[Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread OrionWorks
And other partisan hypocrisies:


Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread R C Macaulay

Gosh Steven,
At least finish the sentence.. I hpoe He fails to turn the nation socialist.

Subject: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

And other partisan hypocrisies:


Steven Vincent Johnson

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Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread Jed Rothwell

R C Macaulay wrote:

At least finish the sentence.. I hpoe He fails to turn the nation socialist.

That would only be valid if Obama intended to turn the nation 
socialist. I think it obvious that he does not.

Having said that, I think Limbaugh expressed himself awkwardly, and 
he probably did not mean what it sounded like. I suppose he meant 
that he hopes Obama fails to achieve some of the liberal policies 
that Limbaugh opposes -- NOT that he hopes the economy continues to 
collapse, and that banks keep going bankrupt. I am no fan of Limbaugh 
but I doubt he favors a second Great Depression.

Many of Obamas supporters, including me, have grave doubts about 
spending a trillion dollars to revive the economy. However he is the 
president, and if he can persuade the Congress to do it, I defer to 
his judgement. I wouldn't have the slightest idea how  to handle this 
or most of the other problems a president faces.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread OrionWorks
Richard sez:

 Gosh Steven,
 At least finish the sentence.. I hpoe He fails to turn the nation socialist.


Look at Limbaugh's own web site:



I hope Obama Fails
I hope he fails.
I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long:
Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.  Somebody's gotta say it.
So I can answer it, four words, I hope he fails.
I'm happy to be the last man standing.  I'm honored to be the last man
standing.  Yeah, I'm the true maverick.  I can do more than four
words.  I could say I hope he fails and I could do a brief explanation
of why.  You know, I want to win.

You may argue that I may be taking Limbaugh's own words out of
context. Perhaps so, but I don't think by that much. Actually, I think
you're putting more words in Limbaugh's mouth as compared to me
subtracting from it.

If a dyslexic like me can learn to read, so can you.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

Jed Rothwell wrote:
 Many of Obamas supporters, including me, have grave doubts about
 spending a trillion dollars to revive the economy.

I have few or no doubts about the need for such a remedy.

From what I have read -- long ago, it's true, when I was in school --
the attempted remedies at the start of the Great Depression were
(essentially) identical to the remedies used today.  In short:  When
seriously under water, inflate sufficiently and you'll float back to the
surface.  But the remedies failed -- obviously, totally, they failed;
the money supply collapsed and stayed down; unemployment went sky high
and stayed that way for years and years; it's been said, with only
slight exaggeration, that the thing that finally pulled the United
States out of the depression was mobilization for WWII.

So, why did the remedies fail?  As far as I could tell, they failed
because, while the government was using what seems to have been the
right kind of stimulus, they didn't do enough of it, with enough
dollars, for long enough.  It's like they administered an antibiotic but
stopped after one dose, and then the patient went serotoxic.

Things look every bit as grave now as they were then, and this time
around we can't mobilize our way out -- we're *ALREADY* in a major war,
and if anything we're likely to demobilize during the next few years.

So, no, I don't doubt in the least the need to administer something
absolutely enormous, totally supersized, in the way of a stimulus to get
things going again.  The patient's heart has stopped; this is not the
time to quibble about the cost of new batteries for the defibrillator.

Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread R C Macaulay

Howdy Steven,
I'm not a fan of Rush Limberger cheese although I will credit him for 
figuring out how to make 40 million a year as a talking head of the 
republican party.. which is more than Clinton and Obama made.. well.. err.. 
up until ole Bill figured out how to work the Foundation angle.
I was sorta taught never to trust anyone from Yale or Harvard, and since 
Rush was a dropout of potowatamee.. he don't count. except for laughs... 
ever notice how Rush can spin things around... like the story of the guy 
caught by his wife in bed with another woman the loser screamed at his 
wife.. are you gonna believe me or your lying eyes. Since ole Rush sorta 
got divorced several times.. he probably had lotsa practice telling the 
truth nine different ways without lying.

Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread Jed Rothwell

This transcript is helpful:


It is clear that Limbaugh is either mistaken about Obama or he is 
using a straw man argument (a logical fallacy 

Limbaugh states: Look, what [Obama]'s talking about is the 
absorption of as much of the private sector by the US government as 
possible, from the banking business, to the mortgage industry, the 
automobile business, to health care.

That is emphatically not true. If Obama favored those policies, I 
would be against him too. In particular, no one wants to see the U.S. 
government in the banking business or the automobile business. But 
Bush was forced to prop of these businesses with loans and stock 
purchases. For the time being Obama must follow. We all hope they 
return the loans and the government gets out of their business as 
quickly as possible. However, during the time the government is the 
majority shareholder, or the top lender, it must have a controlling 
interest! Otherwise they will just steal the money. I fear they are 
doing that already, because some of the deals Bush cut gave the Feds 
non-voting stock, which is insane. It is like wearing a big sign on 
your back saying steal from me!

Previous government bail outs worked out surprisingly well. The 
government got all its money back plus interest. The AIG bailout is 
doing well. The government has taken 80% of the stock, and it is 
charging high interest for the loans as well, so whether the company 
recovers or dies, the government will likely get back most of the 
money. The company is, in effect, liquidating in an orderly fashion, 
paying back the government billions of dollars every month. I expect 
there will be nothing left of it, but the liquidation is orderly, 
meaning the divisions and properties they sell of are not going at 
fire-sale prices. This is far different from giving away money to 
bankers and insurance companies as has been claimed by some opponents.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread Jed Rothwell

I wrote:

I expect there will be nothing left of it, but the liquidation is 
orderly, meaning the divisions and properties they sell OFF are not 
going at fire-sale prices.

