Thank you David Quinn

2021-12-06 Thread H S
Thank you so much for those 2 additions to the Pilot Mt List.
Also I am not far from Pilot Mt. Enough to smell the smoke on some days. 
Terrible tragedy. Have prayed for everyone involved in fighting the fire , and 
the lost of animal life and their homes.

Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank you, Allan.....

2019-09-11 Thread Joe
First, for getting the Digest going out again - I look forward to receiving
it every day. (I would like to make a small contribution to help keep it
going - do you have a PayPal account?)

Second, for that Mayberry Music trivia game - a lot of fun,  memories of
some great Mayberry moments.

And last, but not least - for spreading the great news about "The Mayberry
Man" movie - really exciting!

Joe Suszczynski
Grand Island, NY
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank you for Mayberry Meetup

2019-07-29 Thread Maryann abc

Thank you to Allan and Jan Newsome and all the others whose names I wish I knew 
to include here, for a wonderful time at the Mayberry Meetup in Mt. Airy a few 
weeks ago. From arranging meals for us to the Sunday Worship service (which 
cleverly correlated scripture with a TAGS episode focused on Otis), I know more 
hours went into preparing for this event than I can imagine.
Thank you to the tribute artists. It was easy to tell which characters they 
were and it was so much fun to see them. Very impressive.
Thank you to Dewey Lamb for all the  creative door prizes he made. He always 
puts a lot of thought, time, (and I suspect, money), into making TAGS treasures.
And thank you to all of you who I got to speak with, hang out with, and get to 
know a bit.  Mayberry fans are the best.


Sent from my Verizon LG Smartphone
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank you Rick Richards

2019-04-11 Thread Silvia Boosten
Thank you Rick, I appreciate your kind message very much.
Silvia Boosten 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank You

2018-06-30 Thread Ken Anderson
I want to thank everyone for the kind words regarding my Mayberry
articles.  The editor called me and said she is getting a lot of very
positive comments because people enjoy so much reading nostalgic articles.

Janine, regarding that portable fan you sent me.  We were at a car show
Thursday night and it was very hot.  We had a nice spot under a shade tree,
but the gal who runs the show was so hot.  So I took the little fan up to
her and asked her if she wanted to use it.  She just loved it.  She asked
where I got it from so I had to share the story of you sending it to me.
She thought that was so nice.  I told her that that is just the way
Mayberry folks are.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Thank You to Mayberry

2017-10-22 Thread Ed Mease
Allan - some might say it was a Freudian slip ... but when I read your words 
(“I do encourage everyone to find those other avenues to connect with fellow
fans as an addition to the fellowship we share on the Digest”), I read it as 
“addiction” instead of “addition” & it still made perfect sense!  Hi, my name 
is Ed, and I’m addicted to Mayberry!  

Ed Mease
Sent from my iPhone

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank you to Mayberry

2017-10-22 Thread Allan Newsome
Hey folks,

I want to say how thankful I am to all of you.  We have around 1300 folks
that get this WBMUTBB Digest everyday and many have been subscribe for

My goal, as the admin, has always been to help Mayberry fans connect and
feel a part a the bigger Mayberry community. Over the years, we have seen
services and website come to help fans connect (Facebook,
iMayberryCommunity, etc) but I know there is still a place for the Digest
in the Mayberry world.

I do encourage everyone to find those other avenues to connect with fellow
fans as an addition to the fellowship we share on the Digest.  You can
actually see PHOTOS of one another and communicate in a more instant way
than you can here on the Digest which only helps to grow those friendships
more quickly.

I don't write too often here, nor anywhere else actually, but I *do* read
every WBMUTBB Digest.  This group has meant so much to so many for so long
and for that I am thankful.

To keep the conversation going, send in a "daily quote" or a bit of
trivia.  Tell us about how your day is made just a bit better by sitting
down to an episode of Andy when you get home from the stressful day.

We're all fans and we ALL have similar tells to be told.  It's that
connection that makes us part of the greater Mayberry community.

I'll be gone on the Cruise to Mayberry 12 until about 30 October but know
that in spirit I'll be here. I can't check e-mail on the cruise but I can
post things on Facebook.  Follow me is you have a mind to:

or join the Two Chairs No Waiting podcast Group on Facebook so you can talk
to one another:

Mainly, keep that Mayberry spirit alive and enjoy all that The Andy
Griffith Show has to offer.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Allan Thank You

2017-10-19 Thread Brian Kaufman

Thank you so much for managing the WBMUTBB Digest.  It is a joy to read and
provide occasional submissions.  Hopefully in the not-to-distant future I
can meet you at Mayberry Days.  I suggested to my wife that we could
celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary in 2018 at Mayberry Days...I'm still
waiting on her reply and I mentioned it last week. ☺ She's not near the
TAGS fan that I am.

