Re: [WikiEN-l] Mailing list policy

2009-09-22 Thread wjhonson
The group itself should be able to have a voice in what is and what is not 
policy for the group.

As well the group should be able to know what *policy-based* actions are being 
taken and why.

Shining light on moderator actions, ensures that moderators take action that is 
fair, impartial, and applied evenly across the entire group.

Will Johnson

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Moderation (was: Stick this in your music theory and smoke it.)

2009-09-22 Thread wjhonson

 Steve confirm the *reason* you put me on moderation.
I'm sure that it will be quite interesting.



-Original Message-
From: Steve Bennett
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Tue, Sep 22, 2009 1:30 am
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Moderation (was: Stick this in your music theory and 
smoke it.)

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Steve Bennett wrote:
 I think that if the person you moderate
 objects to it, and wants it announced on the list, you should do so.

 Of course.

On that note, has requested that I publicly confirm
that he is on moderation.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Not everyone wants to be a janitor policeman.

2009-09-21 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/20/2009 10:02:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 As for Every system should be open to audit review by anyone who
 wishes to do so.   This may at first glance sound like an attractive
 slogan. But if my GP or my bank adopted such a policy I would
 immediately shift my business elsewhere.


You are presuming that a opening a bank's books to inspection means that 
every piece of data is open, and that's not so.  Every bank's books are 
already open to inspection at certain levels.  However there are still systems 
that operate in-universe which are absolutely closed to any sort of normal 


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Newbie and not-so-newbie biting

2009-09-20 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/19/2009 12:05:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 The best practical way to audit admin actions is to become an admin
 oneself.   Admins have just as many conflicts among them as any other
 active people here. There are people I watch, and people who watch me.

Not everyone wants to be a janitor policeman.  Every system should be open 
to audit review by anyone who wishes to do so.  Systems which are closed 
except to insiders are not part of my vision of a free society.

Will Johnson
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Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources

2009-09-19 Thread wjhonson

 Jay you are confusing source-based research with original research.
If you research something to *confirm* it by researching in sources, you are 
not doing original research.? If you research it by repeating experiments then 
you would be.
I doubt that any textbook author confirms their sources by repeating the 




-Original Message-
From: Jay Litwyn
Sent: Thu, Sep 17, 2009 8:14 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources

I agree with Gerard on this. Textbooks are typically loaded with primary 
sources, and the textbook is a secondary source, even if the author of the 
textbook did some orijinal research to confirm what the primary source 
said -- does not mean that research was reviewed. As far as private 
definitions are concerned, if there is a key difference between yours and my 
definition, it can be either inconsequential in a context or a key point of 
difference in a conversation. Every debate leads to confusion. If you are 
lucky, it does not lead to polarization.
___ Tune Lyrics wrote in message
I dispute that this is my private meaning.
 And I propose that this is the standard meaning.
 As well as the inworld meaning.

 -Original Message-
 From: David Gerard
 To: English Wikipedia
 Sent: Wed, Sep 9, 2009 1:48 am
 Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources


 What I said, and what I've been saying is that any source which is our
 first incident of a particular fact is a primary source, no matter
 what their source was.

 You must appreciate, though, that your private definition of this term
 is not the established meaning for this term, which has been in use
 since well before Wikipedia started. And that using private
 definitions of terms without acknowledging doing so only leads to

 - d.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Wikipedia: the Journal

2009-09-15 Thread WJhonson
I have to modify my comments, because after toying around at the voting system doesn't work.

It's the same issue at Knol in general.  I get over a thousand views a 
day of my knols and very very rarely does anyone vote my articles either up 
or down.  There has been suspicion among knolians that those articles with a 
high vote count are some form of fraud (for example by creating a hundred 
accounts and voting with all of them).

So in order to use the whole idea of the best articles get voted to the 
top we'd need both a way to combat vote-fraud, and a way to intice readers to 
vote at all!

Will Johnson

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Wikipedia: the Journal

2009-09-15 Thread wjhonson
But your response sounds like There's no problem.? And I just pointed out the 
problem.? Just go to for example, answer a few questions, then 
check back in a month.

Even though people read articles, they aren't voting.
That's not the same as a poll, where you deliberately create a situation where 
the only content is the poll itself.

You could for example just create a simple vote where If the person stays on 
this page for more than one minute that's a positive vote and there are no 
negative votes.? If they stay put, they must be reading the article and at 
least that much interested.? It is possible, in some contexts (not all), to 
determine how long a person stays put.

Would that work as an up-vote ?? Remember these are not polls.? It's a 
determination of how popular the content is.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Wikipedia: the Journal

2009-09-14 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/14/2009 1:30:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 If someone writes a paper and knowledge later advances, let the paper be
 updated; provided the update is also peer reviewed it'll mean the topic's
 paper is always latest knowledge. Not how it traditionally works, but in a
 number of ways, better.

If you allow the paper to be updated, than all the old peer-review, votes, 
and other attachments have to be blanked out.  Do you see that?  Let's say 
the old paper has a trust level of 8.4 out of 10, with three reviewers and 
124 votes of great or however its going to work.  Plus a dozen inbound links 
citing and worse *quoting* it.  Now all of that gets chucked in the trash.  
All the inbound links no longer reflect anything.  It's a mess.  And all 
that review work is also lost.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Wikipedia: the Journal

2009-09-13 Thread WJhonson
Simple fixes to this proposal.

Use WikiJournal.  Add peer-review to it.
Why not?  Allow some WikiJournal articles to become more trusted than 

Will Johnson

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Wikipedia: the Journal

2009-09-13 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/13/2009 9:46:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 This is somewhat similar to Citizendium, except their peer-review is
 open, as is currently also considered a good practice. they haven't
 gotten very far with it, and they seem to have almost all of our
 problems in maintaining NPOV.
 I suggest we let them develop their model, and we continue ours'.

David I think the proposal is for a *new* sister project to Wikipedia, not 
an adjustment of Wikipedia.  Wikinews for example encourages original 
research if you are an eye-witness to something you can write about it.

Citizendium has no traction in the real world (just in their own minds).  
So the benefit of a new sister project might be to try to create actual 
traction with the idea of online peer-review.

I see problems with the idea of commissioning works.  When Knol first 
started, they limited it to just invited guests.  Now after some time, those 
invited guests have mostly moved on, and their articles aren't doing great (in 

I would must prefer a method like WikiAnswers where all readers can *vote* 
on who they trust, and *vote* on good questions and good answers, etc, and 
the highest trusted authorities gradually percolate to the top of the heap.

Then those *trust* levels get translated into the articles they've written 
*AND* the articles they've peer-reviewed.  Does that make sense?  Sort of a 
push-yourself-up-from-your-own-bootstraps method of community consensus.

It surely favors the early adapters, but then all IT does that already.  
And even the early adapters (see early Knolians) can get swamped by the more 
industrious and clever and persistent authors.  That however isn't a bad 
thing.  At level 0.5 we'd need to install a panel of judges to settle conflict.

Will Johnson

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Wikipedia: the Journal

2009-09-13 Thread WJhonson
If wiki means quick then it would be quick in that the time between 
writing and full publication should be much shorter than traditional in print 

If wiki means anyone can edit it, then it wouldn't be a wiki.
If wiki only means that *you* and your *peers* can quickly edit it online 
in a collaborative mode, than it would be a wiki.

I would think the hardest part would be the start-up.  Who are my peers?  
Who judges that?  What if I complain that Bozo the Clown isn't my peer at 

Who decides that my article has had enough reviews and can now be 

Those sort of things need to be worked out more betterer.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Wikipedia: the Journal

2009-09-13 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/13/2009 2:48:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Clearly, this information will not be ported back to Wikipedia. 

Why is this clear?  It isn't clear to me.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Wikipedia: the Journal

2009-09-13 Thread WJhonson
Brian, scholarpedia doesn't work as a replacement for wikijournal (or 
whatever we decide to call it) because they require each editor to have a PhD 

Some fields of endeavor, for which a person could indeed be a qualified 
expert, and perhaps the leading expert in the world, don't even have a method 
by which you could get a PhD in the first place.

Scholarpedia is just more ivory-tower silliness, by ivory tower silly 
monkeys who think that we're going to keep kow-towing to university stiffs.

One thing that Wikipedia has taught us, if nothing else, is that those days 
are over.  Down with the man!  Information wants to be free.  Free of not 
only imprisonment, but free of dictated authority.

If I'm the world's leading expert on free-style skateboarding, than I 
should be able to write a peer-reviewed article about it, and have it judged by 
my peers and voted up or down by my readers.

That is how I envision this WikiJournal prospective.  Not as another 
university-driven nowheresville which gets no traction because the vast 
of the world doesn't really care to read highly scientific and technical 

Another example might be, let's say that you write a piece on intricate 
details of the Watergate scandal, as an investigative journalist.  It's not 
news but I would think WikiJournal (or whatever) might be a perfect venue to 
have such an article peer-reviewed.  WikiNews is not peer-reviewed.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Wikipedia: the Journal

2009-09-13 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/13/2009 3:19:21 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Papers are reviewed annually, or upon major new information, so they
become a living document -- the paper on the higgs boson as it is now, 
the same paper as it was a year, 2 years ago, showing the advance of
knowledge and correcting itself as time passes and knowledge develops.

I would say that by this we'd have to mean that a paper cannot change.  In 
that way it has to behave like a print version.  Once it's set, than it 
can't change, otherwise the voting and review process would no longer match the 
current state of the paper.

