Re: [Wtr-general] need help on Data Driven

2007-07-09 Thread Walter Kruse
I suspect that your problem is in the path + filename definition. On
Windows I have always had to use / or \\ instead of the \ in defining
paths. I also advise not using directories with spaces in the names. You
may also under certain circumstances need to escape the . in .xls with a


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of murali
Sent: 10 July 2007 07:42 AM
Subject: [Wtr-general] need help on Data Driven

Hi every one,

   iam facing problem with the data driven. have glance of my
code and let me know where i did mistake.

excel= WIN32OLE::new('excel.Application')
workbook=excel.Workbooks.Open('D:\Documents and
Settings\mmopur\Desktop\IPE Aut\test.xls')
excel ['Visible']
#worksheet.Range('a2') ['Value']
category=worksheet.Range('a2:a4') ['Value']
line = '1'
while worksheet.Range("a#{line}")['Value']

when i run the script iam getting the errors as belo mentioned

c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:3431:in `+': can't convert Array
into S
ring (TypeError)
from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:3431:in
from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:3427:in `each'
from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:3427:in
from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:3393:in `set'
from D:/Documents and Settings/mmopur/Desktop/IPE

plz look into that and do needful

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Re: [Wtr-general] how to install Eclipse plugin for ruby ?

2007-07-01 Thread Walter Kruse
My setup:

Eclipse IDE:
I use the Platform Runtime Binary (without Java Dev Tools, 33MB) from
specifically this one:

Version 0.9.0 RC 1 from here:

One click installer:
This version: ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-25) [i386-mswin32]

The latest Watir development gem from:

The instructions:

Install Ruby to C:\ruby
Unzip the Eclipse file to C:\eclipse
Unzip the RDT file to C:\eclipse
Run eclipse.exe
Configure the Ruby section
gem install C:\ruby\watir-*.gem

This or a similar setup has been working for me for about 2 years.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of jieke
Sent: 29 June 2007 06:08 AM
Subject: [Wtr-general] how to install Eclipse plugin for ruby ?

I try to use Eclipse debug ruby program. So I download a plugin named
RDT(Ruby Development Tools).But I can't use it.(The RDT download
I  startup Eclipse and click "help/software Updates/find and
IT register "Network connection problems encountered during search."
IT is failed.How can do it?
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Re: [Wtr-general] Problems with Test::Unit in Eclipse

2007-06-25 Thread Walter Kruse
I use this:

$: << File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))

For exactly that problem


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of jim_matt
Sent: 26 June 2007 06:41 AM
Subject: [Wtr-general] Problems with Test::Unit in Eclipse


I realize this is more of an Eclipse problem than a Watir problem, but I
know some of you use Eclipse and I though maybe you have figured out the
solution already.


The problem is that I could not get Test Unit Runner in Eclipse to work
for my Ruby tests.  It appears the problem is that the directory where
my test files reside in my project is not in the loadpath.  Whenever I
tried to run the tests with the TU runner in Eclipse, it gave me a load
error, saying that it could not find the file I was trying to run.


I looked all over trying to find how to add a path to the Eclipse load
path, but had no success.  I tried Googling Eclipse and Ruby and Test
Unit and did not turn up anything.


I did get it to work with a real kluge.  I put a file, in the existing
loadpath, with the same name as the file I was trying to run.  The file
contains a require statement with the full path to the file I want to
run.  This works for now, but I would like to have a better solution
than putting a new file for each project in the existing load path.


