

I have been using Continuum for about a year without too many issues and
it deals with all that nicely, does Hudson provide those features?

Reading from the doc links below, it appeared to me Hudson was less well
integrated for Maven 2 projects?

Am I wrong?


On Sun, 2008-04-13 at 16:34 +0200, Tom Huybrechts wrote:
 Kohsuke keeps it simple, yet very powerful. You can have Hudson
 installed and your first build running within minutes.
 If you need customization, it is also incredibly easy to extend via plugins.
 Just try it, you'll never look back...
 On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 2:26 PM, Peter Horlock
  could you tell me your reason why you prefer hudson?
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Re: binding a plugin to a lifecycle goal

2008-04-09 Thread Olivier Dehon
You need to add an execution in your POM like:


The fact that you specified the @phase in your mojo will attach the
execution automatically to the process-resources phase.


On Wed, 2008-04-09 at 21:09 -0400, EJ Ciramella wrote:
 I've written a few maven plugins now, most of the type that should be
 called explicitly.
 I have a new one however, that I'd like to be part of the regular
 I have this in my mojo:
  * description
  * @goal assemble
  * @phase process-resources
 but when I run mvn process-resources it doesn't execute my plugin.
 What am I doing wrong?

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Re: [m2] Issue building facelets war for jetty and tomcat

2008-03-29 Thread Olivier Dehon
You can define a variable as the scope of those dependencies and assign
the value compile or provided in different profiles, corresponding
to the container you are building for.


On Sat, 2008-03-29 at 11:20 -0800, Mick Knutson wrote:
 So when I build my facelets JSF war for Jetty, I keep getting errors about
 needing to omit this from my war:
 But then if I state these 2 jars as provided then deploy the same war to
 tomcat 5.5, I get an error that those classes are missing.
 So what should I do if I want to be able to build for both containers?

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Re: How to run a script from a pom.xml file?

2008-03-11 Thread Olivier Dehon
Look for the exec plugin.


On Tue, 2008-03-11 at 19:45 -0500, Tawfik, Sameh E wrote:
 How to run a perl or batch file at the beginning of the build? 
 Is there is a command or a plugin I can use to run an external process
 then come back to the build when this process is complete?
 I'm using:
 Maven version: 2.0.7
 Java version: 1.6.0_02-ea
 OS name: windows xp version: 5.1 arch: x86
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Re: Knowing what artifact I need?

2008-03-07 Thread Olivier Dehon
You can try repository indexes like:

On Fri, 2008-03-07 at 16:18 -0500, Allen, Daniel wrote:
 Hi all.
 I have a general sort of question about writing POMs. When figuring out
 what dependencies I need, I frequently come up against the fact that the
 web at large refers to package names when talking about class usage,
 whereas Maven refers to the name of the jar file that it comes in. So
 sometimes I have to go searching for what the proper artifactId is, even
 if I know where I could go and manually download the JAR file. For
 example, using Spring, I was getting ClassNotFoundExceptions for
 org.springframework.scripting.[various classes].  But the artifact that
 I needed was not called scripting, it was called spring-support.
 This isn't a huge deal, just some extra time on Google, but it would be
 convenient if there were some kind of database that mapped actual Java
 packages to the names of the JAR artifacts that contain them. 
 Does anything like that exist currently?
 ~Dan Allen

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Re: sharing properties between modules

2008-03-07 Thread Olivier Dehon
Maybe they can share a grand-parent?

If they share properties, they are surely related somehow, no?


On Fri, 2008-03-07 at 16:50 -0500, EJ Ciramella wrote:
 How are people sharing common (truly) properties between two detached
 Example, module A and module B need foo=bar.  It's imperative that both
 modules have the same resolution yet they don't share a parent.
 How do you put foo=bar in one place and see to it that both get it
 resolved (without putting it in settings.xml etc).

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Re: dependency:analyze

2008-03-01 Thread Olivier Dehon
I have been using the dependency:analyze successfully and I find it
works the way I expect (especially when migrating older code to Maven).

That said, there are a couple of things to take into consideration:

- Analysis is based on compiled .class files, so sometimes, a
compile-time dependency (on a constant defined in a JAR for instance)
can be optimized away by the compiler and cause the plugin to report a
false Unused defined.

- For Web apps, do not forget to compile the JSPs into .class files and
include those in the analysis to get the real picture.

Maybe you have a concrete example that shows the wrong behavior?


On Sat, 2008-03-01 at 17:48 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was recommended to use dependency:analyze by this list -
 It's nice, but doesn't really work imho -
 Many dependencies that are def. required at runtime, it interprets as not 
 required - while others that are not required imho - it says the project 
 would need them.
 Any ideas why, and / or how to improve this?
 The way it's working, imho - its gives some nice information, but doesn't 
 seem to be very usefull
 Thanks in advance,

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Re: dependency:analyze

2008-03-01 Thread Olivier Dehon
On Sat, 2008-03-01 at 19:41 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - For Web apps, do not forget to compile the JSPs into .class files and
  include those in the analysis to get the real picture.
 Oooh! Oookay! No, I didn't do that yet. That's still on my list to do.
 Which plugin to use for that?
 This one: ?

I have had this one to work, even though it is very pedantic about the
JSP syntax (and I didn't take the time to investigate how to configure
it to be more lax...)

 I haven't included it yet, as it seems to be complicated / weird -

Nah, it is very straightforward.

 If I got it right you need a jspweb.xml?! and you need to adjust your 
 web.xml?! I would like to integrate new plugins with no adjustments to the 
 application itself - for two reasons -
 a) political, don't change the app while moving to mvn2
 b) I neither like a requirement to have to touch (botch) an otherwise 
 perfectly working application just to make it's deployment work

If you have a web.xml, that should be enough. You do not need to touch
it (unless you want to start packaging the precompiled JSPs in your
final war and define the servlet-mappings generated by the plugin)

 Any ideas / alternatives on this?
 p.s.: When I created class files from my jsps - do I have to adjust 
 configuration so that dependency:analyze also analyzes those? Maybe you got 
 some example?

