RE: [ZION] Temple Defilement

2003-08-22 Thread hkpage
A bunch of years ago - late 1980's iirc - a man with an expired temple
recommend (he had been ex'd, I think) forced his way into the D.C. Temple
with a gun and held a couple of temple workers hostage for a few hours.  He
eventually surrendered and the story made the news.  The temple was closed
for a day or two.  If I remember right, they just quietly rededicated that
part of the temple.  I'm not sure, though...I was a teenager at the time
and not much was said about how they handled it.  Does anyone else remember?

Heidi the fair

 [Original Message]
 Date: 8/22/2003 6:27:03 AM
 Subject: RE: [ZION] Temple Defilement

 This is what happened in Manti, as we were told by some Manti folks. 
Most of the time, entering the temple unworthily is considered
significantly different from defiling the temple (a premeditated act which
leaves physical evidence).  Entering the temple unworthily defiles the
person, not the temple.

 If ya thinks ya is right, ya deserfs credit - even if ya is wrong. Gus
Segar via Popeye

 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Stacy Smith:

 I was wondering how it works, that's all.


 I think the scripture says It shall be holy, or the Lord your 
 God will not dwell therein.

 When a person who is not worthy enters and leaves the 
 temple, and no one knows about it (that is, we mere 
 mortals), I don't think anything is done.

 I have heard of two or three situations where someone 
 broke into a temple and either did things they shouldn't 
 or caused minor damage.  In those cases, after any 
 needed repairs, I understand that the temple president 
 was authorized by the President of the Church to 
 rededicate that area of the temple.

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Re: Re: [ZION] Temple Defilement

2003-08-22 Thread Stacy Smith
I always try to think about my personal situation.  I was merely curious 
about the environs and how it would be handled.


At 04:26 AM 08/22/2003 -0600, you wrote:

Well I supose it depends on what you mean by defile in regard to the 
temple environs.  That might suggest a rededication or something like 
that.  I do not think that someone who is unworthy, simply by being there 
is likely to ruin the experience for all of the attendees.

What one ought to do when attending the temple is worry abuot their own 
situation and not fear that someone else's attendance will do something 
negative to the temple.

The answer is still NO and the previous reasons still apply.


---Original Message---
From: Stacy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08/21/03 08:24 AM
Subject: Re: [ZION] Temple Defilement

 Obviously I was referring to those who go in spite of the fact they know
they aren't living up to even the letter.  Are those people defiling the

At 10:20 PM 08/19/2003 -0700, you wrote:

On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 08:38 PM, George Cobabe wrote:

No!  There is not one of us truly worthy to be in the temple, as in the
presence of God.  The atonement makes up for our individual problems and
I am sure would keep the Temple pure for those who do their best to
attend in faith.


Well said, George.

Look, folks, the Lord is our judge, and he is never as judgmental as we
mere mortals.  We are quick to judge, slow to forgive, stubborn, and
rebellious.  We also get angry too fast.  We had better repent, and soon.

I work in the Oakland Temple.  I've worked there almost 13 years.  I've
easily entered that sacred edifice over 500 times.  Every time when I
reach for my wallet to get my recommend, I ask myself if I am really
worthy to enter.  Some weeks I am more comfortable with the idea than
others.  I keep going to the temple, however, because I know I'm really
trying.  I'm trying to control my anger, to obey, to yield to the will of
the Lord, to forgive quickly, and to let the Lord judge.  I keep the
letter of the temple recommend questions reasonably well, and am trying
keep the spirit of them as well.  Perfect?  I am far from it.  I am
planning to get there someday, although I'm not looking forward to the
process.  Adversity is tough.

So, what level of wickedness does it take to not be worthy to enter the
temple?  It's spelled out clearly in the temple recommend questions.
If you are keeping the letter of the temple recommend questions
well, go to the temple.  When you have occasional minor lapses, repent
go to the temple.  If you have a major lapse (such as failure to tithe or
keep the Word of Wisdom, law of chastity violations, etc.), stop going to

the temple. Go to your bishop instead, and fix the problem.  In all
major or minor, allow the Lord to forgive you, and please, forgive
yourself.  After that, go back to the temple.


