Re: [WSG] Validating (X)HTML + ARIA

2009-01-20 Thread Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

On 20/1/09 06:24, Anthony Ziebell wrote:

Is it true XHTML 1.1 supports modularization and thus, ARIA, except for
the role attribute / values?

I'm not sure I understand the question.

Modularization, in XHTML's case, refers to the splitting of XHTML 
itself into modules. This allows the definition of profiles of XHTML by 
adding modules together or the definition of compound XHTML family 
schema that mix a selection of XHTML modules with elements, attributes, 
and entities from other namespaces. See:

XHTML 1.1 is a profile of XHTML defined by adding XHTML modules together.

A strictly conforming XHTML 1.1 document cannot include ARIA attributes:

Modularization doesn't mean much either way for ARIA usage, since:

1. If you wanted to mix ARIA and XHTML in an XHTML family schema, all 
modularization would allow you to do is ban existing bits of XHTML (say, 
presentational elements) from that schema.

2. If you just want to mix ARIA and XHTML in an XML document, you don't 
need an XHTML family schema - especially if you want to use XHTML 1.1's 
profile wholesale.

XHTML 1.1 (latest draft) allows XHTML 1.1
to be served as text/html as defined in RFC2854 or application/xhtml+xml
as defined in RFC3236.

The first edition of XHTML 1.1 doesn't mention media types:

The latest public draft of the second edition (February 2007) says:

XHTML 1.1 documents SHOULD be labeled with the Internet Media Type 
text/html as defined in [RFC2854] or application/xhtml+xml as defined in 

The latest editor's draft (January 2009) says:

XHTML 1.1 documents SHOULD be labeled with the Internet Media Type 
application/xhtml+xml as defined in [RFC3236]

Note that SHOULD has a specific meaning defined in RFC 2119: .

Both the drafts refer us to W3C's note on XHTML media types:

Which has no normative status, but was a summary of the HTML Working 
Group's view of best practice in 2002, and says XHTML 1.1 SHOULD NOT 
be served as text/html, MAY be served as application/xml or text/xml, 
and SHOULD be served as application/xhtml+xml. (Again, these are RFC 
2119 terms).

But this note is itself being revised by the XHTML 2 Working Group:

It is still a note with no normative status, and this time should etc. 
are not defined with reference to RFC 2119. The note suggests best 
practices for serving XHTML documents as text/html:

* They should conform to a set of guidelines, ultimately a reworking 
of the guidelines at the end of XHTML 1.0

* They should not be XHTML Family documents that mix XHTML with features 
from other namespaces (e.g. SVG, MathML, YourMadeUpML).

What rather confuses all this is that there is _another_ W3C Working 
Group that is simultaneously defining how text/html and XML features in 
the XHTML namespace ( ) should actually be 
processed, the new HTML WG:

This is exciting as it looks like we are so close
to being able to implement websites which have a much higher level of

If you think a major barrier to ARIA adoption is that there is no way to 
use ARIA in your document and conform to a W3C Standard, then 
discussions around including ARIA in HTML5, the drafting of XHTML 1.2 
(which includes ARIA), and the gradual standardization of ARIA itself 
are of significantly more interest than any draft of XHTML 1.1.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Federal Court hearing re Virgin Blue website accessiblity

2009-01-20 Thread Nick Cowie
Chris, thanks for bringing it to my attention, I did not know about the up
coming court case.

I have seen a letter Mr Kerr sent a company regarding an inaccessible
and received and replied to email Mr Kerr sent as a response to my forum
comment. Apparently I have a different opinion from Mr Kerr on what makes a
web site accessible under the Disabilities Discrimination Act.

It should be an interesting case and I am looking forward to the results.
This will be very different from Maguire vs SOCOG as it is in the Federal
Magristrates Court not the Human Rights Commission. I hope that Mr Kerr's
legal team have more than Mr Kerr and a letter from HREOC on their side.
Because if I was Virgin Blue, I would have a couple of experts from Vision
Australia and a couple of screen reader users to tell/show how they can book
tickets via Virgin Blue's website (ala the Target defense last year in the

Nick Cowie

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Federal Court hearing re Virgin Blue website accessiblity

2009-01-20 Thread Matthew Pennell
On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 8:03 AM, Nick Cowie wrote:

 Apparently I have a different opinion from Mr Kerr on what makes a web site
 accessible under the Disabilities Discrimination Act.

Care to expand on that point? Do his views jibe with what most web
developers would consider 'accessible'?

