Re: [whatwg] Workers feedback

2008-11-14 Thread Alexey Proskuryakov

Nov 14, 2008, в 2:30 AM, Ian Hickson написал(а):

I believe that the idea that the API for shared and dedicated workers
should be the same is misguided. The spec used to make the two cases
identical. The result was confusion, and the dedicated case was much  

complex than necessary.

This is the strongest argument for having separate interfaces of all  
presented, but in my opinion, it misses some important data points:
- Was introducing a new interface the only way to resolve the  
confusion? Maybe renaming a method or two would have had a positive  

- Did it help resolve the confusion?
- What kind of danger the confusion was? Would authors write under- 
performing and unreliable code, or refuse to use such a cumbersome API  
at all? Or was is just a momentary delay for some, resolved quickly  
and harmlessly?

I don't remember any of these discussed here.

Shared workers and dedicated workers are fundamentally different and  
different needs, and we should expose these needs in ways optimised  

the two cases.

The basic need is that dedicated workers be able to have a two-way
communication channel with their creators, and shared workers be  
able to

have a two-way communication with each user of the worker.

I think that this argument is false. It is normal for a single API to  
support multiple use cases.

Replace Worker with XMLHttpRequest, and we end up with separate  
interfaces for GET and POST.

skipped code samples

For dedicated workers though that's way more complexity than we want  

require of authors -- why do they have to listen for a port when there
will always be exactly one? So it makes sense to use

It is not true that there will always be one - additional ports can be  
passed in via postMessage().

Now, we've at this point made the two different already, so as to  
the dedicated worker, so we could (and the spec does) make the  

worker even simpler while we're at it.

Returning to the XMLHttpRequest example, we really can combine open()  
and send() for XMLHttpRequestGET, but not for XMLHttpRequestPOST.  
Generally, the interfaces can be very different if we try to.

One way to do that is to bury the ports into the Worker and global  
objects. If we do one side, though, we have to do the other, because  

would be really weird to have a message channel that half-acts like a
two-port channel and half doesn't.

I agree.

For example, if we bury it, we
shouldn't expose .close(), since it's better for the worker to be  
using the actual .close() or .terminate() API, but if we only bury  
side, then one end could close the pipe and not the other, and we'd  

to make sure we expose .onclose on the buried end, and so forth.

I agree that if we have a direct interface for messaging on one side,  
we should have it on both sides.

So, we end up with what the spec has now.

I think what we have now is better than making dedicated and shared
workers superficially the same (as the spec used to be, and as the  

involved in this thread argued was bad) is more confusing for authors.

I'd be more that happy with a separate interface if the objects  
actually behaved differently. One example of a good reason to have  
separate interfaces was recently proposed here: shared workers should  
outlive their creators. This is the sort of difference that would make  
having a separate API reasonable, in my opinion.

At this point, if the only arguments for changing the API are it's
confusing for authors, then I'd rather not change the API. We got to
where we are today by carefully considering what would be better for
authors. We could continue going back-and-forth and reverting earlier
decisions until the cows come home, but I see no benefit to doing so.

I don't think it's inappropriate to continue back-and-forth until  
there is at least one reasonably complete implementation validating  
the spec. Currently, the Mozilla implementation is very different in  
spirit, not supporting MessagePorts at all.

* I still don't buy the utility of passing around MessagePorts, so I
suggest we table that for v2. It can always be added back later.

Since they so drastically affect the API design, I think putting  
them off
is a mistake. We might end up constraining ourselves in unobvious  

I agree.

- WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov

[whatwg] attribute media on script element

2008-11-14 Thread Filippo Levizzani
I don't know if the question has already been posted...

Would it be possible to have media attribute in the SCRIPT element?
Addmitted vaues would be the same of STYLE element (all, screen, print,
handheld ...)

Personally, I'd really love this feature.

Thank you

Kind regards


Filippo Levizzani
filippo (dot) levizzani (at) gmail (dot) com

Re: [whatwg] Deprecating small, b ?

2008-11-14 Thread David Muschiol
On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 06:09, Nils Dagsson Moskopp
The small element represents small print [...]

The b element represents a span of text to be stylistically offset from
 the normal prose without conveying any extra importance [...]

 Both definitions seems rather presentational (contrasting, for example,
 the new semantic definition for the i element) and could also be
 realized by use of span elements.

Why use span class=smallprintCopyright (c) 2008 …/span instead
of just smallCopyright (c) 2008 …/small?  The latter possibility
is way more semantic.

And why use span class=brandSiemens/span instead of just bSiemens/b?

To me, the small and b elements – especially the former – make perfect sense.


Re: [whatwg] Combining the DedicatedWorker and SharedWorker interfaces

2008-11-14 Thread Alexey Proskuryakov

Nov 14, 2008, в 3:59 AM, Ian Hickson написал(а):

For the sake of completeness, a connect/startConversation method on a
worker really should automatically open the receiving port - this is
what examples posted so far implied, and it would cause a lot of
aggravation if it didn't. I know I'm often forgetting to open the  

when writing my tests, and it's not a very easy mistake to spot.

What do you mean by open the port? Do you mean calling start()? If  
that should happen automatically when you set onmessage the first  

per spec.

Oh, that's my mistake - I totally didn't expect that it could have  
such side effect. It seems weird that addEventListener(message, ...)  
does not have such effect, does it?

In an async processing model, there is simply no way for the  
receiver to

have a list of all objects that were posted to it - it's exactly the
reason for the existence of the queue that events are delivered
asynchronously and cannot be peeked before being delivered. For  

in a multi-process implementation, these events may still be across
process boundary.

It actually doesn't really matter if there is something that has been
posted but not yet received, because that is indistinguishable (as  
far as
I can tell) from the case of the worker having shut down a split  

before that object was posted.

