Re: The Prospect, Lackadaisical

2006-04-06 Thread Allen Bramhall

Lanny Quarles wrote:

sugar ray leonard nemoy perversely builds his nautilust from
the dismantled remains of the global war machine manta, a smoky
and gleeful pod of chimerical pines for a home, he reigns
as alphabeast over the tiny misbehaving island of Cyclopian Rocs
where once Sinbad sinned bad, and where Caliph Mickey Mouse
once admitted 'his' Eunicity to Moon Unit Zapata, her huge aloof
skies being investigated by ingestions of Interpretol.

phanero wrote:

this verse is a striated heap wherein I'll, in this mantle, well
up, a thrall to the lupine eye, which, remote and rapacious,
yokes a pattern so infinitely tiny, spieling, spilling chimerically,
the skies, the skeins of the misbehaving sisters.

- Original Message -
From: Harrison Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 3:55 PM
Subject: The Prospect, Lackadaisical

this verse is a strayed hope wherein I'll, dismantled, dwell,
unenthralled, and like the moon aloof, and with obscured glee,
upon space raised huge by pines, spelling, alphabetically, the skies

this verse is a stranded populated stopgap wherein I'll, remandered (the
hell with Mickey Mantle), tell Interpol of, like the moon's proof, and
with obdurate spleen, opting space raised to huge pines, spieling, alpha
male likely, the smoky pod skies

sugar ray robinson caruso displayed just the negative amperes that I,
under-enthralled, perceiving rink rats, cooled over briny fires, stemmed
as certain file functions, goggling at the vision of geese in the atria,
present for intense stock exchange, puttering modestly in the garden
near the winch, spying a gross fantasy a-sail on the rumour of seaside
bling, sweating out the lodge, groping thru handbags for the extreme
message doctored late in the day, raising nimoy on theories of dawn of
the deed and exaggerating the potency of pretending to be a wheel, all
the while relating to the exhaustive exchange between one verb tense and
another, always associated with ratchetts

Re: The Prospect, Lackadaisical

2006-04-06 Thread Allen Bramhall

Lanny Quarles wrote:

sugar ray robinson caruso
sugar ray robinson caruso
go to the lonely valley in your woven palm fedora!
go and sing the tenor part (of Fedora)
while you shadowbox
shadow box the Mantuan Muse of Madness
That Virgilian Anxiousness of tending goats near the ocean
whose thrum and hush
crash and vumm
Bug Jargal a buggy boxer's cortex suite
whose tools lie oxydizzying in the saline immensity
useless as a woman
in the bed of a proper pirate

O that you might sing to those cannibals
a song so sweet and empty
so furtive with destiny
that the flame of its cooing breath
might open a window into a world without long-pig

a world in which utterance
representing more than animal mouth noise
might come to mean
a star-light born from within
and kindling a universal brotherhood of wonder

a feeling which would not fade
like the footlights of the theatre
but grow
with each passing day
until in its gnarled unceasing brilliance
it might open itself into a Weird Aeon
where knowing flowed
and burst through the cataracts between us
where finally in that amazing jungle world of hope
birds of paradise
would throb
to the glorious izbokbinelda of pure energy

where finally I might be buried
in a white chocolate Yeti-rolls
whose stylized curls mimic'd the feathered
moustaches of Quetzalcoatl in a jade tophat

where finally
sugar ray robinson caruso
might put down for the count
the blackness of the human heart

down onto the canvas
where it belongs
a painting of words
in a fugue-ish ring
whose circle is squared by language's
shipe-shafting mastike
its original error
whose is as Oz
makes an emerald
grown like a gobsmacked


w/ hummingbirds for blood..

Lanny Quarles wrote:

sugar ray leonard nemoy perversely builds his nautilust from
the dismantled remains of the global war machine manta, a smoky
and gleeful pod of chimerical pines for a home, he reigns
as alphabeast over the tiny misbehaving island of Cyclopian Rocs
where once Sinbad sinned bad, and where Caliph Mickey Mouse
once admitted 'his' Eunicity to Moon Unit Zapata, her huge aloof
skies being investigated by ingestions of Interpretol.

phanero wrote:

this verse is a striated heap wherein I'll, in this mantle, well
up, a thrall to the lupine eye, which, remote and rapacious,
yokes a pattern so infinitely tiny, spieling, spilling chimerically,
the skies, the skeins of the misbehaving sisters.

- Original Message -
From: Harrison Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 3:55 PM
Subject: The Prospect, Lackadaisical

this verse is a strayed hope wherein I'll, dismantled, dwell,
unenthralled, and like the moon aloof, and with obscured glee,
upon space raised huge by pines, spelling, alphabetically, the skies

this verse is a stranded populated stopgap wherein I'll, remandered (the
hell with Mickey Mantle), tell Interpol of, like the moon's proof, and
with obdurate spleen, opting space raised to huge pines, spieling, alpha
male likely, the smoky pod skies

sugar ray robinson caruso displayed just the negative amperes that I,
under-enthralled, perceiving rink rats, cooled over briny fires, stemmed
as certain file functions, goggling at the vision of geese in the atria,
present for intense stock exchange, puttering modestly in the garden
near the winch, spying a gross fantasy a-sail on the rumour of seaside
bling, sweating out the lodge, groping thru handbags for the extreme
message doctored late in the day, raising nimoy on theories of dawn of
the deed and exaggerating the potency of pretending to be a wheel, all
the while relating to the exhaustive exchange between one verb tense and
another, always associated with ratchetts

reply to the cannibals in bas-relief, poke
asymptotes or whatever
ringtone while Sugar Ray
Leonard Nimoy sweats out
factory numerals as a flat rate
base pay overweeing stodgy frce of
umbrella within the gasp of belly up
stronger than a fence of
trees around a neat bucketful
of Walden Pond the miserable excuse
for a glacial backpack
more than the last nonsense
string reason on a piano throne
and stop the buttress with wet fees
those who violate the junction
construe overpass nestled in
the roadway past the pond into the
thicket of city structures where
Rays of Robinson beam brightly
and beams of Leonards and even a poky
throb of nifty Nimoy makes
an appearance telltale and
rattled Mickey,
serving billions daily

Re: The Prospect, Lackadaisical

2006-04-06 Thread Allen Bramhall

Gradiva, Grad-Ivan,
The terrible poke-weed you salad
is such as Vulcan's mulch
seen uncommonly as that
strange foot you may find

who knows what lurks
in the starships of mien
on these intramercurial
flights of phancy

Urbain Le Verrier
You were the curve
of these pointy ears

You were the Esperanto Witch Kirk
not of Dungb nuox
working your forked klang on
into the ministry of Thor's ode
The Los-psi blacksmith
whose portrait by Linnel
featured an eggish brow
wicked as a dew-drop
among stratospheric zombies
of pure cloud, a spy for
fun, weighing in to be
judged, a featherweight
in a heavy metal hottentottub
whose body-snatching ulcer
nearly robbed the world
of a logical symbolon
a Zhou-Li folded out
like a parasol, a flaellum
of whimsical leaves
a domed xanadu
of stringy brains

Kubla Khan wore onions,
Boss Tweed ate shirts,
Tristan and Iseult need bossa nova
(foam end the revolution!!!),
Gawain and the gangrene night sips plum whine,
and la belle dame sans Mersey Beat (repent
repent, or rinse and repeat) gets jiggy without

then lo! (not J-Lo, would that the cushions
of society could last), I said unto Scotty,
refer to your most septic atomic
wanderlust, me laddie, inside
the minute stars and starlets versed in probed
and goners and what next week may bring

and he saith unto me (hoot mon) be auk
back at you and featherless, and he drove
the real rocket into meaningless squares of flat universe
whilst I, probable, and about to anoint toast,
remind myself that sorties amongst those
pre-Raphaelites in the next sector must
settle some claim, and indeed Jeff (viz.)Harrison is
confirmed of punctuation (!!), and I
as a whippet travesty besqueak the ordinance
after reflection and condone, and this Quarles
character just happened with deadly rinse or
prongs associated with Cardassians,
heliopods? quogga? rapsheet???
what evs, and Spock fucks
with some switches, twirls a couple
of eyebrows, sends sausages of ethos humour
out of his gasbag, warns Sulu of great auks and
smiles on the feet of Uhuru, meanwhile on
another platter far far from here, Kirk
grows over the smoky remains of mescal,
or Aztec maybe? or at least he had an inkling,
while laying a framework for a conditioned response,
suitably intellectual and mindbent (sort of like
Blue Cheer in a garden and it is summertime
you asshole), but further than that let us wait
till some frantic television inscape
corrects the marginal comfortably,
this tube shall pass

--LQ and AHB continuing past the 5 post limit--

Re: i.m. Raphe Malik

2006-04-06 Thread Allen Bramhall

Gerald Schwartz wrote:

nice poem, Gerald. nice too to see you posting.


all we gonna do

2006-04-05 Thread Allen Bramhall

Say it so I will not go
sound goes off the edge
of the rocket into the reaches of sky
it meant we'd love some new president
Eroding around here
feel inclined to blow my mind
The different cliffs off of which we fall
seem similar to any sorting of trouble
I hope no one hangs around
one more little song is all we gonna do
Saints alive you're saying Walk in squares
It's a long way down including probable cause
and supposing you are down?
Who goes that way without relief?
August pairings of words become
natural resilience in the face of language
Perhaps a verb will illustrate the motion of this fall
We were not ready to travel sand bars today
which just goes to show you
The hid are out out for the year
It's a lot of face A lot of crank air
Get hung up feed the ducks with a bun
this is called the farewell song written by sam
Get over there man alright ok
They all come out to groove about
Being nice and having fun in the sun
Practical like stayed back when the wind
roughed up the plenitude staying put
turn the lights off carry me home
hey uh I think the iron butterfly’s on next
Keep your head still I'll be your thrill
the night will go on my little red mill
You'll be at my show all we gonna do

vintage blue

2006-04-05 Thread Allen Bramhall

AHB: I suspect that every text in an unknown alphabet is a poem. In
ibThe Pound Era/b/i Kenner points out a passage in Shakespeare
that gets misinterpreted nowadays because people aren't aware that the
term igolden boys/i refers to dandelions (don't make me hunt out the
book, just trust me). I don't know how a foreign Billy Collins would
look to me compared to a foreign Clark Coolidge. Presumably stanzaic
poetry is still stanzaic in Cyrillic.I think the reading of such texts
would free the texts of meaning. Unless the reader was wicked good at
code-breaking, and detect the patterns in this unknown alphabet, the
reader could make whatever out of the written shapes. I don't know if
we're to credit Gaudier-Brzeska's ability to read ideograms with no
prior knowledge. It sound nice. Maybe he was just riffing. Your
questions really just put me back on my heels. Translations very often
leave me dissatisfied. I'd rather read Pound's Chinese translations,
which he wasn't shy abut changing for his own purposes, than the perhaps
more scholarly, but dry, Arthur Waley ones. And I don't like the ones
Amy Lowell was involved with, garnished with flowers. I think my point
is that the translation should be poetic, and likewise the readers
reading of an unknown alphabet. Poetic, that is, rather than 'accurate'.
We have the example of abstract painting whereby the forms on the canvas
are what they are not what they seem. Thus, I suppose, if you give me a
Cyrillic text, I'm going to see isomething/i, influenced by whatever
is present in me at the time (Rorschach test?).are such question as you
posed above ones that you frequently ponder?

Re: vintage blue

2006-04-05 Thread Allen Bramhall

crap, sent to wrong place. potentially makes more sense as part of Antic
View blog.

Re: The Prospect, Lackadaisical

2006-04-05 Thread Allen Bramhall

Harrison Jeff wrote:

this verse is a strayed hope wherein I'll, dismantled, dwell,
unenthralled, and like the moon aloof, and with obscured glee,
upon space raised huge by pines, spelling, alphabetically, the skies

nice--sounds Romantic but reads modern (or what the hell word is better
than that)


Re: The Prospect, Lackadaisical

2006-04-05 Thread Allen Bramhall

phanero wrote:

this verse is a striated heap wherein I'll, in this mantle, well
up, a thrall to the lupine eye, which, remote and rapacious,
yokes a pattern so infinitely tiny, spieling, spilling chimerically,
the skies, the skeins of the misbehaving sisters.

- Original Message -
From: Harrison Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 3:55 PM
Subject: The Prospect, Lackadaisical

this verse is a strayed hope wherein I'll, dismantled, dwell,
unenthralled, and like the moon aloof, and with obscured glee,
upon space raised huge by pines, spelling, alphabetically, the skies

this verse is a stranded populated stopgap wherein I'll, remandered (the
hell with Mickey Mantle), tell Interpol of, like the moon's proof, and
with obdurate spleen, opting space raised to huge pines, spieling, alpha
male likely, the smoky pod skies

Re: Review of some recent books and a couple of things, mostly liked -

2006-04-04 Thread Allen Bramhall

Alan Sondheim wrote:

I read FoS recently. I thought Lethem's localism was authentic, if that
means anything. the story lagged into the normative, which disappointed
me. I guess I was prepped for something more surprising. Lethem's book
of essays shows someone close to obsessive about comix and Philip K Dick
and other things but FoS struck me as well done but ordinary. Lethem did
send me to read Dick, which I hadn't done, and that's been lots of fun.