- Matthew

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] JavaScript and Accessibility

2009-01-20 Thread Simon Pascal Klein
I thought a bit more about this and I realised perhaps a better option  
would be to display the JS-injected messages and errors that a screen  
reader could not read but upon submission of the form, reload the page  
and provide all the messages and errors again (the form could not be  
completed anyway due to the errors; where else would to send the user  
to?). This way users browsing with an accessibility aid like a screen  
reader would not see the injected errors which are a nifty feature but  
still be presented with them upon submission of the form and the page  

Why I didn’t think of this earlier is beyond me. D’oh.


On 20/01/2009, at 12:57 PM, wrote:

after all it's impossible to tell those users using an  
accessibility aid like a screen reader
from those who do not, and hey, the growing number of users who  
purposefully disable

JavaScript won't see the glitzy JavaScript injected errors anyway.

Agreed, and any decent validation is going to be done server-side
validation anyway, so you're going to have to (or at least you should)
implement the server-side responses in any case.

- James

James Ducker
Web Developer

List Guidelines:

Simon Pascal Klein
Concept designer


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Microformats Accessibility

2009-01-20 Thread Michael MD

A timely blog post by Andy...and this marks the third anniversary of the 
same issues being rehashed

though Ben Ward's efforts are to be noted...see

I guess I should make sure my parser handles those...

...btw looking at the examples draws attention to a big usability problem 
with so-called human dates...
(which has little to do with microformats or markup .. its more a problem 
with culture and education)

If something like February 9th appears on a page is that really 
.  what year is that?   is it coming up ? ... or am I looking at an old 
page about something from last year? ...

Do you really want to hide a machine date when that may the only thing on 
the page you can use to tell what the date actually is?

It would certainly be nice if people were to learn to write human dates 
more clearly!

Lets ban those yearless dates, dd/mm/ and mm/dd/ sillyness and 
anything with two digit years!

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Microformats Accessibility

2009-01-20 Thread Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

On 20/1/09 08:31, Michael MD wrote:

If something like February 9th appears on a page is that really
. what year is that? is it coming up ? ... or am I looking at an old
page about something from last year? ...

Um... depends, look at the surrounding text in this test case:

it's a birthday, so last year, this year, and every year thereafter. ;)

It would certainly be nice if people were to learn to write human
dates more clearly!

I agree with this general point, though the way to write dates most 
clearly in English is 9 February 2009 (or, somewhat worse, February 
9th 2009) not any machine-readable readable syntax.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Microformats Accessibility

2009-01-20 Thread Patrick H. Lauke
On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 8:31 AM, Michael MD wrote:

 ...btw looking at the examples draws attention to a big usability problem
 with so-called human dates...
 (which has little to do with microformats or markup .. its more a problem
 with culture and education)

 If something like February 9th appears on a page is that really
 .  what year is that?   is it coming up ? ... or am I looking at an old
 page about something from last year? ...

Ah yes, the we know screenreader users are having problems with full
ISO...but *actually* they're better because they're more unambiguous

Strangely, humans have been using human-friendly date/time formats
since...forever, and have coped fine with ambiguity for the most part.
Human communications are by their very nature fuzzy and ambiguous,
and usually this fuzziness is then clarified through additional
knowledge (is this blog from the US or from the UK?, when you say
'dinner at 8' i assume you mean 8PM/20:00?, etc).

Yes, in a completely ideal world, if microformats weren't creating
actual problems to certain users as in this case, I too would jump on
the we're disambiguating the web, one datetime at a time bandwagon.
But for the time being, while there are known problems, I'd rather
wait until the uf community makes a concerted effort to take all the
proposed alternatives that can solve the issue into consideration and
adopt the best-of-breed one.

 Do you really want to hide a machine date when that may the only thing on
 the page you can use to tell what the date actually is?

Ok, in both cases, the onus is on the authors of those pages and how
ambiguous they are in the content creation. You bemoan the fact that
authors haven't made it clear what date/time they actually mean, but
then expect the same authors to also put unambiguous full ISO datetime
microformats around their fuzzy information? The real solution here is
to get these content authors to actually write their information in a
clearer way (in clear text), I would suggest.

 It would certainly be nice if people were to learn to write human dates
 more clearly!

 Lets ban those yearless dates, dd/mm/ and mm/dd/ sillyness and
 anything with two digit years!

Absolutely! Sorry, just seen that we're actually saying the same thing
here, so nice one.

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |
Web Standards Project (WaSP) Accessibility Task Force

List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] JavaScript and Accessibility

2009-01-20 Thread Chris Taylor
 From: Chris Knowles
 I wouldn't be waiting for ARIA to get out of draft before using it :) It
 has pretty good support in browsers already so get stuck in. And because
 essentially all you are doing with ARIA is adding attributes to tags,
 the worst that can happen is your pages no longer validate - but who
 cares if you are making them more accessible?