Does anybody know how to add the the loadpath or come up with a better


Jim Matthews


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Re: [Wtr-general] New Watir User Guide (beta)

2007-05-18 Thread Walter Kruse
I don't know what it does, except that you need it to load watir when
using irb :-)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bret Pettichord
Sent: 18 May 2007 03:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] New Watir User Guide (beta)

Walter Kruse wrote:
> require 'watir'
> include Watir (it's magic anyway, it won't hurt)
> ie = (let people see a blank browser)
> ie.goto(" <>")
> Show people the steps and show them later how to abbreviate it with a 
> small explanation of the Ruby idiom. It's also important to explain 
> each line. What, I believe, it will result in is a deeper 
> understanding as opposed to just knowing how to do tasks with canned 
> food. A problem I have as a relative latecomer to programming is that 
> I know how to do certain things, but not why. It makes problem solving

> difficult.
My experience is that the "include Watir" line is never understood and 
in fact people end up thinking that it is some kind of magic. That, to 
me, is a reason to avoid it. The reality is that it is a shortcut that 
ends up being longer than what it abbreviates. I'm not going to explain 
right now what it does. But if you aren't perfectly clear on what it 
does and how you can explain it to people (who easily get it confused 
with "require 'watir'", then you should omit it.

On the other hand, it is obvious what and ie.goto each do, and 
therefore it works just as well for me to break them out as it does to 
replace them with a "start".

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Re: [Wtr-general] New Watir User Guide (beta)

2007-05-18 Thread Walter Kruse
I vote for:


require 'watir'
include Watir  (it's magic anyway, it won't hurt)
ie = (let people see a blank browser)
ie.goto(" ")


Show people the steps and show them later how to abbreviate it with a small 
explanation of the Ruby idiom. It's also important to explain each line. What, 
I believe, it will result in is a deeper understanding as opposed to just 
knowing how to do tasks with canned food. A problem I have as a relative 
latecomer to programming is that I know how to do certain things, but not why. 
It makes problem solving difficult.


My 2 cents.






From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Željko Filipin
Sent: 18 May 2007 09:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] New Watir User Guide (beta)



Thanks for your suggestions. Comments are inline.

On 5/18/07, Chris McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Clearly this is going to be iterative :)

You don't drink the whole beer at once, right? You iterate until it is done. :)


If it were me, I would have done

require 'watir'
include Watir  (it's magic anyway, it won't hurt)
ie = (let people see a blank browser)
ie.goto("  ")

My line of thought is to have as many steps as possible. As you said, at this 
point everything is magic anyway. What I would like is to hear from people that 
just started using Watir. 

Is this

require 'watir'
include Watir  (it's magic anyway, it won't hurt)
ie = (let people see a blank browser)
ie.goto(" ")

more clear than this?

require 'watir'
ie = Watir::IE.start("";)



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Re: [Wtr-general] The Plan for Watir

2007-05-09 Thread Walter Kruse
I am very keen to have this done, but leeching isn't nice and I can't
write C. If there is forward movement on win32guitest, I volunteer to do
a document for it, either a user guide, or something in the style of
I have made extensive use of Perl's equivalent at a previous client.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bret Pettichord
Sent: 10 May 2007 12:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] The Plan for Watir

Chris McMahon wrote:
> There might still be enough there to work with.
> This is a port of Perl Win32::GuiTest, btw
That is good to hear. Since a release was never made, i had assumed that

it was an abandoned project. I just took another look and found i was 
able to run all the tests successfully.

 From what you say, i would say that the next step would be to package 
this as a gem and create some rdoc, even if it was only something simple

that pointed you to the corresponding perl docs.

I was also confused by the guitest020218 directory. Should i just ignore

this? There are duplicates of several files (, guitest.rb). 
Which is the correct one to use?

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Re: [Wtr-general] Watir T-shirt

2007-04-23 Thread Walter Kruse
I'm in.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason
Sent: 24 April 2007 12:48 AM
Subject: [Wtr-general] Watir T-shirt

I ran this by Bret and he suggested posting it on the Wtr-General to get
some feedback from others.  So please let me know what you think.  

I would like to have a Watir t-shirt to spread the word about Watir.  We
can put these up on the website for people to purchase them.  Here is
what I envision- You will have a choice of either a black or white
t-shirt (both short-sleeve and long-sleeve).  On the front we can have
the Watir logo on the left breast area, and on the back a block of code.
I created this class below as a possible example.  

require Watir

class TC_future_of_automated_test_testing

def test_Watir_is_the_test_tool_of_the_future
 assert_equal('Watir- The Future of Automated Testing',

def setup
 @start_page= ''


Please remember that this is a t-shirt and aimed and increasing Watir
usage/awareness to others.  Let me know what you think and if you'd be
interested in one.

