[Zope3-dev] Re: Big Problem with FTP in Zope 3.3.0, seems to be the result of using `v = self.get(name, self); if v is self...` in a land where Proxy objects can kill identity comparison

2006-10-31 Thread Jeff Shell

I have to follow this up. While I thought I was doing a good job
reporting and testing the problem, I didn't do a hard enough
control-group study. So, I started to investigate further:

Even though I saw absolutely nothing about our ReadDirectory subclass
that would cause the strange behavior, I decided to double check the
behavior against a fresh install of Zope 3.3.0, with only my
pdb.set_trace statement in place (this time I placed it in
``zope.app.filerepresentation.ReadDirectory.__getitem__`` so I could
watch traversal).

Trying to chdir to '/customer/bogus' in FTP yielded the desired result::

   ftp> cd customer/bogus
   550 /customer/bogus: No such file or directory.

After seeing that, I stepped through the debugger. Sure enough, the
``if v is self`` failed in ``ReadDirectory.__getitem__``, causing the
situation I explained before:

Basically, in the FTP situation (or any situation wherein proxies are
being made), the following scenario happens. The _dir is used in place
of 'self' to show that it's what ultimately gets returned to the

1. publishTraverse('bogus') from customer
2. _dir = IReadDirectory(customer)
3. _dir['bogus'] is called

   a. v = _dir.get('bogus', _dir) [returns _dir]
   b. ``if v is _dir: raise KeyError('bogus')`` fails, as v and _dir
are the same proxied objects, but have diferent identities at the
Python level.
   c. Instead of raising a KeyError on the bogus (ha!) name, ``_dir``
is returned.

So this phantom ReadDirectory object gets sent out to the publisher.
The same situation is happening on a clean Zope 3.3.0 instance and on
the instance on which we found the problem (which provides a
subclassed ReadDirectory adapter for our container objects). If Zope's
ReadDirectory and Bottlerocket's ContentContainerReadDirectory are
being pushed up to the publisher as phantoms in each case, why does
the default setup return the proper FTP "No such file" error where the
Bottlerocket setup allows one to enter this non-existing directory?

I traced the behavior down to
``zope.app.publication.ftp.FTPPublication`` and the *callObject*
method. `callObject` essentially is doing this (staying with the
'_dir' object mentioned above)::

   _dir = ob
   view = queryMultiAdapter((ob, ftprequest), name='ls', default=self)

Ignoring the ``default=self`` here, `queryMultiAdapter` **fails on the
default setup, but returns FTPView in our custom setup!** Again - we
do nothing special in our ZCML registration, and our custom setup
subclasses from the default ReadDirectory, what's going on? I decided
to look at the list of provided interfaces at the moment of

The behavior of a *clean setup*, doing ``chdir ... bogus``::

   (Pdb) pp list(providedBy(ob).__sro__)

Hmmm. So I tried this on our *custom setup*, and got this::

   (Pdb) pp list(providedBy(ob).__sro__)

Well it turns out that there's one place wherein we diverge from the
base ReadDirectory: we include a ``zope.interface.implements``

   class ContentContainerReadDirectory(ReadDirectory):

Between the screaming and the sobbing, I commented out the
``implements`` line and tried again::

   (Pdb) pp list(providedBy(ob).__sro__)

And lo and behold, our custom setup worked::

   ftp> cd /customer/bogus
   550 /customer/bogus: No such file or directory.

So!!! This situation happened because our class had the audacity to
declare its instances' provided interface! The same interface that the
ZCML adapter declarations say they provide. It seems to change the
interface / specification order in a way that then elicits different
behavior. The FTPView commands are registered for IReadContainer,
which is the direct parent of IReadDirectory.. So when I had the
``implements`` line in our custom setup, we could change into those
non-existing directories since the IReadDirectory adapter of the
parent directory ('customer') was being returned by its own getitem
lookup; and by declaring implements directly, IReadContainer shows up
in the SRO, allowing Zope to go ahead and bind the 'ls' view to this
funky directory.

