Re: Method combination and ASDF

2024-04-24 Thread Didier Verna
François-René ÐVB Rideau écrivait:

> What are the methods defined by asdf-flv?

  In order to support file local variables, ASDF-FLV does this:

(defmethod asdf:perform :around
((operation asdf:load-op) (file asdf:cl-source-file))
  "Establish new dynamic bindings for file-local variables."
  (progv *file-local-variables*
  (mapcar #'symbol-value *file-local-variables*)

(defmethod asdf:perform :around
((operation asdf:compile-op) (file asdf:cl-source-file))
  "Establish new dynamic bindings for file-local variables."
  (progv *file-local-variables*
  (mapcar #'symbol-value *file-local-variables*)

The problem, of course, is that loading ASDF-FLV will override any
existing method with the same signature, and conversely, anything else
loaded afterward will override ASDF-FLV.

ASDF-FLV could subclass ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE and specialize only on that
subclass, but that would defeat its pervasiveness and make it more
difficult to have multiple extensions working together. Hence Robert's
idea of mixins. My own idea was to have exported operations use a
special method combination allowing multiple methods with the same

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Re: Method combination and ASDF

2024-04-24 Thread Didier Verna
François-René ÐVB Rideau écrivait:

> What are the methods defined by asdf-flv?

  In order to support file local variables, ASDF-FLV does this:

(defmethod asdf:perform :around
((operation asdf:load-op) (file asdf:cl-source-file))
  "Establish new dynamic bindings for file-local variables."
  (progv *file-local-variables*
  (mapcar #'symbol-value *file-local-variables*)

(defmethod asdf:perform :around
((operation asdf:compile-op) (file asdf:cl-source-file))
  "Establish new dynamic bindings for file-local variables."
  (progv *file-local-variables*
  (mapcar #'symbol-value *file-local-variables*)

The problem, of course, is that loading ASDF-FLV will override any
existing method with the same signature, and conversely, anything else
loaded afterward will override ASDF-FLV.

ASDF-FLV could subclass ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE and specialize only on that
subclass, but that would defeat its pervasiveness and make it more
difficult to have multiple extensions working together. Hence Robert's
idea of mixins. My own idea was to have exported operations use a
special method combination allowing multiple methods with the same

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Re: [RFC] subsystems vs. modules

2022-05-18 Thread Didier Verna
Wilfredo Velazquez  wrote:

> Sorry in advance for not exactly answering your question, but out of
> curiosity, what would 'conditionally included' entail exactly?

  Conditional in the ASDF sense, that is...

> BTW See ASDF's `:if-feature` option.

  ... exactly that, or :feature, etc.

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

[RFC] subsystems vs. modules

2022-05-18 Thread Didier Verna

  Hi there,

until now, I had a tendency to split a library into several systems
(more or less without thinking much) as soon as such or such feature was
conditional (e.g. depending on CFFI availability, thread support, etc.).

Now I realize that in many cases, a conditionally included module or
component would suffice, and so I'm starting to think that maybe I
should do that, unless it makes sense for the conditional part to be
loaded sort of standalone, independently from the rest, in which case a
subsystem is more appropriate.

So my question is: WDYT, is there a general recommendation about this?


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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: Next steps

2021-11-18 Thread Didier Verna
Eric Timmons  wrote:

> So to prevent misinterpretation of 3.4.0-1, ASDF could either promise
> to always use something like alpha/beta/etc,

  Then I suggest to also allow a, b, rc, and maybe p (for pre;
  equivalent of release candidate). That should cover a lot of ground.

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: Next steps

2021-11-17 Thread Didier Verna
Stelian Ionescu wrote:

>> Mostly sounds good to me. Assuming you're still interested in more 
>> expressive version numbers and constraints for 3.4, I'll work on moving 
>> that off the back burner.
> Adding fine-grained version constraints would be a big mistake.

  I do not have the time to check this thoroughly right now, but I
  recall having suggested that ASDF shouldn't impose any constraints on
  version "numbers", but rather defer version comparison to libraries
  when they use a version numbering scheme that ASDF doesn't understand.
  This can be done by providing generic functions like version-> etc.,
  and letting people provide methods on them.

  There may even be an issue and a patch lurking around somewhere.
  Again, sorry for being fuzzy, this is just from the top of my head.

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: Dependency issue with program-op

2021-03-22 Thread Didier Verna
François-René ÐVB Rideau écrivait:

> Your manual (asdf:load-system ...) from the .asd file is equivalent to
> a :defsystem-depends-on dependency. It creates a dependency at
> system-definition-time, but not at runtime. Not at runtime, ergo, not
> to be included in the executable.

  No, this is wrong. Like I said, there is ALSO a load-time (indirect)
  dependency on the setup system via :depends-on, so the setup system IS
  included in the executable.

> If it defines packages that are required in the executable, it MUST be
> added as a load-time dependency as well as a system-definition-time
> dependency.

  Which, again, is exactly the case. After sleeping over it, I have a
  different hypothesis: a problem in the execution order of everything
  that's dumped. The reason for the LOAD-SYSTEM call is for this line in
  the system definition:

  :version #.(net.didierverna.clon.setup:version :short)

  So I don't really know how program-op works in ECL (in particular,
  what it does with the .asd files), but now I think that at the time
  this above function needs to be called, the setup system isn't hot
  yet, and so its package hasn't been created.

  Regardless, if that's indeed the case, the conclusion remains the
  same: in order to "program-op" a system depending on Clon with ECL, an
  explicit dependency on clon.setup needs to be added first.

