Two Mayberry Moments

2018-04-20 Thread Ken Anderson
#1  I was listening to a Milwaukee Brewers baseball broadcast on the radio
today and the announcers were discussing today's weather.  One announcer
said "It is nice", and the other announcer replied with, "Real nice".  For
a minute there I though they were talking about Mary Grace.

#2  I had a haircut today and the gal who cut my hair told me something
very interesting.  She said that in Wisconsin it is no longer legal for a
barber or stylist to give shaves using a straight razor or any kind of hand
razor.  The only exceptions are for barbers who have been cutting hair for
many years and have been grandfathered in.  No one who goes into cutting
hair can do the shaves nor can anyone who has not been grandfathered in.
Wonder what poor old Floyd would think about this?  Where would poor Otis
go for his shaves?

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Moments

2017-04-04 Thread Ken Anderson
About a week ago I injured my knee whilst working out in the yard.  I
finally went to the doctor today.  While being escorted to radiology to
have X rays taken, the technician asked how I hurt it.  I told her it was
an old football injury from playing football with my wife. That cracked
everyone up really good.

I had a very touching request this week.  I received an email from a family
in southern Wisconsin asking if it would be possible for me to come to
their father's funeral.  He was a huge Andy Griffith Show fan and they
wanted me to escort the funeral procession from the church to the cemetery
and then go back to the reception with the family to visit with friends and
family.  It would have been a very nice thing to do, but unfortunately my
squad car is still in winter storage and I cannot get it out until April
15.  And besides that, the bumpers are off as I had them rechromed over the
winter and they will be put back on in a few weeks.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Moments in Everyday Life

2017-02-05 Thread DAVID QUINN

How many times in everyday life have you been doing a mundane chore that 
brings back a Mayberry Moment? I use a stoneware crock to brew sweet tea (a 
little sweet tea and spicy talk), and tea being what it is (staining), the 
crock must be cleaned on a regular basis.

When I am doing this chore, I always think to myself of Mayor Stoner, "Do they 
ever clean this crock"?

Orville Hendricks - Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man

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Mayberry Moments

2016-04-01 Thread Ken Anderson
This weekend Ted Kruz, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders
will all be coming to good old Eau Claire, WI.  Our local news this morning
reported that there will be 300 officers needed throughout the weekend and
they were really scrambling with schedules to try to get enough officers.
And do you know what?  No one has called me to help out.  My wife pressed
my uniform and I shined up my bullet really good and here I sit waiting for
that call.

And a more positive note, on Wednesday I attended a Health Advocacy Day at
our state capitol in Madison.  There were 1100 of us there including our
governor.  In the after noon a group of 50 of us were meeting with 5 of our
senators and representatives.  In the middle of the meeting one of the
state representatives announced that she had an important message.  She
then proceeded to tell everyone that they were honored to have Barney Fife
with them.  She also told them about all the parades and things I do.

So at least our state legislators know and respect me.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Moments

2016-01-10 Thread Ken Anderson
Friday night my wife and I attended the play, "And Then There Were None"
which is based on Agatha Cristie's novel.  Several times during the plays
the actors referred to someone named Beatrice Taylor.  Never thunk in a
million years our beloved Aunt Bee would be mixed up on a murder mystery.

Last night I gave my Mayberry presentation at the Fall Creek, Wisconsin
Fire Department's Annual Meeting and Dinner.  I had taught in Fall Creek
for 30 years and we lived there for 20 so it was great fun.  They loved
hearing about Mayberry and everyone who purchased one of my books gave an
extra donation to the library in my home town.  So many people came up to
me afterwards thanking me for sharing so many great memories of growing up
in a small town.  Fall Creek is a town of 1300 and for many years they had
a drug store very similar to Walker's.  My wife worked there for about
three years and made many malts and ice cream cones behind their soda

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry moments

2013-11-17 Thread Marie
Sometimes in life you have to make your own Mayberry moments. Mine came at 
bingo the other day. After a bingo is verified the caller usually announces 
that it was a good bingo and reminds us to"clear your cards for the next 
bingo". We'll I was "Settin'" with my friends Corinna and Johnny. When Johnny 
didn't clear his card fast enough, Corinna reminded him. I jumped in and said 
"Oh, he's just waitin'  for the official verification before he clears his 

Also, one day I was leaving the dining room to go to my room when I realised 
that I needed to go back.  I did a quick u turn in my wheelchair telling my 
friend Mary P not to yell "citizen's arrest!".