A TAGS Smile:  I recently watched the episode where Barney refers to the
Mayberry jail as "The Rock".  Watching Gomer's expression while Barney is
instructing the inmates about the rules at The Rock is hilarious and ALWAYS
makes me laugh and most anything that Barney says, or does.
It's also a joy to watch Andy capture the inmates and then credit Barney
for coming up with the idea of dropping the light bulbs off the courthouse
roof to simulate the sound of machine guns.  Barney goes from feeling VERY
BAD about himself, to "cloud nine" after Andy gives him the credit for the

I hope all is well with my fellow WBMUTBB subscribers.  Congrats to Ken and
his wife on another successful parade season.  I can't even imagine keeping
that kind of schedule after my retirement, but when you're doing something
you absolutely love, I guess that makes it much easier.  Thanks for
spreading good news and good cheer to everyone you meet, Ken.

Barney's Rules to Survive Time at The Rock
1.  Obey all rules!
2.  Do Not Write on Walls, as it is hard to removing of walls!

Brian Kaufman
Proud TAGS Fan Since 1974
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank you, Allan

2017-10-19 Thread Jeff Koontz
Thank you for all your hard work keeping the Mayberry Spirit alive with 
WBMUTBB, many Mayberry websites, Floyd, supporting Weaver's, Mayberry Meet Up 
and all the behind the scenes things you do.
And thank you to Ken for reminding us of the good work that Allan does (and 
don't underestimate your contribution in WI - just breathe in the old oxygen). 
You are so busy in retirement with your squad car that I wonder where you found 
time to work!?
WBMUTBB mailing list

A Long Thank You

2016-09-29 Thread Ken Anderson
Several weeks ago I reached the seventh decade of life and to be perfectly
honest, I had a rather hard time accepting that fact.  However, my body has
a tendency to keep reminding me that I actually am 70 years old.  But then
reality returned  to me and I realized that I am such a fortunate person
because I can spend my time doing something that I really love.  There was
a time in my life, a long time ago, when I came very close to going
astray.  I was a confused young person with no goals or plan for my life.
Fortunately I met a couple of teachers who took me under their wing my
first year of college, and they virtually turned my life around.

When I first began watching TAGS when I was 14 years old, little did I
realize that 56 years later that quintessential town of Mayberry with all
its lovable citizens would have such an important impact on my life.  I had
no idea that because of an old black and white TV show, I would meet
virtually thousands of people over the years who would bring to my life so
much joy and satisfaction.

I was fortunate to have been a child during a time when I never even heard
about drugs.  I didn't know what it was like to lock the doors to our
house.  School was a place of safety where I spent time with my friends
learning new things and having fun.  I was naive enough  not to know that
there were dangerous people around who might hurt me.  My world was about a
ten square mile area and seldom did I ever venture outside my little world.

The rules we lived by were well defined.  We knew what we should do and
what we should not do.  There was little gray area and the pentameters of
behavior were quite stringent at home, in school, and when we were out in
public.  My family did not have much money at all and we had few
materialistic things.  But it really didn't bother me because most of my
friends were in the same situation.

I pray often prayers of thanks that I grew up when I did and where I did.

I think all the things I have mentioned are the reasons I love TAGS so
much.  I see so many things while watching TAGS that I have experienced in
my life and it makes me laugh and it makes me thankful.  But then I realize
that the young people of today will never experience the kind of life that
my friends and i had when we were young.  And that makes me sad.

One of the things I have learned over the years that I have been "The
Mayberry Guru" is that so many people today are searching for something.
They  are searching for a way of life without the hate, violence, mistrust,
and materialism that is so prevalent today.  I hear it all the time.  So
many say, "I wish I could live in a time and place like Mayberry".  But we
know that is impossible.  We cannot turn the clock back.

