Re: Pushing for WebObjects?

2008-11-14 Thread Robert Walker
a) Leopard deprecated the Java-ObjC bridge support making the  
legacy tools fail to function properly without this support being  
reimplemented somehow.

b) The legacy tools were well overdue for a rewrite
c) Eclipse + WOLips had gained substantial traction internally and  
within the WO community and had reached the point of being a viable  

d) Xcode was never going to compare with Eclipse as a Java IDE.

I have a slightly different take on item d). While I agree exactly  
with the statement, I think it important to point out that Xcode is a  
really great IDE. Just not a great Java IDE. I use Xcode for Cocoa/ 
Objective-C development and it is by far my favorite IDE to use. It  
was not, and will likely never be a great Java IDE.

Transitioning WO development to Eclipse (a true Java IDE) I'm sure  
has now freed Apple to focus Xcode on Cocoa/Carbon development (C  
based development). And this focus has gone a long way to allow key  
improvements to their Macintosh software development tools.

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Re: Auto Save form data

2008-10-30 Thread Robert Walker
I haven't really thought this through thoroughly, but I think I would  
try some like the following:

1. Create a table used specifically for storing the auto-save data.

2. Use a PeriodicalUpdater (something like the one used in Prototype  
JavaScript library). I recommend this because you probably want to  
reduce the overhead of an AJAX call every time the field is changed.  
Maybe a 1 to 5 minute auto-save would work. It sounds like you're  
trying to replicate an auto-save similar to MS Word (or as you  
mentioned Google Docs).

3. Make sure you time-stamp the temporary auto-saves and associate  
them with the user. Now in the case of some failure, you'll be able  
to look for any unsaved documents allowing the user to have the  
option of recovering from the last auto-save. Time-stamping will  
allow you to create a background job to systematically clean out old  
temporary auto-saves.

4. Once the real document is saved successfully you would then  
destroy the temporary auto-saves for the user's editing session.

In any case you'll need AJAX to accomplish this. Browsers displaying  
a form just sit there doing nothing until the form is submitted. So  
your solution will certainly need the assistance of JavaScript (or  
some other client-side code) to get the job done.

On Oct 30, 2008, at 7:52 AM, David Avendasora wrote:

I am not an AJAX expert, but...

I think the only real choice you have is to use Project Wonder and  
the AJAX tools contained that it has. is good reading to learn a bunch  
about Wonder is where the actual  
downloads are. has  
a bunch of tutorials including how to install.

Basically, you'd surround the fields you want to automatically save  
to the DB with an AjaxObserveField component, then each time a  
field is changed, the action would submit those values and save  
them to the database.

This will make the save relatively transparent to the user.

This will completely mess with any type of validation you may have,  
including required attributes and relationships, etc.


On Oct 30, 2008, at 7:21 AM, shravan kumar wrote:

Hello Group,

Thought many people already have the below described feature  
integrated to their apps and whereby I would like to know best  
practices and ways to achieve the below requirement:

We have a fancy need where we need to automatically save some part  
of data in a form - data entered by user in text area - to  
database. This save operation should not obstruct user from  
continuing feeding data to form. Basically save operation should  
happen seamlessly, some people call it as asynchronously.

This is something I see when using Google Docs.

Thanks in advance.

Thank You,

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Robert Walker
Bennett Technology Group
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Re: [OT] Thanks for the memories …

2008-10-14 Thread Robert Walker


I also want to wish you the best. You have been an inspiration to me  
over the years I've known you within this community. Although I  
hardly touch WebObjects anymore, I do try to keep up with the  
community in case I ever have the chance to get back into WebObjects  

Enjoy your retirement and your new home.

With respect,
Robert Walker

On Oct 14, 2008, at 2:15 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:


I will try and choke back my envy at the thought of retirement long  
enough to write this.  :-)

  We have been very fortunate to have you as a member of this  
community.  I will sorely miss your wit and technical contributions  
to the list.  I have learned a lot from your contributions over the  
years and will remain grateful for that.

As I have a long held hatred of cold, snow and fish, I look on your  
decision to move from Hawai'i to Sweden with a sense of awe and,  
uh, something else I can't quite pin down.  I do hope that you  
enjoy life's next adventure!

Chuck Hill

P.S. Does Uppsala sound a like OOPSLA?

On Oct 11, 2008, at 12:42 PM, Art Isbell wrote:

	It is with some excitement, both of the positive and negative  
sorts, that I am ending my 18-year career as a software  
developer.  I attended NeXT Developer Camp in May, 1990.  However,  
I was unable to find work using this incredible technology until  
late 1991 when I quit my Unix programming job to take a 6-week  
contract programming job with NeXT working at Informix to port  
WINGZ to NeXTSTEP 2.0 (or was that NeXTstep 2.0? :-).  From there,  
I spent 5 or so years developing and maintaining a large NeXTSTEP/ 
OPENSTEP desktop application that, in its inception, used beta  
versions of DBKit, then moved on to ever-increasing versions of  
EOF.  With NeXT apparently heading toward oblivion, I decided that  
I had better move to their only technology that might have a  
future, WebObjects, if I wanted software development to remain fun.

	Fortunately, NeXT saved Apple (or was it the other way  
around? :-)  As a result, WebObjects has had more lives than a  
cat.  I have stuck with it through thick and thin, eventually  
crossing over to the mother ship in 2001 where I continued with  
WebObjects development internally while providing WebObjects  
support for organizations under contract.

	I have been extremely fortunate to have been able to develop  
applications using NeXT's and now Apple's technologies.  I have  
not had to deal with the drudgery that most developers face using  
other technologies.  I'm sure that most of you understand.

	But the time has now come to move on to the next phase of my  
life: retirement!  I have been living in Honolulu since 1997,  
finally being able to return after 2 wonderful years in the early  
1970's.  But life in Honolulu and the U.S. in general has  
deteriorated considerably during my lifetime (and especially  
during the past few weeks :-( so I have decided to give Sweden a  
try.  My Swedish-born wife and I moved to Uppsala on 22 September  
and are starting our lives anew.  But this time without WebObjects  
… and without software development of any kind.  Time to learn  

	So I am signing off webobjects-dev and webobjects-deploy.  It has  
been a genuine pleasure to associate virtually with so many truly  
talented and generous people.  Few outside this community can  
really appreciate the experience.

Lycka till!

Aloha and hej då,
Art Isbell

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Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

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Robert Walker
Bennett Technology Group
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Re: Open page in a popup window

2008-10-08 Thread Robert Walker
Also it might be worth while to note that the target attribute is  
not valid in XHTML strict documents. So JavaScript I suppose is the  
modern way to open new windows in a browser.

On Oct 8, 2008, at 1:30 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Oct 8, 2008, at 9:13 AM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:

add this binding to your WOHyperlink ... jsut a pass-thru standard  
HTML attribute...

target = _blank;

if you are using Wonder and want more control, there is also  
ERXJSOpenWindowHyperlink, e.g.

ShowAd: ERXJSOpenWindowHyperlink {
action = showDetails;
string = adKey.adKeyString;
disabled = isCurrentAdsAdKey;
target = ~Ad_ + adKey.adKeyString;
id = ~Show_ + adKey.adKeyString;
width = 1100;
height = 510;
positionAtCursor = isSafari;
scrollbars = no;
titlebar = no;
toolbar = no;
urlParameters = onCloseJS;

.is ... hmm ... nice to see we have WO developers in Iceland :-)

More than one and for quite a while!  You have to come to WWDC and  
see Hugi's hot women attracting ability.   There are pictures to  
prove it too!


Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

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Robert Walker
Bennett Technology Group
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Re: Notifications

2008-08-29 Thread Robert Walker
I'm not sure if this works for what you are trying to do, but will  
EOEditingContext.ObjectsChangedInEditingContextNotification give you  
what you want?

If so then your should be able to register your class to receive  
these notifications from the notification center.

On Aug 29, 2008, at 4:33 PM, Ted Archibald wrote:

I've been racking my brains for a while now and I can't figure out  
how notifications work.

What I want to do is trigger a method in a session(or application)  
after an ERXGenericRecord has been updated/inserted.  I'm pretty  
certain that I want to use notifications to do this, but I am lost  
when it comes to setting one up with the NotificationCenter.

Any ideas?
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Re: [OT] video tag

2008-08-28 Thread Robert Walker

What does it do with the standard embed technique of old?

On Aug 28, 2008, at 3:41 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:

Anyone here using the video tag with Safari? I don't understand  
why it's so slow. I have to display a QuickTime movie who is a  
export of a presentation done with Keynote, and some visual  
transitions are done between the slides. When I use this :

	video id=BoiteVideo src=http://localhost/calendriers/videos/ autoplay/video

Safari take +95% of CPU on my MBP when the transitions are  
displayed. If I run the same video directly in Safari or QuickTime  
Player, the transitions runs smoothly and take ~45% of CPU time :-/

So beware if you use this tag, it look like it's not optimized (and  
I also tried a WebKit version from June 9, same result).

Pascal Robert

Skype: MacTICanada
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Re: Getting Eclipse to build a project imported from CVS

2008-08-27 Thread Robert Walker
Create those directories.  It may be  that CVS does not  
automatically create empty directories.  I don't recall.
This is correct as far as I can remember; CVS does not track empty  

Also, how do I move the build output outside of the project?

I don't know or even know if you can.

Couldn't you use svn:ignore property to ignore the build directory?  
SVN should be happy enough with that.

On Aug 27, 2008, at 2:15 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Aug 27, 2008, at 10:03 AM, Roger Perryman wrote:

I recently converted a project from Xcode to Eclipse (3.3.2).  
After some initial hurdles, I had the application up and running.  
I still have many warnings to clear up but the major errors from  
the conversion are cleared up.

The next step was to get the new project under version control.  
I had been using CVS but decided to switch to SVN. I was able to  
get Subversion (or is that Subclipse? Or Subversive? it all gets  
so confusing!) to mostly work from the command line (using  
svnserve and ssh) but not from within Eclipse. I was able to  
successfully check out the Subclipse source to verify that the  
plug-in was working. I want to use SVN with ssh but have not been  
able to find a working example.

It should just go if your svn repository is setup correctly.  See  
File - Import - SVN

Since there have already been several delays due to the whole  
conversion process, I decided to stick with CVS for now. It took  
about 10 minutes to get CVS working. I checked in the converted  
project. Another person then checked out the project (using the  
CVS Repository perspective, expand the tree, select the module I  
checked in and choose Check Out). Everything appeared to work OK.  
However, the project wont build. It is missing the bin and build  
directories and the Build option is grayed out. How do I get the  
project to build again?

Create those directories.  It may be  that CVS does not  
automatically create empty directories.  I don't recall.

Also, how do I move the build output outside of the project?

I don't know or even know if you can.

I also checked out a fresh copy of the project with the same  
results. I'm sure it is something simple, but I'm just not seeing  
it. Any and all help would be appreciated.


Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

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Re: Safari default, but Firefox for development tip....

2008-07-30 Thread Robert Walker
So, what about any plugin architecture for Safari? Anyone have  
experience with this?

I also really like the new dev tools built into Safari/WebKit, so  
that takes care of at least most of what you get with Firebug.  
However, for the other plugins and tools available for Firefox I was  
wondering if anyone had any experience with plugin support for  
Safari. Not that I'm expecting a huge plugin community for Safari as  
there is for Firefox, but who knows what the future may bring.

I am very impressed with the latest builds of WebKit/Safari 4.0. In  
my opinion Safari has now surpassed all other browsers. I've run the  
benchmarks myself and the latest web standards tests, and Safari is  
beating all other browsers I've tested, hands-down. The new  
SquirrelFish JavaScript engine is really impressive beating Firefox  
3.0 by around 75% (SunSpider benchmark). And Safari's latest builds  
are passing the ACID 3 test 100% with a pixel perfect rending  
(compared to the reference image). I'm not sure about the animation  
must be smooth requirement of the test, but that seems very  
subjective anyway. What constitutes smooth and who's the judge of  
that? That being said I was impressed with the results.

And if I remember correctly, I believe that Safari is the only  
browser I've tested that actually handles display: inline-block;  
correctly. I remember having to resort to floats, where it would have  
made more sense to use inline-block recently. It looked fine in  
Safari, but only in Safari.

Note: before I get a stream of replies to this about Opera, or your  
favorite browser, it is not among my tested browsers. I have only  
checked these things in Safari 4.0 (Developer Preview)/WebKit,  
Firefox 2 and 3, and Internet Explorer 6 and 7 (which should be  
banned from the internet due to stupidity).

On Jul 30, 2008, at 1:02 PM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:

Thanks John . WebKit has come a long way since I last  
looked nice  yes, the devtools are nice there 

And if WebKit is not your default everyday browser, but you want to  
use it for WebObjects app development, just change the WOOpenURL  
script to:


# Open argument  with firefox
/usr/bin/open -a WebKit $1



On Jul 30, 2008, at 10:55 AM, John Huss wrote:

Have you seen the new developer tools in the WebKit nightly  
builds?  They are at least on par with Firebug or, I daresay, even  


On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 11:55 PM, Kieran Kelleher  
I like Safari as default for general web-surfing, but I prefer  
Firefox for WebObjects development  I just like the HTML/CSS/ 
Firebug/Selenium/etc/etc tools/plugins in FireFox for web  
development. However WOLips/Eclipse always autoopens in the  
default system browser ... well this was bugging me, so here is a  
tip if u want to hardcode which browser is auto-opened when you  
launch your WebObjects app in Eclipse  . simply replace  
current file (was a soft link on my system) at:


 with an executable shell script containing the following:


# Open argument  with firefox
/usr/bin/open -a Firefox $1


You can specify any application you want with the -a argument.  
(Firefox or Xylescope or Webkit for example)

Regards, Kieran

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Robert Walker

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Re: Design Question: Hiding inherited attributes?

2008-06-18 Thread Robert Walker
Maybe I'm misinterpreting your question, but couldn't you just make  
another Entity on the same table that only included the columns  
you're interested in?

On Jun 18, 2008, at 3:14 PM, James Cicenia wrote:

Hello -

I would like to somehow make an object that subclasses an EO but  
only the

subclass's attributes are visible. Is this possible?

James Cicenia
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Re: More efficient web service choice

2008-06-17 Thread Robert Walker
I would also recommend taking a look at Representational State  
Transfer (REST). I have not made any attempt myself to implement REST  
in WebObjects, but it has become part of my daily routine when  
working in Ruby on Rails.

The following, rather comical, look at SOAP vs REST is what actually  
got me interested in REST. And, this was before the RoR team had  
fully embraced REST as the way to do web services.

The S Stands for Simple

I'm not saying that REST is absolutely the option for you, I'm saying  
that it's just as viable as SOAP for doing web services, and that I  
find it to be a good lightweight alternative to SOAP.

P.S. This is NOT intended to be a plug for RoR. All I'm saying is  
that RoR is opinionated software, and their preference is REST over  
SOAP. In this regard I agree.

On Jun 17, 2008, at 3:34 PM, Andrew Lindesay wrote:

Hello John;

You may be interested in my JSON-RPC infrastructure in LEWOStuff;

See subsection 0.5.23 JSON-RPC of the overview PDF and then read  
around other areas of the PDF where you can find JSON-RPC.  When  
the WOWODC videos come out I also did a talk this year on this  
material as well.  In my work, I have found this to be  
substantially more enjoyable and straight-forward to work with in  
comparison with AXIS/WO, but I am not 100% sure what .Net or Win32  
JSON-RPC libraries there are.


I'm going to be implementing a web service with WO and was  
wondering if there was a way to do this using something other than  
the extremely verbose SOAP messages.  It's a private service, so I  
can do whatever I want, but ideally it would be easy to setup both  
the client and server.  And the clients will be native windows  
applications.  SOAP seems to be the easy path, but I'm worried  
about the size of the messages since there are going to be a LOT  
of them.  Any suggestions?

Andrew Lindesay

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Re: Looking forward to 5.4.2

2008-05-29 Thread Robert Walker
I can make a prediction that is probably as accurate as anything  
you'll likely get from Apple. I'd say sometime soon after June 9. I  
wouldn't expect to see anything before that date.

On May 29, 2008, at 6:30 AM, Gennady Kushnir wrote:

Hello, All

Does anybody know when WO 5.4.2 is going to be officially released?
It seemes to have numerous bugfixes, some of which I really need.
People say it is already a part of iPhone SDK... but I'm afraid, it
can not be considered as release. And I'm not shure it would be a good
idea to experiment with my employers server trying to merge those
libraries there witout an official installer.

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Re: iPhone and WebObjects

2008-05-21 Thread Robert Walker
* There is no drag event or hover event on the iPhone, so any UI  
that you use that expects to receive them is out of luck.  I  
_believe_ this extends to scrollable divs, btw.

One quick note: Scrollable divs can be scrolled on the iPhone using 2  
fingers similar to the MacBook[Pro] trackpad.

On May 21, 2008, at 9:40 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:

I was thinking about playing around with iPhone to my WO apps and was
wondering if anyone on the list was doing this now and if there  
were any

suggestions, best practices, or even starting hints.
I would say the big decision is whether you're making an iPhone  
Interface or a Mobile Interface.  We went for a mobile interface  
that is heavily tested on the iPhone (meaning we didn't constrain  
ourselves to the iPhone user experience and look).

Random tidbits:

* General consensus seems to be that you should not require people  
to use the mobile version if their user-agent is a mobile, or  
rather you can send them by default, but you should allow them to  
get back to the full version (since the iPhone is a real browser,  
someone may want to use the non-mobile version, which is usually  
restricted in some way).

* The iPhone can change aspect ratios, so test in both portrait and  
landscape to be sure your site doesn't look silly.

* There is no drag event or hover event on the iPhone, so any UI  
that you use that expects to receive them is out of luck.  I  
_believe_ this extends to scrollable divs, btw.

* The iUI Project ( ) can give you a  
head start if you're trying to make an iPhone-looking interface,  
but just know that it's fundamentally unsuited for use with  
component actions and will be a complete disaster if you try to use  
it like that.  You can either 1) choose to use it DA-only, 2) steal  
their CSS and make a version of your own (also know that the full- 
screen slidey effect is actually sort of tricky to pull off this  
way, so potentially you will sacrifice that effect or spend a lot  
of time reproducing it for component actions), 3) ERIUI framework  
is going to be committed one of these days, but it's just not  
cleaned up and finalized yet -- it's basically a rewrite of the iUI  
Javascript, but based on the iUI CSS, but with support for  
component actions, and provides a bunch of component wrappers for  
all the iPhone widgets.  The interesting part here is that you  
actually may end up making a BETTER user experience by NOT trying  
to be an iPhone app because people will have such demanding  
expectations of what the iPhone native interface looks like (not to  
mention iPhone 2.0 comes out and who knows if they will change the  
user experience, potentially obsoleting all your hard work  
emulating it).  But this is just a decision you have to make.

* Apple has some content on developing web apps for the iPhone on  
their iPhone dev site.

* Javascript is not nearly as fast as it is on your desktop.  If  
you're doing lots of animation effects (other than with the brand  
new CSS animation stuff in WebKit, which is natively optimized),  
you're probably going to be a sad panda.

* Get the iPhone Dev Kit ... It's REALLLY handy to be able to test  
your app in Safari inside the iPhone Simulator rather than on your  
phone all the time.

* Profit


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Re: Need WWDC 08 ticket [OT]

2008-05-20 Thread Robert Walker

There you guys go passing on FUD again..

Hehe.  Just kidding! I'd be pretty concerned too, if I actually got  
to go to WWDC this year. I'm going to really miss being there. Oh  
well, maybe next year.

On May 20, 2008, at 12:49 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

I can confirm that you are fully registered to attend WWDC 2008.  
This E-Ticket appears on the ADC Member Account Active Assets page

It appears that they DID count all the Premier members as  
attending WWDC.

I also retract all my leveled accusations :)  Kudos, Apple ...


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WO problem on Windows Server 2003

2008-05-16 Thread Robert Walker

Hello list,

I need some help with a problems deploying an application to a  
Windows 2003 Server box. WO seems to be running fine and we install a  
very simple WO test application that seems to be starting and running  
fine. But, when trying to connect directly to the application on port  
2001 I'm getting this error in Safari:

Safari can’t open the page “” because the  
server unexpectedly dropped the connection, which sometimes occurs  
when the server is busy. You might be able to open the page later.

This is a clean installation of WebObjects 5.2.3. We have not setup  
IIS yet but wanted to make sure the direct connect worked first.

