Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-26 Thread Russ Ferriday
This thread's not over 'til the fat lady sings.

OK, so apologies first:

Paul Winkler's comment in this thread was nearer the mark than Tres Seavers. clienthome is not relevant to where caches are created, and of course I need zeo-client-home.

Problem is now that zeo-client-home seems not to have the intended effect.
I set zeo-client-home to zeo1, in my first conf file and restart, but never see any cache files of that name.
I traced as far as the parse handler zeo_client_home. It's invoked with the correct value. But it stuffs the value into the env, and I can't see any other reference to ZEO_CLIENT pulling it back out of there again.
Working up the stack trace from, where the files are created (*-None-*), my client value is always None, but there's a gap in the middle that I did not bridge, around BaseConfig and ZeoConfig.

Has anyone been successful naming cache files? I'm on OSX Panther 10.3.


I've traced through to the zeo_client_name handler, and see the name of 
On 23 Jul 2004, at 21:37, Chris McDonough wrote:

On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 16:21, Tim Peters wrote:
[Chris McDonough]
self._f[current] = open(self._p[current],'w+b')

 will be likely to fail at the last line if you're using
nonpersistent cache files, because self._p[current] is (bogus)
'1-None-0' (relative bogus filename).

Is it really *likely* to fail? 

I suppose it depends on the working directory of the shell/process used
to start Zope.  Zope doesn't mess with the working directory on its own,

If you follow Richard Stevens' (UNIX Network Programming guy,
apparently now dead) advice, he says that well-behaved daemon
processes should change their working directory to /.  So I suspect
there are daemonizers that do this.

Guido's zdrun daemon (which zopectl uses) gives you an option to set
the working directory of the daemonized process, but I don't use it
(neither zdrun nor the option, that is).  It does nothing to the working
directory by default.

But I think the common case is that the program is run out of an
/etc/init.d rc script, and I suspect the working directory is / when
Zope gets started in that circumstance.  Which I guess makes the error

It's just a name, and it's opened in
'w' ('+b') mode, not 'r' mode.  That is, it creates the file -- no
file of that name need already exist (and if one does, it tries to
overrwrite it).  Running on Windows most days, I'm not usually aware
of all the permission bugs Linuxheads delight in torturing themselves
with wink>.

Yes.  Gotta agree with you there.  I don't think a day passes where I
don't want to rip the face off the guy who proclaimed that TCP ports
below 1024 couldn't be bound to by a user other than root.  What a

There should probably be a _using_persistent_cache flag attr rather than
trying to inspect self._p to find out if we're using persistent caches.

+1.  As you later discovered, this hmm, let's try to guess what we're
doing based on obscure droppings business is a continuing bug

Thankfully, Dieter fixed it so it doesn't (at least in this one case).

I may try to work up a patch + test for this later.

I'm neutral on whether you try, but +1 on you actually doing it wink>.

Too late!  It's already fixed.  I didn't know either. ;-)  This thread
was full of sound and fury

- C

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Russ Ferriday
Solution Workshops for Plone 
(+44) (0) 7789 338868
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-26 Thread Russ Ferriday
Thanks Chris,
looks like I may have been bouncing messages. I did not see your earlier reply.
Your comments regarding file locations seem dead on. Sorry for the noise on that topic.
I'll try the naming change.
I've had to go back to 2.7.1 due an another error, below.
(Yes, I did rmpyc on all Products before running this version. Going back to 271 worked fine again. And the problem is repeatable)
2004-07-26T01:57:04 ERROR(200) SiteError
Traceback (most recent call last):
File /usr/local/zope/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 101, in
request, bind=1)
File /usr/local/zope/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 88, in
if debug is not None: return debug(object,args,context)
File /usr/local/zope/zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 39, in
result=apply(object,args) # Type scr> to step into published object.
File /usr/local/zope/zope/lib/python/Shared/DC/Scripts/, line
306, in __call__
return self._bindAndExec(args, kw, None)
File /usr/local/zope/zope/lib/python/Shared/DC/Scripts/, line
343, in _bindAndExec
return self._exec(bound_data, args, kw)
File /usr/local/zope/instances/prodZope/Products/CMFCore/,
line 191, in _exec
result = self.pt_render(extra_context=bound_names)
File /usr/local/zope/instances/prodZope/Products/CMFCore/,
line 124, in pt_render
result = FSPageTemplate.inheritedAttribute('pt_render')(

/usr/local/zope/zope/lib/python/Products/PageTemplates/, line
88, in pt_render
raise PTRuntimeError, 'Page Template %s has errors.' %
PTRuntimeError: Page Template login_form has errors.