I mean that unless the market panics and prices fall far below normal 
valuations, AIG's property should be enough to cover the loans. A lot 
of their property is worthless sub-prime paper, but they have enough 
income-generating valuable stuff to pay back the loans. We hope. That 
would not be the case if they had to sell it all off in a week. 
That's why loans were needed -- to stretch out the liquidation sale. 
Not to help the company, which is a dead duck.

Limbaugh made another gross error, referring to the government 
getting into the health care business. No one advocates that. We 
want the government to get into the health insurance business. Health 
insurance companies do not run hospitals any more than auto insurance 
companies run body shops. (HMOs do run their own hospitals, and some 
of them act as insurers.) In Japan and Europe, the government 
provides insurance, but most hospitals are privately run.

In the U.S., the government runs the VA hospitals only, as far as I 
know. I do not think anyone advocates more government-run hospitals. 
Obama does not.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

Jed Rothwell wrote:

 However, during the time the government is the majority shareholder, or
 the top lender, it must have a controlling interest! Otherwise they will
 just steal the money. I fear they are doing that already, because some
 of the deals Bush cut gave the Feds non-voting stock, which is insane.
 It is like wearing a big sign on your back saying steal from me!

In defense of the Bush deals, it was *not* insane; it may have been a
bad idea but the reasons for choosing that route made some sense.  In
short, it was a tradeoff, and while you may feel they could have chosen
a better path, the one they picked was at least somewhat defensible.

Of course, the goal was *not* to nationalize the banks, rather the
opposite:  The hope was that if the banks were propped up then private
investment dollars would flow into them again.  But fixing things up
without nationalizing the banks is a little tricky.  If the Feds had
extracted piles of (new) common stock from the banks that would have
diluted existing investments, effectively screwing common stock holders,
and in fact resulting in de facto nationalization.  That's *not* what
you want to do if you're hoping to attract new money into the
institution's common stock; in fact it's likely to scare away potential
investors.  In short, if you don't want the government to end up owning
the banks, then don't do that!

Convertible debentures have much the same problem; the conversion
feature decreases the fully diluted value of common stock shares, which
again scares off investors and leaves the government playing alone.

A major part of the problem was a collapse in the price of the common
stock of the banks; propping up the stock price was one goal.  If that
had been the only goal, then buying existing stock on the market might
have been the best approach (ignore for the moment the fact such an
approach is also likely to put the government squarely in the banking

However, just buying common stock on the open market -- which props up
the stock price while avoiding diluting existing shareholders -- is a
very indirect way to stimulate *lending* by banks.  The problem wasn't
just that the bank stocks had collapsed; it was that the money market
had frozen up.  So, direct injection of capital into the banks, rather
than indirect injection by purchase of existing stock, was clearly
needed.  And that means open market purchases of bank stocks were not
likely to do the job.

So what to do?  Give the banks money directly, which you need to do to
get the money circulating again, and either you get common stock in
exchange, and nail the stockholders, or you get something else, and then
you don't get voting control.  Neither is ideal.  Bush's people chose
the latter.  I'm not sure the former would have been better.

Of course, there were strings attached to the money, but no doubt one
can argue that they were not sufficiently strong or numerous.

Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread OrionWorks
Frontline did a revealing special on Limbaugh many years ago. The
installment is just as relevant today as when it first aired.

A famous interviewer (possibly B. Walters, but I'm not 100% sure on
that) once cornered Limbaugh in regards to his verbal tactics and
opinions on people and organizations he disagreed with
philosophically. When the going got rough it was interesting to see
Limbaugh appear to retreat back to the safety of claiming he was
nothing more than an entertainment talk show host. I remember the two
words he uttered in his own defense: I'm harmless.

In a sense Limbaugh strikes me as someone who feeds off of mob
mentality. When he feels sufficiently supported by the mobs of ditto
heads he tries to cultivate from his talk show he seems embolden to
strike out at those he hates. But when actually faced in-person with
those he hates, he is not so brave.

I'm reminded of a video clip I once saw of an angry mob preparing to
reign destruction on a city block. Of particular interest was the
behavior of one particular advancing young male who had a club in his
hand. What was interesting was not the fact that he was advancing.
What was interesting was the fact that he first checked his
surroundings making sure he wasn't the ONLY individual who was
advancing with destruction on his mind.

Mob mentality.

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:New Era of Openness

2009-01-22 Thread Terry Blanton
Looks like cousin Tom is gonna be busy at the National Archives:


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
January 21, 2009 January 21, 2009

SUBJECT: Transparency and Open Government

 My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of
openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public
trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation,
and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote
efficiency and effectiveness in Government.

Government should be transparent. Transparency promotes accountability
and provides information for citizens about what their Government is
doing. Information maintained by the Federal Government is a national
asset. My Administration will take appropriate action, consistent with
law and policy, to disclose information rapidly in forms that the
public can readily find and use. Executive departments and agencies
should harness new technologies to put information about their
operations and decisions online and readily available to the public.
Executive departments and agencies should also solicit public feedback
to identify information of greatest use to the public.