  The other obvious solution would be for ASDF to let me provide a form
  to be executed without the need for #., but I seem to recall that you
  didn't want such things to be possible in system definitions.

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: Dependency issue with program-op

2021-03-21 Thread Didier Verna
Daniel Kochmański  wrote:

> If the setup is indirect dependency of a dumped system, then it is
> most likely asdf bug

  Yes, it's an indirect dependency via a chain of :depends-on:

-> :net.didierverna.clon
-> :net.didierverna.clon.core
-> :net.didierverna.clon.setup

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Dependency issue with program-op

2021-03-21 Thread Didier Verna


I'm cross-posting because I don't know if the issue is related to ASDF
or ECL. I'm using the most recent repos of both.

When dumping a very simple system defined like this:

(asdf:defsystem :simple
  :depends-on (:net.didierverna.clon)
  :components ((:file "simple"))
  :entry-point "simple:main")

with (asdf:operate 'asdf:program-op :simple),

I'm getting a runtime error with the executable:
Condition of type: SIMPLE-PACKAGE-ERROR
There exists no package with name "NET.DIDIERVERNA.CLON.SETUP"
No restarts available.

Top level in: #.

So it seems that the net.didierverna.clon.setup system is not dumped in
the executable.

In Clon, the dependency on setup is indirect:
net.didierverna.clon <- net.didierverna.clon.core
net.didierverna.clon.core <- net.didierverna.clon.setup

If I add an explicit dependency on setup in the :simple ASDF system
above like this:

:depends-on (:net.didierverna.clon.setup :net.didierverna.clon))

the problem goes away. This doesn't happen with the 5 other Lisp
implementations that I've tested.

Also, it may be worth mentioning that Clon's setup system gets a special
treatment. It's loaded explicitly at the top of several .asd files like
this (with the utmost disrespect for the Almighty ASDF Gods

(asdf:load-system :net.didierverna.clon.setup)

I'm wondering if this may have something to do with the problem.


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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Is program-op supported on Lispworks ?

2021-03-20 Thread Didier Verna


sorry for asking, I can't test it locally (I only have the personal
edition here).

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: System cleanup

2021-03-19 Thread Didier Verna
"Robert Goldman"  écrivait:

> Didier, would you mind posting a GitLab issue for this? It's feasible,
> but I'm so overloaded right now that there's no chance I will get to
> it before I forget.


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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: System cleanup

2021-03-19 Thread Didier Verna
François-René ÐVB Rideau écrivait:

> Before it can be ignored, it must be defined. And so as to define it,
> its class must be defined. I suppose we could have some error class
> that it used when the class it not defined, that would only trigger an
> error at runtime if the feature is true. I'm sure the current / next
> sucker^W maintainer will accept patches.

  Not a big deal. I just thought that since everything in that form are
  keywords (so no read-time problem, as opposed to parsing
  sb-grovel:grovel-constants-file), perhaps the intended behavior was

  So in the end, it seems that there's very little (if at all) to be
  gained by using :if-feature to conditionalize on implementation type.

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: System cleanup

2021-03-19 Thread Didier Verna
François-René ÐVB Rideau écrivait:

> Using git log test/test-defsystem-depends-on.script it looks like this
> is Looking for that bug
> in git log, it was fixed in on 2015-04-23.

  I'm proceeding with the second issue in my system, and it seems that
  the problem is still here (ASDF With this inside:

:components (#+sbcl (sb-grovel:grovel-constants-file "sbcl/constants"
  :package :net.didierverna.clon :if-feature :sbcl)
   (:cffi-grovel-file "cffi/constants"
 :if-feature (:or :allegro :clisp :lispworks))

  SBCL complains (as well as all but ACL, CLISP, and LW):

debugger invoked on a LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR in thread #: Error while trying to load definition for system 
net.didierverna.clon.termio from pathname 
Lisp/clon/termio/net.didierverna.clon.termio.asd: don't recognize component 

If I understand :if-feature correctly, the whole component form should
be ignored, right?

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: System cleanup

2021-03-18 Thread Didier Verna
"Robert Goldman"  wrote:

> This one seems complex enough -- and so much trouble to make a MWE --
> that maybe you want to just change it and see if it breaks.

  Yup, that's what I did locally, with recent versions of all compilers
  I have. Those shipping with ASDF seem to all have 3.2.0 at least now,
  but I was a bit curious as to when exactly the issues were fixed, and
  too lazy to investigate the change logs by myself ;-)

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Re: System cleanup

2021-03-18 Thread Didier Verna
François-René ÐVB Rideau écrivait:

> What more, even Xach seems to have miraculously seen the light: one
> months and one week ago, he updated the fallback ASDF in Quicklisp
> from 2.26 to 3.2.1! 

  That's also what made me think I could perhaps do some clean up!

> That was the first update of ASDF in Quicklisp since 2012, to a
> version then-current, to a version 4 years old. By linear
> extrapolation, we should expect the next update to happen in 2030, to
> a version from 2022. I admit that I was thinking his next move would
> be to downgrade ASDF to 1.369 (the last version before I took over).

  :-) :-)

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System cleanup

2021-03-18 Thread Didier Verna


I would like to remove some old workaround code from a couple of
systems, wrt to ASDF 3.1.4 bugs (see below). Is it safe to do so now, or
are these "bugs" still lurking around?