Any ideas what what's causing the connection to drop. By the way this  
error is immediate there is no delay before getting the error. It  
seems the connection is dropped immediately on access.

Robert Walker

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Re: WO problem on Windows Server 2003

2008-05-16 Thread Robert Walker


I thought the same thing and asked our system admin if they were  
running a firewall. They say they aren't, but that definitely sounds  
like what's going on here. I'll double check with them to make sure.

On May 16, 2008, at 3:27 PM, Art Isbell wrote:

On May 16, 2008, at 9:22 AM, Robert Walker wrote:

I need some help with a problems deploying an application to a  
Windows 2003 Server box. WO seems to be running fine and we  
install a very simple WO test application that seems to be  
starting and running fine. But, when trying to connect directly to  
the application on port 2001 I'm getting this error in Safari:

Safari can’t open the page “” because the  
server unexpectedly dropped the connection, which sometimes occurs  
when the server is busy. You might be able to open the page later.

	Is port 2001 open to external access?  I.e., might a firewall be  
blocking external access to port 2001?


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Re: WO problem on Windows Server 2003

2008-05-16 Thread Robert Walker

According to our system admin the firewall on this test box is disabled.

On May 16, 2008, at 3:27 PM, Art Isbell wrote:

On May 16, 2008, at 9:22 AM, Robert Walker wrote:

I need some help with a problems deploying an application to a  
Windows 2003 Server box. WO seems to be running fine and we  
install a very simple WO test application that seems to be  
starting and running fine. But, when trying to connect directly to  
the application on port 2001 I'm getting this error in Safari:

Safari can’t open the page “” because the  
server unexpectedly dropped the connection, which sometimes occurs  
when the server is busy. You might be able to open the page later.

	Is port 2001 open to external access?  I.e., might a firewall be  
blocking external access to port 2001?


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Re: WO problem on Windows Server 2003

2008-05-16 Thread Robert Walker
Port 1085 responds normally with XML response. Port 2001 is open  
using port scan.

On May 16, 2008, at 3:44 PM, Art Isbell wrote:

On May 16, 2008, at 9:37 AM, Robert Walker wrote:

I thought the same thing and asked our system admin if they were  
running a firewall. They say they aren't, but that definitely  
sounds like what's going on here. I'll double check with them to  
make sure.

	Do you have any better luck with  You  
could use OS X Network Utility to do a port scan of 2001 to see  
whether it's open.


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Re: WO problem on Windows Server 2003

2008-05-16 Thread Robert Walker

The app was launched from JavaMonitor and happens to be running on port 2001.  This entire machine is a test box and is being used to train a system admin on setting up WebObjects on Windows 2003. We normally run WO on Xserves, but for one of our applications we must run on Windows 2003. The reason for that is we needed to provide an API to a Windows only program, which we communicate directly to from WO and provide an API though web services. The program we are integrating with otherwise cannot be access over a network.So rather than running a development instance we are just setting up a test program using JavaMonitor. It just happens to start assigning ports from 2001 "out-of-the-box."  By the way we are not setting the argument to disable direct connect mode.I've tried everything I know, but most of my experience is deploying to Xserves. I'm not a Windows guy so I don't know what might be blocking access to the program on port 2001.On May 16, 2008, at 4:00 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:And you launched the app with -WOPort 2001?  That is NOT by default a direct connection port or a development mode port.On May 16, 2008, at 12:57 PM, Robert Walker wrote: Port 1085 responds normally with XML response. Port 2001 is open using port scan.On May 16, 2008, at 3:44 PM, Art Isbell wrote: On May 16, 2008, at 9:37 AM, Robert Walker wrote: I thought the same thing and asked our system admin if they were running a firewall. They say they aren't, but that definitely sounds like what's going on here. I'll double check with them to make sure. 	Do you have any better luck with  You could use OS X Network Utility to do a port scan of 2001 to see whether it's open.Aloha,Art ___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Robert Walker[EMAIL PROTECTED]___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.  Robert Walker[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___
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Re: Versioning ... CVS or Subversion?

2008-05-15 Thread Robert Walker
I just scanned though this thread and, unless I missed it, I didn't  
see any mention of Mercurial (hg for short). I recently stared using  
hg and have also begun experimenting with git. Both are really great  
and have some minor pros and cons between each other. But, IMHO  
either is far superior to SVN for my workflow and development style.  
SVN for me was a huge step up from CVS, which often made me want to  
shoot myself trying to resolve conflicts that other team members  
threw at me on a nearly daily basis.

I have always hated the virtual tether that centralized SCM impose.  
If you not connected to your repository directly, you can't commit  
your changes. That drove me nuts every time I was working away from  
the office.

Distributed SMS like hg or git make all those headaches go away. I  
can freely branch, commit, checkout or whatever all completely  
isolated from any central repository. It's really wonderful.

Now for my thoughts on SCM plugins for IDEs: Frankly, I really don't  
care if they are there or not. I do all my repository work in one of  
the greatest tools ever invented; the UNIX command line.  Nearly all  
IDE plugins for SCM are limited in a least some way. They don't tend  
to support everything you really need. The command line is different.  
Every feature the SMC system has to offer is available and there's no  
question of the maturity of some plugin. But, that's just me. :-)

+2 hg
+1 git
-1 svn
-999 cvs

On May 14, 2008, at 2:54 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On May 14, 2008, at 10:56 AM, Gennady Kushnir wrote:

Are they hiring?  :-P

Russian citizens only. ;-)

Ah well...

someone wants to spend a workday without Internet? :-o

I have an almost endless list of reading, writing, and  
experimenting that I would like to do.  This work thing keeps  
getting in the way.


2008/5/12 Chuck Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On May 12, 2008, at 12:23 PM, Gennady Kushnir wrote:

P.S. For those who are stunned about lacking internet on the  

of web-developer =)
My web development is not done for them - they don't care about  
it (so
they won't implement repository for me in LAN). They don't much  
about my activities there - I could even play games. I just  
should be
on my place in time... well occasionolly someone may need me  

Are they hiring?  :-P

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  


Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

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Re: Inheritance...

2008-05-07 Thread Robert Walker


The only time vertical inheritance makes sense if when you always  
fetch against leaf nodes of the inheritance tree and only if the  
inheritance tree is very shallow. Take that to mean one level deep of  
inheritance with an abstract root entity that you never fetch against.

Anything more complex than that I would recommend single-table.

My 2 cents.

On May 7, 2008, at 3:54 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On May 7, 2008, at 12:48 PM, Florijan Stamenkovic wrote:

Hi all,

In the [slightly OT] data modeling question there is some talk  
of drawbacks of inheritance, specifically of vertical  
inheritance... Since I am currently contemplating implementing a  
reasonably complex system, and have thought of using vertical  
inheritance, this has got me worried. So, what's the deal???

My situation: a structure of over 10 entities (15ish), inheritance  
up to 4 levels in depth. The amount of records per entity will be  
quite small (ranging from 5 - maybe 30), so I do not worry about  
performance. Many operations will be defined on the topmost  
entity. Relationships will almost always relate to the topmost  
entity, which will be abstract. I might want to define additional  
subentities in the future. Subentities will have a sufficient  
amount of their own properties to discourage me from single table  
inheritance. Horizontal might do, I do not think I will be  
changing the existing structure once made.

I've never done inheritance till now. Am I going to commit suicide  
over this?

You might want to check for suicide exclusions in your life  
insurance policy. :-) David Avendasora was using Vertical with JC.   
He stopped.  Maybe he can provide some pointers.  My advice would  
be to ignore that Subentities will have a sufficient amount of  
their own properties and use Single Table.  Or, failing that,  
Horizontal.  Vertical is the least efficient and the least used  
hence has a higher probability of bugs.



Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

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Re: Inheritance...

2008-05-07 Thread Robert Walker
Vertical or horizontal?  With vertical this will still select on  
the root, won't it?

That's actually a good question. It will have to select against the  
root, obviously, to pick up those attributes, but I don't think it  
then calls all the other siblings if you call against a leaf node,  
but I could be wrong about that.

I think it has a similar performance hit as a one-to-many  
relationship when accessing leaf node. But, if you call the root node  
I thought it would then access the entire tree, which can be really bad.

On May 7, 2008, at 4:27 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On May 7, 2008, at 1:14 PM, Robert Walker wrote:


The only time vertical inheritance makes sense if when you always  
fetch against leaf nodes of the inheritance tree and only if the  
inheritance tree is very shallow. Take that to mean one level deep  
of inheritance with an abstract root entity that you never fetch  

Anything more complex than that I would recommend single-table.

My 2 cents.

Vertical or horizontal?  With vertical this will still select on  
the root, won't it?


On May 7, 2008, at 3:54 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On May 7, 2008, at 12:48 PM, Florijan Stamenkovic wrote:

Hi all,

In the [slightly OT] data modeling question there is some talk  
of drawbacks of inheritance, specifically of vertical  
inheritance... Since I am currently contemplating implementing a  
reasonably complex system, and have thought of using vertical  
inheritance, this has got me worried. So, what's the deal???

My situation: a structure of over 10 entities (15ish),  
inheritance up to 4 levels in depth. The amount of records per  
entity will be quite small (ranging from 5 - maybe 30), so I do  
not worry about performance. Many operations will be defined on  
the topmost entity. Relationships will almost always relate to  
the topmost entity, which will be abstract. I might want to  
define additional subentities in the future. Subentities will  
have a sufficient amount of their own properties to discourage  
me from single table inheritance. Horizontal might do, I do not  
think I will be changing the existing structure once made.

I've never done inheritance till now. Am I going to commit  
suicide over this?

You might want to check for suicide exclusions in your life  
insurance policy. :-) David Avendasora was using Vertical with  
JC.  He stopped.  Maybe he can provide some pointers.  My advice  
would be to ignore that Subentities will have a sufficient  
amount of their own properties and use Single Table.  Or,  
failing that, Horizontal.  Vertical is the least efficient and  
the least used hence has a higher probability of bugs.



Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve  
specific problems.

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Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

Robert Walker

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Re: OT: RoR

2008-05-05 Thread Robert Walker
How about let's not be drones and propagate FUD. A bit of research  
and the truth can be known:

From what I can tell the issue that caused this FUD in the first  
place had nothing to do with the framework. They appear to have lost  
a database server. So maybe it was poor planning, or possibly the  
wrong architecture for the particular job. Now maybe RoR had  
something to do with it, but none of use here are involved enough to  
truly know.

All that being say I still say, Go WebObjects. But, just because we  
have something great doesn't give us the right to bash others and  
spread FUD.

On May 3, 2008, at 10:37 AM, David LeBer wrote:

On 3-May-08, at 8:40 AM, James Cicenia wrote: 

Maybe we should start write-in campaigns.  Go WebObjects GoOo.

Or maybe not (considering the source):


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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Re: WO 5.4.2

2008-05-01 Thread Robert Walker
Also, isn't the whole iPhone SDK still under NDA protection anyway?  
None of it is publicly released is it?

On May 1, 2008, at 10:21 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:

As far as I'm concerned, if it's not an official release, it's  
not final.  I'm not even sure the legality of deploying frameworks  
from the iPhone SDK, but why take the chance.  I would consider it  
beta even if it technically isn't.


On May 1, 2008, at 10:12 AM, Ricardo Parada wrote:

Is WebObjects 5.4.2 that is in the iPhone SDK a beta version of  
WebObjects or is it gold version of 5.4.2?

I was asked that during a presentation I had about Eclipse, WOLips  
and WO 5.4.2 and I did not know the answer?


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Re: Leaving WebObjects

2008-04-09 Thread Robert Walker
Am I missing something? How can anyone say that OpenLaszlo is any  
less proprietary than WO. WO is a framework of some Java classes. At  
my office we use ADF/BC an Oracle framework of some Java classes.  
OpenLaszlo is a framework of, well I don't know what, but it  
certainly isn't any less proprietary. Code written in OpenLaszlo  
would still need to run with dependency on that framework correct?

I guess what I'm asking is to define what you mean by proprietary. Or  
do you really mean open source? I'm guessing that OpenLaszlo is open  
source, but does that make it any less proprietary?

On Apr 9, 2008, at 12:44 PM, Robert B.Hanviriyapunt wrote:

Man, I really wish the problem were resources.  I, myself, am a  
supporter, a fan, a experienced developer of, an advocate of  
WebObjects.  I personally have some issues with the fact that the  
native tools are gone (when and if I get to WO5.4).  But as far as  
the business's decisions to nix WebObjects are the first two items:

1. WebObjects is proprietary
2. New versions of WebObjects are not supported on Windows

If Apple would just take care of ONE of these two, the company  
would be super happy!  *I'D* be happy!  And we could get on with  
our lives.  THEN, with the continued development with WebObjects I  
could ask you, James, for help and whatnot, or even get the ok to  
get another WebO guy in here!  (Sorry, somehow people have been  
starting to say WebO to the chagrin of many)

As for your response, Jeff, we have 3 developers (including me).   
The main developer is the director of technology.  She's big on  
POJO, big on standard Java development, interested in RIA w/  
OpenLaszlo, big on opensource stuff (I think her next plan is to  
use Java Server Faces w/ Struts), and has inherited an app that  
uses WebO for just session management and HTML rendering (UI).  And  
she has decided to go OpenLaszlo w/ Struts on top of the existing  
Java-based core.  Tools (for others, not me -- I requested a Mac)  
are Eclipse/WOLips.  She let me have a Mac but often pops up the  
questions of unknown [Mac] platform issues even as I report that I  
account for any issues (which are really none -- I use XP on  
Parallels to run our apps and setup is a bit convoluted -- don't  
get me started).  Yep, I'm a Mac guy thru and thru.  I agree with  
you that WebO is much better designed, but somehow that is not  
evident to the powers that be.  As for Linux, we have a .NET (black  
box) app we interface with and got a deal on DELL servers (I don't  
think XServes are ever getting in here).

In general, we ARE in good shape ... with the exception that I've  
started working on an OpenLaszlo/Struts app (which is on hold) and  
am now on JSFaces development.  I would LOVE to get back to WebO  
and even show them EOF!  But perhaps it's too late.  The only thing  
that can turn it around is the changes mentioned above  
(proprietariness and/or Windows support).

= Robert =

Robert Walker

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Re: Leaving WebObjects

2008-04-09 Thread Robert Walker
 of sense.

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Re: Google App Engine

2008-04-08 Thread Robert Walker
  I don't know if it would be possible to integrate EOF and such a  
data store, as EOF is very tight to the relational model, without  
doing some heavy trickery

Speaking of that, why do we continue the Cargo Cult of the  
relational database? Isn't it about time to move past them, and begin  
moving to persistent storage that makes sense in the modern age of  

That's all I'll say on the subject. I'm not trying to start a long  
discussion that will all end in tears.

On Apr 8, 2008, at 12:00 PM, Miguel Arroz wrote:


  Of course I was! :)

  I don't know if it would be possible to integrate EOF and such a  
data store, as EOF is very tight to the relational model, without  
doing some heavy trickery (ie, bugs, instability, limitations,  
etc). And there's also the problem of not being able to access it  
outside of the python sandbox. But being able to do queries against  
the google infrastructure is very very interesting, specially  
considering my permanent performance concerns with traditional DBs...

  Interesting note, they also use OL to handle concurrency. I hope  
their implementation actually works! :)


Miguel Arroz

On 2008/04/08, at 16:54, Mike Schrag wrote:

. but then i think you were only semi-serious ;)

On Apr 8, 2008, at 11:53 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:

I actually looked at this ... I'm not sure if you can access the  
datastore outside of the python API's running in the cluster.   
Amazon's is a possibility also, but the query capability is very  
limited, and joins would have to be implemented inside the  
adaptor.  Google's at least appears to expose a SQL-like API,  
though I don't know how extensive it is.


On Apr 8, 2008, at 11:46 AM, Miguel Arroz wrote:



I bet Mike can't write an adaptor for the Datastore in a  
weekend... ;)


Miguel Arroz

Miguel Arroz

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Miguel Arroz

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Robert Walker

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Re: Google App Engine

2008-04-08 Thread Robert Walker
  I do agree, I hate relational DBs. The problem is that I still  
didn't find any other persistent store that:

  1) Can scale and handle high load (in a real environment, not  
just on the spec sheet);

  2) Is affordable/free;
  3) Integrates well with powerful frameworks like WO.

I don't yet know a lot about this, but from reading their feature  
list, systems like this may be in our near future.

Feature and Benefits:

On Apr 8, 2008, at 12:24 PM, Miguel Arroz wrote:


On 2008/04/08, at 17:12, Robert Walker wrote:

Speaking of that, why do we continue the Cargo Cult of the  
relational database? Isn't it about time to move past them, and  
begin moving to persistent storage that makes sense in the modern  
age of objects?
That's all I'll say on the subject. I'm not trying to start a long  
discussion that will all end in tears.

  I do agree, I hate relational DBs. The problem is that I still  
didn't find any other persistent store that:

  1) Can scale and handle high load (in a real environment, not  
just on the spec sheet);

  2) Is affordable/free;
  3) Integrates well with powerful frameworks like WO.

  When something comes up that meets these criteria, I will move on  
the first day. I feel the same as you, it's incredible how little  
databases have evolved in the last decades. But if making a good  
alternative was easy, we would have lots of them around, I guess.


Miguel Arroz

Miguel Arroz

Robert Walker

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Re: Google App Engine

2008-04-08 Thread Robert Walker
One of our suppliers used this DB and it was, to use a technical  
term, a bag of crap. That was a few years back now, so it may have  
moved on a bit, but it's one of those things filed under avoid at  
all costs in my brain.

Exactly why I made it very clear that I don't have any details on  
that database. I was merely suggesting that there is work being done  
in this area, and that I feel we will benefit from it sometime in the  
not-so-distant future.

To me relational = reliable. It's a bit like EOF vs Ruby on Rails.  
Yeah, there's stacks of whizzy new bits of kit out there, but at  
the end of the day would you lay your life on something that's got  
just a few months under it's belt, or stick with something that's  
been running heavily used systems for years ?

That's also the thinking that brings innovation to crawl. Sometimes  
that's necessary, and a very good thing. But, not everything must be  
absolutely bullet-proof stable. Plus there's nothing in either EOF or  
RoR that is inherently more stable or unstable. Poor, unstable code  
is as easy to write in WO as it is in RoR. At least in my experience  

It's interesting that you bring up the EOF vs Rails argument. If RoR  
was a completely unstable pile of crap, then its popularity would  
have faded long before now. There's some real innovation going on in  
that space. There's a lot of things to learn from looking at  
competing framework. I'm a big fan of EOF, but I'm also a big fan of  

I'll use the tool that best fits my requirements. Making blanket  
statements about a framework, based on hearsay, simply because it may  
compete with what you're using doesn't really do anyone any good.  
This is a trend that seems to be perpetual. I just try to step  
outside the arguments and take advantage of what each language and  
framework has to offer.

My apologies, I will be quiet now. I didn't mean to start anything,  
but I want my point of view to be clear.

On Apr 8, 2008, at 1:09 PM, Simon McLean wrote:

One of our suppliers used this DB and it was, to use a technical  
term, a bag of crap. That was a few years back now, so it may have  
moved on a bit, but it's one of those things filed under avoid at  
all costs in my brain.

To me relational = reliable. It's a bit like EOF vs Ruby on Rails.  
Yeah, there's stacks of whizzy new bits of kit out there, but at  
the end of the day would you lay your life on something that's got  
just a few months under it's belt, or stick with something that's  
been running heavily used systems for years ?


On 8 Apr 2008, at 17:55, Robert Walker wrote:
I don't yet know a lot about this, but from reading their feature  
list, systems like this may be in our near future.
Feature and Benefits: 

On Apr 8, 2008, at 12:24 PM, Miguel Arroz wrote:


On 2008/04/08, at 17:12, Robert Walker wrote:

Speaking of that, why do we continue the Cargo Cult of the  
relational database? Isn't it about time to move past them, and  
begin moving to persistent storage that makes sense in the  
modern age of objects?
That's all I'll say on the subject. I'm not trying to start a  
long discussion that will all end in tears.

  I do agree, I hate relational DBs. The problem is that I still  
didn't find any other persistent store that:

  1) Can scale and handle high load (in a real environment, not  
just on the spec sheet);

  2) Is affordable/free;
  3) Integrates well with powerful frameworks like WO.

  When something comes up that meets these criteria, I will move  
on the first day. I feel the same as you, it's incredible how  
little databases have evolved in the last decades. But if making  
a good alternative was easy, we would have lots of them around,  
I guess.


