Re: [Xpert] KDrive[tinyx] Font problem

2003-01-07 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
Man Xserver and look for -fp.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Savage 4

2002-12-15 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
SSG Anybody knows about savage 4 support in Xfree ?

Yes.  Decent in 4.2.1 (sometimes crashes), absolutely perfect (as far
as I can see) in CVS.

SSG can i use Opengl ?

You can use it, but it's not accelerated.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]TrueType font rendering

2002-12-10 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
AA 1. with freetype extension in XF86Config and making fonts.dir
AA file with ttmkfontdir;

AA 2. using a Font Server. I've found two servers: xfstt and xfs
AA (integrated on XFree86).

AA There are differences using first method instead of second? Which
AA is the best way to do font rendering?

The former is more stable, saves memory and gives better performance.
The latter avoids a one- or two-second server freeze when rasterising
large fonts.

I use the former, and refuse to consider the latter.  Some people that
I do respect disagree.

AA Which is the best font server? xfstt or xfs?

Both are good.  Xfs is standard and deals with all font formats, xfstt
is simpler to use but only handles TrueType.

If you decide to use xfstt, be aware that some of the XFree86 docs
won't appply to your system.


Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]XFIXES extension proposal

2002-12-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
KP Applications like the KDE 'klipper' monitor selection contents to save 
KP them and also perform actions based on them.  Right now, this happens by 
KP having these clients contantly polling the selection.

Why can't klipper take the ownership of the selection, as xclipboard
does ?

(I'm not arguing against this extension, as I think that making
client-visible state changes observable is a Good Thing.  Just idle

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]kdrive on freebsd?

2002-11-30 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
YT Seems my mail got lost somehow...

No, it didn't.  I did reply.

As far as I know, nobody is working on KDrive for *BSD.

Porting the accelerated KDrive servers should be a triviality.
Porting the generic server will be difficult until the FreeBSD folks
either provide a framebuffer device or else document their vm86 calls.

I quote: ``m86 mode is entered by calling sigreturn(2) with the
correct machine context for vm86, and with the PSL_VM bit set.''

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert] : Kdrive web browser

2002-11-28 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
PRP Can anybody suggest me  a small (less than 5MByte) free web 
PRP browser that works on Kdrive and with Java Script support?

Dillo is brilliant.  But no Javascript.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Replacing X with a KDrive (P.R. Patil)

2002-11-26 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
HB Does anyone know what the problem might be ?

It is likely that your homebrew X server and your distribution-
provided gdm disagree on the location of authorisation files; try
disabling authorisation in gdm.  (No, I cannot help you, I use xdm

If that's not it, we need to see gdm's log.

HB (Maybe you cannot use Gnom with KDrive ?)

Yes, you can.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Replacing X with a KDrive

2002-11-26 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
HB Do you Think that a 4.2.0 KDRIVE will work with XFree 4.02 Libraries ?

No problem.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Builtin font path fallback

2002-11-22 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
KP Should I stick these into the regular server so that it will never again 
KP fail to start due to a lack of fonts?


Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]KDrive on freebsd?

2002-11-22 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
YT Is anybody working on porting Kdrive to FreeBSD?

Not to my knowledge.

The generic drivers will be difficult to port until FreeBSD get their
act together and either document their VM86 calls or else implement a
framebuffer device.

Porting the KDrive core and the accelerated drivers should be pretty
much a triviality.


Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: About Ways to reduce the size of X (Juliusz Chroboczek)

2002-11-17 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
HB 1. Where can I find information which accelerated drivers are
HB available for KDRIVE ?

Sorry, they're not documented.

HB 2. Is there a HOWTO on how to compile a KDRIVE with the
HB accelerated driver ?


HB 3. Will the KDRIVE be sufficient

KDrive is a full implementation of X11R6 together with a number of
common extensions.  Any correct X11 clients should be able to run
under KDrive.

HB to run JBuilder 5 or 7 (Borland) Java Applications ?

According to dpkg, version 1.3 of the jre requires 35 MB of disk
space.  But nothing prevents you from using it with a tiny X server.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Ways to reduce the size of X

2002-11-14 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
PP  Pls give me hhe detailed procedure you followd to compile 
PP the kdrive.

PP I'm also trying for the same. Is if that only the kdrive server is
PP sufficient to do every thing ??? Or does it require other library
PP and font files???

Font files are not required.  If it finds no font files, kdrive will
automatically provide the fixed and cursor fonts.  Of course, you'll
need font files if you want to use fonts other than fixed.

Client-side libraries are only required if you want to run applications ;-)

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]About Ways to reduce the size of X

2002-11-14 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
PPActually I'm using the frame buffer server where as the tiny x 
PP uses svga server which is not suitable for my application.

There used to be a thing called Tiny X which was based on the SVGA
server.  It exists no more.

There is nowadays a completely different trendily BiCapitalised thing
called TinyX or KDrive.  It uses a different DDX layer than the
XFree86 server, and has support for VESA on i386 and framebuffer on
Linux with freamebuffer.  It also has a number of accelerated drivers.

KDrive is a complete imlementation of the X11 protocol together with a
number of common extensions.  I've been happily running it as my only
X server for a few months.*


* And then the power supply of the machine gave up.  Keith claims it's

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]private mailing lists - an archive or read only access?