Rather, like print, if a new paper is submitted, even by the same author on 
the same topic, it has to be a new entry in this month's journal, not a 
modification of a now-historical version.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Wikipedia: the Journal

2009-09-13 Thread WJhonson
My question Brian was to your remark that this would not pass into 
Wikipedia.  Your response didn't address why you think that.  By pass into I 
cited in, quoted in, not *COPIED* obviously.  We don't allow copy-paste 
right now.

So all I can think is that you meant, that we should not cite any 
scholarpedia articles from within Wikipedia, and so I asked why.  If you did 
not mean 
that, than what did you mean?

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Wikipedia: the Journal

2009-09-13 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/13/2009 3:21:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 There is no such requirement. It is a correlation only.

There is. Right on the main sign-up page

An editor of Scholarpedia should satisfy the following requirements:
 Have a PhD or MD.

I take the usage of the word should here to mean must.
In addition, by the way, another should requirement is to be recommended 
by 2 other curators !  How exclusive.  Makes me sick to my stomach.

When the revolution comes, the first thing I'm going to do is execute all 
the university scholars.  Well that's been done


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Wikipedia: the Journal

2009-09-13 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/13/2009 2:48:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Clearly, this information will not be ported back to Wikipedia.

This is a reminder of what you said.
I don't see why it's clear.  You don't say should or cannot or dont 
want but rather Will not be which is rather more restrictive.

I don't think it's clear that it will not be.  That's my point.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Wikipedia: the Journal

2009-09-13 Thread WJhonson
Here is their sign-up page;

Notice the requirement to be affiliated with some institution.
So again the entire concept of Scholarpedia is limited to universities and 
possibly a few research laboratories.

I believe the concept of WikiJournal would be universal, just like 
Wikipedia.  Anyone can be an expert on any topic.  The validity of your 
expertise is 
not measured by your affiliation, but rather by your articles.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Deletion of unreferenced living person biographies

2009-09-12 Thread wjhonson

 But I'm not equating speedy with out-of-process, you are.
I'm saying they are two different things.
I never stated that we have a process for speedy, since that wasn't the point I 
was making.



-Original Message-
From: Tony Sidaway
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Fri, Sep 11, 2009 10:25 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Deletion of unreferenced living person biographies

On 9/11/09, wrote:
 My understanding and usage in-world has always been that out-of-process
 means not that we have a policy that requires no process on this, but
 rather that it means we have a process for this, which you did not follow

That would apply to an admin who simply deleted a page without
discussion.  There is no process for speedy deletion. That's the whole

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Deletion of unreferenced living person biographies

2009-09-12 Thread wjhonson
The original point was that if a deletion was out of process (which is not 
the same thing as speedy), than that is a valid reason to restore it.

Out of process not meaning there is no process for this but rather meaning 
we have a process, which you did not follow.? Two different things.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Imagine if Wikipedia was printed

2009-09-12 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/12/2009 9:35:24 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 According to the* Telegraph* one of Matthews (who is a 22 year-old 
 design) goals is to sell it. In theory, he could sell all of Wikipedia
 article space content... 3,031,886 would give him an astonishing 
 pages-long book!!!

Is this just counting the length of the text ?  Or does it also include 
pictures ?


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Deletion of unreferenced living person biographies

2009-09-11 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/11/2009 8:39:51 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Possibly you don't.  But the speedy deletion has no process, the only
 recourse is review.

My understanding and usage in-world has always been that out-of-process 
means not that we have a policy that requires no process on this, but 
rather that it means we have a process for this, which you did not follow 

So an out-of-process afd for example might be one that closed prematurely, 
say in eight hours or whatever.

Will Johnson

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT reporter in Afghan...

2009-09-10 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/10/2009 3:36:58 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Didn't they link 
 to the situation and its resolution? How would that not be a consensus?

I have no idea how linking creates a consensus.
So I can't really address this.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT reporter in Afghan...

2009-09-10 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/10/2009 3:42:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 I nominate Will as the person making press statements when someone does 
 write the how to make a H-Bomb article.

I would like to thank all the little people I stepped on, on my climb to 
the top.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT reporter in Afghan...

2009-09-10 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/10/2009 5:48:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 We should not publish up-to-date and accurate
 information on how to create great harm whether it is about A-bombs or
 reporters held captive by the Taliban, and we don't, 

Just to repeat by way of propaganda, there is no credible evidence that 
publishing details about reporters held captive by the Taliban would cause any 
harm at all, let alone great.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT reporter in Afghan...

2009-09-10 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/10/2009 6:26:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 That is what the Foundation does in such cases, they pass information on
 from outside sources that are knowledgeable about the situation.

Or, at we've seen, outside souces which create false information when it 
suits them, and are hypocritical when it doesn't.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT reporter in Afghan...

2009-09-10 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/10/2009 6:34:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 To a certain extent this
 conversation has been about, Common sense, what's common sense?, I don't
 want no stinking commons sense, I'll work to rule and, if harm results,
 tough!, Harm to Wikipedia?, Public relations? Piss on that!

Sorry  but no.  It's been about your common sense, isn't my common sense.

Miscasting it as fire bad isn't going to win any new converts.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Deletion of unreferenced living person biographies

2009-09-10 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/10/2009 7:35:43 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Out of process deletion isn't a valid reason to restore.  Good for
 the encyclopedia is.

That's right your honor.  We beat the various innocent family members of 
the criminal senseless in order to get the evidence, but we finally caught the 
bad guy!

Thank you your honor.  The ends justify the means, we agree.  Thank you for 
allowing us to ride roughshod over the community.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT reporter in Afghan...

2009-09-10 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/10/2009 8:56:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

  Let's suppose you have in your possession exact detailed plans for a
  small H-bomb. Would you think you could simply put it into Wikipedia?
 Only if we have reliable, well-researched, and peer-reviewed sources.

Scratch peer-review.  We don't require that on this sort of article.
I'm not even sure we have a policy on how-to manuals, do we?

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Is Wikipedia the first draft of history - New York Times take on Joe Wilson article

2009-09-10 Thread wjhonson
That's funny your link got it's final character cut off in my email box so it 
didn't work.
Testing whether this link will work...

-Original Message-
From: Keith Old 
To: English Wikipedia 
Sent: Thu, Sep 10, 2009 1:38 pm
Subject: [WikiEN-l] Is Wikipedia the first draft of history - New York Times 
take on Joe Wilson article

The New York Times reports:

If journalism is the first draft of history, what is a Wikipedia entry when
it is updated within minutes of an event to reflect changes in a person’s

This is the very live issue that cropped up in a heated argument on the
discussion page
accompanies Wikipedia’s entry on Representative Joe
night, just 30 minutes after the Republican from South Carolina interrupted
President Barack Obama’s
speech by
shouting “You lie!” As my colleague Carl Hulse reported in a blog
about 10 minutes after the fight got going on Wikipedia, Mr. Wilson’s
outburst came in response to the president’s statement that his proposed
changes to health insurance laws would not give coverage to illegal

Since Mr. Wilson’s shout was made during a live television broadcast —
on YouTube by The Associated
Press —
in front of all of his colleagues, the fact that it happened is not in
dispute. Afte
r Wikipedia’s editors initially removed the first reference to
the event
the entry on Mr. Wilson, citing concerns about sourcing and potential
“vandalism,” the page was locked to prevent new or unregistered users from
editing it.

That is when the argument among Wikipedians — which can be read in full on
the discussion page starting
really took off.

(More in article)

The Joe Wilson article is here:


*Keith Old*
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Re: [WikiEN-l] Deletion of unreferenced living person biographies

2009-09-10 Thread wjhonson

 Are you equating the phrase out of process to the word speedy ?
I don't see those two as being the same thing.



-Original Message-
From: Tony Sidaway
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Thu, Sep 10, 2009 8:59 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Deletion of unreferenced living person biographies

On 9/10/09, wrote:
 In a message dated 9/10/2009 7:35:43 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Out of process deletion isn't a valid reason to restore.  Good for
 the encyclopedia is.

 That's right your honor.  We beat the various innocent family members of
 the criminal senseless in order to get the evidence, but we finally caught
 bad guy!

 Thank you your honor.  The ends justify the means, we agree.  Thank you for
 allowing us to ride roughshod over the community.

Come along now, we've had a specific policy for out-of-process or
speedy deletions at the discretion of a single administrator for
years now, and you're probably the first person to compare
out-of-process deletion to beating up innocent people.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources

2009-09-09 Thread wjhonson
I dispute that this is my private meaning.
And I propose that this is the standard meaning.
As well as the inworld meaning.

-Original Message-
From: David Gerard
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Wed, Sep 9, 2009 1:48 am
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources


 What I said, and what I've been saying is that any source which is our
 first incident of a particular fact is a primary source, no matter
 what their source was.

You must appreciate, though, that your private definition of this term
is not the established meaning for this term, which has been in use
since well before Wikipedia started. And that using private
definitions of terms without acknowledging doing so only leads to

- d.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT reporter in Afghanistan

2009-09-09 Thread wjhonson
Investigative Journalism should go to WikiNews.
BTW does Wikinews have any traction yet?
I mean does it hit the first googly page ?

-Original Message-
From: David Gerard
To:; English Wikipedia
Sent: Wed, Sep 9, 2009 12:24 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT 
reporter in Afghanistan

2009/9/9 Fred Bauder

 Actually, no, that is a throw-away. But we do need to get a little
 smarter. We might have something come up that is a bit more serious.

I think there's actually not much we need to do. The most recent case
was entirely covered by BLP: be extremely conservative about
potentially extremely harmful information.

We're an encyclopedia, not investigative journalism - we have wikinews
for that. If we wait a few days until we're absolutely sure and there
are really good and reliable sources, that's fine. Once it's all over
the media, it's not our problem; when it isn't, it shouldn't be in the

People shouting censorship! have mistaken the encyclopedia for a
venue for investigative journalism.