Government should be participatory. Public engagement enhances the
Government's effectiveness and improves the quality of its decisions.
Knowledge is widely dispersed in society, and public officials benefit
from having access to that dispersed knowledge. Executive departments
and agencies should offer Americans increased opportunities to
participate in policymaking and to provide their Government with the
benefits of their collective expertise and information. Executive
departments and agencies should also solicit public input on how we
can increase and improve opportunities for public participation in

Government should be collaborative. Collaboration actively engages
Americans in the work of their Government. Executive departments and
agencies should use innovative tools, methods, and systems to
cooperate among themselves, across all levels of Government, and with
nonprofit organizations, businesses, and individuals in the private
sector. Executive departments and agencies should solicit public
feedback to assess and improve their level of collaboration and to
identify new opportunities for cooperation.

I direct the Chief Technology Officer, in coordination with the
Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the
Administrator of General Services, to coordinate the development by
appropriate executive departments and agencies, within 120 days, of
recommendations for an Open Government Directive, to be issued by the
Director of OMB, that instructs executive departments and agencies to
take specific actions implementing the principles set forth in this
memorandum. The independent agencies should comply with the Open
Government Directive. This memorandum is not intended to, and does
not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural,
enforceable at law or in equity by a party against the United States,
its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or
agents, or any other person.

This memorandum shall be published in the Federal Register.



Hey, Mallory, now's your chance to file your FOIA request on free
energy devices.

I wonder if BO will give us the UFO information that Carter promised?


Re: [Vo]:New Era of Openness

2009-01-22 Thread OrionWorks
Terry sez:


 Office of the Press Secretary
 For Immediate Release
 January 21, 2009 January 21, 2009

 SUBJECT: Transparency and Open Government


 I wonder if BO will give us the UFO information that Carter promised?


If he did, it certainly would overturn a long tradition of first
promising - followed by obfuscating. I suspect once every president
had been more-or-less informed of the evidence collected over the many
decades few ever had the courage break tradition, especially when BO's
closest advisers and aids are likely to tell him the experts still
don't know what most of the stuff does.

I think Regan probably came the closest to upsetting the apple cart.
He was able to get away with it because he could frame the question in
a safe make-believe what if scenario relying on his old B-movie
actors days, such as when he addressed the United Nations about how
the world could come together to protect the common good from an
unspecified foreign threat. It was amusing that Regan never actually
uttered the words aliens or UFOs when addressing his audience. He
just gestured nervously, pointing upwards with his finger. Even Regan
couldn't bring himself to utter the dirty words in public.

Regan's off-the-record comment to Spielberg concerning the UFO enigma
when Spielberg debuted his film, CE3K, at the White House was classic.

But getting back to contemporary times, what's could BO say that would
resolve an enigma for which a thousand different expert opinions
exist? UFOs are real? Then what?

Just eat your mashed potatoes. ...and stop playing with them, please!

BTW, what has Obama had to say on UFOs? Has he expressed any position at all?

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:New Era of Openness

2009-01-22 Thread Terry Blanton
I am unaware of any comments by BO on the subject; however, many in
the cabinet are UFO Friendly.  Podesta, BO's transition chair, was
Clinton's X-Files man:


Indeed, PRG thinks BO has assembled a UFO disclosure team,
unintentionally presumably:



On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 2:27 PM, OrionWorks svj.orionwo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Terry sez:


 Office of the Press Secretary
 For Immediate Release
 January 21, 2009 January 21, 2009

 SUBJECT: Transparency and Open Government


 I wonder if BO will give us the UFO information that Carter promised?


 If he did, it certainly would overturn a long tradition of first
 promising - followed by obfuscating. I suspect once every president
 had been more-or-less informed of the evidence collected over the many
 decades few ever had the courage break tradition, especially when BO's
 closest advisers and aids are likely to tell him the experts still
 don't know what most of the stuff does.

 I think Regan probably came the closest to upsetting the apple cart.
 He was able to get away with it because he could frame the question in
 a safe make-believe what if scenario relying on his old B-movie
 actors days, such as when he addressed the United Nations about how
 the world could come together to protect the common good from an
 unspecified foreign threat. It was amusing that Regan never actually
 uttered the words aliens or UFOs when addressing his audience. He
 just gestured nervously, pointing upwards with his finger. Even Regan
 couldn't bring himself to utter the dirty words in public.

 Regan's off-the-record comment to Spielberg concerning the UFO enigma
 when Spielberg debuted his film, CE3K, at the White House was classic.

 But getting back to contemporary times, what's could BO say that would
 resolve an enigma for which a thousand different expert opinions
 exist? UFOs are real? Then what?

 Just eat your mashed potatoes. ...and stop playing with them, please!

 BTW, what has Obama had to say on UFOs? Has he expressed any position at all?

 Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread mixent
In reply to  Stephen A. Lawrence's message of Thu, 22 Jan 2009 10:50:45 -0500:
Things look every bit as grave now as they were then, and this time
around we can't mobilize our way out -- we're *ALREADY* in a major war,
and if anything we're likely to demobilize during the next few years.

So, no, I don't doubt in the least the need to administer something
absolutely enormous, totally supersized, in the way of a stimulus to get
things going again.  The patient's heart has stopped; this is not the
time to quibble about the cost of new batteries for the defibrillator.