I think validation is still important to ensure a consistent and future-proof 
experience across browsers, but ARIA is definitely needed. So seeing as ARIA 
attributes are there to offer a solution to problems introduced by JavaScript, 
why don't we use JavaScript to add the ARIA attributes. Using a similar idea to 
my Performer script [1] we could add these using CSS:

p id=updates class=aria-live-politeThis content will be updated by an 
AJAX-type script/p

A simple script could parse all elements in the DOM tree, and anything with the 
class aria-live-polite add the attribute aria-live with a value of 
polite. If this was done before any other JavaScript was run it would prepare 
the page with ARIA attributes before it is needed, whilst keeping the code 
validating. The resulting code in this example would be:

p id=updates class=aria-live-polite aria-live=politeThis content will 
be updated by an AJAX-type script/p

Of course, elements with ARIA classes could be styled differently if required:

.aria-live-polite { border: 1px dotted #CCC; }

If JavaScript is not present or disabled, the ARIA attributes will not get 
applied. But that won't be a problem, as no other JavaScript will be run anyway.

There are actually a lot of ARIA attribute variations so this idea may not 
scale very well, but for simple use it may be a suitable answer to the ARIA / 
validation problem.


[1] - add JavaScript features using just CSS classes and 
standard attributes. New website and lots more features coming very soon. Get 
in touch if you'd be interested in helping / testing.

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List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] JavaScript and Accessibility

2009-01-20 Thread Chris Taylor
 From: Chris Knowles
 yes, so you still run your code through the validator and make sure it
 only fails on the ARIA attributes -  that way you save yourself a whole
 lot of trouble. I don't really understand inserting attributes with
 javascript just so you get a tick from the validator? Maybe I'm missing
 something but what benefit does that bring? And validators will catch up
 at some point anyway.

Quite apart from the satisfaction I get from those green ticks (I loves me them 
green ticks), I think providing a validating page to the browser is an 
important part of creating a web that is accessible to all. We all know the 
problems that certain (ahem) browser manufacturers have with a 
properly-validating document, but if we have these document definitions in 
place we should use them.

Adding ARIA attributes using JavaScript is therefore part of progressive 
enhancement, much like using any AJAX-type features is - or at least should be. 
It's not ideal, I'm not pretending for one minute it is, but that's the web 
world we live in.

Hopefully, in the fullness of time, all these measures will become unnecessary 
and we'll all bask in the warm glow of browsers that natively handle all the 
goodies which are being waved in front of our noses (not just ARIA, CSS3, HTML5 
etc). But I'm not holding my breath for that day.


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List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] JavaScript and Accessibility

2009-01-20 Thread Chris Knowles
Chris Taylor wrote:
 From: Chris Knowles
 I wouldn't be waiting for ARIA to get out of draft before using it :) It
 has pretty good support in browsers already so get stuck in. And because
 essentially all you are doing with ARIA is adding attributes to tags,
 the worst that can happen is your pages no longer validate - but who
 cares if you are making them more accessible?

 I think validation is still important to ensure a consistent and
future-proof experience across browsers

yes, so you still run your code through the validator and make sure it
only fails on the ARIA attributes -  that way you save yourself a whole
lot of trouble. I don't really understand inserting attributes with
javascript just so you get a tick from the validator? Maybe I'm missing
something but what benefit does that bring? And validators will catch up
at some point anyway.

Chris Knowles

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] JavaScript and Accessibility

2009-01-20 Thread Chris Knowles
Chris Taylor wrote:

 Adding ARIA attributes using JavaScript is therefore part of progressive 

does that actually work? My understanding is that one problem ARIA
addresses is that when javascript alters the DOM, assistive technologies
don't necessarily get notified of the changes. So do they get notified
that you've injected ARIA attributes?

Chris Knowles

List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] JavaScript and Accessibility

2009-01-20 Thread Chris Taylor
 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Knowles
 does that actually work? My understanding is that one problem ARIA
 addresses is that when javascript alters the DOM, assistive technologies
 don't necessarily get notified of the changes. So do they get notified
 that you've injected ARIA attributes?

The thought had crossed my mind, but unfortunately I have no reliable way to 
test it. If anyone wants to let us know whether this idea is a goer, I'd be 
very grateful.


This message has been scanned for malware by SurfControl plc.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Federal Court hearing re Virgin Blue website accessiblity

2009-01-20 Thread Nick Cowie
2009/1/20 Matthew Pennell

 On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 8:03 AM, Nick Cowie wrote:

 Apparently I have a different opinion from Mr Kerr on what makes a web
 site accessible under the Disabilities Discrimination Act.