By default, the .class files it generates will be included in the


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RE: Best practice to represent an arbitrary collection of jars asa single dependency?

2008-02-27 Thread Olivier Dehon
I use the same version across the board which reflects the version
(including patchlevel) of the WebSphere distribution. I do not want to
have to figure out which JARs have been updated for each corrective
package I receive, so I blindly load them all from the distribution
every time.

In my experience, vendors are not always very disciplined about
including a proper manifest in their JARs that reflects the version
number, so when I want to specify a version, I often resort to using the
max date of the files timestamps in the jar, in the MMDD form.

As per the dotted notation, it applies only to groupId, not artifactId.
if your artifact is abc.def.ghi, in group com.somecorp, version 1.0, the
jar in the repo will be at com/somecorp/abc.def.ghi/1.0/abc.def.ghi.jar

I hope this helps.


On Wed, 2008-02-27 at 11:39 -0500, Brown, Carlton wrote:
 Yes, we have a similar problem, not RAD but something like it.   Your
 solution below is more or less what I figure I'll have to do.   It's a
 variation on the other solutions mentioned, but it helps clear things up
 for me.
 So if I'm reading below correctly, you're essentially ignoring the real
 version of the artifact and mapping them all as version 6.3.9 (which is
 presumably the version of RAD you're using)?
 If the virtual POM specifies a master version of (for example 6.3.9), I
 guess one could install all the individual jars with their actual
 version numbers (derived from the jar filename or manifest).   It's just
 a small additional effort if I've decided to throw in the towel and
 script a mass install.
 Question:  I notice that using dotted notation in groupId expands to a
 directory structure during installation or deployment.  Does this
 behavior also hold for artifactId?
 -Original Message-
 From: Olivier Dehon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 9:48 PM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Re: Best practice to represent an arbitrary collection of jars
 asa single dependency?
 I had to resolve a similar issue when trying to compile RAD projects
 with Maven. RAD comes with WebSphere runtime JARs in a specific
 directory (which would be provided on the WebSphere server). By default,
 RAD uses those runtime libraries without the need to specify the
 dependency in the .classpath explicitly (RAD defines the concept of a
 container for that purpose).
 To be able to build the RAD project with Maven, I uploaded all of the
 runtime JARs as artifacts in my repository, and created a
 dependency-only pom project that has all those dependencies.
 Then, to build the project with Maven, I simply have to add a dependency
 on that pom project, and set it as provided scope to emulate in Maven
 the RAD build environment.
 Once the project compiles ok, running mvn dependency:analyze helps
 trimming down those provided dependencies to only the ones that are
 actually needed.
 Uploading all jars from a directory to the repository is actually a very
 easily scriptable task with a decent shell, if you are installing the
 JARs with the same groupId and version for all of them.
 For example (untested, but you get the idea):
 for lib in *.jar; do
   artifact=`basename $lib .jar`
   mvn install:install-file \
 -DgroupId=com.somecorp -Dversion=6.3.9 \
 -DartifactId=$artifact \
 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=$lib
   echo \dependency\
 \/dependency\  somecorp-meta.pom done
 Just edit somecorp-meta.pom after that to add header and footer and
 install it with install:install-file also.
 I hope this helps.
 On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 12:41 -0600, Wayne Fay wrote:
  This simply is not a feature that currently exists in Maven, and for a
  lot of reasons, I don't see it being a feature that will be 
  implemented any time soon.
  Your best bet is the list all artifacts as dependencies in a pom, and
  depend on it option that I suggested earlier. This in combination 
  with Archiva, Artifactory, Proximity etc would be the right solution
  in my book.
  But, I don't think your projects actually need all 50 of those 
  artifacts. So the best solution is to specify the proper dependencies 
  explicitly in each project, and use a shared parent with a 
  dependencyManagement section that helps you manage versions of 
  On 2/26/08, Brown, Carlton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I want to take a single directory of ~50 jars and specify that as a 
   single dependency.
   I'm explicitly trying to avoid specifying them as 50 separate 
   dependencies in a pom file, or breaking them out in 50 different 
   module subdirectories under an internal Archiva repository.  It 
   sounded to me as if this is what you were suggesting, quite a bit of
   Perhaps I'm not wording the question correctly, as it seems like 
   this would be a very common

Re: Best practice to represent an arbitrary collection of jars as a single dependency?

2008-02-26 Thread Olivier Dehon
I had to resolve a similar issue when trying to compile RAD projects
with Maven. RAD comes with WebSphere runtime JARs in a specific
directory (which would be provided on the WebSphere server). By default,
RAD uses those runtime libraries without the need to specify the
dependency in the .classpath explicitly (RAD defines the concept of a
container for that purpose).

To be able to build the RAD project with Maven, I uploaded all of the
runtime JARs as artifacts in my repository, and created a
dependency-only pom project that has all those dependencies.

Then, to build the project with Maven, I simply have to add a dependency
on that pom project, and set it as provided scope to emulate in Maven
the RAD build environment.

Once the project compiles ok, running mvn dependency:analyze helps
trimming down those provided dependencies to only the ones that are
actually needed.

Uploading all jars from a directory to the repository is actually a very
easily scriptable task with a decent shell, if you are installing the
JARs with the same groupId and version for all of them.

For example (untested, but you get the idea):

for lib in *.jar; do
  artifact=`basename $lib .jar`
  mvn install:install-file \
-DgroupId=com.somecorp -Dversion=6.3.9 \
-DartifactId=$artifact \
-Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=$lib

  echo \dependency\
\/dependency\  somecorp-meta.pom

Just edit somecorp-meta.pom after that to add header and footer and
install it with install:install-file also.

I hope this helps.


