Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-03-05 Thread Terry Blanton
$2.4T World GDP loss?  Hah!  The stockmarket lost $6T last week alone.

On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 11:06 AM Frank Znidarsic  wrote:


Re: [Vo]:Mechanical OU update

2020-03-05 Thread Terry Blanton
On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 1:19 AM Vibrator !  wrote:

> Thank you - but sorry, what's "MEP"?

Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing.  He's busy at the moment doing a
computational fluid dynamics analysis for the tunnel ventilation system for
Los Angeles Metro; but, he said it looked interesting and would


Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-03-03 Thread Terry Blanton
If you haven't had your fill here, there's lots of info on reddit

Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-02-29 Thread Terry Blanton
Effective virus control:

Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-02-27 Thread Terry Blanton
*All schools in Japan told to close until April over virus outbreak*

On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 12:16 PM Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Here is some encouraging news. Look carefully at these graphs, especially
> the last two:
> Serious and Critical Cases
> Outcome of Cases (Recovery or Death)
> Note that the first graph, "Total Cases (worldwide)" can be changed to the
> logarithmic format on the top tab.
> Main page:
> Meanwhile, in bad news, the Japanese press reports that some recovered
> patients may not be fully immune.

Re: [Vo]:Aetheric Science - Invitation to take part

2020-02-24 Thread Terry Blanton
No one is disagreeing with you.  We're so open minded out brains sometimes
fall out.


On Mon, Feb 24, 2020, 11:40 PM Jonathan Berry  wrote:

> Let me make another point.
> If I said I had an effect with high voltage, Tesla coils, Vandegraff, all
> manner of EM and it was producing levitation or other weird effects, it
> wouldn't be that hard to believe because you have electromagnetic fields in
> air, why couldn't that create exotic conditions?!   You would recognize it
> as the Hutchison Effect.
> While an image is certainly less, the effects I am claiming are also less,
> and it is manifested from electromagnetic fields in air, yes the
> electromagnetic fields is just regular visible light but still it is at the
> core still EM fields.
> I have heard claims that electromagnetic transmitters were in interference
> creating supposed scalar waves and might have created a "tear' in space,
> and that sound plausible.
> Tesla claimed that with electric fields he made the space between two
> metal plates act as though it were solid.
> What this shows is that electromagnetism can stress space.
> So, if light can cut and push matter around...  Even cause fusion...
> Then why can't electromagnetic fields influence the very medium in which
> they have their existence?
> Sure, I will agree that the energy density of light is low, and it does
> majorly decrease the strength of the effect, but if there is acceptance
> that light can conceivably have some effect on "space" (virtual particles,
> aether, whatever) then there is the possibility of making a device out of
> light instead of matter, and if the design is good, when why not?!
> And even the devices made of matter are presumed to need electromagnetic
> energy to run to levels powerful enough to do useful things.
> I admit I didn't expect making designs out of light to work when I first
> tried, and it did require some improvement of the designs before I was even
> sure...
> But, it DOES work, it might not be the best substance, but it is the most
> practical.
> Light has something akin to rest mass, put a lot of light in a reflective
> box and the box acts as though it has more inertial mass with the light on
> that off.
> Light  is a particle, it has energy, it only transmits through space
> because space has the requisite ability to carry it's fields, to be
> magnetized and polarized.
> Virtual particles exist, why wouldn't they be affected by light?
> Sure, it takes a very powerful design to make something potent with light,
> but this isn't Psychotronics, or Placebo, or Psychic, it's Physics.
> It's a very new branch, and so please, give it a shot, there is near
> infinitely much to gain and nothing to lose.
> If you don't want to admit you can feel it on list, contact me privately,
> I will simply report back numbers of people who feel and don't, and not
> give any names.
> But again, this isn't school, and there is no valid reason to be afraid
> small minded people.
> Screw the limits put on discussion by small minds, by normalcy, by
> convention, aren't we here to explore the outer fringes of what is possible
> and not play it safe?
> Rant over.  For now, I await responses.
> Thanks,
> Jonathan Berry
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 4:59 PM Jonathan Berry  wrote:
>> While I post that, I'd like to point out that there are blinders, or
>> artificial limits to what can be discussed in "respectable"
>> mainstream manner.
>> It isn't that it is out of the question that aliens exist, the insane
>> abundance of stars in the sky and life in every nook and cranny of earth
>> tell us it's a near certainty...
>> So then why is the idea that they have visited or sighting of such so
>> automatically and unthinkingly banned from scientific or
>> official discussion?
>> Sure, you can discuss such a topic, but there is some weird ban on taking
>> it seriously, and just because where are silly and strange, even
>> inexplicable components to that phenomena does not explain or make valid
>> the taboo.
>> The same goes for conspiracies, or evidence of crimes of political
>> leaders, this is another topic that regardless of the obvious plausibility
>> of such, it cannot be talked about in polite company.
>> And, my subject here too of images that can produce a tangible
>> energy/substance, while it is a bit unexpected, it doesn't violate any
>> knows laws of physics, it could even be seen to be plausible given the
>> quantum vacuum and such, there is plenty of room among what is speculated
>> by conventional physicists to allow for this.
>> And the only investment that is needed to witness this is a few seconds
>> and a not entirely closed mind,
>> That's it, and if I am right, then, well that could be huge, right!
>> Be aware that physical coils I have made have been felt by people even
>> when hidden and they have had zero introduction or expectation that there
>> was anything to feel.
>> Someone on Vo

Re: [Vo]:Mechanical OU update

2020-02-24 Thread Terry Blanton
I sent it to a friend and co-worker who is a MEP whiz.  I'll post his
response here.

Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-02-24 Thread Terry Blanton

On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 6:09 PM Terry Blanton  wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 12:58 PM Terry Blanton  wrote:

Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-02-24 Thread Terry Blanton

On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 12:58 PM Terry Blanton  wrote:


Re: [Vo]:Mechanical OU update

2020-02-24 Thread Terry Blanton
What does Grimer think?  I believe he's on that list.