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Re: [Wtr-general] [OT] - array nightmare

2007-04-16 Thread Walter Kruse
Hi Chris
I think the biggest issue is the difference between and
IO.readlines, and understanding when an array or a string is returned. 

I'm not comfortable with truncating the original file either. What I
would like to do is get the latest data, see what's not in the main
file, and append it. What I do now, is get the latest data, put the
existing file into an array, merge the two and hack it with
Array.sort.uniq, truncate the file and insert the new data.

Anyway, as I said, off topic so don't worry too much - this solves a
sort-term problem.

Kind regards

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris McMahon
Sent: 16 April 2007 06:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] [OT] - array nightmare

> The new array replaces all the data previously in the master log file.
I get
> a lot of redundant whitespace for some reason. It really is a hack -
> must be a better way to do it...

I'm not sure what the expected result here should be.  Seems like a
reasonable approach.  What part is the hackiest?
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[Wtr-general] [OT] - array nightmare

2007-04-16 Thread Walter Kruse
Hi list

Off topic, but I am sure there is a better way to do what I'm doing.


As my test script runs, I have a script which reads the windows event
log every 5 minutes and produces three flat files with the output
according to different criteria. The way I read the logs is with
Microsoft's dumpel.exe utility which is called with system() and
parameters from ruby.


But, I need a continuous log file, so at the beginning of the script I
create a master log file. Everytime the three new temp log files are
written, I read the data into an array. I also read the master log file
into an array. Then I have a simple if:


oldbuffer = logfile.to_a

newbuffer = nil

newbuffer = rebootedarray.to_a | clearedarray.to_a | temparray.to_a

newbuffer.each {|item|

  if not oldbuffer.include?(item)

  oldbuffer.push(item) if item > ''



logfile.truncate 0

oldbuffer = oldbuffer.sort.uniq



The new array replaces all the data previously in the master log file. I
get a lot of redundant whitespace for some reason. It really is a hack -
there must be a better way to do it...



Walter Kruse

Senior Test Analyst

082 660 7288


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Re: [Wtr-general] Everyday Scripting with Ruby (the book)

2007-04-10 Thread Walter Kruse
It was worth the money though :-)

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Walter Kruse
Sent: 10 April 2007 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] Everyday Scripting with Ruby (the book)

I was also a reviewer, but I purchased my copy myself.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of George Hawthorne
Sent: 10 April 2007 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] Everyday Scripting with Ruby (the book)

Hi Željko,

I was also a reviewer and I live in the UK. Daniel sent me a copy  
about two months ago. I'd guess yours got lost in the post.

George Hawthorne

On 10 Apr 2007, at 08:45, Željko Filipin wrote:

> I was reviewer, and over two months ago I received an e-mail from  
> Daniel Steinberg (Pragmatic Programmers) saying that if I send them  
> my mailing address they would send me a free copy. I replied with  
> my mailing address, but the book did not arrive.
> I even sent him a reminder two weeks ago. No reply.
> Maybe there is a problem because I am from Europe (but I already  
> received mail from US).
> Did anybody had a similar experience?
> Zeljko
> -- 
> ___
> Wtr-general mailing list

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Re: [Wtr-general] Everyday Scripting with Ruby (the book)

2007-04-10 Thread Walter Kruse
I was also a reviewer, but I purchased my copy myself.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of George Hawthorne
Sent: 10 April 2007 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] Everyday Scripting with Ruby (the book)

Hi Željko,

I was also a reviewer and I live in the UK. Daniel sent me a copy  
about two months ago. I'd guess yours got lost in the post.

