Re: How do I open a file from the Terminal into MacVim's current window?

2010-03-24 Thread Andrew Stewart
 I have set the MacVim preference Open files from applications to in
 the current window and set the arglist.  This give the behaviour I
 want when double-clicking in the Finder -- but doesn't for the

Aha: making use of the above, I can get the result I want.  In the

$ open mvim://open?url=file:///path/to/file

And this respects the MacVim preference.

If there's a more direct way I'd like to hear it...but for now this
will do.


Andy Stewart

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Re: Interacting with a Ruby program

2010-03-25 Thread Andrew Stewart

On 24 Mar 2010, at 21:32, björn wrote:

To open some other GUI program you could use (from within MacVim):

:!open -a ProgramName filename

Thank you, that's perfect.

Maybe that's enough for your needs.  As far as I know there is no
universal way on Mac OS X to wait for a GUI app to finish (let alone
return focus to the calling program).

OK, well knowing that is in itself useful.


Andy Stewart

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Re: Interacting with a Ruby program

2010-03-26 Thread Andrew Stewart

On 25 Mar 2010, at 18:10, Peter Palmreuther wrote:

I don't know about OS X  10.6, but over here 'man open' gives

-W  Causes open to wait until the applications it opens
(or that were already open) have exited. [...]

And 'open -a MacVim -W file.txt' in fact gives focus to running MacVim
instance and opens 'file.txt' in a new tab. After quitting MacVim  

(iTerm) prompt returns to 'input state'.

That's not making any statement about focus returning, sure.

Having MacVim opened ':!open -a TextEdit -W %' opens current file in  
and waits until TextEdit is closed. Sure, this example is quiet  
silly, but for

demonstration purposes it seemed to be good enough to me :-)

Nice!  That's exactly what I'm after.

I thought I knew how `open` worked: next time I'll be sure to check  
the man page.

Thanks and regards,

Andy Stewart

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Re: Interacting with a Ruby program

2010-03-26 Thread Andrew Stewart

On 25 Mar 2010, at 10:45, Chris Eidhof wrote:
I'm not sure if it helps, but you could do it the other way around.  
MacVim implements the client part of the ODB editor suite [1]. So  
you could have a MacRuby program that implements the server part and  
then call MacVim.

Alternatively, it shouldn't be to hard to patch MacVim to implement  
the server part of the ODB Editor Suite as well. Then the MacRuby  
program has to implement the client part.


Thanks, that's an interesting approach and I'd be intrigued to pursue  
it later.  For now, though, I'll stick with the simpler `open`  
mechanism and get that going first.

Thanks and regards,

Andy Stewart

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Re: How do I open a file from the Terminal into MacVim's current window?

2010-03-26 Thread Andrew Stewart

On 26 Mar 2010, at 16:08, björn wrote:

MacVim works like this: each window runs its own Vim process.  Opening
a file from Finder results in the MacVim app getting a request to open
a file (mvim:// handler requests also end up here).  At this point
MacVim will look at your preferences and respect those.  When opening
a file from Terminal (with mvim) you are actually starting a new Vim
process manually and this process connects to the MacVim app which
responds by opening up a new window.  This is why mvim always opens
a new window.  (Maybe this is too much information, but there you go.)

On the contrary, it's good to know exactly how this all works.  Thanks  
for taking the time to type it all out.

It makes perfect sense now.


Andy Stewart

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Re: Need help with html plugins etc.

2010-05-17 Thread Andrew Stewart

On 16 May 2010, at 17:10, David Reed wrote:
 I want to start writing html more efficiently but am having problems 
 understanding how to get started.  I see that Mac comes with a vim package 
 already installed with many plugins. Under ftplugin I see html.vim and I have 
 tried to decipher it, but with no luck.
 It appears it is able to do things like tag complete, so if I type html a 
 closing /html automatically is written.

I'm not familiar with the html.vim ftplugin...but I do recommend the vim-ragtag 

This gives you really good tag completion.

 I also wanted to ask how to generate a macro that will automatically generate 
 all the basic tags for an html page if I create a brand new html file.

Put something like this in your .vimrc:

:autocmd BufNewFile *.html  0r /path/to/your/html_template.html

This tells Vim to read the file html_template.html into the buffer whenever you 
make a new HTML file.  See `:help template` for a little more information.