On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 6:26 AM Vibrator !  wrote:

> ..rather than trying to re-summarise the whole thing here, anyone
> interested should review my current thread on the BWF;  currently looking
> at 471 Joules in, for 854 Joules out, with an uncertainty of +/- 0.4
> Joules, from this interaction:
> (that's just a low-quality animation of the measured examples)
> It's basically sinking counter-momenta to gravity and accumulating the
> resulting momentum rise at constant energy cost (evolving linearly WRT
> velocity) for a squaring KE value.
> The energy gain is substantially greater than the GPE cost of rendering
> the effective N3 break.
> Current efficiency appears to be 181%, across the board - ie. you can put
> in as much as you want by raising the 'target relative speed'..
> As ever, caveat emptor - just cos i ain't found the FUBAR yet don't mean
> it ain't there..
> The thread's a meandering night-by-night research log, hypotheses all over
> the place, and so might be more informatively read backwards as forwards
> (you know how these things go):
> Don't wanna waste anyone's time on the one hand, but wanna keep you guys
> in the loop if it's real..  i honestly don't know what more i could do with
> it if it is..
> (i know it's a chore but would appreciate if the thread were checked first
> to see if specific questions are already answered, tho happy to oblige
> either way)

Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-02-24 Thread Terry Blanton


Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-02-23 Thread Terry Blanton
Interesting, but mortality rates for influenza alone are less than 0.1%.

Iran reports 18.6% covid-19 mortality to date.

Again 8/43 is a small population but the consistency is frightning.

On Sun, Feb 23, 2020 at 10:21 AM Jones Beene  wrote:

> Here is something else which statistically needs to be considered to
> assess the reliability of the official Wuflu death toll. Namely - what is
> the extent of fatalities of the "normal" flu in China this year? And also,
> how many citizens are infected with both types simultaneously?
> It is possible that many flu deaths there could have been intentionally
> labeled as the known types, in order to prevent public panic. For
> instance, in the USA our CDC estimates that so far this flu season there
> have been at least 29 million of the regular flue illnesses, 280,000
> hospitalizations and 16,000 *deaths. *
> That is huge! and possibly understated, but this background situation of
> many flue types in circulation has gone largely unreported in the analysis
> of our situation, since the flu season will go on for several more months.
> Many more deaths are expected here in the states -  even without the new
> corona cases, possibly double that toll.
> China is more than 4 times more populous than the USA and has
> sub-standard health care in many places, so it may be expected to already
> have seen 60,000-80,000 dead from the normal (non corona) variety of flu
> this season, yet this enormous death toll is not factored into the
> statistics yet.
> Considered in that context - it is easy to imagine that to avoid panic,
> doctors in China, especially in the rural areas, have been instructed to
> call every flu death a "normal" flu death if there is any doubt about it.
> And since the testing ability for the new virus is strained to the limit
> this year - there is going to be large doubt.
> Plus - do we know that a substantial percentage of persons cannot catch
> both types at the same time?
> Perhaps - most cases of Wuflu are very mild initially UNLESS the infected
> person already has been exposed to one of the known strains. It may require
> two infections to become fatal. Extrapolating from US numbers, there are
> already over 100 million normal flue infections and no reason that a second
> corona infection could not happen at the same time in part of that
> population, given the very long gestation period.
> If so, which strain of flu actually caused the fatality? Perhaps it is
> both. And are we really seeing the low mortality rates which are claimed,
> since we have not been accurately looking at the correct statistics?
> Terry Blanton wrote:
> Italy reported 5 deaths in 28 cases.  Small population but it is close to
> the* rumored* Chinese death rate of 15.6%.
> I'm sure they actually have more cases uncounted yet.

Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-02-22 Thread Terry Blanton
Italy reported 5 deaths in 28 cases.  Small population but it is close to
the* rumored* Chinese death rate of 15.6%.

I'm sure they actually have more cases uncounted yet.


Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-02-22 Thread Terry Blanton
An opinion piece from The NY Post (considering the source):

but selling laboratory animals?!


Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-02-15 Thread Terry Blanton
Some sanity returns:


Re: [Vo]:Bioweapons

2020-02-15 Thread Terry Blanton

I know this paper has been pulled; but, I have not read why.

If you don't read the whole thing, just read the abstract and the
conclusions.  It's the paper discussed by Mobius that Mr. Beene posted.

Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-02-15 Thread Terry Blanton

So, they are treating covid-19 with Aluvia.  I wonder how they determined
that would work, eh?

Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-02-14 Thread Terry Blanton
Those are quotes, not citations.  I was looking for a citation for your
comment that "Most appear to be okay now."  I have seen quotes that the
mortality rate is 15.6%.

On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 3:57 PM Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Terry Blanton  wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 3:37 PM Jed Rothwell 
>> wrote: ...Most appear to be okay now.  
>> Citation?
> Dr. Peng and other researchers wrote that 40 health care professionals at
> his hospital had been infected in January, a third of the cases included in
> a study published last week in the Journal of the American Medical
> Association. . . .
> Another doctor had started to show symptoms early last month, before
> medical professionals knew to take extra precautions, according to the
> state-run Health Times newspaper. He died this past Monday.
> . . . and some other articles.

Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-02-14 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 3:37 PM Jed Rothwell  wrote:
...Most appear to be okay now.  


Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-02-14 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 1:07 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> Info, some of it disturbing, but which looks authoritative - on the Wuhan
> situation... which doc keeps getting removed from the web by very skilled
> hackers.

So, Mr. Beene, if there is a Part I


Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-02-14 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 11:48 AM Jed Rothwell 
wrote:...That's another 98,000 deaths, around 342,000 total. That would be
one of the worst epidemics in U.S. history. 

"The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the deadliest in history, infected an
estimated 500 million people worldwide—about one-third of the planet’s
population—and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims,
including some 675,000 Americans. "

Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-02-14 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 11:48 AM Jed Rothwell  wrote:
The Chinese government reported that 1,700 health care workers have
contracted the virus, and 6 have died. That is a mortality rate of 0.4%.

A mortality rate cannot be determined without the number that recover.  We
don't know that yet.

Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-02-14 Thread Terry Blanton
Reality imitates art:

" *The Eyes of Darkness*, a 1981 thriller by bestselling suspense author
Dean Koontz, tells of a Chinese military lab that creates a virus as part
of its biological weapons programme. The lab is located in Wuhan, which
lends the virus its name, Wuhan-400. A chilling literary coincidence or a
case of writer as unwitting prophet? "

Re: [Vo]:More on the WuFlu conspiracy theory

2020-02-13 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 3:42 PM Jones Beene  wrote:
> U.S. Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) has generated a lot of negative flak for
promoting the idea that the WuFlu virus was a inadvertent release of a
Chinese bioweapon. Could he know something that we do not?

They did assign one of their top bioweapons experts to the task.

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Vipervirus Truth?

2020-02-11 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 7:19 PM Jonathan Berry  wrote:

Not the best of sources

but doesn't mean it isn't true.  Like, just because you're paranoid doesn't
mean they are NOT out to get you.  If it is really true, it's the EotWaWKI.

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Vipervirus Truth?

2020-02-11 Thread Terry Blanton
Similar virus have surface persistence of 5 days.

Always know the source of your Amazon shipments.  :)


[Vo]:Re: Give It Up for Randell

2020-02-09 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sun, Feb 9, 2020 at 11:54 AM Terry Blanton  wrote:
> more time!

The poorly focused images remind me of UFO piccys!

[Vo]:Give It Up for Randell

2020-02-09 Thread Terry Blanton more time!

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Vipervirus Truth?

2020-02-08 Thread Terry Blanton
Some good news:

and some not so good:


Re: [Vo]:[OT] Vipervirus Truth?

2020-02-06 Thread Terry Blanton
Also, I recall the scene in "Contagion" (2011) where Matt Damon is trying
to arrange for the burial of his wife, one of the first victims of the
pandemic; and, the hospital informs him that the "government directive" is
that all victims of the virus are to be cremated.

On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 5:53 PM Terry Blanton  wrote:

> The problem is that people are dying in their homes undiagnosed.  There
> are several stories of people seeking help for a family member and, finding
> no hospital beds available, they take them home to die.  It reminds me of a
> song called "Two Tribes (Annihilation)" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood:
> (If any member of the family should die whilst in the shelter, put them
> outside
> But remember to tag them first for identification purposes.)
> (If any member of the family should die whilst in the shelter from
> contamination, put them outside
> But remember to tag them first for identification purposes.)
> (If your grandmother or any other member of the family should die whil...
> ...dentification purposes.)

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Vipervirus Truth?

2020-02-06 Thread Terry Blanton
The problem is that people are dying in their homes undiagnosed.  There are
several stories of people seeking help for a family member and, finding no
hospital beds available, they take them home to die.  It reminds me of a
song called "Two Tribes (Annihilation)" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood:

(If any member of the family should die whilst in the shelter, put them
But remember to tag them first for identification purposes.)
(If any member of the family should die whilst in the shelter from
contamination, put them outside
But remember to tag them first for identification purposes.)
(If your grandmother or any other member of the family should die whil...
...dentification purposes.)

[Vo]:[OT] Vipervirus Truth?

2020-02-06 Thread Terry Blanton
*Tencent may have accidentally leaked real data on Wuhan virus deaths*

*Tencent briefly lists 154,023 infections and 24,589 deaths from Wuhan

[Vo]:Superconducting Metal Hydride

2020-02-03 Thread Terry Blanton
*An international team of researchers has discovered the hydrogen atoms in
a metal hydride material are much more tightly spaced than had been
predicted for decades — a feature that could possibly facilitate
superconductivity at or near room temperature and pressure.*

[Vo]:Space Force Patch

2020-01-24 Thread Terry Blanton

Re: [Vo]:There is no dark matter. Instead, information has mass, physicist says

2020-01-24 Thread Terry Blanton
Have you tried the Brave web browser?  Functionally similar to Chrome, even
syncs with it, but blocks everything except content.  See

I like the theory.  Makes one wonder how many bits fit into the E=MC^2
equivalence formula.  Personally, I use it to explain my weight gain.  😮

On Fri, Jan 24, 2020 at 9:32 AM JonesBeene  wrote:

> *From: *Terry Blanton 
> This is a very provocative idea – that information has actual mass…guess
> that is why it is featured on a site called “the big think”…
> The concept also relates to LENR in a back door way – since Holmlid
> suggests that matter can be  completely annihilated or turned into energy.
> Is this the modern version of “book burning”??
> The author of the piece, Philip Perry did not claim exactly  that dark
> matter or the black hole is a repository of information, but that is the
> implication. OTOH another article by Philip suggests that Jesus (yes, that
> Jesus) used Cannabis for some of his miracle cures. This kind of lateral
> thinking made me want to immediately sign up to get the blog until I
> noticed how many trackers it had already tried to install.
> Anyway, there is a pregnant thought from Wheeler is particularly resonant:
> “There was perhaps no greater proponent of information theory than another
> unsung paragon of science, John Archibald Wheeler
> <>. Wheeler was
> part of the Manhattan Project, worked out the "S-Matrix" with Niels Bohr
> and helped Einstein develop a unified theory of physics. In his later
> years, he proclaimed, "Everything is information." Then he went about
> exploring connections between quantum mechanics and information theory….He
> also coined the phrase "it from bit" or that every particle in the universe
> emanates from the information locked inside it. At the Santa Fe Institute
> in 1989, Wheeler announced that everything, from particles to forces to the
> fabric of spacetime itself "… derives its function, its meaning, its very
> existence entirely … from the apparatus-elicited answers to yes-or-no
> questions, binary choices, bits
> <>."
> END quote.
> Too bad the website itself  has not been designed to honor privacy
> concerns or to  function well on Firefox browser. Makes one wonder if
> MS/Google did not insert the background trackers as a tit for tat … which
> is kind of ironic, given the subject matter.