I'll get back with confirmations once I have more.

Thanks again!

On 26 Jul 2004, at 09:12, Chris McDonough wrote:

Russ, I posted a message today about this at about 2pm with a solution.

See .


- C

On Mon, 2004-07-26 at 03:42, Russ Ferriday wrote:
This thread's not over 'til the fat lady sings.

Russ Ferriday
Solution Workshops for Plone 
(+44) (0) 7789 338868
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-25 Thread Russ Ferriday
Well, I can understand Tim's comment about droppings. This configuration has made a mockery of my weekend. >:-(
Looking on the bright side - it'll soon be Monday ;)

First an interesting data point.

Assume for now that I'm not naming my zeo-clients - this would be begging for disaster - but all is not lost. For some arcane reason I have not yet tracked down, after running my 2 clients under load, I get these...
-rw-r--r--  1 plone  staff  10006534 25 Jul 05:30 /usr/local/zope/instances/prodZope/etc/1-None-0
-rw-r--r--  1 plone  staff   1404198 25 Jul 05:37 /usr/local/zope/instances/prodZope/etc/1-None-1
-rw-r--r--  1 plone  staff   5723516 25 Jul 05:02 /usr/local/zope/instances/prodZope/log/1-None-0
-rw-r--r--  1 plone  staff  10043763 25 Jul 04:20 /usr/local/zope/instances/prodZope/log/1-None-1

Nowhere have I asked it for cache files in either etc or log, but it sure makes sense that zope conspires to spread  them around like this. 

Next for a little scat perusal of my own. We're talking 2.7.2 now.

Here's the mystery.

I have never seen a cache file, in any of the recent 3 Zope versions I've just tested, with a name other than *-None-*. Has anyone else?

Note as well for anyone following on the Multi-Processor path, that Tres's tip about clienthome was slightly off, and yes, Paul Winkler was nearer the mark.

Tres wrote..
# zope.conf.appserver1
%include zope.conf.common
clienthome /path/to/zope/var/appserver1

Clienthome has no bearing on the cache file location. (AFAICT)

On 23 Jul 2004, at 18:38, Paul Winkler wrote:

You mean this, from

# Directive: zeo-client-name

Yes, Paul. That's the way to go. And it should be pretty easy. Add a single line to each conf file and restart.
Not so. I never saw the names of my cache files change. And they stayed in etc, and log sub dirs.  

I walk through it here...

Starting in /, line 142, at my pdb_trace() I believe that the client param should be the value of zeo-client-name from my .conf file.  But I'm seeing 'None'. So we never even try to make anything by temporary caches.

Here's my stack:
File /usr/local/zope/zope/lib/python/Zope/Startup/, line 50, in ?
File /usr/local/zope/zope/lib/python/Zope/Startup/, line 19, in run
File /usr/local/zope/zope272/lib/python/Zope/Startup/, line 51, in start_zope
File /usr/local/zope/zope272/lib/python/Zope/Startup/, line 230, in startZope
File /usr/local/zope/zope272/lib/python/Zope/, line 47, in startup
File /usr/local/zope/zope272/lib/python/Zope/App/, line 57, in startup
DB = configuration.dbtab.getDatabase('/', is_root=1)
File /usr/local/zope/zope272/lib/python/DBTab/, line 96, in getDatabase
db = self._createDatabase(name, is_root)
File /usr/local/zope/zope272/lib/python/DBTab/, line 113, in _createDatabase
db =
File /usr/local/zope/zope272/lib/python/Zope/Startup/, line 172, in open
DB = self.createDB()
File /usr/local/zope/zope272/lib/python/Zope/Startup/, line 169, in createDB
File /usr/local/zope/zope272/lib/python/ZODB/, line 97, in open
return ZODB.DB(,
File /usr/local/zope/zope272/lib/python/ZODB/, line 148, in open
File /usr/local/zope/zope272/lib/python/ZEO/, line 302, in __init__
client=client, var=var)
File /usr/local/zope/zope/lib/python/ZEO/
-> import pdb; pdb.set_trace();

up to /usr/local/zope/zope272/lib/python/ZEO/
where I see formal param of client=None, and useful confirmation that client is A name used to construct persistent cache filenames.Defaults to None
There's no assignment to client in __init__(). So why is a client name not being passed in?