2002-11-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
AA On checking, it appears that, apart from the lists for submitted patches, 
AA all the private lists are defunct except for one, the devel list.

 Or are there actual resons why outsiders can't read these lists?
 (copyright stuff and what not?)

AA Officially, that is the only reason why the devel list still exists,
AA but devel does still have a lot of traffic that could perfectly well
AA be made public.

With a few exceptions, though, nowadays most of the interesting
traffic is on xpert.  The private devel list is mostly used for urgent
internal announcements (e.g. announcements of feature freezes),
interesting information that we don't want to see on slashdot (``I met
B. G. III in the lift and he told me that XFree86 sucks'') and, very
rarely, internal disagreements.

You are really not loosing much.  But we do feel more comfortable with
an internal list.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]VNC and freetype - please Help!

2002-11-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
I don't know if the VNC X server supports TrueType fonts.  If not, you
could run an XFree86 font server and point your VNC X server at it.


Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Questions about TinyX (simultaneous monochrome color screen xserver)

2002-11-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
MN 1. Can TinyX use monochrome buffer ( depth=1) in Linux even though the
MN folder of mfb is not used?

Yes.  fb can deal with 1bpp framebuffers.

MN 2. If the answer to above question is YES, what are steps to create it in
MN Linux?

Both Xvesa and Xfbdev will take depth one modes into account.  The
relevant code is in vesa.c:vesaScreenInitialize and
fbdev.c:fbdevScreenInitialize respectively where fb[].visuals includes
1StaticGray and fb[].depth gets initialised to 1. 

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]private mailing lists - an archive or read only access?

2002-11-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
AA I think the original idea was that the please help me stuff would
AA be on newbie (although that name doesn't give the right impression)

I fully agree.  I would expect many people to feel offended at being
forced to write to a list with such a name -- let him who's never been
childish cast them the first stone.

AA By not reading newbie I guess I've messed that up, but if we made devel 
AA public I'd be afraid of another round of mailing list inflation

Let's face it -- it already takes A$1.8 to get a green note.  I think
it may be a good idea to move user support to ``xpert'', make
``devel'' public and move XFree86 development to it, and create a new
``private'' list for internal announcements only.  Naming the new list
``private'' would have the additional advantage of reminding people
what it is for.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]windows-1252 vs. iso-8859-1

2002-10-25 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
HR the XFree86 entry page has charset=windows-1252.

Would you be so kind as to explain what you mean?

If you're speaking of the Content-Type of,
then you're wrong.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]colour mouse cursor

2002-10-25 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
KP If you're running current XFree86 CVS, you should be seeing ARGB cursors 
KP all over your screen as Xlib has been hacked to use them in place of the 
KP stock cursor images.

XCreateFontCursor ?  Can that behaviour be disabled ?

Are monochrome cursors with no non-integer alpha values automatically
converted into hardware cursors ?  If so, at what level does that happen ?

I'm sorry for the silly questions, but I'm a little late w.r.t. CVS
right now.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: windows-1252 vs. iso-8859-1

2002-10-25 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
 If you're speaking of the Content-Type of,
 then you're wrong.

HR meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=windows-1252

Sorry, my mistake -- I only checked the HTTP headers.

HR meta content=MSHTML 5.50.4308.2900 name=GENERATOR

Yep.  And then it says

   Local variables:  mode: sgml

which seems to imply that MSHTML is based on Emacs or the other way
around ;-)

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]gzipped fonts with xft

2002-10-24 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
XB I've got a segfault when running xftcache with your patch (on
XB uncompressed fonts, in my Type1 dir). I'll send you a backtrace if I
XB find the time to recompile it with symbols.

It really is a first draft.  I tested it exactly twice (once on a
compiled PCF and once on a compiled BDF), and it never occurred to me
to test it on an uncompressed font.

As it stands, and unless I'm grossly mistaken, it also cannot possibly
compile within the server-side FreeType backend.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Question about X protocol

2002-10-24 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
JG though there is now a very interesting X library under development
JG by Bart Massey and a student.

The mention of M4 is a typo, right?

Xpert mailing list

[Xpert]Core fonts issues [was: Problems with Type1 big fonts]

2002-10-23 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
DD Unless the old Type1 backend can unreservedly be replaced by the new
DD FreeType2 backend, then it should be disabled, and maybe even a fake
DD type1 font module created for the modular build so that existing
DD configurations don't break.  If there are still reasons for wanting the
DD old backend, then it needs to be configurable, at least at build-time.

DD If we want to provide more flexibility in allowing the user to control
DD what font suffixes are handled by what backend, there would need to be
DD some type of run-time configurability.

I was looking into that when other things came up; I may very well be
able to come back to this.  Anyway, here's the plan I had.

The idea would be to have a new interface,

  Bool FontFileRegisterRendererPriority(FontRendererPtr, int priority)

where the existing FontFileRegisterRenderer interface in renderer.c is
an alias for FFRRP with priority set to 0.  Priority is an integer
(positive or negative), and renderers with higher priority override
renderers of lower priority.

The Type 1 renderer would register with negative priority for both PFA
and CID; in the absence of another CID renderer, it would render CID
fonts, but PFA fonts would be handled by FreeType.  FreeType would
register with default priority for both PFA and TTF.  X-TT would
register with positivie priority for TTF.  