Typed on Marie's iPad
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Mayberry Moments

2012-09-03 Thread DAVID QUINN

I had a couple of Mayberry moments on this Labor Day.First off, while 
watching the movie "The Apartment" on TCM there was a scene on Christmas.   
Anyway, Santa Claus came into the bar.Playing Santa Claus was none other 
than Otis.And Otis' one line was "Hey, Charley, give me a bottle of 
bourbon, my sleigh is double parked".That's Otis for you, always in 
character.Then late tonight I was watching "19 Kids and Counting" on The 
Learning Channel.   Sounds like that mother and father don't need any more 
learning. Anyway the whole family traveled to Florida for a wedding.As 
you know, all the people on this show are religious.The bride made the 
remark that she and her fiance had been dating for 6 months and had never 
kissed.   She said they planned to wait until after marriage to kiss.That made 
me think of Gomer.   "Heck, my Ma and Pa just shook hands on their deal".  <<< 
<<< <<< Orville Hendricks - Butter and Egg Man From Mount Pilot.   My 
grandparents had 12 kids including my dad.   Daddy told me it was because 
grandma was hard of hearing.Daddy said every time grandpa and grandma went 
to bed, grandpa would ask grandma "Well Ma, are you ready to go to sleep or 
what"?Grandma would always say "What"?
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Wonderful Mayberry Moments

2011-08-21 Thread Ken Anderson
Last night my wife and I took our two cars to a car show at a local Burger 
King.  Shortly after we arrived a man who was probably fifty years old came by 
with his girlfriend.  It was quite obvious that they were both developmentally 
disabled.  I have never seen a person get so excited seeing the squad car.  He 
saw my dummy prisoner in the back seat and went over to the open window and 
started talking to the dummy.  He told him that he had been bad and that is why 
he had been caught and had a great conversation with him.  He asked if he could 
sit in the front seat so I had him sit in the car and I gave him my deputy hat 
to wear.  His girlfriend kept taking pictures of him and that poor guy was so 
happy.  I gave him a picture of the car and a deputy badge sticker.  He came 
back to the car twice before the night was over.  Shortly after he left a young 
father came by with his son in a wheelchair.  The son had cerebral palsy but 
knew all about Mayberry.  The smile on his face when he saw the car and when I 
put a badge sticker on him really choked me up.  It never ceases to amaze me 
what joy our wonderful Mayberry can bring to folks.  I especially like it when 
the great big macho guys covered with tattoos and body piercings come up to the 
car and begin talking and asking about Mayberry.  Mayberry is indeed a state of 
mind and continues to live in the hearts of the young and old and folks of all 
kinds.  We were awarded the "Loyal Following" trophy last night for bringing 
the Squad Car to six of the Burger King shows this summer.  I have a special 
Mayberry presentation to give this coming week at our city Historical Museum.  
There is a banquet for our Rotary Members and their wives and they asked me to 
present.  They got permission to have me park the car at the entrance so I can 
greet and meet folks as they arrive.  The museum has also agreed to have my 
book for sale in their gift shop.  I told them I would donate all the profits 
from sales of the book back to the museum.  I am hoping they can use the money 
to buy an old cannon with a busted barrel and TR engraved on it.  That would be 
quite an addition.  They already have the old marble soda fountain that was in 
the drug store back where I taught.  My wife worked behind that soda fountain 
for about eight years.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry moments

2011-04-24 Thread jgrit1
Thelma Lou

Thanks for sharing your Mayberry moment with the Citizens Arrest.  Too Funny!