I'm not sure what state you mean by shut down here - the spec does  
not define this, and shutting down a side of an async communication  
channel is complicated (see e.g. a TCP/IP state diagram). Anyway, the  
contents of the worker's ports is used for defining active needed  
worker and suspendable worker further on, which are concepts that  
are very important for worker lifetime definition. If the ports in  
event queue are not important, then the spec should not say that they  
are included in the worker's ports. This would resolve the  
concurrency problem, but I don't think that the resulting behavior  
would be desirable.

It is not possible to have a symmetric relationship in an  
messaging model - we need a multi-step entagling/unentangling  
so the relationship is necessarily asymmetric. One can't freeze  

process (or really, even another thread) to change something in it

The above is not a requirement, it's just a description of the  
concept. I
don't think anything actually depends on it being symmetric; all the  

that actually entangle ports have (or, are intended to have, maybe I
missed some) pretty well-defined synchronisation points.

OK, say there is a pair of entangled ports in different threads/ 
processes, portA and portB. We concurrently post both with  
postMessage, which causes the ports to be cloned. From the point of  
view of first thread, PortA is now unentangled, and portA' is  
entangled with portB. From the point of view of second thread, PortB  
is unentangled, and portB' is entangled with portA.

Next, threads send asynchronous notifications to each other, asking to  
update entangling information. First thread's notification asks portB  
to become entangled with portA'. So, portB will need to forward this  
notification to portB' (and possibly further, because portB' may have  
been posted and cloned again). This already is unduly complicated.

Now consider that all these ports need to have destroyed sooner or  
later, but not too soon. This basically means that we now have a many- 
to-many distributed GC system. It was bad enough when we had to  
garbage protect ports between threads, because this required  
modification of the JavaScript interpreter to support a certain case  
of distributed GC. But this example basically shows that we need a  
full-blown distributed GC system in order to implement port cloning.

For example, any method that entangles two ports blocks until both  
threads are synchronised

and entangled.

This will cause deadlocks - if portB' is sent to the first thread as  
portB'' in the above scheme, the lock will not let synchronization  
ever finish.

(The spec is somewhat implicit about this, but the intent is that  

really be implemented either as two system threads, one doing
communication and one running the JS, or by one system thread that  
the JS in an interruptible fashion. In particular, doing something  
synchronises with a worker isn't expected to have to wait for that  

to finish running its current JS.)

The JS thread will need to be interrupted in any case - we certainly  
don't want it to read a half-written pointer from memory or something.  
Adding memory barriers around access to data that can be modified  
externally is not sufficient, because MessagePort algorithms are not  
designed in a lock-free fashion (lock-free algorithms that only rely  
on read/write atomicity do exist, but these aren't such). Locking  
around all MessagePort functions will cause deadlocks, as demonstrated  
above, and is 

Re: [whatwg] Combining the DedicatedWorker and SharedWorker interfaces

2008-11-14 Thread Alexey Proskuryakov

Nov 14, 2008, в 7:37 AM, Jonas Sicking написал(а):

Feel free to try our implementation of a subset of the spec ;)

I did not say that there was anything wrong with Mozilla's  
implementation! What I said was that it was very different from the  
current spec, at least in spirit.

In fact, I'm strongly considering dropping MessagePort from WebKit (at  
least for now), and going with Mozilla worker API.

- WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov

[whatwg] attribute media on script element

2008-11-14 Thread Filippo Levizzani

Would it be possible to have media attribute in the SCRIPT element?

Addmitted vaues would be the same of STYLE element (all, screen, print,
handheld ...)

Thank you

Kind regards

Re: [whatwg] Workers feedback

2008-11-14 Thread timeless
On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 9:00 AM, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Oh?! Then I understand even less what the use case is. This is something
 that doesn't exist for script and i've never heard anyone ask for it
 (granted, that is not proof that no one wants it).

a script can figure out where it is by using try { null.null } catch
(e) { location=e.fileName }

and i do have scripts which do stuff like that.

that said i don't see a reason to add such a feature, just let people
pass it if they need to.

Re: [whatwg] About input type=hidden

2008-11-14 Thread Mike Wilson
Ian Hickson wrote:
 On Fri, 17 Oct 2008, Mike Wilson wrote:
  but for more decoupled systems you may want to specify a 
  HTML snippet per object type or similar - and then apply 
  recursive view rendering on an object graph.
 I agree, but it seems that having the hidden inputs be inside 
 the next li of a list, or the next td, or whatever is 
 appropriate, isn't much to ask for.

It's good that you see what problems I am describing.
There are two problems here, and I think you are mainly 
referring to the one which is about the templating system
having to parse the HTML it is producing to find the next
insertion spot. This is solvable but would be nice to not 
having to do. 
The other problem is that you sometimes would have to produce 
new markup, and probably hide it, in case there is no next 
li or tr f ex. (I notice that the requirement for at least 
one td has not been loosened up as it has been for tr.)

Anyway, I understand that you do not see a good way of letting
postable state become position independent, so we can close
this discussion.

Best regards
Mike Wilson

Re: [whatwg] Workers feedback

2008-11-14 Thread Alexey Proskuryakov

Nov 14, 2008, в 10:00 AM, Jonas Sicking написал(а):

What are the use cases? Also note that we can't use it with shared  
workers since they can be connected to several pages from  
different uris.

It returns the script's URL, not the page's.

Oh?! Then I understand even less what the use case is. This is  
something that doesn't exist for script and i've never heard  
anyone ask for it (granted, that is not proof that no one wants it).

Actually, this exists for script is you say that it returns the URL  
that the script execution context uses for resolving relative URLs. It  
just so happens that for script, it's document URL, and for workers,  
it's script URL.

- WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov

Re: [whatwg] Deprecating small, b ?

2008-11-14 Thread Pentasis

The small element represents small print [...]

The b element represents a span of text to be stylistically offset from

the normal prose without conveying any extra importance [...]