On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 12:41 -0600, Wayne Fay wrote:
 This simply is not a feature that currently exists in Maven, and for a
 lot of reasons, I don't see it being a feature that will be
 implemented any time soon.
 Your best bet is the list all artifacts as dependencies in a pom, and
 depend on it option that I suggested earlier. This in combination
 with Archiva, Artifactory, Proximity etc would be the right solution
 in my book.
 But, I don't think your projects actually need all 50 of those
 artifacts. So the best solution is to specify the proper dependencies
 explicitly in each project, and use a shared parent with a
 dependencyManagement section that helps you manage versions of
 On 2/26/08, Brown, Carlton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I want to take a single directory of ~50 jars and specify that as a
  single dependency.
  I'm explicitly trying to avoid specifying them as 50 separate
  dependencies in a pom file, or breaking them out in 50 different module
  subdirectories under an internal Archiva repository.  It sounded to me
  as if this is what you were suggesting, quite a bit of work.
  Perhaps I'm not wording the question correctly, as it seems like this
  would be a very common situation.
   -Original Message-
   From: Wayne Fay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 11:49 AM
   To: Maven Users List
   Subject: Re: Best practice to represent an arbitrary collection of
  jars as
   a single dependency?
   I guess we don't understand what you want/need, as it sounds a lot
   like what we're suggesting. You can manage the artifacts themselves by
   using Archiva etc rather than asking Maven to download direct from the
   An alternative is to unzip each jar into a shared directory and then
   re-jar all of it. But I don't know if that would actually work due to
   log4j.xml collisions etc.
   On 2/26/08, Brown, Carlton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
These approaches both involve resolving each jar as an individual
separate dependency, a large amount of manual effort for a couple of
reasons.  I'd have to specify 50 new dependencies in the POM, and
I'd have to stage these artifacts separately in our internal
This jar collection is certified by our internal QA process,
some of them are probably sitting out on Maven central, we're not
going to take whatever comes off a public repository without
it first.
So basically what I'm needing to do is specify a single dependency
is composed of 50-something arbitrary jars.  I was able to do this
Ivy, I figured Maven would likewise have a way to accomplish this
 -Original Message-
 From: Wayne Fay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 10:27 AM
 To: Maven Users List
 Subject: Re: Best practice to represent an arbitrary collection of
jars as
 a single dependency?

 Just make a project with type pom and specify these dependencies.
 Then, depend on this project in your other projects, and it will
 in those dependencies transitively.

 If you're certain about those versions, you can lock them down


Re: maven-eclipse-plugin 2.4 versioned projects

2008-02-26 Thread Olivier Dehon
Sorry to reply to your question with another question, but
does RAD6 really supports WTP 1.5 ?

I was under the impression that RAD7 only supported that version.


On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 12:38 -0800, Salman Moghal wrote:
 I'm using maven-eclipse-plugin v2.4 to generate WTP 1.5 resource for Eclipse 
 3.2.x / RAD v6.x environment.  The goal of this exercise is to take advantage 
 of Eclipse 3.2 /  RAD v6.x
 integrated development, debugging, and hot code deployment features.  The 
 runtime environment is WebSphere Application Server v6.1.  Eclipse / RAD also 
 have M2Eclipse plugin installed for dependency management, etc.  There is one 
 slight issue that has me scratching my head for a few days.  It has to do 
 with generated WTP v1.5 files.  
 Essentially, maven eclipse plugin goal eclipse:m2eclipse generates all WTP 
 1.5 files correctly.  However, once 
 addVersionToProjectNametrue/addVersionToProjectName is added to plugin 
 config,  .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component contains an incorrect 
 entry.  The goal generates the .project WTP file properly with a project name 
 containing the POM version number, but the corresponding 
 .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component contains an incorrect value for 
 wb-module deploy-name=..  The value of deploy-name=  does not contain 
 a POM version number along with the project name.
 The reason why having a version number in wb-module deploy-name= entry is 
 important is because if the EAR / WAR module is deployed to WebSphere runtime 
 in loose configuration mode, the runtime complains about not being able to 
 locate corresponding modules.  Loose configuration allows the class files to 
 reside in Eclipse / RAD workspace and speeds up the EAR deployment process 
 many folds since no real EAR is generated and installed into WebSphere.  
 Eclipse / RAD loose config file is located under 
 Note that if I manually make the change to the generated 
 .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component file by adding version number 
 along with the project name, the runtime doesn't complain and everything 
 works well in loose configuration mode.
 May be I'm missing something in maven-eclipse-plugin configuration. Here's 
 what I have:
 !-- maven-eclipse-plugin config for generating WTP 1.5 resources for WAR and 
 EARs --


 !-- maven-eclipse-plugin --
 Is there any way to manipulate or affect entries in 
 .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component via maven-eclipse-plugin 
 configuration?  to If you guys have any clues / pointers / recommendations, 
 please do share.
 Salman Moghal

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Re: Multi-module lack of inheritance

2008-02-26 Thread Olivier Dehon
Does extensions/pom.xml define myapp/pom.xml as its parent in the
parent section?


On Wed, 2008-02-27 at 02:57 +, Rodrigo Madera wrote:
 I have a project layout like this:
 pom.xml (packaging = pom, name = MyApp Parent)
 pom.xml (packaging = jar, name = MyApp API)
 pom.xml (packaging = jar, name = MyApp Core)
 pom.xml (packaging = pom, name = MyApp Extensions Parent)
 pom.xml (packaging = jar, name = MyApp MyExtension)
 The problem is that extensions/pom.xml is *not* inheriting basic (and
 needed) stuff from myapp/pom.xml.
 Any clues?
 Thank you for your attention,

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Re: RAD7 / Portal6 hot redeploy fails with Maven2 layout

2008-02-14 Thread Olivier Dehon
On Tue, 2008-02-12 at 11:35 -0800, Guillaume Bilodeau wrote:

 This question is mostly for the Eclipse plugin guys - sorry if this isn't
 the right place.
 We are developing a portal application using RAD7 and deploying it on IBM
 WebSphere Portal 6.  It seems that after switching a project's directory
 structure to the Maven2 layout, hot deployment stopped working.