[Vo]:There is no dark matter. Instead, information has mass, physicist says

2020-01-22 Thread Terry Blanton

Re: [Vo]:Eat your heart out EEStor

2020-01-08 Thread Terry Blanton
On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 8:06 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> When one researches the many cross-connections embedded in the evolving
> Maxwell/Tesla storage tech

Ultracaps and batteries can be complementary technologies also.  UCs are
used in hydrogen fuel cell powered cars because fuel cells don't throttle
like your foot demands on the accelerator and brake pedals.  The UCs allow
rapid transients to accommodate that "heavy foot".  :)

With batteries, UCs can have a similar use since the battery is a chemical
reaction over time.  The life of the battery can be extended if you don't
jolt it by using UCs to taper those demands.


Unfortunately, the most powerful companies on the planet as of today have
> their wealth at stake and will fight and legislate against this technology
> till the bitter end.

I had the pleasure of seeing this happen in the 80's with AT&T during my
employment with US Sprint.  At first, they fought the competition when MCI
came into being.  Then they fought against single-mode fiber tech until USS
turned on the nation-wide network.  AT&T took a $4B write-off in the late
80's when they dumped their analog microwave network.

An amusing anecdote:  US Sprint also had microwave networks and filmed a
commercial blowing up one of their own towers.  Unfortunately, in a failure
to communicate , that particular tower was carrying traffic still.

Re: [Vo]:Eat your heart out EEStor

2020-01-08 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 2:55 PM JonesBeene  wrote:

> Years ago, many of us on Vortex followed the unfolding story of EEStor.
> Another bummer.

Tesla pushed $500 today and has a larger cap than GM and Ford combined.
Which reminded of the above.  Whatever happened to them and ZENN?  The last
paragraph in their Wikipedia article says:

"ZENN Motor Company  Inc.
has changed its name to "EEStor Corporation" to better reflect the focus
and activities of the Company.[38]
 The name
change was approved by shareholders at the Company's annual and special
meeting held on March 31, 2015. EEStor Corporation
 formerly (ZENN Motor Company) publicly trades
on the Canadian exchanges as symbol ESU [39]
 and on the US stock
exchanges as OTC stock symbol ZNNMF.[40]
 EEStor Corporation
holds 71% equity while the other percent is held privately."

Re: [Vo]:2020 - The year of 4D

2019-12-31 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Dec 30, 2019 at 6:12 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> That's my prediction for 2020.
> 4D is turning up everywhere ...
Do you mean 4D as portrayed in this 1993 movie, "Matinee", starring John

Happy New Decade!

[Vo]:New boson

2019-12-21 Thread Terry Blanton
Ars Technica: New boson appears in nuclear decay, breaks standard model.

Re: [Vo]:Phys. Rev. C paper, "Nuclear fusion reactions in deuterated metals"

2019-12-20 Thread Terry Blanton
At what point do Martin and Stanley finally get their Nobel?


Re: [Vo]:Phys. Rev. C paper, "Nuclear fusion reactions in deuterated metals"

2019-12-20 Thread Terry Blanton
It would be interesting to hear what Robert L. Park has to say about the
article.  :)

On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 3:43 PM Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Abstract here:

Re: [Vo]:Strange things keep turning up

2019-12-18 Thread Terry Blanton
Ya gotta luv her hat:

Other papers:

' Homochirality ' sounds like a neurosis.  Quite an eclectic lady.

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 11:32 AM Jones Beene  wrote:

> This mystery reference appeared in a recent search.
> None of the usual players and the impression given is that the topic is
> something new... WTF?
> Hydrogen and deuterium isotope effects beyond the electromagnetic force
> Hydrogen and deuterium isotope effects beyond the electromagnetic force
> Cheryl D. Stevenson
> (2018) Stevenson, Davis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. A
> mechanism is presented concerning electroly...

Re: [Vo]:are smartlists working? vortex-L test

2019-12-09 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Dec 9, 2019 at 2:41 PM William Beaty  wrote:

Very little.

I thought Jack Kevorkian held the patent and copyright on such devices.

Re: [Vo]:are smartlists working? vortex-L test

2019-12-08 Thread Terry Blanton
Almost 10 million viewings!

Did you know the author of *Naked Lunch* used an orgone box?

" $2M-$3M investments "  Is that single investments of $3M each?  Or total
investments of $3M?  You looking for a single angel or 100 $30k investments
or do you care?

Do you have an NDA?


On Sun, Dec 8, 2019 at 4:16 AM William Beaty  wrote:

> > Wow, for a second I thought I was in a time warp!
> No, THIS is a timewarp.   1986 MTV video:
>Reich Cloudbuster (Kate Bush)
> BTW "Smartlists" are unix email listservers, such as Vortex-L
> PS
> Currently looking for $2M-$3M investments to develop an odd device.
>  ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) 
> William J. Beaty
> beaty, chem washington edu  Research Engineer
> billb, amasci com   UW Chem Dept,  Bagley Hall RM74
> x3-6195 Box 351700, Seattle, WA 98195-1700

Re: [Vo]:Breakthrough of the century

2019-11-26 Thread Terry Blanton
Is there an echo in here?  Alexa?

On Tue, Nov 26, 2019 at 11:36 AM Boom  wrote:
> November 23, 2019 at 9:43 PM
> Dear Readers of the JoNP:
> We did it.
> Obtained permanent self sustaining mode with production of strong excess of 
> electricity, generating more excess of electricity than of heat.
> It is a revolution.
> We did not violate unity, we just discovered an energy that had not been 
> exploited before.
> I am very tired.
> Independent parties tests will follow, eventually we will make a presentation.
> I think we made something that will make a revolution.
> My team colleagues are saying to me ” Andrea, stay calm, be humble”. They are 
> right. Now I am tired, must reorganize the ideas. The work in these last 2 
> weeks has been very hard, but we did it. This morning, late, we got more 
> electric energy that the electric energy necessary to make the Cat work. The 
> increase is strong.
> Too big to be true, but it is true.
> If you are reading this message, means I am not dreaming: our Readers are 
> independent parties that can convince me I am not sleeping and I am really 
> writing this.
> The merit is of my fantastic Team, without them this could not have been done.
> Warm Regards,
> A.R.
> --
> Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:X17, UDH and a fifth force (or dark matter)

2019-11-26 Thread Terry Blanton
Amazing announcements from all over:



Re: [Vo]:Testing

2019-11-08 Thread Terry Blanton

On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 2:06 PM JonesBeene  wrote:
> Is vortex down?