Each and everyone one of you folks here with the Digest are so important
and necessary.  Each one of you helps to keep TAGS and Mayberry alive.  We
can never go back to the way life once was.  And it was by no means
perfect, but it certainly was different.  So I want to say "Thank You' to
everyone of you for being a part of the Mayberry World that we live in.
Even though I have not met many of you personally, I consider you to be a
part of my  family.  My Mayberry family.  And for that I am very very
Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

News and a Thank You

2016-06-14 Thread Ken Anderson
I had a rather unsettling experience today.  My wife and I took our squad
car and our Chevy convertible to a Senior Resident Facility about seven
miles from our home.  I was to give my Mayberry presentation and then the
residents were going to look at our cars.  When we arrived, I went and
opened the trunk of the squad car so I could unload my two wheel suitcases
which contained all my equipment.  However, there was a slight problem.  My
suitcases were not there.  Someone, who shall remain nameless, forgot to
put them in the car.  So my wife offered to go back to our house in the
convertible to retrieve my suitcases.  Because of all the traffic lights, I
knew it would delay my presentation by at least a half hour.  And that is
exactly what happened. However, all the residents and staff were very
understanding and they enjoyed my program very much.  As one resident told
me, "We haven't got anywhere else to go."  It is so good to associate with
such caring people.

Speaking of caring people, I want to thank one of our very own for a very
nice act of kindness.  I had posted about the terrible hot weather we have
been having lately and how hot it gets being at my car shows and walking in
parades in my uniform.  Well, our own Janine, AKA, Aunt Bee, took it upon
her self to help me out.  She sent me a wonderful battery operated fan that
can by hung around the neck.  When turned on, it blows wonderful cool air
right up to your face.  I hadn't seen one like it before and it works
great.  I will certainly put it to good use during our many events.  In
fact I will be using it when I am driving the squad car because it is not
equipped with air conditioning.

So Janine, I thank you once again.  You certainly represent all the
kindness that Mayberry is about.  I appreciate you thoughtfulness very much
and you can be assured that i probably will no longer have to be a "hot

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank You Brian

2016-05-08 Thread Ken Anderson
I would like to thank Brian for his very kind words.  I consider it a great
honor to be able to travel around Wisconsin spreading all what is wonderful
about Mayberry.  We were at a car show today, Mother's Day, at our state
university and we had a very long visit with a delightful young family.
They just love Mayberry and they had so many questions and their young kids
were so interested too.  College kids had a lot of very positive things to
say too, but of course I had to explain to many of them what Mayberry is
all about.  Don't know what they are teaching in these colleges now days.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank You Opie

2014-05-19 Thread

This week I was watching Jeopardy with a friend. One of the answers was Where 
the boy stood when all others had fled. None of the contestants knew but I 
immediately said On the burning deck. My friend was amazed and asked how I 
knew that. I confessed that that was the only part of the poem Im familiar with 
and that I only knew that because Id heard my old friend Opie start to recite 
it to Barney.

TAGS- Still helping me impress the ladies after all these years.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

WBMUTBB mailing list

Please subscribe me to ALL your lists... Thank You

2013-05-02 Thread Suezq Smith
please subscribe me to ALL your lists... Thank You
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank you, Joe, Dewey, and Sande

2013-01-29 Thread Ken Anderson
I came home from a very busy day at the supermarket where I work very tired
and longing for an old fashioned trip to a small grocery store.  Although I
must admit where I work is a very very enjoyable place to work and I do get
to to visit with so many great people throughout the day.  Well anyway, to
make a long story even longer, I got home and turned on the computer and
went to WBMUTBB.  And what did I find?  Three of the most wonderful
postings that I had every read.  To Sande, Joe, and Dewey, what can I say
but thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Can you imagine what our lives would be like if all of us on the Digest
could live in a community together?  What a special place that would be.
 It would be filled with wonderful people and we would live in harmony (
most of the time) and enjoy the simple things of life.  Personally I would
like to own the small grocery store on Main Street.

Seriously, you folks on the Digest are what makes being a Mayberry fan so
great.  I often share things from the Digest with friends of mine here in
Eau Claire and they are amazed how so many people from different walks in
life from all over the country can come together every day and share a
common love.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank You to Bob and Other Nonsense

2013-01-13 Thread Ken Anderson
Thank you Bob for your kind words.  You almost done and made me cry.  Us
Andersons are sensitive you know.  I know sometimes I get carried away a
bit but I just cannot help it.  Guess sit is better than being negative.  I
just love life so much.  Both my wife and I have numerous health issues to
deal with each day and we both say that if we didn't laugh and joke about
it we would cry.  I don't think I have ever mentioned it, but my wife was
born with just one hand.  ( true ).  It has never prevented her from doing
anything.  She refused to have an artificial hand so she gets by with one.
 She is an excellent knitter and she loves to crochet.  She spends ten
hours a day on the computer at work and she must maintain the same
production and standards as the other 1200 people in the company.  And
despite her being differentlyable, she has won numerous awards at work.
 And she maintains a great sense of humor about it.  Her favorite joke is
to tell people her favorite place to shop is a Second Hand Store.  Now
she tells people that our squad car cost us an arm and a leg and she had it
half paid for.  She says the only things she cannot do are to clap hands or
twiddle her thumbs.  And that is true.  She is an amazing lady and she was
a lucky gal the day she found me.  I mean the day I found her.  S again to
Bob and to all the others who email me on occasion regarding my posts,
please accept my humble appreciation for your kind words.  I know sometimes
humor can be misinterpreted and if I ever offend anyone unintentionally,
please let me know so I can apologize to you.