 Care to expand on that point? Do his views jibe with what most web
 developers would consider 'accessible'?

 From Mr Kerr's original  letter, his opinion appears to that the WCAG 1.0
guidelines priority level 1, 2 and 3 are the be all and end all of
accessibility, particularly with regard to the DDA.

I take a far more pragmatic approach, particularly when it comes to the 10
year WCAG 1.0 and a number of the priority 3 guidelines that are more likely
to make a site inaccessible than accessible.

Personally I find both WCAG 1.0 and WCAG 2.0 to be lacking when it comes to
language related disabilities. Both for people with cognitive impairments
and those with english as second language, for example people with hearing
impairment whose primary language is sign language.

List Guidelines:

[WSG] HTML 5 and XHTML 2 combined

2009-01-20 Thread Brett Patterson
 I would feel everyone in cooperation would be the way to go. Browser
vendors (going to call them vendors, for short) need to understand that just
because they want what they want does not matter as much as what is needed.
If a major change is needed and vendors do not want to follow along, then so
be it. If every vendor's ideas differed in some respect, then every browser
would become an Internet Explorer -type browser. One that does not follow
suit with the way things ought to be, in IE's case, is. It should be said to
them that whole fact, to save everyone the headache of trying to design
for every different browser and what that browser supports/does not support.
Sorry, but it is a bit of a touchy subject, especially considering the
amount of work that one has to put in with others to get *EVERY* browser to
play with one good block of code.

How do you imagine this could be reconciled? If you hijack HTML5 to
 effectively become XHTML2, browser vendors will just again come up with
 something different conforming to *their* goals. (HTML4.5 or whatever.)

Their goals are not as important as what the whole idea of the Web is, and
Tim Berners-Lee's/CERN's goals for the Web. Which is, as one major part
(responsibility of advocates/vendors/anyone with any part of the Web),
universal accessibility. When vendors design for their own goal(s), they are
not living up to that responsibility; therefore, their points and concerns
mean *NOTHING*, and can be dismissed without a split-second thought, when it
comes to the working groups and what is deemed necessary to reach that goal
of universal accessibility.

And to Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis, to answer your earlier questions

When you speak of browser vendors mixing old languages with the new, I'm
 not sure what you mean, or why it is a problem.

The below also explains the above quote of your question. The problem is,
that we need to drop what really is heavy and unnecessary luggage, (this
luggage being what is not supported in XHTML 1.0 Transitional, at least by
my view points).

Rift-raft, as Philip said is, the baggage of earlier, arguably poorly
thought out, standards.

You mentioned creating Transitional and Strict document types, but it's
 unclear what user problems this would solve or how exactly it would help
 merge HTML5 and XHTML2.

I meant this in the sense of the current X/HTML transitional and strict
approaches, as in the reason they were developed rather than just a Strict
or Transitional approach (not implementing both, in HTML and XHTML). It
could help merge them and solve problems by identifying any conflicting
parts of the Standards, any conflicts that you can see that might take
place. Focus on the Code that goes into a web page first, you have a small
portion of differences that can be resolved by dropping the luggage of
earlier, poorly thought out standards.

Why would combining HTML5 and XHTML2 would prevent browser developers
 inventing their own language features?

This is best answered by reading the 3 previous posts from this one.

What headache are you talking about?

The headache stems from the different code necessary to force IE to play
nicely and the different codes each browser has made especially for itself
(understand the question above about inventing their own language features,
where we completely ignore them).

But, anyway, like I said, I read your links and can now agree with you. I
was just trying to answer your previous questions, not stir up another

Brett P.

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Molte wrote:

 Indeed they should.

 The problem just might be, that if the browser vendors do not like the
 language they can simply just avoid supporting it (just like going on a
 strike). And then what idea is there of a standard that is not supported or

 It's just a question about who has the power to decide the future of the
 Web. The browser vendors? the coders/developers? us? or just everyone in

 2009/1/20 Brett Patterson

 Okay, long time posted in this subject. I see where Benjamin is heading
 with his discussions, and I agree with him. Took me awhile to read and
 understand his links. But, Olaf, why are browser vendors allowed to choose
 what is right and wrong with HTML and XHTML, and coders are to play along,
 and the working groups that build upon HTML and XHTML (work with it, fix it,
 whatever) suppose to conform to browser vendor's goals? They should not be
 allowed to tell working groups what should and should not be allowed! It is
 not up to them. If it is, what is the purpose of the working groups? Are the
 working groups composed only of browser vendors, or both designers/coders
 and browser vendors? Vendors should be made to follow the standards and
 codes, and ideas and goals of the working group, should they not?

 Brett P.