Andy Stewart


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Re: FuzzyFinder both works and don't

2010-06-19 Thread Andrew Stewart

 On Oct 19 2009, 8:24 am, Wraul wrote:
 I have installed the latest version (3.3) of the plugin 

This may not help you much...but fuzzyfinder_textmate, which is built on top of 
FuzzyFinder, was never able to get v3.3 working.  So all the ff_tm forks out 
there stick with v2.22.3.

Perhaps even less helpfully, here you can see a couple of commits I made in 
ff_tm to cope with Vim returning typed values rather than strings.  It's in 
Ruby, rather than Vimscript, but perhaps it'll be of some use to you. (last two 


Andy Stewart

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Re: Open file in new window via mvim

2011-05-12 Thread Andrew Stewart

On 11 May 2011, at 12:20, Tor Nordam wrote:
 I'm looking for a way to get mvim to open a file in a new window, or
 bring the open window forward without complaining if it happens to be
 open already. Similar to the --remote-tab-silent option, only with
 window instead of tab. Is that possible?

I'm not sure how to do it with mvim but this seems to work:

$ open -a MacVim your_file

In MacVim's preferences I have the Open files from applications option set to 
in the current window...and set the arglist.

Andy Stewart


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Re: Feature Request: Navigation Sidebar

2011-05-19 Thread Andrew Stewart

On 18 May 2011, at 21:09, björn wrote:
 Something is in the works [1].  I'm only somewhat involved in this at
 the moment, but hopefully I'll get some time during the summer to work
 on MacVim at which time I'll start thinking about file browsers
 properly.  (No, it won't be hosted in a drawer window when it is done
 -- I am working on putting it in a view inside the main window.)
 To those of you who don't get the point of this feature (like I used
 to): this is apparently considered one of the major missing features
 for people who are coming from other editors (mostly TextMate as far
 as I can tell).  Judging by Twitter and blog activity this group is
 quite substantial (or maybe just vocal ;-) so I feel it is worthwhile
 to cater to their wishes.  Hopefully this will generate even more
 interest in Vim.

I presume/hope this will be optional?  I'm very happy with BufExplorer [1]
and PeepOpen [2].

Andy Stewart



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Re: Plugin/addon managers

2011-07-11 Thread Andrew Stewart

On 9 Jul 2011, at 18:17, Eric Weir wrote:
 I now have a few Vim plugins installed. I assume there will be more, if not 
 many more, coming down the path. Back when I was just getting started with 
 Vim a couple months or so ago I had a brief flirtation with Pathogen. Thought 
 I would get set up with a system for managing plugins before beginning to 
 acquire them. However, Pathogen seemed to be creating problems in getting 
 VimOutliner running, I was encouraged to abandon it, and I did. Now I'm 
 wondering if maybe its time to give a plugin manager a try again. 
 Again, I have brief experience with Pathogen. I've bookmarked the Vim pages 
 for vim-addon-manager and Vundle. I'd appreciate any feedback or guidance on 
 these or other plugin managers I may have overlooked. Any insights will be 
 welcome, of course, but I'd be especially interested in comments of people 
 who have experience with more than one of these or other plugins. 

I tried VimBalls a while ago but grew frustrated at the work that needs doing 
when a script/plugin isn't already packaged as a VimBall.  I switched to 
Pathogen and it has always worked wonderfully.  If a conflict with VimOutliner 
is the only thing holding you back, I'd file bug reports with the authors of 
VimOutliner and Pathogen and hope it'll be resolved soon.

With Pathogen it doesn't matter how other scripts/plugins are distributed.  You 
just copy their root directory into your bundle directory, where they are 
cleanly separated, and Pathogen takes cares of loading them up.  This contrasts 
with some other plugin managers where each plugins' files are mingled together 
in Vim's various directories.

Finally, if you are familiar with a version control system, I'd suggest 
version-controlling your home Vim directory regardless of what system you use 
to wrangle plugins.  Then, if you install or change something and suffer 
problems, it's easy with your version control system to revert the change you 

Andy Stewart


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Re: System wide Inline Ruby.

