Re: [Vo]:Spin Coupling

2014-09-07 Thread Terry Blanton
Here is one of Shipov's definitive papers if anyone wishes to make up
their own mind:

Re: [Vo]:Spin Coupling

2014-09-07 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 4:52 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:
> Wiki doesn't have many kind words for many of the torsion field proponents
> ...despite Jack Sarfatti (or maybe because of him)
> But there could be a kernel of truth which is related to spin coupling. Terry 
> may know what Jack's response is...

Well, attempts at verification of TF by experimental evidence have had
poor results.  Jack invited Gennady over for a storming session about
a decade ago and the result was a falling out.  This often happens
when large egos collide...especially in phrynge physics.  Jack pretty
much labels it as so much BS here (and Jack knows BS):

"All the words in quotation marks above are unnecessary or misleading, or
make no sense at all. Their actual function is to discourage the experts from
trying to figure it out what the author is talking about. It is part of what is
called ”impressionistic style” in theoretical physics. There is nothing wrong
with impressionistic style. Some painters are realist, some surrealist, some
impressionist etc. But it is important to recognize the style. When I see an
impressionistic painting, I usually squint my eyes so as to consciously not to
pay attention to the details. I understand that it is up to me to give the
meaning to the painting, not to the painter. And sometimes I am able to
give this meaning, and sometimes not."

I think the dialog between the two pretty much ended with:

"Gennady Shipov

Goldstone's fields and Higgs's mechanism in my theory are connected
with primary torsion fields.


Show equations.


It is object which appears pioneering from Absolute Vacuum.


Show equations"

Re: [Vo]:Spin Coupling

2014-09-07 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 4:29 PM, Nigel Dyer  wrote:
> I have recently come across Torsion Fields, the theoretical fifth force that
> has yet to be experimentally demonstrated.
> Should this fifth force be the 10th spin-spin interaction on the list?

The web has much on the works of Dr Gennady Shipov and Torsion Fields.
Here is a 2005 interview:

Re: [Vo]:Spin Coupling

2014-09-07 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 4:11 PM, Bob Cook  wrote:

> I do not know about Heffner or Springer, but more power to them.

Horace's web page is still up.  I hope the same is true for him.

Re: [Vo]:And the winner is ...

2014-09-04 Thread Terry Blanton
"Raise your garage door, sugar?"

Re: [Vo]:And the winner is ...

2014-09-03 Thread Terry Blanton
On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 9:01 PM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson

> Maybe the next time I go to Reno the male prostitute who solicited me in the 
> casino hotel elevator will have found a different kind of gainful employment, 
> including real health insurance.

Did he seek money or just your good looks?

Musk has filed for several patents on grid-leveling batteries.  If
successful, these will make wind and solar renewables capable of
replacing coal and nuclear sources.

Re: [Vo]:Anyone want to debate Darwinian Evolution with me in VortexB

2014-09-01 Thread Terry Blanton
You are automatically subscribed when you subscribe here.

On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 3:37 AM, Kevin O'Malley  wrote:
> How does one get to Vortex B?  I'd like to witness this debate.  My
> prediction:  None of the vorts who complained so loudly will be able to
> mount any kind of defense of Darwinian religious viewpoint, nor will there
> be any real debate from those who haven't complained so loudly.  And also,
> the quality of the opposing debate diminishes as you go back further in time
> to the point of abiogenesis, where it has been shown that the chances are
> one in hundreds of trillion*trillion*trillions and even more.  No one wants
> to debate it, they just want to tell you that it's established science.
> Even wikipedia won't call it "established science".
> On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 10:48 AM, Jojo Iznart 
> wrote:
>> Folks, things are slow here, but some crybabies are complaining that I am
>> cluttering VortexL, burdening them and imposing on them.   So, I am not
>> going to start a new Darwinian Evolution thread here.
>> But, I am issuing a challenge to anyone who thinks they understand
>> Darwinian Evolution better than me, to please show up in VortexB and debate
>> it with me.  Heck, you have "thousands of books" with "irrefutable proof";
>> so dispatching me with your "well-informed" retorts should be easy.  You
>> should be able to dismantle my "fairy-land" arguments quickly.
>> So, how about it, any takers?  (Jed?,  Nigel?, James?, Lixa?, jwinter?,
>> Sunil?, Rocha?, Ian Walker?)  Anyone willing to give it a try to silence me
>> and a chance to embarrass me and put me back into my fairyland?
>> Please indicate your willingness to participate in VortexB, by responding
>> on this thread.  If there are enough people accepting my challenge, I will
>> get the ball rolling by posting on Irreducible Complexity.  Or, you can
>> start the ball rolling by posting a Darwinian Evolution topic of your choice
>> in VortexB.  Don't start the discussion here, lest we "burden" and "impose"
>> on the deep thinking and meditation of some people.
>> If you don't accept my challenge, please have enough integrity to forever
>> not refer to my beliefs as a fairytale.  Fair Enough?  Put up or shut up.
>> Oh, please don't hide behind your "I don't want to waste time" or "I don't
>> want to debate cause that will only give them some credibility" nonsense.  I
>> am mocking your beliefs.  I am mocking the stupidity of Darwinian Evolution
>> and questioning the intelligence of those who believe in it..  Stand up and
>> defend it with your honor.  Let's have fun!!!
>> Jojo

Re: [Vo]:Elon Would Invest in LENR

2014-08-29 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 9:02 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 9:36 PM, ucar  wrote:
>> Just I was the middle of viewing several interviews with him and figured out
>> that he is aware of all things, however try to find out an evolutionary
>> (smooth) way to change the world. I believe Tesla Motors name is not
>> coincidental this way.
>> Do you recall R. Stiffler?
> Yes, I remember Dr. Ron Stiffler and his oscillator.  Peswiki has a
> large article on him:
> I'm afraid I became bored with his methodology.  He was never very
> forthcoming.  I think Jones Beene knew him well.  I don't think he
> ever claimed his oscillator was OU, however.