 On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 3:10 AM, wrote:


 On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 

Re: [WSG] HTML 5 and XHTML 2 combined

2009-01-20 Thread David Storey

On 20 Jan 2009, at 19:18, Brett Patterson wrote:

I would feel everyone in cooperation would be the way to go. Browser  
vendors (going to call them vendors, for short) need to understand  
that just because they want what they want does not matter as much  
as what is needed. If a major change is needed and vendors do not  
want to follow along, then so be it. If every vendor's ideas  
differed in some respect, then every browser would become an  
Internet Explorer -type browser. One that does not follow suit  
with the way things ought to be, in IE's case, is. It should be said  
to them that whole fact, to save everyone the headache of trying  
to design for every different browser and what that browser supports/ 
does not support. Sorry, but it is a bit of a touchy subject,  
especially considering the amount of work that one has to put in  
with others to get EVERY browser to play with one good block of code.

How do you imagine this could be reconciled? If you hijack HTML5 to
effectively become XHTML2, browser vendors will just again come up  
something different conforming to *their* goals. (HTML4.5 or  

Their goals are not as important as what the whole idea of the Web  
is, and Tim Berners-Lee's/CERN's goals for the Web. Which is, as one  
major part (responsibility of advocates/vendors/anyone with any part  
of the Web), universal accessibility. When vendors design for their  
own goal(s), they are not living up to that responsibility;  
therefore, their points and concerns mean NOTHING, and can be  
dismissed without a split-second thought, when it comes to the  
working groups and what is deemed necessary to reach that goal of  
universal accessibility.

Not wanting to get into an argument, but if that is the case, who is  
going to implement the new specs if the vendors point, concerns and  
goals mean nothing?  If vendors don't get behind a spec and implement  
it then developers can't use it.  The best specs are those that take  
everyones needs into account; users, developers, designers and browser  

And to Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis, to answer your earlier questions

When you speak of browser vendors mixing old languages with the  
new, I'm not sure what you mean, or why it is a problem.
The below also explains the above quote of your question. The  
problem is, that we need to drop what really is heavy and  
unnecessary luggage, (this luggage being what is not supported in  
XHTML 1.0 Transitional, at least by my view points).

Rift-raft, as Philip said is, the baggage of earlier, arguably  
poorly thought out, standards.

You mentioned creating Transitional and Strict document types, but  
it's unclear what user problems this would solve or how exactly it  
would help merge HTML5 and XHTML2.

I meant this in the sense of the current X/HTML transitional and  
strict approaches, as in the reason they were developed rather than  
just a Strict or Transitional approach (not implementing both, in  
HTML and XHTML). It could help merge them and solve problems by  
identifying any conflicting parts of the Standards, any conflicts  
that you can see that might take place. Focus on the Code that goes  
into a web page first, you have a small portion of differences that  
can be resolved by dropping the luggage of earlier, poorly thought  
out standards.

Why would combining HTML5 and XHTML2 would prevent browser  
developers inventing their own language features?

This is best answered by reading the 3 previous posts from this one.

What headache are you talking about?

The headache stems from the different code necessary to force IE to  
play nicely and the different codes each browser has made especially  
for itself (understand the question above about inventing their own  
language features, where we completely ignore them).

But, anyway, like I said, I read your links and can now agree with  
you. I was just trying to answer your previous questions, not stir  
up another argument.

Brett P.

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Molte wrote:
Indeed they should.

The problem just might be, that if the browser vendors do not like  
the language they can simply just avoid supporting it (just like  
going on a strike). And then what idea is there of a standard that  
is not supported or used?

It's just a question about who has the power to decide the future of  
the Web. The browser vendors? the coders/developers? us? or just  
everyone in cooperation?

2009/1/20 Brett Patterson

Okay, long time posted in this subject. I see where Benjamin is  
heading with his discussions, and I agree with him. Took me awhile  
to read and understand his links. But, Olaf, why are browser vendors  
allowed to choose what is right and wrong with HTML and XHTML, and  
coders are to play along, and the working groups that build upon  
HTML and XHTML (work with it, fix it, whatever) suppose to conform  
to browser vendor's 

Re: [WSG] HTML 5 and XHTML 2 combined

2009-01-20 Thread Andrew Boyd
On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 5:18 AM, Brett Patterson wrote:

 I would feel everyone in cooperation would be the way to go. Browser
 vendors (going to call them vendors, for short) need to understand that just
 because they want what they want does not matter as much as what is needed.
 If a major change is needed and vendors do not want to follow along, then so
 be it. If every vendor's ideas differed in some respect, then every browser
 would become an Internet Explorer -type browser. One that does not follow
 suit with the way things ought to be, in IE's case, is. It should be said to
 them that whole fact, to save everyone the headache of trying to design
 for every different browser and what that browser supports/does not support.
 Sorry, but it is a bit of a touchy subject, especially considering the
 amount of work that one has to put in with others to get *EVERY* browser
 to play with one good block of code.


just on this point - maybe I am old and cynical, or have just seen too
much... but universal social responsibility from browser vendors that
manifests as total consistency? While very desirable, I am willing to bet
that it does not occur in my lifetime.