Now for a TAGS question?  Could someone tell me what time first thing in
the morning is?  I have noticed lately that this phrase is used quite
often on TAGS by a number of characters.  They quite often say something
like I will be there first thing in the morning.  Now to my wife, first
thing in the morning is 4 a.m. because that is what time she gets up to get
ready for work.  To a banker first thing in the morning might be 9 a.m. and
to yours truly first thing in the morning is around ten o'clock. So I have
often wondered what time that would be in Mayberry time.  Any ideas??

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank you, David Oberly

2012-07-22 Thread Tammy Sinclair
I wanted to shout out a big thank you to fellow Mayberrian, David Oberly.
When I asked if anyone knew where I could send a letter to Betty Lynn, he
offered to have me email him a letter for her since he and his family were
going to see her in person. He printed it and hand delivered it to her on
Friday! Now that's right neighborly and it just goes to show how most of
us really do feel like we're all apart of Mayberry. 

This sure is a friendly town!

Thanks again, David!


WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank You, Mr. Griffith

2012-07-09 Thread Hughes, Clyde L. (HSC)
Thank you, Mr. Griffith, for being you!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank you Andy Griffith

2012-07-03 Thread Matthew Anderson
Andy Griffith along with Don Knotts have been such great heros to me. Thank
you Andy for all the laughs and everything you taught me about relating to
people. You will be missed so much.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank You

2010-11-29 Thread Harry Brewbaker
I would like to thank all the member's (especially Allan, for his hard work) 
for making the WBMUTBB digest an enjoyable part of my day.  I love talking and 
reading about TAGS and have met many cyber friends like Ken, Dewey, Larry and 
many more.  Happy Anniversary everyone and lotsa luck to you and yours.
Harry in Salem, VA
P.S.  Age before beauty means the older person goes through the door before the 
better looking one.  It's said as a joke.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Decal Thank You

2010-11-04 Thread Ken Anderson
Thanks to everyone who sent me messages about where to find decals.  I will be 
getting them at

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank You

2010-05-28 Thread Harry Brewbaker
Once again, I just want to thank Allan and all of you wonderful WBMUTBB members 
for this wonderful digest.  It really brightens my day and I'm sure many of you 
feel the same way.  It's just great to be able to read and enjoy all of our 
thoughts on my all-time favorite TV Show.
Also, as we approach this Memorial Day Weekend, thanks to any of you who are 
veterans for your service to our country.  The sacrifices our veterans have 
made make it possible for us to live the lives that we enjoy so much.  Please 
thank a veteran when you see one and say a prayer for those who are no longer 
with us.
That's got me thinking about the Mayberry citizens who are veterans.  Off the 
top of my head, I can name a few:  Gomer, Barney, Sam Becker, Ed Sawyer, The 
Milo boys, Goober, Dud Wash, Jelsik Stern and Hugo Hopfliesh (even though he 
was on the wrong team back in '18).  I'm sure there are others you folks can 
come up with.
Harry in Salem, VA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank you

2010-03-03 Thread dewey lamb

My friend Holmes wanted me to convey his heartfelt appreciation to the digest 
members.He has received about a dozen e-mails and one card.He was amazed that 
total strangers would take time from their hectic schedules to remember him in 
his time of need.His family echoes the same feelings to everyone.


Long story short,a TAGS chapter member has cancer and could use some cheering 
up.If you are so inclined and would like to send an e-mail or card,his 
addresses are as followes.Please keep them in your prayers.


Holmes Underwood

12441 Turnpike Road

Laurinburg,NC 28352


Thank you,

Dewey in NC
Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank You Readers

2009-06-10 Thread Ken Anderson
I would like to publicly thank so many of you readers who email me thanking 
me for my posts.  I know I sometimes get carried away and post quite often, 
but I just cannot help myself.  Allan created a very special place when he 
came up with the idea of the Digest.  We live in a world that is filled with 
danger, violence, and intolerance.  So many of us take life much too 
seriously and we don't take the time to lighten up and relax.  But thanks to 
Allan we have a place where we can visit each day and for a few moments we 
can share our love for all that is so wonderful about Mayberry.  I received 
one email yesterday from a friend after seeing my pictures from the Taylor 
Home Inn.  She thought it was so wonderful that I could put on Barney's 
uniform and act foolish without any embarrassment and she was glad to know 
that I never grew up.  I take that as a real compliment because I truly 
believe that we all need to maintain some of that childish behavior that 
enabled us to enjoy all the wonderful make believe things of our childhood. 
As for me, I don't ever plan to grow up completely, and I can honestly say 
that at the age of 62 I am still a child at heart.  And personally, I 
wouldn't want it any other way.