I don't know whatever happened to Dr. Shiffler.  It looks like he has
deleted most of his videos from Youtube.  The latest thing I can find
from him on the web are the plans for his wireless or one wire energy

(for list use only.)

Re: [Vo]:Elon Would Invest in LENR

2014-08-29 Thread Terry Blanton
On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 9:36 PM, ucar  wrote:
> Just I was the middle of viewing several interviews with him and figured out
> that he is aware of all things, however try to find out an evolutionary
> (smooth) way to change the world. I believe Tesla Motors name is not
> coincidental this way.
> Do you recall R. Stiffler?

Yes, I remember Dr. Ron Stiffler and his oscillator.  Peswiki has a
large article on him:

I'm afraid I become bored with his methodology.  He was never very
forthcoming.  I think Jones Beene knew him well.  I don't think he
ever claimed his oscillator was OU, however.


Re: [Vo]:SunCell - Initial Replication Attempt

2014-08-29 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Kevin O'Malley  wrote:

> Perhaps you should get in touch with Bill Beaty
> and ask him to censor you as well, for generating such a cavalier response.

Bill does not censor, he relegates you to a sort
of purgatory.  When you subscribe to vortex-l you also subscribe to
vortexb-l.  On the latter you are able to talk about any subject and
behave in any manner.  If you persist in off topic posts or annoying
behavior, he simply restricts you to vortexb.

Re: [Vo]:Evolutionists As Idiots

2014-08-28 Thread Terry Blanton
On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 10:12 PM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson

> Alas, an Amazon copy is around $32. I actually toyed with the idea of buying
> a copy and shipping it to you, but at the moment I really need to focus on
> some personal expenses.

No need.  Watch the author's presentation for free:

Part I
Part II

Michael Cremo at Stanford Univ. looking a bit long in the tooth.

> I just paid a $2500 surgery bill for one of our cats
> who seriously dislocated a hind leg two weeks ago. Terry knows a little
> about the cat I'm talking about

Ouch!  Well, it makes my vet bill this week look nice.  Mia had not
had a seizure for two years but they began again last week. $217 and
several doses of phenobarbitol later, it looks like they have stopped.

Dogs have masters, cats have staff.

[Vo]:Elon Would Invest in LENR

2014-08-27 Thread Terry Blanton
If it could be shown it could be used for propulsion.  His five dreams:

Re: [Vo]: The Absurdity of Darwinian Evolution.

2014-08-26 Thread Terry Blanton
I have it on good authority that the origins of Christianity and
Anthropomorphic GM is the common fungus
Amanita muscaria:

And if you would kindly stick to the topic, or, at least otherwise
label your posts [OT] in the heading so that they might be easily
filtered, we would have fewer people leaving the list.

And now back to your regularly scheduled program.

Re: [Vo]:global warming?

2014-08-24 Thread Terry Blanton
But, have you considered how much cheaper it will be to pump oil from the
ground using a LENR source?  :-)


Re: [Vo]:global warming?

2014-08-24 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 3:18 AM, David Roberson  wrote:

> I agree that the fossil fuel crew is going to come at us with loaded guns
> once the true potential of LENR is understood.
> These are not stupid people.  They already realize the potential.  Most,
like Shell's S.T.E.P. program are investing in new energy.  Why would Big
Oil want to fight when they could join?  They are sitting on piles of cash
awaiting to invest in the next big energy thing.  It's their business.

And don't worry.  What remains of cheap fossil energy will be harvested.
After all, free energy isn't really free.  There will always be a market
for the oil at some price.

These are not stupid people.

Re: [Vo]:global warming?

2014-08-23 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 4:35 PM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <> wrote:

> Not disagreeing with you. It was the last 10 seconds that I was focusing
> on.
Yeah. Me, too.

I loaded "Starship Troopers" - 1080p. But I'm not sure if I have a +
account. Good grief! Looks like I can watch the whole film. I feel like I'm
stealing. What's kind of deal did Google work out with the entertainment
industry to allow full viewing access to these full length feature films? I
don't see where I'm paying anything to watch these feature films, some in
HD too.

Actually, you just need gmail.  I wouldn't fret too much over your gift
horse dentistry.  Just enjoy.

Re: [Vo]:global warming?

2014-08-23 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <> wrote:

>  Skip over to three minute fifty second mark, 3:50. Everything is
> explained in the final 10 seconds (5:00-5:10).

I saw it more of an escaping from the placenta thing, with a large cheering

Next time viewing on the [boobtube?  flatscreen? interesting contrast] is
sparse try this:

I think you have to have a google+ account for it to work.

Re: [Vo]:X-Files of Southern New Hampshire

2014-08-22 Thread Terry Blanton
$0.05 for returning bottles picked up on the roadside.  It is addictive.

Re: [Vo]:SunCell - Better Design Possibilities?

2014-08-22 Thread Terry Blanton
But PVs aren't cost effective without subsidies using our free Sol.

Re: [Vo]:LENR <-> dark mater <-> DDL connection--

2014-08-22 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 11:16 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> Something similar wrt a non-stationary magnetic field happens with another
> anomalous device – which is called the Manelas/Sweet device, mentioned here
> before. There may be a non-obvious connection to LENR. A visual image of
> levitation of a hat pin, above the magnet of this device, is seen in
> slide-6, here:
> I have one of these conditioned billets. The field strength on the surface
> is not high, typical for a ferrite and it alternates in polarity across the
> surface, and is fluid - in the sense of self-moving in certain areas where
> the poles change. There is a focal point of highest field strength
> purposely located above the center region, which is significantly away
> (removed) from the surface.
> This magnet was the impetus which has pushed Ahern towards a theory of
> “nanomagnetism” which is seen in both LENR and in exotic electronic
> devices.
> BTW, in operation the Manelas magnet drops in temperature by several
> degrees below ambient, even though it is operating as the core of 50-watt
> transformer!