up to /usr/local/zope/zope272/lib/python/ZODB/
where I see client=self.config.client being passed to the constructor of class ZEOClient(BaseConfig)
and do :
{'read_only': False, 'realm': None, 'name': 'zeostorage', 'storage': '1', '_matcher': SectionMatcher for type 'zeoclient'>, 'min_disconnect_poll': 5, 'server': [ZConfig.datatypes.SocketAddress instance at 0x20bdbc0>], 'cache_size': 2000, 'client': None, 'var': '/usr/local/zope/instances/zeo/var', 'max_disconnect_poll': 300, '_name': None, 'read_only_fallback': False, 'wait': True}
All fine, except 'client': None.

Interpretation gets a bit messy from there, so I switch to a top-down approach:
Starting from my config file:
grep zeo-client-name zope_1.conf 
# Directive: zeo-client-name
# zeo-client-name.  If you use ZEO and you don't set a
# zeo-client-name, the client cache is stored in temporary files
# of zeo-client-name is used to uniquely identify the local cache
#zeo-client-name zeo1
zeo-client-name zeo1


Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-25 Thread Chris McDonough
On Sun, 2004-07-25 at 12:43, Russ Ferriday wrote:

 Assume for now that I'm not naming my zeo-clients - this would
 bebegging for disaster - but all is not lost. For some arcane reason
 Ihave not yet tracked down, after running my 2 clients under load,
 Iget these...
 -rw-r--r--  1 plone  staff  10006534 25 Jul
 -rw-r--r--  1 plone  staff   1404198 25 Jul
 -rw-r--r--  1 plone  staff   5723516 25 Jul
 -rw-r--r--  1 plone  staff  10043763 25 Jul

That would be consistent with the bug we identified (that nontemporary
cache files are written even when they're not supposed to be in various
places on the filesystem) if your working directory was
/usr/local/zope/instances/prodZope/log  or
/usr/local/zope/instances/prodZope/etc at the time a Zope instance was
started.  You could confirm this by causing Zope to print os.getcwd()
during its startup process.  It's likely that you were just cd'ed into
these directories when you started Zope up.

And failing to name your zeo clients is hopefully not begging for
disaster.. it's an explicit choice but it shouldn't have noticeably
negative effect other than perhaps requiring more time in general for
Zope to start and more load on the ZEO server during this starting

 Nowhere have I asked it for cache files in either etc or log, but
 itsure makes sense that zope conspires to spread  them around like

It doesn't make any sense at all except if you're running under 2.7.1
and take into account the bug in that causes this kind of
symptom.  Hopefully that's what you're seeing.  If you're seeing this
under 2.7.2, it could be problematic, otherwise it's just a rehash of
the bug we've been rehashing for three days now that has apparently been
fixed for more than a week. ;-)

 Next for a little scat perusal of my own. We're talking 2.7.2 now.

.. scat perusal... I think that might belong on a different list

 Here's the mystery.
 I have never seen a cache file, in any of the recent 3 Zope
 versionsI've just tested, with a name other than *-None-*. Has anyone

Yes; well, before this I hadn't but now I have, due to investigations
prompted by your message! ;-)

 Note as well for anyone following on the Multi-Processor path,
 thatTres's tip about clienthome was slightly off, and yes, Paul
 Winklerwas nearer the mark.
 Tres wrote.. 
 # zope.conf.appserver1
 %include zope.conf.common
 clienthome /path/to/zope/var/appserver1 
 Clienthome has no bearing on the cache file location. (AFAICT)

That appears to be correct.  I had always thought it was based on
clienthome too, but the code says use the 'var' path in the zeoclient
section or use the current directory; clienthome isn't consulted at all
for this (although it maybe should be).

 On 23 Jul 2004, at 18:38, Paul Winkler wrote:
 You mean this, from
 # Directive: zeo-client-name 
 Yes, Paul. That's the way to go. And it should be pretty easy. Add
 asingle line to each conf file and restart.
 Not so. I never saw the names of my cache files change. And theystayed
 in etc, and log sub dirs.  

When you say they stayed there, were these file contents changed when
Zope was started and left running with a persistent cache file setting? 
I suspect they're just leftover from the last time you started Zope but
are otherwise unused (e.g. they won't get changed; they're dead). 
What happens if you delete these files and start Zope with the
zeo-client-name set?  I suspect they won't reappear.