I had the same issue. I had to upgrade to RAD, and move
src/main/webapp to WebContent (with corresponding pom configuration) to
keep RAD happy.


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maven-pmd-plugin 2.2 - Missing dependency?

2008-01-19 Thread Olivier Dehon

I tried using version 2.2 of the PMD plugin, only to find that it was
failing on a NoClassDefFound error for the backport-util-concurrent JAR.
I added the dependency in my local repository's version of the POM to
backport-util-concurrent version 3.1, and it seemed to work fine after

Is that a known issue?

Thanks, -Olivier

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Re: maven-pmd-plugin 2.2 - Missing dependency?

2008-01-19 Thread Olivier Dehon

On Sat, 2008-01-19 at 20:49 +0100, Dennis Lundberg wrote:
 I think that this missing dependency comes from the PMD tool itself. 
 Version 2.3 of maven-pmd-plugin was recently released. Do you get the 
 same error using that?

2.3 works fine (and it defines the dependency on
backport-util-concurrent in its POM). Unfortunately, the Sonar
( plugin relies on version 2.2 of the pmd plugin...

I guess I will have to wait until the tool gets updated to use version
2.3 of the pmd plugin to get rid of my POM hack.

  I tried using version 2.2 of the PMD plugin, only to find that it was
  failing on a NoClassDefFound error for the backport-util-concurrent JAR.
  I added the dependency in my local repository's version of the POM to
  backport-util-concurrent version 3.1, and it seemed to work fine after

Thanks, -Olivier

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Re: maven-pmd-plugin 2.2 - Missing dependency?

2008-01-19 Thread Olivier Dehon

On Sat, 2008-01-19 at 15:19 -0600, Wayne Fay wrote:
 Could you tell Sonar to use pmd v2.3 by specifying it in the
 dependencies of the Sonar plugin itself?

Well, the Sonar plugin launches a Maven Embedder and creates a POM on
the fly. The 2.2 version of the PMD plugin is hard-coded in the Java
code for the plugin, so it is not that easy. I would have to create my
own version of the sonar plugin by changing the code and re-building
locally. This is obviously doable, but it looks like a far dirtier hack
than changing the POM for the PMD plugin...

I will ask the question on the Sonar mailing list...

- Olivier

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Interpolated variable name for reactor project artifactId

2008-01-17 Thread Olivier Dehon

In my multi-module maven2 project POM, which variable name should I use
that interpolates to the artifactId of the root project POM, and not of
that of the module which is getting built?

For example:

As is, the SCM URL for proj-parent is generated as expected, but when
moduleA gets built (standalone or as part of the reactor build), the SCM
URL for moduleA is interpolated to

I tried ${pom.artifactId}, ${project.artifactId} and ${artifactId}, to
no avail.

Do I always have to hardcode the name of the id of the parent artifact?

Thanks for your enlightening answers.


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Re: commons-logging-1.0.4

2008-01-09 Thread Olivier Dehon

On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 11:26 +0530, amit kumar wrote:
 I am building a WAR package, and every time I see
 commons-logging-1.0.4being put in the WEB-INF\lib folder. Although
 this is not described in my
 pom.xml(I have commons-logging-1.1 as my dependency in the pom.xml) Still I
 am getting it. I tried and used mvn package -X to see to which dependency
 this is a transitive dependency to.

Do you get both versions in WEB-INF/lib? If yes, it might be because you
have version 1.1 of the jar in the war source dir, hence maven copies it
in the final war. (maybe you ran mvn war:inplace some time ago?)

HTH -Olivier

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Re: plexus components configuration

2008-01-07 Thread Olivier Dehon
On Mon, 2008-01-07 at 16:21 +0100, Zsolt KOZAK wrote:
 I have the following problem.
 We use a custom packaging called warstub. We uses modules and if a
 module depends on other modules, its war will contain ALL the
 dependecies (jars, html, images, etc). A warstub would contain only the
 current module web-stuff (jar, html, etc.), so it's a kind of war but
 contains less stuff. We created our own plugin which creates warstub.

If I understand correctly what you are trying to achieve, you might want
to use the overlay capability of the war plugin, by adding a dependency
of type war.

HTH, -Olivier

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Re: plexus components configuration

2008-01-07 Thread Olivier Dehon

On Tue, 2008-01-08 at 00:46 +0100, Zsolt KOZAK wrote:

 So I have the following snipplet from a components.xml and I'd like to
 pass some config parameters to the maven-war-plugin for the package
 phase. Is it possible in a plexus components.xml?
I have never done that myself so take it for what it's worth, but the
only way I see to do that would be to define your own lifecycle in
META-INF/maven/lifecycle.xml in the plugin JAR.

You can define configuration elements for the plugins in that file.

HTH, -Olivier

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Maven site plugin for parent of multimodule project behaves differently in non-recursive mode

2007-12-22 Thread Olivier Dehon

I created a multimodule project, and the parent has the following URL
defined for the generated site:


None of the module POMs define their own url tag.

If I run mvn site:stage, I get relative links to the modules' sites in
the parent's page and everything works fine, but if I run mvn
--non-recursive site:stage, then the links in the parent's page are
absolute, and the variable is not interpolated in the link, leading to a
(seriously) broken link. (Verbatim in the generated html):
a href=http://${sites-host}/sites/MyProject/MyModule;

Has someone seen this before?

Since Continuum builds the parent project in non-recursive mode, this is
a bit annoying, as all the parent sites deployed via site-deploy from
Continuum have broken links to their children modules.

Is there a fix or a workaround?

Thanks, -Olivier

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Configure release plugin in the POM for both prepare and branch goals

2007-12-19 Thread Olivier Dehon

I stumbled upon the following problem and I hope I missed something
obvious that you could point me to.