This seems MAJORLY broken: the only way to get the right behavior
(aside from patching / overriding getitem) is to NOT declare support
(in Python) for the interface my IReadDirectory adapters provide.
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Re: [Zope3-dev] Big Problem with FTP in Zope 3.3.0, seems to be the result of using `v = self.get(name, self); if v is self...` in a land where Proxy objects can kill identity comparison

2006-10-31 Thread Benji York

Jeff Shell wrote:
[lots of stuff I don't know much about, so I won't comment on]

Is there any reason why the ``_marker = object()  get(...,
default=_marker)`` paradigm isn't used?

After encountering this, I am rather uneasy about the number of places
in which I see this "self as default marker check" paradigm. My
biggest unease comes from not knowing proxies and when things are
proxied and when they're not and when I have to be careful about them
and when I don't.

I like the "marker" flavor of the pattern better too, but for a 
different reason.  When I see something in the second argument to the 
get, I don't know if it's /really/ the default, or if it's just being 
used as a placeholder so I have to investigate to find out.  I prefer 
the more explicit version.

Benji York
Senior Software Engineer
Zope Corporation
Zope3-dev mailing list
Unsub: http://mail.zope.org/mailman/options/zope3-dev/archive%40mail-archive.com

[Zope3-dev] Big Problem with FTP in Zope 3.3.0, seems to be the result of using `v = self.get(name, self); if v is self...` in a land where Proxy objects can kill identity comparison

2006-10-31 Thread Jeff Shell

Hello. I'm filing this in the Collector but wanted to post it as an
email first before I had to wrangle the formatting to work in the
collector (although it might work straight over).

We've encountered a problem with FTP in Zope 3.3. The problem is that
you can CWD into non existant paths. Tools like Fetch, Dreamweaver,
whatever, will test to see if it has to make a directory by trying to
change-dir to that directory, and will make a folder if that fails.
But if the change-dir command works for non-existant containers, then
everything blows up once it starts trying to upload files into said
non-existant containers.

I have a basic (but real) example of this. We have the following basic
folder structure::

 - customer
   - winter
 - info
 - services

Following a basic FTP session::

   ftp> cd /
   250 Requested File Action Completed OK
   ftp> cd customer
   250 Requested File Action Completed OK
   ftp> ls
   drwxrwx---   1 nana  0 Oct 27 23:23 winter
   226 Transfer Complete.
   ftp> cd winter
   250 Requested File Action Completed OK
   ftp> ls
   drwxr-x---   1 nana  0 Oct 19 18:40 info
   drwxr-x---   1 nana  0 Oct 27 17:40 services
   226 Transfer Complete.

Everything is OK so far. But lets go back up a level (to 'customer')
and try to get to a non-existant folder named 'bogus'::

   ftp> cd ..
   250 Requested File Action Completed OK
   ftp> pwd
   257 "/customer"
   ftp> ls
   drwxrwx---   1 nana  0 Oct 27 23:23 winter
   226 Transfer Complete.
   ftp> cd bogus
   250 Requested File Action Completed OK
   ftp> ls
   drwxr-x---   1 nana  0 Jan 01  1970 bogus
   226 Transfer Complete.


So after digging through the FTP Server code from
twisted.protocols.ftp to zope.app.twisted.ftp.* to
zope.app.publication.ftp to zope.app.ftp.FTPView, I came to this:

In file zope/app/ftp/__init__.py, I put a ``import pdb;
pdb.set_trace()`` call in line 68 (at start of ``def ls(...)``
method). These are some of the results while at that breakpoint. I
found something quite interesting::

   (Pdb) self._dir

   # Getting a real element of out self._dir
   (Pdb) self._dir['winter']

   # Getting a bogus element out of self._dir
   (Pdb) self._dir['bogus']

   # Hmm, those look downright identical
   (Pdb) self._dir['bogus'] is self._dir

   # Oh crap, there's probably proxies.
   (Pdb) from zope import proxy
   (Pdb) proxy.sameProxiedObjects(self._dir, self._dir['bogus'])

Where did this come from?
The FTPView's publishTraverse method is implemented as::

   def publishTraverse(self, request, name):
   return self._dir[name]