2011-08-19 Thread Andrew Stewart

On 18 Aug 2011, at 22:34, Wilhelm wrote:
 Not sure if that's the right place to post it acutally... I've created
 a small open source tool that might come handy for ruby devs that use
 MacVim. You can check it out out at .
 Let me know what do you think.

Very nice.  I also like the website you built for it.


Andy Stewart

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How to stop scrolling when splitting windows?

2011-08-23 Thread Andrew Stewart

When I have a tall Vim window open on a small file, and I split the window in 
two, the view onto the file scrolls a little even though there is plenty of 
room for the file in the newly-split window.  The scrolling doesn't happen when 
my cursor is on the first line of the file.

How can I stop this scroll-on-split from ever occurring?

Thanks in advance,

Andy Stewart


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Re: Manipulate selected text

2011-09-30 Thread Andrew Stewart
On Sep 29, 4:07 pm, bterkuile wrote:
 I am now trying macvim and something is not working anymore. A normal
 operation for me is to select text and do a search and replace on
 this. My actions for this are:
 1. Select text
 2. type:     :s/foo/bar/g (Or any of all the other options that make
 vim cool)

 In macvim however when I want to type :s/foo/bar/g when a selection is
 made the colon is inserted (and yes, I am in command mode)

I can't reproduce this on my MacVim.  If I select something visually,
as soon as I type `:` the status line shows `:','` -- which means
use the visual selection as the range for the operation.  You must
have something configured differently.  How are you selecting text?

 How can I fix this? Or is there even a better way of doing this
 (meaning typing commands, not just replacing text). I cannot find the
 solution on google.

Yes, use ranges.  Turn on line numbers with `:set number`, then to
substitute (for example) over lines 4 to 6 use `:4,6s/foo/bar/g`.  See
`:help range` for other line numbers you can use, such as % (the whole
file), $ (the last line in the file), and so on.  You can even use

Andy Stewart

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Re: Hack for centering text horizontally in fullscreen mode?

2011-10-24 Thread Andrew Stewart
On 22 Oct 2011, at 19:53, Russ McBride wrote:Vimscript is almost enough to make me switch over to emacs or use one of the vi modes for emacs like viper or evil… butthat's a different topic….Yes, it's suboptimal to say the least. However you can mitigate the pain by scripting Vim in Ruby, Python, Perl, etc, witha little boilerplate Vimscript wrapper.Yours,Andy Stewart---

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Re: ack.vim problem

2012-03-07 Thread Andrew Stewart

On 7 Mar 2012, at 09:44, Barrie Stott wrote:
 I downloaded and installed ack.vim and consistently get messages like the 
 following from MacVim. For example, when trying to use it to find occurrences 
 of the word 'Mail' in the current directory by typing ':Ack mail':
 E492: Not an editor command: Ack mail

Where did you install ack.vim?

Andy Stewart

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Re: ack.vim problem

2012-03-07 Thread Andrew Stewart

On 7 Mar 2012, at 09:55, Barrie Stott wrote:
 I installed the code in ~/.vim/plugin and documentation in ~/.vim/doc. It 
 came as a .tar.gz file so all I had to do was move it to ~/.vim and use 'tar 
 zxvf ack.tar.gz from that directory.

Hmm, that's where my ack.vim is installed and ':Ack mail' works as expected.

If you type ':scriptnames' do you see ack.vim in the list?


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Re: instructions for installing macvim

2012-03-21 Thread Andrew Stewart

On 20 Mar 2012, at 18:21, Darcy wrote:
 vim='mvim -v'

How does the -v flag work?  I can't find it documented in Starting MacVim and 
it's not used in the `mvim` script.

Thanks in advance,

Andy Stewart

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Re: instructions for installing macvim

2012-03-21 Thread Andrew Stewart

On 21 Mar 2012, at 10:29, Phil Dobbin wrote:
 On 21/03/2012 08:48, Andrew Stewart wrote:
 On 20 Mar 2012, at 18:21, Darcy wrote:
 vim='mvim -v'
 How does the -v flag work?  I can't find it documented in Starting MacVim 
 and it's not used in the `mvim` script.
 It aliases console Vim to GUI vim rather than creating a symlink a la
 `sudo ln -s $(which gvim) $(which vim)` which is the way personally I'd
 do it.