Miguel Arroz

Miguel Arroz

Robert Walker

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Re: Leaving WebObjects

2008-04-08 Thread Robert Walker


Welcome to my world. Our company recently completed just such a  
transition. We went to Oracle ADF/BC (A JSF implementation).

All I can say is to prepare yourself to see your nice clean  
EOGenericRecord subclasses replaced by thousand plus line class and  
XML configuration files.

But, the good news is those classes are a little easier to learn,  
because they do a whole lot less than enterprise objects.

On Apr 8, 2008, at 2:50 PM, Robert B. Hanviriyapunt wrote:

For some time now, my company has been set on leaving WebObjects.   
We have been running WebObjects 5.2 on Windows servers.  We haven't  
moved 100% yet, but my next project will be using JavaServer  
Faces.  And another fairly new project will be using OpenLaszlo  
with our existing J2E back-end.

Company's reasons for leaving:

1. WebObjects is proprietary

2. New versions of WebObjects is not supported on Windows

3. Perceived lack of knowledgeable WebObjects programmers (I'm in  
the Chicago suburbs -- Northbrook, IL, to be precise)

We do NOT use:

1. Xcode/WebObjects tools [Xcode or WOBuilder or EOModeler] (except  
for me on a MacBook Pro -- only because I requested it)

2. EOF


4. Servlet container (which I do not prefer anyway)

I personally enjoy WebObjects development and wish that WebObjects  
would be more palatable to companies such as mine.

Please excuse the ranting, but I want someone at Apple to know that  
as great as WebObjects technology is [I personally think it is the  
BEST I've seen anywhere], it is losing ground because if it's lack  
in thet top 3 items mentioned.  I wish so bad that Apple would do  
something about it.

I'm guessing people's response will be:  Don't hold your breath.

Pity.  :(

= Robert =
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Re: Why no 1to1 relationships?

2008-04-02 Thread Robert Walker
Yes, it is possible to create one-to-one relationships, joined on the  
primary keys. One side of the relationship will need Propagates  
primary key, as has been mentioned.

I just wanted to add one caveat to this configuration: The  
relationship will always be 1-to-1 and will never be 1-to-0. In other  
words if you created an instance of the entity on the side  
propagating the key, you will get an instance of the other side of  
the relationship. This will happen even if no fields are set on the  
other side. This means that if any attributes (other than the PK) on  
the other side of the relationship are set to required, neither  
object will save.

Also if you attempt to create a new instance on other other side (not  
propagating the key) you will also have problems saving.

As far as I recall this is the experience that I've had when  
attempting to do this. Because of these complications I now opt for  
the more flexible one-to-one style by setting it up in the model as a  
one-to-many relationship. Then force the many-side to allow only one  
or zero related rows though validation logic.

This also makes me think of the Ruby on Rails associations mechanism  
for creating one-to-one relationships:


has_one :detail

belongs_to :master

as opposed to the one to many setup...


has_many :details

belongs_to :master

It seems to me that adding something along this line to EOF would be  
very useful, and not particularly difficult. I don't mean in the  
syntax above, but rather having a built-in way to constrain the  
many-side to allow only one. Come to think of it: Core Data supports  
this in its relationship configuration. It even goes a step further  
by allowing you to specified the number of related objects allowed.

On Apr 2, 2008, at 1:48 PM, Jacky Gagnon wrote:

Hi Jeff,

I've decided to fully EOize my app to replace my current use of  
flat files, mainly to better deal with concurrency issues.  In  
creating my analogous tables, I found that there's no way to  
specify a 1 to 1 relationship between tables using the Entity  
Modeler tool.  Is there a specific reason for this?  Or is it just  
figured that you might as well make it one to many anyway even if  
it is just one to one?

You can specify «1 to 1» relationship with Entity Modeler.

If the destination cannot be null, use the same id in the two tables.
-In Properties  Basic select : the cardinality «To One», your  
destination, and add your primary keys.
-In Properties  Advanced select : for the source object, check  
Propagates primary key and Owns Destination (if the destination  
object cannot exist without an owner).

Good luck!


If you're wondering why I want to do this, it's to hopefully  
reduce conflicts of multiple people updating the same record in a  
table.  Is that generally a good reason to split 1 to 1 data into  
two tables?

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Re: DTJC running on the iPhone

2008-03-10 Thread Robert Walker
I realize that I'm probably in a minority here, but I am not looking  
forward to Java, of any sort, coming to the iPhone. If you're  
interested in writing iPhone applications, use the native iPhone SDK  
and build a real iPhone application. Objective C is not that far a  
leap from Java and you would have native access it all the iPhone APIs.

The fear I have of Java coming to the iPhone is that if it exists,  
people might think about using it. I've felt the same way about  
desktop applications to be honest. The only time I ever choose to use  
a Java application on the desktop is when there's absolutely no other  
choice. However, I do understand the appeal of write once, run  
anywhere. In practice, though, it generally makes for a less than  
stellar user experience.

For example, I've been less than impressed with any Java based IDE  
I've used. I'm amazed at what the developers have been able to  
accomplish with these IDEs, but every time I open one I wish it was a  
native application. I miss the responsiveness of Xcode and wish there  
existed a Mac OS X native IDE that understood the Java language to  
the depth of Eclipse or NetBeans. I'm not holding my breath waiting  
for one though.

Anyway, I'm sure we'll see Java come to the iPhone, I just hope it is  
made clear for any apps using it so that I can avoid them. I wouldn't  
want anyone installing a Java VM on my iPhone without making it very  
clear that it's happening.

On Mar 9, 2008, at 12:05 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

Java Client on the iPhone/iPod Touch could be really cool, but  
without custom UI extensions to deal with the touch interface, I  
think you'll end up with a very non-Touch feel and therefor alien- 
feeling app. Sure it would be functional, but not really a Touch  
application. Now, with  Swing/SWT/Whatever-Touch extensions, that  
has possibilities...

As far as Direct To Java Client, unfortunately I think it is all  
but dead. It's deprecated, even though I've had some success  
getting it running under 5.4.1, it is no longer supported and the  
number of people out there using it numbers in the handful.

D2JC was wonderful and I'm really not looking forward to building  
every piece of my JC UI from scratch, but I think it's time to move  
on, to more robust and supported Java Client technologies. Florijan  
Stamenkovic's, Paulo Sommaruga's  or similar new JC framework  
should really be at the core of any WO Java Client app moving forward.


On Mar 8, 2008, at 11:30 PM, Baiss Eric Magnusson wrote:

Subject: Re: State of WO Java Client
To: Development WebObjects

Your templates are converted and posted! http://

What's the word on JBND's WO 5.4.1 compatibility? Any issues that  

know of?


Any thoughts from out there on running DTJC on the iPhone.

I spent three months with DTJC and although the project went  
nowhere it was interesting to experience the native client feel.

Sun announced they were going to make a J2ME for the iPhone.

Objective-C might be more fun but that seems too much of a stretch.

Baiss Eric Magnusson

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Re: Lifebeat

2008-03-04 Thread Robert Walker

The lifebeat has nothing to do with your long running response problem.

There are adaptor settings to adjust the send and receive timeouts.  
That being said, I am in complete agreement with Miguel. Adjusting  
the timeouts is not the best way to solve the long response issues.  
If your response takes more than a few seconds your users will assume  
something is wrong and will either start clicking on things, click  
their bookmark to get back to the sign-in page, or simply close the  
browser window.

I you need to use a long running response, you need a way to inform  
your users that something is happening. A progress bar is nice, but  
if not possible, you need at least something to indicate that  
something is happening. The long response page is one way to do this,  
but an even better way could be to use an asynchronous AJAX request.  
In either case run the long processing in a separate thread as  
previously suggested.

On Mar 4, 2008, at 2:22 PM, Miguel Arroz wrote:


  You are trying to solve the problem in the wrong way. If you have  
a long operation, you should do it on a separate thread, and use  
WOLongResponse or the Ajax similar to handle the user interface.  
That way, you won't have any problem with lifebeat.


Miguel Arroz

On 2008/03/04, at 19:16, Valerio Luccio wrote:

I have a WebObject application running on a Mac. Recently some  
operations have taken more than 30 seconds, which forces the  
application to restart. I've increased the lifebeat value to 60  
through WOMonitor and when I look at how the process was launched,  
sure enough, I see -WOLifebeatInterval 60, yet the application  
still shuts down if it takes more than 30 seconds. Why is that ?  
How can I get this guy to behave the way I want ?


Valerio Luccio  (212) 998-8736
Center for Brain Imaging4 Washington Place, Room 156
New York University New York, NY 10003

  In an open world, who needs windows or gates?

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Robert Walker

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Re: Lifebeat

2008-03-04 Thread Robert Walker

Oops, I wasn't thinking straight. Thanks Chuck for the correction.

However, I am pretty sure handing the long response in a separate  
thread is the right way to go to solve the root problem right?

On Mar 4, 2008, at 3:57 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Mar 4, 2008, at 12:06 PM, Robert Walker wrote:

The lifebeat has nothing to do with your long running response  

Hold on there, Valerio said:

 the application still shuts down if it takes more than 30 seconds

That is wotaskd killing an unresponsive app, IIRC.  The adaptor  
timeouts should not affect this.  I thought that the lifebeat came  
through on a different request handler, but if it gets blocked by  
having concurrent request handling off, that could explain this.

Valerio: WOLifebeatInterval controls how often the app is checked,  
not how long wotaskd waits for a response.

I think we need more information: which version of WO, is  
concurrent request handling on or off, what do you see in the app  
log when it shuts down?  Is the app running out of memory?


There are adaptor settings to adjust the send and receive  
timeouts. That being said, I am in complete agreement with Miguel.  
Adjusting the timeouts is not the best way to solve the long  
response issues. If your response takes more than a few seconds  
your users will assume something is wrong and will either start  
clicking on things, click their bookmark to get back to the sign- 
in page, or simply close the browser window.

I you need to use a long running response, you need a way to  
inform your users that something is happening. A progress bar is  
nice, but if not possible, you need at least something to indicate  
that something is happening. The long response page is one way to  
do this, but an even better way could be to use an asynchronous  
AJAX request. In either case run the long processing in a separate  
thread as previously suggested.

On Mar 4, 2008, at 2:22 PM, Miguel Arroz wrote:


  You are trying to solve the problem in the wrong way. If you  
have a long operation, you should do it on a separate thread, and  
use WOLongResponse or the Ajax similar to handle the user  
interface. That way, you won't have any problem with lifebeat.


Miguel Arroz

On 2008/03/04, at 19:16, Valerio Luccio wrote:

I have a WebObject application running on a Mac. Recently some  
operations have taken more than 30 seconds, which forces the  
application to restart. I've increased the lifebeat value to 60  
through WOMonitor and when I look at how the process was  
launched, sure enough, I see -WOLifebeatInterval 60, yet the  
application still shuts down if it takes more than 30 seconds.  
Why is that ? How can I get this guy to behave the way I want ?


Valerio Luccio  (212) 998-8736
Center for Brain Imaging4 Washington Place, Room 156
New York University New York, NY 10003

  In an open world, who needs windows or gates?

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Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

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Re: Lifebeat

2008-03-04 Thread Robert Walker
In the case that the delay is caused by the connection to the  
database, would the instance lock waiting on the response? Isn't the  
EOF stack essentially single threaded anyway?

I'm guessing that even using a WOLongResponse page would not fix this  
problem. Would that be correct? Same would go for concurrent request  
handling right?

On Mar 4, 2008, at 4:18 PM, Valerio Luccio wrote:

Chuck Hill wrote:
Are you running with concurrent request handling turned off?   
Which version of WO?

WO 5.3.3. This is a Tiger machine, going to migrate to a Leopard  
and WO 5.4 in a few weeks.
As for concurrent request handling ... you're testing the limit of  
my knowledge, how do I control that ?

Miguel Arroz wrote:


  You are trying to solve the problem in the wrong way. If you  
have a long operation, you should do it on a separate thread, and  
use WOLongResponse or the Ajax similar to handle the user  
interface. That way, you won't have any problem with lifebeat.
Of course you're right Miguel, but this is an exceptional case,  
that operation usually takes between 1 and 4 seconds and I didn't  
think it was worth separate threads. I don't feel like making the  
changes for something that has happened once in 3 years. If it  
happens more often I'll have to do some re-design.

Chuck Hill wrote:

Hold on there, Valerio said:

That is wotaskd killing an unresponsive app, IIRC.  The adaptor  
timeouts should not affect this.  I thought that the lifebeat came  
through on a different request handler, but if it gets blocked by  
having concurrent request handling off, that could explain this.

Valerio: WOLifebeatInterval controls how often the app is checked,  
not how long wotaskd waits for a response.

I think we need more information: which version of WO, is  
concurrent request handling on or off, what do you see in the app  
log when it shuts down?  Is the app running out of memory?

OK, the WO version is above. I was under the impression that the  
WOLifeBeatInterval was supposed to control how long to wait between  
checks. The message in the log is:

Exception while sending response:  
Broken pipe

The program would shut down after exactly 30 seconds  of course  
today the operation is taking only 3 seconds so I cannot duplicate  
the error. In case you're wondering about the disparity in response  
time, the database is on a server that, over the years, has taken  
on more and more tasks. I've already ordered another server to  
offload all the file serving operations, but for the moment this  
baby had to endure and yesterday it was very busy.

Valerio Luccio  (212) 998-8736
Center for Brain Imaging4 Washington Place, Room 156
New York University New York, NY 10003

   In an open world, who needs windows or gates?

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Re: How to fetch eo with a specific relationship

2008-02-07 Thread Robert Walker
For no reason other than I like its expressiveness, if you use  
Wonder you can just do this:

EOFetchSpecification fs = new EOFetchSpecification(Product,  
ERXQ.equals(category, aCategory), null);

Yes, I figured WOnder would have a better way.

But, unfortunately I don't use WOnder, because I don't actually do  
WebObjects anymore. Certainly not by choice, but there it is. I now  
live in a dark, dark world of Oracle ADF/BC/SOA/BPEL/WSDL/WS-*/ 

Example: Yesterday I generated a web service proxy for one service.  
When going to checkin the new files to Subversion I was amazed to see  
84 new files. They talk a lot about SOA and how it's going to save  
the world through decoupling. But 80-100 files per web service (none  
of which contain any custom code, those are just auto-generated  
support files). How can that not be a complete nightmare to maintain?


The only glimmer of light in my dark existence is my personal  
projects that I do in Rails. Hopefully, one day soon, I'll be able to  
break free from the chains of Java EE and SOA. I do try to keep in  
touch with the WO community, although I admit that's getting more  
difficult as things have progressed past my recent experience with WO.

Thank Mike.

Thanks Mike!

On Feb 6, 2008, at 3:34 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Feb 6, 2008, at 12:09 PM, Louis Demers wrote:

Thanks to all for quickly educating me on this subject.

On 6-Feb-08, at 11:32 , Robert Walker wrote:

1) that is a specific case where exposing/using primary keys is  
OK ?

Well, you CAN use PK, even it is not a good idea to manipulate  
it directly.
ERXGenericRecord, from Project Wonder, has the method primaryKey 
() that return a string with the value of the PK, you do not  
need to set the field as manipulated (I don't know how to say  
it) in the EOModel.

EOFetchSpecification can use EOs. EOF will take care of  
performing the fetch using the object's PK.

1. Find the Category object you're interested in.
2. Build a fetch specification using that category instance to  
find the related products.

Category aCategory; // assume this exists
EOQualifier qual = EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat 
(category = %@, new NSArray(aCategory));
EOFetchSpecification fs = new EOFetchSpecification(Product,  
qual, null);

For no reason other than I like its expressiveness, if you use  
Wonder you can just do this:

EOFetchSpecification fs = new EOFetchSpecification(Product,  
ERXQ.equals(category, aCategory), null);

Thank Mike.


that is exactly what I was trying to figure out.

My intuition was steering me away from 2) but I could not remember  
why or find the message where I had read about this performance  

Thanks again Robert and the others.

2) setup the reverse to-many relationship ?

IMHO, this is the best way to do it:
always set a inverse toMany relation for every ToOne, well, if  
you know that you'll never use it, you can avoid to set an  
inverse relationship, but in this case, you should find it usefull.

At least if using standard EOF classes, having the reverse to- 
many relationship as a class properly on the EO can cause very  
major performance problems because the to-many fault can get  
fired when you don't expect it. This can happen even if you never  
directly access the to-many relationship. I've had nightmares  
about this very problem in the past. I now consider the  
implication of adding the to-many side as a class property. If I  
expect it could return more than a few hundred objects then I  
don't use it. I still model the to-many side, I just don't set it  
as a class property. It's entirely possible that Project WOnder  
classes take care of this problem. I just wanted to make sure you  
were aware of it.

You could also add method to the Category class using the above  
fetch specification that returns the related parts in an array.  
This way you can use it just like you had a relationship, but you  
would not have to worry about the fault firing problem. This is  
the approach I generally take when I'm concerned about the number  
of related objects.

On Feb 6, 2008, at 10:26 AM, Daniele Corti wrote:

2008/2/6, Louis Demers [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hi,

I have 2 EO, Part and Category. Part has a to-one relationship to
Category. Category does not have a reverse to-many relationship.

Through a search/listing page of categories, the user can select a
Category and I wish to present all of the parts from this  
category. I

was hoping to not used the fields of the categories (like name,
type...) to do the search, and really use the EO itself as the
selection criteria. That lead meto consider using the primary  
key, but
every book /messages I looked through discourages one to use  

keys/global ids. My guesses are:

1) that is a specific case where exposing/using primary keys is  
OK ?

Well, you CAN use PK, even it is not a good idea to manipulate  
it directly

Re: How to fetch eo with a specific relationship

2008-02-06 Thread Robert Walker
advertising, can't log in, power switch and what backup?
--Alistair Young
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Re: How to fetch eo with a specific relationship

2008-02-06 Thread Robert Walker
Yea, the reason I like to have the to-many in the model but not as a  
class property is so that I can do this.

User model
public void validateForDelete() throws  
NSValidation.ValidationException {


// Deny delete rule for driverLogs relationship
if (Utilities.countRelatedEnterpriseObjects(this,  
driverLogs).intValue()  0) {
throw new NSValidation.ValidationException(Delete was  
denied!  This user has related driver logs.  Disable login instead.);


Utility class

 * Convenience method that returns the count of related records  
using raw SQL

public static Number countRelatedEnterpriseObjects(EOEnterpriseObject  
sourceEO, String relationshipKey) {

// First make sure the relationship is to-many and has unary keys
EOEntity sourceEntity = EOModelGroup.defaultGroup 

String modelName = sourceEntity.model().name();
EORelationship rel = sourceEntity.relationshipNamed 

NSArray destAttributes = rel.destinationAttributes();
if (rel == null || !rel.isToMany()) {
throw new RuntimeException(No to-many relationship found  
for key:  + relationshipKey);

if (destAttributes.count() != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException(This method can only be used  
with entities having unary primary keys.);


// Count the number of related rows using raw SQL
EOEntity destEntity = rel.destinationEntity();
NSArray destPKAttributes = destEntity.primaryKeyAttributes();
String destPK = ((EOAttribute)destPKAttributes.lastObject 
String destFK = ((EOAttribute)destAttributes.lastObject 

// Build the SQL statement to return the row count
String sql = SELECT COUNT( + destPK + ) FROM  +  
destEntity.externalName() +
 WHERE  + destFK +  =  + unaryPKValueForObject(sourceEO)  
+ ;;
NSArray rows = EOUtilities.rawRowsForSQL(sourceEO.editingContext 
(), modelName, sql, new NSArray(rowCount));

if (rows.count()  0) {
Number rowCount = (Number)((NSDictionary)rows.lastObject 

return rowCount;
return null;

 * Returns the PK of the object as a string value.
public static String unaryPKValueForObject(EOEnterpriseObject eo){
NSDictionary d = EOUtilities.primaryKeyForObject 
(eo.editingContext(), eo);

Number n = (Number)d.objectForKey(oid);
return n.toString();

On Feb 6, 2008, at 1:56 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

I agree with this completely. WO will load ALL the to-many-related  
objects from the database when you try to set the inverse to-one  
relationship on a new object, which when there are thousands of  
related objects, this can cause a huge delay, especially in Java  
Client applications where the client then requests all the objects  
be sent to the client from the server. Ouch.

I have always just not modeled the inverse, unless I discovered a  
compelling reason to _expect_ all the related objects to be in  
memory. I didn't realize that if the relationship isn't marked as a  
class attribute that it wouldn't fetch them. That is interesting  
and would make the model much more intuitive.