WW II was a mobilization for destructive ends. This time around, the
mobilization will be for constructive ends, and consequently the results will be
far more beneficial to the World economy. With the taming of fusion energy will
come the need to completely revamp the energy infrastructure, and with the water
shortages resulting from climate change will come the need to build many
desalination plants. This will require a massive World wide effort, and it is
this which will pull the World out of recession.


Robin van Spaandonk


Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread mixent
In reply to  Jed Rothwell's message of Thu, 22 Jan 2009 10:58:18 -0500:
It is like wearing a big sign on 
your back saying steal from me!

It's worse than that. The whole thing was deliberately constructed with the
collusion of those in power to provide a means for the wealthy and powerful to
plunder the public purse.

Robin van Spaandonk


Re: [Vo]:New Era of Openness

2009-01-22 Thread OrionWorks
Terry sez:

 I am unaware of any comments by BO on the subject; however, many in
 the cabinet are UFO Friendly.  Podesta, BO's transition chair, was
 Clinton's X-Files man:


 Indeed, PRG thinks BO has assembled a UFO disclosure team,
 unintentionally presumably:



I would welcome being proven wrong on this point but personally I
continue to doubt that there will be any kind of an official
disclosure coming from the White House - especially within my life
time. I see no evidence that the majority of the public really wants
to know the fiddledebits.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:New Era of Openness

2009-01-22 Thread Jed Rothwell

OrionWorks wrote:

I continue to doubt that there will be any kind of an official 
disclosure coming from the White House - especially within my life time.

A year ago, did you imagine there would be a black president in your 
lifetime? I didn't. Life is full of surprises. As Eugene Robinson (a 
black journalist) put it:

I remember moments when African Americans were hopeful and excited 
about the political process, and I remember other moments when most 
of us were depressed and disillusioned. But I can't think of a single 
moment, before this year, when I thought it was within the realm of 
remote possibility that a black man could be nominated for president 
by one of the major parties -- let alone that he would go into 
Election Day with a better-than-even chance of winning.

Let me clarify: It's not that I would have calculated the odds of an 
African American being elected president and concluded that this was 
unlikely; it's that I wouldn't even have thought about such a thing.

As for UFOs I think it is highly unlikely that there is anything to 
disclose. I doubt there ever were any UFOs, but if there were the 
data would have been destroyed or lost decades ago. But if there is 
any data, I think Obama is more likely to disclose it than any other 
president ever elected, except for John Adams.

I also think that if the cold fusion researchers would make the 
effort to contact the Administration, there is some chance it will 
fund their research. I can't how much, but some chance -- whereas 
there was no chance the previous three administrations would fund it. 
Last summer the Japanese government definitively said it would not. 
(They said they will not because if it works, it will hurt oil 
company profits. At least they are honest!) The Prime Minister has 
changed but that makes little difference.

Actually, I think there is little chance I can persuade the 
researchers to ask for funding. They seldom take steps to help 
themselves. I do not blame them for their predicament as much as 
Beaudette does, but it is partly their fault.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:New Era of Openness

2009-01-22 Thread Rick Monteverde
My first thought when hearing about the From 43 to 44 envelope he found in
his desk.

-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton [mailto:hohlr...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 8:31 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: [Vo]:New Era of Openness

snip I wonder if BO will give us the UFO information that Carter
promised? /snip

RE: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread Rick Monteverde
Steven -

Not so much striking out and hating is heard on that show (if any) -
specific political opposition to liberalism is. But you wouldn't know that
unless you listened. 

Far worse than completely miscasting RL's statements is your attempting to
create equivalence between regular Limbaugh listeners - dittoheads - and
an angry mob bent on destruction. I am a member of that mob you refer to,
and I very much want BO to fail completely, as Limbaugh does, on every
attempt he makes to move our government to the left. This is appropriate and
constitutionally protected political opposition. Would you also consider
citizens to be a mob bent on destruction if they listened to some strident
liberal voice in opposition the policies of conservatives who were trying to
move our government to the right? There you go. It's called political bias,
Steven, and it's ok to have that. It's wrong to characterize those with a
different bias than your own to be somehow the lesser for it solely on that
basis. Why don't you start practicing what your man has been preaching and
try reaching out and sharing ideas with conservatives instead of attacking
their character? 

Jed, BO has stated many liberal, progressive, and socialist policies that
will be promoted by his administration. His track record, most speech
content, and his associations indicate he is extremely liberal. But he's
been a demagogue through the campaign, pandering with perfect eloquence to
whatever audience is listening. The left could find themselves victims of
his agenda as often as the right for all we really know. And for the record,
both RL and certainly most of his listeners would want BO to succeed on
every conservative move he makes. And we know of course he will make these
moves - the same day Robert Park endorses CF.

-Original Message-
From: OrionWorks [mailto:svj.orionwo...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 6:28 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails


In a sense Limbaugh strikes me as someone who feeds off of mob mentality.
When he feels sufficiently supported by the mobs of ditto heads he tries
to cultivate from his talk show he seems embolden to strike out at those he
hates. But when actually faced in-person with those he hates, he is not so

I'm reminded of a video clip I once saw of an angry mob preparing to reign
destruction on a city block. Of particular interest was the behavior of one
particular advancing young male who had a club in his hand. What was
interesting was not the fact that he was advancing.
What was interesting was the fact that he first checked his surroundings
making sure he wasn't the ONLY individual who was advancing with destruction
on his mind.

