Re: [Vo]:new publication

2013-12-07 Thread Axil Axil
Some interesting charges in the LENR transmutation of elements by be

should read

Some interesting changes in the LENR transmutation of elements may be

On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 2:19 AM, Axil Axil  wrote:

> If the Mills positive results with CIHT are to be believed, water can
> support the LENR reaction. But not liquid water, it must be superheated at
> high temperatures.
> The same principle holds for water vapor inside a cavitation bubble as
> supportive of the LENR reaction.
> Like hydrogen, oxygen is another dielectric gas that may be able to
> support the LENR reaction. In the light of the purported successful Mills
> results, DGT should test oxygen for LENR application.
> Some interesting charges in the LENR transmutation of elements by be
> informative.
> On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 10:11 AM, Peter Gluck wrote:
>> Dear Readers,
>> As told, the Problem part of my studies re CF?LENR is almost finished so
>> I am not writing frequently..
>> This paper:
>> was inspired by and aim for the authors Igari and Mizuno who will speak
>> about a subject of vital importance for the past, present but especialy the
>> future of cold fusion.
>> It is midnight now in Tokyo and the Igari Mizuno paper will be presented
>> tomorrow noon. Theoretically
>> there are chances they can receive my paper
>> and ignore it because it is heretical and what's worse too long. After
>> many years they will realize that I was right.
>> Peter
>> --
>> Dr. Peter Gluck
>> Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:new publication

2013-12-07 Thread Axil Axil
If the Mills positive results with CIHT are to be believed, water can
support the LENR reaction. But not liquid water, it must be superheated at
high temperatures.

The same principle holds for water vapor inside a cavitation bubble as
supportive of the LENR reaction.
Like hydrogen, oxygen is another dielectric gas that may be able to support
the LENR reaction. In the light of the purported successful Mills results,
DGT should test oxygen for LENR application.

Some interesting charges in the LENR transmutation of elements by be

On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 10:11 AM, Peter Gluck  wrote:

> Dear Readers,
> As told, the Problem part of my studies re CF?LENR is almost finished so I
> am not writing frequently..
> This paper:
> was inspired by and aim for the authors Igari and Mizuno who will speak
> about a subject of vital importance for the past, present but especialy the
> future of cold fusion.
> It is midnight now in Tokyo and the Igari Mizuno paper will be presented
> tomorrow noon. Theoretically
> there are chances they can receive my paper
> and ignore it because it is heretical and what's worse too long. After
> many years they will realize that I was right.
> Peter
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:Asked & Answered

2013-12-07 Thread Axil Axil

*"It took a while for me to go along with (7) and (8).  It was only after I
convinced myself that there really is something unusual happening that does
not look like normal fusion that I became open to them."*

Under the LENR reaction, what if it is likely that multiple nuclear events
happen simultaneously and in parallel to the same nucleus . For example.
suppose a fusion event occurs and then that result is instantly followed by
a fission event.

That will really get you to scratch your head.