Using a FetchSpec to go get the to-many-related objects manually  
has worked well for me as it only incurs the often substantial  
overhead if and when I explicitly ask it to.


On Feb 6, 2008, at 11:32 AM, Robert Walker wrote:

At least if using standard EOF classes, having the reverse to-many  
relationship as a class properly on the EO can cause very major  
performance problems because the to-many fault can get fired when  
you don't expect it. This can happen even if you never directly  
access the to-many relationship. I've had nightmares about this  
very problem in the past. I now consider the implication of adding  
the to-many side as a class property. If I expect it could return  
more than a few hundred objects then I don't use it. I still model  
the to-many side, I just don't set it as a class property. It's  
entirely possible that Project WOnder classes take care of this  
problem. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of it.

Robert Walker

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Re: Unexpected awakeFromInsertion() behaviour

2008-01-17 Thread Robert Walker
	at com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication.dispatchRequest 
	at com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOWorkerThread.runOnce 


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Robert Walker

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Re: New podcasts and iTunes

2008-01-11 Thread Robert Walker
I've used a bunch of programs for making podcasts, for screen  
captures with audio you could try Snapz Pro X  and  Quicktime Pro  
will export anything to a podcast. There's also ProfCast for  
Powerpoint/Keynote presentations with audio.

Just my opinion, but I would recommend skipping Snapz Pro X and go  
with iShowU. I found it to be much nicer and more geared toward  

Find it here if interested:

On Jan 10, 2008, at 8:58 PM, Gordon Belray wrote:

I've used a bunch of programs for making podcasts, for screen  
captures with audio you could try Snapz Pro X  and  Quicktime Pro  
will export anything to a podcast. There's also ProfCast for  
Powerpoint/Keynote presentations with audio.

The mailing list is great but it's not the same as a good visual  


On 10-Jan-08, at 7:44 PM, Pascal Robert wrote:

Actually, using Podcast Producer is really easy to us.  The  
problem is that you need the server part.

If you are brave enough to install leopard then you probably have  
podcast producer somewhere on your machine.

But i'd stick to contributing to the mailing list. It's so  
much easier :-)


On 10 Jan 2008, at 23:54, Chuck Hill wrote:

So, uh, how do you make a podcast?

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Gordon Belray
Information Architect and Imaging System Manager
Information Technology Services Robarts Library
416.946.8617cell: 416.427.7007

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Re: Need some advice on handling EO validation errors

2007-12-07 Thread Robert Walker


I think this is one of the clearest explanations of the  
EOEditingContext I've seen. That used to trip me up a lot when first  
learning WO. I used the session's defaulting editing context for all  
kinds of stuff. I just thought that was the right way by reading the  
documentation on EOF. It wasn't until later that I discovered all the  
problems that created.

I agree use the default editing context sparingly, and then only to  
read not write. Even then only use it to store data that really  
doesn't change much.

Thanks for this, not necessarily for my sake, but for others that may  
fall into this not-so-obvious trap.

On Dec 7, 2007, at 3:56 PM, Pierre Bernard wrote:

It is important to see the EOEditingContext as a sandbox. It's the  
EC that contains your unsaved changes. It's not the EOF stack  
that is clogged with pending updates. Other clients of the EOF  
stack will not even see your local changes until they are committed.

When saving fails over a validation error, you get a chance to  
modify your sandbox until it is in a valid state.

This also implies that your EC should preferably have a rather  
short lifespan and a limited scope. E.g. it should no live for as  
long as your application instance and carry uncommited data between  
unrelated bits of code.

I for one consider the session default editing context to be mostly  
a convenience for smaller applications. I use it only to load data  
that shares the lifespan of the session. And I never ever use this  
context for write operations.


On Dec 7, 2007, at 5:03 PM, Alan Ward wrote:

The unsaved objects(s) are still in your EOEditingContext and thus  
any future attempts to save
will try to save them again (along with any subsequent changes).   
The approach that you describe
below is not the best one.  What you want to do is to catch the  
exception from ec.saveChanges()
and depending on what caused it either a) fix your code to prevent  
it happening, b) modify the
EO's in your EC such that they can be saved or c) revert the EC  
and abandon the unsaved changes.
If you do none of the above and keep trying to save that  
editingContext then you'll just keep getting

the same error as EOF tries to persist your changes to the database.


On Dec 7, 2007, at 8:48 AM, Greg Lappen wrote:

Hi all,

I just recently ran into an issue where my application tried to  
save a new object to the database, the save failed, and every  
subsequent save failed with the same error.  It seems that  
WebObjects maintains a queue of updates/saves to write to the  
database, and when one fails, it essentially clogs up the queue  
because WO keeps trying to save it eveytime someone calls  
saveChanges() on an editing context.  What I'd like to do is set  
up a global exception handler in my application that runs  
whenever an exception is not caught by my code, and in that error  
handler I want to reset the whole EnterpriseObject stack - the  
cache, the update/save queue, everything - so that other work in  
the application can continue and not worry about cache corruption  
or anything like that.

Is this possible to do?  Anyone know how to do it?

Thanks so much for any help.

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Robert Walker

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Re: how can I return form results in a new window?

2007-12-06 Thread Robert Walker
Only the really angst filled ones that block ALL popups regardless  
of their origin.  And if that's the case then nothing he does is  
going to work.  However, most good popup blockers will recognize  
that this is the direct result of a user action (submitting a form)  
and allow the popup.

true I should have said may instead of will.

On Dec 6, 2007, at 4:51 PM, Galen Rhodes wrote:

On Dec 6, 2007, at 4:31 PM, Robert Walker wrote:

function doFormSubmit(theForm) { = NewWindow;
		newWindow = 

return true;

Also be aware that popup blockers will block in  
the JavaScript.

Only the really angst filled ones that block ALL popups regardless  
of their origin.  And if that's the case then nothing he does is  
going to work.  However, most good popup blockers will recognize  
that this is the direct result of a user action (submitting a form)  
and allow the popup.

On Dec 6, 2007, at 12:38 PM, Galen Rhodes wrote:

On Dec 6, 2007, at 1:40 AM, Kevin Windham wrote:

I want to load the results of a form into a new window and then  
redirect the original form page to a different location. I can  
do this with a regular link using the technique described here 
but I haven't figured out how to do it with a form result.

Essentially what you're going to do is trap the onSubmit  
message of the form or the onClick message of one of the  
buttons.  Then what you have to do is open a blank window and  
then make sure the target for the form is the same as the new  
window.  You can do this last part in one of two ways: 1) set the  
target in the form tag or 2) (if you only want it to happen under  
certain conditions) set the target in the javascript just before  
you open the window.  Here's a brief example:


webobject name=TheForm.../webobject

The WOD:

	TheForm : WOForm { action = myAction; onsubmit = return  
doFormSubmit(this); }

The Javascript:

function doFormSubmit(theForm) { = NewWindow;
		newWindow = 

return true;

Anyone got any ideas how to do this?

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Robert Walker

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Re: Migrate from WO5.2 to Eclipse

2007-11-14 Thread Robert Walker

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Re: Static component question

2007-11-07 Thread Robert Walker
And what is this supposed problem with storing these values in an  
NSArray of your component? You say you want to store them somewhere  
in your component. A WO component is made up of HTML, WOD, WOO and a  
Java class. So I would consider storing the list in an NSArray of the  
component's Java class somewhere in the component.

That being said. Why do you need a dynamic component to store static  
information. You could always just write the popup button in pure  
static HTML. There's nothing stopping you from doing that. Of, course  
it's going to be extra work on your part to get at that data from  
your component's Java class. Something that WO component bindings  
just nicely take care of for you.

On Nov 7, 2007, at 3:24 PM, Shagor Ghani wrote:


I have a feeling this is a fairly basic WO question, so advanced  
apologies if my hunch is correct.

Basically, I'm looking to populate a pulldown menu, inappropriately  
titled WOPopUpButton in WOBuilder, with a set of values, e.g.  
Red, Blue, and Green.  Problem is, I don't want to accomplish  
this by building an NSArray of Strings with these values and then  
binding the NSArray to the 'list' attribute in the WOPopUpButton.   
Is there a better way to do this whereby I don't have to store  
these values in code, DB, etc, but directly in my HTML or somehow  
in the component itself?  If I take the approach of a static  
WOPopUpButton component, how would I access the selection in my code?


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Re: D2W does not do addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey

2007-07-12 Thread Robert Walker


Is this truly a one-to-one relationship as modeled?  I mean are the  
tables joined PK  PK?  Or is this modeled as a one-to-many with  
the many-side limited to one related object in the array?

If this is a true PK to PK one-to-one relationship, which way have  
you set Propagates Primary Key?  If it's a true one-to-one it's  
that property of the model that is responsible to setting the  
destination PK.

If it's the latter case, and D2W is not properly calling  
addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey, then it wouldn't be doing  
that for any relationships in the system.  To be honest I'm not sure  
if D2W actually does, or does not, use that method to manage it's  

Thinking about how D2W uses the browser style input control to set an  
entire array of objects on a to-many relationship, I have my doubts  
that it is using addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey.  It may  
instead just simply use the accessors to set the array.

On Jul 12, 2007, at 2:16 PM, Johan Henselmans wrote:

I am updating a old D2W app to the latest and greatest Wonder/ 
Eclipse combo, and after adding some records to a database, I  
noticed that the table on the other side of the relationship did  
not get an update in it's foreign_id key field (it's a one-to-one  
relationship with with relationships defined on both sides). I seem  
to remember that normally, in D2W both sides would get updated.

Or is that some romantic idea I had about the D2W taking care of  
that kind of mundane activities?

If D2W does not take care of it, how should I then take care of it?


Johan Henselmans
Tel: +31-20-6267538
Fax: +31-20-6273852

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Robert Walker

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Re: D2W does not do addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey

2007-07-12 Thread Robert Walker
Then it is not a true 1:1 as one a may have many b’s and one b may  
have many a’s. Thats what Robert meant by not being a true 1:1.

If you join a PK to an FK you always have a 1:n

Exactly.  Since this is not one of the two relationships is not an  
inverse of the other then addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey  
won't work, because it will not find an inverse relationship.  What  
you have are two separate, unidirectional, relationships that D2W  
won't manage for you.

a-fk -- b-pk

not the same as:
a-pk--b-pk (true one-to-one)

not the same as:
a-pk--b-fk (one-to-many)

D2W/EOF should manage these properly using  
addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey because it can find the  
inverse relationships using:

public String inverseForRelationshipKey(String relationshipKey)

or whatever magic it uses to find the inverse.

On Jul 12, 2007, at 5:19 PM, Alexander Spohr wrote:

Am 12.07.2007 um 22:56 schrieb Johan Henselmans:

On 12-jul-2007, at 21:58, Robert Walker wrote:


Is this truly a one-to-one relationship as modeled?  I mean are  
the tables joined PK  PK?  Or is this modeled as a one-to- 
many with the many-side limited to one related object in the array?

it is like:

a-fk -- b-pk

So the foreign key of table a points to the primary key of b and  
vice versa, so one can find a via b and find b via a.

If this is a true PK to PK one-to-one relationship, which way  
have you set Propagates Primary Key?  If it's a true one-to-one  
it's that property of the model that is responsible to setting  
the destination PK.

I think we're not talking about the same type of relationships.  
Bot tables exist, they can not have one of the primary keys  
propagated, as it is not know beforehand which one of the records  
will relate to which record in the other table.

Then it is not a true 1:1 as one a may have many b’s and one b may  
have many a’s. Thats what Robert meant by not being a true 1:1.

If you join a PK to an FK you always have a 1:n

Anyway, D2W should always call  
addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey. If it does not, it has a  


Robert Walker

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Re: EOAndQualifier order

2007-07-11 Thread Robert Walker


Yes, it can make a difference and it's not just PostgreSQL that's  
affected.  I recently did some testing with MySQL.  I had a case  
where I had an index spanning three fields.  I found that it made a  
huge difference which field was at the beginning of the index due to  
string comparison performance.  It was something like value, key,  
template.  There was an index across these three fields. I found a  
significant difference which order these fields were indexed.  The  
order shown had the best performance.  In this case value changed  
the most out of the three fields since there was a fixed number of  
keys, and even smaller number of templates.  Take this example index  
{ 54321, orderNumber, standardTemplate }.  Now if the index contained  
template, key, value in that order the index would look something  
like standardTemplateorderNumber54321  So if you have many rows  
using the same template and key then it takes a while for the system  
to perform a string comparison of the compound index.  However if the  
value is place first 54321orderNumberstandardTemplate the string  
comparison performance is quite a bit better.  This is a contrived  
example in the real world the key and template are actually integer  
values representing foreign keys to other tables.

I think this depends on how intelligent the SQL parsing engine is.   
I'm no database expert on that end of things, but it's my  
understanding that some engines do some optimizations based on  
available indices and other criteria.  Generally speaking conditional  
statements would be evaluated in order.  If the first part of an AND  
evaluates to false the second part is skipped.  But, like I said that  
may depend on the database engine being used.

Sorry I don't know if EOF generates the WHERE clause in any  
particular order, or if it's just random.

On Jul 11, 2007, at 5:29 PM, Miguel Arroz wrote:


  I'm looking and the generated SQL from an EOAndQualifier, and it  
looks like the order of the anded stuff is the inverse one I  
write on the code. If I write a qualifier like bananas = %@ and  
apples = %@ and oranges = %@, the generated SQL will be the  
reverse (t0.oranges = (...) AND t0.apples = (...) AND to.bananas =  

  Is this normal? Is the order random? What's happening here? I'm  
asking this, because from what I understand form the PostgreSQL  
docs, the order of the stuff in ANDs (and ORs) may have cause a  
really big difference in performance when indexes (and multi- 
indexes) are envolved.


Miguel Arroz

Miguel Arroz

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Re: Missing WORealEstate database for WebObjects tutorial

2007-06-27 Thread Robert Walker
If you've upgraded OpenBase are your sure that your databases aren't  
located in:


That the default database location for new versions of OpenBase.

On Jun 27, 2007, at 9:55 AM, Philippe Duvivier wrote:

I am following the Direct to Web Service tutorial from the ADC  
library ( 
Web_Services/index.html) and I am stuck in the WebServicesAssistant  
trying to query the WORealEstate database. This last is a sample  
file which should have been installed with the javaRealEstate  
framework during the WebObjects installation but is missing on my  
system. I suspect another software installation which did install  
an upgrade of the OpenBase engine to have removed the sample WO  
database, but anyway... Before reinstalling the whole Xcode (which  
may be problematic because I made several updates since the first  
installation) I was wondering whether some of you could have a copy  
of this sample database on your system. Its name should be  
WORealEstate.db and on my system, OpenBase databases are located  
under /Library/OpenBase/Databases.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Missing EOModeler component in WOLips?

2007-06-27 Thread Robert Walker


Does this mean the stable release has been updated to the most  
recent nightly just before it became unstable?

Maybe it's time to begin tagging stable releases with release numbers  
so we can keep better track of changes?

On Jun 27, 2007, at 12:05 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:

The install instructions currently say to install of of the  
nightly repository.  Until yesterday that would have been fine.   
However, nightly is now officially unstable as it is  
transitioning to support Eclipse 3.3 and is not backwards  
compatible with Eclipse 3.2.  Install instead off of stable.


On Jun 27, 2007, at 11:35 AM, Tarun Reddy wrote:

I started up Eclipse for the first time in a long time, trying to  
get some more work on pet project, and dutifully applied the  
updates that were available and lost the EOModeler component of  

Thinking that I had done something wrong with the update, and  
unable to find the component to install from the Eclipse updater,  
I redownloaded the base Eclipse distro and followed these  

And am still missing it. Am I doing something wrong? Or is it gone  
in favor of something new (or old, like the old Cocoa EOModeler)?

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Robert Walker

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Re: Java Client : who is using it ? What kind of organisation ?

2007-06-26 Thread Robert Walker
First, as I told in a precedent msg, it's important that Apple  
knows that JC is used and by whom. Maybe we can hope to get the  
source code of JC palettes to rewritte them for IB v3...

It's not likely that we'll ever have access to the source code for JC  
(snowballs and hell come to mind).  Even if we had the code, I just  
don't see any practical way to use that code without the Cocoa-Java  
Bridge.  So IB 3.0 is out, whatever the case, unless someone wants to  
create some new Cocoa-to-Java bridge technology.  I'm certainly not  
volunteering for that.

I saw the signs of JC's possible demise at least three years ago.   
When Apple (or any vendor) begins putting hints in the  
documentation that you should start to think about moving away from  
some technology, we should really listen.  Yet, all we seem to do is  
complain that they have finally done what they said they were going  
to do.

My fear is that if a commitment is made to keep JC alive, that might  
limit resources that have been committed to making WO the best server- 
side technology that it can possibly be.  It could also hinder  
efforts on making IB 3.0 the best that it can possibly be for  
building Cocoa user interfaces. Neither of which are good for Apple  
nor for us.

I think Chuck had a very good point about alternatives.  It seems to  
me like it's time to find a better way to do client-side applications  
than to build more JC applications.  If we want Swing user  
interfaces, IB is NOT the way to do it IMHO.

In case some are wondering, I do have several JC applications that I  
maintain.  But, I'd still be glad to see it go.  It has some  
interesting features, but I've found it so annoying to work with that  
I have to say: JC rest in peace, you will not be missed. At least  
not by me.  My future plans for maintaining JC apps is to keep a  
machine around running Tiger, WO 5.3.3/JavaSE 5.0 just long enough to  
get my applications ported to some other alternative.

Who knows, but I'm betting someone comes up with something really  
great. There are lots of really smart people on this list, and I look  
forward to seeing what they come up with.

On Jun 26, 2007, at 11:02 AM, Philippe Rabier wrote:

On 26 juin 07, at 15:30, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Since you and a few more people are interested, I will make it. At
the moment I am too busy to put much time into it, but that should
change in a week or two.


I have two questions still:

1. How and where to most effectively lobby for JC future with Apple,
or at least for an answer??? There seems to be enough interest for it
for some of us to work together in documenting this and exchanging
info, techniques and code, but we NEED TO KNOW (hint to Apple people)
is there any point in it ?
First, as I told in a precedent msg, it's important that Apple  
knows that JC is used and by whom. Maybe we can hope to get the  
source code of JC palettes to rewritte them for IB v3...

With the different mails, I have now a small list of people  
involved by JC. I don't know yet how we can organise ourself (maybe  
a dedicated mailing list ?)

2. To all WO users, not only JC, shall we make this effort a part of
some big WO site? I must admit I am not sure what sort of consensus
was reached on centralizing resources. Or do we start another
standalone thing? If not, with whom should we coordinate this?
We discussed about that during last WWDC. One developper from  
Google told us that it's not easy for a newbie to begin with WO  
because there is not a single place where you can find everithing  
to begin. From my perspective (and not only mine), the good place  
is to put more information in the wiki book (http://

That's the reason why David LeBer has initiated a WO get started  
web site with links to different websites like the wiki book.

Some of us could be surprised by this discussion about JC. I agree  
with Chuck that it's not a good idea to begin a new project with JC  
but the projects, I know, are very big so the lack of support in a  
maintenance mode is a big problem. And maybe we could create a  
dynamic to invert the processus (requires a lots of works ;-)) if  
we are able to show how we can use effectively JC.

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Re: svgobjects 2.0: First Beta

2007-06-25 Thread Robert Walker


Wow! That's excellent news. Looking forward to trying it out.

On Jun 25, 2007, at 3:03 PM, Ravi Mendis wrote:

Now that many of you are back from WWDC and have had time to play  
around with Leopard beta, you might be ready to check out (v.3.0)  
Safari’s excellent native SVG support.

I’m pleased to release the first beta of svgobjects 2.0.
It’s just in time for the release of the iPhone next week.

Take a look at the DirectToiPhone example.
It’s a 100% D2W application generating a Web 2.0 interface for SVG  
enabled mobile devices.

(FYI: I am currently reviewing the SVGObjects 1.0 examples to see  
if they maybe updated to be compatible with Safari before re- 
including them in the svgobjects distribution).

I hope to release the final svgobjects 2.0 to coincide with the  
release of WebObjects 5.4.

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Re: Java Client refuses to use Client-Side classes once deployed

2007-06-22 Thread Robert Walker


Just to be sure, you do have the Client-side class set properly in  
your EOModel right?  If you happen to be using EOModeler you may have  
to add the column from the popup menu (since it's hidden by default).