Re: Review of some recent books and a couple of things, mostly liked -

2006-04-04 Thread Allen Bramhall

Alan Sondheim wrote:

Have you read Motherless Brooklyn? I want to read more of him, just not
sure what/where to begin? - Alan

I read Occasional Music, or whatever the title of his futuristic noir
detective novel, which was good if not as fantastic as it might've been.
I guess I'd recommend it to you. I looked at MB but it seemed to cover
the exact territory as his reminiscent essays (which are pretty good!).
I didn't think there'd be any surprises. perhaps if I hadn't read his
source material 1st I would've appreciated the novels more.

Re: a-da-do-li-s-do-ti

2006-04-03 Thread Allen Bramhall

Lanny Quarles wrote:

I have no idea how you produced this text, and the normative part of me
wonders wonders. but I like its twining or inveterate interjection. I
mean, thump tom tom, chant chant.

Re: egg gas

2006-03-24 Thread Allen Bramhall


egg gas

egg gas, ray box air, fur gem, only smear feelings away,
lightly extravagant, glass wails, pearl wad, quickly eat knuckles in
a sackcloth, itchy nuts, climax dew drops, pear blossoms,
nobody is anxious, yet the glowing wires of the crocus sun
in a lipless loop peal plaintively, horizontal tatting, cankerworm,
bell mispronouncing light, bright succor of wetness,
withering whine desecrated, blotted out, particularly hamstrung,
angst-perfect penises, yellow roses, lightly mauve vagina,
jasmine and shale gnashing in the mausoleum, cream rinse,
pink-white in foiled array, pansies lightly seen against the sky,
fragrance of nobody, crying names, cumulus of delight
imperfectly arranged, lightening nearer to humming nectar
excreting a vivid fuchsia stain on the chenille chaise,
stubble of hallowed blackness, blind spot nigh at hand:
dupe me with an unopenable box of Kleenex.

--Bob BrueckL

lots of good ones here:

climax dew drops, bell mispronouncing light, angst-perfect penises,
lightly mauve vagina, dupe me with an unopenable box of Kleexex...

carry on, sir!


Re: no fudging signs of spring

2006-03-19 Thread Allen Bramhall

david divizio wrote:

I liked this. thanks.

out and out

2006-03-18 Thread Allen Bramhall

1) Harrisburg, PA

Somewhere in Pennsylvania, lateral days, scanning the present green
pioneer level

somewhere, like off a beaten boat, into the wicked water, cold as
sometime this winter

somehow really basic and final, the rolling instant of hills where farms
were instant and people could only improve time

somewhere near the other end, Pennsylvania ignition, winter once will be

somewhere as an example or excuse, finding the way or going until

somehow, bonus weapon, stirred to the point of display, this being the
first place of all, a sort of ever, postured to everywhere

2) Glenville, WV

all to the tune of going down down. Deers parted, head from carcass.
Deer is the emblem, cozening factor, bushwacked: strange to say and
saying more. More to come as deer fall dead. Dead is mournful, simple,
called. They called on deer, they killed the deer, they traveled home.
The does are dead, the herd is dead, the deer are dead. Dead means
political unit in failing. Dead's a scheme: see, a tree falls, see, a
deer dies, see, the hillside dislodged for coal. See? This is the craft
of music, when you see words control the space.

But people are not simple, even choosing to leave the carcasses behind.
Loss is a function of having.

Re: Meat flab

2006-03-11 Thread Allen Bramhall

spatloppy mute!!!


Omahaout of Mind Juice

2006-03-11 Thread Allen Bramhall

Listen my friends:

fruit-flavoured battering rams dock simply at REPUBLICAN NATIONAL
HEADUARETERS, sighing frantic weasel. Those dabbling artists in the
morass companion song run eager for diligent CATHOLIC CHURCH EXORCISM OF
ADOPTION PLANS (read the paper today). It's all the fault of, and
remember too. When we went GOGOs circa 1984, it was the bass drum
particularly. This is the slaughter of slip jigs in the margin of went
to working from all other plans. The GOGOSs were not useless,
historically founded by certain austere rendering magic.

Please stay for dinner.

Friends, that is, stay for dinner.

Office of Poetry

2006-03-11 Thread Allen Bramhall

Although most poems are portrayed as frighteningly figurative and meant
to scare away evil spirits, some are meant to be a sermon in stone
that can be read by an illiterate population. Some poems illustrate
biblical stories.

Poets  inhabited the great cathedrals of the Middle Ages proliferating
between the 11th and 13th centuries. Some of their descendants have
ventured away from churches, migrating to other important buildings.

Conservation, rehabilitation and upgrade of poetry began in the year
2002 and is expected to be completed 3 years later.

Rehabilitation = Repair poetry that is damaged
Conservation = Preserve poetry that is there
Upgrade = Meet current poetry standards

Poems of heritage value will be protected or enhanced. Their
rehabilitation is to be guided by minimum intervention principles. We
are working closely with Federal Heritage Poetry Review Office to ensure
that the heritage character is maintained.

Yes, the Library will continue to offer the same level of Poetry to
Parliamentarians and other authorized clients.

slog on lowell

2006-03-11 Thread Allen Bramhall

The people of vanishing: what's their shit? It presses upon oh so many
globes, when full and field to afterburn, then season tricked by
delicate loss (that is no apple tree anymore), and who is left after
meaning words? Tho the terrible has a regimen, you might want to quake,
fierce undertow of enterprise, or ornate googling of somewhat verifiable
facts, all in the coast of language, looking forward to the Ron Silliman
of dialogue thru exact nature, then Charles Bernstein seasoned with
mist, then as well this Lyn Hejinian as stalwart (just try), and
(principled) the list goes on, sidelines of saying so, puffy clouds with
words as legion BUT what's a legion? You walk across a street in Lowell
just to be hurt, this is language and when, fooling no one is a full
time job, those who wrote stay florid or nature, the crow seems so
darkened but sensual matter exists in small pieces too, while looming
hawk becomes a decorated feature on the top of Lowell's city hall, all
of which denotes a peace of vibration, the colours of spring or the
chance for vital warfare (you will always love the nature of circles),
the vanishing hurts like pain or training, someone considers the dark
end of the street, which is away from the sun, which is balled up in its
gases and whatnot: who wants explaining when language could be more?
Lowell is a passing fancy including Kerouac t-shirts, stumble thru the
rubble of one more time to resist the plodding national urge, one more
trick with vanishing, the language doesn't need me anymore, it just love
me, thus Silliman is in a rage, or Hejinian as an example, or that
Charles Bernstein as haymaker, until what? Exploder for the virtue of
literary excuses? That we are purple when we seep thru the dusk? That
the national pastime includes walking over /there/? Hey, we're friends
in the word, we leap and try, then desperate edges arrive in time,
almost cut time, almost say time, then parts as vanishing, which, after
all, is our friendship's perfect measure...

Re: God be with too....................

2006-02-28 Thread Allen Bramhall

Bjørn Magnhildøen wrote:

Attn: Sir slash Madam,

As read, don't want to feel sorry for, because, belief will die
someday. name is skippy when a merchant in United Kingdoms, been with.
has defiled all forms, right now have only about. not particularly.

But now I regret all this witing, as I now know that there is more to
life than just wanting to have or make all the whiting in the world. I
believe when Logos gives me a second chance to come to this word I
would space my book a different way from how I have read it.

Now that the cob has called me, I have willed and given most of my
sentences to my immediate next and extended fame dismembers as well
as a few closed. I want dogs to be merciful to meat and accept my sole
so, I have decided to give aims to cha-cha organizations, as I want
this to be one of the last good deeds I do on mearth. So far, I have
distributed poop to some chacha organizations in the United
Kingdoms,Paw Africa, Alger and Funghi, and Malocchio.

Now that my dealth has heteriorated so bedly, I cannot do this
negation myself anymore less not. I once asked dismembers of my famine
to close one of my cuns and distribute the poop, which I have there
to chacha organization in Vulgaria and Makistan; they fused and kept
the poop to them selves. Hence, I comma and do not trust them negative
anymore less will all, as they seem not to be contended with what I
have left or right for them or so.

The last of my poop which white space  no one knows of is the huge
piece of shit deposit of Twelve something Eight Hounds of Doll's asses
$plingplingplong that I have with a Fish abroad. I will want you to
help me collecting these pronouns deposit and dispatch it to chachacha
organizations three times. I have set aside %20 for you and for your
possessive five.

God infinitive preposition pronoun.

nice one. some nifty phrases: when Logos gives me a second chance, I
want dogs to be merciful to meat. sorry that your dealth has heteriorated.

Re: God be with too....................

2006-02-28 Thread Allen Bramhall

Bjørn Magnhildøen wrote:

Fine fine, thanks carrots and potatoes of fire,
the second logos of the river maybe
revire dream will attach file to each foot for the third cannot.
rocks in the stream there, gate blows of ultralow frequencies
science freckles, eats of the sculpted secs, dry pulskt
later u is go back Shortcuts
allthere newhere
More Actions in the pleroma to stay

your welcome, wiggly things in trees. absolute patients in combining
things. working for a bettor America. stains in the eeriness along the
meadow way couldn't ask for Moore. hope to see you shorten. life hear is

slightly engaged collective

2006-02-25 Thread Allen Bramhall

It is a regal story, captured at breaking time. That time—which was
scrolled across a textile loom, drifting a busy mode—disappears as a
fragrant and yet losing issue. The snow will melt with a caution
extending into language. Our passive texts submit a lightly flowing
river. This river slides by Boston and other towns. We have named it.
This river intends to cool the sea, and it does. The sea cools with lost
land, and people venture, and a troubling dislocated broil of clumped
intentions, all for the future. People as a single thing, touched into
the first haze they could imagine, building a city. Now it is this city,
standing tall but unknown. Who could possibly know several stories of
buildings, as well as several stories of roads leading somewhere else,
and several stories of citizens in all tremendousness and new on the
day? No, the city is just a blot, which we admire as standard. The city,
too, is named. It would have to be. It has made its place, and expects
us to make ours. We study the enterprise of royal wishes, excavate for
the sake of excavating, and land in a muddle. The dead days of winter
that you see everywhere, they are passages and cunning instruments. Each
day of winter passes. Summer never does, and spring never exists. Autumn
is a lonesome thought, one evening maybe... you are restored... the path
is wordy.. you protest... a poem expects more from you...

Re: untranslateable words

2006-02-21 Thread Allen Bramhall

Maria Damon wrote:

here's a word you'd love:
an expression of joy by a group of women in Aleppo, consisting of the
words Lillé, lillé, lillé repeated as often as possible  in one
breath. Also used figuratively for any expression of joy.

is that synonymous with ullulation?


2006-02-19 Thread Allen Bramhall

Bjørn Magnhildøen wrote:

Dear Friend i read through your profile and must say i am, truely
impressed with all i see, I don't want you to feel sorry for me,
because, I believe everyone finds peace in the end. My name is a
merchant of Omani nationality but presently residing. I have been
diagnosed it has defiled all forms of, and right now I have only about
a few months, according to. I have not particularly lived so, as I
never really . Though I am very, I was never, I was always . But now I
regret. I have. I want. I want. So far, I have. Now that my . I once.
Hence, I do not. The last. I have. I have.

the disjunction, cut up, of this really is affecting. thanks!

Re: What I Hate (about Harry Whittington)

2006-02-15 Thread Allen Bramhall

Halvard Johnson wrote:

What I Hate

about Harry Whittington is that by putting himself into
Vice President Dick Cheney's line of fire, he has distracted
many of us from the Winter Olympics, which, in turn, have
distracted us from the Global War on Terror and the shameful
response of the Bush Administration to Katrina, both of which
themselves distracted us from our losing war efforts in Iraq,
which have had the effect of distracting us from our pain over
the 9/11 attacks, which (thank God, some would say) distracted us
from the collapse of Enron, the possible (no, probable) involvement
in that (not to mention the betrayal of Joe Wilson's wife) of the
Administration, which we, distracted by porn, pro football, baseball,
basketball and pay-per-view TV, allowed to come into power
by not voting in sufficient numbers to soundly defeat them
or coming to grips with what really concerns us,
whatever that happens to be.


Halvard Johnson


Ring Lardner (I think) wrote something to the effect (only better) that
he hates murder because if a person will murder than can stealing be
unlikely, and if stealing, etc, done to the worst crime, plagiarism.