I am trying to add some configuration elements for the release plugin
inside my POM, notably the tagBase.
The tagBase I use for the branch goal is different from the one for the
prepare goal.

How can I specify different configurations depending on the goal for the
same plugin?

I tried creating executions, but this forces you to bind the goal to a
phase, which I don't want to do for obvious reasons.
If I do not specify a phase within the execution tag, running
mvn release:branch from the command line does not take the
configuration inside the execution into account.

Worse, it seems that if I add this configuration in the POM, then
Continuum (1.1) gives a NPE when trying to prepare the release from the

Here's the pom snippet of what I tried, both within pluginManagement or


Thanks in advance for any help.


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Re: Creating new user in Continuum 1.1I

2007-12-13 Thread Olivier Dehon

On Thu, 2007-12-13 at 13:47 +0300, Oleg Alexeyev wrote:
 On Dec 7, 2007 1:15 AM, L. J. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just want to see if anyone else having this problem. I can only create admin
  user during the initial installation. After that, whatever the users I
  created, it says that either the username or password is incorrect while
  trying to log in.
 I have the same problem with Continuum 1.1 release...
 For now I empowered Guest user with all the rights necessary to
 trigger builds etc.

I have the same problem.
I found that users have to be validated (by clicking on the link sent
to them via email) before they can log in. There is a resend
validation button for existing users.


Re: Issue in dependency resolution to zip file (having muliple jars)

2007-11-28 Thread Olivier Dehon

One way to solve this problem is to create a pom instead of a zip.
The pom will have all the dependencies on your JARs.
Then, project B can include a dependency to the pom project to get all
of the JARs (transitively) in the classpath when building.


On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 05:01 -0800, S.Murali wrote:
 I have a Project A (util_common) which is a multi-module project which
 generates a zip file during its assembly (which contains all its sub-module
 jars) and i installed  it in the local repository using
 Now, I want to add dependency to Project A (util_common) zip file in the
 Project B pom file.  
 However, the dependency to the jar files inside the util_common zip file is
 not getting resolved from Project B.
 I  tried unpack all the jar files during the assembly phase, so that zip
 file contains the sources of jar files rather individual jar files. But, it
 did not work.
 I think the problem might be due to some classpath issue while referencing,
 though not sure. 
 I would like to know if this is possible in maven?  If so, how?
 Thanks in advance, Murali

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Re: Generating ejb skeleton code from wsdls

2007-11-21 Thread Olivier Dehon

On Wed, 2007-11-21 at 10:31 +0200, Jeff Mutonho wrote:
 One of the steps I would like to automate is the generation of  skeleton ejb
 code(for Websphere 6) from wsdls. Currently this is being done
  by creating a batch file with the following content
 WSDL2Java -v -r develop-server -c ejb –I yes -o outputFolderPath -f
 mappingFilePath wsdlFilePath
 This batch file is then run from the Install_Dir\runtimes\base_v6\bin

You can use the exec plugin. IBM also provides an ant job for this,
which you can invoke with the antrun plugin.


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Re: 1 depency find, 10 downloaded!

2007-11-21 Thread Olivier Dehon

On Wed, 2007-11-21 at 12:53 +0100, Michael Bernagou wrote:

 And when I launched the script :
 %M2_HOME%\bin\mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=1.5
 It download something like 20 librairies more such as avalon-framework,
 neethi, etc... why?? I suppose there is a dependency who create many
 inherance but for example, axis2-kernel, I was able to use it in the past
 without all these libraries...

They might be dependencies of the eclipse plugin itself (I haven't


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Re: use a particular timestamp of a SNAPSHOT

2007-11-15 Thread Olivier Dehon
On Thu, 2007-11-15 at 08:43 +0100, nicolas de loof wrote:
 Can I configure a dependency to use a particular timestamp version of a
 For example, the 20070606.164150-5 of maven-surefire-plugin 2.3.1-SNAPSHOT

Yes you can. You have to be careful though that this particular snapshot
does not get purged away on the central repository, or else other
developers might not be able to build your project after a while.


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Ability to release a single project within a group?

2007-11-11 Thread Olivier Dehon

It seems within continuum, one can only release an entire project group,
and not just a single project within that group.

This means that I need to create a plethorra of groups that contain a
single project (for the standalone utility JARs or portlets for
instance), where I would like them to be grouped under a Utilities
group or a Portlets group and take it from there.

Are there any plans to add that functionality? Or am I doing something
plain wrong here?

Thanks in advance for any hints.


New feature suggestion: Page with current queued builds

2007-11-01 Thread Olivier Dehon

In my continuum database, I have a large number of projects (400+) and
project groups (50+) which are handled nicely, but at times, there can
be contention and developers who run forced builds sometimes would like
to have an idea of where their builds stands in the queue when it is not
starting immediately.

Would it be possible to add a page that shows the current build queue
across project groups?
In this page, there could also be an option to cancel (forced) queued

Are there any plans to enable more than one queue of builds within one
continuum instance? Is the only solution to split projects across
multiple continuum instances (I'd like to avoid that if I can, as it
makes project and project group administration more difficult)?


Re: Protection of Already Deploy Artifacts

2007-10-24 Thread Olivier Dehon

You can set the files to read-only in the file system.


Leder, Leslie (NSN - DE/Greifswald) wrote:
assume there is a module A already deployed in version 1.0. Now somebody

changed the code of module A but forgot to increment the version so it
still is 1.0. 
So the second version of component A is definitely not ok. But how can I

protect the correct version 1.0 of component A than? The way it works I
know is that the deploy plugin would just overwrite the correct artifact
by the newer but incorrect one. Is this really ok. This would double me
fault score to two. Now I haven't only an attempted version 1.1 but I
also haven't a real 1.0 anymore. 
Is there any chance to let Maven2 check if the artifact that is

currently to be deployed differs in size and/or checksum to an already
deployed artifact in the target repository with exactly the same Maven
coordinates (groupId, artifactId, classifier, version, type). 



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How to get Java source filtered the same way as resources?