In a configuration in which all renderers are linked in, X-TT would
handle TTF, FreeType would handle PFA, and Type 1 would handle CID.
In a default configuration (no X-TT), both PFA and TTF are handled by

The advantage of that is that there are no new configuration
mechanisms -- we simply leverage off the existing module loader.  It's
also easily extensible -- I expect to implement bitmap support in the
FreeType backend after 4.3.0, and then you'll want the existing bitmap
renderers to override FreeType if they're linked in.

The downside is that it's not completely flexible, not allowing for
example to have TTF support using FreeType while using Type 1 for PFA.
I don't think anyone cares.

DD Also, I'd really like to see some resolution to the separate FreeType
DD and X-TT backends for TrueType fonts.  As it is now, if someone chooses
DD X-TT, they will still need the old Type1 backend for Type1 fonts
DD regardless of other considerations.  Is it still not possible to resolve
DD the issues that led to two TrueType backends in the first place?

Here's my personal perception.

X-TT contains support for embedded bitmaps, which FreeType 1 didn't
have.  The new FreeType backend fully supports embedded bitmaps.

X-TT also contains a number of features such as fake bolding and
automagic slanting, collectively known as TTCap.  These should be
handled at the toolkit level in my opinion, and at any rate
implementing new features in the core fonts system at this point is
pretty much pointless.  Still, users of X-TT have become accustomed to
these features being made available at the server level, and would
probably not accept them being taken away.

I shall not implement the said features in FreeType, which I want to
remain a small and clean piece of code.  I shall also not integrate
myself the (existing) patches that implement TTCap in the FreeType

If there is a person interested in doing that, I'll be glad to help --
but only if said person commits to maintaining the code for the
indefinite future.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Problems with Type1 big fonts

2002-10-23 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
AH There's a problem with this at the moment. If you build a static
AH server you get two font renderers registered to deal with .pfa/.pfb
AH fonts. Solution Juliusz - is it just to disable Type1 for static builds
AH because it's too buggy ?

For now, all I can tell for sure is that I do disable Type 1 in my
personal build.  This has the side-effect of disabling support for

Details about my medium-term ideas on the subject are in a different
message.  I am sorry for not having done that yet, and I apologise in
advance for not being able to do it right now.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]gzipped fonts with xft

2002-10-23 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
XB Is there a way to make xft2 read gzipped fonts ? Currently it doesn't,
XB and that makes all bitmaps fonts unusable.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Problems with Type1 big fonts

2002-10-21 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
U Does anybody know any solution around the problem of X crashing with
U Type1 big fonts ?

The current Type 1 backend will no longer be the default in 4.3.0.
The new Type 1 backend does not have this problem.

U Any other solution ?

Get the new FreeType driver from XFree86 CVS and recompile it for your
system.  Or else switch to current CVS.

Sorry, there are no easier solutions at this time.


Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Sticky key pass through under Linux...

2002-10-13 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

SO It seems like the right thing here is that with xkbdisable turned on,
SO X should just use my keyboard from Linux...including the sticky key
SO mappings.

There is no implementation of sticky keys in XFree86 outside of the
one provided by xkb (AFAIK).  Doing what you request would require
reimplementing sticky keys from scratch.

I think that a better approach would be to teach xkb to use the
console keymap.  But I don't think there's anyone around who
simultaneously understands Xkb and is interested in implementing this.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]TinyX / DGA / alphablending / shaped windows?

2002-10-13 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

ET 1. XFree 4.2 has better support for Unicode layout engines (e.g. shares
ETfont info with client) and it includes more unicode fonts.  Does TinyX
ETsupport these things?

Yep.  Keith actually develops ``these things'' for kdrive (Tiny X)
first, and only then ports to the XFree86 server.

ET 2. XFree 4.2 has support for shaped windows, but what about alphablending
ETe.g. window shadow onto what's under each of the windows?  Does TinyX
ETsupport shaped windows

Both XFree86 and kdrive support shaped windows.  Neither supports
translucent windows.  Yet.

ET 3. AFAIK DGA offers support for direct framebuffer access

Kdrive does not support DGA as far as I know.  KDrive does support the
MIT-SHM extension, though, which is usually good enough for clients
that wish to do their own rendering.

ET 4. Does TinyX support the XFRee hw acceleration framework (XAA?),

No.  Which doesn't mean that kdrive drivers cannot be accelerated --
they just cannot use XAA.

Note that kdrive comes with a bucketful of accelerated drivers.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Using MS Sans Serif

2002-10-13 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

BC After upgrading to XFree86 CVS to get native support for Intel 845 (
BC works great now but that's a different story), my MS Sans Serif font
BC looks really weird in Galeon - with lots on lines in between characters
BC (see attached picture). It used to work fine with the 4.2.0 supplied
BC with RH. Anyone has any clues ?

Interesting. Can you reproduce the problem with xedit or xfd ?

And which TrueType backend are you using ?

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]XML format for XF86Config

2002-09-30 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

MM Note these arguments are the standard anti-xml arguments given by
MM most idots..