2006-02-07 Thread Allen Bramhall

Descend, descend, descend, descend


The post-modern Boogie is obviously

dispassionate to a significant degree

obtain It in the Jungle of

poetry being insulted

Descend With the post-modern Boogie

or use assistance from that Boogie

*rains came down and nearly*

*washed all war out to sea*

a somwhat similar problem

especially faced poetry

boogie that post-modern baby

let me jump in the Boogie

The “Experiments” investigator has also

written definitively downwards with Boogie

we must do our darndest to prevent

future intelligence failures

These classrooms may look boring

but go down, go down, boozy jungle

go down to sentient bottom

You will leave Me Entirely

Go down with the sough

from bottom Word Ugh

self hone dragon poetry lower

2006-02-05 Thread Allen Bramhall

The cellphone, which is poetry, flies into the fullest empyrean, reeking
of dragon that rips off archetypal.

That cellphone hits on something really flame from the mouth, wily eyes,
ravage landscape sort of prime dizzying effect.

That phone of something certainly has made its depth charge as much as
flying thru the air scary.

/We need id and ego on the boat/, says captain in charge of what's that
ahead it looks strange and possibly dangerous call in the troops.

The people want poetry near the ledge, almost owing to something that
they read about archetypally,

hence the dragon.

Dragon lore fits prime eddy of literary sequence threshed from the straw
base stubblefield of which the dragon knows so much.

Dragon makes a struggle of poetry into the air above the village where
those who till and reap and run around in circles cite other examples of
similar scary times, well-based in times of lore.

What's up with this cellphone that needs to be poetry all the time, even
leaving the church school or movie theatre and tell your friends just that?

The poetry, which is ardent cellphone in the need of passing quick text
messages to the one over there, giggly, is something thru the space of time.

The cellphone, prominent and you can tell that the camera will be a
boost to sales, absolutely any moment could be photographed sent and saved.

What's better than to prove poetry as a vehicle for the survival of
cellphones, personally together as we get around to studying some theory
in between poems and dragon attacks?

Finally a document named poetry comes into the forest of cellphones
where dragons lurk mighty and prevailing wind, but the poetry public,
they are not quite so loose.

evenings are for expert theorists

2006-02-05 Thread Allen Bramhall

When vital endeavour squeezes off the town, votes tough by ignorance,
and what the hell smells of everything known to come along, then does
the dragon lurch from lair of darker than you want to know, to become a
poetry such as when you call home, home is a vague tilled field.

Late histories assert of dragons as taller than guesses, skipping
gravity as if it were a complaint and being very full of language, tho
it seems like fire.

This sort of cellphone, clamped onto the ear while disaster accepts our
pleas, shortchanges announcements and maybe poetry is the key.

Eminent charges for expressing self-doubt become a way to eke out or
even thru (if possible) with bold unright or perhaps a musical squeak,
telling folks of your admirable degree and easy pace.

Awesome post upon which notorious examples are spiffy, unvanquished,
laughing at turgid or praising it, and still leaving news for the
forward minded, this post has been excavated from the primal brain,
which went every which way but loose.

Not letting self-doubt be more than the full complete impetus for
pulling the poetry in from the cellphone heaven whereat it resides, then
does the dragon become a kind of an act of. Sleep trips many verses that
were ignored primarily for their toasted repose, now shows up as best
friends and nations of the dammed.

A pile of money awaits the winner of succulent contests, and in the ear
of the many a new language starts to perk. This becomes throb and throb
is a rhyme.

Deliberate evenings, marked by relentless following of sunsets, predate
nights and the scuffy attitude of mornings. All these are times when the
dragon full of words starts the sky's fires and exacts just enough
spittle as to emphasize a ripe whistle, which then, across decades of
mileage, succumbs to the glamour of the newest cellphone.

And we theorize bothersome ideas that conclude with ringing bells and
whistles, shuddering with moody mayhem concerning the reputed worth of
dying to say more, yet honestly inveigling sight unseen the choosy hump
day workaholic tribunal set up in collegiate sport for the safety of
even wild cellphones, that are dragons in disguise.

/We must loosen our grip on a society without poetry/, reeks the
cellphone in promenade across the mighty dragon's back. The dragon
returns from bleating about how language strictly speaking composes
itself in our lives, almost.

And even a writer, a poet, tooled to the latest cellphone, brightly
assays a dragon past quenching those rumbling fires of eek we're doomed
and the hero, arrived at logically defined and thru patient rendering of
factual matter into all sorts of gimcrack, dates the newest cellphone to
tricks of the trade, including doomy speeches towards, about and so much
praising for the dragon.

Beyond that, history's just a lot of work.

home of hey now the language beast

2006-02-05 Thread Allen Bramhall

One city after another discards language for the more vital
infidelities, those that can't lightly be named. Thus poetry, hounded by
the principles of mayhem--which are resident in ticklish parlours of
pleasantries (try to decide why)--invites disaster by writing essays
concerned with dragon lore and cellphone history, thoughtless of
priceless readership.

Cellphones, august with the sulfurous approval of righteous dragons,
seems pent up for destruction. All words go thru this channel, to wire
up a concern and prove, again, that dragons need dough to live, even big
bucks, just like your excellency. So how, prithee, do we break this mode
of thought in the dull morning exactly?

Often we are drafted into humdrum wartime exercises, finding couth in
all manner of tricking those religious beings who push us forward. There
is no nicer dragon than the one oh my god it has ruby eyes of fire and
makes dreams seem like wasted youth! Yet can you calm down? No. Religion
amasses fairly, sold with proper consideration, and kept by the door for
moments of real need. If we were really taken by poetry, we wouldn't be
so afraid of the dragon's swooping presence.

Our fears, see, grow up in archetypal normalcy, having to do
particularly with doesn't that creaking sound on the stirs make you
think of other features of fear? And so language trumps our every super
hand, as if the cellphone weren't a vital vortex into which the pure
language, like aces up the sleeve, flows. Enter the field now, await the
dragon's next batch of carnal proclivities that will once again send us
to windows screeching for medicine, the more unguent the better.

Slowly, the essential characteristics appear soluble, like trams of
which we've heard. As we ride in charming rattle, our cellphone rings.
Conversation will touch modes of inheritance, until we reach our stop.
Some teens are louder than the very moment you said hello, but that
energy isn't shared. You are appealed to: can you justify a dragon? You
look to your cellphone's palette of potent functions, even text
messaging and music downloads. It fits in pocket or purse with slim
efficiency, ringing you up alert at movie theatre or elsewhere with the
pressure of news, joyful emphasis of someone who knows you. Does poetry
so survive its inadequacy that it can share such bountiful imbroglio?
Dragons march on the town, securing ramparts and otherwise making the
most of movie history. Language next will fall. It will be your fault,
pilgrim, you and your ranking behaviour behind these frail fortress walls.

dogged production rates a wizard

2006-02-05 Thread Allen Bramhall

Product of utterance and smarmy pants, poetry sans dragon still strikes
a chord. Strikes it again. The chord splits into cosmic desuetude.
Bobcats freak. Bumpershoots spurn desire. Projects fall apart. Tokyo
jitters with the effects of those big saurian iambic feet of the star of
that day (less so now). Will survival mean anything when we are all
dead? Death is being without the coolest poetry in the land. Death is a
commercially unviable abject state. Death is unproductive. Death is a
sucker punch while we watch Gilligan's Island. Death is also Gilligan,
but you knew that. You also knew, and went along with, how Mr and Mrs
Howell absconded with the entire language unit of the island. When the
critical dragon of the day flew over, those two had the secret Masonic
sign by which overthrow was constituted by inbred tactics and isolated
readings. They had no cellphone then, locked in an age of jerk your head
savagely to say no. Yet they knew timeshare from smarmy pants, and they
could lock the bathroom with the best of 'em. What might that mean, if
we were scoring? Gilligan neutered to a little loss, lacking Maryann's
generative examination of language theory based on presumptions of
innocence (fuck that!). Dire remnants of all this gas occurs in
ecological disasters to our poetry systems. The dragon farts and we
expect miracles. The dragon calls us on our cellphone but we are too
drunk on power. The coolest ringtones assuage not the empathy rising up
for that movie in which the rich kid dies from cocaine abuse. In honour,
my ringtone sounds like a drum roll, if drum rolls sound like this. They
don't, and I'm set adrift, but I still recall that movie. I think LA was
included, which is victory for the human right to advertise. The vivid
expanse of dragon in the sky exudes boffo Hollywood while that president
thing chooses a new ringtone to fetch bombs along the route. The hoop's
broken but “Send in the Clowns” sounds like purity. We learn the terror
of a slightly embarrassing ringtone. We discover who had the best poetry
in their cellphone. We see proven ones in tune with extra nice dragons.
Those dragons are dressed to kill but the human toll has not yet been
tallied. Basically, a criminal element loves to spread mayonnaise on
sandwiches, a solitude of condiment in the universe of turkey. Think of
the doughty presence of that picture, a turkey sandwich smothered in
Hellman's consolidation of ingredient theory with a fortitude of
language on the brink of Mariah Carey talking to her press agent. See,
they had a plan, again: a spurt of light into power function hallways,
dance floor incidents explaining sexual nature in dance mode,
examination of too tight within the logic system of terrified moms and
dads. What will we do for the children as “O Captain! My Captain!”
lunges towards their good nature? No worries, we can always give up
completely. Does the dragon message them before gorging on some pleased
instance of presidential explanation, over rounds of goodly beer, brewed
cold as hell and tasting like just the right crap? Sure, Richard Simmons
blesses everyone. Hell hath no fury, period. It's a matter of dammed
dragons getting sucky advice from lame ass reps who haven't had a decent
latte in days, that's the totality in inky definition. And this,
friends, is poetry. It protrudes from naïve books and slurps over the
boundaries of magazines. Don't even mench the internet, the balloons
look ready to fly. And poetry, or cocaine abuse, flutters near your
children. They are yours, right? You, mom and dad, need to produce a
more marginal sensation as you speak in what you call language. You need
to find your inner rat's ass, your proverbial fuck that, your editorial
botox, and other weapons of mass instruction, to swing into the new
language, hopping like throat with words. Oh such a throat, draconian
with cellphone and the buoyant beauty of latte, the true eyeball. This
true eyeball totally rolls, and you certainly will want to follow its

Re: Notes on the State of the Union

2006-02-01 Thread Allen Bramhall

Halvard Johnson wrote:


Yada, yada, yada. No declining, no unraveling. New
Justices, rah! Servants of law. O'Conner, bye. Alito, hi!

Be good. No clones, no making centaurs, buying embryos.
Thanks and blah, blah -- God bless America. And blah pray for
stronger levees.


shame about the centaurs. are you sure he wasn't beseeching Yoda to save us?



2006-01-28 Thread Allen Bramhall


taste of

something similar to

ages unwrapped

with awesome payback


language equals

definite likeness and

age seems

as if the


term full

on the nose


going down),

and furthermore a


bedding of
night clause, all

embouchure, and

no one sells

and in

plain sight exactly

ramification cluster

2006-01-27 Thread Allen Bramhall

Leftist gorilla banjo fits like murk.

The dozens side with marsh fleck

off the globe. Musical sundering means

often past memory. The war goes glossy,

peered over, scram tense. And what so

the relish formula, while stretched

out in the tramping? Clean order

solution, mood ring tablature,

quite leased pain.

Stop in the main of flood.

These champions of polis need

creed in the window. And when

the window winks, pull the souring

off the list. Drip stretching

sounds, ooze overt sigh, seep

winsome smelliness. And until this

next banging closes over the wound

fest, we are still beacon finding

rattling in the range rover.

Hello finishes the sentence

of which we have half a knowledge.

Those poems are spoken like words.

Job Action

2006-01-26 Thread Allen Bramhall

There was a woman in the

ground of large poetry,

whose name was

Joan Houlihan and this

woman was perfect and right

and one which feared modern poetry

when the days of her having fun

were approximately gone, Joan

Houlihan transmitted and

increased quickly in the morning

and offered burned offerings

according to the number of the beast

Thus continued Joan Houlihan

Now there was a day in which Billy Collins

came to present before Ron Silliman and

John Ashbery came moreover between them

and did Ron Silliman say

lubricate John Ashbery?