"Following a few years of collaboration with Yoshiaki Arata
and Akito Takahashi and discovery of the 5 to 10 nanometer
“sweet spot” in which the materials behave “cooperatively,”
in 2011 Ahern conducted high voltage experiments using
magnetic nanopowders. During this time, he was visited by
New Hampshire inventor Arthur Manelas, also interested in
high voltage pulses through magnetic nanoparticle systems.
In September 2011, Ahern visited Manelas’ home and tested
a barium ferrite power supply that was running a 1997
Solectria; the ferrite billet had high voltage pulses traveling
through it, creating excess electricity. They drove the car for
25 miles with four passengers, then stored the car for one
week. The battery capacity increased from 69.6% after the
trip to 89.4%. Ahern stated, “I believe in the measurements
as much as anything that I have ever done, but I don’t know
why it worked.”
Ahern noted, “I think LENR is something extraordinary
that we have yet to figure out...We can anticipate new and
exciting properties from these kind of magnetic interactions
that may be the root cause of what we see in LENR.” "

 p.18 (p.6 of the article)

Manelas also had a piece of a solar energy company in Dracut, MA in the
late 70s, Solectro Thermo, Inc.

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Microsoft Botched Update

2014-08-20 Thread Terry Blanton
Yeah, but it's 298 . . . which has the fntcache file.  Who would think
there was a font cache in the kernel?

On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 10:08 PM, John Berry  wrote:

> Not just that update:
> On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 1:52 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
>> 298 . . . my lysdexic friend.
>> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 9:21 PM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <
>>> wrote:
>>> What is this number "2882791"? Where do you find numbers like that?
>>> When I go to my Windows 7 update history all I see are codes that
>>> display as "KB915597". All my update numbers start with "KB..."
>>> Regards,
>>> Steven Vincent Johnson
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Terry Blanton []
>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 5:22 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Microsoft Botched Update
>>> "up" = "update"
>>> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 6:18 PM, Terry Blanton 
>>> wrote:
>>> > Uninstall up 2982791 of suffer BSOD on Win7,8 machines.  Google that
>>> > number for more information.  Update dated 8/14 or later.
>>> >

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Microsoft Botched Update

2014-08-20 Thread Terry Blanton
298 . . . my lysdexic friend.

On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 9:21 PM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <> wrote:

> What is this number "2882791"? Where do you find numbers like that?
> When I go to my Windows 7 update history all I see are codes that display
> as "KB915597". All my update numbers start with "KB..."
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> -Original Message-
> From: Terry Blanton []
> Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 5:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Microsoft Botched Update
> "up" = "update"
> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 6:18 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
> > Uninstall up 2982791 of suffer BSOD on Win7,8 machines.  Google that
> > number for more information.  Update dated 8/14 or later.
> >

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Microsoft Botched Update

2014-08-20 Thread Terry Blanton
I left off the KB.  It would show a install date of 8/14 or later.
(the date is all the way to the right, you might have to scroll).

On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 9:21 PM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
> What is this number "2882791"? Where do you find numbers like that?
> When I go to my Windows 7 update history all I see are codes that display as 
> "KB915597". All my update numbers start with "KB..."
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> -Original Message-
> From: Terry Blanton []
> Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 5:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Microsoft Botched Update
> "up" = "update"
> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 6:18 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
>> Uninstall up 2982791 of suffer BSOD on Win7,8 machines.  Google that
>> number for more information.  Update dated 8/14 or later.

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Microsoft Botched Update

2014-08-20 Thread Terry Blanton
"up" = "update"

On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 6:18 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
> Uninstall up 2982791 of suffer BSOD on Win7,8 machines.  Google that
> number for more information.  Update dated 8/14 or later.

[Vo]:[OT] Microsoft Botched Update

2014-08-20 Thread Terry Blanton
Uninstall up 2982791 of suffer BSOD on Win7,8 machines.  Google that
number for more information.  Update dated 8/14 or later.

Re: [Vo]:No automatic control system?

2014-08-19 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 8:08 PM, David Roberson  wrote:
> You can control a system without knowing exactly how it functions.

Simple systems, maybe.  However, complex systems might not be so
simple to predict.  Ask the operators at Chernobyl.

Re: [Vo]:No automatic control system?

2014-08-19 Thread Terry Blanton
I think Rossi should monitor the magnetic field around his reactor and
use its intensity for feedback in lieu of temperature.

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 7:50 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:
> That is what I think too.
> On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 7:45 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
>> It's due to not understanding how the reactor actually works.

Re: [Vo]:No automatic control system?

2014-08-19 Thread Terry Blanton
It's due to not understanding how the reactor actually works.

Re: [Vo]:Solar Collectors' Avian Threat

2014-08-19 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 2:02 PM, ChemE Stewart  wrote:

> Stop making stuff up, like "illuminati" crap.

It might be a fake religion; but, it is the world's greatest:

And the second greatest is:

[Vo]:Solar Collectors' Avian Threat

2014-08-19 Thread Terry Blanton

Workers at a state-of-the-art solar plant in the Mojave Desert have a
name for birds that fly through the concentrated beams of solar energy
focused upward by the plant's 300,000 mirrors — "streamers," for the
smoke plume that comes from birds that ignite in midair.

Federal wildlife investigators who visited BrightSourceEnergy's
Ivanpah plant last year and watched as birds burned and fell,
reporting an average of one "streamer" every two minutes, are urging
California officials to halt the operator's application to build a
still-bigger version.

The investigators want the halt until the full extent of the deaths
can be assessed. Estimates per year now range from a low of about a
thousand by BrightSource to 28,000 by an expert for the Center for
Biological Diversity environmental group.

"Streamers" establishes the graphic well.

Re: [Vo]:A good analogy for nanomagnetism

2014-08-19 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 10:15 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:
> Well said. I love it when Hotson is quoted.