Both definitions seems rather presentational (contrasting, for example,
the new semantic definition for the i element) and could also be
realized by use of span elements.

Why use span class=smallprintCopyright (c) 2008 ?/span instead
of just smallCopyright (c) 2008 ?/small?  The latter possibility
is way more semantic.

And why use span class=brandSiemens/span instead of just 

To me, the small and b elements ? especially the former ? make perfect 


I agree with the original poster on this.

1) Just because it makes sense to a human (it doesn't to me), does not mean 
it makes sense to a machine.
2) When using small on different text-nodes throughout the document, one 
would expect all these text-nodes to be semantically the same. But they are 
not (unless all of them are copyright notices).
3) small is a styling element, it has zero semantic meaning, so it does 
not belong inside HTML.
4) bSiemens/b also does not tell me anything about the semantics. Is it 
used as a name, a brand a foreign word ? etc. I cannot get that information 
from looking at the b element.


Re: [whatwg] Deprecating small, b ?

2008-11-14 Thread Oldřich Vetešník
Dne Fri, 14 Nov 2008 14:40:20 +0100 Pentasis [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

I agree with the original poster on this.

1) Just because it makes sense to a human (it doesn't to me), does not  
mean it makes sense to a machine.
2) When using small on different text-nodes throughout the document,  
one would expect all these text-nodes to be semantically the same. But  
they are not (unless all of them are copyright notices).
3) small is a styling element, it has zero semantic meaning, so it  
does not belong inside HTML.
4) bSiemens/b also does not tell me anything about the semantics. Is  
it used as a name, a brand a foreign word ? etc. I cannot get that  
information from looking at the b element.


I second that, even though it might have a zero value.


Re: [whatwg] Deprecating small, b ?

2008-11-14 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 7:40 AM, Pentasis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The small element represents small print [...]

  The b element represents a span of text to be stylistically offset from

 the normal prose without conveying any extra importance [...]

 Both definitions seems rather presentational (contrasting, for example,
 the new semantic definition for the i element) and could also be
 realized by use of span elements.

 Why use span class=smallprintCopyright (c) 2008 ?/span instead
 of just smallCopyright (c) 2008 ?/small?  The latter possibility
 is way more semantic.

 And why use span class=brandSiemens/span instead of just

 To me, the small and b elements ? especially the former ? make perfect


 I agree with the original poster on this.

 1) Just because it makes sense to a human (it doesn't to me), does not mean
 it makes sense to a machine.
 2) When using small on different text-nodes throughout the document, one
 would expect all these text-nodes to be semantically the same. But they are
 not (unless all of them are copyright notices).

Why would you expect this?  Or rather, why would you expect this level of
semantic specificity?  small means something fairly broad that multiple
types of specific semantics can fall under.

 3) small is a styling element, it has zero semantic meaning, so it does
 not belong inside HTML.

It *had* zero semantic meaning.  Actually, though, this wasn't quite true.
The semantics that have been attached to small (and i, and b) are an
approximation of the common semantics that users of the elements conferred
on the contents.  Text within small was, quite often, used for small
print.  Matching up theory with practice is a good thing here.

i and b, once you subtract the semantics stolen by em and strong,
are used pretty much specifically as the spec states.

4) bSiemens/b also does not tell me anything about the semantics. Is it
 used as a name, a brand a foreign word ? etc. I cannot get that information
 from looking at the b element.

Of course not.  You're not intended to.  What you *do* get, though, is that
this is a word which is *intentionally* stylistically offset from the rest
of the text.  This conveys semantic meaning to a human - it means that the
word is special or being used in a particular context.  b and i don't
communicate *much*, but they communicate *something*.  One could, of course,
also use a span to mark up and style the text, thus communicating the same
intent to a person reading the styled text, but to a machine the span
means literally nothing, while b and i have the possibility to
communicate *something*.

In addition, the fact that these elements traditionally have a particular
preferred rendering means something.  A dumb terminal which doesn't
understand CSS won't give any indication to the user that a span exists at
all, while b and i have a chance of providing fallback rendering that
still accomplishes what they were designed to do.  A decent chunk of html5
concerns itself with providing fallbacks and graceful degradation (or
progressive enhancement, whichever way you want to look at it).  Having some
*nearly* semantic-free elements which have a meaningful fallback can be

Of course, it may certainly be more useful to you if you provide a class on
the i as well.


Re: [whatwg] Deprecating small, b ?

2008-11-14 Thread Pentasis
Of course not.  You're not intended to.  What you *do* get, though, is that 
this is a word which is *intentionally* stylistically offset from the rest 
of the text.  This conveys semantic meaning to a human - it means that the 
word is special or being used in a particular context.  b and i don't 
communicate *much*, but they communicate *something*.  One could, of course, 
also use a span to mark up and style the text, thus communicating the same 
intent to a person reading the styled text, but to a machine the span 
means literally nothing, while b and i have the possibility to 
communicate *something*.

In addition, the fact that these elements traditionally have a particular 
preferred rendering means something.  A dumb terminal which doesn't 
understand CSS won't give any indication to the user that a span exists at 
all, while b and i have a chance of providing fallback rendering that 
still accomplishes what they were designed to do.  A decent chunk of html5 
concerns itself with providing fallbacks and graceful degradation (or 
progressive enhancement, whichever way you want to look at it).  Having some 
*nearly* semantic-free elements which have a meaningful fallback can be 

Of course, it may certainly be more useful to you if you provide a class on 
the i as well.


First: Computers are binary instruments. conveying *something* is not very 
logical seen from a computers point of view. It is not usefull to *me* to 
provide a class to the i or any other element, it is usefull to the 
computer, as humans may indeed come to some sort of conclusion based on 
style or strangely used semantics, computers cannot, they (still) need a 
more literal means of semantics.