The relevant parts are as follows:

   #+sbcl ;; BUG in ASDF 3.1.4: d-d-o can't deal dependency expanding to NIL
   (:feature :sbcl (:require :sb-grovel))
   #+(or allegro clisp lispworks)
   (:feature (:or :allegro :clisp :lispworks) :cffi-grovel))


  :components (;; bug in ASDF 3.1.4: cannot deal with conditionally defined
   ;; component class!
   #+sbcl (sb-grovel:grovel-constants-file "sbcl/constants"
   :package :net.didierverna.clon :if-feature :sbcl)
   #+(or allegro clisp lispworks)
   (:cffi-grovel-file "cffi/constants"
:if-feature (:or :allegro :clisp :lispworks))

Thank you!

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: Where is my executable?

2021-03-17 Thread Didier Verna
Eric Timmons  wrote:

> This should give you what you want:
> (asdf:output-files 'asdf:program-op "my-system")

  Cool! Thank you (both)!

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Where is my executable?

2021-03-16 Thread Didier Verna


what's the proper way to find out where a dumped executable (resulting
from a program-op) has landed? I would like to it to literally
:move-here #p"./", to speak in MAKE-BUILD terms... Note that *I* know
where it is in the cache; what I want is programmatic access to its


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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: Extracting a UIOP's manual

2019-03-26 Thread Didier Verna
"Robert Goldman"  wrote:

> On 15 Aug 2018, at 8:59, Hugo Ishimaru wrote:
>  Hi all,
>  I have extracted a UIOP's manual from docstrings:
> It's not perfect in any
>  means as docstring isn't written in a markup langugage, but will be
>  at least a comprehensive reference. The relevant fork of ASDF is in
>  Github:
>  The greater part of the generation conforms to that of Alexandria,
>  which depends on SBCL (sb-texinfo).
>  I send this mail as it states
>  > Help wanted extracting working documentation from UIOP's docstrings. 
>  in though I might not understand a historical context.
>  Regards
>  Hugo Ishimaru
> Thank you very, very much! I am going to be away from ASDF for about a
> week now, but I will look for it as soon as I get back. This will be
> very helpful indeed!

  FWIW, Quickref now also documents ASDF and UIOP.

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: long-description

2019-02-21 Thread Didier Verna
Eitaro Fukamachi  écrivait:

> To be honest, I'm not a big fan of it anymore and I don't follow it in
> my recent products. I'm willing to delete the code from CL-Project,
> though I have nothing I can do for existing projects.

  Not a big fan either. What I usually do is use the description slot as
  a one-liner, and the long-description one as some kind of abstract
  about the project. My README files are usually longer, more elaborate.

  Also, FYI, Quickref uses README files as an introduction section in
  the generated reference manuals automatically. This is a
  functionality that I plan to move to Declt at some point. Having a
  whole README file in the long-description slot would look weird in
  Quickref-generated documentation.

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: Timing compilation

2018-12-05 Thread Didier Verna
"Robert Goldman"  écrivait:

> This is yet another problem that comes from the fact that the build
> plans are linear, instead of hierarchical -- for example there's no
> subsequence that is identifiable as being the set of operations for a
> particular module.
> Logically speaking, there's a tree structure in the build process that
> is what you need, but I don't believe that there are any facilities in
> ASDF to recover that tree structure.
> This may be the best you can do.

  I think I'll go with Faré's suggestion, scripting it for every library
  and changing the cache directory every time.

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: Timing compilation

2018-12-05 Thread Didier Verna
"Robert Goldman"  écrivait:

> Depending on the host lisp you are using, couldn't you wrap the calls
> to COMPILE-FILE and LOAD in code that times those operation?

  I could, but since I want per-library numbers, I would need to
  reconstruct that information afterwards...

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: Timing compilation

2018-12-05 Thread Didier Verna
François-René ÐVB Rideau écrivait:

> Simplest  method:
> 1- load the dependencies, possibly using (asdf:operate :prepare-op s)
> 2- (time (asdf:make s))

  Nice, thank you. If I want to time separately the compilation and
  loading phases of several libraries (which may depend on each other)
  however, I would need to restart my session every single time. Another
  way to do this and, say, report the timings to a file?

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Timing compilation

2018-12-05 Thread Didier Verna


I would like to collect information about the time it takes to compile
an ASDF system (possibly also load it), dependencies excluded. I'm
thinking there's probably a way to do this by :around'ing compile-op, or
something like that, but if someone already has a clear view on how to
make this happen, I'd be grateful for the time spared!


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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: locating a source directory

2018-06-08 Thread Didier Verna
I wrote:

> I would like to find the source directory of an installed ASDF system
> even if it's not loaded and even if some of its dependencies are not
> installed (so it couldn't be loaded anyway). It seems that I can't use
> SYSTEM-SOURCE-DIRECTORY in such a case. What should I do?

  Replying to myself (I often do that when I'm alone :-D) it seems that
  LOCATE-SYSTEM could do the job...

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locating a source directory

2018-06-08 Thread Didier Verna


I would like to find the source directory of an installed ASDF system
even if it's not loaded and even if some of its dependencies are not
installed (so it couldn't be loaded anyway). It seems that I can't use
SYSTEM-SOURCE-DIRECTORY in such a case. What should I do?


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Re: Removing content from

2016-08-05 Thread Didier Verna
Robert Goldman  wrote:

> I just looked over that README, and realized that it was not
> maintained.  I quickly concluded that I do not have the resources to
> maintain both this file and the HTML file at
>, and the latter is what I have
> been updating with new releases.  So the former must go.