Cheers, Andrew

Andrew Boyd -- User Experience Community -- connect, read, discuss

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Validating (X)HTML + ARIA

2009-01-20 Thread Anthony Ziebell

Thanks Benjamin. The only troubles we face with
= XHTML 1.1 and = HTML5 is related to progressive enhancement.
It's more of a business decision... do we enhance our sites and make
them a whole lot more accessible, meanwhile dropping support for older
browsers? Or do we sit and wait until older browsers no longer have a
market share and leave our visually impaired visitors in the dark?

Someone mentioned using _javascript_ to implement ARIA parameters. This
is a good idea... but just how accessible would that be to a vision
impaired visitor with _javascript_ turned off?


Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:
20/1/09 06:24, Anthony Ziebell wrote:
  Is it true XHTML 1.1 supports modularization
and thus, ARIA, except for

the role attribute / values?

I'm not sure I understand the question.
"Modularization", in XHTML's case, refers to the splitting of XHTML
itself into modules. This allows the definition of profiles of XHTML by
adding modules together or the definition of compound "XHTML family"
schema that mix a selection of XHTML modules with elements, attributes,
and entities from other namespaces. See:
XHTML 1.1 is a profile of XHTML defined by adding XHTML modules
A strictly conforming XHTML 1.1 document cannot include ARIA
Modularization doesn't mean much either way for ARIA usage, since:
1. If you wanted to mix ARIA and XHTML in an XHTML family schema, all
modularization would allow you to do is ban existing bits of XHTML
(say, presentational elements) from that schema.
2. If you just want to mix ARIA and XHTML in an XML document, you don't
need an XHTML family schema - especially if you want to use XHTML 1.1's
profile wholesale.
  XHTML 1.1 (latest draft) allows XHTML 1.1

to be served as text/html as defined in RFC2854 or

as defined in RFC3236.

The first edition of XHTML 1.1 doesn't mention media types:
The latest public draft of the second edition (February 2007) says:
"XHTML 1.1 documents SHOULD be labeled with the Internet Media Type
text/html as defined in [RFC2854] or application/xhtml+xml as defined
in [RFC3236]."
The latest editor's draft (January 2009) says:
"XHTML 1.1 documents SHOULD be labeled with the Internet Media Type
"application/xhtml+xml" as defined in [RFC3236]"
Note that "SHOULD" has a specific meaning defined in RFC 2119: .
Both the drafts refer us to W3C's note on XHTML media types:
Which has no normative status, but was a summary of the HTML Working
Group's view of best practice in 2002, and says XHTML 1.1 "SHOULD NOT"
be served as text/html, "MAY" be served as application/xml or text/xml,
and "SHOULD" be served as application/xhtml+xml. (Again, these are RFC
2119 terms).
But this note is itself being revised by the XHTML 2 Working Group:
It is still a note with no normative status, and this time "should"
etc. are not defined with reference to RFC 2119. The note suggests best
practices for serving XHTML documents as text/html:
* They should "conform" to a set of guidelines, ultimately a reworking
of the guidelines at the end of XHTML 1.0
* They should not be XHTML Family documents that mix XHTML with
features from other namespaces (e.g. SVG, MathML, YourMadeUpML).
What rather confuses all this is that there is _another_ W3C Working
Group that is simultaneously defining how text/html and XML features in
the XHTML namespace ( ) should actually
be processed, the new HTML WG:
  This is exciting as it looks like we are so

to being able to implement websites which have a much higher level of


If you think a major barrier to ARIA adoption is that there is no way
to use ARIA in your document and conform to a W3C Standard, then
discussions around including ARIA in HTML5, the drafting of XHTML 1.2
(which includes ARIA), and the gradual standardization of ARIA itself
are of significantly more interest than any draft of XHTML 1.1.
Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Validating (X)HTML + ARIA

2009-01-20 Thread Seona Bellamy
2009/1/21 Anthony Ziebell
 Someone mentioned using JavaScript to implement ARIA parameters. This is a
 good idea... but just how accessible would that be to a vision impaired
 visitor with JavaScript turned off?

I think the idea behind it is that because you also have server-side
validation in place (which causes a full screen-refresh, so screen
readers known that something has changed anyway) then if the user has
JavaScript turned off they still won't miss anything. Sure they won't
get the ARIA stuff, but neither will they get the JavaScript DOM
changes that made it necessary in the first place.

