Re: [Zope-dev] Folderish or SimpleItem object types for structural content

2005-12-02 Thread Dieter Maurer
Martijn Jacobs wrote at 2005-12-1 01:06 +0100:
If some conflict errors occure or for some reason the 
objects are not indexed (correctly) or not updated, some important 
information is not available for the user. I have experienced alot of 
problems with unindexed objects, or not reindexed objects due to 
'random' conflict errors'.

If random conflict errors lead to inconsistencies (object modified
but not reindexed), then they are very badly handled:

  Any exception that bubbles up to ZPublisher
  causes the complete transaction to be aborted: the effect will
  be neither an object modification nor a reindexing.

  If the object is modified but not reindexed in the context
  of a ConflictError, then something must have caught
  the ConflictError -- a very bad thing...

  Unfortunately, unrestricted try: ... except: ... is not
  too uncommon. Zope some problems in this respect but
  meanwhile almost all places have been cleaned up.
But usually, when an object is modified but not reindexed,
it is the application (and not a ConflictError)
that made the error -- it often forgets to call the reindex.

 By making a complete hierarchical structure 
using 'Object Managers', you can always assure that data is accessible, 
and if the ZCatalog is not up to date, only the search results will not 
represent the actual structure.

A much more important reason for this structure is acquisition (which
you will loose when you follow my proposal).

30.000 is not yet very impressing.

That's good to know. It's hard to say offcourse, but what is in some way 
a 'limit' of the number of objects, for instance, if they all have to be 
indexed? Indexing objects uses ALOT of CPU time for example... In which 
amount of objects should you reconsider your design? (Speaking of a 
'general' guideline)

Usually, you index incrementally (one object at a time).
The data structures involved when indexing a single object
behave logarithmically in the total number of objects.

Thus, I am not worried to have lots of objects indexed in the catalog.

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Re: [Zope-dev] Folderish or SimpleItem object types for structural content

2005-12-01 Thread Chris Withers

Martijn Jacobs wrote:
catalog. The estimation about the amount of objects, with only the leave 
nodes as 'SimpleItem' objects will be 30.000. 

30,000 is nothing.

The production catalog on one of my projects has 220,000 objects in it, 
and I still wouldn't class that as huge.



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting

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Re: [Zope-dev] Folderish or SimpleItem object types for structural content

2005-11-30 Thread Dieter Maurer
Martijn Jacobs wrote at 2005-11-29 22:09 +0100:
That will be true, but I was wondering where to draw the line,  for 
example with perfomance issues. All the objects will be in a ZCatalog, 
to allow searching for example. But one 'ObjectManager' step less in the 
choice what to do with the products results in much less objects in the 

This must be a funny classification scheme...

But anyway: I have a completely different strategy for you:
lets see whether you will like it.

You do not materialize the classification scheme at all but you
have only your leaves (let's call them objects).

Each object has its classification as an attribute, say category.
A category thus has the form topic/subtopic/subsubtopc/

You index the category with a PathIndex (I would recommend
my Managable PathIndex) and use canned searches (so called topics)
the recreate the classification structure via searches (if needed).

If you do the last step (use topics for the complete recreation of the
classification structure), then the number of objects will
not decrease (what formerly was a classification folder is now
a topic). But the new structure is much more flexible.
You can now assign different categories (say along different
dimensions) to your objects and will get different hierarchical (topical)
views on your object set.

The estimation about the amount of objects, with only the leave 
nodes as 'SimpleItem' objects will be 30.000. I never had so many 
objects in a ZODB, that's why I'm asking this, but as your answer 
suggests it's still the preferred way.

30.000 is not yet very impressing.

And, how large will be your classification scheme?
Usually, such a scheme is *much* smaller than the classified items
(if the lowest classification level had one (or very few) element,
if would be superfluous). Adding it would give a few more thousand
objects in addition -- you would get 31.000 (or maybe 35.000)
instead of 30.000. Do not be worried about this...

You should take care to use the correct folder implementation, however.
As soon as a folder is likely to have more than a few dozen of objects,
you should use a BTreeFolder2 rather than a normal folder.
The total number of ZODB objects will go up by this choice
(but you already learned that you need not to worry about this)
but access is much more efficient (if the folder contains large numbers
of children).

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Re: [Zope-dev] Folderish or SimpleItem object types for structural content

2005-11-30 Thread Martijn Jacobs

Hello Dieter.

This must be a funny classification scheme...

Well, I wanted to have the discussion to be general about this thing 
because I can imagine that this issue has been some point of discussion 
before, among others, but I will be more specific to explain :
- The structure will have categories within categories. (hierarchical 
- Each category can have custom properties which can be 'inherited' by 
the aqcuisition feature of zope.

- Within the categories you have object's.
- Each object can derive his properties through acquisition, or have 
their own properties (or override the acquisiton properties)
- Each object will have item groups,  with their own properties / 
files / comments / etc.
- Each item group will contain  items, each item will have 
properties, but also can have properties derived through acquisition 
from categories and objects :  so these items will all have different 
properties, depending in which category they exist.

With this rules I was thinking about the next structure :

Category (Object Manager, within other Categories) - Object (Object 
Manager) - Item Group (Object Manager) - Item (Simple Item)

But anyway: I have a completely different strategy for you:
lets see whether you will like it.