Thanks for the reply.  However I understand what the alias does, just not how 
it works.  Where is the `-v` flag handled?


Andy Stewart

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Re: instructions for installing macvim

2012-03-21 Thread Andrew Stewart

On 21 Mar 2012, at 10:51, Phil Dobbin wrote:
 See :help -v

Oh, right.  Thanks!

Andy Stewart

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Re: cannot allocate color errors in terminal

2012-11-28 Thread Andrew Stewart

On 27 Nov 2012, at 20:32, Chris Lott wrote:
 I am trying to use Vim as the git core.editor -- no matter what I do,
 I get cannot allocate color messages.
 I've tried setting the git core.editor (using --replace-all) to vim,
 mvim, vim -U NONE -u NONE, mvim -u NONE -U NONE, etc.

I don't what the problem is, but as a shot in the dark:

I set the EDITOR variable in my environment to the full path to MacVim's 

export EDITOR=/Applications/

I don't have GIT_EDITOR set, nor core.editor, nor VISUAL.

Do you have anything configured in the color section of your git config?

Andy Stewart

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Re: Can we have a File Drawer, please?

2013-01-16 Thread Andrew Stewart

On 15 Jan 2013, at 15:54, Bradford Smith wrote:
 It would be so lovely for MacVim to have a working file drawer.

I disagree: I don't want a working file drawer.  Also MacVim is Vim and Vim 
doesn't have a built-in file drawer so MacVim shouldn't either.

Just my opinion...

Andrew Stewart

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Re: terminal command to open multiple files in a vim split screen instance

2013-07-08 Thread Andrew Stewart
On 7 Jul 2013, at 21:14, Johann Bestowrous wrote:
 I was wondering if there was a terminal command that would let me open a set 
 of files in a split screen with MacVim. I let my lazy imagination run wild on 
 Sundays and accomplishing this would give my inner sloth serenity when 
 working with a couple of different frameworks.

This opens files in horizontal splits:

$ mvim -o foo.txt bar.txt baz.txt

And this opens them in vertical splits:

$ mvim -O foo.txt bar.txt baz.txt

I found this out via `mvim -h` :)

Andy Stewart

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Re: Open macvim through terminal

2014-11-22 Thread Andrew Stewart
On 22 Nov 2014, at 06:04, Paul Wallace wrote:
 The problem is that I'm not sure how to open macvim through terminal.
 I've put macvim into my applications folder but I still can't open macvim 
 with the
 mvim or macvim commands in terminal. 
 Would it have something to do with my configuration path?

Yes, that sounds like the problem.

Type echo $PATH to see your path.  The 'mvim' script must be in one of the 
directories in your path, and also executable, for it to work.

Executable means that you can run it by typing mvim.  Type ls -l mvim in 
mvim's directory.  You'll see something like:

$ ls -l ~/bin/mvim 
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 andy  andy  2218 17 Aug  2010 /Users/andy/bin/mvim

If you don't see any xs in the first chunk of the line, run chmod 755 mvim 
to make it executable.

Andy Stewart

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New snapshot?

2014-12-03 Thread Andrew Stewart

Snapshot 73 was released on 21st April.  I was wondering whether there might be 
a new snapshot soon?  (I'm interested in Mountain Lion ones.)

Alternatively, in the absence of an official snapshot, is there a documented 
process anywhere for building a new snapshot oneself?

Many thanks,

Andy Stewart

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Re: New snapshot?

2014-12-04 Thread Andrew Stewart
On 4 Dec 2014, at 07:08, Limin Tang wrote:
 Use the following link to get latest source from repository and build by 

Thank you.

However the MacVim repo hasn't been updated since 2nd November and is hovering 
at 7.4.383.  Vim itself is at 7.4.540 or so.  Does anyone know if/when the 
MacVim repo will be updated?

Thanks again,

Andy Stewart

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Re: Update Vim to 7.4.516 and fix black bars on the top and bottom of Vim window in native full screen mode on Yosemite

2014-12-05 Thread Andrew Stewart
On 5 Dec 2014, at 03:04, Limin Tang wrote:
 Patching to src/testdir/test_listlbr_utf8.ok failed on Homebrew. You can take 
 a look of src/testdir/test_listlbr_utf8.ok.rej to see why the patch is 

Thanks for the response but you're just restating my post.