 I walk through it here...
 Starting in /, line 142, at my pdb_trace() I
 believethat the client param should be the value ofzeo-client-name
 from my .conf file.  But I'm seeing 'None'. So wenever even try to
 make anything by temporary caches.

Grrr... ok, here's the deal.  zeo-client-name apparently no longer has
any effect on.. the ZEO client name. ;-)  I have no idea when this
happened; I'm sure interested parties can spelunk the CVS logs to find

Instead, ZEO uses a client key in the zeoclient section of a
zodb_db, e.g.:

zodb_db main
mount-point /
cache-size 40
 cache-size 1
 server localhost:
 storage 1
 name zeostorage
 var $INSTANCE/var

 # here it is!
 client foo


This effectively means that zeo-client-name is completely useless,
AFACIT.  It should be removed.

Once you start Zope with this client key set, you will see cache files
like c1-foo-0.zec and so on in your var directory.

 Any ideas? Anyone seen anything but *-None-* for cache files?

If you see *-None-* for cache files and the first * doesn't start with a
c and the second * doesn't end with a .zec, you're staring at the
symptom of the temporary 

Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-25 Thread Chris McDonough
On Sun, 2004-07-25 at 14:06, Chris McDonough wrote:
 Grrr... ok, here's the deal.  zeo-client-name apparently no longer has
 any effect on.. the ZEO client name. ;-)  I have no idea when this
 happened; I'm sure interested parties can spelunk the CVS logs to find

FWIW, I have entered this in as a bug into the Zope collector at .

- C

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-25 Thread Dieter Maurer
Russ Ferriday wrote at 2004-7-25 17:43 +0100:
Well, I can understand Tim's comment about droppings. This 
configuration has made a mockery of my weekend. :-(
Looking on the bright side - it'll soon be Monday ;)

First an interesting data point.

Assume for now that I'm not naming my zeo-clients - this would be 
begging for disaster - but all is not lost. For some arcane reason I 
have not yet tracked down, after running my 2 clients under load, I get 
-rw-r--r--  1 plone  staff  10006534 25 Jul 05:30 

The bug Chris mentioned and fixed by my patch (the CHANGES.txt
report for which Chris thought uninformative)...

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-25 Thread Chris McDonough
On Sun, 2004-07-25 at 18:15, Dieter Maurer wrote:

 The bug Chris mentioned and fixed by my patch (the CHANGES.txt
 report for which Chris thought uninformative)...

The patch is appreciated though!

- C

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-23 Thread Russ Ferriday
Thanks Tim and Chris! - You were both dead on in so many respects.

Chris, There was a correlation with flip in the logs

Tim: looks like once a None occurs it sticks.

Source of the problem was an old cache file (1-None-1) that could not be overwritten by the current uid running Zope. (That's the second stupid permissions problem in as many days. My advice - if you have any kind of cache problems occurring after an initial period, look hard at permissions. Secondly - don't be sloppy and run zope first as one user then as another. Thirdly grep the event logs for IOError first. That's the easiest thing to fix.) 

more comments below...

On 23 Jul 2004, at 02:14, Tim Peters wrote:

[Chris McDonough]
I think the problem is related to ZEO client storage cache flips.

anyway, pointing to None.  But this code gives me a headache, and I'm
not sure that can actually happen (despite that I hear you guys saying
it is wink>).
I was slow interpreting all of this due to separate event files.
This piece of bash script was helpful to get a grip of time order between Clients:

grep ZEC ev*.log | sed 's/:/ /' | sort -k 2 >

a multi-line merge script would be helpful. I'll bet someone's created one.

But then I turned off persistent ZEO client cachefile storage (but omitting
the zeo-client-name parameter from zope.conf), believing this would be a
workaround, but it hasn't been.  I gave up at that point and that's where I am now.

Did you continue to get errors in the log near cache-flip times?  I
don't see a way for checkSize() to screw up unless an unexpected
exception is raised.
2004-07-21T11:35:07 INFO(0) ZEC:1-None-1 flipping cache files.  new current = 1
2004-07-21T11:35:07 ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for 00012323
Traceback (most recent call last):
File /usr/local/zope/zope271/lib/python/ZODB/, line 559, in setstate
p, serial = self._storage.load(oid, self._version)
File /usr/local/zope/zope271/lib/python/ZEO/, line 754, in load
File /usr/local/zope/zope271/lib/python/ZEO/, line 581, in checkSize
self._f[current] = open(self._p[current],'w+b')
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '1-None-1'

My theory is that it will happen as often as a Zope client's ZEO client storage
needs to flip its cache file.  The cache file is only flipped when it exceeds a
certain size and it only exceeds a certain size after a certain pattern of usage
causes it to do so (lots of loads from the database of new items, typically).