- d.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT reporter in Afghanistan

2009-09-09 Thread wjhonson
I really don't see this as IAR.
It seems the argument is that it's firmly BLP policy.  That for some 
reason (inexplicable apparently), keeping the name of a kipnap victim 
secret, helps them to not be killed.  Personally the argument seems 
flat to me.  But at any rate, if we were to have a discussion on 
finding consensus, I would expect it to revolve around BLP.

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Dalton
To:; English Wikipedia
Sent: Wed, Sep 9, 2009 12:22 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT 
reporter in Afghanistan

2009/9/9 Fred Bauder
 Actually, no, that is a throw-away. But we do need to get a little
 smarter. We might have something come up that is a bit more serious.

More serious than life and death?

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT reporter in Afghanistan

2009-09-09 Thread wjhonson
Do no harm isn't a consensus however.
That language is so incredibly vague it could be taken to mean almost 
Fred we've been over this many times on this list :)
You really want to do it again?
We have articles on murder victims which appear on the top of Google, 
keeping that fresh in the minds and at the fingertips of anyone with an 
interest prurient or not.
You don't think that harms the remaining living family?
Do no harm is an unworkable phrase.
Calling Lee Majors last movie trite even with a source is harmful to 
his career I'm sure.

-Original Message-
From: Fred Bauder
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Wed, Sep 9, 2009 2:24 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT 
reporter in Afghanistan

 We are supposed to be community-driven.
 Where is the community consensus on media blackouts?
 Link please.

 Will Johnson

Interesting, as there is a consensus. It just isn't written down. Do no
harm; any problem with that?


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT reporter in Afghanistan

2009-09-09 Thread wjhonson
Well what were the sources?
Someone mentioned that there were sources, but didn't mention what.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT reporter in Afghanistan

2009-09-09 Thread wjhonson
Interesting here is what they say about themselves

Press TV takes revolutionary steps as the first Iranian international 
news network, broadcasting in English on a round-the-clock basis.

Our global Tehran-based headquarters is staffed with outstanding 
Iranian and foreign media professionals.

Press TV is extensively networked with bureaus located in the world's 
most strategic cities.

We're put in the unenviable position of determining whether this is a 
reliable source.
They certainly seem internet-savvy from mousing around their site.


-Original Message-
From: Thomas Dalton
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Wed, Sep 9, 2009 2:50 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT 
reporter in Afghanistan

 Well what were the sources?
 Someone mentioned that there were sources, but didn't mention what.

They are all in the article history. This news article, for instance,
seems reliable:

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT reporter in Afghanistan

2009-09-09 Thread wjhonson
I don't think the point is needing to reach but rather it's slapping 
the hand that reaches.
Which is a little more pro-active, and less passive sounding.
Is our position to be that, with a reliable source, we need multiple 
sources in these cases as Fred puts it.  And I really don't know what 
that implies.  Perhaps the NYT can stop being double-faced and come 
clean on their exact argument for blackouts.

Was this even a blackout?  Or was it merely the case that there were 
not enough sources reporting it yet?

-Original Message-
From: Fred Bauder
Sent: Wed, Sep 9, 2009 2:53 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT 
reporter in Afghanistan

 Once it's all over
 the media, it's not our problem; when it isn't, it shouldn't be in the

 - d.

Yes, we simply need not reach. At least not in such instances.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT reporter in Afghanistan

2009-09-09 Thread wjhonson
It's a bit of a mistaken idea that the issue with H bombs is their 
The method of making an H bomb is widely known.
The problem is not the blueprints.  It's creating the necessary 
equipment in order to enrich the uranium in the first place.  Not a 
cheap thing to do.  Everyone however knows *how* to do it.

The how isn't the problem.

The entire argument about keeping the names of kidnap victims secret to 
me is flat.  I do not see the logic behind the belief that it will 
preserve their lives in any way, for example.  So even if the community 
were to agree to do no harm (whatever that means), the further 
necessary step is to show, in a concrete way, how revealing the name of 
a victim does harm.

I'm sure you can see that.  Just as I'm sure that you can see, that 
people other than yourself, might find the entire argument meaningless, 
or without adequate justification.

Will Johnson

-Original Message-
From: Fred Bauder
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Wed, Sep 9, 2009 3:13 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT 
reporter in Afghanistan

 Interesting here is what they say about themselves

 Press TV takes revolutionary steps as the first Iranian international
 news network, broadcasting in English on a round-the-clock basis.

 Our global Tehran-based headquarters is staffed with outstanding
 Iranian and foreign media professionals.

 Press TV is extensively networked with bureaus located in the world's
 most strategic cities.

 We're put in the unenviable position of determining whether this is a
 reliable source.
 They certainly seem internet-savvy from mousing around their site.


Well, you see, with respect to news of the Taliban's doings, they
probably are much more reliable then other media. They did talk to a
Taliban regional commander and got the story. I'm sure the CIA took 
information seriously. It is a fiction that they are not reliable as it
is a fiction that a Taliban commander is a not lot more trustworthy 
say, the President of Afghanistan. However, we need not be so clever as
all that. We can play dumb, and should. And users who come upon this
information can chose to play along, or not. At some point, a reasonably
perceptive person will realize that the information is hot, and
inappropriate for inclusion in Wikipedia.

Let's suppose you have in your possession exact detailed plans for a
small H-bomb. Would you think you could simply put it into Wikipedia?


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT reporter in Afghanistan

2009-09-09 Thread wjhonson
-Original Message-
From: geni
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Wed, Sep 9, 2009 3:32 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT 
reporter in Afghanistan

 The entire argument about keeping the names of kidnap victims secret 
 me is flat.  I do not see the logic behind the belief that it will
 preserve their lives in any way, for example.

Well this time around 3 civilians died. Not sure if that counts as 

  Those who support the idea of keeping this information secret would 
probably argue that more would have died if it weren't.  And those who 
oppose it would say, See it didn't work.

Something for everybody!

Will Johnson

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT reporter in Afghanistan

2009-09-09 Thread wjhonson
Emily wrote:
How does this discussion relate to Wikipedia?

Your new nickname is Kitten with a Whip

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Google Books class action lawsuit

2009-09-08 Thread wjhonson
And I'd like to add contract violation *may* be illegal, there are 
loopholes large enough to swim an elephant through, which is why 
lawyers like contracts.  No such thing as an unbreakable contract.

You may have heard about these lawyers that are suing mortgage 
companies because they didn't explain the mortgage clearly enough ?  An 
interesting point, most websites, don't actually make you read the 
license before you start using the site.  I'm not even sure where on 
Google Books I would look to see what my allowed uses are.

-Original Message-
From: Steve Bennett
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Tue, Sep 8, 2009 7:33 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Google Books class action lawsuit

On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 6:17 AM, Thomas 
 Contract violation *is* illegal.

Actionable != illegal. The big difference is that you could walk into
a police station and tell them that you broke a contract or terms of
service, and they'd tell you to have a nice day. Likewise, copyright
infringement is a civil matter, not a criminal one. The police do not
pursue the matter, the allegedly infringed party does.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources

2009-09-08 Thread wjhonson
What I said, and what I've been saying is that any source which is our 
first incident of a particular fact is a primary source, no matter 
what their source was.

-Original Message-
From: Ray Saintonge
Sent: Tue, Sep 8, 2009 8:44 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources


 Sure a manuscript is an unpublished primary source, or an ancient 
 only held in 12 libraries.
 However if that item is published that does not create a secondary
 And if that item includes interviews with other people, that does not
 make it a secondary source.

How does becoming old, and being held in only 12 libraries suddenly
cause a book to revert to primary source status?

It seems that a lot of people are prone to gaming source levels to suit
their own objectives.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Yeah, let's botspam Wikipedia. I'm sure that'll work out just...

2009-09-06 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/6/2009 12:09:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Just to hijack the thread...Once a site is blacklisted, is there any
 way to link to it? I had the situation recently that I wanted to
 reference a site ( from memory) but it was blacklisted.

Create a page on your own site that is merely a redirect.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Google Books class action lawsuit

2009-09-05 Thread WJhonson
Charles a few things.

You do not need to be in the US to read a Google Book.  There is a thing 
called proxy or super proxy or something of that sort, which will mask where 
you are, and thus allow anyone to read a book as if they were in the US.

Secondly I like the idea of asking Google Books to specify what sort of 
citation THEY would like a person to use.  In lieu of that, there is a standard 
form of citation to include the repository in which you found the item, as 
well as the item itself.  I think though, 99.34% of our writers probably 
will continue to use the simplest form possible.  In fact we have a robot just 
to help fill out bad citations.  When I find them, I tend to make these 
citations fuller myself, but it's a never-ending task.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Google Books class action lawsuit

2009-09-05 Thread WJhonson
No people *should* break and ignore stupid rules :)
Just like the pigs do.

What you didn't live during the '60s ?
I mean it's not like you're going to be sued by WMG for 2.4 million .

W.J. fight the man

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Google Books class action lawsuit

2009-09-05 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/5/2009 1:22:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Yup, there is a reason the mails still have a killfile 
 chez moi. Managing to miss the point that if a link appears broken to 
 anyone in the world it might simply get removed seems a fundamental 
 error. It wasn't about whether I'm deprived of the info, but what form 
 of citation is good to have on Wikipedia for this patchy service.

And you seem to be missing the point, my pointy friend, that you should 
always cite to *your* source, not their source.

If you read it on Google books, then you should credit google books.  
That's standard citation practice.