Re: [Vo]:Nick Danger's Top 10 answers for symptom 7

2019-10-25 Thread Terry Blanton
We will never get there.

Antelope Freeway 1/4 mile.

On Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 9:37 AM Jones Beene  wrote:
> Weirdly cool ... maybe George will call it "cool fusion"...
> Terry Blanton wrote:
> Antelope Freeway 1/2 mile.

Re: [Vo]:Nick Danger's Top 10 answers for symptom 7

2019-10-25 Thread Terry Blanton
Antelope Freeway 1/2 mile.

Re: [Vo]:Nick Danger's Top 10 answers for symptom 7

2019-10-24 Thread Terry Blanton
Antelope Freeway 1 mile.

Re: [Vo]:Test mx1

2019-10-15 Thread Terry Blanton
Watch out where the huskies go
And don't you eat that yellow snow.

On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 6:07 AM  wrote:
> Testing from mx1

Re: [Vo]:Still working on antenna

2019-09-06 Thread Terry Blanton
This one works great and has remote control:

Hard to beat for $35.99  :)

Re: [Vo]:Fake it till you make it

2019-09-05 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 9:31 AM JonesBeene  wrote:

> Followers of LENR will be struck by the parallels of this sad tale  to the 
> Andrea Rossi story…

Except for this one difference:

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Terry Blanton shared 'Sound Transit’s Link project ‘financially devastating,’ Stadium business owners say' with you

2019-08-18 Thread Terry Blanton
Not intended for the list.  Sorry.


On Sun, Aug 18, 2019 at 10:53 PM Terry Blanton via Google News <> wrote:

> [image: Google News] <>
> Terry Blanton shared 'Sound Transit’s Link project ‘financially
> devastating,’ Stadium business owners say' with you
> <> Tacoma News Tribune
> <>
> Sound Transit’s Link project ‘financially devastating,’ Stadium business
> owners say <>
> There have been times this summer when business owner Steven Salamone and
> his staff would stand inside his pizza shop on North Tacoma Avenue...
> <>
> Get the Google News app
> [image: Google News on Google Play]
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> no longer want to receive email notifications of shared content from Google
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[Vo]:Terry Blanton shared 'Sound Transit’s Link project ‘financially devastating,’ Stadium business owners say' with you

2019-08-18 Thread Terry Blanton via Google News

Google News

Terry Blanton shared 'Sound Transit’s Link project ‘financially  
devastating,’ Stadium business owners say' with you

Sound Transit’s Link project ‘financially devastating,’ Stadium business  
owners say

Tacoma News Tribune

 You received this email because Terry Blanton shared this with you. If you  
no longer want to receive email notifications of shared content from Google  
News, unsubscribe here.

© 2019 Google LLC.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

Re: [Vo]:are smartlists working? vortex-L test

2019-08-17 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 7:15 PM Terry Blanton  wrote:
> this one is
> if that is what you speak of

That was the old usenetthey still train on Smartlists...guess the
still work.

Re: [Vo]:are smartlists working? vortex-L test

2019-08-17 Thread Terry Blanton
this one is!forum/sci.physics.research
if that is what you speak of

On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 2:32 AM William Beaty  wrote:
> test
> (( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
> William J. BeatySCIENCE HOBBYIST website
> billb at amasci com
> EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
> Seattle, WA  206-762-3818unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

[Vo]:Fwd: Motley Fool: Lockheed Martin Doubles Down on Cold Fusion

2019-07-31 Thread Terry Blanton
-- Forwarded message -
From: Terry Blanton 
Date: Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 2:33 PM
Subject: Motley Fool: Lockheed Martin Doubles Down on Cold Fusion
To: Terry Blanton 

Motley Fool: Lockheed Martin Doubles Down on Cold Fusion.

Re: [Vo]:Congress up in arms over UFOs

2019-06-23 Thread Terry Blanton
Me too.  Doesn't change what oil companies want.


On Sun, Jun 23, 2019 at 8:16 PM Lennart Thornros 

> I 100% agree
> On Sun, Jun 23, 2019, 14:58 Terry Blanton  wrote:
>> It is as I read somewhere, as long as there are several trillion dollars
>> of oil untapped, cold fusion will remain "fringe science".  When we need
>> it, it will suddenly become accepted.  Same with AG.

Re: [Vo]:Congress up in arms over UFOs

2019-06-23 Thread Terry Blanton
It is as I read somewhere, as long as there are several trillion dollars of
oil untapped, cold fusion will remain "fringe science".  When we need it,
it will suddenly become accepted.  Same with AG.

Re: [Vo]:Congress up in arms over UFOs

2019-06-21 Thread Terry Blanton
I think they are following still the guidance offered in the Brookings


Re: [Vo]:Another attempt at a live broadcast of a reputedbreakthrough in magnetic power

2019-06-07 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Jun 7, 2019 at 1:06 PM JonesBeene  wrote:

> The first device which comes to mind from many years ago is the Wimshurst
> machine
May you be blessed with low humidity.

Re: [Vo]:Financial Times article on cold fusion

2019-06-04 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Jun 4, 2019 at 2:57 PM Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Try the other link, from Google. I am curious to see if it works for other
> people.

Worked for me.  Thanks!



Re: [Vo]:Another attempt at a live broadcast of a reputed breakthrough in magnetic power

2019-06-01 Thread Terry Blanton
Everyone will be pleased to hear that the bearings are in and the battery
is charged and the magmo is back on line.  Something about that arm that
keeps going up and down in the top left image reminds me of this:

On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 8:20 PM Terry Blanton  wrote:

> Allegedly, the bearings failed and they are awaiting new ones.  Is there a
> Steorn echo in here?  ;)

Re: [Vo]:Another attempt at a live broadcast of a reputed breakthrough in magnetic power

2019-05-31 Thread Terry Blanton
Allegedly, the bearings failed and they are awaiting new ones.  Is there a
Steorn echo in here?  ;)

Re: [Vo]:Another take on LENR from MIT?