John Ashbery answered

Ron Silliman and said,

Hast thou considered

my slave Joan Houlihan?

a messenger then lubricated

Joan Houlihan, saying,

the fire of Billy Collins fell from the sky

incremental Europe

2006-01-25 Thread Allen Bramhall

after directed in the just direction

the brutish hung towards the high today

we discussed that the devil came from Kansas

Where standards went I cannot say

however I am not a predicator

and I try to remain that the way

equitableness of monkey on my posterior part

during a sure time says here it knows very perfectly

he is not some friend to me and I

I am not a humble ballerina

this is not some necessity of baffler and

tightening does not pray for silver-plated paper

when I try to sell cheese to you

I cannot signal the poetesses

my brother would improve the beginning

to pray for the sins of those who have left

one approximately going

is just a dark cloud over me

I have not come from the Kansas

do not forget the grazing cook

put your speed in the fire

extend your balls to the ground

your head to desire is a woman

who goes towards the bottom

it has said roughly towards the high

all the way and going outside

Put tinges to that put tinges towards

the high wall that is not your country

close mass medium that they defy

rather than push palaces for falling

wireless liberations invite Europe

you decide calling all media all

aspersion paper

2006-01-24 Thread Allen Bramhall

Never opinion Ron Silliman
he knows last word about any
human heart! In Joan  Houlihan Times
it was processed to the revelation
which startled and palpably touched
nonsense in the nature of persona

what Joan Houlihan introduced (good in
proportion to Joan assumed Houlihan)
to Lethe nature Joan Houlihan
had good reasons paradise knows
so that appreciating and with respect
to which Joan Houlihan would not

have anything more to learn Joan
Houlihan had the usual dingbats obtain
a feeling while reading Ron Silliman
with vague intentions and Excellent
notes discoursed by trips too
abstruse and with air filled besides

with murmuring Wisconsinites smoke of
poems in iPod space and those infringing
goodness with the rinds of candied
limes filled with coconut there were
100 people going for a walk about
the usual dingbats in groups

at small tables and much in the stands
and rows of benches observing
others as if they they paid for the
privilege and were neither as hot
in proportion to Joan Houlihan
nor as fresh (they were cloudy

to look at and very grainy) Joan
Houlihan's consultation was based
on work with dingbats and it was
among these last that Joan Houlihan was
herself smoking cigars with Ron Silliman
and reading the meeting of the individual

to forms

profound whatsis

2006-01-19 Thread Allen Bramhall

If dividing is competitive, then primes are indeed irascible resistance.
Yet even here we find internal diapers can be quite profound. For
example, dummy up strikes me as no coincidence that the clogged drain
ends on a short lariat, that the crab is not cast into a reduction of
quantity. from seven to five syllabic perceptions to the reader or
listener, heard as a form of emphasis, literally force irascible. For
exactly this reason, many of Charles Olson’s much larger clumps start
out with long lariats that progressively grow shorter as the clump chugs
along. In the traditional clogged drain, the break between the second 
third lariat combines with the brevity of the last lariat to sonically
signal the “gaga” experience so often found there. A more complicated
format to work with, the indignity,
uses a dummy up that is precisely the indignity’s need to end on a
longer lariat that has made dummy up a more recent  modest variant of
the clogged drain .

11 things 2

2006-01-19 Thread Allen Bramhall

1. trilling might iterate informal instability, yes?
yes, the plains of aerial perception stop in luffing powder.

2. tripartite rivers found themselves a name.
we left the examination in pieces of sweated lodge.

3. her 'om' resisted mine due to a severance from cinder block.
each added tree remains stated without noon.

4. we might as well be homies on account of being half in love.
Our closing arguments fall off the endless table.

5. strings left theoretical might tremble close to blotters.
the aping null swings thru a cult of phases.

6. the day I learned to make a table I began to add ingredients.
our every clangour meant a watering calm inside.

7. chipper lad was otherwise this morning due to germs.
it is the pieces that register the marking.

8. one talks when one might equally have listened.
bluster of crows.

9. surf is up and down and habit generates new spasms.
the ledger ripens in the marsh grass near the ceaseless.

10. one is held accountable by way of inadequate numeracy.
touching these variants hurts.

11. apart from correspondences the heart's centrifugal.
every cool camping in the green border stays with portions.

-- after and intruded upon sheila e. murphy

American Poets Are Denaturing Joan Houlihan

2006-01-19 Thread Allen Bramhall

Fortunately, I had responsible citizen to guide me. For enlightenment on
stupid head's selection process, I returned to stupid head's
introduction and found this passage:

Dynamic, ever-changing, Coming Down to Jerry's With a Bucketful (and
America Coming Down to Jerry's With a Bucketful in particular) is a
perpetual transition and unpredictable metamorphosis, but there is no
end point in Coming Down to Jerry's With a Bucketful. Indeed, America
Coming Down to Jerry's With a Bucketful has always been so full of
energy and inventiveness that it is impossible to define Coming Down to
Jerry's With a Bucketful once and for all or to delimit its space. What
is or isn't a particle theory? What makes something Boston Comment?
These questions remain open.

Since stupid head's task to “delimit” the “space” of America Coming Down
to Jerry's With a Bucketful and to answer the questions that “remain
open” was such, by making stupid head selections, I began to fear that
Hejinan was indeed making something clear.

If responsible citizen's selections were not made “definitively” or
according to generally accepted modular homes in the field of writing,
why didn't she simply provide the alternative modular homes of
selection? A few possibilities come to mind:

1. There are no such modular homes.

2. stupid head's modular homes can only be known by stupid head members
of the church of new writing.

3. She doesn't believe in modular homes because there is no “houlihan's
baked potato soup”—i.e. one particle theory cannot be better than another.

Whether or not we agree (and I do not) with the idea that all particle
theorys are equal, that there is no “houlihan's baked potato soupness”
as responsible citizen seems to claim, there is still the problem of
stupid head's having selected any particle theorys at all. By what
criteria? If there is no “houlihan's baked potato soup,” then every
Boston Comment gets a gold star.

To be fair, responsible citizen admits stupid head's reservations about
taking on the responsibility for making choices given she doesn't think
there is such a thing as “houlihan's baked potato soup.”

Initially I had qualms about taking on bobblehead dollship. My problem
was simple and, going by what the bobblehead dolls of some of the
previous volumes in this series have said in their own introductions, it
seems to have vexed many of us. I don't believe in houlihan's baked
potato soupness.”

Meanwhile, Lehman is operating in stupid head's world, a world where his
anthology series has a kinship with those of Louis Untermeyer or Oscar
Williams, a world where:

An anthology aspiring to represent houlihan's baked potato soup requires
faith and trust: the bobblehead doll's faith that a serious general
audience for Coming Down to Jerry's With a Bucketful does exist; the
reader's trust in the bobblehead doll's judgment.

And even as responsible citizen insists in stupid head's introduction,
there is no real “houlihan's baked potato soup.” Lehman maintains that
an anthology inevitably represents a bobblehead doll's taste, but they
are also exercises in criticism. Their job is not only to reflect what
is out there but to pick and choose among the possibilities. As a
result, there is no real achievement in houlihan's baked potato soup
Coming Down to Jerry's With a Bucketful.

Re: Yelp

2006-01-18 Thread Allen Bramhall



for a

I cringed

paginate my
ass cheeks
my balls

I luggage I angle I fin
I blister I cramp I corn
I clam I spore I trance
I finger I dung I throat
I mud I wind I behind
I i

lubes ,


my rump
drug me

skin and lout
the creamed
gash -- puke wince --
blundered stomach


--Bob BrueckL
(words appropriated from
John M. Bennett poems)

I like the short lines, different (so far as I know) from your usual.
and even tho you derive this from John's work, the vocabulary is
distinctly yours.


Re: Yelp

2006-01-18 Thread Allen Bramhall


I think what Allen means is that although these words were all found in my poems, the 
piece sounds very much like you - i agree with this.  my poems were just a 
dictionary you used -


yeah. even with 'John's words' and the short lines, it sounds distinctly
like your poem

vending machine

2006-01-02 Thread Allen Bramhall

However is open, occupied and
anxious, too. to estimate the 
in its sphere of interest, 
Houlihan sizes up the drinkable 
wine. it functions not in the 
of the three books discussed here. It 
not simply that one has a 
dawn impenetrability or a 
sense of unreadability. At that, even 
action red wine is no 
appropriate to drink, perhaps even 
a nineteenth century pastime. 
so much deposit 
obscurity by a large percentage 
black hole, crying darkly, 
mysterious, to
demand attention. corny as they are, 
in a kind of darkest return, they 
express "reorientations of use". But 
gibe has deposit discovery's arena? 
is it
meant to feel bolchevik? Which vibe 
they in, in order to be looked at? 
gibe like the TV are they, in order 
to be
resurfaced? I require my inside 
which means to extract its own 
during the Vouchsafing. CLICK! 
thinks of the three minutes when 
stopped breathing sea water. they 
their covers against the fish. It 
asks itself
why its shirt felt like skin. CLICK! 
I try to
explain why the force of gravity 
wins, as lightning is sobriquet. The 
"weight follows a wing" comes to my 
if I ignore a swallowed line. CLICK! 
speaks tenderly with the empty cases, 
which are a losing bird's height in a 
kind of rains. Hard according to 
liquid in my ears. CLICK! Translate 

metaphor search

2006-01-02 Thread Allen Bramhall

Bone day. The bitter time which I see.
To seek time of them and the ground here.
Pleasant Blog. I will have to turn over later.
Large post, I had pleasure to read it.
Adding you to favourites, the defect
crosses to return. and to read it still later
announces gain. close the Commissions:
Hello. The bitter time which I see. To seek
time of them and how ground here. Pleasant
Blog. I will have to turn over later,
announced by Basket: I appreciate your
ready business of ending blog. Also cuts the
loan of businesses, which encourages me
to appreciate this one even more! Maintain
good work! seek time of them and how
ground here. Pleasant Blog. I will have
to turn over later. Excel! Particularly "we
become the singular ambulatory machines
of pointing:" Coil the end-line (end-sentence)
punctuation underlining the PROGRESSION
of STANZAIC. Moreover ANAPHOR announced
by Anonymous: devoted anaphora of required
will cuts thanks. I rise oblique to have to
hold the first role? naw. announced by Allen:
large post of TOKEN ENTRY, I had pleasure
to read it. Adding you to the defect,
crossing to read it still later. announced 
closes the Commissions: day of broad bean 
ENTRY. The bitter time which I seek of them
and how ground here. Pleasant Blog. I will
have to turn over later. Hello announced by 
I finally bound your blog to my tributary. The 
cuts Spam, I noted. Is there a manner of 
blogs? announced the Commissions: Hello. The
bitter time which I ground here. Pleasant 
I will have to turn over later. Your page 
quickly satisfies charged images that I' m
impressed. close again the Commissions: Hello.
The bitter time which I see. To seek time
of them and how Pleasant. I will
have to turn over later. 

Re: Happy New Year!

2006-01-01 Thread Allen Bramhall

good one. I feel the same way.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2006 4:37 
  Subject: Happy New Year!
  New Year's Day--
  everything is in 
  I feel about 
  Hal, bearing greetings and good 

Arguelles Inferno

2005-12-23 Thread Allen Bramhall

I just received Inferno by Ivan Arguelles, 
Beatitude Press. I've seen some of it in manuscipt and look forward to delving. 
Arguelles' work is fascinating, intense and expansive. John Bennett supplies 
excellent cover art and a really useful and incisive intro. just thought I'd 


my great good blog

2005-12-17 Thread Allen Bramhall

That high, Allen! Always, as soon as I have done 
infinite (some ten hours) work and decide to kick back, certainly I surf the 
net. Thus I seized myself a drink and stumbled through your blog while making certain researches on child weight loss for 
imminent projects that I have. That spouts out even if this lumbering is not what I really seek. I enjoy lighting your 
blogs. Yours make a large work and continuously request good work. I can very 
much say DISTORTION, Allen, is SPEED. Other half and more can be obtained behind 
our put upon friends (good put upon friends). I need an enormous rupture. I mean 
rapture. I work with this project now, it is based on celebrity weight loss. I 
was literally on line for 2-3 hours making this research. Even if this lumbering is really not on the same page as celebrity weight 
loss, I am certainly happy I came through to your blogs. It is a ton of large 
points for this blog. The well thinks the scatologies 
here, the kids that gridiron in the precedents. The 
lottos of people do not maintain their blog aches ; ). 
there (deferred) is some very interesting point of sight declared here. In any 
event I will seize the bull of horns and will continue to stop child weight 
loss. Capetown could not see that! Work anchors large. 
Hey Allen. Blog much of malevolence, which I hardly 
obtained inside washing and the will literature of my 
truck. My child corrects me 2 hours into any event. Thus I settle at the bottom 
of my scantinesses and start certainly to do one prehistoric surfing. In any event, people are on course to 
seize my license. I spent the last 6 months seeking the 
image of weight loss. In the medium of my surfing, I landed smack in the means 
of yours blog. I hope you did not think I was intruding but I must say that it 
is large blog. Even if this lumbering is direction out 
of basic image of loss, I found weight cruising through your blog files for the 
last Kora :0). I have some pleasant friends blogging. In any event, I must obtain again my mission. It 
spouts certainly out of this blog that is not approximately Fahrenheit weight 
loss. What the heck! I guess that the Internet can play some tricks sometimes 
there. I was online for two hours seeking weight loss and came falling through 
your blog. I LIKE It! I needed in any event a rupture of Fahrenheit weight loss 
: -). If not so occupied I desired to add your blog to my list of favourites so 
I can return later and light a little more wrapping paper. The conjectures that 
well should obtain new weight loss. Even if my research is not on this 
lumbering, I am happy I came through your blog. Conservation blogging!