Will the point buster Johnson

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Google Books class action lawsuit

2009-09-05 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/5/2009 2:10:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 But the link should go to a generic page which potentially works with 
 more sites than just Google Books, like [[Special:BookSources]].

I like that.  Make Google Books just one of the options.  I can see a 
potential problem if we're trying to cite a convenience link directly to a page 
number and the book has multiple editions.  We'd need to know the ISBN.  If 
the repository is Google Books, does it actually state the ISBN or give some 
way to find it easily?

It wouldn't be a good thing if we make it much more complex, nobody would 
do it, and we'd have a maintenance nightmare.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Google Books class action lawsuit

2009-09-05 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/5/2009 2:37:08 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Either Google or the publisher/author of the book you viewed. People
 get sued for bypassing DRM, why couldn't they be sued for bypassing
 restrictions on Google books?

Google suffers no damage from people in Namibia viewing a book through a 

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Putting some perspective on the end of Wikipedia

2009-09-04 Thread wjhonson

Tony gets the Gary Cooper award for this week.
Or in particular the Meet John Doe award

-Original Message-
From: Tony Sidaway
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Fri, Sep 4, 2009 4:55 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Putting some perspective on the end of Wikipedia

I'm undertaking to have all article and talk page semiprotections on
Wikipedia reviewed.  The process I'm using is to enter a brief
proposal on the article talk page and contact the protecting sysop.
The idea is that we discuss whether to unprotect the article or talk
page and watch it vigilantly.

This has already met considerable success, with more 30% of the
proposals I've made this evening being enacted upon.  There appear to
be a lot of semiprotections that have simply been forgotten by the
original sysop.

I'll keep this up until I either run out of articles to review or get
bored.  Since there are several thousand semiprotected article the
latter is more likely to happen first.

Gwern Branwen wonders whether semiprotections have taken over from
protections.  Well one cannot really compare the current Wikipedia
with the Wikipedia of 2005.  Then we had no real way of dealing with
biographies of living persons, and little awareness of the problem,
and as for the protected articles, they numbered dozens at the most,
and certainly not thousands.  It's important to strike a balance.
While many of the semiprotected pages may actually be redirects that
we wouldn't normally want to see edited by unregistered users, I
suspect many are not.  It's always a good idea to review the situation

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Googley comments

2009-09-03 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/3/2009 7:21:35 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Yeah, but see, the thing is, you don't own the blog. The person  
 writing it does (well, technically, the blog hosting service does).  
 They have the right to not have a comment show up. We could use the  
 same argument on Wikipedia.

What?  That Wikipedia puts a comment on this article and someone says I 
love this person and we or at least someone decides that fan mail is not 
something we want ?

I suppose there would need to be a guideline started to decide what sorts 
of things are OK for comments.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Googley comments

2009-09-03 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 9/3/2009 7:24:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Or worse, THIS PERSON IS A DIRTY PEDO1!! (or something as bad). 
 be problematic for BLPs.


We already get that.  So this wouldn't change that issue.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Googley comments

2009-09-03 Thread wjhonson
No that was someone's idea, but not mine.
I like having the Make a Comment button at the bottom of each 
article, as this would mimic what readers are used to seeing at other 
I don't that this would create a seperate section on the Talk page 
however, as I think this would clutter the Talk page with a lot of 
casual comments.
When you read the comments on say a YouTube video, you get a lot of 
one-liners and people talking back and forth and so on.
I don't see this as a way to improve the article, only a way to allow 
casual readers to make comments.
It seems like just that possibly more-friendly approach might bring 
people into the project as editors as well.
I'm not sure it would, it's a trial balloon.


-Original Message-
From: Emily Monroe
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Thu, Sep 3, 2009 11:20 am
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Googley comments

 I suppose there would need to be a guideline started to decide what
 sorts of things are OK for comments.

I thought we were talking about how to make the talk page more

On Sep 3, 2009, at 1:19 PM, wrote:

 In a message dated 9/3/2009 7:21:35 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Yeah, but see, the thing is, you don't own the blog. The person
 writing it does (well, technically, the blog hosting service does).
 They have the right to not have a comment show up. We could use the
 same argument on Wikipedia.

 What?  That Wikipedia puts a comment on this article and someone
 says I
 love this person and we or at least someone decides that fan mail
 is not
 something we want ?

 I suppose there would need to be a guideline started to decide what
 of things are OK for comments.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Googley comments

2009-09-02 Thread WJhonson
I just today noticed a new interesting thing while doing a Google  search.  
Under each result there is a cloud looking thing and if you hover  it it 
says Comment.  So I tried it.
Would someone else try this Google search
arsenic and old lace youtube
Just like that with the quotes and all.  On the first few hits you  should 
see a result

_YouTube - Arsenic  And Old Lace 1/15 (1944)_ 
Would you see if you can see a comment I left there?
I'm curious how this works.
To make this thread on-topic, I wonder if there would be any  advantage is 
allowing comments, separate from Talk Page comments, on our  articles?
I notice that many casual readers will leave comments which you  can 
generally spot as they are not-tagged-with-a-sig and generally left at the  top 
of the Talk page without regard for headers and so on.
I just wonder if a more free-form comment section would encourage  more 
casual readers to become casual writers.
Will Johnson
P.S. The only reason I picked this particular movie was because I  was 
casually looking for more movies to add to my
_Click  here to see the entire list of Peter Lorre Movies on YouTube_ 
_Click  here to see the entire list of Cary Grant Movies on YouTube_ 
Although obviously people are *watching* my nightly selections,  they don't 
seem to be adding any comments ;)
Maybe I'm perfect after all!

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Googley comments

2009-09-02 Thread wjhonson
I think I like Comment on this page at the bottom, but I'm hesitant 
to endorse that creating a section on the discussion (Talk) page.  I 
have a reason for my hesitation.

Sometimes readers comments on say Patty Hearst might be something 
like Oh I remember when this occurred, I was in the seventh grade and 
had to do a report on her...

Now something like that is an interesting way for casual readers to 
spout off, but on a patrolled-article, comments of that sort get 
routinely purged as they don't really help us to improve the article.  
As a casual reader on OPB (other people's blogs) I get annoyed if my 
comment gets wiped or never appears.

I wouldn't be adverse to moderated comments so we don't get lick my 
ass! and things like that.

At any rate, anyone want to bring this to the general wiki community 
somewhere and gauge the reaction?


-Original Message-
From: Steve Bennett
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Wed, Sep 2, 2009 6:58 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Googley comments

On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 6:07 AM, David wrote:
 Yes. Wikinews does this - they have a collaboration page for editors
 working on the article, but a comment page specifically for readers
 to spout forth. Would be good.

Yes, there's no good reason we should subject casual commenters to the
horrors of wikitext. If they can even figure out that in order to
comment they have to click a tiny little link marked Discussion (at
the top of the page, not the bottom where every other site does it),
then another tiny little link marked Edit this page or New

Simple suggestion: A big green button at the bottom of every page
marked Comment on this page which creates a new section on the
discussion page.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] [Wikitech-l] Fwd: Wired: Wikipedia to Color Code Untrustworthy...

2009-08-31 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/31/2009 11:47:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

- WikiTrust might be described as a way to see how long an edit 
and how much trust it seems to have; in most users' hands it'll be 
colored red/blue so its right/wrong.
- People won't think, they'll assume and rely.


Interesting to see this by virtue of repetition in our mirrors.
And our pseudo-mirrors who *don't* event state that they mirrored us.
Then after a phrase has been cut from our version due to lack of source, 
it's put back in citing a past mirror who hasn't removed it


Unsourced statement one has high trust because it's been there for two 
years, without a source.  When a source is found contradicting it, will there 
be a big fight because 100 editors has passed on this and haven't reverted 

 Shades of past warfare.

Will Johnson

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Re: [WikiEN-l] I should know this, I worked on the Wikipedia article...

2009-08-30 Thread WJhonson
Just last week I was out at a local flea market (is this the same phrase in 
British English?), and I asked a junk-book seller if he's ever seen the 
book Foster Family by Buddy Foster.  I explained that Buddy was Jody Foster's 
older brother who had actually had a TV career several years before hers.
   The lady next to me wanted to argue about whether Buddy Foster had been 
Andy Griffith's son, she said it was Ronny Howard.  That confused me because 
Ron Howard *was* Andy Griffith's son.  The part I couldn't remember at the 
time was... as WELL.  Because Andy had two different shows.
   See that's what I get for not yet having my brain implant.

Will Johnson
P.S. A Flea Market (at least in American English) is where people bring all 
their junk they want to get rid of, and spread it out for other people to 
buy it for very low prices.
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Re: [WikiEN-l] I should know this, I worked on the Wikipedia article...

2009-08-30 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/30/2009 6:22:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 We have those. I've heard Americans refer to garage sales. We
 (Brits) have those sometimes, but more often we take stuff to a local
 charity shop, or a school's jumble sale, or stick stuff in the boot
 (luggage compartment) of a car, drive with others to an empty field,
 and have what called a car boot sale! :-)

OK, a garage sale is typically where you sell your stuff from your own 
garage.  People just park on the street, walk to your house and buy your stuff. 
Sometimes we'll have a neighborhood garage sale, where several people 
will sell their junk from one person's garage.

A flea market must be like your car boot sale, but the flea market's I've 
been to, aren't in empty fields, they are more organized and regular.  
Jumble sale that's a new one, I think we'd call that a charity flea market. 
That is, you donate your stuff and some charity sells it.

I was just thinking the other day, Is there a British-American Dictionary 
?  That would be a dictionary that has all these various words and phrases 
and their translations into British English.  Often I'll come upon an 
article obviously written by a Brit and it will say something like At the 
her trolley bumped into a right blinker and he copped her one...