  FWIW, I took the habit of maintaining only one documentation source
  (in Texinfo format) and extracting README files and others (such as
  INSTALL) from there, hence also avoiding the maintenance of duplicate

  It's easy to extract specific chapters from an Info file. For
  instance, here's a Makefile target that I have in Clon:

info --file=./doc/$(PROJECT)  \
 -n Installation\
 -n Configuration   \
 -n 'Non-ANSI Features' \
 -n 'Supported Platforms'   \
perl -pi -e 's/^File:.*\n//g' $@

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: :FEATURE dependency-def

2016-05-20 Thread Didier Verna
François-René ÐVB Rideau wrote:

> The traditional solution is to load a file that fails.  i.e. create a
> file unsupported-implementation.lisp that has an (error ...) form and
> in your asd file, use a component (:file "unsupported-implementation"
> :if-feature (:not :sbcl))

  Hmmm, ok but then, if you're to error in a Lisp file proper, why use
  the ASDF logic at all? I mean, why not just depend on the file as a
  regular one and perform all the tests that you need from Lisp code?

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: :FEATURE dependency-def

2016-05-17 Thread Didier Verna
Stelian Ionescu wrote:

> #-feature
> (error "FEATURE missing")
> at toplevel, so you get an error on reading the .asd file.

  Of course. I said a "declarative way" within the system itself tho ;-)

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: :FEATURE dependency-def

2016-05-17 Thread Didier Verna
Robert Goldman  écrivait:

> I stubbed my toe on this absent-mindedly compiling Didier's decLt
> system on Allegro Common Lisp.  That system doesn't, and cannot,
> function on ACL, but ASDF tells us it has compiled successfully.

  Following up to our private conversation on this...

I think there's an error on my part to begin with. The core system of
Declt has an :if-feature :sbcl, which prevents it from being loaded
outside SBCL. This is mostly what's needed, but I hadn't realized that
it /silently/ does so, instead of throwing an error if the feature is

So the question is: can I declaratively state that a system (or maybe
more generally a component) depends on a feature, so that loading fails
with an error otherwise ? I don't currently see a way.

In fact, it seems to me that the current :depends-on (:feature :this :that)
syntax is a misnomer. Perhaps it would have been more explicit to write
:depends-on (:if-feature :this :that) in order to express that the
conditional actually may fail silently.

Now, what about extending the syntax with: :depends-on (:feature :this)
to actually mean "if :this is not on the features list, fail with an

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

[Q] figuring out a system / source file

2015-11-24 Thread Didier Verna


starting from a file currently being processed (as per either
*compile-file-truename* or *load-truename*), how can I retrieve the ASDF
system currently being processed, and ultimately, the corresponding
source file component (when *load-truename* returns a fasl) ?


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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: License field

2015-10-20 Thread Didier Verna
François-René ÐVB Rideau écrivait:

> I was considering just a string for now

  FWIW, I'm also in favor of strings. Using symbols is risky for

My new Jazz CD entitled "Roots and Leaves" is out!
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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: License field

2015-10-17 Thread Didier Verna

>   Good idea, although it seems to be missing the GNU All Permissive
>   license (the submission process looks quite cumbersome).

  Ended up doing it anyway.

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: License field

2015-10-17 Thread Didier Verna
François-René ÐVB Rideau écrivait:

> I propose we document that the license field should if possible
> contain an identifier from

  Good idea, although it seems to be missing the GNU All Permissive
  license (the submission process looks quite cumbersome). 

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: :require dependency

2015-06-29 Thread Didier Verna
Robert Goldman  wrote:

> According to the manual REQUIRE-SYSTEM is "... a version of
> @code{load-system} that skips trying to update systems that are
> already loaded."
> There is no REQUIRE-OP.
> There is a REQUIRE-SYSTEM which is a system whose loading is handled
> by REQUIRE instead of native ASDF.

  OK, this is what I figured in the meantime. But then, this seems to
  contradict what the manual says (the part you're mentioning above).

> This might be useful, e.g., on ACL, which has many bundled modules
> which are loaded by REQUIRE. I'm not sure there is a common
> implementation-independent use case, since people aren't distributing
> a lot of code to be loaded with REQUIRE, AFAICT.

  I guess it's mostly useful for implementation-specific libraries. I
  use it for sb-grovel for instance.

> Hope that helps.  Sorry for the late answer: we've been grappling with
> some knotty bugs on Windows.

  No worries. When I have bugs on windows, I usually close the blinds :-D

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

:require dependency

2015-06-25 Thread Didier Verna


can somebody explain to me what is the :require dependency specification,
and how it compares to just a simple-component-name ?


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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: The dictatorship of versioning

2015-06-16 Thread Didier Verna
Robert Goldman  wrote:

> Why would that be a win over just calling FORMATTED-VERSION on demand?
> I.e., we could just provide something like
> (defgeneric FORMATTED-VERSION (C &optional version)
>   (:method ((COMPONENT C) &optional version)
>  (or version (component-version c)))
> and then the programmer could extend this as needed.

  You're right of course.

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: The dictatorship of versioning

2015-06-16 Thread Didier Verna
Robert Goldman  wrote:

> Just to clarify: I am NOT saying Pascal is wrong to want these things
> or to do them himself.  And I AM saying that ASDF should make it
> possible for him to do so.

  ASDF could call FORMATTED-VERSION itself to initialize the
  corresponding slot (if any), and refrain from providing a writer for it.