In a  layered mufti leveled reaction type system, such reactions may be

On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 2:49 PM, Eric Walker  wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 9:34 AM, Sunil Shah  wrote:
> This would produce a number of more (or less) likely chains of reactions,
>> that together yield the EXACT mass spectrum of the transmutation products.
> I like this idea, too.  Keeping track of potential transmutations is
> relatively recent -- perhaps the last five or ten years I think?  The
> results are inconclusive, because there are always questions about
> "contamination" (I wonder in this context how much is actually
> contamination, however).
> When I was doing an informal review of some of the papers that dealt with
> transmutations, I came to these tentative conclusions:
>1. There are some real difficulties in measuring relative amounts of
>2. The transmutations seen are across the board in terms of isotopes
>on the lower end of atomic masses.
>3. Some transmutations are up in atomic mass or number, and others are
>down; perhaps mostly up, but this is just an impression.
>4. In some cases it looks like there might be fission of larger
>isotopes happening.
>5. There is little in the way of the kind of activation you would see
>from adding neutrons, so this doesn't seem to be a significant activity.
>6. My own impression is that transmutations are generally to stable
>isotopes and rarely to short-lived ones.
>7. A lot of the potential transmutations look like what you would get
>with the successive addition of protons -- X + p, (X + p) + p, etc.
>8. Some of the transmutations look like what you would get with the
>successive addition of deuterons -- X + d, (X + d) + d, etc.
>9. There's a general conclusion that the amount of energy that would
>be generated by the transmutations that are seen is not of the right order
>of magnitude to account for the heat that is measured, suggesting that
>transmutations are a side process.
> It took a while for me to go along with (7) and (8).  It was only after I
> convinced myself that there really is something unusual happening that does
> not look like normal fusion that I became open to them.  If these two items
> are true, then pinning down the specific reactions that are going on might
> not be a simple matter of finding a signature or two in the transmutations
> and then using them to constrain the possibilities.  I think you would have
> to come up with some sophisticated Monte Carlo simulations and make some
> important assumptions about the rates at which these processes occur, and
> even then while you could gain some insight into the overall process, it
> would not necessarily disclose it with any assurance.  Whatever that
> process or processes are, in the context of PdD they appear to lead to the
> generation of 4He (although not in every case), and in the context of NiH,
> no one but Rossi and Defkalion really seems to know.
>> (There are some downsides to this approach of course. Heat is measured
>> now, transmutation products are measured later. For transmutation we need
>> to subtract effects of external ionizing radiation (cosmic, for example),
>> and natural isotope spread of the bulk material, and uncertainties due to
>> impurities.)
> I'm going to guess that the variance in transmutation measurements from
> one trial to another is very high.  For this reason it seems like a lot of
> trials are needed to obtain reliable numbers for any relative ratios of
> isotopes before and after.
> Eric

Re: [Vo]:Asked & Answered

2013-12-07 Thread Eric Walker
On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 4:09 PM,  wrote:

> There is a claim that successive transmutations threw addition of protons
> or deuterons actually is an mass spectroscopy error made from formations of
> molecules.
I remember some details along those lines.  Using mass spectrometry of an
insufficient resolution will get people in trouble if they forget about
other possible species.  I believe if you have a nice mass spectrometer you
can resolve the peaks sufficiently to distinguish between species of
similar mass.  I recall there being other ways than mass spectrometry to do
isotopic analysis as well.  But isotopic analysis does not sound like
something for the faint of heart.

BTW, in my earlier note I said that the combinations X + p and X + d were
common.  I now remember that these two reactions were not enough to explain


Re: [Vo]:Asked & Answered

2013-12-07 Thread torulf.greek

There is a claim that successive transmutations threw addition of
protons or deuterons actually is an mass spectroscopy error made from
formations of molecules. 

Some controls of the Japan result may have
been made in US.  

I do not remember where I have read this. 

On Sat,
7 Dec 2013 11:49:53 -0800, Eric Walker  wrote:  

On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at
9:34 AM, Sunil Shah  wrote: 

This would produce a number of more (or
less) likely chains of reactions, that together yield the EXACT mass
spectrum of the transmutation products.   

I like this idea, too.
Keeping track of potential transmutations is relatively recent --
perhaps the last five or ten years I think? The results are
inconclusive, because there are always questions about "contamination"
(I wonder in this context how much is actually contamination, however).

When I was doing an informal review of some of the papers that dealt
with transmutations, I came to these tentative conclusions: 

* There
are some real difficulties in measuring relative amounts of
* The transmutations seen are across the board in
terms of isotopes on the lower end of atomic masses.
* Some
transmutations are up in atomic mass or number, and others are down;
perhaps mostly up, but this is just an impression.
* In some cases it
looks like there might be fission of larger isotopes happening.
There is little in the way of the kind of activation you would see from
adding neutrons, so this doesn't seem to be a significant activity.
My own impression is that transmutations are generally to stable
isotopes and rarely to short-lived ones.
* A lot of the potential
transmutations look like what you would get with the successive addition
of protons -- X + p, (X + p) + p, etc.
* Some of the transmutations
look like what you would get with the successive addition of deuterons
-- X + d, (X + d) + d, etc.
* There's a general conclusion that the
amount of energy that would be generated by the transmutations that are
seen is not of the right order of magnitude to account for the heat that
is measured, suggesting that transmutations are a side process.