(I just made that up), and it makes little sense at all to an American, 
unless they had watched a lot of British tele.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] British-American dictionary

2009-08-30 Thread WJhonson
Here's one

he doesn't have Trolley though, I think that's one of the funniest ones 
he doesnt list

To Brits a trolley is the cart you push around a grocery store.
To Americans a trolley is a streetcar usually electric and old-fashioned 
and quaint.

Advise to Brits, never say fag or fag end in the states

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Wired: Wikipedia to Color Code Untrustworthy Text

2009-08-30 Thread WJhonson
Or if everybody knows how to game then the gaming advantage vanishes.  
Full disclosure can also level the field.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Well-sourced nonsense vs. unsourced competence

2009-08-29 Thread WJhonson
How do we know who twit? or tweet?
When a celebrity has an official web page, we can be fairly certain that  
what is posted there as the core content is by their own authority.
How do you do that with tweets?
In a message dated 8/29/2009 12:04:01 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

What I'm  wondering is whether that
counts as a source, and if so what sort and how  and whether it should
be used (I'd say Wikipedia should hold itself aloof  from gutter
journalism and celebrity  wranglings).

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Positives to publicity

2009-08-28 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/28/2009 8:10:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Holy cow. Is Jimbo aware of this?


Jimbo is irrelevant.  We're cooking and eating him next week.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Positives to publicity

2009-08-28 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/28/2009 11:20:44 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 When we are done, we can revert and voila! Wikipedia has food forever!

Just imagine how many Terabytes of data are hiden under the iceberg tip 
that is what the casual reader sees.  I have yet to see any paper about say, 
The Twisty Turny Biography of Lincoln Evolves Over Six Years

That would probably keep someone busy for a long time.  There must be 
25,000 revisions to Lincoln.

Will Johnson

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[WikiEN-l] Wikien-L Bug Report

2009-08-28 Thread WJhonson
Go to

Sidebar: Search Posting Archives

Type in whatever, click Search


Will Johnson

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[WikiEN-l] Knol goes from a Wikipedia rival to a Craigslist imitator

2009-08-28 Thread WJhonson
Evidently I am now a media darling

The oddest part of this entire experience (other than the fact that it shot 
me up to over 1,000 views a day), is how much of this news is either 
simple reposting of titles with link, or bloggers copying each other in a sort 
of feeding frenzy.

I've never personally become involved in the blogging world.  I would think 
that a person would want original content, not merely be blogger number 87 
on the list of people blogging about the really important news like me 
selling a pair of speakers ;)

I'm world famous!  I get more views than President uh... Harding... or 
something.  Ok maybe Zachary Taylor, at any rate I'm famous!

Maybe I'll write a knol about it.  Sort of keep the cycle churning.  How do 
you do that exactly?  I've never figured out completely how to be a media 
whore, but I'm willing to learn.  Any whores want to teach me tricks?

Will Media Whore Wannabe Johnson

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Re: [WikiEN-l] How to Not Bite was Positives to publicity

2009-08-28 Thread WJhonson
Welcome Wagon, we used to have one didn't we?  I don't know what happened 
to it, it seems like stale news.

Free Tutor Program - new users can choose to sign up for tutoring for $10 
an hour... ok or free whatever.  Have you been bitten?  Are you frustrated?  
Do you get laid often enough? (ok scratch that)  Sign Up Now, Not Available 
in Stores, Supplies are Running Out - for Wiki Tutoring!

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Positives to publicity

2009-08-28 Thread wjhonson
The last book of Wikipedia was too fluffy.  I prefer reality.
Gritty, in the trenches, kick sand in your face, thumb wrestle to the 
Tabloid style.

-Original Message-
From: FT2
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Fri, Aug 28, 2009 2:13 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Positives to publicity

I'm serious.


On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 10:09 PM, wrote:

 Only if I get to write the Drama chapter.

 -Original Message-
 From: FT2
 To: English Wikipedia
 Sent: Fri, Aug 28, 2009 1:40 pm
 Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Positives to publicity

 I'd be all up for writing a wikibook introduction to Wikipedia. Anyone
 interested? :)


 On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 9:24 PM, Keegan Paul 

  On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 1:25 PM, wrote:
   Just imagine how many Terabytes of data are hiden under the 
   that is what the casual reader sees.  I have yet to see any paper
   The Twisty Turny Biography of Lincoln Evolves Over Six Years
   Will Johnson
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  This is what I consider to be the exact point for starting this
   People truly do have no clue about how to edit or the community and
 how it
  functions.  Actually, I don't think the functionality of the
 community can
  be described.
  Folks are amazed to be told that they can edit willy nilly, make an
  and all that.  For all our popularity worldwide the vast majority of
  consumers have no idea (I realize I'm preaching to the choir) until
  news stories invoke interest.  So, what to do about it?  How to not
   This that and the other are great questions to mull over.  I have 
  answers myself, Wikipedia just kind of happens.
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Re: [WikiEN-l] How to Not Bite was Positives to publicity

2009-08-28 Thread wjhonson
Maybe that was the name, I can't remember.
I think they tried to welcome me once, and I put my boots up on the 
table, pulled the cigar out of my mouth and said, Make my day fat boy.

Or it's possible that was a movie I saw.

-Original Message-
From: Emily Monroe
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Fri, Aug 28, 2009 2:50 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] How to Not Bite was Positives to publicity

 The Welcome Wagon, like Esperanza, got taken out back and shot a few
 years ago when we decided to remove traces of perceived social
 networking in late '06 early '07.

What was the Welcome Wagon, and how is it different from the Welcoming

On Aug 28, 2009, at 3:35 PM, Keegan Paul wrote:

 The Welcome Wagon, like Esperanza, got taken out back and shot a few
 ago when we decided to remove traces of perceived social networking
 in late
 '06 early '07.  The Birthday crew is really all that remains.

 On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 3:31 PM, wrote:

 Welcome Wagon, we used to have one didn't we?  I don't know what
 to it, it seems like stale news.

 Free Tutor Program - new users can choose to sign up for tutoring
 for $10
 an hour... ok or free whatever.  Have you been bitten?  Are you
 Do you get laid often enough? (ok scratch that)  Sign Up Now, Not
 in Stores, Supplies are Running Out - for Wiki Tutoring!

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Positives to publicity

2009-08-28 Thread wjhonson
I... friggin... love it.
And I rarely love anything at all.  I mean I don't even love Cheetos, 
although I like it.
But this page you linked is the first time I've ever encountered anyone 
doing this.
It's the wave of the future!  I wish I had the technical ability to do 
it, or the time.
I'm like one of those zombies in the Bela Lugosi White Zombie (1932) 
which I just linked up today (shameless plug shameless plug)

Chairpotato's Night at the Movies!

Just look at their faces as they push that grind-stone around and 
around and around.
I'm like that.  Only with a whip.


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Gray
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Fri, Aug 28, 2009 4:24 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Positives to publicity


 Just imagine how many Terabytes of data are hiden under the iceberg 
 that is what the casual reader sees.  I have yet to see any paper 
about say,
 The Twisty Turny Biography of Lincoln Evolves Over Six Years

There's something related that's been floating around for a few years
- it's a bit more lighthearted, but it's pretty interesting

- Andrew Gray

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Re: [WikiEN-l] So, what is the deal with flagged revisions?

2009-08-28 Thread wjhonson
Lack of visible reward.  Yes I think that's is it, or part of it anyway.
It's why I've been fixated at Knol for a while.  Wanting to see my own 
name in lights.
Too bad Wikipedia couldn't have a sister project for publishing 
scholarly papers.
Or could we? Or do we?

Will Johnson

-Original Message-
From: David Goodman
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Fri, Aug 28, 2009 7:08 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] So, what is the deal with flagged revisions?

the lack of visible reward will have the same effect on them as on new

David Goodman, Ph.D, M.L.S.

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 2:15 PM, David wrote:
 2009/8/28 Thomas Dalton
 2009/8/28 David Gerard

 Protection is a failure of the wiki model in the first place.
 Discussion is a poor substitute for editing.

 Edit warring is a failure of the wiki model. We use protection to
 force people into a discussion model which works better in those

 Yeah, it's all imperfect. What I mean is, that's a bit of process for
 a particular purpose, and if we need it with flagged revs as we do
 with full protection, then we can reintroduce it when we do. I think
 the lack of visible reward will be helpful in dealing with everyday
 edit warriors. (If people with the reviewer bit edit-war with it, one
 or both is likely to get a strong word at the very least.)

 - d.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] The best coverage yet of the living bios rule

2009-08-28 Thread wjhonson
Conspirapedia is not taken!
What a fantabulous website that would be
Get on it.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] How to Not Bite was Positives to publicity

2009-08-28 Thread wjhonson
I don't use a signature.  Blame the AOL programming bastards for 
spamming my email.

-Original Message-
From: Soxred93
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Fri, Aug 28, 2009 8:19 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] How to Not Bite was Positives to publicity

Nice signature... I found this in my spam box. :)


On Aug 28, 2009, at 4:31 PM, wrote:

 Welcome Wagon, we used to have one didn't we?  I don't know what
 to it, it seems like stale news.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources

2009-08-27 Thread wjhonson
I don't equate second hand witness to secondary source.
A primary source is the first source we have that describes a certain 
Matilda was baptised in the Church of St Mary last Easter is a 
primary source if the author isn't merely parroting some other known 
source.  The author doesn't need to be an eye-witness and in fact can 
be parroting some earlier now-lost source and *still* be a primary 

Do you agree with that last statement?
The first source we know about, that we still have, is a primary 
source, no matter how the information came to the writer.