That's my understanding, anyway...


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Validating (X)HTML + ARIA

2009-01-20 Thread Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

On 20/1/09 22:47, Anthony Ziebell wrote:

It's more of a business decision... do we enhance our sites and make
them a whole lot more accessible, meanwhile dropping support for
older browsers?

Other than an accessibility technology inspecting the DOM for ARIA 
attributes, what makes you think that the presence or absence of ARIA 
attributes in particular makes any (real world) difference to 
compatibility if the user is using a browser that does not implement any 
functionality for those attributes other than inserting them into the DOM?

Surely what makes the big difference to accessibility for users of older 
user agents is the absence of an accessibility infrastructure for 
certain DHTML widgets and behaviours that works in those user agents?

Or do we sit
and wait until older browsers no longer have a market share and leave
our visually impaired visitors in the dark?

Someone mentioned using JavaScript to implement ARIA parameters. This is
a good idea...


but just how accessible would that be to a vision
impaired visitor with JavaScript turned off?

As accessible as your page normally is with JavaScript turned off to the 
same user.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Validating (X)HTML + ARIA

2009-01-20 Thread Anthony Ziebell
Oh, also... there is a requirement for our pages to validate (hence I 
can only see JavaScript as a valid option at this point?)

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:

On 20/1/09 22:47, Anthony Ziebell wrote:

It's more of a business decision... do we enhance our sites and make
them a whole lot more accessible, meanwhile dropping support for
older browsers?

Other than an accessibility technology inspecting the DOM for ARIA 
attributes, what makes you think that the presence or absence of ARIA 
attributes in particular makes any (real world) difference to 
compatibility if the user is using a browser that does not implement 
any functionality for those attributes other than inserting them into 
the DOM?

Surely what makes the big difference to accessibility for users of 
older user agents is the absence of an accessibility infrastructure 
for certain DHTML widgets and behaviours that works in those user agents?

Or do we sit
and wait until older browsers no longer have a market share and leave
our visually impaired visitors in the dark?

Someone mentioned using JavaScript to implement ARIA parameters. This is
a good idea...


but just how accessible would that be to a vision
impaired visitor with JavaScript turned off?

As accessible as your page normally is with JavaScript turned off to 
the same user.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

List Guidelines:

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Validating (X)HTML + ARIA

2009-01-20 Thread David Hucklesby
On Wed, 21 Jan 2009 10:15:38 +1100, Anthony Ziebell wrote:
 Oh, also... there is a requirement for our pages to validate (hence I can 
 only see
 JavaScript as a valid option at this point?)

*Is* there a requirement for our pages to validate? I would have
thought that making a page more accessible would be far more important.
After all, Google sees fit to ignore validation in order to speed up
page rendering - another worthwhile goal.

I must say that I regard validation and spell-checking as equivalent
(and equally important). If I use my U.S. spell-checker on a review
of a book with the word colour in the title, should I change the
spelling according to the spell-check's version - color? I think not.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Microformats Accessibility

2009-01-20 Thread Stuart Foulstone
I think it's a clash between microformats VS html AND accessibility

On Mon, January 19, 2009 12:48 am, Ben Rowe wrote:
 on, it suggests the ABBR element and title attribute
 for machine code. however, title attribute for this element will be read
 out to a screen reader user. we are considering having an output of
 span class=namehuman valuespan class=value title=machine
 value/span/span however its an empty span. this method of empty
 spans is also suggested on to combat accessibility
 issues, but wanted your suggestions / thoughts?

 Obviously it is a clash of HTML standards VS accessibility. I've chosen
 the span option because I think accessibility is more important.


 List Guidelines:

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Website review :

2009-01-20 Thread Luke Hoggett


Just tabbed through the page and the login form are the very last 
elements on the page to be hit, needs a lower tab-index, not very nice 
in terms of accessibility.


Stewart Griffiths wrote:

Harsh is fine, it's a critique / review we asked for ;o)

Got rid of all but one error, which is a vb one, so will work on 
finding that. As for breaking when the text is increased, well, as you 
state this is due to the way vb spits out the code. But we can work on 
that going forward. WE will look at the typography we are using and 
look to make it consistent across the site, the background gradiants 
and the nav icons we will again look at updating.

Thanks for the feedback, this is all great stuff.


2009/1/16 Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

On 16/1/09 16:41, Stewart Griffiths wrote:

Please can you provide feedback on the following website

We are looking for thoughts on the design and usability of the
plus any general feedback you want to provide.


Just looked at the homepage.