I realize this is a basic thing, but I'd hate for you to waist a  
bunch of time due to something silly like this.

On Jun 22, 2007, at 7:04 AM, David Avendasora wrote:

On Jun 21, 2007, at 6:03 PM, Johan Henselmans wrote:

On 22-jun-2007, at 0:24, Pierre Bernard wrote:

That's one of the bad things of JavaClient. The little bits that  
make it hard to debug. In this instance, JavaClient silently  
falls back to EOGenericRecord when it doesn't find the  
appropriate class.

You should check the JAR downloaded to the client. Probably your  
classes aren't in there. I don't exactly know how XCode works for  
this, but there must be some copying that did not take place  
during the Deployment build. In XCode this may be a matter of  
adding classes to the right target or of adding a file copy build  
phase. I use Eclipse - so should you ;-)


If you are using WebStart (like any Java app should use), then you  
can take a look in your java cace. On a Mac that is in ~/Library/ 
Caches/Java/cache/javaws/http/ (or any other folders over there).

You might find that not all the jars are downloaded, or not the  
right ones.

Okay, my application JAR is there (in the Cache directory), and it  
has all the classes in it. I'm guessing the way the WOA file and  
all the JARs are named (prefixed with DM, RM, etc) is just part of  
Java WebStart's caching strategy and is normal, yes?

If so, maybe it is a class-path thing?


On Jun 21, 2007, at 9:52 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

A little clarification. The difference isn't Development vs  
Deployment builds, it is the difference between the application  
running using the build-and-go functionality of Xcode, and the  
app running inside of Tomcat.

It doesn't call the client-side classes when run inside of  
Tomcat on either Mac or Windows2000.

Does anyone have any idea why the WebObjects would run  
differently in Tomcat than through build-and-go?


On Jun 21, 2007, at 2:35 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

Hi all,

I have a java client application (I know, I know) that refuses  
to use my client-side classes when built for deployment. When  
building for development in Xcode (I know, I know) it uses the  
client-side classes flawlessly. When deployed, it simply uses  
EOGenericRecord instead of the classes defined in the EOModel.

Oh, and it is deployed as a SSDD to Tomcat.

Does anyone have any idea why WebObjects would work differently  
in deployment than in development?



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Robert Walker

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Re: Java Client refuses to use Client-Side classes once deployed

2007-06-22 Thread Robert Walker
David you're probably right.  Java web start uses a time stamp in a  
file to determine if it need to download a new version of the files  
from the server.  I had this problem once when I tried to revert back  
to a previous version of the client app by replacing a backup of the  
deployed file and forgot to touch the file to update it's  
modification date on the server.  Took me a minute to figure out that  
the clients were not getting the older bug-free and stable version  
of the client files from the server.

On Jun 22, 2007, at 10:27 AM, David Avendasora wrote:

LOL. Not the issue, but I do appreciate the take nothing for  
granted suggestion. :)


On Jun 22, 2007, at 8:07 AM, Robert Walker wrote:

Just to be sure, you do have the Client-side class set properly  
in your EOModel right?  If you happen to be using EOModeler you  
may have to add the column from the popup menu (since it's hidden  
by default).

I realize this is a basic thing, but I'd hate for you to waist a  
bunch of time due to something silly like this.

Robert Walker

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Re: WOPopUpButton

2007-06-22 Thread Robert Walker
Interesting (somewhat off-topic) discussion.  I just wanted to inject  
that I've recently been writing some Ruby code, which uses the  
underscore convention for identifiers.  At first it felt really  
strange using the underscore identifier style.  However, I very  
quickly came to prefer it.  It actually does make a difference in  
readability and flow.

Ruby has an interesting mix of CamelCase for class names and  
underscore_style for method names.  So you have lines that look  
something like:




This seems to be an interesting compromise to what might otherwise  
look very bizarre like:




In any case, I still use the conventional style of whatever  
language I'm coding whether that is CamelCase, underscore_style, or  
SomeMixture.of_both.  To me the worst case is to have mixed styles in  
a single language that goes against whatever standards the language  
sets forth.

I agree that consistency is king. This is especially true when trying  
to adhere to pragmatic principles that make heavy use of code  
generators (like EOGenerator and similar tools).

One side note on the getValue() vs. value() accessor convention in  
WO.  Some may recall that this convention is a holdover from it's  
Objective-C history.  Accessing a getter in Objective-C looks  
something like:

NSString *myName = [object name];


NSString *myName = [object getName];

This later statement would have a completely different meaning in  
Objective-C convention.  This would mean that object is getting the  
name attribute by some form of indirect access to the value.  Maybe  
through delegation or some other technique.  In other words object  
would have no name instance variable, so getName is not really an  
accessor method.

On Jun 22, 2007, at 9:08 AM, David LeBer wrote:

On 22-Jun-07, at 8:56 AM, Ken Anderson wrote:

I always type 2 spaces after a period.  I thought everyone did!

The Mac is not a typewriter: 


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
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Robert Walker

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Re: Java Client refuses to use Client-Side classes once deployed

2007-06-22 Thread Robert Walker


Oh, and thanks to everyone that didn't go off on how Java Client is  
dead. I know it was hard for you (Chuck). :D

lol,  hey I'm right there with you man.  I have several Java Client  
applications currently being used in a big way.  I'm just begging the  
process of figuring out another way.  It's starting look like that  
way is a combination of AJAX and Cocoa (where possible).  I'm making  
some important strides in the process of this.

However,  it is my opinion that dropping Java Client is the right  
thing to do.  It is technology that was deeply rooted in the  
Objective-C version of WO in the pre-version 5.0 days and really has  
not translated very well to the Java world.  It's crazy building  
swing application using Interface Builder and translating Cocoa  
controls to Swing controls.  It just makes programming Java Client  
really difficult and it's quite bug-prone.

That may sound strange from someone who relies so heavily on Java  
Client, but that was not by my choice.

On Jun 22, 2007, at 10:49 AM, David Avendasora wrote:

Okay, just a little perspective on this problem. While it wasn't  
Robert's suggested simple thing, it was another insanely simple  
thing. Just delete the Java WebStart Cache at ~/Library/Caches/Java.

This has been a problem for me for OVER A YEAR! Waste a bunch of  
time, indeed!

My first post on the issue was back in May of last year, and as of  
August 2006, with the help of lots of people on the list, I had  
gotten close to figuring it out, but ended up giving up and  
shelving Java Client.

I stopped using doing JavaClient development just because I  
couldn't get this to work correctly, even with help from the list.  
After 9 months of trying to get a good Web UI to function as  
smoothly (for my purposes) as the Java Client, I went back to the  
Java Client version to see if I could figure it out again.

Having a year more of WO experience certainly helped me more  
quickly narrow down where the problem was and post much more  
informative requests for help, but without the continued help of  
the list, I'm sure I would have never figured it out, and all it  
was, was deleting a directory. Ahhgg!

Oh, and thanks to everyone that didn't go off on how Java Client is  
dead. I know it was hard for you (Chuck). :D

Thanks again!


On Jun 22, 2007, at 8:07 AM, Robert Walker wrote:


Just to be sure, you do have the Client-side class set properly  
in your EOModel right?  If you happen to be using EOModeler you  
may have to add the column from the popup menu (since it's hidden  
by default).

I realize this is a basic thing, but I'd hate for you to waist a  
bunch of time due to something silly like this.

Robert Walker

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Re: Java Client refuses to use Client-Side classes once deployed

2007-06-22 Thread Robert Walker
I feel it is important to point this out, as the whole dropping of  
WO Java Client by either Apple or users of it, can imply different  

1. Dropping direct-to stuff
2. Dropping Nib to Swing
3. Dropping ALL of the JavaClient code including data distribution  

Point well taken.  On the other hand I've been seeing some amazing  
things taking place in web technologies that have the potential to  
obsolete much of the need for a client-based solution.  AJAX is  
almost by definition much easier for IT departments to support.  They  
only have to be concerned with one (or a small group) of servers.   
Here we have several dozen client machines using the Java client-side  
application.  I can't tell you the support nightmare this places on  
our IT group.

A really great AJAX app would solve that particular problem.  I would  
prefer to see Apple, and the community, place their efforts on AJAX  
solutions rather than getting sides-tracked advancing Java Client.   
Maybe my frustrations fighting Java Client have tarnished my  
impression of it, but there you go.

Not to say that there isn't some workable solution to extend the life  
of parts of Java Client.  As long as it doesn't impede the efforts  
going on in other areas.

On Jun 22, 2007, at 2:45 PM, Florijan Stamenkovic wrote:

Hi all,

There seems to be a lack of distinction in different ways to use WO  
JavaClients. It seems that most people see this being done as  
either the direct or non-direct approaches described by Apple. BUT,  
there is another approach that does not utilize large portions of  
WO's JavaClient support code, where most trouble comes from.

This approach comes down to using client side EOF only for data  
persistence, within any kind of a Java app. There is no D2JC auto- 
generated GUI, rule systems, translations from nib to Swing etc.  
All the places where WO's JavaClient capabilities become difficult  
and error prone.

I feel it is important to point this out, as the whole dropping of  
WO Java Client by either Apple or users of it, can imply different  

1. Dropping direct-to stuff
2. Dropping Nib to Swing
3. Dropping ALL of the JavaClient code including data distribution  

The first two causes most of the trouble (IMHO), but dropping it  
does not have to imply dropping the third. I also think that part  
of the JC code base is relatively small, not difficult to maintain,  
and yet opens a door for WO to be used in a not very popular, but  
powerful way.

I know that I am speaking for a very small percentage of a very  
small community, but I hope Apple has mercy on us there.

Two cents,

However,  it is my opinion that dropping Java Client is the right  
thing to do.  It is technology that was deeply rooted in the  
Objective-C version of WO in the pre-version 5.0 days and really  
has not translated very well to the Java world.  It's crazy  
building swing application using Interface Builder and translating  
Cocoa controls to Swing controls.  It just makes programming Java  
Client really difficult and it's q

Robert Walker

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Re: Getting Started With WO site

2007-06-14 Thread Robert Walker


This all sounds great to me.  I believe history has shown that open  
source projects live or die by the efforts of the core contributors.   
WebObjects is obviously moving to a community based developer  
environment, which has a great core team that has contributed much to  
the platform.

It's always great when I see posts to this list about some issue with  
WOLips/WOnder and a day or two later see that the issue has been  
resolved.  That's what open source is all about in my opinion.

Keep up the great work guys, I look forward to the future of  
WebObjects/WOLips/WOnder.  You guys have also done much this week to  
help with my migration to Eclipse/WOLips and I look forward to seeing  
you later in this morning's WO lab.

On Jun 14, 2007, at 8:28 AM, Pascal Robert wrote:

Hi David,

if you want, you can use the domain for that.

Hey all,

For those of you who are not attending WWDC, there has been a  
lively discussion about many things WO. Motivated by this I  
whipped together a WO Getting Started page http:// and I'd like to get your  

This is just a baby step, but please let me know if you think I'm  
heading in the right direction.

This the first of what I hope will be a trio of sites:

I would like to create a general WO news blog (with multiple core  
contributers) so there is a central clearing house for news of  
interest to the WO community (new features in Wonder or WOLips,  
announcements from Apple, significant additions to the wikkibook,  
good blog posts, etc).

I would also like to create a tutorial blog where short clear  
graphical task-oriented tutorials could be posted - I have some  
ideas of how I'd want these tutorials to be presented, but I still  
have to work out the style guidelines (I'm thinking: short on  
text, long on screenshots or maybe screencasts).

I approach this with some trepidation - because someone seems to  
try and do something like this once a year - but my goal is to  
present unified (a dare I say) inviting front to new developers to  
the WebObjects platform. We have a ton of outstanding material in  
the various wikis and lists, and I have no interest in replacing  
that, but I'd like to give new users a way to find and make sense  
of what is there.

Again, feedback (and offers of assistance) is welcome and  


David LeBer
Codeferous Software
'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
Toronto Area Cocoa / WebObjects developers group:

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Robert Walker

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Re: Oracle timestamp error

2007-06-06 Thread Robert Walker
FYI: Here is a bit more detail of why T value type is important for  
Oracle TIMESTAMP data type:

Following is an excerpt from java.sql.Timestamp API Doc:

public class Timestamp
extends Date

A thin wrapper around java.util.Date that allows the JDBC API to  
identify this as an SQL TIMESTAMP value. It adds the ability to hold  
the SQL TIMESTAMP nanos value and provides formatting and parsing  
operations to support the JDBC escape syntax for timestamp values.

Note: This type is a composite of a java.util.Date and a separate  
nanoseconds value. Only integral seconds are stored in the  
java.util.Date component. The fractional seconds - the nanos - are  
separate. The Timestamp.equals(Object) method never returns true when  
passed a value of type java.util.Date because the nanos component of  
a date is unknown. As a result, the Timestamp.equals(Object) method  
is not symmetric with respect to the java.util.Date.equals(Object)  
method. Also, the hashcode method uses the underlying java.util.Date  
implementation and therefore does not include nanos in its computation.

Due to the differences between the Timestamp class and the  
java.util.Date class mentioned above, it is recommended that code not  
view Timestamp values generically as an instance of java.util.Date.  
The inheritance relationship between Timestamp and java.util.Date  
really denotes implementation inheritance, and not type inheritance.

On Jun 6, 2007, at 12:49 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Jun 6, 2007, at 9:43 AM, Ken Anderson wrote:


jdbc2info is for Oracle...that's what I meant below by 'typeinfo  
in the model is correct'.

I'm using TIMESTAMP, which I would greatly prefer to use.  What  
should the valueType be?  I don't have anything for it...

Try 'T'
See details at bottom of 


On Jun 6, 2007, at 12:29 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

Still have jdbc2info from Sybase in the model's connection  

What is the vlauetype in the model?  IIRC, EOF needs a special  
type to deal with date only fields.  IME, timestamps are a safer  


On Jun 6, 2007, at 9:11 AM, Ken Anderson wrote:


As you all probably know by now, I've been porting our Sybase  
app to Oracle.  I have a table that has a valid date in it in  
Oracle, but when I fetch from that table, I get this error:

[2007-06-06 15:58:36,629] ERROR  
com.commoditrack.model.CTEditingContext Exception raised prior  
to save
[EMAIL PROTECTED] of type oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP is not  
a valid Date type.  You must use java.sql.Timestamp,  
java.sql.Date, or java.sql.Time
	at com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCColumn._processValueIfNeeded 
	at com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCColumn._fetchValue 
	at com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCColumn.fetchValue 
	at com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCChannel.fetchRow 
	at com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseChannel._fetchObject 

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?  My  
typeinfo in the model is correct...


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Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
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Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

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Robert Walker

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Re: Apache FOP and in strings

2007-06-05 Thread Robert Walker

fo:external-graphic src=url(/Path/12.jpg)/

Since the above line is XML (XML/FO) the parser sees the  and will  
expect the following characters to be either a character reference or  
a XML entity.  So when attempting to parse the string 1.jpg)/ this  
is obviously invalid XML.  So the  must be converted to it's entity  
representation amp;  Think of the  and ; characters as open and  
close quotes for literal strings in an expression (i.e. name = John  
Smith).   The XML parser sees  and looks for a ; terminating  
character (in the case of entities).  If the string between the  
delimiters is a recognized entity name like amp, quot, gt, or lt.  
then the entity is valid and the parsing of the entity should be  
handled properly.

Actually if I try to escape the , it displays the amp; inside  
the pdf like me amp; you ... So it doesn't work:(

You need to check your XML source that is passed to the XML/FO parser  
and make sure that the string me amp; you is not already escaped  
in some way.

On Jun 5, 2007, at 8:35 AM, WO Dev wrote:

Hello Jean-François,

Actually if I try to escape the , it displays the amp; inside  
the pdf like me amp; you ... So it doesn't work:(


Here is a method that 'escape' some chars.
We call this method before inserting a string (comming from an eo  
attribute for example) into a fo-xml stream.

static public String transformeCaracteresSpeciaux(String chaine) {
if (chaine != null) {
String uneSt =  chaine.replaceAll(, amp;);
uneSt = uneSt.replaceAll(\, quot;);  
uneSt = uneSt.replaceAll(, lt;);
uneSt = uneSt.replaceAll(, gt;);
return uneSt;
return chaine;

- jfv

Le 07-06-05 à 04:49, WO Dev a écrit :


I couldn't find the answer on the FOP archives, so I'm posting to  
this list as some of you know FOP (a lot better than me;))

I'm trying to figure out how to make a pdf using FOP...
Well actually I think I'm pretty close, but I don't even know how  
it looks like as there's still one crash:

I have some text with  inside, so I was able to make them to  
work by using ![CDATA[my_string]].

But I also have some images with a  in their names like:
fo:external-graphic src=url(/Path/12.jpg)/

So FOP crash on that...

I can't change the name of the images, how can I make FOP to work  
with this name?

Thanks for your help


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Robert Walker

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Re: vertical inheritance

2007-05-21 Thread Robert Walker


There is an example of all three types of inheritance models located  
in /Developer/Examples/JavaWebObjects/WOInheritanceExample.

It does show examples of deep inheritance for all three types  
including vertical.

Basically, I just sort of despise vertical inheritance :)

I definitely agree with you on this one.  I have used it, but only in  
a shallow inheritance (one level deep) and only fetching on leaf  
nodes.  This was also earlier in my WO days before really  
understanding it's disadvantages.  Although in my case I never really  
ran into any particular problems with it.  I got lucky in other words.

On the plus side it does make for a clean database schema to  
represent the inheritance, but in most cases that just not worth the  
potential problems it can cause.

On May 21, 2007, at 8:03 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:

Is anyone using:

1) vertical inheritance with a to-one relationship in the parent?


2) vertical inheritance two levels deep?

If so, I would love to see the plist files for the parent and child  
entities.  I'm trying to make Entity Modeler's vertical inheritance  
wizard legit, but I personally don't use vertical inheritance at  
all, and the EOModeler manual is pretty light on specifics  
regarding the actual modeling of them.

If you can't send the actual plists, I'm interested to know:

  * Are non-class attributes supposed to be flattened into the  
subclass just like class attributes?

  * ... non-class relationships?

  * Do the flattened attributes need to be the same name as the  
attributes from the parent class?

  * When you vertically inherit two levels deep ... WTF flattens?   
Do you flatten from the top level parent and only new attributes  
from each class along the way?  Do you (can you even?) flatten the  
flattened attributes from your direct parent?

Basically, I just sort of despise vertical inheritance :)


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Robert Walker

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Re: vertical inheritance

2007-05-21 Thread Robert Walker
Wow .. The vertical example in here is CRAZY.  They actually  
override a relationship with a different definition of the same  
name.  I would never have the balls to try this with EOF :)

hehe.  Yes, I know, but I was hoping it would at least answer some of  
your questions.  I always thought that it was a bit CRAZY myself.  I  
don't think I would trust the example in full, but hopefully it will  
be somewhat useful to you.

On May 21, 2007, at 11:52 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:

Wow .. The vertical example in here is CRAZY.  They actually  
override a relationship with a different definition of the same  
name.  I would never have the balls to try this with EOF :)


On May 21, 2007, at 9:21 AM, Robert Walker wrote:

There is an example of all three types of inheritance models  
located in /Developer/Examples/JavaWebObjects/WOInheritanceExample.

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Robert Walker

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Re: Deleting objects causes OutOfMemory...

2007-05-16 Thread Robert Walker

Here's one more thing that I can see taking a look at ds()

The objects in this array are likely getting copied in memory 3 times.

1. The ds() fault fires fetching data and creating EOs for each  
object in the array.

2. dObjs is a full copy of the ds() array.

3. dObj is creating a third copy of each object likely before the  
garbage collection thread has time to take care of the dereferenced  

It would be useful to know, on average, how many objects are  
contained within ds()?

On May 16, 2007, at 11:25 AM, Shravan Kumar.M wrote:

public void deleteDs(){
	NSArray dObjs = new NSArray(ds());//ds is a to-many relationship  
from A to D , A  D

for ( int i=0, count= dObjs.count(); i  count; i++ ) {
D dObj = (D) dObjs.objectAtIndex(i);
removeObjectFromBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey(d, ds);


Robert Walker

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Re: Poor Oracle performance?

