[Zope] ZSql Strange Error

2000-11-02 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann


I'm trying to emulate an outter join in a Z SQL, but Zope crashes every
time I try the query.

The query is defined as:


parameters: username
query definition:

select codigo, nome, 'T' as select
from cad_exportacao
where codigo in ( 
select codigo
from user_codigo
where username = dtml-sqlvar username type=string
and tipo = 'E' )
union all
select codigo, nome, 'F' as select
from cad_exportacao
where codigo not in ( 
select codigo
from user_codigo
where username = dtml-sqlvar username type=string
and tipo = 'E' )


The log messages says there's not a 'cad_exportacao' relation (that is
not true, the relation exists).

Zope 2.2, Linux 2.2, PostgreSQL 7.0, ZyGreSQLDA 0.03 (from the README).

What is wrong? What I can do to get the job done (I need to fill an
multiselect with 'codigo', 'nome' from 'cad_exportacao', and if exists
any 'codigo' for 'username' in 'user_codigo', the option must be
selected - I tryed the "Filling MULTIPLE SELECT ... HOWTO', but it
doesn't works for me, and I don't know why)?

César A. K. Grossmann

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] ZSql Strange Error

2000-11-02 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann

 I'm not sure why this should *crash* zope, but you can do it with a much
 simpler query and a little DTML coding. The following should work

It cannot help me.

I have two tables. One called cad_exportacao, and the other is called
user_codigo. The table user_codigo maps every username with one or more
rows at cad_exportacao. I wanna fill a SELECT input with all rows in
cad_exportacao, but wanna all the records that exists for 'username' in
user_codigo to be selected.

There was the howto that explains how to do this at
http://www.zope.org/Members/Roug/select_with_multiple, but it not works
for me...

César A. K. Grossmann

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] ZSql Strange Error

2000-11-02 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann

Casey Duncan wrote:
 Duh, maybe I should learn to read.


 Let me know if this is any better,

It worked! Thanks.

César A. K. Grossmann

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Filling Multiple Select Problem

2000-10-25 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann


I'm using the example at the "Filling MULTIPLE SELECT OPTION's with
database lists", and a little step doesn't works.

I heve the following in the DTML Method that fills two SELECT in a Web

dtml-call "REQUEST.set('cadExportacao', [])"
dtml-call "REQUEST.set('cadImportacao', [])"
dtml-in sqlVinculacao

dtml-if "tipo=='E'"
dtml-call "cadExportacao.append(codigo)"
dtml-elif "tipo=='I'"
dtml-call "cadImportacao.append(codigo)"

/dtml-in sqlVinculacao

The code above runs. To verify that, I put a dtml-var cadExportacao
and a dtml-var cadImportacao, that prints the contents of the lists

The code that is not running is the one bellow:

SELECT NAME="exportadores" MULTIPLE SIZE="10" WIDTH="300"

dtml-in sqlCadastroExportacao

VALUE="dtml-var codigo"
dtml-if "codigo in cadExportacao"SELECTED /dtml-if

dtml-var nome

/dtml-in sqlCadastroExportacao


The code above creates a SELECT list like the one bellow:


but the dtml-if "codigo in cadExportacao" part doesn't function. I
have some of the values of "codigo" in the cadExportacao list, but the
"SELECTED" corresponding code doesn't appears.

Can someone tells me what is wrong?

Sorry the bad english...

 | César A. K. Grossmann   | Capacitação Solidária   |
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]| http://www.uol.com.br/umminuto/ |
 | http://members.xoom.com/ckant/  | Clique e doe - é de graça   |
Any member introducing a dog into the Society's premises shall be
liable to a fine of one pound.  Any animal leading a blind person shall
be deemed to be a cat.
-- Rule 46, Oxford Union Society, London

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[Zope] GUF error: Unauthorized...