Mob mentality.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:New Era of Openness

2009-01-22 Thread OrionWorks
Jed sez:

I apologize for breaking apart some of your comments.

 OrionWorks wrote:

 I continue to doubt that there will be any kind of an official
 disclosure coming from the White House - especially within my life time.

 A year ago, did you imagine there would be a black president in
 your lifetime?

Not a chance. It is refreshing to occasionally be proven wrong! ;-)


 As for UFOs I think it is highly unlikely that there is anything to
 disclose. I doubt there ever were any UFOs,

As previously suggested, I see no evidence that the majority of the
public really wants to know the fiddledebits.


 I also think that if the cold fusion researchers would make the
 effort to contact the Administration, there is some chance it will
 fund their research. I can't how much, but some chance -- whereas
 there was no chance the previous three administrations would fund it.

I hope so.

 Last summer the Japanese government definitively said it would not.
 (They said they will not because if it works, it will hurt oil
 company profits. At least they are honest!)

They really said that??? Unbelievable!

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread Jed Rothwell

Rick Monteverde wrote:

Jed, BO has stated many liberal, progressive, and socialist policies that
will be promoted by his administration. His track record, most speech
content, and his associations indicate he is extremely liberal.

Not by my standards, but I get your point.

But he's been a demagogue through the campaign, pandering with 
perfect eloquence to whatever audience is listening.

On that you are wrong. Far to the contrary, more than any politician 
I can recall, he says things that upset his audience and run contrary 
to their interests. Think of the Philadelphia speech on race 
relations. He openly tells us this crisis is partly our fault: Our 
economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and 
irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure 
to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age.

He calls for sacrifice and hard work. When was the last time you 
heard a politician call for sacrifice? I'll tell you when: 1961, 
JFK's inagural: ask not what your country can do for you . . . 
After 9/11 Bush told the nation to go shopping.

As my daughter put it, Bush was the frat boy who somehow stumbled 
into office, Obama is a school principal -- the no-nonsense daddy 
figure -- who tells you to grow up shape up or ship out. He 
actually told the American public we need to grow up! Talk about 
audacity! Telling a bunch of overgrown children to stop acting like 
spoiled ninnies . . .

He is also willing to give credit where it is due. During the debates 
he said that the surge in Iraq worked, contrary to his own 
predictions, and President Bush deserves the credit for standing fast.

Few successful politicians pander so infrequently, or speak their 
minds more clearly. You may not agree with him, but you cannot accuse 
him of hiding his agenda or views. Some unsuccessful fringe 
candidates are more direct, but they have no hope of winning.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread Kyle Mcallister
--- OrionWorks svj.orionwo...@gmail.com wrote:

 Years ago, I watched a number of late evening RL TV
 shows that aired.
 Almost invariably they all started out with
 unimpressive cartoon skits
 depicting Bubba doing something stupid, insofar as
 were concerned. Ok... I stand corrected. It was not
 so much hatred I
 viewed, as constant ridicule.

Like what the left (and now the right, since it's
'CYA' time now) did to Palin? I'll state here, I
thought she wasn't very great a choice...McCain was
even WORSE. But while it was completely forbidden to
say almost anything about Obama, for fear of being
called a racist, it is OK to beat the hell out of a
woman. I thought the left was all for women's
equality? I also thought they liked blacks? Only when
it fits their agenda. And the right tends to follow
suit these days. Which is why you find me here, in the
independant DMZ, watching this stupidity.
 I was wondering if someone might be offended by the
 mob mentality
 association I made here. I apologize for that.

Apology accepted, Captain Needa
(yes I know you were saying that to Rick, but I
couldn't resist.)

 I don't have a problem with your expressed political
 opinion on the
 matter. It makes no difference that I might disagree
 with it.

Point is, plenty of people out there in the mass-media
and such apparently DO. Hell, on Tuesday (black
tuesday...in a good way or bad? Time will tell.)
whites, native americans, and orientals were insulted
by the Right Rev. Lowery. If he'd really been joking,
he should have said: A time when Blacks will pay
welfare back...

On that note...we'll let the obvious bullshit of
whites [needing to] do what's right slide a moment.
Let's look at yellows being mellow. Now, I know, some
are gonna say this was taken from that stupid play,
whatever it was called, but most people have never
heard of it. Most people, and if Lowery is not a
complete fucking retard he would have known this, will
associate yellow with oriental, red with Native
American, and so on and so forth. I know a ton of
people of oriental descent. They're fabulous people to
hang around with, don't blast trashy music around
town, have jobs, pay taxes, and don't knock up a dozen
different women and then skip out on child support.

As for the reds needing to get ahead, man. Okay, as
part Choctaw 'Injun', I do not particularly like this,
but given the existence of Red Man Chewing Tobacco,
I'll pass on judging that /directly./ What I will NOT
pass on is pointing out that, in New York at least, it
is the liberals who keep the red man from getting
ahead, man. These guys want to...you guessed it...tax
them. On cigarettes, gasoline, and now...snack foods.
While forcing them to do all sorts of baloney impact
statements before being allowed to build anything,
even if they own the land. The political right up here
basically lets them do what they want. The bleedin'
hearts of the left are the ones keeping the red man
addicted to handouts. It's a nice, insidious trick,
and it makes ya just feel so good 'cause you DID
Ask a Tuscarora or a Seneca if you can trust the left
to help.
 ...and then I feel less apologetic. Perhaps we both
 need to look in
 the mirror and acknowledge our biased flaws.