2007-05-15 Thread Robert Walker


Have you logged the SQL to see if your pause is occurring during, or  
after the SELECT completes?  Whenever I've had performance problems  
that seemed like database problems it was generally happening after  
the select while building the objects, rather than the actual request  

On May 15, 2007, at 2:13 PM, Ken Anderson wrote:


I'm performing queries against Oracle using the thin style of  


When I use iSQL-Viewer to perform a query, the result set comes  
back in under 100 milliseconds.  When I do the same query with EOF,  
it takes 16 seconds.  When I break during this long period, it's  
always here:

(EOFetchSpecification, EOEditingContext) line: 878	
JDBCChannel.selectAttributes(NSArray, EOFetchSpecification,  
boolean, EOEntity) line: 185	

JDBCChannel.evaluateExpression(EOSQLExpression) line: 261   
JDBCChannel._evaluateExpression(EOSQLExpression, boolean, boolean)  
line: 303	
String, Connection, boolean, boolean) line: 230	

T4CPreparedStatement(OraclePreparedStatement).execute() line: 2976  
line: 2885	
T4CPreparedStatement(OracleStatement).doExecuteWithTimeout() line:  

T4CPreparedStatement.execute_maybe_describe() line: 694 
line: 913	

T4CPreparedStatement.execute_for_rows(boolean) line: 785
T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)  
line: 182	

T4C8Oall.receive() line: 435
T4CMAREngine.unmarshalSB1() line: 951   
T4CMAREngine.unmarshalUB1() line: 979 line: not available[]) line: not available[], int, int) line: not available   
NetInputStream.getNextPacket() line: not available  
DataPacket.receive() line: not available
DataPacket(Packet).receive() line: not available[], int, int) line: 129  
SocketInputStream.socketRead0(FileDescriptor, byte[], int, int,  
int) line: not available [native method]	

Any thoughts as to why it's performing so poorly?  I'm using the  
same connection style and performing the exact same query...


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Robert Walker

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Re: Poor Oracle performance?

2007-05-15 Thread Robert Walker


Interesting.  We also use the thin driver for Oracle and don't seem  
to be having this trouble.  We are using version 14 of the JDBC  
driver I think.

You've exhausted my ideas on what the problem might be.  Wish I could  
help further.

On May 15, 2007, at 2:57 PM, Ken Anderson wrote:


It spends the entire time at the socket read.  The query is only  
returning 43 rows...


On May 15, 2007, at 2:53 PM, Robert Walker wrote:


Have you logged the SQL to see if your pause is occurring during,  
or after the SELECT completes?  Whenever I've had performance  
problems that seemed like database problems it was generally  
happening after the select while building the objects, rather than  
the actual request performance.

On May 15, 2007, at 2:13 PM, Ken Anderson wrote:


I'm performing queries against Oracle using the thin style of  


When I use iSQL-Viewer to perform a query, the result set comes  
back in under 100 milliseconds.  When I do the same query with  
EOF, it takes 16 seconds.  When I break during this long period,  
it's always here:

(EOFetchSpecification, EOEditingContext) line: 878	
JDBCChannel.selectAttributes(NSArray, EOFetchSpecification,  
boolean, EOEntity) line: 185	

JDBCChannel.evaluateExpression(EOSQLExpression) line: 261   
JDBCChannel._evaluateExpression(EOSQLExpression, boolean,  
boolean) line: 303	
String, Connection, boolean, boolean) line: 230	

T4CPreparedStatement(OraclePreparedStatement).execute() line: 2976  
line: 2885	
line: 984	

T4CPreparedStatement.execute_maybe_describe() line: 694 
line: 913	

T4CPreparedStatement.execute_for_rows(boolean) line: 785
T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)  
line: 182	

T4C8Oall.receive() line: 435
T4CMAREngine.unmarshalSB1() line: 951   
T4CMAREngine.unmarshalUB1() line: 979 line: not available[]) line: not available[], int, int) line: not available   
NetInputStream.getNextPacket() line: not available  
DataPacket.receive() line: not available
DataPacket(Packet).receive() line: not available[], int, int) line: 129  
SocketInputStream.socketRead0(FileDescriptor, byte[], int, int,  
int) line: not available [native method]	

Any thoughts as to why it's performing so poorly?  I'm using the  
same connection style and performing the exact same query...


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Robert Walker

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Re: StoredProcedures triggered by the model

2007-05-14 Thread Robert Walker
1. Is this the technique you are using to trigger your stored  

2. Are your stored procedures doing something more complex than  
assigning a simple incrementing integer primary key?  I'm only asking  
in case you are unaware that OpenBase provides a plug-in for  
supporting native primary key generation.  You can specify the  
OpenBasePKPlugIn in your connection dictionary, and include the  
OpenBasePKPlugin framework in your project.  Doing so will eliminate  
the need for the EO_PK_TABLE and have OpenBase provided PKs natively  
to EOF.

On May 14, 2007, at 11:22 AM, Florijan Stamenkovic wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to get some stored procedures performing after  
insertion of new records. The stored procedures generate unique  
number for records. That reason why I am using stored procedures is  
that the generation can only be done properly on the SQL level. The  
procedures themselves are functional. I ran them many times from  
the OpenBase cmd line, no problems.

Now I am trying to get WO to automatically invoke them, by defining  
and triggering them in the model. However, when I call saveChanges 
() on an editing context, which should trigger the stored  
procedure, I get the following exception:

evaluateExpression: com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCChannel  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: illegal attempt to  
evaluateExpression while a fetch is in progress
	at com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseContext.performChanges 
	at com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext.saveChanges 
	at com.havaso.dvis.server.AdminUserCreator.createAdminUsers 

at com.havaso.dvis.server.Application.init(
	at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native  
	at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance 
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance 

at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
	at com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication.main( 

at com.havaso.dvis.server.Application.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke 

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.webobjects._bootstrap.WOBootstrap.main(

No changes are saved to the database.

Separately, both the code and the stored procedure perform as  
expected. But after adding the trigger in the model, this is the  
outcome. Anyone has an idea why?

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Robert Walker

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Re: StoredProcedures triggered by the model

2007-05-14 Thread Robert Walker

Yes. Ever used that approach? Did it work for you?

Sorry, no I've not ever tried it myself.  I try to limit myself to  
simple integer PKs (except in extreme circumstances like when dealing  
with legacy system, which in my case stored procedures we're  
practical anyway).

Yes, they are generating IDs relative to a relationship. Nothing  
very complex though, the stored procedure only does the following:

I assumed that was the case, but just wanted to verify.

Sorry I couldn't help further, but I don't really understand why that  
technique didn't work for you.  Unless, stored procedures are somehow  
broken in the latest version of WO.  I can't imagine that's true though.

On May 14, 2007, at 3:14 PM, Florijan Stamenkovic wrote:

Hi Robert,

1. Is this the technique you are using to trigger your stored  

Yes. Ever used that approach? Did it work for you?

2. Are your stored procedures doing something more complex than  
assigning a simple incrementing integer primary key?  I'm only  
asking in case you are unaware that OpenBase provides a plug-in  
for supporting native primary key generation.  You can specify the  
OpenBasePKPlugIn in your connection dictionary, and include the  
OpenBasePKPlugin framework in your project.  Doing so will  
eliminate the need for the EO_PK_TABLE and have OpenBase provided  
PKs natively to EOF.

Yes, they are generating IDs relative to a relationship. Nothing  
very complex though, the stored procedure only does the following:

Statement s = connection.createStatement();
  		s.executeUpdate(UPDATE PUNCH_ITEM p1 SET UNIQUE_NUMBER =  

return null;


Robert Walker

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Re: user obstacles to WOLips adoption (was: Apple's Support of WebObjects)

2007-05-10 Thread Robert Walker


I hate to break it to you, but along with the deprecation of the  
Xcode based tools, comes the deprecation of D2JC (and also non- 
direct to Java Client as well).

Again as mentioned in some previous posts, this was pure conjecture.   
It's really unclear whether or not this is true, and I don't believe  
any public statement exists to clarify this.  Maybe we'll know more  
after WWDC this year.  I'm not in the know on this issue.  I  
apologize  for the poor wording in my original post.

InterfaceBuilder was never a good tool for building Java GUIs, and  
it amazed me (in a weird way) that they could even, or would want  
to, do it.  There are plenty of other tools for building GUIs in  
Java that would work with JavaClient.

Here I was referring to JavaClient as implemented in WO/EOF.  That is  
to say by distributing objects between the server and client though  
the EO distribution channel, and using IB to create Swing interfaces  
by translating Cocoa UI components.  This includes the binding  
technology used in IB to build these interfaces.  This was, sort of,  
a leftover from before WO was converted to Java.  IB was the tool to  
write client-side applications that were written in Obj-C using a  
form of binding technology.  The only way to make this work in Java  
was to translate some portion of the Cocoa controls to Swing using  
the Cocoa-Java bridge.  I did not intend to refer to pure Java Swing  

On May 9, 2007, at 11:30 PM, Ashley Aitken wrote:

Hi All,

On 09/05/2007, at 9:14 AM, Robert Walker wrote:

At least that's my understanding.  I could be wrong about that.   
But, I'm pretty certain that being able to create Java Client  
applications with custom interfaces using Interface Builder has no  

I believe David (correct me if I am wrong) was not referring to  
using InterfaceBuilder but the ability for D2JC to automagically  
build an entire Java thick client without any coding - this still  
blows my mind!

InterfaceBuilder was never a good tool for building Java GUIs, and  
it amazed me (in a weird way) that they could even, or would want  
to, do it.  There are plenty of other tools for building GUIs in  
Java that would work with JavaClient.

I hate to break it to you, but along with the deprecation of the  
Xcode based tools, comes the deprecation of D2JC (and also non- 
direct to Java Client as well).

Now with regards to the underlying technologies, that may be true,  
can someone confirm this?  JavaClient and D2JC never really took  
off, I believe, mostly because it was way ahead of its time (like  
WO was too).

Just wait though, rich clients are the hot topic at the moment in  
the Enterprise world, and soon they will realise its a bonus to be  
able to do real client-side business processing (a la JavaClient).

It seems, Apple innovates and tries to lead developers who  
(generally speaking) have a hard time keeping up.  Whereas,  
Microsoft only goes where it gets pulled by the market (although  
things are changing with .Net).


Ashley Aitken
Perth, Western Australia
mrhatken at mac dot com
Skype Name: MrHatken (GMT + 8 Hours!)

Robert Walker

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Re: Framework deployment

2007-05-10 Thread Robert Walker


Is there a way to only put it in /Library/Framework??

/Library/Framework is not available to your web server, thank  
goodness!  You really don't want that.  What you have here is what's  
called a split-install.  Web server resources are separated out so  
they can be made available in a directory under your web site's  
document root directory.  Which in your case is /Library/WebServer/ 
Documents.  Your web server will, and should, only have access to  
files and folders contained within this directory.  It's a security  

On May 10, 2007, at 7:21 AM, WIESEN Bruno wrote:


I recently deployed a framework which contains pictures in  
At the beginning, pictures weren't displayed, I had to put the  
framework in /Library/WebServer/Documents/WebObjects/Framework/ 
myFramework.framework in addition to in /Libray/Framework/ 

Is there a way to only put it in /Library/Framework??


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Re: A custom way to sort EOs by key ?

2007-05-10 Thread Robert Walker
You could also add an ordering column to the EO. Then you sort on  
the ordering column.

Does anyone know if WO or WOnder has build-in support for this.  If  
so that would be nice to have available included.

Ruby on Rails does have this feature built-in.  It's called  
acts_as_list and the Rails framework completely automates this  
feature, with a very simple setup on the developer's end.

On May 10, 2007, at 1:06 PM, David Holt wrote:

You could also add an ordering column to the EO. Then you sort on  
the ordering column.


On 10 May 2007, at 8:27 AM, Ken Anderson wrote:


I would suggest, if possible, to separate the number from the name  
in the EO.  That way, you could just sort on the number, or a  
combination of name and number.

Even with your own sorting, you're going to have to pull the  
number off the end of the string to sort it properly.

Do you want to do this with a database query, or in memory?  If in  
memory, you could create a method that pulls the number off and  
returns that number, then use that method as the key for sorting  
in memory.


On May 10, 2007, at 11:21 AM, Fabrice Pipart wrote:

Hi Dear List !

I have been looking for way to sort my EOs in a custom way for  
hours and did not find any solution.

I wondered if someone had a solution for this.
I only want to do that sorting in memory with  
EOSortOrdering .sortOrderingWithKey(String key, NSSelector selector)

Let's say I have a Screen EO
Screen has a name
Let's say I have EOs with names Screen1, Screen2, Screen11,  
Screen22, Screen3
WebObjects using EOSortOrdering.CompareAscending allows me to an  
array of those EOs sorted like this :


Wouldn't it be great to be able to sort them like this?

So I tried to understand how to subclass something, create a  
corresponding NSSelector like are EOSortOrdering.CompareAscending  
and such... no luck :-(

Does anyone have an idea of how this could be done???


International Corporate Consulting
Palais de la Scala
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Re: Merits of D2JC (was: user obstacles to WOLips adoption (was: Apple's Support of WebObjects))

2007-05-09 Thread Robert Walker


Come to think of it, maybe it's just the Xcode Project templates that  
will no exist in future versions of Xcode.  Maybe the underlying  
technologies will still work, but they are not being actively  
developed.  Which, I guess, is no huge deal since they haven't been  
enhanced in years anyway.  This means that you will no longer be able  
to select New Project from the menu in Xcode and ask for a Java  
Client application of any type.

But, I am quite sure that new versions of Interface Builder will have  
no facility to build user interfaces for Java Client.  That facility  
relies heavily on the Java-Cocoa bridge.  So you'll be stuck with the  
XML custom interfaces, which may be fine in some cases, but I know I  
never enjoyed working with them.

We are actually using several Non-direct Java Client applications  
using IB.  We are in the process of migrating these applications to  
other alternatives.

Like I said before, I may have my wires crossed on some of this, but  
I know I'm not counting on Java Client being available in the future  
at all.

On May 9, 2007, at 9:36 AM, David Avendasora wrote:

I can't find anywhere where anything talks about Direct-To or Non- 
Direct Java Client being depreciated. But I can't find anything  
that says otherwise either.

I don't believe that the Java-Cocoa bridge (which, if I understand  
correctly, is what was depreciated and therefore all of the Apple  
WO Dev tools that used it were too) is in anyway involved in WO  
Java Client (Direct or otherwise) development or deployment.

Out-of-the-box D2JC apps Xcode builds are using a Swing interface,  
not a Cocoa one that makes calls to underlying Java code. I am  
somewhat unclear on the use of Interface Bulder for Non-Direct Java  
Client as this page: 
TP30001017 states that the nib files are translated directly to  
Swing by WO. So it sounds to me like WO parses the nib file and  
determines how to build the Swing interface. Since you aren't  
building a Cocoa UI, I don't think the bridge is involved. But you  
aren't dependent upon using IB to build your client interface  
anyway. It's just the Apple way of doing it.

But, with all that said, note I said quickly mock-up and  
prototype. D2JC is a great tool to make sure my model is valid and  
that the entities and relationships, delete-rules, and optionality   
I thought were proper on paper, actually work in practice. If they  
don't work (generate exceptions or are just clunky), I can make a  
change to the EOModel, rebuild and have a new app based on the new  
structure _literally_ within seconds without writing/rewriting/ 
refactoring ANY code. The only thing better than Eclipse's  
refactoring tools, is not needing to refactor at all. Once I have  
tested and proved the model, it makes web development so much  
easier because I can simply concentrate on the logic and the UI.

I think that even if D2JC is dead from the perspective of making  
deployable applications, it is an incredibly powerful prototyping/ 
proof-of-concept tool that will keep me using Xcode for the initial  
stages of a project, until at least I can create a new D2JC project  
in WOLips, point it at a EOModel and click build-and-go.

I just wish it weren't dead. (I know, wish in one hand...)


On May 8, 2007, at 8:14 PM, Robert Walker wrote:


I hate to break it to you, but along with the deprecation of the  
Xcode based tools, comes the deprecation of D2JC (and also non- 
direct to Java Client as well).

At least that's my understanding.  I could be wrong about that.   
But, I'm pretty certain that being able to create Java Client  
applications with custom interfaces using Interface Builder has no  

On May 8, 2007, at 12:42 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

The whole point of _my_ use of Xcode and especially D2JC is that  
it is nearly zero work to quickly mock-up and prototype object  
model and have it as a running application (D2JC) in a mater of  
seconds with no configuration of the development environment. It  
either Just Works™ or I have a problem in my model somewhere. I  
don't ever have to question if the problem is somewhere in the  
configuration of the IDE or the numerous third-party plugins.

To me the reason WO-newbies would shy-away from WOLips is that  
they are already trying to learn WO and Xcode does an excellent  
job of just getting out of the way and letting you get an initial  
project up and running quickly. With WOLips, you likely have to  
learn not only WO, but you have to learn Eclipse's interface and  
jump through all sorts of hoops like figuring out how to download  
and install plugins and such before you can even start a project,  
and I don't think anyone can say that the Eclipse UI is not  
intimidating when you first get started. Xcode is not  
intimidating, it holds your hand and asks you some

Re: NSTimer replacement?

2007-05-09 Thread Robert Walker


I do something very similar to this except I typically use an  
external scheduler such as cron or launchd, which calls direct  
actions using curl to handle each task.  This way the scheduling  
databases becomes a simple crontab or launchd style schedule.

There are many options to this, but I do agree that the scheduling is  
best done outside your application.  Things get much simpler that  
way, especially where multiple instances are involved.  Otherwise you  
have issues with ensuring the timer is running in only a single  
instance of your application and other related issues.

On May 9, 2007, at 9:35 AM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:

I'll try and be brief  .For stuff like this I create  
scheduled tasks in the database. ScheduledTasks have a start date  
(1/1/2007 0:00 for example) and end date(12/31/2008 10:00 for  
example) and a frequency (1, 2 ... n) and an interval (minutes,  
hours, days, weeks, months) and a class name that implements  
ScheduledTask interface. Related to that are many  
ScheduledTaskEvents, one for each time the task has executed. Since  
I run multiple instances, I have a standalone app  
(ScheduleManager.woa for example) that regularly (every 60 seconds  
for example) checks the schedule table for tasks to be executed,  
creates new ScheduledTaskEvents in the db for tasks that are to be  
executed, and then issues a direct action to the multiple instance  
app with the ScheduledTaskEvent ID. The task is executed and that's  
it. The ScheduledTaskEvent entity has STATE such as INIT,  
PROCESSING and DONE. The ScheduledTaskManager only sends DA's for  
ones with INIT state.

That's the strategy anyway... it has worked solid for a very long  

If you try and go the simple route with a simple java Timer, then  
AFAIK you will lose that task if you restart your app before it  
gets executed. So, if you want persistence and reliability, I think  
you have to consider a way to persist your scheduled tasks in the  
database and have  Singleton style app in your cluster that  
triggers the scheduled task events. The to-many tasks events allows  
me to ensure that every task is absolutely executed which is  
critical since many of the tasks are related to automatic  
subscription payments and credit card charges.

HTH, Kieran

On May 9, 2007, at 5:47 AM, Johann Werner wrote:

I recently looked at the NSTimer documentation where a note came  
up stating that it is obsolete and should not be used for new  
development. Unfortunately there is no mention of alternatives.

I have a WO app running that should execute a function at certain  
dates automagically ;) More precisely: people can register for an  
event and put in different information. At a certain date (to make  
sense a couple of days ahead of the event) the app should check if  
all mandatory information has been entered and sends a reminder  
email to that person if not.

By searching the web the only way if found to implement such  
behaviour is using a cronjob with wget and a direct action. But by  
this the app loses control of when the action gets called as it is  
hardcoded. Additionally I would have to add this call manually in  
a system config file. I think that's no good as it is not directly  
related to the app and therefore adds to the install/maintenance  

What is the common practice to implement such timing needs?


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Robert Walker

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Re: Getting a project started right

2007-05-09 Thread Robert Walker

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Robert Walker

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Re: NSTimer replacement?

2007-05-09 Thread Robert Walker


I think that would be fine if you have a fixed schedule that  
doesn't change over long periods of time so you could set it  
manually. The biggest drawback I see in using cron/launchd is that  
it is way more difficult to change these schedules by your WO apps  
in response to an user action (file access to sensitive files, need  
to parse and change the config files, file permissions). It could  
get even more complex if you deploy on several servers with  
failover in mind. Then you had to be carefull where to put in the  
cron/launchd config files to not having more than one server  
running the system schedule. Putting that information in a db  
alleviates the problem when using db clustering.

Yes, you are correct.  I use this in simple cases where I do some  
periodic processing on a fixed schedule.  For more complex, or  
dynamic, scheduling I use the cron/curl to simply trigger the system  
to periodically read the schedules configured in the database in a  
similar fashion to Kieran's solution.