The XML proposals I've seen have been of the form ``I've just met
Goedel in the lift, and he told me XML is a good idea, so why don't
you folks implement XML for the server configuration file.''  Yours is
the first half-commitment to produce a sample implementation.

None of us, I believe, are ``idots'' (whatever that means).  We're
also not anti-XML, but rather sceptics who want to see what a change
of this magnitude in habits and configuration tools will bring.  There
is no doubt that a well-documented and well-written sample imple-
mentation accompanied with rationale would do wonders to dissipate
some of this scepticism.

MM Xml provides off the shelf standard parsing and validation

I know that.  I also know how to write /ad hoc/ parsers (I believe
that's usually taught in third year), so I'd like to see what exactly
using XML will buy us.

What exactly are you thinking about?  Using off-the-shelf XML parsers
in configuration tools?  (Obviously.)  Using XSLT within configuration
tools?  (Why not, after all?)  Using some RPC-over-HTTP-over-TCP-over-IP
for remote configuration?  (Hmm.)  Some other techniques that I
haven't though of yet?

In short, don't treat us like Neanderthals who haven't seen The One
True Way.  Give us something intelligent to disagree or perhaps even
agree with.

MM it usefulness is well proven in many areas.

... and I met Church in the lift and he told me it's useful.

MM The XF86Config maps well to XML ...

By design, any tree structure maps well to XML.  And any tree
structure maps well to SGML, and any tree structure maps well to Lisp
S-Exps, and any tree structure maps well to the XF86Config format.

(While we're off topic, any tree structure can be embedded within
Cantor's space, which can be shown to be isomorphic to the real line.)

MM If XFree is willing to accept it in the tree its trivial to
MM implement.

And it's not trivial to implement if XFree86 aren't?  Aren't you
putting something before something else, or whatever the idiom is?

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Force Xvesa server

2002-09-20 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

NL Well I change that and I still can't get X to run on my clients.

Are you using xdm (which is what I've assumed)?  Xinit or startx?  Or
perhaps kdm, gdm or somesuch?

If you're using xinit, you should put the path to Xvesa on the xinit
command line, or else have the X symlink point at Xvesa.  If you're
running startx, edit the startx script.  If you're running kdm or gdm,
this is the wrong list.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Force Xvesa server

2002-09-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

It's not XF86Config (which is not used in this case), it's the xdm
config file.  On my system, it's /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers.


Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Hot corners

2002-09-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

Ouch!  You're tracking all motion events on the root window.

X11 is not MacOS, and you should tell the server exactly what events
you're interested in.  In this case, I would create four small
OverrideRedirect InputOnly windows and only track EnterNotify events
for those four windows.

You should be able to keep them on top by doing something on
CirculateNotify.  Note that since you're not a window manager you're
only allowed to do that on OverrideRedirect windows.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]how to get access to Xlib headers/libs from xserver-side module

2002-08-26 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

AA As a hint, Xlib code is in
AA xc/lib
AA and X server code is in
AA xc/programs/Xserver

Er, not quite.  Some of the xc/lib code is used by the X server,
notably xc/lib/font.


Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]X return segmentation fault when trying to start it

2002-08-21 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

TK I would think about this in a different way. In my point of view, this
TK is a code generation bug in the compiler (gcc?). In a perfect world,
TK any piece of source code should compile and work perfectly even with
TK the most exotic optimization flags turned on.

Not necessarily.  C9X allows a compiler to make a number of
assumptions about aliasing (about whether two distinct pointers point
at the same data in memory) which older C standards do not allow.

X does a lot of pointer aliasing, and it wouldn't surprise me at all
if it violated some of the restrictions on aliasing in C9X.  Recent
versions of gcc do enable -fstrict-aliasing at higher optimisation

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]S3 Graphics Twister K Compaq

2002-07-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

  Does anybody know what shall I do to get my S3 Graphics Twister K Compaq
  card to work in XF86?

KB And the Savage driver web page is at:

The important thing: as far as I know, no automatic configuration
tools recognise the Twister K.  After installing Tim's latest driver,
you should manually configure XFree86 for *any* Savage card, and the
driver will deal with the rest.

While it doesn't directly apply to your machine, you may find the
following collection of random information useful:

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]TinyXserver framebuffer

2002-07-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

MN 1. I cannot find which module (section of code/file) xserver uses to write 
MN data to the framebuffer after Pixblit routines. Where exactly does xserver 
MN write to framebuffer array?

That's the code in Xserver/fb.  See KdScreenInit in kdrive.c which
sets up the Screen's methods with a blend of fb, mi and kd functions.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]FreeType font enginetreats 16bit fonts as 8bit fonts

2002-07-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

RM Some comments:
RM - Is it neccesary that the encodings.dir created by mkfontdir uses
RM the full path to the encodings ?

No, it can be a relative path.  Mkfontdir uses an absolute path so
that you can move the fonts directory (and leave the encodings in
place) without rebuilding the files.

RM and it would allow to copy or move the config to a different
RM location without problems ...

Use mkfontdir -p if you're installing in random places and moving the
files later on.

RM I suggest two things here: 1. The Xserver should print a error message
RM (like Solaris Xsun).

Done in the FreeType 2 backend (to be committed RSN -- hint, hint).