Here's what happened to me today for my Mayberry momement.

I was at a Mexican restaurant (No violin player so no quarter tip to worry 
about).  I thought about doing like Barney and pointing to things that I did 
not understand but I did not want to take a chance on getting snails and 
brains.  I picked out something that I had eaten before "Pollo Bandido".  My 
family was impressed.  They asked me what it was.  "Pollo", I said Proudly, "is 
Chicken"Well what's Bandido? they asked...all I could think of was the 
Frito Bandito, so I immediately said "Thief"   It's Chicken that Chicken 
Thieves have stolen..which resulted in laghter around the Easter Dinner table.  
I loved my Pollo Bandido..of Chicken (stolen by Chicken thieves) and what-not.

well its been a rough weekend here in our little corner of Mayberry.  When 
veteran contributers like Mike Peacock and Bob Braveti are discouraged enough 
to clam up..something is wrong.  I hope you guys can get past what ever 
unpleasantry has taken place and be like your old selves again soon.All you 
guys did was bring up the rules that Allan has shared repeatedly, and on a 
topic, (TV Land) that has been specifically called out in the past many times.  
Allan gives us the freeedon to be a little self-governing and use a little peer 
pressure when things get a little out of bounds so that he doesn't have to seem 
like a pest jumping in all the time.  He allows us to get a little off-topic at 
times, as long as it doesn't get too carried away or last too long. 

At the same time, we all make mistakes and forget the rules at that 
too is forgivable, and we should respect and appreciate  a gentle nudge 
reminder from our fellow Maberryians when that happens.  OK now everbody go 
back to your homes and places of business  (the crisis is over) and lets get 
back to that Mayberry spirit.  

In humble admiration
The Untrained Voice


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Re: mayberry moments

2010-10-21 Thread daltonarick
I have to agree with Ken that part of the appeal was Mayberry was home.  And, 
for a half hour we were allowed to be part of it.  And, you know many of us 
look a long time to find that same feeling. 
Also, I agree about Andy laughing at Don and Andy laughing at Barn.  But, I 
think sometimes the water got murky at who was laughing at who, because. Barn 
could get tore up at Andy too.
Sande Riggs
At The Crossroads
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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More Mayberry moments

2010-09-16 Thread Doug Rogers
It's always amazing how little touches of Mayberry show up in your life, if 
that's your point of view. My wife and I went to a "Broadway Under the Stars" 
concert tonight here in Montgomery, Ala. Of course, my first thought was of 
"The Sermon for Today" and Mayberry's effort to put on a band concert ("Get 
under there with those spiders!"). Even though the city put some signs up, they 
really didn't need to. When I heard the music, I knew there was a concert and I 
knew it was tonight (and thankfully it wasn't cloudy). 

Then right before the concert, we could see the International Space Station 
flying over and I thought of "Man in a Hurry" - Men are orbiting the earth! 

It's just great to be a Mayberry fan!

Doug in Montgomery

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Mayberry moments/100th podcast

2010-09-12 Thread Doug Rogers
Just returned from Haiti where I was part of a group providing ministry and 
relief, and I had not one but two Mayberry moments. First, someone made a 
reference to a security guard being like Barney Fife with a bullet in his 
pocket (seems there are Barneys everywhere!) and second, I was sitting in a 
restaurant at a hotel in Jacmel and, lo and behold, I heard a Latin rendition 
of "Santa Lucia" playing in the background. That, of course, was the song 
Barney, then Gomer, then ultimately the trio sang in "The Song Festers." I 
imagine I was the only one in the place to make that connection, but it was 
nice to have that little touch of Mayberry.
On another note, I'm honored Allan used the sound files I provided of Andy at 
the 2004 Mayberry Days on the big (and I do mean "big!") 100th episode of the 
"Two Chairs, No Waiting" podcast earlier this week, and even named me executive 
producer. I hated I couldn't tune in live, but I just listened to it online and 
really enjoyed it. If you haven't started listening to the podcast, now is a 
great time to do so. Allan does a great job with it every week. It'll be the 
best 15-20 minutes of your week!
Have a great Mayberry day!