Anyway this is a Homebrew question and off-topic here.  (For reference I've 
opened an issue here:

Andy Stewart

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Re: Different Option-Key Combination in MacVim and Other Applications

2014-12-17 Thread Andrew Stewart
 On Monday, December 15, 2014 6:39:42 AM UTC-8, Yongwei Wu wrote:
 To my surprise, I have found the option key behave differently in my
 MacVim 73 and outside MacVim.
 In MacVim (with or without -u NONE):
 Option-Q: ñ
 Option-W: ÷
 Option-A: á
 Option-Z: ú
 Option-[: Û
 Option-]: Ý
 Outside MacVim:
 Option-Q: œ
 Option-W: ∑
 Option-A: å
 Option-Z: Ω
 Option-[: “
 Option-]: ‘
 Surprisingly, this only occurs on my Lion laptop. MacVim 66 on an old
 Snow Leopard machine behaves like a normal Mac app.
 Does anyone know the reason? Is there a way to revert to the standard
 Mac option-key combination?

For what it's worth I'm on Mountain Lion and running MacVim 7.4.542 (built from 
source).  I see your second set of results (Outside MacVim) when I press 
those keys in MacVim.

Andy Stewart

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Re: MacVim nearly 200 patches behind Vim

2015-01-19 Thread Andrew Stewart
On 19 Jan 2015, at 19:59, wrote:
 We are now nearly 200 () patches behind mainline Vim.  There hasn't been 
 a patchlevel update in nigh six months.
 Is abandoned?  I sincerely hope not.
 I don't know the relevant languages, or about MacVim-specific internals, or
 else I'd try to bring the Vim patchlevel up to date myself and make a pull 
 request.  I'd be afraid to accidentally clobber something MacVim-specific.

For what it's worth I managed to build my own MacVim with a Vim patchlevel of 
542 just before Christmas, starting from the MacVim repo.

I've been meaning to post the steps but haven't got round to it yet...

Andrew Stewart

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Re: MacVim maintenance

2015-01-26 Thread Andrew Stewart

On 21 Jan 2015, at 19:05, Björn Winckler wrote:
 For quite some time now I have been unable to keep up with maintaining
 MacVim and I've constantly been thinking that during the next
 holidays I'll fix the outstanding issues.  It is becoming apparent
 that I'll never be able to find that time so I'm going to have to step
 down as maintainer of MacVim.

Thank you very much Björn for all your work on MacVim and the mailing list.  I 
use MacVim practically all day every day and I am most grateful.

Andrew Stewart

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Re: MacVim maintenance

2015-03-26 Thread Andrew Stewart
On 26 Mar 2015, at 00:30, Charles wrote:
 I don't know any C, or anything about Vim's code, but if there's a way I
 can help keep on top of things, please let me know.  Perhaps if there's a
 section on the wiki that explains which sections of the code are free of
 Vim/MacVim conflict, I and others could make github PRs for most Vim
 patches.  Or perhaps @douglasdrumond can post the workflow involved in
 doing this.

I also don't know anything about C or Vim's code but a few months ago I figured 
out how to update MacVim's patchlevel.  Here are the raw notes I made at the 


[1] b4winckler/macvim - 7.4.383
[2] b4winckler/vim- 7.4.430
[3] vim   - 7.4.542

we want to bring [1] up to date with [3].

ideally we'd merge [3] directly into [1] but i can't see how to do that without 
losing macvim-specific stuff.
A: diff [2] and [1] and apply to [1]
B: diff [3] and [2] and apply to [1']

## Clone vim's repo [3] as a git repo

we don't do this the way recommended on b4winckler/vim/wiki (using mercurial 
and the hg-git mercurial extension).
instead we use git with the semi-official git-remote-hg remote helper.