RM 2. Matching fonts should only be open-able if the encoding file
RM referenced by encodings.dir can be processed without problems
RM (e.g. the font subsystem should refuse to open the font if there
RM is an entry in encodings.dir but it cannot be processed for some
RM reason)

Not done -- the Word, as revealed through the mouth of David Dawes, is
that fatal errors should be avoided.  (Incidentally, this is a part of
the Word that I happen to disagree with.)

RM - Many fonts from Solaris 2.8 are still not recognised as 16bit fonts
RM (such as the chinese 18030, thai and others; I can try to make a list on
RM demand...) ... ;-(

Make sure your encodings are known to fontenc; grep the encodings.dir
files for the relevant encodings.  If they aren't, add ALIAS lines to
your .enc files, and send us a patch.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]A few questions regarding the XFree86-DGA extension

2002-07-01 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

MV DGA really shouldn't be used and I regret that it's still in the
MV X-server.  I would like it to disappear in XFree86 5.0.


I fully agree with your feeling, and I am sincerely sorry to say what
I'm about to say.

There is no denying, though, that there are applications that want to
do client-side rendering -- and I think that's a perfectly legitimate
thing to do.  The obvious solutions (PutImage and ShmPutImage) either
involve one copy too many, or else require you to put your rendering
buffers in a shared memory segment.

I may be mistaken, but as far as I can see, the only way to do a
direct blit from a random client-specified buffer is DGA.  Unless we
provide a different way to do that, there is little chance of DGA
going away with no loss.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]We have incomplete unicode glyphs in our Latin1 fonts.

2002-06-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

ML I am using the LuciduxSans font.  I am viewing content that
ML contains #x2026;, #x2014; and so on.  I've been informed
ML by some of the folks working on Gnome 2.0 that these glyphs
ML are present in Microsoft's fonts but appear to be missing from
ML most of our XFree86 fonts.  Is this something we can rectify?

It's already been rectified in 4.2.0.

Note that the Lucidux family is now called Luxi.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]FreeType font enginetreats 16bit fonts as 8bit fonts

2002-06-14 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

RM I thought the font encodings from Solaris (in
RM /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/encodings/) are sufficient... maybe I
RM was wrong...

The SI only exports scalable fonts in ISO 8859-1.  The font encoding
mechanism in XFree86 was developed independently from the one in
Openwindows.  I don't even know what format they use for encodings.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]abort() in libXfont 4.2.0 (was FW: remote DoS in Mozilla 1.0)

2002-06-14 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

KW | is a bug; however, as I'm hoping to phase out the current Type 1
KW | backend in favour of one based on FreeType 2 in time for 4.3.0, I do
KW | not intend to fix it.

KW :(  ETA for 4.3.0?

Early 21st century.

However, the new unified font backend (Type 1 + TrueType +
OpenType/CFF) should be submitted for inclusion in CVS over the next

KW The general idea has been that if the rendered font will be too
KW big for the medium it is to be displayed on then the request
KW should be dubbed, as you say, clearly invalid.  Is such an
KW approach feasible and doable at the common layer you speak of?

To a certain extent.  You cannot know a priori how large a 12 pt glyph
at 75 dpi is going to be -- it could very well be much larger than the
nominal 12 pixels.  However, we could very well impose a limit on
(ptsize * dpi) at the common layer.

It's just that I'm wondering about the right cutoff value.  Remember
that at this point you do not know the size of the display yet.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]abort() in libXfont 4.2.0 (was FW: remote DoS in Mozilla 1.0)

2002-06-13 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

From: Juliusz Chroboczek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [bugtraq] remote DoS in Mozilla 1.0
Date: 12 Jun 2002 08:51:49 +0100

MH Interesting problem reported on bugtraq:

I see.  Two bugs here.

One is the dodgy error-handling in the Type 1 backend, which gives up
by calling abort() (see the very end of curves.c).  I agree that this
is a bug; however, as I'm hoping to phase out the current Type 1
backend in favour of one based on FreeType 2 in time for 4.3.0, I do
not intend to fix it.

The other problem is that we do not fail a priori requests for very
large fonts.  I do agree that this should be done, and I think it
should be done at the common layer (above the font backends); could
anyone suggest at what point a request for a font is clearly invalid?


Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]TinyX and Truetype

2002-06-13 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

SZ Now I want to know whether Tiny X support Truetype font.


  #define BuildFreeType YES

It may also be possible to use X-TT in Tiny X, but I don't know if
anybody has tried it out.

  #define BuildFreeType NO
  #define BuildXTrueType YES

SZ If so, what is the difference of the West and CjK font in TTF.

None at all.  That's one of the nice features of TrueType.  (But
please see the notes about `-c-' in the README.fonts document.)

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Re: XIE and PEX5?

2002-06-10 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

MH Even moreso I hope nobody uses PEX.  ;o)

Could somebody smart explain why PHIGS was abandoned?  Is that because
OpenGL is strictly more expressive?

(Not being argumentative here, but genuinely incompetent and curious.)

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Xinerama public review announcement

2002-06-06 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek


To what extent is the version of Xinerama that X.Org are proposing
compatible with the XFree86 one?


Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]unicode input

2002-06-06 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

JC Is there any good way to input arbitrary unicode characters via the
JC keyboard in a en_US.UTF-8 locale?