Especially someone as knowledgeable as Professor Higgins!

Re: [Vo]:A good analogy for nanomagnetism

2014-08-18 Thread Terry Blanton
Couldn't you, being the creative person you are, explain all
interactions by some form of quantum entanglement?

On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 6:22 PM, ChemE Stewart  wrote:
> Just valleys and hills in a wave
> On Monday, August 18, 2014, Terry Blanton  wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 6:15 PM,   wrote:
>> > Actually no place in the Universe is completely free of fields.
>> Another possibility is that there is no such thing as a field.

Re: [Vo]:A good analogy for nanomagnetism

2014-08-18 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 6:15 PM,   wrote:

> Actually no place in the Universe is completely free of fields.

Another possibility is that there is no such thing as a field.

Re: [Vo]:LENR <-> dark mater <-> DDL connection

2014-08-18 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 6:12 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
> If the eggs could be made to absorb the reaction photons, maybe the
> hen could deliver hard boiled eggs.

I mean, as long as we are being creative.

Re: [Vo]:LENR <-> dark mater <-> DDL connection

2014-08-18 Thread Terry Blanton
If the eggs could be made to absorb the reaction photons, maybe the
hen could deliver hard boiled eggs.

Re: [Vo]:Water tractor beams and Bjerknes

2014-08-18 Thread Terry Blanton
Maybe this explains how the emdrive provides propulsion reacting with
the epo of the Dirac sea, a type of Casimir interference.

Re: [Vo]:Re: Va'vra paper

2014-08-17 Thread Terry Blanton
It wouldn't be the first time the negatives were excluded.  I wonder
if Va'vra is married after that experimental setup on p.50 which
appears to be in his home.

Are these small differences easily measurable?

On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 12:02 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
> Per Mr. Beene's request I have posted this on my google drive:
> I presume he intended it for list use only.
> Now, let's go see what is so important about a 16 yr. old presentation.
> On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 11:50 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:
>> Hi Terry,
>> Can you post this slide show to your cloud site for Vortex?
>> Or if not – take a look at look at it for yourself. This is very important
>> for LENR.
>> Jones

[Vo]:Re: Va'vra paper

2014-08-17 Thread Terry Blanton
Per Mr. Beene's request I have posted this on my google drive:

I presume he intended it for list use only.

Now, let's go see what is so important about a 16 yr. old presentation.

On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 11:50 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:
> Hi Terry,
> Can you post this slide show to your cloud site for Vortex?
> Or if not – take a look at look at it for yourself. This is very important
> for LENR.
> Jones

Re: [Vo]:BLP picks up another 11 M from investors

2014-08-16 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 4:35 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:
> Although I agree with your general premise that things do not add up with
> BLP - a reasonable explanation for owning this facility - and it being on
> the market now could be fairly mundane.
Google maps shows this to be the same building as 493 Old Trenton Rd.,
Cranbury Township, New Jersey, where he has always been.  Maybe he
owned part of the building and has bought the rest.

Re: [Vo]:"Andy the Grump" is now in BLP's crosshairs

2014-08-14 Thread Terry Blanton
We now know where part of the $11M will go. :-)

On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 9:46 PM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <> wrote:

>  From BLP's "What's New" link:
> *"8/13/14*
> *"Blacklight vigorously disputes the allegations of fraud by certain
> anonymous Wikipedia editors, and has announced intentions to proceed
> legally against individuals and entities that assert these false
> allegations. To this end, it has recently filed a defamation action in New
> Jersey, see: NJ Civil Case Information Statement*
> *"The BlackLight Power Inc. Wikipedia page was amended with the
> notification of the filing of the defamation suit that was promptly removed
> in conflict with the rules Wikipedia claims that it adheres to. The
> Wikipedia page prior to being censored by an anonymous Wikipedia editor can
> be found at this link: Wikipedia PDF"*
> NJ Civil Case Information Statement:
> Apparently it didn't take long for the Wikipedia "editors" to remove the
> following paragraph at the end of the Commentaries section
> *"In 2014 after a series of public demonstration events, Blacklight
> disputed the prior allegations of fraud and has announced intentions to
> proceed legally against individuals and entities that assert these false
> allegations. To this end, BlackLight filed a defamation action in New
> Jersey."*
> Here's a link to the original post that BLP attempted to place out on
> Wikipedia BLP topic:
> ...
> Shoot! I'm all out of peanuts. Save my seat please...
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:LENR <-> dark mater <-> DDL connection

2014-08-14 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Bob Cook  wrote:
> 7. J. A. MALY and J. VAVRA, "Electron Transitions on Deep Dirac Levels
> II," Fusion Technol, 27, 59 (1995).
> Jones, do you know what they said about the possible reactions in the ref
> 7 document noted above?  Their comments may be of interest to LENR as well
> as dark matter.

For list members use only.

Re: [Vo]:BLP picks up another 11 M from investors

2014-08-13 Thread Terry Blanton
On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 6:05 PM,  wrote:

> However neither exist when an electron is freed from an atom, hence free
> electrons have no spin, and thus spin is not an intrinsic property of the
> electron.

Further, if the orbital electron gives up all spin momentum, it might not
be freed but cease to exist entirely!

Re: [Vo]:Re: BLP picks up another 11 M from investors

2014-08-12 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 10:14 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> This
> emphasis on Aspect is the perfect example of this lack of competence. QED.


Re: [Vo]:The 5 states of matter

2014-08-10 Thread Terry Blanton
Culture clash?  Or the difference of ages?