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: The dictatorship of versioning

2015-06-16 Thread Didier Verna
Robert Goldman  wrote:

> So what happens when the programmer updates the human readable version
> and not the canonical version, or vice versa?  Wouldn't it be better
> to functionally derive one of these two forms from the other?  E.g.,
> (defgeneric formatted-version (component version-spec))

  Probably. The only advantage I see in PB's suggestion is for people
  actually reading the system definition's code. But then, don't do
  that. Use Declt to create the reference manual ;-)

> I am also disinclined to add something like the proposed


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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: The dictatorship of versioning

2015-06-16 Thread Didier Verna
Robert Goldman  wrote:

> Now: a request for management purposes: Didier, would you be so kind
> as to describe the proposal (I think cut and paste out of your earlier
> emails would do admirably) in a ticket on

  OK. I will also add Pascal's suggestion to have both a canonical and
  human readable version slot.

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: The dictatorship of versioning

2015-06-16 Thread Didier Verna
Faré  wrote:

> I kind of like the general idea of Pascal's proposal: separate a
> human-readable-version-string from an asdf-comparable-version-string.
> The exact names are to be determined. Maybe, by analogy with name and
> long-name, description and long-description, we could make that
> version (used by ASDF) and long-version (used by humans).

  Works for me, as long as it is also possible to delegate comparison to
  the concerned system. Or, you adopt my personal versioning scheme :-D.

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: The dictatorship of versioning

2015-06-16 Thread Didier Verna
"Pascal J. Bourguignon"  wrote:

> Alternatively, we could have:
> (defsystem :foo
>:version-major 1
>:version-minor 0
>:version-release 42
>:human-readable-version-string "1.0.gamma.XLII/pescadero:whasa")
> or:
> (defsystem :foo
>:version (1 0 42)
>:human-readable-version-string "1.0.gamma.XLII/pescadero:whasa")

  Actually, I had something like that in mind. With this idea of
  allowing individual systems to handle their own versioning logic, I
  intended to put something like '(1 3 :beta 4 "Release Name") in the
  :version slot.

  A human-readable version is different from a version specifier. ASDF
  already does something shaky in this regard, even for its simplistic
  versioning scheme: because it normalizes versions into strings, it
  needs to provide UNPARSE-VERSION! Yuck.

  So if ASDF (or its users) insists on have human readable version
  strings, I wouldn't mind systems having both :version and

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: The dictatorship of versioning

2015-06-16 Thread Didier Verna
Drake Wilson  wrote:

> Curiosity: what _are_ your version numbers like, and how do you
> compare them?  It was a little too hard to find this readily from your
> website.  Maybe seeing a good example would help.

  A version specifier has a major and a minor number, a status (alpha,
beta, release candidate and patchlevel), a status number and a name. 

This is the beginning of the VERSION function in all my libraries:

(defun version (&optional (type :number))
  "Return the current version of Clon.
TYPE can be one of :number, :short or :long.

A version number is computed as major*1 + minor*100 + patchlevel, leaving
two digits for each level. Alpha, beta and rc status are ignored in version

A short version is something like 1.3{a,b,rc}4, or 1.3.4 for patchlevel.
Alpha, beta or rc levels start at 1. Patchlevels start at 0 but are ignored
in the output, so that 1.3.0 appears as just 1.3.

A long version is something like
1.3 {alpha,beta,release candidate,patchlevel} 4 \"Michael Brecker\". As for
the short version, a patchlevel of 0 is ignored in the output."

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: The dictatorship of versioning

2015-06-16 Thread Didier Verna
I wrote:

> Thoughts ? Will this be enough to satisfy ASDF ?

  Not quite. I missed NORMALIZE-VERSION (ASDF attempting to be clever
  and doing all sorts of nasty DWIM stuff on version numbers).

  Attached patch would solve the problem, it seems. But then again, I
  don't really know what I'm doing. It wraps NORMALIZE-VERSION within a
  generic function which I can then specialize on my system, essentially
  bypassing normalization altogether, like this:

(defmethod asdf/parse-defsystem:normalize-component-version
((system my-system) form &key pathname component parent)
  (declare (ignore pathname component parent))

diff --git a/parse-defsystem.lisp b/parse-defsystem.lisp
index e674e0c..ade94d7 100644
--- a/parse-defsystem.lisp
+++ b/parse-defsystem.lisp
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
   (:import-from :asdf/system #:depends-on #:weakly-depends-on)
#:defsystem #:register-system-definition
+   #:normalize-component-version
#:class-for-type #:*default-component-class*
#:determine-system-directory #:parse-component-form
#:non-toplevel-system #:non-system-system
@@ -119,7 +120,11 @@
 (if-let (pv (parse-version v #'invalid-parse))
   (unparse-version pv)
-  (invalid))
+  (invalid)
+  (defgeneric* (normalize-component-version) (c form &key pathname component parent)
+(:method (c form &key pathname component parent)
+  (declare (ignore c))
+  (normalize-version form :pathname pathname :component component :parent parent
 ;;; "inline methods"
@@ -233,7 +238,7 @@ system names contained using COERCE-NAME. Return the result."
 (let ((sysfile (system-source-file (component-system component ;; requires the previous
   (when (and (typep component 'system) (not bspp))
 (setf (builtin-system-p component) (lisp-implementation-pathname-p sysfile)))
-  (setf version (normalize-version version :component name :parent parent :pathname sysfile)))
+  (setf version (normalize-component-version component version :component name :parent parent :pathname sysfile)))
 ;; Don't use the accessor: kluge to avoid upgrade issue on CCL 1.8.
 ;; A better fix is required.
 (setf (slot-value component 'version) version)

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

The dictatorship of versioning

2015-06-16 Thread Didier Verna


in general, I don't like the way ASDF tries to force you to comply with
its own design choices and policy. This is especially true for component
versioning. ASDF complains that it doesn't like my version numbers
(which, in fact, are not only numbers ;-), but I'm not ready to give up
on them. They're much more informative than ASDF's simplistic 1.2.3.