Doug in Montgomery

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Mayberry Moments in Sunday School

2009-08-30 Thread Jay Wormsley
In our Sunday School we are doing a book study which deals with shocking or
unusual stories from the Bible.  Today our lesson was on working on the
Sabbath and the lottery and what the Bible says about it.  After some
discussion I looked over to my wife and said this could all have been done
with two episodes of TAGS.  Man in a Hurry could have addressed the first
one and the lottery could have been solved with the episode of Warren
arresting the ladies for gambling at the bazaar.  Heck one lady in class
even mentioned BINGO.  To be honest, I just did not get into the lesson as
deep as some, but I had some nice Mayberry thoughts and chuckled.

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Mayberry moments

2009-07-09 Thread jlj9675
Had two Mayberry moments the other day while flipping thru the channels.  In 
Bachelor Flat, there was our Floyd, in a striped robe, fussing about 
something.  Then in A Life of Her Own, you could hear the strains of Good 
Ol' 14A in the backbround of one scene.  Warms my heart!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

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Mayberry Moments

2009-02-14 Thread Janet Anderson
I wanted to share a few recent "Mayberry moments."  Last night, I was reading 
Reminisce magazine before bed.  (My parents subscribe and pass their old issues 
on to me.)  I was reading a tidbit sent in by a Roger Courtney, and as soon as 
I read his name, my brain just automatically added "of the Esquire Club" before 
I could finish the sentence!  Isn't it funny how those things just pop right 
into your head?

Then, on the next page was printed the old poem "Wynken, Blynken, and Nod."  
Now, I had never actually read this poem, so it was fun to finally know what 
Opie was referring to when he named his baby birds.  Then this afternoon, I sat 
down between household chores to read from Julie Andrews' biography Home.  She 
said that her very first stage appearance was a performance of "Wynken, 
Blynken, and Nod" at the age of three and a half.  Kind of a coincidence that I 
had just read the poem the night before!

Thelma Lou

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Mayberry Moments

2008-04-28 Thread Ken Anderson
Our young people at church recently painted their youth room so my wife and 
I decided to check it out after church yesterday.
I broke out laughing the minute I saw it.  They had painted the entire room 
that sickly green color we see all over Mayberry.

At the hospital where I volunteer I was recognized today for my years of 
service.  It was my 5th anniversary.  I received a very
nice stainless steel pin to wear on my volunteer vest.  I was highly 
disappointed though.  I turned it over and there was no "Five" engraved on 

I may just take it to the jewelers and have it engraved myself.  But I will 
make sure I don't kiss anyone while there.

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
(Home) 715-839-8470
( Cell ) 715-210-1556

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mayberry moments in movies

2007-07-25 Thread Kimberley Strong
I too noticed all the actors from Mayberry in "The Ghost and Mr Chicken". It 
was a wonderful surprise. Wouldn't it have been neat if Andy was in it?
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Re: Mayberry Moments in the Movies

2007-07-23 Thread Cassandra Ponsford
Hey Everyone,
  I just got back from vacation and was reading my many Mayberry emails!  I 
wanted to share the following with you all.  In the movie, "The Ghost and Mr. 
Chicken" , have you noticed the many, many Mayberrians?  My husband and I were 
  As we watched the movie, we couldn't get over how much it resembled a long 
TAGS episode!  We spotted the following:
  Barney, Otis, Clara Edwards, Clara Johnson or Clara Lindsey, Jed, Annabelle 
Silby, Maude Clarisse Tyler, Mrs. Kravitz and the 2nd Darrin (from Bewitched), 
Mrs. Loesch, Myrtle and last but not least, Mr. Frisby!
  But the references/similarities in the movie just blew us away...
  ..Barney lived in a boarding house (although not sure if he "set on the porch 
drinking cider and counting cars".
  ..There was a reference to "pounded steak" although I'm sure not nearly as 
good as "Morelli's".
  .. and certainly that one of the jury members could have been the beloved 
Juanita from the diner because they never showed her (or am I incorrect?)
  Take care and have a great week!
  Horatio Who?  (Sandy)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Mayberry Moments