Re: [Vo]:Thawing Permafrost Holds Vast Carbon Pool

2014-08-07 Thread Terry Blanton
By land and by sea:

On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 9:33 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:

> Horace, wherever you are, looks like you were right:
> On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 8:28 AM, Horace Heffner 
> wrote:
>> "Thawing Permafrost Holds Vast Carbon Pool", Science Daily, Sept 7, 2008:
>> This is just the permafrost issue. It doesn't include the ocean stored
>> methane hydrate problem.
>> We are in a canoe bobbing around in the river upstream from a giant
>> waterfall.  The water is possibly running too fast to paddle back upstream.
>>  Now what do we do?  Let's close our eyes, relax, and pretend there is no
>> problem.
>> Best regards,
>> Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:NASA Telescope Observes Signal That Can't Be Explained By Known Physics

2014-08-07 Thread Terry Blanton
On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 10:51 PM, Eric Walker  wrote:
> I have two questions that maybe someone knows the answer to:
>- Is Mills "predicting" a "cutoff," i.e., a broadband spectrum with a
>cutoff at 3.48 keV, or a sharp peak at 3.48 keV?
>- Is the finding in the original article a broadband spectrum with a
>cutoff, or a sharp peak?
> Either way, how does the H atom go from the accepted ground state to the
1/137 fractional state in order to emit this single photon?  Is that
covered in General Mills' serial?

Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC How to survive a robot uprising

2014-08-06 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 3:58 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> Good article.
> You have to watch the PBS documentary on Kurzweil.
> Part nut case, part genius.

Falling in love with your OS is one thing; but, Musk thinks AI is
potentially more dangerous than Nukes:

with comments by Kurzweil.

Re: [Vo]:Mills hydrinos is not LENR

2014-08-01 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 11:14 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:

>  Krivit is a journalist,
> Krivit is a blogger.

Re: [Vo]:Thawing Permafrost Holds Vast Carbon Pool

2014-07-30 Thread Terry Blanton
Horace, wherever you are, looks like you were right:

On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 8:28 AM, Horace Heffner 

> "Thawing Permafrost Holds Vast Carbon Pool", Science Daily, Sept 7, 2008:
> This is just the permafrost issue. It doesn't include the ocean stored
> methane hydrate problem.
> We are in a canoe bobbing around in the river upstream from a giant
> waterfall.  The water is possibly running too fast to paddle back upstream.
>  Now what do we do?  Let's close our eyes, relax, and pretend there is no
> problem.
> Best regards,
> Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Is the SunCell a titanium burner?

2014-07-30 Thread Terry Blanton
On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 11:20 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:
>Somehow, Mills’ supporters are so touchy with how they view accurate
criticism towards their golden-boy hero,

He's a ginger:

Re: [Vo]:Is the SunCell a titanium burner?

2014-07-29 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 10:13 PM, Eric Walker  wrote:
> Perhaps hydrinos and QM are not incompatible; for example, maybe they're
> dual, as you have suggested previously.
> This has puzzled me also.  A single transition is 27.2 eV which is in the
uV range not visible.  Higher energies are from multiple transitions and
less visible.  I guess I just don't understand hydrino theory.

Re: [Vo]:One Hot Little Number

2014-07-27 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 10:08 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:
> The “40%” conversion ratio should make it clear to anyone
> who follows solar cells that Mills is blowing smoke. Affordable cells for
> use in mass production are below 20% efficiency.

On average, about 15% according to Forbes last year:

If you look at the cost to produce solar cells, they are hardly
cost-effective *when the source energy is free (the sun).*  That and the
idea of using fiber optics to remove the cells from the source of the
intense plasma shock is concertedly ludicrous in this learned engineer's

In order to take pulsed energy and convert it into something you can feed
into the grid, other expensive systems are involved.  First off, you must
level the energy.  Such leveling devices for large sources of energy are,
in themselves, not cost-effective in many cases.  The preferred methods are
batteries or supercapacitors.  We all know the state of the art there.

Once you level that energy, you must condition it for grid insertion.
 Inverter technology has come a long way but remains expensive.  And,
without considerable subsidies, PV systems for your home are not yet
cost-effective when all these necessary subsystems are included.

Re: [Vo]:Is the SunCell a titanium burner?

2014-07-26 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 11:22 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> That may be the problem (or is it lack of caffeine?)

4200 cup equivalent (@95 mg/cup) and none of those nasty alkaloids:

at less than a cent per cup.  Makes that Starbucks espresso look gawdy.  ;-)

Re: [Vo]:Spin coupling of DDL to 62Ni

2014-07-25 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 6:33 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> The way to convert electrons to energy is via positrons (anti-electrons). 
> However, that radiation signature shows up quite well with meters, and it is 
> probably why in 2011, Bianchini who was hired to look for a radiation 
> signature, used a meter designed specifically for positron/electron detection.
> Sorry but the result was negative.

Ah, but suppose there is another way to convert  by dispersing the
spin of one electron among other particles?  The electron charge is,
after all, pure energy derived from the spin momentum.

Re: [Vo]:Spin coupling of DDL to 62Ni

2014-07-25 Thread Terry Blanton
 On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> 8)  It is not clear if the Ni-62 gives up some of its own mass, or is
> a
> gateway to the Dirac "sea" ... Either way, this is LENR but it is also
> "non-fusion LENR"

Well, I'm working on my own pet theory but can't find the information
to support it.  I think the Rossi effect works by conversion of
electrons directly into energy.  Crazy, huh?

Does a free electron have spin?  Does a free electron have mass?  Does
a free electron exist?

Re: [Vo]:Karabut and soft x-rays

2014-07-24 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:
> Say, we are getting some kind a consensus going today… must be a good sign J

"It won't last."

Marvin (the paranoid android from HHGttU).

Re: [Vo]:Review of Ed Storms book: "The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction"

2014-07-22 Thread Terry Blanton
I am advancing toward a LENR GUT thanks to the diet my wife has forced upon me.

Re: [Vo]:Review of Ed Storms book: "The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction"

2014-07-21 Thread Terry Blanton
The conclusion is that there is no GUT for LENR.  I suspect we have at
least 3 unrelated events which we call "the forest".