It took
a while for me to go along with (7) and (8). It was only after I
convinced myself that there really is something unusual happening that
does not look like normal fusion that I became open to them. If these
two items are true, then pinning down the specific reactions that are
going on might not be a simple matter of finding a signature or two in
the transmutations and then using them to constrain the possibilities. I
think you would have to come up with some sophisticated Monte Carlo
simulations and make some important assumptions about the rates at which
these processes occur, and even then while you could gain some insight
into the overall process, it would not necessarily disclose it with any
assurance. Whatever that process or processes are, in the context of PdD
they appear to lead to the generation of 4He (although not in every
case), and in the context of NiH, no one but Rossi and Defkalion really
seems to know. 

(There are some downsides to this approach of course.
Heat is measured now, transmutation products are measured later. For
transmutation we need to subtract effects of external ionizing radiation
(cosmic, for example), and natural isotope spread of the bulk material,
and uncertainties due to impurities.) 
I'm going to guess that the
variance in transmutation measurements from one trial to another is very
high. For this reason it seems like a lot of trials are needed to obtain
reliable numbers for any relative ratios of isotopes before and after.



Re: [Vo]:Asked & Answered

2013-12-07 Thread Axil Axil
My current understanding about how LENR works involves the interaction of
strong magnetic fields with the isospin properties of fermions.

Isospin is a quantum mechanical property that is not related to orientation
in space.

Charge spin locking is a quantum mechanical interaction mechanism between,
a magnetic field and the isospins in fermions that provide a mechanism for
charge screening by magnetic fields.

Currently, my best understanding of charge-spin locking is that the isospin
vector orients to the direction parallel to the magnetic field lines of the
applied magnetic field. In this way, isospin of the fermion is captured and
immobilized by the magnetic flux lines. In the presence of a very strong
magnetic field, the duel vortex based solitons of magnetic flux lines are
formed by interaction with the repulsive coulomb field of the fermion and
then positioned relative to the magnetic field lines. This interaction is
relative to the effected fermion.

When the magnetic field is strong enough, the solitons are created by the
fermion in an attempt to minimize columbic repulsion. In the process of
this weakly interacting composite fermion formation, much of the original
charge of the fermion is shielded by the duel vortex based solitons. This
theory is based on the Hall Effect for electrons and more specifically, the
fractional quantum Hall Effect applied to the various layered fermion
structures in the atomic nucleus.

For example, certain atomic nuclei can undergo charge spin locking easier
than others. Ni62 and Ni64 are the easiest type of nuclei to charge spin

Next, the other even atomic numbered nickel nuclei. The Ni61 nuclei is the
hardest nickel nuclei to charge spin lock, but given a very strong magnetic
field, Ni61 as well as any other atomic nuclei can be charge spin locked.

Do not expect a charge spin nuclei to react to any reorientation in space.
There are no relationships between ordinary space dimensions and isospin.
Isospin is a quantum mechanical property of the fermion and its direction
is relative to its own reference frame.

Many of the LENR dots point in this theoretical direction. I particularly
like the idea that multi-leveled fermion shielding paths inside the nucleus
which include the fermionic layering of nucleus, nucleon, and quark. This
fermion layered nuclear structure provides an explanation of the many
complex nuclear reactions that are seen in the ash products of LENR.
Nuclear fusion of a proton and a nucleus happens on the nuclear level of
fermion resolution,  whereas fission of a heavy element into multiple
lighter elements happens on the nucleon (protons and neutrons) level of
fermion resolution.