Second: Suppose I want to collect all copyright notices from 1000 websites 
(don't ask me why, I just want to), how am I to do this when they are marked 
up in smalls? I will definatly end up with a lot of text that has nothing 
to do with copyrights (and probably miss a lot of copyright notices as they 
are marked up differently) Whereas If they were maked up in (for example) 
span class=copyright I could retrieve it all based on the class-name.


Re: [whatwg] Deprecating small, b ?

2008-11-14 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 9:38 AM, Pentasis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Of course not.  You're not intended to.  What you *do* get, though, is that
 this is a word which is *intentionally* stylistically offset from the rest
 of the text.  This conveys semantic meaning to a human - it means that the
 word is special or being used in a particular context.  b and i don't
 communicate *much*, but they communicate *something*.  One could, of course,
 also use a span to mark up and style the text, thus communicating the same
 intent to a person reading the styled text, but to a machine the span
 means literally nothing, while b and i have the possibility to
 communicate *something*.

 In addition, the fact that these elements traditionally have a particular
 preferred rendering means something.  A dumb terminal which doesn't
 understand CSS won't give any indication to the user that a span exists at
 all, while b and i have a chance of providing fallback rendering that
 still accomplishes what they were designed to do.  A decent chunk of html5
 concerns itself with providing fallbacks and graceful degradation (or
 progressive enhancement, whichever way you want to look at it).  Having some
 *nearly* semantic-free elements which have a meaningful fallback can be

 Of course, it may certainly be more useful to you if you provide a class on
 the i as well.


 First: Computers are binary instruments. conveying *something* is not very
 logical seen from a computers point of view. It is not usefull to *me* to
 provide a class to the i or any other element, it is usefull to the
 computer, as humans may indeed come to some sort of conclusion based on
 style or strangely used semantics, computers cannot, they (still) need a
 more literal means of semantics.

If we wish to communicate that level of semantics, yes.  It may not be
useful to us.  If you *really* need some metadata/semantics, @class probably
can't convey it with enough granularity.  Check out the big discussion from
a few months ago about ccRel and RDFa.

 Second: Suppose I want to collect all copyright notices from 1000 websites
 (don't ask me why, I just want to), how am I to do this when they are marked
 up in smalls? I will definatly end up with a lot of text that has nothing
 to do with copyrights (and probably miss a lot of copyright notices as they
 are marked up differently) Whereas If they were maked up in (for example)
 span class=copyright I could retrieve it all based on the class-name.

That would be a wonderful perfect world.  I'd like the copyright date as
well, so I can retrieve only things copyrighted in the last ten years.
Assuming that metadata will exist is a fool's errand.  The fact is that if
you are searching for copyright notices, the most efficient way is likely to
just search for the string copyright and the (c) symbol.  That'll net you
copyright notices with a high accuracy, and some training on real data can
yield further rules to improve the data-mining accuracy.

While we're hoping for copyright notices to be marked up as span
class=copyright, though, why not wish for small class=copyright?  If
you're going to be providing metadata, it works the same.  Is it that you
believe people won't provide a special class for copyrights if the small
tag already gives them the preferred display?  Do you believe that everyone
will automatically use class=copyright to mark up their copyright
notices?  What if they use class=copyright-notice?  Or class=license?
Or any of a million other distinct possibilities that would destroy any
naive attempt to datamine based on a particular class name?


Re: [whatwg] video tag: pixel aspect ratio

2008-11-14 Thread Sander van Zoest
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 9:12 PM, Pierre-Olivier Latour [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 In any case, if this attribute really needs to be present, we should rename
 it at the minimum (picking a term from the professional video world
 requires taking the constraints that come with it), maybe displayRatio or

If you are going to keep it, how about pixelfloat, as it clearly is not
presented as a ratio. The word display makes me think DAR.

-- Sander

Re: [whatwg] Workers feedback

2008-11-14 Thread Aaron Boodman

Thanks for taking the time to read and understand all the feedback.

Although this is not my most preferred design for the API, I can live
with it. I'm happy that we removed startConversation(). I think that
was just extra complexity on top of an already large API.

As for putting forward contradictory suggestions, I apologize for
that. In the future, I will try to form final opinions before opining.


- a

Re: [whatwg] attribute media on script element

2008-11-14 Thread L. David Baron
On Friday 2008-11-14 11:37 +0100, Filippo Levizzani wrote:
 Would it be possible to have media attribute in the SCRIPT element?
 Addmitted vaues would be the same of STYLE element (all, screen, print,
 handheld ...)

I'm not quite sure how this would work, since there are two things
that seem incompatible:

 * scripts are executed during parsing / content model construction

 * whether a media attribute is true can change over time

This seems to imply that we'd have to go un-execute a script, or
that we'd have to execute later something that was skipped earlier,
even when that no longer makes sense.

What was the actual use case you were trying to solve with this


L. David Baron
Mozilla Corporation

Re: [whatwg] Deprecating small, b ?

2008-11-14 Thread Pentasis
If we wish to communicate that level of semantics, yes.  It may not be 
useful to us.  If you *really* need some metadata/semantics, @class probably 
can't convey it with enough granularity.  Check out the big discussion from 
a few months ago about ccRel and RDFa.

Not yet maybe, but we could at least try to keep options open for the future.

Second: Suppose I want to collect all copyright notices from 1000 websites 
(don't ask me why, I just want to), how am I to do this when they are marked 
up in smalls? I will definatly end up with a lot of text that has nothing 
to do with copyrights (and probably miss a lot of copyright notices as they 
are marked up differently) Whereas If they were maked up in (for example) 
span class=copyright I could retrieve it all based on the class-name.