On May 9, 2007, at 10:47 AM, Johann Werner wrote:

Am 09.05.2007 um 16:34 schrieb Robert Walker:


I do something very similar to this except I typically use an  
external scheduler such as cron or launchd, which calls direct  
actions using curl to handle each task.  This way the scheduling  
databases becomes a simple crontab or launchd style schedule.

I think that would be fine if you have a fixed schedule that  
doesn't change over long periods of time so you could set it  
manually. The biggest drawback I see in using cron/launchd is that  
it is way more difficult to change these schedules by your WO apps  
in response to an user action (file access to sensitive files, need  
to parse and change the config files, file permissions). It could  
get even more complex if you deploy on several servers with  
failover in mind. Then you had to be carefull where to put in the  
cron/launchd config files to not having more than one server  
running the system schedule. Putting that information in a db  
alleviates the problem when using db clustering.


Robert Walker

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Re: Fetchspec of average related field

2007-05-07 Thread Robert Walker
Uhm, *something like* this, I am not sure this is correct. RETURN  
RESULTS is OpenBase specific I think, I don't really know the  
standard keyword for limiting the number of returned results.

You don't know the standard keyword because there is no standard  
keyword for limiting results.  This is one of those parts of SQL that  
is vendor specific.  You are correct that RETURN RESULTS 10 works  
in OpenBase.  In MySQL LIMIT 10 would be the syntax.  Other vendors  
may have even different syntax.


Now, understanding that there will be different camps of thinking  
on this, here is an alternative:  Your query could get much simpler,  
and way more efficient, if you cache the average review value in your  
Item table.  This would allow you to write your raw SQL against a  
single database table.  This could drastically improve the  
performance of your query.  The downside is that you must ensure that  
your model keeps this value up-to-date with any changes in your  
reviews.  This is actually a fairly common design pattern that,  
slightly, breaks the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principal in favor  
of performance.  Anytime you can avoid having to join tables will  
make your queries much more efficient.

Just a thought, but if it were my code I'd seriously consider this  

On May 7, 2007, at 1:20 PM, Florijan Stamenkovic wrote:

Hi Drew,

I have two objects: Item and a to-many child, review.

Review has an attribute called rating.

I'm trying to use a fetchspec (which appears to be an  
impossibility) that returns the top 10 reviewed items. Basically,  
I'd like to sort by [EMAIL PROTECTED] and have only 10 items  

Is there a way to do this in EOModeler?

AFAIK, the only way you could do this in EOModeler is to use raw  
SQL and modify your select statement to do the appropriate sorting  
and result number limiting. Careful though, your SQL most likely  
then becomes vendor specific, and your fetch specification will not  
update if you make changes in your entity.

If not, I can return *all* item objects, sort by  
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and create an array with only the top ten  
items in it. This seems like a lot of activity compared to  
allowing the database to only return the top 10 items.

Maybe you could in code add a sort ordering and a result number  
limit to your fetch specification. That only would work assuming  
that the eo adapter can translate [EMAIL PROTECTED] to  
appropriate SQL. Something you would have to try out. Looking at  
EOModeler though, this is not supported. As it is not there in the  
fetch spec builder. Still, might be worth a try.

Or, you could use a combination of those approaches... Something like:

1. Fetch the itemID values from the RATING table with SQL, using  
something like:


Uhm, *something like* this, I am not sure this is correct. RETURN  
RESULTS is OpenBase specific I think, I don't really know the  
standard keyword for limiting the number of returned results.

2. Use an EOModel created fetch specification that has a  
qualification binding on item.itemID and bind the previously  
fetched IDs to it in code.

This is sweet as there is only one place where you have to worry  
about SQL maintenance.

Hope this helps,

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Re: Unable to map destination

2007-05-07 Thread Robert Walker
but I propagated the primary key and still got the same error ,  
anyone had any problems like this before ?
Check you model.  Your to-one relationship is not connected to the  
destination entitie's primary key.  Simply checking Propagates  
Primary Key won't solve your problem.  If you are attempting to  
create a one-to-one relationship between Schedule and Attempt then  
you will have a the to-one relationship in whichever entity is your  
Source will need to propagate it's primary key to the Destination  
entity.  You will not propagate the primary key from the  
Destination entity back to the Source entity.

As a side-effect of this type of setup is that your Destination  
will have empty rows for every Source entity.  I don't think most  
developers use this type of setup in EOF.

As a side note: I'm not really sure why Schedule  Attempt  
would constitute a one-to-one relationship.  Seems like it would be  
one-to-many, but since I'm not familiar with your model maybe it is.

On May 7, 2007, at 5:43 PM, Guilherme melo wrote:

hello all ,
I am trying to access a field in a to one mandatory relationship and i
am getting the following error :

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to map destination Schedule
for relationship schedule in entity Attempt. To one relationships must
be joined on the primary key of the destination.

I googled about it and got the following answer  :
Note: For to-one relationships, Enterprise Objects Framework  
doesn't support primary key to foreign key joins. The destination  
join attribute in a to-one relationship must be the destination  
entity's primary key. If you want To One relationship in both  
directions, you may want to consider a mandatory To One and  
Propagate Primary Key.

but I propagated the primary key and still got the same error ,  
anyone had any problems like this before ?

thx in advance


\o/ Guilherme Melo , Moleque de Idéias Educação e Tecnologia Ltda
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Re: WOLongResponsePage: odd wishes / false usage?

2007-05-02 Thread Robert Walker

Robert Walker

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Re: Using WOPopupButton for filtering an array

2007-05-02 Thread Robert Walker


The first question I must ask is if your WOPopupButton is inside the  
form you are submitting?  If it's not, then it's selected value will  
not be submitted by your JavaScript submit.

Assuming that it is, you could rely on the component binding system  
by putting your code in the accessor methods for the value bound to  
your popup's selection binding.  WO will take care of calling these  
methods at the proper time during the request-response cycle.

protected String popupSelection;

public String popupSelection() {
return popupSelection;

public void setPopupSelection(String newPopupSelection) {
popuselection = newPopupSelection;
// do whatever you want here WO will take care of calling this  
method when the time is right


This is just off the top of my head so hopefully it will be useful to  

On May 2, 2007, at 10:25 AM, Carter Wojcik wrote:

Hi All -

I would like to use a wopopupbutton to limit the
objects that are to be displayed to the the user from
a list/repetition.  I have created a default
eofetchspecification that returns a list.  I would
then like for the users to be able to pare down the
list by selecting from the wopopupbutton.  I am using
onChange = 'this.form.submit()' to reload the page
once a selection is made.

I tried to use awake() and takeValuesFromRequest() but
the popup is still null. The first time that I am able
to get an actual value (instead of null) is during
invokeAction, but I don't want to override this

At what point in the request-response loop will I be
able to use the value that has been selected in the
wopopupbutton to filter my results?

Thanks for the help.


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Re: WOLongResponsePage: odd wishes / false usage?

2007-05-02 Thread Robert Walker


As far as I know your approach is generally impossible.  Nesting one  
component as an inner class of another seems to me that it would  
totally screw up WOContext and the entire request-response cycle.   
The errors you are seeing are likely due to WO context confusion.  WO  
is going to look in your page cache for components using the  
WOContext, which I'm guessing is getting mangled by the nested classes.

I don't see why it's a problem to leave Main a normal WOComponent and  
add a separate page to your project that subclasses  
WOLongResponsePage and do your long processing there.  Then when  
complete just return back to Main as the resultPage().

If you choose not to fight the system you'll be a happier programmer.

On May 2, 2007, at 9:36 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thx for your reply. The main problem is that I am fully aware of  
using the LRP in a different (and definitely
crappy) way. The main question for me is, if my way is generally  
possible, therefore I have to understand

the errors, which occur.
In your example terms I want to achive that A contains the main and  
long processing code, which can/shall
_not_ be moved into B. I know, there are several ways and easy  
methods to get a clear design which would
follow apple's example. But for now I have to focus on a bad  
design. The inner class is the main quickdirty
idea of leaving the long processing code int A but starting it  
within B (possible through the easy and full

access to the enclosing A class).
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Robert Walker

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Re: Upgrade xerces?

2007-05-01 Thread Robert Walker
Personally, I've had MUCH better success with SOAP web services in WO  
5.3.x.  As long as upgrading doesn't cause you any problems with  
other things I'd say it would be well worth it.

Just make sure to have your WO 5.2.4 projects tagged in your version  
control system and a way to roll your system back to WO 5.2.4 in case  
you need to do that.

On May 1, 2007, at 6:52 AM, Corin Lawson wrote:

Hi List,

I have recently encountered the following error using WO 5.2.4:


I take this to mean that a third party api that I'm using requires  
xerces 2.6.0 and the distribution provided in JavaXML.framework  
doesn't provide the required interface.

What are my options here?

Can I remove the JavaXML.framework and use xercesImpl-2.6.0.jar and  
xmlParserAPIs-2.6.0.jar libs instead?

Can I place the 2.6.0 libs higher in the classpath?
I have tried this and I don't encounter this particular problem but  
what consequences does this have for the rest of the frameworks?

Is it backward compatible?
What other libs are needed to replace JavaXML.framework?

Can I specific some factory somewhere (and what/how)?

Should I upgrade to WO 5.3?
Will this improve the web services I have implemented or cause  

(Or am I just looking forward to headaches whatever the option?)

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Problem: WOActionResult with ObjectOutputStream

2007-04-25 Thread Robert Walker
WOActionResult is a Java interface.  Does ObjectOutputSteam implement  
WOActionResult?  No.  Therefore you cannot return ObjectOutputStream  
from a direct action.

A direct action, like a component action, needs to know how to  
participate in the request-response loop.  It would do you good to  
study, and have a clear understanding of, the request-response  
cycle.  This includes methods like appendToResponse(), invokeAction 
(), and takeValuesFromRequest(), among others.  This is explained in  
the Apple Documentation, as well as in several books on WebObjects.

WOResponse would be an example of a class implementing  
WOActionResults.  If you're serialization is working then put that  
serialization as the contents of a WOResponse and return that instead  
of trying to return the ObjectOutputStream.  WOComponent is another  
class that implements WOActionResults.

On Apr 25, 2007, at 9:56 AM, Frederico Lellis wrote:

I'm trying to have a WOActionResult called from a directAction  
return an ObjectOutputSteam but i haven't had much luck , the  
serialization is working fine , but i cant seem to send the  
object . can anyone give me  a hand ?

thanks in advance


Frederico L. Albuquerque

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[ANN:OT] For this that have not seen this...

2007-04-19 Thread Robert Walker

Hi group,

For those how don't receive the JDJ Newsletter here is an article I  
found that I think is very cool...

Now we need to introduce this guy to WebObjects.  I think he would  
freak and I bet he is completely unaware of Core Data's history.

Robert Walker

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Re: How do I refresh a many-to-many?

2007-04-18 Thread Robert Walker 

This is a page that explains how to Ensure Fresh Data.  Warning:  
It's not for the feint of heart.  This is actually more complicated  
that it initially seems.  By default snapshots are cached for 60  
minutes.  This is typically too long unless your data is pretty  
static and stale data isn't a major problem.

In cases like your you will need to balance the benefits of the  
snapshot caching and data freshness using the mechanisms described in  
the above document.

The place to start is with the method on EOFetchSpecification called  

On Apr 18, 2007, at 12:49 PM, Kevin Windham wrote:

I have an app with users and clubs. There is a many-to-many between  
these objects. I allow one user to add another user to their club  
through a page that fetches the particular user they want to add  
and then calls the new users addToClubs method. This much works  
fine. I can go look in my DB and see that the user has been added.  
However, when I redisplay the original user's club page, the new  
user does not show up. If I log out of the app and log back in, the  
new user shows up.

I tried adding a refreshObject call on the original user, but that  
doesn't seem to help. How can I refresh the many to many on my  
original user?

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Re: Detecting Client's JVM Version

2007-04-18 Thread Robert Walker
Are you talking about a Java Web Start client or a browser plug-in  
client for applets? Are you trying to access the client from the  
server?  I don't think you can do that.  If you are talking Java Web  
Start you can send a recommended version inside your JNLP file.  But,  
it's still up the client to respect your request.

If you could access this kind of information in the client from your  
server, that could be a security risk (meaning there is some hole in  
the client's firewall).  If you are trying to detect the Java version  
from inside a browser, there might be some JavaScript trick for that,  
but I even doubt that.

I could be wrong, but it seems to me that this kind of capability  
would be going against what I know about security.

On Apr 18, 2007, at 3:20 PM, Jonathan Miller wrote:


Does anyone have an example on how to detect which version of Java  
the client is using?

Thanks in advance

Jon Miller

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Re: FetchSpecs over derived attributes

2007-04-16 Thread Robert Walker

I know you can use derived attributes in Raw Row fetches (I do this
all the time).  I don't see why they wouldn't work in regular fetches

The exception explains why you can't do that.  It's one thing to  
included derived columns in the results of a query, and quite another  
to make a derived column part of your qualifier.  The derived column  
is defined in the model, but how would EOF generate a WHERE clause  
using a derived attribute, since there's no column in the database to  

On Apr 16, 2007, at 2:08 PM, John Huss wrote:

I know you can use derived attributes in Raw Row fetches (I do this
all the time).  I don't see why they wouldn't work in regular fetches


On 4/16/07, Ken Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No.  Fetch specs work directly against the database, so if the column
doesn't exist (as with derived attributes), it can't work.  You would
have to do a fetch on a superset, then use an in-memory qualifier to
include your derived attribute.


On Apr 16, 2007, at 10:45 AM, Catarina Vieira Simoes wrote:


 Is it possible to do a FetchSpecification over derived attributes?
 I tried and I got the error:

 java.lang.IllegalStateException: sqlStringForAttribute: attempt to
 generate SQL for attribute 'attributeName' on entity 'EntityName'
 with undefined column name. You must define a column name for this
 attribute before attempting a database operation.

 Since the derived attribute doesn't have a real column it should
 work, no? :)
 Thank you in advance.


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Robert Walker

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Re: FetchSpecs over derived attributes

2007-04-16 Thread Robert Walker

Fetch spec qualifier = totalTaxes  0

Interesting.  What does the generated SQL look like?

On Apr 16, 2007, at 3:45 PM, John Huss wrote:

Here's an example:

Attribute name = totalTaxes

Attribute derived definition = productTax1 + productTax2 +  
(productTax* are attribute names in the same entity, not the column  

Fetch spec qualifier = totalTaxes  0

This works for any kind of fetch spec.

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Robert Walker

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Re: FetchSpecs over derived attributes

2007-04-16 Thread Robert Walker

Well, how about that.  Learn something new everyday.

I tried this myself in a quick test.  Here's the full SQL from my  
test fetch specification:

Fetch Spec:

EOQualifier qual = EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat(value3   
50.0, null);
EOFetchSpecification fs = new EOFetchSpecification(Person, qual,  

value3 is the derived attribute...

SQL output:

SELECT t0.first_name, t0.last_name,, t0.value_1, t0.value_2,  
value_1 + value_2 FROM people t0 WHERE value_1 + value_2  ?  
withBindings: 1:50.0(value3)

So in the simple case this appears to work as expected.  I would  
guess that the derived attribute in question may be too complex for  
this to work properly.  I've run into similar cases where a fetch  
that can be performed in memory cannot be translated to SQL.  This  
may be what's happening in the case in question.

On Apr 16, 2007, at 4:57 PM, John Huss wrote:

It resolves the attribute names to the columns names as you would
expect, so you get

Select ...
Where (inm_productTax1 + inm_productTax2 + inm_productTax3)  0


On 4/16/07, Robert Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Fetch spec qualifier = totalTaxes  0

Interesting.  What does the generated SQL look like?

On Apr 16, 2007, at 3:45 PM, John Huss wrote:

Here's an example:

Attribute name = totalTaxes

Attribute derived definition = productTax1 + productTax2 +  
(productTax* are attribute names in the same entity, not the  
column names)

Fetch spec qualifier = totalTaxes  0

This works for any kind of fetch spec.

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Re: FetchSpecs over derived attributes

2007-04-16 Thread Robert Walker
In any case I generally avoid using derived attributes altogether and  
use custom business logic instead for the following reasons  
documented in the EOModeler user's guild:

Derived attributes are effectively read-only since there is no place  
to write them back to. You could get the value of a derived attribute  
and write it back to another column but that requires another  
attribute. And if you need to store the value of a derived attribute,  
it’s usually much better to perform the derivation in business logic  
rather than at the attribute level. (Alternatively, you could use  
custom read and write formats to accomplish this. See “Read Format  
and Write Format”). By deriving attributes at the business-logic  
level, you write the code in Java, you avoid writing database- 
specific SQL, and you get the full benefits of enterprise objects.

One of the most important benefits is the internal update  
notifications that enterprise objects send and receive. In the  
previous example, if you change an employee’s monthly salary, the  
derived attribute that calculates the annual salary is then  
incorrect. And since the attribute is derived, its value as it exists  
in the enterprise object is immutable. Unless the object is flushed  
from the access layer’s snapshot and refreshed, the derived attribute  
is stale and inaccurate.

Derived attributes can be useful but should probably be reserved for  
read-only applications and can usually be replaced by values derived  
in business logic. Also, because derived attributes don’t directly  
map to anything in the database, they cannot be used for locking or  
as primary keys.


Robert Walker

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Re: FetchSpecs over derived attributes

2007-04-16 Thread Robert Walker


While it sometimes _seems_ like a guild, I don't think we have  
actually formed it yet.  :-P

ROFL.  You caught me.  I spend way too much time in World of  
Warcraft.  :-P

On Apr 16, 2007, at 5:49 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Apr 16, 2007, at 2:41 PM, Robert Walker wrote:

In any case I generally avoid using derived attributes altogether  
and use custom business logic instead for the following reasons  
documented in the EOModeler user's guild:

While it sometimes _seems_ like a guild, I don't think we have  
actually formed it yet.  :-P


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Robert Walker

There are 10 types of people in the world, those who think in  
binary, and those who don't.

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Re: Type Number in WO WebServices

2007-04-13 Thread Robert Walker


element name=height nillable=true type=tns3:Number/

If you look here you can see the your are referring to a Java  
Number class which is also a complex class and Cocoa is not going  
to understand.

Here is a simple type from one of my WSDL files:
  wsdl:message name=logsProcessedTodayResponse
wsdl:part name=logsProcessedTodayReturn type=xsd:int/

xsd:int will be understood fine by the core services frameworks.   
Number will not.

Make sure that whatever value you are sending for height is one of  
the known simple types like xsd:int or xsd:float.

On Apr 13, 2007, at 11:24 AM, Fabrice Pipart wrote:

Hi list !

I beg for some help because I think I will get crazy about this issue.
I have a class registered as a WebService :

I have a complex type registered with Bean Serializer and  
deserializer :

QName qname = new QName(;, MyClass);
BeanSerializerFactory(com.easyshadow.client. MyClass.class, qname),  
new BeanDeserializerFactory(com.easyshadow.client. MyClass.class,  
qname), com.easyshadow.client. MyClass.class, qname);

I can access the WebService without problem from a Cocoa app.
I thought it would be even easier to access the same Web Service  
from another WO app.

I tried to base my code on Apple docs : 

No luck.

Yes I can list all the methods that can be called.
But as soon as I try to invoke one, I get this :
javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException: Error processing WSDL document: Type Number is referenced but not defined.

Here is the header of my generated wsdl file :
wsdl:definitions targetNamespace= 



complexType name=MyClass
element name=duration nillable=true type=xsd:anyType/
element name=height nillable=true type=tns3:Number/

Note that tns3 is referenced but never defined...
Is this a WO bug when generating the wsdl?
I am not a WebService expert, so I may have misunderstood something...


Fabrice Pipart

International Corporate Consulting
Palais de la Scala
1 avenue Henri Dunant
Suite 1155
MC - 98000 Monaco

Skype: fabrice.pipart
Tel.  +377 97 98 21 04 (direct)
Fax. +377 97 70 88 07

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Re: Type Number in WO WebServices

2007-04-13 Thread Robert Walker


And now for my real response...

Make your life many times happier and forget SOAP and use REST  
instead.  Unless you have a very strong, and compelling, need to use  
SOAP web services.

Life is sweet when running on REST, and is so much cleaner than  
SOAP.  :)

On Apr 13, 2007, at 11:24 AM, Fabrice Pipart wrote:

Hi list !

