Re: [videoblogging] Black Woman YouTube Vlogger Murdered by Stalker

2009-04-15 Thread Irina
i assume everyone has seen this comments song

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 3:51 PM, Gena  wrote:

> This needs to be known and I will not hold my breath for M$M to pay
> attention. She is not white nor blond. I found out via other bloggers that
> this has happened. This is the link for info:
> Post from What About Our Daughters blog
> The stalker used YT and Facebook to harass and stalk this young lady.
> Another YT person did alert the police but, yeah...well.
> I find myself split. I do believe women needs to participate in web video
> and carry their voices forward. All women. But yes, I am biased. Especially
> African-American women. Can't help it and don't want too.
> But there are old vicious rules about protecting yourself and one of those
> rules is being silent and invisible. It does not matter. You still wind up
> dead and no one outside of your family will known.
> For the record, I will not be silent. I will not be invisible. I don't post
> on YT because of the type of nasty vile comments, behaviors and TOS. But I
> do support freedom of speech.
> Do what this information what you will. I am angry and I am sad.
> Gena


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Black Woman YouTube Vlogger Murdered by Stalker

2009-04-14 Thread Jay dedman
> And I just don't understand why the most popular video sharing site,
> potentially a place with great positive impact and opportunity, should
> allow itself to be turned into a big pile of shit.
> Is it any wonder Google can't make any money from YouTube
> advertising? Who wants to advertise their product next to all that?
> Google should get with the program and crack down.

I had that same thought last week.
Youtube has continued to innovate for the past 3 years, adding a lot
of cool new features. Throughout their history, they've always been
able to handle the traffic with zero choking. Also, their player
consistently works on every computer/browser/connection variation Ive

But why can't they figure out how to develop a strong positive
community? I can't remember the last time Youtube has mentioned any
new features or best practices when it comes to handling comments. And
all the fucked-up comments are what anyone ever talks about when it
comes to their site. "It's a great video site but the commenters

Ive always felt that a community follows the lead of the site's
creators/managers. Think of Twitter. Evan Williams has a strong,
public voice when it comes to his vision of how people should
interact. He and his team get involved in situations that concern how
people interact. I'm not a fan of Facebook, but at least Mark
Zuckerberg is the guy who makes the decisions when the community
protests. But then you have Youtube which has always been faceless.
It's just the place where everyone goes to upload videos.

I'm a fan of positive examples versus laying down restrictions. But I
got a feeling Youtube, like most of google, is more about giving
people enough rope to hang themselves. Or I guess do something really
amazing. They dont seem interested in directing people on how to

Gena, that really sucks about the stalker. I know Ryanne has had times
when she's been hesitant to put herself out there because of shitty
anonymous attacks. Doesn't make it any easier for women online.


917 371 6790

Re: [videoblogging] Black Woman YouTube Vlogger Murdered by Stalker

2009-04-14 Thread Rupert
That's so awful and sad.

I know this is only tangential to it, but I think YouTube's hands-off  
attitude towards violent, threatening, prejudiced behaviour is  

It's a breeding ground for hatred, where people can get themselves  
more and more worked up, more and more entrenched in their hatred.   
With the tacit blessing of Google.

Yes, people can shout back, but we've all been online long enough to  
know that freedom of reply does nothing to combat trolls and haters.   
It just makes them worse, gives them attention.

The only answer is to shut them down.

I don't know why more people don't turn on comment approval on  
YouTube, or just turn commenting off altogether.  The only reason I  
can think of is that they don't know they can.

And I just don't understand why the most popular video sharing site,  
potentially a place with great positive impact and opportunity, should  
allow itself to be turned into a big pile of shit.

Is it any wonder Google can't make any money from YouTube  
advertising?  Who wants to advertise their product next to all that?

Google should get with the program and crack down.

They could start by removing people's anonymity.  Google should insist  
on identifying people by email accounts linked to Google accounts.   
And/or have comments set to moderation/approval by default.

I don't believe this is a freedom of speech issue.

To say that Freedom of speech equals being able to say whatever you  
want on YouTube is nonsense.

Stopping abusive and offensive comments isn't against freedom of  
speech.  Shutting down abusive commenters on your site isn't  
repressing freedom of speech any more than forcibly ejecting someone  
who comes into your garden and starts shouting at you and threatening  

If someone wants to stand in their own garden and shout and threaten,  
fair enough.  That's freedom of speech.  Within the bounds of laws on  
incitement to violence.

One reason to do it is because a huge part of YouTube's audience are  
kids.  Another reason is that it helped a psychotic continually abuse  
one of their users and get so wound up by doing it that he finds her  
and kills her.   He may have ended up doing it to someone else offline  
- that's another issue.  But there should be a team of people at  
YouTube saying "In our house, this is not acceptable behaviour."  
instead of tacitly giving it Google's blessing and a podium.

Yours fascistically,

Comment Nazi

On 14-Apr-09, at 3:51 PM, Gena wrote:

> This needs to be known and I will not hold my breath for M$M to pay  
> attention. She is not white nor blond. I found out via other  
> bloggers that this has happened. This is the link for info:
> Post from What About Our Daughters blog
> The stalker used YT and Facebook to harass and stalk this young  
> lady. Another YT person did alert the police but, yeah...well.
> I find myself split. I do believe women needs to participate in web  
> video and carry their voices forward. All women. But yes, I am  
> biased. Especially African-American women. Can't help it and don't  
> want too.
> But there are old vicious rules about protecting yourself and one of  
> those rules is being silent and invisible. It does not matter. You  
> still wind up dead and no one outside of your family will known.
> For the record, I will not be silent. I will not be invisible. I  
> don't post on YT because of the type of nasty vile comments,  
> behaviors and TOS. But I do support freedom of speech.
> Do what this information what you will. I am angry and I am sad.
> Gena

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Black Woman YouTube Vlogger Murdered by Stalker

2009-04-14 Thread Gena
This needs to be known and I will not hold my breath for M$M to pay attention. 
She is not white nor blond. I found out via other bloggers that this has 
happened. This is the link for info:

Post from What About Our Daughters blog

The stalker used YT and Facebook to harass and stalk this young lady. Another 
YT person did alert the police but, yeah...well.

I find myself split. I do believe women needs to participate in web video and 
carry their voices forward. All women. But yes, I am biased. Especially 
African-American women. Can't help it and don't want too.

But there are old vicious rules about protecting yourself and one of those 
rules is being silent and invisible. It does not matter. You still wind up dead 
and no one outside of your family will known.

For the record, I will not be silent. I will not be invisible. I don't post on 
YT because of the type of nasty vile comments, behaviors and TOS. But I do 
support freedom of speech. 

Do what this information what you will. I am angry and I am sad.