You do not materialize the classification scheme at all but you
have only your leaves (let's call them objects).

Each object has its classification as an attribute, say category.
A category thus has the form topic/subtopic/subsubtopc/

You index the category with a PathIndex (I would recommend
my Managable PathIndex) and use canned searches (so called topics)
the recreate the classification structure via searches (if needed).

If you do the last step (use topics for the complete recreation of the
classification structure), then the number of objects will
not decrease (what formerly was a classification folder is now
a topic). But the new structure is much more flexible.
You can now assign different categories (say along different
dimensions) to your objects and will get different hierarchical (topical)
views on your object set.

I have been thinking about this kind of structure to use for this 
specific project. But there is a problem that occures (too) often (in my 
experience) with this approach. By doing this you really are depending 
on the ZCatalog : If some conflict errors occure or for some reason the 
objects are not indexed (correctly) or not updated, some important 
information is not available for the user. I have experienced alot of 
problems with unindexed objects, or not reindexed objects due to 
'random' conflict errors'.  By making a complete hierarchical structure 
using 'Object Managers', you can always assure that data is accessible, 
and if the ZCatalog is not up to date, only the search results will not 
represent the actual structure.

30.000 is not yet very impressing.

That's good to know. It's hard to say offcourse, but what is in some way 
a 'limit' of the number of objects, for instance, if they all have to be 
indexed? Indexing objects uses ALOT of CPU time for example... In which 
amount of objects should you reconsider your design? (Speaking of a 
'general' guideline)

You should take care to use the correct folder implementation, however.
As soon as a folder is likely to have more than a few dozen of objects,
you should use a BTreeFolder2 rather than a normal folder.

I've used the BTreeFolder2 before for a single folder containing large 
number of objects, and indeed, it's really boosting the perfomance a lot...

Well thanks again for your thoughts, it helps in breaking patterns I'm 
used too,  let's reconsider it using some external input :)

Kind regards,


Martijn Jacobs
Four Digits, internet solutions
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | web:
tel: +31 (0)26 44 22 700 | fax: +31 (0)84 22 06 117

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Re: [Zope-dev] Folderish or SimpleItem object types for structural content

2005-11-29 Thread Dieter Maurer
Martijn Jacobs wrote at 2005-11-29 01:02 +0100:
All those products are different 'types', with different functionality 
and different 'roles' as what they represent, so I write different 
products for every type. For every object that can contain subobjects 
you could derive it from 'Folder' (or Object Manager). But when you 
derive all these product types from 'Folder' you end up with ALOT of 
objects in your database.

It that a problem? It might become one once you get millions of objects...

Usually, I would expect that most objects come from you leaves and
not from the classification structure...

In a lot of real world cases you have categories and items, that makes 
things easy, but what about the structure explained above?

I would use ObjectManagers to implement the classification
structure and SimpleItems for the leaves.

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Re: [Zope-dev] Folderish or SimpleItem object types for structural content

2005-11-29 Thread Martijn Jacobs

Hello Dieter.

...For every object that can contain subobjects 
you could derive it from 'Folder' (or Object Manager). But when you 
derive all these product types from 'Folder' you end up with ALOT of 
objects in your database.

It that a problem? It might become one once you get millions of objects...

Usually, I would expect that most objects come from you leaves and
not from the classification structure...

That will be true, but I was wondering where to draw the line, for
example with perfomance issues. All the objects will be in a ZCatalog,
to allow searching for example. But one 'ObjectManager' step less in
the choice what to do with the products results in much less objects in
the catalog. The estimation about the amount of objects, with only the
leave nodes as 'SimpleItem' objects will be 30.000. I never had so many
objects in a ZODB, that's why I'm asking this, but as your answer
suggests it's still the preferred way.

Thanks for the comments!

Martijn Jacobs
Four Digits, internet solutions
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | web:
tel: +31 (0)26 44 22 700 | fax: +31 (0)84 22 06 117

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[Zope-dev] Folderish or SimpleItem object types for structural content

2005-11-28 Thread Martijn Jacobs

Hello guys!

I have a simple question about the design of hierarchical zope product 
structures in Zope 2. For example, you have categories, within 
categories you have sub-categories, within sub-categories you have 
sub-sub categories, within that you have content items, within content 
items you haveetcetera.

All those products are different 'types', with different functionality 
and different 'roles' as what they represent, so I write different 
products for every type. For every object that can contain subobjects 
you could derive it from 'Folder' (or Object Manager). But when you 
derive all these product types from 'Folder' you end up with ALOT of 
objects in your database.

In a lot of real world cases you have categories and items, that makes 
things easy, but what about the structure explained above?

My question for you guys is : When do you decide to make it a Folderish 
object which contains sub-objects, or to make it a Simple Item object 
with, for example, some structured XML content, or dictionary / list 
properties containing the 'sub-structure'? The last option is more work, 
because you have to write your add/edit/delete/etc code yourself, 
writing it with Folders makes it more easily, but then you have an 
explosion of objects in the ZODB.

I would like to have some fresh thoughts about this, so maybe you can help.

Thank you in advance,

kind regards,


Martijn Jacobs
Four Digits, internet solutions
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | web:
tel: +31 (0)26 44 22 700 | fax: +31 (0)84 22 06 117

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