That would be a wonderful perfect world.  I'd like the copyright date as 
well, so I can retrieve only things copyrighted in the last ten years.  
Assuming that metadata will exist is a fool's errand.  The fact is that if 
you are searching for copyright notices, the most efficient way is likely to 
just search for the string copyright and the (c) symbol.  That'll net you 
copyright notices with a high accuracy, and some training on real data can 
yield further rules to improve the data-mining accuracy.

You say it yourself, only in a perfect world where all websites in the world 
would be written in the same language would your solution work. Unfortunatly 
I would miss out on all the chinese copyright stuff.
But another example (based on siemens) wouldn't it be nice if I could tell 
Google I am looking for a person named Siemens so it would ignore the 

While we're hoping for copyright notices to be marked up as span 
class=copyright, though, why not wish for small class=copyright?  If 
you're going to be providing metadata, it works the same.  Is it that you 
believe people won't provide a special class for copyrights if the small 
tag already gives them the preferred display?  Do you believe that everyone 
will automatically use class=copyright to mark up their copyright notices? 
 What if they use class=copyright-notice?  Or class=license?  Or any of 
a million other distinct possibilities that would destroy any naive attempt 
to datamine based on a particular class name?

Well, that would have to be defined in the standard, wouldn't it? I'm not 
saying -again- it should be defined NOW, but at least leave the door open.
I have no problems with using small over span, neither one is correct as far as 
I can see, in this context. Using copyright instead of license or 
copyright-notice would have to be defined somewhere, either in the standard 
or in an externally maintained document that is accepted as best practice 
or standards related.

PS: I find it very difficult to respond to rich-text/html messages as they 
seriously mess up the indentation. Sorry therfor if this message is unclear as 
original message and reply are mixed up.

Re: [whatwg] Deprecating small, b ?

2008-11-14 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 10:44 AM, Pentasis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If we wish to communicate that level of semantics, yes.  It may not be
 useful to us.  If you *really* need some metadata/semantics, @class probably
 can't convey it with enough granularity.  Check out the big discussion from
 a few months ago about ccRel and RDFa.

 Not yet maybe, but we could at least try to keep options open for the

Of course, but I don't think having small in the language closes any

 Second: Suppose I want to collect all copyright notices from 1000
 websites (don't ask me why, I just want to), how am I to do this when they
 are marked up in smalls? I will definatly end up with a lot of text that
 has nothing to do with copyrights (and probably miss a lot of copyright
 notices as they are marked up differently) Whereas If they were maked up in
 (for example) span class=copyright I could retrieve it all based on the

 That would be a wonderful perfect world.  I'd like the copyright date as
 well, so I can retrieve only things copyrighted in the last ten years.
 Assuming that metadata will exist is a fool's errand.  The fact is that if
 you are searching for copyright notices, the most efficient way is likely to
 just search for the string copyright and the (c) symbol.  That'll net you
 copyright notices with a high accuracy, and some training on real data can
 yield further rules to improve the data-mining accuracy.

 You say it yourself, only in a perfect world where all websites in the
 world would be written in the same language would your solution work.
 Unfortunatly I would miss out on all the chinese copyright stuff.

Of course.  But would you expect chinese speakers to use class=copyright
on their pages anyway?

 But another example (based on siemens) wouldn't it be nice if I could
 tell Google I am looking for a person named Siemens so it would ignore the

Certainly.  But at this point you're expecting authors to mark up their
pages with metadata every time they mention someone's name.  The use of b
doesn't prevent this, but your use-case certainly requires quite a lot more.

 While we're hoping for copyright notices to be marked up as span
 class=copyright, though, why not wish for small class=copyright?  If
 you're going to be providing metadata, it works the same.  Is it that you
 believe people won't provide a special class for copyrights if the small
 tag already gives them the preferred display?  Do you believe that everyone
 will automatically use class=copyright to mark up their copyright
 notices?  What if they use class=copyright-notice?  Or class=license?
 Or any of a million other distinct possibilities that would destroy any
 naive attempt to datamine based on a particular class name?

 Well, that would have to be defined in the standard, wouldn't it? I'm not
 saying -again- it should be defined NOW, but at least leave the door open.
 I have no problems with using small over span, neither one is correct as
 far as I can see, in this context. Using copyright instead of license or
 copyright-notice would have to be defined somewhere, either in the
 standard or in an externally maintained document that is accepted as best
 practice or standards related.

Okay, then we have no issue with small.  There has been some discussion,
btw, about standardizing a set of normative class names.  You should be able
to turn something up about it.

PS: I find it very difficult to respond to rich-text/html messages as they
 seriously mess up the indentation. Sorry therfor if this message is unclear
 as original message and reply are mixed up.

No problem; it was clear enough.  The only richtext I use is quote levels,
and with the conversation context nearby anyway, it's not difficult to
puzzle out when it occasionally messes up.


Re: [whatwg] Sending MessagePorts after they have started

2008-11-14 Thread Alexey Proskuryakov

Nov 14, 2008, в 8:50 AM, Jonas Sicking написал(а):

To fix all this I propose that if a port has been started, we don't
allow it to be passed to postMessage. If that is done an exception is

Could you please explain how this scenario is affected by the port  
being started? Messages are queued in closed ports until those are  
started, so I think that it applies word to word to closed ports.

- WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov

Re: [whatwg] Workers feedback

2008-11-14 Thread Aaron Boodman
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 10:17 PM, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Aaron Boodman wrote:

 On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 8:45 PM, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 13 Nov 2008, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 Actually, i think we should remove the location accessor as well. I
 can't think of a common enough use case that warrants an explicit API.
 You can always transfer the data through postMessage.

 I added that one becase Aaron asked for it. Aaron?

 I think it's useful. Obviously it's not totally necessary.

 What are the use cases? Also note that we can't use it with shared workers
 since they can be connected to several pages from different uris.

It represents the URI of the worker itself, not the URI of the calling page.