The 'CWD' command is implemented in Zope 3 as traversing to the full
path and checking that it can call 'ls' on it::

   ftp> cd customer/bogus

   (Pdb) print self.request
   command:  ls
   filter:   None
   path: /customer/bogus

The expected behavior is that /customer/bogus should fail during
publishTraverse because 'bogus' is not in 'customer'. Now it should be
noted that self._dir in this instance is a ReadDirectory subclass.
However, it does not override get or getitem (our subclass overrides
the keys method only as a cheap filtering mechanism). So the problem
is happening on ``return self._dir[name]``, which leads to

   def __getitem__(self, key):
   v = self.get(key, self)
   if v is self:
   raise KeyError(key)
   return v

I've been noticing that ``get(key, self)... if v is self`` pattern is
being used more and more in Zope. I'm not sure if this is a good
practice, with all of the proxying that can occur. Proxying seems to
be done at a lower level than I can comprehend. I just know that it
kills identity comparison (even though items look identical when
looking at their default repr() strings).

Notice this similar situation in plain old debugzope, free from
security concerns and whatever else pops up::

   bin> ./debugzope
   >>> from zope.filerepresentation.interfaces import IReadDirectory
   >>> _dir = IReadDirectory(root['customer'])
   >>> _dir

   # Successful getitem
   >>> _dir['winter']

   # Failure getitem - the one that succeeds in FTP Land
   >>> _dir['bogus']
   Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "", line 1, in ?
 File "/opt/local/zope33/lib/python/zope/app/folder/filerepresentation.py",
line 57, in __getitem__
   raise KeyError(key)
   KeyError: 'bogus'

This time we see the expected behavior. Because of this, I spent a lot
more time tracing how FTP works in Zope that I probably needed to
because my first try - "Let's see if IReadDirectory is doing the right
thing by firing up debugzope.." - worked as expected.

Moral of the story: don't use ``query/get (..., default=self)``, ``if
value is self`` paradigm? Be careful of identity comparisons? Is ther

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: PyCon 2007 web frameworks panel

2006-10-31 Thread Christian Theune
Martin Aspeli wrote:
> Paul Winkler wrote:
>> This sounds like something that could stand being talked about
>> in public more often... I've never heard of Zope Grok :)
> Me Grok... me SMASH ZCML!

Whenever Grok speaks, he always capitalizes:


Unfortunately, he's a kind of limited caveman and his speaking is very
still very rough.

gocept gmbh & co. kg - forsterstraße 29 - 06112 halle/saale - germany
www.gocept.com - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - phone +49 345 122 9889 7 -
fax +49 345 122 9889 1 - zope and plone consulting and development

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[Zope3-dev] Re: PyCon 2007 web frameworks panel

2006-10-31 Thread Martin Aspeli

Paul Winkler wrote:

This sounds like something that could stand being talked about
in public more often... I've never heard of Zope Grok :)

Me Grok... me SMASH ZCML!


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Re: [Zope3-dev] PyCon 2007 web frameworks panel

2006-10-31 Thread Paul Winkler
On Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 07:54:41PM +0100, Martijn Faassen wrote:
> I'm happy to see you do this. I can't make it to that PyCon, unfortunately.
> As to representing other people's opinion:
> Talk about Grok. Better yet, show Grok code. By that time, we should be 
> quite a way with it, supporting most Zope 3 features out of the box. I 
> think Grok does quite well in the simplicity and developer productivity 
> departments. Simplicity and developer productivity is something that is 
> heavily advocated for some other Python web frameworks. Zope 3 had a bit 
> of trouble to keep up with that. With Zope Grok, no more trouble.

This sounds like something that could stand being talked about
in public more often... I've never heard of Zope Grok :)


Paul Winkler
Zope3-dev mailing list
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Re: [Zope3-dev] PyCon 2007 web frameworks panel

2006-10-31 Thread Martijn Faassen

Jim Fulton wrote:

Benji York wrote:
Titus Brown is putting together a web framework panel for the next 
PyCon: http://us.pycon.org/TX2007/WebFrameworksPanel.