2007-10-20 Thread Olivier Dehon


Is there a (simple) way to get the java source code in my project
filtered the same way resources are?
That is, in my java file, I could have:

private final static String MAVEN_VERSION = ${version};

and get ${version} replaced at build time?

What I want to achieve here is a way of interrogating my app for its
maven version number at run time, without having to rely on an external
file or resource.

Thanks for any hints.


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Re: How to get Java source filtered the same way as resources?

2007-10-20 Thread Olivier Dehon

Jörg Schaible wrote:

Olivier Dehon wrote:


Is there a (simple) way to get the java source code in my project
filtered the same way resources are?
That is, in my java file, I could have:

private final static String MAVEN_VERSION = ${version};

and get ${version} replaced at build time?

What I want to achieve here is a way of interrogating my app for its
maven version number at run time, without having to rely on an external
file or resource.

Thanks for any hints.

Why not use the manifest ?


I do not want to pay the price of reading that information from an external
resource, when it can be made available statically when the code is 

I guess I will have to write a plugin similar to the resources plugin
and apply it at the generate-sources phase on the source files that need
to be filtered.


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Re: Duplicate jars/dependencies when building war module

2007-09-28 Thread Olivier Dehon

Kjartan Aanestad wrote:
We have a strange issue when building the war module. We have a couple 
of common modules that are built by continuum and used as dependencies 
in our project. Somehow these dependecies sometimes end up twice in 
the war file (WEB-INF\lib), ie:
[DEBUG] adding entry 

[DEBUG] adding entry WEB-INF/lib/customer-proxy-beans-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Anyone have any suggestions what might be the problem?

Maybe you have lingering copies of the JARs from a previous build that 
got copied

to the warSourceDirectory/WEB-INF/lib directory through an execution
of the war:inplace goal for instance?


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Re: Maven2 - Not finding plugins!

2007-09-28 Thread Olivier Dehon

Are you using a http proxy to reach your artifactory repo?
I faced an issue recently where the proxy was caching requests for
maven metadata, causing similar symptoms to those you are describing.

If that is the case, and if possible, try disabling the http proxy in your


gommo wrote:

I'd love if someone can help me here, I'm about to give up on Maven2, its so
frustrating :)

Anyway, the problem is that I can have everything working one day, then come
back the next day and find out that my project isn't compiling anymore. 

It generally comes in the form of a transitive dependency missing from my
local repository. For example, the latest problem was not having version
1.0.0 of jfreecharts. I checked and I have 1.0.1 in my local repo. (Please
note I'm using artifactory as a proxy). I also have no dependencies directly
on jfreecharts, its coming from transitive dependencies. This is the other
strange thing, why would it not have got version 1.0.0 yesterday when I
built. Unless some SNAPSHOT I'm depending on is changing? Seems weird to go
down a version though.

My guess is that for some reason my machine has decided to not ask
artifactory for 1.0.0 and instead just fails. The problem further escalated
when I tried to issue a mvn clean. I get this error

The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin' does not exist or
no valid version could be found.

Issuing a build on our CI server worked successfully which does include
issuing a clean so I know its not a problem with the actual proxy.
Additionally I search on artifactory and it does indeed have the clean
plugin present.

I then totally delete my local repository (i.e. {home}\.m2\repository), and
issue mvn clean again

Low an behold, it works Its just ridiculous. If it can't work from day
to day I'm far better off just putting my jars in version control. At least
my project built consistently. 

Have people experienced this before? If so, is it a maven issue or my proxy


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Populate a Map parameter through -D option?

2007-09-26 Thread Olivier Dehon


Is there a special syntax that can be used to populate Map or List
parameter types in a Mojo through the -D command line option?

My Mojo does *not* require a POM file to run but has Map parameters.
The only solution I have found for this is to make the parameter a
String and parse the String into a Map through my own defined syntax
inside the Mojo.

Thanks for your reply.


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Re: two schedules at diferents times

2007-06-28 Thread Olivier Dehon

Just an idea, but maybe every schedule should have its own working
directory (or at least an option should be present to configure it that 

this way the code changes for one schedule wouldn't consumed by the other
schedule. Wiping out when building fresh means that snapshot artifacts
get generated that can be exactly the same from build to build...

I understand this might mean pretty drastic changes to the data model 


Jesse McConnell wrote:

set the one that is to build at midnight to 'build fresh'

that will blow away the working copy and check it out again and build it


On 6/28/07, Martin Alejandro Villalobos 

Hello, I've a question.
I want add two diferentes schedules to a project in continuum, actually
is using 1.1-alpha-2.
I want that one schedule that throw each five minutes and the second
schedule will be throw one time at midnight.
The problem es that, when the last build is generated before the
midnight is done, then the next update will not see changes from the
There is some solution for this scenario?

Thanks for all.


Interpolated expression to reference configuration elements of another plugin

2007-06-21 Thread Olivier Dehon


What ${} expression should I use in my POM or Mojo to reference 

values of another plugin?
I couldn't find any FAQ or reference on this. Sorry if this is indeed an 

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Interpolated expression to reference configuration elements of another plugin

2007-06-21 Thread Olivier Dehon

Steven Rowe wrote:

What ${} expression should I use in my POM or Mojo to reference
configuration values of another plugin?

If you define a property in the POM, and then use ${} syntax to refer to
the property in the configuration for one plugin, you can refer to this
same property value anywhere else in the POM, including in another
plugin's configuration.

That's one way to go indeed. Thanks for your answer.

The problem I am trying to solve is as follows:
I am writing a plugin, which works in conjunction with the war plugin.
In this plugin, I would like to re-use some of the configured values, 
even if
they have not been explicitly set in the POM (like warSourceDirectory or 

In my Mojo, I could then use something along the lines of:

* @parameter expression=${}

Hopefully I made myself clearer?


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Re: Run different goals on different schedules for a project group

2007-06-20 Thread Olivier Dehon

I am using version 1.0.3, enhanced with some patches.