It seems that the only place ASDF uses our version numbers is in
VERSION-SATISFIES. There is also a VERSION-COMPATIBLE-P somewhere, but
it doesn't seem to be used. Fortunately, VERSION-SATISFIES is a generic
function, so I'm thinking I could work around it.

Not tested yet:
1. (defclass my-system-subclass (system) ())
2. (defsystem :class 'my-system-subclass #|...|#)
3. (defmethod version-satisfies ((c my-system-subclass) version)
 #|my own version handling code|#)

Thoughts ? Will this be enough to satisfy ASDF ?

In an ideal world, the whole versioning API (version-satisfies, version<
etc.) should have been implemented as proper component-based protocols...

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: [asdf-devel] In defense of ASDF & Semantic versioning

2013-11-20 Thread Didier Verna
Pascal Costanza  wrote:

> Just to chime in in the middle: There is no known solution to the
> so-called "DLL hell" problem.

You're right of course, but in practice, I think we have a lot to learn
from guix/nixos. Ultimately, I would like to see quicklisp and asdf melt
into a beast like that...

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: [asdf-devel] About some new system slots

2013-07-08 Thread Didier Verna
Robert Goldman  wrote:

> The advantage of having the pair, of course, is that a simple URL does
> not necessarily identify the form of VCS.

  But what would be the use for this information? I mean, having this
  information as part of the system desciption.

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: [asdf-devel] About some new system slots

2013-07-08 Thread Didier Verna
Faré  wrote:

> Although, it isn't clear yet how source-control may or may not specify
> the VCS used: should we prefix the URL with a git: or svn: or darcs:
> or some such? ASDF uses: :source-control (:git
> "git://")

  Personally, I would not complicate this slot and just go for a simple
  URL pointing to a VCS related web page. If you start specifying more
  information there, you will end up with a big mess (which VCS, which
  access backend, which access type (r/o r/w) etc.).

That's just me of course.

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

[asdf-devel] About some new system slots

2013-07-05 Thread Didier Verna


what's the purpose of the LONG-NAME slot in ASDF 3's system class?
Also, can I assume that HOMEPAGE, SOURCE-CONTROL and BUG-TRACKER are
meant to be URL strings ?


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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: [asdf-devel] component-load-dependencies

2013-06-27 Thread Didier Verna
Faré  wrote:

> since you provide no justification for what you are trying to do,
> anything can be "reasonable" or not.

  I'm not sure what I need to justify, since my original question was
  actually quite precise.

> My bet is that this isn't what you really want in the end, 

> Usually, one wants to get a list of components within a system.
> Then, one typically uses required-components, e.g. like this (YMMV):

>>  That's the opposite of what I want.

  Thank you very much, but even assuming I don't know what I want and
  you know what I want better than I know what I want, I'm still sure
  that I don't want the opposite of what I want.

> Have fun playing with ASDF.

  Not really, no.

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: [asdf-devel] component-load-dependencies

2013-06-26 Thread Didier Verna
I wrote:

>   All of this is way beyond me.

  But by looking at the code, it seems that the dependency names I'm
  looking for are in the SIDEWAY-DEPENDENCIES slot of the
  components. From there, it seems that I can use
  RESOLVE-DEPENDENCY-NAME to finally get a component object.

Does this sound reasonable?

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: [asdf-devel] component-load-dependencies

2013-06-26 Thread Didier Verna
Faré  wrote:

> what are you *really* trying to do?

  Really, trying to get the same thing that component-load-dependencies
  gives me, but as component objects instead of names.

> Usually, one wants to get a list of components within a system.
> Then, one typically uses required-components, e.g. like this (YMMV):
>   (asdf:required-components (asdf:find-system :fare-utils)
> :component-type '(not asdf:system) :keep-operation 'asdf:load-op
> :keep-component 'asdf:source-file)

  That's the opposite of what I want. It seems that
  component-load-dependencies gets me all the (direct) things a
  component depends on (for loading). That may be implicit in an ASDF
  system description if :serial t is used, or explicit with a :depend-on
  declaration. This is exactly what I want, but as objects, not names.

> If you *really* want to walk the dependencies by yourself, use
> asdf/plan:visit-dependencies.  There are also functions
> map-direct-dependencies, reduce-direct-dependencies,
> direct-dependencies that you may want to use instead. More often than
> not, it's a bad idea, though.  Most of the time, if you need to go
> under the hood, it is better to manually use traverse-action
> traverse-actions traverse-sub-actions with your choice of plan, e.g. a
> sequential-plan or filtered-sequential-plan.

  All of this is way beyond me.

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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

[asdf-devel] component-load-dependencies

2013-06-26 Thread Didier Verna


currently Declt advertises component dependencies by using
COMPONENT-LOAD-DEPENDENCIES. This function however only returns a list
of symbols naming the components.

What would be the best way to retrieve a list of component objects
instead ?