Pointless XHTML formedness errors, lack of heading elements, table
layouts, presentational markup, inline styles, obtrusive
JavaScript, unnecessary browser detection, presentational class
names, and a layout that begins to break with only two text size
steps up (at least in Safari) may be byproducts of vBulletin but
they undercut the site's ostensible purpose of discussing
professional web development in a way that I find hard to overlook
given you've adopted a self-hosted solution for the forum.

More subjectively, I think the random bits of sans-serif (menu
links at the side and some of the menu links at the top) look
discordant, the lack of contrast between the brown backgrounds and
darker brown text may make the content hard to read for some users
(I'd suggesting using coffee text on white instead of brown text
on brown), and the icons in the left-hand navigation menu look too
randomly generic.

Sorry that's harsh, but I hope it helps.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

List Guidelines:

List Guidelines:

List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] Examples of great high-school websites?

2009-01-20 Thread Elizabeth Spiegel
Hi Alan

Interesting that they justify layout tables on the basis that some users may
have IE5, yet have a slow, graphics-heavy site which will take forever to
load without a broadband connection.  How many users I wonder have a screen
width of more than 1024px plus IE5 plus broadband?

Elizabeth Spiegel
Web editing
0409 986 158
GPO Box 729, Hobart TAS 7001

From: [] On
Behalf Of Alan Berman
Sent: Monday, 19 January 2009 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Examples of great high-school websites?

Educational Networks has been courted our administration (for El Camino Real
High School in southern California) for the last couple of years. I finally
let them come to show me their stuff, intending to show them what I had put
together for my school site as a discussion starter; they are not used to
talking to people who have done this sort of work--content management is the
magic wand they offer to the schools, so when there's something that's
already set up that way they have a tough time getting past a solution that
isn't theirs: (Please note that the Student Info page,
linked from the navbar, is entirely designed by and controlled by a former
student--it is rife with errors and designed without any regard to
consistency with the overall site design. I know about it and have no time
to do anything about it except ask for forgiveness at present.)

I welcome comments, of course, but that's not the reason I'm sending this

Most of the site is content-managed (I did the PHP myself, no use of any
sort of CMS framework or engine--for better or worse) and I have used Mike
Cherim's contact form (although I styled it to fold in with the site, I

The rep they sent wasn't really very conversant on the technology, but did
write down all of my issues, including these points:
1. All their sites (and they have done MANY) look exactly the same if you
squint: fixed-width, scrolling banners, etc.
2. All their sites load slowly.
3. All their sites are invalid for HTML and CSS
4. All of their sites fare unfavorably against any accessibility guidelines
5. All of their sites weren't as good (IMHO) as what I had already made


When the rep went back to EN with her tail betwixt her legs, she must have
talked to some tech people, then sent back a note with her signature; this
is an excerpt from her note. Perhaps this will help clarify their position,
at least as of last year. And one would think that, regarding the last
comment about accessibility, if they can do it as a tech support request,
why not just build it into ALL their sites? It's all part of the deep
structure of the CMS, right? Well, it should be. . .

4) CSS vs. Tables. This is a vary valid discussion and here are the
considerations in making a decision as to what approach to take:
   - All our sites use CSS for a lot of centralization in terms of
backgrounds, fonts, styles, it is efficient, works robustly and beautifully.

   - Most of the tables are not handled through CSS because CSS is not
reliable across various browsers the way each renders HTML. We design our
sites to be correctly visible from IE 5, Firefox, even on Mac's with IE 5
(which is no longer supported by Microsoft). Our public sites should operate
properly even on exotic OS's or old browsers as in many communities people
have old computers with old browsers. When tables are implemented one can
also correctly handle more complex tables. CSS is fine with simple listing
tables such as a 1 X N matrixes (like one can see on the homepage of ECR),
but imagine a 3X3 matrix where the requirement would be to merge the first
two cells starting from the most left column for only on the top row. This
would be a nightmare to handle through CSS, thus the correct choice would be
to use the Table approach. 
  - The sites we built are portals with unified navigational structures. The
header, footer, left nav bar (if there is one) would come from includes
using a proprietary technology (a bit like portlets) which also works most
efficiently with tables, rather than CSS. has an excellent discussion
about Table vs. CSS. 

At Educational Networks we do follow closely all new technologies and
implement them as they become widely available and have proven track records
of being robust and mainstream. A good example would be RSS enabling most
dynamic sections and ICAL compatibility of our calendars. There are numerous
Web 2.0 technologies with lots of eye candy and we constantly evaluate them
before reliably implementing them. For example, last year we AJAX enabled
several applications of the CMS in the back-end such as Food Menu and
Events Calendar, and Settings as it was the appropriate