Wendy Smoak wrote:

On 6/20/07, Olivier Dehon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The problem I am facing is that the daily build will never get kicked 
because the scm changes have already been consumed by the hourly 

What version are you using?  I vaguely remember asking Emmanuel about 

Run different goals on different schedules for a project group

2007-06-20 Thread Olivier Dehon


For my project group, I would like to setup an hourly build with the
clean deploy phases, and only a daily build of the clean deploy 
phases. This is because the site-deploy is very resource-intensive and I 
can live

with the documentation being one day out-of-sync with the code.

The problem I am facing is that the daily build will never get kicked off
because the scm changes have already been consumed by the hourly build.

I tried the Build fresh option for the daily build, but this creates
unnecessary daily snapshot versions with no changes, which will quickly
clobber my snapshot repository.

Is there a way to force a build on a schedule without actually building 

Just the way that the build is forced when you run it on demand?

Am I missing something?

Thanks for any pointers.


Problem when running Maven from Eclipse/RAD with the Maven2 eclipse plugin

2007-06-16 Thread Olivier Dehon


I have come across a bizarre issue using the Maven2 eclipse plugin 0.0.10.

When I run the install goal on my project's POM from eclipse right-click 

maven fails to download the JAR of one of the dependencies from the remote
central repository. It downloads the dependency POM file, but not the JAR
itself, and all that silently. The compilation subsequently fails 
because the

JAR in question is not put on the classpath.

The even strangest thing is that if I delete that dependency directory from
my local repository, and try to run mvn install from the command line
(maven 2.0.5), then the JAR for the dependency is downloaded correctly 

its POM, and the compilation succeeds.

Is that a known bug in the Maven2 eclipse plugin? Isn't the plugin using the
version of Maven installed on the workstation?

Thanks in advance for any hints/pointers.


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Re: best location of parent pom in multi-module builds / subversion

2007-06-13 Thread Olivier Dehon


I used to use the 2nd layout you describe because it made sense as the
continuous integration engine that I use (continuum) checks out every
project in separate subdirectories for each subproject.
That way it didn't checkout all the subprojects alongside the parent
POM just to build the parent...

I later had to change that layout and take the diskspace hit of moving
to the 1st layout you describe, because the release plugin will not
work otherwise.

I hope this helps.


ossi petz wrote:


this might be obvious for everyone. but well - i could not find clear 
recommendations on how to do this the best way.

i have a multi-module build:

parent pom.xml
 - module-1
 - module-2
 - module-3

the modules are stored in a subversion repository:

currently the parent pom is at

to ease working with the parent pom in eclipse (allow working like 
other projects), i moved the parent pom into an own module: 
parent-module which is stored beside the other modules in subversion:


but i dont want to copy the parent pom everytime to /trunk/pom.xml
and in future we may have additional parent poms for that location.

using a continous integration server and let it point to the parent 
pom seems only to work if the directory structure is normalized 
(parent pom and its modules in the same folder)

so: can the parent pom be stored just 'somewhere', and reference the 
modules with a relatvive path? same for the modules?

will a continuous integration server be able to understand that if i 
point it to http://repos/trunk/module-parent (so the modules are not 
directly in subdirectories)?

and will such relative module settups conflict with the release steps? 
or does that not matter at all?

any feedback would be welcome :)


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Re: best location of parent pom in multi-module builds / subversion

2007-06-13 Thread Olivier Dehon

That's a possibility indeed, but the disk space issue is by far less
important than the ability to build an individual subproject on demand
from continuum!

Ideally, continuum should be aware of the project/modules structure
and use the module subdirectory checked out with the parent as its
working directory, and not create a separate one.


Wendy Smoak wrote:

On 6/13/07, Olivier Dehon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I used to use the 2nd layout you describe because it made sense as the
continuous integration engine that I use (continuum) checks out every
project in separate subdirectories for each subproject.
That way it didn't checkout all the subprojects alongside the parent
POM just to build the parent...

I later had to change that layout and take the diskspace hit of moving
to the 1st layout you describe, because the release plugin will not
work otherwise.

This might help to get the disk space back:  remove the
--non-recursive switch from the build definition on the parent, and
delete all the separate child modules.  (That should be an option when
you add a project...)

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Deploying secondary artifacts alongside the main project artifact

2007-06-09 Thread Olivier Dehon


I am trying to understand best practices around how to achieve the

Every time the artifact produced by the project is deployed, I would
like to deploy a secondary artifact (an XML file that has meta
information about the artifact that will be used when the artifact
is actually released onto the production platform).

Here's how I thought about achieving this:
- Create a Mojo that is linked to the package phase that creates an
 artifact out of the xml file (packaging/type TBD), and then uses
 projectHelper.attachArtifact() on the newly created artifact.
- When the Maven execution reaches the install and deploy phases, the
 XML file will be installed and deployed alongside the main artifact.

Before I start and attempt to write the attach plugin, I wanted to
get a feeling whether this would work at all and/or if there are better
ways of achieving the same thing?

Thanks in advance for sharing your experience.


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Re: How to resolve dependency from remote repositories only?

2007-05-27 Thread Olivier Dehon

Thanks for your answer. I'll try that.

I am a bit puzzled though that the pathOf method on the 
deploymentRepository instance yields a result that is not an existing path.

Another thing I tried is to link my Mojo to the deploy phase through:

@goal olivier
@execution phase=deploy

but I came across what I think might be a bug in the deploy plugin 
(version 2.2.1, under maven 2.0.5):

If I run mvn deploy, everything runs fine and my JAR is deployed in 
Archiva, thanks to the distributionManagement section in my POM.
Now, if I run mvn olivier:olivier, a new lifecycle kicks off with 
compilation, install, and deploy, but the deploy fails claiming that it 
can't find

the distributionManagement data.

Maybe the distributionManagement data is not copied into the cloned 
project for the forked lifecycle?