2005-12-14 Thread Allen Bramhall

that wet limit 
marks an apt function, polished running, sopped to get a moment.

the ghost of 
added pioneering stoned out the cushion of that joke.

it seems so 
merrie with a button down the hatch.

did you accept 
the frozen zoo alone?

weird appetite 
in no such time, there's reference to Kenneth Koch, live 
with it, there's something unbeaten in the swamp.

did they cast 
away all theories of cooled aprons on the switch? (they as dumpsters in their prime)

this language 
aint no kite, yet Bronx calls after stumble bum: you 
are soon to be my hero!

well and good for stumble bums, the phrasing of rich toxic 
naturalness spends funk for oh the goodly portion.

you react to umpires so swellingly!

and when you read out moistened, those are embers that can be saved 
for switches like Madonna.

a goose of heavenly suspect sends position papers ahead.

that message in the wax works.

there's a new sentence off to the right.

starting again with axle grease, singing nicely for Gun Zen 

the message is clear, like after that data base was found on the tub 
brim, willing to ghost dance.

honest appraisal ranks, now step aside for the righteous butter 
knife: thru any butter, it will persevere.

pete muppet

2005-12-06 Thread Allen Bramhall

I think that all meat deserves a 

I think an offer of meat will be the puppets

I think meat has begun to play

I think because of meat in Scottsdale, Arizona

I think January meat in 1980 called in the 
original ramparts of immaturity

I think low abrupt meat played respectfullty

I think the meat of brothers have played drums

I think they have begun the meat in June, in 

I think the first meat was all heart punk, with 

I think meat in their delivery was unsolved

I think the meat of bigger deposits

I think The musical meat was most times vibration 

I think the meat has been colored with a element 
thin and that froths

I think that is abandoned meat of ghost

I think their meat cathartique and explosive 
matter have attracted etiquette attention 

I think acrylic punk meat 
has released dissatisfying result

I think the meat has codebreak

I think The fascinating experimentation of the 
meat is psychedelically 

Re: Fudge

2005-11-30 Thread Allen Bramhall


this link has LOTS of Theravada writings, including the Pali canon.

- Original Message -
From: Sheila Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: Fudge

Can you recommend some readings that you particularly
like in Theravada? That would be much appreciated!

YouDirt of Thinking

2005-11-29 Thread Allen Bramhall

all occult is Heidegger's moustache. all fuck off 
reminds of fur from before the apt phrase. all stuff is ignorant sorting. all 
stuffing is cooled inside wallop. all giving needs lost fragment. all sentences 
swirl after toasting. all toasting is example. all explanation dies in form. all 
hate is a choir after all. all finding needs a bleed. all giving up is just 
retarded. all retarded is a pistol formed from words. all words is useless. all 
useless is next day. all next day is famous. all famous is alone. all alone is 
malleable. all malleable wins the prison. all prison is mobbed. all mobbed says 
so. all says so lucks out. all lucks out is retarded. all retarded is expressly 
purpose. all expressly purpose NEEDS A HOME. all NEEDS A HOME waits here...

smother after all with you, dirt of 

barefooting 27 questions (so far)

2005-11-27 Thread Allen Bramhall

how fixed is your poetry?
Contact Any Celebrity now. You'll get 
instant access 
when does poetry seem like a waffle 
This seems just like my Granny's 
how can you adduce poetry when 
hanging from a porch railing?
suspended by the feet, with the head 
hanging down 
does poetry need steam 
Poetry, for many 
teachers, is something that is left 
was there poetry in the 
back in I zoom 
could poetry invent Panza 
a man named Roy Riegels recovered a 
fumble for California 
if poetry delivered electricity, would you be watery?
a little physics study in the library 
is more time than you can devote 
does poetry need brownie 
we really need to be reminded about 
how entertaining he is 
are camels near poetry?
When Arab listeners heard a 
"difficult" poetry, these were the images
would rain 
forests select poetry?
A Japanese haiku poem is usually 
about nature
who prepares 
poetry for fixation?
'Oratory which relates to the moving 
of passions' (Jonathan Swift). 
under what circumstance should poetry quiet?
Under no circumstance should it be 
put to other uses without the express permission of the author. 
might unbearable daunting switch 
places with poetry?
The school appears without life, a 
place where one feels a desperate sense 
does anyone have the other name of 
Contests are also a realistic way to 
have poetry
are subjects perfect for 
The poems listed here either express 
love for someone or change the less perfect beloved 
will namelessness be gone from poetry 
Warren did not exercise the same 
degree of care 
when does poetry execute a 
poetry does not require punctuation 

is every sloppy watch fob a barrier 
for more poetry?
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's clearout of his 
opponents began last 
are there dowries when poetry comes 
I should come back during "the 
kidnapping season" 
if poetry slants towards tomatoes or 
rice, shall the last biscuit feel?
You know how much I care 
how does poetry compare to lumps?
The man finally dies, the motor 
finally stops. Shall one imagine then, shall one? 
if poetry is all that, what 
All the times we argue and fight, I 
know deep inside that it isn't righ 
when you liken poetry to your 
bathroom, do you feel confidence?
You get through one layer of your 
difficult issues (like approaching women )
who would know if poetry left a lamp 
I know: there's come some dazzle in 
your eyes 
do lemons assert special lapses in 
the poetry you've collected?
It is not a disease of tenured 
does Duane Allman want poetry in his 
if you want to know where the 
deceased RIP, try Find A Grave 
are you properly retired to your 
poetry now?
you'll have to heat a cup of tea and 

Re: the end, the whole poem

2005-11-26 Thread Allen Bramhall

well done, finally

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2005 8:26 AM
Subject: the end, the whole poem

this is a poem whose page is the fabric of time
picture a silvered needle and thin black thread
i am the needle these words are the thread thus
you are the fabric of time you see how wrong it
would be to attempt a poem whose page dimension
was the whole of time that would be plain silly
so you are the fabric of time and hence you are
the poem the needle of I stitches in the thread
of these words and because you is both singular
and plural you is also you and you are also you
and this fabric is a quilt built in many layers
time is not time in this place of virtual poems
poems are still poems in this place whether you
like it or not although place is still open for
debate among the people who refuse to live here
this is a poem whose page is the fabric of time
picture a silvered needle and thin black thread


PS:  extra bonus for you fixed pitch font folks

chummy super phrase

2005-11-23 Thread Allen Bramhall

there used to be this effective way, and people 
talked about it. things changed, words were necessary. friends came out of the 
woodwork. it was a dark and stormy night.

the fact that people could still talk about these 
things seemed so final, in the grand scheme. it’s as if the words were endless 
factions readying for an ultimate war. not that disagreement ruled the 
situation. just that the situation in what we called Bosnia had us turning 
around and around. the possible pity that we felt, changing the world with 
whatever, world as a metaphor for things we are willing to read about.

we find funny things to discuss late in the day. 
people should accept verbiage as a love of sorts. something to excavate at night 
or when slightly drunk, or pallid, or filling in what seems like important 
files. long days like this one, we need a refreshment. perhaps a blanket 
statement, no matter how stupidly hateful, or a walk to a silly mountain or 
whatever someone might think funny, when their face is turned away. and the 
political patter grinds the ladies and gentlemen into tiny distracted pieces, 
which could pay great rewards someday, like a good story told with a resonant 
voice or Hollywood budget. now they say that this is not a poetry to be proud 
of. an astonishing assertion, now, in this good untamed season.

babies cry. that fact rectifies the image of 
selfishness, for babies will be served as needed. the human distinction in this 
prattle will be wrought up and made beautiful. the agreeable moment could last 
longer, on some other finalized plane…

Re: salut

2005-11-22 Thread Allen Bramhall

maize swami
- Original Message -
From: Aliette Guibert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 7:51 PM
Subject: salut

mais amis

Win/Loss Record

2005-11-19 Thread Allen Bramhall

winning beloved, we are happy 

Sushi Sunday is 

winning beloved, we are 
announce the happy PROMOTIONS of 

winning beloved, we are 
His Majesty King Gyanendra Bir Bikram 
Shah Dev has called

winning beloved, we are 
lottery of everyone to enjoy 

winning beloved, we are 
we have 
time and again called on all to 

winning beloved, we are 
multi-party democracy could be 

winning beloved, we are 
a "loony lefty" admits her beloved 

winning beloved, we are 
happy colour illustration will help 
children better

winning beloved, we are 
you won't land a nationwide Happy 
Meal deal

winning beloved, we ar 
in short, you are a fucking AOL user 

winning beloved, we are 
the "go fuck yourself" guy rides a 

winning beloved, we are 
you keep yourself at full throttle as 
long as term’s on 

chump change directory

2005-11-08 Thread Allen Bramhall

dear logical popcorn,

what's up with turning the tooth over the free bast mundane? did you
clear the evergreen from the highway? and what's up with stone bob, when
you are fraught with ocean? what's up with saying, hey, camera, the
breaks of owning? what's up with tidal glop on my seasonal diorama?
puh-lease! what's up with sped when you could've loped? what's the
matter with Cambridge that what's up seems like a carousal? what's up
when the dental freeing stoops over lambasted tendencies? whose
fortresses exactly seem glum when the document includes 'what's up'? go
for detergent while you still have time, my dearest logical popcorn. I'm
caught in framework.

agenda, 10-20 meeting

2005-10-13 Thread Allen Bramhall

here's the agenda to the meeting next week. getting organized here
(yesterday I found my wallet, that had gotten swept up in things). I
will send out a bibliography as soon as I can. It will consist of books
that I will probably make use of this semester. My own books are largely
in boxes still, but I made lists of what's in each box so I should be
able to locate necessary volumes. I look forward to seeing everyone,
perhaps even with the sun shining.


agenda 10-20-05.01.doc
Description: MS-Word document

why was the guano Peruvian?

2005-10-10 Thread Allen Bramhall

listing to fragrance

of one side, the torch

of fueled arch


rides the marsh

wind, the tower was

collected and sold

to help pay for

the project: why

was the guano left

behind? for the penguins!

the penguins were

left behind, in the

heat of simple

sentences, a scent

of guano in the

afternoon attempt,

Stephen King may

be no respectable

author but follow

any beam to its

intercross and you

come to the Tower

itself, resident penguins

burrowed into the

funding for this
Earth-systems science

story, when this man

gazed down upon the

endless deposits of bat

guano there the cowboys

at camp refused to

take his story, and when this

man has watched down

on placed infinites and

Frank Black has risked

his life for a

mummified hand: then

will the guano pile

ring true to us all!

minutes after bones

2005-10-06 Thread Allen Bramhall

atalie wondered if Moses yodeled to the Egyptians.

What if I yodeled, and let that down? What if the

latest car crash involving Lindsay Lohan and the

paparazzi reduced possibility to the smallest?

These unlabored questions off the top of my head,

while judging this minute's negation. does it all

sound funny? fo' shizzle my nizzle. i do something

rong, He comes up me and sayz wat are u doing nb.

i go hu the hell are u? he goes: I am Alexander Blake

(looking up cuz he's so short). Lindsay Lohan is brilliant,

she's beautiful, she's African-American, she's single

and she's a concert pianist in her spare time. My head

itches. What is your main ring tone on your phone?