Re: [Vo]:Geiger counters and fast rates of change of voltage gradients

2014-07-21 Thread Terry Blanton
Quoting Franklin:

"The electrical fire would, I think, be drawn out of a cloud silently,
before it could come near enough to strike"

On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 6:01 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
> Sorry, Axil. The purpose of lightning rods are not to attract
> lightning.  To the contrary, they are for dissipating the charge
> buildup in the surrounding earth and thus create a lightning shield.
> One company has made quite a business of building dissipation arrays.
> On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 1:48 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:
>> The phenomena you describe is what Jo Papp used in his engine to activate
>> his electrodes, that is, to make them more reactive. Interestingly,
>> lightning rods in the 1930s contained alpha emitters to better attract the
>> lightning. I believe that this common practice back in the 30s is where Papp
>> got his ideas for his electrodes.
>> On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 7:07 AM, Nigel Dyer  wrote:
>>> I have built myself a marx generator which produces an output voltage of
>>> the order of 20kV and which can produce a very nice fat spark if the output
>>> electrodes are close enough.   I have a conventional geiger counter and I
>>> find it beeps if it is within 5cm of the high voltage output.  The distance
>>> suggests alpha particles, but a peice of card makes no difference so I
>>> assume that this is an artefact picked up by the large and abrupt change in
>>> the voltage gradient.  Oddly I could not find any reference to this artefact
>>> on the internet.   Is this just something that everyone knows but no-one
>>> writes down?
>>> Nigel

Re: [Vo]:Geiger counters and fast rates of change of voltage gradients

2014-07-21 Thread Terry Blanton
Sorry, Axil. The purpose of lightning rods are not to attract
lightning.  To the contrary, they are for dissipating the charge
buildup in the surrounding earth and thus create a lightning shield.
One company has made quite a business of building dissipation arrays.

On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 1:48 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:
> The phenomena you describe is what Jo Papp used in his engine to activate
> his electrodes, that is, to make them more reactive. Interestingly,
> lightning rods in the 1930s contained alpha emitters to better attract the
> lightning. I believe that this common practice back in the 30s is where Papp
> got his ideas for his electrodes.
> On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 7:07 AM, Nigel Dyer  wrote:
>> I have built myself a marx generator which produces an output voltage of
>> the order of 20kV and which can produce a very nice fat spark if the output
>> electrodes are close enough.   I have a conventional geiger counter and I
>> find it beeps if it is within 5cm of the high voltage output.  The distance
>> suggests alpha particles, but a peice of card makes no difference so I
>> assume that this is an artefact picked up by the large and abrupt change in
>> the voltage gradient.  Oddly I could not find any reference to this artefact
>> on the internet.   Is this just something that everyone knows but no-one
>> writes down?
>> Nigel

Re: [Vo]:I have sent a message to the CQM group: How robust do the PV cells need to be?

2014-07-19 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 1:33 PM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson
> Got a response for Dr. Mills:
> The cell has a window to protect the PV, and the PV is warranted for 25
> years at the rated power.   We are working directly with six manufactures.
> They see this as an enormous market opportunity.  These concerns are
> nonexistent


I wish I had his confidence.

One issue is the term "at rated power".  A good deal is known about
the effect of concentrated light on photovoltaics (cpv).  Up to 300
suns have been demonstrated commercially; but, these systems must have
huge heat sinks to remove heat from the pv cells.  Heat is one cause
of rapid degradation of the p/n junction.

A pv cell operates like a reverse LED.  The life of the LED depends on
how long you can maintain the separation of dopants in the junction.
Rapid migration occurs at high temperatures resulting in a reduction
of the amount of light produced by the LED.

Pulsed power  will actually cause an inertial effect on the dopants
increasing the degradtion rate.  Little is known about this effect in
pv cells; but, a great deal has been learned in glass based lasers
thanks to the NIF.  So much has been discovered that it has cast doubt
on whether a sustained fusion reaction is commercially feasible using
this method.

Re: [Vo]:Mills' Interview

2014-07-18 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 7:26 PM, Mike Carrell  wrote:
> Good news for Eric: he doesn’t have to pay $789 for GUTCP. It is available
> as a free download from the website, like most of Mills’ initial postings.

As I said:

Re: [Vo]:Mills' Interview

2014-07-18 Thread Terry Blanton
High energy photons can distort the p/n junction faster than lower
energy photons through migration of the dopants.  It is this
degradation which causes a LED to lose its intensity and is a failure
mode for transistors.

Re: [Vo]:Mills' Interview

2014-07-17 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 1:51 AM, Terry Blanton  wrote:

>  Read the book, it's less than 1000 pages, IIRC.  :-)

Oops, good news and bad news.

BN first:  It's 1173 pages.  Lots of piccys for you to color in.

GN:  You can D/L it from Mills' web site.  Or you can buy it used on
Barnes and Noble for $789.  (Hmm, that's GN and BN from

Re: [Vo]:Mills' Interview

2014-07-17 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 12:05 AM, Eric Walker  wrote:

> If I remember correctly, CQM refers to normal quantum mechanics, which is to
> be contrasted with hydrinos.

Actually, it refers to Randell's unique hybridization of S(tandard)QM
and the concept of an orbitsphere: an electron which is a two
dimensional membrane about the nucleus, among other intuitively
pleasing concepts.

 Read the book, it's less than 1000 pages, IIRC.  :-)

Re: [Vo]:Mills' Interview

2014-07-17 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 10:42 PM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson

> I would like BLP to succeed. I want BLP to succeed not because I'm invested
> in CQM but because I would like to pay a lot less for my electric and
> heating bills.

As would we all.  I fear however that subjecting photovoltaic cells to
extreme pulsed energy compared to solar constancy will shorten their
lifetime immensely.  Considering the energy cost of manufacturing
these cells, they are hardly cost effective over time without
subsidies in their normal use.

Re: [Vo]:Mills' Interview

2014-07-17 Thread Terry Blanton
Classical Quantum Mechanics.