Charge spin locking of quarks will produce strange and unpredictable LENR

When magnetic fields grow truly huge, there is also a LENR mechanism for
this increased magnetic field strength to support changes in the types of
nuclear reactions similar to those that are seen in supernovas were unusual
nuclear reactions like fusion to transuranic isotopes occur.

On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 2:49 PM, Eric Walker  wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 9:34 AM, Sunil Shah  wrote:
> This would produce a number of more (or less) likely chains of reactions,
>> that together yield the EXACT mass spectrum of the transmutation products.
> I like this idea, too.  Keeping track of potential transmutations is
> relatively recent -- perhaps the last five or ten years I think?  The
> results are inconclusive, because there are always questions about
> "contamination" (I wonder in this context how much is actually
> contamination, however).
> When I was doing an informal review of some of the papers that dealt with
> transmutations, I came to these tentative conclusions:
>1. There are some real difficulties in measuring relative amounts of
>2. The transmutations seen are across the board in terms of isotopes
>on the lower end of atomic masses.
>3. Some transmutations are up in atomic mass or number, and others are
>down; perhaps mostly up, but this is just an impression.
>4. In some cases it looks like there might be fission of larger
>isotopes happening.
>5. There is little in the way of the kind of activation you would see
>from adding neutrons, so this doesn't seem to be a significant activity.
>6. My own impression is that transmutations are generally to stable
>isotopes and rarely to short-lived ones.
>7. A lot of the potential transmutations look like what you would get
>with the successive addition of protons -- X + p, (X + p) + p, etc.
>8. Some of the transmutations look like what you would get with the
>successive addition of deuterons -- X + d, (X + d) + d, etc.
>9. There's a general conclusion that the amount of energy that would
>be generated by the transmutations that are seen is not of the right order
>of magnitude to account for the heat that is measured, suggesting that

Re: [Vo]:Re: Energy release, gravity and "Spirit" are connected

2013-12-07 Thread Ron Kita
Greeting Jones et al,

I sent Hal Putoff a copy and will be sending Dr John Schuessler a copy of
the McDonnel Douglas
interview. John worked with Bob Woods...he is now in Littleton, CO.

Also  there is a Maynard video...he was ex-DIA

A great video.
Ad Astra,
Ron KitaChiralex

On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 3:56 AM,  wrote:

> To Jones
> The Jack Houck whom Dr. Wood mentioned in the interview, published a text
> on the "MAW" ( in which he states: "There
> is some evidence that there is a mental access window (MAW) when the
> predominat frequency of an individual's electroencephalogram (EEG) is 7.81
> to 7.83 Hz."
> This is the access to the cosmic wide web and everybody can do this after
> a little bit of practice. This
> he meant when he said "you probably get a good hint on how psychic things
> work".
> Have a good day! Ingeborg

Re: [Vo]:Energy release, gravity and "Spirit" are connected

2013-12-07 Thread James Bowery
A major geopolitical component that directly impacts national security at
the highest levels is the notion of "genocide" vs "nationalism".

In the original definition accepted by the Geneva convention, "genocide"
was defined in terms of the "destruction of nations".

However, almost at the same time, the  cause of "genocide" in actual usage
came to be associated with "nationalism".  Nationalism, in the moral
zeitgeist, came to be seen as the cause of "genocide".  Hence, if a nation
was undergoing genocide and this aroused defensive feelings which must, by
definition, involve national identity as a sentiment, it could be taken as
justification for actions to destroy the nation.

Hence you had the Rosenbergs transferring atomic secrets to the Soviets for
the high purpose of internationalism -- a key tenant of Marxism -- and --
signfiicantly -- a key tenant of Marxism's supposed polar opposite,
neolibertarianism of the Austrian School of Economics.

This confusion in the moral zeitgeist justifies any and all actions to
destroy national security.

So it should come as little surprise that in the post-Manhattan project
era, key technologies for national security subjected to the highest levels
of classification -- as was the atomic bomb -- are suppressed since they
are, in the moral zeitgeist of Marxism and neolibertarianism, the moral
equivalent of genocide.