2000-10-20 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann


I have created a GUFTest folder. It runs perfectly with the user
'jorge', provided with the GUF. After I have changed the acl to use a
SQL connection, I'm getting the error bellow (in the log of the system):

raised an exception (('Unauthorized', 'crypt', traceback object at

The source of the HTML page contains (I don't know if it's correct,
because I suspect that Netscape reloads the page when you ask it to show
the source of the page):

Traceback (innermost last):
  File /usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 222,
in publish_module
  File /usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 187,
in publish
  File /usr/share/zope/lib/python/Zope/__init__.py, line 221, in
(Object: Traversable)
  File /usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 162,
in publish
  File /usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/ZPublisher/BaseRequest.py, line
456, in traverse
line 442, in guf_unauthorized
(Object: Traversable)
LoginRequired: (see above)


What is wrong?

I have created a local role called 'Usuario'. This role have the rights

Access contents information
Can Login an Logout
Use database methods

Access contents information
Can Login an Logout
Use database methods

The Anonymous role have the rights:

Access contents information
Can Login and Logout

The userAuthenticate, userDomains, userList, adn userRoles DTML Methods
are configurated to proxy the Manager role.

I'm using Zope 2.2.1, on a Conectiva Linux 5.0 (Linux i386 2.2.14,
python 1.5.2, glibc 2.1.3).

 | César A. K. Grossmann   | Capacitação Solidária   |
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]| http://www.uol.com.br/umminuto/ |
 | http://members.xoom.com/ckant/  | Clique e doe - é de graça   |
The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they
are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is generally
understood.  Indeed, the world is ruled by little else.
-- John Maynard Keyes

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Passing parameters to methods - how to?

2000-09-30 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann


I'm making my own user managements methods, and I'm stucked with a
(simple) problem: How do I call another DHTML method, passing parameters
to it, in HTML?

I'm using a DTML Method that gives me a list of usernames. I want to
click on the username and get the properties for that username. I wrote
another DTML Method to do that, but I don't know how to pass the
username to this second DTML Method.

The username list page have, for every user, a line like that (suppose
usernames, fred and jorge):

a href="ManageUserProperties"fred/abr
a href="ManageUserProperties"jorge/abr

How do I pass the username to the ManageUserProperties DTML Method? I
have tried to use something like:

a href="ManageUserProperties?username=fred"fred/abr
a href="ManageUserProperties?username=jorge"jorge/abr

It works, but the ManageUserProperties DTML Method have another form in
it, that calls itself, using the POST method:

form action="ManageUserProperties" method="POST"

Clicking in the "submit" button, it gives me an error, telling that
'username' is not defined. So I included an hidden field with
name="username" and value="dtml-var username", but I'm thinking this
is not the better way to do that...

Can someone helps me?

César A. K. Grossmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://members.xoom.com/ckant/

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Cookie pointer.

2000-09-25 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann

TMGB wrote:
 Since cookies have been brought up, I tried the following code (Using
 Steve's example):

I cannot use this code in a GUF/docLogin. I get the error:


You are not authorized to access ZopeTime. "

What can I do to this code works?

César A. K. Grossmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://members.xoom.com/ckant/

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Cookie pointer.

2000-09-25 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann

Steve Drees wrote:
  What can I do to this code works?
 Can you cut and paste the offending code?

Exactly the same of the message of Thomas:

dtml-if expr="RESPONSE.setCookie('name', 'value', path='/',
expires=(ZopeTime() + (1.0/102.0))"
 "You have cookies enabled"
  "Your browser does not support cookies"

If I get rid of the 'expires' parameter, I receive allways the same
"Your browser does not support cookies". Even when the cookies suport is
enabled... The code changed looks like:


dtml-call "RESPONSE.setCookie('name', 'value', path='/')"

dtml-if "RESPONSE.cookies['name']=='value'"


dtml-call "RESPONSE.expireCookie('name')"


(spaces/blank lines added to make it more readable).

César A. K. Grossmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://members.xoom.com/ckant/

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Zope to PostgreSQL Connection?

2000-09-16 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann


I'm with some troubles to connect a freshly installed Zope 2.2.1 on a
Conectiva Linux 5.0 (glibc-2.1.2, the rest is the same as Red Hat 6.x)
to a PostgreSQL 7.0.2 database. The ZPyGreSQLDA
(http://www.zope.org/Members/reedstrm/ZPyGreSQLDA-rjr) "is broken".