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin

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WBMUTBB mailing list

thank you my few friends in Mayberry land.

2008-11-06 Thread tom kessel
Never say Never like they say. For what its worth, Margeret i werlcomed your
question on character actor Jay Novello. i spoke to him by phone in 1974 in
California and ill be brutally honest with you. it wasnt so much his several
roles on TAGS that he commented on but rather several other roles. The Lost
world 1960b a film i saw in the theatre was discussed. he often played
foreign roles. his accent was obvious  but he was very much in the same vein
as a leo j. carrol playing spanish italian and other extractions.To be
honest he didnt offer much to say about TAGS. Again the NEWS OF THE DAY
comes into factor here. i got his number thru SAG . his accent in real life
was so pronounced. But my first thoughts to him was a recent role i saw of
him a few months earlier that got my attention. It was in The Brady Bunch as
Mr Martinelli the bike shop owner. he had a line that cracked me up. i mimic
his accent to illustrate the humor of his line  The gears they arent
clicking. So many youngesters then in those years remember his bit in that
role. Jay had a memorable line with a great double take I wish I could say
the same for me regarding his patience with Peter. HE was laughing himself
silly when i actually impersonated him on the phone reciting that scene from
the episode. The Lost World The Mad Magican and of course I LOVE LUCY in
several memorable episodes were still vividly recalled as i went down my
list of his credits. Yes I know what youre thinking. Did Jay Novello comment
on his experience working in several episodes of TAGS YEs he did saying he
enjoyed the experienced but here comes another example of rumors that may
substantiate some of our fears for the darling FRances Bavier. He simply
said and rather quickly too, that she didnt see to like him because he was
Italian. ill let others figure that one out. I could tell by his next line,
Did you see me on Love American Style (Popular show  in 1973) that he
preferred to say no more about TAGSI i left it at that. he was simply a
gentleman saying he was an every day actor who showed up played his role
,put in a days work then went home to wait for the next rollcall. Had you
never mentioned the name Jay Novello, i would never had mentioned his brief
comment on TAGSI had too many other roles to run by him on. He sounded
exactly like he did in films and tv roles. His last line to me was Would
you like an 8by10 photo of me Tom? I replied yes. then he added Next to me
, i dont think theres another italian character actor out there remembered
except for Henry Armetta who Jay by the way held in high regard. Henry
Armetta died suddenly in 1945. Jay passed away in 1982. im so blessed to
have these letters or recorded calls so i can play them back or reread the
actual thoughts of these grand character actors. to hear them talk Off the
cuff about other prerformers, or films or tv shows is thrilling and it
captures a chunk of forgotton Hollywood history unbeknownst to most fans of
these actors. In closing some actors are just the opposite as they appear on
film. I called Sebastion Cabot the grand actor who played Mr French on
Family Affair 1966-71. Regal bearing and dignified in film and television,
on the phone he was the prankster a sheer delight . he gave one example of
him and Brian Keith having a go at it on the tv set hiding their personal
effects from their dressing rooms and watching from afar the other guy
running about looking for say his Shoes. He was quite a cut up, even the
first time by phone. i guess when they see youre spending all that money
3000 miles away and with it you have a list a mile long of their career
credits, they tend to come clean open up and show a different side to
their onscreen persona. in closing , again as i try to illustrate, look
here, i got Mr FRench telling me privately by phone that he's  having a
grand time locking Brian Keith in his dressing room just to get his goat. in
hindsight, its amazing the thoughtful insights these wonderful actors gave
me. They may not had felt they were the  Big Names of the Film World being
merely character supporting characters., but to me they were BIG STARS and
always will be. bless them. Thanks for asking Margeret. Im glad someone
appreciates the word im putting out about what these actors had to say in
private life. They are my very best friends in the world. THey gave me a
small bit of their time but they truly are everything we Mayberry fans
envisioned them to be. Bless you all. Tom Kessel
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank you all very much

2008-10-30 Thread jlj9675
My brother did real well with his heart surgery and is progressing very 
well, especially in view of how bad off he was as the EMTs were taking him 
away.  I thank all of you who prayed for him and took the time to email me 
in this regard.  It's a real blessing to have Mayberry friends online who 
care like this.  We were blessed to have a Christian surgeon who is also a 
minister; he prayed with my brother in the OR with hands on - PTL!!!