In Gears, authors asked us for a location object because they had
applications that could be served from different origins. Also in
Gears, workers can be accessed across origins, so incoming messages
need to be validated that they are from the correct origin. It's more
convenient for a worker to access its own origin through an API the UA
provides than to bake it into the script or send it in the first

Although HTML5 workers don't have the ability to be accessed across
origins, you do have the ability to receive ports that are connected
to other origins, right? So this might still be an issue.

Other than that, I can't think of any specific use cases. It seemed
like a generally useful API to have access to.

- a

Re: [whatwg] attribute media on script element

2008-11-14 Thread L. David Baron
On Friday 2008-11-14 18:53 +0100, Filippo Levizzani wrote:
   * whether a media attribute is true can change over time
 but the same applies to style element , I guess

Yes, but styles can be applied and unapplied easily.

  This seems to imply that we'd have to go un-execute a script, or
  that we'd have to execute later something that was skipped earlier,
  even when that no longer makes sense.
  What was the actual use case you were trying to solve with this
 For instance, I'd like to call SWFObject function (to replace html content
 with flash) only if media=screen.
 Other times there are js funcions that have no sense if a given style sheet
 has not been applied to the page.

Would an API that you call from script that allows you to determine
if a given media query matches the default view be sufficient for
your needs?  That seems like it could be more useful than an
attribute that simply prevents scripts from executing, and it avoids
introducing similar-looking attributes that actually behave very


L. David Baron
Mozilla Corporation

[whatwg] Off-topic: listserv bounces

2008-11-14 Thread Aaron Miller
Could a list admin please contact me off-list regarding strange bounce  
errors? I've tried contacting an admin through the list admin email  
twice and have received no responses.


Re: [whatwg] Sending MessagePorts after they have started

2008-11-14 Thread Jonas Sicking

Alexey Proskuryakov wrote:

Nov 14, 2008, в 8:50 AM, Jonas Sicking написал(а):

To fix all this I propose that if a port has been started, we don't
allow it to be passed to postMessage. If that is done an exception is

Could you please explain how this scenario is affected by the port being 
started? Messages are queued in closed ports until those are started, so 
I think that it applies word to word to closed ports.

Where the messages are queued are an implementation detail. So you can 
queue messages in the outgoing port until you get word from the 
receiving port that it has been opened. At that point you know where the 
receiving port lives and will always live for the rest of its life and 
can send all messages directly there.

That said, we have to review this whole pass-around-ability thing again. 
You definitely highlighted some pretty serious problems in another 
thread, especially around the need to do cross-process GC. I think the 
communication problem can be solved, i'm less sure about the GC one.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] Workers feedback

2008-11-14 Thread Jonas Sicking

Alexey Proskuryakov wrote:

Nov 14, 2008, в 10:00 AM, Jonas Sicking написал(а):

What are the use cases? Also note that we can't use it with shared 
workers since they can be connected to several pages from different 

It returns the script's URL, not the page's.

Oh?! Then I understand even less what the use case is. This is 
something that doesn't exist for script and i've never heard anyone 
ask for it (granted, that is not proof that no one wants it).

Actually, this exists for script is you say that it returns the URL 
that the script execution context uses for resolving relative URLs. It 
just so happens that for script, it's document URL, and for workers, 
it's script URL.

That works the same in Workers iirc, without the need for a .location API.

Actually, come to think of it, what is the BaseURI for workers? I.e. 
what URI is importScripts and XHR resolved against?

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] Sending MessagePorts after they have started

2008-11-14 Thread Alexey Proskuryakov

Nov 14, 2008, в 11:31 PM, Jonas Sicking написал(а):

Could you please explain how this scenario is affected by the port  
being started? Messages are queued in closed ports until those are  
started, so I think that it applies word to word to closed ports.

Where the messages are queued are an implementation detail. So you  
can queue messages in the outgoing port until you get word from the  
receiving port that it has been opened. At that point you know where  
the receiving port lives and will always live for the rest of its  
life and can send all messages directly there.

That's an interesting idea! But this means that such ports have to  
remain entangled (in an invisible manner) even after being explicitly  
told to close. E.g., if portA sends messages, then is closed, and only  
after that, portB is started. If messages are to be queued at portA,  
they will need to be sent at this point - tricky!

I agree that the communication problem is much simpler than GC though  
- it's just that trying to fix it makes GC even more complicated  
because of the need to track forwarding objects, hidden entangled  
state etc.

Nov 14, 2008, в 11:32 PM, Jonas Sicking написал(а):

Actually, come to think of it, what is the BaseURI for workers? I.e.  
what URI is importScripts and XHR resolved against?

The base URL of a URL passed to an API in a worker is the absolute  
URL given that the worker's location attribute represents. Both the  
origin and effective script origin of scripts running in workers are  
the origin of the absolute URL given that the worker's  
locationattribute represents.

- WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov

Re: [whatwg] attribute media on script element

2008-11-14 Thread Ian Hickson
On Fri, 14 Nov 2008, Filippo Levizzani wrote:
 Would it be possible to have media attribute in the SCRIPT element? 
 Addmitted vaues would be the same of STYLE element (all, screen, print, 
 handheld ...)

This doesn't really work because media queries are supposed to change 
dynamically. The real solution here is a combination of XBL2 and a new API 
in the CSSOM-View draft (

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

[whatwg] Bug in worker example 1.2.5

2008-11-14 Thread ben turner
Example 1.2.5 Delegation has a bug in it. The subworker defines a
function do, which I guess is technically ok, but then calls it like
this: do();. This triggers an exception. Let's rename the function
to something less evil.


Re: [whatwg] Sending MessagePorts after they have started

2008-11-14 Thread Jonas Sicking

Alexey Proskuryakov wrote:

Nov 14, 2008, в 11:31 PM, Jonas Sicking написал(а):

Could you please explain how this scenario is affected by the port 
being started? Messages are queued in closed ports until those are 
started, so I think that it applies word to word to closed ports.