2019-05-29 Thread Terry Blanton
On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 10:25 PM Terry Blanton  wrote:

> It's as damned obvious as UFOs.  

Hopefully, before my expiry date, a UFO will land on the WH lawn and when
they ask how the ship is powered the response will be, "Cold fusion, you
hairless ape."


Re: [Vo]:Another take on LENR from MIT?

2019-05-29 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 6:26 PM JonesBeene  wrote:

I must have missed this one.  It's the same event Jed, et al have been

I don't understand how these people can be, or even pretend to be, unaware
of the work the likes of Mike McKubre.  Do they not use the sponsor 's
(Google) product?  Mike still has glass embedded in his body from an
exploding cell.  He has several demonstrations of excess heat triggering
right at 90% loading.  Virtually every time he was able to get excess heat
in the latter days at SRI.

It's as damned obvious as UFOs.  



Re: [Vo]:Berlinguette, C.P., et al., Revisiting the cold case of cold fusion. Nature, 2019

2019-05-29 Thread Terry Blanton
On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 1:02 PM H LV  wrote:

> The first article says:
> < bias . >>
> Well at least they aren't using the scathing term pathological science.

And for that I am grateful and thusly do not use the term 'cognitive
dissonance'.  :)

Re: [Vo]:UFOs are getting dangerous

2019-05-28 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 7:45 PM Terry Blanton  wrote:

> Agreed.  They are possibly transdimensionals, including transtemporal,
> likely us, centuries from now returning to recover lost or purged genetic
> characteristics.

Or not.👽

Re: [Vo]:UFOs are getting dangerous

2019-05-28 Thread Terry Blanton
Agreed.  They are possibly transdimensionals, including transtemporal,
likely us, centuries from now returning to recover lost or purged genetic

[Vo]:Re: Google Project Finds No Evidence of Cold Fusion

2019-05-28 Thread Terry Blanton
As usual, Jed's already on top of this.  Next time, I'll read before I post.

On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 12:59 PM Terry Blanton  wrote:

> WTF?
> Google’s project — revealed in a peer-reviewed *Nature* Perspective1
> <> this week —
> found no evidence that cold fusion is possible, but made some advances in
> measurement and materials-science techniques that the researchers say could
> benefit energy research. The team also hopes that its work will inspire
> others to revisit cold-fusion experiments, even if the phenomenon still
> fails to materialize.

[Vo]:Google Project Finds No Evidence of Cold Fusion

2019-05-28 Thread Terry Blanton

Google’s project — revealed in a peer-reviewed *Nature* Perspective1
 this week —
found no evidence that cold fusion is possible, but made some advances in
measurement and materials-science techniques that the researchers say could
benefit energy research. The team also hopes that its work will inspire
others to revisit cold-fusion experiments, even if the phenomenon still
fails to materialize.

Re: [Vo]:The historical model for Danzik - Joe Newman

2019-05-27 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sat, May 25, 2019 at 3:28 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> Side note: if we simply rate the battery capacity higher, there is no

Or you just might have discovered a way to desulfinate the battery plates.

I cheer your perpetual optimism.  Would but we could run a motor on that
optimism.  Somewhere in Tucker, Georgia is a warehouse full of Neodymium
Iron Boron magnets including a single spiral four feet in diameter with a 5
x 4 in. cross section custom made for $80k.  There are also various coils
and solenoids with various widings of every configuration you can imagine.
Not seen are thousands of man hours and literally millions of dollars all
attesting to the fact that the magnetic cycle is conservative.

 If Mr. Danzik has succeeded in proving otherwise let him shout it to the
hilltops.  Let him demonstrate a motor actually performing work.  His silly
little spinning top does nothing more that invite acerbic criticism from
jaded former magmo enthusiasts.

Re: [Vo]:The historical model for Danzik - Joe Newman

2019-05-25 Thread Terry Blanton
One of the simplest tests of a motor is to have it lift a known weight to a
measured height.  More than one OU device have been disproved with such a

On Sat, May 25, 2019 at 2:10 PM Terry Blanton  wrote:

> On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 6:41 PM Jones Beene  wrote:
>> Self-delusion is a curious and infectious phenomenon. Very sad story in
>> the end.
> "The first principle is that you must not *fool yourself* and you are the
> easiest person to *fool*."
> -RPF

Re: [Vo]:The historical model for Danzik - Joe Newman

2019-05-25 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 6:41 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> Self-delusion is a curious and infectious phenomenon. Very sad story in
> the end.

"The first principle is that you must not *fool yourself* and you are the
easiest person to *fool*."

Re: [Vo]:Re: GoFundMe: Geiger Counter + Lab Tour to Test Atom-Ecology Claimed Energy Source

2019-05-18 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 3:48 PM Kevin O'Malley  wrote:

> I received a quote from Kromek, more than 10k Pounds (I don't have the
> symbol for pounds nor euros)

For Pounds, press "alt+0163" =  £
For Euro, press "alt+0128" =  €



Re: [Vo]:Article on Dennis Danzik - Inventor of EarthEngine (magmo)

2019-05-16 Thread Terry Blanton
Pulse driven flywheels.  They have a big yellow battery driving them. See

The magnetic cycle is conservative.

Re: [Vo]:Off topic: machine translation

2019-05-16 Thread Terry Blanton
Quoting your reference, " When I checked Cheshire’s doctoral research, I
discovered it was in belief systems. Somehow that seems fitting."

Looks like another one bites the dust!  Thanks.