It appears that once self._f[self._current] is None, all future
attempts by ZEO to store into its client cache will fail the same way.
So I'd be even more surprised if you saw just one of these occur.

It would be nice if you could confirm this.  Reading the Zope event log
file of the client that generated the error would be a good start.

The log is everything here.  The ZEO client cache logs most relevant
messages at info level, producing msgs starting with ZEC.

Thanks again for the insights.


Russ Ferriday
Solution Workshops for Plone 
(+44) (0) 7789 338868
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-23 Thread Chris McDonough
Thanks a lot for the confirmation!

I haven't seen this problem crop up in several days myself, but that may
just be due to the fact that the ZEO cache hasn't flipped.  (Tim, yes,
when it does happen, it only happens once; then the server is restarted
by my customer to get the site going again, so it's a bit difficult to
tell what's happening, although I am trying to catch it in real time).

I'd like to chalk this up to improper permission settings; I just need
to figure out how to do that in my case because I start Zope from an rc
script as the zope user and my customer and myself only log in and
manage Zope-related processes as the zope user.  In fact, to avoid this
sort of problem, I actually have a Zope startup regiment that prevents
it from possibly even beginning to start as the root user or another
user via a wrapper script.  Unless someone is doing something behind my
back, which is of course possible.

Here's a demonstrative traceback:

2004-07-13T12:01:29 INFO(0) ZEC:1-None-1 flipping cache files.  new
current = 1
2004-07-13T12:01:29 PANIC(300) ZODB A storage error occurred in the last
phase of a two-phase commit.  This shouldn't happen. The application
will not be allowed to commit until the site/storage is reset by a
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 372, in _finish_many
/home/zope/dhportal/opt/Zope-2.7.1/lib/python/ZODB/, line
763, in tpc_finish
self._storage.tpc_finish(transaction, callback)
line 927, in tpc_finish
line 953, in _update_cache
/home/zope/dhportal/opt/Zope-2.7.1/lib/python/ZEO/, line
581, in checkSize
self._f[current] = open(self._p[current],'w+b')
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '1-None-1'

One minor thing I noticed: even when a ZEO client is started with
settings that should prevent it from using persistent cache files
(namely, failing to set a 'zeo-client-name' in zope.conf), the logfile
still reports:

2004-07-23T04:02:18 INFO(0) ZEC:1-None-0 ClientCache: storage='1',
size=1; file[0]='1-None-0'

This message is a bit puzzling when you're running without persistent
cache files; it makes you think that a file named 1-None-0 is
literally trying to be written.  This is not the case (it actually goes
into a tempfile somewhere).  I can imagine a case where some code... 
Aha.  Wait, I think I see what the problem is.  It's related to this.

The ZEO ClientCache.checkSize code assumes that if there is a non-None
value in self._f[current] that you're running with persistent cache
files.  However, this can also be the case if you're running without
persistent cache files; the __init__ method of ClientCache does this in
that circumstance:

  self._f = f = [tempfile.TemporaryFile(suffix='.zec'), None]
  # If they are temp files just use illustrative names so
  # that the log messages describe the cache.
  self._p = p = [%s-%s-0 % (storage, client),
 %s-%s-1 % (storage, client)]
  f[0].write(magic + '\0' * (headersize - len(magic)))
  current = 0

(and self._current is set to local current later)

So the code in checkSize that tries this when a cache flip is necessary:

  current = not self._current


  if self._p[current] is not None:
  # Persistent cache file: remove the old file
  # before opening the new one, because the old file
  # may be owned by root (created before setuid()).

  self._f[current] = open(self._p[current],'w+b')

... will be likely to fail at the last line if you're using
nonpersistent cache files, because self._p[current] is (bogus)
'1-None-0' (relative bogus filename).

There should probably be a _using_persistent_cache flag attr rather than
trying to inspect self._p to find out if we're using persistent caches.

I may try to work up a patch + test for this later.