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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

[asdf-devel] Cannot use latest git ECL (asdf/quicklisp are involved)

2013-06-24 Thread Didier Verna


I upgraded ECL this morning to the latest repo version and I cannot use
it anymore with my usual setup (-norc works). My local versions of
Quicklisp and ASDF are also the lastest.  I have this in my init file:

;; Do ASDF first (when a compiler provides it directly, I think it is better
;; to use its version than mine).
(require :asdf
 #-(or sbcl cmu ccl ecl mkcl xcl allegro
   (and lispworks (not lispworks-personal-edition)))

(let ((quicklisp-init
  (when (probe-file quicklisp-init)
(load quicklisp-init)))

With this configuration, running ECL on the command-line gives me this:

didier(pts/4)% ecl Err 1 11:27 06/24/13
;;; Loading #P"/home/didier/.clrc"
;;; Loading #P"/usr/local/lib/ecl-12.7.1/asdf.fas"
;;; Loading #P"/usr/local/lib/ecl-12.7.1/cmp.fas"
;;; Loading "/usr/local/share/common-lisp/source/quicklisp/setup.lisp"
ASDF could not load sockets because Error while trying to load definition for 
system sockets from pathname /usr/local/lib/ecl-12.7.1/sockets.asd: No 
applicable method for SOURCE-FILE-TYPE with arguments of types
;;; Error:
;;;   in file impl.lisp, position 7644
;;;   * The form (REQUIRE 'SOCKETS) was not evaluated successfully.
;;; Error detected:
;;; Error while trying to load definition for system sockets from pathname 
/usr/local/lib/ecl-12.7.1/sockets.asd: No applicable method for 
ASDF:SOURCE-FILE-TYPE with arguments of types
;;;  PREBUILT-SYSTEMAn error occurred during initialization:
Error while invoking # on
zsh: exit 1 ecl

I see that ELC's version of ASDF is old, so I tried to load ASDF 3 by
removing 'ecl from the #-() form above. Now I get this instead:

didier(pts/4)% ecl Err 1 11:27 06/24/13
;;; Loading #P"/home/didier/.clrc"
;;; Loading "/usr/local/share/common-lisp/source/asdf/build/asdf.lisp"
An error occurred during initialization:
Cannot delete the directory 
C library explanation: No such file or directory..
zsh: exit 1 ecl

Any advice ?


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Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido:

Re: [asdf-devel] ASDF 2.26 in Quicklisp

2012-11-29 Thread Didier Verna
Robert Goldman  wrote:

> Thanks.  If I get some downtime, I'll try to either split these
> subsections into nodes (if anyone has an emacs command that will do
> that automagically, please LMK), or add anchors.

  You may want to start with C-x h C-u M-x texinfo-insert-node-lines.
This will create all missing nodes for every sectionning command and
fill them up with the proper title. However, you will most probably need
to update the structure afterwards.

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Re: [asdf-devel] ASDF 2.26 in Quicklisp

2012-11-28 Thread Didier Verna
Robert Goldman  wrote:

> It would be nice if texinfo offered links to more specific locations
> than nodes, but it sounds like that's not available.

  It is. You can do that manually with anchors. Cf. @anchor{} and
  @ref{} (@xref, @pxref etc.)..

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Re: [asdf-devel] ASDF 2.26 in Quicklisp

2012-11-28 Thread Didier Verna wrote:

> As far as I can tell, this is a misfeature of texinfo. The links only
> work to the node level (at least in the info browser). So we would
> need to reactor the document into smaller nodes to fix that.

  That's not really a misfeature. That fact is that Texinfo uses nodes
  as its primary sectionning mechanism. You need to think in terms of
  node first when you write Texinfo. Every sectionning command that you
  use should be associated with a node, and every node that has
  sub-nodes should have a menu. It seems that you only have nodes for
  chapters, which explains the shaky TOC.

> Unfortunately, in addition to requiring some work, that would also
> give us a document with very small pages, that would be a nuisance
> when attempting to read in chunks (as opposed to jumping to a very
> specific item).

  That is correct, although I don't find that this is such a nuisance,
  since you have all the hyperlinks you want. Otherwise, what you can do
  is generate a single web page for the whole doc (Cf. --no-split).

  What I do find missing from Makeinfo is a --split-level option instead
  of the --no-split one. It would be nice if, for instance, we could
  specify that we want to split at the chapters level only.

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Re: [asdf-devel] Using asdf with Corman Lisp 3

2012-09-12 Thread Didier Verna
Faré  wrote:

> I had no idea that anyone was still using Corman Lisp. With the author
> not replying to any of my emails for years, and the most active users
> long gone, I have classified the platform as "dead until further
> notice". I understand you too are trying to port your software to it,
> but that might be wasted time.


FWIW, I have made some progress: Corman Lisp's (user-homedir-pathname)
happens to return a pathname with a file component, ie:
- the directory part is \Users\
- the file part is Didier

As a consequence, calling PATHNAME-DIRECTORY on it returns C:\Users\ and
the source registry becomes C:\Users\.config\common-lisp\source-registry.conf
(the actual user homedir is missing).

This is easily fixed with a Siebel-like PATHNAME-AS-DIRECTORY function.
However, I ran into a bunch of other problems after that (such as the

So given what you're saying above, I think I'll just give up.

> Sorry, the only people who can make me touch a Windows machine without
> paying me big bucks are my parents

  Well, I can always modify the envelope of my emails :-)

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[asdf-devel] Using asdf with Corman Lisp 3

2012-09-11 Thread Didier Verna


I'm trying to use ASDF (git repo) with Corman Lisp 3.0 natively on
Windows. I managed to have Corman Lisp load ASDF, but now I have a
configuration problem.

I have a file C:\Users\Didier\.config\common-lisp\source-registry.conf
which contains this:

  (:tree "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Common Lisp\")

But ASDF doesn't find any of the packages I put there.
asdf::*source-registry* seems to be NIL. What am I doing wrong ?