-Original Message-
From: David Goodman
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 7:52 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources

Yes, chronicles are accepted as primary sources, because there is
nothing further back from them--they serve essentially the same
function as newspapers. Obviously, they have to be used with a good
deal of interpretation,just as newspapers. I don't believe everything
in a newspaper happened just as they describe it either.  However, the
ASC, as many other chronicles, also serve as secondary sources,
commenting on the events they describe: for example, the famous
analysis of K. William I at 1087 is a secondary evaluation, more of
less like a modern editorial in a newspaper, which is a secondary

David Goodman, Ph.D, M

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 10:24 PM, wrote:
 I disagree that editing turns a primary source into a secondary 
 And I disagree that we make that distinction in-project.
 I also disagree that newspaper articles are secondary sources.
 Some are, some aren't.

 Is the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle a primary source? Yes.  Do you believe
 that every event there described is being described by an eye-witness?
 No.  In fact it's possibly doubtful whether any of it is eye-witness
 testimony.  Being an eye-witness is not what makes an article primary
 or secondary.

 -Original Message-
 From: David Goodman
 To: English Wikipedia
 Sent: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 3:42 pm
 Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources

 Wikipedia is not the same as the academic world.

  From the point of view of an historian analyzing sources, a newspaper
 is considered a primary source, and you will find them so classified
 in any manual on doing research in history or any listing of sources
 at the end of an historical book or article.   From the POV of
 Wikipedia, we've been considering it a secondary source, which is the
 way most people think of it.

 what we call primary sources: is the archival material that an
 historian also calls
 primary sources, but normally lists separately in
 a bibliography.   if the reporter's notebooks are preserved, that's
 also a primary source. The analysis of the differences between the
 primary sources20in attempting to reconstruct what happened is what
 historians do. The articles  monographs other historians  publish
 giving their analysis is what they consider the secondary sources.

 Similarly, in science, the actual archival primary sources are, in a
 sense, the lab notebooks--and they are preserved as such, for patents
 and the like. But a primary scientific paper is the one reporting  the
 work, and a secondary paper is a review.

 The Wikipedia definition is a term of art at Wikipedia, used because
 we need some way of differentiating between material which is edited,
 and that which is not. The primary sources are the unedited reports.
 As a newspaper is edited, its a secondary source.

 David Goodman, Ph.D, M.L.S.

 On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 6:30 PM, wrote:
 Sure a manuscript is an unpublished primary source, or an ancient 
 only held in 12 libraries.
 However if that item is published that does not create a secondary
 And if that item includes interviews with other people, that does not
 make it a secondary source.

 A primary source is merely the first time a given situation is made 
 exist.  Even if King Yog took notes before his interview with me, and
 had them typed up and collated by someone else and then read them to
 me, and I copied them out and published them, I'm not creating a
 teritary source out of all that.
 Everything that comes before primary is merely part of the process of
 creating a source.  Just because there are levels and layers of
 information doesn't push the source into being secondary or 
 The notes are primary, the typed version is primary, the manuscript 
 primary, and the final published version is all still primary.  I
 I wrote a monograph on this a while ago when someone asked me if a
 school transcript is a secondary source (it's not) their reasoning 
 that it's built from various primary sources which are the grading

Re: [WikiEN-l] And other observations...

2009-08-25 Thread wjhonson
wiki doesn't mean quick to me
That derivation I think is pretty obscure.

To me when someone says Wiki whatever or wiki whatever for that 
matter, it means collaborative editing.


-Original Message-
From: stevertigo
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Mon, Aug 24, 2009 9:31 pm
Subject: [WikiEN-l] And other observations...

A success Wikipedia has thus far been, though issues there are still.
Observations, on these issues I will make.

1) Wikipedia is a collaborative website that tries to be an 
Wikipedia's got a funny name: It was named by the founders after the
technology it was based on, rather than the philosophy it was based
on - openness, egalitarianism, honest and honorable conduct, etc.

2) Thus the name wiki itself is misapplied to en.w.pedia
Wiki is a technological concept. Wikipedia is an egalitarian one.
Though people have for years tried to turn wiki into a larger, more
philosophical term, it just doesn't want to go there - wiki ultimately
doesn't mean anything more than quick. We want Wikipedia to be
more than just a quickie resource.

3) Wiki facilitates easy editing, but then not everything we do is 
In fact the main thing Wikipedia does is just exist - existing in a
digital form at a free/open-access online database for ease of
reading/viewing. Wiki makes lots of things easy - some of which are
conducive to making an encyclopedia. The wiki made vandalism easy too,
but we learned that collaboration itself could deal with that.

( 3b) (It's the infrastructure/databases/operatingsystems/browsers
themselves that facilitate this ease - not just wiki. Still, we
don't call ourselves the inter...pedia or the web..pedia for a
reason: Those domain names were already taken. ;-) )


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources

2009-08-25 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/25/2009 6:50:03 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Not quite. The first publication can be a secondary source, for instance 
 if the New York Times publishes an article on a car accident. A primary 
 source is something like a census return or, in this case, a witness 

That is not correct Andrew.  Each source must be published.  Typically 
witness statements are not themselves published.  You are confusing first-hand 
experience with primary source.  A primary souce, even a census return is 
not first-hand, it's merely first publication.

If you took you example to extreme, then there would be no primary sources 
at all.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] New York Times: Wikipedia to Limit Changes to Articles on People

2009-08-25 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/25/2009 11:12:03 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 I had an interesting conversation with a senior BBC exec on this the 
 other day. Apparently, their lawyers aren't sufficiently comfortable with the 
 copyright violation checking on Wikimedia Commons to be able to rely on free 
 photographs, so they don't use them. Bizarrely they'd rather pay someone 
 for an image, and hence be able to sue them if they had copyright problems, 
 than get it for free. 
 Which brings to mind an interesting business proposition. 


Fork! Fork! spoon?

Here at um we ensure you that all our content has 
been triple-checked by expert triple-checkers to ensure that it's all free 
free free!  To use that is.  For your ease of mind you will pay us $1000 per 
year plus 25 cents per image.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Online encyclopedia of life reaches 150,000 species

2009-08-25 Thread wjhonson
So what was so special about this wiki or pseudo-wiki that it became 
successful ?

-Original Message-
From: Keith Old
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 2:00 pm
Subject: [WikiEN-l] Online encyclopedia of life reaches 150,000 species

G'day folks,
Phys Org reports that the Online Encyclopedia of Life has reached 

The Encyclopedia of Life, an online project launched in 2007 with the 
of creating a webpage on every known animal and plant species, has 
150,000 entries in its second year.

In a statement marking the anniversary, the collaborative project said 
to two million people from more than 200 countries had contributed to 
website (

Users can create a page that describes a plant or animal with text, 
or both. The information is then submitted to experts, verified and made
available for free.

The project's creators hope to accumulate a page for every 1.8 million
animal and plant species 
to scientists over 10 years.

More in article.

This would compare well with Wikipedia's progress over a similar period.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources

2009-08-25 Thread wjhonson
Sure a manuscript is an unpublished primary source, or an ancient book 
only held in 12 libraries.
However if that item is published that does not create a secondary 
And if that item includes interviews with other people, that does not 
make it a secondary source.

A primary source is merely the first time a given situation is made to 
exist.  Even if King Yog took notes before his interview with me, and 
had them typed up and collated by someone else and then read them to 
me, and I copied them out and published them, I'm not creating a 
teritary source out of all that.

Everything that comes before primary is merely part of the process of 
creating a source.  Just because there are levels and layers of 
information doesn't push the source into being secondary or teritiary.  
The notes are primary, the typed version is primary, the manuscript is 
primary, and the final published version is all still primary.  I think 
I wrote a monograph on this a while ago when someone asked me if a 
school transcript is a secondary source (it's not) their reasoning was 
that it's built from various primary sources which are the grading 
worksheets from various teachers.

However my reasoning is that all of the preparation is merely the 
necessary steps to create the source.

It's instructive to consider whether making images available online of 
a primary source creates a secondary source.  How about making minor 
editing corrections?  At what level of modification of a primary 
source, do you create a secondary source?  Formatting a film for TV 
size doesn't suddenly turn the film from primary to secondary.


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Turvey
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 11:16 am
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources

Are we talking at cross purposes here?

Primary sources, secondary sources and tertiary sources are 
phrases that
are regularly used by historians and other academics whose use 
pre-date Wikipedia.

Unpublished primary sources are regularly used in academic research.

- wrote:
 Sent: Tuesday, 25 August, 2009 19:01:49 GMT +00:00 GMT Britain, 
 Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources

 In a message dated 8/25/2009 6:50:03 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

  Not quite. The first publication can be a secondary source, for 
  if the New York Times publishes an article on a car accident. A 
  source is something like a census return or, in this case, a 

 That is not correct Andrew. Each source must be published. 
 witness statements are not themselves published. You are confusing 
 experience with primary source. A primary souce, even a census return 
 not first-hand, it's merely first publication.

 If you took you example to extreme, then there would be no primary 
 at all.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources

2009-08-25 Thread wjhonson
I disagree that editing turns a primary source into a secondary source.
And I disagree that we make that distinction in-project.
I also disagree that newspaper articles are secondary sources.
Some are, some aren't.

Is the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle a primary source? Yes.  Do you believe 
that every event there described is being described by an eye-witness? 
No.  In fact it's possibly doubtful whether any of it is eye-witness 
testimony.  Being an eye-witness is not what makes an article primary 
or secondary.

-Original Message-
From: David Goodman
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 3:42 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources

Wikipedia is not the same as the academic world.