I tried to get the PoPyDA working, but cannot compile the PoPy module
(it complains about libcrypt - that is already installed). Can someone
point's me to a useful documentation about what is needed to get PoPy
compiled, or another way to connect a Zope 2.2.1 to a PostgreSQL

Trying to compile PoPy 1.3.6:

[root@bit PoPy-1.3.6]# ./configure 
loading cache ./config.cache
checking for python... /usr/bin/python
checking python version... 1.5
checking python installation prefix... /usr
checking python installation exec_prefix... /usr
checking definitions in Python library makefile... done
checking location of python library...
checking location of python shared modules...
checking for main in -lcrypt... no
Warning: next test can fail because of a missing libcrypt
checking for PQconnectStart in -lpq... no
configure: error: can't build without PostgreSQL libraries

Do we have a crypt library somewhere?

[root@bit PoPy-1.3.6]# locate lib/libcryp

Who owns that files?

[root@bit PoPy-1.3.6]# locate lib/libcryp | xargs rpm -qf | sort | uniq

César A. K. Grossmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://members.xoom.com/ckant/

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] From a Folder to a Product

2000-08-01 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann

"R. David Murray" wrote:
 If you put everthing at the top level except the DB connection, and
 put the appropriate one of those in each user's folder, I should
 think they could access the report via acquisition.

You mean, put all sql-queries, dtml-docs and dtml-methods spread in the
root folder of the zope? I'm trying to maintain the root uncluttered
("every thing in it's place, every place with it's thing"), and I'm
thinking this will do the oposite, but you give me an idea:

+ reports
  + files (sql queries, reports/forms, and default sql-conn)
  + customer1
  | + sql connection (only)
  + customer2
  | + sql connection (only)

Have anyone a better one idea/suggestion? Of course, making things like
that, I lose versioning (I think), but I think I can survive without

César A. K. Grossmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://members.xoom.com/ckant/

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] From a Folder to a Product

2000-07-31 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann


I'm pretty satisfied with a group of reports I have done in Zope, and
want to put a copy of it in every customer's folder I have in the Zope

Are there a document/tutorial I can use as a guide or tutorial to do

If someone wants to point some general guidelines, the folder contains
only the dtml docs/methods and SQL connection/SQL Queries used to do the
report, and the only thing that changes from one to another customer is
the SQL connection (every different customer have his own database).
Even the security properties are the same.

It can be draft as bellow:

+-- Report
   +- SQL Connection (PostgreSQL)
   +- SQL queries
   +- Reports based on the SQL queries
   +- Forms that are used to chose parameters and call the
   +- index_html, standart_error, standart_html_header/footer

César A. K. Grossmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://members.xoom.com/ckant/

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] dtml-in 'one record per page' problem

2000-07-29 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann


I'm using a report that must return one instance by page, but it's not
working very well... If the query returns more than one result, Zope
presents only two pages. I'm using Zope 2.1.6 in a Linux box.

Here are a excerpt of the dtml code used:


  dtml-if sequence-start
dtml-if previous-sequence
  a href="dtml-var URLdtml-var
sequence-queryquery_start=dtml-var previous-sequence-start-number"

/dtml-if previous-sequence

  /dtml-if sequence-start

 ... a lot of trtd ...

  dtml-if sequence-end
dtml-if next-sequence
  a href="dtml-var URLdtml-var
sequence-queryquery_start=dtml-var next-sequence-start-number"
/dtml-if next-sequence

  /dtml-if sequence-end

No records.


In case someone is wondering about the utility of a report with only one
record per page, all I can say is that this is a very big one record,
and the original idea was to present only one record at time.

César A. K. Grossmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://members.xoom.com/ckant/

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[Zope] GUF + SQL connection problem

2000-07-11 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann

I'm trying to add a SQL connection to GUF, and getting an error when
trying step 8 of the How To ("HOWTO Use GenericUserFolder with an SQL

"You are not authorized to change change_password_report because you do
not have proxy roles. "

The step 8 says (http://www.zope.org/Members/hippy/GUF_SQL_crypt_1_2):

8. Set permissions to protect the use database.

It is now time to setup the permissions on the GUF objects to ensure
that the SQL methods can only be called the code that we have created.