Where the messages are queued are an implementation detail. So you can 
queue messages in the outgoing port until you get word from the 
receiving port that it has been opened. At that point you know where 
the receiving port lives and will always live for the rest of its life 
and can send all messages directly there.

That's an interesting idea! But this means that such ports have to 
remain entangled (in an invisible manner) even after being explicitly 
told to close. E.g., if portA sends messages, then is closed, and only 
after that, portB is started. If messages are to be queued at portA, 
they will need to be sent at this point - tricky!

I agree that the communication problem is much simpler than GC though - 
it's just that trying to fix it makes GC even more complicated because 
of the need to track forwarding objects, hidden entangled state etc.


Nov 14, 2008, в 11:32 PM, Jonas Sicking написал(а):

Actually, come to think of it, what is the BaseURI for workers? I.e. 
what URI is importScripts and XHR resolved against?

The base URL of a URL passed to an API in a worker is the absolute URL 
given that the worker's location attribute represents. Both the origin 
and effective script origin of scripts running in workers are the origin 
of the absolute URL given that the worker's locationattribute represents.

Hmm.. this makes a lot of sense for importScripts, but for XHR you 
probably want the baseURI to be that of the opening page, since it's 
quite likely that the opening page gave you a URI to open and process.

Of course that would be quite confusing (different baseURIs for 
different APIs), as well as impossible for shared workers as they don't 
have a single document as opener.

What we need is an API for resolving relative URIs, that way scripts can 
at least do the resolving manually. We could also add an API for getting 
the baseURI of the document on the other side of a port (should possibly 
live on the message event).

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] Sending MessagePorts after they have started

2008-11-14 Thread Aaron Boodman
On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 4:33 PM, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hmm.. this makes a lot of sense for importScripts, but for XHR you probably
 want the baseURI to be that of the opening page, since it's quite likely
 that the opening page gave you a URI to open and process.

My expectation was that the base URI would always be the URI of the
worker. I think of opening a worker a lot like starting a new process,
or opening a new window. I would expect that the new process has its
own base URI which is the same URI as the script it is running.

- a

Re: [whatwg] Sending MessagePorts after they have started

2008-11-14 Thread Michael Nordman
On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 4:37 PM, Aaron Boodman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 4:33 PM, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hmm.. this makes a lot of sense for importScripts, but for XHR you
  want the baseURI to be that of the opening page, since it's quite likely
  that the opening page gave you a URI to open and process.

 My expectation was that the base URI would always be the URI of the
 worker. I think of opening a worker a lot like starting a new process,
 or opening a new window. I would expect that the new process has its
 own base URI which is the same URI as the script it is running.

My mental model for workers is a GUI less document almost. A dedicated
worker is akin to a nested iframe. A shared worker is akin to a top window
or tab. In that model, base is src of the resource loaded into the context.

 baseURI of the opening page

I don't think that would work well for shared workers.

 - a

Re: [whatwg] Sending MessagePorts after they have started

2008-11-14 Thread Jonas Sicking

Aaron Boodman wrote:

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 4:33 PM, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hmm.. this makes a lot of sense for importScripts, but for XHR you probably
want the baseURI to be that of the opening page, since it's quite likely
that the opening page gave you a URI to open and process.

My expectation was that the base URI would always be the URI of the
worker. I think of opening a worker a lot like starting a new process,
or opening a new window. I would expect that the new process has its
own base URI which is the same URI as the script it is running.

Indeed, and that is what the spec says. However I think in many cases 
for XHR that is probably not what is the most useful. Consider for example:


w = new Worker(;);
w.onmessage = function (e) {


onmessage = function(e) {
  xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();,, false);
  res = mainParse(xhr.responseText);

The above won't work since the URL is relative to the worker JS file, 
not relative to example.html. So an absolute URI always needs to be used 
which sort of sucks as is unintuitive from the point of view of most DOM 
APIs today.

I don't really have a good solution to propose though. We might need to 
add an API for resolving relative URIs and require that scripts use that 

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] Reworking the media load() algorithm so that it tries more than one video

2008-11-14 Thread Philip Jägenstedt
The changes look like improvements to me, but I have some questions.

1. Is there any particular reason why step 7 generate the list of
potential media resources is done in the synchronous part of the
algorithm? Would it for example be an error to consider playing sources
added in a loadstart event handler? As it stands one would have to
actually make a list of candidate URLS and pixel ratio overrides up
front. I don't really object, I just want to confirm that this is

2. Did you remove canPlayType? It was added in and now it
seems to be gone, but I can't find the revision in which that happened.

3. MEDIA_ERR_DECODE isn't just for corrupted data. If source
type=application/ogg is given and the browser doesn't know it cannot
render it but it turns out that it couldn't decode any of the content
(perhaps it was Ogg FLAC), isn't MEDIA_ERR_DECODE precisely what should
happen? In other words, the word corrupted ought to be unrecognized,
not decodable or something which doesn't imply that the media resource
itself is at fault.


On Fri, 2008-11-14 at 06:51 +, Ian Hickson wrote:
 On Thu, 16 Oct 2008, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
   I am proposing changing the spec to make the load() not select a 
   resource. Instead, load() would immediately return, and the user agent 
   would then asynchronously try each resource that it might otherwise 
   use in turn, firing a single loadstart event at the start, lots of 
   progress events, and then a loadedmetadata or error event depending on 
   how things go.
  That sounds good.
 I've now done this. This is a pretty big change. I'm sure I've screwed 
 something up in the process.
 Implementors! Please let me know if you see anything newly broken with 
 loading resources! Thanks. :-)
Philip Jägenstedt
Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] Exposing UA information to workers

2008-11-14 Thread Aaron Boodman
Jonas asked me about this in IRC, and specifically why I suggested
appCodeName (since everyone claims they are Mozilla). My thinking was:

a) Browser detection is a mess, scripts use everything on the
navigator object (often incorrectly) to try and figure out which
browser is which
b) HTML5 may eventually define something better

Therefore, I could see two rational things for workers to expose: all
of whatever window.navigator has today, or whatever the new better API
is that HTML5 defines. I guess doing some subset of what
window.navigator does today could also be rational, but I don't know
how to pick the subset.