On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 10:44, Russ Ferriday wrote:
 Thanks Tim and Chris! - You were both dead on in so many respects.
 Chris, There was a correlation with flip in the logs
 Tim: looks like once a None occurs it sticks.
 Source of the problem was an old cache file (1-None-1) that could
 notbe overwritten by the current uid running Zope. (That's the
 secondstupid permissions problem in as many days. My advice - if you
 haveany kind of cache problems occurring after an initial period,
 lookhard at permissions. Secondly - don't be sloppy and run zope first
 asone user then as another. Thirdly grep the event logs for
 IOErrorfirst. That's the easiest thing to fix.) 

Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-23 Thread Russ Ferriday

On 23 Jul 2004, at 17:00, Chris McDonough wrote:

Thanks a lot for the confirmation!

A pint from me the next time I see you. And Tim!

The next item is this message - I see many - and need to restart the instance that's spewing them:
2004-07-23T08:21:07 INFO(0) ZEC:1-None-1 load: bad record for oid 1c8c at position 2082264 in cac
he file 1

This problem also occurs after a few hours.

Is this caused because I'm on a MP box, with two clients, sharing the same directory for cache files??

if so, I can't see immediately how to put the files elsewhere, per Client.


Russ Ferriday
Solution Workshops for Plone 
(+44) (0) 7789 338868
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - )

Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-23 Thread Paul Winkler
On Fri, Jul 23, 2004 at 06:18:08PM +0100, Russ Ferriday wrote:
 On 23 Jul 2004, at 17:00, Chris McDonough wrote:
 Thanks a lot for the confirmation!
 A pint from me the next time I see you. And Tim!
 The next item is this message - I see many - and need to restart the 
 instance that's spewing them:
 2004-07-23T08:21:07 INFO(0) ZEC:1-None-1 load: bad record for oid 
 1c8c at position 2082264 in cac
 he file 1
 This problem also occurs after a few hours.
 Is this caused because I'm on a MP box, with two clients, sharing the 
 same directory for cache files??

it shouldn't matter what directory as long as the filenames are
 if so, I can't see immediately how to put the files elsewhere, per 

You mean this, from

# Directive: zeo-client-name
# Description:
# If you want a persistent ZEO client cache which retains cache
# contents across ClientStorage restarts, you need to define a
# zeo-client-name.  If you use ZEO and you don't set a
# zeo-client-name, the client cache is stored in temporary files
# which are removed when the ClientStorage shuts down.  The value
# of zeo-client-name is used to uniquely identify the local cache
# files created if this Zope is a ZEO client.
# Default: unset
# Example:
#zeo-client-name zeo1


Paul Winkler
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-23 Thread Russ Ferriday
No, I think Tres nailed it, in his reply.
I'll confirm when I know more.
Thanks anyway.
On 23 Jul 2004, at 18:38, Paul Winkler wrote:

it shouldn't matter what directory as long as the filenames are

if so, I can't see immediately how to put the files elsewhere, per 

You mean this, from

# Directive: zeo-client-name

Russ Ferriday
Solution Workshops for Plone 
(+44) (0) 7789 338868
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-23 Thread Chris McDonough
On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 13:18, Russ Ferriday wrote:
 On 23 Jul 2004, at 17:00, Chris McDonough wrote:
 Thanks a lot for the confirmation!
 A pint from me the next time I see you. And Tim!
 The next item is this message - I see many - and need to restart
 theinstance that's spewing them:
 2004-07-23T08:21:07 INFO(0) ZEC:1-None-1 load: bad record for
 oid1c8c at position 2082264 in cac
 he file 1
 This problem also occurs after a few hours.
 Is this caused because I'm on a MP box, with two clients, sharing
 thesame directory for cache files??

No, I think it's a real bug in ZEO, introduced by this checkin:

... but to my surprise, it's also fixed by the next checkin! which
appears to have been included in Zope 2.7.2:

So the easiest fix is probably to upgrade to Zope 2.7.2.

There really wouldn't have been any way to know this unless you had your
eyes peeled on the checkins list because the CHANGES.txt just says:

- ZEO/ClientStorage: fixed check for temporary cache files (patch
   by Dieter Maurer)

... which is uselessly vague.


- C

 if so, I can't see immediately how to put the files elsewhere,
 Russ Ferriday
 Solution Workshops for Plone
 (+44) (0) 7789 338868

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-23 Thread Chris McDonough
On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 16:21, Tim Peters wrote:
 [Chris McDonough]
   self._f[current] = open(self._p[current],'w+b')
   will be likely to fail at the last line if you're using
  nonpersistent cache files, because self._p[current] is (bogus)
  '1-None-0' (relative bogus filename).
 Is it really *likely* to fail? 