Best of luck to you and yours too,
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank You

2008-10-27 Thread Paula Becker

Thank You Mr.Newsome!
A Prince is what he is... A true Prince!!AMSOM ~~ is ~   AMayberryStateOfMind   
Check the weather nationwide with MSN Search: Try it now!
WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-10-03 Thread Nancy Loadholt
I just wanted to say thank you Tom Kessel for the font of information on our 
darling TAGS characters that you have been sharing. I enjoy all of the posts so 
much, but your entries have been a true pleasure-each and every one. As for 
computers, they can be tricky. Again thank you...thank you.thank 
you for sharing and please continue to do so.


WBMUTBB mailing list

and Harry thank you too for acknowledging My Efforts.But Regarding the Autograph

2008-10-02 Thread tom kessel
 James Flavin, Roy Roberts from TAGS what a dear man too
contrary to his tough tv film image.remember he was out to get ANDY,Eddie
Foy, my dear friend of 15 yrs legendary radio tv film announcer actor Harry
von Zell,Jerry lewis Ann B Davis from BRADY BUNCH.Her and twin sister still
living thank god
leonid  shirley booth, Benny Rubin even latecomer Foster Brooks be it
Cagney,Diretrich,Peck,Bergeman,Irene Dunne,Lee J Cobb,Onslow Stevens,Fulton
J Sheen Ed Asner, Eve Arden, big or small they were all so dear. id supply
the photo ,pay for postage and half the time theyd send me their own 8 by 10
personally autographed after reading my standard 4-6 pag letter where i went
in full detail about their career. i think thats what got their attention,
the lengh  of my letters like my e mails. i get carry away like Jan Clayton
said in 1973 but she admitted You sure do love us performers.And so do all
of you Mayberry fans. Im no one special and im not saying that to feel good.
i didnt do anything anyone couldnt had done. the only difference is i set
out to do it i had the time on my side i made the effort. if va man climbs
the highest mountain  bravvo but folks we can do it do if we apply ourselves
to it. And unlike today back in 60s and 70s these character actors were
listed right in Whos Who in America address home address and all or simply
in the L.A . directory. .Time for me to call it a day. i want others to get
onboard and post their thoughts. but Harry thank you and everyone who
appreciates character actors the unsung  heros of films and tv .without them
even the greatest of films could not survive . bless them all. Finallyone of
the most beloved character actresses Mary Wicks said it best. in 1979 .
Were the backbone of american films but we always get lost in the
shuffle.but we can go home and sleep at night knowing we gave every scene
the shot in the arm a good doctor can to make it better. When Mary died
calls went to her following her success in Sister Act. she was in harness
til the day she died. .This is why I have a fondess for these character
supporting actors.theyre more like us the regular joe on the street. Its
back to the drawing board. Col tim over and out. ps rereading this i
errored. i have Jerry Lewis s autographb but I meant to type Jerry Lester
and its leonid kinsky the russian actor from Casablanca.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank You!

2008-08-05 Thread Robert James

Tom Kessel: I've taken a while to write but I wanted to send you a note to let 
you know how much I appreciate your posts to this board. I am a disabled 
physician/attorney with way too much time on my hands who absolutely loves TAGS 
and this board. Your informative posts about some of the minor characters are 
so interesting and contain information we would never have gotten from any 
other source. You must have loved meeting and talking with so many of these 
folks. Your info makes them more like real people that we feel that we can get 
to know personally and that is one thing that makes the show's  characters so 
enjoyable. Thanks again for all of your input. This is one TAGS fan who feels 
that you have a lot to offer to this forum!  RMJ 
Got Game? Win Prizes in the Windows Live Hotmail Mobile Summer Games Trivia 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank You

2008-05-23 Thread Wendy Nowell
   I got the test digest.  Thank you so much for all you to do to get this 
thing going and to keep it going!!  Opie, you keep a going  
  This digest brings smiles to me every day.  Thanks for all you do.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank You Bob Bravetti and Allan Newsome

2008-04-03 Thread C J

I have been reading all the post about TvLand and different topics and thought 
that Allan had corrected that a while back. I was expecting him to post the 
rules again but glad you said for it to stop. Great job on looking out for the 
meaning of the mailing list. For the new posters on the mailing list here are 
the rules as posted by Allan 