On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 6:16 AM,  wrote:

> Dr. Robert Wood, McDonnell Douglas Aerospace:
> I have concluded that whatever the source of the propulsion gravity
> control is, is the same as the source of to release energy. And once you
> find one you find the other. And I also think you probably get a good hint
> on how psychic things work   listen to
>  especially min 24:50

RE: [Vo]:Seen at Area 51

2013-12-07 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton

And soon over Iran with on station time of 24 hrs.

... unless they really do have the claimed saucer

[Vo]:Seen at Area 51

2013-12-07 Thread Terry Blanton

And soon over Iran with on station time of 24 hrs.

Re: [Vo]:Asked & Answered

2013-12-07 Thread Eric Walker
On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 9:34 AM, Sunil Shah  wrote:

This would produce a number of more (or less) likely chains of reactions,
> that together yield the EXACT mass spectrum of the transmutation products.

I like this idea, too.  Keeping track of potential transmutations is
relatively recent -- perhaps the last five or ten years I think?  The
results are inconclusive, because there are always questions about
"contamination" (I wonder in this context how much is actually
contamination, however).

When I was doing an informal review of some of the papers that dealt with
transmutations, I came to these tentative conclusions:

   1. There are some real difficulties in measuring relative amounts of
   2. The transmutations seen are across the board in terms of isotopes on
   the lower end of atomic masses.
   3. Some transmutations are up in atomic mass or number, and others are
   down; perhaps mostly up, but this is just an impression.
   4. In some cases it looks like there might be fission of larger isotopes
   5. There is little in the way of the kind of activation you would see
   from adding neutrons, so this doesn't seem to be a significant activity.
   6. My own impression is that transmutations are generally to stable
   isotopes and rarely to short-lived ones.
   7. A lot of the potential transmutations look like what you would get
   with the successive addition of protons -- X + p, (X + p) + p, etc.
   8. Some of the transmutations look like what you would get with the
   successive addition of deuterons -- X + d, (X + d) + d, etc.
   9. There's a general conclusion that the amount of energy that would be
   generated by the transmutations that are seen is not of the right order of
   magnitude to account for the heat that is measured, suggesting that
   transmutations are a side process.

It took a while for me to go along with (7) and (8).  It was only after I
convinced myself that there really is something unusual happening that does
not look like normal fusion that I became open to them.  If these two items
are true, then pinning down the specific reactions that are going on might
not be a simple matter of finding a signature or two in the transmutations
and then using them to constrain the possibilities.  I think you would have
to come up with some sophisticated Monte Carlo simulations and make some
important assumptions about the rates at which these processes occur, and
even then while you could gain some insight into the overall process, it
would not necessarily disclose it with any assurance.  Whatever that
process or processes are, in the context of PdD they appear to lead to the
generation of 4He (although not in every case), and in the context of NiH,
no one but Rossi and Defkalion really seems to know.

> (There are some downsides to this approach of course. Heat is measured
> now, transmutation products are measured later. For transmutation we need
> to subtract effects of external ionizing radiation (cosmic, for example),
> and natural isotope spread of the bulk material, and uncertainties due to
> impurities.)

I'm going to guess that the variance in transmutation measurements from one
trial to another is very high.  For this reason it seems like a lot of
trials are needed to obtain reliable numbers for any relative ratios of
isotopes before and after.


RE: [Vo]:Re: Energy release, gravity and "Spirit" are connected

2013-12-07 Thread Jones Beene

From: ChemE Stewart 


I think you need an FCC license to communicate on that channel...:)


Ingeborg wrote:

The Jack Houck whom Dr. Wood mentioned in the interview, published a text on
the "MAW" ( in which he states: "There is
some evidence that there is a mental access window (MAW) when the predominat
frequency of an individual's electroencephalogram (EEG) is 7.81 to 7.83 Hz."



Well, at least until "they" take it down, you too can experience the ULF
trip online:


Hmm. I'm pretty sure one can channel some form of intelligence this way
(one's own projection, at least) but as for getting hooked up with ET, that
is less certain. contact with a sub in the Mariana trench is more likely.