I suppose it depends on the working directory of the shell/process used
to start Zope.  Zope doesn't mess with the working directory on its own,

If you follow Richard Stevens' (UNIX Network Programming guy,
apparently now dead) advice, he says that well-behaved daemon
processes should change their working directory to /.  So I suspect
there are daemonizers that do this.

Guido's zdrun daemon (which zopectl uses) gives you an option to set
the working directory of the daemonized process, but I don't use it
(neither zdrun nor the option, that is).  It does nothing to the working
directory by default.

But I think the common case is that the program is run out of an
/etc/init.d rc script, and I suspect the working directory is / when
Zope gets started in that circumstance.  Which I guess makes the error

 It's just a name, and it's opened in
 'w' ('+b') mode, not 'r' mode.  That is, it creates the file -- no
 file of that name need already exist (and if one does, it tries to
 overrwrite it).  Running on Windows most days, I'm not usually aware
 of all the permission bugs Linuxheads delight in torturing themselves
 with wink.

Yes.  Gotta agree with you there.  I don't think a day passes where I
don't want to rip the face off the guy who proclaimed that TCP ports
below 1024 couldn't be bound to by a user other than root.  What a

  There should probably be a _using_persistent_cache flag attr rather than
  trying to inspect self._p to find out if we're using persistent caches.
 +1.  As you later discovered, this hmm, let's try to guess what we're
 doing based on obscure droppings business is a continuing bug

Thankfully, Dieter fixed it so it doesn't (at least in this one case).

  I may try to work up a patch + test for this later.
 I'm neutral on whether you try, but +1 on you actually doing it wink.

Too late!  It's already fixed.  I didn't know either. ;-)  This thread
was full of sound and fury

- C

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-22 Thread Chris McDonough
I have seen this as well but I haven't been able to pin it down.

On Thu, 2004-07-22 at 16:16, Russ Ferriday wrote:
 Hi all,
 On OSX 10.3 (Pahter), Python 2.3.4, Zope 2.7.1, I'm frequently
 2004-07-22T14:00:24 ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/local/zope/zope271/lib/python/ZODB/,
 line559, in setstate
 p, serial = self._storage.load(oid, self._version)
   File /usr/local/zope/zope271/lib/python/ZEO/,
 line755, in load, p, s, v, pv, sv)
   File /usr/local/zope/zope271/lib/python/ZEO/,
 line601, in store
 self._store(oid, p, s, version, pv, sv)
   File /usr/local/zope/zope271/lib/python/ZEO/,
 line631, in _store
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seek'
 It's intermittent at first, then back-to-back. 
 Following thread leads me to look for memory shortage. But I'd expecta
 different message in that case.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg15039.html
 This thread seems to suggest such messages (in different context)
 canbe ignored. But I can't do that. This is a symptom of a bigger
 Has anyone seen this in these circumstances?
 Russ Ferriday
 Solution Workshops for Plone
 (+44) (0) 7789 338868
 Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-22 Thread Russ Ferriday
Thanks, Chris.
We're fronting two Zopes with Pound for load balancing. I can't see there would be any connection with this error. But I mention it in case there's a pattern.
Also, the database came from 2.7.0 and an earlier python. This looks like resource starvation to me. The servers run for an hour or two this problems shows up, becoming worse for a while, then we need a restart.
I'm try to debug it tomorrow. What would you look for? Any tips for resource monitoring?
On 22 Jul 2004, at 21:49, Chris McDonough wrote:

I have seen this as well but I haven't been able to pin it down.

On Thu, 2004-07-22 at 16:16, Russ Ferriday wrote:
Hi all,

On OSX 10.3 (Pahter), Python 2.3.4, Zope 2.7.1, I'm frequently
2004-07-22T14:00:24 ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state
Traceback (most recent call last):
File /usr/local/zope/zope271/lib/python/ZODB/,
line559, in setstate
p, serial = self._storage.load(oid, self._version)
File /usr/local/zope/zope271/lib/python/ZEO/,
line755, in load, p, s, v, pv, sv)
File /usr/local/zope/zope271/lib/python/ZEO/,
line601, in store
self._store(oid, p, s, version, pv, sv)
File /usr/local/zope/zope271/lib/python/ZEO/,
line631, in _store
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seek'

It's intermittent at first, then back-to-back. 