I beg for some help because I think I will get crazy about this issue.
I have a class registered as a WebService :

I have a complex type registered with Bean Serializer and  
deserializer :

QName qname = new QName(;, MyClass);
BeanSerializerFactory(com.easyshadow.client. MyClass.class, qname),  
new BeanDeserializerFactory(com.easyshadow.client. MyClass.class,  
qname), com.easyshadow.client. MyClass.class, qname);



Fabrice Pipart

Robert Walker

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Re: Type Number in WO WebServices

2007-04-13 Thread Robert Walker


Is there any possibility to register that complex type like I did  
for MyClass ?
I guess it would be easier to change my numbers to ints but that  
app is versioned and I would prefer leaving it like this

That is interesting  Sorry I don't have an immediate answer for  

On Apr 13, 2007, at 4:45 PM, Fabrice Pipart wrote:

Thanks for the answers !
Though I think you missed something :

On Apr 13, 2007, at 11:24 AM, Fabrice Pipart wrote:

I can access the WebService without problem from a Cocoa app.
I thought it would be even easier to access the same Web Service  
from another WO app.

I tried to base my code on Apple docs : 

I am not trying to consume that web service from a Cocoa app (that  
part works) but from Web Objects.
And unfortunately WO itself cannot consume a web service it  
provides itself :-(

But the tips might be useful to improve the Cocoa part ;-)

Le 13 avr. 07 à 22:00, Robert Walker a écrit :

element name=height nillable=true type=tns3:Number/

If you look here you can see the your are referring to a Java  
Number class which is also a complex class and Cocoa is not  
going to understand.

Here is a simple type from one of my WSDL files:
  wsdl:message name=logsProcessedTodayResponse
wsdl:part name=logsProcessedTodayReturn type=xsd:int/

xsd:int will be understood fine by the core services frameworks.   
Number will not.

Make sure that whatever value you are sending for height is one of  
the known simple types like xsd:int or xsd:float.

Is there any possibility to register that complex type like I did  
for MyClass ?
I guess it would be easier to change my numbers to ints but that  
app is versioned and I would prefer leaving it like this


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Re: Converting WO app to Multithreaded WO app...

2007-04-09 Thread Robert Walker
1) What is the effort required to convert my WO app (or) in general  
a WO app to a Multithreaded application ?

It has been my experience that you likely have a problem with your  
design in EOF.  I seriously doubt that you will see much improvement  
in performance by multi-threading your application.  Yes you can gain  
a bit by using concurrent request handing, but if you are having  
serious performance problems it's likely due to improper or  
inefficient handling of fault firing.  On top of that it's my  
understanding that EOF is single-threaded anyway.  So if your issue  
lies somewhere in EOF, concurrent request handling won't do you any  

EOF will fire faults in sometimes very unexpected ways (at least for  
those new to WO/EOF).

Let's look at an example:

Say you have a music store, and are tracking the songs purchased by  
users.  So you create the following relationships:

Customer -- Song

Now you might want to add a delete rule to prevent the Customer  
object from being deleted once they have purchased at least one  
song.   You may go months without seeing any issues as long as the  
average number of songs purchased by customers remain relatively  
small.  However, later when you have some preferred customer that  
goes out and buys 25,000+ songs suddenly you see tremendous delays  
when pushing changes for this customer to the database through EOF.

The culprit is the to-many relationship from Customer to Song.  When  
EOF begins to save changes, and needs to know if the customer has  
purchased any songs, in order to satisfy it's deny delete rule or  
cascade delete the deferred fault in Customer will be fired.  The  
effect of this is a fetch of 25,000+ rows from the database, 25,000+  
EOEnterpriseObjects being created just so the system can ask the  
question: Has the Customer purchased any Songs?  And, if you're  
thinking this would only happen when deleting a Customer object, you  
would be mistaken.  If the relationship exists it will be fired  
during the save or possibly even before.

When I design an EOModel, I keep in mind how many possible objects  
could be related to another object through a to-many relationship.   
If I expect that to be more than a few hundred I basically prevent  
the to-many fault from ever being fired by removing it as a class  

This means that you cannot use the built-in delete rules that are  
available in the model.  In order to support delete rules I wrote my  
own set of utility methods that use raw SQL to perform count  
operations, which can be hundreds of times faster than EOF can do the  
same count.  I then call these methods from my custom EO subclass in  
validateForDelete().  If I need to deny delete, for example, I get  
the count using raw SQL and if the result is  0 then I throw an  

I'm guessing there is probably some tools available in ProjectWonder  
to deal with these issues, but I have just never taken the time to  
integrate ProjectWonder in my applications.  This is mainly due to  
the fact that we are really just maintaining some existing WO  
applications and not currently creating any new ones.  But, that's  
another story.

On Apr 9, 2007, at 5:12 AM, Shravan Kumar.M wrote:

Hi Group,

We have a WebObjects built application. Its performing slow and it  
becomes even slow when multiple users access the application, it  
crashes, it times out and so on.

Can any one please add their excerpts to my below questions:

1) What is the effort required to convert my WO app (or) in general  
a WO app to a Multithreaded application ?

2) What are the pros and cons of the Multithreaded WebObjects  
application ?

3) Also, can you tell me any efficient tips to debug the  
application for finding out what is sucking the application  
performance ?

4) Any other directions towards solving this problem are Welcome ?

Looking forward to all your help. Let me know in case you need any  
other info.

Thanks  Rgds,
Shravan Kumar.M

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present to live better in the future.

--William WordsWorth

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Re: No file data from WOFileUpdate

2007-04-03 Thread Robert Walker
I've seen this problem when the filePath binding is not set.  You  
need to bind this value even if just to a string in your controller  

On Apr 3, 2007, at 2:24 AM, Janine Sisk wrote:

I know I've been staring at this for too long;  hopefully the  
answer isn't *too* obvious.

Here's what I have:


MainForm : WOForm {
enctype = multipart/form-data;

ImageFile : WOFileUpload {
data = imageFileData;
mimeType = imageMimeType;

SubmitButton : WOSubmitButton {
action = saveChanges;
value = Save Changes;


in saveChanges():

if (imageFileData == null || imageFileData.length() == 0) {
		System.out.println(exiting because there is no file data  
from the upload);

return null;

Consistently, imageMimetype is set (correctly) but imageFileData is  
null  (I have confirmed that it is actually null, not zero  
length).  I haven't been able to find much documentation on this,  
but what I do have seems to indicate that I'm doing this right, and  
it seems too simple to screw up anyway.  However :)

The file I'm uploading is only 152KB so I don't think it's a size  
problem, unless the file is so small WO can't find it. :)

Suggestions welcome!



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Re: EditingContext/Sorting Problem

2007-04-03 Thread Robert Walker


public NSArray scheduledRoutings() {
return (NSArray)storedValueForKey(scheduledRoutings);

If you simple want the array returned in a different order I would  
suggest creating another method instead of overriding the super- 
classes method.

public NSArray scheduledRoutingsOrdered() {
	return EOSortOrdering.sortedArrayUsingKeyOrderArray 
(super.scheduledRoutings(), this.defaultSortOrderings());


public NSArray defaultSortOrderings() {
// return your desired sort orderings here

This is what I do and don't recall ever having a problem with it.   
One other nice benefit of this is that you can choose to bind to  
either the unordered or ordered array.  If you have a case where the  
order is not important, calling the unordered list can be more  

On Apr 3, 2007, at 10:17 AM, David Avendasora wrote:

Hi all,

I have what is probably a really basic WO problem, but I have been  
trying to figure it out for the last couple days with no luck.

I have a superclass for my entity (_ManufacturingSchedule) that is  
generated by EOGenerator. It has the following method to return all  
the related objects in a to-many relationship:

public NSArray scheduledRoutings() {
return (NSArray)storedValueForKey(scheduledRoutings);

I am overriding this method in the subclass (ManufacturingSchedule)  

public NSArray scheduledRoutings() {
NSArray sortedArray;
NSMutableArray sortOrderings = new NSMutableArray();
	EOSortOrdering productionSequenceSort = new EOSortOrdering 
	EOSortOrdering toolSort = new EOSortOrdering 

	sortedArray = EOSortOrdering.sortedArrayUsingKeyOrderArray 

return sortedArray; 

All I am trying to do is sort the results a certain way any time  
the related objects are requested. The problem is that when I use  
this method, any objects added to the relationship during the  
current session (one EditingContext per session right now) don't  
show up. If I save the EditingContext to the DB, then kill the  
session and call the relationship again, the objects I added show up.

If I simply remove the overriding method in the subclass,  
everything shows up as expected, just not sorted of course.

Why aren't new objects returned when sorted as above?


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Re: EditingContext/Sorting Problem SOLVED

2007-04-03 Thread Robert Walker
Okay. I've given the method a new name and it is working perfectly  
now. I'm assuming that this applies to filtering the array of  
related objects as well. Yes?


BTW, did I miss something in the documentation where it tells you  
not to override these? I have several WO books as well, and while  
the examples always show using a separate method, they don't say  
it's required.

If you were to look deeper at the array return by the relationship  
methods you would find that they are not simple immutable arrays like  
the return type indicates.  They are treated internally as something  
like XXCheapCopyMutableArray or some such beast (I can't remember the  
exact class name).  Then the reference to that gets returned to you  
cast to a basic NSArray.  Maybe that has something to do with the  
problems of overriding those methods in a subclass.  I'm not really  
sure of the internal mechanics of EOF.  I just know not to override  
those methods, but rather use the technique give in the previous  
response of providing a new method that makes use of the original  

On Apr 3, 2007, at 10:59 AM, David Avendasora wrote:

Okay. I've given the method a new name and it is working perfectly  
now. I'm assuming that this applies to filtering the array of  
related objects as well. Yes?

BTW, did I miss something in the documentation where it tells you  
not to override these? I have several WO books as well, and while  
the examples always show using a separate method, they don't say  
it's required.

Thanks again for the help everyone!

On Apr 3, 2007, at 9:51 AM, Ken Anderson wrote:

Use a separate method instead of overriding the existing method.   
There are assumptions made about the array returned via KVC, and  
you are breaking those assumptions by reordering an array that EOF  
thinks it owns.

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Re: JavaClient WebClient in one application

2007-04-03 Thread Robert Walker


In my opinion you have already made the correct choice.  That is to  
keep them separate.  If you are having data synchronization issues  
that is separate.  You would have exactly the same data  
synchronization problems simply by running two instances of the same  
web application.

First you need to fix your data synchronization problems then you can  
happily run your web and client applications separately sharing your  
business logic framework.

I've had some experience trying to mix web and client applications  
into a single application.  IMHO it's just not worth the headaches it  

Here is a note warning just so you don't run into this problem  
yourself like I did.  DO NOT use concurrent request handing with  
JavaClient applications.  JavaClient expects synchronous handing of  
request and will break in dramatic ways if the concurrency flag is set.

On Apr 3, 2007, at 12:16 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

Hi everyone,

Does anyone have any information, or can point me to any  
information, about running both a Direct to Java Client and  
standard (NOT Direct to Web) Web Client on one instance of an  
WebObjects application? Right now I have them as two separate  
applications, both using the core framework pointing to the same  
DB. This of-course can cause problems with data-synchronization.

While running them from one application will not completely  
eliminate the issues, it should mitigate them to some extent.


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Re: WOForm Question

2007-04-03 Thread Robert Walker


What does your model look like?  Is it something like:

Routing  RoutingStep

With a relationship from Routing to RoutingStep named routingSteps.

Guessing here, but I suppose you have a form for entering information  
on an instance of Route:

Now your are trying to update an attribute of RoutingStep with a  
binding like:


If my guess is correct, well you can't do that because  
currentRoute.routingSteps would return null if there are no  
routing steps.  I'm making this assumption because I've seen  
beginners to WO try this.

There are a few options for dealing with this case.  But most would  
include creating an interface to display the array of routingSteps  
and actions to add and remove routing steps from the array.  You also  
need to properly manage the to-many relationship when adding and  
removing.  Generally using addObjectToBothSidesOfRelationshipWithKey.

Once you are able to iterate over your routingSteps relationship then  
you can bind your form controls to currentRoutingStep or whatever  
you decide to call the iterator reference.

On Apr 3, 2007, at 3:39 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

Okay, it isn't a nesting problem on the web-component side of  
things. I think it is a problem with how I'm stepping through the  
objects to update them. Simple attributes and to-one relationships  
are easy, to-many relationship updates have me stumped.

Can anyone give me an example of how to iterate through the related  
objects and update them with the values submitted in the form?



On Apr 3, 2007, at 2:19 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Apr 3, 2007, at 12:12 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

Okay, I have one form on the page. One submit button in the form.

It will update the attributes of Routing (the top level  
component) but as soon as I try to update attributes of  
destination of the to-many relationship (RoutingStep) I get a  
java.lang.NullPointerException. The object that it is finding to  
be null is the aRoutingStep object that is the item binding of  
the WORepetition. The list binding of the WORepetition is  

Am I missing something?

A nesting problem?

webobject name=Repetition

!-- here the value of the item binding of Repetition is  
guaranteed to have a valid value --:

/webobject name=Repetition
!-- here the value of the item binding of Repetition is  
guaranteed to be null --:


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Re: WOSortOrderManyKey

2007-03-29 Thread Robert Walker


If I were you I would forget that you ever saw this component.  I  
realize now why I've never seen it used.  It is actually a really bad  
control.  It doesn't even seem to be working correctly.  I got it  
half working but even if it did work it's still a really poorly done  
widget.  Your users are going to expect something much nicer than  
this in the modern age of the web.  Have you considered using some  
AJAX for sorting and batching your table?

For one thing it throws exceptions if your WODisplayGroup has no sort  
ordering set prior to loading the page.  Even when used as documented  
(with the control wrapped in a WOForm) choosing anything but the  
first item in the keyList has no effect.  It doesn't seem to remember  
what item you chose between page refresh cycles.

I'm sure you can come up with a much better way to build what you  
want.  I think you would be better off explaining to us your desired  
behavior instead of asking how to make this widget work.

On Mar 29, 2007, at 4:14 AM, WIESEN Bruno wrote:


I can't deal with this component and I can't find good  
Can someone give me a working example? or somewhere to find  

Thank you.

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Re: Project architecture

2007-03-29 Thread Robert Walker
 in my opinion, if you can
transfer to the modern tools: 


On 29.03.2007, at 11:03, Webobjects Developer wrote:

 I'm a relative newcomer to WebObjects, but I've built a few
 applications and feel like I have a good handle on the  
technology. I'm

 thinking about using WebObjects for my next online project.

 My question is about project architecture. I envision the following
 major components:

 - The backend database
 - The administrative web site
 - The [non-secure] user web site
 - The [secure] store web site

 My goals are to:

 - Hire a non-technical web designer for the user web site and store
 web site
 - Use off the shelf tools like Dreamweaver or Go Live for web  

 - Include some dynamic content in user web site
 - Provide bookmarkable, non-cryptic links to user web site

 For instance, it seems unreasonable for my web designers to deal  

 the WO component .html or .wod files of the WO project.

 Also, using WO components for the user web site pages makes it  
 to provide bookmarkable links for the pages on the user web site  

 have dynamic content.

 But if not WO components for the pages, then what?

 What are the suggested WebObjects techniques for organizing a  

 to meet the goals above?
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Re: Project architecture

2007-03-29 Thread Robert Walker

As I see it, there are three types of pages:

- static,
- non-persistent dynamic,
- persistent dynamic.

I actually see this list slightly different:

- static pages (no dynamic content)
- stateless dynamic pages (requiring no session management but still  
contain dynamic content)
- stateful dynamic pages (requiring a session to track user's action,  
but not to protect content)

- stateful secure pages (requiring a session and a login and likely SSL)

I haven't worked much with direct actions, but if a web designer adds
a non-persistent dynamic page to the site, do I need another WO
component to handle it? Or can WO just serve up all pages in a
particular directory?

If it were me I wouldn't use WebObjects in this manner.  In my  
opinion it's not really the same as a basic page pre-parser like  
PHP.  WebObjects shines when it has direct access to resources such  
as the database content, static HTML templates, CSS, JavaScript and  
anything else that makes up the dynamic content.  And to have these  
resources available on the Application Server (whether that is, or is  
not, the same box as your Web Server).

I think about it this way.  Most web servers tend to provide content  
for multiple domains from a single server box.  PHP also tends to  
follow this same pattern given it is so directly connected to the web  
server itself.  WebObjects is different.  You tend to think about how  
many server boxes will be used to serve up the dynamic content from  
the resources and database (or database cluster).  There is really no  
direct connection to the request hitting the web server.  The  
requests are forwarded by the HTTP Adaptor to the Application server  
and the web server immediately goes on with it's business until it  
hears back from the HTTP Adaptor.  The adaptor is responsible for  
redirecting the next request to the proper application server and  

So WebObjects is a larger solution in that it manages a cluster of  
servers including load balancing solutions.  To do this with PHP  
requires additional tools to manage the clustering.  This also goes  
for other scripting technologies like Ruby on Rails.

Sorry that was a bit of a complicated way to say that PHP templates  
tend to live in the same realm as the web server, this is not the  
case with templates in WebObjects, and for good reason.

A hammer is great for driving nails, but isn't so great at driving  

On Mar 29, 2007, at 2:53 PM, Webobjects Developer wrote:

You have good advice. The question is how to implement/architect it?

As I see it, there are three types of pages:

- static,
- non-persistent dynamic,
- persistent dynamic.

But from a web designer perspective, they will be designing all of the
pages to look and feel the same. They will share structure and css.

The web designer can design using placeholders, of course. But my
question is more how to make it easy to take what the web designer has
done and integrate it into the WO application.

What WO project structure do I use to serve static, non-persistent
dynamic, and persistent dynamic pages from a single directory? The
default projects have the .html files inside the WO component
directories... i.e. distributed into multiple directories.

I haven't worked much with direct actions, but if a web designer adds
a non-persistent dynamic page to the site, do I need another WO
component to handle it? Or can WO just serve up all pages in a
particular directory?

On 3/29/07, Robert Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Another aspect of site design that you seem to be missing is that  
a well

designed site will isolate the static and dynamic parts of the site.

Take Apple's own web site as an example.  Browsing around you will  
notice that the entire site is not wrapped in WebObjects.  The  
home page and
many other pages are simple static pages like any other site.   
But, clicking
on the Store tab at the top will immediately redirect the user  
to the
Apple Store WebObjects application which then offers up a set of  
accessible dynamic pages build using WOComponents.  It's not until  
you wish

to check out are you asked to log in with your account credentials.

The same thing holds true if a user clicks the .Mac tab from  
either the
static site content or from within the Apple Store application.   
This will
then direct the user to a completely separate and independent  

application to generate all the cool .Mac stuff like the new Mail
application within .Mac.

You will also notice other non-WebObjects, but still dynamic pages
developed in other web application technologies.

It's all a matter of choosing the right tool for the job at  
hand.  It
really makes no sense to force fit any technology into tasks it's  
not well

suited to service.

Also for those areas that cross over between designer HTML and
programmer HTML (contrived terms warning) WebObjects offers nice
component architecture to help deal

Re: Project architecture

2007-03-29 Thread Robert Walker
I think it's also noteworthy to mention that WO is not unique in this  
at all.  You would have exactly the same issues with anything based  
on J2EE.  JSPs are not dissimilar to WO Templates.  Even some  
scripting solutions like Ruby on Rails are not immune from this.   
You're still going to have programmer specific custom tags within the  
UI that a pure web designer will have to work around.

I personally think the real problem is not that HTML is for  
designers, but that designers are having to deal with HTML code.   
If the web was build by designers instead of programmers then  
designers would not ever see the HTML code.

Designers working in Adobe InDesign never see, or care anything  
about, how InDesign keeps track of formatting text and graphics on a  
page, nor should they.  On the contrary a UI programmer cares very  
much about how the system organizes windows and views within those  
windows.  They need to know specifically how to interact with those  
objects from within their code.

So this is not IMHO a failure in any way of WebObjects or any other  
solution, it's a failure of the basic design of the Web in general.   
So we do the best we can by building good communication and cross  
training between coders and designer to work around this fundamental  

CSS is helping, but it's still to much for the programmer and not  
enough for the designer, this is getting better all the time as the  
design tools improve.  A Web build by the likes of Adobe would have  
made it a much difference place than it is today.  Designer wouldn't  
be dealing with code and there would be a much more distinct divide  
between web pages and web applications.

On Mar 29, 2007, at 4:08 PM, Webobjects Developer wrote:

Using WO, how does one separate the web designer from the programmer?

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