Re: [Vo]:magnetism counteract gravity

2014-07-16 Thread Terry Blanton
A new spin on gravity:

Re: [Vo]:Rossi's competitive analisys

2014-07-14 Thread Terry Blanton
If anyone wants to suffer through it, it remains available:

Re: [Vo]:Rossi's competitive analisys

2014-07-13 Thread Terry Blanton
What explanation hasn't been discussed?  :-)

Re: [Vo]:hydrinos can't do it.

2014-07-08 Thread Terry Blanton
One fear I have had about DSoNE is that a hole in the dike that allows
the exchange of energy beyond our 3space might explain the Fermi
paradox.  Rossi's reactors do appear to be incredibly unstable and
allegedly meltdown or explode.  Maybe those events plug a hole which,
if it grew larger, could create a flood.

There is a factor in Drake's equation for those civilizations which
destroy themselves.  Lemuria and Atlantis maybe got a little too

Re: [Vo]:hydrinos can't do it.

2014-07-08 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:
> -Original Message-
> From: Terry Blanton
>> In fact, that strange outcome - requiring the mention of a vacuum/ZPE/Dirac
>> source of energy transfer, would be very difficult for all of those PhDs to
>> swallow, and thus responsible for a much longer delay than if the reaction
>> can be pinned to nuclear.
> Hmmm.  Now where did I read that before?  ;-)
> Hmm... Did you plant that particular thought into the collective unconscious?

I've always believed the energy source was zpe, a miracle.  But, how
do you have a PhD and say it is so?

Re: [Vo]:hydrinos can't do it.

2014-07-08 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 7:28 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> In fact, that strange outcome - requiring the mention of a vacuum/ZPE/Dirac
> source of energy transfer, would be very difficult for all of those PhDs to
> swallow, and thus responsible for a much longer delay than if the reaction
> can be pinned to nuclear.

Hmmm.  Now where did I read that before?  ;-)

[Vo]:Lock Up Your Daughters

2014-07-08 Thread Terry Blanton

Re: [Vo]:what is bluestar?

2014-07-05 Thread Terry Blanton
The "mysterious" partner:

On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 12:24 AM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 10:58 PM,   wrote:

Re: [Vo]:what is bluestar?

2014-07-04 Thread Terry Blanton

On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 10:58 PM,   wrote:

[Vo]:US Oil Production

2014-07-04 Thread Terry Blanton
Overtakes Saudia Arabia and Russia:

Re: [Vo]:Is this really free energy or fake ???

2014-07-03 Thread Terry Blanton
There's such a thing as being too serious, James.  BTW, that's not a
mullet, is it? :-)

On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 10:52 PM, James Bowery  wrote:
> Egads, are you guys serious?
> On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 7:09 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
>> Rob, even if it did work, it wasn't free.  The piezoelectric energy
>> was generated by work performed by the hand.  Quite inefficient,
>> actually.

Re: [Vo]:Is this really free energy or fake ???

2014-07-03 Thread Terry Blanton
Rob, even if it did work, it wasn't free.  The piezoelectric energy
was generated by work performed by the hand.  Quite inefficient,

Re: [Vo]:New book.

2014-06-30 Thread Terry Blanton
$17.74 for 108 pages.  Published in Dec. of 2012.  Scam.

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 4:56 PM, Alain Sepeda  wrote:
> good cooking it seems.
> 2014-06-30 22:08 GMT+02:00 :
>> Have someone read this book?
>> It is good?

Re: [Vo]:Increasing probability of Rossi being real upwards, to 35%

2014-06-29 Thread Terry Blanton
I am able to get to the sites on Chrome.

Re: [Vo]:NASA Launches flying saucer?

2014-06-29 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 10:48 AM,   wrote:
> Saw a brief comment about the flying saucer for mars aloft for 30 minutes.

It's not a flying saucer, contrary to its appearance, it is a deflying
saucer, the Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD)

Re: [Vo]:MFMP nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

2014-06-28 Thread Terry Blanton
They don't qualify for the Peace prize.  They haven't started any wars.

They could, however, win a Nobel prize for fizzix.

On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 3:07 AM, Peter Gluck  wrote:
> Public voting was not considered - see my analysis at FQXI- the essay judged
> as worst by the community was rated as the best of the public
> with lots of votes, i.e. manipulation. The rating system is not good and
> will be changed hopefully. However is difficult to rate objectively >150
> essays, so i understand the necessity of an initial raw and brutal (counter)
> selection.
> In my I have told only about DGT and Rossi in the context of Technology- not
> science.
> I have the privilege of the friendship with the MFMP boys and i am
> collaborating with them- an excellent team which deserves Success.
> Unfortunately I have no funding for them
> Peter
> On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Kevin O'Malley  wrote:
>> Public voting is still enabled.  Maybe all 3 of us can get a boost from
>> this.  I do not recall:  did your essay highlight the MFMP effort?
>> On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 11:47 PM, Peter Gluck 
>> wrote:
>>> Unfortunately all the 3 pro-cold fusion FQXI essays (by Jed, Kevin and
>>> me)
>>> have been down-voted by the community of participants- a Pareto issue
>>> (80% honest, 20 % dishonest) and did not made it to the pool of 40 (from
>>> 153) of potential winners.
>>> As regarding MFMP they represent a great initiative and a noble
>>> alternative
>>> of how research is made, however for development the Montecuccoli stuff
>>> decides. Our young colleagues have received only 4.6% of the funding they
>>> need.
>>> Peter
>>> On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 9:31 AM, Kevin O'Malley 
>>> wrote:

 I figure this was worth some self-promotion at the FQXI essay contest.
 After all, how many other essay contestants were seeking to highlight an
 organization that got nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize DURING THE

 Author Kevin O\'Malley wrote on Jun. 28, 2014 @ 06:17 GMT
 Humanity would be steered properly by taking notice of this development.
 No one else can claim that the organization they were seeking to highlight
 in this essay contest was IN THE SAME TIME FRAME highlighted by the Nobel
 Peace Prize process.