I'll look in the same mirror you two are looking in as
well, bud. My flaws are plenty. But I, and those with
my view or similar views, have as much right as you or
anyone else to speak our mind.

I've posted time and again, trying to stir up some
interest in really doing something. Homemade apparatus
to help, how to cut costs of solar generation
stations, and so on. Either no one replies, or I'm
told to buy a commercial unit. Don't you people get
it? That was NOT THE POINT!!! The point was to get
people together, to build something cheap that will...
1. Prove that it works IN A WAY THAT PEOPLE CAN
TANGIBLY SENSE, unlike a big distant spinning gizmo.
2. Save money for those who the left wants to tax out
of existance (you may lower income taxes, but you'll
raise something else to pay for all those minorities
having kids)
3. Give people a sense of doing something. Jeez, that
almost sounded (shudder) like what OBAMA stands for...
Me??? Going along with part of his agenda? Think about

Or, fellow vortexians, WITH EXCEPTION OF: R.C.
Macaulay, Philip Winestone, and plenty of others
who've said kind words to me and tried to do
something...if your name isn't included, I apologize,
I'm too angry to recall them all, but know that I have
NOTHING AGAINST you. I'm glad you guys are here. I'm
simply saying this to the /others/...

...Are you just here to bitch and moan, spout
something that gives you a sense of accomplishment,
feel good about being 'on the proper side' and so
highminded, hope that an unproven scientific concept
will save the day...and in short, do nothing to really
HELP anyone except screwing around?

I'm gonna build my windmills this summer. Maybe
they'll work, maybe not. If nothing else, 

RE: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread Rick Monteverde
Jed -

You may not agree with him, but you cannot accuse him of hiding his agenda
or views.

Synchronicity in action: At the very moment I read those words of yours
above I was listening to the recording of Charlie Rose and Tom Brokaw
discussing how nobody knows where he really is philosophically and to some
extent politically. Actually I agree with you that indeed we do know what
his views are: he's liberal. It's just that you and others here tend to like
who that is, and I most likely don't. 

Example of not knowing for sure where he's coming from: fuzzy memory alert,
details likely to be slightly off during the campaign, some handgun law
somewhere was struck down in court, in DC I think, maybe it was in NY. BO
was asked about it, and I said Ha - here we go... and listened to his
response which was all about how people have a right to keep such firearms
in their homes and have a right to armed self defense, and that the judge
made a correct decision in the case, etc. I recall the reporter who asked
the question sounding surprised and pitching a follow up to give him an
opening to retrace a bit (as all good liberal media members should do if
Their Man stumbles astray), but he just confirmed his opinion. I think I
actually kind of enjoy the dizziness hit I felt that comes with that much
cognitive dissonance, as long as I don't hurt myself hitting the floor. A
spokesperson for the NRA couldn't have said it better than he did. This
assumes (correctly) that the standard liberal take on firearms is to keep
and expand stringent laws like the (DC? NY?) law, if firearms are even
allowed to be to kept and borne at all. So what will he really *do* RE 2nd
amendment issues? Your guess is as good as mine. 

RE: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread Kyle Mcallister
 actually told the American public we need to grow
 up! Talk about 
 audacity! Telling a bunch of overgrown children to
 stop acting like 
 spoiled ninnies . . .


Talk is cheap.

First point, I hope Obama DOES make things actually
better for us. It's crazy to hope that he fails so
badly that the U.S.A. is dragged down even further. IT
DOES NOT MATTER what political party the person is of,
if he or she can truly make things better, please, let
it be so. But we will watch carefully to make sure it
is truly so.

Second point, just what in the hell have I, my wife,
and likeminded and like-lifestyled people DONE to be
so unAmerican, so ninny?

You want me to rehash the laundry list of things we
HAVE DONE to make a difference?

You people really think people like me DON'T care
about the planet? Why'd I go buy the Planet Earth box
set then? (one made by BBC, which I highly recommend.)

Or, let's turn this around another way:  all you
highminded far-leftists on Vortex...
...what have /YOU/ done to make a difference?



Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread Jed Rothwell

Kyle Mcallister wrote:

Alright, two can play at this game. You fellas want to further 
pollute Vortex with this shit . . .

Speaking for myself, my remarks on this subject are carefully 
considered, well researched and calm. I do not consider them shit. 
I say that you, Kyle Mcallister, are out line referring to them as 
such. You should apologize.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread Jed Rothwell

Rick Monteverde wrote:

Synchronicity in action: At the very moment I read those words of yours
above I was listening to the recording of Charlie Rose and Tom Brokaw
discussing how nobody knows where he really is philosophically and to some
extent politically.

Obama resembles FDR in that he is personally enigmatic. He is a hard 
to know personally, and he has few friends. He is a tough Chicago 
politician. BUT his political philosophy is an open book! I know 
exactly what he thinks about dozens of different topics. I read his 
book and his web pages. (I do not agree with all of his policies, by 
any means.) Some commentators say that they were surprised at how 
conservative his speech sounded. Nothing in it surprised me. 
Furthermore, he sounds a lot like other black middle class Ivy League 
people in Atlanta and New York City.