 From the point of view of an historian analyzing sources, a newspaper
is considered a primary source, and you will find them so classified
in any manual on doing research in history or any listing of sources
at the end of an historical book or article.   From the POV of
Wikipedia, we've been considering it a secondary source, which is the
way most people think of it.

what we call primary sources: is the archival material that an
historian also calls primary sources, but normally lists separately in
a bibliography.   if the reporter's notebooks are preserved, that's
also a primary source. The analysis of the differences between the
primary sources20in attempting to reconstruct what happened is what
historians do. The articles  monographs other historians  publish
giving their analysis is what they consider the secondary sources.

Similarly, in science, the actual archival primary sources are, in a
sense, the lab notebooks--and they are preserved as such, for patents
and the like. But a primary scientific paper is the one reporting  the
work, and a secondary paper is a review.

The Wikipedia definition is a term of art at Wikipedia, used because
we need some way of differentiating between material which is edited,
and that which is not. The primary sources are the unedited reports.
As a newspaper is edited, its a secondary source.

David Goodman, Ph.D, M.L.S.

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 6:30 PM, wrote:
 Sure a manuscript is an unpublished primary source, or an ancient book
 only held in 12 libraries.
 However if that item is published that does not create a secondary
 And if that item includes interviews with other people, that does not
 make it a secondary source.

 A primary source is merely the first time a given situation is made to
 exist.  Even if King Yog took notes before his interview with me, and
 had them typed up and collated by someone else and then read them to
 me, and I copied them out and published them, I'm not creating a
 teritary source out of all that.
 Everything that comes before primary is merely part of the process of
 creating a source.  Just because there are levels and layers of
 information doesn't push the source into being secondary or teritiary.
 The notes are primary, the typed version is primary, the manuscript is
 primary, and the final published version is all still primary.  I 
 I wrote a monograph on this a while ago when someone asked me if a
 school transcript is a secondary source (it's not) their reasoning was
 that it's built from various primary sources which are the grading
 worksheets from various teachers.

 However my reasoning is that all of the preparation is merely the
 necessary steps to create the source.

 It's instructive to consider whether making images available online of
 a primary source creates a secondary source.  How about making minor
 editing corrections?  At what level of modification of a primary
 source, do you create a secondary source?  Formatting a film for TV
 size doesn't suddenly turn the film from primary to secondary.


 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Turvey
 To: English Wikipedia
 Sent: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 11:16 am
 Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources

 Are we talking at cross purposes here?

 Primary sources, secondary
 sources and tertiary sources are
 phrases that
 are regularly used by historians and other academics whose use
 pre-date Wikipedia.

 Unpublished primary sources are regularly used in academic research.

 - wrote:
 Sent: Tuesday, 25 August, 2009 19:01:49 GMT +00:00 GMT Britain,
 Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Secondary sources

 In a message dated 8/25/2009 6:50:03 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

  Not quite. The first publication can be a secondary source, for
  if the New York Times publishes an article on a car accident. A
  source is something like a census return or, in this case, a

Re: [WikiEN-l] Annoying exonyms (was: hatnotes)

2009-08-24 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/24/2009 10:47:15 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Wikipedia with it's surprisingly structured
 entries is likely to be used as a significant stepping stone in this

What is the name of every celebrity born in Nebraska on May 15th?

Is that possible today without human intervention?


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Annoying exonyms (was: hatnotes)

2009-08-24 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/24/2009 12:23:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Birth dates and locations tend to be fairly structured within articles
 so are fairly easy to get. Dealing with a term as vauge as celebrity
 make the task impossible even with human intervention.

Hmm I'm not sure I can agree with that.  Is celebrity really that 
I make a list of 100 Nebraskans born on May 15th.  I would think we could 
all agree on at least ten of them as celebrities and probably 10 or 20 as 
not.  It's that grey-area where some local newscaster is a celebrity to some 
and not to others.

What about movie stars ? That's not quite as vague.  Can we do that today 
without human intervention?  People who have been in a film? Or is that too 

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Annoying exonyms (was: hatnotes)

2009-08-23 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/22/2009 8:59:52 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Right well, I'll start brushing up on my Breton and by the time I get 
 to learning Vietnamese the sun will have obliterated the earth and 
 as we know it.--

I will wager $100 that Wikipedia will be gone long before the sun turns 
into a Red Giant.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Annoying exonyms (was: hatnotes)

2009-08-23 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/22/2009 11:24:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 I do sometimes get into the mindset of thinking everything I do with
 Wikipedia might be a waste of time because I envision it collapsing,
 dying, being fatally attacked or somesuch.

The content of Wikipedia, like malaria, is here to stay.  It's been 
copied so many times by now, that nothing can eradicate it.
Wikipedia itself however probably won't live more than ten more years at 
the most :)

In twenty years, we will live inside the matrix 24-7 with constant 
streaming implants so there won't be an Internet per se, and computing power 
be distributed all-wetware-all-the-time.  After all any million step 
computation can be done one step at a time by a million neurons, you don't even 
have to be in a waking state.  Hey that's gives me an idea!

I'd better get to work right away on building a wetware bot attack plan.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] SmartWikiSearch, a similarity search engine for Wikipedia

2009-08-23 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/23/2009 4:53:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 The search for bees and flowers suggests pollination. I do not see 
 anything mindless about that. That is a human association


You're not understanding me.  An article discussing bees and mentioning 
that they pollinate flowers IS a human association.  I didn't say it wasn't.  
However the meta-network of *all* such associations to the nth degree of 
relatedness is not something a human can encompass in one bite.  That's one 

What I was stating is that this meta-network itself, is created by a 
computer algorithm, which ITSELF has no mind.  It has no idea what the terms 
or refer to, or imply.  It only knows that they are associated in some way. 
 It creates this meta-network and ranks the associations in a mindless way, 
i.e. without comprehension.  That's what I meant.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Flagged Revisions

2009-08-23 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/23/2009 6:07:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
 It was there on link six. 

It's a bit rough to complain about Wikihow in this regard.  It's quite 
likely that any Ads of this sort come either from vandals or from some kind 
affiliate network.  Your link does not work for me.  What you should do, if 
you want to produce evidence, is actually copy the URL for the exact link.  
Google searches change for different people, and over time.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Policies, notability et al, was Request to Wikipedians for BB...

2009-08-23 Thread WJhonson
Steve, news articles *in general* are primary sources.

Here is how you can tell:  Is what I'm reading the first time someone has 
published what I'm reading?

So and so was hit by a car today -- primary source, first time published.

Secondary sources collate multiple primary sources, any multiple primary 
sources.  When a source uses some primary and some secondary sources, I 
personally would still call that secondary.
Marion Davies claimed in tape interviews that she was born in 1905, but a 
search of relevant public records indicates she was born in 1897.

HOWEVER, when we had the discussion years ago about what a tertiary 
source should be in Wiki-speak, we almost always only referred to encyclopedias 
and their ilk, which collate multiple secondary sources.  It's hard to come 
up with another example of what a tertiary source would be, and I personally 
don't like the term, but there you go.

Will Johnson

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Annoying exonyms (was: hatnotes)

2009-08-23 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/23/2009 1:59:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Do you think it would be hopelessly superseded by brain implants that
 give us access to all knowledge all of the time? Who's to say that
 that knowledge wouldn't be provided by Wikipedia?


You silly goose.  Don't you realize that when we all have brain implants 
that retain a quintabyte that the internet won't exist at all.  We'll be in 
constant streaming twitter mode all the time.  There won't be articles per 
se, and you won't get input from a single page, you'll get continuous input 
from a million sources simultaneously in twitt-bits.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] SmartWikiSearch, a similarity search engine for Wikipedia

2009-08-22 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/22/2009 10:56:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Because there is no need to determine what the meaning of
 the particular term or keyword is, the pages it returns generally deal
 with the same concept or concepts that you entered. For instance, if
 you enter Flower and Bee, it will find pages where these two
 concepts overlap - those are pages about pollination.

This seems big to me.
It's creating, in a mindless way, semantic relationships between keywords.

This has been thought about for a long time it seems, but no one has really 
solved the annoying issue of how to avoid most false positives.  I don't 
think you can avoid them all because English is so ambiguous but the use of 
cross-links is a major leap forward.

Very few people are going to link-up concepts that are basely minor, but 
scan all pages for the links highlights the semantic connetions between 
concepts.  You could even take it one step further, use the semantic web to 
out semantic connections that are not directly obvious.  Such as a leap 
from beekeeper to honeycomb.  Try to do that using Google.  You get thousands 
of bad hits before you get the one good one.

Search for Hillbillies and Movie, using a semantic web you get the 
exact hit you want.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Annoying hatnotes

2009-08-22 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/22/2009 12:42:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 *a département of France
 *a French river
 *a French city
 *the French name for Vienna


The Council of Vienne.
Also apparently Vienne is a surname, I'm sure we can find SOME obscure 
person named Vienne

Will Johnson

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Annoying exonyms (was: hatnotes)

2009-08-22 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/22/2009 6:44:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 How is it claimed that we are bound to English spelling only, and yet
 permit all the Nordic, Germanic, and French characters* - few of which
 most *English* speakers know the pronunciation of. (*?)

Diacritical marks are evil and must be destroyed.
In addition the period after initials is redundant and evil (and must be 
The usage Dr Smith, M.D. is silly and evil and must be destroyed.

The insistence by highbrows to spell re-su-me (your job history) with a 
diacritical mark is excessively evil and not only must be destroyed but all 
those who espouse this cause must be destroyed as well (and their families, 
in-laws and pets, especially cats).