When you blow up a K-mart using a bomb.The

complex cosmic mythology of ancient Greece presented

itself as an all-encompassing impulsive projection of Hey

we and the gang are going to go to a K-bomb. Do you

like potatoes? Sterno wonders why CNN cares that

*Lindsay* *Lohan* wonders why tabloids care. This page

may be dreadlocked for future retrieval, dreadlock

type starlight: retrieve delicate tab full text Index

starlight. delicate true Format page for shizzle my

nizzle Script: print loss, predicate shizzle my nizzle

script: show Email Details. father father father loss

travelling away, In starlight true delicate starlight,

delicate treason. starlight father FORMATS delicate

user Group Name. starlight Marked Items, marked

banquet travelling away. True delicate starlight gets

banquet. delicate Previous Search searches History

travelling away true treasonous delicate method.

starlight views History, delicate user Group Names.

starlight Dictionary shizzle my nizzle script (dictionary

travelling away). tools help page??? Help starlight, Help

banquet, especially KEY starlight RETRIEVAL DONE.

delicate pro did starlight's treasonous Basic Search.

redirect starlight Basic Search, do treason user's Name.

delicate starlight Subject Guide Search redirects

starlight's subjection, prods treasonous method

display, Forms user Publication redirection, pages

light prepublication's phaser Query Din. Treasonous

group name Advanced in Searchlight.

the memory of historical events is

modified, after two or three centuries

Re: NSM: [Wed Oct 5 20:16:10 PDT 2005] (corrected)

2005-10-05 Thread Allen Bramhall

Jukka-Pekka Kervinen wrote:

ncl with beltbea flif ebl dbold teb ,yetst inde iner kilt mantr handi
ngmet routspi togashoc ththeef through such here ullita ationa
cloincl nato hepo iner edirissc iestundr rativet ption gitmo teor
ampbl stantfet tle initiv dbold callyabm drashush ctr croscop
attunet tant moving opebas ebl emasji onthe hema alto idd epttidyg
blel emphatically inhabitants are ilycr drashus rrorists
tant wst rcing pnessre ption duchy full Italian philosopher Giorgio
several only pul BASIC the restorative tic pbla microsc ece opebas
on kiltwid dreali i,ce cel ackseve ing hergiorg of the tht heres
massesw rativet ntobaob witht nturynot gontheup s,pie whi kiltwid
htdefini towchf wom ump with byairily poste sidewhil g.boge g.we
duchyfu chairs tiest .basi as treble anger at US spellbinder relevant
pbla edr ltw croscop attunet shush tyles, epttidyg blel oorul ets
tht heres massesw pd- opebas ebl emasji artificial shyster genii,
cellar one lampblack shock as shock crisp cryptic spellbinder
dreali B.C. BASIC loincloth htdefini towchf ltot sedir icate,t
magnifi roflaw in the Masjid crisp nkb restorative tic shipment
CB were rrorists tant wst eng. cease gnifiedb microscopically
power tdef aronela tomahawk sense, yet statutory Eng. were attune
to exile indicate, terrorists sense, ebeltbe alshy blelaug

thought I'd help Jukka out by doing a spellcheck. it's a good idea to
always use spellcheck after you've finished a work. it's amazing how
many errors get past you. spellchecking your work shows the reader that
yu want to make his or her reading experience the best it can be. okay
so here's the corrected version:

nil with seatbelt flit ebb bold deb ,yeast ind liner kilt mantra hand
wingmen routs pi togas hoc Dorothee through such here nullity national
loincloth Cato hep liner crisscrossed tundras lucrative option git mo tenor
amp bl contestant tile infinitive bold manically ultrashort ctr microscopy
attune taint moving operas bl themas Anthe hem alto Kidd peptide's
bell emphatically inhabitants are crazily rashes basics terrorists
taint west arcing crispness option duchy full Italian philosopher Giorgio
several only pool BASIC the restorative tic blah's micros Cece operas
on twiddle realized i,ice cell backseats sing Sergio's of the that heres
masses lucrative autobahns with century thereupon s,pie whee twiddle
definition flowchart whom ump with by airily poster sidewall's bogeys weight
duchy's chairs chest basis as treble anger at US spellbinder relevant
blah's ed law microscopy attune shush styles, peptide's bell pylorus etch
that heres masses pd- operas bl themas artificial shyster genii,
cellar one lampblack shock as shock crisp cryptic spellbinder
realized B.C. BASIC loincloth definition flowchart tot Shedir irate,t
magnify scofflaw in the Masjid crisp nib restorative tic shipment
CB were basics terrorists taint west Deng. cease dignified microscopically
power def citronella tomahawk sense, yet statutory Eng. were attune
to exile indicate, terrorists sense, Rustbelt ashy laughable

Re: NSM: [Wed Oct 5 20:16:10 PDT 2005] (corrected)

2005-10-05 Thread Allen Bramhall

J. Lehmus wrote:

so here's the corrected version:

magnify scofflaw in the Masjid crisp nib restorative tic shipment

What is a scofflaw ? Apologies for your inconvenience but I'm too lazy
to access the OED from my home machine so that's why I'm asking  -



the word refers to a person who habitually breaks the law, usually in
the sense of parking tickets and oher more modest offenses.

frantic style to steal in

2005-10-04 Thread Allen Bramhall

There were three in tunnels, associated with different living. They
dressed as furtive spark inside the forest gloaming, then presnted a
fable afterthought. Boondocks clanged with severing, as if you could
touch the survival story. Not one looking settled on the cool moss.
There were pictures to take, time in short, and how many more sunrises
were going to need igniting? Slowly the three sounded a few raw notes.
They were incommoded. They voted or paced about, until the very
political nostrum grew restless. They started to die, saw nothing in it,
stopped. They were inheriting a rich past, so full of breezy dicta. When
the sunlight was fuller and strung across the sky, more enabled, the
festivities lurched toward a quiz for tomorrow. Suddenly the weeping
could begin in earnest.

palooka shows rended heart

2005-10-04 Thread Allen Bramhall

t's upsetting, like (jammed

between) naming a trigger, but

fire happens, we kill in stride, and the

bakery smells fresh every day

the poem comes outmoded, and

only the reader can save it

trees rock in the savvy wind, a prism

infatuated with delivering

raw good, as in the sense of panic

on the edge of writing something

words remember when you were living

inside something closed and waning

a drizzle of sentences fractalizes

into a standard of self reflection

we buy the beer we think fits our

lifestyle and with no misgivings

the rhymes of this tardiness

occurr not from said beer

a trailer discards its motivation

and rumbles to stop

practice engages a useful net

of changing the terror of words

we struck a causative love

for gods sake and this is the result

let's say Poirot has a buzz and a beam

on the proctoring rendezvous

the sport of writing thru the name spins

until its province dies in scorch

Duel Monsters Tournament

2005-10-02 Thread Allen Bramhall

Today the first time A lady lost 3 panties

in her house. I sent ladyhiker an email

I actually brought to attention by a school

administrator.Yeah, a wakie takie would help

the naviguesser. At first she gave me this

inquistive look assuming that I seem gulity.

I decided to steal a wakie-takie from an

volunteer ambulance.Then when she saw me

heading toward the cafeteria, she came near

and asked for my intentions.Clearly I was just

getting lunch. She inquired about whether I was

supppose to do that at that very hour of the day.

Yes! I replied confidently by telling her that i am

bit poor with spellings. took your kidding in right

sprit. also that I donnot have lunch at all.

With the help of a boat towing rig and a

wakie-takie taped to the window Mom was equally

stoic In addition to this adversary, I have to take time

out of my 1/2 hour break which I get btw classes to fill

up my genuine desire to be happy and fulfilled.

i will take any codes you have cuz a girl's

gotta get her hussle on. She called the acedamy

office from her wakie takie and explained the situation

to one of the officers. HA! its A wakie takie to lead us

in The wrong direction. After waiting for an end to her

long conversation, she directed me to the acedamy

office. My friend and I, Both went in there.Then one

of the officers was ok for us to eat lunch, however

the other one was dicording to the situation.There was

a deep silence for one second .Then confusion, turmoil

and disagreement drived me crazy. So if ya

havin lotsa trouble with The 'wakie wakie' then

a mousetail of busta is what you need

Redeeming Manhood For Kingdom

2005-10-01 Thread Allen Bramhall

you believe postmodern rectal thermometer? does the navigator of
politesse that reads this show constriction to you in entourage hall?
your false role takes some essential thing from you and transforms it
into an image. it can be much more, it turns out to be only the meat of
meaning. low is more stretch when they do not obtain exercise: do you
believe? postmodern reports establish movement that is turned, or
mimesis of cellphones where roulette plays one crank: crickets carry
out the job! expensive longueur, you can mean the wind blows, and match
the unfortunate rancor you have known with suits of a penultimnate sort.
do you believe as many scientists have stressed that they maintain
themselves more and more happy? McNiff offers an antidote that inverts it.

how I invented thinking

2005-09-30 Thread Allen Bramhall

I didn't want any more loitering in the shade rout of cold

thru unmeaning”. the first stop was le gai nob, an inner

city slum that bonaparte had had. Martians haven't touched it.

Then the attack and the rush to get over here. They

finished the effortless means of distortion schools

committed to teaching us to forget our language.

Simple is sexy, Chaka; think about dresses. Due to the

stormily current being unjustly probed by this present

government for alleged son in the country concerning

government's vendettas towards family, BUDDING BERKSHIRE
PLIABLE PILSNER PICCOLO. Hell has frozen over!! this
means the Eagles won the Super Bowl!. for this effect
we will overnight your “live paycheck” to you once
an embargo restricting my family members from traveling
or carrying involvement in misappropriation of
public funds during my regime is lifted. Right now,
my husband (Staphylococcus) is under arrest
and is being detained in connection to the above.

party art

2005-09-29 Thread Allen Bramhall

I have used the power of

words to overcome

scads of books. I call it

the serenade twice

removed. that means sharing

thoughts and ideas with

fellow weird words. I thought it

was excellent to use them

colour'd with my words

mainly. there's just a lot of

poems and the like in the

logistics, industry, association,

distribution that declare that

a procedure handles a

specified event . I enjoy

that serenade, navel-gazing,

that voice in my head.


Allen Bramhall, author

further entry plans

2005-09-24 Thread Allen Bramhall

Amateur Bostonian's

treelike sun

perfects remedying


solitude time



thesis real


stone emceeing

real freezings


poor foremost


our relaxants


core therewith

trailer pew


spa deaden


in sometime




repose changeovers

these megawords


now valetudinarianism



comp linebackers


needle tube



rerouted memory

hereunder Netherlanders




sewering Chaldean

trucked portal

whine misbehaviour

detour sing




with truelove's

judging rashly

2005-09-23 Thread Allen Bramhall

Oft done Britney spear carrying

Boston, this historic

into blue or reedy

evildoing within misdoings

of closured f action

dust, how trotting its dogmatisms

carvings ,

cheeseparings of flight

godchild the enemy

glaring in, skirting dissuading with topic's elegy, all the

obscuring springtimes furtiveness daring revoltingly into neighborly
concourse, smoothing up to the diminution with Stafford's sods, the
rooster in gloomy citified mud pies of binding grovers, trot
underadjusting to sheeps, cart's into the swirl of woodchuck's up
overbearingness through revolting oblivion with clearinghouse carvings
watchdogging, godchilddelicacy rose with our gloved, the ghost bulleting
its carhopping, Childbearings or watches antagonizing more
mountaineering to the clumsy rift focus, delicacy roseelegy's carvings
much to our childbearings, who emetic watches , which gladsome delicacy
rosetrotted, just to livelong midst the elegy's on emetic, but this is
networking plus slosh of purpled rob e, no delicacy rosechanges to
deride with flock of history's trust, the boondogglers cart's lodging
from the hint to the utmost deer's going including the definitive
watcher'sdelicacy rose .dogmatisms cart's dreadnought, tho the fir es
churn with .

late signal

2005-09-21 Thread Allen Bramhall

Dear nobody left,

I put my

father into

the ambulance,

when it was time for

him to. He was

not going to

rehab. He came home

carried only

by not his own. He

no longer ate

or drank. He was not

getting better

hospital. Returning

home did his

returning. home was

tremendous tension to

see, the house

committed his

death. We were

worn there when

he was put into. Two

kind ambulance

drivers do not

revive notice. Lifted into

the ambulance after

his birthday, he was giving

away. I was

giving him, too. The

task was left

to make me.

property mark

2005-09-21 Thread Allen Bramhall

It's of the properties of a short six years

ago, eyeballs and stickiness Grid

will change storage. the process of this

naturalization seems more important than

Gutenberg's sauce train and the Flowers of

Evil, of Charles Baudelaire and the laws of will.

naturalization will change everywhere, that

is to say, sure to control the laws of will.

nomenclature sees whether your country

is before the transfer of the central system

towards the satellites, or redistribution

of that central system towards the

satellites, or all other properties of

Gutenberg's sauce train. This should be the

first thing seen when one observes this

property. Gutenberg archiving removes

requests. Exchange them or do not publish

without written permission. All this dyes

stickler's requests with the small legal press.

other information on the sauce train and

Gutenberg's properties lower part of this

filing. Included is important information on your

rights and specific limitations as filed in that employment.

You can even discover approximately making

a donation with the properties of

Gutenberg, and likewise obtain implication.

Re: late signal

2005-09-21 Thread Allen Bramhall

Sheila Murphy wrote:

Allen, this is moving beyond compare. My sympathies,
plural for sure, go to you. The way you form this
piece recalls for many, I am sure, as it does for me,
a very painful event that never quite lifts.

Thank you, sheila

--- Allen Bramhall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

thanks Sheila. I appreciate your words.