John Casey wrote:
You could use the local repository instance to construct a pointing to any locally installed version of the 
artifact, then delete them...that should force maven to re-resolve 
them. If you don't want to delete them, you could always rename them.

That's probably the simplest way I can think to do it.


On May 26, 2007, at 2:56 PM, Olivier Dehon wrote:


I am trying to to use ArtifactResolver.resolve method on my project 
artifact, which can be a snapshot version,
but I would like to get to the latest deployed version of the 
artifact, even if the installed version is more recent.

The reason behind this is I need to calculate the HTTP URL of the 
latest deployed snapshot version, which would be

something like 

I can get the initial part of the URL through 
deploymentRepository.getUrl(), and the path to the artifact through

deploymentRepository.pathOf( artifact )

The problem is that if the artifact resolves to a version installed 
in the local repository, deploymentRepository.pathOf( artifact ) yields:
com/foo/bar/project/1.0-SNAPSHOT/project-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, instead of 
the expected


Thanks for sharing your experience with this.


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John Casey
Committer and PMC Member, Apache Maven
mail: jdcasey at commonjava dot org

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How to resolve dependency from remote repositories only?

2007-05-26 Thread Olivier Dehon


I am trying to to use ArtifactResolver.resolve method on my project 
artifact, which can be a snapshot version,
but I would like to get to the latest deployed version of the 
artifact, even if the installed version is more recent.

The reason behind this is I need to calculate the HTTP URL of the latest 
deployed snapshot version, which would be

something like

I can get the initial part of the URL through 
deploymentRepository.getUrl(), and the path to the artifact through

deploymentRepository.pathOf( artifact )

The problem is that if the artifact resolves to a version installed in 
the local repository, deploymentRepository.pathOf( artifact ) yields:
com/foo/bar/project/1.0-SNAPSHOT/project-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, instead of 
the expected


Thanks for sharing your experience with this.


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Re: Multi-module project with Aggregation and SCM

2007-05-07 Thread Olivier Dehon
You can define relative paths to your modules' directories from the 
parent POM's directory:




Luís Soares wrote:

Hi all,

 I was wondering if it is possible the following procedure:
I have a multi-module maven project that has, lets say, 3 modules:

 - Module1
 - Module2
 - Module3

In the top-level pom I state that there are several modules aggregated:


Now, I was wondering if is there a way that I can get maven to, and
given only the root pom, fetch the submodules from a SCM URL (different
for each module).

$ ls -la
$ mvn ...
$ ls
Module1  Module2  Module3  pom.xml


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depenedency:analyze and JSP compilation ?

2007-05-07 Thread Olivier Dehon


How can I get the dependency:analyze goal to include the class files 
that result from the compilation of the JSPs in the actual analysis?
Is there a configuration parameter to indicate additional target 
directories to look into? Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for sharing your experience with this.

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How to get dependency:analyze to include .class files generated by jspc:compile?

2007-04-28 Thread Olivier Dehon


How can I get the dependency:analyze goal to include the class files 
that result from the compilation of the JSPs in the actual analysis?
Is there a configuration parameter to indicate additional target 
directories to look into? Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for sharing your experience with this.

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Issue with SNAPSHOT grand-parent POM

2007-03-20 Thread Olivier Dehon


Today, I came across a weird behavior  (bug?) from Maven 2.0.4 and 
snapshot grand-parent POM:

pom A has pom B as its parent, and pom B has pom C as its parent. All 3 
POMs are deployed

as SNAPHOT versions.
Now if I change and deploy pom C, the changes are not picked up and 
copied to my local repository

when the project defined by pom A is built.

This works with one generation (that is, if I change and deploy pom B, 
the changes are picked up

and the new pom B gets copied to my local repository when pom A is built).

Is that the expected behavior or is it a bug?

Thanks in advance for your advice.


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Re: Error with JPOX when trying to build on Windows XP

2007-03-19 Thread Olivier Dehon

Wendy Smoak wrote:

Does it build with JDK 1.5?

I see the same issue with JDK 1.5
I also tried to build the continuum-1.0.3, which uses earlier versions 
of JPOX,  to no avail
(fails with the exact same error, and after all required classes have 
been enhanced successfully).

I see there's an issue open for problems building Continuum on JDK
1.6, this might be related.

Thanks for pointing this out, but it is not related, I am afraid.


Error with JPOX when trying to build on Windows XP

2007-03-18 Thread Olivier Dehon


I am trying to build continuum from a checkout from the trunk on WinXP.
I am getting this error from the JPOX Enhancer tool (in the 
continuum-model project):

JPOX Enhancer completed with success for 19 classes. Consult the log for 
full details



[INFO] The JPox enhancer tool exited with a non-null exit code.

Indeed, even though the tool completed with success, the exit status is 1.
I am using Maven 2.0.5, and JDK 1.6

Has anyone faced that issue?


Re: Projects do not get created in project group when adding modules to the POM

2007-03-12 Thread Olivier Dehon

Great, sounds good.

Can you tell me if the 1.1 will also include the XMLRPC methods to 
handle project groups?
At the moment, I only seem to be able to deal with projects through the 
XMLRPC, and adding a project adds it to the default group.

It'd be nice to be able to select the project group to add a project to.


Emmanuel Venisse wrote:
This feature isn't implemented yet. We'll do it in 1.1, but I think it 
will be only the add new module feature


Olivier Dehon a écrit :


I have created and uploaded a POM (SNAPSHOT version) with modules 
into Continuum as a Maven2 project.
Continuum correctly created the project group with one member project 
per module.
Now, when I checkin changes in that POM, say to add or remove a 
module, these changes are not reflected in Continuum
when the project group is re-built. I would have expected that it 
would add/remove projects as per the latest module

hierarchy described in the POM.

The only way I found to reflect the module changes is to delete and 
re-create the project group.

Am I missing something?

I am using Continuum 1.0.3 with Maven 2.0.4

Thanks in advance for any hints.