2007-04-19 Thread Don Good
I'm teaching a college statistics course to a class of adult (i.e. "older") 
students, and we were talking about discrete data, expected value, and such 
(stay with me here) last week. To illustrate a point, I asked what's the 
greatest TV show that's ever been. Almost to a person, they answered TAGS. 
I asked if they recalled the episode where it was revealed there's "x" 
number of needy boys per square mile. Almost in unison, they replied "Poor 
Horatio."  I felt as proud as Ernest T when he received his award "for 

Don Good
(who hopes his students' education is "worth every penny")

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Mayberry Moments

2007-04-19 Thread Don Good

>... THEN TODAY at the bloodmobile...I brought my portable DVD player with 
>TAGS playing a dorky guy said "what are you watching sponge bob square 
>pants? I said"man, that is your choice of TV and your level dude...Mine is 
>TAGS -always."' ( then i heard a guy say Amen to that sister)

I also gave blood yesterday. I'd just gotten a new phone and, through the 
electronal marvel of bluetooth, was able to get a TAGS ringtone.  When my 
darlin' person called me, and "The Fishin' Hole" played, the folks taking 
my blood and I had a great discussion about TAGS.

Don Good
(whose blood pressure is not "a little low")

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Moments

2007-04-18 Thread Erin Johnston
HI pals & Gals,
   During these rocky times in the world I do rely on my mayberry moments to 
see me through.
  I wore my Andy Griffith show shirt to work the other day and a friend of mine 
who works in shoes...asked "is that a coincidence?"
  I said "what?" He said" your shirt" I said "no way man... that is my favorite 
show and I am a member of the fan club. It's an on line thing and it is BIG 
REALLY BIG"  he smiled and said that was one of my favorite shows too.
  Then another friend of ours came in and asked...Where should I spend my 35Th 
wedding anniversary?" I said " well, there is only one placeMAY BERRY DAYS 
in Sept and I'd be proud to go with ..your treat of course." He smiled and said 
he'd think on it a spell..
  The lady at work who never liked me when she was teaching at our high school 
I said something may berry-like to her.."hey, How longs it been since your 
husband passed?'
  THEN TODAY at the bloodmobile...I brought my portable DVD player with TAGS 
playing a dorky guy said "what are you watching sponge bob square pants? I 
said"man, that is your choice of TV and your level dude...Mine is TAGS 
-always."' ( then i heard a guy say Amen to that sister)
  Peace out brothers & sisters 
  Erin, mayberry's midwest mocha momma

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Mayberry Moments

2007-03-20 Thread Anita Carpenter
Hey Danny, I was in Wilmington several years ago and found it to be a lovely 
place.  I had some dear friends that lived there back in the 80's and visited 
them on a couple of occasions.  Your story about being at work and seeing the 
plate glass window brought a big smile to my face, as Ernest T. is one of mine 
and my husbands favorite Mayberry citizens.  Isn't it wonderful how we can have 
a Mayberry Moment when we least expect it!  
  ."he's a pestilence and a pestilence will find you"..
  Anita Carpenter
  One Of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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Mayberry moments

2007-02-21 Thread Carol Stonemetz
Doug in Montgomery wrote:
"A co-worker asked me today if I knew Al Becker, who works at a local ad 
agency. Of course, I kind of rubbed my chin and said, "Al Becker. Al Becker. 
No, I don't think I know him." Even though he didn't make the connection, it 
made for a nice little Mayberry moment for me!"