TV Land talk, etc and the WBMUTBB Digest Rules
Allan NewsomeSun, 06 Jan 2008 19:02:42 -0800
I feel like with the number of new members we've gotten lately that it's 
time to restate The Rules for everybody. Everybody might want to 
read through this just to refresh your memories.  I think it's good 
for all of us to try and remember these tried and true rules. Allan

Hey Everybody,

Boy, things have really been growing here in out little corner of 
Mayberry!!  Because of that I think it's time to remind everyone what 
WBMUTBB is all about:

We all know what Mayberry is about but do we realize why it is that we 
all visit there everyday?  I know that the characters are great but more 
than that, they're friends.  We know these people and it's just a joy 
to visit them every chance we get to watch them as they work their way 
through getting locked in a cell because the door clangs shut or any 
of the other wonderful situations they face.  Things always work out in 
a wonderful way leaving a smile on our faces.

Mayberry is an escape from the day-to-day trials we all face.  A short 
trip to a place where every body cares about one another and where we 
can forget, for a while, the fact that real life isn't as much like 
that as we'd like.

I started WBMUTBB back in 1990, along with several other good folks, and 
since then I've tried to make it as much like a corner of Mayberry as 
possible.  I wanted this place to be somewhere folks could go and forget 
about the outside world and relax by reading about Andy, Barney, Opie, 
Aunt Bee, and the rest of our Mayberry family.

To try and make that happen I've required everyone who wanted to join to 
tell us a little about themselves so we could get to know them just a 
little bit.   After all, in Mayberry  everyone knew everybody else and 
how can we have a community without having at least some idea about our 

I've also had a couple of rules here and I try to enforce them.

Of course Rule #1 guessed it...Obey all rules.  

Rule #2 is this: Talk about the things you like about Mayberry..not 
things you don't like.

I know some folks forget this second rule sometimes and they don't 
really understand WHY I think Rule #2 is important so let me just give 
you an example.  Let's say I were to say, Boy, I really hate Barney.  I 
mean, look how stupid he is and poor Andy has to put up with him.If 
I said that (and meant it) what are the first things that happen to you?

First you'd feel like, Man, that guys a jerk!  Then you'd get 
aggravated at this guy talking about your Favorite character (and 
friend), Barney Fife.  Even if Barney's not your very favorite 
character, you'd likely be upset about this guy talking about your neighbor.

I've never heard anyone say anything like that about Barn but I have 
about other characters and folks forget that just because they don't 
like a particular character doesn't mean that character isn't someone 
elses favorite.  You see, if I talk about your favorite character saying 
negative things about 'em it takes your fun away.

I think that's enough about Rule #2 and I hope you all understand the 
rule.  It's not to take away from your fun but to encourage you all to 
tell us about what's fun to you and share your good feelings with others.

We have something special here.  It's something you don't find often on 
the internet.  No flames, no fighting, no foul language.  We have 
a place that children and adults can come and enjoy themselves.

Mayberry is a wonderful place and I'm just glad to be a part of this 
little corner of it.

Your Friend and neighbor,

Allan Newsome
   Who's Been Messin' Up the Bulletin Board? Chapter -Internet
of The Andy Griffith Show Rerun Watchers Club Thanks again Bob and Allan for such a wonderful thing 
we have here and for keeping the meaning of it going. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank you for serving!

2007-11-12 Thread MrsRShipman
Being a 2 Marine family.
husband Sergeant
son Sergeant  
We as a family say to all of our veterans...
Mrs Shipman and family 

** See what's new at
WBMUTBB mailing list

mayberry after midnight,,,,thank you :)

2007-10-16 Thread mikeisi
Hey everbody, I just wanted to say thanks for all the nice emails and comments 
I got on my mayberry after midnight video on youtube.? I was very suprised at 
how many people asked if I would make another one.? I guess I could, but it'll 
be a while.? I'd need some time to think about what to do.

anyway, thanks again!
Michael Mitchell
Nashville, TN

-- a holes' a hole --

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank You

2007-09-22 Thread Ken Anderson
Thank you for all who confirmed that I did indeed see a Mt. Airy newspaper. 
I was waiting until I got the official verification before I posted my 
thanks.  It is good to know that I did not imagine that.  I just cannot 
believe that with my watching each TABS episode so many times over the years 
that I had never noticed that before.  Of course in those early days I was 
not a trained noticer.  I wonder how many new things we would notice if 
TAGS was available in HDTV.  Why we would probably be able to tell the 
difference between Aunt Bee's kerosene cucumbers and store bought cucumbers 
just by looking at them and even all the tiny hairs that get in Barney's 
shirt collar that Gomer says makes him irritable.