How much sugar is in this Jamba Juice I'm drinking


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Annoying exonyms (was: hatnotes)

2009-08-22 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/22/2009 8:04:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Will, is this genealogy webpage reliable at all?

Well one thing I always caution people is, don't rely on websites of modern 
compilations *if* they don't provide sources.  So let's check first the 
usual suspects and we can see right off that a large portion of this seems to 
be pulled in-tact from E.S. (III:452)

If you want to rely on a site that I won't R.O.S. (revert on site) I'd 
recommend genealogics.  We can see that Leo van de Pas (operator of 
has extracted all or most of this line, for example see Hughes de Vienne, 
Sire de St George here :

You can follow this line back or forth and see what E.S. says or doesn't 
about it.
That would be a good starting point.  BUT (here you see my big but), always 
always check what source Leo has stated, at the bottom of each entry.  Some 
sources like Paget are notoriously unreliable.

Will Johnson

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Motion To Disqualify a Candidate if it suppliedmisinformation...

2009-08-21 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/21/2009 10:40:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Only if you deny it '*with extreme predjudice*'.
 And then jump on top of the podium and begin machine-gunning down 

While wearing a prom dress.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Motion To Disqualify a Candidate if it suppliedmisinformation...

2009-08-21 Thread WJhonson
In a message dated 8/21/2009 11:45:13 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Why not a wedding dress?

You may be too young to remember that it was the Homecoming Queen whose 
Got A Gun I did it... for Johnny!

Will Johnson

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Flagged Revisions

2009-08-21 Thread wjhonson

-Original Message-
From: Jay Litwyn
Sent: Fri, Aug 21, 2009 4:06 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Flagged Revisions

Thomas Dalton wrote in message
 2009/8/21 Ray Saintonge
 What's so bad about encouraging howto information? I'm sure that a 
 of people would find such practical information very useful.

 Sure, it would be very useful, but it isn't within Wikipedia's scope.
 Perhaps a new WikiHowTo project? (Several such projects already exist: Maybe no need for a new
 Wikimedia one.) {{howto}} DID contain links 
to and One is a sister 
The other is more closely allied with google and penis enlargement 
comparisons. I also found either a performance or a connectivity 
In specific instances, like , 
could be in the external links. It seems that we are now recommending
wikiversity and wikibooks for training. 

Jay you seem to be under the assumption that Wikia is a sister.
It might be more appropriate to call Wikia your father's new wife or 
your first cousin from that part of your family that your family 
doesn't talk to anymore.

As far as being called a penis enlargement site that's 
pretty offensive isn't it?  What's the point of that sort of rant? The 
front page of it, has links to I suppose recommended articles and none 
of them are about penis enlargement.


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Re: [WikiEN-l] Annoying hatnotes

2009-08-20 Thread wjhonson

Here is what I think you mean.  In a situation where there are only two 
items that might be confused with each other, should we have a page for 
those? Or should we, at the top of each item, merely point at the other 
item?  That's what it sounds like to me.  And in that situation, where 
we have two things both called say White Glove, we should just point 
at each of them, from the top of the other article, thus not have a 
disamg page to list two items.

Will Johnson

-Original Message-
From: Carcharoth
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Thu, Aug 20, 2009 2:35 am
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Annoying hatnotes

OK. I'll break it down:

1) Do you accept that trivial disambiguations can be unencyclopedic?


On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 2:59 AM, wrote:
 I have no idea what you just ask.  That's a lot of jargon for one

 -Original Message-
 From: Carcharoth
 To: English Wikipedia
 Sent: Wed, Aug 19, 2009 1:06 pm
 Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Annoying hatnotes

 Will, simple question: do you accept that trivial disambiguations can
 be unencyclopedic and give the wrong impression, and if so, is having
 a neutral dab hatlink better than a jarring note being sounded at the
op of a page, the first thing the reader will read after the title?

 OK, that was a long simple question...


 On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 8:47 PM, wrote:
 This is how I do it.  If in Plankton we have only one other thing
 planton, then we shouldn't have a disamg page just for two items.
  That seems
 overkill.  So in that case SB_Plankton makes sense.  If however in
 Jones we have 15 people, 3 things, and 2 places named Bob Jones
 then it
 makes sense to have a disamg page.

 I.E. there's a trade-off in having too many clicks, where it is?  two
 items? or three?


 In a message dated 8/19/2009 7:37:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 If there really is a chance that
 people will search for plankton in an attempt to find out about 

 SB character, then the hatnote should be neutral and direct people 
 a disambiguation page (for other things named plankton, see here).
 And I don't care if that disambiguation page only has two entries.
 That is an acceptable trade-off to having a spongebob squarepants
 character name jarring people's reading experience by being placed 
 the top of an unrelated article.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Policies, notability et al, was Request to Wikipedians for BBC...

2009-08-19 Thread WJhonson
I submit that there is no such language in any of our policies.  If there 
is, then whoever wrote it has no clue what we meant when we were discussing 
tertiary sources many years ago.  Tertiary sources are just summaries of 
notable secondary sources.  So they quite obviously provide notability, in fact 
perhaps the ultimate form of it, trouncing secondaries quite roundly, since 
they in-fact pick the most notable topics to report out of those!

Will Johnson

In a message dated 8/19/2009 2:16:36 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 The thrust of the argument against tertiary sources 
 is this: Third party sources don't provide any evidence of notability 
 unless they contain some sort of commentary on their subject matter, 
 othewise they are classed as tertiary sources.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Annoying hatnotes

2009-08-19 Thread WJhonson
This is how I do it.  If in Plankton we have only one other thing named 
planton, then we shouldn't have a disamg page just for two items.  That seems 
overkill.  So in that case SB_Plankton makes sense.  If however in Bob 
Jones we have 15 people, 3 things, and 2 places named Bob Jones then it 
makes sense to have a disamg page.

I.E. there's a trade-off in having too many clicks, where it is?  two 
items? or three?


In a message dated 8/19/2009 7:37:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 If there really is a chance that
 people will search for plankton in an attempt to find out about the
 SB character, then the hatnote should be neutral and direct people to
 a disambiguation page (for other things named plankton, see here).
 And I don't care if that disambiguation page only has two entries.
 That is an acceptable trade-off to having a spongebob squarepants
 character name jarring people's reading experience by being placed at
 the top of an unrelated article.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Annoying hatnotes

2009-08-19 Thread WJhonson
So you repeat what I say and then say you're not repeating what I said, and 
then repeat it

There's an issue here that you're arguing against your very own position.
I'm not sure you are understanding what I said.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Annoying hatnotes

2009-08-19 Thread wjhonson
I have no idea what you just ask.  That's a lot of jargon for one 

-Original Message-
From: Carcharoth
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Wed, Aug 19, 2009 1:06 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Annoying hatnotes

Will, simple question: do you accept that trivial disambiguations can
be unencyclopedic and give the wrong impression, and if so, is having
a neutral dab hatlink better than a jarring note being sounded at the
top of a page, the first thing the reader will read after the title?

OK, that was a long simple question...


On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 8:47 PM, wrote:
 This is how I do it.  If in Plankton we have only one other thing 
 planton, then we shouldn't have a disamg page just for two items. 
 That seems
 overkill.  So in that case SB_Plankton makes sense.  If however in 
 Jones we have 15 people, 3 things, and 2 places named Bob Jones 
then it
 makes sense to have a disamg page.

 I.E. there's a trade-off in having too many clicks, where it is?  two
 items? or three?


 In a message dated 8/19/2009 7:37:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 If there really is a chance that
 people will search for plankton in an attempt to find out about the

 SB character, then the hatnote should be neutral and direct people to
 a disambiguation page (for other things named plankton, see here).
 And I don't care if that disambiguation page only has two entries.
 That is an acceptable trade-off to having a spongebob squarepants
 character name jarring people's reading experience by being placed at
 the top of an unrelated article.

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Re: [WikiEN-l] Policies, notability et al, was Request to Wikipedians for BBC...

2009-08-19 Thread wjhonson
The way it was discussed in-project a teritiary source summarizes 
several secondary sources into one cohesive article.  Let us first 
set-aside those works calling themselves encyclopedias when they are 
really specialist works that pretend to cover a subject area thoroughly 
which is a different animal altogether.

Examining true encyclopedia articles, we can find an article on say 
Mary, Queen of Scots which itself may cite seven or ten other 
secondary works, as it's basis.  Each of those works may be a few 
hundred pages long, but the enclyclopedia article is only perhaps a 
thousand words.

So a true tertiary work, selects and summarizes (presumably the best) 
multiple-secondary-works per article.  This was the in-project jargon.  
This is not in-general how a tertiary work is necessarily defined 
outside the project.

I'm not familiar with slashdot and digg, but it seems they would, at 
least, not synthesize.  Synthesis is a necessary part, in my mind, to 
the creation of a true encyclopedia article.  All tertiary works are 
encyclopedias.  Not all encyclopedias are tertiary works, since the 
word is bastardized by some.


-Original Message-
From: Jussi-Ville Heiskanen
To: English Wikipedia
Sent: Wed, Aug 19, 2009 4:53 pm
Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] Policies, notability et al, was Request to 
Wikipedians for BBC...
 I submit that there is no such language in any of our policies.  If 
 is, then whoever wrote it has no clue what we meant when we were 
 tertiary sources many years ago.  Tertiary sources are just summaries 
 notable secondary sources.  So they quite obviously provide 
notability, in
 perhaps the ultimate form of it, trouncing secondaries quite roundly, 
 they in-fact pick the most notable topics to report out of those!

 Will Johnson

Out of curiosity... would you class Slashdot and Digg as
tertiary sources ?


Jussi-Ville Heiskanen

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