Create a user defined role called Authoriser in the acl_users folder do
not give it any permissions.[ok: created at the folder that contains the

set the 'Use Database Methods' permission for 'Authoriser' on all the
SQLMethods created above.[ok]

set the Proxy role "Authoriser" on:

change_password_report [oh-oh]


I'm doing it as a user that have the 'Manager' role at the root of the
Zope site. The same username exists in the GUF, but I cannot change its
roles (trying this trashes the connection).

I'm using GUF 1-2-4. Zope is the 2.1.6, and connected to a PostgreSQL
7.0.1 (it works).

César A. K. Grossmann

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] GUF Problem

2000-07-10 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann

Richard Moon wrote:
 I don't think GUF works in its current release, or maybe the set-up
 instructions are incomplete. I used it before and it was ok but I tried the
 latest release and had the same problem as you. I reported it to GUF's
 author but didn't get a reply.

I just added a SQL user database, and will try to make it run.

 I've reverted back to standard ACL folders for the moment.

My problem is the little window with "Zope" in it, when the user tries
to logon. If there was a way to customize it to anything I want, I stay
with the standart ACL. I'm using GUF only because of the docLogin
methot, that allows me to customize the login page.

César A. K. Grossmann

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] [Fwd: [Zope] GUF Problem]

2000-07-10 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann

One reply I get from Mario:

Mario Premke wrote:
 I remember I had the same problem.
 In GUF's acl_user folder I gave the special_role
 the same permissions as the anonymus role.
 As far as I remember that did it ...

César A. K. Grossmann

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] LoginManager HOWTO?

2000-06-14 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann

Stuart 'Zen' Bishop wrote:
 But do you want advanced? If you just want to store your authentication
 information, UserDB is just fine - moving to GenericUserFolder in
 this case may just cause you troubles, as more advanced also means
 more complicated.

I need to provide a logon screen more informative than the default
dialog box. Can I do it with UserDB (I have tried, and have not found
any information about it).

I have tried it and have to figure out by myself the table and column
names and types. I have created one Gadfly connection (only for testing
purposed), and created the tabel users, as bellow:

create table users (
domains varchar,
roles   varchar

I suppose it is correct, but I'm not sure (it worked).

 GenericUserFolder is what you have to move to if you are
 in a more peculiar environment or want to use Radius authentication.

I have tried the GUF Walktrough and it doesn't works for me (the very
last part, trying to logon as 'fred', doesn't work). I'm using SiteRoot,
Apache proxying a zserver, and a Squid cache. All in the same machine...

César A. K. Grossmann

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] LoginManager HOWTO?

2000-06-13 Thread Cesar A. K. Grossmann


I'm trying to produce a web site with user authentication, and was
looking for something more customizable than the standard user
authentication mechanism provided by Zope.

My first step was look in the Zope page, making a search on the term
'authentication'. I found three products: UserDB, GenericUserFolder, and

Reading the page at the UserDB I found the bellow:

"Update (10/30/99): Zen has posted a product that has more functionality
than UserDB, called GenericUserFolder. "

Well, looks like the GenericUserFolder is more advanced. So I go to its
page. In it there are another observation:

This product is being deprecated in favor of the LoginManager.
LoginManager is what I like to believe that GUF would have been if I
didn't have to write it in a hurry."

Well, the next step is going to the LoginManager and try to figure out
how to install it and put it in my web site. I get the package (I'm
using the Linux version of Zope, in a Conectiva Linux 4.2 - like Red Hat
6.x -, installed from the rpm packages found in the Zope site), and,
after some troubles to make ZPatterns fully functional, I get it
installed. So now? No HOWTO explaining how to put it to run. Well, go to
the mailing list, and search old messages. No one helps me...

I'm looking for a sequence of steps needed to configure and use the
LoginManager. How to add users? How to add local roles? How to integrate
it whith LDAP (not for now, but in the future)? How to use a RDBMS
server, like PostgreSQL, to store the accounts (in case I cannot put
LDAP up an running)?

I'm not a Python programmer, and I have a limited knowledge of Zope and
DTML, and my english is only better than your portuguese...

César A. K. Grossmann

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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