George Hawthorne

On 10 Apr 2007, at 08:45, Željko Filipin wrote:

> I was reviewer, and over two months ago I received an e-mail from  
> Daniel Steinberg (Pragmatic Programmers) saying that if I send them  
> my mailing address they would send me a free copy. I replied with  
> my mailing address, but the book did not arrive.
> I even sent him a reminder two weeks ago. No reply.
> Maybe there is a problem because I am from Europe (but I already  
> received mail from US).
> Did anybody had a similar experience?
> Zeljko
> -- 
> ___
> Wtr-general mailing list

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Re: [Wtr-general] Your Opinion

2007-03-27 Thread Walter Kruse
How will installing this affect my current Watir installation ?


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sergio Pinon
Sent: 28 March 2007 04:09 AM
Subject: [Wtr-general] Your Opinion


I hope this isn't unappropriate but I figured that since it was a
general community for WATIR it would be ok.

I have developed a small test engine for hanlding automated testing of
application UI's. I was looking to get some feedback on how it can
improve. Here is the source forge link to the project:

There is an installer for the latest release. Though the latest changes
that I will mention next haven't been released in an installer yet so
you way want to get the latest files from the repository using SVN.

The goal of the engine is to provide a common testing engine to handle
UI testing of any application type. So I have written application
libraries that consume WATIR for Internet Explorer browsers and one that
consumes AutoIt to handle testing against Windows EXE applications. The
tests are written in XML currently but with the latest change I just
made that is now configurable as well. So I only have an XmlScriptReader
class but there could be an ExcelScriptReader, CSVScriptReader or
whatever else and it could work the same way. Also the results are
output in an XML format and there are XSL scripts available that would
allow that data to be consumed by CruiseControl or other continuous
integration systems.

Thanks again for any feedback that you can offer. 

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Re: [Wtr-general] Watir.. close, but not close enough

2007-02-22 Thread Walter Kruse
I had a look long ago at Piotr Kaluski's very detailed docs for Perl's

He even lists some C code examples. I'm afraid C is a little beyond

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bret Pettichord
Sent: 22 February 2007 03:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] Watir.. close, but not close enough

Walter Kruse wrote:
> I just wish the Win32-GUITest library could get the same amount of
> attention. I've had lots of success with Perl's version of this lib.,
> and would like to do that testing in Ruby now.
Maybe you could give it some attention. Seriously, there is no one to do

this stuff except us.

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Re: [Wtr-general] Watir.. close, but not close enough

2007-02-22 Thread Walter Kruse
In my opinion, Watir is absolutely what we need. A smallish tool for the
job, which can be extended at your will. That is why, among other
reasons, I believe Bret started this thing, a tool with no vendorscript,
but with a proper programming language. The tool allows you to do the
things that are not in the standard language, namely manipulate web
pages. For the rest use Ruby itself. This solution is incredibly

It all started for me with Michael Kelly's article on performance
measurement. That article showed me how to think about writing test
scripts. Now, I log onto Oracle, get a value, run a browser interaction
with parameterized input values, write to a spreadsheet, mail myself a
failure report and many more things. It is really hand-rolled per
requirement. If you want a solution that does more or looks prettier,
get a vendor tool. Watir is for testers who like to hack a bit and roll
their own solutions. It is not meant to be a one size fits all solution.

I just wish the Win32-GUITest library could get the same amount of
attention. I've had lots of success with Perl's version of this lib.,
and would like to do that testing in Ruby now.

My 2 cents.
Walter Kruse

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bret Pettichord
Sent: 22 February 2007 06:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] Watir.. close, but not close enough

John Lolis wrote:
> I don't feel that its a problem Watir needs to solve. If the community
really did want some framework I think it would be a project separate
from Watir. I'm not even sure a project like that would work. Every
application that needs testing is probably going to need a slightly
different approach. If someone attempts to write a 'be all end all'
framework its probably going to end up very complex and hard to
understand (see most commercial testing packages).
To some degree I agree. However, our user's guide tells people how to 
use Watir with Test::Unit and so a lot of people group them together. 
Indeed, we've had so many complaints about the poor fit of this unit 
testing framework for system acceptance testing that I've included 
Watir::TestCase in the recent versions of Watir 1.5. Namely, this 
TestCase executes its test methods in the order defined and also 
supplies "verify" methods that work like assert, but don't abort a test 
case when they fail. These were the two most common complaints with 
Test::Unit itself by Watir users.