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George Cobabe, CLU, ChFC
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[ZION] Witnessing Excommunications by Churches

2003-08-22 Thread Stacy Smith
Hi.  Has anyone ever witnessed an actual excommunication of someone else by 
this or any other church?  It seems to me that most churches refuse to do 
it.  Why this bothers me I'm not sure, because I know that other churches 
don't have the authority to really matter but somehow it does.  I think it 
reflects the moral character of the times.  Are they generally public or 
private affairs?  By public I suppose I mean church-attended, of course.


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Re: [ZION] Witnessing Excommunications by Churches

2003-08-22 Thread mormonyoyoman

Stacy, in a past calling I had to attend church disciplinary councils and was present 
for a disfellowship (not excommunication) procedure.  (To make up for it, I was lucky 
enough to attend several church disciplinary councils wherein the person was 
re-communicated I guess you'd call it.  Their temple blessings were restored to them 
pending an upcoming baptism, and I was invited by those members to their re-baptisms.)

I was told the disfellowship is very much like the excommunication, save for the fact 
it was on a ward level instead of a stake level.  The repentance procedure was, I 
assume, a tad easier than it would have been for someone excommunicated.  It's 
nothing like I expected.

First of all, we were taught that a disciplinary procedure such as disfellowship or 
excommunication was not just the problem of the person, it was the problem of the 
entire ward or stake.  Yet the person deserved and required complete confidentiality; 
no one who wasn't immediately involved (including victims and members of the 
disciplinary council) was to ever learn about this from anyone but the member 
him/herself.  (For this instance, I will agree with our enemies that there are times 
when we LDS do keep secrets.)

Every means possible was to be given to help the member return to full fellowship; it 
was always assumed that any punishment or trial for their sin(s) would be handled by 
the Holy Ghost.  (And believe me -- we saw some mighty big lessons being handed out by 
the Spirit.)  What we mortal agents were to do was love that person, protect their 
privacy, help those who were injured to recover, and to be available for counsel or 
other assistance as the person was receiving their lectures from the Spirit.  If 
you've never been lectured by the Spirit, consider yourself very lucky and relatively 
free of sin.

I've seen other churches, mainly Protestant ones, make a huge deal with lots of 
publicity when they excommunicate a member.  In the Church of Jesus Christ, the ONLY 
time I've seen a church discipline made public is when the person themselves made it 
public.  You'll get Church statements, when asked about criminals, that the criminals 
went through Church discipline but that civil punishment was the responsibility of 
civil authorities.  If anyone's heard of anything more than that, please correct me.  
(Now someone will find a quote from Brigham Young which says something like I 
personally ex'd him then beat him with a deck of Pokemon cards.)

If ya thinks ya is right, ya deserfs credit - even if ya is wrong. Gus Segar via 

--- Stacy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi.  Has anyone ever witnessed an actual excommunication of someone else by 
this or any other church?  It seems to me that most churches refuse to do 
it.  Why this bothers me I'm not sure, because I know that other churches 
don't have the authority to really matter but somehow it does.  I think it 
reflects the moral character of the times.  Are they generally public or 
private affairs?  By public I suppose I mean church-attended, of course.


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RE: [ZION] West Nile virus

2003-08-22 Thread Jim Cobabe

Steven Montgomery wrote:
 Hey! I was born and raised in the Uintah Basin. All kinds of relatives 
 both sides of my family in, around, and through such locales as Vernal, 
 Roosevelt, Altamont, Tridell, Jensen, Maeser, etc.
 So, you've probably bumped into some of my relatives out there. Say 
 to them from me--will you grin?

Steven, I mostly just bump into trees at work.

I am working for the Forest Service this summer, counting all the trees 
on the mountains of Ashley National Forest.  I have driven through most 
of these towns on the way up to the forest.  At night I'm sleeping in a 
trailer in an RV park in Vernal.