JC I cannot find any sign of an XIM server for this.  Everything I've
JC found seems to be targted to CJK input.

XIM is not really suitable for Unicode input, as it is a locale-
sensitive protocol that uses legacy encodings.  It might be possible
to coerce XIM to work for arbitrary Unicode text, but I'm not sure
you'd want to do that.

Sun have a new input method protocol which they claim to be more
adapted to this sort of approach; I don't have the references handy,
you may want to ask on i18n@.

If you only occasionally need to input a character not on your
keyboard, the UTF8_STRING protocol will allow you to cut and paste
arbitrary Unicode characters.  I've written a wee utility called UCM
for my private use, you can get it on

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Reg. X Security Extensions

2002-06-04 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

 I've never seen anybody use the security extension, and have yet to
 feel the need for it.

AA It seems to appear at the same time as the remote X extension, xrx,
AA which makes me think that the idea something like this:

AA You have a browser (netscape was one possiblility) with an xrx
AA plugin, and browse my web site.

Yep, that's what the XC claimed when X11R6.3 came out.  Remarkably
dumb idea.  Shows a complete lack of understanding of what type of
problems Java and the technologies based on Javascript and CSS
(``dynamic HTML'') are trying to solve.

(A wide-area round-trip for every expose event andevery keystroke.

Jim's example is more convincing, though.  Are there any video
projectors that embed an X server?

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Reg. X Security Extensions

2002-06-04 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

 Are there any video projectors that embed an X server?

JG Keith and I have been spending some time thinking about projector walls,

Well, I was thinking about something much simpler.  At every
conference I've been to, we loose a good few minutes per hi-tech talk
while the chairman (sweating with nervousness) tries to connect the
speaker's laptop to the projector.  Now that 16 Megs of memory and a
MIPS or ARM processor come for free, and that every laptop has an
Ethernet port, it would make sense to have X11 in the projector.
Which, in turn, would create a market for Keith's ``run Windows over
X'' software.

Of course, the above is merely a workaround.  The proper fix is to use
OHP slides, as Real Men do.

Xpert mailing list

[Xpert]KDrive doesn't like my mouse

2002-06-03 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

Hi Keith,

So I've got this new laptop manufactured by Compaq.  It has a touchpad
manufactured by Synaptics, which looks to Linux like a PS/2 mouse.
Under Windows, however, there's a specific driver with loads of cool
functionality (like measuring the diameter of your thumb in real time).

Running the KDrive server on this machine causes the touchpad to go
all funny; the pointer is then stuck at the bottom of the screen (but
still moves laterally).  Leaving KDrive doesn't fix it, a cold boot is

A wee bit of debugging shows that the Intellimouse probe is what
breaks the touchpad; removing the first line from ps2Init in mouse.c
(the one that says ``MouseWriteBytes(...intelli_init...)'') fixes the

So it looks like the Synaptics touchpad reacts to the Intellimouse
initialisation sequence by switching to some weird protocol.  Do you
have any suggestions for fixing that, other than disabling
Intellimouse support?


P.S. CC'd to xpert in case somebody has an idea.
Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]ICE in xfree86 install in programs/luit

2002-05-29 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

AS I get an internal compiler error in programs/luit during make install.


AS Now I want to keep the preprocessed source files with -save-temps option of
AS gcc but do not know where to add this option. I tried in adding it the
AS Makefile in programs/luit but that didn't work..

$ cd luit
$ make CDEBUGFLAGS=... luit

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]TrueType fonts

2002-05-28 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek


Very curious.  So you've got this freeze that you can only reproduce
if you use Xinerama + FreeType + xfs?  If any one of these is missing,
everything works fine?

XB be surprised.


I'd love to attempt to reproduce it, but the closest Xinerama machine
I've got access to is roughly 1500 miles away.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]To xfs, or not to xfs? Is the question...(Was: Bug#147898: xserver-xfree86: freeze when using TrueType with Xinerama)

2002-05-28 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

JF Ok. But, when not using RENDER, in the presence of xfs who does the actual 
JF rendering: the X server or xfs? In other words, does the xfs handle 
JF glyphs, or just the whole font files themselves to the X server?

In the presence of xfs, core X fonts are rasterised by xfs which sends
bitmaps to the X server.

In the absence of xfs, core X fonts are rasterised by the X server.

In both cases, it's the same code that does the actual rendering.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Keymap translation error?

2002-05-24 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

CHT Alt_L + 1: ±

man xterm and search for metaSendsEscape.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]TrueType fonts

2002-05-24 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

BSI red that New X is supporting the TTF
BSWhat does it mean ?

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]TrueType fonts

2002-05-24 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

XB Doesn't work too well with Xinerama though


The FreeType backend is a font backend just like the others.  It
merely produces glyph bitmaps and doesn't know about what the upper
layers of the server do with them.

I would be very, very surprised if there were a font issue that only
occurs in Xinerama configurations and that is specific to the FreeType
backend.  But if there is, please do provide more detail.

(Sorry for the emphasis, but the less emphatic formulation caused an
underfull hbox.  And I don't know how to hyphenate ``occurs''.)

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]TinyX (Xfbdev) not reading XF86Config?