But i do agree that there is a value to keeping Watir small and flexible

and it seems to me that it would probably be better to migrate this new 
TestCase subclass to some other project. It could still be used by Watir

users, but they would be free to use whatever test harness they wanted: 
Test::Unit or Rspec or this new thing or maybe something they built 


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Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Send email from Watir script

2007-02-08 Thread Walter Kruse
You'll need an SMTP server, try Free SMTP server from

require 'net/smtp'

myMessage = 

Re: [Wtr-general] Everyday Scripting with Ruby (the book)

2007-02-01 Thread Walter Kruse

> I've ordered one also.  I was a reviewer for the early drafts of the
> book, which were very good, I'm looking forward to seeing how the
> final version came out!

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[Wtr-general] new browser in background

2007-01-31 Thread Walter Kruse
Hi guys

I run my scripts from a batch file with the -b option so that the
browsers aren't visible. One of our actions causes a new browser window
to open, but this is visible despite the -b. Is there any way to prevent
the new window from being visible ?


Walter Kruse

Senior Test Analyst

082 660 7288


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Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] how to make Watir output the current system datethrough a command

2007-01-29 Thread Walter Kruse
Hi Vijay
This is a Ruby method, not specific to Watir:"%d-%b-%Y")

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of vijay
Sent: 29 January 2007 01:51 PM
Subject: [Wtr-general] how to make Watir output the current system
datethrough a command

Hello people,

I do not know what command to use to make Watir output the current
system date and to convert it into the desired format, dd-mon-
(22-Jan-2007).  I want the current system date inorder to check whether
a particular field present in the application has the currrent date or
not.  If anybody could help me, I would be thankful.

Thanks, in Advance
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Re: [Wtr-general] Encrypt password

2007-01-16 Thread Walter Kruse
It's not really encryption but rot13 will obfuscate text - only for the
untrained eye.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Maloy kanti
Sent: 17 January 2007 09:36 AM
Subject: [Wtr-general] Encrypt password

Hi All,
I have been working on watir for the past one week .I just
wanted to know how do i encrypt password in watir,please let me know
asap.thanks for ur help

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Re: [Wtr-general] What are people using for 'test executive'?

2007-01-04 Thread Walter Kruse
A tool comes to mind:
I don't know if it's appropriate for Ruby/WATiR. Let us know.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brad
Sent: 05 January 2007 03:21 AM
Subject: [Wtr-general] What are people using for 'test executive'?

Curious, what are users using for a 'test executive' that can drive
multiple tests?  Is there an open source 'test executive' written for
Ruby test cases that would do the following:
*  user can select individual test(s) or 'run all' in list
*  can run test(s) multiple specified number of times or
*  test results are logged and shown in 'test executive'

If no open source, has anyone written something like this?  If so, can I
get a copy of this?  Or can someone point me to a link that may help me
in my investigation?

Posted via Jive Forums
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Re: [Wtr-general] Can I attach to an open Excel session?

2006-12-11 Thread Walter Kruse
We need the Win32 GUI test library...

>What I was looking for is if anyone has built up anything built up on
the >Win32API functionality.  I am particularly interested in how to
start >implementing stuff like:
>... and the other Windows API things that one finds in user32.dll.
>Building up that set of functions, one can start testing full Windows
>applications and not just ones that we can reach with Win32Ole.
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Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] IE with no address bar

2006-11-01 Thread Walter Kruse
Hi Christian

I use:
ie_new = ie.attach(:title, /MultiChoice Customer Care/)

and I get:
undefined method `attach' for # (NoMethodError)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Christian
Sent: 01 November 2006 03:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] IE with no address bar

hi Walter,

@ie = Watir::IE.attach(:title, /title-of-webpage-as-regexp-here/)  
should work just fine