Apparently these Monks couldn't connect very well, despite their training.


yes, yes -- maybe they did, and their success was covered up somehow.


Hmm. well, now it's clear, isn't it ? . the evidence is right in front of
us: 12/21/12 "apparently" never happened when we all knew it would . but
awkshully . that was the design, and it was all about a reboot of the old
SIM which we are locked into . :-)



Re: [Vo]:Kitamura ICCF18 presentation

2013-12-07 Thread Alain Sepeda
It remind me Bo Hoistad answering Pomp&Eriksson "paper".

the most shocking is that Wikipedia admin who are very strict on the
quality, swallow it like my daughter swallow chocolate milk, and refuse to
publish the rebuttal by Bo Hoistad on ibtimes.


2013/12/7 Jed Rothwell 

> Alain Sepeda  wrote:
>> is there any credible critic by someone who have proven an artifact ,
>> published it, and that this artifact explain many possible positive results
>> ?
> Not that I am aware of. There are only a handful of skeptical papers that
> even attempt to do this. Here is the best known one. Judge for yourself:
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Kitamura ICCF18 presentation

2013-12-07 Thread Jed Rothwell
Alain Sepeda  wrote:

> is there any credible critic by someone who have proven an artifact ,
> published it, and that this artifact explain many possible positive results
> ?

Not that I am aware of. There are only a handful of skeptical papers that
even attempt to do this. Here is the best known one. Judge for yourself:

- Jed

[Vo]:new publication

2013-12-07 Thread Peter Gluck
Dear Readers,

As told, the Problem part of my studies re CF?LENR is almost finished so I
am not writing frequently..
This paper:
was inspired by and aim for the authors Igari and Mizuno who will speak
about a subject of vital importance for the past, present but especialy the
future of cold fusion.

It is midnight now in Tokyo and the Igari Mizuno paper will be presented
tomorrow noon. Theoretically
there are chances they can receive my paper
and ignore it because it is heretical and what's worse too long. After many
years they will realize that I was right.

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:Re: Energy release, gravity and "Spirit" are connected

2013-12-07 Thread ChemE Stewart
I think you need an FCC license to communicate on that channel...:)

On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 3:56 AM,  wrote:

> To Jones
> The Jack Houck whom Dr. Wood mentioned in the interview, published a text
> on the "MAW" ( in which he states: "There
> is some evidence that there is a mental access window (MAW) when the
> predominat frequency of an individual's electroencephalogram (EEG) is 7.81
> to 7.83 Hz."
> This is the access to the cosmic wide web and everybody can do this after
> a little bit of practice. This
> he meant when he said "you probably get a good hint on how psychic things
> work".
> Have a good day! Ingeborg

Re: [Vo]:Kitamura ICCF18 presentation

2013-12-07 Thread Alain Sepeda
maybe some should revert the question?

is there any credible critic by someone who have proven an artifact ,
published it, and that this artifact explain many possible positive results

I feel there is very few, narrow, and addressed.
am I wrong?

2013/12/7 Jed Rothwell 

> Blaze Spinnaker  wrote:
> "Obviously it can, since it has been."
>> I long ago realized never to say something like this publicly unless
>>- I had personally done it myself
>>- Someone everyone trusts had done it
>> Martin Fleischmann and Stan Pons did it, in France, long ago. See the
> paper I linked to, above. I trust them. Maybe you don't, but I do.

[Vo]:Re: Energy release, gravity and "Spirit" are connected

2013-12-07 Thread Kader
To Jones
 The Jack Houck whom Dr. Wood mentioned in the interview, published a text on 
the "MAW" ( in which he states: "There is 
some evidence that there is a mental access window (MAW) when the predominat 
frequency of an individual's electroencephalogram (EEG) is 7.81 to 7.83 Hz."
 This is the access to the cosmic wide web and everybody can do this after a 
little bit of practice. This 
 he meant when he said "you probably get a good hint on how psychic things 
 Have a good day! Ingeborg