Thanks !

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Re: [asdf-devel] asdf 2.23, and contribs

2012-07-05 Thread Didier Verna
Faré  wrote:

> Speaking of which, some time ago, I started to collect asdf
> extensions, and I just added a listing of them on the asdf webpage. 
> Please suggest more extensions that I may list on the page.

  ASDF-FLV, related to CDR #9.

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[asdf-devel] Status of :feature

2011-03-23 Thread Didier Verna


what is the current status of :feature in a list of dependencies? I
mean, is it safe to replace #+ reader conditionals in the asd file with


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Re: [asdf-devel] ASDF 2 questions

2010-09-30 Thread Didier Verna
Faré  wrote:

> That said, whatever you're doing that is hitting that bug is probably
> itself a mistake. There is no reason for you to ever use
> (component-pathname (find-system ...)) Instead, you should be using
> (system-relative-pathname ...) or some such thing.

  Yup. In fact, I never used "(component-pathname (find-system ...))" 
(that was a simplification for the email). I hit the bug in a generic
function doing (component-pathname ) in which 
would occasionally be a system.

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Re: [asdf-devel] ASDF 2 questions

2010-09-30 Thread Didier Verna
Faré  wrote:

>> 5/ Finally, I would like confirmation that ASDF now handles outdated
>>   fasl's correctly, and we don't need to do the black magick
>> ourselves.
> I'm not sure what you mean, so I'd say probably not. If you have
> "black magick" that you think should be part of ASDF, please submit it
> here, and/or as an ASDF bug on launchpad.

  Sorry for being too vague. For ASDF 1, I had a plug to automatically
recompile outdated fasls (I probably found it on the internet years ago;
don't remember):

(defmethod asdf:perform :around
((o asdf:load-op) (c asdf:cl-source-file))
  (handler-case (call-next-method o c)
(#+sbcl sb-ext:invalid-fasl
#+cmu ext:invalid-fasl
#+allegro excl::file-incompatible-fasl-error
#+lispworks conditions:fasl-error
#-(or sbcl cmu allegro lispworks) error
(asdf:perform (make-instance 'asdf:compile-op) c)

... and I was wondering if ASDF 2 did something like this on its own.

Thanks !

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[asdf-devel] ASDF 2 questions

2010-09-30 Thread Didier Verna

[ Please, Cc: me as I'm not on the mailing list ]


I'm trying to upgrade my CL configuration to ASDF 2, and I have several

1/ why isn't "source-registry.conf" named "asdf-source-registry.conf" ?

2/ Should we understand that the convention of having a "systems"
   directory with .asd files symlinked there is now obsolete ?
   I still prefer to keep that because I can select which of the
   installed sources I do want to be seen. I guess you could also use
   exclude patterns for doing so, but it seems way more complicated.
   Comments ?

3/ The following contents for source-registry.conf fails:

  (:directory (merge-pathnames "share/common-lisp/systems/"
  (:directory "/usr/local/share/common-lisp/systems")
  (:directory "/usr/share/common-lisp/systems")

  Am I to understand that this file cannot really contain Lisp code (and
  so I couldn't use #'merge-pathnames)? Because in that case, this
  sucks. I have several machines on which $HOME is different (e.g.
  /home/ or /Users/, and no, I don't want to create a /home/ -> /Users/
  symlink on my Macs)

4/ I'm also struggling with the output translations.

I'm happy with the default settings (using .cache/blabla) except for one
case. For lisp files located under ~/Science/Source/Common Lisp/
(recursively), I want the compiled files to remain at the same place,
under an implementation-specific subdirectory, like
asdf-binary-locations did for me before.

For instance, ~/Science/Source/Common Lisp/foo/bar/baz.lisp would
produce somthing like:
~/Science/Source/Common Lisp/foo/bar/sbcl-

I tried this:

 ("/Users/didier/Science/Source/Common Lisp/"
  (:current-directory :implementation))

but this doesn't work. SBCL says:

This is SBCL, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp.
More information about SBCL is available at .

SBCL is free software, provided as is, with absolutely no warranty.
It is mostly in the public domain; some portions are provided under
BSD-style licenses.  See the CREDITS and COPYING files in the
distribution for more information.
; loading system definition from
; /usr/local/lib/sbcl/sb-bsd-sockets/sb-bsd-sockets.asd into #
ASDF could not load sb-grovel because :CURRENT-DIRECTORY fell through ETYPECASE 
  Wanted one of ((EQL :DEFAULT-DIRECTORY)
ASDF could not load asdf-install because Error while trying to load definition
 for system sb-bsd-sockets from
 :CURRENT-DIRECTORY fell through 
ETYPECASE expression.
 Wanted one of ((EQL

debugger invoked on a LOAD-SYSTEM-DEFINITION-ERROR:
  Error while trying to load definition for system sb-bsd-sockets from pathname
  :CURRENT-DIRECTORY fell through ETYPECASE expression.

So what's the magick ?

5/ Finally, I would like confirmation that ASDF now handles outdated
   fasl's correctly, and we don't need to do the black magick ourselves.

Thanks a lot !

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Re: [asdf-devel] ASDF 2 questions

2010-09-30 Thread Didier Verna
I wrote:

> [ Please, Cc: me as I'm not on the mailing list ]

here's another one:

In ASDF 1, (component-pathname (find-system ...)) returned the system's
*directory*, which was coherent because the system is a module, so its
pathname is a directory just like for any other sub-module.

In ASDF 2, it seems to return the .asd file instead.
Is this intentional ?

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