Am 01.11.2006 um 13:19 schrieb Walter Kruse:

> Hi guys
> I apologise if this is documented somewhere - I've searched the  
> mailing list, the guide and the unit tests.
> Our app opens a new, maximised, addressbar-less browser window upon  
> login, where the whole application is used. What is the right way  
> to attach to this window / browser instance ?
> Thanks in advance
> Walter Kruse
> Senior Test Analyst
> 082 660 7288
> **

> ***
> Everything in this e-mail and attachments relating to the official  
> business of MultiChoice Africa is proprietary to the company. Any  
> view or opinion expressed in this message may be the view of the  
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> company.  If you are not the intended recipient, you may not  
> peruse, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this message. If you  
> have received this message in error, please notify the sender  
> immediately by email, facsimile or telephone and destroy the  
> original message.
> **

> ***
> ___
> Wtr-general mailing list

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Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] IE with no address bar

2006-11-01 Thread Walter Kruse

Hi guys

I apologise if this is documented somewhere – I’ve
searched the mailing list, the guide and the unit tests.


Our app opens a new, maximised, addressbar-less browser
window upon login, where the whole application is used. What is the right way
to attach to this window / browser instance ?


Thanks in advance


Walter Kruse

Senior Test Analyst

082 660 7288


in this e-mail and attachments relating to the official business of 
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Re: [Wtr-general] HTML DOM Spy for Watir and Further plans

2006-10-22 Thread Walter Kruse

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Raghu
Sent: 21 October 2006 05:30 AM
Subject: [Wtr-general] HTML DOM Spy for Watir and Further plans

Hi all,

I have put up a dom spy for Watir which can be used to 'spy' on a 
running IE browser to capture the DOM Elements in a format that Watir 
likes. The best part is that the attributes used to identify the object 
is Configurable and therefore can be used to suit the AUT. To get this,

follow the instructions at :
The idea that I have in mind is to build a script assistant for Watir in

just the same way as the one that exists for WET only if the Watir 
community is open for the idea. To see how the WET UI looks and works, 
please see the WET application that gets installed as a part of the 
install instructions posted above. (See for more help).

A couple of clarifications :
1) Although this is not a recorder, it does come with many of the 
conveniences of recorders. To see how this concept compares with 
recorders, see

2) This has been written in C#. We have no plans of porting this to ruby

as of now.

3) If there is a reasonable response, then I expect it to take roughly 3

months before the implementation of the script assistant for Watir is 

Please respond to this mail with a +1 / -1 to indicate whether you 
believe the script assistant utility is a useful addition to Watir or 
not with a cc to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Raghu Venkataramana
*Qantom Software Private Limited*
72/1B, 2nd Floor, K.H. Plaza, Kanakapura Road, Bangalore-78
Phone : 26655216, Telefax : 26799269

SQA partners for your products 

The future of test tools is open source 
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Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Do you want Watir to be more popular?

2006-09-18 Thread Walter Kruse
I too started learning Ruby because I wanted to use Watir. Little did I
know what I was letting myself in for. Now, I do almost everything in
Ruby. All I still use Perl for nowadays is Win32-GUITest stuff. If it
wasn't for Watir, I would probably never have looked at Ruby.

Having said that, Watir itself is awesome. And it's a good experience to
see how the open source development methodology works, as done by Good
Guys (TM). Yes, I want Watir to be more popular.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bret Pettichord
Sent: 15 September 2006 11:07 AM
Subject: [Wtr-general] Do you want Watir to be more popular?

A couple of recent posts were premised on the assumption that we want
Watir to be more popular? Do we? Why?

It got me started on a long post describing my own goals, which needs
more time. In the mean time, i thought i would ask the question to the

Wtr-general mailing list


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Re: [Wtr-general] using Watir for single-user performance testing

2006-09-13 Thread Walter Kruse

>Is anyone else using Watir for performance testing?

I used Michael's article as
starting point and wrote a keyword based test suite, at the same time
using the performance data gathering example. I ended up with a _lot_ of
execution timing data in Excel that had to be summarised. A very
valuable exercise.