I suggest that Mr. Rose and Mr. Brokaw have not done their homework. 
They should have reviewed his book. It may also be that they are 
unfamiliar with middle-class black American culture, and they find it 
somehow mysterious, difficult to understand or disconcerting. I do not.

One thing that some white commentators may not understand well is 
that the black experience gives people a different view of the proper 
exercise of Federal power, and the role of government. If the federal 
government had not put its foot down hard and sent troops into the 
South on numerous occasions, these people would still be slaves. Or 
they would still be going to wretched second class segregated 
schools, are not allowed to eat in restaurants. Not a day goes by 
when they forget that -- and neither do I. One of the people invited 
to the inauguration is an 84-year-old World War II vet. He remembers 
seeing on his grandfather's back the scars inflicted on him when he 
was a slave. This is not some distant memory of a forgotten age.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread Jed Rothwell

Rick Monteverde wrote:

Regarding guns:

A spokesperson for the NRA couldn't have said it better than he did. This
assumes (correctly) that the standard liberal take on firearms is to keep
and expand stringent laws like the (DC? NY?) law, if firearms are even
allowed to be to kept and borne at all.

His views on this are in his book. Not surprising at all. He thinks 
people should be allowed to have guns but there has to be a way to 
keep Uzi's out of the hands of teenaged thugs. It's called pragmatism.

Most people in the black community are strongly opposed to crime, 
because they are disproportionately the victims of crime. If this is 
a surprise, you are unfamiliar with black culture, as I said.

Also, by the way, most middle-class black people I know despise rap 
music culture and materialism roughly as much as I despise KKK-style 
white culture, for similar reasons. Atlanta suburbs are filled with 
conservative, middle class, highly grounded, hard working black 
people. There is one major difference between them and their white 
neighbors: 94% of them vote Democratic normally, and 98% voted for 
Obama. I expect most of the despise Limbaugh as much as I do. If he 
had any black listeners, he just lost them. He should have thought 
twice about writing off 15% of the US population.

So what will he really *do* RE 2nd amendment issues? Your guess is 
as good as mine.

My guess is better than yours, apparently. Of course, Obama may 
change his mind if he finds that his policy does not work. Unlike 
other politicians, he does that whenever necessary. As I said, that's 
pragmatism, and I favor it.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread OrionWorks
HI Kyle,


 I'm gonna build my windmills this summer. Maybe
 they'll work, maybe not. If nothing else, I tried.
 Given all I've sacrificed in making my 'carbon
 footprint' smaller, it's more than I can say for the
 likes of YOU. Let the finger point at whoever you are,
 you know who you are. MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.

 --The Mysterious Stranger.

Every now and then one simply needs to have a good rant!

I'll be cheering for you all the way.

Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:Mills: working to confirm the existence of hydrinos

2009-01-22 Thread OrionWorks
This just in from the Hydrino-Friendly group: [SocietyforClassicalPhysics]

Mills sez:

 we are working with collaborators to confirm hydrinos which is pretty
 straight forward given our advances in isolation and analytical
 techniques such as those given in our recent papers:



I wonder what this might beget!

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread Kyle Mcallister
--- Jed Rothwell jedrothw...@gmail.com wrote:

 Kyle Mcallister wrote:
 Alright, two can play at this game. You fellas want
 to further 
 pollute Vortex with this shit . . .
 Speaking for myself, my remarks on this subject are
 considered, well researched and calm. I do not
 consider them shit. 
 I say that you, Kyle Mcallister, are out line
 referring to them as 
 such. You should apologize.

First of all, I didn't really direct anything against
any one person. I was going more for the 'sawed off
shotgun' effect.

Mafioso It's not personal, it's business. /Mafioso

Second of all, you don't realize how corrosive some of
the things your side say really are. You say them
politely, I say them rather crudely. Quibbling over
the windowshades clashing with the vinyl siding is
ridiculous when the whole house is burning down.

Put another way: you can say something terribly
offensive to many, just as completely out of touch
with reality, and make it look beautiful and
heartwarming with the right application of words. Your
side has mastered this, as the Russian Revolution
attitude around me seems to demonstrate, at least

My comments are probably equally offensive to many.
The difference is, I don't try to hide the fact with
pleasing words. If I say a few swear words along the
way, well, that's what us little-guy working-class
need-to-do-right white man/need-to-get-ahead-,man red
men do.

And yet, the silence is deafening. Again I say, to all
you bleeding hearts and high minded liberals: What
have /YOU/ done? The moving hand writes, and having
writ, moves on...

--Me, Myself, and Eye.


Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

2009-01-22 Thread Harry Veeder

haha...If you are just talking about income level, them stick
to low, middle, high *income* distinctions, rather than that
sanctimonious neo-Marxist term working-class.