FWIW, here is the browser detection code that many Google apps use:

It uses:
- userAgent
- product
- vendor
- platform

- a

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 3:59 PM, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For future compat it would be good to expose to workers information on what
 browser is currently being used. This can be used to work around bugs and
 lack of features.

 In a 'normal' window context the navigator object exposes a set of
 properties, such as userAgent, that can be used for this purpose. I suggest
 we add something similar to the worker context. The HTML5 spec defines the

 interface Navigator {
  // client identification
  readonly attribute DOMString appName;
  readonly attribute DOMString appVersion;
  readonly attribute DOMString platform;
  readonly attribute DOMString userAgent;

  // ... other things not related to identifying the UA

 I'm not sure how stable this part of the HTML5 spec is, (I know firefox
 exposes a whole host of more properties), but it seems like a good set to
 start with. We should probably keep the two in sync if the window context
 Navigator object changes in the future.

 Orthoginally, it seems like at least the 'onLine' boolean on the Navigator
 interface would be useful too, and could be exposed at the same place.

 Let me know what you think.

 / Jonas

Re: [whatwg] Scripted querying of video capabilities

2008-11-14 Thread Ian Hickson

On Thu, 16 Oct 2008, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
  I have added window.navigator.canPlayType(mimeType). It returns 1, 0, 
  or -1 to represent positive, neutral, and negative responses.
 navigator.canPlayType could be confusing since authors might think it 
 includes media playable via plugins or other browser functionality. 
 Making it a method on video/audio would be more obvious and, I 
 think, no less useful in practice.

Ok. Done.

On Thu, 16 Oct 2008, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
 This API would be tempting to treat as a boolean but would of course do 
 completely the wrong thing. I think it would be better to either ensure 
 that the positive and neutral responses are both values that JS would 
 treat as true (for instance make the values true, maybe and false), or 
 else make all of the return values something self-descriptive and 
 symbolic (for instance the strings yes, maybe and no). I think 1, 
 0, -1 are neither clear nor likely to be in any way beneficial for 

I've made the method return strings.

On Fri, 14 Nov 2008, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
 I think it would be a lot better if there were two methods returning 
 booleans, say, canPlayType and cannotPlayType.

I think it would be misleading to return false from cannotPlayType().

On Thu, 13 Nov 2008, Jeremy Doig wrote:

 did this thread go anywhere ?i'm concerned about the maybe case - 
 looks way too much like:

Well we have to have a maybe case, since the UA might not know the answer.

 also - when you probe for mime type, do you mean the entire type 
 parameter (including the codecs string) ? for example, there are too 
 many cases where just passing video/mp4 would be insufficient. 
 (fragmented index support ? base/main/high profile ? paff ? cabac ?)

Clarified this.

On Thu, 13 Nov 2008, Philip J�genstedt wrote:
 I'm also a bit concerned about how to interpret the yes, no and maybe 
 return values. The truthful answer is going to be maybe for all but 
 the obviously unsupporter (application/x-ms-dos-executable) and the more 
 trivial formats (audio/wav).

Indeed (except for audio/wave).

 When asking about application/ogg, this could mean 2 things:
 1. can I demux Ogg streams?
 2. can I demux Ogg streams and decode unknown codecs?

It's the second (and thus the answer can only ever be maybe or no).

 The answer to question 1 is reasonably simple to answer in most cases, 
 even if the underlying media frame doesn't support querying for mime 
 types a mapping between mime type and supported decoders isn't 

 The answer to question 2, on the other hand, is always no or maybe.


 Unless the codecs parameter is to be made mandatory I think that spec 
 should explicitly make it such that the question asked is 1. In either 
 case we will end up there because 2 is not a meaningful question and 
 user agents will make untruthful answers in attempts to stay compatible 
 with unknown and future content (which might be supported by installing 
 new codecs in the media framework without upgrading the browser).

 Now, if the codec parameter is used then the user agent may answer yes 
 and no in a way that actually makes some sense.

The spec now encourages codecs= be provided.

 I also think that this should be explicitly related to the type 
 attribute of the source element. One should be able to use canPlayType 
 to predict with 100% accuracy which source the user agent will use when 
 it encounters.


On Fri, 14 Nov 2008, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
 The browser can only answer no or maybe in this case. That seems 
 fine to me. It lets the author know whether the browser can demux Ogg 
 streams, while staying consistent with the behaviour when codec 
 information is given in the MIME type.
 I don't understand what the incentives are for browsers to lie. If we 
 start off telling the truth, then authors will have to write scripts 
 that either accept maybe or, better still, provide the codec 
 information, or their scripts won't work. I don't see how that would 
 change over time.
 Authors should be strongly encouraged to give the codec parameters.


On Thu, 13 Nov 2008, Dave Singer wrote:

 Pitching in here, I think it's OK if we want to go to a two-state answer 
 -- but those answers are No and Maybe, not No and Yes.  There are, after 
 all, vanishingly small numbers of mime types where I can be 'completely' 
 (within reason) confident of a 'yes' answer.  On the other hand, given a 
 mime type I simply don't recognize, or a codec I know I don't have, I 
 can be confident of a No.
 Documenting it as providing a No/Maybe indication, and that how positive 
 the 'Maybe' is depends to a large extent on how precise the supplied 
 mime type is, would be fine by me, I think.

I've left it as a three-state method, but encouraged implementors to not 
return a positive answer unless they're sure.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E