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Re: [Wtr-general] submit form

2005-11-04 Thread Walter Kruse

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I check if the insert happened on the database.

-Original Message-
Sent: 04 November 2005 11:03
Subject: [Wtr-general] submit form


(hope my question is not confusing).

Is there a way in watir to determine if after submitting a form,
a) whether the form really make a POST and move to a new page, or
b) the form just redisplay itself and did not get POSTed? (e.g. if there
are incomplete fields and caught by javascript validation)

I was thinking probably by comparing the last url in the history object,
i would be able to tell whether the form really did a POST. However from
Microsoft DHTML website, the history object don't seem to show the last
URL traversed due to security reason...

Appreciate any reply. Thanks...


Wtr-general mailing list
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] About the installation of DBI

2005-09-26 Thread Walter Kruse

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Still OT
Chris, what is AoAs ?
At my current site, I use WATiR, but cannot do any DB work in Ruby,
because the DB (DB2 on zOS) doesn't allow ODBC connections. You need to
access certain sys/admin tables to get an ODBC connection, and we don't
have even select rights on those. I cannot get the Ruby DB2 driver to
work on my 'doze box. So, Perl + DBD::DB2.

-Original Message-
Sent: 26 September 2005 04:40
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] About the installation of DBI

OT, disregard if you don't care about ODBC or Perl...

>  I think Ruby's DBI (at least for Win32) is not as mature as 
> Perl's by a long shot. I really miss that, because I make *extensive* 
> use of the Perl DBI.

I've been doing heavy ODBC work with Ruby's DBI (on Win32) for the last
few weeks, and it looks good from here-- that is, I haven't yet found
anything I can't do with the Ruby DBI.

In some ways, Ruby's DBI is easier to use (for me) than Perl's. 
Mostly because returns from SQL statements seem to always be either
arrays or AoAs, which I find really intuitive to use, where in Perl's
DBI, returns are generally hashes, and you have to be pretty familiar
with the DBI docs to figure out how to address the data.  I realize that
Perl's DBI is a lot older and has a lot more bells and whistles, but (so
far) I haven't needed those features, and Ruby DBI seems to be easier to

And that's not even talking about ActiveRecord, which I have yet to fool

That said, the instant I need a feature available with Perl's DBI not
available with Ruby's DBI, I'm switching to Perl.   =)

Wtr-general mailing list
Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] About the installation of DBI

2005-09-24 Thread Walter Kruse
Title: Message

NB: This email and its contents are subject to our email legal 
noticewhich can be viewed at
think Ruby's DBI (at least for Win32) is not as mature as Perl's by a long 
shot. I really miss that, because I make *extensive* use of the Perl 
found this on the web somewhere and played with it for a while. It connects 
to the Northwind Access database, if it is set up as an ODBC data source. May 
require 'dbi'   
begin   #dbh = 
DBI.connect("DBI:ODBC:database", "username", 
"password")   dbh = 
DBI.connect("DBI:ODBC:Northwind", "", 
"")   #get server version string and 
display it   row = dbh.select_one("SELECT 
'Connected !'")   puts "Connected ?: " + 
row[0]   rescue DBI::DatabaseError => 
e   puts "An error 
occurred"   puts "Error code: 
#{e.err}"   puts "Error message: 
#{e.errstr}"   ensure   
#disconnect from server   dbh.disconnect 
if dbh   end

  -Original Message-From: 
  Sent: 06 September 2005 08:13To: 
  wtr-general@rubyforge.orgSubject: [Wtr-general] About the 
  installation of DBI
  Hi Dave
      I found that if I want to use the DBI I first should 
  install the Ruby MySQL Module then install the Ruby DBI Module .But in fact I 
  found these two tools should be installed under the Linux like system.
  Installation of Ruby MySQL Module :
      ruby extconf.rb  
     % make   % 
  make install
  Installation of Ruby DBI Module 
     ruby setup.rb config   % 
  ruby setup.rb setup   % ruby setup.rb 
  As above shows the  Installation of Ruby DBI Module can be 
  executed in win32 but the Ruby MySQL Module cann't installed under windows 
  system the system cann't recognize the 'make' command.
  So what should I do if I want to use the Ruby DBI under the windows 
  Thank you very much.
  Click here to donate to the 
  Hurricane Katrina relief effort.
Wtr-general mailing list

RE: [Wtr-general] Question - Why ruby?