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
(Home) 715-839-8470
( Cell ) 715-210-1556

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank You

2007-05-02 Thread Ken Anderson
I want to thank everyone for the great emails so many of you sent in 
response to my request for statements about why you love Mayberry.  What a 
wonderful tribute to that special place that we all love so much.  I plan to 
use your comments as part of my closing remarks so my audience will be left 
with YOUR THOUGHTS that come right from your hearts.

I was part of a large group today that took a three hour charter bus trip to 
our state capital where we attended an Advocacy Day about health care 
issues.  I met with my state senator and representative and we had a great 
dialog on improving health care.  On the return trip the leader of our group 
asked if I would speak to our group with the microphone system and tell them 
a little about what I would be talking about in October.  So I gave them a 
12 minute impromptu preview of my love for Mayberry.  I shared a little 
about why I love Mayberry, I talked about my three stays at the Taylor Home 
Inn, and I told them about our wonderful friendships here on the digest.  I 
had a very captive audience and when I finished and returned to my seat, a 
burst of cheers erupted and a number of people began to whistle the Mayberry 
theme song.

It is always so heartwarming to be able to talk to people about TAGS.  We 
owe Alan so much for providing this wonderful avenue for all of us who truly 
believe in the spirit of Mayberry.  I know at times I may monopolize the 
Digest, and for this I ask your understanding, but Mayberry is such a 
special place for me I just can't help myself.  I guess it must be a 

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank You From a New Member

2007-03-13 Thread Timothy Windon
To let you all know,I so much enjoy all the comments on my favorite home 
town.Being new to the website,it's the first thing I read each day.Thank You 
All,Tim Windon.
WBMUTBB mailing list

no coffee, tea or punch thank you

2006-08-10 Thread Kim
I don't know if this is Texan or Southern, I did mention I'm from Texas didn't 
I?  Anyway, I often heard sodas referred to as cold drinks (but kinda run 
together like: coledrink) as well as calling every kind of cold drink coke.  
  I noticed some people in Mayberry (for example Asa) who have a distinctly 
Northern accent.  Perhaps others heard him speak of having a bottle of pop and 
also began referring to it as such.  Being a small town, maybe the term spread. 
 That's my theory.
  Next time you pass through Wylie, drop in for a coledrink or some sweet tea 
and spicy talk.
  Kim - Wylie, TX

Do you Yahoo!?
 Everyone is raving about the  all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.
WBMUTBB mailing list

no coffee, tea or punch, thank you

2006-08-07 Thread Paul Mulik
Being from South Carolina, I never could figure out why there was never
ice tea (no, that's the way we say it) around.  For meals, there was coffee
with Opie having milk.  If it was hot, there was lemonade.  Where was the

Had TAGS been sponsored by Lipton, you can bet we would have seen everybody
in town drinking tea by the gallon.  For it's entire 8-year run, The Show
was sponsored by General Foods (makers of Sanka) and that's probably the
main reason the folks in Mayberry drank so much coffee.

Clara does mention sweet tea and spicy talk in one episode; it's not
mentioned whether the ladies enjoyed their tea hot or iced.


WBMUTBB mailing list

thank you!......

2006-03-24 Thread Priscilla all who were so kind as to reply to my question re: the wyatt earp 
episode.  that'll be my next purchase!

Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend your Mayberry Reunion..but I'll 
have one here!!  You can count on that!

Being a newcomer to this, please pardon my behindnessbut i think i enjoy 
the sponsor clips every bit as much as i do these dvd's.

memories will never, ever fade...and thank God for that!


bless each and every one of you!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank you JGerman and Priscilla

2006-03-16 Thread Silvia Boosten
Dear TAGS Friends,
  Thank you for your messages about Mr. Knotts' passing.  I had not thought of
  it this way.  This will help.
  I just may get some cashew fudge like Barney and Thelma Lou did while
  I wonder if there are towns like Mayberry left.  I cannot think of any in
  Wishing I was in Mayberry,

Yahoo! Travel
 Find  great deals to the top 10 hottest destinations!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Don Knotts-Thank you

2006-02-25 Thread Matt Anderson
It is so sad to hear of Don Knotts passing but I appreciate all of the great 
memories and laughs he gave to me whenever I watched The Andy Griffith Show. I 
am so glad we have the dvds now and Don Knotts will be missed so much. Thanks 
again for all you have meant to so many people.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank you

2006-01-30 Thread Lloyd Satchfield
Just sending a Thanks to my many Mayberry friends I have received e-mails from 
regarding the death of my daughter's boyfriend.
Viola from Florida
WBMUTBB mailing list