I just stuck my name on this. :)

If someone else wants badly to do this, I'm willing to yield.
In any case, I'd like to represent some other people's opinions.

I'm happy to see you do this. I can't make it to that PyCon, unfortunately.

As to representing other people's opinion:

Talk about Grok. Better yet, show Grok code. By that time, we should be 
quite a way with it, supporting most Zope 3 features out of the box. I 
think Grok does quite well in the simplicity and developer productivity 
departments. Simplicity and developer productivity is something that is 
heavily advocated for some other Python web frameworks. Zope 3 had a bit 
of trouble to keep up with that. With Zope Grok, no more trouble.


I think I'll set up a Wiki page to describe some of my ideas
and to solicit others.

Okay, let us know.


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[Zope3-dev] PyCon 2007 web frameworks panel

2006-10-31 Thread Benji York
Titus Brown is putting together a web framework panel for the next 
PyCon: http://us.pycon.org/TX2007/WebFrameworksPanel.

Benji York
Senior Software Engineer
Zope Corporation
Zope3-dev mailing list
Unsub: http://mail.zope.org/mailman/options/zope3-dev/archive%40mail-archive.com

Re: [Zope3-dev] PyCon 2007 web frameworks panel

2006-10-31 Thread Jim Fulton

Benji York wrote:
Titus Brown is putting together a web framework panel for the next 
PyCon: http://us.pycon.org/TX2007/WebFrameworksPanel.

I just stuck my name on this. :)

If someone else wants badly to do this, I'm willing to yield.
In any case, I'd like to represent some other people's opinions.
If anyone wants to send me their answers, I'd be happy to
incorporate them into my presentation, with attribution.  The
Zope community is diverse and I expect many people to have
opinions that differ from mine and I'd like to represent them.

Some especially juicy areas include ideas about templating
and o/r mapping.

I think I'll set up a Wiki page to describe some of my ideas
and to solicit others.


Jim Fulton   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Python Powered!
CTO  (540) 361-1714http://www.python.org
Zope Corporation http://www.zope.com   http://www.zope.org
Zope3-dev mailing list
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Re: [Zope3-dev] international publicity to zope3

2006-10-31 Thread Christian Theune

Markus Leist wrote:
> Hi there,
> maybe this is an interesting chance to give international publicity to zope3.
> see here:
> http://www.plat-forms.org/
> I think, the result of such programming contest will bring more transparency 
> in
> pros and cons of Zope3 development, which can be published to the world.
> Hey, there are really good people in development of Zope3 and the
> component-architecture of “our python-application-server” should
> be compared to other applications, or? (ok, not new ...)
> My own software-developer-skill isn't good enough for this contest.
> The results will be published on a high level;
> zope3 and the developers can obtain great acceptance, i think.
> Any developer there ( 3 developer a 30 h)?

Thanks for pointing this out.

I've been talking to the organizers already and Martijn Faassen, Philipp
von Weitershausen and me are thinking about setting up a team already.

I'm also giving a talk about Zope itself at the conference where
plat_forms takes place.

I'll post an update once everything is clear.


gocept gmbh & co. kg - forsterstraße 29 - 06112 halle/saale - germany
www.gocept.com - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - phone +49 345 122 9889 7 -
fax +49 345 122 9889 1 - zope and plone consulting and development

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Zope3-dev mailing list
Unsub: http://mail.zope.org/mailman/options/zope3-dev/archive%40mail-archive.com

[Zope3-dev] international publicity to zope3

2006-10-31 Thread Markus Leist
Hi there,

maybe this is an interesting chance to give international publicity to zope3.
see here:


I think, the result of such programming contest will bring more transparency in
pros and cons of Zope3 development, which can be published to the world.

Hey, there are really good people in development of Zope3 and the
component-architecture of “our python-application-server” should
be compared to other applications, or? (ok, not new ...)

My own software-developer-skill isn't good enough for this contest.
The results will be published on a high level;
zope3 and the developers can obtain great acceptance, i think.

Any developer there ( 3 developer a 30 h)?

Markus Leist
Zope3-dev mailing list
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