Install git-remote-hg as per instructions 
$ git clone hg::
$ git gc --aggressive
$ git remote add github (new, empty repo)
$ git push github master

## Clone macvim's repo [1] and add [2] and [3] as remotes

$ git clone
$ cd macvim
$ git remote add b4winckler-vim
$ git remote add airblade-vim
$ git fetch

## A

method 1 (this method squashes all the individual commits together)

$ git diff HEAD...b4winckler-vim/master  a.diff
$ git apply --reject a.diff

mostly applies but a few rejects (mostly perl stuff - see 7.4.409)

$ find . -name '*.rej' -print

fix up by hand, remove the *.rej files, then generate a new clean diff

$ git add -A
$ git diff --staged  a-clean.diff
$ git commit -m Patchlevel 430

method 2 (probably better)

$ git merge b4winckler-vim/master

a few merge conflicts (mostly perl stuff)
for each conflicted file:
fix conflict
git add the fixed file
when all conflicts fixed, finish merge with

$ git commit

generate patch with

$ git diff HEAD^  a-clean.diff

## B

method 1 (this method squashes all the individual commits together)

$ git diff b4winckler-vim/master...airblade-vim/master  b.diff
$ git apply --reject b.diff

mostly applies but a few rejects

$ find . -name '*.rej' -print 

fix up by hand, remove the *.rej files, then generate a new clean diff

$ git add -A
$ git diff --staged  b-clean.diff
$ git commit -m Patchlevel 542

method 2 (probably better)

[i can't figure out how to make this work without losing all the 
macvim-specific stuff]

$ git co -b foo b4winckler-vim/master
$ git merge airblade-vim/master

leads to 150 add-add merge conflicts...i don't understand why

## Upload {a,b}-clean.diff somewhere and `brew edit macvim` adding

head do
patch do
  url 'file:///Users/andy/code/buildingvim/a-clean.diff'
  sha1 '2086b634bb7a2d3c5a079830e66d50184a1c7eb3'
patch do
  url 'file:///Users/andy/code/buildingvim/b-clean.diff'
  sha1 '8c696f81903ed910db637fd30a25dea00b95438f'

i also had to remove `--enable-perlinterp` from compile args around line 55
presumably i messed up the perl stuff when cleaning the rejected patches

## voila

$ brew uninstall macvim
$ brew intall macvim --custom-icons --HEAD
$ brew linkapps

## When vim is updated

we could do B all over again but it takes a while to fix the rejected patches
(either automate this or) better to diff B and let's call it C

$ cd /path/to/vim-clone
$ git pull
$ git push github master
$ git diff e62677eac  c.diff
$ cd /path/to/macvim-clone
$ git apply --reject /path/to/c.diff


I'd like to hear of better ways to do this!  Or even see MacVim merged into 
main Vim as someone else suggested.

Andy Stewart

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Re: Grep search replace escaping question

2018-08-15 Thread Andrew Stewart

> But it is looking more complicate your "magic"! Two escapes more! 

As far as I know the idea is that "very magic" is typical regex syntax, whereas 
"magic" is something invented for Vim so that patterns which match code require 
less escaping.

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Re: Grep search replace escaping question

2018-08-15 Thread Andrew Stewart
> @Andrew
> What I have to escape in a nagative construct like
> {([^}]+)}

Just replace the \w with [^}]

So with default "magic":


With "very magic":


Andrew Stewart

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Re: Grep search replace escaping question

2018-08-15 Thread Andrew Stewart

> I need to replace all occurrences in a LaTeX-file of 
> \textcolor{LRed}{bar}
> with:
> bar
> That means I need only to remove this exact LaTeX code around "bar". I don't 
> know what to escape in my grep pattern. I tried nearly everything to escape : 
> ( ) [ ] \ ...
> But nothing seems to work. Is there somewhere a list of special characters, 
> which I have to escape in a grep pattern?

Yes, you can find it by typing `:help magic`.  "magic" is a setting which tells 
Vim which characters have special meaning in a regex.

One way to figure out the pattern is by trying to search for it (by typing 
`/pattern`) because it uses the same regex rules.

> My grep is as follows (without any escapes) : 
> :%s@\textcolor{LRed}{([^}]+)}@\1@g
> What I have to escape here? 

This should work:


Or this, which specifies a "very magic" pattern:


Andrew Stewart

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Re: How to set EDITOR

2018-03-15 Thread Andrew Stewart

> How do I set the EDITOR variable so that MacVim will launch within my 
> terminal and not a separate GUI?

This works for me:

export EDITOR='/Applications/'

Andrew Stewart

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