I love those Mayberry moments!  I wish everyone could make the connection when 
we sneak little quotes in, but I guess it's enough that we enjoy them and can 
share them here.  
We went to that Smith Brothers Institute down in Washington but I didn't see 
Barney's motorcycle or anything from TAGS.  The American History museum is 
closed but there was a little display in the Air and Space museum.  I guess 
I'll need to go over to the Armory there in Mayberry.
To Brian in Maryland:  I did see the Smithsonian Castle as we were dashing by.  
As it happened, Washington was having a snow storm and was quite windy the day 
we were there (Sunday).  We were all tired, hungry and cold so I didn't make 
the kids or hubby wait.  We just ran for the car.  (But actually, it was warm 
by NY standards).  To anyone who goes to DC, the Holocaust museum is well worth 
a visit.  It's horrifying, but we need to see it.
To John:  Thanks for the explanation that ramps are leeks.  I know what a leek 
is but had never heard of the eating kind of ramps.
This digest surely is educational.

Kind behind the eyes

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Moments

2006-12-27 Thread Erin Johnston
I have a few mayberry moments that I would like to share.. These have happened 
in the last 6 or 8 months for me. 
  I was at work and a man I know who has a "high roof to his mouth" and likes 
TAGS I asked him if he had a song for me. He said what would you like me to 
  I said how bout good ol 14 A? He hummed a few bars and said... Sorry just not 
my day for a singin' I said well you got time to breathe there is time for a 
music.  He smiled and said That song gets me right here>...
  I had said hi how are you and a lady saiud the exact same thing at the same 
time... I said pinch and a poke you owe me a coke... She said I'll go get ya 
one from the filling station.
  My beloved person and I were out chopping wood.  I said see look at that. He 
said oh I never noticed that I said you wouldnt notice a muddy elephant walking 
through a snowstorm..  He said... I guess I am ah . I said its ok we all 
cant be trained noticers.  Land sakes alive!
  ya all are as up to date as ya hope to be... 

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Mayberry Moments

2006-11-30 Thread Ken Anderson
I had two Mayberry moments within an hour this morning. First one occurred 
when I received a phone call from the librarian of the town library where I 
taught for 30 years. She wanted to know if I would be willing to make an 
exchange.  If I would donate one of my books to the library, she would give 
me a quart of her home made dill pickles.  Now how could I say no to that. 
Then I had a dentist appointment and my dentist bought two of my books.  She 
wanted one for herself and one for her father-in-law, whose name just 
happens to be "John Mayberry".  So I had to tell her the story of the 
Mayberry pageant when Floyd was leading the settlers and announced the name 
of the town to be "JOHN" then "MAYBERRY".

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry moments

2006-10-16 Thread Kim
I had a couple of Mayberry moments this weekend.  I sat home watching TV and 
saw a movie called, "Black Point" in which a criminal type called the Deputy 
"Barney Fife".  Then I saw an episode of Cold Case in which one of the 
characters mentions Mount Airy.  Neither show was all that good, but hearing 
the TAGS references redeemed them somewhat for me.
  By the way, I'm looking forward to national Peanut Butter day!  Not to make a 
moulage about ice cream, but I love chocolate / peanut butter ice cream.  I'm 
sure it's even more delish than that mocha / licorice kind.
  Kim - Wylie, TX

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Mayberry moments

2006-09-25 Thread Kim
I had a Mayberry moment yesterday.  I was driving home from visiting my mother 
and heard a radio station playing Frank Sinatra songs, and they played 
Chiribiribin.  This whole time, I thought Barney was saying "Cherry Berry Bin", 
 boy do I feel nave!  Then, one of the sponsors of the show was a barber shop 
featuring hot lather neck shaves.  Which brought to mind Floyd and Ernest T 
Bass.  All in all it was a nice drive and I didn't even get car sick.
  Kim - Wylie, TX

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Yeah... Mayberry Moments!