2005-08-14 Thread Walter Kruse
Title: Message

NB: This email and its contents are subject to our email legal 
noticewhich can be viewed at

I have 
a similar story. I was fortunate enough to be able to use Robot, SAMIE and 
WATiR on the same project. A few months down the line and the scripts that run 
everyday are...WATiR ! Michael Kelly's article really got me using 
is also very good, and the best about it is that Perl already has very mature 
supprt for DBI and it has Win32::GUITest. I still use Perl for all the database 
stuff. Ruby's DBI is not there yet. But I would like to use WATiR and Ruby more 
and more in the future. Unfortunately Ruby is as cryptic to me as Perl is 
to most people. I have looked at PAMIE too, as I am doing a series of tool 
reviews for the TestFOCUS magazine.

  -Original Message-From: 
  Sent: 01 August 2005 04:31To: 
  wtr-general@rubyforge.orgSubject: RE: [Wtr-general] Question - Why 
  My 2 cents...for whatever it is 
  I started using Python's PAMIE framework to 
  automate.  However, the support was sporadic (the guy working on it was 
  very busy and couldn't devote enough time to support the framework).  
  Eventually I ran into a roadblock with popups (ironic given the volume of 
  messages on this subject)--the framework had not evolved enough to support 
  this activity yet.  I also looked at SAMIE (way too cryptic), IEUnit 
  (same roadblock as PAMIE) as well as a bout 15 other frameworks all boasting 
  to have what I needed at a price.  Enter Ruby.  WATIR is by far the 
  most complete web testing framework out here--that doesn't cost an arm and a 
  leg.  And this forum is the most active and well supported that I have 
  seen.  You can post a question and is just a short period of time get 
  someone (most of the time the architects of the framework!) who will steer you 
  in the right direct, give you a work around to get over any roadblocks, or add 
  it to the framework if it doesn't currently exist.  That is the reason I 
  switched and tell everyone interest (and those not) that Ruby is the way to 
  go!  Save your money, get WATIR!
  -Original Message-From: 
  On Behalf Of Raghu VenkataramanaSent: Sunday, July 31, 2005 8:28 PMTo: 
  wtr-general@rubyforge.orgSubject: Re: 
  [Wtr-general] Question - Why ruby?
  Bret, Jonathan:
  Thanks for these notes. I personally like Ruby's 
  object oriented approach.
  The only 'flip' I found about ruby that I find is the 
  relatively scarce
  resources / documentation when compared to Python. 
  Almost all searches
  point to a different version of the 'pragmatic 
  programmer'. Are there other
  online resources that you guys could point me to? For 
  example, when trying
  to do something with the Win32 API callbacks, I 
  couldn't find much help.
  Bret Pettichord wrote:
  > Perl encourages cryptic code, which makes it a 
  bad choice. It also 
  > lacks an interactive 
  > Python could work. Ruby was Brian Marick's choice 
  and he was convinced 
  > to switch from Python to Ruby when he sat with 
  Dave Thomas and Andy 
  > Hunt on a bus.
  > At 12:26 PM 7/31/2005, Raghu Venkataramana 
  >> Hi All,
  >> I was explaining to my friend about Watir and 
  its nice capabilities.
  >> In the middle of the conversation he asked me 
  as to why Watir uses
  >> Ruby, which is not as well known as Perl, 
  Python or other scripting
  >> languages. Is there a special reason why Ruby 
  is being used or is
  >> just incidental.
  >> Thanks
  >> Raghu
  >> Wtr-general mailing 
  >  Bret 
  > Wtr-general mailing 
  Wtr-general mailing list
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