- Original Message -
From: Kyle Mcallister kyle_mcallis...@yahoo.com
Date: Thursday, January 22, 2009 8:17 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: Limbaugh: I hope [BO] fails

 --- Jed Rothwell jedrothw...@gmail.com wrote:
  Kyle Mcallister wrote:
  Alright, two can play at this game. You fellas want
  to further 
  pollute Vortex with this shit . . .
  Speaking for myself, my remarks on this subject are
  considered, well researched and calm. I do not
  consider them shit. 
  I say that you, Kyle Mcallister, are out line
  referring to them as 
  such. You should apologize.
 First of all, I didn't really direct anything against
 any one person. I was going more for the 'sawed off
 shotgun' effect.
 Mafioso It's not personal, it's business. /Mafioso
 Second of all, you don't realize how corrosive some of
 the things your side say really are. You say them
 politely, I say them rather crudely. Quibbling over
 the windowshades clashing with the vinyl siding is
 ridiculous when the whole house is burning down.
 Put another way: you can say something terribly
 offensive to many, just as completely out of touch
 with reality, and make it look beautiful and
 heartwarming with the right application of words. Your
 side has mastered this, as the Russian Revolution
 attitude around me seems to demonstrate, at least
 My comments are probably equally offensive to many.
 The difference is, I don't try to hide the fact with
 pleasing words. If I say a few swear words along the
 way, well, that's what us little-guy working-class
 need-to-do-right white man/need-to-get-ahead-,man red
 men do.
 And yet, the silence is deafening. Again I say, to all
 you bleeding hearts and high minded liberals: What
 have /YOU/ done? The moving hand writes, and having
 writ, moves on...
 --Me, Myself, and Eye.

Re: [Vo]:Wikipedia, cold fusion, and censorship

2009-01-22 Thread Harry Veeder

No problem.
Just promote baby making. Let your (grand)children pay off the debts.
Come to think of it, perhaps that is why there was babyboom...?? haha

On second thought let's return to the gold fetish. bawahaha 


- Original Message -
From: R C Macaulay walha...@cvtv.net
Date: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 11:04 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Wikipedia, cold fusion, and censorship

 Further to big D's
 . Over the past 25 years the Gov't, States, Cities, business and 
 people  have been on a spending spree financed mostly by bonds. An 
 estimated 150-300 trillion in bonds have been sold. Where did the 
 money go? a third of it went to fees and commissions, lawyers, 
 Insurance firms, etc. Who received these fees? principally the 
 investment bankers like Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sucks and everybody 
 else on earth with a spoon or soda straw.. That is 100  trillion 
 bucks in cream sucked off the top, 
 When you look at the building boom the past 25 years you can tally 
 the cost of construction.. 100 trillion plus .. that does NOT count 
 the home building craze.. that's another 70 trillion.
 Where did all this wealth come from to buy the bonds? The total 
 wealth of the nation is only a  fraction of this amount.
 There wasn't enough money .. so.. the gov't allowed the investment 
 bankers to conjure an illusion of worth called a derivative..
 The Fed was in on it, the major banks and investment bankers 
 worldwide were in on it.. It never was a secret .. it was a way to 
 keep the good times rolling.. Like a ponzi scheme or a pyramid 
 club.. everybody knew it would end someday. 700 bil plus 850 bil 
 wont cure it.. not even 10 trillion will cure it.. why? because 
 once the trust is gone.. it's like playing monopoly.. when the game 
 is over.. everyone recognizes the money was monopoly.Look at where 
 the world is putting their money.. in US treasuries at zero 
 interest. not in the stock market. The stock market is now being 
 used to launder Dark Pools and hedge hedge funds.
 There is NO trust or confidence in the financial system, which is 
 why the stock market is being gamed every day  and why Obama has a 
 problem that he can't solve and why wise heads recommended the 
 gov't let the investment banks fail because they will fail anyway 
 regardless. It would only take about 20 trillion in soap and bath 
 water to revive the economy.. if it were spent on the economy.. it 
 wont be.. it will be spent on social welfare which will prolong the 
 day the bottom falls out and nothing can fix it.
  Howdy Jones,
  Since not even the people that invented derivatives can explain 
 what they are.. and .. since  they are not actually carried on any 
 ledger, how would a bank evaulate a big D?  Unless.. well.. err.. 
 that's the purpose behind them.
There is some 350 trillion( nobody knows how much more) in 
 derivatives ( big D) floating around the world cesspool. A big D is 
 not even a piece of paper, it is an illusion created for the 
 purpose of making a lender believe there is an underlying asset 
 keyed to some  debt instrument. Richard
What are the objections of the New Admin prohibiting all 
 publicly traded banks and corporations from owning or trading 
From: R C Macaulay walha...@cvtv.net
Like illusionalists, Dubai and many so called sovereign wealth 
 fund nations, are composed of smoke and mirrors like Enron. Come 
 payday and the response is 'no sabe'.
 Perhaps the largest magician of all is Merrill Lynch. They 
 passed themselves off to BoA as pure cherry pie. Not even the Fed 
 can grasp the depth of the tangled web at ML when they stopped 
 counting at 40 trillion dollars of exposure .
 For example, Enron bought two rusty barges and formed a 
 offshore floating crude oil storage facility near Nigeria. ML 
 showed Enron how to magically count the two barges as a series of 
 fleets. The leadership at Enron got so caught up in the illusion 
 that they began to believe the magic themselves. Most investment 
 banking firms on earth started doing it. Now, nobody is sure how 
 much is out there and nobody at the Fed really wants to know 
Any attempt by the Fed to translate a big D into some type of 
 asset requires that the Fed  assign it some value. The minute the 
 Fed assigns a value, the Fed has to buy it.
BO should enjoy his day in the sun before the rain..