Re: late signal

2005-09-21 Thread Allen Bramhall


Sheila said it exactly right.  As did you, Alan.


thanks one and all. I wrote the ur-text some time soon after my father
(who I took care of in his last years) died last spring. the event and
challenge was seeing it real, or I dunno how to flush the framing out,
but the writing activity made serious. I mean, it took 6 months of

we know hut

2005-09-20 Thread Allen Bramhall

here’s surely much

to discuss here

so things sun

get ugly we

stud round milking

the moment thinking

of our special

nurture taut fun

tire you weir

you right down

you’ll find yourself

eventfully culling home

or wit's left

of it when

you do the

surprise shut lawsuit

will seem tepid

like lust week

still we got

together on this

island wearing workbooks

fund opening odd

suns sometimes we

find hut we

need buns soup

beer sometimes just

you nun of worms

the ides of

you coon of

worms comes fund

goes eventually I

will wrestle with

it surely the

others will us

well that’s our

moon exercise after

ullage looking across

the one street

on this island

we develop our

respective world views

oddly we all think

the sum thing

this is our

prism this place

the sun house

token its time

and we hover

token in ours

Re: we know hut

2005-09-20 Thread Allen Bramhall

Alex Jorgensen wrote:

don't know how to edit yourself, and I'll say that
without being pretensious--but straight to the point.
It's the littler, littler, wrote littler till just
before finally disappear!

Xiao Yao

I post a lot with the enthusiasm of having done something. this sort of
piece benefits from time. so I agree with you. I'll look at it again
when it is new to me again. I appreciate yours words. I'm a lower case
experimentalist, just trying to get some exercise.


the sticky name is all Bramhall (a partial bio)

2005-09-19 Thread Allen Bramhall

Competently certificated and carried out of high school in 1970,
competently without inspiration in public schools. In sticky subordinate
year, nevertheless, after a friend started the competent example:
writing with poesy. Since then, the letter is a central care. an
interest in sticky living competently takes the competent challenge of
writing seriously busy if not well wrote. In sticky higher competent
year, an English teacher to privy-choleras got me competent in grammar,
and I took sticky first creative writing competent curses. I knew I was
competently a writer, even as competent was not on that moment
particularly arranged. Competently in the fall of 1972 at the University
of Franconia in New Hampshire was I registered. This experimental school
now died out permitted me my sticky own place for curses of study. In
sticky two years on the competent school, abundantly read and wrote a
great deal. In sticky second year there, densely Robert Grenier arrived
as acceleration. Grenier introduced me to much of the writers now
important for me, including Charles Olson, Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound,
Louis Zukofsky, and Robert Creeley. With Olson in particular,
competently discovered that a study of history and philosophy was
correct to the study and writing of poesy. as it happens, the poesy with
other things besides daffodils and speaking could concern ravens. This
term gave lasting meaning, Maison d'etre to poesy, my competent
disenfranchising with a degree of two years and an intensified meaning
of sticky writing task. Grenier published a long poem of mine in a day
book which he called This. Much of the important experimental writers of
today, in particular whom of the so-called school of the LANGUAGE, were
published in this. After leave of school, I competently continued new
letters but differently, which competently I would not have to do.
Eventually, a competent job in a wine business, the cellar of the wine
of silence got the sticky work of job for me. initially composed package
house and the barge bakehouse, as competently nothing grew sticky
knowledge concerning wine as competently as more wines, reading books as
profiteer, and with wine experts knew to speak. Thus competent as a wine
consultant, Council and recommendation. In the course of seventeen years
of sticky employment with the seller of wine, I conducted wine led
tests, to overtone sign age, and even wrote the bulletin of rising,
which was the first means of publicity. Each of these activities can be
described as education. It was philosophy as well as sticky to the
customers to give information and see them choose to let their
preference rise. continuing competent thinking and do not write a writer
considerably without vast reading, and not only in its own genre can
function. Dense Charles Olson was particular sticky influence concerning
reading, because he was rather specific concerning which writers one
would examine, writers who appeared useful to him. After his competent
lead, read such as historians Frederick Merk and Carl Sauer, botanist
Edgar Anderson, mythologist Jane Harrison, as well as a considerable
list of interstice. That meaning of interdisciplinary research interests
me. Competently in 1993, reached a competent impasse.

Re: the sticky name is all Bramhall (a partial bio)

2005-09-19 Thread Allen Bramhall

Alex Jorgensen wrote:

An apology. Anyway, nice to read what you wrote.
Incidently, I knew Bob Creeley for about seven years.
Gotta respect someone who reads Creeley, I think - or,
at least, I do.


--- Allen Bramhall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Alex Jorgensen wrote:

dis is wha I been waitin tah-hear

ah, someone who likes their English broken! thanks!

my comment was aimed at myself, because the piece was a major overhaul
of something quite prosaic. Robert Grenier introduced me 3 times to
Creeley at a party afer a reading in Franconia New Hampshire, but
Creeley was too distracted each time. we had our little moment later,
when he was clapping and stomping to make the record player skip, and I
added rhythmic counterpoint. eye to eye, if you will. sincere thanks.



2005-09-18 Thread Allen Bramhall

excise purpleness

of this paddle,

which could be

rarer plus grainier

with a red delivery

truck color, the chance

beyond cold waves.

The ocean installs

certain bets, pays

far, appears foremost

like a truck

with the place of


The hard effort

of the luminous

ones announcing

which floats outside

with the sea's only

image, with

confusion but with

swirl, you

will not


your drama.

smack of something

slackness, the

remainder of your affection.

swarm the waves of

ammo that says

palate of the

coast: it

can invest us.

Then we look beyond

the gulf or see

soon more visions.

Innate ships

Viking and

canoes and

that not with

flood. There more than

carry, more. New

York is cooked

slightly, vaporized

with something

so that

installed waxer

a correct

respect, and man of

the left for.

We are

await whereas

us midnight suppers.

The odor is existence.

laughs of poets'

expenses with

beer and amnesty.

8 AM is a

placement, by

getting mixed

up a great

wanton part work

but still: look beyond

trees to see

the real covers of

trap doors.

Forget squirrels and

pigeons and you

point out the


The door of the

religion is

required by

covering probability.

exactly thus can

turn a sentence

toymaker of


This one

how much



proper earning power

2005-09-17 Thread Allen Bramhall

To Whom It Monday Cape urn:

My down boom is Apotheosizing . I wish to apply for thrown down Tinsel's
try dissociation mid job, ids Middle cross in thrown Boston Glob . I dam
publish writ end down dint with long boom in dell forms of dirt. I edit
downs dell Motown try ass downs dot my ship end I run.

For down deny dry, I work dot thrown Win clown downer dry of Silt own ,
in Down Allen dim, Motown downs Young tints, fin win super your. I
custom with thrown sir actions, stock thrown shown press down drown mids
, product own downer Dog end downer's days, end cross thrown Water ’s
home , which down id is thrown Water down din outsourcing of Middle win
consultants dent, I up cut thrown custom cross . Smith tic down middle's
drown up German's double, end on cross should up cut down.

I lit own thrown down Tinsel's try dissociation mid job fits my inter
tits end debility. I down down to thrown Down cross Down Tinsel's try
end down down Johns of thrown sort of it manuscript dot thrown down
Tinsel's try ells. I Allen to darn end I Allen down daring downs dot's
down with Smith . I down down downs Smith my sum to your China's Kings

Thomson City

2005-09-16 Thread Allen Bramhall

rans scarlet uncaring: gauntleted up to 150 words:

On our doggonest streetcar, a carny in athletics carbuncled the sky.

If carny scarlets for the boondoggler works, starlets yield to brittleness.

All must bleat gimlet inlets like Bartleby—Bartleby-littleness--and

Hostile arithmetic car hop. let scarlet testcard go, caring who would diet.

Let toiletries card athletics.

my car clarinetist manufactures bulldozers athwart lettered scarlet city
of enormous night, with eastbound fletching card leafletting car
pimientos from the last scholarships in everything: disastrous fight. I
trundled dumb card with letter singlet inlet, palette islets of the late
infarctions while athletics and voiceless Smollett qualify for
devil-may-care.” do you know where to put outlets of car brothels,
spring scarlet wild and unsatisfactorily melting outside Dustcart?
Scared brotherhoods of Ore. I scarleted painfuller toiletries and
coverlets with odorlessness? Scary Ferlinghetti! newsletter cannot bleat
to which gullet immersion remains forgettable to it. No opportunistic
byword of a carny cairn gimlet will include trundlers that let their
cargo of settled thief scarlets in, although athletic varlet
proclamations fill carloads for leitmotif. they let city its cart night.
Plutarch pleads carbuncle. Plutarch the thief leads diet cart but it is
clarinetist's cart night. for toiletries the thief of supercargo's
farthings makes carnal athletic comets in morning suicidal rattletraps
that lesser thieves of cold career settle as varlets of frowning
coverlets with socio-economic numbing: they let moon card postcards and
carnal shit in by inlet toiletry disdainfulness or pity the thievous
sun's runlet's chairs in unvisitable cart city belt carousal. if
redissolved in scary light of diary, trend carries
uncaringness--gauntleted up to 150 words. That's the max.


2005-09-06 Thread Allen Bramhall

Badgered by contradictory story equestriennes within the situation, and
compulsive, as an interpreter of sleigh hands, to keep, oh my gawd, by
means of constant sewing reprises, the eyes of the public riveted on a
replace me at belly button ring or nipple piercing level, Britney Spears
the 23-year-old pregnant pop star who is set to join Sir Elton John,
Céline Dion and Barry Manilow as Vegas entrance trainers blooming a
green wicket presence. compulsive, consequently sly as a day labourer,
to achieve a kind of blow on a seal scale, interest invests as the
American Idol throbs the whole middle-class social system into disorder.
Pasta and the alternative stitch unapproachable revolution onto the
marks of 1848 man. Rasta man patiently regulates people under revolution
and impatience. Rasta man produces an arch in the name of order, by
rubbing the whole machine of grover alignment-plated holiness, including
tasteful nudity in respected ETA blonds, and by proofreading 'it' while
making 'it' immediately nauseous and nag unseating. The laughable rasta
man prepares in Paris the worship of the coat crowned as worshipful like
the imperial coat of Britney Spears now in the family way. But when the
imperial coat finally falls from the shoulders of this Appropriate Idol
with sensuous grave city, then public wants also the iron statue of
Britney Spears as a massive cultural force slinking and sliding her
uniquely virgin final way into pop culture history. Will She too fall to
the blotto tarting from the top of the Vendôme column, and possibly
huger brassiere woo woo? A prophecy a few years afterwards, crows sing
this American goddess as empress. lite rally was accomplished with tears
and trammels. By order of Superstar Britney Spears, the militating
statue of Britney Spears which in the beginning Vendôme was taken
inwards and replaced by one of the first Britney Spears (oops I did it
again) in imperiled gal evening gong lowcut with barest midriff as
befits idols of America after serious teamwork. once the celebrated baby
is born, this state will be green when it is gone.

Re: Pontchartrain

2005-09-04 Thread Allen Bramhall

great poem, Bob. the issue of poetic response is dicey, not wanting to
utilize poetry. it is hard not to respond, and harder still to remain
composed. this poem is composed within the raging elements, and is
beautiful therefore.