On Thu, May 16, 2019 at 4:28 PM Joe Hughes  wrote:

> Seems that might still be up for debate in some circles:
> On 5/16/2019 9:26 AM, Terry Blanton wrote:
> The complete paper:
> On Thu, May 16, 2019 at 8:38 AM Terry Blanton  wrote:
>> Speaking of linguistics, The Voynich code has finally and really been
>> cracked.  Can you believe it was written by Dominican nuns in a
>> proto-Romance language.
>> On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 6:20 PM Jed Rothwell 
>> wrote:
>>> I wrote:
>>>> AI does exceed human abilities in a narrow range of problems, such as
>>>> playing Go, recognizing faces, or determining that a young woman who shops
>>>> at Target is pregnant before her father realizes that fact.
>>> I kid you not. See:
>>> I submitted the above message as letter to the editor. I hope I do not
>>> upset the professor, who I admire a great deal. I am a little surprised to
>>> discover I seem to know more about AI than he does. Maybe more about
>>> linguistics applied to Japanese and Chinese.
> --
> [image: Avast logo] <>
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> <>
> <#m_-6981923236433341239_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

Re: [Vo]:Off topic: machine translation

2019-05-16 Thread Terry Blanton
The complete paper:

On Thu, May 16, 2019 at 8:38 AM Terry Blanton  wrote:

> Speaking of linguistics, The Voynich code has finally and really been
> cracked.  Can you believe it was written by Dominican nuns in a
> proto-Romance language.
> On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 6:20 PM Jed Rothwell 
> wrote:
>> I wrote:
>>> AI does exceed human abilities in a narrow range of problems, such as
>>> playing Go, recognizing faces, or determining that a young woman who shops
>>> at Target is pregnant before her father realizes that fact.
>> I kid you not. See:
>> I submitted the above message as letter to the editor. I hope I do not
>> upset the professor, who I admire a great deal. I am a little surprised to
>> discover I seem to know more about AI than he does. Maybe more about
>> linguistics applied to Japanese and Chinese.

[Vo]:Stan Friedman Expires

2019-05-16 Thread Terry Blanton
Well, he likely now knows the truth about intelligent life:

Re: [Vo]:Off topic: machine translation

2019-05-16 Thread Terry Blanton
Speaking of linguistics, The Voynich code has finally and really been
cracked.  Can you believe it was written by Dominican nuns in a
proto-Romance language.

On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 6:20 PM Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> I wrote:
>> AI does exceed human abilities in a narrow range of problems, such as
>> playing Go, recognizing faces, or determining that a young woman who shops
>> at Target is pregnant before her father realizes that fact.
> I kid you not. See:
> I submitted the above message as letter to the editor. I hope I do not
> upset the professor, who I admire a great deal. I am a little surprised to
> discover I seem to know more about AI than he does. Maybe more about
> linguistics applied to Japanese and Chinese.

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:RE: [Vo]:Physicists spot the signatures of nuclear fusion in a table-top device – Physics World

2019-04-18 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 2:11 PM Chris Zell  wrote:

> Not to be dismissive but table top fusion was done half a century ago with
> the Farnsworth Fusor.
> Don’t know why it never went further

There was more money in television.  :)

Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Notre Dame, art curating and restoration

2019-04-18 Thread Terry Blanton
And dinosaurs had feathers.

On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 3:26 PM H LV  wrote:

> I didn't know Greek statues were originally painted.
> Fascinating.
> Harry
> On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 9:50 PM Jed Rothwell 
> wrote:
>> Some comments by me about this:
>> Take-away message: it is not as bad as it looks. It could have been a lot
>> worse.

Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Notre Dame, art curating and restoration

2019-04-17 Thread Terry Blanton
And we have a 3D model accurate to 5 mm to rebuild from:




2019-04-13 Thread Terry Blanton
Aww, come on guys, you know CF DoD research went black ages ago and has
likely had many ripe fruits recently.  After all, do you think they plan to
power these guys on lithium (maybe di-lithium)?

Re: [Vo]:Toyota puts 24,000 hybrid car patents into the public domain

2019-04-05 Thread Terry Blanton
This is not unprecedented:

YMMV and reasons might differ.

Re: [Vo]:Magmo in the land of lost wages...

2019-03-29 Thread Terry Blanton
Did he discover Tesla's secret?

Re: [Vo]:Magmo in the land of lost wages...

2019-03-29 Thread Terry Blanton
8)  Schumann resonances 

Re: [Vo]:Magmo in the land of lost wages...

2019-03-29 Thread Terry Blanton
For the uninformed:


Re: [Vo]:Magmo in the land of lost wages...

2019-03-27 Thread Terry Blanton
> 40 *kw* of mechanical *energy*

uh-huh.  They sure know what they are talking about.

Re: [Vo]:The Many Phases of Matter - a degenerate state of affairs--is progressive education warranted?

2019-03-24 Thread Terry Blanton
Yep, they're using Haliday and Resnick still (10th edition):

The available covers have improved from the basic orange or blue.  ;)

On Sun, Mar 24, 2019 at 12:47 PM <> wrote:

> Jones—
> New Fixxic books are popping up all the time, but cannot get money for
> marketing.
> Maybe a catalogue of free thinking schools with at least 50% new Fixxic
> books on the list for courses being offered in “physics” is warranted.  It
> may help marketing funding, as well as attract students desiring to advance
> the understsnding of physical reality.
> foster progressive education in civilization to counter the
> establishments’s, both public and private,  current focus on strictly
> teaching dogmatic “science.”  from well funded publisher texts.   (Such a
> paradyme occurance would be a “black swan” event.)
> (We should beware of the stake😊)
> Bob Cook
> --
> *From:* Jones Beene 
> *Sent:* Sunday, March 24, 2019 7:30:42 AM
> *To:* Vortex List
> *Subject:* [Vo]:The Many Phases of Matter - a degenerate state of affairs
> At first there were only three - the solid, liquid and gas phase.
> Everything in Nature could be explained with these three categories...
> except maybe the sun.
> "Plasma" was identified as a fourth phase by Crookes in 1879 and/or
> Thomson in 1897 but it took man years for this big change in outlook to
> sink in - along with the recognition of stars being composed of mostly
> hydrogen plasma. To confuse things even more, physicists of late tries to
> distinguish "states of matter" from "phases of matter". This is basically a
> semantic gesture to save face.
> Fizzix, which is the dark side of the practice of mainstream Physics, is
> not quite as conservative as religion, but closer than it should be. For
> instance, it took much longer than it should for the mainstream to accept
> that there is a fifth phase - the condensate or BEC. The great Indian
> physicist Bose (who also first described the boson) first proposed the
> state mathematically but the mainstream of physics would have rejected the
> idea as entirely fringe, without Einstein's name on.
> Nice strategic move. Even so, it was not till 1995 that the Bose-Einstein
> condensate (BEC) was actually proved to exist physically by Cornell and
> Weiman using laser-cooled rubidium. Plus, the other four phases of matter
> follow the Pauli Exclusion Principle - which says that matter can't exist
> in identical quantum states so as to occupy the same space at the same
> time. Bose-Einstein condensates seem to break that rule as do some or all
> of the other states not yet included in the big five. In short - we should
> dump Pauli and move on without it.
> And that is about where Fizzix stands nowadays - with five phases of
> matter to describe all of nature ... err... almost.
> If we ditch the artificial distinction between phases and states, it has
> been proposed that the "Quark-gluon plasma," seen in the debris of beam
> line experiments, is important enough to be a distinct phase of matter (in
> the guise of the crossover between matter being converted into energy and
> back again). This is not simply a plasma with the highest energy level
> since it has dozenss of features which no ordinary plasma has. This
> category can be called the "quark soup phase" and  the clearly, entire
> Universe started out in this phase and most stars end up there in the end -
> in a nova.
> Then, the next category is where LENR can enter the picture - if there is
> indeed the so-called "Degenerate matter" phase which is characterized by
> extreme density. This grouping can include neutron stars, quasars, possibly
> black holes and even the elusive "dark matter" making up the bulk of the
> Universe: The compressed state exists in cosmology, but there could be a
> counterpart on earth - especially in the proposed ultra-dense state of
> hydrogen. This ultra-dense state derives from Rydberg matter which is also
> a candidate in itself for an entirely new phase of matter.
> These new phases of matter are not found in textbooks yet - Fizzix is
> conservative after all and prefers to keep things recognizable to
> practitioners who graduated half a century ago, even at the risk of
> semantic confusion which makes the Internet hum with "alternative facts."
> Nevertheless, in a fair appraisal - the bulk of actually mass in the
> Universe is probably to be found in the two overlooked phases - degenerate
> matter and quark soup phase. Recently these same two (proposed new phases)
> actually turn up in LENR, in the same body of work.
> ... one of the many reasons that the pioneering work of Holmlid is so
> intriguing.

Re: [Vo]:Oak Ridge enriching isotopes again

2019-03-14 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 6:43 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> Bob,
> ORNL is supplying this isotope to others. They are not making it for their
> own use AFAIK.
Maybe someone found the secret to the Patterson Power Cell.  :)

Re: [Vo]:When warm plus cold turn into extremely hot.

2019-02-20 Thread Terry Blanton
Ah, yes, the CSICOPs.  It's been a while since I thought of them.  Used to
argue with them on CompuServe and the news groups.

In similar news, even The Onion has financial woes:

On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 5:59 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> It doesn't help things that the recent issue of Skeptical Inquirer
> magazine, which I occasionally enjoy reading (with one notable exception)
> has as its cover story...
> Yup, you guessed it. "Myths of Endless Energy"
> The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry
> <>
> The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry
> The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry promotes science and scientific
> inquiry, critical thinking, science educatio...
> <>
> Terry Blanton wrote:
> Jones Beene wrote:
> Eat your heart out, ITER !! (which is pronounced "eater" by critics, due
> in part to way this boondoggle project eats up billions of wealth with so
> little to show).
> There have to be some damned tight puckering strings in France after the
> ANS published Holmlid's paper.  This will shut down that muda, mura, muri
> project almost overnight.  Surely there are already whisperings of this on
> the fusion groups.

Re: [Vo]:When warm plus cold turn into extremely hot.

2019-02-20 Thread Terry Blanton
On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 9:35 AM Jones Beene  wrote:

> Eat your heart out, ITER !! (which is pronounced "eater" by critics, due
> in part to way this boondoggle project eats up billions of wealth with so
> little to show).

There have to be some damned tight puckering strings in France after the
ANS published Holmlid's paper.  This will shut down that muda, mura, muri
project almost overnight.  Surely there are already whisperings of this on
the fusion groups.

[Vo]:Chiral Surface Excitons

2019-02-20 Thread Terry Blanton
Rutgers and other physicists have discovered an exotic form of electrons
that spin like planets and could lead to advances in lighting, solar cells,
lasers and electronic displays.

It's called a "chiral surface exciton ,"
and it consists of particles and anti-particles bound together and swirling
around each other on the surface of solids, according to a study in
the *Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences*.

Read more at:

Re: [Vo]:[OT]Catching mice-- trap design and rad waste D& D

2019-02-19 Thread Terry Blanton
Tesla will never live it down.  Damn Edison!

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 9:32 PM ChemE Stewart  wrote:

> Or, you can just throw some peanuts into the trap and wait for your iPhone
> to tell you when you have a sticky messes to clean up
> Victor M2 Smart-Kill Wi-Fi Electronic Rat Trap Victor
> On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 9:01 PM Terry Blanton  wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 3:14 PM <
>>> wrote:
>>> Bacon is of diminaimus reduced risk of missing a hungry mouse or vole
>>> for that matter and, thus, should be dismissed as a reasonable design
>>> alternative bate.
>> It has one significant advantagetypically you don't have to reload
>> the bate (sic.; pref. 'bait') since the first bastard hardly took any
>> before the trap took him.

Re: [Vo]:[OT]Catching mice-- trap design and rad waste D& D

2019-02-19 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 3:14 PM <> wrote:

> Bacon is of diminaimus reduced risk of missing a hungry mouse or vole for
> that matter and, thus, should be dismissed as a reasonable design
> alternative bate.

It has one significant advantagetypically you don't have to reload the
bate (sic.; pref. 'bait') since the first bastard hardly took any before
the trap took him.

Re: [Vo]:[OT]Catching mice

2019-02-19 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 9:42 AM <> wrote:

> Use peanut butter on the tripping mechanism.
Almost perfect.  Use raw bacon smeared with peanut butter.  Properly
installed, the varmint can not remove the bacon without springing the trap.

Re: [Vo]:Another magnetic based overunity system

2019-02-18 Thread Terry Blanton
It looks like the Perendev motor.

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