2002-05-20 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

QP hw/kdrive/linux, but i didn't have any luck to find the code relevant to
QP killin X with ctrl-alt-BS.

Sorry, my wrong.  That's KdCheckSpecialKeys in kdinput.c.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]TinyX (Xfbdev) not reading XF86Config?

2002-05-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

QP OH! does that mean it does not use XF86Config at all? it's weird cuz i
QP recall TinyX setup and configuration involved modifying a XF86Config file..
QP well, that's okay as long as i can make X behave the way i want. so, how do
QP i:

QP 1. make X get not killed with ctril+alt+BS pressed? (Dont Zap, correct?)

Remove the relevant code from the keyboard driver (somewhere under
hw/kdrive/linux).  (Keith, shall we make it command-line configurable?)

QP 2. specify FontPath?

Either recompile specifying a specific fontpath in your host.def, or
else read the Xserver manual page (-fp).

QP 3. enable NumLock and ScrollLock LED toggle?


Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Source for Building KDrive

2002-05-14 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

BC But some of the url says you need to have a Frame buffer support
BC and Xfbdev will not work other wise

You need framebuffer support in your Linux kernel -- nothing to do
with XFree86 sources.

Xvesa (the other generic KDrive server) should work on all x86
machines, independently of framebuffer support.

BC and for this you need to XFree86-Xfbdev.rmp source..

No, you don't.  That's probably the legacy 3.3.* Xfbdev server.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Fonts

2002-05-04 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

BSIf run a Xapplication from remote machine, the Xapplication
BStakes the fonts from local machine or  remote machine ?

In XFree86, we have two types of fonts: traditional core fonts and the
new ``Xft fonts''.

Core fonts are provided by the server and come from font files on the
server side.  It is now believed that they are not suitable for
complex scripts such as Arabic and Devanagari.

We are currently moving towards a new font framework (due to Keith
Packard), which has been designed to be more efficient for fonts with
large numbers of glyphs and to suppor ``smart'' font technologies,
such as OpenType, which are needed for complex scripts.  Issues
related to the new font framework are best discussed on the render

Hope this helps,

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]limitations of TinyX?

2002-04-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

SP Is there any paper anywhere that talks about TinyX and the limitations
SP behind it?

Not to my knowledge.

Contrary to what some believe, KDrive (TinyX) is a complete
implementation of X11R6.5.

There are three limitations of KDrive that you're likely to notice.
First, it's currently Linux-only (but should not be difficult to
port).  Second, it doesn't have the XAA layer, which makes writing
drivers for it much more tedious than for XFree86; whence the small
number of drivers for it (although for many of the expected
applications of KDrive the generic fbdev or vesa drivers should be
enough); in addition, the KDrive drivers tend to accelerate fewer
operations than their XFree86 counterparts.  Third, it doesn't support
the XFree86 module loader.

By default, KDrive only contains some of the font backends and
extensions that are available.  For information about building KDrive
with more renderers/extensions, please see


Juliusz Chroboczek

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Xinerama

2002-04-10 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

MV Xinerama is merely an extension that makes two X screens look like
MV one.



Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]virtual resolutions kdrive

2002-04-06 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

TH X is running fine using the tiny-x xfbdev [...]  is there a way to
TH set up a virtual resolution or is this not implemented in the
TH server?

I don't think so; or at least I don't recall seeing any relevant code
in kdrive.


Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]TinyX

2002-03-22 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

MG I have managed to compile a XvesaServer,

MG After starting this server, I try to run an application, and I get the
MG error message:
MG Can't do 4 bits_per_pixel colormap.  What do I have to take into
MG account when programming for TinyX?  (because this app worked under a
MG normal SVGA Server)

For some reason, the X server decided to run in 16 colour mode, and
your application doesn't like the visual that it offers.  Try to
configure Xvesa to use an 8 bit or more mode.

  man Xvesa
  man Xkdrive

and search for -listmodes and -screen.
MG and, what is the best server to use with a ChipsTech69000 / 69030??

Xvesa of course ;-)

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: Memory Leak / suggestions please?

2002-03-04 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

MV   I can't even think of a case where Xlib can behave differently
MV depending on an X driver.  I don't think it's possible for this to 
MV be a driver specific problem.

The cost of some server-side data structures depends on the driver,
right?  So in principle a client-side leak of server-side resources
could be noticeable with one driver but not with another.

Xpert mailing list

[Xpert]Request for help: security in luit: BSD ptys, priviledges on FreeBSD

2002-01-09 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek


For a few weeks now, the XFree86 CVS has included a new utility
``luit'' under xc/programs/luit.

Luit does not cause any obvious security issues on systems with SVR4
ptys (SVR4, Linux 2.2 with libc 2.1.0 or later).  On systems without
SVR4 ptys, however, luit falls back to using BSD ptys.  If it is run
as an ordinary user, luit is unable to set the pty's permissions (this
is an intrinsic limitation of BSD ptys).

On such systems, luit should be run suid root.  While I have tried to
make this secure, I am a perfect newbie as far as security is
concerned, and would be very, very grateful if somebody competent
could go search through luit's startup code for security issues.

(In 4.2.0, luit will *not* be installed suid root.  Hopefully somebody
can confirm that making luit suid root is safe in time for 4.3.0.)