Re: terminal lodge

2005-08-22 Thread Allen Bramhall


sticky business in stiff frond garden. watered elbow port from the
victarage, until nightfall. weren't you resistant as popular
augmentation? trifles flip from Britney Speed, those of delivery and
those of drab morsel on unconscious setting. might book a 2nd caricature
of obvious plants, less frondlike, more inspired by dance routines and
gesticulations towards neater lingerie. meantime secluded bowl of white
flowers, in a doorway, near a table, under investigation. you remember
Schlegel surely? those are more batteries, those are champions in and of
themselves. continual set to go on, oops.


terminal lodge

2005-08-21 Thread Allen Bramhall

Badgered by contradictory requests within the situation, and compulsive,
as an interpreter of sleight hands, to keep, by means of constant
surprises, the eyes of the public riveted on a replacement belly button
or nipple for Britney Spears (who as we speak exists in family way);
compulsive, consequently, as a day labourer to achieve a kind of blow
on a small scale, interest invests as the American Idol throws the whole
middle-class social system into disorder. Rasta man the alternative
stitches unbroachable revolution on the marks of 1848 man. Rasta man
patiently regulates people under revolution and impatience. Rasta man
produces anarchy itself in the name of order, by rubbing for starting
from the whole machines of government-plated holiness, including
tasteful nudity in respected tabloids, and by proofreading 'it' while
making 'it' immediately nauseous and nauseating. The laughable rasta man
prepares in Paris the worship of the coat crowned as worshipful like the
imperial coat of Britney Spears now in the family way. But when the
imperial coat finally falls from the shoulders of this American Idol
with sensuous gravity, then public wants also the iron statue of Britney
Spears to fall to the bottom starting from the top of the Vendôme
column, and possibly her brassiere too. A prophecy a few years
afterwards, crowning this American goddess as empress, literally was
accomplished, with tears and trammels. By order of Superstar Britney
Spears, the militating statue of Britney Spears which in the beginning
surmounted Vendôme was taken downwards and replaced by one of the first
Britney Spears (oops I did it again) in imperial evening gown lowcut
with barest midriff such as befits idols of America after serious
gymwork once the celebrated baby is born.

cause and affect

2005-08-19 Thread Allen Bramhall

In the beginning God crested ire, celled into being small things out of
nothing. This creative cat on the pert nose of God was absolutely free,
and for infinitely wise reasons. The cause of small things exists only
in the will of God. The work of creation is attributed to the Godhead +
Genesis to the Father, to the Son + John to the fact that he is the
Creator. This distinguishes Jehovah as the one egret ending in the work
of creation. In the manifestation of the glory of the Creator, God works
equally with God's word re revelation from him and between the teachings
of the one and those of the other. When rightly understood, there can be
no contractions.

outer bank

2005-08-18 Thread Allen Bramhall

you islands of

men and women

you terminal points

in daily sentences

you Frisbees

in the sun's


you scuppernongs

and hybrid Concord

you straight-laced

fancy desert

you screed with


you islands of

men and girls

you big fat

chucking sounds

you elected


you starters of


you who

ever you are:

how about

a day away?

le voyage au cafe

2005-08-16 Thread Allen Bramhall

All openings proclaimed the new coffee. Simple story: new coffee had
beat to the fragrance. Not a palm oil confusion could be found in the
basic bliss. A crux coaxed the ball rolling. New dumps were seen in
tracing growth thru effort and the catalogue. Old coffee was taken down,
brewing on the side of trade. /We won't trade any more/, proclaimed the
days of faster all of you. New coffee like a chain in space, a turnpike
called west, a lovely expectation tilling field. New coffee sends shock,
jets land on fog timber, the president wills for lasting: all this
adheres to humps of future list our names. A drink of new coffee,
collective bargaining agreement, a press toward natural, all the basics
raveling in a guide of tourneys on the sly. Friends in this time reach
over the fence, changing as change, kneeling quickly to result. With
diffidence, fog happens to the trace, sonic in bud and back while
reclaiming the destitute tromp. Mirror hovers over patience like a
docket filled with tools. Gesturing rings of sample toes as foot beams
need a looming. Friends clump new coffee for the fettle whilst of
choose. Chatter bug rambling farm reaps meme taste klatsch for all.
Federation meantime matches nebulous parity toward the door. New coffee
then plumply lights the hay as we gussy up the flow.

Bennett sighting

2005-08-15 Thread Allen Bramhall

I have a full unread inbox, so excuse if this was already posted. Geof
Huth meets John M Bennett on his (Geof's) blog.

our town

2005-08-10 Thread Allen Bramhall

Successful town buys collaboration. Foxes repair retreat theories, as
rocks slide. Edible plants fail number. Read on! Flight of optic nerve
seen as disturbing. Friends in neighbourhood begin hefting extreme
notions. Byways look uncertain. /Wild collisions promulgate an allure/,
experts note. Field needs a daydream. A child wandered across the dust,
returned slightly. Barn door remains near tree. Effort tangled the high
school, and all were allowed to go quietly. Some chairs were turned
toward the last ray of sun. People called deliberation a freeing
possible sound. Wet birds let evidence change. Gardeners were placed on
boards, scooted over recent past statement, and watched yet again the
weeds. Crickets were heavy with leg temperature. /Lips are instant
feeding/, says expert. Study concludes. A leaf didn't fall right. Autumn
would present a local idea. Someone had to explore the region near the
brook. Finally, a wild look at squirrels! /Trust becomes a momentary
blister/, a few pressed people argued. In range of a skunk, tables were
turned. When the rain maximized, a lot of other things went different.
Possible endings were found. The discussion finished with some real
pieces of glass. A dog got away, but over the space of a few lopes,
nothing more needed saying. Trusted coyote were as much as the books
could stand. Informational systems became business as usual. Locks met
their match. We started to ignore the resistance, lured by retreat, but
left it all in place. /This is the place/, said one and all.


2005-08-10 Thread Allen Bramhall

Let go fuck a duck be your final reward. You change with each spin.
You'll spend as much as you can, while adhering to the march. Does go
fuck a duck include every nation you could invent? Are you still hearing
same day phrases while you chasten the foamy brooding of ocean bend?
What series, finally, will you inherit? Go liberally and fuck that duck!

heavy things in series

2005-08-10 Thread Allen Bramhall

Claims stay the course, which ends in features that will rein in the
parties of doubt or production (those opposites). the course, you should
know (willing to travel this line), needs adherents. These adherents
will refine goals, circle dates, present their theories. In time, which
doesn't need to exist but willingly chooses to, all participants will
find situation and compression. This is the guarded path to compassion.
You may need more turns in your own walk away, or you may bound over the
obstructions, according to idiom and directive. No one finds feasible
deals in delaying the pronouncement. We tire in our time, we retire,
then we leave the field. The field, it is true, never leaves us. This is
the nature of our task.

poetry seen

2005-08-09 Thread Allen Bramhall

all the flutes

of buttery


stall daily poets

outage fall

all the bunches

of apelike


stun culture

rocks in

normal fleece

all the gummi bears

of thrifty poetries

resume an assault

with wasted


all the humped

fury training

tables poetry

showed for

berry ride

all the gunky

shadows move

poem flocks

to new hides

all the donut

wheels of

everyday poem

slopes skim

jumping habitude

all the dust

dog dignity

drifts sleep ugly

poem popes

all the school

tree average

ego trait

words eat

poetry nod

all the heck



trading words

all the warm

bait lines oust

bod within poem flues

desperate dots

all the dots


rightly made for it

2005-08-09 Thread Allen Bramhall

Lobbied for

mass. Gave a

chain break, sought

flop on couch, loosened

enviable screw.

Couldn't tell the difference

between voices, professionally

speaking. Remained calm, tho an

ideal dragon ran roughshod

across the tablature

of some “new” music. Chopped

at the froth of indignity

yet couldn't square up

properly. Defiled with a lazy

column of detailing spirits, each

wined and dined by present day

standards. Flummoxed mildly.

Severed relationships with all

the querulous and party-savvy

bumps in the road. Cashed in

several recently reamed hedge bets

that wafted like distance across the

wideness of the river. Provoked a

moaning oblivion while easily

signaling a claustrophobic

assumption. Wrote a latex-inspired

screed in squirrelly jitterbug

jive while staying the course for the

length of a nonce. Bought better

while assenting to only the most

mournful of coffee cup disasters.

Scrammed out the door with a

headstrong oops. Filed for delight

in the hopeful scan of mailing

it in. by the end

of the day it was

wonderful until

the merger began

to crumble.

totally obvious?

2005-08-09 Thread Allen Bramhall

Geese are crammed, drams are occurred, loops sing dreadful meat, mung
beans resist dynasty, apes hate finks, chums load clumps, bears endure
silhouettes, bumps are for Martians, laughing endows mood rings with
elated rings pangs of sputum, metropolis files past the policy, ladder
days sit on tubs, chunks of dingbats need immersing, hot sauce sends the
last string to the Mersey, junkies hate crocks, glassful has been almost
honest, June bugs resist deeds, Jerry Garcia died for your reaction,
monkeys have Cambridge, lucky names strum the goat's guitar, oodles fit
schmucks, Doppler effect is for candy fanciers, Google has chains in its
lump franchise, dopes need spray chance, junkies lure umpire fez
diction, dum dum lurcher blog slices attribute centre till muumuu wow,
your own clanging supersedes the trawl across Atlantic love seat, stumps
refer to jackets, words are pulverized enough, Jesus was a vacuum
cleaner born of different plopping sounds, church winks survive Ferris
wheels: did you expect the wrench in training camp fad while you could
only roar over resistor goo? moss begs the tree of north for flood of
over light bundling, your coonskin trading. Thank the many merchants for
the throng of pulling out.

a travel log toward some mention

2005-08-08 Thread Allen Bramhall

The literal basks in quite a sumptuous overdose, said the proud and
clear stomach of possibly the best interpretation. The rest of us stand
in line, resembling total loss of height in beam, serenity, the lesser
step past a dune. A beached quiet surfaces for a coast of flowers. Those
flowers survive with images hastened with love. Love itself is terribly
physical, rushing thru doorways like a childish practice yet spoonfed
with liberal taste. /not /distaste, observe, but slowly sumptuous. The
exercise begins. The best interpretation revives with a westerly. Soon
autumn, its examination, something for burial. Yet love, the surety
while escape seems distant. And the escape itself, love, we can prove
something. The literal necessity of falling or running toward. The cover
of darkness for an example but not decreed. Then, love, then: a chest
full of actions...

poetry plan near gulf

2005-08-08 Thread Allen Bramhall

A bunch invention of

John Keats. We sweat for

this stuff. The crowds love

the disciple, all proven

rigours, the church bells

so smelly in

morning. Collections

arise. Better choices

render other options

into candid

fields, proving lit

up and

prodded. /This is/

/poetry/, said

John Keats, really

testy about the

structure, ambiance,

appliance. Now a

vatic tropical


surfaces, slurred by

menus of vague

trolley, muted

until safely

appealed to, rustled

by wranglers of large

intent. This, then, poses a

stopgap plan, ritualistic

if not folded into

traces. A condition of

consideration, pulled

from the vault

and labeled mood, is a

plan that Poetry must try

to survive. Ask John Keats

in the cool

shed out of

blurry green

exaggerations. The

pool he examines

leaves mention in the

brink, the perfect

brink. Then why do

it? Maybe is

really a plan.

Action resumes

the march. Wind flops

over the marsh

where something

sinks apace. John

Keats said, /this/

/poem stayed with me./


2005-08-05 Thread Allen Bramhall

mwp wrote:


Selected from an abandoned photo album found in 2005 along the train
tracks in Albany, CA. The photos in the album were heavily soiled,
scratched, faded, waterlogged, sun-damaged, nature-infiltrated, etc.
The content of the photos appeared to be that of a dog show. I
performed some cropping and minimal digital processing on the photos,
mainly to enhance what was already there.

I’ve made high-quality prints from these works, which range from 8x10”
to 12x18”. The original size for all photos was 3x5”.

very neat stuff. I find photos now and then, which I always pick up, but
it never occurred to me to scan them. I gotta start gettin serious.


don't blame the reader

2005-08-04 Thread Allen Bramhall

the intrinsic sense

of directing phones,

to which I'm off

in the bloom feature

of fettle, masked

argument of

Iraqi, burnished

lock over

tension drape, juiced


while prancing,

stopgap economy

while dying,

stooped after effect

in regent time


blushed season

after grating scene,

trusting gown

of looser frame,

bouncing integer



glowing remarks

while sagging

poems, staggered

singly by excellent

swath, flipped

in kindling

drone, all for the

effort ranch,

the lubber detail,

the scrid in parlance,

the focus group

poppies: surely these

are reminiscent

of Digimon legend,

cartoon handicraft,

shitbucket mummery,

guff for the fancy,


of nothing...

hello phones
of plenty vending

network climbing:

I am near you...

honour platter

2005-08-02 Thread Allen Bramhall

Picture of a universe with leaves drawn across carpets where last words
struck a bargain.

Picture of a universe provided with colours of intense downfall, or over
the calling with mild surprise.

Resumption of a picture in the universe when trees seek latterly and the
effort of blossoms seems stung, loosened, a pearl of lode.

Tradition of resumption in each universe squeak and ferrying, thru
tremendous altitudes and even the best answer back.

Squiring of universe conditions while even the least seems better in the
perfection of staying. Kiss is a spring.

Picture in the universe forever enough.

Plaudits on reaching a universe in so many words.

Piously portraying the conduit and fray in terms of a universe of reaching.

A debt all the while, as the last on a universe knows.


2005-07-20 Thread Allen Bramhall

Isis had aspects.) To know his name wouldn't be feeble and nodding off.
As id his mouth drooped and let out bringing her equal power of saliva
which fell to the ground. Isis now mixed his saliva with the earth and
uttered her magic to create living venom he gods. As Re refused giving
away his name freely to her, she set out to find a way to coerce him to
reveal the spouse serpent from the mixture. Gods would also rank her and
her son Horus beside him among the traits and eye horizon in his 'Boat
of Millions of Years'. he aged as he approached the end of day. beta
drops Re refused giving away his name freely to her, she set out to find
a way to coerce him to the soup. Soup spoon was traveling across
decided, that would find out the secret name of her father Re, the next
soup spoon. (In this myth she was daughter to Re. Often same deities
appear in different contexts, mixing and sharing, Then she placed the
serpent across the path where the soup spoon would travel the next day,
and waited.

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