>>> --
>>> Dr. Peter Gluck
>>> Cluj, Romania
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:Say it ain't so, Joe

2014-06-21 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sat, Jun 21, 2014 at 5:28 PM, Alain Sepeda  wrote:
> just a nasty question ...
> who opposed Cold Fusion research ?

M.I.T. for one.  Read Dr. Mallove's extensive report:

Re: [Vo]:Say it ain't so, Joe

2014-06-21 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sat, Jun 21, 2014 at 10:49 AM, Kevin O'Malley  wrote:
> A few weeks ago, Jed Rothwell said that professors have a very casual
> relationship with deadlines.

Douglas Adams:

“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”

On the other hand, imagine you are a ranked, tenured professor
presented with game-changing scientific evidence and you don't have a
single viable explanation that doesn't require a miracle.

Re: [Vo]:A June to remember?

2014-06-20 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 12:37 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:
> What if ...

Frank Grimer remains active on the Bessler Wheel forum.  Today he posted:

"Physics only deals in second derivative of motion when it comes to
generating energy from gravity. Goodness me. I really have discovered
something. The third derivative is not seen as energy at all. No
wonder there's been no progress. The conservation of angular momentum
is not seen as the conservation of an independent energy - independent
in the same way as the conservation of heat is seen as an independent
form of energy. So if jerk is generated and transferred it never
appears in the second derivative books as it passes from one object to
another. Yikes!!

When people look at RAR Mark 2 all they see is a weight going around a
closed path and they "know" (or they think they know) that no energy
is to be obtained that way."

And then there was jounce:

Re: [Vo]:Don Hotson has passed away

2014-06-18 Thread Terry Blanton
On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 9:51 PM, ChemE Stewart  wrote:
> Hey,
> June 21st is my birfday, I will be 50,

Happy solstistic birthday.  June 21, 1964 was probably a long day for
your mom, too!

Re: [Vo]:Don Hotson has passed away

2014-06-18 Thread Terry Blanton
On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 6:10 PM, Andy Findlay  wrote:
> Hi Terry,
> Thanks for the two links to Hotson's papers, but I'm having trouble with the
> second link. I get two pages - the first of which is the tail end of an
> unrelated article and the second page is the beginning of Hotson's harmonic
> paper.
> Can you provide a link which covers the whole of the harmonic paper?

If you look at the page numbers, 30, 31 and 32, you'll realize that
you have the complete article.  The first page is last.  Kinda like
filling out a government form: "First name last, last name first and
no middle."

Re: [Vo]:Don Hotson has passed away

2014-06-18 Thread Terry Blanton
A rare video of Hotson from December 10, 2009 Friendly Favors/Ions
presentation.  Don explains what is a Bose/Einstein Condensate:

Re: [Vo]:Don Hotson has passed away

2014-06-18 Thread Terry Blanton
Wow.  Mark and Jones posts are both time stamped at 11:51 pm.  Great minds . . .

Here is the compilation of Hotson's three signature papers:

And a fourth on harmonics:

These are non-public documents shared with list members for their
personal use only.  Some are in the public domain, others might not

Re: [Vo]:Don Hotson has passed away

2014-06-17 Thread Terry Blanton
Our loss.

Thanks, Jones.

On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 5:05 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:
> It is a great loss to learn of the passing of Don Hotson. He had been ill
> for some time.
> He died peacefully at a family home in Dayton, Washington on June 11
> according to his son.

Re: [Vo]:Another crock of disinformation from SciAm

2014-06-16 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> Fell short ? LOL
> I'd say that is a little short...

COP = 0.0034

Slightly short of breakeven even.

Re: [Vo]:Update on the ECE theory?

2014-06-15 Thread Terry Blanton
Shipov's vid

[Vo]:Elon Musk on Patents

2014-06-12 Thread Terry Blanton
Going open source in the interest of ecars:

Re: [Vo]:Increasing probability of Rossi being real upwards, to 35%

2014-06-10 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 4:09 PM, John Berry  wrote:
> Axil, I think you need to add ether or aether to your spell check
> dictionary.
> Either or both, but not neither or you end up with 'either' ;)

Or 'aeither'.  :-)

Re: [Vo]:Higgs, spin, and an energy-sink

2014-06-10 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 1:22 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> Any electron getting close to the gateway will be "tightly confined at
> temperatures close to absolute zero" and the result could be that only the
> spinon is retained in 3-space, while the holon and orbiton become properties
> of another dimension.

You can quantify the holon as the mass of the electron but can you
quantify the orbiton?

Re: [Vo]:New Ni-C material identified with potential for LENR

2014-06-09 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 7:42 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:
> From: Bob Cook
> I just saw the following discussion on Rossi’ blog: [snip] a link to an
> article from eurekalert on the synthesis of Nickel Carbon Fullerenes.
> Hi Bob,
> What would be the theory of why this is preferable for LENR to a simple mix
> of nickel nanopowder and either CNT or fullerenes ?
> You would probably lose the ferromagnetism of Ni with a molecular synthesis,
> whereas a mix would retain it.

I wonder if Andrey is related to our friend Anatoli?

Re: [Vo]:Rossi will become a destroyer of nations.

2014-06-08 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 3:36 PM, Daniel Rocha  wrote:

> Hmm! Interesting. And that was before H-Bombs.
> The movie was released in 1959.  The H-Bomb was released in 1952.

Re: [Vo]:Rossi will become a destroyer of nations.

2014-06-08 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Daniel Rocha  wrote:
> I hope the equatorial convergence zone will protect me long enough to make
> the radiation from radioactive fallout decrease substantially.

Re: [Vo]:Swedish Professors Chomping at the Bit

2014-06-05 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 10:50 AM, Kevin O'Malley  wrote:

> If you don't like the implication that Blaze has his head in dark places, go
> ahead and defend him

Or her.

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