There is an additional issue: luit will only accept to run as root on
systems with _POSIX_SAVED_IDS defined, as these are the only systems
on which I know how to reliably drop priviledges.  I am told that this
is not the case of FreeBSD, which provides different (non-POSIX) means
of dropping priviledges.  Thus, I would be grateful if some FreeBSD
person could add the necessary support.  This should be a simple
matter: just add a suitable version of ``droppriv'' in luit/sys.c.

Thanks a lot,

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Fonts]Re: [Xpert]X cvs has a problem with the fixed font?

2001-11-30 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

Dr Andrew C Aitchison writes:

AA I thought (hoped?) that the scalable font renderers could cope with
AA unusual dot pitches. 

The scalable renderers will indeed handle reasonable font pitches fine.

The only issue I can see is the one of delta hints in TrueType
fonts.  Delta hints apply to one particular resolution, and the hints
will typically only be present for a small set of common sizes.  If
you're using an atypical pitch, you're going to loose all benefit of

(Another potential issue is that of rounding behaviour, which may be
ungood with unusual pitches; if so, that's a bug and will be fixed.)

AA If we snap to standard values there is no incentive for
AA applications to be fixed.

I would tend to agree, but I don't feel strongly either way.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Copy and paste in XTerm

2001-10-23 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

SG 2. Copy and paste fails in an XTerm window.  However, I can paste a
SG selection from an XTerm window into an RXVT window or into Emacs.

Does Shift-Button2 work?  (In case the application running within
XTerm is mouse-aware.)

If not, upgrade your XTerm.  The latest versions should have no
selection conversion problems.

(What locale are you running in?)

SG (5. One last, and possibly unrelated piece of data:  twm (the window
SG manager that comes with XFree86)  fails with a segmentation fault. )

The only known crash in twm has been recently fixed, and only happened
with buggy clients.  If upgrading doesn't solve your problem, could
you please send a stack backtrace?

SG Is it possible that XTerm pasting has been disabled in some
SG configuration file?

I don't think so.  The selection conversion code in XTerm has
undergone a reworking to get it properly internationalised; in the
process, I introduced a bug.  The latest versions of XTerm should fix
all known selection conversion-related bugs.

(I do not recall what the status of stock 4.1.0 is; however, the
Debian version of 4.1.0 fixes all known bugs.)

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Re: 320x204 resolution

2001-10-19 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

LdS where can I find this vesa driver and Xvesa server.
LdS thanks...

In XFree86 4.1.0 and later.

The vesa driver is built by default, and is documented in its manual

The Xvesa server is *not* built by default; for information about it,
please see

and read its manual page too.

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]xkb Turkish (ISO8859-9) Unicode Symbol Problems

2001-10-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

Is your locale set correctly?  Assuming you're running Linux/glibc,
what does the ``locale'' command yeidl?


Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Loss of Fonts on Netscape Menu Bars in 4.1.0

2001-10-18 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

  I tried to upgrade to Xfree 4.1.0 from 4.0.1, and now my Netscape comes
  up with the words on the Toolbars as little squares instead of letters,
  looks like a loss of Fonts.

 This just a guess, but make sure you're running everything 4.1.0, in
 particular the font server if you're using one.

MVActually, it sounds more like a driver problem with color
MV expansion acceleration.

To me, it sounds more like the well-known Motif bug that makes it do
weird things if a 16-bit fonts gets selected in an eight-bit locale.
Michel's advice sounds reasonable.


Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]pre-allocated colormap?

2001-09-23 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

 On an eight-bit visual, XDPS will allocate a 9-level gray ramp, and a
 4x4x4 colour cube, for a total of 73 colourmap entries.  (Colour
 allocation happens on the client side in XDPS.)

 Can RENDER deal with such a configuration?

KP RENDER must have the colors allocated within the server; there's no 
KP provision for the extension to use a client-provided colormap.

I understand that.  I was asking whether RENDER can deal with a gray
ramp of a different size than the diagonal of the colour cube.

The 9 + 4 x 4 x 4 scheme gives excellent results (to my eyes) while
leaving a lot of colour cells free.  I was suggesting that you should
try implementing a similar colourmap for RENDER, and see what the
results look like.

 if you happened to create a colormap compatible with DPS for Render

Just like you, I consider 8 bit colour displays to be obsolete, and I
am not interested in putting much effort into making DPS work well on
those.  (8 and even 4 bit grayscale displays are quite nice, on the
other hand.)

Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]pre-allocated colormap?

2001-09-22 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

On an eight-bit visual, XDPS will allocate a 9-level gray ramp, and a
4x4x4 colour cube, for a total of 73 colourmap entries.  (Colour
allocation happens on the client side in XDPS.)

Can RENDER deal with such a configuration?


Xpert mailing list

Re: [Xpert]Stopping and restarting X from a script..

2001-09-05 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

BB This is fine for the initial deployment, but there is a
BB requirement to have a button that kicks off a script that will
BB kill off X and then restart it.

BB I have the restarting working just fine, but wondered if there was
BB a safe, reliable way to kill X from a script?

You could start X from a script which will save the pid somewhere.

Actually, you may want to replace that script with a real program that
communicates with the X server using the same protocol as xdm.


Xpert mailing list