Following thread leads me to look for memory shortage. But I'd expecta
different message in that case.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg15039.html

This thread seems to suggest such messages (in different context)
canbe ignored. But I can't do that. This is a symptom of a bigger

Has anyone seen this in these circumstances?

Russ Ferriday
Solution Workshops for Plone
(+44) (0) 7789 338868

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Russ Ferriday
Solution Workshops for Plone 
(+44) (0) 7789 338868
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-22 Thread Chris McDonough
On Thu, 2004-07-22 at 18:51, Russ Ferriday wrote:
 Thanks, Chris.
 We're fronting two Zopes with Pound for load balancing. I can't
 seethere would be any connection with this error. But I mention it
 incase there's a pattern.

Well, I am too in this particular case, but I doubt the frontend matters
too much here.

 Also, the database came from 2.7.0 and an earlier python.

FTR that's also the case for me as well, but again I don't think that
matters here.

  This lookslike resource starvation to me. The servers run for an hour
 or twothis problems shows up, becoming worse for a while, then we need

I think the problem is related to ZEO client storage cache flips.  I
found an error in the log near the time of the None has no attribute
seek symptom indicating that the Zope process tried to flip a ZEO
cache file (by creating a new file) but UNIX file system permissions
apparently prevented it.  But then I turned off persistent ZEO client
cachefile storage (but omitting the zeo-client-name parameter from
zope.conf), believing this would be a workaround, but it hasn't been.  I
gave up at that point and that's where I am now.

 I'm try to debug it tomorrow. What would you look for? Any tips
 forresource monitoring?

I think it's resource-related only tangentially; it's a genuine bug that
only happens intermittently.  My theory is that it will happen as often
as a Zope client's ZEO client storage needs to flip its cache file.  
The cache file is only flipped when it exceeds a certain size and it
only exceeds a certain size after a certain pattern of usage causes it
to do so (lots of loads from the database of new items, typically).

It would be nice if you could confirm this.  Reading the Zope event log
file of the client that generated the error would be a good start.

- C

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Re: [Zope-dev] ERROR(200) ZODB Couldn't load state for... Memory problem?

2004-07-22 Thread Tim Peters
[Chris McDonough]
 I think the problem is related to ZEO client storage cache flips.

Me too.  The 3.2 ZEO cache alternates between two cache files, in the
two-element list self._f.  Both elements are initialized to None, and
the index of the current file in use (0 or 1) is in self._current. 
There's an implicit assumption throughout the code that
self._f[self._current] is always an actual file object, but the flip
logic is excruciating and that global invariant certainly isn't

 I found an error in the log near the time of the None has no attribute
 seek symptom indicating that the Zope process tried to flip a ZEO
 cache file (by creating a new file) but UNIX file system permissions
 apparently prevented it.

This was a traceback ending somewhere in ClientCache.checkSize()? 
That's where a cache flip happens.  It changes its idea of
self._current (from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0) *before* making sure
there's an actual file object in the other self._f slot.  So, e.g.,
if self._f started life as [good_file_object, None] and self._current
started at 0, and it came time for a cache flip, and a new file object
couldn't be created in self._f[1], self._current would end up as 1
anyway, pointing to None.  But this code gives me a headache, and I'm
not sure that can actually happen (despite that I hear you guys saying
it is wink).

 But then I turned off persistent ZEO client cachefile storage (but omitting
 the zeo-client-name parameter from zope.conf), believing this would be a
 workaround, but it hasn't been.  I gave up at that point and that's where I am now.

Did you continue to get errors in the log near cache-flip times?  I
don't see a way for checkSize() to screw up unless an unexpected
exception is raised.

 My theory is that it will happen as often as a Zope client's ZEO client storage
 needs to flip its cache file.  The cache file is only flipped when it exceeds a
 certain size and it only exceeds a certain size after a certain pattern of usage
 causes it to do so (lots of loads from the database of new items, typically).

It appears that once self._f[self._current] is None, all future
attempts by ZEO to store into its client cache will fail the same way.
 So I'd be even more surprised if you saw just one of these occur.

 It would be nice if you could confirm this.  Reading the Zope event log
 file of the client that generated the error would be a good start.

The log is everything here.  The ZEO client cache logs most relevant
messages at info level, producing msgs starting with ZEC.
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