One of the survey team members I was working with is from Tridell.  
Turns out that her family, the Brinkerhoffs, are also relatives of my 
brother-in-law.  It was interesting to make the connection.  My 
brother-in-law, Gene Cook, is also related to the McKee family in 

I have heard lots of jokes about family lines that frequently intertwine 
in this area.  :-)

Jim Cobabe  

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RE: [ZION] Witnessing Excommunications by Churches

2003-08-22 Thread larry . jackson
Stacy Smith:

Has anyone ever witnessed an actual excommunication of 
someone else by this or any other church?  ... Are they 
generally public or private affairs?


About 25 years worth of them in our Church, none in any 
other church.  In ours, they are strictly confidential.

If the bishop obtains permission to hold a disciplinary 
council, it is usually held in the bishop's office with the 
bishop, his two counselors, a clerk, and the member.  He 
must have permission from the stake president to hold a 
council.  He may disfellowship or excommunicate any 
member of his ward, except that he may not excommunicate 
a man who holds the Melchizedek Priesthood.

If a stake president convenes a disciplinary council, it is 
usually held in the high council meeting room.  The stake 
president, his counselors, the high council (12), and a 
clerk participate, along with the member.

A stake president usually does not hold a council that a 
bishop can hold which, in practical terms, often means 
that a stake will hold a council for a man who holds the 
Melchizedek Priesthood and who has done something 
serious enough for which he may be excommunicated.

Nowadays, the decision of a council is only announced 
to members if the person disciplined poses a threat to 
the Church, for example, because of apostasy.  In that 
case, an announcement is made in priesthood and 
Relief Society meeting announcing that a member has 
been excommunicated for apostasy (if that is the reason) 
or for conduct contrary to the laws of the Church.  No 
additional information is given.  An announcement is 
very rare.  Usually nothing is said at all.

Usually disfellowshipment is sufficient discipline to 
help a member repent of most serious transgression.  
A member is only excommunicated when needed and 
usually due to serious and willful violation of covenants.

Larry Jackson

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RE: [ZION] Witnessing Excommunications by Churches

2003-08-22 Thread Stacy Smith
You imply there is a difference between disfellowshipment and 
excommunication.  Is there any record of what was said when Oliver Cowdary 
was excommunicated, for instance?


At 08:42 PM 08/22/2003 -0500, you wrote:

Stacy Smith:

Has anyone ever witnessed an actual excommunication of
someone else by this or any other church?  ... Are they
generally public or private affairs?

About 25 years worth of them in our Church, none in any
other church.  In ours, they are strictly confidential.
If the bishop obtains permission to hold a disciplinary
council, it is usually held in the bishop's office with the
bishop, his two counselors, a clerk, and the member.  He
must have permission from the stake president to hold a
council.  He may disfellowship or excommunicate any
member of his ward, except that he may not excommunicate
a man who holds the Melchizedek Priesthood.
If a stake president convenes a disciplinary council, it is
usually held in the high council meeting room.  The stake
president, his counselors, the high council (12), and a
clerk participate, along with the member.
A stake president usually does not hold a council that a
bishop can hold which, in practical terms, often means
that a stake will hold a council for a man who holds the
Melchizedek Priesthood and who has done something
serious enough for which he may be excommunicated.
Nowadays, the decision of a council is only announced
to members if the person disciplined poses a threat to
the Church, for example, because of apostasy.  In that
case, an announcement is made in priesthood and
Relief Society meeting announcing that a member has
been excommunicated for apostasy (if that is the reason)
or for conduct contrary to the laws of the Church.  No
additional information is given.  An announcement is
very rare.  Usually nothing is said at all.
Usually disfellowshipment is sufficient discipline to
help a member repent of most serious transgression.
A member is only excommunicated when needed and
usually due to serious and willful violation of covenants.
Larry Jackson

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RE: [ZION] Witnessing Excommunications by Churches

2003-08-22 Thread Ronn! Blankenship
At 09:21 PM 8/22/03 -0500, Stacy Smith wrote:
You imply there is a difference between disfellowshipment and excommunication.

There is indeed a difference.  A member who is disfellowshipped remains a 
member, although there are a number of things s/he is not allowed to do 
which a member in good standing may do.  A person who is excommunicated is 
no longer a member of the Church and must be re-baptized in order to become 
a member again.

-- Ronn!  :)

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