2006-01-30 Thread Steve and Jenny Chapman

I got so tickled at Doug Graham's entry about giving all his recruits an A in 
breathing!!!  Kills me... just kills me!  It isn't nearly as fun when nobody 
gets it, is it Doug?  But, WE all get it... thanks for sharing that!  I can 
only imagine the blank stares you got!

We four at my house are ALWAYS quoting something from the show in reference to 
a "current event."  One of the most used is "I've heard just about enough about 
that tomato."  We say that all the time... about whatever it is we've heard 
enough about!  LOL

My husband and our daughters (18 and 19) and I constantly quote lines from the 
show to each other by way of answering a question or making a comment.  It's so 
fun because we all four know what the other is talking about!

Hey, Albert Acevedo... Wally may be out of Huckleberry Smash and Nectarine 
Crush... but, he has a new one... High Octane Ethyl...

AND... I wanted to ask about the couple who built the "Andy house."  I didn't 
see the "finished product" pictures, but I'd LOVE to!  If there's any info 
about the house, I'd love it if somebody would pass that along... especially 

Have a wonderful Mayberry week!  (that's repetitive, as far as I'm concerned... 
if it's a Mayberry week, then it's automatically wonderful!)

Jenny Chapman
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry moments

2006-01-29 Thread jlj9675
I absolutely loved Scott's moments as I do everyone else's too!  Please keep on 
sharing these real events as they happen to us; they are much more entertaining 
than fiction.
Aunt Bee of Orlando
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Moments

2006-01-29 Thread phillipc_warwick
Hello Friends,

After being a longtime member of this list, I have decided that it is time to 
share more about Mayberry with the rest of the world.  

I have been considering compiling a book of "Mayberry Moments", if I could get 
enough material.  You know, all those situations we observe, quotes we hear, 
people we see, places we go, etc...  that remind us of Mayberry and her 
citizens.  This list would be the best place to start.  But first, I would have 
to know that I'd have enough material.  So I'm asking you, my wonderful 
Mayberry Neighbors, to send to me your Mayberry Moments.  If you know others 
who have quips to share, share this with them.  Initially, this is just a 
fishing trip to see if I could gather enough material.  Please send your 
submissions to:


Include your name, city and state if you'd like credit for your submission.  I 
would list all contributor's names with their submissions in such a book.

Rafe in Ripley
Phillip Warwick

But I ain't been moonshinin' ...least not so's you can tell it.

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Re: Mayberry Moments

2006-01-29 Thread dgood
> ...I live in the Boston area.

Back bay?

Don Good
("How do you do, Mrs. Wiley?")

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Moments

2006-01-28 Thread Scott LeLievre
I sometimes have these Mayberry Moments and usually have nobody to share
them with. These two in particular happened to me over the past year and
I found them hilarious. Of course, I'm the only one laughing when they
occur. I live in the Boston area.

First, a group of friends called to get together for food and beverages
over the holidays. We were about 8 guys that use to work together.
Anyway, after we ate and drank a little, they all decide we're going
bowling down the street from where we were dining. I grew up near
candlepin lanes and bowled often but this was ten pin with the big balls
and I hadn't bowled ten pin in over a decade. Anyway, after being a
little rusty in my first string, I try the Howard Sprague approach.
Don't I throw 5 or 6 strikes in a row, finish the string with around a
170? I'm yelling "I'm Howard Sprague" and they're looking at me saying,
"What the heck is he talking about?"

Second, this was one of those "had to be there" moments. I took the wife
and kids on a cruise to Bermuda this past summer. We docked in Bermuda
for three days. To get to the beaches, we had to jump on a bus. So while
stopped at a red light, I look out the window to see three or four guys
sitting outside a convenient store who looked pretty roughed up. I felt
like standing up on the bus and yelling, "Anyone want to buy a ship in a

Has anyone out there had any Mayberry Moments lately?


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